#tho they have only 4 songs so far so can’t fill the whole night with just that
why-the-heck-not · 6 months
a productive all-nighter starts by making a clear to do list & getting to work spending an hour or so searching for the music that hits the vibe just right
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darlingpwease · 2 years
I'm so sorry there 2.3k words, here's like a little intro to it tho???? The first part ig
hhhh I'm sorry if it's sloppy :'))
-panna cotta
Ookok, what about sorcerer/wizard!Yuuta who befriends sick!reader??
People who are gifted with magic are highly appreciated in society, for they can help out not only villages, no, cities in struggle, but whole countries, entire nations if they so wish. However, they’re incredibly rare to appear. Throughout the whole world, there will barely be even 30 people with those gifts. Being able to have inhumane abilities, unable to get sick, increased strength and agility, they truly were amazing souls.
That's why you were so surprised when you met Yuuta, and even became friends with him. Why would a person like him talk to a person like you? You don’t stand out well, you’re a pretty average person, in both skills and appearance, and you live in a shabby house, with an incredibly boring job as a farmer. Meanwhile Yuuta is probably the most stunning person you’ve ever met, and his magic always blows you away.
He loves to show you little tricks and see your reaction. Your face always brightens in awe, no matter how big or small it is. He’s always nervous to show you in case you don’t find it impressive, but when your eyes shine, and you say how amazing and great he is, he can’t help but flush as his chest feels all fuzzy and his stomach flutters.
You two met because Yuuta got injured while helping out nearby towns. His mana was drained after constant use for multiple days, and thus, when he crossed paths with monsters, he wasn’t able to fight properly.
You stumbled upon him right as he narrowly escaped, and when he looked at you after he crashed into your chest, stuttering out apologies, you couldn’t help but take him back to your tiny house to help treat him.
You saved him, and he can’t help but feel like he owes you his life.
Thus, your relationship bloomed. And even now, 4 years later, he still visits you whenever he can. You both send each other letters when Yuuta has to travel far to help aid other places, and you both can’t help but feel so stupidly happy when your eyes carefully gaze upon the ink placed upon the paper from your new messages.
You cherish your moments with Yuuta, he’s just so pretty, so amazing, so perfect that sometimes you can’t help but wonder if he’s even real at all. What if he is just part of a wonderful dream that you don’t want to wake from??
But when he gently caresses your hand with a flustered look, timidly looking you in the eye, you can’t help but not want to leave him. Not that he wants to leave either, he wants to stay by your side forever.
Yuuta adores you, you are the light of his life. His savior. He always struggles with people, especially with that voice constantly in the back of his head telling him to be careful, to not trust them.. But with you, everything seems wonderful, and he never wants to leave. Whenever he gets summoned to a place far from you, it's like a horrible pain in his chest, a constant pressure. He gains more praise from people now, ‘he gets it done so quickly, he is so amazing!! Truly gifted!’, ‘So powerful!’. ‘He must be the best alive!!’ but only he knows, it’s only done quicker so he can go to you as soon as possible.
It’s almost a need for him to be with you.
You love being with him, hearing his stories, seeing new spells, everything about him is amazing. He loves being with you, experiencing your cooking, your warmth, you.
The gentle caresses you give each other, the long tender holds from a long separation, the comforting hugs given, the soft kisses given to one another thinking the other is asleep…
You are each other's joy. Each other's warmth.
Even after you both confess, the warm cozy nights spent together, affectionate heart-filled promises for the future, giggling under covers as if you were children, the poorly sung songs you both love to sing together, shy kisses given to each other, gentle gazes given throughout all the hours you spend together– it never seems enough, even though the euphoric rush given always seems too much, you’d happily accept more and more.
The childish joy in the days with the two of you is almost beautifully precious.
Even when he is a sobbing mess underneath you, harsh pants leaving you both as you press against each other as much as physically possible… The messy kisses exchanged, the hushed ‘love you’s spoken throughout those times…
Although Yuuta hates leaving you, you always make him cute little trinkets to take with him. ‘A little piece of me for you to accompany you’, you’d say. It gets to the point where he has his own bag he carries with him just full of them. He’d never tell you how he kisses them when he’s away though, secretly hoping you can somehow feel them despite the distance.
Just a glance at the bag has him smiling with joy. You are his world. You are his life. His everything.
He loves it when he returns, walking up the path to the house he calls home. He always sees you waiting by the door, or already outside. The moment your name leaves his lips, the way your face lights up when you see him, when you run up to him and scoop him into your arms, he can’t help but smile til his cheeks hurt. Loving laughs leaving both of you.
He ignores the nagging feeling, though. The way those voices drip into his ears, warning him that you will leave him. But he knows you won’t. He won’t let you.
The first time a fever fell on you, Yuuta panicked. He has never been sick himself, and when he sees how tired and weak you look, he’s scared. Why are you sick?? What does he do? You’ll be okay, right? Although he can help out whole countries, he can’t heal people. He can’t heal you. How is he so useless when it comes to this?? It was a struggle the first time, that's for sure.
However, as time moved forward, he learned how to take care of you, as you did him, when you ever got ill. He owes you his life, after all, and he’d lovingly do whatever you asked. He will take care of you, sharing the joy and appreciation he felt for you since the first time you both met.
That’s why when another fever fell, he wasn’t as worried as he was the first time. Obviously, he was still concerned, you never got this hot, you never looked this weak– but he knows you will get better. He will help you get better.
You smile so lovingly, so brightly, so gently as he gives you medicine and feeds you. You can’t help the way it spreads on your face as he tells you about what new story he has to share with you. The animated way he talks when he gets into it, only to snap out of it with timid embarrassment, the way he still clumsily caresses your hair, not minding how sticky and damp it feels through the sweat.
The way he quietly asks how you feel, the way he kisses you softly, almost as if he was worried you would break, the way he gently wipes your lips after you eat, how he worries over you, worrying if you’re sleeping okay, is your stomach sore? Your throat?? Any headache? Chills?? you can’t help but want to kiss him all over. How is he so cute??
He gives you the best medicine he can find, he makes sure the house is at a good temperature all the time, he makes sure you are as comfortable as you can be.
He’s giving you all he can, he owes you that much. He owes you so much
So why.
Why aren’t you getting better?
He doesn’t understand. He did everything he has done before, you got better then, so what’s different now?? Why does nothing seem to work??
The feeling of dread heavily climbs up him as more days go by, but your condition only seems to worsen. Why??
You seem to know something is wrong, too. You were having headaches before your fever, but you shrugged it off. You were doing your best to look better, but from the way Yuuta looked at you as the days moved forward, you know that you aren’t doing a good job. You just feel horrible. You feel like something is wrong, very very wrong.
But you can’t let Yuuta know that.
You two promised to be together until you both grew old and wrinkly. To travel around the globe, meet new people, see new things. To live in this shabby but comforting home until nature holds it long after you two leave its warmth. To wear matching clothes, have matching trinkets. Try new foods, and enjoy old ones.
You promised you wouldn’t leave him.
So why does it feel like you’re getting further and further away? You are right here. Right in front of him. He sees you, smells you, he feels you. He has you right here. So why does he feel that way?
You’re not leaving him, right? You wouldn’t. He would never let you. He owes you his life. His life, his whole being is yours, so why won’t you get better? He’s doing his best, please know he is doing his best, so don’t go. He doesn’t think he can live anymore without you by his side.
He knows he needs to find a healer right away when you sleep more. The way your breath is so, so heavy as wheezes leave your mouth. You’ve lost so much weight, you are more in a daze than you are not. He hears you when he leaves the room, the way you croak about how sorry you were and how sore everything was.
Oh no no no nononono, no dear no don’t apologize, he loves you dearly, can’t you see? He’d give you the world. He will do anything for you, so just get better. Okay? He will get you the best healer alive, okay??
You barely understood what he was saying when he told you that he wouldn’t leave your side. Your mind was so groggy. Everything hurt, and you could barely stomach food, drinking was becoming hard too. Everything was spinning, and you couldn’t help but feel both scalding hot but freezing cold simultaneously. You were so tired. Fuck, so so tired.
Yuuta can’t help but cry sometimes as he sees you now. He can see you changing. Leaving. A fellow sorcerer he knows is on their way. The letter said they should be there in less than a week. They’re an amazing healer, they’re known for their miracles, so they will help you. They will.
He should be happy, help is on the way! But when he looks at you, he doesn’t know if that will be good enough. They should be here now. He feels like a child throwing a tantrum.
Tears of frustration and angry sobs leave him. He doesn’t get it. What the hell is going on? Why is this happening?? You’re leaving him. You're so sick, why can’t he help? He is useless and is fucking up every second as you’re still not better. Why can’t you get better? Did he do something wrong and your mad at him? He’s sorry. He’s really really sorry, so please stop this and get better, please? Go back to normal, pretty please?? Please stop.
He lays his head next to you, too anxious that he might make you feel uncomfortable with his body heat if he gets too close. When your gazes meet, a worried look versus a muddled one, he can’t help himself from crying. Oh, love, he’d take this all away from you if he could. He’s trying, he’s really fucking trying. Please know that he’s trying so hard.
Gripping your hand, tenderly kissing it, he gently sings the songs you two would love to sing. Your weak smile, your awfully quiet hums, they hurt him. Where did your brightness go? Your energy? Oh, my dear, he will get you better. You have to.
But you don’t.
He doesn’t know what happened. You fell asleep, still gently smiling, he even slept next to you tonight. His palm was on your chest, feeling your heart's scarily slow and calm thumps, but it will be okay. Help is almost here.
It should have been okay.
But, as he awoke, he felt something was wrong. Stiffening, he slowly moves his gaze to his palm. Why can’t he feel anything? Why can’t he feel any thumping?
He suddenly is aware of just how stiff you are, how you seem cooler than before… How you aren’t waking up.
Hey, wake up.
Yuuta sits up quickly, tenderly shaking you at first, “C’mon, dear, wake up.” He says.
No movement.
As more minutes pass, his grip tightens. He shakes harder, speaks louder until he is eventually screaming for you to ‘Wake up! Wake up, please!’
Panic is all that runs through him. This is wrong. This isn’t supposed to happen.
No, no no nonono this can’t be happening. This isn’t happening.
You’re just sleeping! That’s right. You’ve looked so exhausted lately, you must be taking a deep rest, that’s all! Of course!
He lets out a chuckle, of course! How could he be so stupid. You used to sleep a lot in the past when you were sick, you will wake up soon. No, no you won’t, you’re dea–
He lovingly strokes your hair before going to grab some medicine.
That’s right, you’re all okay. Everything is okay.
The healer should be here any day now, any day. Soon. So soon, then you will be okay.
Yuuta can’t help but smile tenderly when he looks at your face, it’s stiff why is it stiff–
Leaning over, he presses a kiss on your forehead.
Yes. You are okay.
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makeupbychio · 4 years
ily // C.H
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pairing: Calum x Reader.
words: 2,3k.
warnings: fluff, a little bit of smut, swearing, spoilers about tv shows (Brooklyn 99 and Glee). English is not my first language. 
a/n: I tried to do this genderless so I would love some feedback. Hope you like it, love y'all.
inspired by: a couple of shows that I watched during this quarantine.
It's a lovely and cozy night with Calum, whom cooked your favorite food and watching him during the process so dedicated to make it perfect like five stars restaurants made you looking at him with heart eyes the whole night. The tomato sauce was perfect and the pasta even more. You saw how he followed every single step of the recipe and refused you to help him. 
After finishing dinner, you were enjoying red wine -the bottle is almost empty- and talking to him about everything and anything. He set the dining room with vanilla candles to make it more romantic. The warm lights lightly illuminating your faces was so charming. 
Deeply inside you know that today it's been 4 months since you started dating, but Calum never brings topics like that or buys something every month and that's totally fine because you neither talk about it. He just surprises you with lovely details like this one in random days, not just when you have to celebrate something. 
When he feels like it he does it. Sometimes he caught you off guard like that time he poured like two hundred sunflowers in your house just because, or when he bought you the coolest denim jacket when he was on tour and he said extra things like the jacket was made just for you. Or when he printed the pictures Andy took in a party you threw because he wanted to have them as memories not just in his phone. Also, you find cute when he is so excited to send you his playlists he does every month with his favorite songs -he also made a private playlist for you know, when you need privacy-.
Once finished dinner, you moved to the couch to start your nerd marathon of the shows you watch. He went to find a big blanket since it's cool outside due to the rain that's been going on for two days. He settled next to you and kissed your temple when you put your head on his chest and your hands on his ribcage. 
"Come here, baby" Calum said wanting you closer.
"What's our mood today? Glee or Brooklyn 99?" you asked while you were concentrated on the TV screen searching for said shows.
“Both" you said at the same time. You explained how you can't wait to know what happens in the show. You agreed to watch Brooklyn 99 first and then Glee when you were cuddle in bed. 
After finishing the Halloween heist chapter you were still laughing at Gina's funny surprises.
"Babe you would be the perfect Gina Linetti" Calum said when he stopped laughing. 
"I'm going to take that as a really good compliment, what about you?" you asked him looking up to find his eyes. 
"Hmm I don't know" Calum said confused. "We should take an online test to find out" he broke the cuddle position you both had in the couch to go find his computer. 
"That's so Amy Santiago" you teased him while he was in another room. Then he came back showing you the electronic device.
He sat straight next to you again and searching for Buzzfeed quizzes related to the show. 
"This one sounds pretty cool" he said focused on the screen and pointing the one he chose. While the link load slowly due to his weak WiFi signal you decided you will take the quiz first. 
"K'" you said with the computer in your lap reading the questions and choosing the answers fast. "So this says I'm Gina Linetti externally and Amy Santiago internally". You read the caption under the results and it makes sense to you. 
"I was right babe, now my turn" he said taking from you the computer. It was funny how he took this so seriously to the point he had his tongue out, a thing he does when he is working. Both of you kinda expected and not his results. "I'm Rosa Diaz externally and Jake Peralta internally". 
"That's kinda sexy tho" you said biting your lip to refuse a giggle till you couldn't resist and start making fun of how bad ass but a puddle he is.
He stood up from the couch to lay against the wall with crossed arms looking at you how cute you looked all teasing him and also surprised with the results. "I can be the Jake Peralta to your Amy Santiago" he was now teasing you.
"Challenge accepted" you said before a moment of silence and Calum broke the ice.
"Oh gosh I love you so much" he said with all the emotion and then froze when he realized he said that out loud and not just inside his head. He waited for you to say something and as your surprised wide open eyes, he knew you weren't going to answer what he wanted. 
"What?" you asked surprised, not to make him repeated the words but to confirm if it was reality.
"Don't worry, I'm going to take a shower before bed" he said quickly disappearing into the bathroom and took his shirt off. He felt so stupid, he tortured himself for a couple of minutes with thoughts like you don't feel the same way about him and how maybe that scared you and now you were going to run away. 'Stupid Cal' he said to himself before he decided to leave that for later. 
In that short amount of minutes, in the other side of the room you were thinking about how he just threw the bomb at you with no warning. You felt bad that you didn't answer immediately, because you love him too but it was confusing how hours ago you were thinking about how he is not like that type of person to celebrate another month of your relationship or cheesy things but clearly he does. You thought how to fix this and your next move. 
When you were about to knock the bathroom's door Calum surprised you opening it before your action. He was surprised too to find you inches apart from him. 
"Jesus, y/n. Sorry, I thought you were still in the couch" he said when he stopped his rushing thoughts. "Are you okay?" asking if something happened or if you need something.
Calum was already with his shirt off and just with his jeans. You laid your fingers on his beautiful jaw to get him closer and kiss him. 
"I love you too, Cal" you said looking up directly to his eyes, fingers still on his jaw and your lips barely touching his. You moved forward a little bit to get you both inside the bathroom so you can close the door. Your moves were slow and that made the intensity filled the room. You know, sexual tension. 
You saw his sculpted tan back when he turned around to start the water. You bite your lip at the view. "Is Roy at home already?" you asked innocently him to be sure of something. 
He laughed at you being cautious when multiple times before Roy definitely heard you both having sex. "I don't know, but that's cute from you to worry about my roommate's nightmares because of us" he was teasing you. 
"Fuck you" you said realizing that the house is huge and that Roy's room is way far from where you were. So you can have an idea about how loud you have to be so he can hears you. Right now you don't care and at the same time hoping that Cal's roommate could be asleep. 
You stepped closer to him and he couldn't resist it. It's not like he can't kiss you, he knows that he is allowed to that but he would kill for your kisses. He moved his head to reach your tinted cherry lips and started heating up rapidly the situation. He just cut the makeout session when you took off your shirt, then he removed the rest of his clothes to jump in into the shower. You bit your lip at the view and decided to join him so you took off your jeans too and stepped inside in underwear. 
"Baby no! That combo is my fave" Calum said when your clothes got wet immediately because of the hot water. You laughed at his words like if he doesn't has a washing machine or a dryer. You laced your arms around his neck and kissed him under the water. "I've been holding this for a while and a lot of emotions and actions to show you how I feel but not anymore" he said and started to feel like he finally poured out what was stuck on his mind. "I wanted to tell you in a more romantic way than how I did it minutes ago watching Brooklyn 99, just pretend that we are outside under the rain so it could be more romantic like a Hollywood movie from the 50s" Calum said. 
He rapidly interlaced both arms in the end of your back to keep your body close to his. You rested your arms around his neck and he went up a little bit with his hands to fight with your soaked bra and then took it off and throw it to the floor crossing the glass door. A cloud of steam was already formed because of the heat in the room.
Now just your panties were left but you were so focused tracing Calum's tattoos with your fingers while he admired you doing it. It gave him chills when you found his chest tattoo.
"I love your tattoo too, honey" he said with his hand moving down to the side of your left thigh where your tattoo is. Perfect time to lift you up and take off the last piece of clothes. Your legs around his waist and he got you holding you with his strong hands placed above your butt.
Calum laughed when you tried to hide your body. It was the first time you took a shower with him. But the only way to hide your body was pressing it harder against his.
From outside the shower your bodies seemed blurry because of the big amount of steam. That marks were erased when Calum lifted you up to hold your body against the wall, your legs were around his waist to give him better access. 
Lust immediately filled your mind with the passionate kisses and how good felt when Cal pressed your body against the wall, still lifting you with his strong hands. God that hands and arms drive you crazy with his tattoos and notorious veins. Next he asked you for permission to fill your entrance, always making sure you were alright. You just nodded at him and he did it, your right arm so tight around the back of his neck and left hand holding against the glass leaving your handprint freshly. 
You both failed at being quiet but the sound of water and the soundproofing walls gave you advantage. Words couldn't be found, just moans and kisses wherever you had access. Calum still holding you changed to another wall, now one hand holding you and the other pressed against the wall that gave him the balance and to keep pushing inside you.
"Calum, I'm close" you said whispering on his ear. He wanted to make you feel even better so he speed up his pace. The water was hitting Cal's back and was burning him with the marks you were leaving with your nails. 
You tilted your head back when you reached your orgasm wanting to have your feet back on the floor and seconds later of friction he reached his edge too. 
He pulled off and helped you to for real take a shower and clean the sweaty mess. Now the calm and tiredness hit you both once you left the bathroom ready to -do quite opposite like minutes ago- put comfy clothes and cuddle. 
Calum dried your hair and you his. Once you put his baggy hoodie you jumped into the bed. You waited for him who was setting the heat for the house during the night.
While you watched Glee, with his head resting on your chest and stroking his curls, you thought about what he said earlier. Calum always sings the songs that he knows from the show and taps your skin gently at the beat of the music, and it's more than lovely to hear his beautiful voice. 
“Babe, what did you mean when you said that you had been holding that for a while?” you asked him when the cast of the show ended the song they were performing. He looked up at you.
“Like a month ago we were watching Brooklyn 99 that chapter when Jake was in danger and Amy felt guilty because she never told him how she felt and that hit me” he spoke with all the honesty. You found that so cute and cheesy from him and it made sense to you because for a while he seemed that he wanted to say something important to you but you never asked or pushed him to do it.
You kissed his forehead and smiled at him. Before you both returned your attention to the show you said, “I love you”.
"I love you too" he said. "I think you would be a perfect Mercedes" he started again teasing you about the characters of the shows you watch together, you are going to get used to this. 
You tried to break the closeness of his head in your chest because he knows that you don't have a beautiful talent and voice like Mercedes. "Ha ha very funny. So in that case you would be Sam?" you raised your brows at him because even when you love Sam, he's a player. 
"I think we can only resolve this with a quizz" he said smirking at you.
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hyunjizns · 6 years
dating hyunjin
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⤷ hyunjin is like my ULT bby so  my heart is just crying rn
how you guys started dating
so basically you’re minho’s bestie and ofc like the good friend you are you go to his dance competition to give all of your support
and you support his partner in crime felix because y’know, friendship goals
anyway this is like minho’s biggest competition yet and his biggest rival himself is there, hwang hyunjin
you would never ever tell minho that you found hyunjin hella attractive 
because you know rivals !!
but that didn’t stop you from admiring the boy
like how does he move his body like that??
so what happens is that there’s the lil break for the dancers to get themselves together
and felix and minho just disappeared so you were left all alone looking at the dancers do their thing
and hwang ! hyunjin ! just slides up next to you like okay boy shouldn't you be stretching or something?
and he just goes like "hi there" shyly
hello,, heart are you still there??
but unfortunately you don't get to talk much more after that because minho and felix return just to ruiN your guys' moment
so hyunjin just smirks at minho beacuse again, rivals and returns to his dancer friends
minho is like wtf y/n?!??! and you're like i dunno
anyway so the whole competition's over now hyunjin like waits until he's sure minho and felix have gone about their business
and then he comes back up to you
now lemme tell you that this boy has been wanting to ask for your number for agEs now but he just couldn’t
because he’s a shyy boyy okay
anyway he finally got the guts to do it and he starts up a conversation with you until he smoothly asks for your number
like 10/10 flirting skills mr. hwang
and there blossoms a beautiful friendship
so you guys like talk every hour of every day like what is hyunjin without y/n at this point ??
and ofc minho notices but he supports it because y’all are cute wtf
and you know it you can feel yourself catching feelings for this boy
usually you'd try to get rid of feelings fast but this hwang hyunjin we're talking about
i mean it’s inevitable anyway from all the selfies he sends you, his charming personality, your guys’ 4 hour calls, everything is just great
and you guys go out together so often pls
each of your friend groups are like jUst datE AlReady 
it’s killing them the mixed ! signals ! you give each other
one second you're acting like a couple, shamelessly flirting and the next being super shy
but as we know, mr. hyunjin is a shy boy so you take it upon yourself to ask him out
it was on one of your lil friend date thingys 
and you’re both eating your ice creams and joking around and laughing until you take a deep breath and are suddenly serious
and you turn and look hyunjin right in his pretty dark eyes
and he’s like y/n ???? you okay???
he gets worried easily he doesn't wanna mess anything up
and you’re like taking his hand in yours and giving him a nervous smile
“hyunjin, i like you, a lot”
and he’s taken aback for a few seconds so you start panicking until this boy grins
“i like you too, y/n”
and it’s unspoken but you two know you’re a couple now and you’re that couple too
cue all of your friends rejoicing because finally
you two gave them the biggest headache ever
hyunjin as a boyfriend
my favourite part yes
sooo hyunjin for one is that soft boyfriend that just melts !! at everything you do
like heck you could just be there lying down and this boy is crying because you just look like the most beautiful person to ever grace this earth
like bare faced you ?? yes
you in literally any outfit? yes
you who just woke up ?? BIG YES
he’s that guy who’s big on sleeping with you (in the soft way duh)
he lives for morning kisses
and cuddles okay, he loves cuddles
and yes i will say it, he sometimes like to be the little spoon because he just likes the feeling of someone being there for him okay
usually he’s very touchy with you, he absolutely cannot keep his hands off of you
i mean c’mon, you’re his baby
but that’s after he gets super comfortable
he doesn’t wanna make you feel weird or uncomfortable so he has to make sure you’re okay with everything
he loves to play-fight and tickle you to death
when he’s done torturing you he makes sure to hug you so tight
you’re like hyunjin, please i can’t breathe
and he just does his cute little giggle and kisses your forehead
let me tell you, hyunjin loves these, both giving and receiving 
this boy also lives for temple kisses so expect a lot
kissing in general is something you guys do pretty often and they’re usually short and sweet
for your first kiss together it’s gonna be the shy confidence radiating from hyunjin
his hand is either cupping your face, holding your waist or on the small of your back
he likes the feeling of you being close to him
it just makes him feel real good, you know what i’m saying?
if you guys do make out, it's passionate because you wanna express all your feelings through the kiss
he lives for neck kisses but you can only mark him when he's sure he won't get into trouble
he likes marking you tho
NSJX im screaming pls
kissing in front of the members is something he does not do frequently
he’s a shyy boyy like mentioned before
and though he likes to show them that you’re his, he doesn’t wanna take it too far
the boys’ teasing gagging sounds make him blush HARD
you too
so you guys just kinda refrain from kissing in front of those fools
you guys would cuddle sure, hold hands or just be under each other all the time
chan’s like rolling his eyes at you love birds
i think hyunjin would also really like matching outfits
personally, i also feel like he has absoultely no problem with you stealing his sweaters
so go for it 
he thinks that matching outfits is just the ultimate couple goals so 
yea prepare to match pretty often
this boy also LOVES to send you selfies of himself
and kkami don’t get me wrong
kkami is his child
well, your guys’ child
so your gallery is filled with hyunjin’s selfies in every situation 
and his gallery?
full of pics of you, including the selfies you send in return to his selfies to the pics he takes of you off guard
he really values your relationship and he’s quite the emotional one so
if you guys ever get into any aruments or fights he’s the first to crack and talk it out
he hates seeing you sad
all he wants is for you to be smiling so you bet that if you’re feeling down that he will do the absolute most to make you feel better
he’ll attempt to make you your favourite food even though he’s a mess in the kitchen
or he'll make the room super cosy for you and put on your favourite show and never leave your side
if you need space though, he's very respectful of that and will give you space that you need
i'm sorry he wouldn't be able to stop worrying about you
he loves dancing with you too like he doesn't care if you can't dance
he just cares about you having fun with him so he's gonna be the happiest man alive when you jam out to a song with him
he's gonna choreograph a dance, specially for you because you're that important
and like when he sings for you, you just go uwu
he doesn't like to do it often but when he does your heart just goes skbfksbfkwdl
at night if you're unable to sleep he'll hold you close and whisper sweet things to you
he'll peck your face all over and rub your shoulder
and he definitely won't be sleeping until he's sure you are
to sum it up, hyunjin is the most caring boyfriend you could ever ask for
he just wants you happy and healthy and would do anything for that
everyone deserves a hyunjin
omg my heart- :((
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
🎶 and jotaro and also kakyoin AND another character..whoever u want ;)
oho… you’ve sent me another message? you know what comes next bro, u brought this upon yourself….this is us now man
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anyhow, AH. thos boys…god this one is gonna be so difficult because I have So Many Songs that are tied to them. as for the other character, i think i will do my boy sergio because i really need to share my brainstorming songs for him before i explode! :0 thank you again for sending these in, bro!! have a good night, ily! c:
this will be long bc i always ramble..i will be tagging this as long post for mobile gang!
thom- i hate to start this off with a jotakak-themed song because i know some people Despise jk. i’m sorry for y’all who do, but ahh this song has been stuck in my head for days now! :’( In terms of the SDA, i always think of this song as like…jotaro’s bittersweet journey w his feelings for kak. it’s something about the like, ghostly windchimes in the beginning, the phone buzzing in the bg, and the “please don’t run away”s man, ahhh. I listen to this song a lot when brainstorming him coming to accept that friendship is as far as he and kak go. However,“ The pitter patter gave a rather rinse and lather feeling/ As opposed to shitty attitudes that made me bitter after laughter/ And I dearly regretted it” really makes me think of pt. 4 jotaro in any context. We only see the end result of his development from SDC, but like hhh… do you think he regrets being so gruff? I think of that 1 fanart where he’s looking at the group picture + hoping they knew he wasn’t annoyed by them (or something along those lines, i forget the exact line…ahh)
something’s missing- So, ofc not all parts of this song apply.. and truthfully, I listen to this song while thinking of the immediate period after the crusade in the SDA and how the crusaders are all left with this hole in them (..@kakyoin literally.. i’m sorry i had to. also, abdul is the hole). Out of all of them, though, I always think of Jotaro the most w this song- “My dad asks, ‘Were you okay out where you were stranded?’ How do I tell him that I wasn’t just okay… I was so much better?” LIKE DAMN THAT IS ONE (1) KUJO JOTARO… :( i think he comes back from the crusade and just feels.. severely misplaced. Going back to Japan and the girls following him to school every morning feels so alien to him.
tempest rhapsody- this song is just… *chef kiss* It makes me think of like. star platinum’s first manifestation, and of the emotions one would feel during a 50-day crusade to a place you’ve never been before, where you run the risk of death at least once a week…how would it feel to know if you got seriously injured in a fight, there would be a very real possibility that your *cough* dearly beloved *cough* mother could die? this song is my answer to that question
only in sleep- another choir song! i cannot help myself. This one is more for canon Jotaro. I’ve read a few fics about the universe reset where he’s reunited with the other crusaders one last time before everything becomes nil, and…..augh. “The years had not sharpened their smooth round faces, I met their eyes and found them mild — Do they, too, dream of me, I wonder, And for them am I too a child?“ is imo such a jotaro 4 am deliberation
softly- THIS. this was the Original jotakak song, no offense thom. i used to listen to this song on REPEAT while reading nessun dorma, ahhh. so much of the sda jotakak dynamic is shaped from that fic and this song, hghshg. Anyhow, now that I’ve worked on the development of their relationship in the sda, this song is most definitely a song for the jotaro who unknowingly pines in 3rd year and then comes to realize that ah…these are Emotions during uni. during their third year, jotaro and kakyoin do a ton of self-exploration, and spend more than one night floating in the pitch black void of the ocean talking about what they’re going to do after graduation with only the stars to accompany them. they lose this when jotaro goes to florida for uni + kakyoin paris, but they make up for it by calling each other all the time, so “Touch you softly I call you up late at night” made this song an instant hit in my book ghshghw. I adore this song, through and through. ;u;
post-published honorable mention bc i rediscovered him while i was workin on polnareff’s playlist!! DOLLY ZOOM is another really good song for pining jotaro. in the sda, he feels really Horrible about having a crush on kakyoin for a long time because he and his family (that is phrased weird, i am sorry) are the entire reason kakyoin got a hole punched right through his abdomen and spine. they’re the entire reason kakyoin spent months learning how to walk and use his legs again. he doesn’t do anything except bury his feelings because, to him, it’d be Really selfish to do otherwise. i listened to dolly zoom nonstop when i started writing Jotaro’s Decade-Long Yearn because it captures the guilt really well, ahh.
Kakyoin (it is 1:24 am as i’m starting this… let’s see how long i agonize over this part lmao)
ultraviolence- ahh, ze Mindworm Song. I really despise diokak and the fact that he had to spend like…3-4 months with the mindworm just chilling in his brain, but I can’t ignore the fact that he latched onto dio’s friendship and was initially elated to have that whole thing happen. It haunts Kakyoin in canon, and it Most Definitely haunts him in the SDA, and i think he and jotaro have a lot of conversations about how and why and what that whole experience was like. I always end up coming back to this song when brainstorming this year in the au. The beginning just sounds so lonely, and the background choir/ voices really give me the heebie jeebies. Then, there’s the build-up to the beat drop, which really make me think of like. what being mindwormed could feel like? And how it must feel to be so lost in that sauce that you become a passenger in your own mind, lost to the whim of one super manipulative vampire, augh. “You give me love, you know you give me love with your ultraviolet rays” ties into a few of FKA Twigs’ other songs where she sings about not being enough and really obsessively deriving love from someone whose attention is ultimately really harmful and unhealthy, and I think about that and Kakyoin a lot. :(
sound and color- so truthfully, this is my go-to song for any character that dies/almost dies and comes back, or goes through a Huge Life Change. kakyoin fits both of these bills to a T! this song makes me think of getting used to being around such a rowdy but tight-knit group of people who genuinely care about you All Day Long after spending your entire life in isolation. I always think of like, a happiness montage when the second half of this song comes around, and the montage i daydream about for kak during that section is *chef kiss* Sound + Color is like one of the best songs ever, and it’d be a crime to not have a kak setting for it. 
first love/late spring- fellas, here’s the kakyoin equivalent to jotaro’s softly. this song was IT, back when the sergio-divergent au and the “All the Crusaders Live” au were two separate things. back then, kakyoin and jotaro’s realization that oh, fuck, they really meant the entire world to each other happened much earlier in the plot. Looking back on that now makes me squint, but I do think that this song is still really fitting for kakyoin exploring those feelings- friendship is one thing, but romance is something entirely different and a lot more intimate. i think it’s a tug-of-war for him, between wanting to jump in to those feelings and wanting to run far far away from them because he doesn’t want to be wrong and ruin their friendship. good times in the kak hole
last words of a shooting star- I really love the bastard fucker side of kakyoin that is explored and celebrated in our fanon, but I can never shake the fact that some of his last thoughts were of his parents (and i think he was sorry for making them worry? which… baby…) and that his polite, “outwardly anxious” presentation was this big facade for like.. the Deep and Soul-Wrenching loneliness he felt because he was a stand user? The first stanza and “They’ll never know how I’d stared at the dark in that room/ With no thoughts” make me think of kakyoin deeply- if his family had never gone to egypt and he’d never met dio or jotaro, what would have happened to him? Who would he be? i’ve always been super attached to that part of kak bc fundamentally… I Relate. but also i am just fond of it because it makes me sob- he deserved so much better than to get murdered by the same man who manipulated his entire identity right at the climax of his character arc….some crimes can never be forgiven, hirohiko….
vertigo- i don’t listen to this song for kak often, but it is a Quintessential Kakyoin song. according to khalid’s twitter, vertigo is a song about “Overcoming overthinking. After every dark days, there’s a brighter outcome. Being at a super low place in your life and realizing that, there’s other people going through that same path you’re walking down. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. It’s also a story about fear of abandonment.” which….Big Kakyoin Energies. The “Are we alive?Or are we dreaming?” part also ties back into the Kakyoin Parties in a Coma for a Month arc- your mind has a wild wild time when you’re in a medically induced coma, theoretically because it’s trying to fill in the blanks for all of the stuff you’re sensing? And coming out of a medically induced coma is a bizarre experience, where it’s hard to tell if you’re still in the coma and just imagining things or if you’re actually awake. Kakyoin has a mad time in the month immediately after SDC, one that i’m sure he doesn’t enjoy too much after the death 13 fight.
honorable mention goes to i am not yours- this has been a kak song to me for a long time as well. the context of the song is way different from my interpretation for this setting, but AH. I just think kakyoin really struggles to differentiate and understand romantic feelings. This song really reminds me of that struggle, and I think also touches nicely on like. the identity issue of it all too.. “yet i am i, who long to be” yanno? ; J ; it’s hard for me to explain
another honorable mention, my statue sinking. in the sda, after the events in egpyt, kakyoin is thrown into a coma for like an entire month while his body gets operated back together, and then he spends months in physical therapy learning how to walk w a prosthetic spine (kudos to cyborg speedwagon being a reverse engineering madman :D). i like to imagine that there’s also some degree of therapy going on this whole time, also. you don’t just get donuted + thrown into a coma for a month without some counseling to get you back on your feet..i think the lasting effects of dio’s influence are addressed here, but only briefly because it’s not something kakyoin is eager to explore. however, I think that this song captures the like... distress? i guess? of knowing that your life has been irreparably thrown off course because of dio. like yes, you met some really wonderful people that helped you learn how deeply healing friendship could be! but also.. you lost months of your life to mind control, and then another month to a coma, and then additional months to training your body to function again....there’s some psychological stress there. While I think that Jotaro and Polnareff are affected the most by the crusade, I think they all emerge from it with some degree of ptsd. Being targeted by complete strangers at all times of day cannot be good for your mental health, you know? Anyhow, I think My Statue Sinking captures that aftermath feeling really well. Everyone survives and recovers from the crusade, but there’s a part in all of them that is lost to Egypt. 
on to sergio!! (it is now 2:04 am lmaooooooo) sergio will be easy because I only ever listen to the same handful of songs when I’m writing him hdhgh
i will come to you- this is THE sergio song. i think of this song every time i write about him, whether it’s the “believe in me…” “also believe in me” lyric exchange that i imagine he has with both tomoko and holly; the “and i will pray to my father…my father…and he will abide” part being about him reaching out to joseph with his final breaths and spilling all of the beans about dio and begging him to finish things so that Tomoko and Josuke, the Kujos, and he and Suzi can be safe; the “foreeever……foreee-eever.. forever..” part being where he dies and his soul passes into the next realm.. “even the spirit of truth [golden prophet] whom the world [..yeah..] cannot receive, because it seeth him not [bc suad defects and buries sergio instead of bringing his dead body to dio]. Neither knoweth him, but you know him…for he dwelleth in you and he shall be in you [literally the entire joestar/kujo/higashikata family being so near and dear to him + his spirit being with them even after death]” and then, like.. george i, jonathan, and george ii coming to retrieve his soul during the “heeeee shallll beee in youuu” part… “i will not leave you comfortless. i Will Not leave.. You Comfortless… iiii wiiiill come…. to you.. to You” part being about his soul mingling within star platinum and crazy diamond because he has a Need, even in death, to protect them. UGH (also his essence being especially prevalent in crazy diamond, which is partially why its power is to repair things!! bc hamon! ; O ;) literally I have an Entire music video with sergio’s death set to this music. i’ve listened to it way too many times.
when david heard- so to be frank this is actually more of a joseph song, but it’s only a joseph song when sergio exists + gets murdered. :o i cried the first time i listened to this, and then months later i listened to it while thinking of sergio + like. sobbed fr fr. Joseph is asleep when Sergio calls him, so he gets sergio’s final message as a voicemail on his answering machine hours after the fact. the message itself is chilling because Joseph had no clue his son had gone on this huge mission by himself to kill Dio, and now he’s dead! however, it’s made even worse because Joseph wasn’t there to pick the call up and comfort his son in his dying breaths or do Anything. it’s just like Caesar, which is. god awful. it’s such a horrible realization because sergio, whom joseph named after what caesar wanted to name his own son, has been condemned to the same fate as his namesake. Thus this song- i’ve yet to come across a song that captures the feeling of hearing that kind of news so well. (also when i tag things as my sOOOOON or *cries my son in 8-part harmony a la whitacre*, this is the song i’m referencing :D)
zombies / terrified- ahhh, these songs capture the HORROR sergio feels upon sensing dio’s presence in Japan really well. (also “I’m going to eat you alive/please don’t find me rude, but i don’t eat fast food/ so don’t run too fast” is SUCH a dio mood…) Sergio maintains his composure about the Dio Dilemma for a good year before he flies off the handle, and his entire proto-crusade against the vampire is just. Laced with paranoia, even if he is learning a ton of useful skills. These two songs capture that feeling of something constantly watching/creeping up on you so well, and ever since i discovered them, I’ve listened to them for Sergio inspo.
the prophet- This is the only song I’ve done so far that the characters would actually listen to lmao. Sergio is a Huge fan of The Temptations, and his stand is actually named after this song! (+ the esoteric title for the hermit, which was really amazing luck on my end ; J ;) it also had a huge hand in figuring out what his stand power would be, the lyric that decided it was “God doesn’t listen to the words you pray; he hears what your heart has got to say.” However, the entire last stanza of the song ties really well into his character arc fhshgh. Also, this song just feels like it could Be the child of Bloody Stream, if that makes any sense. it’s so groovy and funky, but the lyrics are like big ominous lmao. I was super ecstatic to find this song- if sergio were to ever get an animation, this song would be the OP, yanno?
armageddon- This is another “this song would be on their personal playlist” song. Sergio’s got a lot of love for all styles of music in his heart, but jazz is his home base and always what he comes back to. I like to imagine that Lisa Lisa’s husband introduces Sergio to Wayne Shorter’s music at the age of like 8 or 9, and Sergio’s just. obsessed with the man’s music for the rest of his life. I really love Shorter’s explanation for the meaning of this song and its album as a whole: “What I’m trying to express here is a sense of judgment approaching - judgment for everything alive from the smallest ant to man. I know that the accepted meaning of ‘Armageddon’ is the last battle between good and evil - whatever it is. But my definition of the judgment to come is a period of total enlightenment in which we will discover what we are and why we’re here.” Like… wig.. I feel like that’s such big sergio energy. Armageddon itself also feels like a really nice ED- it’s lively, but in a good episode-ending kind of way. Do i dream of animating Sergio’s adventure one day? Mayhaps.
honorable mention goes to just my imagination/ my girl- We’ve covered that Sergio adores The Temptations, so it’s no secret that he would listen to these songs ceaselessly. however, i really like the broadway harmonies + instrumentals that they did for Ain’t Too Proud, so that’s what’s goin in here. these songs are THE tomoko/sergio songs…He loves Tomoko and the way she quips + teases + gets up to nonsense with him So Much. There’s a huge part of him that has No Idea what Tomoko sees in a music geek like him, but ughh he is so grateful that she likes him because she is a Goddess. he’s blessed yo..
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lunebinnie · 6 years
(1/14)I am so sorry for taking so long! (I also had to spend a lot of time studying this week bc I had my first exam for my Anatomy Lab on Wednesday... And then we had our first exam for *Lecture* Thursday (which also was the day I had a bunch of powerpoints due for my very intimidating adviser...) and then I had to substitute teach all day Friday (and then I meant to respond sooner but I got so busy 😭) so yeah I completely understand about school getting in the way no worries abt it!)
And also sleeping in on a day off when you’ve been busy studying lately is completely valid hon 👌 I hope that your midterms go well and that you’re able to stay healthy and take care of yourself in the midst of preparing! (not that you wouldn’t, I just have a bad habit of neglecting things like healthy sleeping and eating habits when I get caught up studying, so hopefully you’re not like me in that way) And yeah me too! I mean on the one hand I understand *why* they have that limit
3)If u could just send as many as u want there would be so much more spam and ppl would definitely abuse that. But also?? Um? I have a chronic condition called ‘Can'tShuttheFuckUp-itis’? 🤷 This policy is so discriminatory towards people like me who suffer from this crippling condition! I feel oppressed honestly 🙄 tumblr rlly has something against ppl just trying to get to know each other huh? Lol, but at least now we know why it eats them I’ll be sure to try to prevent that in the future
4)And oh my gosh that’s so cool! I’m super jealous!! 😮 lol. I wish they hosted kpop nights at my local bar! 😭😭 But no, I’m here at my little state college in a little 2 mi2 town just under pop 5500 (and idek if that’s before or after counting college students) in the middle of the 'farm zone’ of my state. All we get is country night @Riley’s 😩 RIP. But ya I wish I had more ppl around me who were into kpop! So far I’ve only met 3 ppl who listen to it. One was that roommate I told you about
5)One is just a casual listener who isn’t really into 3rd gen groups and mostly just listens to Girl’s Generation but that’s valid, and one isn’t even rlly a fan of any groups in particular, she just puts the kpop station on when she studies bc she says she needs music but if it’s in English she gets distracted, lol And omg that is insane! $500?? And 5 copies of the same album? 😲 (Says the girl who’s been a Monbebe for a hot 2 months and has already bought three (3??) Monsta X T-shirts… 😂
6)in my defense tho one of them was only $10 bc it was Black Friday? And u can’t blame me, Hot Topic is my krypotonite lmao) but yeah I already feel guilty about spending 30+ dollars on one copy of an album (thx international shipping) That’s so wild. And yeah I don’t get why ppl feel the need go out of their way just to insult other ppl’s music taste. I’m also pretty self conscious abt sharing my music taste and obviously the way everyone around me talks abt kpop has made me even moreso now 🙃
7) I haven’t gotten into too many groups yet bc I’m trying to go slowly and focus on getting into one group at a time but I do have a long list of groups I plan on getting into eventually! NU'EST is one that I’ve heard some of their songs on my Spotify based on my listening history and they’re on the list haha 😂 And omg I feel really similarly about Got7! I tried to get into them after I got into Monsta X and right before I got into Astro and although I did really like some of their songs
8)I haven’t really been able to get into their music as much as MX and Astro’s yet. I do think they seem like a really fun group in terms of personality though. As for the comeback I know right?? I mean I know a lot of ppl were freaking out abt the comeback being a 'sexy’ and how it wasn’t gonna be the same cute Astro we all love anymore. But they filled the MV with flowers and glitter and still managed to make it sexy as fuck! This album has a very different vibe but it still felt like them
9) They managed to pull off a more mature and sexy concept while still staying true to themselves and I’m so here for it! I don’t know if I could really pick a favorite era because I love them all! I mean Spring Up was an excellent era and every era since then has been great. They really don’t know how to have any bad concepts or make any bad songs huh? Lol. Since I’m still pretty new I really love the title tracks since I’ve heard them the most. (I have listened to their full discography
10)But I haven’t listened to their Bsides enough to pick out my favorites from those) I also really love Again though! The first time I saw the dance practice I was super into it and then I looked up the lyrics and was like 'this is supposed to be sad/regretful song it has no reason to be this much of a BOP?!’ 😂 I have such a hard time picking favorites though. Since All Light is new though I actually have listened to it enough times to pick some 'non-title song favorites’ from there haha
11) Other than All Night (which is great, obvi) I also really like Starry Sky, Moonwalk and Role Play 😂 and Bloom is so pretty oh my god! 😭😭 the album is great and has no bad songs but those are the ones I particularly like. I feel u about the dances honestly. I think that’s actually what drew me to kpop initially. I mean I like listening to the songs ofc but it wasn’t until after I actually watched an MV/saw the choreography that I actually was like… Oh shit I’m gonna have to be a fan now
12) It was the visual aspect that really made me want to be a kpop fan bc I haven’t really seen that level of performance with any western music. Which isn’t to say I think all western music is bad but I think it’s really impressive to watch kpop groups singing and also doing really impressive choreography and performing at the same time. Plus that’s the part I can show my family and say 'even if you don’t like the music because of the language barrier you have to admit they’re talented dancers’
13)And yes! With Astro especially I think the dance practices rlly succinctly capture the reason why I love them so much. They are *super* talented but they also have such great chemistry and u can rlly tell that they just love each other and have so much fun together! I love a family of six hardworking dorks! 🤧💗 lol. And yeah it’s too bad that neither of are able to see them this cb ☹️ (I also did the 'hypothetically…’ research but it wouldn’t have worked out 😒) I hope you’re right though!
14)Hopefully the success of this comeback is the catalyst to Astro getting more of the attention they deserve and there will be many more opportunities to see them in the future! (Although it is too bad we won’t be able to see live performances from this cb, since it’s so pretty 😭 tho with their track record I’m sure future cb’s will be just as good lol) But what about you? Do you have any favorite songs from this cb in particular? Talk again soon! (I’ll try 2 b better @ responding 😭) -AHA
FUCKKK okay so after like a million years of midterms + 2 days straight of sleeping ya girl is BACK to answer these asks after getting through the hurdle of copying and pasting and italicizing 14 asks onto one response on my phone. Did I perhaps fail at least 3 of my midterms? Quite probably. Do I have the energy to care atm? No. Did I need to get away from everything and fly to Boston to visit my friend for reading week? Yes.
How did all your exams go? That sounds crazy though! I hope you got through everything ok!
Tbh I have the same unhealthy habits too, I essentially became nocturnal and lived on like one meal a day + snacks and coffee 😭 fr, I would be writing my midterm from 11:30-1:30, go home to eat, sleep from 4-7pm, then wake up to study all night for the next one, and repeat,,,,, I’m like an actual mess tbh
Honestly as much as I’ve enjoyed the Aroha secret admirer thing (it was sooo nice getting to meet new people) rn I’m just so glad that post-reveal we don’t have to deal with tumblr ask limits and writing entire essay responses all in one go.
Honestly 3 shirts isn’t even THAT bad especially if they weren’t all like ordered from overseas so they wouldn’t have been that expensive. When I went to the Myeongdong underground shopping centre I went craaaazy with Kpop merch despite stanning (at that point, pretty much only) BTS for a whole 3 weeks, so I ended up coming back with 2 albums, a bunch of stickers, a photocard pack (also bonus: got an Astro one too) and like a BUNCH of bt21 stuff. Speaking of, my All Light album finally came in!! I ended up getting a Moonbin, MJ, Jinjin, and Sanha photocard plus the a Rocky lyric booklet and ik I basically got THE best set for someone who loves all of them w my whole heart 😩✊ but I’m still sad I didn’t get any Eunwoo cards since he was my first Astro bias 😭 it’s soooooo pretty I love it sm and like lowkey I’ll probably end up buying more of their albums anyway oopsss
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Speaking of Monsta X btw, I heard their new song and I thought it was really good! What did you think of it?
Regarding favourite songs, I swear my moods change so much, so it’s pretty common for me to not love a song at first and sort of rediscover it months later, and tbh that’s kind of what happened with Innocent Love, Baby, and Again. In this album though, I’d say my favourite Bsides are probably be Bloom, 1 in a Million, and Heart Brew Love.
And I toootally agree with the performance aspect of kpop being the thing to attract me it, even before I got really into it I’d sometime like to watch dance practices (and lowkey even learned a bunch of choreos a with my friend last term just bc we had access to a frequently empty dance studio). It’s just super impressive to see people singing and dancing at the same time mostly live, and for the same reasons I’m also super into musicals as well, which isn’t so say I think like lip syncing or just dancing/singing is bad, it’s just refreshing to see it done all at once, you know?
Also side story it turns out that I actually DO know another Astro fan irl!! Her older sister (who I’m closer to bc we’re closer in age) is the one who bought the million got7 albums. Even though she’s been a fan of Astro since before debut, her sister doesn’t even know she listens to kpop since she was afraid of getting roasted at first, but now she’s in too deep to say anything. I’d mentioned liking Astro to her before, but she didn’t say anything bc she didn’t want to expose herself in front of her sister but on Friday I saw her while her sister was out and she was like “oh btw here’s a secret I went to the Toronto fanmeet last year but my sister doesn’t know” I was SHOOK but tbh I’m just super glad now to have someone to talk about it and go to concerts with (I’m banking on the fact that they’re coming back)
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for waiting 2747287482 million years for my response, and it was so great to finally (officially) meet you Kjersten!
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Luke/Tori for the ship ask please?
thanks for being so patient! i got carried away and then stuck bc i got carried away lol and i’ve also just been busy bc grad school lmao ;_;
here it is finally! under a cut as per my yuzh
who hogs the duvet
luke, bc he’s just a cold human being. lol not like in his heart or soul, but his body runs colder than most, so he’s chilled like all the time
if he’s not acting like an octopus, he’s hogging the duvet. tori doesn’t mind a whole bunch, since she runs warm (thanks apollo), but sometimes, on really cold nights (heating is so expensive and if they can keep it off, they will), it’s v annoying so she’ll forcefully pull the duvet back, which forces luke to turn into an octopus
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
i’d say tori is. she worries a lot abt luke, esp bc he can kinda hole up inside his mind when he’s having a tough time
those little text alert noises and rings are actually quite comforting for luke. he appreciate them a lot, which he’d never say out loud, but he doesn’t need to since they can read each other pretty well
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
you might be surprised, but luke actually is. it comes from his creativity for pranks
who gets up first in the morning
tori does! thanks apollo, but only during the summer lmao
it’s super bad in the summer too, bc the days are longer and it gets light around 4 or 5 in the morning lol
but tori generally gets up with the sun (thanks apollo), so during the winter she gets up later than in the summer and luke is generally up before her
who suggests new things in bed
i mean, honestly both of them do!
tori does more often, but luke will if it’s been a long day, and an even longer night bc either/or both of them can’t sleep bc of nightmares or what have you
wait, i’m just realizing this might be a sexual question??? lmao, i read it like one of those philosophical talks you have with your best friend at sleepovers at 3am (same energy anyway)
well, if it is a sexual question (i’m honestly not sure, my ace brain is seriously just That ace), i would say neither of them, honestly
like they’ve been through so much in their lives. role-play doesn’t do it for them. tori hates being held down/restrained, and they’ve both incurred enough injuries from monsters for a lifetime so bdsm is also out
they’re also both tops, so that complicates things sometimes, but “““““vanilla””””” sex is fine for them
who cries at movies
lol tori does. no question.
who gives unprompted massages
luke, for sure. and tori loves it
but tori will sometimes do so if she sees luke’s stressed and tense
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
totes luke, he turns in to like a mother hen (but don’t tell him i told you that) and worries over tori whenever she gets sick
obvi tori takes care of luke when he’s sick, but luke’s the one to really go those extra 500 miles
who gets jealous easiest
lmao, can’t choose on that one bc both of them get supremely jealous
it doesn’t help that luke is bi and tori is biromantic, so anyone is technically fair game and they’re both very good-looking ppl
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
tori! she’s a hopeless romantic, and so like all those cheesy, gooey love songs and will listen to them all day every day
and i mean i wouldn’t strictly classify that as “embarrassing” per se, but that’s the best answer i have for ya
who collects something unusual
hmmm, luke.
you could argue most things are “unusual” to collect, but luke collects journals filled with entries. like he fell out of it after thalia, and then that whole thing happened with kronos lol, but after that (this is the everybody lives!au if you couldn’t tell) he picks it back up again
so he just has stacks of journals, all filled, many from tori–its therapeutic and he finds it’s something he actually quite enjoys. in the quiet of his shared bedroom with tori, of course
who takes the longest to get ready
not really either of them. i mean, i guess tori just bc if she wants to do something with her hair, it takes longer
but tori doesn’t wear a lot of makeup to begin with, and just as well she doesn’t have to try That hard to look nice (thanks apollo)
luke is already good-looking, and even tho he doesn’t have any divine blessing, he doesn’t have to do a lot to look good either
who is the most tidy and organised
luke, he hates clutter
he can’t think, and it only reminds him of the crowded hermes cabin
who gets most excited about the holidays
tori, bc she’s making up for all she missed out in childhood
luke indulges her bc he’s secretly making up for all he missed out in childhood, but he often doesn’t like expressing he’s excited for the holidays, except for quietly when he’s in the privacy of his and tori’s apt. he doesn’t mind showing tori how much he’s enjoying himself
who is the big spoon/little spoon
they switch constantly
tori loves being the little spoon, but so does luke. even if tori is kinda tiny lol
when it’s cold at night and luke is hogging the blankets but tori is still warm enough, but her nose gets cold, she’ll roll over and press her nose into luke’s back to share what little warmth he can give her. he’ll often reach back for her arm and she’ll put it around him, lacing her fingers with his, letting her hand rest against his chest, where his heart is
more often then not tho, tori is the little spoon bc luke has turned into an octopus seeking warmth at night
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
like the jealousy thing, they both do
you don’t want them on opposite sides
likewise, you don’t want them together, bc they’ll pulverize you
so it’s really lose-lose either way
who starts the most arguments
oh man, i mean i guess both of them
they’re both worried abt each other’s safety, so that’s mostly what they argue abt
tori probably starts them a little more often, if only bc luke often jumps in front of her when they’re in danger just out instinct and before tori can jump in front of him, which annoys her
not just bc she can take care of herself, but also bc luke does so with reckless abandon and she doesn’t like that he could potentially be wounded/hurt/killed bc he was protecting her
who suggests that they buy a pet
tori, but only bc they were passing a pet shop one day and she noticed luke’s eyes lingering on one of the kittens inside that had taken a liking to luke
it was december, so v cold. and they were on their way back to their apt when they passed a pet shop
and as they’re passing, one of the kittens leaps up and paws at the window, following the couple as they continue pass
this catches luke’s attention, and he finds the little kitten’s persistence endearing as they walk past
the kitten’s also meowing, but obvi they can’t hear it. luke can see it tho bc its little mouth keeps moving
even tho luke insists it’s okay if they don’t get the kitten, tori drags him inside anyway and they go to the pen, and the little kitten is waiting for them on the other side
it’s a calico and it’s not until they’re inside that they notice this little kitten’s eye is injured on its right side (bc of glare from the window outside)
luke is only able to stare, too in shock to really move or think, but tori picks up the mewling ball of fluff and coos at it. then she holds it out for luke to take. and he’s hesitant at first, bc its so small and fragile, but tori gently coaxes it into his arms. and he rests it on his shoulder and it falls asleep, the precious bby
luke panics at that, though, bc he doesn’t know what to do lol. tori is not help, she just laughs and smiles at him
one of the workers goes over to them then and says that injured animals are always tough to sell, so tori, of course, immediately says they’ll buy this kitten
anyway, her official name is jiji, but her nickname is kitty bc that’s what luke referred to her as when they first brought her home and it kinda stuck.
what couple traditions they have
idk if this qualifies as a “tradition” per se, but, since we’re in the everyone lives!au, this is also the au where luke surprises tori with a song for her b-day one yr
and so after that their “i love you” turns into, “did i mention?”
after long days/after a monster attack while they’re out trying to be normal, and after they’ve cleaned up and are relaxing in bed, they’ll softly sing duets together (since luke can sing now lol; also from linked post). but tori’s still trying to get luke to sing a duet with her in public, to no avail so far
i’ve mentioned before that they like to shower together (again it’s not ever sexual), it’s more meditative and still v much intimate
again, not exactly a tradition, but sometimes if tori’s having trouble sleeping/it’s a particularly bad night regarding nightmares, luke will softly sing to her (most of the time, “did i mention” bc he knows how happy it makes her)
valentines day is a BIG thing. and it feels so cliche for me to say, but tori LOVES that holiday and luke would do anything for that woman. so he’ll do as much cheesy, romantic stuff as he can and that he’s gleaned from movies (and like actually romantic stuff, not the White™ version of romance where the man stalks/forces the woman’s hand)
i mean most of the big holidays–valentines, halloween, christmas and new yrs are p big things in the williams-castellan household
most of the time, they spend it alone together (lol if that makes sense) like the week or day before, they’ll go out with friends and what family they have left lmao i made myself sad ;_; but on the day of, they’ll spend it together in the comfort of their apt bc going out is too overwhelming for both of them
every sunday, they’ll bake together and every monday, they’ll make a meal together. it helps them enjoy the end of their weekend and the beginning of a new work-week more, being able to spend that time together and looking forward to it at the end of those dreaded mondays
what tv shows they watch together
adult cartoons like bob’s burgers, rick & morty, and futurama
episodic comedies like parks & rec, the office, b99, and scrubs
they’ll sometimes chance it with crime procedurals and the like, but if the show gets too heavy, they’ll stop and not really go back bc they’ve dealt with enough
same goes for sci-fi/fantasy shows (tho they chance these even less bc they deal with enough mythology shit just being demigods)
what other couple they hang out with
they’ll sometimes hang out with like percy and annabeth (and maybe the other couples from the seven JASON IS STILL ALIVE I SAID EVERYONE LIVES!AU + nico and will, etc.), but it’s more in a mentor kind of way, since luke and tori are so much older than all of them. they’re good to go to for advice abt relationships, and also life in general
i like to think they are able to make friends with couples their age through places like the waystation that are hidden throughout the mortal world, but they’re wary abt new ppl bc they’ve had so many bad experiences, just in general (not necessarily with ppl)
so if you do manage to become a friend and they ask you to go on a double date with them with your partner, it’s ride or die for them (and it better be mutual)
how they spend time together as a couple
quiet nights in, mundane date nights out–anything a normal couple would do bc they’ve been through enough already, they don’t need more excitement/trauma
that, of course, doesn’t stop monsters from attacking them when they go out. but after a battle, they’ll go home, clean up, and cuddle on the bed with lofi music playing in the background and scented candles lit around the room
who made the first move
tori did regarding their private confirmation of being in a relationship since she’s demi, and she’d told luke so. he didn’t want to push her into anything she was uncomfortable with, esp if her feelings stayed platonic/friendly, so he let her take the reins
luke did regarding their public confirmation of being in a relationship when he asked her to the fireworks show
who brings flowers home
luke does bc he knows tori likes it when he does romantic things she’s seen in movies
who is the best cook
neither really, since they didn’t exactly grow up in traditional homes
but a few years after the war and of living together, tori decides to take classes on mexican cuisine to reconnect a little more with her roots and her mom. luke joins her, obvi, bc he cares and love her duh
tori’s the better cook tho; luke likes to bake
thanks again for being patient! as it always is, i enjoyed writing abt my loves
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theinvisiblesims · 6 years
Seasons Tag 🎄🎉
Thanks to @fieryspaghetti for informally tagging everybody!
 I’m fairly new to the simblr universe but have seen this everywhere and wanted to fill it out as well 😁
🍂 Which season are you going to play first?
I think summer! Most of my sims are in summer gear already and I really want my sims to use their pools for a change. I’m sick of building them one and then they only go in for like a minute of their lifetime lol. Plus it’ll be an easy season to test the waters of the new expansion. Like I said i’ve never had a seasons EP before so I have no idea what to expect.
🍂 From what you’ve seen in the trailer, what are you most excited about?
mmm a lot! but mainly the expansion of functionality for the already existing objects/game play. I feel like the whole Sims 4 has been leading up to this moment and only now will the game really be what it was always supposed to be. There’s going to be so many new facets of entertainment, tying in basically all existing packs, i’m ecstatic 
🍂  What’s your favorite season IRL?
It’s always been summer, but as I’m getting older I’m kinda leaning more towards spring where it’s 70-80 with plenty of rain. Summer can get too damn hot. Though i’d still rather sweat than freeze 😋
🍂 What’s your favorite flower/plant?
Honestly... I don’t really have one. I have no affinity towards plants, with my black thumb and all, they don’t tend to live long. But in terms of usefulness i’d say Valerian Root for sure. I can’t get by without my extra sleepytime tea (it’s freakin amazing- Valerian is one of the best natural anxiety relievers)  
🍂 Are you going to create a new sim/family or are you going to keep your current household?
Well, I just started the Not So Berry Challenge, so i’ll def be keeping that one. I’ll prob delete all my other saves though and start a new seasons themed family!! 
🍂 What would you like to see in this new add-on that we haven’t seen yet?
New emotions and game play.. basically just SUBSTANCE instead of weird pointless crap. I also want it to be a little more out there, I like playing the sims to escape RL, so for it to be mundane like doing laundry drives me crazy. I don’t even like doing my own laundry damn lol. Stuff like getting struck by lightning and using a weather machine.. that’s going to be fun to watch.
🍂 How do you feel about not having a new neighborhood?
i’m HAPPY ABOUT IT, YEAH! haha I know people are salty but i’m so glad. I barely play all the worlds I currently have. It doesn’t really add that much more to the game for me. UNLESS they were to add like a beach vaca spot where you get tanned or burnt etc. I’ll settle for them putting more time into the content tho
🍂 Snow, rain, sun or wind?
Sun! with rain! Sun showers are the best
🍂 Favorite refreshing drink in summer?
Definitely smoothies, i’ve been making those like crazy. Praise be to whoever invented those frozen combo packs you just dump in the blender. yum
🍂 Favorite hot drink in winter?
Coffee in the AM and tea at night
🍂 Walk through the forest or by the beach?
Forest! i love trees and green 🌳
🍂 Swimming pool or ocean?
swimming pool, so much more refreshing plus no questionable things brushing against your legs
🍂 Where would you like to travel if you could leave right now for a week?
I’d go back to England, it was so beautiful there. I know i’d enjoy it more alone. In a cottage. In the middle of nowhere.
🍂  What new traits would you like to see in the new add-on?
mmm maybe traits to tie in with new careers? i know there’s botanists so maybe green thumb trait? idk, i’d rather wait for a diff pack for traits. 
🍂 Do you like to play with supernatural creatures like vampires and aliens? and if so, would you like to have witches/fairies/elves?
I do play with vampires and aliens sometimes.. vamps are really fleshed out which i love but i get bored easily. I’d soooo rather have witches. That’s prob the pack I wanted more than seasons
🍂 What is your favorite thing to do during winter?
netflix and reading
🍂 …during spring?
reading outside for sure. not too hot or cold
🍂 …during summer?
go to the beach or stay inside where there’s AC. I still read outside a lot though
🍂 …during autumn?
Lament the passing of summer because it’s about to get too cold. Only good thing is sweatshirts
🍂 Have you already pre-ordered seasons? and if you haven’t, are you going to pre-order it or wait until it comes out?
lmao yes. first game i’ve ever pre ordered, I was just too happy
🍂 In which neighborhood are you going to play first with seasons?
I have no idea.. hm probably Newcrest that way I can go crazy with the new buy/build mode objects and build a new town specifically for seasons
🍂 Do you listen to music while playing? and if so, what are your favourite songs to play to?
Nope, I usually have something on tv though as background noise
🍂 What’s your favorite thing to do in the sims? Creating sims, building, etc.?
Definitely creating sims. That usually takes a good couple hours, sometimes I go all out building but not as often. So creating and then playing, especially when there’s new content to explore
🍂 What’s your favorite kit/pack/add-on?
maybe parenthood and cats and dogs? For some reason I end up doing a lot of family focused playing and that pack helped add on to that. So far seasons and cats and dogs have been the ones i was most excited about
🍂 And finally, what add-on/pack would you like to see next?
Witches, after experiencing the vampire pack, I really want to see the dimensions they could add with Magic. It’s my favorite occult by far and hope it gets introduced. Like a bunch of others I also really want some frickin spiral staircases.. these chunky ones that take up half your house are killin me.
ahh 19 days!
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stargazerinmoksha · 7 years
1. I should’ve bought more flowers for you, now I buy flowers even if today isn’t Valentine’s Day or a day with a specific meaning, in a way, every petal is imbued with an apology and every time someone leans in to smell it they can feel the parts of me that you’ve forgiven far long before I could 2. I didn’t start to feel better until I started to take better care of myself, a constant whisper of you saying “i was just worried about you” 3. You can’t let someone be your only source of happiness because once they’re gone, you’re all alone again and there’s nothing worse than starting all the way back over with yourself: square one of a broken heart multiplied by the intensity of she’s not coming back, let her go 4. Music will never betray me 5. Poetry is thinking that you’ve got it figured out and a metaphor is just your way of saying I don’t 6. Art rules the world and I am a masterpiece in progress; how can I love myself like how you did if I can’t see that little bit? 7. Lust isn’t conducive for growth, it’s like an addict trying to get his fix-- some day, he’s going to break and not even the drug can help him 8. I buy myself nice things, but I can’t fill this emptiness inside of my heart– I guess some nights, I just miss being next to you 9. I still can’t get used to sleeping alone 10. Sometimes I wish I would’ve picked up your phone calls during the first few months, I broke my promise and you know something? I regret it 11. I threw away our love letters and memories two months ago, I cried the whole time– yeah, still a fool for you, but baby, we’ve changed so much, I’m happy with my unhappy 12. You once told me to go on many adventures without you, did you account for my depression? You know, I don’t blame you for any of this. In reality it was always an us thing, a too young thing, a stupid, mad love thing– as always, I still love you, I just don’t know what love is anymore 13. They were right, soulmates touch you and they change you forever– the moment a colorful paint filled brush hits the water and the figments of colors flow into the cup, you left my soul with so many seasons, I’m still raking up the leaves from last fall 14. The last time I saw you we shouldn’t have had sex, I think that night really broke you– I think that night really broke me too 15. I should’ve laid my head onto your chest and counted your heartbeats more often, I’m sorry 16. Sometimes when I talk to people and tell them random facts that you’ve filled my head up, I swear I can hear your voice echo in the back of my head– “baby, check this out, you’re gonna love it” 17. I always do 18. I still remember your favorite Harry Potter line 19. After all of this time? …Always. 20. I smoke cigarettes to think about how to think less, the fucking irony 21. I take painkillers and my excuse is that my right hand still hurts, in truth, I’m just another addict that believes if I take another maybe my heart might just start to sound like it belongs to me 22. I didn’t cut myself because I wanted to die, I cut myself open because I wanted to feel how often I made your heart break, each scar on my shoulders is a time when I’ve made you cry 23. And each night that I can’t sleep, I stay up wishing that you’re doing okay 24. I don’t pray often, but when I do, I always prayed for your mom, although she hated me, I’m so glad that she put you on this earth to allow us to meet– I have changed so much since I’ve met you 25. The crazy part? You still change me everyday 26. You know the renaissance era? Falling in love with you was like that 27. My favorite photo of us were those two kids eating a banana split at the New Orleans mall, I miss those two innocent kids, oh, how we’ve changed 28. We are destined to have this eternal flame kind of distance– the brighter I burn, the more you’ll read, the only thing that keeps me writing some days is knowing that somewhere, somehow you’re always reading, no matter who you’re with or if you’re laughing or crying or smiling 29. My number one fan was always you first 30. I’ve made so many bad decisions, you were never one of them 31. I’ve written so many bad poems, you were in every single one 32. I’ve written some pretty great ones too tho…! You were also in those 33. I miss cleaning your eyes for you 34. I have met some amazing people because of what happened to us 35. I can’t get you by Fallbrooke the acoustic version is no longer on the internet, the funny part? The very last day that it was on the web, I downloaded it right before they removed it. It’s still my favorite song of all time, our song 36. Hold your tears by Clazziquai too 37. Sometimes when I get off from work, I sit in the car and cry, some tears don’t have meaning, they just need to come out 38. I claim to write poetry, but I feel like they’re just love letters sent to no one in particular 39. It’s not that I’m not over you, I’m just trying to get used to not needed you 40. It’s not that it hurts to the point where I can’t breathe, I’m just trying to light my own path to self-love and healing 41. The fact that your favorite color is orange, it makes the fruit taste some type of way 42. Sometimes I want to call you, but I don’t 42. Sometimes I want to text you and I do 43. Sometimes I want you to answer, I’m glad you don’t 43. Sometimes I just want to say fuck it all and call, I’m glad that I don’t 44. You stopped writing when we first met, in some way, the girl that waits by the shore has left a million pens near my desk and to this day– I wait by the shore too, just in case inspiration hits, right? 45. Our little codes of love finally decoded enough for me to not be blinded by you 46. We were both messed up people, I think we knew that about each other and maybe that’s why I always know when you’re not feeling okay 47. I still don’t have love figured out, but damn I’ll open every fucking door in my heart even if I have to go down the sewer to find every key 48. Someone says that she’s falling for me, I’m legit afraid to hurt people now– like it’s a real fear, I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore 49. I should’ve given you the stars, but instead I left your heart scattered across the universe 50. It’s been almost two year and I’m still writing about you, but at least it’s less often, right? 51. You’ve always been kinda self-centered, I think you enjoy it when I write about you. Like if I write about you in some way, maybe I’m still yours 52. We were just too damn young to realize how destructive passion, love, romance, stagnation, betrayal and pain is when mixed together 53. Sometimes I go to the places that we used to go just to create new memories without you 54. Sometimes it works 55. Most of the time, it just flicks me off 56. My brain is constantly telling me that I’m a fuck up and the more I try to get it right, the more I keep getting it wrong 57. I am trying to master the art of letting go 58. And this list is a step towards better things 59. And this life is going to be alright 60. Without you, I am still me 61. Without you, I can still breathe 62. Without you, I am still alive 63. Without you, I am still poetry 64. I can barely remember your face, I guess being around a lot of different people at work helps out plenty 65. This world is filled with pain, I hope you look back and smile about us some day 66. Maybe when you’re old and grey– you’ll remember those two young kids who slow danced in the dark 67. If we were made from the same star, I want to return home some day 68. I want to shine bright enough for the two of us 69. You’re still my best friend even if we no longer talk 70. You’ll always be my best friend 71. I still care about you 72. A whole fucking lot 73. The world is full of mysteries, I’m glad that we’re in the known, I’m glad that we’ve met 74. I hope you never regret me, you wanna know why? I could never, ever, ever, ever regret you 75. I don’t know how to open up to people anymore and I’m not sure if it’s my fault or yours– maybe this one time, it’s our fault… are you like this too? 76. I’ve been told that I’m too hard on myself, I firmly believe that one of the reason as to why we split was because I wasn’t hard enough on myself– I got too fucking comfortable with your promises and I took you for granted 77. Life waits for no one 78. I let an ex of mine break my red and black ring– she said that if I was over you, I’d let her break. I let her break it, but jokes on me, it didn’t change a thing about how I still feel about you 79. I keep writing and writing and writing because one of these days– it’ll stop being about you 80. Sometimes it works, but deep down, I know in some way, you’ll always find a way to sneak back out 81. I can’t get you out of my head sometimes 82. It’s even harder because you’re still inside of my heart 83. I saw this cool picture on Tumblr with someone cutting a piece of herself off that resembled two lovers splitting up, that shit looked like it hurt 84. Love hurts because even eating cotton candy ice cream really fast will give you a brain freeze 85. You didn’t like my rat tail idea, I grew one out just to fuck with you. Jokes on me, I love it now. 86. You never really supported the idea of me being anything, tbh, it’s not your fault. None of it is. I should’ve been my own motivation. I guess by supporting you through nursing school, I wanted to hear you say that I could do it even when I was at my lowest point. 87. I realized a few thing about loving you. 88. When you hit rock bottom, few will be loyal enough to stick it out with you 89. Money rules the world, since I’m not wealthy in any way– one day when I am, I can laugh a little about all of this 90. I think you loved our memories more than you loved me, in truth, I did too 91. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to get close to people 92. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to let you go 93. Maybe that’s why you still read 94. We had something raw and experimental, young and dumb, mistakes on top of mistakes 95. It was a perfect compass to point us to our future selves 96. I know a great many things now– although I am depressed, with or without you 97. I am great, I am strong 98. I am my own happy before anyone else’s 99. I can love myself enough to let you go 100. I had to hurt you to really, really grow– I think to this day, that’s the thing that hurts me the most. That I had to hurt my best friend in this whole wide world, to make you crumble, to make you cry, to make you hate me– I had to do all of that in order to love myself. And it’s sad because here I am, still trying to figure it all out. With or without you, I will be a better person.
100 things I figured out when we broke up
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minchiutau · 8 years
Quartet Night LIVE Evolution full report
Written by me who have short-term memory and is really biased to QN
(PLEASE TAKE ALL OF STUFFS WRITTEN HERE WITH GRAIN OF SALT; there’s no way i could remember all stuffs exactly at it was. I would be happy if you could just ‘take the feel’)
First of all, it was awesome. I can’t really describe how overwhelming it was. If you’ve watched any of utapri live before, i just want to say that for me this is the best utapri live i’ve seen so far. If you think 5th and 4th live was awesome, this was on different level. The hall was definitely too small for a group who got #1 weekly oricon and more than 100k sales (which was made up by hundred of cinemas live viewing), but it was really well-planned. Probably the most well-planned utapri live ever.
The penlight on the hall changes automatically/programmed and it was really pleasing to watch. Also gosh they’re all so good at live-singing. I can’t even say anything else, their blend was extremely nice and they’re all so powerful at live-singing.. not to mention that all of them dance in a lot of songs!! *u*)bbb As usual their harmonies really shines and how they mysteriously blend well tho their voices are so strong individually are all so pleasing to listen to.
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Here’s some highlights and rough translations/summary (not accurate; just feel more like summary):
The con was started with a really cool MV-like video where the seiyuus act as their character! It was really really aesthetic, the four of the seiyuus look extremely cool on it. It was opened with Morikubo walking through a garage (??) spinning a key on his right hand and then he entered an old car ala reiji and drive to a place near a sea. Then we got to see shoutan seating on seaside, reading a book about human psychology (like ai), and closed the book when reiji/morikubo’s car approached. He then scold reiji/morikubo for being late and point at a clock (in which the date of today con was written). Next scene was Maenu, sitting inside an expensive limo having a classy tea-time (they don’t forget to show how the sugar goes from fullbox to empty LOL so camus). They then showed inside the window of the car, Tattsun walking on the street with a bass case on his shoulder. They also showed us a scene of him patting a stray cat on street (like ranmaru). Eventually they reunited and walk through a shining door together. It was really well-made!
1. QUARTET ☆ NIGHT This was their first song and the reason why i first got interested in QN. Exactly like 3rd live, the slow part at the very beginning was beautifully delivered. Also they appeared on a really cool gray/black suit. This song as first song easily won my tears bc wow time sure has passed since their first song ever and how i first came to know them.
2. Dice are cast Not many stuffs i could say, it’s mostly same with the one at 5th live, except THEY’RE DANCING MORE like it used to have less dancing. Also the adlibs part on bridge was really really well done, harmonies on last part of it just stole my heart.
MC I don’t remember much but they introduce themselves, it was really short tho they barely have interval between people like how it usually was with utapri live. Probably because they’re going to sing a lot of songs so no time LOL Interesting part is how they ended the MC with maenu tattsun and shoutan posing while saying Reiji’s “Rolling??” which connects to next song!
3.Dekiai Temptation I actually didn’t expect to hear first solo series to come up in early setlist LOL BUT YEAH maracas tradition is still going strong and he goes “(Tokyo Kokusai) Forum!!” instead of usual “(Yokohama/Saitama Super)Arena! xD It was really on point and Morikubo is so reiji as usual! The talking part on bridge was done exactly as it is on recording too! Also so many fanservices given for people at live-viewing!
4. Junketsunaru Ai -Aspiration- I WAS EXPECTING FOR FIRST SOLO SERIES but instead we got camus second solo series instead lolol I was really off-guard, from that point i just stopped trying to guess song since it’s shuffled LOL ALSO i just noticed but Maenu got brown-ish styled hair color and blue contact lens i almost didn’t notice him AHAHA //sweats One thing i’ve noticed tho, he has improved A LOT with his dancing since the last time he danced this song. I’ve always thought Maenu’s dancing was a bit awkward (tho that’s the good bc you could see how much he tries and work hard to memorize it) BUT this time it just feels really natural and cool! Congrats Maenu, i was really moved!
5. Innocent Wind And LOL here we got third solo series! The performance itself is really similar to the one at 5th live. I think shoutan surpassed his previous performance with this one tho! I always thought that this song has such a complicated dance (it does) but shoutan nailed it even better than previous one imo. Also i think it has additional choreos too! Instead of falling like last live, this time shoutan disappeared inside thick smoke
6. ONLY ONE The song started with Ranmaru’s voice saying he’ll be taking revenge (for 5th live bc at that time tattsun broke his arm and danced only with one hand). It was really really awesome! I expect no less from tattsun live singing and dancing. Also the dance definitely looks complete with two hands (of course)
They began with another opening and reintroduction (albeit longer this time) They also talked about how the live is not going to have time to break so they suggest audience to go to toilet now if they want to LOL 
I like how Maenu was teasing us. Everyone was waiting for Maenu to change into "PEASANT!!!!” mode but he keeps talking with polite butler camus mode LOL he even went “Are you waiting for something?”; In the end the other three look at him intensely tho and he finally let out the “PEASANT!!!” LOL
Live viewing was held in 128 cinemas and was seen by more than 56000 people
God’s S.T.A.R got a gold disc record award and they thanked everyone for it
(not in place, just all i could remember with place probs switched one another) Morikubo: “These one week almost everyday we met each other, right?” Tattsun: “We did the best we could for today” Morikubo: “Somehow it just felt missing when we haven’t seen each other for the day, i just can’t calm down before seeing everyone” Maenu: “Even when the rehearsal already ended i didn’t want to return home *laughs*” Shoutan: “Like we’ll ask each other "Should we do this part once again? or is it okay already?” Morikubo: “While saying such stuffs we would ended up talking for 30 minutes. In the end we were just like "Then let’s do it!” Tattsun: “That’s just how much connected we were.” Morikubo: “Everyone, Quartet Night will present you an ‘evolution’ tonight. Each of you watching this, would be the witnesses of our evolution.” Shoutan: “Today we came to present you our bond (reff to their song 'kizuna’). I would be happy if you could feel the power of our bonds!”
7. Tsukiakari no DEAREST Personal favorite utapri song ever!! I was really excited for this one and it’s funny how shoutan/ai waves at audience when appearing but maenu/camus did a deep butler bow LOL they’re so in character here! They came really close to the audience and the choreo was as cute as i remembered it on 5th live. ALSO THEIR HARMONIES i felt so lucky to hear this live, i’ve been liking this song so much since its release ;-;
8. Itoshiki Hito e I WAS REALLY OFFGUARD i mean who thought there’ll come a solo after a duet? lolol i completely thought RISE AGAIN was going to come after lolol such a random setlist indeed. THIS WAS REALLY EMOTIONAL BTW i always like this song the most among reiji’s solo and i have to say Morikubo did really great! Strong vocal and such emotional singing.. it was amazing! It began with Morikubo sitting aesthetically on chair and he began to do some poses with it. He then stood up and picked up a rose on the floor. At the 2nd verse “Doshaburi no~” an umbrella was also prepared. The lighting and stage effects were really great, it feels exactly like rain and lights are falling, it was beautiful.
9. BRIGHT ROAD AND LOL I SAID THIS ALREADY BUT THE SETLIST IS SO RANDOM this song brought back memories! Who thought Tattsun could dance really good before this song was performed years ago? The performance itself somehow got really different feel from 3rd live perf of this song. Idk that’s probably because tattsun sure has improved a lot and i could definitely see it. As usual Tattsun is slaying with powerful vocals and dancing; I think he danced some parts differently compared to 3rd live (the hands movements??) Also the adlibs at bridge was pre-recorded instead of left blank like in 3rd live (bc he was dancing there) Ranmaru: “See only me for this moment”
10. RISE AGAIN Here comes the other duet! It was extremely powerful and passionate, i got chills. Morikubo and Tattsun vocals sure fit this song a lot and they had really good chemistry at this performance!
11. Winter Blossom A piano was there onstage and audience was having a big ????? But then Shoutan walked and sit there AND ACTUALLY PLAYED THE INTRO OF WINTER BLOSSOM the whole hall was filled with crying scream of fangirls (including me) SHOUTAN PLAYING WAS REALLY GOOD THO but LOL we got tricked bc shoutan stood up after intro ended and stand onstage LOL i thought he was going to play the whole song since the beginning was really good but i guess i was asking for too much LOL Anyway this song was the end of me everyone near me was sobbing hard too. Shoutan’s pitch was 100/100 perfect and it was emotional as heck. Comparing this one to 3rd live i just can see how much he grew as a person and as a performer ;-; This one is even more emotional than 3rd live (if 3rd live wasn’t enough) “Nee, waratte?” happened before he started singing and my tears ;_; the second reff “Kimi ga suki datta, Hontou suki datta” 2nd suki datta was changed into a serifu suddenly and it brought scream of crying fangirls once again LOL The end was exactly as 3rd live when Shoutan waved a “Mata ne”. The hall didn’t stop calling “Ai-chan!!” until next song started
12. AURORA Instead of the english serifu at the recording, Maenu is talking about how he’s going to cast a magic??? on us?? (idk or if he’s going to take us to heaven i’m not sure which one) He’s holding camus’ cane and wave it like on 4th live! He also said “Even though STARISH is not here, their spirit is with us” and started wearing previous live rings one by one LOL maenu usual antics. The lighting was really nice i felt like seeing actual aurora onstage.. The penlight was also programmed to light as if magic is actually happening and i think it’s really nice. Also fanservice happened
13. Starlight Memory YEEEEEE HERE COMES SUCH AN UNDERRATED GODLY SONG It was extremely powerful performance. Breathtaking, i got chills the moment they started singing. Also they danced quite a lot with a stand-mic and posing etc. IT WAS REALLY COOL and i really like the stand-mic choreo. The hall was really heated up with this song! There was also a choreo where they created a heart-shape with their hands LOL
On the big screen they played a making video of the first MV-like vid at the beginning (which was also the pic on pamphlet). We got to see some moments of them laughing together! We also got to see how staffs prepared cakes for them to congratulate QN for breaking anime character song sales record and oricon #1! Also there was a scene where we could see maenu practicing dancing even when he was on other shooting ;-; such a hardworker We also got to see DJ morikubo/reiji xD he introduced the dancers and had a maracas mic
14. Hurrayx2 Dreamerz OH FINALLY 3rd solo series 2nd song aka the solo which hasn’t been performed everywhere; Morikubo was really energetic on it! The whole audience, dancer and he himself started to wave towel. Also the call and response was so fun to do!
15. Double Face DEFINITELY MAENU BEST PERFORMANCE AT THIS CON Exactly as it is in recording, Maenu changed his voice every few lines, making it like a duet between butler/idol persona camus and the actual cold camus. There was also like a play going on between a dancer wearing black and another wearing white. It was mindblowing! It’s amazing how Maenu could change his voice so quickly and clearly easy to tell which 'persona’ of camus was singing on what part. It was like a live self-duet LOL AMAZING
16. No.1 Like we expected from tattsun, it was a full-dance song! And the song has tons of call and response, the hall feels so heated up by this perf. ALSO small rap and tattsun singing/dancing was really powerful+on-spot.
17. MUNE NO KODOU I.. seriously didn’t know what to expect from this song; it’s moderately slow/mellow so i was really surprised to learn that this song actually has a dance and that it’s pretty complicated, but i think he does well dancing with one hand holding a mic! ALSO HIS SINGING WAS REALLY GREAT and emotional. Stunning at both low notes and high notes. The hall was filled with white lights and it was pretty.
18. WILD SOUL Exactly like 5th live, it started suddenly with tattsun powerful solo and a standmic! 'Wild’ is definitely the best word to describe the performance. Also this feels so complete in aspect of dance! We finally got to see how it was supposed to be in 5th live and it was great!! I’ve said this a lot but Tattsun is such a great performer!
20. A.I Such big gap to previous song LOLOL The screen showed us a pretty sunset and the automatically-set penlight on hall dyed into orange, it was really pretty. Also really nice live singing, i really can’t spot anything wrong with Shoutan’s singing. The concept was exactly same at 4th live, when he said “Let’s walk together” gave his hand as if holding hands while walking with audience. The end pose was also the same, his last smile was really cute!
21. Kiss wa Wink de ANOTHER BIG GAP AHAHAHA It’s exactly like in 5th live, Morikubo waved the maracas mic and danced a bit on the same part as the previous. I think there are also additional choreography. Aside from maracas mic i think he also brought another maracas xD two maracas!
22. Zettai Reido Emotion WOW such an old song it sure brought back memories. It started with a cane like maenu first solo performance on 3rd live! I don’t think there’s anything changed except some parts of the choreography are different. Really powerful and solid singing, really camus.
23. Marriage WHEEZES It started exactly like 4th live when the other three came out from inside the moving stairs with backlight behind them. This time tattsun or morikubo (i don’t remember which one) brought a handmic for maenu. The performance was really great and there were new choreography. The “Koyoi wa futari saikou no marriage” they walked in a circle and look at each other. They look like they’re having tons of fun performing together and it was really nice to watch. Many eye-contacts and body-contacts between them, you just could see how close they are as a group.
24. God’s S.T.A.R EASILY THE CLIMAX OF THE CONCERT. Gosh i love this song a lot and i could understand why utapri fandom loved it so much. IT WAS REALLY HEATED UP we all literally screamed at the “Woo~” and call and response. PASSIONATE SINGING i really got chills at it. Such a great song with great vocals. Also they danced it exactly like it was in the anime (yeah, including the leg movements at “Rin to ouja rashiku tatsu”) It was really fun song to do at live and I could tell the audience tension went max at it. I love how confident they looked at this performance, exactly how Quartet Night should be.
25. KIZUNA WEEPS THIS SONG Audience did the “Wow wow~”; They started by sitting on the stairs in the middle of the stage and sit as if they were on car like on the anime (even Morikubo posed as if he was holding a wheel) They look like they’re having so much fun it was precious. Also the slow part was extremely beautiful. Such a nice harmonies and blend, i was really moved. Also I love how they formed a circle and do the fistbump like in the anime. Such a precious performance i teared up ;;
MC A long emotional MC. - They agreed that even though they spent a lot working hard to prepare for the day, the moment it happened they just didn’t want it to end Morikubo: “Did we forget something?? Did we sing the second part too?” Tattsun: “We did *laughs*” Shoutan: “We didn’t forget anything *laughs*” Maenu: “That’s just how fulfilling it was.”
- Morikubo thanked fans for God’s S.T.A.R oricon #1 and gold disc record award. - Morikubo: “We honestly were really happy for it. We shared our happiness together at our line group and had a long conversation about it. It was such an honor for us to be able to receive gold disc award, but at the same time, we talked together on how heavy the title was for us. It meant we were able to leave a good 'result’, but it was also mean there were so many people who are waiting for us. It meant there were so many people who wanted to come here today. Our form of evolution.. is to return/repay a favor to everyone. To everyone in STARISH for making it possible for us to stand here today, to all staffs who love utapri with all of their hearts, to such a wonderful worked called utapri, to each of Quartet Night characters for making it possible for us to become one, to everyone who had been supporting us until this moment. To each of you watching it on the hall, on the live-viewing, or even for everyone who can’t participate today, thank you.”
-Tattsun: “First of all, i wanted to apologize to everyone for what happened at previous live. I hurted "Kurosaki Ranmaru” at that time. This one year, i’ve been thinking a lot about it. Whenever I had the time, I was always reminded of Ranmaru, Quartet Night and what happened one year ago. I’ve made everyone worry, even though those live wasn’t something personal that belongs to me. Since then, these one year, I feel like i have no right to say that I’m worthy to talk about Ranmaru. I haven’t talked about him much except for interviews, behind my mic and recordings. I really regretted it. I kept thinking on what to do to atone what i’ve done and came here right now to give a payback. I want each of you to love Ranmaru even more.. I want each of you to love Quartet Night even more. We’re here now because STARISH was there, and even before that, because utapri existed. Without it, i wouldn’t be able to stand here as Ranmaru or to proudly talk about it. I apologize deeply for what happened. But thanks to everyone, i’ve fully recovered! I hope i could proof it to everyone here today.“ (he actually teared up and stopped his sentences few times) Morikubo: "When you did this *imitates Ranmaru solo song dance movement*, we were watching from back and we went "YOSSHAAA!!” at it" Shoutan: *laughs* “We did” Maenu: “It was really cool” Tattsun: “I’m really glad to be able to meet and be part of these members. I’m really thankful for each of them.” They talked about how some STARISH members actually came to watch the live (later i learned it was Suwabe-san and Terashii!) When the audience tried to look around, they told us to concentrate on their stage and to put their sight on them instead of searching LOL
- Tattsun: “STARISH was in real-time formed before us but inside the world of utapri, we’re the senpai after all. So i hope today, Quartet Night would be able to show a good example as a senpai. At next live (6th live), there’ll be us, STARISH and HEAVENS too. If it’s Ranmaru, he’ll definitely say "I’m not going to do a live that will lose to another.” or “I will leave a performance that will leave everyone overwhelmed”. From now on, please keep on supporting Quartet Night, STARISH and HEAVENS.“
- Shoutan: "I can’t say cool things like Morikubo-niisan or Tatsu-nii.. Since I started doing voice for Mikaze Ai, I’ve been thinking a lot of things. Aoi Shouta is just an idiot who has such a limited vocabulary. Whenever i read the script, it’s clear how Ai knows a lot more words to express what he wants to, that he has more knowledge about the world. I’ve been doing his voice while looking at his back. I spent my time wanting to chase after Ai’s greatness to be worth of it. When i started standing as a member of Quartet Night, i was just a newcomer. I tried my best to be a part of it and to do stuffs more confidently. And here now, i finally got into a place where actually be a part of four, to talk and have wonderful moments with them, to be able to perform as Mikaze Ai. For everyone who trusted me to stand here as Mikaze Ai, to utapri and STARISH, to everyone here, i just can’t thank each of you enough. I want to pay this favor to all of you. To be able to sing on utapri live, to be able to release CDs and even to get a result.. I finally felt like, I finally got closer to Mikaze Ai.. to Quartet Night. All of this is because of everyone who loves utapri, to all of the staffs, dancers, staffs… Ah i said it twice *bitter laughs*” Morikubo: “Staffs (in number) are a lot after all, right?” Maenu : “Right right, there are a lot of them so don’t mind it!”
- Shoutan: “It was all thanks to other Quartet Night members. I want to improve myself and show those improvements to all of you in next (6th) live. I’m sorry for not being able to say something cool. I’m really grateful to be able to meet everyone. Thank you very much!!”
- Maenu: “Somehow it’s hard to say something after their speeches *laughs* I’m the one trusted to voice Camus, Maeno Tomoaki. To be honest, when i first heard of the idea of Quartet Night I had "Oi, oi.. I’m the only one out of place here?” on my thoughts. Unlike the other three, i’m the only one who isn’t doing anything other than seiyuu. (he means he is the only one who isn’t a singer since the other three were singers aside from seiyuu) It was a pressure for me. I did it hoping i wouldn’t cause trouble for everyone else.. but above all, i was thinking of what i could do. And i found the answer. It was of course, to make each of you 'feel’ the character through me. After changing my thoughts into that way, I finally was able to enjoy each of my time given as Camus. Even as Maeno Tomoaki personally, it opened a new world for me. I can’t thank utapri enough for guiding me through new road. I really love it. From now on, i hope this scenery would continue forever. To everyone participating on this contents, to staffs, and to cast of STARISH, it was all thanks to each of you. From now on, so that we wouldn’t got burried inside utapri history, we as Quartet Night would do our best! Please take care of us!!“ Morikubo: "Maeno said something like that, but he actually worked the hardest among us! Did you see the making earlier? His love for the series is amazing! Also look at the amount of his rings?? *laughs*” Tattsun: “He even uses Camus’ cologne!” Morikubo: “This guy is such a hardworker!” Tattsun: “I can’t help but thinking i have to work harder when i look at him!” Maenu: “*camus mode* Stop it, you peasants!!!” Morikubo: “Shouta also said something like that, but he is actually our 'idol’!” Tattsun: “He taught us how to make our movements look good in camera, how to appeal camera and how to make our movements look beautiful!” (and here i was wondering why other ossans had so many fanservices today; i get it now) Shoutan: *denies while shaking his head and hand* Maenu: “Kirei dayo” (<<ME: WHAT) Morikubo: “Right, right!!” Tattsun: “If you weren’t here I wouldn’t make it today!” Morikubo: “And this person right here *points at tattsun* is the one who gets us fired up!!”
- Morikubo: “Really, this is a secret okay? I REALLY REALLY LOVE BEING ABLE TO JOIN VOICES WITH THE THREE OF THEMMM!!!” *Audience cheers* Morikubo: “This is secret between us, okay? I’M GLAD I’M PART OF QUARTET NIGHTTTTT!!!” Maenu: “When the four of us are together it really feels like we’re unbeatable.” Morikubo: “We don’t need anymore words!!” Tattsun: “As long as we have our songs!!” (these two lines are lyrics of Evolution eve, “Kotoba wa iranai, uta ga areba ii”) Morikubo: “Let’s evolve together with our next song!” All: “Evolution Eve!”
26. Evolution Eve THE ACAPELLA BEGINNING WAS PERFECT AS HECK I TEARED UP…. the blend was heavenly and their voices are just so passionate ;; The dance was done a lot more closer to the anime (more dances) compared to how it was done in 5th live. Powerful vocals, the audience was really heated too. Simply say it was the best. At some parts of the song they snuggled close to each other and look at each other ;;;_;;;
27. Poison KISS THE FIRST SONG THEY SANG TOGETHER IN LIVE ;;;; They’re dancing a lot more than in previous performances of this song, it’s more or less a full-dance. They’re dancing while holding a mic in one hand. Amazing harmonies at “Love wo~”. Each solos were done really uniquely and powerfully but when together their voices just blend really well ;;
MC - The stage was wide but they’re standing really close to each other LOL Morikubo: “You guys are standing too close to me!!! The stage is big, why are we standing so close?” Tattsun: “We’re glued to each other” Maenu: “Nakayoshi” Shoutan: “Fufufu” THESE OSSANS ARE TOO CUTE
- Tattsun: “Yabai.. I really shouldn’t but can i say one thing? I really don’t want it to end…” Shoutan: *Nods profusely, already tearing up* Maenu: “Even in practices, we always talked about how do we do a right 'closing’ to this concert” Morikubo: “It shouldn’t end… Aaa~aa I don’t want it to end!!!!*sulking voice*” *Morikubo lays his body on stairs and sleep on it lol*
- Tattsun: “There’s just one song we haven’t performed right? If Morikubo-san said he teared up while recording for "KIZUNA”, I teared up a lot while recording for this song.“ Morikubo: ”This is the last, please sing together with us!“ All: "You’re my Life!”
28. You’re My Life I totally wasn’t expecting this song to be the last song ;; aaaaaaa i already cried the moment i saw shoutan cried at the MC before but it was even more when they started singing ;;_;;; Such a sweet song and unlike their usual strong atmosphere, they sing really gently in this one a;; SO MANY TEARS SHED ON THIS SONG Tattsun couldn’t sing part rightly because he teared up and Maenu’s eyes were red as if trying to hold back tears. Audience do the “Lalalala~” part and they make it a lot longer than in original. They also sing the last “Kimi no moto ni todoke~” together.
They waved goodbye at the audience, at the end they came closer to each other at center stage. Shoutan was crying hard and leaned at Maenu’s shoulder (who was also tearing up). Morikubo hugged shoutan from the side and Tattsun patted his head. The stage then ended at that condition.
Conclusion: THE MC WAS SO TEARJERKING I saw some people who aren’t even QN-oshi also teared up at it. I really shouldn’t say anything more about the performances, it was seriously the best. All in one, it was a really really satisfying live. I love STARISH and i do respect HEAVENS, but I just felt so glad I’m a Quartet Night-oshi. For me, they will always be the best seiyuu singing unit ever, in performances and other aspects. I’m so glad a group named Quartet Night existed.
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If you’re reading this and never heard of QN songs, i really suggest you to do give it a listen because they have such a cool songs and great vocals (technically, blend, harmonies); Or if you only know STARISH and never give QN a chance, please give them a chance. They’re such an amazing group
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professorlockhart · 7 years
march movie wrap up
(check out my february movie wrap up here)
(january movie wrap up also available!)
i watched 14 movies this month! only 2 of them i watched at the cinema, but around 5 of them are recently released movies. check out my full film diary in my letterboxd, but here are the highlights of the movies i watched.
the boy and the beast (2015) because my boyfriend wants me to watch more anime, and because he wants to see me cry when watching them. i did, even though i didn’t expect to dammit! the animation in here is pretty, but the story was what really got me.
arrival (2016). i watched this movie at home cause i didnt get the chance to watch it at the cinema. i rated it 3.5 out of 5 stars, it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t amazing either. it is definitely quite different from the sci-fi alien movies you would expect, this one is more focused on cinematography, characters, pretty shots instead of the science or politics or thrills itself. not that i dislike it!
logan (2017). a good conclusion to the tiring movie franchise, i kinda had low expectations cause i was starting to get tired of people glorifying wolverine so much. i didn’t cry though, but i did enjoy the whole movie itself.
midnight in paris (2011). i just can’t help but really really love woody allen, despite the controversy behind the person himself. his work is beautiful, i love the shots and themes he’d express, and the dialogues are excellent. this movie is also excellent, i didn’t get bored a single minute of the movie without the movie being filled with action or exciting plot. i love how even though it’s quite slow, you can really feel all the characters, the story itself, and the vibes it gives off, all the old songs and the costumes and the setting, not to mention the music, was wonderfully arranged.
hidden figures (2016). watched this at the cinema, it was a good watch, not especially incredible but it’s very entertaining, fun to watch, exciting, had a great cast, awesome dialogues.
zodiac (2007). watched this because jake gyllenhaal was in it, and i was in the mood for a thriller, crime detective type of movie. it was very thrilling. and i was watching it alone at home in the dark and i got creeped out lol.
moonlight (2016) was yet another movie i watched at home because i missed it when it was at the cinema. i really liked it, actually. i don’t really know if it deserves all the awards and hype it has gotten, but i love the story and the cinematography and the acting. sure, the story is basically straightforward. we all know he’s a black gay guy. but how the story unfolds, the small conflicts and the character development, was well constructed. i liked the dialogues (or lack of them bc of the cutely quiet main character), and the shots were just really really pretty. i also particularly liked the family themes it expressed.
rewatches: stonehearst asylum (still not better than shutter island imo, and the romance is just disgusting tbh), the lion the witch and the wardrobe (it’s amazing how much i still remember from this movie even tho it’s been years since i last watched it. it made me wanna reread the whole narnia series). some horrible movies: the good girl (sorry jake gyllenhaal it wasn’t your fault i just disliked all the romance), the mission (not that it’s bad, i think i just watched it at the wrong time, and got really bored), hacksaw ridge (i don’t hate it, i just don’t like war movies in general tbh).
series i watched, cause why not:
new girl! such a fun series, i binge watched the first like 3 seasons on my laptop around a year ago then suddenly gave up on it, but then that fire rekindled when me and my boyfriend randomly decided to watch it again on netflix and we loved it! spent like the whole day just watching episodes back to back, laughing out loud at so many moments. my fav character is nick omg. also ferguson <3 currently finished with season 4 and not in the mood to continue with season 5.
rick and morty. again, another series i watched with my boyfriend lol. it’s super fun and disgustingly good, can’t wait for season 3 omg.
riverdale. watched it with my housemates on friday nights as we drink our wines and shout at the super hot cole sprouse bc omg look at that FACE DAYUM. the plot is crappy but i like keeping up with it, it’s just fun to watch pretty people.
iron fist. watched it because my boyfriend told me to (he’s a huge marvel freak). still on episode 3 or something, not in the mood to continue but maybe.
13 reasons why. just started it a few days ago, again watching it with my housemates. it’s quite fun so far! a lot of unanswered questions on the borderline of me getting tired of asking questions everywhere, like what the hell is going onnnn??? the actors aren’t as pretty as the ones in riverdale, but i still enjoy it. only on episode 2 so far.
now that i realize it, i haven’t had a lot of time to watch series on my own, most of them i watch on netflix when i’m having dinner or with my boyfriend/friends. i did try to start peaky blinders season 3 and the x-files season 10, but i’m currently not in the mood and don’t have the time to watch them tbh.
add me on letterboxd.
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localbirdprince · 8 years
Halloween Questions!
I was tagged by @arianneunity thank you lovely <3 
1. Favorite horror or Halloween-themed song? –This is Halloween  by marilyn manson
2. Name something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building? –small children
 3. Have you ever played with a ouija board? Nope
 4. Favorite horror monster or villain
Favorite villain Joker  I guess
 5. The creepiest thing that’s ever happened while you were alone?  One night I woke up, and you know that feeling you get when you are playing hide and seek and the person who is it looks right at your hiding place, so you hold your breath to not make a sound? Well I had that feeling, and it felt like something was in my body and held me down so I couldn’t get up.  It was terrifying. Also talked with my dad about it a couple of days later, and he said he had the same experience a couple of years ago right after his heart surgery.  
 6. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house,” would you do it? Sure, if it was with friends.
 7. Are you superstitious? Not really
8. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision? Haha yes and they give me spook
 9. Which urban legend scares you the most? Idk, can’t think of one now
10. Do you prefer gore or thrillers? Thrillers
 11. Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds? Multiple dimensions?
yes and no. I like the thought, and I defiantly believe there is something more to this world, but idk about multiple dimensions. Would be cool tho
 12. Ever made a potion of any sort? Yes, used to do it more often when I was practicing wiccan.
 13. Do you get scared easily? I get startled  or spooked easily, but can’t say I get really scared scared
 14. Have you ever played Bloody Mary?
yeah, but guess I am pretty far down on the guest list, still waiting.
 15. Do you believe in demons/the devil? No (but humans tend to make me think differently)  I do however believe in evil spirits or negative energy.
 16. You’re home alone but you hear footsteps in your house, what do you do? This have happened to me before, and all I did was sit really still and whispered fuck
 17. If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?
Dorian Grey, so I could enjoy the gay before I died
18. If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life what would it be?
Vampire style I guess
19. Would you ever go to a graveyard at night?been there done that
 20. In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice? I really want to be a fancy and say sword or something, but really tho tanks filled with food a++ survival game strong
 21. Would you rather go to a Halloween party or go trick or treating? Trick or treating, cause childhood memories
 22. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer?
10/10 the killer
23. Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so you can go to sleep?nope, my thoughts hunt me anyway
 24. Whist watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time, or the person who falls asleep?
I yell
25. . Are you the one who gets scared, or the one who does the scaring?Both is good
 26. Favorite scary book?damn this is hard! My babies can’t choose
 27. How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?around 10 I think ?
 28. What was your first Halloween costume?Boy hit by car. I basically wore a t-shirt with a wheel mark and lots of blood, I used it for like 3 years when I were little
 29. What are you going to be for Halloween this year?haha don’t even ask me, I usually decided in the day, go with the flow
 30. If you could have a spooky Halloween pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf), what would you pick? wolf, but realistically with caring and such for the animal a black cat
 31. Which Halloween movie is your go to each year?  The Nightmare before Christmas, but lately I’ve added over the garden wall to my list
 32. Do you have any favorite Halloween memories? 
Yeah when we were younger some friends and I were trick or treating, and there was an elderly couple who didn’t know what Halloween was so we explained it to them, and  they were real sweet, and eventho they didn’t have any candy they gave us cheese, crackers and raisins cx
I tagg: @i-hitched-a-ride-with-my-soul, @kraakesolvet, @willowmere, @drakensimon @mindflowingwater
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cinnamonandpancakes · 4 years
Thinkin about the Yi City Crew (as you do) and idk, I think the tragedy (in CQL) for LWJ in particular is seeing these cultivators who he took notice of (he knew their names! when they met! he doesn’t like people this is very unusual!) reduced to this terrible fate where one’s soul is shattered and the other is a living corpse doomed to walk the earth forever and how that mirrors him so completely.
WWX’s soul was presumed lost! He was left to uphold their promise together and raise their son alone! Song Zichen doesn’t even have a son! He just has a bag holding the shattered remnants of the man he was going to spend his life with, who he cruelly pushed away and spent the rest of his life trying to find and make amends and then had to watch kill himself as he realised he’d killed his dearest friend (soulmate). Idk it’s Tragic in a different way to the MDZS Yi City.
There IS something incredibly tragic about WWX missing meeting his shishu and being the reason for his demise due to his demonic cultivation but the tragedy there is of Missed Connection. The CQL tragedy is of connection brutally ripped away and that just gets me more, especially in relation to LWJ whose whole life is filled with these connections that are brutally severed, beginning with his parents and then continuing through almost everyone he’s ever cared about or admired.
In the book I liked the Yi City arc, don’t get me wrong, I love Xue Yang as a villain and it’s a great lil section but I think having that point of connection beforehand where the reader already knows the people involved makes it that more emotionally impactful. After all, let’s be real, Yi City is mainly a plot vessel to explain how Empathy works so it doesn’t need to be explained later with Nie Mingjue’s head with a lil bit of angst sprinkled on top.
Also! WRT WWX, Xiao Xingchen isn’t just a name! He opens that coffin and it’s someone he knew! Someone he respected and whose opinion he cared about! Someone to whom he’d expressed a wish to emulate! There’s a particularly angsty blend of CQL and MDZS where WWX is still the First Demonic Cultivator but he knew Xiao Xingchen before his death and he’s slapped in the face with the knowledge that if he hadn’t messed with this cultivation then his shishu whom he greatly admired would probably still be alive, another on the list of people he cares about whose deaths he indirectly caused.
I think there’s a blend of canons that I think I’d like best where the Yin Iron arc doesn’t happen, but Wen Qing and Jiang Yanli and Wen Ning still go to the lectures and WWX and LWJ still go nighthunting together after the lectures and they still meet XXC and SZC out doing their thing, baby faced and wide eyed and they all express their wish to leave politics behind to just help people. (The don’t fight Xue Yang because I think it’s funny when he’s Baby)
Then they get called back to go to the Wen Cultivation Conference and they thrash everyone at archery because power couple (ribbon shenanigans are more along the lines of WWX trips and pulls it off and LWJ goes bright red and freezes, it’s v awkward) [[JC sees WQ at the competition and does the best he’s ever done]].
Then the Wens do their ‘we’re banning nighthunting’ and CR burns and Indoctrination happens. Xuanwu cave, LWJ bites WWX as in MDZS because that’s hilarious. Lotus Pier as in CQL except Yanli is sent to Meishan because fuck Lanling. WWX becomes CorpseMan a la MDZS because all the giggling female corpses is Gross but also like such a Look, WWX accepts help a la CQL because I like the vibe of LWJ trying and failing to bring his crush back from the clutches of Evil.
Idk if I’d keep the Shooting at Wens thing from the pheonix mountain hunt? on one hand it demonstrates how everyone is scared of the Jins now (and that scene where wwx shoots 5 arrows is hot) but on the other I don’t that no one would speak up?? and I don’t think the Jins would want to be Conspicuously Evil so soon??? Blindfold yes, no kiss tho because I found the ‘LWJ punches trees when angry’ aspect of it annoying and I’d rather have a heartfelt talk about being soulmates (could have a sexy scene of LWJ walking up and taking off the blindfold and declaring WWX doesn’t need to prove himself to Jin Zixun)[[maybe an almost kiss before yanli appears]]
Qiongqi path: Wen Rescue as in CQL because that shit hurted but Wen Ning would Definitely Be Dead a la MDZS. Burial Mounds Life happens. [[JC refuses the comb from Wen Qing ‘what use would I have for it?’ he says]] There is no second flute, WWX lost control and Jin Zixuan is dead at his hand and his hand alone. Wen Qing and Wen Ning go to turn themselves in alone. [[Wen Qing leaves the comb in a tree stump where later a small boy will shelter as his home is destroyed around him]] WWX loses control at Nightless City, JYL dies, WWX jumps off a cliff. LWJ, wounded and heartbroken, takes his stand at the Burial Mounds, trying to protect WWX’s people after hiding A-Yuan in Cloud Recesses [[A-Yuan has the comb, years later Jiang Cheng will find him reminiscing and will have to leave the room to cry angry tears]] LWJ is incapacitated and punished. The Wen Remnants are killed and thrown into the Blood Pool.
16 years pass. 16 long years.
Mo Xuanyu summons back a Wei Wuxian who wanted to die but one who hoped against hope the Wen Remnants hadn’t been murdered after his death. A Wei Wuxian who regretted letting himself die without making sure they were safe. (A Wei Wuxian who had to find out he had failed when he arrived in the Burial Mounds to rescue the juniors). [[A Wei Wuxian that looks like Wei Wuxian and Mo Xuanyu combined]] In this canon they find body parts, a la MDZS. They share inn rooms with the knowledge of what they had meant to each other and how in the end it hadn’t meant a thing. They go to Yi City and find a boy, barely older than the juniors, playing house with the bodies of their friends, the ones they wanted to be like. WWX is reminded of all he put LWJ through when he jumped off that cliff. It is no wonder LWJ drinks that night.
Koi Tower happens, right? Idk it’s got to happen at some point. Probably CQL canon if only because I know that one better? I don’t think there’s much difference between the two for this bit.
At the second siege of the Burial Mounds the bodies in the blood pool come to their rescue. Wei Wuxian is horrified. ‘How could you let them do that!’ LWJ stays silent. (‘What else could warrant 33 lashes of the discipline whip’ he will whisper later, drunk off a single cup of wine.) ‘The honourable Hanguang-Jun was in seclusion after you died.’ Jiang Wanyin will say in his best sneer. Lan Qiren says nothing. (’I tried, I tried but it wasn’t enough’)
After the Burial Mounds they return to Lotus Pier. The revelations happen. [[Jiang Wanyin is horrified for more reasons than Wei Wuxian realises. No wonder Wen Qing could not accept his help after what she had done to him]]
Guanyin Temple bores me for the most part, JGY is allowed to monologue for far too long. I like the idea of them confessing at the most awkward time but at the same time it drags out JGY’s monologue even longer and that shit took like 4 episodes in CQL and it Dragged. I skimmed most of those chapters in the novel. JGY and NMJ’s body end up in a coffin trapped under a statue in the image of JGY’s dead mother. Probably have the iconic novel line where JGY is like ‘I hold LWJ’s life in my hands’ or w/e because that’s kinda hot. [[WWX comments to LWJ about how in the ancestral hall they’ve already done most of their bows, LWJ short circuits, JC asks if WWX would like his wedding planning books from when they were kids, WWX short circuits because ‘you KEPT THEM???’ ‘yeah dumbass, you’re still my brother even if I hate you!’]]
There’s that cute scene in CQL where WWX touches LSZ’s ribbon and they hug and cry, keeping that. LWJ and WWX kiss because I Said So and then also have sex because the UST is killing me (but not in front of LSZ, after he’s gone off to travel with Uncle Ning) They handfast but LWJ has to go be interim sect leader while convincing his brother to come out of seclusion and wwx decides to go try and set his demons to rest. LXC demands to be allowed to plan Wangji’s wedding as a stipulation of starting to return from seclusion. Wangji wisely does not mention they already consider themselves married.
[[Wen Qing is found in the cells of Jinlintai. JC tells her that he forgives her. She tells him she still can’t marry him, she has broken her oath as a healer. He lets her go.]]
[[2 years later she turns up in Yunmeng with her brother and her nephew in tow and suggests he join them on their latest night hunt. It’s not love, but he’s beginning to realise he can move on from her. Jin Rulan is disconcerted to find his uncle smiling the next time he visits.]]
[[For some reason, Sect Leader Yao is appointed Chief Cultivator. Everyone is appalled but a surprising amount gets done in order to avoid letting him talk too long.]]
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Book Blitz: Grand Finale: The Man She Knew by Loree Lough (Giveaway)
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Man She Knew
By Loree Lough
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below... Launch - Note from the Author
Researching this novel was different from any other I’ve written, because Ian Sylvestry is my first ex-convict hero! A very troubled teen, Ian got involved with some bad dudes, and didn’t realize just how bad they were until, one rainy night, he goes along with them as they commit a felony. He had plenty of time to think about his unwise, immature choices while he served ten years for the crime. Plenty of time to think about all the people his imprudent decision had hurt. Upon his release, he works tirelessly to become a respectable citizen, and earns the respect of family and friends. But is it too late to win back the heart of Maleah Turner, the love of his life…?
Rockin' Book Reviws - Review
"The story is a very good one. The characters were portrayed well, the scenes easily visualized from familiarity, and had a steady smooth flow throughout most of the book. A few real social problems are addressed. It is also a story of strong family relationships and support, and of dysfunctional homes. It is often uplifting and has a few twists which adds to the drams. I truly enjoyed the quite predictable tale."
deal sharing aunt - Interview
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?
For The Man She Knew, I learned that everyone, no matter what terrible thing is in their past, deserves a second chance. I also learned a whole lot about life in prison, and what it’s like to return to a society that flat-out doesn’t trust you. Those who succeed in life after serving a prison term are to be commended, because my research and interviews proved…it ain’t easy!
Booklove - Review
"Amazing, beautiful and captivating with strong and lovely characters and a flowing and engaging plot. I loved it and would recommend it to everyone."
Beck Valley Books - Excerpt
Those final moments in the courthouse were as vivid now as they had been that dreary morning: Ian, looking like a terrified boy as one guard slammed the prison van’s side door and another put the vehicle into gear. He’d raised a hand to wave goodbye, but the chain connecting handcuffs to leg irons stopped him. Tears filled his eyes, and unable to watch, she’d closed her own. By the time she opened them again, the driver had already made the first turn onto Lombard Street and started the hour-long trip Lincolnwood Correctional of Central Maryland…
Hearts & Scribbles - Character Descriptions
Ian Sylvestry:
Mid-30s, 6’2”, 190 lbs.; green eyes, dark hair (ponytail), diamond stud in left earlobe, tattoos; former convict, now owns a popular bistro in historic Fells Point.
Janice's Book Review - Review
"Loved that beside that he owed and ran a restaurant that he also did search and rescue with his dog. Love the families on both sides and closeness. I definitely recommend this book."
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Introduction to the Series
“By Way of the Lighthouse” features heroes and heroines separated by hurt, anger, and disagreements.
Falling Leaves - Excerpt
Was this it then? The end?
When they tell her I’m gone, will she cry?
Ian hoped not. He’d only seen her cry once, on the day the carted him off to Lincoln.
Most awful thing ever…
Because he’d caused her tears, and it shamed him, even now.
If the powers that be decided to give him one more chance, he’d make things right.
Somehow, I’ll make things right…
Brooke Blogs - Character Interviews
Interview with Ian Sylvestry:
Q: So Ian, tell us what led up to your arrest…
A: I was a dumb kid with a big chip on my shoulder. After my mother ran off to England with another guy, my dad turned to alcohol to hide from what she’d done to us, leaving me to pretty much raise myself.
Q: And that’s how you got involved with what you’ve referred to as “some bad dudes”?
A: It makes no sense to me now, but back then, they were like brothers, there for me no matter what.
Reading Is My SuperPower - Review
"There are a lot of things going on in The Man She Knew – and it all combines to make a great read! An inspiring story of second chances, forgiveness and family, this novel more than lives up to its ‘heartwarming’ brand. It never gets sappy, though, or saccharine; instead, Lough has given us warm characters, a compelling plot, and a tender romance."
Cinnamon Cindy's Book Blog - Excerpt
It had been a mistake, asking Andy to drop him this far from her grandparents’ drive. Walking on flat ground had been a challenge with crutches, and then the cane. He took his time, but tromping through deep snow made him wince with every step. If you put yourself in the hospital, you’ll only have yourself to—
Becky on Books - Interview
Where did the inspiration for this book come from?
For some reason, I kept hearing stories about how difficult it is for the newly released—men and women—to return to normal lives. From reuniting with family to finding a job, they meet obstacles of every variety. Now, I’m no Pollyanna…I realize some of these people are hardened criminals that will return to their old ways and probably end up right back in prison. But some of them honestly want to leave that life behind, and do everything in their power to start fresh and stay on the right path. So I wrote a story featuring a guy like that, who made a stupid mistake—and paid for it—and wanted little more of life when he left prison bars behind than to prove himself a changed man.
Christian Suspense Author Mary Alford - Review
"This is a heartwarming story of love overcoming all obstacles. I thoroughly enjoyed the romance and the characters that Ms. Lough created in this epic story and I can’t wait to read what she has in store for us next."
It's All About the Romance - The Setting
All stories in the “By Way of the Lighthouse” series are set in and around Baltimore, and feature the quaint, picturesque, and historic streets, shops, and homes.
Bookworm Lisa - Review
"This book dealt with some real emotional issues. I was impressed the Loree Lough took a tough subject matter and turned it into a positive. There are so many psychological issues that had to be overcome for this book to succeed. I felt that it was done well.
If you like books about second chances, success in spite of obstacles, family loyalty, and honor, this may be a book for you to dive into."
Heidi Reads... - Excerpt
He’d forgotten how good, how right she felt in his arms. If she kept looking up at him that way he’d kiss her, long and hard and…
Ian cleared his throat. “You look pretty good in an evening gown.”
“And you look pretty good in a tux.”
“Good thing it didn’t snow, like Marty Bass said it would.”
“In his defense, he said might.”
“So he did…”
“But you’re right. If it had snowed, I’d break my neck in these shoes.”
Nicole's Book Musings - The Song that Changed Everything
On the night of the big charity ball, Ian and Maleah shared a dance. Just one dance. But it was enough to remind them both how perfect their young love had been…
Getting Your Read On - Review
"The whole premise of the book is such an interesting one and I was caught up in Ian's struggle. There is just something about a story of second chances, especially one in the extreme like this one. It wasn't just a second chance at love but a second chance at life."
Thoughts of a Blonde - Review
"Redemption, turmoil and undying love are brought to life in Loree Lough’s latest release! We meet Ian, a tarnished man who has gone to great lengths to turn his life around and is such a joy to grow to adore throughout the book. The heroine however, is not easy to love. She’s a kind and generous soul to everyone else, but to him, she’s self-righteous and hurtful. In the end, we have to find forgiveness in our heart as well as we make our way through the story towards that happily-ever-after..."
underneath the covers - Excerpt
He missed hearing her sweet-yet-sultry voice. Missed those big glittery blue eyes, too. Once, that cheery smile had the power to light every dark corner of his life and make him forget that his mother had chosen another man over him and his dad.
Inside the Mind of an Avid Reader - Review
"This book has every thing you could want from a clean contemporary romance. You have heartache, love, laughter, and of course the Happily Ever After. If you looking for something to just make you feel good while your reading it and keep a smile on your face this book is perfect for you."
And don't forget to enter the giveaway below...
The Man She Knew
(By Way of the Lighthouse, #1) by Loree Lough Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages June 1st 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming
Don't they both deserve a second chance? Fourteen years ago, one reckless act cost Ian Sylvestry everything, including the girl he planned to marry. Since then, he has fought hard to turn his life around. Returning to his Baltimore town after serving a prison term was the first step. Winning back Maleah Turner's trust is a far more daunting challenge. From their first sparks-flying reunion, it's obvious they still have powerful feelings for each other. In fact, they might be even stronger together now. But if their second chance is going to work, Maleah has to believe that Ian is a changed man. She really wants to believe…but she simply isn't convinced.
Goodreads│Amazon│Barnes & Noble│Harlequin
About the Author
Bestselling author LOREE LOUGH once sang for her supper, performing across the U.S. and Canada. Now and then, she blows the dust from her 6-string to croon a tune or two, but mostly, she writes novels that have earned hundreds of industry and "Readers' Choice" awards, 4- and 5-star reviews, and 7 book-to-movie options. The Man She Knew, #1 in her “By Way of the Lighthouse” series, her 3rd for Harlequin Heartwarming, is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Harlequin.com.
Tour Giveaway - Two winners will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally) - Two winners will receive an ebook of THE MAN SHE KNEW (open internationally)
- Two winners will receive a print copy of THE MAN SHE KNEW (US only) - Ends June 13th a Rafflecopter giveaway
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amazedazed · 8 years
Yes, you read that right... Every year as I edge closer and closer to my golden years and geriatric age number, I indulge in a little ritual of mine weeks prior my impending birthday. I like traditions but I'm not a fond of this one... I'm turning 23 this year (yay?) and I'm sitting here thinking... "fuck, I should probably sort my life out now, hey?" And after countless of panicked iMessage exchanges with Erin and a very long phone call to my best friend, Alex, both have reminded me about how young I am and how much time I have to "sort my shit" (and god bless them, I tell you. My angels on earth) They also reminded me of how much I have truly achieved in my short couple of years in this vastly populated planet. And I would like to share with you some of my greatest hits... Here are, 23 things Seleena has won in life so far... 1. Managed to be carried out of a Mexican restaurant after having 3 jugs of sangria and 4 tequila shots - it really pays to be related to the bartender (thanks, Leon!) 2. Yelled obscenities and sexual innuendoes and also twerked on the wall in some stranger's pre-drinks. 3. Made a bet with my brother, Axel, that I can drink more citron vodka than him followed by 6 rum and cokes, 2 darts and countless compliments to random strangers in Queenstown. 4. Follow up from #3, refused to walk up to get to our accommodation and made Axel pay for a 3 minute ride back up the hill. 5. Follow up from #4, I may have still been drunk at this point... drove my brother to the airport and proceeded to drive 1 hour to Glenorchy only to chunder and have a nap at the lake front. But views tho 😉 6. Rolled around the floor of my 21st party with a jug of TEQUILA sangria (my own creation) glued to my right hand. 7. The ability to rap/sing most of Drake's songs. Try me, I dare you. 8. Be able to drink two bottles of wine and lose my left Jandal to the Sydney Harbour. 9. Got kicked out of a bar for aggressively making out with a stranger in the dark corner of the pool area at Zephyr. 10. Made my best friend wait downstairs at the hostel for "scientific purposes" (thanks, Emily!) 11. Danced on tables and telling a cowboy to kindly 'fuck off' 12. Using a random tinder hook up to get away from my best friend (who was mad at me for bringing another guy back to the hotel...) 13. Proceed to double drop narcotics resulting to have my shoes "filled" with water and stroking walls 14. Got stuck in a round sink 15. Went to a Chinese Laundry and fooled people to think I was dinging off my face. 16. Countless of nudie winter swims 17. Got away with forging my mother's signature to get out of class and writing my excuse notes IN that class. 18. Got caught and given detention for trying to watch the visiting English rugby team practise (Thirsty from day one 💦💦💦) 19. Proceed to take a day off school and got my best friend sufficiently drunk on Bombay Sapphire 20. Make some great edibles and manage to green out at the same time (and eating more edibles cos munchies) 21. Manage to turn "chill" drinks at home to "lit" times at Marley Bar 🔥🔥🔥 22. Eat fried chicken for breakfast, lunch and dinner on my 22nd birthday 23. Continually freak out about my "complicated" life 🙃 As you can see, I've done quite a few remarkable things. There's actually probably more that I've not listed because I'm just such a high achiever that I can't even remember it all! (Wow, amazing) Yes, I'm turning 23 this year. I'm well aware that some of my peers are our getting married, having children and buying houses. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous of what they're doing. As for me though, I've got a little bit more recklessness left in me, a couple more mistakes I can learn from and a few more nights of blacking out to do. Don't worry, I've had some greater achievements I've forgotten to list... 🤗 1. I moved out of home at the age of 17 2. Acquired a solid collective group of best friends 3. Moved to a whole new country by myself 4. Lived with my mother and step-father for 7 months. 5. Gave up alcohol for 7 months. 6. Moved to Sydney - ALL BY MYSELF! 7. Landed myself a dream job 👌🏼 8. Continually pump out new art pieces every week 9. Make new friends despite my social anxiety 🙃🙃🙃 10. Continue being absolutely in love with my life and every person in it 💞 So as my new mantra says: "You do you... and the rest of the world will follow." Watch this space! 🚀 Got a few more tricks up my sleeve 😘🙇🏻‍♀️ X
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