gifs-of-puppets · 4 months
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La Choy Chow Mein Commercials (1965-1967)
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taxkha · 2 months
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I revisited my ocs today and refined their designs a little. I've been redesigning these over and over since the last 4 years. Not quite there yet and maybe I will never be completely happy with them but they have come a long way.
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taxkhoe · 4 months
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I love drawing him in lingerie :3c
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Bit late on Valentine’s Day 🥲
Always adored these couples ❤️❤️ this holiday was a good opportunity for me to practice drawing them. XD
Still need to practices them though 🥲🥲
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verdantelephantechos · 4 months
The real Antichrist is the one that named their child Delbert
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verrixstudios · 17 days
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More Treasure Planet x Wings of Fire progress!!
Silver, Captain Amelia, and Delbert!!
I know their colors stray from ideal palettes to the tribes I gave them, but shhhh
[ID: Wings of Fire dragons based on characters from Treasure Planet. Each dragon has its respective character reference next to it, and the dragons colors and almost directly taken from the reference photos. A few colors are altered shades, but still close.
The top dragon is a heavy set mudwing with a wide stance and a blocky head. He is based on John Silver.His wings are upward but curled over in a semi-open spread. His right limbs, both legs and wing, are mechanical cyborg replacements. These limbs are heavily referenced to the characters in-movie limbs. His horns are sawed off halfway and given a gold cap cover, similar to his gold hoop earring. His tail is scarred near the end as if it had been torn or bitten off. On top of his head is a dark captain hat.
To the left on the bottom is a vastly lankier dragon, a hybrid icewing/sand wing based on Captain Amelia. Her face is angular and her wings are folded at her sides, showing the frill that follows along her spine, coupled with small quilts at her neck and the end of her tail. She has a large captains hat in comparison to her head, which has a golden hem.
The bottom right is an almost bland-looking mudwing who is dwarfed in comparison to the first. he is based on Dr. Delbert Doppler. His stance is less wide than Silver’s, his wings held semi upright as well though the ends are more tilted downward and closer to his body. Round glasses sit on his blocky snout, and he has rounded spikes that almost resemble sideburns. he has more back spines than Silver, and they gather and grow larger near the end of his tail. He has ears that are round and curled halfway similar to his referenced character.
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lieh21 · 1 year
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jim is just too cute
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thanks for replying, i really appreciate it :D! my request has to do with jim hawkins and reader who’s the daughter of delbert doppler and is very shy around him, i’m ok with the plot being anything, thank you!
A/N: I started writing this a while ago but for some reason I just couldn't settle on a format OR a plot. But I decided to clear out my drafts and coming across this with a fresh mind definitely helped smooth things along. I settled for headcannons, along with a lot of other descriptions just to get a feel on the relationship Jim has with the reader. Mid write into this and a NSFW version smacked my writer brain so I’ll probably write that if it’s interesting enough to read too. This is set before the movie! I am SO sorry for such a long wait, I really hope you enjoy!
Jim Hawkins x Fem! Doppler daughter reader!
Warnings: Fluff, teasing, Jim being a trouble maker, good girl x bad boy trope, sneaky jim >>>
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
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Jim had noticed you for quite some time before it came to actually making a move on you
He knew you were shy, you were shy with everyone, but with him it seemed you just tried to disappear right into yourself
He didn't really understand why, so he went to his mom about it
Her answer? She probably likes you
Well that was a first
He doubted it at first, and unconsciously started doing things to test this theory. To see if you really did like him
But the more he tried not to like you too, the more he did
He knew Delbert was gonna kill him if he found out Jim liked his daughter
but what else was he supposed to do? he couldn’t ignore you, not when he loved the reaction of you getting so shy on him
He asks you out late at night, Delbert is talking to his mother and he thinks it’s the perfect time
He sneaks in through one of the open windows of the small house, the soft sound of music in the background comforting to him
He sees you standing in the kitchen, drying a the last few dishes with a small smile on your face
“Hey Y/n.” Jim says in your ear, and you jump
“J-Jim! Don’t do that, you scared me.” She says, a hand on her chest to calm her breathing
“Sorry sorry, you’re easy to scare.” He says, before he sees your eyes looking at the hand he has tucked behind his back
“What do you have?” You ask quietly, and he smiles at the blush that creeps up onto your face
“Look, Y/n, I-“ He pauses, nervous. “I know I’m probably the last person you’d want to ask you this but, I really like you.” He says, pulling out a few flowers from behind him holding it between the two of you. “I really want to take you out. If you’d let me, of course.” He says, his head dipping a bit. He might get in trouble a lot but he still respects you
“Jim, I’d love too.” You say, you’re quiet and shy about it, leaning into your shoulder with a smile. He grins wide and hands you the flowers, watching as you go to put them in a vase.
He drags you out with him sometimes, and most of the time you stop him from getting in trouble
Even after you two start dating you still get so shy on him
He actually likes it, and he teases you for it a TON
He’ll purposely get your attention by taking things from you just to get you flustered
His mother loves you >>>
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the-herdier · 5 months
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Can we all just take a moment to reflect on how fucking amazing the character design in Treasure Planet was?
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leffiesart · 1 year
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Treasure Planet~
🖤 Links 🖤 Website | Shop | Patreon & more
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lexie-squirrel · 6 months
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taxkha · 2 years
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First illustration in idk how long but it’s been a while.
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taxkhoe · 9 months
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roughridingrednecks · 10 months
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a-n-i-m-a-t-i-o-n · 9 days
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Treasure Planet concept art
Source: Disney Fandom Wiki
Concept artist(s) unknown, I tried google reverse image search but only ended up back at the fandom wiki.
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niki-mis01 · 5 months
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Someone studied hard😂. Seriously, who doesn't love Dr Doppler?! He was my favourite character in the movie
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