#David bell
dawnlotus-draws · 29 days
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Crossing the line
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bizlybebo · 2 months
in a hunger games au david would never volunteer for william if he was chosen.
vyncent would volunteer for anyone from his village who looked too young, any familiar face he once sat around a fire with. dakota would throw his hand in for anybody, even the kids who made fun of him or kicked him to the dirt. if ashe was selected mark would fight back with everything he had.
but david would probably never volunteer in william’s place. does anyone ever think abt this
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moxymaxing · 1 year
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Speedran drawing this at 11pm and immediately passed out afterward
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moominpopzz · 2 months
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Heyguys William with David when theywere younger,, btw :3
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the0retically · 2 months
thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell thinking about David Bell
Doomed and tragic siblings make me sooooooooo insane
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chip-and-the-bastards · 7 months
AITA for asking my younger brother to help me with my research?
I (25 M) work for a biotech company. I mostly do administrative stuff, but since I'm in a higher up position I also sometimes help with research. Recently, our main company building got attacked and robbed, and they killed a lot of security guards during the attack. It was also very finanicially detrimental to our company because some of the some of the confidential info they released afterwards.
Fortunately, I was able to track down the group that attacked us and aprehend them with some of the security, and one of the attackers is from Offworld, so I figured his biology might provide some valuble info on curing diseases from offworld from his biology. I decided to do some research, and since I have a serum which makes people forget the last 24hrs, I can do this without hurting the attacker or any of his accomplices.
My (step)brother (18 M) and his friends (19 M and 30 M) tried to stop me, he even pointed a shotgun at me! I'm not really sure why he has an issue considering this research could save thousands of lives and the serum doesn't have any side effects, and the cops won't do anything about this group anyway. I eventually convinced him to let me do it, and he even helped with the clean up afterwards, but he seems to think I'm the asshole in the situation. He doesn't seem to get the nuance of the issue, just insisting that what I did was bad when I try to explain to him.
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elliotthinkssometimes · 2 months
once again jrwi siblings have managed to destroy my well-being
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fizzyorange-v2 · 1 year
any thoughts on pd ep 33, comprehensible or not?
also sorry anon this got way out of hand
Oh man where would i even START. I think what’s really getting me is the heartbreak. What’s still haunting me is that very last line William says, “I really wanted to have a brother.” Like fuck. FUCK!! Fuck Charlie Slimecicle for always giving his characters the most excruciating of sibling relationships and fuck Bizly for playing David so goddamn well.
William got himself into this mess by following his brain, by thinking that the logical thing to do to save the most people and make sure everyone got out of this alive was to just let David take his samples and make sure no one else got hurt in the process. But it’s so clear in episode 33 that despite his better judgement, despite knowing LOGICALLY he shouldn’t trust David, shouldn’t believe him… he does. Because he wants to believe his brother might not be so bad, that he might finally have a brother at all, that there was one thing that came out of deadwood that wasn’t sick.
I keep going back to that scene in David’s private room, where he gives William what is ostensibly his first drink, plays the role of big brother so well, asks him questions to which William spills everything because how could he not? After years of feeling like and believing the older brother he always considered better than him hated him, disliked him, thought him (rightfully in his mind) a freak, how could he refuse this olive branch?
So William tells him everything, and David tells him to come home safe. David tells him he’ll protect him if he needs, that he can come to him for help. When William goes to awkwardly leave, David pulls him in for a hug.
And the worst part of all? I don’t think David is necessarily lying. Or faking. Not fully, at least. I think David is finally interested in William now, in his own twisted way. I think he’s stopped seeing him as some weirdo little brother who disappeared to go be some self righteous hero, and instead started seeing him as… an equal-ish. Someone more on his level. Someone who does see the world for what it is, and is willing to do what it takes to make those hard calls. He was using William, absolutely. Manipulating him for his own ends, without a doubt. But I think he meant it when he told William to make sure he made it back safe. I think he was also welcoming to the idea of them getting closer, maybe becoming brothers for real.
That’s why I think David was so confused when William came bursting into his penthouse with Vyncent. I don’t think he understood one bit why William was so upset. Other than the news that one of the vigilantes had died, nothing else in his mind had changed. It appears he didn’t even know she did, his people just knew to cover his tracks without needing to be told. He wasn’t keeping it a secret from William, his true lie was in telling William the serum was harmless in the first place. And I think he’s going to stay confused, and I think he’s going to feel betrayed and I know any chances of them ever really being brothers died with Cantrip.
And it breaks my heart for William because he wanted to believe so hard. He was going to split those samples, y’know? He told Vyncent “the board made him do it”. He told David about Ashe. About his fears around Mal. About how he’s afraid being able to drink and feel and live again might all go away. He wanted to have an older brother he could trust so bad. And now one of their only friends is dead, and William killed her, and no amount of logic or rationalisations or leaps of faiths in the world is going to fix that.
William’s haunting speech to David at the end… fuck man. All that rage, all that guilt, all that self hatred William has projected back and forced down the throat, nose, ears of the brother that doesn’t but should. Turning the tool he learnt and used under David’s command back on him.
My thoughts? I think William was doomed the moment he tried to win an argument in that operation room with the older brother he always considered smarter better and more successful than him in every way. There’s nothing more impressionable in the world than a younger brother.
But I also think William might finally stop digging himself deeper, at least for now. How heavily Cantrip’s death weighs on him, Dakota’s reactions, Mal making another appearance, what David and his parents are going to be like after all this… it is all still up in the air.
Fuck man. Ultimately, I still can’t get over that very last line. “I really wanted to have a brother.” Because that’s what it was all about, really. Not being pro hero or anti hero, not a villainous descent nor a sudden morality change… just William hoping his older brother could finally love him.
But David just proved his theory right: that everything that comes from Deadwood is sick and twisted and wrong. Nothing good has ever come from that place. Certainly not David… and certainly not himself, either.
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mikocha · 1 year
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david bell skeytch
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tallaxia · 8 months
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„Hi, it‘s me, the world‘s greatest actor.“
Brad Dourif as Sam Kramer/David Bell - Spontaneous Combustion
Yes, Brad. We know <3
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rolloroberson · 5 months
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Happy Birthday to Chris Bell (Jan. 12, 1951 – Dec. 27, 1978) of Big Star. Photo by his brother David Bell.
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bizlybebo · 1 month
(general spoilers for pd up until s2 ep20 i believe?)
so since we know that david shares a name with william’s stepmom, and that william’s name isn’t actually “william wisp”, i’m kind of thinking about william’s parents.
i mean, if they’re divorced, they probably either did so before canon (or maybeee after season 1 but i doubt it).
meaning that if they separated while david was still living with them, there probably came a time where will and david both had to choose which parent to go with after the divorce.
and it kind of makes me think that david went with their father, while william went with their mom. david renounced a lot of his old life and moved onto greater, better. he probably has a somewhat estranged relationship with his mother, the same way he does with william.
that, or they’re half brothers, who share a father. meaning both of william’s parents are together, but not david’s.
or, they’re step brothers, and william’s father remarried david’s mother after the divorce.
idk the implications of their family/household dynamic outside of canon is so interesting to me because i have all 3 kinds of sibling relationships possible here and each one is so unique and adds so much more to their relationship in canon
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moxymaxing · 1 year
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family photos
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moominpopzz · 1 month
Wonder how William felt having to watch David get all the “you’re going to be the one to get out of here” lines from their parents,, how he felt knowing David was going to make it out all while he was slowly losing his mind surrounded by those woods. Had he ever been told he was going to make it? Was it switched to him when David finally did get out? Or was it only said as a quick goodbye before he left, a small “I knew you’d make it out too” as his parents are watching him leave
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the0retically · 3 months
Listening to Family Tree by Sleeping with Sirens and yes it fits the Ferin family, yes it fits the Winters family, but if you will:
William Wisp and David Bell
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By: David Bell
Published: Apr 26, 2024
As the dust settles around Hilary Cass’s report – the most extensive and thoroughgoing evidence-based review of treatment for children experiencing gender distress ever undertaken – it is clear her findings support the grave concerns I and many others have raised. Central here was the lack of an evidential base of good quality that could back claims for the effectiveness of young people being prescribed puberty blockers or proceeding on a medical pathway to transition. I and many other clinicians were concerned about the risks of long-term damaging consequences of early medical intervention. Cass has already had to speak out against misinformation being spread about her review, and a Labour MP has admitted she “may have misled” Parliament when referring to it. The review should be defended from misrepresentation.
The policy of “affirmation” – that is, speedily agreeing with a child that they are of the wrong gender – was an inappropriate clinical stance brought about by influential activist groups and some senior gender identity development service (Gids) staff, resulting in a distortion of the clinical domain. Studies indicate that a majority of children in the absence of medical intervention will desist – that is, change their minds.
The many complex problems that affect these young people were left unaddressed once they were viewed simplistically through the prism of gender. Cass helpfully calls this “diagnostic overshadowing”. Thus children suffered thrice over: through not having all their problems properly addressed; by being put on a pathway for which there is not adequate evidence and for which there is considerable risk of harm; and lastly because children not unreasonably believed that all their problems would disappear once they transitioned. It is, I think, not possible for a child in acute states of torment to be able to think through consequences of a future medical transition. Children struggle to even imagine themselves in an adult sexual body.
Some claim that low numbers of puberty blockers were prescribed. Cass quotes figures showing around 30% of Gids patients in England discharged between April 2018 and 31 December 2022 were referred to the endocrinology service, of whom around 80% were prescribed puberty blockers; the proportion was higher for older children. But these numbers are likely to be an underestimate, as 70% of children were transferred to adult services once they were 17, and their data lost, as very regrettably they were not followed up. This is one of the most serious governance problems of Gids – also specifically addressed by the judges in Keira Bell v Tavistock. Six adult gender clinics refused to cooperate and provide data to Cass. However, having come under considerable pressure, they have now relented.
It is often claimed that puberty blockers were not experimental, as there is a long history of their use. They had been used in precocious puberty (for example where a child, sometimes because of a pituitary abnormality, develops secondary sexual characteristics before the age of eight) and in the treatment of prostate cancer. But they had not been prescribed by Gids to children experiencing gender dysphoria before 2011. The lack of long-term evidence underlies the decision of the NHS to put an end to their routine prescription for children as a treatment for gender dysphoria – that is, for those whose bodies were physically healthy.
The attempts of Gids clinicians to raise concerns about safeguarding and the medical approach were ignored or worse.The then medical director heard concerns but did not act; ditto the Speak up Guardian and the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust management. I was a senior consultant psychiatrist, and it was in my role as staff representative on the trust council of governors that a large number of the Gids clinicians approached me with their grave concerns. This formed the basis of the report submitted to the board in 2018. The trust then conducted a “review” of Gids, based only on interviewing staff. The CEO stated that the review did not identify any “failings in the overall approach taken by the service in responding to the needs of the young people and families who access its support”. I was threatened with disciplinary action. When the child safeguarding lead, Sonia Appleby, raised her concerns before the trust’s review, the trust threatened her with an investigation; and its response, as an employment tribunal later confirmed, damaged her professional reputation and stood in the way of her safeguarding work.
Characterising a child as “being transgender” is harmful as it forecloses the situation and also implies that this is a unitary condition for which there is unitary “treatment”. It is much more helpful to use a description: that the child suffers from distress in relation to gender/sexuality, and this needs to be carefully explored in terms of the narrative of their lives, the presence of other difficulties such as autism, depression, histories of abuse and trauma, and confusion about sexuality. As the Cass report notes, studies suggest that a high proportion of these children are same-sex attracted, and many suffer from homophobia. Concerned gay and lesbian clinicians have said they experienced homophobia in the service, and that staff worked in a “climate of fear”.
It is misleading to suggest that I and others who have raised these concerns are hostile to transgender people – we believe they should be able to live their lives free of discrimination, and we want them to have safe, evidence-based holistic healthcare. What we have opposed is the precipitate placing of children on a potentially damaging medical pathway for which there is considerable evidence of risk of harm. We emphasised the need, before taking such steps, to spend considerable time exploring this complex and multifaceted clinical presentation. Young people and clinicians routinely refer to “top surgery” and “bottom surgery”, terms that serve to seriously underplay these major surgical procedures, ie double mastectomy, removal of pelvic organs and fashioning of constructed penis or vagina. These procedures carry very serious risks such as urinary incontinence, vaginal atrophy, cardiovascular complications and many others we are only beginning to learn about. There is a very serious risk of sexual dysfunction and sterility.
There are no reliable studies (for children or adults) that could support claims of low levels of regret. The studies often quoted (eg Bustos et al 2021) have been criticised for using inadequate and erroneous data. The critical issue here is the fact that children and young people who were put on a medical pathway were not followed up. Studies suggest that the majority of detransitioners, a growing population, who are having to deal with the consequences of having been put on a medical pathway, do not return to the clinics as they are very fearful of the consequences. The fact that there are no dedicated NHS services for detransitioners is symptomatic of the NHS’s lack of concern for this group. Many live very lonely and isolated lives.
Those who say a child has been “born in the wrong body”, and who have sidelined child safeguarding, bear a very heavy responsibility. Parents have been asked “Do you want a happy little girl or a dead little boy?” Cass notes that rates of suicidality are similar to rates among non-trans identified youth referred to child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). Indeed, the NHS lead for suicide prevention, Prof Sir Louis Appleby, has said “invoking suicide in this debate is mistaken and potentially harmful”.
It has been suggested that the Cass report sought to “appease” various interests, with the implication that those who have promoted these potentially damaging treatments have been sidelined. But in reality, it is those of us who have raised these concerns who have been silenced by trans rights activists who have had considerable success in closing down debate, including preventing conferences going ahead. Doctors and scientists have said that they have been deterred from conducting studies in this area by a climate of fear, and faced great personal costs for speaking out, ranging from harassment to professional risks and even, as Cass has experienced, safety concerns in public.
The pendulum is already swinging towards a reassertion of rationality. Cass’s achievement is to give that pendulum a hugely increased momentum. In years to come we will look back at the damage done to children with incredulity and horror.
David Bell is a retired psychiatrist and former president of the British Psychoanalytic Society
David Bell was one of the original Tavistock whistleblowers.
No one is "born in the wrong body." You and your body are one and the same.
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