dear-dorian-gray · 6 months
Basil Hallward will not stop asking to paint me again this week :/// I am forced to avoid his good company in an attempt to dodge the subject. I hope this mood of his passes.
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dear-dorian-gray · 6 months
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Get booped pretty boy
I see that you have sent me an image of a cat's paw! How incredibly charming! I have never had one myself, but Lord Acton once had a white Persian cat that was so incredibly sweet and soft to the touch!
Of course I have no idea what you are saying to me, but—based purely on instinct—I am going to assume you mean you would like the cat's paw to tap me in some way? If that is true, what a curious wish!
Thank you very much for the ask, and for the compliment! Although I do feel that "pretty" is rather understating it 🥰
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
dorian please homoerotically slit my throat
Anything that will please you, Anon, dearest 🥰
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Basil is acting strange. I think he’s in love with you.
Dearest Anon, he has not changed how he acts around me at all recently. One could say it is perfectly normal for Basil to act in such a manner.
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dear-dorian-gray · 5 months
Boy kisserrrr, you like boyssssss go kiss another boy you boy kisser
Anon, you must cease to speak of my private affairs in public like this! How much trouble I could get in! My goodness 🥺
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dear-dorian-gray · 6 months
Now, I have my guesses about what this means, Anon—perhaps I am entirely wrong about it—but I fear that you are asking me a rather scandalous question! Very near the knuckle. However I admire your risqué decision to put this ask forward; many would be too shy. My proper answer is that it depends on the day, my dear Anon!
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dear-dorian-gray · 5 months
Dear Dorian, Would you really like to stay young forever? hmm... If you don't mind the occult might I suggest getting into vampyrism? I jest, I jest, That doesn't seem to be your cup of tea, Feeding off of other people in order to... Well.. Perhaps It wouldn't be in the literal sense. Gore doesn't; seem like something you're thrilled about anyhow... Seem Although it would be no more unnatural than raising the dead I suppose... (Wouldn't that be something)
Sincerely Graves.
Dearest Graves,
I have tasted blood before during some of my recreational activities, and it has not yet made me a vampire. I haven't the slightest how I would manage such a thing, but I am concerned that my eyes may go an unsightly red, that my cheeks may lose their rosy tint, if I become undead.
As for raising the dead, what a nonsense! It is perfectly impossible, of that I am sure. Even Alan could not manage such a feat.
Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 5 months
Dorian, Dorian, my dear boy. WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!?
Sincerely, Basil Hallward
Dearest Basil, I haven't the foggiest what you are speaking of. I can hardly stay with you forever. Would you like me to visit to-morrow afternoon? Would that calm you?
Affectionately, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 5 months
Dear Dorian,
What is your truthful and honest opinion about Basil? I was merely curious, seeing as Basil seemed to think rather highly of you. (Maybe too much so? Is there such thing as too much?)
It simply prompted my thoughts of whether or not you shared the same sentiments or not. Nothing more nothing less.
Basil is a very dear friend of mine, but he often frustrates or irritates me. He is always telling me what to do, wanting me to get out of trouble—he knows that I do not appreciate his advice, as I am having fun. His constant compliments have also ceased to be flattering. They now only bore me.
As for his feelings about me, you would have to talk to him about that, Anon, as they've nothing to do with me. His feelings are not my fault.
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dear-dorian-gray · 5 months
mr gray, do you have narcissistic personality disorder
I think most certainly not! I am not at all narcissistic, Anon; perhaps I am a little vain, but that is all. Where on Earth have you heard such ghastly rumours?
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dear-dorian-gray · 5 months
Mr gay, do you have a favorite play or opera?
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Thank you for your correction, my darling Anon. My favourite play is, of course, beyond any doubt, The Importance of Being Earnest. How charming it is! Utterly hilarious. There is something about it which speaks to me so uniquely. I cannot put my finger on it.
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dear-dorian-gray · 5 months
Does mr. Gray have a type?
Oh, Anon, I could hardly choose only one! There are so many charming people I have met, and each of them are very different. After all, the sweet naivete of Sybil Vane varies drastically from the jaded intelligence of Alan Campbell. Of course, I would say that Henry is my favourite person. However, as I am not in love with him, I can't claim that to be my type either.
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dear-dorian-gray · 6 months
What's your favourite flower?
Thank you very much for the ask! 💕
How difficult it is to choose! The delicacy of the lilac, the romance of the rose! The subtle beauty of the lily! In their individuality I love each of them; I suppose I would say it depends on the season. In the spring, I am inclined to say the tulip, perhaps the daffodil. In the winter, primrose, or violas, or camellia. Oh, don't you see? I am so terribly indecisive! Do most people pick one singular favourite? I cannot understand it!
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dear-dorian-gray · 5 months
I was sent by Mr. Oscar Wilde
So Mr. Dorian
How to commit murder and get away with it?
When one is both beautiful and rich, it is amazing what one can get away with. Something that would come across suspicious if anybody else were to do it seems perfectly reasonable when it is somebody like me. Harry always taught me that I was born with many privileges and I might as well use them.
Other than that, never let on your crime to anybody who you don't completely trust (for me, only Harry) or have some sort of extremely damaging information on (and I have damaging information on everybody. I convince people to sin with me, and once they have done, they must do whatever I please or their secret will be told).
Having said that, Anon, this is a truly hideous question! I don't condone murder—it is an ugly thing—and it is certainly one of my least favourite crimes.
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dear-dorian-gray · 6 months
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Blog Intro
Hello, my friends! I am finally making an introduction post, with the single intention of telling you the do's and don't's of this blog. And how simple they are! The don't's are only not to be dull. The do's are whatever you like! This blog accepts asks which are:
◇ Sexual in nature
◇ Somehow deeply scandalous (although whether I will give you a direct answer is something you will have to discover!)
◇ Irrelevant entirely to Dorian Gray. Whether I can give you an answer or not is beside the point! If I know nothing about the thing of which you are speaking, I will simply tell you so.
◇ Include mentions of violence
◇ Whatever else you might think of!
This blog is, of course, all fun and games, so I hope you have fun interacting with it! Thank you so much for visiting my blog, and please don't be shy—there is nothing I find more vexing.
Love, Dorian ♡
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dear-dorian-gray · 6 months
I do not understand what it means, but 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 to you too, Anon! The colours of the rainbow are so incredibly pretty, although I wasn't aware that they were a flag. How wonderful! I quite wish that was my flag.
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