#Della Dawson
oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Jack Carter desperately trying to get a laugh.
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maerenee930 · 10 months
stupid and random things that popped into my head/that happened and made me laugh/giggle at work recently (to myself 😅) and that i thought i would share -
1. “derbel mcdillet” - nothing else with this, literally just bill hader’s voice in my head saying this 😂 (it’s just so funny and stupid. it makes me laugh every time i think about it. 😂)
2. “You look familiar.” - “Like your dead girlfriend?” 😳😂 - no other part of the song at first, just that specific part randomly popping into my head throughout the day 😅🤦‍♀️ (idk why but that line and the way rosario dawson says it just kills me. it has since i was like 14 lol)
3. “wait, am i dello or donna?” - young donald duck (from the newer ducktales) asking his sister (della) this after scrooge mixes up their names and is calling them to go on an adventure with him. 😂 (i don’t know why this made me laugh so hard, but it did. i think it was the voice too that just made it even better lol.)
(there’s more under the cut 😅 i figure i wrote a lot and don’t wanna make anyone have to scroll through all of this especially if they’re not like all that interested in all this randomness and stupidity lol. which i totally get 😂 my brain is something else lmao. and it’s not for everyone 😅)
4. steve rogers during the schwarma scene in a angers. just how he sits and and his facial expression- it just makes me giggle. he’s just so cute and adorable 😄 and cause it’s so relatable. like for real, it’s me pretty much all the time lmao.
5. telling one of my coworkers a story about my aunt (my mom’s oldest sister/the one i work with) from when she was a like 3 or 4 (i think i’m not 100% sure atm. but i do know she was very young) and she and my grandparents had moved back to italy. and one time when they (my grandparents and aunt) went to a relative’s house and she told the one of the relatives who lived there that “her mom’s house back in america was never this dirty” 😂 the sass!! like i just love it so much!
6. me thinking about when i was a kid and go swimming in our pool, we would have to keep our distance from my mom if she was also in the pool because she hated being splashed. (i mean i get it lol, it can be very annoying. especially when the water is cold lol) and one day my brother kept splashing her on purpose (which was very out of character for him cause of the two of us, he was the good one. he was the one who stayed out of trouble lol). so she asked him to stop nicely and then progressively got more frustrated with him when he didn’t stop. so then finally he did stop. but then, he genuinely on accident splashed her again and she turned to him and says “look here you little fucker” 😂 which wasn’t like our mom lol. she didn’t like swear at us when we were kids unless we made her really mad lol.
7. “you swore on my face” - me when i was maybe 3 years old. i did something (i got into trouble/cause trouble quite a bit when i was that small lol) and she called me a little shit. shocked and very offended by my mother not only calling me that but for swearing (again, she didn’t normally swear at us lol. it was rare that she did and that’s why it was kind of a big deal when she actually did lol. but now, she swears like a sailor lmao. and i absolutely take after her and get that from her 😅😂)
8. “you fuhting kidding me?” - my bruceman 🖤 when i was still his nanny, he used to say this all the time lol. and the very first time he said it, it was one morning when he was eating breakfast and while his parents were getting ready for work/not too long before i got to their house to spend the day with my little dude. and so his mom asked his dad if he let their dog back in yet (or tried to get her to come in. she reeeeally loves being outside 😄 i miss her 🥺😢 anywayy…). he told her no, not yet. and before he could say anything else, my buddy looked over at his dad while standing on his chair at their kitchen table so he could see him better and very annoyed says “ugh, you fuhting kidding me?!” 😂 i couldn’t believe it when they told me he said that lmao! i mean it didn’t surprise me that he swore, he did that on and off quite a bit lol. but the fact that this (at the time) 3 year old little shit used it correctly! too perfect and too funny. we (my family and i) say it all the time now. (this happened back in 2020 lol)
- there are sooo many other random and stupid little things i think about during the day or things that happen to me while i’m at work (i realize i didn’t really mention anything that like actually happened to me. but i figure i can always add some moments like that on here another time lol) but for now i’ll post this as it is and i’ll update this with more stuff soon lol.
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On August 9, 1967 Wild Wild Planet debuted in the United States.
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gurumog · 8 months
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The Long Hair of Death (1964) I Lunghi Capelli Della Morte Cinegai S.p.A. Dir. Antonio Margheriti (aka Anthony Dawson)
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unboundprompts · 7 months
Character Name Ideas that Start With the Letter D
-> feel free to comment suggestions, I'll do my best to add them to the list.
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Daxton "Dax"
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useless-rambling · 5 months
Recuperate tutte le puntate della seconda stagione horror di Un Profe, eccomi a dispensare delle considerazioni assolutamente non richieste.
1. Mimmo
Non me ne vogliano le Simuel Truthers ma a me quel ragazzo fa spaccare sin dall'interazione con Lombardi. Promosso a pieni voti.
2. Il padre di Manuel
Mi aspettavo il cliché del belloccio ma dannato e inaffidabile che mette le corna alla compagna e la lascia non appena scopre di essere incinta, ma sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa nel constatare che Nicola sia un personaggio del tutto diverso e - apparentemente - un padre che si preoccupa dei propri figli, anche se ha scoperto l'esistenza di uno di essi circa due secondi fa.
1. Tutto il resto
(la recitazione la sceneggiatura scritta col culo "quella gonna è da urlo" non si può sentire le mie orecchie non captavano una frase simile da quando ero piccola e mia cugina mi costringeva a guardare dawson's creek su italia1 e quindi un bel po' di tempo fa fate voi i conti l'aggressione omofoba passata in sordina ma sì sono solo sciocchezze il razzismo all'italiana mascherato da comicità dante che non si fa i cazzi suoi andrebbe denunciato per aver costretto un suo alunno a rivelare i suoi traumi davanti a tutta la classe l'intera seconda stagione come remake della prima gli sceneggiatori vengono pagati due scellini a testa mimmo bruni interpreta manuel ferro nina interpreta alice ché manuel c'ha il kink per le donne con una creatura al seguito e che gli ricordano sua madre luna interpreta monica prequel version simone interpreta se stesso ma poi quanto cazzo è inquietante l'ammiratore di luna speriamo non sia mimmo che questa storia che lei ha una cotta per lui mi dà da pensare boh)
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“I Love you more than anything; you’ll always be my baby” - You Are My Baby by Kimya Dawson
You Are My Baby - Kimya Dawson//2. Lets Not Shit Ourselves (To Love and to be Loved) - Bright Eyes//3. The Fathers Love - Lyn Deutsch//4. Dylan Dog: Le Notti della Luna Piena//5. Aaron O’Hanlon//6. Doctor Who S8E11//7. Forgiveness -  Sofiya Inger//8. Trista Mateer//9. Vampire II - Edvard Munch//10. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid//11. Edgar Allan Poe OR Sade Andria Zabala (Coffee and Cigarettes)*//12. Andor S1E12
*I tried so hard to figure out who actually said this first and after a while I just gave up. Here's a meme:
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bergamorisvegliata · 3 months
...DAL WEB...
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A scuola portavo il diario di Smemoranda 📔 e lo zaino invicta (che in termini di paragone era resistente quanto un Nokia 3310). Usavo i ciucci colorati, masticavo le Big Babol, collezionavo le sorprese degli ovetti Kinder o del Mulino Bianco. Vestivo jeans Energie, Levi’s 501, canottiere Onyx, Bomber Gas e ho indossato le zeppe 🤦‍♀️. Aspettavo il Festivalbar 🎶 e le classifiche di MTV quasi più del Natale 🎄. Avevo “la comitiva ” formata da un numero imprecisato di ragazzini , ragazzine e non esistevano i bulli… Erano più rompicazzi sbandati, si passavano le giornate a giocare, ridere e scherzare o a chiacchierare sui muretti della città❤️... Sono cresciuta con Willy il principe di Bel Air🎶 Beverly Hills 90210,
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poi è arrivato Dawson's creek❤️ Friends..
la mia infanzia?
Happy Days,La casa nella prateria,Quark, Holly e Benji, Mila e Shiro, Georgie, Lady Oscar, Jem, Magica Emi, Occhi di gatto, Piccoli problemi di cuore, Creamy ed Esplorando il corpo umano. Collezionavo i poster del Cioè,
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avevo i Bon Bons di Malizia e le trousse della Pupa e le Bombolette deodorante Malizia profumo d'intesa.. Ho conosciuto la Cabina telefonica 📞 , i gettoni di rame, facevo la collezione delle schede telefoniche con tiratura limitata (altro che pokemon 😒), i telefoni della nonna con la ruota ed i primi telefoni bianchi della Sip ☎️ . Ho fatto milioni di squilli e sognato con la Christmas card 🥰🤩mentre masticavo le Brooklyn. Erano gli anni della Lambada 💃🏻 e yo-yo, delle macchine fotografiche 📷 col rullino che non vedevi l’ora di sviluppare e che su 25 ne uscivano bene 3/4 foto al massimo. (col cacchio che fotografavo le foto dello spritz, a 15/20mila lire a sviluppo🤣) In gita scolastica se eri fortunata ti compravano quella usa e getta e sul pullman eri una “criminale” se sedevi in fondo.😂 E mentre sfrecciavo con la Mountain Bike a cambio Shimano 🚵‍♀️ sgommando sulle discese dei garage, sognavo la mia massima tecnologia che era il Game boy con il Tetris o SuperMario.😍
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Rimpiango tutt’oggi la Lira 💰perché con 10 Mila lire ci facevi serata, pizza bibita e ti restava pure qualcosa per il giorno dopo 🥺. Con questo post oggi è come se avessi preso una Bic e riavvolto il nastro di una vecchia cassetta 📼 Un tuffo nel passato ❤️ Un sorriso ti si è stampato in faccia certamente sin dall'inizio della lettura! 😍 "Gli anni del tranquillo siam qui noi" ❤️ (e forse anche qualche anno prima 😉)
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buscandoelparaiso · 4 months
le guerre tra ship di serie tv mi fanno sempre ridere dai tempi di dawson's creek perchè alla fine sono trame di serie inventate e personaggi non reali quindi che la gente si scanni seriamente per questo mi sembra assurdo e allucinante, ma giá che non si parla d'altro sui social non posso astenermi dal commentare quelli totalmente impazziti arrivati a dire che mimmo è il primo vero amore di simone 💀 ragazzu ora non vorrei fare il manfredi anacleti della situazione, ma nonostante quei pagliacci di scrittori abbiano rovinato ogni singolo aspetto di ogni personaggio principale con questa tragica stagione 2, simone ha avuto un unico vero amore nella sua vita ed è manuel, che a voi piaccia o meno è un discorso differente. non me lo invento io perchè #simuelcanon, ma letteralmente è quello che nasce e si sviluppa nella s1: quello che dice a voce simone a laura e a mimmo stesso nella s02, il punto focale intorno a cui ruotano i due personaggi per 12 puntate. mimmo è il secondario love interest introdotto a caso e rispedito al mittente altrettanto a caso (con una sottotrama pessima a mio avviso) nella stagione 2 con cui simone sì vive una "storia" (anche se non ne parla con nessuno, nessuno sa che stanno insieme o che ci sia un minimo interesse tra i due, indicativo, se posso dire, ma non ci dilunghiamo) ma questa è praticamente la ripetizione (anche i dialoghi sono uguali in certe scene, a metà tra voler creare un parallelismo e la pessima qualità degli scrittori di sta serie) della storia con manuel nella s01 con la differenza che mimmo ricambia per due puntate (di nuovo nessuno discute niente, nemmeno loro due ne parlano in termini definiti per nessun motivo specifico, tutto campato per aria così vabbè) mentre con manuel c'era il conflitto del non ricambiare per tutta una serie di ragioni ed un arco sviluppato dieci volte meglio. mimmo non è il primo amore quindi, non sono canon, non è "qualcuno che nessun altro potrà mai superare nella vita di simone" come ho letto (💀), mimmo è il primo interesse ricambiato con una dinamica ben diversa da quella di manuel, non si possono lontanamente paragonare.
poi domenico è bravissimo a recitare la sua parte e quindi da delle sfumature a mimmo che funzionano bene col personaggio di simone etc, ma la gente che vede due baci in più e allora "questa scena non si supera" "manuel non sarà mai quello che mimmo è per simone" veramente no...? andate a rivedere la stagione 1 e vedrete come ogni scena di questa stagione viene superata eccome da quelle della prima, senza nemmeno bisogno di metterci un bacio. paradossalmente anche le tre scene simuel della s02 nonostante i dialoghi indecenti, hanno ancora un' intensità che marca la differenza netta tra le due storie. concordo poi che hanno distrutto il personaggio di manuel e anche quello di simone fa veramente pietà considerato il potenziale che avevano tra le mani e solo per questo meriterebbero di chiudere definitivamente sta serie, ma di base c'è una lettura delle dinamiche proprio sbagliata e forzata che mi da troppo fastidio!!!!! scusate dovevo dirlo
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❤️ 💥 👻
❤️ What's your favourite line you've written in a fic?
Oooh tricky, I have so many!
But probably this from Help Comes From Unlikely Places:
But today, in that little tent outside Gumption, the Ice Queen of Dawson was melting.
I LOVE IT the wordplay, the significance, all of it! Can't believe I first wrote this when I was 15 omfg
💥 What is one canon thing you wish you could change?
That fucking Good Omens ending
I would have Della Duck come back in the middle of Scrooge's "funeral" in The 87 Cent Solution
Yes it would make the episode way too long but I read in the art book that an early draft of that ep was like 50 minutes long and so much apparently had to get cut (but WHAT? I WANNA KNOW)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Probably the thing about Scrooge's gender - he is AMAB and dressed in drag to go to a suffragette protest (parents were not amused)
However I do love the transmasc Scrooge headcanon too (literal self made man)
Doesn't give a fuck about labels, mostly uses he/him for convenience sake and wishes he could be braver about experimenting with different expressions
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
If life was like in roger rabbit which toons would you like to meet in person?
This is an amazing question!! I really struggled trying to decide on one or two so now you just get a list 😅😅
Captain Hook, Rothbart, Long John Silver, Cruella (Please 😅 Please, please, please- she'll probably insult me but that's okay!~) , Terk and Tantor, Cinderella, Prince Charming's Father (King Charming? XD He's hilarious and I love him), Dr Dawson and Mrs Judson (I will GET MY HANDS ON SOME OF THOSE CHEESE CRUMPETS. I SWEAR.), Bartok and Vlad, Bruno, Lotso, Esmerelda, Jessica and Roger Rabbit, Baloo, Shan Yu, Jafar and Iago, Rajah, The Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine, Jim Starling (Preferably before he becomes Negaduck 😅), Scrooge McDuck, Donald and Della Duck's, Glomgold, Launchpad, Phil and Pegasus (Pleaseeeee I love them so much ^^), Hercules (Such a sweet boy!!), Meg (I get her 😅😅😅), Hades (Duh), Nessus (Just gonna sneak this one in- ), Mama Imelda and Chicharrón, Percival C McLeach (A fellow Aussie ^^), Tiana, Charlotte La Bouff and Louis, Yzma and Chicha, the Colonal (Spirit. He, like, Cruella, could insult me and I'd be pleased.), Marina and Luca (Sinbad. I think Marina is so cool, and I have the oddest crush on Luca... ), Stanley Pines (if he flirted with me i could die happily- ), Husker!! (Hazbin Hotel), Paimon Goetia and Asmodeus, Gir (Invader Zim), Pepe Le Pew, Wile E Coyote (I WILL GIVE HIM A SNACK)...
Just to name a few XD
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cancerina77-blog · 7 months
A scuola portavo il diario di Smemoranda 📔
e lo zaino invicta (che in termini di paragone era resistente quanto un Nokia 3310)
Usavo i ciucci colorati, masticavo le Big Babol, collezionavo le sorprese degli ovetti Kinder o del Mulino Bianco.
Vestivo jeans Energie, Levi’s 501, , Bomber Gas .
Aspettavo il Festivalbar 🎶 e le classifiche di MTV quasi più del Natale 🎄.
Avevo “la comitiva ”
formata da un numero imprecisato di ragazzini , ragazzine e non esistevano i bulli... Erano più rompicazzi sbandati, si passavano le giornate a giocare, ridere e scherzare o a chiacchierare sui muretti della città❤️
Sono cresciuto con Willy il principe di Bel Air🎶
Beverly Hills 90210,
poi è arrivato Dawson's creek❤️ Friends..la mia infanzia? Happy Days, La casa nella prateria,Quark, Holly e Benji, Mila e Shiro, Georgie, Lady Oscar, Jem, Magica Emi, Occhi di gatto, Piccoli problemi di cuore, Creamy ed Esplorando il corpo umano.
Collezionavo i poster del Cioè, avevo le Bombolette deodorante Malizia profumo d'intesa..
Ho conosciuto la Cabina telefonica 📞 i gettoni di rame, facevo la collezione delle schede telefoniche con tiratura limitata (altro che pokemon 😒),
i telefoni della nonna con la ruota ed i primi telefoni bianchi della Sip ☎️ .
Ho fatto milioni di squilli e sognato con la Christmas card 🥰🤩mentre masticavo le Brooklyn.
Erano gli anni della Lambada 💃🏻 e yo-yo, delle macchine fotografiche 📷 col rullino che non vedevi l’ora di sviluppare e che su 25 ne uscivano bene 3/4 foto al massimo. (col cacchio che fotografavo lo spritz, a 15/20mila lire a sviluppo🤣)
In gita scolastica se eri fortunato ti compravano quella usa e getta e sul pullman eri un “criminale” se sedevi in fondo.😂
E mentre sfrecciavo con la Mountain Bike a cambio Shimano 🚵‍♀️ sgommando sulle discese dei garage, sognavo la mia massima tecnologia che era il Game boy con il Tetris o SuperMario.😍
Rimpiango tutt’oggi la Lira 💰perché con 10 Mila lire ci facevi serata, pizza bibita e ti restava pure qualcosa per il giorno dopo 🥺.
Con questo post oggi è come se avessi preso una Bic e riavvolto il nastro di una vecchia cassetta 📼
Un tuffo nel passato ❤
Un sorriso ti si è stampato in faccia certamente sin dall'inizio della lettura!
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lettheladylead · 2 years
running in circles
chapter forty-four: je n'ai qu'un seul et unique regret summary: Goldie gets attached. warnings: references to sex, nothing explicit wordcount: 3421 playlist (will be updated as chapters are posted): shorturl.at/bfBCQ ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33776632/chapters/102193446 site link: https://sites.google.com/view/running-in-circles/chapters/chapter44
here’s chapter forty-four!! text will also be included in this post for those of you that don’t use ao3:
2018; Duckburg:
Goldie didn’t usually get outside calls directly to her office. Most calls were transferred from the front desk or people would just use her cell phone. So it was one of those little things that didn’t seem significant, but when it happened, well…there were only a handful of people who could be on the other end.
This particular phone of hers was old and still didn’t have caller ID, but she just knew it was coming from the McDuck household. She stared at it as it rang a third time and smiled, happy that Scrooge was finally contacting her about the Mayan Temple Adventure she’d teased him with after everything that happened the year before.
So, with a lot of excitement and anticipation in her heart, Goldie picked up the phone and held it to her ear.
“Hello, Miss O’Gilt? Can I call you Goldie?”
Goldie’s smile went flat. She blinked slowly, trying to will her brain to catch up with her hearing. 
Not Scrooge. It was not Scrooge. It sounded like a young boy. Which meant…it was one of his kids. Er, one of Della’s kids. And she was, once again, made to feel like an idiot. Why did she expect Scrooge to get back to her? He was reluctant to go on their Golden Lagoon adventure without his family present, it wasn’t like he’d go to Yucatán with her, too.
“Absolutely not.”
“Absolutely not? Great, great. I’m looking to operate my company more…shiftily? Could you teach me to do what you do?”
She raised a curious eyebrow and wondered what the hell Scrooge had told this kid about her. He probably regaled some story that made him out to be the noble hero and her out to be the shifty sidekick with her own agenda. Did he tell his kids about Dawson? Or about some other Gold Rush town? Maybe he told them about the Bermuda Triangle or Ayers Rock or some other something where she acted out and Scrooge was left in the dust.
Goldie frowned, thinking about Scrooge talking shit about her with his family while she was up in Dawson hoping he’d give her a call like a dumb teenager. She glanced out the window and hummed. “You think this’ll piss off Scrooge?”
“Uh, yeah, it probably would make my uncle very mad!” he said without a moment of hesitation.
She almost laughed at the genuine tone of voice in his response. “What’s your name, kid?” she asked, concerned that no one had taught him enough manners to introduce himself when calling someone.
“Oh! Um…Louie. Louie Duck!”
“Louie. How’d you get this number? I doubt Scrooge gave it to you.”
He laughed awkwardly. “No, yeah, Uncle Scrooge has a bunch of phones set to one number each and this was like…the fourth one I tried. Which reminds me! Someone named Elvira told me to tell you hi.”
“Did she?” Goldie asked, surprised. “Now isn’t that interesting.”
The conversation went quiet for a few seconds before Louie finally spoke up again. “So, um…is this the best way to get in contact with you?”
Goldie rolled her eyes. “Not at all. I’ll give you my cell phone number, but don’t go giving it away to everyone, alright? I’ll know it was you.”
He didn’t sound even the slightest bit nervous when he responded with a semi-sarcastic, “Of course, Miss O’Gilt.”
She recited her cell number and listened to him repeat the numbers to make sure he got it right, and then told him to text her so she’d have his number. “So what’s your timeline on this business of yours?”
“Oh, I dunno…I’m just thinking about the future. If you need a little sidekick for any adventures or whatever, let me know! I could follow and learn as we go.”
Goldie thought about whether or not she had anything going on that she could bring a random child to. She’d rather not get accused of kidnapping (again) just because Scrooge’s kids kept following her places without letting anyone else know. “How about I just let you know when I’ve got business in Duckburg? I should be there in a few months.”
“A few months?!”
She frowned and didn’t bother hiding her annoyance. “Don’t make this a chore for me.”
He gulped loudly. “Right. Sorry.”
“Now I’ve got work to do and I’m sure you have schoolwork or whatever to catch up on. So…I’ll give you a call. Bye.”
“Okay tha-”
Goldie hung up the phone and tossed it onto her bed. She had a feeling this wasn’t a good idea. She didn’t like spending one-on-one time with Scrooge’s family members, especially not after every distant half- or twice-removed- cousin started calling her Aunt Goldie for a cheap laugh. It was never a good idea for someone like her to get too close to his family.
But she did like the idea of pissing Scrooge off in a more creative way than usual.
Especially since he never called her about the photo. Wasn’t he curious? Didn’t he want to find gold? Find gold with her, specifically?
It was tiring trying to get Scrooge to react how she expected or wanted him to. But she could be as predictable as he liked - she’d come to the mansion, talk to this Louie kid for five minutes, then steal all his valuables and get out. No bonding, no “Aunt Goldie” nonsense, no nothing. Just Scrooge calling her to scream that she made one of his kids cry and that he’d chase her down and make her pay.
Y’know, fun ‘n games.
Goldie leaned over her desk and looked at the calendar sitting on it, flipping up the months a few times. She had plans to visit Dickie at the end of June, so she could come to Duckburg a little earlier than that. Just a day or two. If she played her cards right, this Louie situation wouldn’t take much time or effort to get through.
Louie wasn’t sure how he felt about that call.
She was strict and kind of mean, as he expected, but also…she didn’t say no. Which he thought she would. It seemed like the opportunity to make Uncle Scrooge mad was good enough for her. Or maybe she was planning to rob him and then he’d have no choice but to blame himself.
But she wasn’t a villain like Rockerduck! Uncle Scrooge said so. She was shifty. Took the easy way out. Tricked and manipulated people into giving her what she wanted, but they still gave it to her willingly. It wasn’t nice, but it wasn’t plain old robbery.
He sighed and tossed the phone receiver onto the floor, annoyed by the incessant beeping. He wondered if she knew his mom before she disappeared. They probably met at least once. Would it be annoying if he asked Goldie about his mom? She seemed like the kind of person who got annoyed really easily. Then again, she was dating Scrooge McDuck, and he was pretty annoying, so…who could say?
“What the-?!” Uncle Scrooge shouted before opening the boy’s bedroom door. “Louie! What in blazes are ye doin’ with all these phones?”
“Oh, um…” Louie glanced at the pile of phones on his desk that he’d dragged out of his uncle’s office. The wires were very long and stretched all the way over. “Just…playing?”
“Well put them back where ye found them!” Scrooge said with a wag of his finger. “Someone’s goin’ to trip over these if ye leave them out here!”
He walked away and Louie pouted at the door being left open. It seemed Uncle Scrooge wanted him to move the phones back now. But he was busy thinking about life and morality and future plans and his mom! He didn’t have time for cleaning!
With another sigh, Louie stood up and reached out to grab the phone that managed to call Goldie. He accidentally knocked it over and watched as it fell from his desk onto the floor. Initially, he didn’t see anything on the phone that indicated who he’d be calling, but with the bottom staring up at him, Louie saw the word BLACKJACK scrawled in faded marker.
He pulled out his cell phone and decided to do some searching.
(Months Later)
Goldie had forgotten about her phone conversation with Della’s kid back in February. Completely forgot about it. She didn’t even have an excuse for forgetting - it wasn’t like her age was catching up to her or she purposefully put it out of her mind - she just…forgot.
It didn’t matter, because he remembered very excitedly.
“Miss O’Gilt!”
When the phone rang with the contact ID of ‘Scrooge Kid 1’, Goldie started to have a little flicker of remembrance. When she heard his voice again, that brought back a detailed memory of their previous conversation.
“What’s up, kid?”
“I know you said you’d be visiting Duckburg soon anyway, but…I’m ready. I’ve had some really awesome changes happen in my life lately and I want to get back to building my company!”
“What kind of life changes does a ten-year-old deal with?”
“I’m eleven. And, um…well…you know about my mom, right?”
“I do.”
“She came back!”
Goldie blinked slowly, shocked by that news. 
After so many years of life, time moved faster for her than it did for most people. But the decade that Della had been missing was significant. Goldie couldn’t truly empathize with Scrooge’s ordeal, but she'd recognized that everything going on with Della was probably made even worse by the memory of when Goldie went missing seventy years earlier. He’d always have to have some hope that Della would come back, because Goldie came back and Della was a perfectly strong and capable young woman just like Goldie.
Goldie honestly didn’t think Della would be coming back, though. She thought her own dimensional situation was pretty unique. 
For once, it felt very very good to be wrong.
(She was a little annoyed that no one told her, but also a little annoyed at herself for thinking she deserved to be told. What had she done to earn it? She didn’t say anything to Scrooge when Della first disappeared. She didn’t say anything to him for years and years after. He probably assumed she didn’t care, if he even thought about it at all.)
“How’s she doing?”
Louie paused before answering, almost as if her question surprised him. “Oh, um…she’s fine, I think. Adjusting. She was on the moon this whole time so there’s a lot of things she needs to get used to.”
“I can imagine.”
“So…how about it?”
“How about what?”
“Can you come to Duckburg and teach me how to do what you do?”
Goldie hummed quietly for a moment, thinking. She wasn’t doing anything for the next few days. She wouldn’t mind giving Dickie a surprise visit to see what the kid did when she didn’t know her ‘grandma’ was nearby. It was unlikely she’d spend more than an hour with Louie - probably just take some coins out of his piggy bank as a lesson to not get too close to a thief.
“Alright. I’ll come down tomorrow.”
“Yes! See you then!”
Louie spent the rest of his day cleaning his room, much to the confusion of his brothers. He wanted to properly hide his personal treasures and money before Goldie could get her slippery fingers on any of it. He was excited to learn from her, but that didn’t mean he trusted her.
Louie Duck was no fool, after all.
He had every intention of being extra careful when Goldie arrived. He made sure to text her regularly during her journey to Duckburg - though she was a really slow texter and didn’t seem to understand emojis. But about twenty minutes before he thought she’d be arriving, he couldn’t get ahold of her. Which probably meant she was in the mansion somewhere, being sneaky.
Louie poked his head out of his bedroom and looked up and down the hall. No sign of Goldie.
Then he rushed down the hall to the staircase. She wasn’t in the foyer or on the stairs or outside the front door.
She should’ve been arriving soon and he couldn’t miss her! She was a wildcard, someone who did whatever they wanted! Sure, she wanted to use this mentorship to piss off Uncle Scrooge and wouldn’t miss an opportunity to do that, but there were a million ways to piss off Uncle Scrooge. She didn’t need to follow Louie’s plans.
He was pacing up and down the hallway when Uncle Scrooge’s bedroom door opened up and she poked her head out, just like he did earlier.
Louie was immediately in front of her. “You’re here! But...why were you in Uncle Scrooge’s room?”
Goldie came out into the hallway and closed the door quietly behind her. “Force of habit.”
Louie couldn’t have frowned more deeply at that response.
“Where’s the old miser, anyway?”
“I think he’s in his office,” Louie said, pointing down the hallway. “But we don’t need him! I want to tell you some of my business ideas.”
Goldie smirked. “It’s not polite to bring a guest into someone’s home without letting them know. That’s your first lesson.”
Louie frowned again. “That’s not a lesson. You just want to annoy Uncle Scrooge!”
She leaned down and poked the end of his little beak. “Maybe so. C’mon, give me a second to hide.”
Happy Birthday Doofus Drake!: 00:09 - 03:02
One thing she never liked about kids? They're so dramatic.
Goldie was every bit as dramatic, of course, but mostly as a joke or to drive a point home. This child freaking out over going to his rich-kid-neighbor's birthday party? Ridiculous.
"Ohh nooo," Louie said sarcastically as he popped his head back out of the trunk. "We can't go 'cause you're not dressed for a party! Oh well, so sad!'
Goldie put her hands on her hips. She agreed to mentor him and he was backing off? Too bad. She was in it now. "Oh, we'll be fine. I've got plenty of clothes stashed in your uncle's bedroom."
"What? Ew, don't tell me that!" he said with a disgusted glare.
She waved him off and left the room, headed towards Scrooge's. The last time she was in there, she ransacked the place and then left a nice little present in a nice little hat. She wouldn't ransack it this time, though, since Scrooge tended to keep all her leftovers in one place.
As Goldie opened the drawer and glanced at the items, she wondered if she had good Normal Relative Party Clothes. Her only other option was to go shopping before this party, but then they'd be late. She couldn't borrow any clothes from Della since Della never really…filled out in the same way Goldie had. Everything would be way too tight.
Goldie noticed a pair of stockings and was immediately reminded of that night in 1980 when Scrooge made her feel a lot of different ways. Some very good ways, and then…bad. It was a mixed memory.
Next she pulled out a pair of jeans that she almost didn't recognize - but a stain on the ass reminded her of a trip they went on to Colombia. They'd rushed back to Duckburg right after and didn't take a moment to change or clean up.
The third item Goldie saw was a pink sneaker. The pair was probably in the drawer somewhere, too, but she couldn't really remember when the sneakers were from. Vaguely she felt like it was something when Donald and Della were young, but the actual adventure or reason for that visit? Completely escaped her memory.
Goldie grabbed the other sneaker and a few more items, staring at them suspiciously. She was really getting old. She knew these were hers, but she couldn't say when or where or why. It was frustrating.
"What're ye doin', O'Gilt?"
She turned around to see Scrooge in the doorway, watching her go through the drawer.
"Hey, you can't get mad at me for stealing my ownstuff."
He frowned and closed the door behind him, walking closer. "I dinnae care about that. I just…Louie's a sensitive kid."
Goldie rolled her eyes. Was he really doing this?
"Please dinnae hurt him, dear." Scrooge looked at her with a genuine, soft expression. "He's not like me."
She frowned to match him. What could she possibly say to that? She didn't plan to hurt the kid, but it was probably going to happen. She also usually didn't plan on hurting Scrooge. Things just…happened.
"Goldie?" Scrooge sounded nervous.
She sighed. "He'll be fine, Scrooge. I won't hurt him, alright?"
Clearly unsatisfied, Scrooge's frown deepened. "Alright."
Scrooge left the room and Goldie was struck with how unromantic that interaction was. He didn't even seem to care that she was in his room, in his home, spending time with his family - he just cared about the family and how she'd treat them. That was fine. She'd thought he'd at least be a little excited to see her after their Golden Lagoon adventure, but she'd been wrong about him many times before.
As Goldie quickly got dressed, she couldn't get Scrooge's words out of her head.
He was such an agitating man. She didn't go around looking for reasons to hurt children! She didn't look around for reasons to hurt him, either. Yes, it happened. But she wasn’t a monster. She was just…self-serving. And she had every right to be that way, whether he agreed with her or not.
Dressed and ready, Goldie shook the annoyances from her head and made her way back to the boy's room. She knocked on the door. "Ready to go, Sharpie?"
Louie emerged from the room a moment later, sharply dressed in a little green suit. He had an annoyed frown on his face when he saw how casual her outfit was in comparison to his. He also really really obviously didn't want to do this. "I guess."
Happy Birthday Doofus Drake!: 04:19 - 21:47
It'd been a weird day for her.
Goldie broke her promise to Scrooge about not hurting his nephew, but what was she supposed to do? He practically called her family. Just the thought of suddenly being accepted into Scrooge's family after one short afternoon of mischief stressed her out more than she'd ever admit.
She liked Louie. A lot. He reminded her of herself when she was young…but also reminded her of Scrooge when he was young. He was creative and excited for what the world had to offer and ready to take it on - but also lazy and anxious and a bit too trusting. He was cute. And smart. It was almost infuriating how much fun she’d had scheming with him at that party.
Goldie didn't feel bad about saving the kid's life, of course, but she did feel bad about bolting. It was just difficult to stay after so many years of fleeing. The more she enjoyed being around someone, the more she found herself pulling away. So she once again found herself staring at Scrooge's mansion from the farthest edge of the property. 
She was tired of running away. 
So…so tired of it.
Sharpie seemed so excited at the idea of working together. She'd genuinely thought about how fun it would be to have a little partner-in-crime - and not only a helper, but someone who actually looked up to her and respected that she was more than just a common thief.
Goldie sighed. Scrooge always knew exactly what to say to get under her skin.
She grabbed her wallet and slipped Louie's photo next to her favorite photo of Scrooge - one that she'd taken on an old time traveling adventure. She didn't stare at it for long, though, and stuffed the wallet back into her pocket.
Her heart ached when she thought about the terrified look on Sharpie’s face before she'd saved him. It ached when she thought about how sad he looked when she'd betrayed him. The pounding in her chest was so loud - Louie Duck hadn’t done anything wrong to her, and she still hurt him. He wasn’t like Scrooge. He was small and fragile and scared and she didn’t feel good about taking all the money.
As Goldie lifted up the bag and heaved a heavy sigh, she knew she’d messed up. She broke her own rule. Her one most important rule that she told herself never to break again.
She’d gotten too close.
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REAL HISTORY FACTS: - The photograph of Goldie in front of a pyramid from the end of Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains! looked Mayan to me so I chose Yucatán. There's lots of cool pyramids there I'd love to visit someday
DUCK FRANCHISE REFERENCES: - We're in Goldie's second current-day appearance! This chapter features the episodes "The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!" and "Happy Birthday Doofus Drake!" - Elvira Coot, aka Grandma Duck, is Donald and Della's grandmother on their father's side. She's not related to Scrooge but they're well-acquainted. She runs a farm just outside of Duckburg with her grandnephew Gus Goose. They're not going to appear in this story but don't you just love fun facts? - Goldie says she'd rather not get accused of kidnapping again. This is a reference to my fic "Not Your Aunt" where she kidnaps Gladstone lol check it out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30381390 (There may be a bunch of references to that fic from here on out, I don't know. I don't plan on having any contradictory information between this fic and that one.) - Scrooge calls Goldie a "common thief" at the beginning of HBDD, which clearly got under her skin as she corrects him to Louie later
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stringilamiamano · 2 years
Fammi una lista di questi pilastri della cinematografia
the oc, dawsons creek, una mamma per amica, gossip girl quindi parliamo proprio degli inizi degli anni 2000 poi possiamo anche aggiungere tvd e pll
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gurumog · 9 months
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The Long Hair of Death (1964) I Lunghi Capelli Della Morte Cinegai S.p.A. Dir. Antonio Margheriti (aka Anthony Dawson)
Barbara Steele as Helen Karnstein
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Boh, vorrei film e letto alla Dawson e Joey della prima stagione e poi dormire insieme da amici - sempre alla Dawson e Joey della prima stagione.
In realtà, il mio carattere è più simile a quello di Dawson… dunque, dove ti trovi, persona con il carattere di Joey?
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