#Deep archimedea
orowyrm · 3 months
oh man are yall ready for the new warframe update that uhh (checks smudged note on back of hand) dark academia
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Actualités Warframe de la Semaine ! Quoi de beau du 13 au 19 Mai 2024 ?
Les Actus de la Semaine ! L’Édito FIN DU NORA MIX VOL.5 & UN PEU DE CONTENU ! C’est une semaine sous le signe du NEUF ! De la màj ! Des choses à se mettre sous la dent. Le Mercredi 15 Mai, vous pourrez mettre la main sur deux nouvelles armes de Liche Kuva / Soeur de Parvos en plus de la nouvelle saison de Nora ! Qui dit nouveau Mix de Nora, dit forcément nouveaux mods d’augmentation,…
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shemeiart · 2 months
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I finally decided I should check how deep archimedea looks like and man, base one with all modificators checked wasn't bad but elite? Took me 3 tries with randoms to do it (also with maxed modificators - highest difficulty) and we almost lost at the mirror defense (auricle HP was lower than 500hp 5 seconds before mission ended). Tbh that mirror defense is much harder than last mission (disruption) so we did disruption with ease, but man, that mirror defense was stuff of nightmares (to be fair, none of us had any defense frames but we somehow made it).
So Archimedean Eye Sumdali achieved, slapped on my ship and I can forget about that game mode for some time now (unless I get better frame+weapon combo because that was ROUGH).
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andr0nap-wf · 3 months
AUGHGH necraloid my beloved!! hes so cute ;;;;;
i love his new voicelines.. his "what.. really?" line when i left without accepting made me feel so bad.. im sorry buddy but im severely underpowered and cant solo them :((((
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agoddamn · 1 month
We don't actually know for certain that Necraloid's feelings were edited. The whole situation is some delightful fridge horror either way.
If Necraloid's feelings weren't edited:
Loid gets the reassurance that Albrecht wouldn't lobotomize him for pure convenience. Necraloid, however, gets to live his existence knowing that he is the 'inadequate' version of Loid. His love will never be reciprocated. At worst, he may even have to see his blueprint actively getting that love returned while knowing that he will never be deserving of the same treatment because he is a tool.
If Necraloid's feelings were edited:
Loid gets a very direct demonstration that Albrecht can and will delete anything about him when it's not useful to his goal. It's the ultimate in dehumanization. Necraloid, however, gets a slightly more peaceful existence. He knows that he was edited, but he's always known that ("emotional centers fully intact"). And while you're in there editing, you may as well also edit him to not have a problem with it. Ordis's existence proves this can be done.
Everything is terrible either way! :')
Personally I think Necraloid's feelings were somehow edited. Necraloid's disdainful description of Loid as having his emotional centers "fully intact" is proof. Cephalons/digital beings are capable of some levels of emotion, but Necraloid doesn't seem to show even echoes of Loid's love. Necraloid's habit of scrupulously referring to Albrecht as "Master Entrati" without fail when Loid is very casual with saying "my Albrecht" is more proof.
Necraloid's feelings being edited also works best with Loid's demeanor in WitW, I believe. He's very hurt and I think he's hurt by more than just Albrecht's departure; I think he's got a good reason to feel like a discarded tool and I think Necraloid is why. In Deep Archimedea dialog Necraloid acts like Loid's dislike is fully expected. Again, I think that's because Necraloid knows how distressing his existence is for Loid, and not just in the typical "is a copy of me also me?" existential angst sense.
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warframestuff · 3 months
Hi Tenno! With Dante Unbound’s release this week on March 27th quickly approaching, we have made the decision to launch without the Deep Archimedea game mode and instead ship it in a Hotfix on all platforms next week.
The team assessed where Deep Archimedea was at and determined some additional time was needed to iron out the last wrinkles and make those final polish checks. Given the complexity of the game mode and all the careful design considerations required in its development, we want to ensure that when it gets to you in its best state!
As an additional reminder, Deep Archimedea requires 2 Netracell Search Pulses in order to play. With that in mind, we wanted to reassure you that we will be adding a one-time bonus of 5 Netracell Search Pulses with the Deep Archimedea Hotfix next week, which will last until the following weekly reset (Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC). This should ensure everyone who meets the requirements can attempt Deep Archimedea, even if the weekly five Netracells have been completed!
We’re excited to have Dante Unbound finally in your hands on March 27th and look forward to seeing you put your loadouts to the test next week with Deep Archimedea! 
Thanks for your patience, Tenno.
Additional info:
Netracell Drop Table changes are still coming with the Dante Unbound update on March 27th.
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dioptre-hertz · 19 days
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well it took a whole bunch of experimenting, but i finally did it! i solo'd Deep Archimedea! now all that's left is to solo Elite Deep Archimedea, and then i'll truly be... a female alpha male pro gamer...
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boatswainscall · 2 months
It's endlessly frustrating to me as a MR30 the way discussions around what specific Warframes and weapons are "good" or not end up being framed.
Where the same bullshit always unfolds whenever new ones release with youtubers and the like talking about how "bad" they are when the reality is their metric of "good" is like.... being able to mow through exceedingly high-level eximus with steel path modifiers in the blink of an eye. Which is laughably non-applicable for like, most people playing at any given time. Not to say that information is not expressly useless - it will be for instance a great resource to look to once you take your first steps into Steel Path, Archon Hunts and Deep Archimedea, but it can be disheartening for people just trying to get through stuff like the Index or the Sedna arm of the Void to see all these weapons and builds and such that they cannot access yet.
The reality being most weapons are at least worth trying out to see if you personally enjoy them and most Prime, Kuva and Tenet weapons for instance will be reliable for use in most content until you take that step into Steel Path - with some still retaining their usefulness into that tier of content if built a specific way. There are weapons that are very much not worth looking into or building beyond MR fodder though, which are at the very least discussed when applicable.
As for Warframes though, you genuinely can't go wrong with most of them in most content - with specific ones being better suited for specific mission types of course ie tankiness, crowd control and defensive capabilities, but if you have a particular favourite that you want to stick with you won't get expressly punished for it outside of content that they are definitely not suited for, of which you can just switch up your loadout to better suit the situation. But even then some Warframes really can thrive in any environment if you have spent the time to learn their kit inside and out, which is something I do love about Warframe as a game.
Depending on how badly viral + heat will get bodied by the Jade Shadows update and its damage type reworks I may set aside time to sit down and try to write up my own guide of sorts for early to midgame players, with stuff like specific weapons, mods and generalized tips for building Warframes in general ie when to prioritize shields over armor/health etc. Because this game really is one I'm very passionate about and I did most of my learning on my own past a specific point due to not having any friends at the endgame level to ask for advice from. So I'd like to be that kind of resource for players in that position where I had none myself.
Again this will depend on how cataclysmic the shift in damage type meta is come that update because it'll mean I'll need to scramble and salvage my own arsenal from utter annihilation given how much of it is currently centered around viral + heat lmao. As well as my own eternal battle against executive dysfunction. But we'll see.
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alteredsilicone · 3 months
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me: is making Viri a half-void angel too much :( DE: if you die in Deep Archimedea, you turn into a void angel
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Did my first Deep Archimedea (managed to get the maximum points too!)... somehow Suda invaded me
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lucmakai · 4 months
With the reveal of Deep Archimedeas, it's past time DE addressed statsticks. If we're going to have rewards tied to randomly selected equipment, then pseudo-exalted weapons NEED to have their own modding section.
But that will significantly reduce their effectiveness because currently they get a whole lot of buffs from their weapon. So they should address exalted weapons as a while while they're at it and give them access to arcanes and remove the modding limitation.
And some of these weapons might still be underwhelming but it will be easier to buff them on a case by base basis.
And if the reason not to buff them is specific exalted weapons (peacemakers) then change that one so it doesn't hold the rest back
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orowyrm · 3 months
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de please explain the necraloid i have so many questions
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Actualités Warframe de la Semaine ! Quoi de beau du 17 au 23 Juin 2024 ?
L'Actualité de la semaine en condensé avec : Les rotations de Teshin / Nora night / sa boutique / Baro ki teer / Prime Resurgence / Archonte / Circuit normal - circuit route de l'acier / et Archimédée profonde ! C'est ici !
Les Actus de la Semaine ! L’Édito JADE c’est maintenant ! (ou presque) C’est la semaine de Juin tant attendue ! Jade arrive ce Mardi ! Avec tout son lot d’autres ajouts, de modifications, la quête cinématique à propos de stalker et j’en passe. Parlons de manière plus personnelle, le récap des Actualités de la semaine prochaine sera comme celui-ci : retardé ! Nous sommes en plein cartons, très…
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girlbob-boypants · 3 months
Anyway don't forget to do your Netracells. We're getting 5 more tomorrow for deep archimedea
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vague-humanoid · 2 months
Deep Archimedea - Tough challenge, big rewards! | Warframe
@dirhwangdaseul @el-shab-hussein
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agoddamn · 29 days
Oh ho HO, I found something interesting.
So, the Deep Archimedea dialog between Loid and Necraloid changes depending on the final mission. There's a bit that I'd heard about but didn't get myself that I just dug up.
Loid: "Construct! Tenno! Construct? Construct… are you alright? I saw… on the screens… Construct?"
Necraloid: "We are all fine, Loid. Thank you. As are Albrecht's experiments. I shall see you on my return."
As far as I've seen, this is the only time in all of Necraloid's dialog since his introduction that he's ever called his master just 'Albrecht.'
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