#Das embarasing
screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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I probably drew this while being in a dark place.
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moonshine999 · 7 months
Painting Together
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Day : 5
Ship : Rhaenicent (Rhaenyra Targaryen x Alicent Hightower)
AU : Old money
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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Every flower swayed with the breeze and the sun rose to its highest peak, bathing every leaf, tree and speck of the garden in gold. A beautiful sight and amidst it was her wife..just as beautiful..rubbing sunscreen on herself as if she owns an entire factory of it.
"Darling, there really isn't much need to smother that much sunscreen on yourself."
"You want my skin to burn off, Nyra?!
She huffed a laugh and spread a blanket on the grass. With a bow and some over the top courtesy, Nyra said "All for you, dear."
"All for us, you mean."
"All for us, I mean."
Alicent sat down and immediately started rummaging through her bag. What a sight she was. The co-head of the richest company in the world sat in front of her, frantically searching her,seemingly, bottomless bag while a poor sun screen bottle was tossed aside, drained empty.
Her eyes widened when she found what she was looking for and excitedly fumbled down two small canvases, a couple of brushes and a paint set.
Fear, dread and embarasment dropped her heart.
"Just give it a try no! Please it'll be fun and relaxing-"
"Alicent..we are not painting."
"Rhaenyra..we are painting.
"Us painting has always ended with you turning out Da Vinci and me turning out unicorn vomit, we are NOT-"
"I- fair enough. But...pleaseee-"
"Relaxing is for the people who know what they are doing, Ali."
"You're just making a fuss now. Criston likes to paint with me, he can't paint for shit but he still joins me and has a good time no?"
"Criston would rather not directly ask for a raise, it's different."
Shit. Alicent Hightower had one power that could bring the toughest to their knees. And it wasn't just her stubborn attitude but those damn eyes.
Nyra could almost see the screws turning inside her brain when she starts to slightly jut out her bottom lip and widen her big brown eyes and bat her eyelashes just so perfectly that-
"Fine. I guess I can paint with you."
To call the next few moments a struggle for Nyra would be the understatement of the year. How the hell was she supposed to know anything? How the hell was she going to suffice whatever the blobs on the canvas are into something at all? How the hell was she so sure of what she was painting?
After about a century of torture passing with unsure glances, picking up random colours to somehow salvage whatever was there and gazing upon her wife so peacefully painting while humming something, she put down the brush and turned the canvas away from Alicent.
"If I add a single stroke more, I might just cringe out of my existence..are you done yet?"
"Mhm..and there! How is it?"
How is it? How is it? Mind-blowing was what it was..
The trees of the garden looked as though they had simply jumped on to the canvas somehow the glow of the sun was captured so perfectly. It looked more a photograph than a painting. It was spectacular, gorgeous, fantastic, out of this world, beautiful-
"Oh yeah..it's nice."
"Okay okay show me yours!"
With averting all eye contact with her wife and turning the paint as slow as possible , Nyra quietly muttered a prayer that this won't make her a laughing stock for her own wife.
As soon as she realised the entire mess of the canvas was fully turned, a moment of silence and then a giggle.
"Is that supposed to be me?" She asked, slightly sarcastic but with a wide smile on her face.
Nyra looked at the painting and then her wife. The mess of colours with the red of her hair bleeding into the green background, the eyes at completely different positions and an overly toothy smile did not resemble her muse at all
All she mustered was a shameful nod.
The only thought running through her head while painting that was to paint the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. As was instinct.
"Well..it's not bad." She said in that one tone that implied it was horrendous.
"We are never speaking about this in front of anyone."
"But it's adorable!"
"I practically made you worse than the wicked witch of the west, what do you mean 'adorable'?!"
"It's the thought that counts, no?"
Both of them decided to paint whatever attracted them the most. Alicent painted the glowing trees and Rhaenyra painted .. well ..her wife.
"Oh yeah no..Cole is fine."
"Whatever. We don't speak a word about this to anyone..I have a reputation."
"Okay fine....what about Criston though?"
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angel-archivist · 4 years
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intercity80x · 4 years
i love babbling about Dave and yet I cannot to any adult ...
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Cupid (2020)
This came out around this time last year. I saw it just after Valentines so I figured id wait a whole year to review it. I mean honestly last year didnt count anyways right?
Its one of those cheapie but still kind of mainstream b horror movies that youd find in WalMart next to Evil Nun and Bad Nun and Nun da Nun Nun Nun. Movies that look almost like studio flicks but are definatly not. The bad movies I love star people who know they are not going to become mainstream stars ever but Cupid has actors that had hopes and dreams still, well they HAD them. Its a story youve heard before , teen is embarassed by bullies in high school and they conjure a spirit to get revenge but the spirit is a ruthless murderer (yeah cupids a full grown murder zombie in a diaper). The embarased teen realises they went too far and a bunch of teen movie stereotypes need to break the spell so not to be murdered by an arrow through the heart or face. Predictable and weak buuut you know what, I didnt hate it. If a mainstream b movie like this was too blah (as most are) I wouldn't even write about it. This had a little bit of quirky charm (a little), some solid violence (when people finally shut up) and sometimes Cupid is legit creepy looking (then you remember what he is and it seems stupid again). Without spoiling anything I feel the ending will annoy some people but it tickled me as after the day is supossedly "saved" the remainig characters have this realization that being in that situation meant they are all souless and suck . They all just shrug theyre shoulders and accept they are doomed. I mean they accept they are doomed to being bad characters. Youll have to see it to know what I mean but it felt they the characters silently just come to terms that they are in a shitty movie and just get depressed and go home. I think its a failed attempt to quirky again but I found it hilarious (at the films expense). You will not fall in love with this movie, but thats probably good cause then Cupid wont kill you. #cupid #bmovies #cheesiehorror #valentines #sillymovies #cheesymovies #badmovies 4 life #okiloveyoubyebye
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Janna: Case in point: in the summer time, I'd drive a 1962 Galaxy Sunliner Convertable, top down, cuz it's broken. We go through the drive through at McDonalds and I decide I'm gonna mess around with the McDonalds person and have some fun.
Marco: Can I take your order please Ma'am?
Janna: Yes I'll have an ese ease. And ug g c eer, uhhh, wit no ice please
Marco: Uh? I'm sorry Ma'am, can I get you to repeat your order for me please Ma'am?
Janna: Yes I'll have a unh adl ase, but-but don't put any ch ch g k g urger cuz, uh, I'm allergic an I'll die pretty much instantly if that i idj udm. and a oot eer with no ice please.
Marco: Uh, can I get you to pull ahead to the first window for personal service please Ma'am?
Janna: So I'm driving along and my friend pops in from the backseat. Scares me because I forgot she was there, right? She leans forward and goes...
Star: Stop laughing Janna, you're gonna wreck it
Janna: So we pull ahead and we get to the window and the girl goes:
Marco: I'm sorry Ma'am there must be something terribly wrong with our speaker system.
Janna: And in my best Radio DJ voice I'm like "Really? Listen I can ea r ou p fectly. ey, ab ey t's ur he dset. Maybe you're da tteries in ur dset n't king anymore
Marco: Well let me take it off and see what happens. Y-yeah thanks. Okay, what'll you have?
Janna: erfect I'll have a ch p ith cheese. But don't put any ch ch uk urger erly ergk my hroat will swell up like that. I bobb uhp my pants the other day in front of everybody, it was really embarasing. ey ad a gun a ambulance eirh eirh so, so none of that.
Marco: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Janna: and an oot eer with o ice remember that. And then she looks at my friend and goes...
Marco: Okay little dude what'll you have?
Janna: Without skipping a beat my friend goes...
Star: j jch aba eese andwi ch
Janna: and I looked in the mirror at that little face and it dawned of me that it was me, at age 10. And she leaned forward, and she had a big smile on her face and she goes...
Star: But I'll ave a ig ooce org ere please.
Janna: And the McDonalds girl goes..
Marco: Could I get you to write down your order for me please Ma'am?
Janna: And that's why I always carry a pen that skips.
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