thedineandwine · 2 years
A High Tea Fit for Royalty
High Tea at the Royal Livingstone Hotel by Anantara offers a collection of delectable savouries and sweets to complement your evening tea moments with a hint of traditional flavour.
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digimakacademy · 5 years
Expert tips for skin and hair care this Holi
Expert tips for skin and hair care this Holi
By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: March 6, 2020 4:40:30 pm
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Enjoy a safe Holi with these skin and hair tips, and some DIY ideas. (Source: File Photo)
Are you all set to celebrate the festival of colours with your family and friends? While Holi is celebrated with delectablesweets, thandai, loud music, and much…
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lonesomedoll · 11 years
Imma go with my lucky number on this one: 21 ^^
[♥] Poetry— it wasn’t her thing, to say the least.
Thinking it to be a waste of time to only write out lyrical emotions. Sayaka preferred to sing her words, not keep them constrained to a mere sheet of paper. It was irritating, to say the least, not being in her own element. Leave the writing to Touko, she was much better at it anyhow. Angelic notes and a constant pitch were her skill sets, accompanied by a pretty face — not this strict academia.
Frustration filled her tiny frame, her cheeks dappled with crimson from the sheer force of willpower that it took to get past one line of her assignment. What was with this, anyhow? Haikus she could understand being assigned, but this free verse demon that demanded to be written? It seemed utterly ridiculous, even if she weren’t about to pass up on a halfway decent grade in her class. Still … it was okay to hate it in silence, right? Pressing a clenched fist to her notebook once again, much like the time she’d been a participant in a very similar assignment though under a different muse, Sayaka attempted to let something, anything, really, flow from her pen. It was difficult, that much was certain.
"Why won’t it flow like song writing …?" This was her exasperated sigh after several minutes of extreme writer’s block. When it came time to tour, she had never had so much trouble with coming up with her work, the music all but wrote itself. Then again .. she had been singing the whole time, and in the company of the two girls she’d have done anything for. Maybe that was the deciding factor, just maybe. But one thing was certain — warming up her throat with a few simple melodies might shake off the rust that seemed intent on settling.
Shifting her weight in order to slide off her mattress comfortably, Sayaka crept over discarded skirts and crumpled jackets on her watchful rounds of the room. Though Sonia wasn’t in often, she didn’t want to risk the chance of someone seeing her in such a ridiculous situation. Her shorts were far too revealing,  her top far too tight. To be spotted dancing around in such a get up, singing a song of the cutesiest proportions — it seemed unbearable. Finally settling on not only a song, but one fitting of the cherry, if not slightly ditzy, girl that she looked forward to getting to know. 
Asahina Aoi … who would have known I’d be singing about a near stranger? Shrugging off the thought, Sayaka fumbled for her brush. It had just been on the bed, hadn’t it …? Finally finding the misplaced object, she placed a lone finger on smiling, petal lips. Yes, this was her area of expertise, one that she could do with ease. Maybe a song fitting for the swimmer would inspire a poem — but perhaps that, too, was naive. Oh well. The show must go on, she liked to say.
"Tsukue toka pokettotoka kaban no nakani mone
Itsudatte wasure zuaruyo naniwo eraboukana
Chotto chotto honno chottode shiawase wa umare te
Amai kuuki gafuwafuwa punpun shinakute sumudesho
Candy candy candy candy candy sweetie sweetie girls love
Chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing cutie cutie chewing love
Candy candy candy candy candy sweetie sweetie girls love
Chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing cutie cutie so candy love
Aremo soremo koremo minna suteki mitore taino
Kimi no rikuesuto nante kiiteru hima wanaiwa
Dattedatte onnanoko dashi ima wa taisetsu nano
Amai kuuki ga fuwafuwa punpun shinaku tesumu desho!”
Gasping for air, panting like a dog, Sayaka finished her bout of lyrical inspiration with a burst of power. The choreography had taken a lot out of her, as frail as she already was. leaving the idol desperate for air. Sweat pooled above her brow, all worth the slight crustiness that being locked away from her music had created. Ianthine locks were hard pressed to stay glued to her neck, the perspiration acting as stubborn as any kind of adhesive.
"Gah … that felt so great. I miss doing that with the girls … I really do." A murmur escaped her parted lips, wistful as any rueful tale of a chance for summer love or an opportunity lost forever, something too far beyond your grasp to reach. "But at least I can write this now, I think. Asahina-san … she gets her very own poem." A mirthful giggle ensued, one act of genuine happiness that she’d missed for so long. Finally able to scrawl more than a few words of gibberish, Sayaka channeled her thoughts as if they had rolled of her tongue like honey. Satisfied with her work, she went about readying herself for bed — head still in the clouds and footsteps as light as a feather.
It wasn’t until the next morning that she discovered that her performance was heard by more than just her pillow. Receiving a collection of shocked stares, not daring to peer back with one of her own, it was with a racing heart that Sayaka braved the halls the following morning. Though none of the comments were demeaning in the slightest, being caught of guard in such a way had robbed the idol of her tongue. Feeling a small but strong hand clamp down on her shoulder, the voice accompanying it all to familiar, she almost fainted at the next round of praise. Asahina Aoi herself, naive to the song’s dedication just as the rest, had come to compliment the unintended performance. Ah, what a joke it all seemed. Meeting the smoky hues of the swimmer with a steady, azure gaze, Sayaka gave a nervous titter. Bowing, as customary of all compliments in the etiquette centered society they had been brought up into, one thing came to mind.
"If you thought that was okay, you should see my poetry."
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paragonofluck · 11 years
aha ah a im so mad....aoi the azurill will never evolve... is pent 2 hours stuffing her face with donuts and rubbing her tummy ho w are we not best friends
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shisenn-blog · 11 years
(Hi guys I’ve been settling some personal agenda and playing Pokemon extensively — like what is sleep right?!?!
Anywh. I’m going to go to Aoi’s blog and catalog all the times she talked shit about togami. >:v )
edit i gave up asahina talks about togami a lot. and it's ALL BAD SO FAR LOL
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delectablesweets replied to your post: GUESS WHO’S ALL BETTER NOW!
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collectaneus · 11 years
((I really miss Aoi-mun.))
((Please come back.))
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collectaneus · 11 years
delectablesweets replied to your post: delectablesweets replied to your post: pchooo~ ☯...
((Lets just say that Kyouko is going to flip, and the person who didn't tell her is going to lose more trust.))
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collectaneus · 11 years
delectablesweets replied to your post: pchooo~ ☯ ☾
((/sweats. well, aoi is not really lying to kyouko about going out at night with chihiro. she’s just hiding it SO YEAH SHES NOT LYING SHES JUST HIDING IT OHGOD AOI NEEDS TO TELL HER))
((I didn't add it just in case someone else were to ask, but hiding from her is in the same barrel as lying to her. So yeah. 'Fess up!))
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collectaneus · 11 years
pchooo~ ☯ ☾
☯: Pet Peeve Headcanon
She hate, hate, hates being lied to. If you lie to her, intentionally or unintentionally, it really angers her. Especially if she knows you’re lying to her (which, well, c’mon). If you continue to try and deceive her, it is only natural for her to stop trusting you and start drifting away.
☾: Sleep Headcanon
As aforementioned, Kyouko gets really cuddly in her sleep. Especially if someone else is with her. She doesn’t do it intentionally, but subconsciously she will snuggle up to whoever she’s with, or just bury her face into the pillow more. It’s almost like a ‘Please don’t leave’ reaction.
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lonesomedoll · 11 years
☾ ☼ ^^
☾ sleeping headcanon — Sayaka has a light case of sleep deprivation, I imagine. With her schedule so busy from concerts and meet and greets, she’d have to get by on little sleep and the occasional nap where she could find one. Due to this, she could fall asleep in the bat of an eye, and on basically anything. She does, however, prefer to nap on cute boys. THE AGENCY CANNOT BE ALWAYS LOOKING, RIGHT?!
 ☼ cooking headcanon — Canonically, I am close to certain that Sayaka’s mother wasn’t present in her life, and I am 100% sure that her father was pretty close to being completely absent due to his job, so I imagine that Sayaka became a rather adept cook due to necessity! Baking isn’t her forte, but she sure can make a good meal.
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collectaneus · 11 years
9. Our characters having a food fight
Kyouko had found herself baking in the kitchen once more, but not for any special occasion. If anything, this time she was using baking as a way to distract herself. Thoughts and memories clouded the detective’s mind as she continued, with her shaking the thoughts away absentmindedly. She wasn’t alone for very long, soon being greeted by the ever so bubbly swimmer herself.
"Kyouko-chan! You’re in the kitchen again? What’re you ba-"
She didn’t know how Aoi managed it, but she had slipped on her own two feet and knocked Kyouko over, the mixing bowl landing on her head. Kyouko sat there for a moment, ingredients in her hair, dazed. Did that just happen? Did Aoi really just cause her to trip over like that? The only thing that awoke her from her dazed expression was the burst of laughter that escaped the brunettes lips.
"Hahaha! Kyouko, you look so funny right now! I can’t believe I managed that! I’m so clumsy!"
Yet there was no sorry within her response. Kyouko was not one for getting frustrated or mad by accidents, but she felt herself pick up a yolk of an egg that was once stuck in her hair and throw it at the girl. She wasn’t mad, oh no - but she was in the mood to get her back. The yolk hit Aoi’s chest, Aoi gasping at the hit of it, staring at Kyouko with astonishment.
Both girl’s stared at each other for what was two minutes before they both started giggling at each other.
"That’s it, you’re gonna get it, Kyouko-chan!"
Aoi grinned, grabbing the eggs on the counter top and beginning to throw them at her. Kyouko gasped as one hit her hair again, managing to get up and begin throwing flour at the girl in retaliation. By the time they had stopped being ridiculous and immature teens, the room was a mess…
"… If we leave now, we can blame it on the Super-Highschool-Level Cook."
"Yes, let’s go. Quickly."
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collectaneus · 11 years
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lonesomedoll · 11 years
Drink me~ B]
[♥] Needless to say, it’d been an eventful night. With their high school days far behind, and with them the restrictions that youth induced, both Aoi and Sayaka bonded over the rough surface of a wooden booth — not a good investment on the owner’s part. Tipsy from a mixture of excitement and the bitter alcohol shared between them, both girls — no, they were women, that much was certain — giggled over nearly everything. Nothing seemed to effect their good mood, not that people didn’t try. It’d been far too many times to keep count that a curious admirer would inquire of their relationships and even daring to coax one or the other into doing their will. Luckily, Aoi’s self assigned security chased them away with much ease.
Who would have known that Naegi’d ever grow out of his short stature? Mostly there for both of his friends’s well being, his attentive gaze seemed to be fixed on a book. Many of the students in Hope’s Peak’s graduating classes required no further education to succeed in their field, the sole optimist of the lot had opted to grow in his studies. It suited him, his goal for the future. Never one for going back on his word, no one who had met him would disagree in his capacity to act on his promises. Operating under blurred thoughts and a befuddled haze, Sayaka knew she’d owe the brunette in the morning for her safety. Aoi, however, seemed to be having trouble with anything more than shallow needs and simple actions. A light weight to the end, the idol supposed.
"Hello, girls. Do you need a —"
A gruff voice came from the other side of the splintery seat of the swimmer’s seat, coming from a well muscled man donning leather. Blinking at the stranger with a dopey expression, Aoi had no chance to answer before his question was cut off by a sharp glance, courtesy of Naegi. Despite to obvious fact that a person of such strength could have torn apart his lean frame, his jade hued gaze burned brighter than a raging fire. It was certainly a skill that was much appreciated, his hidden talent for sending unspoken messages. Sayaka had yet to see a person with such an ability— or perhaps that was the atmosphere talking. She couldn’t seem to pull any thoughts prior to the past few hours, most likely due to the deafening base that filled the room and the jubilant shrieks of girls, still yet to mature, on the dance floor.
"Aoi-chan — can we go somewhere a bit less loud?" Though her words were slurred and barely audible over the competing noise, the other girl managed to catch a few words. Quirking a brow, she raised several caramel digits to her prominent jaw. Adopting a look of surprise, her full, crimson lips began to part in reply. Straining to hear her companion’s response, Sayaka pushed a lock of inky blue behind her ear. Thick lashes fluttered, only adding to the doll-like appearance that haunted her, even now.
"D’ya have to go to the bathroom or somethin’ like that, Sayaka-chan? ‘Coz we can do that. Right, Naegi-kun? Can we go to the bathroom by ourselves?"
The boisterous nature that had stayed by her side well past the first meeting between all three former classmates certainly gave her an edge in volume. Toying with her soft, pink lips underneath a perfect set of teeth, she mused with how to reply. It wasn’t a long lasting effort, truth be told, as the whole mood had certainly loosened her acute self control to the point of extinction.
"Well, that’s not really what I meant, it’s so uncomfortable over here and I wanna get up—" A hiccup interrupted Sayaka’s mumbled correction, startling the girl more than it should have — sober or not. It was an impressive one, in her defense. Despite her foggy daze, she continued to elaborate. "Like, I wanted to stretch my legs." Tone lulling and wispy, it was then that Naegi’s attention was finally directed towards both maidens. Though both certainly looked alike, and even had different personas when under the influence, he knew one thing — it’d be a trouble corralling them for much longer. This was, if anyone was counting — and he was — their third attempt to brave the masses.
"Actually, I think it’s late enough, you guys."
Though the swimmer let out a chortle, snorting as the prospect of being dragged away the the lithe young man, Sayaka simply stared off into space. Drinking put her in a strange kind of trance, one that resulted in the need for constant supervision. Aoi, however, was equally as liable to get herself into a sticky situation. With as open and trusting as she was with out anything to strip away her inhibition, there was no telling what kind of sick schemes someone might lay out for her. Fixing them both with a firm stare, the normally warm pools of leafy green turned determined and stern. Meeting the look with one of her own, a rather out of character sense of resignation fell over her well built frame.  Nodding, she motioned for the huddled mass of porcelain and cerulean to test her ability to walk.
After a few carefully supervised strides on both their parts under Naegi’s supervision,it was soon discovered that, though Sayaka couldn’t manage to stay on a straight path for her life, she was in much better shape than the clumsy Aoi. Each step was ridden with shrill giggles and shaky focus, leaving no debate on whether she could make it to a streetcar. Resting a string, lean arm on her fellow drunkard’s dainty shoulder, the two attempted to walk together. Barely putting any effort into the clumsy gait, it seemed that the frailer of the two would bear both of their weights.
"Aoi-chan, you’re pretty heavy for someone so tiny." Though it came out as nothing above a whisper, it sure didn’t stop  the reply from reaching decibels that had never been recorded before. Flinching at the simple, "yes," of the brazen athlete, Sayaka’s delicate features morphed into a pained grimace.
"I think you just made me go deaf."
"Don’t be silly, Sayaka-chan! I didn’t kill you. I wouldn’t ever, you know that! We’re friends, right?"
Though the liquor certainly was crowding her mind, she couldn’t help but feel rather blissful at receiving such a label. Friends. Yes, the word had been tossed around many times before between the two, and even though papa bear Naegi stood guard close behind, it meant something. It was precious, a treasure that never ceased to cause her heart to skip a beat, to bring a rosy hue to her cheeks. Reaching for the tanned hand dangling by her slender waist, Sayaka intertwined her own fingers in the others, a contrasting mix of hues that was muted by the expansive canvas of onyx above them.
"Yes — friends."
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lonesomedoll · 11 years
Diary Entries | Asahina Aoi
delectablesweets wishes to see your writing
October 14
Ashahina Aoi, there's a tongue twister! More so than the girl herself, to be honest. She's so full of energy, it's admirable. I wish I could have that kind of enthusiasm, you know? It seems like she's always so happy, almost like Naegi. I think the two of them would be so happy together, but that's my romantic side coming out. Besides, I already know Naegi well. Aoi seems so entergetic, I wonder if she ever just sits down. Maybe, just maybe she does.
What even makes a person that happy? I wish I knew her secret, because I'd love to be so filled with enthusiasm. It can be so hard to never be sad in front of others, and I need to know how she does it. Does she ever feel sad? Surely she must. Despite this all, I really want to be her friend. It's all I have, after all, and I want to be part of that world of sunshine she seems stuck in. One day.
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