#Dentist in Hammersmith
forestraydentists · 2 years
The London Borough of Brent () is a London borough in north west London, and forms part of Outer London. The major areas are Kilburn, Wembley and Willesden. It borders the boroughs of Harrow to the north-west, Barnet to the north-east, Camden to the east and Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Kensington and Chelsea to the south, and Westminster to the south-east. Most of the eastern border is formed by the Roman road Watling Street, now the modern A5. Brent has a mixture of residential, industrial and commercial land. Brent is home to Wembley Stadium, one of the country’s biggest landmarks, as well as Wembley Arena. The local authority is Brent London Borough Council.
Driving directions to Forest and Ray Dentist Driving directions to Ealing
Originally published here: https://forestray.dentist/kb/brent/
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fulhamroaddental · 3 years
At Fulham Road Dental we offer the very best dental care to our patients with a strong focus on patient safety, hygiene and care. We achieve this by using the latest leading technologies in the dental industry. Fulham Road Dentist | London
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harrisonstories · 6 years
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Pattie Boyd and George Harrison - assumed to be from their honeymoon in Barbados (1966)
NOTE: This is the “Something in the Way She Moved” interview Ken Sharp did with Pattie Boyd in 2007. I’ve posted a couple of quotes before and wanted to share the whole thing for Pattie’s birthday. Originally this interview was available through Goldmine magazine, but it seems they’ve changed their website recently, so I used the version from Record Collector . Unfortunately they slightly edited parts of the interview, so what I’ve done is add in as much as I could find from the Goldmine version in brackets. Anyway, hope you enjoy and Happy Belated Birthday Pattie!
Share your memories of first meeting the Beatles on the set of A Hard Day’s Night...
I was working as a model and my agent called me one day to tell me that there was a casting audition to go to. When I arrived there I recognized the director because I’d done some TV commercials with him. Then I went home afterwards and I heard from my agent that I got a part in a Beatles film, which was A Hard Day’s Night. I was a bit stunned by this. I had no desire or ambition to be an actress. They said, “Oh don’t worry, it’s just a walk on part.”
In the film I had to be a schoolgirl. So I turned up at the appointed place, a train station, caught the train and then a little way out of Paddington Station the train stopped. I looked out and saw these four very recognizable people were standing on a platform. It was The Beatles. There was nobody else there. They jumped onto the train, came into our carriage and introduced themselves as if we didn’t know who they were (laughs). They were so charming. We shook their hands, then they went off and filming began. I just thought George was so unbelievably good looking and adorable. They were all so funny and humorous, and seemed to be mucking about all of the time. George and I just hit it off.
I don’t know whether it was by design or deliberation but we ended up sitting next to each other for lunch. I remember feeling so silly because I was still dressed in a stupid schoolgirl uniform. We were both really shy but we enjoyed sitting next to each other and talking a bit.
At the end of the day, the train was headed back to London and George looked at me and said, “Will you marry me?” Because they’d all been so amusing and funny throughout the day I just laughed as if he were joking. Then he said, “Can I take you out to dinner tonight?” I said, “Well, actually I’m going out with my boyfriend (Eric Swayne), but you can come along too.” He said, “No, that wasn’t the idea at all.”
What were the qualities about George that made you realize he was the one for you?
I think it was his absolute charm and endearment. [He was very endearing. He was very easy to be with. He was very soft and lovely.] He seemed to really love my family and got on very well with all my brothers and sisters. He was just eternally sweet to everybody.  When we first started going out together he was very quiet. As time went on he gained more confidence. And then there were times it was difficult to stop him from talking.
Did you get a chance to visit many Beatle recording sessions?
No, because really and truly we weren’t really allowed to. We weren’t encouraged to go to the studio. I remember once going through the studio to meet George Martin; I think they might have been doing recording with Mary Hopkin. But I never saw a Beatles recording session. When Yoko came on the scene, she was allowed to but otherwise none of the wives were. It was far better that there were no distractions from us. I mean, girls can be distracting, let’s face it. They wanted to totally focus on their work.
Bring us back to the first time you saw The Beatles in concert.
I saw them for the first time when they played at the Hammersmith Odeon London in 1964. George and I had met and it seemed this show must have happened a few months after that. I was given a few seats right near the front. The audience was screaming all of the time. To me, that was odd, because I didn’t realize that was what happened during their shows. The noise was huge, but the Beatles’ performance was really great.
Was it a different George onstage than off?
Absolutely. He was himself in his professional role of being a musician. Whereas I just knew him as my boyfriend, someone who was great to hang out with, loved my family and really enjoyed to hang out with my friends. So this was very clearly another role that I didn’t really recognize him in. 
[Did he feel more comfortable off stage?]
[Yes], I always felt he was never very comfortable onstage. I think it made him nervous. He was much more comfortable being in the company of friends and family and people that he loved.
Through the years, George expressed how he grew tired of Beatlemania fairly early on in the band’s career.
After he and I met, we would have such a great time together. I don’t want to be boastful about it but I think he really preferred hanging out with me and actually enjoying life. Touring got in the way and he didn’t really enjoy it. He didn’t really see the point of touring because just as soon as they walked toward the stage the people would start screaming so loudly. When they started playing the screaming got even louder to the point where nobody possibly could have heard anything. He saw it all as a bit of a waste of time.
But when you watch The Beatles film showing them performing at Shea Stadium, it does seem like they’re having a blast.
Yeah. With Shea Stadium, of course, that was one of their big conquests in America. I remember George saying he couldn’t believe how enormous it was and how many people were there. He was overawed by that [and did enjoy playing that show]. 
You write in your book that The Beatles were “fearful” of their fans.
Obviously they couldn’t exist without their fans but their fans followed them everywhere they went. Before we had a gate put up outside of our house in Esher, fans would come to the house all the time. On a couple of occasions some of my things were stolen. Depending on his mood, more often than not if fans came to the door he would shoo them away. But if he was in a good mood and they were nice people he would be charming, sign autographs and have a few words with them. But it was an intrusion. He’d rather be getting on with his life than dealing with that.
Unlike many groups of today, there was a real bond of friendship and camaraderie among the Beatles.
[The Beatles were very close and tight and would hang out together.] They all grew up in the same area of Liverpool. Automatically when you grow up with somebody from the same sort of background and experiences, you have a bond. At a very young age they were sent to Germany to work in Hamburg for [very], very long hours, little sleep and little money. They took loads of pills to keep them up all night. That unites people. [It’s very bonding.] Their language to each other was so fast, almost encoded. It was almost a secret language. They were very tight, [very tight].
In the book you state that “The Beatles lived an unreal life and never had to grow up”.
Everything was always taken care of for them. I think they realized they had to start growing up when Brian Epstein died. He was a father figure for them. He enjoyed looking after them and taking care of all their needs. He would anticipate what they would like, when they’d like to go on holidays. Brian taught them the niceties of life, introduced them to fine wines, to London and Theatre.
When he died there was a period where they felt lost but then I think after that they gained their feet and realized they had to take control of their lives. The boys had to disappear and put on long trousers.
After Beatles played their last show in San Francisco, George said that now he was no longer a Beatle. Did he express his relief that their touring days were over?
Yes, he was very happy he didn’t have to go on tour anymore. He really didn’t like it. He was happy that they’d now be able to solely concentrate on working in the studio, which he preferred. That’s where he was happiest.
Did he ever express his frustration about getting his songs recorded?
Yes, George was in a difficult position. In any three-way partnership there’s always going to be one person who feels left out. Ringo didn’t really come into the equation; he was mainly a drummer, not a songwriter. John and Paul wrote most of the songs and I know George felt frustrated that he wasn’t contributing as much as he felt he could and should.
With the magnificent love song Something, he proved himself on par with John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
I don’t think George knew it was a great song, but it was clearly a very beautiful song he’d written and he was very happy that it was going to be a single. He was thrilled.
Knowing it was written about you, how did that make you feel?
Oh, I thought it was the sweetest thing he could have done. I loved it. It’s a wonderful song.
There’s a funny story in your book about your cleaner, Margaret.
Margaret was so funny. She was almost like an older sister/mother figure for George and I. She was a bit radical as well. Whenever John came over she would ask him, “Oh John, can you give me one of those lovely pills?” They were uppers. I always knew when she got one from John (laughs) because she’d suddenly start vacuuming like mad and dusting everywhere. (laughs)
Bring us back to the dinner party where the dentist John Riley secretly dosed you, George, John and Cynthia with LSD.
At about nine or 10 o’clock at night we were dosed. We were furious! I thought I’d be like this for the rest of my life (laughing) and maybe I am. That trip lasted about eight hours. It was terribly surreal. People started looking like animals and they would grow 10 times their height. It was like being in a movie where things come in and out at you.
How did acid change George?
I think it affected him in a positive way. He enjoyed the mind expansion part of it, but then he grew out of it and didn’t want to do it anymore.
You were the one who pointed the way toward transcendental meditation.
I think they were on tour somewhere and a friend of mine, Marie-Lise, saw a little ad about learning how to meditate. We went to London and took these lessons in transcendental mediation. We had our mantra and now we were off meditating. When George came back I told him about it. Shortly after that I think it was Paul who suggested we all go see a lecture in London being done by the Maharishi. I was thrilled because it was his form of meditation that I’d been studying.
The Maharishi couldn’t figure out why suddenly after he’d been coming to England for years doing his lectures that all the press were there. He couldn’t think what had happened because he’d never heard of The Beatles. He quickly realized that The Beatles were important people. So he invited us all to go to Wales where he could teach us privately about meditation.
Ironically, it was in Wales where the Beatles heard that their manager, Brian Epstein had died.
Strangely enough, isn’t life so amazing that Brian would die at a time that they would all learn spirituality from the Maharishi? It was like they were replacing a father figure with a spiritual father figure in a way. That’s how I saw it. It was the saddest day. All of them were just ashen with shock with the news of Brian dying. The Maharishi helped them cope with it. At least we all had the comfort of him to help us deal with our grief.
What are your memories of the trip to India to study with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?
It was very nice to be a part of that enclosed life. There were probably about 80 people living there. George was very serious about meditation, as was John. But Paul and Ringo not so much. Ringo had a bad time there, especially with Maureen because she couldn’t stand flies. But for us, every day was glorious. There was nothing nicer than being in a very nice and calm environment.
John, Paul and George would play the guitar and write songs. It was absolutely the most lovely atmosphere. We’d meditate for hours on end. The food was delicious. It was lovely to go down to the Ganges when it started getting warmer. It was just a very nice time.
When George returned from India, there was a change in his personality.
Yes, he became more serious. After he returned from India the reality for George and the rest of The Beatles was that they now had to be businessmen and handle everything to do with The Beatles’ slowly growing empire. With Apple, they had to find business partners and then they were all arguing over who should handle them. From being musicians they had to wear the hat of being businessmen as well, and intrinsically that’s not in their nature. They’re artists. They’re creators.
George didn’t like to have to make these business decisions and play that kind of role. So then he started staying in the office or in the studio quite a lot and recording various artists like Billy Preston, Doris Troy and Jackie Lomax. After a few years, George and I grew apart. He wanted to hang onto his spirituality. He started chanting a lot. I think he was desperately trying to reach a nice calm space in his head. On top of everything else The Beatles all started arguing with each other on creative levels as well.
During the recording of Let It Be, George left the Beatles. What did he share with you about his disenchantment?
He came home and told me how he’d left the band. He was in a really bad mood. He said the vibes were so ghastly and that The Beatles were going to split up. I think in a way it was a slow breakup. They all saw it as divorcing each other. Gradually they all let go of being in the band. It was too difficult to sustain.
[Discuss the duality of George. ] On one hand, George was a seeker of enlightenment and spirituality, but on the other he was having affairs on the side.
[George was a human being.] He was human, terribly good looking and very famous. He had his ups and down. Temptations were thrown at him continually. If you’re gonna decide that you’re gonna be a priest it’s very difficult. I think George was far more aware than other people of the continual battle of one’s demons. [We all have demons inside of us. We’re all full of black and white.] He struggled with it. He always wanted to be a good man and do the right thing.
It was surprising to read in your book that George had an affair with Ringo’s wife. How did Ringo react?
Obviously, Ringo was seriously pissed off. But I don’t know whether his anger was directed more to Maureen than to George. Remember, I was going through my own hell at the time. I wasn’t really noting everyone’s pain and anguish. I was going through my own struggles.
Bring us back to when you and George visited Frank Sinatra for the My Way recording session.
We were in LA. I think George was finishing an album. Then we got a message that Frank Sinatra invited us to a recording session. So we turned up with Mal Evans and we were led into the control room. From there we could look through the glass panel and see this very large studio with a full orchestra. Then Frank walked into the studio and I was riveted. Here’s the famous Frank Sinatra. He took the mic and he sang My Way. He was absolutely stunning. All of us in the control room were silenced. Then Frank came into the control room, heard it back again and said, “That’s it!” He did it in one take. Then he said, “Let’s all go out for dinner.”
All these limos appeared and we all went to some restaurant on Sunset Boulevard. There was this huge table and everybody sat down. George and I tried to sit next to Frank but his best friends had to sit next to him, so we were shoved down the table (laughs). George and Frank had a good conversation in the control room and spoke at dinner as well. I think Frank was probably quite curious and wanted to hear about The Beatles.
In 1972, you and George met another legend, Elvis Presley, backstage at Madison Square Garden.
George had total respect for Elvis, he loved him. We were sitting in the audience; suddenly someone came up and said, “Elvis wants to meet you.” We obeyed like little lambs and went down into his dressing room. We went in and asked where Elvis was and they said, “He’s in the bathroom.” Then he came out and he was wearing his white suit. In my mind’s eye he was about 10 feet tall (laughs). He shook George’s hand and they spoke a few words and that was it.
I later met Elvis again with Eric (Clapton). We were in Memphis and Elvis invited us to the cinema to see a movie with him. We walked into the empty theatre and there was Elvis sitting a few rows from the front surrounded by a few people. So we said “Hi” and then we went to sit in the row behind him but his minders said, “No, no, no, you can’t sit there.” We had to sit a few rows back (laughs).
Being a muse for both George Harrison with Something and later with Eric Clapton for Layla and Wonderful Tonight, must have put tremendous pressure on you to be perfect.
You can’t help but think that people will look at you and go, “Oh my God, what is it about her that’s so special that a song is being written for her?” But what a great, great compliment. Maybe I never thought about the joys of it at the time because it was such a beautiful and flattering place to be in.
And you were at the kitchen table when George wrote My Sweet Lord.
I remember it very clearly. It’s a beautiful song and he was so proud of it. I know he wrote it. He didn’t copy it from The Chiffons. It was deeply upsetting and really hurtful when he was called into court in America for supposedly plagiarizing one of The Chiffons’ songs. That song became a bit tainted when we were told he’d have to go to court and defend himself with his guitar. George stopped listening to the radio after that so he wouldn’t be influenced by any music.
Can you remember when Eric first played you Layla?
Yes, of course. He played it for me on cassette. It was so beautiful. He kept looking at me for my reaction. He wanted me to realize that he had written it for me. It was inspired by a book that we’d both been given by a mutual friend called The Story Of Layla And Manjun. It was written by a Persian poet and it’s a beautiful love story. We were both very familiar with the book and story and the song was based on that story. I was totally mesmerized by the song. I still love it.
Eric pursued you for quite some time.
It may have been two or three years before we became involved. Things were going so bad at home, my relationship with George was collapsing. I thought it was best to go off and visit with my sister who was living in LA. I just wanted to get away and work out what I was going to do next. Eric phoned up and said, “Come join me on tour and see what it’s like.” I’d never been on a tour before. It’s really exhilarating and sexy. I thought, this is the life, this is wonderful. I think that was it. I’d made that choice. I was still not sure if I’d made the right decision.
Can you explain how George and Eric were able to maintain their friendship?
Their friendship was mainly based on music. There was a great respect for each other’s music. I suppose that was stronger than the other parts of their lives. I’m sure most people would think it’s surprising that they were civil about it. I mean, what can I say, that’s how it was.
Your wedding reception in 1979 featured Eric, three Beatles (George, Paul and Ringo), Mick Jagger, Robert Plant, Jeff Beck, Ronnie Wood, Jack Bruce, Bill Wyman and others jamming.
It was fantastic. It was an all-star band. It was a moving feast. The lineup kept changing. Everyone you mentioned played and more. There was a constant turnover of players. If a drummer left someone else was waiting in the wings to pick up the drumsticks.
You met with George at your cottage a few months before his death – had he come terms with his imminent passing?
I don’t know if George fully realized that. But on reflection I think maybe that was why he did come over to visit me. He brought me two little gifts and a plant. He had initially gone to see Ringo who lives near me and then just on the off chance phoned to see if I was in too. We had a lovely time.
You say that George’s near-fatal stabbing in 1999 may have weakened his defenses to the cancer that later claimed his life.
I think that is true. To have experienced that sort of seriously vicious attack would freak anybody out forever, and then your defenses are down and one can become vulnerable.
In describing your two husbands, you describe Eric as your “playmate” and George as your “soulmate”.
It was always great fun to hang out with Eric. It was always playtime. But this was when he was drinking and when someone is drinking they just think of the maddest things and the most childish things to do. We were in a lucky position because there were always people to pick up the pieces and look after us and cushion the fall. But then with George he was a true spiritual seeker. We had a very special friendship, a relationship that would last all our lives. [I knew that.] George was always there for me. He was a sweet and gentle person. [So what if he had demons. He'd been trying so hard to be good and spiritual.]
Lastly, apart from Something, Layla and Wonderful Tonight, can you select a favorite George and Eric song?
(Long pause) That’s a difficult question. For George, I have to say that I loved a lot of the stuff that he did with The Traveling Wilburys. I loved that music. And Eric? Oh gosh, that’s a hard one. (Long pause) How about Bell Bottom Blues?
Why that one?
(Laughing) Because I think it might have been about me.
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forestraydentists · 2 years
London 1
London is a 21st century metropolis with a rich history going back to Roman times. Some of the city’s most famous landmarks include the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, the iconic clock tower, and Westminster Abbey, which was the location of the coronation of the British monarchs. Visitors can also enjoy a trip on the London Eye, an observation wheel that gives sweeping views of the city. Learn more
London’s location is also significant – the city is the site of the 2012 XXX Olympiad, while the next Summer Olympics are to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The City of London is well-connected by public transport, with an airport only 25 minutes away by tube. Aldgate East tube station is nearby, and connects to the District and Hammersmith & City lines. Within walking distance are a variety of shops, restaurants, and hotels.
The UK is a constitutional monarchy, with the King as head of state and the Prime Minister as head of government. The country also has several devolved governments, each responsible for certain aspects of its government. Political parties contest the general elections every five years. Citizens aged eighteen or over must register to vote before the election.
London is a diverse city with many different communities. There are three main economic groups: the elite and the middle classes. The elite are the richest, with the largest share of wealth. The middle class is made up of people with varying levels of wealth and social capital. The working class consists of two main groups: the precariat and the underprivileged. The precariat constitutes approximately 15% of the population and has the least financial means.
While London is a 21st century metropolis, its rich history dates back to Roman times. Famous landmarks include the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben the iconic clock tower, and Westminster Abbey, the home of the British monarchs. The city is also home to 43 major universities, making it one of the top concentrations of higher education in Europe.
The city is divided into 32 distinct boroughs. Central London is the heart of the city, with plenty of bars, restaurants, and major tourist attractions. The West End features the highest concentration of hotels and restaurants. In addition to this, Mayfair is London’s premier address and boasts a number of swanky hotels. Hyde Park is located on the South Bank.
The weather in London is temperate. The average temperature ranges from 18 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and the rainiest month is August and November. However, British people are generally reserved, and striking up a conversation can be challenging. A good understanding of British etiquette will go a long way toward understanding the culture.
If you’re planning a trip to London, make sure to visit the Tate Modern art gallery, which is located in a former power station. This museum features spectacular paintings, photographs, and performances. Most of the exhibits at Tate Modern are free, but there are sometimes some that require a fee, so it’s a good idea to book in advance. A great post
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Originally published here: https://forestray.dentist/london/london-1/
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fulhamroaddental · 3 years
We have an extremely talented team of experts who are excellent at performing multi-disciplinary tasks and this is why our dental care community has the best Dentist in Fulham. We also provide a 15-minute video consultation to our patients discussing various of their issues. We are also installed with an approved air conditioning system to reduce the risk of COVID-19.
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wildcatfitnessuk · 5 years
Dentist vs Orthodontist – or how to find the right people to fix your smile! #ad
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As you guys know, I am currently on my Invisalign UK journey – after years of being so unhappy with my crooked teeth I am finally working on straightening them and getting the smile I’ve always wanted. And there’s one person I couldn’t do this without, and that’s my wonderful Orthodontist Dr Chaw Su Kyi . Whilst many dental practitioners are able to oversee an Invisalign journey, I decided to work with a specialist orthodontist like Dr Kyi as she is an expert in understanding about tooth movement, facial development and jaw alignment.
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When you straighten your teeth it can then affect your facial structure as well as create problem further down the line without proper forward planning and preparation, so whilst there were many people who could have supplied and fitted my Invisalign braces for me, I wanted someone who understood what I wanted to achieve, and who would able to properly plan my tooth movement as there is so much to change with my smile as crooked as it was. I also wanted to make sure those changes would be sustainable and reduce any potential future problems. Dr Kyi carried out another 3 years of study and training on top of her 5 year Dental Degree, so I knew my teeth were in the most capable hands. 
Before my Invisalign retainers were even made, Dr Kyi performed an Itero 5D scan of my entire mouth, showing not only the position of all of my teeth, but also what was going on with their health – looking for any potential cavities, impacted wisdom teeth, or weakening of the enamel – all of which should require treatment before Invisalign braces are fitted, but that can only be seen using an Itero 5D Scanner. As this was such a big journey for me to undertake, I wanted to do it in the best and safest way and most importantly make sure everything was done properly.
My top 6 front teeth are all veneers that I had fitted almost 20 years ago, and honestly I regret them. I didn’t do much research, my choice of dentist was mainly influenced by price and as a result I didn’t get the perfectly straight smile I originally wanted, and in fact I’ve had major issues with my thickest veneer. So you can see why I wanted to get every single step of my Invisalign journey right, which it is thanks to working with such an experienced orthodontist. 
All that and of course there are the clinic locations of Hammersmith and Harley Street – both super convenient to visit for check-ups in my busy schedule! 
I guess what I’m trying to say is that if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing properly, and working with someone you can trust completely. And I’m lucky that Dr Chaw Su Kyi is exactly that
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The post Dentist vs Orthodontist – or how to find the right people to fix your smile! #ad appeared first on Wildcat Fitness.
from Dentist vs Orthodontist – or how to find the right people to fix your smile! #ad
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heenayadav-blog · 6 years
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[SF] A Vieny man
A veiny man said: I’m going to Ryan’s Tacky Penthouse apartment to shoot him in his stupid face. His wife replied with ”Perhaps this all a simulation” the veiny man’s intense demeanor was now aimed at the wife, he stabbed her with a needle laced with a chemical that made her lose her memory and go to sleep. Richard was not his real name, He was hiding as a dentist in Switzerland, but now he was going to blow his cover, By shooting Ryan in his stupid face. Ryan served old Comtè and several bottles of a 1963 Quinta Do Noval Vintage, and everyone at his party was well dressed except the Hippies. If you use 50 kilos of dynamite you can blow a front door so hard that it will shoot through the living room and cut anyone in half, the door will then continue out of the room and fly to the moon. The door hit a Simulacra of Andy Warhol. In this reality replicants of historically significant people are created on a compound of behavioral data, and called Simulacra, very expensive and considered status symbols. In Switzerland, the government gives every citizen a simulacrum on their 18th birthday. You can pick anyone but some choices are controversial, like Ted Bundy or Charlie Sheen. The door and Richard’s cover were blown, he had forgotten the Uzis and pulled out the Katana which was gifted to him by a guy named Quint. He cut everyone down except Ryan. Ryan was on his knees exhausted from his 72-hour cocaine bender ”I thought you were gonna shoot me in my stupid face” ”I lied” Richard replied as his sword cut Ryan’s frontal lobe and left him a lobotomite. lobotomies were Richard’s calling card. The walls of reality broke down around Richard, as a woman identical to his wife broke through the ceiling with a group of older men ”wake up Allan!” the woman yelled ”Off my case, Cicilia” Richard said as his mind was flushed with memories of a mediocre life as a man named Allan. ”I’m Doctor Friedland Hammersmith and you need to snap out of this” one of the older men said as he stepped forward and slapped Richard’s face. Richard replied with a swift cutting off the old man, who vaporized, along with the rest of the group. The world around Richard began to deteriorate, as usual, he had to find the purple portal that allowed him to find a new reality where he could hide from his wife. His memory was reset and he landed in a fictionalized version of the Ottoman empire, he had to find Agent Mole to receive a new assignment and stay hidden from that horrible wife. In a different reality a 43-year-old lawyer named Cicilia, looked at her unconscious husband slumped down in their sofa with wires coming out of his brain. The wires were connected to a black sphere sitting on the coffee table in front of the hollow husk that was once her husband. ”At this level of connectivity there is not much we can do,” Dr. Friedland said. ”Keeping him alive will continue to cost you” The doctor said as he wiped the sweat off his wrinkled forehead. ”Take him away” Cicilia was finally ready to let go. 10 years prior her husband had come home with the newest home console ”Sphere 5”. He had spent 10 minutes setting the thing up, he sat with the wires he was supposed to connect to his brain. At the end of the wires sharp needles were mounted, sharp needles he was to drive through the temples of his cranium. He took a deep breath and drove the needles inside his brain, he felt intense pain and his vision became purple. This was where the life of Allan ended, and Richard’s story began. Allan’s life had been sad and unremarkable, he never loved Cicilia, he was drunk when they married. He had been a stranger in his own life, he barely noticed the children that Cicilia said were his even though they looked Asian. He never learned their names and they stayed clear of him. ”his frontal lobe is fried,” Friedland said while Slitting Allan’s throat and putting him in a bag. Friedman took a cash payment from Cicilia and left with Allan’s corpse. All across the world people faced fates similar to Allan’s, the Black Sphere gaming console had been released and millions had been sold in a few hours. Some said the console had been created by spies hiding in the gaming industry some said it was made under the authority of Billionaire and alleged misanthropist Robert Shapira. But Richard was going to find the truth, and it all let back to Ryan, and as usual, he forgot his guns. His Simulacrum of Charlie Sheen waved him goodbye and said: ”You look veiny, Richard, and I have AIDS.”
submitted by /u/NotTimothyDalton [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2BNhVGA
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dentaltalent · 5 years
Dental Nurse - Kilburn
Dental Nurse – Kilburn
Location: Must be able to work between Hammersmith & Kilburn practices
Assisting the dentist during a variety of treatment procedures
Taking and developing dental radiographs (x-rays)
Asking about the patient’s medical history
Preparing and sterilizing instruments and equipment
Helping patients feel comfortable before, during and after dental treatment
Providing patients with…
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SmileDirectClub launches in the UK - first in the EU Territory
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U.S. teledentistry giant SmileDirectClub officially opens for business today to bring affordable and accessible clear aligner therapy to the UK. SmileDirectClub will open nine SmileShops in London, Manchester, and Birmingham, with the first opening in Hammersmith, Oxford Circus and Tower Bridge in London, and Crossway in Birmingham.
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With a mission to democratise access to safe, affordable, and convenient teeth straightening solutions through doctor-directed remote clear aligner therapy, SmileDirectClub has become one of the fastest-growing health technology companies in the U.S. Since launching in 2014, SmileDirectClub has enabled over 650,000 customers to get a smile they love and has seen an up take in its customers visiting their dentists more regularly to take better care of their teeth and to maintain their improved smile. In 2019, SmileDirectClub expanded its reach, bringing access to its network of over 240 affiliated dentists and orthodontists to customers in Canada, Australia, and now the UK.
"We believe everyone deserves a smile they love," says Alex Fenkell, Co-founder of SmileDirectClub. "Our mission is to help people unleash the power of their smile and positively impact their place in the world. The confidence that comes from having a great smile is transformative to every aspect of your life. Through our groundbreaking teledentistry platform, we’re giving more people access to affordable smile care. The time is right to expand our mission to the UK to give more Britons the confidence that comes from a straighter, brighter smile." 
With 40% of Britons unhappy with their teeth it is no surprise that UK household spending on dental services has nearly doubled in the past year.
“We’re confident consumers in the UK will embrace the ability to have access to affordable oral care,” said Kay Oswald, President of International at SmileDirectClub, confirming the company’s commitment to expanding its UK business. “With the UK known globally for its forward-thinking approach to technology, innovation, and healthcare, we are committed to investing into the UK market and have ambitious and exciting plans for our future here.”
London’s Deputy Mayor for Business, Rajesh Agrawal said: “We’re delighted SmileDirectClub has chosen London for its first locations in the UK. With access to international markets, growth capital and world-class talent, London is a great place to grow and scale a business. This is further evidence that London is open to talent and investment from the US.”
John Nuttall, CEO at Well Pharmacy, comments: “Well Pharmacy is delighted to partner with SmileDirectClub. We are committed to giving our customers choice and access to safe and effective healthcare solutions that they can trust. There is a gap in the market for more affordable, convenient, and innovative teeth straightening solutions, and we’re excited to pilot this service in four key retail locations.”
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SmileDirectClub has pioneered a unique teledentistry platform to connect customers with an affiliated network of UK-based registered dentists or orthodontists who direct all aspects of clinical care using SmileDirectClub’s platform. These licensed dentists and orthodontists customise each patient’s treatment plan and manage their patients’ care from initial diagnosis through the conclusion of treatment, monitoring care along the way with remote check-ins every 90 days to allow patients to avoid the hassle of scheduling frequent visits to a doctor’s office.
SmileDirectClub clear aligners are doctor-prescribed and custom-made from BPA-free plastic thermoformed onto personalised 3D-printed mouth molds, powered by a groundbreaking fleet of HP industrial 3D printers.  Each customer’s clear aligner treatment plan is shipped in an “all in one” box directly to the customer’s door. As a result of the innovations across the supply chain, SmileDirectClub’s direct-to-consumer clear aligner therapy costs up to 60% less than traditional braces, with an average treatment length of six months3, saving time and money for customers throughout the UK.
Customers can start their journey to a straighter smile at SmileDirectClub.co.uk, where they have the option to schedule a free visit to a SmileShop in their area to have 3D photographs captured of their smile, or they can order an impression kit, prescribed by a UK registered dentist or orthodontist. The treating dentist or orthodontist will create the custom treatment plan and prescribe custom-made, clear aligners, which are then shipped directly to the customer. SmileDirectClub offers two options for payment – a single payment of £1499, or 12 payments of £120 per month with a deposit of £199, which includes two additional sets of retainers valued at £70 per set.
SmileDirectClub was founded on a simple belief: Everyone deserves a smile they love. In 2014, SmileDirectClub pioneered a teledentistry platform that connects customers with an affiliated network of licensed dentists and orthodontists who leverage our technology to remotely prescribe and manage clear aligner therapy. SmileDirectClub’s mission is to democratise access to affordable, convenient care and empower people with confidence through a straighter, brighter smile. SmileDirectClub was founded by Alex Fenkell and Jordan Katzman in partnership with Camelot Venture Group, whose portfolio companies include 1-800 CONTACTS and Quicken Loans. Available in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and the UK, SmileDirectClub is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. For more information, visit SmileDirectClub.co.uk.
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Two days later, Durand-Deacon’s friend Constance Lane reported her missing.
Detectives soon discovered Haigh’s record of theft and fraud and searched the workshop. Police found Haigh’s attaché case containing a dry cleaner’s receipt for Mrs Durand-Deacon’s coat, and also papers referring to the Hendersons and McSwans. The workshop in Sussex rented by Haigh did not contain a floor drain, unlike the workshop he had rented at Gloucester Road in London. He therefore disposed of the remains by pouring out the container on a rubble pile at the back of the property. Investigation of the area by pathologist Keith Simpson revealed 28 pounds of human body fat, part of a human foot, human gallstones and part of a denture which was later identified by Mrs Durand-Deacon's dentist during the trial.
Haigh asked Detective Inspector Albert Webb during questioning, "Tell me, frankly, what are the chances of anybody being released from Broadmoor?" (a high-security psychiatric hospital). The inspector said that he could not discuss that sort of thing, so Haigh replied, "Well, if I told you the truth, you would not believe me. It sounds too fantastic to believe."
Haigh then confessed that he had killed Durand-Deacon, the McSwans and the Hendersons—as well as three other people: a young man called Max, a girl from Eastbourne, and a woman from Hammersmith. These claims could not be substantiated.
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fulhamroaddental · 3 years
We, The Fulham Road Dental offer the best possible dental care to our patients with utmost hygiene and care by using the latest technologies. Here the patients are provided with the Destination of their choice and excellent oral care. The various treatments offered here are general dentistry, hygienist, teeth whitening, restorative dentistry, Invisalign, straighter teeth, root canal, dental implants, veneers and gum diseases.This place is worth visiting if you truly care for your oral health.
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emanbeck-blog · 6 years
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is a modern field having advanced and fresh procedures, so everyone is not much aware of it. Therefore, some questions cross every mind by hearing the term cosmetic dentistry. Those questions include: What does cosmetic dentistry mean? What are the advantages of cosmetic dentistry? How is cosmetic dentistry different from the ordinary dentistry? But, put a halt on your thoughts and concentrate on the term. This term is usually used to define the procedures which give a new life to your smile and enhance the beauty of your face. The network of the dentists is filled with the Cosmetic Dentists in Hammersmith who work for people in providing them happiness with pearly white smiles. To understand the term, you need to have a look at the benefits of the cosmetic dentistry which are as follows.
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#fulhamroad #chelseagrin #chelsea #kingcross#waltamstow #edmontonnails #woodgreen #haringay #hachney #hendon #harrods #harow #hangerlane #hammersmith #borehamwood #watford #shoriditch #school #londonbathrooms #londonpop #lond #lon #sharehouse #londonshared #eustonroad #finchly #finchleyroad #eastfinchley #barnetmoms #londonmom #singlemom #muswellhill #alexandrapalacepark #greenlane #dentist #londondentist#archway #kentish #wimbley#studentacommodation #londonstudentnightlife #cavendish #yellopages #totridge (at Hendon)
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