dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Basil is acting strange. I think he’s in love with you.
Dearest Anon, he has not changed how he acts around me at all recently. One could say it is perfectly normal for Basil to act in such a manner.
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Dear Dorian,
My sweet, do please visit soon! I have so many things to show you, and I have learned a new recipe, and I would love to bake some with you. I've also planted some new flowers in my garden, and I do want to show you them. Specifically a new patch of red flowers, they're almost as pretty as that angelic face of yours! I am delighted to finally write to you again, too, it has been too lonely without you! A very short letter, unfortunately, but I think if I tried to put all of my feelings into a letter, I would sit here for hours! But do enjoy the cake I've sent with this!
With Love, Fips ♡
[Under the letter was a white box, tied with a red ribbon and some new red roses, freshly cut seemingly. Inside the box was a cherry-raspberry cake, with melted chocolate filling. It was still warm..]
Dear Fips,
Thank you for writing to me again. I am sure that I will visit and see you soon; my calender is often free in the afternoons as I like to leave room for spontaneity. It is lovely that you have been taking care of your garden. There is nothing better than beautiful flowers.
I thank you so much for your gift as well. You are dreadfully generous to me.
With love, Dorian x
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Hudson at the write.
Oh, Dorian. I didn’t mean to insult you, Sir… Basil tells me silly things, yes? That must be painter’s madness; you know how artists are, hm?
Dear Hudson,
Indeed, Basil says some terribly odd things sometimes, about myself but especially about Harry. He must get off his high horse. It drives me quite insane.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Dear Dorian,
are you aware that Lord Henry has snooped about your personal background? He’s very well aware of your mother and your father, despite not knowing them himself. Perhaps within the week you two first met?
It’s in my nature to be just as nosy as Henry I suppose, which is why I know this in the first place, do with this what you will.
I am aware that Harry knows of my background, as he asked me about it to my face, what feels like a long time ago now. He said he was fascinated by my personality. He meant no harm, I am sure. I like it when people are intrigued by me.
Regardless, Harry is my best friend. I would forgive him anything, and I know he feels the same way. My life is better for his friendship.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
H.B. here.
What do you consider your greatest fear?
Dear Hudson,
My biggest fear is that somebody will find out who I truly am, deep down, behind the mask of my face, and they will hate it. That I will wake up and become it.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Hello Dorian. I must ask you to please, the next time you dispose of a body, do not call upon Mr Campbell.
That would be foolish.
Dear Hudson,
I do not dispose of bodies. How dare you imply such a thing. I have nothing to do with such an utterly gruesome business.
As for Alan, I will call on him when I wish. I have information on him, after all, and he was very fond of me at one time. I should hope he would come to care for me again.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Dearest Dorian,
Lord Henry Wotton doesn’t seem to be a friend that you should interact with. Certain airs remind me of the smell in which my mother sobbed, when the innocent man was hung, when the summer grew frigid. Dorian, I’m quite aware we do not know eachother, my voice and idea of me being simply from my write, from the ink which comes to you, but please understand the fear I feel. Oh, if you would listen! This terrible… terrible feeling inside me.
Please listen.
My dear Hudson Boyd,
You needn't worry so much about Harry! I assure you he is perfectly harmless. He is my best friend, he is always there for me, he always listens to me. There is nothing sinister about him. I wonder how on Earth you got such an idea? I imagine you have been talking to Basil. Ignore him—he is dramatic.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Skibidi rizz?
Anon, have you ever heard of the Queen's English? What is this nonsense? Please explain yourself.
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
happy pride month, dorian!
Yes, it is the month of much sin and much fun, and how I am looking forward to it! I wish you a happy Pride Month just the same, Anon, darling.
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Basil writes to me wonderful letters of his adoration to you. Ah, it seems, he not only has the grasp of the visual art, but the written art. You must have seen his work, hm?
Of course, he waxes lyrical to me about how beautiful I am and his letters are all much the same thing. Stunningly written but endlessly tedious. One cannot help but think he is becoming a broken record. One would have expected, in fact, for him to have tired of me by now.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
your cravat is untied! Quick! Fix it!!!!😭😭😭😭😭
If it is untied, I assure you that the reason is most purposeful. Perhaps I am undressing for a companion, dear Anon. Regardless, I love beautiful even when I am a little ruffled.
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
I am quite sure Basil has painted you plenty, and while I’m sure there is a certain favorite you have, is there one in which you loathe as his worst work? Basil is a talented man, but it is still a curiosity in which I grasp so fondly. A reply by you would be fairly judged, I suppose.
—Hudson Boyd
Dear Hudson,
Basil has painted me a number of ways indeed. I can see my likeness in many of his paintings whether or not I have sat for him—indeed, I don’t wish to sit for him ever again. He paints me as a Knight, as Greek heroes. All sorts of wonderful things. In truth, I am not too fond of any of them. I dislike being made into all these things that I am not. Of course the paintings are beautiful, but I cannot help my sentiment.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Dear Dorian,
Since you read that book about evil deeds, which one is your favorite?
I mean, you became evil afterwards, it must have been some Monte Cristo type of sin if it made you so scandalous.
(Have you read The Count of Monte Cristo? You might like Edmond Dantès. He reminds me of you, in a way.)
So tell me, what to you is the most interesting or horrid one?
(I forgot the name of the book which Henry gave to you. But surely you must remember.)
—Hudson Boyd
Dear Hudson,
The book Harry gave me is Raoul's Secret by Catulle Sarrazin, it is from the French Decadent Movement. It is an absolutely spectacular book you must read. It is the most interesting to me, certainly.
I have read The Count of Monte Cristo as it so happens—I feel you have a good eye for my tastes. How charming of you. I am sure we will get along, Hudson.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Okay that’s cool and all but how does it feel to be old now since you stabbed the painting
How utterly rude! I am young and beautiful, and you mustn't speak of my portrait. It is personal. What manners!
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Dearest Dorian,
I apologize so much for my absence. I can not comprehend, much less put into words, how sorry I am that I haven't written to you. I've been so busy, I couldn't find the time to write letters! I hope you didn't feel neglected by me, or abandoned! I could never forget you, my Dorian, you are much too dear to me. I really apologize for the absence of my normally recent letters. I hope you can forgive me, but I absolutely understand if you can't!
With Love, Fips ♡
[with the letter was a huge flower bouquet with a mix of tulips and roses, all in different colors. In the middle was a golden-yellow rose. Next to the bouquet was also a box of chocolates, which was finely wrapped]
(ooc: Finally got enough courage to turn Anon off! :D)
Dearest Fips,
There is no need to apologise for sending less letters. I know, of course, that you have a life, and you should live it rather than writing to me all the time, but I am so dreadfully pleased to hear from you despite.
Thank you so very much for the flowers, they are absolutely divine! The chocolates, as well, I am certain are delicious. It has been so nice to hear from you.
With love, Dorian x
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Dear Dorian Gray,
My apologies for sounding threatening, I’ve been told I have a very Ill sense of tone. I simply find you interesting. In the same way one might admire a particularly striking insect, or a bird when they go watching for them.
After all we hardly know each other personally. It would be rather odd if after a few short letters we were already hand in hand, being friends. Although, there should be a little something in this one to help make up for me and my eccentricities.
*Digging further through the envelope is a nicely cut daffodil, perhaps a bit flattened but nothing that can’t be taken care of.. or preserved.*
I do wish you a lovely evening Mr. Gray. One of enrichment and joy preferably, but you can’t be too picky..
Dear Graves,
I accept your apology for your cool tone of voice. It is kind of you to say that you find me interesting, although it is the sort of thing I've heard before plenty of times, by many people.
I myself make friends quickly but I can see that you do not. It is no matter. We will be merely whatever it is you intend for us to be. I thank you for the daffodil; I will have it pressed and kept.
I hope that you, too, have a lovely evening, Graves.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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dear-dorian-gray · 4 months
Dear Dorian,
well does my that sound devious. Again I hear, I don’t care what you do in your free time, as long as it isn’t my problem.
But you have to remember, getting what you want requires sacrifice. Sometimes you have to trade one good thing for another in the grand scheme of things. I should know-
however, I do hope that you’re doing well, that you’re feeling alright and the days have been lovely.
Dear Graves,
You are sounding awfully serious and sinister and it isn't at all to my liking. In fact, you sound rather like you're threatening me. If you are not, then you simply must adjust your tone when referring to these things. What I do will not bother you, and if it does then it is because you are standing in my way.
Despite this, I too hope that you are doing well and feasting upon many pleasures. You must cease to speak as though you are a ghost of Christmas past, regardless.
Sincerely, Dorian Gray
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