elizabethrobertajones · 4 months
"Alright - I swear on my honour as a host I didn't invite you both to tea just to cause a confrontation," Frog giggled, already losing her composure.
Debroye eyed the fifth glass of wine Frog had had since lunch at the Bismark and retreat to the nearby cottage for tea (more wine), sampling some recipes Frog had been experimenting with (and more wine), and wondered if the legendary tolerance of roegadyn was merely that (and, perhaps, how one ought to set up an experiment to test this with an actual methodology rather than accompanying her brilliant girlfriend to various eateries around Etheirys to sample local cuisines and passively observing the results).
Her fellow gourmand, earnestly tagging along for the food and usually incredibly enthusiastic about everything on their co-dates, shuffled uncomfortably.
She glanced between the two adventurers.
"What aren't you telling me?"
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G'raha groaned and Frog cackled with laughter before she gathered herself. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I have to clear up any shadows between us. Tell Debroye what you told me, Raha."
He slumped further and mumbled something that even her sharp ears missed.
"What was that?"
"I... I like Archon Loaf a lot more than Mervynbread."
Frog broke out into gales of laughter that drowned out anything else he might have said.
"And I've been listening to his opinion on food?" Debroye said calmly. "I am going to burn down the Studium cafeteria when we get home."
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Day 2: Domestic Life | Mundane Tasks
Frog isn't that drunk, she just finds this extremely funny after all the effort they went to to fix Archon Loaf, and how embarrassed G'raha was when he realised who Frog had been bringing to eat with them at the Last Stand because he didn't catch on until Dickon gave them free dessert and he asked why.
Headcanon first: G'raha objectively knows Archon Loaf is terrible, and a nightmare to eat, and makes your breath smell funny if you eat it more than one meal in a row even if you brush your teeth a lot and -
However when Tataru send Archon Loaf to the First and the Exarch ate it, it rewired his brain a bit and made it extremely nostalgic and he ate his slice alone in the Ocular and cried over it, then cried over crying over Archon Loaf of all things. She could have sent anything from home and it was that??
Nowadays G'raha has such an emotional fondness for it which in the chronological timeline of his original body came as absolute whiplash. If you knew him before he'd wrinkle his nose and eat it out of necessity and cultural acclimation, and if you saw him after he'd devour it and get a bit misty doing do.
I don't think G'raha dislikes Mervynbread and understands why you'd want to have better tasting bread, objectively. But it just tastes like fresh bread to him and doesn't have any of the incredibly character-building and slightly gritty challenge of a good Archon Loaf.
Meanwhile back in Shadowbringers, Frog had already been horrified at this lore reveal, and on reaching Sharlayan, Dickon and Debroye were a light in the darkness and she latched on hard and went above and beyond with helping make Mervynbread a success like this was her one true mission, and once Debroye had defeated the real evil that was the metaphor for all they fought against, started taking her out for dinner anywhere she could think of that had good food that Debroye deserved to eat.
Anyway I don't feel like Frog has much of a domestic or mundane life - she mostly lives out of semi-permanent accommodations and is always on the move, but she DOES have a kitchen in the free company house and it's always a nice place to retreat to. AND the closest sofa to sink unmoving on after eating an enormous lunch at the Bismark, which is where she and Debroye had their first date :D
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autumnslance · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 20: Hamper
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(this one got away from me, and touches on an aspect of WoL's adventures dear to me. Also it's not a FFXIV Write anymore without nebulous future Iyna)
Outwardly, Sharlayan hadn’t changed much in the last hundred and fifty years or so. The buildings were still primarily the native white stone in rounded styles with columns, the tiles of the streets were still blue. Thaliak’s statue still watched over Scholar’s Harbor, and the Last Stand was still the best restaurant in the city, Debroye keeping it much the same as it always had been.
Thankfully for the city, other restaurants had cropped up in the intervening decades.
Iyna still preferred the original, though, and only in part because she had known the owner since the girl was a student during the harrowing Final Days. In part because of the sea breeze coming in with the view, far enough from the docks to not worry about the less pleasant underlying scents that would affect one’s appetite.
And in large part, the nostalgia; memories of old friends at the tables a pleasant one, whenever she visited. Iyna was getting sentimental as she grew older.
It was Debroye herself who served her now, setting a tantalizing lobster dish before Iyna. “I’m gaining weight just from the scents,” Iyna joked. “What have you done to improve even this classic?”
“I can’t give away all my secrets, now that I have real competition in this city,” Debroye said. “But I will say certain spices from Tural do help.”
“Gods, it’s been so long since I went West,” Iyna said idly. “Perhaps I should take a vacation, once done with this commission for the Forum.”
“I haven’t seen you take a vacation in over a century. I’d say you’re about due. Meanwhile,” Debroye looked around. “If you don’t mind, you might have company for your meal.”
“Oh?” Iyna raised a brow as she began to snap apart the crustacean.
“I’ve a history student at the counter with a few burning questions for someone who knew the Warrior of Light and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. And being a good student, she recognized you by sight alone and is about to jitter off her seat.”
“General academia, or actual project work?”
“Project; she’s fifteen and working on her archon thesis.” At Iyna’s raised brow, Debroye nodded. “She almost beat the Leveilleur’s record for entering the Studium, only missing it due to when her nameday falls during registration—and all without the benefit of family wealth or connections as they had.”
“Not a Viera, I take it?”
“Always so impatient, Hyurs,” Iyna noted. “Needing to get so much done so soon, they miss what youth they have. By all means, send the girl over. If nothing else, we can set up a better time to meet for the in depth interview I’m sure she’ll want.”
Deboye nodded, thanking Iyna and returning to the counter. It took about two minutes for the Highlander girl to compose herself and take a seat at Iyna’s table, controlling her underlying giddiness. “Thank you for taking the time to speak to me.”
“Of course,” Iyna said. “What might I do for you, Miss…?”
“Alina Breck,” she said. She was a gangly young thing, not yet filled out to the usual height and broad build of her people. She was fair-skinned and freckled all over, with bushy red hair pulled back in a semblance of a ponytail, curly strands escaping. She had large round glasses over hazel eyes, and wore a simple gray dress, with a wide belt keeping pens, notebooks, and other needed tools on hand. “I was hoping to ask a few questions about your time with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.”
“Very well; though I do have only so much time now. But we can get a start, and if needed, perhaps arrange a longer meeting?”
The girl beamed, the image of a serious wannabe adult scholar breaking for a moment. “Oh that would be great! Ahem. Thank you.” She comported herself again.
Iyna smiled, and let the girl ask her questions, answering in between bites of her meal, sometimes to think.
Also because one did not let a Last Stand Lobster go to waste.
As the hour drew close to when she had to leave to speak to her contacts on the Forum, Alina looked over the notes taken so far. “There are definitely things I want to ask more about, and some things I hadn’t even considered before this discussion, I’m embarrassed to say.”
Iyna shook her head. “Don’t be; there’s always more to discover, even in seemingly well-known topics. It’s why you came to me for this, isn’t it?”
Alina nodded. “I would like to meet again, for sure, and consider some of those questions, especially once I’ve had a chance to check some other sources, but…One last thing I noted…”
Iyna waited. 
“It seems like, well. There were a lot of times Aeryn was on her own, with no other comrades. And sometimes it almost seems by design.” Alina flipped through her notes, a little frown creasing her forehead.
“At times it was,” Iyna said. “I wasn’t there, but when the Crystal Braves betrayed the Scions, for instance, they ensured the group was separated. Particularly Aeryn, with the Sultana. They hoped by dividing the archons and the champion from the leadership, they might have a chance.” Iyna leaned back. “It wasn’t the last time, of course; one of the best ways to try to rein in the Warrior of Light was to separate her from her support; without the other Scions’ knowledge and skills, or those of other comrades and companions she worked with, such as the Garlond Ironworks, adventures could be much harder. Aeryn noted it herself a few times—especially when young adventurers would speak to her, eager for advice, wanting to be like her.
“She often had to remind them that the times she fought alone were the worst; that she was hamstrung without her friends to back her up. There were things she couldn’t do that they could, knowledge they had that she needed. And many of her victories came with help; from her allies, from the dragons, from Hydaelyn Herself. Being cut off from such support was the way to mitigate her strength. Or so her enemies thought.”
Alina tilted her head. “Because she was powerful enough on her own anyway?”
Iyna smiled. “Oh, she was often stronger than even she thought, that stubborn gremlin of a woman. But that strength came from love for those friends, and from them, even when apart.”
“That’s one of the things I’m looking for clarification on,” Alina said. “How she actually stopped the Final Days. Some say she fought only with an enemy at her side; others that the Scions were with her through it all.”
“Both are true,” Iyna said. “Like many others, the Endsinger thought she could deprive the champions of each others’ support, break their hopes, and leave the Warrior of Light without aid. But in that place of pure concept and dynamis, merely physically separating the Scions was not enough. Their hearts were ever aligned with hers.”
Alina wrote that down in her shorthand, thinking for a moment. “I see. I think.”
“Mull it over; we can meet again,” Iyna checked the calendar on her tomephone. Alina compared her own, and they came to an agreeable time, two days from now. “I’ll do some thinking too, and dig through some old notes. I have access to the Baldesion Archives, after all…and might be able to finagle permission for you. No promises, though!” she quickly said as the girl’s eyes lit up.
“Of course, I understand. Thank you, Miss Cauld!”
“Call me Iyna. And it’s been a pleasure, Miss Alina.”
Iyna nodded, paying for her meal—and Alina’s, as one of the constants in life aside from death and taxes is the minimum stipends of graduate students, even one as gifted as this girl—and headed for her meeting with the Forum, a few minutes behind schedule, but they likely would be as well, and would understand her reasons. Losing track of time in academic discussions was another thing that hadn’t changed in Sharlayan.
She thought back on all those old adventures, tapping reminders to herself into her tomephone idly as she went, recalling the times the Scions and companions had been separated, not by choice, from one another. How they had succeeded anyway, often by trusting that the others would do what they must, what they could.
Iyna made sure to note that, too. She smiled and put the tomephone away as she climbed the steps to the Rostra. She did not often dwell on those times in such detail, and it had been some time—she really would need to hit up the archives for writings and reminders of those days—but given the girl’s questions, and the focus on the Warrior of Light’s companions and how they helped her succeed, Iyna was quite willing to delve into those memories.
There was always, after all, more than one perspective to a story, and more than the popular myth. Aeryn had never wanted to be that, and to give due credit to her beloved friends and companions was a gift Iyna was more than willing to offer to her memory.
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scionshtola · 29 days
i don’t want to be at work rn i want to be at home looking at cori and making archon loaf 75 times so i can reach the next cul level and they can hang out with their new bestie debroye
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lotuseatingstone · 1 year
my criminal friend, using their mods to give me a special birthday gift of my current big ship ♡♡♡:
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same friend, awarding me with a unique title:
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¯\_( :/ )_/¯ duality of man
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remnants-of-a-star · 2 years
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shes so cute and funny i love her so much
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gailiag · 9 months
A Comprehensive List of Character Ages from Encyclopaedia Eorzea III
Got my copy today and figured I'd compile a list of every character that has an age given in Encyclopaedia Eorzea III! Contains Shadowbringers and Endwalker spoilers. Text version below the cut (warning: it is LONG).
Shadowbringers Characters
Major Characters
Vauthry – 29
Beq Lugg – ~250
Lyna – 33
Feo Ul – "newly blossomed by fae reckoning"
Kai-Shirr Olkoh – 17
Ran'jit – 88
Chai-Nuzz Mewlah – 40
Dulia-Chai Mewlah – 40
Tesleen Stoneplowe – 18
Halric of the Gold House of Aldmere – 9
Seto – at least 140
Runar – 30
Ryne – 17
Gaia – 17
Role Quest Characters
Granson Ketchthane – 28
Lue-Reeq Chalah – 18
Cerigg Morpurse – 25
Taynor Lakplowe – 10
Giott – 22
Cyella Valthane – ~10,000
Crystalline Mean Characters
Katliss Horhand – 39
Facet of Forging
Iola Waldhand – 18
Eismon Valhand – 31
Colana of the Seventh House of Oakbridge – 27
Sue-Rend Maihov – 29
Facet of Crafting
Thiuna – 24
Walden of the Final House of Elmsby – 43
Owell Freehand – 27
Facet of Nourishing
Bethric of the Second house of Pinehome – 36
Facet of Gathering
Qeshi-Rae Kaapoh – 30
Yalana of the Grey House of Ashgrave – 25
Mao-Ladd Moshca – 23
Facet of Fishing
Frithrik – 26
Mervyl Stonehand – 52
Hurielle Stonehand – 22
Lakeland Characters
Callea Skyekirk – 27
Nielden of the First House of Oakbridge – 48
Mauwyl Mudkirk – 23
Tolas Valkirk – 23
Dwarf Quests Characters
Ronitt – 15
Ozogg – 20
Kholusia Characters
Kai-Shirr Olkoh – 17
Tristol Horpurse – 39
Eueliss Hylplowe – 22
Sai-Lewq Jinal – 56
Theva Valfyst – 37
Irvithe Ketchand – 26
Grithil Ketchpurse – 26
Xamott – 50
Korutt – 19
Glagg – 72
Eulmore Characters
Ran'jit – 88
Chai-Nuzz Mewlah – 40
Dulia-Chai Mewlah – 40
The Jongleurs – 18
Mowen Freepurse – 41
The Canary – 17
Hathenbet Ketchkirk – 67
Thoarich Skyeplowe – 73
Anfrigg Morhand – 21
Bosta-Zia Panpah – 19
Amh Araeng Characters
Ghen Gen – 39
Tesleen Stoneplowe – 18
Halric of the Gold House of Aldmere – 9
Thaffe Morhand – 24
Jeryk Motplowe – 23
Jamial Nabaath – 64
Guthjon – 34
Horthur – 53
Kee-Satt Lye – 20
Rhal Ral – 27
Darmal Morfyst – 45
The Fae
Aenc Thon – "as old as the flick of a disappearing tail"
Seto – at least 140
Rak’tika Characters
Runar – 30
Almet – 87
Uimet – 85
Cymet – 83
Lanille – 140
Myalna – 38
Qitari Quest Characters
Valan – 19
Quinfort – 18
Ciuna and Phyna – 48
Qitarl Natl – 14
The Tempest Characters
Tolshs Aath – 63
Paushs Ooan – 18
Grenoldt Freethane – 51
Teushs Ooan – 33
Zumshs Aath – 68
The Empty Characters
Ryne – 17
Gaia – 17
Werlyt Characters
Gaius Baelsar – 56
Valens van Varro – 56
Severa Souther – 23
Valdeaulin Ganathain – 48
Alfonse aan Baelsar – 21
Allie aan Baelsar – 16
Rex aan Baelsar – 18
Ricon aan Baelsar – 17
Milisandia aan Baelsar – 20
Bozja Characters
Bajsaljen Ulgasch – 54
Marsak Apella – 42
Misija Votyasch – 29
Stanik Alubov – 15
Noah van Gabranth – 48
Menenius sas Lanatus – 55
Lyon rem Helsos – near 70
Sadr rem Albeleo – 37
Firmament Characters
Augebert Brasher – 36
Maelie Greystone – 11
Peyraquile Bomptond – 13
Marcelloix Mourelz – 34
Neillemard Hanette – 31
Endwalker Characters
Major Characters
Ahewann bin Alzadaal – 22
Montichaigne Mongrignois – 74
Ameliance Leveilleur – 42
Erenville – 25
Kokkol Dankkol – 43
Wilfsunn Tragbharsyn – 56
Bloewyda Uwilsyngwyn – 54
Matsya – 22
Jullus pyr Norbanus – 21
Role Quest Characters
Shirabaht bin Ardati – 31
Ea-Sura-Supin – 28
Charlet Reed – 19
Minato Urabito – 24
Kisei Urabito – 51
Sharlayan Characters
Montichaigne Mongrignois – 74
Ojika Tsunjika – 21
Dickson Denman – 38
Barnier Clarke – 54
Ameliance Leveilleur – 42
Kytte Kirk – 26
Nenelymo Totolymo – 72
Studium Characters
Rurusha Rusha – 74
Boric Azora – 40
Namono Tayamono – 29
Jude Rose – 19
Jeromere Marette – 20
Debroye – 21
Galveroche Larille – 55
Flaugustert Friont – 73
Hinageshi Wright – 29
Tankin Banjo – 35
T'laqa Tia – 31
Nele Newton – 81
Qih Aliapoh – 26
Labyrinthos Characters
Vtorak Vetasch – "indeterminate age and inconclusive gender"
Erenville – 25
Kokkol Dankkol – 43
Wilfsunn Tragbharsyn – 56
Bloewyda Uwilsyngwyn – 54
Verpaulaine Fouillel – 12
Thavnair Characters
Mehryde bihn Shinan – 40
Ahewann bin Alzadaal – 22
Mehryde bihn Shinan – 40
Matsya – 22
Qerasaf bin Shirashir – 24
Racashir bin Fahleel – 9
Yezahn bin Qulhudi – 27
Sula – 24
Arkasodara Quest Characters
Trna (Arkasodara Quests) – 21
Ogul Khatayin – 18
Kancana – 50
Garlemald Characters
Sicard Spence – 26
Licinia bas Corculum – 18
Jullus pyr Norbanus – 21
Jareck aan Natasch – 43
Vergilia van Corculum – 42
Nerva yae Galvus – 44
Rimelnaud de Thelomaire – 27
Appius eir Callaecus – 30
Galla oen Longus – 33
Volsus bas Malicus – 13
Vipsania dus Malicus – 44
Frontinus fae Malicus – 43
Job-Related Characters
Radovan Slobasch – 45
Sophie – 20
Cato nan Mammula – 52
Vitus quo Messalla – 52
Ranaa Mihgo – 17
Nashmeira – 37
Drusilla Varus – 52
Arnegis Elder – 42
Hermin Hart – 19
Lalah Jinjahl – 22
Mahaud Stone – 21
Ancel Stone – 26
Guildivain Sailmet – 38
Blue Mage
Latool Ja – 22
Whastrach Ahldwaensyn – 37
Ceadda of the Whalaqee – 14
Zirnberk Fyrgeissyn – 26
Seasonal Event Characters
Valentione’s Day
Lisette de Valentione – "nearing thirty"
Astrid de Valentione – 16
Little Ladies’ Day
Ulala Ula – 16
Narumi Kakeya – 21
Masha Mhakaracca – 19
Aldiytha Thorne – 22
Jihli Aliapoh – 22
Pawlin Morning – 38
Make It Rain Campaign
Nanaphon Sasaphon – 23
Roland Redsteele – 48
Moonfire Faire
Haermaga Bleibornsyn – 39
Beaudefoin Dupaitre – 33
Hildelana Quick – 28
R'fhul Tia – 18
The Rising
Wandering Minstrel – "undisclosed age"
J'bhen Tia – 22
Nhagi'a Jakkkya – 16
All Saints’ Wake
Impresario – "gives his age as 'six hundred and sixty-six'"
Amh Garanjy - 27
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sezja · 1 year
Debroye: To that end, I've put together a recipe for a sweetener using those materials which are readily available in Labyrinthos. The ingredients: /all from the fucking FIRST
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fleurdelanuit13 · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023: Prompt 11 - Once Bitten, Twice Shy
"Perhaps you should just experience it firsthand," Debroye had said, but given how queasy the Viera was when Lyla found her, Lyla had absolutely no desire to do so.
Unfortunately, Qih Aliapoh had already told potential clients of her skills and tendency to aid others in all sort of predicaments. Snubbing people at the Studium would also not help Lyla's current situation... and she was an alchemist and healer.
When Debroye showed her to a table in Makers' Meet and directed her attention to a plate of sliced bread, Lyla had to stop her tail from thrashing. She restrained it to a quick curl, then methodic swishing. She hoped Debroye didn't understand Miqo'te tail language.
Fortunately for her, Debroye was completely focused on the food before them. "On first inspection," she said, still indicating the bread, "it seems to be an ordinary loaf of bread, yes? Now, try—"
"No." Lyla spoke faster and more firmly than intended. Her accent had even slipped back into its natural Shroud sound.
Debroye looked a little surprised. "No?"
Hells no, Lyla thought. It'd been bad enough when Tataru made it. She was not about to taste it straight from Sharlayan. Fuck that.
Outside her head, Lyla tried to keep her tone polite. "Er, I mean..." She stepped toward the table and its dreaded offering. "This is Archon loaf, is it not?" she asked, gazed intently at the bread, studying it to stall for time to collect herself. "There is nothing ordinary about that."
This loaf smelled off too. Very off. That alone was enough to beckon nausea. Lyla could not hide her grimace.
"Ah, you're familiar with it." Debroye did not sound upset or discouraged. She sounded relieved.
"I am..." Lyla trailed off. "And most unfortunately, even a single bite will make me violently ill, so I must decline the invitation." She took a large but graceful step away from the table.
Debroye nodded strongly. "I understand completely and will not ask you to suffer this then. The taste of panaloaf is... well, you saw what it did to me."
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meowww-ffxiv · 8 months
To make it easier for everyone, Meowdred would usually say his bunnified self was "Meowdred's New Retainer". He wasn't a very good liar though and so would get evasive when people asked for his name (he signed his own name on all the orders and such, obviously).
But all of his closer acquaintances, aka NPCs who'd spent more than 1 quest with him, knew immediately that this Viera acted EXACTLY like Meowdred so none of them were fooled. Most of them were normal about it, especially when Meowdred just phrased it like, "A transfiguration hex I can't easily wash off."
Debroye though.
Debroye: You're soooo cute. ;_; Big Sis is always here if you have any questions, okay?
Meowdred: Any questions?
Debroye: Yeah.
Meowdred: Okay. How do you clean your ears because since they point upwards now all the dumb rainwater and snow fall straight into my eardrums.
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zelda-guru-momi · 5 years
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The Elezen formerly known as Memepoki Zuzupoki is now the Viera currently known as Debroye Hyskaris.
Any glamour I set up for her is gonna include the Viera Sandals cuz damn I love a girl in stilettos
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phantom-dare · 3 years
This is a Professor Galveroche hate zone now. omg why didn't WoL get an option to tell him off on Debroye's behalf? Not like he can expel my ass!
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The first thing I did was take her to the Bismark to experience Real Food and she filled up on bread rolls before we'd even ordered. 10/10 Debroye is the best girl.
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autumnslance · 3 years
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Now I can actually work on Trusts and combat jobs and maybe even do my roulettes and raids. This is all that I did over the last week or so, most of those DoH's over this weekend. Yay when the hyperfocus kicks in??
Dark Autumn may level up her gatherers and an easy DoH for melding reasons, but I think she's gonna wait for custom deliveries and the crafting tribe for the bulk of those.
Also the Studium Deliveries are great overall; the Faculty of Anthropology made me teeth grind a bit cuz that's not how Anthropology works, but the focus really is on the RomCom between the oblivious professor and his assistant so hey. Archaeology Grandma Rurusha is a delight, T'laqa Tia is too relatable (and the FSH story goes over consequences of a major MSQ event on the world environment!), love Debroye and her quest to save Sharlayan's taste buds, Jude is precious and must be protected.
Seriously game let me punch someone while in DoH mode that jerk deserved it...
The final Studium capstone quest is also wonderful. I am so glad they made crafting (and catching up in leveling it) so much more accessible in Shadowbringers, as these are honestly some of the best stories and characters in the game.
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about-usa · 6 years
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Grand Canyon National Park - Arizona - USA (by Antoine Debroye) 
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americandailylife · 7 years
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about-usa:Las Vegas - Nevada - USA (by Antoine Debroye)  (via http://breathtakingdestinations.tumblr.com)
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remnants-of-a-star · 2 years
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oh i love her
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