#Demonic on the other hand hasn't changed much at all over the ages-- sort of an 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' sort of thing
soulsxng · 7 months
Another random headcanon for the day! This time, it's about Angelic and Demonic! (the languages)
For Angelic, it's actually not spoken as frequently in Heaven as it used to be, these days. This is partly because it's not a language that a lot of other beings are actually able to speak, which made communication difficult when Heaven began to selectively open their gates for other species and such to visit.
Instead, on top of speaking Angelic, young angels are now also taught Common-tongue much more seriously as well. It's Common-tongue that is now used more frequently overall in the realm...though it's also not odd for angels to learn even more languages on top of those two-- for the most part, these extra languages are those from the Mortal Realm, one of the nearby fae realms, or Elvish. Even Demonic isn't too rare these days, though it tends to be the angels that travel commonly that choose to learn that.
As a language though, Angelic is extremely harsh-sounding, for the most part. For a lot of beings, it can physically hurt to listen to for very long, which is another reason why it isn't really "sustainable" for them to speak it as exclusively as they used to. I think of it as like...Angelic is supposed to sound kind of unsettling. A bit like a warning, or bordering on threatening in a way? Also just very authoritative, overall.
For Demonic, on the other hand, I always think of it as being a very entrancing and alluring sort of language, made specifically for tempting others into things (like contracts, but not always), essentially. One that-- again, opposing Angelic-- is supposed to be very easy overall for other species to speak, and to listen to.
Because of how easy it is to speak and learn, Demonic is still by far the most commonly spoken language in Hell and other places, (like the realm of the reapers, Tenimus, for example) with demons and those living in Hell speaking it far more typically as their only language. Common-tongue is still the second-most spoken, though it's really close between that and fae languages.
Demonic was also based pretty heavily on Brinnelan, or the Ancient tongue (because that's what Heaven and Hell grew up speaking in Pirodet, before coming into their realm bodies as they got older). At least in sound-- their alphabets are vastly different. Angelic, on the other hand, sounds vastly different, but their alphabet is based heavily on that of the Brinnelan language!
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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Dad Jokes Drabble | KARASU x Reader 0.5k words | SFW | gn!Reader | Implied Solomon x Reader | Some cursing A/N: Takes place during day/night one of Nightbringer. Read the sequel [here].
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"I don't want to talk to you right now, Solomon," you hiss at him angrily, trying your best to ignore the way his sad, sympathetic eyes plead with you to be understanding.
After a moment he nods and steps away, quietly wishing you a good night. When the door closes behind him, you pick up the nearest pillow and scream into it. And again. And one more time, for good measure.
You toss the pillow aside and pretend that you're not on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but a few sneaky tears burn your lower lash line and roll slowly down your cheek.
Fuck it.
You drop heavily onto the bed in this place that's so different from your room in the House of Lamentation, and too far from the demons you've grown to love, and you sob into your hands.
It feels like ages when your tears finally run dry and your nose is runny, and your face feels damp and hot with grief.
You're stumbling over to the desk to look for a tissue, or anything other than your shirt sleeve to wipe your face with, when your D.D.D. starts streaming music on its own. It's a classical piece - the melody is haunting but surprisingly soothing.
You hastily wipe your hand on your pant leg and unlock the phone so you can turn off the music streaming from the Deviltube app, but you notice a small pop-up in the middle of your screen.
Karasu: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
There's a small text field underneath, and you're only a little bitter when you sarcastically type,
What's the best way of dealing with meddlesome wizards that keep trying to ruin your life?
You're not sure what you expect, but it's certainly not the response you receive:
Karasu: I'm afraid "How To Break Up with Your Sorcerer Boyfriend for Dummies" is currently out of stock on Akuzon. Would you like another recommendation?
You laugh way too loudly and you feel only slightly deranged when you grin.
I didn't think an AI could be funny.
Karasu: Do you prefer dry wit or 'dad joke' humor? I'm proficient in both.
You're not crying anymore, and your cheeks hurt from smiling. You feel completely out of sorts, almost sick with heartache with everything that's happened, but you're amused by the distraction. This silly diversion takes your mind off Solomon temporarily, but you know it won't last.
I could use a friend like you.
The AI doesn't respond to that, not that you expect it to. Technology is only capable of so much, especially in this strange time period where it feels like you're re-learning Devildom life all over again.
"Too bad they're not real," you murmur to yourself. You stand up and stretch, and you think it's time to wash your face and maybe find a comfortable change of clothes. You wonder if there's any food in the kitchen that Solomon hasn't ruined yet.
But then your D.D.D. screen flashes with a new notification, and your smile slowly fades when you pick up your phone.
Karasu: Would you like to see how real I can be?
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concubuck · 2 years
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If you've been talking to mothers of babies with full demon parentage—or if you've had a child by another demon yourself—you're probably expecting your little one to announce her arrival as loudly as possible! Many new cambion mommies are surprised to discover that most newborn cambions are quiet. Science hasn't settled on an explanation for why cambions rarely cry at birth, but some theorize it has to do with their lung development and the fact that they aren't breathing at birth.
And that's not the only thing that surprises some new mothers: when your little one is born, she'll probably look human!
Since most cambions are born to human mothers and most humans look poorly on demons, appearing human at birth is an invaluable survival tool to ensure cambion babies live long enough to learn about their true heritage and make their way to Hell.
But don't worry, you'll get to see your little hellion's apple red cheeks before you know it: if a newborn can tell that she's surrounded by other demons, she'll reflexively shift back into her true form.
It usually takes between one and fifteen minutes for a newborn cambion to change; but if yours takes longer, try not to worry. While this might be a sign of larger issues—such as vision problems or a nervous system disorder—it could have many other benign causes. Maybe your midwife's face registered as "too human" to your baby's brand new little brain! If your baby hasn't change an hour after birth, your doctor will examine her for some common known causes. Sometimes the reason a newborn is a shy shapeshifter is never discovered, but they grow up into a normal, healthy toddler. And remember that if there's a human, living or dead, in the room when your child is born, she probably won't change at all until he's left!
Just like wrapping her hand or tail around your finger, this is a reflex your child can't help. In her first few months, all sorts of things will trigger it: seeing humans on the street (or on TV, or in picture books); loud noises; angry or fearful faces; being left alone for a nap (most baby cambions sleep in human form!); even the names of humans she's come to recognize. If you live in Pride or regularly take your child to Earth, you might rarely see her true face!
Her shapeshifting reflex will reduce over time, and between six and twelve months she might even start remaining in her demon form around a few humans she's seen interacting nicely with other demons. Most parents can start training their cambions to deliberately switch forms between 18 and 36 months.
Studies of baby cambions' brainwaves have shown that they're more alert when they see a human face, but they're not stressed or afraid—and they also react to their caretakers' faces the same way whether they look human or demon. So if you're all dolled up for a trip to Earth and your baby automatically changes to her human look, don't worry that you might have scared her or that she doesn't recognize you. It also doesn't say anything about how much she loves or trusts you. She probably just thinks that if mommy's a human right now, you must have a good reason and she'd better follow suit!
When Alastor was alive, the age of tales about cambions and changelings and demon children was mostly over; but whenever the old folklore came up, they were always stories about fearful, monstrous invaders who wormed their way into families and communities, disguised as helpless children.
It's strange, reading about the same story from the other side, where a human is assumed to be an obstacle you might meet in the streets rather than something you'd find in your home—hearing the monstrous invaders described with warmth and love, their mysterious magic explained with frank modern science the same as any biological function, seeing what humans describe as deceit being framed as self-defense. A reflex to help helpless children in a hostile land live long enough to find their way home.
Alastor likes to think he's firmly pro-Hell, and sometimes even flatters himself by thinking he's completely unbiased against demons. It's the ideas that surprise him that show him how human his thinking still is.
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greaterlandscapes · 3 years
My Dean Blunt Rotation aka High Fidelity Left A Bad Taste in My Mouth
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For the past 2 to 3 months, my listening habits were teetering to an end; mostly via burnout by spontaneously listening to local artists daily and less likely of a musical discovery drought, whereas my interests of a certain artist or genre hasn't found its, sort of, "eureka", moment per se. I've been feeling less enthusiastic over the things i listen to since my friends have gradually lost their flare when it comes to discovering/exploring untapped parts of the music realm. Thus, in return, my enthusiasm not being reciprocated. It leaves an empty feeling from someone who has been yearning social interaction, may it be media being latched on the topic - it's a feeling that's been guilt-tripping me ever since I was stranded in the other end of the metro. I feel closed off, exposed to the crippling loneliness the lockdown has punished us: a defacto solitary confinement in a national level. Our act of staying online is also an act of staying alive outside.
To be fair though, it's a valid move to not boomerang compliments/gripes over an art you haven't consumed due to someone's autonomy. Your able body being to consume the art you wish to finish with free time is a luxury in of itself. The art is then failed to serve its purpose to reach its goal: You have squiggly lines heading straight to oblivion rather than swirling in the earlobes of a wandering cyber nomad. We, eventually, need to find something that could help us exit, rather than escape, from capital. We, in return, do not shut ourselves from the outside. Instead, we then tend to avoid the stress of protocols and outdoor fascism; Not avoid the indoor liberalism that is eating us alive and online. It's a capital punishment we never knew we signed up for ever since the onslaught of the virus and the state. Art for art's sake is nonexistent now, always has been, it seizes to ever since we went inside. Feeding off of a holographic meatloaf coming from a glowing screen. We have a real-life Karen acting as a nightlight in our rooms.
The COVID lockdown made us listen to music — both for better, for worse. For one, it made us pass most days. You could say the same for any sort of media: film, mixed media art, or whatever pre-Covid activity that sprung up during our time in isolation. For music, however, there was an uptick of new listeners that made others Wheel-of-Fortune the fuck out of their music discoveries in sites like RateYourMusic, Bandcamp, or even Sophie's Floorboard. We've continued to expand and became more open change of opinions and be less of a jackass towards someone else's opinions. On second thought, our opinions have been catalogued, leaving more notes than actual footprints of our previous listens. Our new discoveries made new bands and re-emerging bands, bands who faded to obscurity, crawl back in the surface with newfound interest from younger listeners (ie Panchiko, Jai Paul, and Dean Blunt) and this glowing, previously unseen and unexpected overwhelming support from fans of departed artists (ie SOPHIE, MF DOOM)
For the other, we've hogged gratuitous amounts of media, resulting into losing our primary direction as to how we want to consume our media based on the preconceived notions of what we want in our art. There is goodness in becoming directionless when you think about it, but there comes a cost to our identity as music listeners. Instead, we end up widening our tangents, falling in endless rabbit holes, having zero chances to emerge from the surface. In fact, i refuse to call it a "rabbit hole" instead i'd rather call it a "pipeline" of sorts — transitioning casual music fans into a full on, different, unique versions of themselves that would define them when laws and protocols have eased in the outside world. Our act of staying online has either made most of us break our character or enliven our past selves. The music pipeline is now more apparent, stretching the norms of what was once alienated by a silent majority, but now accepted as an acceptable form of expression. The more music we are exposed to has made casual listeners stranged out or react in ways that our personality have betrayed us or deemed not as acceptable to them. Still, not changing anything that was prominent pre-pandemic. Liberal cop behavior is stronger, now more dangerous than it ever was once perceived by the outside world.
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Imagine a situation inside of a record, pre-pandemic of course, where you do not feel like lifting a record out from the shelf, instead, you window shop just for the sake of windowshopping. Capital and media made us think that going to record shops is a semi-productive activity. The age of discovery has died ever since High Fidelity romanticized and normalized the incelage of horny record diggers. Does this movie age well, yeah sure it does, for old 90s nerds at least. But did it translate well over in the past 20 or more years of events and tragedies that unfolded in pre-9/11 America? No it didn't. It was an age of free expression, only liberals would dream of whenever they take a sip of Guinness beer in their favorite dive bar.
Mind you, over a couple of months ago, it was my only chance in seeing why this movie was the talk of the town back when it was released. There's music, yeah, and attractive leading leadies, yeah, it has everything a 90s kid would love to salivate and drop their gonads over while they watch this movie. I obviously did not live to see the movie on opening day but i could imagine the scent that came out of that movie theater with attendees donning windbreakers and The Who shirts with popcorn dressing stains on their plastic cups. If there was a Filipino counterpart to this movie, i'd bet corporate champions Eraserheads and Rivermaya would soundtrack their music over and have either Tado or have Boy 2 Quizon, but i sense it to age like milk more than it could age like fine wine due to the senseless jokes one can execute in a Cubao or Cartimar record store.
John Cusack is obviously the incel in question here: a damaged, vengeful ex who constantly fails to live his partner's expectations and weaponizes his personality over the situations that has nothing to do with his interests. I spent the entire time being absolutely disgusted over the spineless responses of John Cusack's leading character. The movie then treads on flashbacks with John Cusack's failed relationships and what he could do to move on from each and one of them. If i could stand a SONA for 3 hours then I can't stand John Cusack being the dull entry point to incel, making more reasons why you should hate record store clerks who don't give an iota of shits to someone's inviting rapport. High Fidelity is opium for massive music circle jerks who can't take a single breathe of fresh air or a single quota of touching grass. There's more targeting weak and inferior guys and hot women who dump dumb overconfident dudebros more than the actual "music recs" in the entire movie. The more I think about this movie, the more I realize how our personality is in line towards Dick, the record store being unmercifully dunked on by the movie's two leading characters. He's an angel in the world of cynical bastards, witnessing both demons pitchforking record store customers in the ass while they're purchasing the latest Sonic Youth album.
I believe that Jack Black, the dark horse of High Fidelity, has a pleasing personality more than an irritating demeanor due to this behavior in the record store. In fact, outside of the record store, Jack Black doesn't seem to take the business is your pleasure act pretty seriously. Unlike John Cusack's character he brought his obsession over involving a record in an important memory/point of his life. There is so much stuff that has happened outside of the record store, so much for Rolling Stone and NME being the bible of music at the time, endlessly christening and shilling artists that believe to become the second coming of the Beatles. The music references here however are treated as fluff than it is a mechanism that would drive the senseless plot forward. If anything, there are events pointed out in the event that doesn't have anything to do with the life of the characters.
If anything, this movie did a great job at capturing the feeling of music bros being dumped on the wayside by a mature set of characters and how their current conditions aren't perfumed by the studios' liking of having to Cinderella story the shit out of a bunch of normal record store owners. The reality is in the reaction of one's social capital being invaded and we're here to witness how those reactions panned out in 2021. This is a villainous depiction of music nerds being the salt of the earth, the bane of all media discussion, still reflective of the insufferable salt of cyberspace found in music forums like 4chan and RYM. High Fidelity is a pipeline of 90s musicology, a dreaded fever dream of an owner waiting for the decade to end, trends ossifying and re-emerged by the hands of nostalgia-savvy individuals. It was, at its time, every music-movie nerd's excuse equivalent of Scott Pilgrim VS. The World. There are memories worth remembering and cherishing, and this movie isn't one of them.
In the past two weeks I've been fancying myself into sitting down and listening to different projects from the ever elusive, UK-based sound artist Dean Blunt. The first time i chanced upon his music wasn't too long ago - albeit a recent one in the time of COVID - was when I randomly stumbled upon his records at a Spotify recommendations section under John Maus (yeah lol i know the implications whenever his name is mentioned) - but then i was enamored by his online presence so quickly I put everything down and dedicated an hour or two researching about this man's music.
Other than the fact that his album "The Redeemer" wasn't the best record to start off in journeying through his discography: ending up disgusted and borderline bored even and I was more likely to lambast this record's aimless, pretentious art-pop inflections. By the end of the day, it was a preference long solidified by his undying fanbase. According to his hardcore fans, the music isn't really music, evaluating it as a free form of sound art, rather than sticking to a structured and conventional cues; the genre is nullified by most analysts of the arts. The growing interest of the general public towards Dean Blunt's pranks and antics have long appealed to my tastes as a chaotic neutral individual. Pranks that are well executed to piss off UK gallery connoisseurs and entertain ironic attendees who'd shit on the art piece rather than participate in it.
More of the resources I've found about Dean Blunt online: numerous aliases and collaborations that lasted around almost 2 decades. The most notable of all them, at least for my money, are either Hype Williams, a duo consisting of Dean and frequent collaborator Inga Copeland, and Babyfather, an art performance parodizing the pirate radio culture in the UK. I have not delved enough in Blunt's body of work to evaluate everything and what i could synthesize from it. For now, I enjoyed it as a form of entertainment. Well, color me impressed because Dean Blunt isn't clowning around, he, in fact, makes blissful and transcendental music from left to right.
Dean Blunt was the only few artists that made me want to binge on their discography. His movements in his music has attracted this pesky listener who thinks that being mysterious is a plus. I mean, look at me who thinks The Paul Institute, Panchiko, and Burial are the greatest artists that have walked the face of the earth.
The most I've enjoyed from Dean Blunt's discography are his mixtapes and collaborations: preferably his Soul Fire and ZUSHI, both of which were packaged as B-sides or supplemental releases rather than major releases such as the Babyfather project or the Black Metal releases. His knack for blurring the lines between genres still fascinate me as of this writing, and it continues to amaze me how he doesn't seize to compromise his art, he's here to prove a point and it sells quite well despite the lack of direction in his music. Blunt's music has more aggressive and hazy texture than the hollow, wide, soulless structure of art-pop/hypnagogic pop released today. He creates terrains from the rubble of his country's current shortcomings. The music overlaps the actual intentions with abstract concepts, becoming deconstructed down the line. In Babyfather, noise music coincides with Blunt's amateurish rapping. In Black Metal, Blunt isolates himself along with the assisted skeletal guitar playing. Both projects throwing all tropes in a vaccum alongside Blunt, who he himself would sought to become a personification of a musical void.
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(Excerpt from the Babyfather album review in TinyMixtapes)
Dean Blunt is an entity that wishes to become one person, but no, this isn't a figure in a specific art form; this isn't Banksy, this isn't Bob Ong, this is made by one person, clearly it is if you listen closely, and it's been entrancing me ever since his presence was felt on the horizons of the internet. Dean Blunt, what the actual fuck.
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bigtiddycommity · 5 years
Clé: Miroh (2)
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Pairing: Bang Chan x reader ft. Stray kids
Warnings: Slight profanity
Summary: An up and coming singer is introduced to the rough and unfair world of the music industry when she is tricked into a fake relationship with a popular idol. Her entire world has been turned upside down and now not only is she hated by millions of fans around the world but she is now despised by her...boyfriend?
It wasn't that the situation didn't bother Auriella. She was definitely upset when the truth was revealed to her. When her life and career were snatched from her so brutally and without a care.
First she was confused. Why her? Why was she chosen and why didn’t she have a say in the matter?
Then, she was shocked. What in the hell? Suddenly, just as things were beginning to be okay, actually truly okay for her, the biggest bomb gets dropped right in front of her.
She wanted to be mad and she wanted to lash out in frustration but then she realized that she wasn't the only one affected by the situation. According to her ex-manager, Rebecca, the other artists she was about to get involved with, was just as forced into the situation as she was. The group was a Korean boy band named Stray Kids. In passing, Auriella had heard of them as well as a few other groups in the k-pop industry. After some research, Auriella saw that they were around her age, so she could only hope that they would like and get along with her.
This contract situation didn't have to be so rough and mean. Sure, she and Bang Chan were put in an unfair position but Auriella wanted to see the positives of it all. Auriella had never been to Korea, so she wanted to see this as a sort of adventure. Plus, she was about to meet a group of 9 boys who she would be seeing a lot from now on, so this could be seen as an opportunity to make new friends.
Make no mistake, this was in no easy for Ariella. She spent her entire childhood being bullied and locked away in an orphanage, struggling with her own demons as well as the ones she lived with, the other orphans. Music was the light at the end of the tunnel for Auriella. Losing all of her hard work so quickly and being forced to drop her entire life to move to a foriegn country? There was nothing easy about that, but dwelling on the past wouldn't fix anything and it sure as hell wouldn't give her back her place in Lunar.
After landing at Incheon International Airport, Auriella and her assigned translator got into a cab to take her to her new home. Knowing how much of an inconvenience it is to be forced out of your home, Auriella wanted to make sure that the members of Stray Kids would be comfortable. She bought a modern mansion close by the boys’ label to make things easier for them. Auriella didn't buy the home as a bribe for the group, she bought it because she figured that they would need some time and space before they warmed up to her and she could only hope that this new house would give them enough space to do so.
“Miss, we have arrived.” David, her translator startled her out of her thoughts to inform her of their arrival.
“Oh, thank you.” Auriella signed. Here goes nothing.
After unpacking and dismissing David for the day, Auiella did what she always did when she was nervous or stressed. She cooked. The boys would be arriving any moment and she wanted to give them a warm welcome. Auriella didn't know how much they knew about her or her position in the contract, but she hoped they were aware that she had no willing part in it.
“What do I make?” The small girl muttered to herself as she looked around the large kitchen. She had requested for the house to be filled with all of the essentials but now that she had so many options, she didn't know what to make.
“Ah! Yes, this way they'll get to know a little bit of me.” Auriella had gotten an idea and began to get excited.
Since Auriella was of french descent, she figured she would make some traditional cuisine. She would make Moules Marinieres, which were muscles, in a white wine broth. She made it often for her former groupmates and hoped the boys would like it. She also decided to make a crispy, lemon fish called Sole Meuniere with a kale salad on the side as well as a chocolate souffle for dessert. She also made a pan of sweet and spicy dijon sausages just in case the group of boys arrived before the remaining dishes were completed.
“Maybe I’ll let you simmer for a few more minutes.” Auriella said, after tasting one of her dishes. Just then, she hears a beep, letting her know that the gate has been opened and whoever it was would be at the door in a few moments.
Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Auriella made her way to the front door and opened it to greet a group of boys with bags and suitcases behind them in front of the stairs. Turning back to look at the boys before her, Auriella sees that they are taking her in just as she was she was doing to them.
“Um, hello. My name is Auriella. Please, come in.” She greeted timidly, opening the large door wider and stepping back to give them space to enter.
The herd of males turn and grab as much of their belongings as they could and stumbled back up to the door and placed them inside. After a few moments of back and forth to gather their things from outside, everyone was finally inside.
Seeing that the other boys were just going to sit and stare at the small girl, Felix walked up to her and held his hand out in a polite greeting. She deserved that much, even if she was a potential psycho.
“Hi, I’m Felix. It’s nice to meet you, Auriella.” Felix said, noticing that her hands were much smaller than his. The members often teased him for his child-like hands but his hand swallowed Auriella’s.
Auriella beamed. He had an adorable accent. “Hi! It’s nice to meet you as well. You have an accent, where are you from?” The young girl was intrigued, she had never heard such an accent before. Plus, he spoke english, maybe communicating wouldn't be all that hard.
Felix was flustered. She was just so nice and bubbly, he couldn't be mean to the girl even if he tried. “Uh, Australia. Where are you from?” He asked.
“I was born in Los Angeles but I’m of french descent too.” Auriella responded with a smile, She liked Felix, he was nice. Taking her attention from the boy in front of her, she looked towards the 8 others standing behind him and smiled.
“Can I know your names as well?” she asked politely.
Seeing that his members were just as flustered as he was moments ago, Felix cleared his throat before introducing the remaining member except their leader. Chan needed to talk to her at some point and felix felt it wasn't his place to do so for him.
“It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope- oh I don't think I got a chance to meet you. You're Chan, right?” She asked, holding her hand out.
“Yeah. I am.” He responded coldly, completely ignoring her outstretched hand.
“Oh, um okay, well I can show you all your rooms now so you can settle down. I made dinner, too, so I hope you're all hungry.” Auriella failed to hide the hurt she felt by Chan’s rejection. She had at least hoped he would have given her a chance before deciding he didn't like her. This situation wasn't her fault but Chan seemed to think otherwise.
Felix translated what she had said and the members began gathering their things and followed Auriella through the house. After giving them a tour, she left them to choose their rooms and unpack. Walking back to the kitchen, Auriella began plating all of the food she had prepared. Once the dining table was set, the young girl made her way through the house to inform the boys that dinner was ready. Just as she got to the top of the staircase, she heard her name.
“Hyung, you barely gave her a chance, how can you say that?” A deep australian accent sounded. Felix.
“You saw her down there. I bet it was all an act. She may trick you into trusting her schemes but not me. I want nothing to do with that crazy bitch.” Bang Chan practically spat out. Crazy bitch?
Auriella didn't understand. Sure, the circumstances of the situation were frustrating and in no way fair, but blaming her was just as unfair. If Bang Chan was really going to sit and bad mouth her as if she caused all this without even considering all that she lost and sacrificed then fine. Auriella didn't care for his childish behavior. If he wanted to fight, he could look in the mirror and fight the reflection because Auriella had no time for him or his attitude.
Soon, all the members of Stray Kids sat around the large, dark dining table as Auriella had politely asked them to, and waited as the girl went into the kitchen to gather the meal she had prepared for them. While she was in the kitchen, the members began to whisper.
“I like her. She seems nice.” Jeongin said with a smile. Chan scoffed under his breath as he fiddled with the table napkin.
“You met her like five minuets ago. Don't get too excited.” He replied to the youngest. Feeling scolded, jeongin looked down at his hands and remained quiet.
“Technically, she hasn't done anything wrong.” Woojin wisely added.
“Yeah, hyung, she probably was forced into this too-” Changbin began only to be cut off by Chan slapping his hand onto the table with a bang, the sound of forks, knives and spoons rattling against one another.
“You don't know that! You don't know anything!” His voice was raised as he glared at the younger boy.
“Bang Chan.” Woojin said sharply. Over the years, the oldest and the leader had an agreement. Woojin would follow the lead of the younger boy but that didn't change the fact that he was older. Chan was the leader but, traditionally, Woojin had the last say. This was the first time Wojin ever felt the need to step in.
“Lower your voice and watch how you speak to your members. They are just trying to help.” His words were low but firm. He had enough. “You may not like this situation but that doesn't mean you get to mistreat everyone around you. You wanna throw a tantrum? Do it on your own time because contrary to what you might believe you aren't the only one affected by all of this, so suck it up. We don't know that she did anything to cause this and nobody, absolutely nobody, is going to mistreat her in any way until we know some details. Am I understood?” This wasn't the Bang Chan he knew. To say he was disappointed in his leader's actions, would be an understatement.
Knowing that he had messed up and was rightfully being put back in his place, Chan nodded silently. The remaining members, though in shock by Woojin’s sudden strict order, nodded as well and the room was filled with a thick silence.
“Okay! I hope you guys like seafood!” Auriella’s sweet voice sounded as she walked into the room pushing a serving cart with wheels at the bottom for transportation. The young girl, oblivious to the tension in the room, smiled brightly as she placed the large plates of food onto the dining table in front of the members.
“Looks delicious, Auriella. Thank you, you really didn't have to do all of this.” Felix told the girl with gratitude.
“Oh you are all very welcome. I love cooking so this was fun.” She beamed. “Well, let’s eat.”
Bowls and pans were passed around the table as everyone took portions of the food prepared. The members ate with sounds of appreciation and content looks on their faces. It had been awhile since they had a home cooked meal. Between performances and practices, time and energy had become scarce and instant foods became the norm. Being fed and taken care of like this brought a different kind of warmth and comfort to the members.
Jeongin said something with a smile as he looked at Auriella but the young didn't understand. She planned on taking Korean lesson as soon as possible.
“I’m sorry? I don't understand.” Auriella tilted her head in confusion.
“He said the food is good and thank you.” Felix laughed
“Oh, well I’m glad. Enjoy.” Auriella couldn't keep the smile off of her face. The youngest boy was so cute, she wanted to squish his cheeks.
The meal went on in a somewhat comfortable silence until the girl noticed something. “Oh Hyunjin, You have something right here, honey.” Auriella giggled as the boy turned at the sound of his name. Eyes wide and cheeks full, he looked at her in confusion.
“Here.” she smiled, grabbing her napkin and reaching for his face.
Hyunjin was frozen, the food in his mouth stuffing his cheeks as he continued to look at the girl reaching for his face with her small hands. She was gentle as she wiped the mess he left.
“There.” she said softly, picking up her fork once again, completely unaware of the nine pairs of eyes on her.
Jisung cleared his throat before calling for the girl almost hesitant. “A-auriella?” At her hum of response, he continued. “Did you know?” It was sudden but the question needed to be answered.
“Did I know what?” She asked the boy, unaware of the glaring eyes from across the table. Chan was watching her body language, to see if she was lying.
“I think he, all of us, wanted to know if you knew about the contract. I mean, did you choose this? I’m sorry, we aren't trying to be rude, we just don't understand.” Felix fumbled.
Auiella put her utensils down and took a deep breath. This was it. The big question that everyone wanted to know.
“No. I didn't. I am here because I made a stupid mistake.” She said regretfully.
“So this your fault, then. Thanks a lot.” Chan spoke up, earning and ignoring a glare from Woojin.
“Excuse me?” Auriella said, shocked.
“You said it yourself.” He said “You fucked up and now me and my members have to pay for it. Cheers.”
Bang Chan was rude, and condescending and selfish. Auriella had never met someone as ignorant as him and she had enough. She had done absolutely nothing wrong and he was treating her like she had caused all of this commotion purposely. Now, she was pissed.
“What? Nothing to say? Cause I’m right! Y’know, you are so selfish. Have you sat and thought for one second how you and your actions might affect other p-” Chan didn't get to finish insulting her before he was cut off.
“SHUT UP!” Auriella was shaking and red.
“What?” Chan didn't expect her to respond like that. He was just telling her what she already said. He didn't understand her problem.
“Shut up, you stupid, ignorant bastard.” Auriella spoke slow and firm. She had let him talk but now it was her turn and he was going to listen whether he liked it or not.
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