#David Villada
librarycards · 1 month
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Happy Women in Translation month! Here is a recommendation list of books by women, translated into english. I based my selection on the widest variety of countries and languages of origin possible, and as a result, found nine books written by women and almost all translated by women, in nine different laguages!
Vivarium by Maarja Pärtna, tr. Jayde Will (Estonian)
Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Maojin, tr. Bonnie Huie (Chinese)
The Core of the Sun by Johanna Sinisalo, tr. Lola Rogers (Finnish)
Bad Girls by Camila Sosa Villada, tr. Kit Maude (Spanish)
How the First Sparks Became Visible by Simone Atangana Bekono, tr. David Colmer (Dutch)
Paradise Rot by Jenny Hval, tr. Marjam Idriss (Norwegian)
Breasts and Eggs by Meiko Kawakami, tr. Sam Bett and David Boyd (Japanese)
Blood Feast by Malika Moustadraf, tr. Alice Guthrie (Arabic)
Mommy Must be a Fountain of Feathers by Kim Hyesoon, tr. Don Mee Choi (Korean)
tagging people below, including the ones who encouraged me to do this!! i'd love to see your liss, esp. those living outside the anglosphere!
@cigaretteaunt @shivtomdivorce @hamsterprincessdoll @podcastlesbian @secretcircuit @growtiredofpublicvulnerability @aldieb @heavenlyyshecomes @fatehbaz @punkkwix @fluoresensitive @bioethicists @felgueirosa @abstractlesbian @capricornpropaganda
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dillydedalus · 1 year
women in translation month wrap-up
here's what i read this witmonth, faves marked with *
das verbotene notizbuch, alba de céspedes (translated from the italian by verena from koskull, english translation: forbidden notebook, by ann goldstein)
salomés zorn, simone atangana bekono (translated from the dutch by ira wilhelm, no english translation yet)
witches, brenda lozano (translated from the spanish by heather cleary)
*three summers, margarita liberaki (translated from the greek by karen van dyck)
breasts and eggs, mieko kawakami (translated from the japanese by sam bett & david boyd)
im park der prächtigen schwestern, camila sosa villada (translated from the spanish by svenja becker, english translation: bad girls, by kit maude)
*boulder, eva baltasar (translated from the catalan by julia sanches): READ BOULDER BY EVA BALTASAR
sweet days of discipline, fleur jaeggy (translated from the italian by tim parks)
the wandering, intan paramaditha (translated from the indonesian by stephen j. epstein)
my pen is the wing of a bird, anthology of short stories by afghan women, translated from dari & pashto
all your children, scattered, beata umbyeyi mairesse (translated from the french by alison anderson)
*waking lions, ayelet gundar-goshen (translated from the hebrew by sondra silverston)
*the lover, marguerite duras (translated from the french by barbara bray)
*trieste, daša drndić (translated from the croatian by ellen elias-bursać)
evil flowers, gunnhild øyehaug (translated from the norwegian by kari dickson)
*empty wardrobes, maria judite de carvalho (translated from the portuguese by margaret jull costa)
die tochter, kim hye-jin (translated from the korean by lee ki-hyang, english translation: concerning my daughter, by jamie chang)
still reading:
the books of jacob, olga tokarczuk (translated from the polish by jennifer croft
mister n, najwa barakat (translated from the arabic by luke leafgren)
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dickotomia · 10 months
3 13 18
3. What were your top five books of the year?
(in no particular order)
Monstrous Regiment, de Terry Pratchett
The haunting of House Hill, de Shirley Jackson
El retrato de casada, de Maggie O'Farrell
Tesis sobre una domesticación, de Camila Sosa Villada
Confesiones de una máscara, de Yukio Mishima
13. What were your least favorite books of the year?
Ah hell yeah amo odiar libros.
Resonancia siniestra, de David Toops. Un ensayo sobre música que intentaba ser la versión sonora de Modos de Ver de Berger pero son tipo 400 páginas de anécdotas personales y un pseudo intento de reflexionar sin nada de teoría al respecto.
Primera Sangre, de Amélie Nothomb. No leí ni voy a leer jamás nada más de esta autora, una novela tan pedorra que me impresionó que Anagrama se atreviera a editarla.
Las partículas elementales, de Michel Houellebecq. GRRR este puede ser mi libro más odiado ever. Chabones cogiéndo violentamente con minas en medio de el ennui existencial más pelotudo que escuchaste en tu vida, y el epílogo que se supone que es tan brillante es una MIERDA una serie de lugares comunes. Ni siquiera es lo suficientemente original para ser fascista.
18. How many books did you buy?
Uf ni idea pero decenas. Por encima de 50. Es mi principal gasto. Leí 121 libros so far.
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daviddecan · 1 year
Ahora que te abrazan otros brazos Que duermes en otro pecho Que alguien mas ocupa El sitio de nuestro encuentro Ahora que no te protejo Que con los dias solo me alejo Me he convertido en la sombra De lo que eran nuestros sueños Un recuerdo mal dibujado Los trazos de un tenue pasado Las fotos de un desconocido Nada de esto tiene sentido Tan solo soy una sombra De lo que solia iluminar tu rumbo Ahora estoy lejos y dudo Que pueda verte en el futuro Tan lejos tan olvidado Nuestra cama añora el pasado En el que dormias en mi pecho Y no querias moverte de mi lado
David Villada
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davidosu87 · 5 years
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irmagallosstuff · 4 years
Las lecturas que la pandemia me dejó
Las lecturas que la pandemia me dejó
Por Irma Gallo Faltan menos de dos semanas para que se acabe este 2020, que parece creado por la mente de Ursula K. Le Guin, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury o Isaac Asimov. Es buen momento para hacer balances; es más, casi todo el mundo los está haciendo: los medios tradicionales con sus resúmenes con “lo mejor del año”, o los colectivos con propuestas mucho más interesantes, como los maratones de…
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film-book · 6 years
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MEGAN (2018) Short #Film: Greg Strasz’s Sci-fi Adventure Could be CLOVERFIELD’s Next Chapter http://filmbk.me/Qft3wM
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a happy fresh reads friday to all who celebrate!
this week I start you off with a MASSIVE list from the Library Journal - over 140 titles!
that sounds intimidating until you find out that the Library Journal helpfully divided them by genre - SFF, romance, literary fiction, short story collections, and so on! I've read very few of these books but have a lot of them on my TBR, including Nightbitch and The Unbroken.
if you enjoyed last week's roundup of queer romance and horror and need for of that good good gay content, fear not: BuzzFeed has provided once again.
David Vogel has assembled a truly smashing sampling of queer novels, memoirs, and essay collections rolling out in 2022! the very first entry, High-Risk Homosexual, sounds electrifying based on the title alone, but the one that's really got my attention is Camila Sosa Villada's Bad Girls!
and here's a SECOND list that begins with High-Risk Homosexual - the power!
this list of Latino, Latina, Latinx, and Latine authors has a little something for everybody, including books for YA fans and even younger readers.
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barelylivingforlili · 4 years
Top 5 Male Characters!
Thanks @sprousehartalways for nominating me ❤️
1. Jughead Jones.
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2. Chandler Bing.
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3. Leopoldo (Polo) Benavent Villada.
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4. David Rose.
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5. Stiles Stilinski.
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I honestly have too many but these are a few 😊
I’m tagging @moonlight1604 @enchantayedtoswift13 @hbiccjsblog @breezingflowers @whyisthatusernametaken @mieteve-minijoma ❤️
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talknerdywithus · 6 years
Exclusive Interview with The 6th Friend's Chantelle Albers
Exclusive Interview with The 6th Friend’s Chantelle Albers
Chantelle Albers is starting to make her mark, especially in horror where she has a number of shorts and films to her credit. But ask this actress and you’ll find she’s not one to wait for opportunities to land on her doorstep. Instead, she’s driven to pursue her own destiny. The 6th Friend, a female-driven, revenge horror film…
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movienized-de-blog · 7 years
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The 6th Friend (2017) - mehr auf: http://movienized.de/the-6th-friend-2017/
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xlevelpr · 2 years
Cinco personas fueron judicializadas por su presunta responsabilidad en la venta de estupefacientes
Cinco personas fueron judicializadas por su presunta responsabilidad en la venta de estupefacientes
Funcionarios del Cuerpo Técnico de Investigación (CTI) y la Policía Nacional capturaron a Mateo Acevedo Becerra, Víctor Manuel Herrera Puerta, alias El Mono; Brandon Alexis Ceballos Villada, Jhojan David Morales Serna y Paula Andrea Hernández Sánchez, alias Paula, como presuntos integrantes de la organización ilegal ‘El Combo del Indio’. Estas acciones fueron posibles durante diligencias de…
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daviddecan · 1 year
De las segundas oportunidades aprendi, a quien una vez perdonas, siempre lo vuelve a repetir
David Villada
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aquiedomex-blog · 6 years
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Lunes 22 octubre 2018
NEZAHUALCOTOTL,Mèx.- 22 octubre 2018. Con el objetivo de alejar a los jóvenes nezatlenses de los vicios, el sedentarismo, fortalecer las relaciones con sus familias y fomentarles el gusto por la práctica deportiva, se llevó a cabo la Segunda Carrera Atlética Estudiantil de 5 kilómetros en Nezahualcóyotl, la competencia tuvo como punto de partida y meta la avenida Chimalhuacán frente al palacio municipal y continuó  por las vialidades  López Mateos, Cuarta Avenida y Vicente Villada, así lo informó José David Sandoval Uvalle, director del Instituto de Cultura Física y Deporte (IMCUFIDENE).
 El funcionario en representación del alcalde Juan Hugo de la Rosa, señaló que por segundo año consecutivo, la carrera conmemoró el Movimiento Estudiantil de 1968 y brindó a los estudiantes de Nezahualcóyotl la oportunidad de divertirse y convivir en un evento donde además de llevar cabo la práctica deportiva, se fomentaron los valores democráticos y de justicia social. 
 Detalló que los participantes fueron convocados por medio de invitaciones en sus planteles académicos, redes sociales y amigos que les informaron sobre la carrera, que en esta ocasión contó con las categorías varonil y femenil, a las cuales se inscribieron más de 500 estudiantes de entre los 15 y 21 años de edad.
 Sandoval Uvalle subrayó que el evento se vivió en medio de un ambiente lleno de entusiasmo y cordialidad, donde quedar en primer lugar no era necesariamente lo más importante, sino divertirse junto a sus amigos y familiares, quienes los esperaban emocionados en la línea de meta.
 Precisó que el joven Irwing Roberto Antonio Hernández, fue el primero en llegar a la meta, seguido por Oscar Alain González quien quedó en segundo lugar y Uriel Báez en un muy cerrado tercer puesto, mientras que en la rama femenil las ganadoras fueron Wendy Sánchez con el primer lugar, Itzuri Guadalupe Valle, y Brenda Alyn Herrera en segundo y tercer sitio respectivamente.
 Los ganadores expresaron sentirse muy orgullosos de sus logros pues algunos de ellos como Irwing Roberto Antonio y Oscar Alain González practican este deporte desde hace años y aunque habían participado previamente en carreras, habían quedado en otras posiciones, al igual que Itzuri Guadalupe Valle y Brenda Alyn Herrera, quien alentada por su padre logró el tercer lugar dentro de la carrera atlética. 
 Finalmente, los ganadores fueron premiados con bicicletas, equipo de protección para ciclistas, relojes deportivos, balones de basquetbol, así como reconocimientos, y medallas para los participantes que a pesar de no haber ganado la carrera concluyeron el arduo recorrido.
Cientos de jóvenes conviven y participan en la Segunda Carrera Atlética Estudiantil de Nezahualcóyotl PARTICIPARON MÁS DE 500 ESTUDIANTES DE ENTRE 15 y 21 AÑOS NEZAHUALCOTOTL,Mèx.- 22 octubre 2018. Con el objetivo de alejar a los jóvenes nezatlenses de los vicios, el sedentarismo, fortalecer las relaciones con sus familias y fomentarles el gusto por la práctica deportiva, se llevó a cabo la Segunda Carrera Atlética Estudiantil de 5 kilómetros en Nezahualcóyotl, la competencia tuvo como punto de partida y meta la avenida Chimalhuacán frente al palacio municipal y continuó  por las vialidades  López Mateos, Cuarta Avenida y Vicente Villada, así lo informó José David Sandoval Uvalle, director del Instituto de Cultura Física y Deporte (IMCUFIDENE).
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dakalister · 4 years
Hey folks this is a little snippet from the animated video of Mind Damage from @iconmusic @feid @lyannooficial in which I am involved in art direction and illustrations is about to reach 1 million views on YouTube. Thanks to the incredible team of @iconmusic @sonymusiccol and @ manuela.villada21 for the trust and @justcarrl for their collaboration to make this project possible ✌️🎇🎆🖤 the link is in my bio, so you can see it . . . Address: Manuela Villada Illustration: David Hernández Animation: Carlos Sandoval, Manuela Vilada . . . . . . . . . . . #icon #iconmusic #lyanno #lyannooficial # mentedaña # 🔮 # ferxxo #feid #Teamfeid #motiongraphics #motion #mograph # 2danimation #animation #motionlovers #motiondesign #motiongraphics_p #motionmate #motiondevotion #motiondesigner #motiongraphicscollective #musiongraphics #tw https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHoS4cj_n6/?igshid=muj8ec09beix
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Leeds star Jack Harrison reveals special bond with Chelsea manager Frank Lampard
So dissatisfied with his first season in Leeds United Jack Harrison went to his second home this summer. While others were sunbathing, he was sweating for a month in New York.
The Harrison voyage is unique and allows Manchester United to study at a boarding school in Massachusetts at the age of 14. Eventually New York City called and now he is back on Elland Road, on loan from Manchester City for a second spell.
He may be back in England these days but Manhattan was where the 22-year-old wanted to heal personal and collective disappointment, be ready for Marcelo Bielsa, be ready for a new tilt in the Premier League. That starts on Saturday in Bristol City.
Jack Harrison is ready for a new tilt this year in the Premier League
Not satisfied with his first tenure at Leeds, Harrison sweated hard in New York out of season
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& # 39; After being so close last year (losing in the play- offs) we have to redeem ourselves & # 39 ;, says Harrison. & # 39; Promotion is the obvious goal. You see how much it means for everyone here. & # 39;
Training twice a day for four consecutive weeks while perhaps sitting on a lounger is the kind of dedication that Bielsa appreciates. Harrison leaned on a coach (Oscar Villada) and personal trainer (Andrew Fitzgerald). He knew from his youth in the club club of Manhattan and, judging by his preseason performance, he worked a treat. Clips of his goals in the past two weeks have spread like wildfire on social media.
& # 39; This year is going to be great – I have to prove to myself and other people that I can play in this competition, & # 39; he adds.
& I can do it much better than last year. I wanted to make sure I was prepared this time. I knew that I was not performing at my best, I was not in a good place. You know the fans in England, they are so passionate about the game. I don't blame them.
& # 39; Now I feel like a new man. If Manhattan brings costs, I have to do it. For Bielsa it was very encouraging to say that he wanted to sign me again. He doesn't really say that about too many players. He showed faith. & # 39;
Harrison played with his & # 39; idol & # 39; and Chelsea legend Frank Lampard in New York City
Harrison, an explosive left-wing boss, does not offer this himself, but the football stars he has played with or worked with are inescapable Bielsa, Pep Guardiola, Andrea Pirlo, Patrick Vieira, David Villa, and especially: Frank Lampard.
The new Chelsea manager, who played alongside Harrison for New York, has shown real interest in the young person's career and they stay close. to have, although you assume that contact with Whatsapp stopped when the Spygate tornado hit the seasons of both Leeds and Derby in February.
& # 39; I feel like I'm talking to Frank about everything. can talk & # 39 ;, says Harrison. I have a very sp had an ecological relationship with him. A special tire. People come and go in this game, lose touch, but it is a little more than that. He has been an idol for me.
& # 39; It's weird. Every now and then I have to step out of the box to think about it. He gives me answers that help enormously. I also contacted David (Villa) last year. He put me in the right mindset. Talking to him about scoring is ideal, isn't it? & # 39;
Harrison has admitted that his idol is Lampard and claims that he & # 39; about everything & # 39; can talk
The now Chelsea manager has given advice on off -the-pitch issues for Harrison
Harrison is intelligent, clear and some somewhat sensitive. Fierce criticism from supporters seemed to scare him, but self-criticism continued to build his confidence. Lampard has given advice on off-the-pitch issues.
Although undoubtedly worldly, Philippa McGregor – a psychologist in City – needed his problems. Gareth Whalley, the former winger of Bradford City, is his loan manager and they are in regular contact.
& # 39; I was always worried about a psychologist for various reasons, but when I finally opened, I really came out of my shell, & Harrison says. & # 39; I'm not saying my improvement was all because of her, but it certainly helped. I am so happy and grateful that I have the support of City. You are on loan, but they give you the feeling of being part of the club.
& It took me a year to get used to the American lifestyle – play well, make friends – and that was the same last year. I know it took longer than normal, but in some cases it can take a while. & # 39;
Harrison will again desperately impress Leeds- manager Marcelo Bielsa
Harrison does not exactly withdraw because it took him months to settle.
& # 39; It was a sense of belonging. It feels comfortable with being uncomfortable, if that makes sense? You are in an uncomfortable environment, but you have to make it work for yourself. & # 39;
These are all common things that belong to professional football. Busy, social media, words from the terrace, the dressing room. At Leeds, however, there are also the demanding standards of Bielsa. Harrison is known around Thorp Arch as the man who performs everything that is asked.
& # 39; Not only is he yelling at you … it's constructive, but you need that mental resilience to not let it affect you. I learned that. You can win a lot from this. He has his own opinion about the game – the intelligence, detail. He is very smart at challenging you, but not too much. The few times he may say something, you know it is real. & # 39;
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