#David proudfoot
Reviews of the Films in the Oscar Best Documentary Short Category 2024
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of the Films in the #Oscar Documentary Short Category. Lots of interesting stuff in there and as always, I learned a lot.
It’s nearly Oscar time and I’ve now watched all of the Documentary Short Films before the big event on March 10th. Here are my reviews of the films: The Oscar nominees: THE ABCS OF BOOK BANNING – Sheila Nevins and Trish Adlesic THE BARBER OF LITTLE ROCK – John Hoffman and Christine Turner ISLAND IN BETWEEN – S. Leo Chiang and Jean Tsien THE LAST REPAIR SHOP – Ben Proudfoot and Kris…
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sortanonymous · 2 months
Put my laptop's entire 2,779-song music library (MusicBee specifically) on shuffle. First 31 songs?
Michael Jackson - "Billie Jean" (1982)
Hirokazu Ando - "Peach's Castle" (Smash 64 OST CD) (1999)
Games/Ford & Lopatin - "Planet Party" (2010)
David Bowie - "Slow Burn (Radio Edit)" (2002)
David Wise - "Stronghold Showdown" (DKC2 SNES Gamerip) (1995)
Dania Shapes/Oneohtrix Point Never - "Baroque Travel Aid" (2006)
The Beatles - "It's All Too Much (1999 Remix)" (1968)
Pink Floyd - "Wearing the Inside Out" (1994)
The Beach Boys - "Good Vibrations (Various Sections)" (Outtakes) (1966)
Hirokazu Ando - "On to Rock Star" (Kirby 64 OST CD) (2000)
The Beatles - "Cry Baby Cry (2018 Remix)" (1968)
Jun Ishikawa - "Egg Engines" (Return to Dream Land OST CD) (2011)
David Wise - "The Credits Concerto" (DKC1 SNES Gamerip) (1994)
Windows96/Gabriel - "Underwater We're OK" (2024)
The Beatles - "Taxman (2009 Mono Remaster)" (1966)
Landon Proudfoot - "Anywhere But Here" (Ideas Man OST) (2013)
Master Stryker - "Blue Element" (Sony Boogie album) (2015)
The Beatles - "Octopus's Garden (2019 Remix)" (1969)
Alex Balson/Arekusanda - "Thingthing" (2019)
The Beatles - "Yellow Submarine (2022 Remix)" (1966)
Pink Floyd - "Marooned" (1994)
The Beach Boys - "Little Pad" (1967)
The Beatles - "Doctor Robert (2009 Mono Remaster)" (1966)
Master Stryker - "Osaka" (2017)
The Beach Boys - "Good Timin'" (1979)
David Wise - "Player Down (Bayou Boogie 2)" (DKC2 SNES Gamerip) (1995)
The Jacksons - "Enjoy Yourself" (1976)
Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando - "Vs. Marx" (Super Star Ultra OST CD) (2008)
Hirokazu Ando - "Combat Evolution Program" (Planet Robobot OST CD) (2016)
The Beatles - "I Don't Want to Spoil the Party (2009 Mono Remaster)" (1964)
The Beatles - "Get Back (2021 Album Mix)" (1969/70)
Anyone else interested? (Could also be a streaming library)
@tazmilygray @dagrapesody @icy-dark-star @icedragonlizard @lowrezbonuslevel @upsidedowndreamland
(Please let me know if you don't want to be in any tag games I make in the future)
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designresearchcody · 4 months
Case Study 1 - Watermark
Two weeks ago we were lucky enough to get a lecture from Benita and David Way of Watermark creative. Their work and studio dynamic stood out to me from the rest, their attitude to design and workflow really standing out to me, so I decided to look deeper into their work.
Watermark Creative is a design studio in the Auckland CBD that describes their team as ‘a collective of visual problem solvers’, with a wide range of styles and work due to their unique studio style. Looking at their linked in I was very pleased to discover that at least 6 of their employees are listed as having studied at AUT. I was also surprised to discover that they have alternative locations in both Sydney and Melbourne, making their reach far further than I realized.
Looking at their website I was astounded by the wide range of work they do, and how they create a wide variety of styles, even going so far as to categorize their portfolio by style.
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This is due to their 'agency' style studio environment. Hiring a range of different designers from drastically different fields and specializations and putting them together in an environment where they can combine their skills, as well as continue their personal practices.
In that sense they are less conventional than your average design studio as rather than hiring the studio in general, you are hiring a team of designers that would be put together to work on specific projects that are suited to them. David Way shared that this style was inspired by the Game company Valve, a company I have always looked up to for this reason and wanted to work for throughout my childhood. This is reflected by the fact that every designer has their own private portfolio showcased on their website.
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A fun note I discovered while browsing their portfolio is that they designed the Monteith's Hazy IPA can, which is only funny because the same can is sat next to my desk as I type this. Whenever I browse portfolios it always makes you think deeply about the industry we are involved in, and how people like Watermark affect the world around us every day in ways that if done right, we never even notice. 
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I would say my favorite designer there is Dean Proudfoot, whose work has an incredibly fun and unique vibe to it. Mixing Photography and Illustration together in an almost collage type way for their designs such as their work for ‘Vodafone’. When their work is illustration exclusive it still carries through a sense of individualism, with some drawings being intentionally ‘crude’ to give off a very friendly aesthetic, such as their designs for ‘NZ Post’. I always love when a designer's style is so strong that big, usually to the book, corporations trust them to get experimental.
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The combination of interesting styles, and fun unique studio environment they are fostering has made me instantly fall in love with this studio, and has instantly elevated them to the number 1 Studio I would love to work in the future.
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organisationskoval · 1 year
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696) Northern Independence Party, NIP, Północna Partia Niepodległości - niewielka secesjonistyczna i demokratyczna partia socjalistyczna, która dąży do uczynienia z regionu północnej Anglii niezależnego państwa pod anglosaską nazwą Northumbria. Partia, która została założona w październiku 2020 roku przez wykładowcę i byłego działacza Partii Pracy Philipa Proudfoota, nie ma obecnie wybranych przedstawicieli. Prowadzi ją David Heaven. NIP został utworzony 22 października 2020 r. przez Philipa Proudfoota, wykładowcę międzynarodowych studiów nad rozwojem na Uniwersytecie w Sussex i byłego działacza Partii Pracy z hrabstwa Durham, wraz ze swoją koleżanką Evie McGovern i innymi byłymi działaczami Partii Pracy, którzy byli wyobcowani tym, co postrzegali jako ruch Keira Starmera w kierunku centrum jako lidera partii. Proudfoot zainspirował się do założenia partii po obejrzeniu krytycznej odpowiedzi Andy'ego Burnhama na ograniczony pakiet wsparcia rządu Westminster dla Greater Manchester podczas pandemii COVID-19. Powiedział Big Issue North, że centralizacja władzy w Londynie również odegrała pewną rolę, podkreślając podział Północ-Południe w opiece zdrowotnej, transporcie, edukacji i ogólnym poziomie życia jako czynniki motywujące. NIP wystąpił do PKW o rejestrację 12 lutego 2021 r., ale wniosek został odrzucony ze względu na niekompletność pierwotnego wniosku. 24 marca partia ponownie złożyła wniosek o rejestrację, a 30 czerwca ogłosiła, że została zarejestrowana w Komisji Wyborczej. Po ogłoszeniu NIP, że wybrał byłą posłankę Partii Pracy Thelmę Walker na swoją kandydatkę w wyborach uzupełniających w Hartlepool w maju 2021 r., Huffington Post UK poinformował, że liczba członków partii wzrosła z 300 do 1300. Początkowo partię prowadził Proudfoot. Zrezygnował w lipcu 2022 roku i został zastąpiony przez Davida Heavena. Zainspirowany kampanią Szkockiej Partii Narodowej na rzecz niepodległości Szkocji, NIP ma na celu uczynienie północnej Anglii niepodległym państwem pod nazwą Northumbria, które wcześniej istniało jako anglosaskie średniowieczne królestwo od czasów VII wiek do X wieku. Proudfoot powiedział, że geografia Northumbrii obejmowałaby Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumbrię, Merseyside, Tyne and Wear, Greater Manchester, County Durham, Northumberland i Cheshire, a od 2022 roku generalnie obejmuje dzielnicę High Peak w północnym Derbyshire. Partia zaproponowała York jako możliwą stolicę, chociaż zaproponowała również posiadanie wielu stolic. NIP określa się jako demokratyczna partia socjalistyczna, opowiadająca się za „odrodzeniem zielonego przemysłu” i „socjalizmem z północnym akcentem”, proponując socjalistyczną gospodarkę rynkową z bardziej zdecentralizowanym systemem i naciskiem na współ-operatorów, lokalne przedsiębiorstwa i przedsiębiorstwa społeczne.[ Partia popiera również zasady budowania bogactwa społeczności, znane jako model Prestona. Powiedział również, że na niezależnej Północy znacjonalizowałby niektóre branże tam, gdzie to możliwe, w tym usługi użyteczności publicznej, transport publiczny i Narodową Służbę Zdrowia. Popiera nacjonalizację łączy szerokopasmowych, aby były one bezpłatne w miejscu ich dostarczania. Przedstawiając się jako partia post-Brexitowa, w projekcie manifestu NIP stwierdzono, że niezależna Północ może podjąć decyzję o przystąpieniu do Unii Europejskiej w drodze referendum „w odległej przyszłości”. Pozostawiłoby to również elektoratowi kwestię, czy niezależna Północ zachowa monarchię, w referendum, które odbyłoby się w tej sprawie, gdyby się pojawiło. NIP sprzeciwia się także First Past the Post jako systemowi wyborczemu, uważając, że o jego zastąpieniu powinno decydować zgromadzenie konstytucyjne. Doniesiono, że większość początkowego poparcia partii pochodziła z rozczarowania przywództwem Partii Pracy Starmera, szczególnie na lewym skrzydle partii. Stewart Arnold z The Yorkshire Post argumentował, że obecność partii byłaby „dobra dla demokracji, ponieważ rzuci wyzwanie dwóm głównym partiom, aby przedstawiły odpowiednie plany, które pozwolą Yorkshire i reszcie północy przejąć kontrolę nad własnym losem i uwolnić swój potencjał”. Będąc w The Guardian, Alex Niven był sceptyczny co do szans partii, zauważając, że „archaiczny system ‘pierwszy za słupkiem’ bardzo utrudnia mniejszym partiom zdobycie przyczółka w Westminsterze”. Porównał perspektywy NIP do UKIP, ale bez „żadnych zalet UKIP i większości jego ograniczeń”, chociaż zasugerował, że partia „może być po prostu początkiem bardziej ogólnej zmiany w brytyjskiej polityce”, zauważając: „Jeśli nawet mniejszość zniechęceni korbyniccy mieszkańcy północy staną za NIP, [...] Spadek Partii Pracy przyspieszy”. W opinii dla The Times były członek Partii Pracy, James Matthewson, nazwał NIP „uwielbionym żartem” i oskarżył go o „fetyszyzację kultury klasy robotniczej z północy przez uprzywilejowanych, skrajnie lewicowych ideologów z klasy średniej”. Poseł Partii Pracy z Liverpool Riverside, Kim Johnson, odrzucił hasło partii „Chodzi o krwawy czas” i użycie logo z whippetem jako „ekstremalnie protekcjonalny”. W New Statesman, Freddie Hayward, odrzucając przychylne porównania do szkockiego ruchu niepodległościowego, doszedł do wniosku, że partia „może być donkiszotowska lub może być zalążkiem siły politycznej, która nadaje północy ‘konsekwencje narodowe’” i że może być „potrzebne do pociągnięcia głównych partii do odpowiedzialności za niepowodzenie w rozwiązaniu problemu podziału północ-południe”. W tym samym punkcie, współpracownik Jonn Elledge skrytykował decyzję partii o niekwestionowaniu północnych burmistrzów, pisząc, że chociaż wszystko, co „sprawia, że wszyscy zwracają większą uwagę na północ, musi być dobre”, uważał, że partia atakuje wyborców Partii Pracy jako potencjalnie „przekazanie kolejnego miejsca z czerwonej ściany partii rządzącej”, co raczej nie „obudzi ministrów na potrzebę przeznaczenia większej ilości pieniędzy i uwagi gdziekolwiek na północ od Stevenage”. Pisząc dla Novara Media, bloger psefologiczny Ell Folan, choć lekceważył szanse Thelmy Walker na wygraną w Hartlepool, uważał, że NIP „może z łatwością kosztować kluczowe miejsca Partii Pracy w przyszłości (zwłaszcza w przypadku torysów tak daleko w sondażach)”, stwierdzając, że „z lewicowością wciąż popularną na północy, regionalizmem rosnącym i czerwonym murem Partii Pracy nie jest już solidny, Starmer musi poważnie potraktować NIP - inaczej nie będzie to dłużej wyglądało na żart”. W dniu 28 marca 2021 r. NIP wybrał Thelmę Walker, byłą posłankę Partii Pracy w Colne Valley w latach 2017-2019, na swojego kandydata w wyborach uzupełniających w Hartlepool. Ponieważ jednak partia nie została zarejestrowana w Komisji Wyborczej przed upływem terminu zgłaszania kandydatów, pojawiła się na karcie do głosowania jako niezależna. Otrzymała 250 głosów, zajmując ósme miejsce z 0,84% głosów i tracąc depozyt. NIP wystartował w wyborach uzupełniających w Wakefield w 2022 r., a Christopher Jones otrzymał 84 głosy, zajmując 14. miejsce na 15 z 0,3% głosów i tracąc depozyt. Wybory samorządowe 2021 Partia poparła czterech niezależnych kandydatów w wyborach lokalnych w 2021 r. w okręgach Derby i Litherland w Sefton oraz w okręgu Pendleton & Charlestown w Salford. Żaden z tych kandydatów nie został wybrany. NIP wystawił ośmiu kandydatów w wyborach lokalnych w 2022 r. W okręgu Kingstone w Barnsley, okręgu Beeston i Holbeck w Leeds, okręgach West Fenham i Wingrove w Newcastle upon Tyne, okręgu Litherland w Sefton, okręgach City and Crookes i Crosspool w Sheffield oraz West Kirby i Thurstaston, okręgi Wirral. Żaden z tych kandydatów nie został wybrany.
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lesterplatt · 1 year
Still Here | A Breakwater Original from Breakwater Studios Ltd. on Vimeo.
Annapurna Pictures Presents
A Breakwater Original
Fifty years later, the real Melvin Dismukes chronicles his first-hand experience of the infamous Algiers Motel Incident, for which he was wrongly charged with first-degree murder in 1967.
Directed by Ben Proudfoot | [email protected] Cinematography by David Bolen | @davidbolen Edited by Nick Wright Original Music by Nicholas Jacobson-Larson Post-Production Supervision by Dillon Brown Color by Stephen Derluguian Sound Supervision & Re-recording by Sean Higgins Sound Editing by TJ Jacques Visual Effects & On-Set Dit by David Nieman Production Sound by Ginge Cox Grooming & Make-Up by Rashida Williams Produced by Jeremy Lambert, Richard Graham & Ben Proudfoot
Archival Footage Courtesy of NBCUniversal Archives Archives of Michigan LBJ Presidential library Walter P. Reuther Library
For Breakwater Studios Gabe Godoi Dawn O’Keeffe Kristi Wenaus Clarisse Wiedem
Special Thanks to 10 Pins of Trenton Debbie Dismukes Johnny Dunn Megan Ellison Philip Kafka Austin Kolodney Matt Leuthe Lara McClintock Michael Risley The Transfer Lab Kees van Dijkhuisen Jr.
Clips from DETROIT Courtesy of Annapurna Pictures Directed by Kathryn Bigelow
Shot on Arri Alexa Mini and Cooke Mini s4i
Made with Love by Breakwater Studios Ltd. in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Los Feliz, California
breakwaterstudios.com | @breakwaterstud
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yegarts · 2 years
2022 Grants for Individuals & Collectives Recipients - October Deadline
Through their work, artists add inspiration, interaction, expression, and creativity to Edmonton. The Edmonton Arts Council’s (EAC) Individuals & Collectives grant contributes to a healthy arts ecosystem by providing vital support to artists. With this support, artists working as individuals or collectively can pursue work that develops their practice, advances creative thought, contributes to an art form, and provides our community with a reflection of itself.  
The EAC’s Individuals & Collectives grant has three distinct streams, each with its own evaluation criteria and assessment process. For the second intake cycle of the 2022 Grants for Individuals & Collectives program (deadline October 3, 2022), more than 320 eligible applications were assessed. From these, 133 grants were recommended by the peer assessment committee for investment. Focusing on fostering experimentation, supporting artists from equity-seeking groups, and professional development and mentorship (addressing the Aims and Actions found in Connections & Exchanges: A Ten-Year Plan To Transform Arts & Heritage in Edmonton); a total of $1,498,954 will be invested in Edmonton’s arts community through this round of grants for Individuals & Collectives. 
Interested in applying? Our next deadline is March 1, 2023. You can find more information here.  
Read on to learn about the successful applicants from the October 2022 intake and the exciting projects they are pursuing: 
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Stream 1 grant recipient Ivan Wilfried Ulrich Ngandjui Touko leading a dance class. Photo credit: Ken Lin.
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Stream 1 recipient Keith Schooler-Callihoo will explore the origin and protocol of Kanienkehaka Traditional Tattooing to enhance the resurgence of skin markings in Treaty 6 territory and Turtle Island.    
Stream 1: Exploration & Experimentation provides support to artists to work on creation, experimentation, or research activities. 54 applicants were recommended for funding (support set at $5,000 each). Congratulations to the following recipients:   
Adrian de Leeuw will explore partnering choreography and improvisational scores to dig deeper into the physical relationship between two artists. 
Alicia Proudfoot will develop an inventor persona and repurpose light switch cases as foldable sculptures leading to a linocut print installation portraying asthma as a visual Iliad.  
Ariana Ozga-Reinecke will film videos of significant people in her life performing self-care. Stills from this process will be used as source material for a visual arts series exploring intimacy and closeness. 
Ben Smith will workshop Sweet Dreams, a new musical featuring the music of the Australian rock duo, Air Supply. 
Benjamin McInnes will pen the first draft of The Blue Rocks, a novel about nonhuman subjectivities, religiosity in Canada, and migrant experiences. 
Bev Ross will write the first draft of a novel exploring the question, ‘Did Scarlatti compose the harpsichord sonatas attributed to him or were they composed by his student, Spanish Queen Barbara?’ 
Cailey Mrochuk will enhance her painterly style through online courses designed for stained glass mosaicists. 
Caitlin Sian Richards will explore and research techniques for papermaking from recycled and found materials, leading to a new series of mixed-media collages and paper-based assemblages. 
Christian Pérès Gibaut will begin the initial work for a multi-media visual art series on the notion of estrangement and loss of connection to one’s country of origin. 
Collin Johanson will create a series of oil paintings exploring abstraction, forested landscapes, and authoritative architecture. 
David Walker will research, work on dramaturgical/conceptual development, and complete the first draft of a new experimental theatre piece, I WOULD PREFER NOT TO.
Delia Barnett will research and interview Canadian burlesque legend, Judith Stein, to create a one-woman show about the power, resiliency, and value of sex workers and women. 
Dwayne Martineau will explore new techniques for the creation and exhibition of his work, primarily to create portable versions of his mirror wall exhibit, to inform the next stage of his practice and as a step toward public art projects. 
Eric Awuah will research the movement and expressive structures of West African immigrant dances to develop a technique(s) for teaching West African contemporary dance and diasporic neo-traditional dances. 
Eszter Rosta will experiment with performance art, photography, and video, to investigate and trace the psychosomatic manifestations, coping gestures, and processes of grief and trauma in relation to the body. 
Gail Sidonie Šobat will create and experiment with the narrative forms of science fiction and speculative fiction to inform a new novel featuring a female protagonist set in a fictional, post-apocalyptic Edmonton. 
Geoff Li will explore solarpunk themes through contemporary composition for string ensemble.  
Geraldine Carr will write the foundational pieces of a feature screenplay called Father, My Father. 
Giselle General will complete the first draft of a memoir, Living on Cliff’s Edge, of a child who became an orphan at eight years old and lived in a rural mining village in the Philippines until immigrating to Canada as a teenager. 
Harley Morison will write a workshop-ready draft of a new play, REDD MEATS that explores the politics of queerness, set in the butcher shop of a rural Alberta hamlet. 
Heather Hindman will study contemporary choral writing techniques that intersect unpitched sound, technology and harmony approaches for use in future compositions. 
Helen Belay will research Thomas Day — who in 1786 adopted two young girls to train using Rousseau’s Emile, or on Education, as a template for how to train a wife — to inform a new theatre play. 
Ivan Wilfried Ulrich Ngandjui Touko will explore ballet movements as a way to improve flexibility, dexterity, and technique, to enhance their technique and Afro groove. 
Janet Savill will create a short video series based on themes uncovered in research on her family's history using recorded interviews and digitized photos. 
Jeanette Ntakiruntika will learn about music video creation, and seek out specific film collaborators, in order to visually tell the stories behind the songs in her album Cocoon. 
Jeff Collins will reinterpret his experience of the land he lives on through paintings, using symbols and icons, to capture the significance of the landscape’s place and time. 
Jeff Stuart will write, arrange, and demo a set of songs that explore perspectives on the passage of time, in preparation to record a solo album. 
Jessy Ardern will conduct an intensive revision process for R+J: Two Show Day, a new interactive theatre show that was first workshopped in spring 2022. 
Jordan Rule will observe and analyze the movements of living organisms over a one-second duration and recreate them within his watercolour paintings.  
Katherine Cutting will rework Transgelical, a personal film project about a trans woman's exploration into her past as an evangelical Christian; how it scarred her, and how it saved her. 
Keith Schooler-Callihoo will explore the origins and protocol specific to Kanienkehaka Traditional Tattoo practices that will enhance the resurgence of skin markings in Treaty 6 territory and Turtle Island. 
Kelly Ruth will explore and experiment with creating sound installations in virtual worlds, documenting the process for future projects and in support of others creating in this medium. 
Krista Leddy will use beadwork in conjunction with other media, to visually express Métis identity in the contemporary world. 
Kyle Parrotta will experiment to find a natural (sap-like) adhesive for use in their moss art. 
Leif Oleson-Cormack will undergo the process of scriptwriting and research of a new solo performance piece, Cult of One. 
Marlene Wurfel will pursue folkloric research about gnomes in support of THE GNOMINOMICON, a humorous illustrated novel for kids. 
Matthew Stepanic will research emotional abuse to draft a psychological horror novella that causes the reader to feel similarly gaslit as they experience it. 
Meara Kirwin will explore the histories and politics of Irish and other percussive dance on Treaty 6 territory, to deepen their engagement with both Irish dance and anti-colonial resistance. 
Meghan Schech will practice daily to refine her puppet-building skills through workshops and the creation of several characters to build a portfolio and film a new demo reel. 
To explore mark making, Michaela LaForge will build a drawing plotter that can use various mediums as its tool (charcoal, pen, paintbrush, etc) as a starting point for a series of new intermedia art pieces. 
Michelle Robb will develop her playwriting and dance practice while researching methods of combining text-based choreography with new Canadian plays. 
Michelle Schultz will research and organize studio visits with 10-15 local artists, to conceptualize projects that will connect artists to the larger art world and develop her curatorial practice. 
Morgan Pinnock will commence a textile and photography-based project that examines the state of Alberta's wool industry, promoting small-scale fibre farms and highlighting the significance of textiles in our lives. 
Nicholas Hertz will explore the use of fabrics and photography to research the oscillation between the objectification of the queer body and the anthropomorphizing of environments. 
Paul Donald will experiment with the best technical and artistic processes to record and develop musical improvisations influenced by the ambient sound in the environment. 
Rachel Gleddie will field record the natural sounds of specific locations in the Edmonton Region and use these recordings to produce songs to sound as much like the natural location as possible. 
Rebecca Campbell will research and write a documentary film treatment for her film Moving Mountains, a story of women with breast implants struggling to reclaim their health. 
Ryan Payne will establish a daily practice that includes analyzing composers to explore new structures for musical improvisation and composition.  
Steven Pirot will assemble shorter isolated spoken word performance pieces into a continuous solo performance of approximately 50 minutes suitable for presentation at performance festivals. 
Taiessa Pagola will create felt structures of rare plants and research historical and modern plant shipping containers, exploring colonial extraction, the construction of whiteness, and ecological exchange. 
Veronika Marks will create a series of video works that serve as a foundation for paintings and sculptures. 
Viola Sweep will teach the cultural designs used in beading and sewing to the current generation, passing on lost art forms based on Manitoba First Nations (Nisichawayasihk Cree nation), to restore family traditions. 
Wayne Arthurson will create a proposal to publishers, for a non-fiction book on Indigenous War Heroes for middle-grade readers. 
Zana Wensel will experiment with new materials and sewing processes, to create Meditations: a new series that aims to instill a state of introspectiveness about one’s relationship with the Earth.  
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"Morris Personal Survival Tent" by Stream 2 grant recipient Clint Wilson. Altered USMC combat tent silkscreen on nylon. Photo provided by the artist.
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Stream 2 grant recipient Anna Pratch fire breathing.
Stream 2 of the grants for Individuals and Collectives program focuses on Skills and Career Development. This stream supports mentorship, attending a residency or other forms of professional development. The assessors have made recommendations to fund 23 applicants, for a total of $181,524. Congratulations to the following recipients:   
Angeline Manu will be mentored by Dr. Yashoda Thakore to learn nuances of the ancient Devadasi dance form.  
Anna Pratch will develop her existing movement skills to expand her range as an artist through the International Stunt School’s 2023 Stunt Performer Course in Seattle.  
Chris McNicoll will learn to mix, produce, and master music at an intermediate professional level through a mentorship program with experienced producer Prem Raj. 
Christopher Valcin will travel to Los Angeles for the KĀOS dance convention to train with world-renowned choreographers and audition for the Kaos Aftermath show. 
Clinton Wilson will attend a residency at the Kala Art Center in Berkeley, to research and produce a series of photographic works profiling lost and missing west coast species of flora and fauna. A compilation of his research will contribute to an exhibition at the McMullen Gallery. 
Daniel Foreman will attend Write Over Here: Open Rezidency, a three-week self-directed residency at the Banff Centre facilitated by Eva Thomas.  
Demmi Connolly will attend the Twist & Shout Balloon Convention in Glendale, California for professional development.  
Emily Jan will embark on an immersion in ceramics through participation in group classes followed by guided individual study with a mentor: ceramicist KJ MacAlister of Viva Clayworks. 
Fabio Henao Caviedes will attend online film-scoring courses for a greater understanding of harmonic language, orchestration techniques, and synthestration methods to complement and elevate visual storytelling. The courses will be taught by Mattia Chiappa and Mark Richards. 
James Portingale will attend online colour grading courses via Mixing Light, with a focus on colour grading as it relates to media art and filmmaking. 
Jesse Thomas will begin training at Sound + Vision: New Media Platforms under mentor Will Bauer at Moment Research, to acquire skills in new media platforms to be used in the creation of a series of interactive soundscapes. 
Kasie Campbell will attend a two-week course at Series Summer Art School at Red Deer Polytechnic to learn about bronze casting and the lost-wax process. 
Kate Boorman will participate in a month-long artists' residency, hosted by the La Napoule Art Foundation in France: a unique opportunity to be surrounded by multi-disciplinary creatives who are likewise dedicated to their craft. 
Kayla Bradford, a Deaf artist, will seek peer support, professional theatre mentorship from Tori Morrison, and funding to learn how to design and execute creative captions, a way of conveying spoken dialogue and aural elements of performance in a single visual medium 
Lebogang Disele will work with mentors Eric Awuah and Gaolape “Aus G” Basuhi to design and partake in a program of study, working on African contemporary dance to develop her choreographic practice. 
Lucas Chaisson will be mentored by audio engineer Scott Franchuk at Riverdale Recorders in a 10-week, self-directed apprenticeship. 
Maaike Kuypers will attend four 6-week sessions at Studio 72 to expand and strengthen her creative practice and ceramic skills working with mentor Emma Lakey.  
Marlouie Saique will attend masterclasses, panels, and performances during the world-class International Trumpet Guild Conference in Minneapolis, MN. 
Matthew Cardinal will work with mentor AJA Louden to learn how to work at a professional level with a client from start to finish and produce a mural on panels. 
Max Rubin will start an intensive 20-week part-time mentorship with Sheiny Satanove of Punctuate! Theatre, focused on Canadian theatre production and artistic directorship. 
Emerging dance artists Maxwell Hanic, Michelle Robb, Jason Romero, Callie Lissinna, Sam Ketsa, Sophie Arab, and Emma Brown will facilitate and participate in a studio residency to advance their skills in contemporary dance, teaching, and collaboration while deepening connections within the Edmonton dance community. 
Sissy Thiessen Kootenayoo will complete tutorial sessions to build her education and skills in wood flute playing to connect to her Cree spirit name Windy Woman and add to the Indigenous performing artistic disciplines that educate and inform the community. 
Vismaya Bhagavathi Parambath will begin a mentorship under Dr. Yashoda Thakore, to learn the foundation of the Devadasi tradition, specifically Abhinaya and Taalam. 
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Still from video documenting the development phase of "Go Where Light Is". The evening-length dance work by Stream 3 grant recipient Jennifer Mesch will go live in early 2023. Photo provided by the artist.
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"Returning Home (Churchill Station)", a mural by Stream 3 recipient Carla Rae Taylor. Photo provided by John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights.
Stream 3 of the grant program invests in Major Artist-Driven Projects. These funds are allocated to support artist projects materially ready for production and/or presentation. 56 projects were recommended for funding, for a total of $1,047,430. Congratulations to the following artists and collectives:   
Aboud Salman will create seven paintings about remarkable women from the Middle East to shed light on the influential roles Middle Eastern women have played over the course of history.  
Adrian (AJA) Louden will create and present a new Afrofuturist-inspired mural on the Avenue Theatre building on 118 Avenue. 
Adriana Onita (Founding Editor) and collective members Karrie Auger, Luciana Erregue, Candice Joy Oliva, Gian Marco Visconti, and Medgine Mathurin will publish two issues and debut five chapbooks of the multilingual magazine The Polyglot featuring Edmonton poets and artists who are experimenting with their Indigenous and heritage languages. 
Anna Hawkins and co-programmer Elisabeth Belliveau will screen a series of artist-made moving-image works in dialogue with cinematic feature films, exploring the narrative, experimental, conceptual, and symbolic roles that flowers play on screen. 
Anthony Goertz will produce and distribute the short romantic comedy film, Apocalypse Book Club. 
Aretha Tillotson will record a full-length album of original jazz compositions featuring a quintet.  
Ashleigh Hicks will debut their new play, MINE, a historical drama that focuses on a small coal mining community on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia during the turn of the twentieth century as a staged reading as part of RISER Edmonton 2023. 
Brandon Baker, a Métis singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist performing under the name Electric Religious, will record a new full-length album to be released in 2023.     
Braxton Garneau will produce new mixed-media works incorporating asphalt, raffia and cowrie shells for their first international solo exhibition at GAVLAK Gallery in Los Angeles.  
Brian Raine will produce, and curate multi-disciplinary artworks intertwined with the music of Ways in Waves to present as a combined art show and album release.    
Carla Rae Taylor in collaboration with the Dreamspeakers Festival Society will blend urban art techniques and traditional acrylic painting to create a mural that celebrates being Indigenous, to be mounted on the WhiskeyJack Art House. 
Chris Bullough and co-creator Laura Raboud will research, experiment and create a new song cycle under the mentorship of David Kennedy.  
Christine Lesiak will continue the development of the original play The Spinsters through rehearsal and workshops with co-writers, designers, and performer collaborators in Edmonton, Vancouver, and Winnipeg. 
Courtney Loberg will complete the fifth graphic novel in her surreal, folktale-inspired series, We Don't Go Through the Angelgrass.    Dakota aka Psi McIvor will publish a multi-disciplinary art anthology based on visual and written creations, supported by merchandise and a book release event. 
Dan Davis will record a live album at the Yardbird Suite with the Way Back Whens, an Edmonton-based traditional jazz band. 
Darren Jordan will curate and produce 5 Artists 1 Love (5A1L), an annual immersive arts event celebrating the cultural diversity and vibrancy within Edmonton's Black communities. 
Dustin Chok will complete post-production and publicly present Wave Riders, a short documentary that follows a teacher-student story between Edmonton dancer Sekou Sonko-Boisclair, and legendary New York dancer, Future. 
Erina Harris will complete and publish their poetry manuscript, Trading Beauty Secrets with the Dead, an Abecedarium of Other Rhymes and Nonsense Versus. 
Chamber music trio Frank Ho (violinist), Vladimir Machado Rufino (violinist), and Fabiola Belarmino de Farias Amorim (violist) will record an album of 19th, 20th, and 21st century works.  
Gary James Joynes will create a high-resolution visual-sound photo series exploring the postulation of Nicola Tesla that Cymatic Farady sound wave tones have potential healing properties.  
Hemali Boorada will present the dance production, Art of Asthapadi's, an exploration of a Canadian-raised artist choreographing Sanskrit hymns from the 12th century with Kuchipudi repertoire. 
Jamie McRae will create Found, a 16mm based film, presented as a 4x4 collage (16 frames) display of edited found footage from the Film and Video Arts Society (FAVA) darkroom over the years. 
Jennifer Mesch will complete the development of choreography, rehearsal, multimedia design and build, set design-build, and performance of Go Where Light Is, an evening-length dance work. 
Jinzhe Cui will complete and self-publish a book containing a new series of paintings and fairy tales inspired by Edmonton’s river valley. 
Jordan Abel will complete the first draft of the visual poetry book Welcome to the world, dear [son/daughter name]! which explores what it means to be a dad when one’s own dad was absent, and how to continue existing within the inherited traumas of Residential Schools.
Kelsey McMillan will complete a full-length folk album exploring themes of growth, expression and conflict, working with a local producer, session musicians, and a mastering technician. 
KJ MacAlister a ceramicist/writer, and illustrator Stephanie Simpson, will self-publish their children’s book Little Otter Becomes a Potter. 
Kyle Armstrong will go from pre-production to post-production of a micro-budget feature film following a couple through the experience of a miscarriage, based on an original screenplay. 
Laena Anderson, along with fellow members of The Debutantes, Michael Vetsch, Robyn Slack, David Rae, Shanni Pinkerton, and Glenna Schowalter, will re-mount Odd Wednesday, a monthly sketch comedy showcase.  
Lauren Brady (Artistic Director) and Zachary Strom (Artistic Producer), will develop and present the multidisciplinary and mixed media clown show, InterWEBBED.
Liam Monaghan will rehearse and produce the Edmonton premiere and Lethbridge tour of a new original play, Strange Familiar, exploring queerness, adoption, and family belonging. 
Lora Brovold will write, produce, and direct the short documentary, Finding Friendos: one woman’s endometriosis survival story.
Mac Brock will produce and direct their original play Boy Trouble, as part of the 2023 Edmonton Fringe Theatre Season. 
Marco Claveria will record a third studio album in Edmonton, exploring Latin rhythms and Celtic elements at Homestead Studios with Lane Allen. 
Marek Orszulik will record music for classical guitar by Polish composers, encompassing works from the Renaissance to the present day, for CD and digital release. 
Maria Fekecz-Mangan will present Face2Face, a multimedia performance integrating momentary synchronization between video, live dancers, and music. 
Marie Carrillos-Avalos and Bashir Mohamed will continue working on their play about Charles Daniels, incorporating the stories of Lulu Anderson and Ted King. 
UltraViolet Ensemble members Mark Segger, Chenoa Anderson, Allison Balcetis and Roger Admiral will commission and perform two new works by Sointu Aalto and Rio Houle in late 2023, as part of a concert featuring six new pieces by Edmonton composers. 
Filmmaker Matthew Gooding will complete post-production work (editing, colour, visual effects) on a music video for Edmonton band Wares. 
Morgan Smith, Spenser Pasman, Stuart Lindsay and Zachary Parsons-Lozinksi will re-mount the 2022 Edmonton Fringe hit The House That F*cks at the SoHo Playhouse in New York City. 
Neima Siyo will make two music videos for Laammii Koo (“Our Society, Our People”), from their latest album release. 
Noor Dean Musani will compose, rehearse, record, mix and master a new full-length album under their moniker Freetrayed, combining field recordings, granular sampling, and traditional synthesizer techniques. 
Ntwali Kayijaho will produce, develop and release four songs with corresponding visual content, including music videos and cover art. 
Olivia Elel Enanga will self-publish Chanson Chez Nous: a songbook of traditional music for voice from Cameroon, Africa. 
Rebecca Merkley will hire seven artists to learn, sing and record two singles of an original musical comedy spoof based on the Scooby-Doo cartoon series. 
Robin Alex McDonald will program and facilitate (Dis)respect Des Fonds, a one-night screening of eight short films and a discussion event exploring artistic interventions into public archives. 
Ryan Leedu will receive funding to cover film festival submission fees for two recent short films: Portrait of the Con-Artist as a Young Man and No Bedroom. 
Sean Davis Newton will record the debut LP Nobody Lives There, at Riverdale Recorders, exploring our relationship with the environment, politics, and each other. 
Sharon Rose Cherweniuk in collaboration with Jason Symington will create a series of eight floral beadwork panels/large-scale photographs, portraits and audio, exploring intimate and loving relationships, to re-contextualize and decolonize the stories of Indigenous womanhood. 
Steven Teeuwsen will curate and present an exhibition of sculptural outdoor play structures by artists and designers at Lowlands Project Space.  
Co-creators and showrunners Sydney Campbell and Elena/Eli Belyea will edit and complete post-production of their queer sketch troupe’s web series’ first season, GENDER? I HARDLY KNOW THEM.
Titilope Sonuga will complete the arrangement and production of the spoken word album Sis, which fuses performance poetry and music. 
Collective members Trevor Duffy, Sonja Garette, Lisa Nobel, Pete Nuygen, Danny Jaycock, Brendon Boyd, Thomas Ohara, Bryan Cooper, and Simon Gushulack will complete Tree Island, a series of six short videos, depicting puppets, to help educate and enable children to identify and express emotions through storytelling. 
The Vaughan String Quartet (Vladimir Machado Rufino, Fabiola Belarmino de Farias Amorim, Mattia Berrini, and Silvia Buttiglione) will launch a chamber music festival celebrating the Quartet’s 10th year, collaborating with established and emerging musicians from the Edmonton music community. 
Yong Fei Guan will create and present an eco-public art exhibition at Fort Edmonton Park, focusing on the history and use of goji berries in Edmonton. 
0 notes
bluepointcoin · 2 years
Breaking down Trudeau’s defence for invoking the Emergencies Act
Breaking down Trudeau’s defence for invoking the Emergencies Act
CBC senior parliamentary reporter David Cochrane and the Globe and Mail’s Ottawa reporter Shannon Proudfoot join Ian Hanomansing to discuss the prime minister’s testimony at the Emergencies Act inquiry. Source link
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Flower of Canadian Farm Youth Comes to Attend Royal Winter Fair,” Toronto Globe. November 15, 1932. Page 11. ---- Guests of the Canadian Council on Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work, the above splendid-appearing group of young Canadians today begin their judging competitions in the second annual National Contests for Boys’ and Girls’ Farm Clubs at the Royal Winter Fair. In the picture are the following: From British Columbia - Margaret Mckee and Phyllis McKee of Milner; Mat Hassen and Hugh D. McCalian of Armstrong; James Forshaw of Greenwood, and George Roper of Grand Forks. From Alberta - Lyle Graham and Jack Thompson of Olds; Henri Mallhot of Donnelly and Bernard Viens of Falher; Charles W. Cranston of Wembley and Everett Sheehan of Clairmont; George Feduk and George Shewehuck of Willington. From Saskatchewan - Maurice Palmer and David White of Marsden; Campbell Bill of Windhorst and Gordon Roy of Corning; David Clark of Inchbank and Donald Murray of Kennedy. From Manitoba - Thomas King of Teulon and William MacGillivray of Warrenton; Charles Campbell and William Matthews of Reston; Miss Florey Johnson of Winnipeg Beach and Miss Signe Hashund of Inwood; Henry Brown of Dugald and Albert Van Ryssel of Oak Bank. From Ontario - James Pinkney of Cooksville and Gordon Robinson of Route 1, Bolton; William Gay of Foxboro’ and Ray Mallory of Frankford; D. S. Gibbons of Route 3, Renfrew, and Stewart Sparling of Route 1, Eganville; Stephen Fletcher of Route 1, Hannon, and Binnie Sherwin of Route 2, Hamilton. From Quebec - Laurent Chagnon and Jean Charles Tremblay of Coaticook; George Helie and A. Richer of St. Wenseclas. From New Brunswick - Otty Huggard and Robert Raymond of Norton; Kenneth Darrah and Thomas Fulton of Chipman. From Nova Scotia - Grant W. Phinney of Route 4, Bridgetown, and Bernard R. Longley of Paradise; Preston Murray and Jon Proudfoot of Salt Springs; Clarence T. Finlay and Gerald T. Trueman of Amherrst. From Prince Edward Island - Joseph Donahue and George MacMillan of Cornwall.
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lytdybr · 2 years
A Love Letter to Lisbon | A Breakwater Original from Breakwater Studios Ltd. on Vimeo.
A Breakwater Original
A love letter to Lisbon, Portugal.
Directed by Ben Proudfoot | [email protected] Cinematography by David Bolen | @davidbolen Edited by Nick Wright Music Composed & Conducted by Nicholas Jacobson-Larson Post-Production Supervision by David Nieman & Dillon Brown Color by Houmam Abdallah Sound Re-recording by Sean Higgins Sound Editing by TJ Jacques Executive Produced by Julian Johnson Produced by Ben Proudfoot & Grace Zahrah Produced by Jeremy Lambert & Richard Graham Field Produced by Sofia Leira de Lima
Featuring "Viajar" by Fernando Pessoa Read by Sofia Domingues
Score Preparation by Alessandro Saini Music Mixed by Brad Haehnel Music Contractor - Peter Rotter Foley Artist - Tara Blume
Special Thanks Suzana e Vera & Oficina do Costelo Chef José Avillez of Belcanto Chef Susana Felicidade of Pharmácia Chef Ljubomir Stanisic of Sin Maneiras Camilla Hall Mariana Marques Michael Risley
For Breakwater Studios Gabe Godoi Jeremy Lambert Brenna Malta Monica Salazar Clarisse Wiedem Terry Quennell
Shot on Arri Alexa Mini and Angenieux Optimo
Made with Love by Breakwater Studios Ltd. in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Los Feliz, California
breakwaterstudios.com | @breakwaterstud
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rickyvalero · 3 years
2021 Year in Review: A Montage of interviews
2021 Year in Review: A Montage of interviews
It was a fruitful year for me in regards to having some fantastic people to sit down and interview. I have put together a montage of a little clip of each of these interviews to share with you. Below you will find links to each of the interviews in order of them on the montage. Kurt & Brenda Warner: https://youtu.be/L7crv47gvW8Jason Biggs: https://youtu.be/5mAq1_nlbLMDavid Cross:…
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cinemalerta · 4 years
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93rd Academy Awards Nominees
The Father – David Parfitt, Jean-Louis Livi, and Philippe Carcassonne
Judas and the Black Messiah – Shaka King, Charles D. King, and Ryan Coogler
Mank – Ceán Chaffin, Eric Roth, and Douglas Urbanski
Minari – Christina Oh
Nomadland – Frances McDormand, Peter Spears, Mollye Asher, Dan Javey, and Chloé Zhao
Promising Young Woman – Ben Browning, Ashley Fox, Emerald Fennell, and Josey McNamara
Sound of Metal – Bert Hamelinick and Sacha Ben Harroche
The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Marc Platt and Stuart Besser
Lee Isaac Chung – Minari
Emerald Fennell – Promising Young Woman
David Fincher – Mank
Thomas Vinterberg – Another Round
Chloé Zhao – Nomadland
Riz Ahmed – Sound of Metal as Ruben Stone
Chadwick Boseman (posthumous nominee) – Ma Rainey's Black Bottom as Levee Green
Anthony Hopkins – The Father as Anthony
Gary Oldman – Mank as Herman J. Mankiewicz
Steven Yeun – Minari as Jacob Yi
Viola Davis – Ma Rainey's Black Bottom as Ma Rainey
Andra Day – The United States vs. Billie Holiday as Billie Holiday
Vanessa Kirby – Pieces of a Woman as Martha Weiss
Frances McDormand – Nomadland as Fern
Carey Mulligan – Promising Young Woman as Cassandra “Cassie” Thomas
Sacha Baron Cohen – The Trial of the Chicago 7 as Abbie Hoffman
Daniel Kaluuya – Judas and the Black Messiah as Fred Hampton
Leslie Odom Jr. – One Night in Miami... as Sam Cooke
Paul Raci – Sound of Metal as Joe
Lakeith Stanfield – Judas and the Black Messiah as William "Bill" O'Neal
Maria Bakalova – Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan as Tutar Sagdiyev
Glenn Close – Hillbilly Elegy as Bonnie "Mamaw" Vance
Olivia Colman – The Father as Anne
Amanda Seyfried – Mank as Marion Davies
Youn Yuh-jung – Minari as Soon-ja
Judas and the Black Messiah – Screenplay by Will Berson and Shaka King; Story by Will Berson, Shaka King, Keith Lucas, and Kenny Lucas
Minari – Lee Isaac Chung
Promising Young Woman – Emerald Fennell
Sound of Metal – Screenplay by Darius Marder and Abraham Marder; Story by Darius Marder and Derek Cianfrance
The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Aaron Sorkin
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan – Screenplay by Sacha Baron Cohen, Anthony Hines, Dan Swimer, Peter Baynham, Erica Rivinoja, Dan Mazer, Jena Friedman, and Lee Kern; Story by Baron Cohen, Hines, Swimer, and Nina Pedrad; Based on the character Borat Sagdiyev by Baron Cohen
The Father – Christopher Hampton & Florian Zeller, based on the play by Zeller
Nomadland – Chloé Zhao, based on the book by Jessica Bruder
One Night in Miami... – Kemp Powers, based on his play
The White Tiger – Ramin Bahrani, based on the novel by Aravind Adiga
Another Round (Denmark) in Danish – directed by Thomas Vinterberg
Better Days (Hong Kong) in Mandarin – directed by Derek Tsang
Collective (Romania) in Romanian – directed by Alexander Nanau
The Man Who Sold His Skin (Tunisia) in Arabic – directed by Kaouther Ben Hania
Quo Vadis, Aida? (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in Bosnian – directed by Jasmila Žbanić
Onward – Dan Scanlon and Kori Rae
Over the Moon – Glen Keane, Gennie Rin, and Peilin Chou
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon – Richard Phelan, Will Becher, and Paul Kewley
Soul – Pete Docter and Dana Murray
Wolfwalkers – Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart, Paul Young, and Stéphan Roelants
Collective – Alexander Nanau and Bianca Oana
Crip Camp – Nicole Newnham, Jim LeBrecht and Sara Bolder
The Mole Agent – Maite Alberdi and Marcela Santibáñez
My Octopus Teacher – Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed, and Craig Foster
Time – Garrett Bradley, Lauren Domino, and Kellen Quinn
Judas and the Black Messiah – Sean Bobbitt
Mank – Erik Messerschmidt
News of the World – Dariusz Wolski
Nomadland – Joshua James Richards
The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Phedon Papamichael
The Father – Yorgos Lamprinos
Nomadland – Chloé Zhao
Promising Young Woman – Frédéric Thoraval
Sound of Metal – Mikkel E.G. Nielsen
The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Alan Baumgarten
The Father – Production Design: Peter Francis; Set Decoration: Cathy Featherstone
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom – Production Design: Mark Ricker; Set Decoration: Karen O'Hara and Diana Sroughton
Mank – Production Design: Donald Graham Burt; Set Decoration: Jan Pascale
News of the World – Production Design: David Crank; Set Decoration: Elizabeth Keenan
Tenet – Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas
Emma – Alexandra Byrne
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom – Ann Roth
Mank – Trish Summerville
Mulan – Bina Daigeler
Pinocchio – Massimo Cantini Parrini
Emma – Marese Langan, Laura Allen, and Claudia Stolze
Hillbilly Elegy – Eryn Krueger Mekash, Patricia Dehaney, and Matthew Mungle
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom – Matiki Anoff, Mia Neal, and Larry M. Cherry
Mank – Kimberley Spiteri, Gigi Williams
Pinocchio – Dalia Colli, Mark Coulier, and Francesco Pegoretti
Love and Monsters – Matt Sloan, Genevieve Camailleri, Matt Everitt, and Brian Cox
The Midnight Sky – Matthew Kasmir, Christopher Lawren, Max Solomon, and David Watkins
Mulan – Sean Faden, Anders Langlands, Seth Maury, and Steven Ingram
The One and Only Ivan – Nick Davis, Greg Fisher, Ben Jones, and Santiago Colomo Martinez
Tenet – Andrew Jackson, David Lee, Andrew Lockley and
Da 5 Bloods – Terence Blanchard
Mank – Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
Minari – Emile Mosseri
News of the World – James Newton Howard
Soul – Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, and Jon Batiste
"Fight for You" from Judas and the Black Messiah – Music by H.E.R. and Dernst Emile II; Lyric by H.E.R. and Tiara Thomas
"Hear My Voice" from The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Music by Daniel Pemberton; Lyric by Daniel Pemberton and Celeste Waite
"Husavik" from Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga – Music and Lyric by Savan Kotecha, Fat Max Gsus, and Rickard Göransson
"Io Sì (Seen)" from The Life Ahead – Music by Diane Warren; Lyric by Diane Warren and Laura Pausini
"Speak Now" from One Night in Miami... – Music and Lyric by Leslie Odom Jr. and Sam Ashworth
Greyhound – Warren Shaw, Michael Minkler, Beau Borders, and David Wyman
Mank – Ren Klyce, Jeremy Molod, David Parker, Nathan Nance, and Drew Kunin
News of the World – Oliver Tarney, Mike Prestwood Smith, William Miller, and John Pritchett
Soul – Ren Klyce, Coya Elliot, and David Parker
Sound of Metal – Nicolas Becker, Jaime Baksht, Michelle Couttolenc, Carlos Cortes, and Philip Bladh
Feeling Through – Doug Roland and Susan Ruzenski
The Letter Room – Elvira Lind and Sofia Sondervan
The Present – Farah Nabulsi
Two Distant Strangers – Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe
White Eye – Tomer Shushan and Shira Hochman
Burrow – Madeline Sharafian and Michael Capbarat
Genius Loci – Adrien Mérigeau and Amaury Ovise
If Anything Happens I Love You – Will McCormack and Michael Govier
Opera – Eric Oh
Yes-People – Gísli Darri Halldórsson and Arnar Gunnarsson
Colette – Anthony Giacchino and Alice Doyard
A Concerto Is a Conversation – Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers
Do Not Split – Anders Hammer and Charlotte Cook
Hunger Ward – Skye Fitzgerald and Michael Shueuerman
A Love Song for Latasha – Sophia Nahali Allison and Janice Duncan
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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2017 Oscar Wilde Awards: Martin Short, Caitríona Balfe, Ruth Negga, Zachary Quinto, Glen Hansard, J.J. Abrams (Michael Buckner/Variety/REX/Shutterstock)
Oscars: Complete Guide to 2022 Red Carpet Events and Parties
From Vanity Fair and Elton John's starry bashes to fashionable soirees by Chanel and Armani, THR rounds up the highlights of Oscar week.
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In this handout photo provided by A.M.P.A.S., Reese Witherspoon poses backstage the 93rd Annual Academy Awards at Union Station on April 25, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. RICHARD HARBAUGH/A.M.P.A.S./GETTY IMAGES
Event producers are preparing to roll out miles of red carpet this week for what is shaping up to be a packed schedule of starry parties and gatherings to celebrate the 94th annual Academy Awards. The Hollywood Reporter has gathered intel on all the events below.
Sunday, March 20
Holly Shorts Film Festival Oscar Nominee Brunch
Japan House LA, 6801 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, 2-6 p.m.
The third annual event will host guests from nominated films including Summer of Soul producer Beth Hubbard, Take and Run’s Maria Brendle and Nadine Luchinger, The Dress’ Tadeusz Lysiak and actress Anna Dzieduszyka, The Long Goodbye’s Aneil Karia, The Queen of Basketball’s Ben Proudfoot and When We Were Bullies’ Jay Rosenblatt. Additional guests expected: Sujata Ray, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Jaylen Moore, Kimberly Scott, James DuMont, David Dastmalchian, Anna Chazelle, Jon Huertas, Jay Hunter and Kevin Wilson Jr.
Monday, March 21
More to come
Tuesday, March 22
Oscar Week: Shorts
Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 7 p.m.
Hosted by Academy Short Films and Feature Animation Branch Governor Jon Bloom. The Academy celebrates the nominated films and filmmakers in the Animated Short Film and Live Action Short Film categories. The evening will include a screening of all 10 nominated shorts in their entirety, as well as introductions by all the nominated filmmakers (schedules permitting).
EMILY’s List: The Collective Power of Women
Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, 300 South Doheny Dr., 8:30-11 a.m.
The organization centered around women in politics will host its fifth annual event during the week of the Academy Awards. Speakers include Amber Tamblyn, Bozoma Saint John, Chiney Ogwumike, Gloria Calderón Kellett, U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (an EMILY’s List-endorsed candidate for Los Angeles mayor), Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Robin Thede and Yvette Nicole Brown (who will moderate). Host committee includes Alyssa Lanz, Andrea Nelson Meigs, Amy Landecker, Denise Melanson, Desiree Flores, Emmy Rossum, Hannah Minghella, Kathryn Hahn, Lizzie Thompson, Natasha Rothwell, Maddy Roth, Rene Jones, Sara Benincasa, Sarah Clossey, Tony Wallace, Tracy Brennan, Shelter PR and WME.
Vanities: A Night for Young Hollywood
Musso & Frank, 6667 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood
Vanity Fair and Bacardi Rum celebrate as part of the mag’s Campaign Hollywood series with this event co-hosted by Licorice Pizza breakout Alana Haim, West Side Story Oscar nominee Ariana DeBose and Giveon, all of whom have been covered in VF’s Vanities column. Tequila Don Julio is back for a second consecutive year to handle curated specialty pours.
Wednesday, March 23
Oscar Week: Documentaries
Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by Academy Documentary Branch Governors Kate Amend, Jean Tsien and Roger Ross Williams. The Academy showcases the nominated films and filmmakers in the Documentary Short Subject and Documentary Feature categories. The evening will include a presentation of clips from this year’s nominated films with introductions by the nominees (schedules permitting). A livestream will be available here.
Pre-Oscars Event Celebrating South Asian Excellence
UTA, 9336 Civic Center Dr., Beverly Hills, 5-8 p.m.
UTA, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences, Johnnie Walker, South Asian Arts Resiliency Fund of the India Center and the Juggernaut are sponsoring this gathering to toast South Asian excellence on film. Hosts include Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Mindy Kaling, Kumail Nanjiani, Anjula Acharia, Bela Bajaria, Maneesh K. Goya and Shruti Ganguly. Honorary guests to include Riz Ahmed and Suroosh Alvi (Flee); Pawo Choyning Dorji (Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom); Joseph Patel (Summer of Soul); Riz Ahmed and Aneil Karia (The Long Goodbye); Elizabeth Mirzaei and Gulistan Mirzaei (Three Songs for Benazir); and Rintu Thomas, Sushmit Ghosh and Anurima Bhargava (Writing with Fire).
Celebration of Norwegian Films and Talents
The Stanley House, 1894 N. Stanley, 6-midnight
Norwegian Film Institute is hosting a series of celebrations to toast Liv Ullmann’s honorary Oscar and noms for The Worst Person in the World, Flee and Writing With Fire.
Thursday, March 24
Essence 15th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Awards
Beverly Wilshire, 9500 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills
The magazine returns to Oscar week by hosting its event that shines a spotlight on “the extraordinary achievements of the industry’s most inspiring Black women who are helping diverse Black stories to be told.” This year’s event is billed as “The Black Cinematic Universe” and will honor Nia Long, King Richard Oscar nominee Aunjanue Ellis, Abbott Elementary breakout Quinta Brunson and A Journal for Jordan star Chanté Adams. Essence has tapped Snowfall star Damson Idris to host the event, which will air as a virtual experience on March 28 on Essence.com and EssenceStudios.com. Disney’s Onyx Collective and Warner Bros Television Group are sponsoring.
Taste the Future
Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, 300 South Doheny Dr., 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Uma Thurman, Liam Payne, Paul Wesley, Questlove, Christian Angermayer and Sean O’Sullivan are co-hosting the luncheon celebration for the future of food. SOSV and Apeiron Investment Group present the event which will feature a menu by Matthew Kenney using products created by the industry’s “most innovative food-tech companies.”
Consul Generals of Norway and Finland VIP Luncheon
Fanny’s, Academy Museum, 6067 Wilshire Blvd., 12 p.m.
Invite-only, VIP luncheon to toast the region’s showings during year’s awards season.
Reception for Liv Ullman
The Stanley House, 1894 N. Stanley, 6-8 p.m.
Norwegian Film Institute is hosting a series of invite-only celebrations to toast Liv Ullmann’s honorary Oscar and noms for The Worst Person in the World, Flee and Writing With Fire. This reception shines a spotlight on the actress and her career achievements leading up to the major honor.
Fiction Norway Reception
The Stanley House, 1894 N. Stanley, 8-10 p.m.
Norwegian Film Institute is hosting a series of invite-only celebrations to toast Liv Ullmann’s honorary Oscar and noms for The Worst Person in the World, Flee and Writing With Fire.
Vanity Fair and Lancome Celebrate the Future of Hollywood
Mother Wolf, 1545 Wilcox Ave., Los Angeles
The mag teams with the beauty brand, back for a ninth year as exclusive beautify partner for Campaign Hollywood, for a soiree that has sights set on the future. Vanity Fair editor-in-chief Radhika Jones teams with The Dropout star Amanda Seyfried to co-host the bash, held at one of L.A.’s hottest and most exclusive new restaurants in the heart of Hollywood. Tequila Don Julio is back for a second consecutive year to handle curated specialty pours.
W’s Best Performances
Gigi’s, 904 N. Sycamore, Los Angeles, 8 p.m.
W’s editor-in-chief Sara Moonves, longtime staffer Lynn Hirschberg and Louis Vuitton creative director Nicolas Ghesquiére are teaming to host the mag’s annual awards event, postponed this year from a pre-Golden Globes fete to Oscars week due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The themed issue shined a spotlight on 35 actors for turning in head-turning performances including notable names like Benedict Cumberbatch, Dakota Johnson, Kirsten Dunst, Ruth Negga, Alana Haim, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Andrew Garfield, Tessa Thompson, Jared Leto, Simon Rex, Renate Reinsve and many more.
The 5th Annual MACRO Pre-Oscar Party
SoFi Stadium, 1001 Stadium Dr., Inglewood, 9 p.m.
Charles and Stacey Walker King return to host a 4th annual outing during the lead-up to the Oscars. But this year, they’re moving the party to Inglewood’s new(ish) $5 billion crown jewel, bringing superstar DJ D-Nice along to orchestrate the vibes. Starry guest list expected. Presented by Chase Sapphire.
Oscar Wilde Party
Wilshire Ebell Theatre, 4401 W. 8th St., Los Angeles
Due to COVID-19, the 16th annual event is moving from Bad Robot to the Ebell, welcoming honorees to the stage like Kenneth Branagh, Jamie Dornan, Adam McKay and Donall O Healai and presenters Caitriona Balfe, Richard Curtis, Mary Steenburgen and Reinaldo Marcus Green. Irish performers Loah & Bantam and the band True Tides will perform with Richard Mooney of Kensington Caterers handling the menu. J.J. Abrams will emcee.
The Latinx House Pre-Awards Celebration
Issima in West Hollywood, 623 North La Peer Dr., West Hollywood, 12 p.m.
The Latinx House hosts a pre-awards lunch with diverse industry creatives, advocates and community members to toast representation across this year’s nominees.
Net-a-Porter + LaQuan Smith
Olivetta, 9010 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, 7 p.m.
Net-a-Porter president Alison Loehnis joins Smith for a dinner to celebrate the designer’s spring/summer ’22 collection on the platform. Guests expected: Tiffany Haddish, Olivia Culpo, Taylor Hill, Hilary Rhoda, Cleo Wade, Maggie Holladay, Elaine Welterorth, Akira Akbar, Aleali May, Bozoma Saint John, Stephen Galloway and others.
Oscar Week: International Feature Film
Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by international feature film award executive committee co-chairs Susanne Bier and Rajendra Roy, the evening will feature clips from each nominated film, as well as a panel discussion with directors (schedules permitting). A livestream will be available here.
Canada & the Oscars
Private residence, 5 p.m.
The Consul General of Canada Zaib Shaik and Telefilm Canada, the Talent Fund and National Film Board Canada team for a reception at Canada’s House in Los Angeles to toast the season and honor as “extraordinary Canadians, and friends of Canada, who are among this year’s Oscar nominees.”
Friday, March 25
Publicists Guild Luncheon
Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills, 11 a.m.
Honorees include Francis Ford Coppola, MGM’s Michael De Luca and Pamela Abdy, and Reservation Dogs team of Sterlin Harjo and Taika Waititi. Presenters to include Garett Dillahunt (Ambulance), Gerald (Mac) McRaney (NCIS: Los Angeles), David Alverez (West Side Story), Lisa Ann Walter (Abbott Elementary) among others.
Governors Awards
The Ray Dolby Ballroom at Hollywood & Highland Center, 6801 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Board of Governors will present Honorary Awards to Samuel L. Jackson, Elaine May and Liv Ullmann, and the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award to Danny Glover.
Secret Room Events Pre-Red Carpet Style Lounge
SLS HOTEL Beverly Hills, 465 S La Cienega Blvd., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Invite-only gifting lounge featuring gift bags with more than 60 items and more than 40 in-person sponsors from luxury shoes and skincare to Botox and fillers being administered onsite. A gift bag with celebrity autographs will later be auctioned to support Ukraine refugees, who will also be supported with an on-site donations program.
DPA Gifting Suite
Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, 11461 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, March 25-26, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Nathalie Dubois and DPA are back on the big awards weekend with a suite featuring brand partners in the garden and five suites at the hotel. Swiss Nescens will recreate a private spa, with skin analysis and facials; Kenyatta International Convention Centre will host a Kenyan safari lounge; and other partners include Topo Chico, Luxie Beauty, Buttery Popcorn, My Bougie Bottle, Chipz Happen, Connect with Keao, Helen Ficalora Jewelry, Sparti Scents, Hearthstone Collective, Annick Levesque, Mantra Mask, Manna Kadar Cosmetics, Fazup, Alkazone, Maine Island Soap, Reach Out Recovery, ASEA, Art Botanica, Dermaclara, Beach Sandy, and one of DPA’s favorites Peaches Skincare. Select guests will receive trips to Le Taha’a by Pearl Resorts in French Polynesia or Soori Bali Hotel. The Ukrainian Creative Coalition of Hollywood will host a fundraiser in-suite to spread awareness about the conflict and rally support.
eBay & GBK Brand Bar Luxury Lounge
Beverly Wilshire, 9500 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, March 25-26
GBK Brand Bar is back to celebrate Academy Awards week with an exclusive, invite-only lounge. GBK CEO Gavin Keilly will welcome nominees, presenters and guests along with other VIPs from all of awards season from the Grammys to the Oscars as it’s their first lounge of the year. As part of the experience, eBay will gift luxury goods available on the platform from top-tier brands like Oris, Montblanc, Tag Heuer, Balenciaga, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta as authenticated through eBay’s Authenticity Guarantee service. Funds raised will benefit American Red Cross for Ukraine.
Essence Hollywood House
Private location, Los Angeles
The third annual gathering will feature thought leaders, industry stakeholders and members of the creative community including actors, directors, writers, showrunners, studio heads and others. They will lead a curated schedule of interactive conversations, virtual panels, masterclasses, fireside chats and more that will be featured on Essence.com and EssenceStudios.com on March 29. Disney’s Onyx Collective and Warner Bros Television Group are also sponsoring this Essence event as well.
Women in Film
Bar Lis at Thompson Hollywood
The organization returns to the Oscar week events calendar with an event co-hosted by WIF board president emeritus Cathy Schulman and Oscar winner H.E.R. The cocktail party is presented by sponsors Max Mara, Charlotte Tilbury Beauty and Heineken, with additional support from Major Partners IMDbPro and Tequila Don Julio.
San Vicente Bungalows, 845 N. San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood
The powerhouse agency hosts a private event for guests and VIPs to toast nominated clients include Denis Villeneuve, Will Smith, Paul Thomas Anderson, Steven Spielberg, Beyoncé, Ariana DeBose, Penélope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Andrew Garfield, Ciaran Hinds, Aneil Karia and Jessie Buckley.
Saturday, March 26
Oscar Week: Makeup and Hairstyling Symposium
Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 2 p.m.
Hosted by Academy Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Branch Governors Howard Berger, Bill Corso and Linda Flowers. The Academy spotlights the artists nominated for the Makeup and Hairstyling award. The afternoon event will include a screening of the “bake-off” reels that Academy branch members viewed before voting on the nominated films. Each will be followed by a discussion panel with the nominees (schedules permitting).
Giorgio Armani
Giorgio Armani, 436 N. Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, 5-8 p.m.
Roberta Armani hosts a celebration for friend of the brand Nicole Kidman in honor of her Oscar-nominated turn in Being the Ricardos at the newly designed boutique.
Charles Finch & Chanel
Private event, Los Angeles
Annual pre-Oscars dinner and event featuring well-dressed VIPs and friends of the luxury house, such as muse and close collaborator Kristen Stewart who is nominated this year for her work in Spencer. Other expected guests include Penélope Cruz, Javier Barden, Sofia Coppola, Robert Ferrell, Pedro Almodóvar, Andrew Garfield, Annabelle Wallis, Austin Butler, Brie Larson, Caitriona Balfe, Chris Pine, Daisy Edgar Jones, Giveon, Jamie Dornan, Jessie Buckley, Johnathan Majors, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Lily James, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Michael Keaton, Paolo Sorrentino, Pablo Larrain, Rashida Jones, Regé-Jean Page, Reika Kirishima, Ryûsuke Bernstein and many more.
MPTF’s “Night Before”
Fox Studios lot, 10201 Pico Blvd., Los Angeles
A star-studded host committee, nominees and presenters, along with industry power players converge for the 20th annual party to benefit MPTF. Funds raised will be used to support their industry colleagues and friends who benefit from MPTF’s charitable programs and services such as financial assistance, crisis counseling, care-giving support and, of course, the legendary retirement facility. Presenting sponsors include Delta Air Lines, L’Oréal USA, Penske Media Corporation (parent company of The Hollywood Reporter) and YouTube. Carmelized Prods.’ Jon Shook & Vinny Dotolo will provide specialty foods for the guests.
Oscar Week: Animated Feature Film
Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 10 a.m.
Hosted by Academy Short Films and Feature Animation Branch Governors Bonnie Arnold and Jennifer Yuh Nelson. The Academy celebrates the films and filmmakers nominated for Best Animated Feature Film. The morning event will feature clips from each film, with an onstage discussion with each group of nominated filmmakers (schedules permitting). A livestream will be available here.
Sunday, March 27
Academy Awards
6801 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, 5 p.m.
The 94th Oscars, hosted by Amy Schumer, Wanda Sykes and Regina Hall, will be televised live on ABC.
Governors Ball
Ray Dolby Ballroom, 6801 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, immediately following the Oscars
The Academy’s official post-show bash will once again feature a menu by Wolfgang Puck who, for the first time, will be joined in collaboration with Bronx-based culinary collective Ghetto Gastro. Also on the menu: Champagne Fleur de Miraval, Francis Ford Coppola Wines and Don Julio Tequila cocktails.
Elton John AIDS Foundation Viewing Party
West Hollywood Park, West Hollywood
The legendary singer will be on tour, so he’s drafted pals Lady Gaga, Billy Porter and Eric McCormack to co-host with partner David Furnish. They will share the stage with headliner Brandi Carlile. Presenting sponsors of the party include Elton John Eyewear (exclusive to Walmart); Christian Lundberg and R. Martin Chavez in partnership with Equality Utah; Bob and Tamar Manoukian; and Neuro Brands. Cadillac, Gilead Sciences, Robert K. Kraft, the Leonard & Judy Lauder Fund and MAC VIVA GLAM are serving as co-sponsors. American Airlines is the official airline partner.
Vanity Fair
More to come…
Mercedes-Benz USA’s Viewing Party
Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, 300 South Doheny Dr., 4–10 p.m.
The luxury automaker once again rolls out the red carpet to host talent and industry insiders at this private affair at which guests can take in a live broadcast of the show in an outdoor space, accessorized by a first look of the brand’s Concept EGQ, a near-production preview of an all-electric model variant of the iconic G-Class.
Hollywood Roosevelt Viewing Party
Hollywood Roosevelt, 7000 Hollywood Blvd.
The iconic property opens its Blossom Ballroom (site of the first Academy Awards in 1929) for a bash with a live broadcast of the show complete with meal and cocktails to make it complete.
French Riviera Film Festival, Indie Entertainment Media and Baker Entertainment Group’s Viewing Party
Baker Manor, 12431 Mulholland Dr., Beverly Hills, 4 p.m.
The estate, once home to Warren Beatty, will host an invite-only viewing party. Guests to include director-producer Jonathan Baker, FRFF founders Nicole Muj and Gotham Chandna, Oscar winner George Chakiris, Eric and Eliza Roberts, Caroline Lagerfelt, Eugenia Kuzmina, Erika Stasiuleviciute, Paulina and Pable Aguirre, Vincent de Paul, Jezlan Moyet, Josie Goldberg, Dustin Quick and Medi Em, Larry Kasanoff, E! founder Larry Namer and many more.
Remember when we learned Caitríona would be presenting the Oscar Wilde Award to Sir Kenneth?
And so ends the musical chairs mystery
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thisbluespirit · 3 years
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The Hidden Truth: 1.11 “The Final Analysis” (24th September 1964).  Written by Peter Lambda; dir. Peter Sasdy.  Featuring regulars Alexander Knox, Elizabeth Weaver, Zia Mohyeddin, George Moon & Ruth Meyers. Guest starring Lyn Ashley, Patricia Healey, Philip Locke, David Lodge & Simon Lack.
Dr da Silva (Zia Mohyeddin) watches an ambulance arrive at St Judes, carrying a pregnant woman, Jenny (Lyn Ashley) who’s been badly injured in a car crash.  The birth of her baby brings three people into conflict - and Professor Lazard (Alexander Knox) and Dr Coliton (Elizabeth Weaver) “must tread carefully if they are to avoid allowing their personal feelings to colour their judgment.”
Other guests include Patricia Healey and David Lodge as Nan & Henry Barker, Philip Locke as Michael Watt, Helen Lennox as Sally, Douglas Muir as Mr. Proudfoot, Simon Lack and Margaret John as Dr Roberts & a ward sister (more St Jude’s staff?), and Emrys Leyshon as a police constable.
“The Final Analysis” was one of only two episodes not to include James Maxwell’s Dr Fox.  The IMBd summary suggests that it focused primarily on Lazard (or “Professor Hazard” as they put it) and Dr Coliton, but the Mirror chose to preview the episode with a feature on Zia Mohyeddin, who played da Silva - “An actor everyone wants to know” and added the detail about his part in the opening sequence, so he may also have been prominent in the episode.
Tonight Zia appears as Dr. Hamavid da Silva, a post-graduate from Ceylon, in the scientific series “The Hidden Truth” (ITV 8.0).
 He has earned himself quite a reputation, both in the theatre and on TV.  He first came to prominence in the West End in the play “Passage to India,” and followed this up with a top-class performance as Lawrence’s guide in the film “Lawrence of Arabia.”
 Now he is adding to his reputation in “The Hidden Truth.”
 Zia has packed a lot of experience into a very busy acting career. He has done a bit of everything – from commentating to acting and directing in radio in Karachi; acting and directing for Australian TV.  He organised the first professional theatre in Pakistan and played for the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford. Then he went to Hollywood for “Passage to India”; and toured America with a one-man show of story-telling, poetry-reading and recitals.”  
The article also noted that Lyn Ashley, playing the pregnant woman at the centre of the conflict, was the daughter of actress Madge Ryan.
(IMBd gives 1st October 1964 as the date of broadcast, but the TV pages have it scheduled as 24th September (following ep10 on Sept 17th), with no indication of any reschedule & episode 12 appears in the schedules as per normal for Oct 1st over most regions.)
As with the next two episodes, Kaleidoscope lists "The Final Analysis” as having surviving clips or sequences - here’s hoping Talking Pictures will let us have a peek at those!  And maybe we can work out which three people are coming into conflict over the baby...
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andynortonuk · 3 years
LUCID | a short film from SUBLUNAR FILMS on Vimeo.
At an art school in the 90s, young outsider Mia (Caitlin Taylor) embarks on a morbid quest for pure self-expression when she creates a self-portrait for her classmates that ultimately reveals her true heart’s enchantment with the grotesque. 16 mins 37 sec
Directed by Deanna Milligan @sublunarfilms Produced by Deanna Milligan @sublunarfilms, Ramsey Fendall @sublunarfilms and Claire Robertson @clairerobertsonart Cinematography by Ramsey Fendall @sublunarfilms Written by Claire Robertson @clairerobertsonart Executive Producers Vivian Su + Elizabeth Yake @elizabethyake Composer Marta Jaciubek-McKeever @martamckeever Starring Caitlin Taylor as Mia @oakandbone Stacy Grant as Ms Wendy @stacyandthegang Georgia Acken as Little Mia @georgia_acken Peter Hoskins as Bernie Metta Rose as Agatha @mettarose Keith Picot as Hugh @keithpicot Christie Roome as Sister Anna-Maria @christieroome John Luna as Frederick Ferdinand @johnluna George William Lambert as Christof @georgewilliamlambert Goth Girls Nicole Bartosinski + @nicole.anna_ Sadie Dufour sadie_mariie + Jana Morrison janamorrison.getusedtoit Nathan + Abby Corpus as Sam + Sarah @abbycorpus.soprano @nathan.corpus Shane Strom as Squid @shane.strom Kane OScalleigh as Sheena @knockoutscallywag Elisabeth Hinshelwood as Veronique @lizardela Susan Ko as Marilyn the Life Model @susanko2116 Gene Sargent as Alberto @genetsarg Avalon Barber as Pinkie @avalonchey Rianne Delahunt as Charlotte @riannedelahunt Atticus Cohen-Yelle as Alex @acohenyelle Liz Colangelo as Receptionist mzz_lizzie Bobby Cleveland Butcher & Skater @crail_skatan Claire E Robertson as Bad Driver @clairerobertsonart Graham McDonald as Janitor @ug.mcd Jared Warren as Rolf Zander Jacobs + Sage Dyck + Mia Luna + Grace Fanstone + Chase Rhodes as Tipper + Naomi + Ellie + Pip + Kingsley Ben LaBarre Sparkle Brite Window Washer @bmovieben
Production Designer Claire E Robertson @clairerobertsonart Editors Deanna Milligan + Ramsey Fendall @sublunarfilms Associate Producers Margaret Sclafani + Abby Wang @razzmargo First Assistant Director Sonya Chwyl @sonyachwyl Second Assistant Director Anik Desmarais-Spencer @adspencer_ First Assistant Director (SaltSpring) Jesi Pearce Art Director Emma Banner @emamary88 Set Decorators Kris Banner + Samantha Harvey Set Dresser Rob Robertson @robr.yeti Camera Operator/Steadicam Guochen Wang @guochew 1st AC Aly Van Akker @alyvana 1st AC (SaltSpring) Jo Gaffney @jo.gaffney 2nd AC Andrew Dodd Clippingdale @doddseye Digital Imaging Technician Ben LaBarre @bmovieben Script Supervisor Amelia McCluskey @ameliamcclux Production Sound Patrick Coble + Bobby Cleveland @patrickcoble @crail_skatan Boom Operator Bobby Cleveland @crail_skatan Second Boom (Salt Spring) Cameron Proudfoot @proudfoot1975 Gaffer Karl Schoepp @schoeppfilm Key Grip Chris Akehurst Special Effects Supervisor David Springbett Props Claire E Robertson + Phil McCluskey + Ruby Lipsett @philmc Assistant Costume Designer Lily McCluskey @lobster.soul Costume Supervisor Beth Parker @bethrparker Costumer Christie Roome @christieroome Makeup Artist Ruby Jones @rubysfx Hair Stylist Mo Crété @hair.mocrete Hair Stylist (SaltSpring) Casey Troop Casting Director Lynne Carrow @lcarrow99 BTS Photos Michael Levy + Andrew Dodd Clippingdale + Bobby Cleveland @doddseye @crail_skatan Publicity Photographs Beth Parker + Danielle Acken @bethrparker @dlackenphotos Production Assistant Kahlila Ball + Yuxin Mao @kahlila.b Slime dance song “Black Sea” by Kellarissa courtesy of Mint Records @oceanelectro Sound Mix Kirk Douglas @kirkairdouglas Craft Services Lisah Smith + Jan Robertson + Darcy Graham @lisahloo @darcy_bishop_graham Colorist Sam Gilling @sgllng
Thank You Peggy Milligan + Rob Pingle + Lisa Alice Bailey + Hilary Watson + Melissa Cutshall + Jen MacLellan + Bob Twaits + Jason Stevens + Andrew Robertson + Paul Lloyd + Dawn Boudreau + Christie Roome + Rachel Irons + Dax Stringer + Fletcher Donovan + Jason Donaldson + Heather Hopkins + Patrick McCallum + David Corbet + Sandra Charge + Dave French + Annika Hagen + Carrie Oloriz + Julia Hutchings + Mearo + Emily Gooden + Melanie Mulherin + Diana Day + Patrick Ramsey + Kirk Irwin + Linnea Ritland + Veronika Kurz +Martin Tran + David Geiss + Daniel Carruthers + Julie MacKinnon + Sandra Smith
Special Thanks Victoria College of Art & Michel Matil Twig & Buoy Sparkle Bright Laundrette Country Grocer, Salt Spring Island Hey Happy Coffee Old Victoria Water Company Nick Orchard Ryan Dyck + Adrienne LaBelle, Mint Records Natasha Duprey Peter Foreman Danielle Acken & James Acken
Camera Red Gemini + Arri 435 4-perf Cooke 20-100 + Lomo standard speed lenses Shot on Kodak 5219 + 5298 @kodak_shootfilm
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inthefallofasparrow · 4 years
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Idea for a fifth and final season of Fargo
Set in 2016, about five years after season 3 and ten years after season 1, the story interconnects many of the narratives from all of the previous anthologies, with various returning characters tied into a new story.
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See below...
MAIN CHARACTERS Odina Tripoli (Amber Midthunder) - During a long exile, the tenacious daughter of deceased mob boss, Moses Tripoli a.k.a. Hanzee Dent, has gone from bratty to vengeful in her entitlement. She is now looking to re-establish the Fargo Crime Syndicate, ten years after its dissolution at the hands of Lorne Malvo (season 1). A chance encounter with Charlie Gerhardt, the last surviving member of his own crime family syndicate from the 70s (season 2), now happily living his life as a law-abiding citizen, does not dissuade her from her path to take back control of the town from the Kansas City Mafia, with the help of her father’s only remaining employee, a deaf hitman.
Wes Wrench (Russell Harvard) - After escaping custody at Duluth hospital ten years ago (episode 1x08), and returning to the mob headquarters, Wrench discovered that Malvo had killed everyone there except for the boss’s precocious teenager. He begrudgingly took her to a log cabin near Blackduck to hide with her last known family; a distant cousin of Hanzee’s named Shep Proudfoot. Shep had been a fugitive in hiding there since a triple homicide incident in 1987 (Fargo, the movie). Wrench was recaptured by the police and put in jail, but returned to Blackduck years later, with a briefcase full of money that he and Nikki Swango took from Varga (episode 3x10). Odina convinced him to wait as she planned how to use the money to take back Fargo. Zero Fadda (Joe Mantegna) and Mike Milligan a.k.a. Satchel Cannon (John Amos) - Now in their seventies, the two sons of crime bosses from a dying age, once traded away as pawns (season 4), now run what is left of the Kansas City Mafia together as close friends. Over the decades, the organization has evolved from a criminal enterprise into a largely legitimate business concern. Zero looks after the professional, above-board side, while Mike handles any illegal undertakings when necessary. This partnership has served them well, but since taking Fargo from the Gerhardt family in ‘79, eventually losing it to Moses Tripoli, and then reclaiming it again after Moses’ death, the Minnesota area has been more difficulty than it’s worth, especially now Odina Tripoli has returned as a new challenger stirring up trouble. Winnie Lopez (Olivia Sandoval), Now the chief at St Cloud Police Department, and pregnant again, she is assigned to a bank robbery and multiple homicide, where the robber appeared disinterested in taking any money, and his accomplice appeared unaware he was taking part in a robbery at all. Greta Grimly (Joey King), Molly Solverson’s stepdaughter, now in her early 20s and studying crime in Twin Cities. She and Lou Solverson (Keith Carradine), Molly’s father, have grown especially close, and often organize to meet up for lunch in Brainerd, halfway between Bemidji and the capitol, to keep in touch. After Lou is caught in the crossfire during a bank robbery while there, Greta is spurred to investigate, and becomes entrenched in Odina’s brewing turf war. Bly Vanderslice (Aubrey Plaza) Winnie’s estranged half-sister is an escort with a penchant for drugging her clients and running up their hotel room service tabs while they sleep, before leaving them in compromising positions. Her mother, Noreen, babysat Molly as a child (season 2) and she shares her interest in philosophy and nihilism. Bly suffers from face-blindness, which makes her role as a witness to a series of murders largely untenable.
Dirk de Wees van Hoebeek (Dan Stevens) An awkward, introverted local birdwatcher and duck enthusiast who has developed an unhealthy obsession with Bly, fantasizing that the two of them are dating. He mistakes her literal inability to recognize his face, as a sign of her playing hard-to-get, and is eager to impress her despite her indifference. When Wrench discovers he knows sign language, he tricks Dirk into acting as his interpreter during a bank heist, implicating him in the crime. Wrench gives him all of the money they take, making Dirk suddenly rich, but an unwitting scapegoat. Oddly enough, everywhere he goes, he seems to be randomly haunted by stereotypical lumberjacks (both in iconography and actual people); a symbol of the dominant masculinity he can never personally attain. Ruby Goldfarb (Mary McDonnell), In the past five years, ‘The Storage Queen of The Great Lakes Region’ (season 3) has gone from strength to strength, and after recently buying the ‘Phoenix Farms’ supermarket chain from former ‘Supermarket King of Minnesota’ (Season 1), a now despondent Stavros Milos (David Platt), she is looking to expand further west into North Dakota. But given their control over the area, this expansion will require the mafia’s blessing and necessitates a sit-down with Zero Fadda and his representative in Fargo. Pearl Smutney-Cannon (Aunjanue Ellis), The niece of Mike Milligan, she owns a car dealership in Alexandria as a front for the Kansas City Mafia, her involvement with whom is only familial and unavoidable as her finances are tied up with theirs. She represents their interests in Fargo, but intends to distance herself from the mob, taking this new conflict as an opportunity to get out. She is targeted first when her dealership is shot up by Odina’s crew during a drive-by, damaging much of her stock. This prompts her to uncover the secret partnership between Odina Tripoli and Ruby Goldfarb, that was formed after Zero refused to support Goldfarb’s expansion to the west.
Gaear Grimsrud (Peter Stormare), After his actions in 1987 (Fargo, the movie), Gaear is serving multiple life sentences in jail, where he meets Wes Wrench and becomes a twisted sort of mentor figure to him. His connections on the outside help Wrench and Tripoli build an army to retake Fargo. He also alerts them to a safety deposit box of unexplained importance in a bank in Brainerd, which confusingly turns out to contain only a small replica statue of Paul Bunyan, the theft of which starts off the narrative chain of events.
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artwalktv · 3 years
Meet "America's First Drag Queen for President". America’s First Drag Queen for President In 1992, at the height of the AIDS pandemic, activist Terence Alan Smith made a historic bid for president of the United States as his drag queen persona Joan Jett Blakk. Today, Smith reflects back on his seminal civil rights campaign and its place in American history. Breakwater Studios, Hillman Grad Productions, and LA Times Studios present THE BEAUTY PRESIDENT. Starring Terence Alan Smith Directed & Edited by Whitney Skauge Executive Producer Lena Waithe Produced by Caley Fox Shannon Director of Photography Haley Watson Original Score by Khamani Hagood Re-Recording Mixer and Supervising Sound Editor Sean Higgins Colorist Stephen Derluguian Post Production Supervisor Dillon Brown Post Production Producer Elizabeth Brooke Story Producer Sarah Stewart Executive Producers Abby Lynn Kang Davis Dawn O’Keeffe Ben Proudfoot Rishi Rajani Assistant Editor Cody Wilson Sound Designer Alex Weiss Scoring Mixer Stephen Kaye Poster and Title Designer Brooke Granowski Archival Footage “The 90’s”/Fund for Innovative TV “Drag in for Votes” / Gabriel Gomez & Elspeth Kydd “The Brenda and Glenda Show” / Manhattan Cable TV “Chicago Gay Pride Parade 1992” / Paul Belloni For Breakwater Studios Head of Production Josh Rosenberg Field Producer Gabriel Berk Godoi Field Producer Rachel Greenwald Post Production Supervisor Laura Carlson Assistant to the Head of Post Production Tyler Ten Haken Office of the CEO Julia Davis Studio Coordinator Keeland Bowers Studio Assistant Patrick Maclan Production Technician Joey Lambert Special Thanks David C. Magdael and Associates, Inc. ID PR Craig ‘Cowboy Aines Alex Austin Bianca Collins Grace Zahrah Hannah Ausländer Jeremy Lambert Tiffany Gist
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