#Dates Fruit Export Company
magz · 3 months
For reminder. reference on updated BDS targets and priorities:
From march 11, 2024.
Partial quote:
Ending all state, corporate and institutional complicity with Israel’s genocidal regime is therefore more urgent than ever. Let's intensify organic campaigns and make a conscious effort to strengthen the global boycott campaigns of products of complicit companies (Israeli and international). This is not just about supporting a just cause; it's about actively participating in ending the genocidal system oppressing and killing our people.
As millions worldwide break their fasts during Ramadan, remember those in Gaza whose induced starvation remains unbroken. Let’s pledge to:
Boycott Israeli dates: Don’t break your fast with Israeli dates–grown on stolen Palestinian land and with stolen water. Always check the label, and don’t buy dates that are produced or packaged in Israel or its West Bank settlements. If no country of origin can be found on the box, check the retailer’s website. (More steps can be found here)
Boycott all Israeli vegetables and fruits: Israel’s major exports, grown on stolen Palestinian lands, include avocados, herbs and colored peppers. Check the country of origin, whether you are a consumer or an importer. Boycott all produce from apartheid Israel in your supermarket and demand they are removed from shelves.
#BoycottCarrefour: Carrefour is a genocide enabler. Let’s escalate boycotting it during Ramadan until it ends its complicity with apartheid Israel. Carrefour-Israel has supported Israeli soldiers partaking in the unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza with gifts of personal packages, while Carrefour France has kept silent about it. In 2022, Carrefour entered a partnership with the Israeli company Electra Consumer Products and its subsidiary Yenot Bitan, both of which are involved in grave human rights violations against the Palestinian people.
#BoycottMcDonalds: The brand’s Israeli franchisee donated meals and beverages to Israeli military personnel committing the genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and promoted this extremely provocative and racist form of complicity on their social media channels. Let’s escalate boycotting McDonald's worldwide during Ramadan until it terminates its agreement with its Israeli franchisee over its support for Israel’s war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.
Boycott complicit companies that stayed silent when their branch/franchisee in Israel supported genocide, including: Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza, Papa John's, Burger King, and all companies that have enabled genocide against our people in Gaza. (For more information see here)
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To: Mr. Carmichael, General Manager From: Patrick Crale, Assistant to the Manager Date: November 22, 1912 Subject: Quarterly Report on Import/Export Activities in Brindleton Bay
I am pleased to present the quarterly report on our import and export activities in Brindleton Bay. This report provides an overview of our operations, market trends, challenges, and opportunities observed during the past quarter.
I. Import Activities:
Goods Imported: Key imports included life fruit, alchemy elixirs, and exotic fish.
Major Trading Partners: Our primary import partners were Selvadorada, Sulani, and Henford-on-Bagley.
Challenges: Delays in shipping due to weather conditions and increased tariffs on magical goods.
Opportunities: Potential to expand into new markets, particularly in luxury furniture and rare collectibles.
II. Export Activities:
Goods Exported: Main exports consisted of Brindleton Bay's specialty products such as gourmet pet food, crafted sculptures, paintings, and local nectars.
Major Trading Partners: Primary export destinations were Willow Creek, San Myshuno, and Windenburg.
Challenges: Fluctuating currency exchange rates in Simoleons and competition from local producers in target markets.
Opportunities: Growing demand for Brindleton Bay's artisanal goods and unique cultural products.
III. Financial Overview:
Revenue: Total revenue for the quarter amounted to §1,250,000 Simoleons.
Expenses: Operating expenses, including shipping, tariffs, and labor, totaled §950,000 Simoleons.
Net Profit: The net profit for the quarter was §300,000 Simoleons.
IV. Recommendations:
Diversify Trading Partners: Explore new markets to reduce dependency on existing trading partners.
Invest in Technology: Modernize shipping and inventory management to improve efficiency.
Monitor Regulatory Changes: Stay abreast of international trade regulations and tariffs to mitigate potential risks.
The past quarter has shown steady growth in both import and export activities in Brindleton Bay. By capitalizing on emerging opportunities and addressing current challenges, we can position ourselves for continued success in the coming months.
Please review the attached detailed financial statements and market analysis for further insights. I am available to discuss the report and our strategic direction at your earliest convenience.
Patrick Crale Assistant to the Manager Brindleton Bay Trading Company
(Again, the lot was built by the @antiquatedplumbobs!)
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victoriams · 11 months
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brenda song . cis woman . she/her ➶ ALL EYES ARE ON THEM ! it’s CELESTIA DOLITTLE, the THIRTY-ONE year old escorting the tributes of DISTRICT TWO to the capitol ! i do hope they get themselves a winner this year, i’ve always liked them ever since they proved to be so EBULLIENT, it’s just a shame that they can be VACUOUS at times. they’re are so eager for a win, i’ve got everything crossed for them! ( character ISN’T part of the uprising )
FULL NAME celestia andromeda dolittle
DATE OF BIRTH september 25, 63rd year
AGE thirty-one
DISTRICT capitol
ROLE district two escort
GENDER cis woman
ORIENTATION pansexual panromantic 
POSITIVE TRAITS ebullient, saccharine, audacious
NEGATIVE TRAITS vacuous, vain, incompetent
MBTI enfp-t – the campaigner
ENNEAGRAM type 7 – the enthusiast
MORAL ALIGNMENT chaotic good
ZODIAC libra
CHARACTER PARALLELS alexis rose, schitt's creek / rachel green, friends / karen smith, mean girls / bianca stratford, 10 thinks i hate about you / ty lee, avatar: the last airbender / lindsay bluth, arrested development
MARCELLUS DOLITTLE father, adoptive
DIGGORY DOLITTLE brother, adoptive
Once upon a time, DOLITTLE had been an esteemed name within the Capitol. Your great, great ( maybe there were three greats – you don't really know how it works ) grandfather had been a general during the dark days, instrumental in implementing order within the unruly districts. His son had become a gamemaker, and the son after that had made his fortune overseeing the import and export of fruits from the districts to the Capitol. The fourth generation had inherited this business – Dolittle Imports & Exports – and enough riches along with it to keep any ordinary man satisfied.
You recall your parents telling you that you'd met through your family's business – your mother had been an employee and, at the time, their affair had been quite scandalous. You don't remember the details, however, because the story had been long and convoluted and it had not been about you, so they had quickly lost your interest. The important part is that they were married a few short months later – perhaps to avoid further scandal for the company, or perhaps just because they were so deeply in love with one another.
Children were the next logical step for the young married couple – but a month of trying turned into two, then six, then twelve. It soon became clear that starting a family would not be as simple as they would have liked – but, fortunately, they were gifted with the money and resources needed to ensure that they did not have to rely on simple biology. You and your brother are their miracles – children they'd almost given up hope on having, gifted to them by circumstance and privilege. As a result, they provide for you whatever your hearts desire.
You are a spoiled child, though not any more so than your peers. You never worry about food being on the table, or the latest clothes in your closet, or games or toys or accessories – so you take these things largely for granted. You have never known a life without a silver spoon in your mouth and the certainty of a life of luxury. You will never have a reason to toil – and so you never learn the value of trying particularly hard at anything which you don't find fun. Academic pursuits fall by the wayside as you spend your youth more concerned about parties and romance than grades or, god forbid, career prospects. Your parents, for their part, are content to let you do whatever you want – never quite having the heart to use the word no against you.
Your early adulthood continues in much the same way. You don't attend university with most of your peers – instead, you spend your nights out with interesting strangers and your days telling tales of your exploits. You earn various labels from your peers – ditzy, flighty, unfocused – sure, they're mostly true, but it's still rude. You jump carelessly from relationship to relationship, party to party, couch to couch, adventure to adventure – never committing to one person or place or thing for longer than your limited attention span can manage. You might be aimless, but you are untethered, free, and happy.
Of course, your hedonistic, years' long bender could only last for so long. When people ask about your family's fall from grace, you don't really know how to answer – mostly because you weren't paying much attention as it happened. You think it started with your father – a series of unwise financial decisions led to his business acquiring quite a sum of debt. This, however, you were assured would not be a problem. Your family is well-liked within the Capitol, and there is no rush for your father to repay what he owes just yet – his business churns along as though nothing were wrong.
And maybe nothing would have been, were it not for the exposé that followed about your mother only a few short months later. Various accusations are lobbed at your family – the most alarming of which is that your mother cheated on your father with a member of the household staff. Your mother is quick to dismiss this – and you are inclined to believe her, if only because of how poorly you'd seen her treat her staff in the past. It doesn't matter what she says, though – rumours are like a virus in the Capitol, fast-spreading and deadly. It all snowballs from there.
Overnight, your family is ousted from the Capitol elite. There is a dark stain on the name Dolittle – never mind that most people at your parents' country clubs have committed far worse sins than adultery – their sins are not public knowledge, and are easily forgotten. Your mother is blacklisted from everything from her weekly book clubs to Capitol galas. With your family's reputation taking a vicious nosedive, your father's business associates ( former friends ) are less willing to forgive his debts. Within a matter of weeks, he has lost his business entirely.
Truthfully, you'd not really cared about the misfortune befalling your parents up until this point – mostly because it hadn't yet directly affected you. Sure, people look at you funny, and they cannot help but ask if the stories are true. And, sure, it's a little more difficult to get your name on lists at the more exclusive clubs – but you work around these problems and wait for this to blow over. You don't really start to worry until your credit card is declined trying to buy tequila – even so, you think it's a cruel joke when your father calls a family meeting to inform you that most of the family's assets have been lost. That the business is gone.
And, most alarming of all, that they cannot finance you anymore.
You almost choke on your drink when your parents inform you that you'd need to find a job if you're in need of money. See, you're almost twenty-four years old, you've never worked a day in your life, and you don't want to start now. It seems humiliating, not to mention, boring. Plus, it would get in the way of your vlogging. But, the alternative seems to be losing your apartment and your furniture and your jewellery and your pet ferrets and all of your nice clothes – and parting with these things is even more unbearable than working. It will only be temporary, after all, until your father gets his business back.
You use what little influence you have left to swindle yourself a position working for the games. You are allowed to work as an assistant to the District Six escort – and the job is remarkably easy. It also happens to involve dressing up in pretty outfits and parading about on stage, which happen to be two of your favourite things. After a couple of years as an assistant, you are promoted to escort the tributes from District Eleven – you had told your boss that you would be perfect for the job given your family's ties to the district. Each year, you inform the tributes that your father used to sell their fruit in the Capitol as an icebreaker, and every year they roll their eyes at you.
You like to think you're good at the job – but nobody else would ever agree with you. You're disorangised, flighty, and you can never seem to remember anybody's names. But, given District Eleven's historically awful track record in the games, nobody really notices that you're not very good at what you're supposed to be doing. Maybe that's why, when District Two's escort retires just before the ninety-second games, you are picked to replace him. You don't get any better at your job when you transfer to District Two ( though you tend to think you have – and nobody has the heart to openly disagree ), but nobody seems to notice or care, probably because your tributes are generally more than capable of taking care of themselves.
You do quite like your job, even though you are highly incompetent. You like that they pay you ( big bonus ), that it affords you access to parties and social status that your family is currently locked out of, and that it gets your face on television. It's still a temporary gig, of course – and the best way for you to finance all the finer things in life that you have come to enjoy while you wait for your family to rebuild their status and wealth. It's been eight years, but you have a feeling that any day now will be the day that you are freed from the shackles of mediocrity and propelled back into the elite. Any day now.
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thealphabetter · 1 year
Flight TN (Air Tahiti) 101 has stopped in Papeete for a layover on the way to Auckland. 
Last night, I departed from SFO, and transferred planes at LAX.
I will spend a moment in Papeete before boarding a flight again, toward New Zealand, and the date line.
Once in Auckland, I will make my way to the harbor, to board the Majestic Princess. 
The scheduled departure of the boat was delayed by three hours, to 10 P.M., due to weather conditions. 
There is a fair chance of rain on most of the days that I could check the forecast for in New Zealand and Australia. 
On the way here, I watched Elvis, read some of Doctor Zhivago, and listened to downloads. 
Arrival in Auckland is met with transportation to the Auckland harbor. 
It takes very little delay to gather myself after the flight and the change in time. 
Many of the arriving flights had been delayed or rescheduled, according to signage at the airport, due to the flooding of the runway.
I board the Majestic Princess, unpack, shower, and tour the ship’s amenities. This includes a trip to the bar, and the consumption of four Long Island Iced Teas. Shortly after, I am able to sleep, after I last woke in California, on the 27th.
It was past midnight when I woke up and noticed that the ship was in motion. I laid awake for a moment before deciding upon staying conscious. I ordered a veggie burger and an Americano, walked to the deck to see the ship’s wake, and then to the other side of the boat, to stop by the casino. It was closed.
The ship would broadcast the NFC Championship at 9 A.M. in the morning, after my breakfast. As the game went through the first quarter, I watched the ship turn into its port in Tauranga. I watched the game from a hot tub until half-time, at which point I changed clothes and ate on the deck, until the third quarter of the game. 
It was about a half-mile walk to the trails, the name of the mountain (a.k.a. Mount Maunganui or “The Mount”) that overlooks the peninsula and harbor of Tauranga. I hiked up one side, and saw some sheep along the way. I walked down another trail that led me to the other side of the Tauranga peninsula. 
I walked alongside the beach, into a mini-peninsula off the main beach. I did some window-shopping through the mid-peninsula before finding myself near the boat. It was simpler to board again, eat again, and fall asleep for a while. When I woke up, in the evening I ordered five plates of food to the room, and finished the meal while watching Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. 
It was early enough, when the movie was over, to get drinks at the bar, and check out the Freddie Mercury tribute concert at the Princess Theater. 
The day was highlighted by a scheduled trip to the Hobbiton movie set, the filming location for the setting of the Shire in the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies. 
Before I left the ship for the drive to the set, I watched the beginning of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, until the moment right before Bilbo decides to embark on the journey with the dwarves. 
The set is located on a farm, past a range of mountains when traveling from Tauranga. 
The tour began highlighting areas where specific scenes from the movies were shot, and the discussion of camera techniques used in the movie. Different areas on the set were sized proportionally, to make any character appear larger or smaller in respect to it. 
I could recognize these settings, and took many photos. The tour went around the set, and ended near the Green Dragon Inn, where I was served, by our tour guide, Calen, a cup of ale.
The drive to and from the set took about an hour and 15 minutes each way. The driver discussed major exports of the area, including timber, kiwi fruit, and dairy products. I recognized the Zespri brand name as we passed by the office building for the kiwi fruit company. 
Return to the ship was followed by a meal and the next hour of the first Hobbit movie. I then went to the indoor pool for what was around two hours. Patrick McCullough performed in the Princess Theater in the evening. 
The journey’s first full day at sea would consist of traveling from Tauranga to Wellington. It started early, with breakfast, but with little other activity until my visit to the casino. My initial $20 AUD transfer was gone in just a few spins. I waited to eat at Alfredo’s, where I would eat three times throughout the day. I resumed gambling, maintaining a bank for the slots while losing at the tables. I eventually hit a slots bonus that brought me to $280 AUD, after I had put in $140 AUD in total. 
I watched the Maori ambassador’s presentation on traditions and mythology in the Princess Theater. This was followed by my next visit to Alfredo;’s, in the ship’s atrium. It was in the atrium that I then participated in a Haka dance with the ambassadors. Crew members began to set up a champagne waterfall, which I watched through, nearly to its completion. At 6:30 P.M., the officers of the ship were introduced at the waterfall ceremony. I took a glass of champagne from a nearby server and sat at Alfredo’s again. I began watching Alien: Covenant, but not to its conclusion, before the night ended. 
There was a musical performance in the Princess Theater. I found it happening after participating in the guessing contest for the weight of a pig-sculpture in the art studio. 
I have found myself waking up early, as was the case today. Upon arrival  in Wellington, I am ready to explore the city. The bus takes me near the cable car, which runs up a hill to the botanical gardens. These gardens run towards the side and down the hill, and included native NZ species of flora, and more - a herb garden, rose garden, and greenhouse with a pond full of guppies. The downhill trail ends back near the parliament building, which I detoured around. I walked closer to the harbor-coastline area to the Maritime Museum. There were a few objects of interest there. A walk along the coastline took me to the Te Papa Museum, which exhibited nature-science, a NZ WWI display, abstract art, traditional Maori pieces and more. The bus to the ship gathered passengers right behind the museum. Back on the boat, I took a moment to decide whether to watch the movie being shown on the deck, Dakota, before changing, and watching it from a hot tub. I met two, from Korea, in the tub.
I went to the atrium, alternated alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks three times, for six drinks total, before getting two Americanos saturated with brown sugar. The live music was okay. I watched the rest of Alien: Covenant and slept. 
Another early day started at 5:30 A.M., until the hills around our destination port appeared around us at breakfast. The timing would allow for a load of laundry to be completed while the ship docked. In Port Shakespeare, shuttle buses took cruise-ship passengers to the town of Picton. A primary glimpse into the ocean water, from the Picton harbor beach, was very red - what I understood to be red algae. I kept walking for what was at least 2.5 hours round-trip. 
It began to rain, most heavily when I decided to turn around, at the viewpoint on the trail labeled as the viewpoint for Queen Charlotte’s Sound. My shoes were a little moist, as was my passport, when I ended up back at the harbor. The couple I had met the day prior offered a pint of beer, which I drank rather quickly, before asking where I could get some soda. There was a nearby sandwich and soda shop. I stopped by, and walked through the street full of souvenir shops and restaurants, before ending up at a store, where I bought a bottle of Lawson’s Dry Hills Reserve Pinot Noir. Ideally, I would have gone on some sort of wine tour, but I did not. I was allowed to bring the wine back on board the boat. 
The ship leaves Queen Charlotte Sound and turns right, to navigate southward on the southern island. It is picturesque, and I combine sightseeing from the lido deck with drinks from Alex and Whinn at the atrium’s Vines bar. 
The ship docked in Lyttleton harbor, and I was in the initial queue to go ashore. Shuttles awaited for the journey into Lyttelton or Christchurch. Notes from my booked tour instructed me to board for Lyttelton and transfer in the port-city. 
The tour bus went north around Governor’s Bay before taking the road over the mountain range that divides Christchurch from Lyttelton. Descent into Christchurch gave way to a view of the mountain-park for mountain bikers and zip-liners, and a more distant picture of Christchurch and New Zealand’s Alps. A stop was made for this moment, to observe. 
Scottie, the tour guide, drove onto the streets of Christchurch while beginning to explain the effect of the hundreds of earthquakes that struck the city between 2010 and 2012. 70% of the city was rebuilt since that time, into the present day, in which the city has been reopened to cruise-ship passengers for its first year since. A wall of names downtown commemorates those lost. 
Free time in the city would consist of walking by that memorial and along the river. This was followed by a few moments at the botanical gardens. There is much evidence of the effect that the earthquakes had still. In the more suburban areas, less so, as the “red zone” now delineates the area in which construction cannot take place due to risks, in the event of another earthquake. This zone was quite large, and took up most of the trip on our way to the beach in Brighton. 
A few more winding roads through the jagged peninsulas wold lead to the port-city where we landed. I had a moment to stop at Eruption Brewing to down a lager on the deck. 
There was a moment in the evening, at the Vines bar, as I read the next pages of Zhivago. This was followed by another moment, as I looked out the window to see three animals, apparently, jumping through the ship’s wake. I could identify the animal in the third instance as a penguin. 
I kept drinking and eating, watched Morbius on the pool deck, and checked out the late-night dance in the atrium before calling it a night. 
The ship docked at Port Chalmers in the early morning.
Upon entering the port-city, I walked through the main city street, up through a path by the Presbyterian Church, and to a garden that house a lookout over the harbor, the dock, and city hall. Buses were ready to take passengers to the city of Dunedin. The city center is an octagon-shaped block with a road for buses going horizontally through. It was pretty early in the morning, on a Sunday, and I would need to walk the same path twice t be there for various sites’ hours of operation. These sites included the rail station, the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum, and the Chinese Garden. I visited three churches, the First Church of Otago, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and the St. Joseph Cathedral. I attended mass at St. Paul’s until the communal prayers, then walked to the St. Joseph Cathedral, just before communal prayers. 
I walked back to the octagon, and had fish and chips at a place called Social Club. This was followed by a visit to the Dunedin Public Art Gallery. This would conclude my visit to the city, as buses to the ship departed from the octagon. 
I stayed wake into the early hours of the next morning, as the DJ took over the atrium/dance floor per usual. Midnight marked the arrival of my birthday.
2/6/23 - 2/8/23
It was a rather late night, the previous night. 
Three days were spent to cross the Tasman Sea, into Australia. 
I dined at the Crown Grill for my birthday festivities. The next day’s dinner would be in the Symphony Dining Room. On the next, dinner was at the Harmony Restaurant. The food at all three locations on the ship was delectable. 
My stateroom is located near the front of the ship, which can apparently rock with the waves, as the ship presses forward. The movement could have been worse, but it did not go unnoticed. We were quite close to Tasmania on the night before we got there, and the going was pretty easy, much of the early morning consisting of cruising through the bay and into the Hobart port. 
Dawn arrives as the ship arrives in the port of Hobart. I watched the ship dock in the morning light. The groups for excursions into Tasmania are assembled in the Princess Theater. Several groups prepare to board buses to the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. I had looked into this excursion for an opportunity to see Tasmanian Devils. This was the first instance in which I had done so. There were several species native to Australia there as well, an abundance of kangaroos, some emus, birds, etc. We were bussed back towards the ship, stopping by the bridge for a photo-op across the bay from Hobart. 
The bus dropped us off at the port, there was still about six hours to walk through the city. I started west, towards the other side of the port, and out into the respective peninsula. The University of Tasmania is located there, and a little further is a residential area in which I found a hotel bar that poured me a Cascade, a native Tasmanian beer. The path would lead back towards but past the ship, through downtown Hobart past various athletics facilities, through a fallen soldiers’ memorial, to a track meet in progress. This path continued through to the botanical gardens. I would check the time to be back on the boat, stopping by the war memorial, the ANZAC eye. 
The Hobart Brewing Co. is located right next to the port, and I stop for a flavored beer. 
The last day of the cruise is a day at sea, between Tasmania and Sydney. It is a fairly good moment. I found myself on the deck at times, in the atrium as the choir sang Oklahoma!, and dining in the Allegro Dining Room that evening. I had barramundi. The Noordam cruises alongside us, I observed, as the evening continued. 
We arrived in the port of Sydney at around 5 A.M. I am ready to leave with my disembarkation group at 8 A.M. It’s a pretty good feeling, sunrise over the Sydney Opera House. I am not feeling any fatigue. The deal I booked online was a bus pass/hostel package, with plenty of distance to cover up the east coast of Australia. Accommodations are about a mile inland, near Town Hall. I dropped off my bags at the Nomads Hostel location and begin my first day of two in Sydney. Proceeding east past Town Hall is the ANZAC War Memorial and the botanical gardens. Along the path northward is the Art Gallery of New South Wales, made up of two separate buildings. There are a few nice pieces there, I’m not sure I recognized any in particular, maybe some artists here and there. I continued north through the gardens and past the Opera House again, towards the Sydney Harbor Bridge. At this moment in the day, I do not have any time constraints, but the walk over the bridge and back to the hostel took about 2 hours. It’s at this moment that I get ready to attend the performance of La Boheme at the opera house. This preparation includes the consumption of Somersby cider and jalapeño poppers at the hostel bar. 
I made the route out to take for the second and last planned day in Sydney. It was through to the west via train to to the Olympic park, and then after a walk through it, a ferry ride back to the quay. It was a pretty lengthy trek. The bus left at 7 P.M., which left me some time to visit Bondi Beach, walk around there, and take the bus and subway back to the city center where I had left my bags, and where the Greyhound bus would depart from. 
The bus ride has taken about 19 hours to Brisbane. This area of Australia is made up of national parks and Eucalyptus forests. I looked out the window for a good while until it was overwhelmingly dark outside, at which point I watched the last two episodes of the National Treasure series on my phone. Traffic increased as we approached the city of Brisbane. The Super Bowl was occurring, and I listened in. When I arrived, I walked to the Nomads hostel, and left my bags there before check-in at 3 P.M. The central business district is pretty nice, and it is fairly hot outside - I stopped by Starbucks for a refresher and an ice-water. The city is built alongside a river, and there’s a smaller arts part of the city as well on the other side of the river from the business district. This evening walk included three museums, a cozy park, and a ferris-wheel ride. I got a ticket for an evening concert - classical music, a chamber orchestra led by violinist Ilya Gringolts. I walked back to the hostel, checked in, showered, and got sushi. Then, I went to the concert. 
The Brisbane train station is one block from the hostel. I got a vending machine espresso drink from the station before departing towards the Australia Zoo. I had seen a few episodes of Crikey! It’s the Irwins before my trip started. It was a good stop to make. I went around the zoo and ended up in the middle of it, where the crocodiles were. The crocodiles were from Australia, some with backstories on display. I liked the alligators as well, and they were from the U.S.A. I got an Icee by the African savannah exhibit, where there were zebras, giraffes, and rhinos. There was a tiger feeding. I got a salad before the Crocoseum show - trained birds flying from trainer to trainer, and crocodile feeding. There was a moment to stop by the animal hospital before going back to Brisbane. I had potato gnocchi for dinner. 
It was a pretty nice, early morning. I got some fruit buns at Woolworth’s grocery store before my bus to Airlie Beach. This bus ride would take the rest of the day and the morning of the next. I got a long black from the station cafe. The Dallas Stars played, and I listened to that. I revisited some of my Youtube Music listening history from two or three years ago. This included “Moonshadow” by Cat Stevens., and “Let Me Go” by Alesso, Hailee Steinfeld, and Florida-Georgia Line. 
Once in Airlie Beach, I decided to go on a boat ride to a nearby island. This is the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef. The boat, the Camira, sailed out to Whitsunday Island. We anchored by one side of the island to snorkel, and I made use of my underwater camera in pursuit of some colorful marine life. Once anchored by another part of the island, we hiked up to a lookout over the beach, and walked down to it as well. Lunch for me was a veggie burger. I tried the Strongbow and the Great Northern Brewing Co. “Super Crisp.” In the evening would be a moment to walk through Airlie Beach - the pools, the beach, and the harbor, where I got a pizza. The hostel pool area was closed, but I sat down and almost fell asleep there.
The bus to Townsville departed at 9:50 A.M., by which time I had walked through the town again, to McDonalds, Woolworth’s and a pharmacy, where I got a pin with turtles on it, for my backpack. The bus ride there took about five hours. The bus station is linked to the ferry system between the town and Magnetic Island, where I planned to stay for two nights. I stopped by the hostel, but I had forgotten to make a reservation. The other hostel on the map was in Picnic Bay, about a mile away. I walked with a resident on the trail there. The island is pretty nice, not too populated, and I had a squash salad and a beer flight at Maggie Island Brewery - a fresh cucumber beer stood out - the last one on the flight. After that, I did the laundry, considering the hike to West Point, as it began to rain. 
Early morning, I had the cup ramen noodles I had, and waded in the pool with Louie, an Australian Shepherd. He swam across a few times, but I was preparing for my trip to Horseshoe Bay, on the other side of the island. This hike would start at the bay and go around the outer side to the north-east, down south, and towards the lookout, located closer to the center of the island, up a long flight of stairs. Adam, from the hostel, told me that I should bring carrots for the rock wallabies, if I intended on feeding them. I got these from the store at Horseshoe Bay. I walked on the trail as it presented itself, and although it was raining, I enjoyed looking at the beachfronts and flora. The informational guidepost mentioned that this island was a precautionary WWII lookout, used both by Australian and U.S.A. soldiers in that time. The lookout at the top was just two buildings. The Magnetic Island National Park entrance was nearby, where I waited for the bus. I rode to the south-eastern part of the island where the rock wallabies lived. I fed one a carrot immediately, gave one to some tourists who had scootered there, and with no other wallabies around, ate the last one. I missed the next bus back to Picnic Bay. There was a store nearby, where I got pasta, sauce, sour skittles, cheese, chips, and pineapple juice. I waited by the bus stop as the rain stopped and started again, before the next bus. I shared the pasta with some tourists from Germany. 
I woke up in time to swim at the Picnic Bay beach, and then again at the hostel pool with Louie. I took the 10 A.M. ferry back to Townsville, and walked through a memorial park. I got a pizza by the Townsville beach, and some ice cream after that. The bus to Cairns would be at 2:40 P.M., and I walked the beach for a bit, got some beers as UFC played on T.V., and wandered back to the station. It was nighttime in Cairns when I got there.
The early morning consisted of breakfast at McDonalds, by the harbor, where I boarded the Evolution to scuba-dive. The bus stopped at two different locations for diving and snorkeling. We were given some instruction on how to dive, on the way there.I opted to dive twice. The first time I dove, a fellow diver, Josephine, and I linked arms with an instructor. We descended, and some things that stood out to me were the shark, and a fish that followed me about the size of my upper body. After the dive, I snorkeled. The ship, the Evolution, moved to its next location, the North Hastings Reef. This location had more coral, and we dove in a group of five, including the instructor. We saw a few more colorful fish, a few giant clams, sea cucumbers, and two more sharks. Both dives were about 15-20 minutes. I snorkeled again, after removing the self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. I saw a turtle, a lone jellyfish, and a few fish by the boat that looked like Dory from Finding Nemo. The ship made its way back to Cairns, where I received my PADI certificate for my dive. I stopped by a restaurant for some fried seafood and a XXXX beer, then got some gelato, proceeding to walk the length of the beach and turn around towards the hostel.
I opted not to go to the rainforest/gondola-trip nearby, where I was aware of a koala sanctuary. I got a falafel wrap, and proceeded to the Cairns Aquarium. It was a good way to wind down the trip, looking at the fish and turtles. I looked into the Carins Turtle Rehabilitation Centre, where we saw two turtles. Carlotta was missing a left flipper, and was adjusting to swim without it. There was another turtle that had a balance issue due to one of the pressure systems in the head. I went back to Gilligan’s for the afternoon, and went to the pool. I drank a lot that evening, and got drinks for some of my roommates. 
My flight home would be at 6:10 P.M., and I walked all the way to the airport from the hostel, through the inner city instead of the beach, and through the Cairns Botanic Gardens and rainforest. I got there at around 2 P.M. I got some food and beer, a few mementos from the airport shop, and boarded the flight to Singapore. I would arrive there at around 11:00 P.M. 
Early morning, and I have gotten on a train to the city, but I mistook which stop to transfer, and was stranded, as that was the last train. I exited the station and waved down a cab. I explained what I wanted to do in Singapore, and he took me where I wanted to go. We stopped first by the Gardens by the Bay, where the park structures were unlit. I ran around the park for a bit, then we proceeded to a lookout, where the Sands, the harbor, and the dam between the river and the sea were visible. We drove through the inner city, and stopped at Little India to eat. I had seafood noodles, the driver had an egg dish. We had some coffee, and I was not allowed to pay for the meal. The driver stopped by to get gas, as we went back to the airport. My flight would leave from Terminal 3. Most of the airport was closed, but I went to the Jewel and fell asleep in there for a few hours, where the waterfall would run, but was not for the night hours. A few more hours would conclude the trip. 
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“Brazil will import about 700,000 boxes of Chilean cherries in this campaign”
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Three days before the start of the new year, Chilean cherry shipments registered a rise in the Brazilian market. “To date, Brazil has imported 630,000 boxes of cherries. By the same date of the previous season, it had imported 450,000 boxes,” stated Julio Cesar Zanardi, founder of Garden Fruit, one of Brazil's largest fruit importers.
Chilean exporters have increased the volume exported by trucks to closer and more economical destinations, such as Brazil, due to the logistical crisis and the increase in freight and costs. Importers are betting on popularizing the consumption of this fruit in summer.
Zanardi says that Chile has been sending cherries to Brazil for years, but that there's been an increase in the volumes shipped in the 2022-23 campaign because of Chile's increased production. “Up until today, our company has received 190,000 five-kilo boxes versus the 105,000 boxes we had received in the previous season. Thus, we project that we will reach 220,000 boxes, versus the previous 110,000,” Zanardi stated. “Brazil will import about 700,000 boxes of Chilean cherries in this campaign, i.e. almost 35% more than the 520,000 boxes that it imported in the previous season.”
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eximpedia1 · 15 hours
Start Fruit Export Business from India
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India's fruit sector is experiencing significant growth, presenting enormous opportunities for exporters. From exotic kiwis to delectable mangoes, a world of flavor awaits discovery. India's diverse environment and long history of agriculture make it a catalyst in fruit production. With high demand for premium fruits in countries like the US, Europe, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and others, exporting fruits from India can be a lucrative business venture. However, navigating the fruit export industry requires a thorough understanding and strategic planning.
This comprehensive guide will outline 10 essential steps to start fruit export from India, provide up-to-date industry insights, share fruit export data, highlight top Indian fruit exporters, and analyze the top 10 fruit exporting nations.
Is the Fruit Export Business Profitable?
India, the world's second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables after China, offers a wide range of premium exotic and sweet fruits, making fruit exports a profitable commercial venture. India produces an impressive variety of fruits, including mangoes, bananas, papayas, oranges, apricots, grapes, strawberries, apples, guavas, and litchis. Additionally, India's lower production costs compared to other countries make it a successful investment for exporters.
Fruit Export from India: Key Stats & Facts
India's fruit export industry is thriving. In the fiscal year 2022-2023, the country exported 674,291.70 metric tons (MT) of fresh fruits, excluding grapes and mangoes, worth Rs. 2,736.99 crores, or approximately 339.00 million USD. Projections indicate that by 2024, the gross production value of fruit exports from India will reach USD 41.19 billion. India produces a wide range of fruits, such as bananas, pomegranates, grapes, and mangoes, making it one of the world's largest fruit exporters.
Which Fruits Does India Export the Most?
India produces a wide variety of mangoes, each with a unique flavor, aroma, and texture. The Alphonso mango, known as "Hapus," is particularly prized for its rich, creamy texture and sweet flavor with hints of citrus. Mangoes are in great demand not only in India but also in the Middle East, Europe, and the US.
Despite being the world's largest producer of bananas, India's export share is still growing. India also exports processed banana products like dried bananas, chips, and puree, which are used in various cuisines worldwide.
Known as the "jewels of winter," pomegranates are one of the most widely exported fruits from India. The main export markets for this fruit include Greece, Israel, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and Italy.
Indian apples, known for their crisp and nutritional qualities, are exported to Bangladesh, Nepal, and the Middle East, though they are mostly consumed domestically. Varieties include Green Apple, Pink Lady Apple, Fuji Apple, Gala Apple, Honeycrisp Apple, Envy Apple, and Red Apple.
Oranges are in high demand worldwide due to their versatility. Popular Indian orange cultivars include Dancy, Nagpur Santra, Coorg Santra, Kinnow Mandarin, and Darjeeling Mandarin. Oranges are used in perfumes, cosmetics, and as a flavoring and component in food.
Major Fruit Exporters in India
India has numerous well-known fruit exporters, including:
Pisum Foods
Indian Farmers Export (IFE Fruits & Vegetables)
Radha Krishan Fruit Company
Jadli Foods India
Mahindra Agri
Balaji Foods Pvt Ltd
Dhanuka Agritech Ltd
Vardhan Exports Pvt Ltd
Golden Agri Exports Pvt Ltd
Vajreshwari Enterprises And Corp
These companies are leading the way in exporting bananas, oranges, pomegranates, mangoes, and grapes. The Indian government's active support for this industry has solidified India's position as a significant player in the global fruit market.
Key Strategies to Export Fruit from India
1. Establish an Export Firm
Before diving into the specifics of fruit export from India, establishing a proper export company is crucial. This involves:
Company Registration: Choose between a private limited corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.
Registrar of Companies (ROC): Register your firm.
Import Export Code (IEC): Obtain an IEC from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), which certifies your business as an approved exporter.
2. Select the Fruits for Export
Choosing the right product for export is the most critical step in starting a fruit import-export business. Consider factors like export quantities, values, and updated fruit export data. Utilize data-driven platforms to gain real-time insights on fruit export data, a list of fruits for export from India, fruit HS codes, and top fruit export companies in India. Opt for fruits with a longer shelf life, as exporting to other nations may take time.
3. Compliance and Documentation
Ensure compliance with all necessary registrations and licenses, such as APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) and the Import Export Code (IEC). Accurate and complete documentation is essential, including commercial invoices, origin certificates, and phytosanitary certifications.
4. Obtain a Reliable Fruit Exporter List
Accessing trustworthy fruit export data is essential for making informed decisions. Eximpedia offers valuable insights for navigating the global fruit trade. Benefits include:
Market Trends: Analyze real-time fruit export data to identify trends in fruit prices, demand, and popular locations.
Competitor Analysis: Understand competitors' export operations, including the types of fruits they ship, target markets, and shipment volumes.
Finding Potential Buyers: Connect with potential fruit buyers in target markets and find reputable or updated fruit exporters in India.
Final Words
India's fruit export industry is booming, with fruits like pineapples, dragon fruits, strawberries, guavas, litchis, papayas, sapotas (chikoo), jackfruits, pears, ber, amla, and coconuts in high demand worldwide. The fruits discussed in this article are some of the most popular exported from India. With a wide range of fruit options and stronger international trade ties, India's fruit export industry continues to flourish.
Suppose you are a new exporter looking to get started. In that case, Eximpedia can help you explore the list of fruit export from India, fruit exporters in India, top fruit export companies in India, or updated fruit export data. Connect today and book a free live demo to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions for your export business.
India's fruit export industry is thriving, and with the right strategies and resources, you can successfully navigate this lucrative market and contribute to India's growing presence in the global fruit trade.
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johnthejacobs · 3 days
Mohan Meakin Share Price Hits Record High
In a remarkable turn of events, Mohan Meakin Limited (MML) has witnessed Mohan Meakin Share Price reach an all-time high. This significant milestone highlights the company’s impressive performance and robust market position of Mohan Meakin Share Price. Investors and market analysts alike are keenly observing this trend, as it signals potential growth and stability for the conglomerate. Mohan Meakin Limited (MML) is a major conglomerate that originated with Asia's first brewery, focusing primarily on the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The company's alcoholic product line includes whiskies, beers, brandies, gins, rums, and vodka, while its non-alcoholic offerings consist of apple juices, brewed and non-fruit vinegars, mineral water, and breakfast foods such as corn flakes, wheat porridge, wheat flakes, wheat dalia, and malt extracts.
As a pioneer in the liquor industry, Mohan Meakin has made consistent progress, establishing breweries and distilleries across various regions of India. The company also exports its products, including beer, rum, whisky, brandy, and gin, to numerous countries such as the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Singapore, Qatar, Germany, Kenya, Ukraine, Russia, Hong Kong, Oman, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Estonia.
Mohan Meakin's manufacturing sites are located in Solan, Kasauli, Mohangram, MohanNagar, Bhankarpur, and Lucknow. The company was founded by Edward Dyer in 1855 (although its origins date back even earlier) in Kasauli, nestled in the Himalayan Mountains of India, under the name Dyer Breweries.
In 1935, the company changed its name from Dyer Meakin & Co. Ltd. to Dyer Meakin Breweries Ltd., separating its Burma Brewery assets and liabilities. The name was subsequently changed to Mohan Meakin Breweries Ltd. in 1966 and finally to Mohan Meakin Ltd. in 1980, now known as Mohan Meakin Limited.
Company Background
A Historic Legacy
Mohan Meakin Limited, a name synonymous with India's brewing and beverage industry, has a storied history dating back to the establishment of Asia's first brewery. Founded in the late 19th century, the company has evolved into a major player in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Diverse Portfolio
Today, Mohan Meakin’s portfolio includes some of the most renowned brands in the beverage industry. The company produces a wide range of products, including:
Old Monk Rum: A legendary brand that has a loyal customer base both in India and abroad.
Golden Eagle Beer: One of the oldest and most trusted beer brands in the country.
Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Including fruit juices and mineral water, catering to a broad consumer base.
Factors Contributing to the Share Price Surge
Strong Financial Performance
Mohan Meakin’s recent financial performance has been robust, with impressive revenue growth and profitability. The company's ability to maintain consistent earnings, even amidst challenging market conditions, has played a crucial role in boosting investor confidence.
Strategic Expansion
The company’s strategic expansion into new markets and product segments has also contributed to its share price growth. By diversifying its product offerings and entering new geographic regions, Mohan Meakin has managed to capture a larger market share and drive higher sales volumes.
Market Conditions
Current market conditions have been favorable for Mohan Meakin. With a growing middle class and increasing disposable incomes, the demand for quality alcoholic beverages has surged. Additionally, the company has benefited from the overall bullish sentiment in the stock market, which has driven up share prices across various sectors.
Future Outlook
Continued Growth Prospects
Analysts are optimistic about Mohan Meakin’s future prospects. The company’s strong brand recognition, combined with its ongoing efforts to innovate and expand, positions it well for continued growth. Future plans to introduce new products and further penetrate international markets are expected to drive sustained revenue growth and it also plans to come up with Mohan Meakin IPO soon.
Potential Challenges
Despite the positive outlook, Mohan Meakin faces potential challenges. These include regulatory changes in the alcoholic beverage industry, increased competition, and economic uncertainties. However, the company’s strong fundamentals and adaptive strategies are likely to mitigate these risks.
Mohan Meakin Limited’s share price hitting a record high is a testament to the company’s enduring legacy, strategic vision, and robust market performance. As it continues to navigate the evolving market landscape, the company remains well-positioned to achieve further success and deliver value to its shareholders. Investors looking for a solid and historic player in the beverage industry would do well to keep an eye on Mohan Meakin’s journey.
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findjobseasy · 3 months
[ad_1] Job title: Logistics Coordinator/Junior Logistics Manager/Administrator Company: Finovate People Job description: Our client, in the fruit export industry, is looking for a Logistics Coordinator/Junior Logistics Manager/Administrator... a Logistics Coordinator/Supervisor role. Experience within the fruit export industry is an added advantage. DUTIES Logistics... Expected salary: R20000 - 30000 per month Location: Paarl, Western Cape Job date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 23:42:39 GMT Apply for the job now! [ad_2]
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chemicalresearch12 · 8 months
Evolving Dynamics: Ethylene Market's 4.09% CAGR Story
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According to the ChemAnalyst report titled "Global Ethylene Market Analysis: Plant Capacity, Production, Operating Efficiency, Demand & Supply, End-User Industries, Sales Channel, Regional Demand, Foreign Trade, Company Share, 2015-2035," the ethylene market is poised for significant expansion and is expected to reach 260 million tonnes by 2035. This growth is anticipated to occur at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.09% during the forecast period. The increasing demand for ethylene across various end-use industries, including Polyethylene, Ethylene Oxide, Ethylene Dichloride, Ethylene Benzene, and others, is expected to drive the demand for ethylene in the years to come, with the polyethylene manufacturing sector leading the global ethylene market.
>> Click Here To Read Full Report: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/ethylene-market-638
Ethylene is a colorless gas with a fruity smell and is produced through the steam-cracking process of feedstocks such as ethane and naphtha. This process involves pyrolysis, which is highly endothermic and occurs at temperatures around 750 degrees Celsius. Ethylene finds applications in various industries, including agriculture, chemical synthesis, and as a refrigerant in petrochemical industries and a fuel gas in welding and cutting processes. In agriculture, it is used to ripen fruits such as tomatoes, bananas, and mangoes.
The primary driver of the global ethylene market is the polyethylene industry. Polyethylene is known for its excellent chemical and abrasion resistance, low friction coefficient, lightweight properties, and minimal water absorption. It is widely used in the food and beverage sector for packaging, including grocery bags, toys, cable insulation, squeeze bottles, cups, bowls, and housewares. The increasing urban population and the growing demand for ready-to-eat products are expected to boost the polyethylene market, driving the demand for ethylene. Additionally, ethylene is used as a precursor for the synthesis of ethylene oxide, which is used to produce compounds such as (mono)ethylene glycol and ethylene amines.
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iranianfoods · 8 months
Date Suppliers in Iran
Date suppliers in Iran often offer different types of dates to the market. Choosing the best type of dates depends on the needs and preferences of customers and target markets.
Date production is one of the most important agricultural and marketed products in Iran. This product is rich in nutrients and is healthy. Dates also serve as an important source of income for farmers and suppliers in Iran.
History of dates in Iran
The date is a fruit that farmers have cultivated in Iran since ancient times. The long history of this fruit has a deep and cultural meaning. Iran has achieved world fame in this field as one of the date-producing countries.
Variety of dates
One of the most special characteristics of dates in Iran is their variety. Any type of dates you need are in the Iranian market. Below are some of their types.
Mazafati dates: One of the most famous types of dates. Mazafati dates have a dark color and sweet taste.
Zahedi dates: Zahedi dates with semi-transparent skin and sweet taste are usually produced in Fars province and southern Iran. These dates are popular for eating as well as making jam and sweets.
Piarom date: This type of date is grown in Hormozgan province and has brown skin.
Kabkab date: Kabkab date with black skin and sweet taste is one of the most famous products of Bushehr and Fars province.
Harvesting dates in Iran
Summer and autumn are harvest seasons of dates in Iran. In fact, date harvesting ends an important phase of the growth and development of this product. This may cause damage by delay or inaccuracy in harvesting time. In the following, there are explanations about the date harvesting season in Iran:
Summer season: Depending on the type of dates planted and the production area, date harvesting starts in parts of summer. At this stage, the dates are not yet fully ripe. Depending on the type and purpose of consumption, they may be used as sweet dates or sour dates.
Autumn season: Farmers harvest most Iranian dates in the autumn season. At this stage, the dates are fully ripe and sweet enough. Harvesting dates in the fall usually last from late August to October.
Harvesting methods: They harvest dates by manual and mechanized methods. In Iran, the manual method is usually more popular. The workers go to the top of the trees and separate the dates from the tree in clusters. The factory separates each date seed from the cluster in a hygienic way.
Packaging and distribution: After harvesting, the dates must reach the stage of packaging and storage. Dates are mainly transported in special boxes or packages to protect them from damage and spoilage. Then they are distributed to domestic and foreign markets.
Export: Iran is one of the largest exporters of dates in the world, and the successful harvest of this product has an important impact on international markets. As an important source of income for the country, the export of dates reaches its peak during the harvest season.
Date Suppliers in Iran
Date suppliers in Iran play an important role in providing and supplying this vital product. As one of the world's most reliable date-producing countries, Iran has many suppliers who supply quality date products to domestic and foreign markets. As a supplier, we have the best relationship with the best producers in Iran, mainly in Hormozgan, Fars, Sistan Baluchestan, and Khuzestan.
To get the best and highest quality dates from Iran, consider Benmary Foods. Benmary Foods is a reliable trading company and supplier in the field of dates and dried fruits in Iran. This company is famous for its high experience and expertise in supplying quality date products for domestic and foreign markets.
With Benmary Foods, you can be sure that you get high-quality and authentic dates from Iran. As one of the leaders in the date supply industry in Iran, this company serves its customers well around the world with its commitment to quality and unparalleled services.
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farzanatradingcompany · 9 months
The Complete Guide to Choosing the Top Fruits and Vegetable Exporter in the UAE
One company stands out for its dedication to quality, sustainability, and international excellence in the thriving United Arab Emirates (UAE) export industry: Farzana Fruits & Vegetables Exporter. This UAE-based exporter has developed a reputation for excellence in the fruits and vegetable industry because to years of effort and a strong bond with the land. We shall examine Farzana Fruits & vegetables Exporter in UAE incredible journey and contributions to the UAE's agricultural and export scene in this blog.
A dedication to excellence
A firm dedication to quality is at the core of Farzana Fruits & Vegetables Exporter's success. Produce is sourced from carefully chosen UAE farms that are renowned for upholding the highest standards of quality.
The UAE's Blessing
A rich tapestry of produce is produced by the UAE's unique agricultural landscape, which ranges from date palms in the oases to sophisticated hydroponic greenhouses. It is crucial for Farzana to show off this diversity to the world. They ensure that consumers around the world may enjoy the flavours of the UAE by exporting a broad variety of fruits and vegetables, including dates, citrus fruits, and unusual types.
Responsible and sustainable export strategies
Many fruit and vegetable exporters from the UAE are dedicated to ethical and sustainable business practises. They collaborate with regional farmers that practise eco-friendly farming techniques, encourage the use of less plastic packaging, and prioritise the reduction of food waste. Such actions support the international sustainability agenda.
Assisting regional farmers
Farzana actively assists regional farmers in the UAE in addition to exporting. They give these growers worthwhile market opportunities, supporting the nation's agricultural industry and fostering domestic economic growth.
To sum up, Farzana Fruits & Vegetables Exporter is more than simply a company; it is a representation of the UAE's dedication to quality and sustainability in the agricultural export industry. They have become a well-known brand on the international market thanks to their commitment to quality, wide range of available products, and ethical business practises. Farzana not only shares the UAE's abundance with the globe, but it also helps local farmers and improves food security in the country.
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businesspr · 9 months
Sustainable Practices in Mulberry Farming
Mulberry Market, a term that resonates with both tradition and modernity, is much more than just a collection of sweet, juicy berries. It's a thriving industry with a rich history, and it's poised for a fruitful future. In this comprehensive article, we delve deep into the Mulberry Market, exploring its origins, current trends, economic significance, and the myriad opportunities it offers. Whether you're a seasoned investor or simply curious about the world of berries, join us as we embark on this juicy journey through the Mulberry Market.
Request Sample Report: https://marketresearch.biz/report/mulberry-market/request-sample/
Mulberry Market: A Brief Overview
Mulberries, those delightful little bursts of sweetness, have been a part of human cultivation for centuries. They belong to the Morus genus and are known for their distinctive flavor and nutritional benefits. Mulberries come in various colors, with red and white varieties being the most common.
Key Market Segments
By Product Type
Small Leather Goods
By Distribution Channel
Retail Stores
E-commerce Platforms
Travel Retail
Online Marketplaces
By Form
Companies - Industry Segment Outlook
Bolt Threads
Silk Road Holdings
Body Shop
Sunrise Agriland Development & Research Pvt. Ltd.
Top Line Foods
Peony Food Products
Yaban Food
Ken Muir Ltd
Sevenhills Wholefoods
Nans Products
Xian Yuensun Biological Technology Co. Ltd.
The Historical Roots of Mulberry Cultivation
Mulberries have a storied history, with their cultivation dating back to ancient civilizations. In this section, we explore how Mulberry Market's roots trace back to:
1. Ancient China: The Cradle of Mulberry Cultivation
In ancient China, mulberries were revered not only for their delicious taste but also for their role in silkworm rearing. The mulberry leaves served as the primary food source for silkworms, a crucial step in silk production.
2. The Silk Road Connection
The Silk Road facilitated the exchange of goods and cultures across continents. Mulberries found their way to Europe along this ancient trade route, introducing the fruit to new regions.
3. Renaissance Europe: The Mulberry Craze
In Renaissance Europe, mulberries gained popularity among royalty and the aristocracy. King James I of England even attempted to promote mulberry cultivation to support the silk industry.
The Mulberry Market Today
Fast forward to the present day, and Mulberry Market has evolved into a diverse and dynamic industry. Let's explore its current landscape, including:
4. Mulberries as Superfoods
Mulberries have made a resurgence as superfoods, packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Their health benefits have propelled them into the spotlight of the wellness industry.
5. Commercial Mulberry Farming
Commercial cultivation of mulberries has seen remarkable growth, with dedicated farms catering to both fresh fruit and processing industries.
6. Mulberry Products Galore
The market now boasts a plethora of mulberry-based products, from jams and wines to skincare items, capitalizing on the fruit's versatility.
Economic Significance of the Mulberry Market
The Mulberry Market isn't just about delicious berries; it's a robust economic player. Here's why it matters:
7. Employment Opportunities
Mulberry cultivation and processing provide employment opportunities in both rural and urban areas, contributing to livelihoods worldwide.
8. Export Potential
Mulberry products, particularly silk and textiles, have significant export potential, boosting international trade.
9. Supporting Sericulture
The silk industry heavily relies on mulberry leaves, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these markets.
Purchase Report: https://marketresearch.biz/purchase-report/?report_id=4962
Challenges and Innovations
Like any industry, the Mulberry Market faces its share of challenges. However, innovation is key to overcoming them:
10. Pests and Diseases
Mulberry trees are susceptible to pests and diseases. Research and development in pest management are crucial for sustainable farming.
11. Sustainable Farming Practices
The shift towards sustainable farming practices, such as organic mulberry cultivation, is gaining momentum.
12. Biotechnology and Crop Improvement
Advancements in biotechnology offer promising solutions, including disease-resistant mulberry varieties.
Mulberry Market Trends: What's Hot and What's Not
To stay ahead in the Mulberry Market, it's essential to keep an eye on emerging trends:
13. Mulberries in Functional Foods
Mulberries are finding their way into functional foods, including protein bars and supplements, catering to health-conscious consumers.
14. Mulberry Varietal Exploration
Exploration of different mulberry varieties is creating opportunities for unique flavor profiles and culinary experiences.
15. Sustainable Packaging
Sustainability is at the forefront, with eco-friendly packaging solutions gaining traction.
Investment Opportunities
Are you considering investing in the Mulberry Market? Here's what you need to know:
16. High ROI Potential
Investors are drawn to the Mulberry Market's high return on investment, particularly in silk production and value-added products.
17. Diversification Benefits
Diversifying your portfolio with Mulberry Market investments can help mitigate risks associated with other industries.
18. Market Analysis Tools
Utilize market analysis tools to identify growth areas and make informed investment decisions.
Mulberry Market Around the Globe
The Mulberry Market isn't confined to a single region. Let's explore its global presence:
19. Asia: The Mulberry Hub
Asia, particularly China and India, remains at the forefront of mulberry cultivation and silk production.
20. Europe: A Growing Market
Europe is experiencing a resurgence in mulberry cultivation, driven by health-conscious consumers.
21. North America: Exploring New Frontiers
Mulberry farming is gaining ground in North America, presenting exciting opportunities for growers.
Report Enquiry Link: https://marketresearch.biz/report/mulberry-market/#inquiry
FAQs About the Mulberry Market
Q: Are mulberries only used for consumption?
A: No, mulberries have diverse applications, including textiles, cosmetics, and even medicinal uses.
Q: What is the nutritional value of mulberries?
A: Mulberries are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, making them a nutritious choice.
Q: How can I invest in the Mulberry Market?
A: You can explore investment options such as mulberry farms, silk production, or mulberry-based product manufacturing.
Q: Is organic mulberry farming a sustainable practice?
A: Yes, organic mulberry farming focuses on sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Q: What are some emerging trends in the Mulberry Market?
A: Emerging trends include mulberries in functional foods, sustainable packaging, and varietal exploration.
Q: Which countries are the largest players in the Mulberry Market?
A: China, India, and several European countries are significant contributors to the Mulberry Market.
The Mulberry Market is a captivating blend of tradition and innovation, offering a bounty of opportunities. Whether you're a consumer seeking nutritional benefits, an investor looking for high returns, or simply someone intrigued by the world of mulberries, this market has something sweet for everyone. As we continue to explore the evolving landscape of the Mulberry Market, remember that its roots run deep, and its future is ripe with potential. So, let's savor the journey through the delicious, lucrative world of Mulberry Market.
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shristisahu · 9 months
Top 5 Olive Oil Companies in the World
Originally Published on: SpendEdge |Top 5 Olive Oil Manufacturers Around the World
Olive oil, a liquid fat derived from olives, is widely used in cooking and has gained popularity due to its health benefits and culinary versatility. The cultivation of olive trees has ancient origins, dating back to the 8th millennium BC in the Mediterranean basin. The global olive oil market is subject to strict regulations, primarily overseen by the International Olive Council (IOC), which governs approximately 90%–95% of global production. Commercially, olive oil is categorized based on its acidity, measured by the weight of free oleic acid in a specific quantity. Various types of olive oil are available in the market, including virgin olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, refined olive oil, and olive pomace oil. SpendEdge's procurement market intelligence report on the global olive oil market emphasizes the increasing trend of adopting healthier dietary habits in both developed and emerging economies, which serves as a significant driver for market growth. Additionally, the report profiles the top global olive oil manufacturers.
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If you are, SpendEdge is the ideal partner for you. Our procurement market intelligence solutions have assisted sourcing teams in managing multiple spending areas and achieving savings exceeding $2 billion.
Top 5 Global Olive Oil Manufacturers
Deoleo is a Spanish multinational corporation that holds a prominent position in global bottled olive oil sales. The company distributes its products to over 60 countries and maintains a diverse product portfolio featuring 40 brands, including Carbonell, Carapelli, Bertolli, and Sasso. Deoleo also owns leading brands in the seed oil market in Italy and Spain, along with a substantial presence in the dressings, vinegar, and table olives segments. Among its brands, Carbonell is the leading olive oil brand in Spain and records the highest sales figures among all Spanish olive oil brands.
Sovena is a notable agri-processor that operates across the entire olive oil value chain, covering production through distribution. In addition to olive oil, Sovena manufactures olives, soaps, and cooking oils, categorizing its business divisions into consumer goods, oilseeds, agriculture, and biodiesel. This olive oil manufacturer markets its oil products under various brand names, including Oliviera Da Serra, Andorinha, Fula, Olivari, Gem, Tri-Fri, Clarim, Vege, and Fontoliva. In 2016, Sovena's Oliveira Da Serra brand developed a marketing and distribution strategy to expand its presence in China and Russia, further strengthening its global market footprint.
Borges Mediterranean Group is a global food processing enterprise known for its expertise in industrial processing, packaging, and marketing of seeds, olive oil, dried fruits, and vinegar. The company maintains an extensive network of distribution and transportation agents, exporting its products to over 120 countries and generating revenues exceeding $820 million. Apart from olive oil, Borges offers a wide range of products, including pastas, sauces, olives, vinegars, vinaigrettes, nuts, and balsamic condiments.
Minerva is one of Greece's largest food companies and olive oil manufacturers, specializing in olive oil production and cheese manufacturing. The company exports its products to 42 major countries. Minerva engages in the manufacturing and distribution of products such as virgin olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegars, and gourmet cheeses. In 2014, Minerva was awarded the Food Safety & Quality Management System Certification for its facilities located in Schimatari and Piraeus, Greece.
Gallo is a leading Portuguese-based olive oil business with extensive experience in collaborating with olive tree growers, mill owners, research experts, and quality control professionals. Boasting over 90 years of expertise in olive oil production, the company adheres to stringent quality standards and collaborates closely with olive tree growers, experts, mills, and researchers to continually enhance its product offerings. Gallo has received numerous accolades for its excellence in olive oil manufacturing, including awards from the Concurso Internacional de Aceites de Olivia Virgen, Copenhagen International Olive Oil Awards, iTQi Superior Taste Award, and Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil, among others.
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ussweetners · 11 months
Panela Sugar Bulk Raw Cane Sugar
Consider the sugar wholesale available as confectioners, gentle brown or dark brown choices best for sweetening drinks and perfecting baked meals in coffee retailers, eating places, beverage establishments, and bakeries. Find unlimited sugar wholesale options, together with molasses, maple products, honey, powdered honey, fruit juice syrups, and extra. Find savory sugar wholesale infusions corresponding to sweet onion, strawberry, expresso sugars, and chili sugars good for including flavor and taste to desserts, meals, and beverages. If you’re on the lookout for sugar in bulk portions, you’ve come to the proper place.
We have discovered there are three major methods most people find reliable sugar suppliers. Produce unique food and dessert products with colored powdered sugar or fine-colored sugar. We present quite a bulk sugar supplier lot of colored sugar crystals and powdered sugar that is good for decorating desserts and baked items. Muscovado sugar provides a rich molasses flavor and dark brown shade to brownies and fruit muffins.
Our customers embrace some of the largest manufacturers on the planet; they belief us to be certainly one of their key companions and in return we ship quality products with the high level of service they anticipate. US Sweeteners is considered one of the greatest wholesale sugar wholesalers in the United States, and presents the widest range of sugar variations. For the convenience of customers, they've distribution sites located all through the United States. Spreckels has been delivering sugar products to customers and customers for over a hundred years, with high quality and customer service as top priorities. Bulk sugar is essential to food and beverage producers as a end result of it allows them to purchase massive portions of sugar at a cheaper price than in the occasion that they have been to buy smaller portions.
Sugar is a commodity that requires consideration and forecasting, a ability that Aspen Sales Group has mastered through years of expertise resulting in distinctive customer satisfaction and retention. With ever altering market developments, provide and adjustments in international forex it's imperative to commit fixed time and a spotlight to the global sugar market to serve our prospects. Other candy sugars like dry fondant, invert, and satin-set icing, are perfect for creating your candies and icings. We provide sweet sugars in wholesale 50-pound portions for all of your candy treats. Our focus is your convenience – order online out of your laptop computer, desktop, or smartphone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In the coming years, Enoxu hopes to provide the world’s prime meals and beverage companies with high-quality sugar. The executives envision Enoxu becoming a globally acknowledged sugar firm main the availability of sugar. CSC Sugar has been a substantial supplier to US uncooked sugar refineries and one of the leading importers and exporters of refined sugar to and from North America since its establishment. Al Khaleej Sugar, primarily based in Dubai’s Jebel Ali district, has a current production capacity of 6,000 tonnes of refined white sugar per day and employs round 800 folks. California Cane Sugar Inc, is a global distributor of high quality cane sugar for over 10 years. Over the years, we have efficiently exported our cane sugar, together with Dolca cane sugar, to various locations worldwide, including the European Union, the Middle East, and other world locations.
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For this purpose, dates are further dehydrated after which floor into powder. Ragus Sugars Manufacturing Ltd supplies a comprehensive service, and most sustainable sources to produce a various vary of sugar merchandise and deliver on-time and in-full to clients worldwide. Sign up on Tradewheel.com and browse through a massive directory filled with the top wholesale sugar distributors from the USA, Europe, South Africa, and all over dextrose liquid the world. Over the years, these exporters have assisted several companies in improving their supply chains. You can immediately connect with your favourite dealers or publish a free RFQ, and they will contact you with their best-priced offers personalized according to your needs.
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vergergroup · 2 years
What does Saudi import the most?
What comes to mind when you hear the word "Saudi Arabia"? Do you think of deserts, camels, and oil reserves? Or think of the world's biggest market for Middle Eastern goods! In this blog article, I'll give you an overview of what Saudi imports have and their effect on global trade and the economy. 
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Saudi Arabia is one of the most important oil-producing countries in the world. It's also a major global importer of goods. In 2008, Saudi Arabia imported $861 billion of goods, making it the ninth-largest importer in the world. That makes Saudi Arabia one of the most important markets in the world for goods from across the Middle East and North Africa.
Some of Saudi Arabia's top imports include oil and gas products, technology, medical supplies, and automobiles. These imports have a significant impact on global trade and the economy. For example, oil exports make up about 10 percent of Saudi Arabia's GDP. Automobiles are a big part of this; they account for about 30 percent of exports. That has had a significant impact on the global automotive industry, which is struggling to adjust to new trends in the market.
Overall, Saudi Arabia's imports significantly impact global trade and the economy. They play an essential role in bringing goods from all over the world to Saudi Arabia and worldwide consumers.
What is Saudi Arabia's main import?
According to the World Bank, Saudi Arabia imports the crudest oil, followed by machinery and equipment. The country imports many other items, including foodstuffs, chemicals, textiles, and vehicles. 
Saudi Arabia is one of the world's leading oil producers, and its economy heavily depends on exports. The country has also become a significant player in the global marketplace for other goods and services. 
How to enter in Saudi Arabia Market with Verger Group
If you're looking to import goods into Saudi Arabia, the process has become much easier thanks to the Verger Group. By getting in touch with the Verger Group and obtaining a Saber certificate, you can streamline the import process and make it much simpler. The Saber certificate is an essential document for anyone looking to import goods into Saudi Arabia, so getting in touch with the Verger Group is a great first step.
Saudi imports the most oil
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest oil exporter in the world, and it also imports the most goods. In 2014, Saudi Arabia imported $441.5 billion of goods, accounting for nearly half of its total exports. The top five items that Saudi Arabia imported were crude oil (29 percent of total imports), petroleum products (24 percent), foodstuffs (17 percent), aircraft parts and equipment (8 percent), and vehicles (7 percent).
Saudi imports olive oil, carob, and almond oil
Saudi Arabia is one of the world's top importers of olive oil, carob, and almond oil. These three oils are used in a variety of recipes across the Middle East and around the world. Saudi imports these oils to meet its citizens' needs and provide economic stability for the country. In 2016, Saudi imports of olive oil amounted to 1.5 million tons, carob oil 1.2 million tons, and almond oil 680,000 tons. These amounts represent a 6 percent increase from 2015 levels. 
The Saudi government has invested in various initiatives to promote the use of these oils domestically and internationally. For example, the Saudi Olive Council was created to help increase the production of olive oil and other agricultural products. The council works with companies and organizations to develop new recipes and sell products nationally and internationally. The Saudi Ministry of Trade also established an export promotion centre for these oils to help increase demand from foreign markets. These efforts are likely responsible for the increasing popularity of these oils in Saudi Arabia and worldwide.
Saudi imports fruit juices, raisins, and dates
According to the latest data from the Saudi Statistical Agency, Riyadh's top imports in 2016 were fruit juices, raisins, and dates. These products accounted for 30 percent of the country's total value of all exports. The second most popular item was petroleum products, which comprised 25 percent of exports. Other top exports included steel products (20 percent), chemicals (19 percent), and vehicles and parts (14 percent).
The data shows that Riyadh's main export partners are Germany (22 percent of total exports), the United States (16 percent), China (12 percent), Japan (11 percent), France (10 percent), and Italy (10 percent). The central destination countries for Saudi exports are Germany, China, the United States, Japan, France, and Italy.
Saudi imports tea
Since the 1970s, Saudi Arabia has been importing tea to meet domestic demand. The country is currently the world's sixth-largest tea importer, with total imports of 1,000 metric tons in 2013. Tea is one of the most popular import commodities for Saudi Arabia, as both the private and official sectors enjoy it.
The leading tea suppliers to Saudi Arabia are China, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Turkey. India supplies around 71% of all Saudi tea imports, while China constitutes around 15%. The remaining supplier countries account for a combined 10%.
 Tea production in these countries ranges from 3,000 metric tons to 6 million metric tons annually. However, due to concerns over quality and pesticide residues in some of these products, Saudi Arabia has increasingly been turning to imported teas. In 2012 alone, imported teas accounted for 46% of all tea consumed in the kingdom.
What does Saudi import the most? That's a question we asked our team of researchers, and they came back with some interesting findings. Surprisingly, the top two imports from Saudi Arabia are crude oil and medical devices. Saudis are big consumers of both goods, likely due to the high price of oil and the popularity of medical treatments in the country. 
Saudi Arabia imported $64.5 billion worth of goods in 2017. That decreased from 2016, when the country imported $68.4 billion of goods. However, it's still impressive and shows that Saudi Arabia remains a major player in the global market.
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woodfinder8754 · 2 years
Location Tackle Details Sedz Beaute Olivewood Estate, 50christo Avenue Randburg
Aficionados of South Africa have definitely heard of Eben Sadie and his highly acclaimed wines, and this blend of six grapes together with Syrah, Mourvedre and Grenache doesn't disappoint. Grapes for this gorgeous wine are grown on 90-year-old vines planted at an altitude of 840 meters. It is aged for 18 months in new French oak and undergoes malolactic fermentation within the barrel. It is bright cherry in color with aromas of black fruits, red currant and toasted hazelnuts. It is generous and round in the mouth with flavors of ripe fruits, candy brown baking spices and vanilla.
Gate is also on a safety system and lighted keypad with cellphone application. The winding street via the winery is a well-manicured, wide paved highway lined with Colombian Sycamore trees that form a “tunnel” of shade within the spring/summer/fall leading to the primary residence. Vineyard is located on a semi-private country lane. Road can accommodate massive trucks with total access to all areas on property. Seaside Realty options Barbados Real Estate for Sale in St John, St Thomas, St James, St Lucy, Christ Church, St George, St Joseph, St Michael, St Peter, and St Phillip.
Register for a free account to mechanically receive e mail alerts every time new Olivewood Townhomeshomes come available on the market or have a worth discount. You can even save your favorite listings for easy access. For more information on any of these Olivewood Townhomes houses for sale, simply click on the "Contact Us" button when viewing the primary points of a property. Clearwater Bay presents a novel growth alternative, occupying 4.5 acres of prime seashore front...
This delicious Bordeaux from Saint-Estephe is a mix of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot with touches of Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. It has aromas of black fruits with a lifted observe of bright red cherry and secondary whiffs of tobacco leaf and purple flowers. In the mouth it has ripe fruit flavors and balanced tannins. The tannins are a bit chewy however will hold as a lot as thick cuts of beef. The finish is lengthy with a touch of black licorice on the very finish.
Vineyard features a cost-effective natural fuel pump that may pump superb tons of water. The winery waters in four sections and is irrigated through on the bottom drip hose/emitters. Olivewood is situated olivewood estate in District eleven of the appellation designation. Entrance to the vineyard is through a high-tech wireless automated ornamental iron gate flanked by pillars and Mediterranean-styled amber lanterns.
Molecules within the steak’s fats have a softening effect on tannins, making the wine feel softer and smoother, while on the identical time tannins soften fat and produce out extra taste from the meat. East London railway station offers long-distance passenger providers to Cape Town and Johannesburg through Springfontein, and native companies. It began in 1972 to see who was faster, ultra-distance runner John Ball over land, or surf lifesaver John Woods over water. Motocross is also popular and a lot of national occasions are held in the area surrounding East London, because of the difficult terrain there and in Transkei.
Displayed below and up to date day by day from the MLS are houses for sale in Olivewood Townhomes, a group in Scottsdale, AZ. Coco de Mer is a sublime 4 bedroom house situated olivewood estate within the prestigious Sandy Lane Estate in St... Coco de Mer is a chic 4 bedroom residence located inside the prestigious Sandy Lane Estate in St...
East London is the second largest industrial centre in the province. A main Daimler plant is positioned next to the harbour, manufacturing Mercedes-Benz and other autos for the native market, as nicely as exporting to the United States and Brazil. Other industries include clothing, textiles, prescription drugs and food processing.
The viewer ought to independently verify the listed information prior to creating any decisions primarily based on such data by personal inspection and/or contacting a real estate skilled. North Riding and Johannesburg North attract worth seeking buyers as a outcome of these are rising suburbs the place property costs have shown consistent progress over a 10-year interval, says Pam Golding Properties . In addition, they offer a extensive range of properties from sectional title apartments to clusters and freestanding properties olivewood estate and swimsuit all budgets. There are additionally a quantity of glorious colleges, shopping centres, healthcare amenities and hospitality venues in these areas. The 16,812-square-foot home has six bedrooms and 6 full loos in whole, spread across a series of five interconnected pavilions and one separate, two-bedroom guest cottage. A detached villa designed by Michael Gomes and accomplished in 2004, Olivewood provides Classical Barbadian architecture.
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