#loki pendulum
enchantresscraftshop · 6 months
Handcrafted Pendulums made with crystals and Stainless steel ✨
Inspired by Deities with the intention to invoke.
The Crystals used to make these Pendulums are associated with the deity listed.
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charcubed · 11 months
oh everyone and their DISCLAIMERS about how “lokius will never be canon because disney and marvel are awful, but”........ well I have nothing to lose so. fuck disclaimers! this is my idea of fun! what if it CAN and WILL be canon, huh? what if the story is gonna go where it seems to be headed. what if I say they’re going to kiss on international streaming television. who’s gonna stop me
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lumiiberry · 11 months
Loki appreciation post (Norse Paganism)
I was having an emotional breakdown about something I’d rather not mention and the first thing I thought of doing was grabbing the pendulum and talking to Loki.
For context, I’m a Lokean in a spousal ship with the God of mischief. I triple checked everything and waited for a few weeks to research what I was getting into, as well as Loki’s mythology and history. I’ve never had a problem with Him.
Anyway, I began the conversation by explaining the situation as He listened. He was so understanding and gentle with me as I bawled my eyes out and said that He’d always be here for me when I need Him the most.
I’ve never had this relationship with any other deity. Yeah, He’s a trickster and a massive pain in the ass sometimes, but when something makes me cry, He acts so genuine and caring.
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starryskyx · 4 months
Is it just me or is the witch community no longer on here? When I joined a while back I found so many people a part of the community on here now I don't. I mean super active too like everyone had a big following and everyone communicated daily 😭 this was only like 2-3 years ago. Where did everyone go? 😭
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starsthewitch · 6 months
friend: hey heres that pendulum you asked for, got it off of Loki’s altar
me: cool thanks, Freyja, is this you i’m talking to right now?
Loki: lmao no
me: can i talk to her please?
Loki: no ask again later
me: ok its been an hour, is this Freyja i’m talking to now?
Freyja: yeah but don’t use that pendulum to try to speak to me.. use something else, preferably something not from loki’s altar
me: figured, i’ll get one made for you soon
Freyja: thank you
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rubyredspells · 7 months
Hello world! :)
My name is Ru, I am 24 years old (1999) and use they/them pronouns. I am autistic and experience chronic pain.
I am an eclectic witch and love to explore magic with everything possible! I think magic is just so brilliant I couldn't nail down a category for myself if I tried 😂 My favourite thing to do is write original spells and share them with everyone I can, as well as create tarot spreads in the moment when doing a reading with my deck. I hope to share both of these things with all of you here 🥰
I am a Lokean and have been since 2018! If you ever followed a blog called "Loki'sCinnamon", that was me. Sadly, when trying to delete a side blog I no longer used, I accidentally deleted my main blog. In an instant I lost the last two+ years of my record with Loki, all of my original craft work, and connections with all the mutuals I had formed. I was devastated, and didn't feel ready to come back to tumblr again for a long time.
I think I am ready to start again now.
Sometimes the chaos of a forest fire makes way for the growth of new trees, after all 🌿
Currently I am just working with Loki as to not overwhelm myself, but I have also worked with: Odin, Hel, Thor, Hades and Persephone!
I would truly love to use this blog to get back into the world I once had here and make connections with people who also practice witchcraft and know Loki is so much more than the negative stereotypes that closed minded people shrink them to.
Please feel free to send me a message if you pick up on some good vibes (I met someone who I consider family to me back in 2018 right here through a Loki connection! 🥰), as making friends as a ND adult can be very hard, I will do my best to reply!
Or: please submit an ask if you would like a free tarot reading or a free original spell creation based on your request :)
I want to put my skills to good use and make connections, feel free to request from your blog or anonymously and sign off with an emoji, I don't mind which works best for you at all 🥳🖤🩷💚💙
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medievaltemptress · 2 months
If you don’t respect witches or deity work, don’t follow me. I’m getting so pissed at all of the witch shaming lately. Some of you are really barking up the wrong tree. We already deal with conservatives shtting on us all the time and people have made it hard for us to continue/start our practice for a very long time. Now if the person is bigoted I understand, but don’t disrespect us as a whole
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dextivefanart · 11 months
I may have enjoyed a Marvel version of a norse god I made up so hard I may have accidentally caught the attention of the real goddess who is somehow not offended for some reason oops lol
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unsettlingcreature · 1 year
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Slowly reconfiguring my altar space but I'm gently adding Halloween decorations as September passes and October approaches, I'm personally obsessed with the little ghost lights. Anyway I don't have a dedicated sideblog for this stuff anymore so I'm just slapping it on main :)
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skollafenris · 1 year
introduction to me
welcome welcome everyone! :) i promise i don't bite
my name is skolla fenris and i am a witch/pagan. this is a safe place to be curious and ask questions and i will answer them as well as i am able to.
i also do divination readings and will be more than happy to do them. my prices will be listed below: reading prices:
pendulum readings: $2 per question (limit of 20 max)
$7 for a 15 minute session
tarot readings:
$1 for a single card reading
$3 for 3 cards
$4 for 5 cards
$10 for a 20 minute session
$50 for a 1 hour session
angel oracle readings:
$2 for 3 cards
$4 for 5 cards
prices may be subject to change
warning to the wise, i only have a few rules for being here:
1. if you think i may have gotten anything wrong, just let me know and show me where i can get better information about the subject matter of a post.
2. i do not nor will i ever tolerate bullying or being a dick about anything. please be civil when interacting.
3. if i feel you have crossed my boundaries or another person's on my blog, i will call you out. i may try to work things out at first but do not mistake me for a door mat because that will not be tolerated either.
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lokavisi · 5 months
So about two nights ago, I had a really solid conversation with Loki. A friend got some cues from him through their pendulum, we were both very confused, and then my wife (who barely gives a shit about the Guy lol) interprets this message so pristinely. It was like getting slapped upside the head when she gave her explanation. So I started free writing to continue the conversation more directly with Loki. There were a few big points made in this conversation.
First, he expressed frustration that, in spite of working with him for 4 years now, I still don't seem to "get" him. Like I keep coming to him to vent about some bullshit that's winding me up, he offers a suggestion to help me unwind, and then I brush it off or forget or just straight up ignore it. So he was like, "I've been telling you the same shit for 4 years now... It feels like you're just fundamentally ignoring all the parts of me that make me, ME." So...naturally I felt really fucking stupid and shitty.
Then he very lovingly affirmed that "this isn't me being facetious or angry or trying to put you down. I'm frustrated and irritated, yes, but surely you do realize by now that I fucking love you and you're stuck with me." This meant a lot to me more so than it might for others because my ADHD comes with mad rejection sensitivity dysphoria. Any time anyone says something that indicates some level of upset at me, my brain catastrophizes and breaks down because "clearly" it means they hate me. (This is basically never the case.) This leads me to the primary nugget of wisdom that came from this conversation.
I realized this whole time (once my wife interpreted the initial message) I was hearing him more clearly than I had in a long time. It was nearly as if a physical person sat next to me speaking. As the conversation was wrapping up, I made a note of this and asked, "Why do I feel l hear you clearest when you're frustrated with me?" We've had plenty of similar conversations, and when I look back at past moments when I simply couldn't deny the messages were coming from outside myself, he usually had some level of frustration with me. But to answer my question, he said:
"Because that's all you wanna hear. That's all you think you deserve. Even when you seek love or comfort and I provide, you don't always fully receive it. I try to be funny to cheer you up and you won't have it, just calling me stupid. You are terrible at receiving input that doesn't put you down or reinforce any negative thoughts you believe about yourself. So stop it. Seriously. Fucking stop believing bad shit about yourself."
He went on to talk about the rune readings I did for a bunch you on here (thanks again for the practice❤️), and how I should be pumping myself up from all the positive feedback I got from it. And we exchanged some jokes and "I love you"'s before calling it a night.
As per usual, I share my story in a giant block of text to remind everyone of what Loki reminded me: to not just take in the messaging that supports a negative view of yourself. Allow yourself to believe that you are the gods' gift to humanity. (I just heard him say, "Seriously. I do it all the time. It works wonders for your self-esteem." 😂❤️) Maybe that verbage doesn't have the greatest connotations, but the point is to think more highly of yourself. Believe in the power and confidence that you possess. Even if it doesn't feel like you have either of these things, fake it til you make it - until you realize they've been here this whole time.
I'm on this struggle bus, too, y'all. We're gonna find ourselves together. Hail Loki ❤️
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laufreyjarson · 4 days
maybe this is a common experience, but for the longest time i thought i had no sort of godphone, at all.
i mentioned this in my post yesterday but i am neurodivergent, and i tend to take things pretty literally without realizing it. seeing so many people say they talk to their gods, they hear them, they are able to speak to them and get a response...i was baffled, because i had never had an experience like that!
i converted to paganism when i was 15, and only started working with deities when i was 19. i thought i was doing something completely wrong up until (relatively) recently, and i'm 22 now. i thought i wasn't tapped in at all, that i would never be able to communicate with my deities, that i wasn't meant to work with them because i couldn't hear like other devotees.
and then i was informed that that wasn't the case! and my communication with loki and freyja is very clear and developed, i just wasn't looking for the right signs because i was expecting to be able to actually...hear them talk to me.
so if you're unsure about your ability to communicate with your deities, take the lesson from me and know that you might just be reading too into it or not looking for the right signs! and in my case it never hurts to double check through tarot or pendulum.
please also make sure to do your research, get your information in the right places, and ask for clarification when needed!
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yourwitchybrother · 4 months
Ciao a tutti!
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Welcome to my blog!! I've done an introductory post before but I felt like doing another one that's a bit more detailed and in depth! My name is Robyn, but feel free to call me Robby/ie, Rob, any Robyn related nickname! I use any pronouns, if you're unsure, they/them is perfectly fine!
☀︎ I am 19 years old, though I'll be 20 quite soon! I am currently in University for art history with a focus on museum studies and Italian studies. I plan on pursuing my master's and Ph.D in Ancient Civilizations, and I do a little bit of writing on the side. ☀︎ I am an eclectic witch with about 10 years of experience! I do deity work in the Hellenic Pantheon! My Divine Team consists of Apollo, my patron, whom I am godspoused to and have worked with the entirety of my practice, Mercury, Bacchus, Neptune, Hekate, Venus, Loki. and most recently, Hypnos. Things tend to get a little chaotic around here! I have recently started working with a fox spirit. I also work extensively with the Archangel Gabriel, as he is one of my spirit guides. ☀︎ While formal spell work is not a current part of my practice, I am very experienced in sigil work, deity work, divination (tarot, pendulums, divine signs and dream interpretation, with plans of branching out), and intuitive writing. I'm working on further developing my clairaudience and clairvoyance skills, and I have future plans of becoming a priest for Apollo and, eventually, an Oracle. ☀︎ I am a Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Scorpio Rising. ☀︎ I am a lover of philosophy, ancient history, ancient civilizations, and art, with a special interest in the Italian Renaissance and the French Revolution!
I am beyond open to baby witches interacting with my page, as I strive for education and learning! I love teaching and my inbox is always open for questions, comments, concerns, and a little bit of guidance whenever needed. Though, as I am an adult, I will not be going out of my way to dm with or private message minors. If there is any indication that you are a minor, I will not be responding to your dms or inboxes. Feel free to leave an ask instead. This is for my online safety and comfort as well as yours.
Every now and again, I may make comments or say things in Italian! I am learning Italian for my future career, but also as a devotional act for Hermes, hence the name of this post and my typical sign-off! With that being said; Blessed be, and may the sun be your guide! A domani <3
Updated on: 6/5/2024
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
share more silly experiences with the gods!!
Oh, Nonny, I have too many to count.
Below is a list. You asked for this.
So, there was that time (which I previously mentioned) where I punched myself in the face from sneezing too hard. I actually punched my glasses halfway across the room. XD This was in front of Ares, Dionysus, and Loki, and this was actually one of my first times meeting Ares and Dionysus lmao. I felt like Loki was definitely laughing at me.
Along with that, there was this one time I was doing a serious ritual with Athena, Ares, and Hermes. Apollo showed up, but I didn't recognize his energy at first, so I dubbed him "Pablo". I kept referring to him as Pablo throughout the ritual (couldn't check through divination at the time).
One time, I asked Hermes for help getting a cat (this was my very first request from him). I asked him to be clear if he was helping me or not by sending me a sign. I picked up my cat, and on the way home, I saw a sign I've never seen in my city before for HERMES. He literally sent me a sign. What can I say, Hermes delivers.
So, I once asked Hermes through divination if he thought I was cool. (I assume) Jokingly, he said no. This became an ongoing joke between us for the next two years. On the night of my 21st birthday, I asked if Hermes thought I was cool, and he finally said yes.
Also on my 21st birthday, my friend and I played Cards Against Humanity with our deities. We used a pendulum to tell which cards they were choosing and the like. Hermes and Apollo (and eventually Loki as well, rip) started messing with me by choosing several cards at once. Apollo started it, and Hermes later joined him.
Either last year or the year before, there was a period of one or two months that I made constant "your mom" jokes to Apollo. Sometimes I did this with Hermes and Loki as well. Lots of fun, highly recommend.
I have this thing with Loki and Hermes where I will "slugbug" them whenever a Voltz Beetle shows up. I'll be driving and suddenly be like, "Lord Hermes, Lord Loki, slugbug, no slug backs. You have been slugged, wherever you may be." Once, I missed my chance at a beetle that passed by, and I'm pretty sure they slugged me first. Do I have proof that they slugged me? No, only a gut feeling. XD
I once had a meditation where Dionysus taught me how to smoke a blunt. What's crazy is that it was actually accurate, and I had no clue how to smoke at that time. Some part of me believes that was actually him lmao.
That's all I can think of for now!
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sphinx-myth · 6 months
How my week was last week because I'm so bored
Me walking in town unwillingly but decides to ask for a sign by any type of spirt guide or deity.
Also me looking at the pigeons and seeing the darkest fucking bird I've ever seen: OH what the fuck is that?? I that a crow or some shit? It has orange feet? The fuckk??
Goes inside the hairdressers but unfortunately not for me and looking in the corner: is that a fucking spider??
It was there for a sec then gone: THE FUCK DID IT GO?!?!
My brother asks me to open a page that began with 2 (cant remember exactly) in my loki (marvel which I've never read or seen) book: fine??
The first sentence being so out of context: NEVER MINDS 😭
We go to my grandma's and I have the most agrevating conversation about loki not having anything to do with Christianity and some other stuff: IT MAKES NO SENSE PLEASE 😭
Her later asking if I read the charon book she got me for christmas: .. yeah definitely! *me who hasn't finished reading PJO and started reading homers books*
Me asking my pendulum if I should go out with my dad: "no no no no stay home and meditate :]"
My dad mentioning that if I'm home alone Imma do everyone's chores: sorry pendulum :<
Me calling my dad a viking wannabe cus I've played too much assassin creed: *the people around me start laughing*
Me choosing my options again (cus I moved schools): blacksmith path.. or art and computers.. BLACKSMITH.. *I went with art and computers and engineering*
Me staring at the incense holder because I don't like the feeling of clay: 👁‍🗨 - 👁‍🗨
One of my friends finally coming out as trans to the group: *me who literally helped her chose her name and was the first to know* WOOOO YAYAY
the only person in the group not being trans (there's 4 of us in the group and 3, including me, are trans): 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 5 months
hi there!
I just saw your post about Aphrodite sending you signs (and your SO being fed up with you questioning them lmao), so I hope you don't mind me asking this:
how does one distinguish a 'sign' from the gods, versus something else?
I keep questioning whether or not Loki is actually with me, even though I have a small altar for him, and I honestly don't know what to do. I'm in no way a baby pagan, but I am whenever it comes to working with deities. I feel so lost and disconnected, even though I've had different tarot readings done from different sources to prove it has been Loki.
hi! so im always saying this but if you think something might be a sign just ask your deities! like using a pendulum or sth im always doing it amd they always answer
but other than that if its a sign then it happens at least three times
like if you see an image of owl and think "oh yeah that might be just a coincidence" and then you see another one and go "oh damn another one bur is it really a sign? if its a sign then ill see another one" and if you see another one then boom a sign!
hope i helped!
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