#Degrassi: the Next Generation
thomwelling · 10 months
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phoebesbridgers · 10 months
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“Sweetie, I would love to indulge your need to ruin my party with a full on catfight, but I'll pass. Save the drama for high school, hon, I'm moving on.”
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tim-lucy · 8 months
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endless list of otps: manny santos & craig manning (degrassi: the next generation) "It's you. It's always been you."
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thebvbbletea · 1 year
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happy national girlfriend day ❤️
— august 1st
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simaginary-friend · 6 months
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✨ A 2000s style icon, the character Manny Santos from Degrassi: TNG ✨
My favorite tv character growing up was Manny because of her ICONIC outfits. She was also the first Filipino tv character I had ever seen on a show, which was pretty dope to see during that time in the US (although Degrassi is a Canadian show).
I also recreated her looks in The Sims 4
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darcysscissors · 6 months
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degrassi: Memories and good times
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dankest-of-lies · 9 months
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oldinterneticons · 9 months
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It's been a bad day
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above-the-dot · 1 year
Why did they kill morty the hearse like that bro he was a character at that point
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 4 months
Connor Delaurier from Degrassi: The Next Generation is Autistic!
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random-imaginess · 1 year
Recently I have discovered your Eli Goldsworth x Reader fanfics and I am in LOVE. So I was wondering if I could request something?
I was thinking a Eli Goldsworty x Gender Neutral Reader. With prompts 2 and 26. Something with how the reader has had an awful day with anxiety and Eli is there to comfort them.
Thank you! Never stop writing, your work is INCREDIBLE!!!
Hello!! I am SO VERY SORRY to make you wait! I appreciate your words so much and I hope I did this request justice! I love writing for Eli and I have a few more that I've been trying to post, so those will come as soon as I can get them done!! The intro is kind of long but I tried to at least mention him a little bit before getting to the main point of the fic. Might be pointless to mention, but I did add a 'read more' cause it's a bit loooong. Eli Goldsworthy x Gender Neutral Reader Prompts: 2: "You're not fine. And you don't have to pretend that you are with me." 26: "Can you come pick me up?"
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"Hey! You need to wake up." Your mom shouted at you as she stormed in your room. Jolting awake, you looked at her with confusion for answers but was only met with her back turning to you as she walked back out. Your confusion quickly turned to irritation and anger as your forced yourself to sit up. "What's going on?" You called out after her but got no response.
The confusion quicky turned to irritation and anger as you forced yourself to get out of bed to seek answers. This was the farthest from how you envisioned spending your Saturday and you didn't appreciate the abruptness of it all. You let out a loud groan as you trudged after her, finally registering that the vacuum was running and your dad picking things up in that general area.
Something was happening, but you didn't have the slightest idea what. "What's happening?" You asked again once your mother was in earshot. "We're having company over this evening, you need to hurry and get yourself together so you can help us get things ready. You knew this was happening and you're not doing anything to help out."
She scolded you as she organized an area with paper plates and napkins and things. Your brows furrowed even further as you tried to remember what she was talking about. Something had been mentioned months ago about some work thing your father was going to be part of, but you were never specifically told anything about it. "Is this for dad's work?" "Yes, now stop wasting time and get ready. I need you to run to the store and pick up a cake order and some extra packs of sodas.
"Ok, well you never actually told me about any of this..." "Y/n, stop arguing and just do it." Your father chimed in after shutting off the vacuum. It wasn't your fault they failed to inform you about any of this and it just made you even more angry that they were taking it out on you.
Without saying anything else, because you knew it wouldn't have made any difference, you stormed back to your room and slammed the door behind you. You hated the fact that you were always the last to know about things, especially when these things were happening at YOUR house. The lack of communication completely infuriated you, even more so because you had brought it up countless of times before and they STILL lacked the consideration to include you.
Changing out of your night clothes, you grabbed your keys and whatever info you needed to pick up the cake and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind you. It felt like a cannonball of events after that moment that just piled on top of your bad mood. Maybe it was just in your head, but it didn't help that everyone seemed to be having a short fuse that day.
From the people you picked the cake up from, to people driving on the roads. You stopped at The Dot to pick up a coffee, something that was supposed to help you take your mind off of everything. Something that was intended to be that piece that brought some joy out of the horrible start you had. You tried to hold yourself together so you didn't get too overwhelmed, ignoring everything as much as you could. But you were already at a point where even the smallest thing could set you off.
The back of your throat tightened as you placed your order, staring at the scrunched up face of the barista as she told you to speak louder because she couldn't hear you. You wanted to say never mind and just leave but you were frozen in place. You repeated your order, hoping she didn't hear the crack in your voice, and you pushed forward.
You wanted to retreat. To curl up into a ball and disappear but your parents gave you no opportunity to do that. You returned home with everything and it was nonstop moving around and being told what to do and scolded and made to feel like you couldn't do anything right to help them get things ready.
And then they arrived. It couldn't have been more than 15 people who showed up, but you didn't know any of them. What was the point of you needing to be there if it was a work related thing? Why would it be rude if you stayed in your room so you didn't feel like you were just in the way?
Eventually you managed to get out for some fresh air, taking a seat on the front porch. You wanted an escape. Eli was always the first person you thought of when you needed time away. He was your best friend and probably the only person who was able to help take your mind of things.
Dialing his number, you listened to it ring a few times, hoping he'd pick up. "Hello?" Sigh of relief. "Hey, are you doing anything right now?" You bit the inside of your lip, attempting to stop yourself from thinking about everything. It almost felt stupid that you were letting everything affect you as much as it was. "Hi! Uh, nope. I'm not doing much of anything right now."
You nodded your head like he could see you. "Can you come pick me up?" You wondered if your tone sounded strange over the phone, but as soon as you asked the question, your throat dried up and it hurt to swallow as you tried to keep yourself from breaking. "I mean, if you wanted to do something? It's just my parents are having some party with a lot of people from my dad's work and doing literally anything else would be a lot more fun than staying here," you let out a nervous laugh, attempting to play it off that nothing was wrong.
But Eli was pretty perceptive, even when he couldn't see the expressions on your face. "No, of course. I was thinking of watching all of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies, we could pick up some drinks and snacks, make it a whole thing." "That sounds awesome." You stood up and quickly went inside to gather some of your things.
When you finally got to Eli's house, said your hellos to Cece and Bullfrog and got set up in Eli's room. It wasn't until you got to the 1995 Next Generation movie that he brought anything up. He knew something was up when you were talking on the phone but figured you'd say something on your own if you wanted to. But when it didn't seem like you were ever going to say anything, he contemplated if he should leave it alone or try to figure out what was going on.
"You're being awfully quiet, are you ok?" You looked over at him after plopping some popcorn into your mouth, giving a slight shrug. "Yeah, I'm fine. We're watching movies, you're supposed to be quiet." "Sure, if you're at a theater. But we're here and our movie nights usually involve a lot more talking." He nudged you gently with his elbow.
You just looked at him and gave him a weak "reassuring" smile before plopping more popcorn into your mouth and turning your attention back to the movie. You didn't want to ruin anything with the mood you were in. You were trying so hard to keep things normal and light but it apparently wasn't working.
"Hey," he nudged you again to get your attention. He wasn't going to let you brush it off now like you wanted to do. "Are you ok?" You looked at him again and nodded your head. "Yes, I'm fine." "You're not fine. And you don't have to pretend like you are with me." You let out a sigh and went back and forth on whether or not you should say anything about it. You'd most likely just end up downplaying the entire thing, but you knew he wouldn't stop pushing until you opened up.
"I just wanted to get away for a little bit. Today was stressful and my anxiety was going through the roof, I wanted a distraction." "What happened that had you so stressed?" His tone was softer now and you knew if you looked at him all of the emotions you had tried to stuff down inside you would burst through the surface.
You shrugged your shoulders, subconsciously picking at a piece of dead skin on your thumb. "Just a lot of stupid things... I got woken up by my mom barging into the room and yelling at me, saying people were coming over and that I knew about it, but I didn't. They didn't say shit to me about it and they acted like I'm supposed to be some mind reader.
I had to pick up some stupid cake from the store and there was complications with that because someone there filled out the paper wrong and I got yelled at for it. Then when I went to go get coffee it felt like everyone had attitude or people's tones were off and I know that was probably all in my head but it just piled on to everything. I couldn't isolate or else I was being rude, which is stupid because why would it matter if I wasn't at some work party with people I don't know? What would I talk to them about? That's like me showing up to some tennis seminar and talking about dung beetles--" Eli opened his mouth to say something but hesitated and let you continue.
"There's no consideration when it comes to communicating these things with me. I never know things are happening until the very last second or, if I'm lucky, a day before. And it clearly doesn't matter what my feelings are about it because I've told them many times that I'd appreciate it if they actually talked to me and kept me in the loop so I have time to prepare myself but nothing ever changes. Instead they just wake me up out of a perfectly good deep sleep to yell at me."
After a few seconds you looked over at him as he sat there speechless. "You asked, so there it all is.." "No, no, it's all perfectly fine. Just.. make sure you breathe, okay? And I'm not just talking about after unloading all of... that, 'cause I don't think you stopped for air once." You couldn't help yourself but laugh at that and you knew he was just trying to help make you feel better.
"I'm sorry, I.." "Don't apologize. What just happened is very valid, and you should be able to feel like you can openly express things like that whenever you need to. You have a safe space with me, you know that, right?" Just hearing that caused a knot to form in your throat. Logically you did know that. You knew he was one of the safest people you knew who you could confide in and you trusted him completely, but it was the thoughts in the back of your mind telling you that he wouldn't want all of that negativity dumped on him. Everyone has their own shit that they have to deal with, why would they wanted stuff added to it?
But Eli wasn't like that. He was very open and he listened and he only ever pushed when he felt he needed to. And you were the exact same way with him. Your relationship was as solid as it gets, so it was always a wonder to you why you let yourself believe that he wouldn't want to hear your grievances.
"I do, yeah. I'm sorry, I just didn't want to ruin anything and put on damper on things. We're supposed to be having a fun relaxed time, right?" "Exactly right. But we can't do that if you're still stuck in your head, can we?" He gave you a knowing smile. "You're not going to ruin anything by talking about what's bothering you, so throw that idea away right now. It's going to feel silly, but I think we should take in one big deep breath and release it and then we can go back to our gory movie fest, alright?"
You let out another nervous chuckle, feeling like you just wanted to forget about it all and go back to ignoring the issue, but he was right. You wouldn't be able to completely enjoy anything if you were still holding on to things you had no control over. You finally nodded in agreement and repositioned yourself so you were sitting up straighter.
"Ok, ready? Breathe in.." Eli instructed, motioning his movements as he took in a deep breath with you. He counted to three on his fingers, held it for a second and then released. "And breathe out." Already you were feeling your shoulders relax, realizing that you had been holding all of that tension. "Let's do it one more time." "You said just once!" "I know what I said, let's just do another one." You let out an exaggerated groan but laughed. Closing your eyes for a few brief moments, you straightened yourself up again and repeated the exercise.
When you released the breath, you looked at him again, seeing his brows raised and his dorky smile plastered on his face. "Feel better?" "Yes," you drew out the reply, smiling as you moved back into a comfortable position. "I do feel better. Thank you." You looked at him once more, smiling genuinely. "Not to get all corny or anything, but I think I would probably go insane if I didn't have you as a best friend." He gave a little shrug of his shoulder. "It's what we do. You do the same for me. You ready for more leatherface?" "I sure am!"
Eli rubbed his hands together in excitement and reached for the remote and pressed play. The energy in the room felt completely different now and you couldn't have been more appreciative of Eli.
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adakechi · 2 years
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i made a timeskip clare to match the timeskip eli
its 2023 🥲
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tim-lucy · 8 months
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DEGRASSI: THE NEXT GENERATION Season 5, Episode 5 — "Weddings, Parties, Anything" "I wanted to cheer you up. Make you smile again."
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leiasources · 1 year
𝑫𝑬𝑮𝑹𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑰:  𝑻𝑯𝑬  𝑵𝑬𝑿𝑻  𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒.    a  compilation  of  sentence  starters  from  and  inspired  by  season  two  of  degrassi:  the  next  generation.  potentially  triggering  themes  present.  feel  free  to  adjust  as  necessary  but  do  not  add  to  the  list.  thank  you!
‘ i have one thing to say to you. get ready because i'm coming after you this time. ’
‘ have you been drinking? ’
‘ i don't know how to tell you this... ’
‘ you're my best friend... but if that's not enough.. ’
‘ maybe we could have dinner tomorrow night? ’
‘ i want to scare him so bad he doesn't ever think of doing this to someone else. ’
‘ hey, you might want to chill... he's a little old for you.. ’
‘ i hear you're quite the basketball star. ’
‘ i'm happy. i'm really happy. 'cause he's dead... 'cause he's gone for good. ’
‘ i'll change seats if you don't shut up. ’
‘ that's the first smile i've seen on him since you left. ’
‘ when i'm offended you know you've really gone too far. ’
‘ you honestly think i would go out in public with them for thirty bucks? ’
‘ let's get some sleep because tomorrow's going to be a long and wonderful day. ’
‘ you leaving was a huge wake-up call for me. ’
‘ you can't stand being around me. ’
‘ you know what you want... so go for it. ’
‘ i hate him, { name }. i hate him so much. ’
‘ it's really hard, pretending to be something you're not. ’
‘ you sure you're not having doubts? ’
‘ we talk on the phone once in a while but yesterday was the first time i've seen them in months. ’
‘ you should do exactly what it is you want to do but make sure you graduate from school first. ’
‘ you're looking rather radiant today. ’
‘ so when are you guys going to have a kid? ’
‘ really, could you two be more meant for each other? ’
‘ i want my friends back and just standing by is not going to make that happen. ’
‘ i still can't sleep without my light on. ’
‘ there's a rule. the youngest you can date is half your age plus seven. ’
‘ you know, for a second there, i thought you were going to ask me out. ’
‘ you're really pretty and anyone who tells you different is blind, or jealous, so just tell them to shut up. ’
‘ hey, i know things look bad but we got to keep going as if the wedding is happening. ’
‘ wow. you look exactly like your mom in her high school photo. ’
‘ stop being a baby and get ready for the wedding. ’
‘ so... the dance. are you still going solo? if so, you're not anymore. ’
‘ the whole squad was great... but you totally stood out. ’
‘ { name }, c'mon... i can't leave.. ’
‘ you sure you're not having doubts? ’
‘ we've discussed it and we definitely want kids. ’
‘ you've been in her shadow for how long? isn't it time for you to step into the spotlight? ’
‘ wait a minute... did you just talk to me without saying twerp or dweeb? ’
‘ lighten up. we had fun. ’
‘ someone warned me about him once and i should have listened. ’
‘ it's so loud out here. you want to go someplace a little more private? ’
‘ if this is going to work then some things have to stay private. ’
‘ i'm not saying never, just not right now. ’
‘ i knew coming here was a mistake. ’
‘ the gym looks amazing. i can't wait for the dance. ’
‘ someone's in a good mood... ’
‘ i thought that maybe we could get out of town tomorrow. ’
‘ sometimes people don't want the whole truth. ’
‘ where am i going to go, huh? where am i going to go? ’
‘ you heard him. he made where he stands very clear. he doesn't want a kid right now. ’
‘ it's my wedding day and the groom has disappeared. ’
‘ we're totally over-dressed. ’
‘ how does information travel in this family? oh, that's right, every which way except from you to me. ’
‘ why do you even bother? i'm just a big, stupid loser. ’
‘ you don't have to invite me to your dumb party. ’
‘ i'm the king of this school and you're my queen. ’
‘ don't touch me. don't ever touch me. ’
‘ remember a certain someone you dated last year? it seems he's still in love with you. ’
‘ you'll always be the most important person in my life! ’
‘ i'm not dating anyone. ’
‘ life doesn't wait for you to get adjusted. it happens. ’
‘ what do you know? you talked to him for five minutes. ’
‘ we need to talk but we are not doing it here. ’
‘ i've seen the way he looks at you. he still likes you. ’
‘ i'm having a party tonight at my house, do you think you can make it? ’
‘ look, my business, my problem. i'm fine. ’
‘ you've stopped blaming yourself. ’
‘ i haven't had this much fun since... well, i haven't had this much fun ever. ’
‘ i know it's not good for me but it tastes like... happy! ’
‘ no one is "fine" after losing someone. ’
‘ someone's in a bad mood. ’
‘ i can't believe i'm actually getting married tomorrow. ’
‘ you've just been thrown for a major loop. you've got to cut yourself some slack. ’
‘ you didn't tell me you were back in town. ’
‘ what's this? i go away for the weekend and you invite the whole school? ’
‘ we do stand out but that's good. ’
‘ the pain's going to catch up to you. ’
‘ your dad? you saw your dad? why didn't you tell me? ’
‘ so much for us "being one," huh? ’
‘ i was thinking about getting my belly button pierced. ’
‘ just because { name } and i are dating doesn't mean things between us are going to change. ’
‘ he hurt me and no one in the world seems to be able to do anything about it. ’
‘ we don't want anymore kids right now. end of story. ’
‘ the mysteries of the universe are infinite to me. ’
‘ something happened to you. ’
‘ we've known each other since junior high... ’
‘ some couples would think of this as a blessing. ’
‘ what you did changed my life. ’
‘ come with me. we'll watch out for each other. ’
‘ your love brings tears to my eyes. ’
‘ are you sure you don't want popcorn? ’
‘ i know you guys had a date, and i know he never called you back, and i know you're jealous. get over it. ’
‘ isn't this the part where we walk home together and are best friends again? ’
‘ { name }, are you mad at me? did i do something wrong? ’
‘ you two don't have the best relationship? ’
‘ if i were to disappear, who'd care? what would it matter? ’
‘ give them some of your world famous attitude. show 'em who's boss. ’
‘ summer's over, i'm back from summer camp, and now you won't ever get away from me. ’
‘ this isn't about your parents or my parents, this is about you and me. ’
‘ i'm out of here. tonight. ’
‘ no, i mean... my dad, he would never have let me have you over like this. ’
‘ it wasn't until later that it hit, that they were dead. ’
‘ it wasn't what i thought it was going to be. i kind of thought it'd be beautiful or something... ’
‘ i wanted him to want to be with me. ’
‘ there must be a mistake. i've never lost anything in my life. ’
‘ i know how much this means to you... but i'm sorry, you didn't make the cut. ’
‘ someone's in love. ’
‘ i think i owe you a dance. ’
‘ how does it feel? to find your one true love? ’
‘ call me romantic but i always imagined my first date ending in a kiss. ’
‘ can i be honest with you? you and { name } getting back together? the stupidest idea i've ever heard. ’
‘ you know, that kind of sounds to me like you're pregnant. ’
‘ i've never liked anyone like this before. it's weird. ’
‘ i love being around you... just not all the time, okay? ’
‘ we don't all have rich parents who'll just buy us whatever we want. ’
‘ if you really love her then why change her? you should love her for who she is. ’
‘ you and me? we'll always be friends. ’
‘ tell her i miss her, okay? ’
‘ don't you have enough to worry about right now? ’
‘ you're funny, but you're intelligent too, and you're just wasting it by always being the class clown. ’
‘ there you are! i thought you left without me! ’
‘ you've been gone forever! ’
‘ i keep trying to forget... but i can't. ’
‘ is it so wrong that i've finally found someone i care about? ’
‘ people can change. ’
‘ we would have fun on a date, guaranteed. all i need is your phone number. ’
‘ you can't tell your dad about us meeting, alright? ’
‘ it's hard to believe there's a baby growing in there. ’
‘ you never stop surprising me, { name }. ’
‘ one day, when a guy likes you, you'll understand how this works. ’
‘ it's all about knowing what you want and then going for it. ’
‘ have you ever heard of knocking?! ’
‘ i got myself into anger management and i've gotten better. i've gotten a lot better. ’
‘ you don't think i should go, do you? ’
‘ i don't think you should talk to her anymore. ’
‘ this is so not the time to talk to me. ’
‘ you were paid to go out with me? ’
‘ sometimes it's like you and { name } are the couple, not you and me. ’
‘ they say we're the schools hottest new couple. ’
‘ i wanted them gone, so why am i crying now that they are? ’
‘ how long are we going to pretend like nothing happened? ’
‘ i know, it's not a real date but i want to wear something you'll like ’
‘ this is turning out to be one of the best days of my life. ’
‘ my mom's having this party and i was wondering if maybe you want to come along? ’
‘ you want me to add anything to this grocery list? ’
‘ what { name } and i do together is none of your business. ’
‘ you... you dance like a wounded polar bear. ’
‘ has my rep declined to the point where a loser like them thinks they can ask me out and get away with it? ’
‘ how could you not tell me that you're pregnant? ’
‘ i'm ready to talk. well... as ready as i'll ever be. ’
‘ i know what you found out it beyond weird but it's not the end of the world. ’
‘ you get, like, whatever you want and i can't even afford... anything. ’
‘ you remember that invite i gave you? well, it was sort of a mistake. ’
‘ i couldn't tell everyone where you went and why. ’
‘ me and you, we're not mom and dad, right? ’
‘ you don't have to worry about that, alright? ’
‘ i know this sounds awful but my parents were wondering if maybe you wanted to come to dinner. ’
‘ i'm so sorry about my parents. what did they say exactly? ’
‘ okay, so you're pregnant. it's nothing to be ashamed of. ’
‘ it'll never happen again? is that what you were going to say? 'cause that's what you always say. ’
‘ are you ever going to tell me what happened with you two? ’
‘ well, it's a lot different here, i suppose. huh? ’
‘ i just can't understand how it happened. i mean, you're on the pill. ’
‘ this is my school and i don't want to see you or talk to you again. ’
‘ i had no idea you had a crush on someone. who is it? ’
‘ what happened to going to the doctor after school? ’
‘ that's why i love you. wait- no, no, not 'love' you, just... like you a lot. ’
‘ you here to steal another one of my brilliant ideas? ’
‘ fun? you think what you did to me was fun? ’
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karihighman · 5 months
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1&2: Wopez & 3: Jayla, The Rookie
4: Burzek & 5: Manstead, Chicago PD & Med
6&7: Javery, Nashville
8: Kenna(?), Degrassi: The Next Generation
May update w/more, but here’s some couples I’ve watched on my favorite shows over the years who end up having/raising kids together
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the-virgoperspective · 4 months
hey, for the game if you'd like, I'm a Pisces sun, cancer moon, virgo rising, aries venus, pisces mercury, and scorpio mars! gender doesn't matter :) i love your blog!
Hey hey! This character is so special to me so I hope you like who I chose ❤️‍🔥 thank you + have a great day/night!
Your character is:
Ellie Nash from Degrassi: The Next Generation
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