Height difference!
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24 ish foot and 6 foot under!! <3
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craftyscraplet · 2 years
Together at last!
Really wanted to make these two. Can't have Drift without Ratchet.
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logi1974 · 1 year
Südengland 2023 - Tag 10 Teil 2
Ladies und Gentlemen!
Nach dem Spektakel der Wachablösung beschließen wir, die Menschenmassen hinter uns zu lassen und lieber eine Runde mit dem Hoppelbus zu fahren. In der Stadt ist es uns entschieden zu voll.
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Wir lassen unser Auto auf dem Parkplatz des Hofladens stehen und steigen in den Hoppelbus, der praktischerweise hier ebenfalls hält (Haltestelle Nummer 10).
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Wir fahren los, zunächst einmal in Richtung Old Windsor. Uns war bis heute überhaupt nicht bewusst, dass das Windsor der Queen in Wirklichkeit schon das neue Windsor, also New Windsor, ist.
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Old Windsor war der Sitz der angelsächsischen Könige und ist es heutzutage von dem anderen König, dem aus dem Showbusiness: Sir Elton John. Standesgemäßer geht es doch gar nicht!
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Die Siedlung ist als verteidigtes königliches Herrenhaus in der Zeit von Edward dem Bekenner dokumentiert, aber archäologische Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass königliche Verbindungen ungefähr seit dem 8. Jahrhundert bestanden hatten. Wilhelm der Eroberer verlegte im Jahr 1070 den Königssitz in das “neue” Windsor.
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Der Hoppelbus fährt über die Albert Road, 1850 benannt nach Prinz Albert von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha (1819-1861), Prinzgemahl von Königin Victoria, einmal quer durch den Windsor Home Park. Dabei wird auch der “Long Walk” überquert und bietet dabei einen fabelhaften Blick auf das Schloss als auch das Reiterdenkmal von König Georg III.
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Jetzt geht es für uns rechts um die Ecke, auf die Kings Road. Diese verläuft in etwa parallel zum “Long Walk” durch das südwestliche Windsor. Hier befindet sich der letzte Haltepunkt, Nummer 11, der Hoppelbus-Linie.  
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Weiter führt die Fahrt durch die Sheet Street. Dieser Name hat einen sehr makaberen Hintergrund: ursprünglich befand sich hier das sogenannte “Pesthaus”. Die Leichen der verstorbenen Patienten wurden in weiße Laken (Sheets) gewickelt und durch diese Straße entsorgt. 
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Hinter den Victoria Barracks, einer Kaserne der britischen Armee, biegt der Bus in die Victoria Street links ab. Die Kaserne wurde 1853 erbaut. Von hier aus machen sich die Palastwachen auf den Weg um mit dem berühmten britischen Pomp & Circumstances den Wachwechsel im Schloss zu vollführen.
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Jetzt geht es rechts um die Ecke und in Richtung Themse weiter. Linker Hand liegt der Alexandra Park und rechts rückt wieder die Diamond Jubilee Fountain ins Bild. Dieser Brunnen, in Form einer Krone, wurde 2012 zu Ehren des 60sten Thronjubiläums der Queen errichtet.
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An der Themse entlang führt die Fahrt vorbei an der Windsor Town Bridge, die Windsor mit Eton verbindet. Diese Brücke konnten wir bereits gestern vom Wasser aus bewundern. Anschließend wird die Haltestelle 1, der eigentliche Ausgangspunkt dieser Tour, hinter dem Schloss, erreicht.
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Wir bleiben jedoch sitzen und schauen den Gästen beim Einsteigen und Aussteigen zu. Jetzt sind wir in der Spur und starten die Tour in der eigentlichen Reihenfolge.
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Der Bus fährt jetzt die High Street hoch, an der westlichen Seite des Windsor Castles. Das ist der älteste noch existierende Teil des Schlosses und wurde 1227 von Heinrich III erbaut.
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Hier steht der markante Curfew Tower, der Glockenturm des College of St. George. Mit Mauern, die an der Basis 13 Fuß dick und 100 Fuß hoch sind, wurde er als Teil der neuen Verteidigung des Schlosses, nach der Belagerung während der Herrschaft von König John, erbaut.
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Der nächste Haltepunkt (Nummer 2) ist an der Parish Church an der High Street. Die alte, ursprüngliche Kirche muss kurz nachdem Heinrich I. den königlichen Hof von Old Windsor auf das neue Schlossgelände verlegte (um 1110), entstanden sein. Der Hinweis Heinrichs II. darauf belegt eindeutig, dass die Kirche 1184 schon seit einiger Zeit bestand und frühere Amtsinhaber hatte.
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Das heutige Gebäude ist wesentlich jünger und stammt aus dem Jahr 1822. Die heutigen Mauern wurden auf den alten, aus dem Mittelalter stammend, errichtet. Die alten Gewölbe liegen immer noch unter dem neuen Bauwerk.
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Nur ein paar Meter weiter steht die Soldier's Statue. Dies ist die Figur eines Soldaten der Irish Guards, die eines von sieben Regimentern sind, die zusammen die Household Division bilden. 
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Die für die Statue verwendete Bronze wurde aus dem Irakkrieg geborgen und das Kopfsteinpflaster, rund um den Sockel, wurde aus Afghanistan mitgebracht.
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 Es wurde 2011 von Prinz William, dem damaligen Herzog von Cambridge, enthüllt, der die Position des Oberst des Regiments inne hat.
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Hier fährt der Bus in einem scharfen, linken Winkel in die Saint Alban's Street. Diese führt an den Royal Mews (königliche Stallungen) vorbei. 
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Hier sind die Pferde untergebracht, auf denen die Royals reiten, wenn sie in Windsor sind. Auch die Kutschen werden dort aufbewahrt, die bei, beispielsweise, den Royal Ascot-Rennen verwendet werden.
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Jetzt geht es direkt auf das Castle zu. An dieser Stelle befindet sich der Haupteingang zum Schloss. Das markante Eingangstor wurde von Heinrich VIII 1510 erbaut. Die beiden Türme des Tores dienten ursprünglich als Gefängnis.
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Am Ende der Castel Hill Street steht die Statue von Queen Victoria (Haltestelle 3), im Jahr 1887 errichtet zu Ehren ihres Goldenen Kronjubiläums. An dieser prominenten Stelle standen zuvor die Galgen der Stadt Windsor. Der Weg zu den Gefängnissen in den Schlosstürmen war somit denkbar kurz. Anscheinend konnte man keinen makaberen Standort für die Statue finden.
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Die Fahrt führt nun wieder runter an die Themse und östlich raus aus Windsor. Haltestelle 4 ist der Bahnhof Windsor & Eton Station und liegt quasi am Ufer des Flusses.
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Das königliche Bahnhofsgebäude wurde von William Tite auf einem ehemaligen Hinrichtungsplatz errichtet. Der berüchtigte Heinrich VIII ließ an dieser Stelle seine religiösen und politischen Gegner einen Kopf kürzer machen.
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Der Bahnhof wurde am 1. Dezember 1849 eröffnet und ist heute ein denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude.
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Nun fährt der Bus die King Edward VII Anenue entlang. Diese ist natürlich benannt nach eben diesem König. Edward VII kam 1841 als erstgeborener Sohn von Queen Victoria und Prinz Albert zur Welt. 
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Edward war bereits 59 Jahre alt, als er am 22. Januar 1901 nach dem Tod seiner Mutter zum König wurde. Seine Regentschaft währte keine 10 Jahre. Er starb am 6. Mai 1910. im Alter von nur 68 Jahren. Am 20. Mai wurde er in der St. George's Chapel in Windsor beigesetzt, wie so viele Mitglieder der britischen Königsfamilie.
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Über die Victoria Bridge geht es nun über die Themse in die Ortschaft Datchet. Die Haltestelle 5 befindet sich am Kreisel, dem sogenannten Village Green (kurz The Green genannt).
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Die älteren Gebäude gruppieren sich um The Green mit seiner zentralen Eiche, die an das Jubiläum von Königin Victoria erinnert, während Gebäude aus späteren Epochen die Straßen zum Fluss säumen, wo die Thameside-Gärten ein attraktives Umfeld bilden.
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Die erste bekannte schriftliche Erwähnung von Datchet stammt aus dem Jahr 994 und dokumentiert den Verkauf und Austausch von Land hier, obwohl es auch Hinweise auf Siedlungen von der Jungsteinzeit bis zur Römerzeit gibt. Der Name „Datchet“ ist keltischen Ursprungs, aber seine Bedeutung ist unklar.
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Die früheste Besiedlung des heutigen Dorfes konzentrierte sich um die Kirche herum, die sich auf einer „Insel“ auf einer Anhöhe in einem ansonsten tief liegenden Land befindet und wahrscheinlich eine vorchristliche Festung war. Gegenüber, auf der Südseite des Geens, befindet sich die The Manor Hotel.
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Außerdem eine Reihe von Gebäuden aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Während der Tudor- und Stuart-Zeit war Datchet attraktiv für königliche Höflinge, Beamte und Londoner Kaufleute, die die Anwesen Riding Court und Southlea sowie Häuser im Dorfzentrum bewohnten. Es lag in der entscheidenden Entfernung von einem Tagesritt von London, ebenso wie Windsor Castle selbst.
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Damals gab es das charakteristischen The Greens noch nicht und ein Bach floss mitten durch das Dorf und verbreiterte sich zu einem Teich vor dem Herrenhaus. Dieser wurde in den 1840er Jahren trocken gelegt, um das Land des heutigen Village Green zu schaffen.
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Besonders markant ist das 1920 errichtete Kriegerdenkmal zum Gedenken an der Verlust der aus dem Dorf stammenden jungen Männer.
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Nun geht es auf der anderen Seite der Themse weiter. Bald erreichen wir Eton, das von Heinrich VI. gegründet wurde und mit einigen Traditionen aus dem 15. Jahrhundert aufwartet, die noch immer an der berühmten Schule gepflegt werden. Zu diesen Traditionen gehören die täglichen 2 Stunden Sportunterricht.
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In Eton gibt es insgesamt 3 Haltestellen. Es bietet sich an an der Haltestelle 6 auszusteigen, eine Runde durch Eton zu drehen und später wieder an der gegenüberliegenden Haltestelle 8, zur Rückfahrt, einzusteigen.
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Wir erfahren, dass das älteste noch existierende Gebäude von 1465 stammt. Das berühmte College wurde 1440 gegründet, um die Kinder unterprivilegierter Schichten zu unterrrichten, und hieß ursprünglich “The King´s College of our Lady of Eton”.
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Bis heute werden ausschließlich männliche Schüler aufgenommen, dazu gehörten auch die königlichen Prinzen William & Harry. Uns wird leicht schwindelig, als wir die Höhe der College Gebühren erfahren. Für ein Schuljahr – das aus drei „halfs“ besteht – sind umgerechnet rund 50.000 Euro aufzubringen.
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Bis heute tragen die Schüler Frack. Ursprünglich gehörte auch der Zylinder zu dieser extravaganten Schuluniform. Den schaffte man jedoch ab, da sich während des Krieges die Gasmasken damit so schlecht aufsetzen ließen.
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Haltestelle 8 befindet sich am sogenannten The Burning Bush, einer  schmiedeeisernen Lampe, die einen brennenden Dornbusch darstellen soll. Die Lampe wurde 1864 von Henry Woodyer in einem blumigen gotischen Stil entworfen. Das Design spielt auf das Wappen von Eton an, das am 1. Januar 1449 verliehen wurde. 
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Das Wappen enthält sowohl einen goldenen Löwen auf rotem Grund, als auch eine goldene Lilie auf blauem Grund, was die Position Heinrichs VI. als König von Frankreich widerspiegelt, sowie von England – der erste Monarch, der offiziell zum König beider Länder gekrönt wurde. Die drei eisernen Lilien auf dem Hauptkörper der Lampe sind das Symbol der Jungfrau Maria, der Schutzpatronin des Kollegiums.
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Wir erfahren außerdem, dass in frühern Jahren hier ein ganz besonders rauher Wind herrschte. Die Schüler hatten keine Heizung in ihren Unterkünften und mussten sich ausschließlich mit kaltem Wasser waschen. 
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In Eton machen wir erst einmal eine kurze Pause. Natürlich laufen wir auch über die berühmte Brücke zwischen Windsor und Eton.
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Dann steigen wir an der Haltestelle, neben dem “Watermans Arms” wieder in den Bus. Der Audioguide erzählt uns, dass das “Watermans Arms” eine bewegte Geschichte hat. Unter anderem wurde es auch schon als Leichenhalle genutzt.
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Es geht wieder, an der Themse entlang, zurück nach Datchet. Und es geht auch wieder zurück über die Themse. Dieses Mal allerdings über die Albert Bridge.
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Unser Fahrer muss immer wieder sehr dicht unter den Bäumen her fahren, um Autofahrern auszuweichen. Immer wieder schrappen Äste am Bus entlang und hin und wieder fährt auch mal einer mit.
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Diese neue Brücke wurde gebaut, um die alte Queen Anne Brücke zu ersetzen, die mehrfach durch Überflutungen zusammengebrochen war. Prinz Albert, Gemahl von Queen Victoria, soll an dem Entwurf persönlich beteiligt gewesen sein.
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Nach weiteren 500 Metern erreichen wir wieder den Windsor Hofladen. Durch die erhöhte Sitzposition können wir jetzt auch über die Mauer schauen.
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Irgendwie erscheinen die Flugzeuge auch viel näher, als vom Boden aus. Der Flugverkehr ist enorm.
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Micha hat gestern Abend mitgezählt: alle 70 Sekunden kommt eine Maschine rein, die rüber nach Heathrow fliegt.
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Es ist erstaunlich, dass sich trotz dieser hohen Lärmbelästigung so viele Tiere an der Themse ansiedelten und sich dort wohlfühlen.
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Nach 2 Runden um Hoppelbus reicht es uns. Wir sammeln wieder unser Auto ein und zack geht es zurück in unser Appartement.
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und der Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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savzzuk · 1 year
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300ft Bungee Jump Experience Day
A crane will winch you to a height of* 300ft – the highest available jump in the UK before you are dispatched and experience over *four seconds of freefall. A fantastic experience and one you will not forget. With your feet still firmly on the ground, you will be weighed and be brought up to speed on safety procedures. You will be fitted with your harnesses before being winched up in the cage with a jump master. 
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illustratus · 5 months
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Windsor Castle from Datchet Lane on a rejoicing night, 1768
by Paul Sandby
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thenameswinterfics · 5 months
Fandom: The Last Kingdom Pairing: Sihtric Kjartansson x Reader Settings: Season 2, episode 5 Summary: The summary sucks, but I'll try. After returning from Datchet, Sihtric spends some free time with you, and a group of blue butterflies catch your attention. Word Count: 4K (sorry-) Warnings: Fluff, missing moments, mention of word "whore". There are some minor spoilers from "The Lords of the North" book, so if you're planning on reading them I would advise against reading certain parts. A/N: After being a silent reader for a while and enjoying every exhistent fics on this character, I've decided to write one of my own. The inspiration comes from this post, and after weeks of venting on my terrible writing and fighting the urge of deleting everything, I wrote this! It came out different from what I had imagined, but I'm slightly satisfied. A special thanks to @sihtricfedaraaahvicius, the owner of the linked post, who gently passes me the whole passage from the book, and to @whitedarkmoonflower , @lord-aldhelm and @sylasthegrim for being my amazing beta readers and cheerleaders. I love you, really.
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Header by @whitedarkmoonflower Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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“She says she loves me, lord,” Sihtric told Uhtred in a quiet voice, careful not to raise it too much as they slipped into the forest in the middle of the night. 
The air grew cold and thick, the full moon rising brightly into the sky, its pale rays faintly illuminating the surroundings as they filtered through the thick bank of fog that enveloped the area like a heavy blanket. The silence of the night was occasionally broken by the chirping of crickets, the hooting of an owl and the sound of leaves and trampled wood. Felted footsteps crossed the woods, a sign that Uhtred and his men were quietly approaching the village of Datchet.
Everyone was silent and cautious, except Sihtric, who was strangely absent-minded and rather distracted, the thought of your gentle smile and soft touch staining his mind like a woodworm eating the pulp of wood.
"Of course she says that," Uhtred replied quickly, hoping that his disinterested answer would quell Sihtric's desire and return his focus to the mission. But it didn’t have the desired effect; on the contrary, it encouraged Sihtric to speak again.
“I swear. She says she loves me!” the Dane retorted, his voice slightly raised as if he had found the courage to defend his feelings against his Lord, to whom he had sworn his life and his sword, for the very first time.
“Sihtric, she’s a whore,” Uhtred said, a hint of irritation could be heard in his voice.
“No,” again, Sihtric raised his voice, which grew brighter as he continued. “She’s past that,” he added with a newfound confidence, words that were far from a lie.
Sihtric had never been loved, nor had he ever felt it, an emotion of which he knew only the name and little of the meaning. How could he ever have understood such a noble thing when he was born and raised in an environment where there was no love? When the only person willing to give him love had been taken from him by a father who wanted nothing to do with him?
He lived in Dunholm, a fortress that was more of a prison than a real home. Kjartan had never felt a shred of compassion for his bastard son: to him, Sihtric was nothing more than an expendable life, a useless existence to be thrown to the dogs, as he had done to his mother, had Tekil not pleaded for his life and taken him into his servitude.
Sihtric had felt his mental chains crumble on the day he offered his life and sword to Uhtred, and vanish on the day Kjartan died, shattered by the endless blows Ragnar had dealt him while taking Dunholm. But of all the emotions that overwhelmed him that day, the void, the emptiness that the absence of love had brought him was hard to assuage. A void that he tried to fill by paying women for pleasure, hoping that one of them would step forward and mend his wounded heart, feeling that love he was craving for almost all his life. And it was in one of his nights of seeking affection from women that he found you.
When you first approached him, he was completely overwhelmed by the way you carried yourself: your ethereal beauty, your soft voice, your long curls and your big, shining eyes, which drew him to you like a moth to a flame, made him wonder why a woman as beautiful as you had chosen this kind of work. The aura that surrounded you both attracted and intimidated him, and Sihtric thought he was looking at Freya herself instead of a mortal woman. 
You took him in your room and both made love that night, soon to be followed by many others, and each time it was the purest of experiences. His rough and trembling hands were soothing against your body while his lips explored every inch of it, savouring you with the utmost respect and devotion as he saw how surprisingly responsive your body was to his touch. Soft kisses and whispers of love parted as your naked forms joined as one, two seemingly different souls in a desperate search for each other, feeding on a love you both sought by others. You desperately clasped at each other when you both reached your high, the bliss of the act made you both dizzy and satisfied. 
Sihtric fell in love with you that night and already thought of you as his wife, and when on a cold winter's day a soft "I love you" escaped your lips while reaching your peak, the Dane warrior asked for your hand, tearing you away from the job that robbed you of the dignity you deserved.
“What she loves is your silver,” another voice, Finan, joined the conversation, and soon a chorus of jokes and laughter from the other warriors followed, mocking the naivety of the young Dane. But Sihtric was not to be deterred, and with the most serious expression his face could show, he looked at Uhtred and spoke again, his words echoing in the silence of the forest.
“I wish to marry her.” 
Again, Uhtred chose to ignore his words, making Sihtric’s impatience growing inside him. 
“Lord, the lady said…” 
"The lady said she loves you, but she seems to be making good use of all the silver I gave you." Uhtred blurted out, not raising his voice too much. He could not see him, but could feel Sihtric's jaw clenching and his eyes almost looking down at his feet, as if he had been caught in the act and was awaiting punishment. 
“I will help you find a wife,” he told the Dane in a lower voice, never looking over his shoulders, “For now, I wish you to kill Danes and survive the night.”
Then a piercing scream from some of the villagers broke the silence of the night. Finan, the first in line, raised his hand to signal a halt, and Uhtred, Sihtric and the other warriors followed. They spotted two Danes resting by a makeshift campfire behind them, and having successfully neutralised them, Uhtred ordered them to hide and wait, not to attack until they were given the order. Sihtric stood near a huge tree, his back pressed against the rough wood, clutching his weapons and fidgeting with the hilt of his sword as he felt the adrenaline of battle coursing through his veins. 
The night was long, and the threat was far from over, but he was indeed following his lord’s advice to survive the night.
Because he knew that after this battle, he would return home, and would find a safe place in your arms.
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A new day dawned and winter quietly took its leave of the Saxon lands. The pale rays of the morning sun warmed the earth like an embrace, peeling away the layers of snow and allowing nature to be reborn, blooming with all its colourful vegetation and the intoxicating scent of plants and flowers. Even the animals awoke from hibernation and the warmth of the spring sun allowed them to roam freely in the wild, hunting to feed their young, exploring new places to settle or simply returning like the flock of birds in the sky. 
Spring came to Coccham too, and soon the village enthusiastically welcomed the arrival of the new cycle of life. And you celebrated it by sitting by the river, enjoying the warmth of spring, closing their eyes and feeling the wind dance around them, gently ruffling their long curls. The scent of the lake, a mixture of musk, wet wood and grass, filled your nostrils and you let out a long sigh as the bare skin of your feet dipped into the water. This was the time of day you free yourself from your chores and spend some time with your thoughts. 
When you first set foot in Coccham, you never felt the struggle to find a home of your own, as Sihtric insisted on welcoming you into his own house, which soon became your little love nest. Uhtred had not yet given you his blessing to marry, but in Sihtric's eyes you were already his lovely wife. He used to spend his silver at the village market, buying you all sorts of jewellery to adorn your pale skin and enhance your beauty. And when his silver ran out, he gave you his arm rings and spoils of war, a reward Uhtred gave him when he thought his services worthy. 
The time you spent together was sadly short, as his lord always managed to fill his days with arduous tasks or sending him out on patrol, but as evening fell and you waited for him to come home, he never failed to show you how empty his day was without you. You could read all the love and devotion he felt for you in his timid, mismatched eyes, looking at you like a goddess descended among mere mortals. His calloused hands would always find your soft cheeks, brushing your flesh and lower lips with his thumb before giving you a desperate kiss, feeding on your lips like a hungry predator after a lean day. 
And when there were evenings when Sihtric came home, haunted by the thought of leaving you behind while he was on the battlefield, he would sit by your side by the fire, his forehead pressed against yours as hot tears crossed his sharp face, and kiss every inch of your exposed skin as if it were the last thing he could do before reaching Valhalla. You would spend the night cuddling in bed, crying in each other's arms before sleep took you both, and you would wake in the morning with emptiness wrapped around your arms. 
Uhtred had left weeks ago, taking Sihtric and the rest of his warriors and sailing to Datchet to secure the Thames for King Alfred. You would usually spend your time in Gisela's company, helping her with the household chores and keeping an eye on her children. But the restless night you were facing had left you with a throbbing headache and a bad mood, and you didn't feel the need for human companionship as much as the immaterial one of your thoughts and emotions.
You had learned over time how stressful and heartbreaking it could be to live with a warrior,  and watch him slip silently from your embrace at the crack of dawn. Loneliness had become your silent companion during those long waits, leaving your heart bleeding with pain and your mind filled with imaginary thoughts that would eventually haunt you in your sleep, tossing and turning as false scenarios formed in your mind, your breath itching in your dreams as you saw Sihtric lying lifeless on the ground, no weapons in his hands in your worst nightmares. 
You were jolted from your thoughts by two strong arms wrapped around your waist and a soft gasp escaped your lips. Your bare feet came out of the water and were soon planted on the floor, and before you could react the same arms wrapped around your waist, enveloping your petite body in a warm embrace, your back pressed against a broad chest. 
Fear clouded your mind as you thought you were trapped under the clasp of a filthy man who wanted nothing from you but the pleasure your body could provide, but when you felt the man's head pressed against your shoulder, you shivered as you recognised the touch of his soft lips pressed against the side of your neck. 
"My love," the soft and familiar voice called to you in a sweet chant, soon loosening its grip to allow you to turn around. And it was then that you recognised him: his lean face and sharp jaw, decorated with scars that crossed his forehead and one of his cheekbones, his dark hair cut short at the sides and combed in three braids, the kohl liner around his eyes that seemed to harden a tender and watchful gaze, and that unmistakable tattoo that ran from one side of his head to his neck. All features that could only belong to Sihtric, the Dane warrior who stole your heart from the first moment he laid eyes on you. 
You jumped on him, wrapping your neck around your arms and pecking his face with small kisses. Your sudden move caused him to step back, struggling to find the balance and not fall ruinously to the ground.
“You are back!” you happily stated, stepping back a little to admire him. “And without a scratch!”
“I will always find a way back to you,” Sihtric spoke quietly, a small smile forming on his lips as he rested his forehead on yours, allowing his lungs to fill with your scent, a mixture of myrtle, rosemary and wild flowers. 
“I looked for you all over the village, I thought I would have found you there,” he continued, taking one of your hands and pressing his lips on your slender fingers, enjoying the softness of your skin.
“I was in no mood to spend my time in the company of others,” you confessed lightheartedly, locking your gaze on his. "Besides, where could a defenceless lady go but to fantasise about her lover warrior by the lake?" 
Your witty reply made Sihtric chuckle and shake his head, grabbing your tiny waist with his large hands and pulling you close to him. But when your foreheads touched, too intoxicated by your inviting scent, his smile fell and two dark, troubled eyes extinguished the light they had every time he was near you. A long sigh followed, and you could tell that his mind was tortured as well. 
"Sihtric?" you called quietly, the light touch of your fingers on his cheek bringing him out of his thoughts. "Is something troubling you? Are you hurt?"
"No," was his quiet reply, whispered so softly as to be almost inaudible, and before you could question him further, he wrapped you in a long and desperate embrace, burying his head in the crook of your neck. His breathing became shallow and erratic, and judging by his slight trembling, he was on the verge of tears.
“No other woman will be able to replace you. No one,” the Dane thought aloud, preventing you from replying back when his trembling lips captured yours in a needy and desperate kiss, storming your mind with questions you fear there can be no answers to. 
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Later that day, the sun was high in the sky and a cloudless blue expanse rose over the village. You could feel the sun's rays hitting your skin with an unpleasant heat, but you were glad that there was a soothing breeze in the air, its cool touch like a balm to your skin, which had become slightly red from prolonged exposure to the sun.
Everyone was busy welcoming King Alfred to Coccham, followed by Lord Odda, some soldiers and thengs, and his small army of priests and monks. When they retired to the main hall to discuss urgent matters, you took the opportunity to release Sihtric from his duties, as his presence was not required at that moment, and hand in hand you walked through the gates of Coccham, approached the small harbour and rested on the grass. 
When you went outside, Sihtric finally gave you all the answers he had been unable to give you before, too overwhelmed by his emotions: he told you of his mission and the time he had spent in Datchet, and of the many times he had asked Uhtred for permission to marry you, only to be met with indifference or veiled refusal. He even told you how he had proposed to arrange a suitable marriage for him, and the very thought of it made you both feel sick inside. 
It was no surprise to you that both the Daneslayer and his warriors frowned upon you; your old profession was a stain on your character that was difficult to wipe away. You were aware of the mischievous glances and veiled comments they made whenever you sat at the same table outside their tavern, to which you always responded with stiff lips and restraint, unlike Sihtric, who, dulled by the alcohol that brought out his dormant impulsiveness, threatened to make the square to anyone who dared offend you. It was your task to calm him down each time, assuring him that it was a temporary situation and that everyone would get used to your presence. But deep in your heart you knew it wouldn't be so.
You sat back in the grass, Sihtric's head in your lap, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the light breeze caressing his face. You stroked his uncombed hair gently, giggling at how soft his hair felt to the touch, while your eyes continued to scan the surroundings, focusing on the men coming and going from the small wooden dock, busy unloading goods from ships or docking others. Then you took your eyes off the water and sighed as you spotted a group of ducks swimming happily in the water, followed by a small group of adorable ducklings squawking loudly.
Suddenly your attention was drawn to a small group of butterflies fluttering along the shore, slowly dispersing into the air, creating a spectacular display of colour. Your jaw dropped slightly, mesmerised by the delicate dance these insects were performing in the air, some allowing the wind to gently transport them from the nearest flowers and feed on their nectar, others resting gracefully on the grass and stretching their bright blue wings a little before continuing their dance. A pleasant warm spread across your chest, feeling a sense of peace and happiness crossing your face. 
“They are a beautiful sight,” a kneaded voice brought you back to reality, feeling Sihtric slightly shifting from your lap. His brown eye was open, looking at the butterflies, while his other one was covered by his forearm.
“Indeed,” you spoke softly, gently pressing your lips on his forehead. You could see his cheeks flushing with the brightest red. “They truly are.” 
One of the butterflies left its group, approaching you. Sihtric leanend one of his arms, stretching one of his fingers to welcome the insect. He chuckled lightly when he felt your curious gaze over him, and soon his mismatched eyes were locked into yours.
“I have heard stories saying that blue butterflies are meant to bring luck,” he explained quietly, his gaze now shifted again on the insect, which stood in midair, watching his finger. “The longer it stays on your finger, the longer your luck lasts.” 
Sihtric waited for the butterfly to pose on his finger, a hint of impatience growing in him as he secretly begged the insect to rest as long as possible and bring you both luck. But it chose not to rest, spreading its wings and turning its attention elsewhere. He let out a frustrated groan, which was greeted by your delicate laugh. Your voice was a melody to his ears. 
"Then I guess you have no luck," you said, a slight grin forming at the corner of your mouth, your hand continuing to rub Sihtric's hair in small, circular motions. Your reply caused Sihtric to move from where he was sitting on the grass and look at your face: his dark, loose hair seemed to soften his features, his two-toned eyes lit up at the sight of your smile, making his heart pound in his chest and his breath quicken. His trembling hands rested on your cheeks, rubbing them with the utmost care, afraid that you might break under his rough touch. 
"I am lucky, my lady," he whispered, resting his forehead on yours. "A little butterfly may not have given me luck, but the gods have given me you, a far greater blessing than any fleeting luck could provide." 
He slowly drew you closer, rubbing the tips of your noses and waiting for your permission. When you nodded softly, sighing at his soothing touch, he locked his lips to yours in a tender kiss, a light touch soon followed by deeper contact. He placed his hand on the nape of your neck, pressing urgently against it, rubbing your exposed flesh in slow, circular motions, his sudden movement making you tremble and a soft moan escaping your throat. 
As the kiss deepened and the heat of pleasure engulfed you both, you felt a gentle tickling crossing your hand, causing you to break the kiss. You looked down your hand and a gasp escaped from your lips.
"Sihtric, look!" you called, shaking his arm without hurting him too much, and when you were sure his gaze was fixed on you, you gently raised your hand to reveal the same butterfly as before peacefully perched on your finger. Words were superfluous to describe the surreal moment, and you both stood still, watching in amazement as its shiny wings closed and reopened, both of you secretly telling the insect to rest as much as it could. In this silent exchange of glances and thoughts, it was as if nature had intervened in your path, whispering promises of future serenity and joy amidst the chaos of the world. 
You felt Sihtric raising off the ground urgently, and without uttering a word he approached the gates. You gave him a puzzled look, stunned by his sudden move. “Where are you going?”
“To lord Uhtred,” Sihtric turned around and looked at you, a wide smile crossing his face. “I will ask his permission to marry you again.” 
“But lord Uhtred already gave his decision,” you replied back, slightly raising his voice as you saw him approaching the gates. 
“The blue butterfly.” he replied in a cheerful voice, pointing to the small insect still in your hand. “We have been blessed by luck. I will marry you, my love. I swear I will!” 
And it was at that moment that you saw his figure cross the gates and slowly disappear into the distance, leaving you alone. You let out a long sigh, the corners of your lips curling into a small smile, and fixed your gaze on the butterfly, which awkwardly spread its wings, leaving your finger behind before rejoining its group and disappearing into the air.  
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That butterfly brought you luck. That was what Sihtric thought, while you continued to believe that Gisela's help was behind it all, when Uhtred finally gave his permission to marry you, on the condition that he complete a task for him. Sihtric came back to you, showering your face with soft and urgent kisses, his heart heavy at having to leave you again, but his spirit lifted at the thought that after this mission you would finally be his and his only. 
Fortunately, Sihtric didn't keep you waiting too long, for he returned from Skald's Hall a few days later, and by mutual agreement, a small and intimate wedding ceremony was held on Frigga's Day, according to Sihtric's religion and beliefs. His eyes could not stay in contact with yours for too long, your dazzling beauty sending shivers down his spine and dulling his senses, for he could still not believe that the gods had allowed him a glimpse of happiness by sending you on his path. After the exchange of your wedding rings and Sihtric's promise to be the devoted and loving husband you deserve, clutching his Mjolnir pendant in his hands, a kiss sealed the much awaited union, witnessed by the few present and the watchful eyes of the gods.
And when the two of you would sit in the same place years later with your stomach fertile with new life, a blue butterfly would rest on your outstretched finger, bringing good fortune and prosperity to your happy union for years to come.  
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Taglist: @whitedarkmoonflower @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @foxyanon @legitalicat @zaldritzosrose
@alexagirlie @sylasthegrim @lord-aldhelm
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theroyalweekly · 2 years
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Margaret Partington, 87 with her daughter in law Michelle. Margaret has made fancy hats for 20 years and owned Elegant Hats for Her shop in Datchet High Street. She said meeting Kate was “the best day of her life.” -- Isabella Perrin
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thenameswinter99 · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Another week, another tag game! Please share your last sentence; or, if you don’t have one, share a plot bunny or idea!
Thank you @lord-aldhelm , @thelettersfromnoone and @whitedarkmoonflower (I saw your post and tagged myself lol) for the tag. 💜💜💜
Well… This time I have something to show you. It's the same fic I'm working on, with the only difference that… *I changed the introduction. I felt stuck and had to rewrite the first part, because some parts didn't fit into the story I wanted to write… yeah…
So, needless to say, here's the new introduction. Again, this story is in the early stages of writing, many things could change after further drafts (and hopefully not deleted like the parts I took out of the story and saved for later lol).
Here's an extract of the fic:
The air grew cold and thick, the full moon rising brightly into the sky, its pale rays faintly illuminating the surroundings as they filtered through the thick bank of fog that enveloped the area like a heavy blanket. The silence of the night was occasionally broken by the chirping of crickets, the hooting of an owl and the sound of leaves and trampled wood, a sign that Uhtred and his men were quietly approaching the village of Datchet. Everyone was quiet and cautious, except Sihtric, who was strangely absent-minded and rather distracted, the thought of your gentle smile and soft touch staining his mind like a woodworm eating the pulp of wood. "Of course she says that," Uhtred replied quickly, hoping that his disinterested answer would quell Sihtric's desire and return his focus to the mission. But it didn’t have the desired effect; on the contrary, it encouraged Sihtric to speak again. “I swear. She says she loves me!” the Dane retorted, his voice slightly raised as if he had found the courage to defend his thoughts against his Lord, to whom he had sworn his life and his sword, for the very first time.
Tagging... I don't know. If my silly post appears in your dash, consider yourself tagged!
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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14 February 2014 | Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and his brother, Prince Harry, pause as they build a flood defence wall at Eton End School in Datchet, England. Flood water has remained high in some areas and high winds are causing disruption to other parts of the UK with the Met Office issuing a red weather warning. (c) Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
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cjseoservices95 · 16 days
The Importance of SEO Services in Datchet
Datchet is home to numerous businesses across various industries. In this competitive local market, it is imperative for businesses to optimize their online presence to stay ahead of the curve. This is where SEO services play a crucial role – Seo Services Datchet. By implementing effective SEO strategies and techniques, businesses in Datchet can enhance their website’s visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs), thereby attracting more potential customers and increasing their online sales.
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warrenproperty · 25 days
Windsor & Eton Riverside Introduces Contactless Pay-As-You-Go System
Commuters will soon have the convenience of using a contactless pay-as-you-go system at three railway stations in the area. Starting Sunday, September 22, pay-as-you-go with contactless will be available at 12 additional South Western Railway (SWR) suburban stations, including Windsor & Eton Riverside, Datchet, and Wraysbury. This expanded service will allow customers to travel seamlessly between…
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minicabsdatchet · 25 days
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ssmarketingyuk · 2 months
Web Designer Datchet
Affordable Web Designer Datchet – Low Cost Web Designs Datchet, the client’s satisfaction is our most important motto. No matter what the requirements of the clients are, we discuss these in detail with them and then develop websites exactly as required.
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nedsecondline · 8 months
Conservative ‘failures’ have led to more sewage pollution, say water experts – Stigmatis News
Sewage in the Thames in the village of Datchet in Berkshire. Photograph: Maureen McLean/REX/Shutterstock By Sandra Laville Increased sewage pollution, urban flooding and water supply interruptions are the result of a decade of failures by the Conservative ministers, according to water experts who are demanding an independent inquiry into water be set up by the next government. The repeated…
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navtam · 10 months
I was happy to see, once again, our Party's deputy chairman, MP Lee Anderson, at a Windsor Conservative Association's charity dinner at Datchet Golf Club (12 minutes from my home) in aid of fundraising for our parliamentary candidate, Jack Rankin. Lee narrated his hard core Labour member to the deputy chairman of the Conservatives amazing story. It was a full house. Lee's Guardian cartoon fetched £220 in the auction. Photo: (L-R) Lee Anderson, Lars Swann (Association Chairman), Anjali Thakrar (newly appointed Chairman of Young WCA), Jack Rankin and Navtam Gosai (ToryUK Team Leader)
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thenameswinterfics · 4 months
Just an introduction post.
I just realized I haven't made an introduction post yet. How silly I am...
Well... Greetings, beautiful people!
Few things to know about me: I'm Winter, I'm 25 years old and I'm from Italy. I'm studying Graphic, Visual and Multimedia Communication at the univeristy and I'm currently in my final year. I'm an INFP, my zodiac sign is Pisces and I'm bisexual.
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For a long time I was always on the silent side of fandom, in constant lurking mode. If you see a silent shadow watching over your work, that's basically me.
This is a short list of the fandom I'm in (most actively): The Last Kingdom, Vikings, Vikings: Valhalla, The Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones (with A Song of Ice and Fire content), House of the Dragon, The Witcher, Shadow and Bone, Spartacus, ATLA (the cartoon) Legend of Korra, Merlin, Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate.
In my spare time I also play a role-playing game called "Dungeons and Dragons". I'm mostly a player, although I'm thinking about planning my first campaign as a Dungeon Master. My favourite thing is writing backgrounds for my OC's, maybe I can share them with you in the future.
Just for your personal information, this is exclusively a writing blog. If you want to see my ramblings about fandoms, you can find me on my main blog here (I know, it's quite messy but... hey! That's me, a messy girl!)
A special thanks to my beloved @zaldritzosrose for the icon, banner, mini banners, personal dividers and headers and dividers for my current and future fics! 💜
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I'm currently writing for Sihtric Kjartansson, a character from the Netflix and BBC show The Last Kingdom. It cannot be ruled out that in the future there may arrive fics from the other characters from the show, as well as from other characters from different fandoms.
I will cross publish my fics on AO3, you can find the links below.
Due to university and personal commitments, and the fact that I'm a terribly slow writer, I haven't planned a regular posting schedule.
If you want to be tagged in my taglist, just send me a DM or leave a comment!
English is not my first language. You may find some grammar and vocabulary mistakes. I'm sorry for this, I swear I'm practicing!
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THE BLUE BUTTERFLY || Words: 4K || Warnings: Fluff, missing scenes, mention of word "whore" || AO3 LINK
After returning from Datchet, Sihtric spends some free time with you, and a group of blue butterflies catch your attention.
VISIONS OF HELHEIM || Words: 6,1K || Warnings: Fluff, angst, missing scenes, mention of past abuse, mention on non-consensual relationship (not described in detail), mention of character death, mention of graphic violence (not described in detail). || AO3 LINK
Sihtric has never forgotten his mother, whose presence continues to haunt his dreams. And as the Battle of Dunholm draws to a close, you help Sihtric mourn her.
HEARTS OF STEEL, LOVE OF SILK || Words: 3,9K || Warnings: Fluff, domestic fluff, smut, bad smut, very very bad smut, p in v sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), breeding kink, Daddy Sihtric is a warning itself. || AO3 LINK || 18 + MINORS DNI
While you and your children enjoy a peaceful, domestic life in Rumcofa, Sihtric comes up with a pleasant surprise for you.
BOUND TO YOU || Words: 4,6K || Warnings: SMUT, mention of death, monsterfucking, oral (m receiving), fingering, p in v sex. || 18 + MINORS DNI
Since becoming the new lord of Dunholm, Sihtric has ruled alone, with no woman at his side to call "wife". Things begin to change when you begin to appear in his dreams, a human so perfect that he believes he has finally found the one, a blessing from the gods. Little does he know that behind your appearance lies a devil in disguise.
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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