#Demon's Tilt
weve made it to the billionaires club ^o^ ive earned a high score of 1.5bn points and im now part of the top 100 on the global leaderboards. cruelly ive been denied membership to the top 50 by literally one (1) ranking but well thats ok im not upset about it :) :) :\
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otaku553 · 1 year
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An alt design (redesign?) for my demon slayer oc, koharu
Wanted to incorporate the little clouds inside the cape for more coherence with the other two Ebisu siblings, and figured that since they’re the main “researcher” of the family, and the one with the least physical strength to offer, their design should lean slightly more into academia with the cape and the hat! Was thinking of making it a tonbi (overcoat with shoulder-cape down to sleeve length and inner jacket) but I think the single long cape makes the design overall easier to read :)
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cosmiclion · 1 month
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Eros x Demon
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
tfw your ship
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kissed each other on the (corners of) the lips…
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went on 2 separate honeymoons…
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fed each other doughnuts…
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helped one another get dressed…
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made heart poses together (twice)…
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sang a love song about being each other’s other halves…
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held hands and literally got married…
and y e t they still aren’t confirmed to be canon
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lu-sn · 8 months
i know it's 300 years late to be making this post but man. i am still SO angry about mew
the setup was perfect!!! you have mew, this probably-aspec character who hits all of the checkboxes for prim-privileged-gay and seems fully unaware of that privilege, and you have boston, fully unashamed of his sex drive and his many sexcapades while still partially closeted, and they hate each other, okay. they constantly sling barbs at each other right from the beginning, and they're not friendly about it. mew thinks boston is an uncontrollable slut and boston thinks mew is a horrendously stuck-up prude and they're constantly judging each other. at the beginning of the show, they're two fundamentally incompatible people.
and then top comes along, and he's this character who's willing to put up a facade for mew -- willing to play the part of the sweet, unproblematic boyfriend -- but under the hood, he's a lot more like boston than anyone wants to admit. he's a piece of shit to everyone but mew, and he's slept around, and he openly likes sex. he wants it. he's struggling a little without it.
it's perfect because boston is a character that mew is fundamentally at odds with, and top is a character similar to boston that mew does not want to be at odds with. it sets up this huge clash of principles for mew, who is going to either have to learn to accept some of top's behavior and realize that boston might deserve that acceptance too, or he's going to be unable to accept some parts of top in a way that will hurt their relationship.
... or so you would think.
instead, mew gets to have his cake and eat it too: top cheats on him (and frankly, the circumstances of this cheating are suspect; top was basically manipulated into it), and instead of digging into why top did this, why top might feel compelled to secretly have sex with someone behind mew's back, mew lets top grovel at his feet for months, then takes him back while "forgiving but not forgetting". there's no attempt on mew's part to understand top or the cheating, only to corral top back into the persona that mew thought he was in the first place. and top lets it happen. by the end of the show, all traces of the "problematic" man he was in the beginning have been mysteriously wiped away. his cocaine problem is gone, his debilitating fear of fire is gone, and he is perfectly content in this relationship with mew where they have relatively little sex, even though mew is constantly making eyes at all of the new men who show up (cough cough boeing COUGH COUGH MIX) and even though this supposed straying on mew's end and the ensuing jealousy from top was a big factor in why top cheated in the first place.
and because mew didn't need to understand anything deeper about top, there's no way in hell he gains any sympathy for boston; he kicks boston to the curb and is obnoxiously righteous about it.
i've seen some comments that mew is not a hollow and unrealistic character for acting like this; there are many, many people out there who act just as selfishly as mew. i can't stand those people, and i can't stand mew, and in a sense that does make him a compelling character. so putting aside the fact that i would have much preferred to see him struggle with the crumbling of either his principles or his relationship... the arcs of the characters around him are definitely hollow and unrealistic, as a direct consequence of his position in the overall narrative.
let's look at boston for a second. mew, who you famously think is a stuck-up bitch, ends up catching the unwavering attention of top, who you want to get fucked by; you slowly manipulate top into cheating on mew with you, and you're gleeful about it. this is not a thing you'd do if you felt any sort of sympathy or friendship towards mew! you clearly disrespect the guy! you probably fucking hate him!
and then the guy you hate finds out what you did, and he threatens to out you and circulate revenge porn of you in retaliation, and he's the smuggest little shit about it while he promises to ruin your life and then ten seconds later flips masks and goes "but i wouldn't do it because i'm above that kind of behavior" -- and i would just like to poll all of you, and ask you: if a guy you disrespected so deeply came up to you and threatened to ruin your life while continuing to display all the traits you already hated him for, would you feel sad that he friendship-broke up with you and try to friendship-get him back? or would you, i don't know, hate him for all eternity?
once the cheating news breaks, the narrative tries to convince us, again and again, that boston feels bad and guilty about what he did to mew and that he doesn't hate mew and wants to be friends again. i'm sorry. i don't buy it. the boston we saw at the beginning of the show is not a guy who would grovel at mew's feet. so why does the narrative make him do it? why does the narrative kneecap his character like this?
it's for the same reason that all of top's problems disappear. it's because the narrative wants so badly to position mew as the good guy. mew did nothing wrong, they say, over and over again. look at how top and boston beg him for forgiveness. look at how terrible boston was for wronging mew but how right mew was for threatening boston back. look at how top erases all his own flaws just like mew said he could, and boston doesn't do the same, so top earns a spot in the friend group but boston loses his spot forever.
if the narrative had been brave enough to fracture mew's image a little, to acknowledge that he's a mean, messy hypocrite, i could have respected his place in the show as a whole. but they didn't. instead, they gave his character so much potential for growth and then squandered it all, and if that wasn't enough, they went ahead and neutered all of the characters around him, too.
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hopefuladdictions · 9 months
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I finished the WIP…. Everyone cheer.
My little messy eater…it’s all smeared….it’s dripping…it’s on his nose…. He’s showing off his teeth….. I love him. Anyways, here, enjoy finished Akaza drawing!!
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sugoi-writes · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a Tanjiro's smut? (dom reader)
It's okay if you don't want to as I see a lot of writer considered his age...
Thank you!😘
I gave it some thought, and I'll be doing this.... as a 2 parter! Because I've been having fun with longer works. We're gonna lead slowly into the smut, but I promise it's there/coming. (Heh)
Keep in mind, Tanjiro is aged up and a Hashira, and this fic is spoiler-free for the most part. Featuring a Kakushi, F!Reader. No real trigger warnings other than you recovered from a bad injury, your relationship is low-key, and there's some nudity. Enjoy!
A faint knock comes to the door, making you lift your head.
"Come in!," you proclaim, before the door slides open. Through this, Kamado Tanjiro is revealed to you, carrying a small bundle of wildflowers with him.
You feel your heart swell, as you instantly reach out to to him, anticipating his embrace. Tanjiro is quick to come to you, kissing your cheek as he wraps his free arm around you.
"Ready to be discharged?," he asks, before you shake your head.
"Not quite. Aoi is gathering some medicine together for me to take. As long as I talk it diligently for the next few days, I should be a-okay."
Tanjiro sighs, looking relieved," It's strange to be on the other side of things... especially with a Kakushi getting hurt in my sted."
You laugh, lifting your shirt slightly to reveal the fully closed wound across your abdomen," Right? It's weird for me too... but at least I'm cleared for home rest, for now. And, no more infection to worry about!"
Tanjiro sets your bouquet aside for a moment, his hand tracing over the scar that was soon to form," I know... I'm glad that things are finally looking up again."
You lean up and kiss his cheek, chuckling," I just know that you worried yourself far too much... but, hopefully a day together can put your mind at ease."
Tanjiro presses his forehead against yours, lightly 'head butting' you playfully," It would... it will, I should say. And I'm going to carry you all the way home." You feel your face heat up, childishly shoving him away.
"N-No way!!! Tanjiro, I can walk on my own--!!"
The door opens suddenly, making the two of you jump and seperate quickly. Aoi, not looking to either of you, seems to be juggling multiple things," Sorry for the intrusion: I finally have your medicine!"
You huff, relief flooding your body. The sooner you were out of there, the sooner you could make up for lost time. Tanjiro listens to Aoi's warnings and recommendations, just in case, as she talks away. He knows you tend to zone out when someone is scolding/talking at you like this.
He can't help but want to reach over and hold your hand, but he buried the thought, considering your feelings before outing your sneaky relationship.
When Aoi bids the two of you good day, Tanjiro looks back to you gleefully, offering a hand. You take it gingerly, and for the first time in weeks, you manage to get to your feet without much difficulty.
"Let's go, then!" You chime, tugging Tanjiro along as you make your way out from the Butterfly Estate. You smile and bid all of the ladies and girls of the estate well, as they and others wish for your health and prosperity. Again, Tanjiro can't help the look he gives you, one that's so full of love and longing, that he wishes he could just kiss you now. A few of the older girls happen to notice this, gossiping behind cupped hands. But for now, Tanjiro could always wait a little longer...
As the two of you start making the familiar trek to your estate, Tanjiro grins, looking around for any on lookers.
"Okay, it seems the coast is clear.... SO THEN--!!"
You yelp in surprise when Tanjiro scoops you up, before breaking into a light jog. You flail as your arms instinctively loop around his neck,"T-Tanjiro!!! I told you I could walk just fine!"
Your partner just smiles mischievously at you, a glint in his eye," I know... but I have plans for us today! I don't want to waste a single moment!"
You groan, your defeat holding your embarrassment at bay," You're lucky you're so cute when you get like this...," you grumble, leaning your head against him as his pace increases.
You feel your eyes open when you're set down, grogginess overwhelming you.
"I didn't think I was THAT comfy~" Tanjiro teases, ruffling your hair as you groan.
"D-Did I really fall asleep...? Ahh, sorry... the medicine must've worn me out..."
Tanjiro comes to sit beside you on your bed, a hand coming to rest on your thigh," I was thinking... You'd probably want a warm bath, to celebrate being home, right?," Tanjiro offers, making you hum.
"Yeah... a bath sounds nice, actually," you practically coo, stretching as Tanjiro stands.
"Just wait right there, then, and I'll get it going for you--," you tug on the sleeve of his haori suddenly, your face feeling hot.
"A-Actually... if you're going through the trouble, and you're all hot and sweaty too... would you want to join me?"
Tanjiro's eyes widen for a moment, before his face blooms a deep red," W-Well... I don't think that that'd be a very-- uhh-- productive bath..."
And then there were the puppy dog eyes: the eyes that killed Tanjiro every time.
He rolls his eyes, going to ruffle your hair again as he turns to walk away" But I guess we could make that happen. Today is all about you, and what you'd want to do today." You blink, a little surprised. You didn't think he'd finally agree to something like this so easily... maybe you should ask more?
"O-oh... y-yeah, I-- thanks, Tanjiro," you stammer, a grin slowly growing," I-I'll come join once you're ready... okay?"
Tanjiro nods, methodically performing the routine of running your bath, just how you liked it. While he's out of the room, you opt to change out of your hospital attire, finding a comfortable lounge robe. You swallowed your nervous feeling welling up in your throat, as you decided to omit your undergarments. Though this had been far from the first time he's seen you like this... something about this just felt especially intimate to you. That, or you were utterly touch starved by this point. Who could really say?
When Tanjiro calls for you, you make your way to the washroom, to the tub that awaited you. Hot steam exited the room, as Tanjiro was removing his blouse.
He looks to you, face hot as he eyes your robe," S-So, you're already ready, then..." You nod, attempting to be boldn in place of meek," Did you really want to undress me that badly, Kamado?"
Tanjiro could only flush harder, removing the rest of his clothing," And is it a bad thing if I did?" You snort, going to cover your mouth. You read him like a book.
You open your arms out to him, allowing him to walk over and undo your robe fastenings, before he tenderly slides your garment off of you. As he took in the sight of your recent injuries, and your body overall, he's blissfully happy. He's eternally grateful that you were still here, and that you weren't harmed anymore than you were. His hands brushed across your lower back so gently, it was as if he were scared to break you.
"So... anything on your mind?," you prod, leaning against Tanjiro's chest. You loosely wrap your arms around his neck, keeping him close.
He smiles, kissing your cheek as he embraces you back," Just about how beautiful you are, love... but, we should probably go and enjoy the water before it gets cold."
You hum, nodding as he leads you over and helps you in first. For a moment, you both fumble as you try to figure out where Tanjiro should be, before he opts to sit behind you.
You lean back into your lover once he's settled, sighing contently. Tanjiro can't help but mirror your sigh as a powerful but gentle arm hugs you close, squeezing lightly. He inhales, smiling as he fondly recalls your scent," I missed you so much, Y/N..."
You chuckle, looking back to kiss him on his jaw," I missed you too, Tanjiro... but, at least we're together like this versus in a stiff hospital room..." Tanjiro nuzzles into you, breathing you in again.
"Mm-hmm... 'glad to be back at your home, for now."
For a moment, the two of you stay this way, before you feel familiar hands explore your body," Did you want me to wash your back for you?"
You chuckle, knowing it was a very obvious attempt to touch you more intimately. You grind ever so slightly on him, as you look back to him, trying to act coy. You sit forward a bit, biting your lip as you hear him gasp.
"Go right ahead, pretty boy."
You could feel his restraint swaying, as a trembling hand reaches for a washcloth and soap. You couldn't even scold him when the cold soap touches your back; his hands radiated a heat that you were all-too familiar with.
You looked straight ahead, pretending that this had no affect on the current situation. You feel that your attempts are working, as Tanjiro's free hand gently holds your hip, keeping you in place.
"I think you missed a spot, dear..." You muse suddenly. He doesn's get a chance to speak before you're pushing your rump back against him, arching your back," A little lower, I think~?"
Tanjiro was throbbing from your teasing, biting his lip as the cloth ventured lower," R-Right, of course..." You almost felt the need to pout as he held himself back, wanting to wait and not rush into things. Partially, you figure, because you're not fully recovered yet.
The tension was enough to make you squeeze your legs together,"Baby...," you command softly, your voice lowering. Tanjiro's throat runs dry, his hand ceasing its circular path.
You glance back, your eyelids lowered," Did you really miss me...? As much as you said?"
Tanjiro almost looks panicked as he nods," O-Of course! Every day, my love... I couldn't wait to see you--"
"Did you want hold me close?" Tanjiro's lip quivered as your voice seemed to drip with desire " Y-Yes..."
You swivel around a bit, your breasts coming into view as you brushed up against his manhood again," And...did you miss fucking me?"
Between the alluring angle, and the way your voice melded into his mind, he was absolutely melting. Tanjiro's face went through multiple stages of embarrassment and desire, but he ultimately nodded, casting your washcloth aside. You yelp in surprise when he grabs you by your waist, pulling you flush against him. Your breath hitches when familiar, gentle lips kiss at the crook of your neck.
"Without a doubt, Y/N. I want you... even now. Especially now."
You smile, pulling away from him before leaning over the edge of the tub. You can hear his breath becoming more labored as your wet slit was basically eye level with his face," Show me, then... won't you, Kamado?"
Tanjiro's breath ghosted across your bare sex as he leans forward, both hands coming up to knead the flesh of your ass.
"I plan to: full heartedly~"
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techturd · 11 months
Demon's Tilt / Pinball X
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Vampire Realm
I was dreaming up a map for the Demon Realm when @darkelf-7 put it into my mind that the vampires should have their own special dimension too. Absolutely they should! So without further ado, here's Gelda's kingdom (with worldbuilding lore)!!
First, I figured I would expand on the human-vampire relationship with a drabble. It's unusual for a vampire scenario to have them living far away from humans due to their unique coexistence. Either by necessity or personal taste, people are a vampire's source of life.
the beginnings of the stars & diamonds, the vampire realm’s human (ish) societies 
The ancestors were refugees who don’t know how they got here. 
They just woke one morning after traveling a long way to find themselves in a land of glowing color and eternal night. The first thing they noticed was the pleasant warmth of the air that was so foreign to them. Both the heat and the smell of that air was astonishing, that was what they wrote. The child sitting next to their gear and still-sleeping companions was astonishing, too, surveying them with brilliant green eyes as if he’d succeeded in some great task. 
“Have you been looking for a place to call home?” It was more of a statement than a question. They understood it well enough, though they didn't recognize the accent. “I sought those like you out, brought you to a place you will enjoy until you die.” 
They did enjoy it. It was peculiar- this land with no sun seemed to work in reverse to what they knew, the light and warmth emanating from the foliage and the lakes as clear and comfortable as bathwater. Crops seemed to grow just as quickly as before, and the variety of unfamiliar creatures was not afraid in the slightest of a bunch of human travelers, sometimes even speaking to them, albeit in hushed tones and in a language that would take them years to master. It was an island, they realized, yet over on the north shore they could see a vast land laid out before them just over the sea. The sailors among them came back with frantic reports about how the sea circled right back around to either island, regardless of how far they went, but the villagers were too busy fashioning the glimmering rock bed beneath the surface into homes, the children too happy with their new animal companions and the new mysteries of the sky and the world, for anyone to take issue. Better than the war-torn place they’d just escaped. Maybe one day they’d go home. It took two generations to realize that they were stuck here, in what could only be a new dimension, and as far as they knew there was no way back, unless they should ask that strange child again. He came now and again through the years to check on them, and was at first shy in a regal sort of way, but not unfriendly. He claimed he needed time away from home. So they built him a little hut fit for someone his size and furnished it alongside theirs. This - unexpectedly - flustered him so much that he ran off into the woods. Poor thing. 
The next time the boy came, he brought with him a blonde girl, captivating in beauty and speech. She apologized profusely for the disappearances of some villagers throughout the years. It was assumed those who went missing simply went into the portal near the lake and never returned - apparently, some  of these had been slain and drained of blood. She invited all the village leaders to that city their travelers spoke of, the dangerous one whose polished stone glowed purer and brighter than the moon. Such a fascinating person this was, and even from afar they could tell why so many of them crossed to the other island not only for the extra space but to be closer to those creatures who were their neighbors and built in their likeness. Unlike back home, there was no need to fear the unknown. So long as they paid the price in blood, all would be well - and the golden princess promised she would keep it that way so long as she could in her immortal life. They told her, in turn, that she was always welcome in their villages, and, say, what do you call yourselves exactly? 
Vampire Realm Map
Aaaand here's the main feature!
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Vampire Realm Features
Moon Society - 
The vampires’ cities are shaped like moons, the ancient buildings surrounded by fields of wildflowers, shrubbery, and equally ancient woodland. The most popular style of architecture and interior design puts strong emphasis on handmade objects and shows a general inclination toward a  fairytale aesthetic. Both minimalistic and eclectic elements are hugely popular. Skylights, balconies, and walls open to the air, accompanied by extravagant curtains taking the place of glass or doors, are the most unifying architectural element. Of all the arts, dance and music have been the most prone to change throughout the centuries. Most garments are handwoven with great craftsmanship and passed down through generations for as long as they stay in good condition. Elegance is far more popular than cuteness, sexiness, or even intimidation when it comes to one’s appearance. 
As far as vampires are concerned, their society encompasses as far as the glowstone reaches, and the concept of being ‘civilized’ and ‘uncivilized’ has no meaning to them. Considering that their overall population pales in comparison to any other race, even the beastmen, it has never made sense to vampires to do anything other than settle infighting in the most peaceful way possible. True, the glowstone is not pleased to lose a living soul before its time, but the vampires’ sense of loyalty means they would prefer peaceful estrangement to hostility even if that were no longer an issue. There are rumors among Britannian humans that there are various subspecies of vampire - just as there are various subspecies of demon - due to the variety of appearances and special abilities they may possess. 
Star Society - 
The human inhabitants of the realm have adapted to the environment over the centuries, but none so much as those who come from the Star cities. They embrace what they call the natural lifestyle of the “Midnight Isles” and maintain a strong bond with nature, and, when applicable, magic. Community, especially with other sentient residents of the “Midnight Isles,” is extremely important to them, and residents are known for their openness, boldness, and generosity. The wonder and appreciation they show for all the whimsies of life in the vampire realm enchants many vampires who encounter them, and though they are the main food source of said vampires, finding someone who resents this is rare. It’s rumored they’ve adapted to regular loss of blood on a biological level, but you can’t get a straight answer about that. It’s like they’ve never bothered to study it. 
Human visitors to the Star Capital are stunned by the locals’ behavior; particularly, their lack of fear of the landscape on which they live. The visitors wouldn’t judge so harshly, or try to convince them to leave with such inconsideration, but . . . it’s like they can’t see it. They can tell some of the creatures who live among them are demon, or vampire, but for some reason don’t notice this. Their neighbors and friends, particularly the avid travelers and the nature enthusiasts, aren’t quite . . . human anymore. The vampires, the animals, even the soil no longer considers them human. The vampires say that it’s true, that the life energy the glowstone circulates back into them is more plant, more animal, more vampire, more demon than human - that it’s the land’s blessing, and it makes their blood all the more delicious. “Tieflings,” the vampires call them, but not to their faces. The humans don’t seem to acknowledge the inhuman traits as strange. It’s like they don’t even know . . . what being human means anymore. Who can blame them, though? The Vampire Realm is a place where the plants themselves have personality, and the soil judges character on a life-or-death scale, so treating everything you see like it could be another person - another human being, as the humans say - is, in a way, as natural to them as the total lack of sunlight.
The Star people of this island are descended from explorers, witches, and scientists of various cultural backgrounds, and it is more apparent than in the Diamond people that some of these cultures are from lands beyond Britannia. These original cultures and traditions have a great impact on modern life and most relics from the ancestors’ homelands have been preserved. 
The network of star cities are not connected by roads but by what locals call ‘the trails.’ Obtaining knowledge of these is a symbol of trust from the locals, as most of the Star people’s sacred places lie along their beloved, uncharted paths. The architecture has no Britannian origins and varies widely from district to district, especially within the capital. Certain everyday rituals are inspired by vampire culture.
Diamond Society - 
Grit, and grace. That’s what the Diamonds hope to pass down to their children.
Separated from the rest of the realm by a bit of freshwater sea, the diamond cities have a whimsy all to themselves. Old growth forests containing ancient vampire relics remain practically untouched as the architects and designers preferred stone and textiles as craft materials over wood, a trend that continues to this day. These trees are the most vibrant in personality in the Isles. Some eagerly foster a relationship with the Diamond people, some keeping one or a few favorites while others gather flocks of humans as their friends. Others discriminate wildly against certain humans or humans in general. Friendly wild plants provide 70% of the Diamond people’s fruit and vegetables by gifting them directly to humans. And likewise, the rare craftspeople who work with wood do so through the gifts of the trees. Star people who visit the island are often taken by surprise by the vegetation’s behavior since their own native plants are so much more carefree. Foreign plants do not do well on this island, even those from the other Isle, so exports of rare plants in carefully wrapped terrariums are common. Generally, the creatures of the Diamond isle are larger and more hostile to those they don’t recognize or personally favor.  As for the weather, tropical storms are more frequent. Well-lit underground passageways connect the four main Diamond cities for use during rainstorms.
 The four main settlements do not consider themselves separate cities but extensions of the capital, and friends often travel all over the island together. They refer to the populated areas as “Cerberus,” no doubt as a reference to the wild “dogs” they built a relationship with over the centuries as well as to the fact they consider their Capital as one building rather than a city. And with that logic, there are only 3 ‘cities’ arranged around Jelly Lake.
Like the Star people, many Diamond people treat travel as a way of connecting with their home and each other. Despite the added danger of the isle’s unpredictable weather and creatures, however, they seem to treat their trips with less caution and with less supplies. Their familiarity with the island helps, but in the end, they are still in a land where the “little sea fishies,” as they call them, are bigger than their hunting “dogs”. So, visitors are quite concerned for the residents. Speaking of the sea, the people living in the Capital make business either with the sea itself (Sailors, water sports, fisheries, craftspeople, etc.) or with the merchants coming across the sea from the other island.
“Glowstone” aka vampire realm earthstuff- The white or pale grey color of the soil / rock seems to retain light. It supports a variety of ultra rare plants that even the demon realm cannot sustain. Instead of acquiring its nutrients from dying plants, glowstone sustains its health through a more mysterious relationship with the native flora and fauna wherein the life force itself is consumed. The minerals present in the vampire realm soil are considered extremely dangerous in other realms, and, for lack of a better word, exhibit a level of sentience. The soil circulates the excess life essence it consumes among its inhabitants, blessing them with accelerated healing and the sort of immortality present in the vampire race. In return, the flora acts on the whims of the soil, acting as mouthpiece and gardener. Studies find that glowstone does not contain pain receptors. Its chief complaint, when it has one, typically has to do with the magical balance of the realm and the lives of its creatures. Glowstone is extremely sensitive to new arrivals and spilled blood, and is said to “know and witness everything” that goes on in the realm. As for creature-esque characteristics, it lives vicariously through the plants, allowing the individual species to exhibit personality. On the rare occasion a vampire loses their life, that life is absorbed by the glowstone and their magical strength recirculated into another vampire as a blessing from the minerals.  Ambitious or dedicated demon mages and doctors acquire glowstone in order to form pseudo-symbiotic relationships with dying rare plants and medical patients. It is effective, but dangerous, and of course highly difficult, to separate the patient from this new symbiotic bond. Vampires are the only creatures in the realm known to retain their full health outside of the realm and out of contact with the glowstone for extended periods of time.
Water - The water of the vampire realm has an intense purifying quality that would keep a properly hydrated human visitor all but immune to the level of miasma. 
Crescent Castle - The majority of government and public functions are organized here. The castle overlooks a cliff and is surrounded by both public gardens and a nature reserve. 
Iris Springs - These warm water ponds in the depths of the forest are home to rare beetles, birds, and flowers. A certain pond is even called "the floating flower garden" due to the sheer amount of flowers cascading toward the water's surface from the tree canopy. These flowers enjoy extreme temperatures and bloom in the summer and winter. They are the only species of plant that can grow in Britannia, albeit they only bloom in the coldest and hottest days of the year, rather than the whole season.
Gargoyles - The gargoyles of the realm have quite a history behind them. The first ones were carved by the Diamonds as an act of bonding with the land and with its inhabitants. They represent peace and connection between souls. Made of glowstone, they serve as the peacekeepers of the land. When they are not tending to the flora and fauna, they can be found playing with each other and with the families they’ve bonded to. At the beginning of Izraf’s reign, he rounded up all the gargoyles from his citizens under threat of death in order to demonstrate his power and the dominion he claimed over the realm. Their limbs were cut off to prevent escape. This caused recurring periods of mass chaos, as the gargoyles had not only developed their own magic, but had been instrumental in keeping archives of important information since their creation. The gargoyles’ flight back to the moon cities marked the end of the Britannian daylight hours, and the type of creatures they brought back for nurturing marked the change of seasons. This allowed the vampire to accurately determine the exact time in both Britannia and the demon realm, and travel as they please while maintaining perfect punctuality to scheduled events. Being forced to give up their traditional calendar enraged most working-class inhabitants of the realm, who from then on made a point of dodging and delaying any specific times for duties Izraf gave them. The nobles just claimed that it was whatever time the latest person to a meeting said it was, unless they wanted to rub Izraf’s technical failure in his face, in which case no one could agree on what time it actually was. Having condemned bringing human inventions back to the vampire realm, the King had no choice but to suck it up. 
The current gargoyle tribe was restored by the Diamonds as a celebratory gift for the Great Vampire Queen’s wedding. 
Unlike the glowstone in the realm’s earth, gargoyles can feel pain, and immediately took vengeance - much to the shock of everyone, who had perceived them as dead and not dormant as they were. It was thought that the consciousness of their beloved family members had been lost forever due to the damage.
Moon Pool - This lake below the Crescent Castle is warm to the touch. It is home to extremely rare aquatic beings which regularly commune with visitors to the lake. The water is thought to have magical properties due to its unique attribute of the water droplets and blobs floating above the lake’s surface, The displaced water rises a certain height into the air depending on the phase of the moon. 
Portal to the Vampire Realm - Located near the Crescent Castle and the Moonpool, this is the only way to enter the demon realm by any normal means. Ancient warnings are etched into the entrance to the relic and the torches down the spiral staircase remain generally unlighted. The descent can kill most humans, as the level of miasma gradually increases the closer they get to the actual portal. 
Portals to the Human Realm - These relics are relatively untouched by the general human public. A dangerous realm lies beyond them, and few can remember its nature except for the lucky adventurers and groups of merchants who bring back wild tales. Certain vampires are frequent visitors to these, and religiously keep the secret of their location from their more . . . bloodthirsty, friends.
Jelly Lake -  A rich ecosystem more than 700 meters deep, Jelly Lake boasts a great amount of fish, both those native to the lake and those who come in from the freshwater sea, but is most famous for its jellyfish. Unlike Jelly River, the glow of this lake comes from its plankton. Many gargoyles spend the winter holidays here in order to get the best jellies for feasting. Do the jellies bite? Occasionally. But that won’t stop the Diamond people from swimming and drinking from their favorite lake. It should, argues visitors, but they’re not the ones who tamed the “eccentric shadow dinosaurs” that roam around the isle, are they? 
Jelly River - the shortest river in the Vampire Realm. It has by far the calmest waters - thus, the great amount of bioluminescent jellyfish who call its depths home - and serves as the isle’s main harbor. It boasts a few coastal cottages and a glowstone dock whose glow reflects the colors of the deep sea- jellyfish who float serenely within. The jellies love boats and will swarm a safe distance beneath them.
Bonus: Crafting Process!
Making Islands:
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Final Outline, Colored:
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Why did I think I would suddenly need tiny islands, I don't know, but here they are as add-ons:
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Kudos to people who make fantasy maps a lot! I know there's a TON of elements that go into mapmaking, especially if it's supposed to be realism - even rivers are supposed to flow a certain way and interact with elevation and the such ... anyway, I am in awe of you and cheering you on. Such a cool art form. Last time I did this, it was a "small village" or "mansion" layout, and doing the bird's eye view when I haven't learned texture was more complicated than anticipated. And this is the smaller map of my two wips. . . help. XD
Hope you enjoyed this!
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sage-thetravler · 1 year
why am I not seeing anything about if Nikolai was a villian.
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misterbaritone · 1 year
Y’know I find it weird that Muichiro got a Rengoku flashback but Mitsuri didn’t
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dragonstoned · 1 year
listen if there's even one more lost angel up there who gets to experience warmth and kindness. whose world changes because someone cared enough to try. then it will have been worth it
the thing is, i think aziraphale will do much more, but -- let's put that aside for a moment.
blah blah the cult of heaven is too huge to fix system working as designed ok so?? because what if he does shift someone's thinking? pulls even ONE soul out of that quagmire??
like. just some little cog who didn't know any better, stuck alone and unloved in a horror for six thousand years -- if any supposedly stupid fruitless effort of aziraphale is enough to move them, get them out into a life where there's still horror but also growth and color and love??? how unutterably priceless is that?? if somebody is saved, how can that not be everything?????
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samscompliment · 1 year
nobody ever even called dean babygirl :(
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aurazoo · 10 months
Devil's Crush for the TurboGrafix 16 confirmed best video pinball right? I mean cmon?
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malicious-fisheeves · 10 months
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Lyric sketch fof tumblr ft his human form. Sometimes ya just gotta rip your skin off ykow
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tojisun · 10 months
i have a problem-
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