#Deity loki
screechingtrashpanda · 4 months
Hail to you Loki Revealer of Corruption, Speaker of Hard Truths May your presence drain the festering wound Remove the infection from flesh And grant it godly hue once again Sly One, Protector of Those Brave Enough to Speak Out May we speak with unfettered tongues And reveal the hard won truth We hold your torch in our hands
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trickortrick · 1 year
Me: Loki, why did you take your mother’s name?
Loki: Let’s see, Loki Laufeyjarson sounds smoother than Loki Farbautison. Eh?
Maaaybe I just wanted to be controversial and mock a tradition I don’t like.
Oh, maybe I loved my mother dearly.
Or maybe, you are not the only child who was abandoned, when they needed their father the most.
Most possibly? A mix of everything above, like all the good answers tend to be.
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lokixo · 1 year
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- Loki, probably
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findingloki · 1 year
I've seen it in places where foxes represent Loki but I've also seen in other places where foxes are modern representations not old representations of Loki due to the nature of foxes. Opinions, sources? All are invited!
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cavorta · 2 years
Since I found out there are several playlists on Spotify dedicated to Loki, I fell down a rabbit hole checking out several of them. I especially like "Meditations with Loki" by Meggi and this one: "Loki's tunes" by Aeiron Nova: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3efAW25QEDtkh1eTy95kq3
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the-plague-witch · 1 year
HEY!, hi yeah uh so how does one become a devotee to a deity?
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enchantresscraftshop · 6 months
Handcrafted Pendulums made with crystals and Stainless steel ✨
Inspired by Deities with the intention to invoke.
The Crystals used to make these Pendulums are associated with the deity listed.
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uncertain3teeth · 2 years
saw this on pinterest and thought of my patron loki
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sailorrose19 · 2 years
Just me and the gods enjoying a nice and relaxing online Yule Log. It's officially Yule, the Winter Solstice and I look back on my year as I await for the return for the sun's warm embrace and granted it had been pretty difficult but I managed to get through despite having parents who still deny that their eldest daughter is no longer a Catholic Christian. The gods have helped me better than what the Christian God had ever done for me which was nothing. But the dieties I have connected with did more and I did my share looking deeper into myself. Loki helped me accept the chaos around me and that it was okay for me to be different in context that I should not conform to harmful views and ideas to fit in seeing as I had been put through enough of that in the Catholic Church. Aphrodite helps me tap into loving myself even at the times where I hate myself and she sends either a sign or speaks to me through my dreams or thoughts letting me know that even though Christianity is the cause of my self hatred because they view self love as a sin of vanity. Aphrodite tells me that learning to love myself is not sinful. Lord Lucifer, the radiant morning star teaches me to stand up for myself and stand for what I think is right and to ask the right questions without feeling like a heretical doubter as Catholicsm branded me as. Through letting him in, Lucifer says that not all knowledge is forbidden and learning beyond what you were taught is essential in one's own personal growth and to let my own light shine through. Thor not only helped me face my fear of thunder and lightning but showed me to be brave even when fear wants to devour you whole. I may have been easy prey to fear but Through Thor's mightiness and courage, I turn the tables around making fear my prey.
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Yule blessings to everyone, love and honor to the gods. Blessed Yule and Blessed be
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ranesnotes93 · 1 year
Find it absolutely fascinating that Pan and Loki have the same mischievous vibe, but only one of them gets coded as the devil on the regular.
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waywardgothauthor · 2 years
“Loki is evil!!! he’s basically the devil!!”
i mean dudes mischievious but we all know its bc you’re talking about Ragnarok and like. idk barring everything that was done to all his kids (especially Fenrir dear god) if the people i’ve been living with for YEARS came and had my kids turned into wolves to murder each other and then USED THEIR ENTRAILS TO CHAIN ME TO A ROCK UNDERNEATH A VENOMOUS SPITTING SNAKE
yeah i’d be pretty pissed and wanna burn the world to the ground too.
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trickortrick · 11 months
Völuspá, Retold
Spirit breatheth Odin
Mind giveth Hoenir
Blood shareth Lodur
Another excellent job, spake Odin
Three about to leave
I’ll catch up thee, saith Lodur
I have to pee
Leaves Odin and Hoenir
Heaves a sigh, Loki
See guys, he says
My love language is
Follows a snap of fingers
Giving gifts
Sets a flame on their timber
Once cold, now an everlasting ember
His voice is warm like honey
Our little secret, aye?
I saw what happened to the last guy
Who gave some fire to your kind
Go now, have some fun
Be great, be terrible
Saith the firebringer
His eyes are warm like amber
Gifts a wink and disappear
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lokixo · 9 months
Double dog dare you to slide into my DMs and ramble on and on abt Loki until you have nothing left to say! I’m all ears!
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vhunny · 6 months
does anyone know what this runes means?
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cavorta · 1 year
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All of my free coloring pages can now be found here in my Deviantart Gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/andreacavorta/gallery/89061292/free-coloring-pages-downloadable
All downloadable, in high resolution (300 dpi) so that you can print them. The size is approx. 21 x 29,7 cm. Images: Brigid, the Celtic goddess Odin, the Norse god Loki, the Norse deity Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens "The Witch Fire"
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the-plague-witch · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering what’s an easy thing you do that doesn’t require a lot of energy to connect with Loki? I’m disabled and I’m trying to think of something easy to do today since it’s April Fools day and it’s a day Loki seems to enjoy!
Hi there! I have adhd so I have an idea of what it's like to try to practice when you have no energy or just other factors that don't help.
Simple things I like to do for loki on April fools are:
• light their candle
• a prank this can be as simple as Rick rolling someone ( I did this to several of my firends today via text)
•watch something funny with them
• a card pull
•Wearing any symbols of loki on your person ( I'm wearing a spider broach)
I understand that Deity work or just witchcraft can really difficult to Practice when either a have no motivation or no energy but their is always small things we can do. And deities especially loki are very understanding if we can't go big for certain holidays or just for stuff in general
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