thecpdiary · 2 years
Terminal Illness
Dealing with a loved one with a terminal illness means you're left with a lot of feelings around end of life. Knowing it is an end of stage disease that is not curable, is for many, a hard pill to swallow.
Dealing with a loved one's terminal illness
But no matter how hard you try to work through the situation, no matter how hard you try to keep everything together, a terminal illness brings with it mixed emotions that aren’t easy to adjust to or work through. The good and the bad, everything is packed into those moments, when you’re having to get to grips with that situation.
How we anticipate, how we watch and deal with a loved one's challenges, is the difference between powering through and emotionally struggling through. It helps to understand the process, what happens to our loved ones when they leave us and what happens when they transition to 'spirit.' Then there are new pressures for us, of adjusting to a life without that person. New pressures that will ask for and demand new ways from each of us.
My new single life
As I type this, I continue to struggle with the fact that my life as a twin will change and for me, it will be the first time, I will have to navigate a life moving forward without my twin. We all have to get through grief, we may struggle to comprehend and grapple with our thoughts, and our feelings. Life with your loved one, everything you experience together, goes into those final moments.
Our loved ones also have to work on themselves 'spirit side'
But it's not just something we have to do earth side. When anyone transitions to spirit, they also have to work through their life, their relationship with us 'spirit side' all their deeds, what they did, versus what they didn't do, or could have done better. Their 'life' will be played out.
What is helpful, is to let anyone, dealing with a parent, sibling, or twin, with a terminal illness in a way that allows them to cope and come to terms with their impending loss.
For Sheila x
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