#Deep Sleep Mode
drohne138117 · 1 year
Aufgrund ausserplanmässiger Tätigkeiten konnte Drohne 138117 das geplante Refresh für das Update 10 gestern nicht mehr durchführen. Sie begann deshalb auch erst mit deutlicher Verspätung den Eintritt in die Regenerationsphase. Der Energielevel war zum entsprechenden Zeitpunkt so niedrig, daß die Drohne - trotz des vollen Zyklus - heute eine weitere, kürzere Regeneration benötigte, welche aber die zu erledigenden Aufgaben nicht beeinträchtigte, sondern lediglich für die Verschiebung eines Teils auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt sorgte.
Dieser beinhaltete die Fortsetzung der Suche nach Anbietern in der Cloud, die geeignete Teile zur visuellen Anpassung der biologischen Hülle an die wahre Identität der Drohne im Sortiment führen. Insbesondere die gängigen Standard-Komponenten der Hersteller MSA und Avon sind mittlerweile mit extrem hohem finanziellen Aufwand verbunden, wenn sie denn überhaupt lieferbar sind. Nach Recherche hat Drohne138117 schließlich eine optisch sehr ähnliche, hochwertige Alternative des Herstellers Dräger entdeckt. Diese war, aufgrund der seit Längerem eingestellten Produktion, leider ebenfalls nur sehr schwierig zu lokalisieren. Zudem wurde sie über den Fertigungszeitraum in mehreren Versionen hergestellt, von denen nur die seltenste ohne Extraaufwand für diesen Zweck geeignet war. Mit entsprechendem Zeitaufwand hatte die Drohne aber schließlich Erfolg und konnte exakt die gewünschte Variante dieser Kernkomponente zu einem sehr günstigen Preis erwerben.
Die wiederholte Installation von Update 10 holte die Drohne im Anschluß nach. Sie erwachte nach Beendigung der Installation erstmals aus dem Sleep-Modus, ohne vorher die eigentliche Programmierung bewusst akustisch zu verarbeiten. Der letzte Eintrag im Logfile der entsprechenden Sensoren enthielt die Sequenz zum Herunterfahren nicht benötigter Funktionen ihre biologischen Hülle. Ein Abruf der weiteren Inhalte war der Drohne nur möglich, da es sich bei diesem Update nicht um eine Erstinstallation handelte und diese somit bereits im Speicher auffindbar waren.
Die Drohne interpretiert diese neue Erfahrung bei der Verarbeitung der Softwareinstallation als Erfolg der bisherigen Installations- und Refreshzyklen, sowie der kürzlichen Ergänzung der Software "Tiefer", welche scheinbar dafür gesorgt hat, daß die Anweisung für den Deep Sleep Modus erstmals ihre volle Wirkung entfalten konnte.
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why-the-heck-not · 3 months
a productive all-nighter starts by making a clear to do list & getting to work spending an hour or so searching for the music that hits the vibe just right
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sparring-spirals · 10 months
Went through my kith and kin tag after that last post and once again lying on my floor thinking about. vex snarling at vax about his judgement being swayed by a pretty face-
(another person vax is brave enough to love, even if its dangerous. looking for the good and the kindness and the humanity among the darkness, trying to bring it forward, let vex experience it, even when it can leave him bleeding)-
and vax snarling at vex about her judgement being swayed by her desperation to be accepted-
(another time vex sees a way to secure safety and security and approval, which is safety and security, in a different form. for her, her and vax and trinket and everything she loves, safe in one place, where they can belong, they can stay)-
and. oogh.
Holding these twins in my hands. squishing them like playdough. one of them fights desperately to find the kindness and good and light even when its a fools errand. leaves himself open and hurt for a little bit of light. if it keeps vex safe, happier. one of them counting and calculating and running and cruel because the world demands it. keeps the counter going and going and does the hard things if it keeps vax whole, and okay. one close range and one long.
they'll hurt each other if it keeps the other whole. they'll gladly get hurt if it keeps the other safe. the world is harsh, and they are surviving. what the fuck. theyre such a fucked up pair. they love each other so much.
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guckies · 8 months
I actually just think about how Fit, Foolish and Roier have lore that’s just lore and they haven’t really had a crazy woah moment yet
Like just turn me 180° degrees and shake the coins out of my pocket
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kimjunnoodle · 4 months
i’ve never been one to 100% games but i stayed up till 4 just to get this
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punk-pandame · 5 months
i love when my sweet little seven and a half pound babygirl princess cat snores like a garbage truck
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mossflower · 7 months
loki season two has me screaming crying throwing up trying not to get dragged back into the mcu trenches
#i am stronger than this. i am better than this!!#by the trenches i mean consuming fanfiction at an unhealthy rate. fourteen year old me was insane i think i was on ao3 more than i slept#that’s not exaggeration. i was getting four hours of sleep on school nights and frequently went to bed at 5am on weekends#it is ONE good story. one. literally not worth it. i don’t even care about ninety percent of the mcu characters#i will ignore the little voice in my head reminding of the sheer amount of fanfiction. this was my pre-tumblr days#so my fandom interaction was like. youtube and ao3. maybe instagram posts sometimes. it was so much fun like. zero drama zero discourse#i was honestly living my best life. got less interested when i joined tumblr and went full doctor who mode#and after endgame i watched i think wandavision and loki and that was it. just didnt care anymore lol#i know exactly why this is happening tho. currently the thing i am insane about is my own damn project. which i am in the process of writin#for obvious reasons no fandom there. bc it lives in my mind twenty four fucking seven#i do wonder if i’m kind of growing away from fandom anyway? the closest i’ve got since toh ended was homestuck tbh#i want to feel obsessed with something again!! everything i’m into now - tma tlt and the like - i love them#but it doesnt hit like it used to. i don’t know it’s hard to explain#like video essays that i would have loved a few years ago!! the hour long ones about representation and queer media#they just irritate me now! i got halfway through one last week and had to bail i just could not care less#how did 2020 social media have me convinced that x character being gay was super important politically economically socially etc#ofc the answer is that i was a baby lesbian getting even less social interaction than normal#like representation is important obviously but also. sometimes it was not that deep#i don’t know if i’m making sense tbh but you get my drift#morganposting
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hella1975 · 8 months
eating the most sugary drowned in cinnamon porridge ever made and sat with my sunlight lamp on surrounded by my books. goooood morning
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silver-decanter · 28 days
Thinking about the kind of sex that's slow and gentle and affectionate but leaves no doubt about who's in charge
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rambling-robot · 2 months
When I say “I’m a different person when I’m tired,” I mean that my brother (whom I love and am close to) said he’s going to the ER and I said I wasn’t going to meet him. You would not believe the internal fight I had to come over here. It’s a 30-second drive from my house. Why on earth would I say I wasn’t meeting him.
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mothfinite · 7 months
ive seen a couple of crochet flails on tiktok and its SO MOTHCORE thats literally the meowingstar!!!!!!!! its technically made from their dream magic so it shifts materials when they need to use it as their cane or something else but the meowingstar is basically just crocheted....
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volinare · 10 months
i called out... like right before my shift too. i am truly a monster. like they're going to have to find someone to cover my trucks. i just can't. like yesterday wasn't even that bad and i've been having fun, i enjoy the job i enjoy working and i just.
#like i put up with deep open sores on my ankles for this job. theyve only just now healed#and that didn't drive me to quit#but the last week has just been. like i didn't even go in that much because i hurt my knee last week and monday was labor day#my knee is fine now and i'm fine but i like had to leave early on tuesday because i was about to start fucking sobbing#and my brain was like . going joker mode.#i feel like. i have failed.#well actually i feel like a failure but i'm going to try and not be a bitch about this#i just want to have a job i keep and that i can go to while still like... feeling okay. and this is certainly not it#i guess i still had hope that this was... sustainable. because it was fun and easy#and really i'm being a baby like im not injured or anything#god being a quiter used to be so much easier before i like. realized i was doing that thing#that greg does in school in crazy ex girlfriend#he sings a song about it#like 'well i failed cause i didn't try'#and now im like. i tried. and i still weh weh weg#im also quitting before i like worked my self to the absolute bone and for some reason that makes me feel like i actually didn't try at all#do you think that black and white thinking is autism or bpd? vote now in the comments#i feeling like carving something pretty into my skin#wehhhh i made this whole post hoping to feel better after i vented but i still feel bad#i hope i die in my sleep#and the timing you know? the timing like this is just so fucking embarrassing but i dint fucking care#like congrats you got what you wanted there was a retard within 2 feet of you and now there's not
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kah-way-loh · 2 years
My boy Killdeer has been acting up ever since I got them; they have MSA so severe that I can't ever wake them up, and they also freeze up and their voice glitches out on every other start-up. I didn't have a clue what could be wrong until I found a post by Furbytech, while looking for another thing, that shed some light on what the issue could be
This post here talks about tombstoned capacitors on the daughter language board that caused the exact same problem with a Furby she was fixing, so I cracked Killdeer open and...
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[Image description: the inner circuitry of a 1998 Furby. The focus is supposed to be on the back of the second board from the camera, showing two surface-mount capacitors soldered in a v-shape. End ID.]
Well! That explains it. I don't have the equipment to make any repairs, nor do I have the expertise required to do it, but I at least know what's going on now!
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yardsards · 2 years
any1 else's anxiety get WORSE with most grounding exercises?
#eliot posts#deep breathing ones especially.#i naturally breathe very deeply bc that habit gets ingrained in you if you've played a brass instrument since age 11#and i take deep diaphragm breaths even when i'm anxious#but when i start focussing on my breathing it becomes very difficult#like i straightup forget how to breathe like a normal human being when i'm in that state#so like i can breathe well if i don't think about it but if i start thinking about it i struggle to breathe#and so i get dizzy and lightheaded and start panicking cuz i feel like i'm suffocating#things that make you focus on physical sensations aren't as bad but#they often make me notice the physical symptoms of a panic attack more and then my brain is like#''OH SHIT! WE ARE PANICKING!''#today i tried that thing where you tense and untense your muscles and it took me from normal anxiety to shaking and crying#and then i dry heaved from anxiety from the first time in my life :)))#there's this one thing where you move a little bit of your body at a time that sometimes helps?#idk the name for it but it's basically the same action as the thing youre supposed to do to get out of sleep paralysis#it helps when i get physically paralyzed from the anxiety#freeze response my beloathed <3#and sometimes just going for a run helps if my brain decides to go into flight mode. even if the problem is non tangible.#flight response my slightly less beloathed but still beloathed cuz it fucks up my ability to handle shit#i kinda wish i could have a little bit of a fight response sometimes.#bc like yeah it does sometimes make folks lash out which isn't good for anyone. but sometimes it can make you actually tackle ur issues#alas my fight response got physically beaten out of me when i was younger soooo yeah :///
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kunosoura · 1 year
had a bout of sleep paralysis from getting too comfy Cody cosy* without actually falling asleep and as soon as my body locked up I heard a phone ring even though it was neither my nor my roommate’s ringtone and neither of us keep our phones off silent and it’s 4:30 am. Like the brain demon in charge of tormenting the sleep paralyzed was just throwing something obviously nonsensical in to mock me because I’m so good at discerning sleep paralysis hallucinations nowadays
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
I just did a subtle test to my dad a bit ago. I ended up explaining how my name just Doesn’t Vibe with me. Like how I hate hearing it and the fact that I was named after a famous person and I even cringe when i hear about that famous person. (I found a documentary on her. Brought it up that way. Worked well tbh.) And the ending of this went Very Well. I was scared it’d be that situation where a parent is offended that you don’t like the name they gave you and it was the exact opposite. He asked if i still liked my middle name and offered to start going by that. I don’t mind my middle name (as long as i drop the e so it’s not the feminine name and more of the body of water. a change my mom approved years ago but idk if we ever did that legally) and uhhhh yeah. I might try that out. Might even be a name to keep once I’m out. (better than the medieval Hungarian one I’ve been using online tbh.)
Welp. My passed grandma is getting her wishes. Not only did they drop the second A for her, but I’m about to drop the whole damn name. You got your way nana, just 20+yrs later. They should’ve followed your advice, even if your advice was antisemitic which was why they did it anyways.
#taks speaks#if you can guess my birth name by that info. no you fuckin didn't.#BUT.#brook sounds unisex enough right?#tbh i was debating on river as a later name change but then comes the whole thing of RESPONDING TO IT#same with brook tbh#all my siblings and like half my dogs through my life have had names that end with the 'ah sound#and i respond to ALL of them#like subconsciously i do. my grandma was yelling at my sister to wake up for school and the simple -ah sound shook me from deep sleep#i thought she was yelling for me and i went into full catering mode#turns out she hadnt been informed that school was out that day and my subconscious lied to me#all that aside my name has so many other reasons why i just Don't Like It#like first off: it's black/hebrew. I'm neither of which.#even my dad mentioned that the only people he met with the name were young black girls. and me looking back. that also is the case#back at my old job there was a girl with the same name. so the two of us were that name. i took the nickname.#either way. if you put the two of us beside each other. one a cute black girl with a fitting name and this butch.#you can guess who'd be the winner to the name in that workplace#my older coworkers started calling me lee and i rolled with it. tbh i loved that name for me#well. it was lee-lee to a few of them and that was annoying. but lee itself? thats my dad's middle name and quite masc. i like.#anyway. lesson to white people like my parents: Do Not Name your child after an R&B singer#i avoid her music like the plague even tho she's a damn legend#strictly bc of the name.#and that one song by kanye west where he mentions her by name. it gives me jeebies.#and that whole documentary i watched on r kelly.... what he did to my namesake was FUCKED. and hearing her name mentioned so much was ew#at least i understand my hatred for the name now. earlier in life it just felt like it didnt vibe. now. im getting it.#maybe eventually i''ll be able to listen to her music bc it is good.#90s r&b is great tbh. but the NAME.#*hold up wtf is my legal middle name*
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