gregor-samsung · 9 months
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A Febre [The Fever] (Maya Da-Rin, 2019)
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falangesdovento · 2 years
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Garota Desana Brasileira, Rio Negro (Amazônia)
O povo Desana se autodenomina “Gente do Universo”.
“Segundo a tradição oral dos Desana, comum a outros povos Tukano orientais, os ancestrais da Humanidade seguiram o curso dos rios Amazonas, Negro, Uaupés e seus afluentes, saindo do Oceano Atlântico em um navio – a “Canoa -de-Transformação”. Ao longo da viagem pararam em inúmeras “casas de transformação”, onde realizaram celebrações. A viagem subaquática na Canoa-da-Transformação é assimilada à humanização e amadurecimento progressivo dos ancestrais da Humanidade. Eles encalharam entre as corredeiras de Ipanoré, no médio rio Uaupés. Foi nesse local que se deu a diferenciação entre brancos e índios. O ancestral dos brancos foi então para o sul, enquanto os índios subiram o curso do rio e seus afluentes procurando um bom lugar para morar.
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jordanrosenburg · 6 months
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After watching the “Quiet On Set” documentary, I can’t help but feel like there are literally no good people in the entertainment industry. Even the “good” ones aren’t good. It solidifies that we don’t actually know anything about them. We only know who they present as to the media. 
I think like most people around my age, we grew up watching Nickelodeon during its golden age. I always looked forward to watching “All That” not only because it was funny, but because it was something I could watch with my older siblings. It was something the four of us could laugh together about. My sister and I still laugh over the bit from “Keenan and Kel” where Kel admits to dropping the screw in the tuna. So many iconic characters and television shows were created at the hands of Dan Schneider. 
What else was created at the hands of Dan Schneider were countless acts of abuse, harassment, manipulation, and much more. His sets were homes to child sexual abusers. Adults who are around children each and every day, taking advantage of their trust and innocence, grooming them and harming them physically and mentally. 
It’s not easy for victims of abuse to speak up. Many aren’t believed. Reliving trauma is a horrific experience, so I commend each and every person who shared their story for this docuseries. There were previous cast members who aren’t as well known who got to share their truths, there were crew members sharing stories about Dan’s harassment and sexism on set. There were many crew members that felt uncomfortable about the scenes they were shooting, but no one spoke up. Dan had so much power at Nickelodeon because he kept churning out hit after hit after hit. The parents weren’t much better, but I’ll come back to that. 
The docuseries revealed three adult men who were caught for child pornography, and for sexually abusing children. One man’s name is Brian Peck. He groomed Drake Bell for years. Joe Bell, Drake’s father, did everything he could to keep Brian away from Drake because he knew something just wasn’t right with how Brian acted around his son. Brian eventually convinced Drake to fire his father as his manager, and let his mother take over. This gave Brian the room to drive Drake to and from auditions, take him to Disneyland with him and his friends, and more. Drake Bell revealed in the documentary that Brian Peck sexually assaulted and abused him for years. Since Drake was a minor when it started, his identity was kept secret.
During the trial, many people wrote letters for Brian Peck, attesting to his character: James Marden, Taran Killam, Alan Thicke, Thomas DeSano, Ron Melendez, Rider Strong, and Will Friedle. Some of these names are extremely surprising, and others aren't at all.
Joanna Kerns saying, "there must have been some extreme situation or temptation exerted on him to influence is actions" at the time, and is now saying "I have now learned that my letter of support was based on complete misinformation.
Knowing what I know now, I never would have written the letter". For me, it's not even about her writing the letter, it's about her blaming Drake Bell, the victim, and child in the situation, as if Brian Peck wasn't a grown man who should have known better.
Kimmy Robertson also wrote victim blaming language in her letter of support for Brian Peck.
Rich Correll wrote, "it would be my pleasure to work with him again". And then he did! Brian was allowed to work on The Suite Life! Correll later said, they had no input or involvement in the casting". He also went on to say that, "Mr. Peck simply replied that 'the problem had been solved'".
The series went on from there, explaining how Dan’s behaviors just got worse and worse, and he “flew too close to the sun”. The inappropriate sexual innuendo bits on his shows happened more and more frequently. This included constant closeups on actors’ feet, many of the young female actresses being forced to be squirted in the face with various liquids to represent “money shots”. Ariana Grande probably had it the worst in that she had to film videos that went directly to YouTube, many of which included her biting her own toenails, squeezing a potato until juice squirted out of it, etc. Just absolutely disgusting things that do not make sense for a CHILDREN’S television show. These weren’t jokes for kids. This was Dan Schneider abusing his power, and seeing how much he could get away with. 
It wasn’t until Jeanette McCurdy’s mother died that Nickelodeon finally launched an investigation into Dan Schneider. Jeanette talks about this in her book, “I’m Glad My Mom Died”, which was a heart wrenching read, but well worth it. Jeanette returned to work a WEEK after her mother died from a long battle with cancer. Because of the backlash she got for that, Nickelodeon realized that it was the culture Dan created that probably made Jeanette feel like she had to come back, that she couldn’t take more time off. 
All Nickelodeon did was remove Dan from his sets, and made it so he could only watch from his office and give notes from there. Even though he wasn’t physically on set, the toxic and hostile environment was still alive and well because he was still watching everyone’s every move. 
Thanks to #MeToo, more and more women started speaking up about their experiences on set with Dan Schneider. And then in 2018 Nickelodeon finally kicked Dan Schneider to the curb after launching another investigation based off the new claims. The investigation didn't reveal proof of sexual abuse, but it revealed more cases of harassment of his actors and his crews.
Child stars are often made fun of and exploited by the media as they transition into adulthood. We watch their mental health decline until they’re caught having a breakdown. People point and laugh, and say it’s just another child star who couldn’t handle life as a grown up. But what I think a lot of people don’t understand is that many child stars are forced into the entertainment business. Parents put their financial burdens on their children, tell them they need to work to support the family. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a child. So, if something bad is happening on a set, a kid is going to be too afraid to speak up because they could be fired, and if they’re fired, then they’re not making money for their families. The parents are supposed to be on set and with the kids at all times. But so many turn the other cheek and don’t speak up because they don’t want to risk their kids getting fired. 
It just feels like no adults, not even the ones you’re meant to trust, are safe to be around. In some way, shape, or form these kids get abused. Whether it’s sexual abuse, racism, inflicted eating disorders, or other types of mental abuse, they’re not safe. No one is looking out for them. Everyone is more concerned with making money. 
The entertainment industry squeezes the youth dry and tosses them aside when they can’t legally control them anymore. And we wonder why so many of them have a tough time later on in life. The lucky ones are helped through therapy, and the not so lucky ones either turn up dead, broke, abused, or end up abusing others as they were abused. 
I am feeling very sad and heartbroken. And I’m not sure where to go from here. So many of these shows have brought me comfort and laughs over the years. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to enjoy them again. Is it okay to sit and watch reruns or should we be boycotting everything? I want to help in the ways that I can, but I also know that the world will stop caring about this in a week or so when the next big truth bomb about something else is dropped. 
People who have no moral conscious, people who are okay letting children be hurt for the sake of their own wallets shouldn’t have any power. And I hope everyone involved in hurting these kids, past and present, is forced to answer for what they did. I hope they’re shamed and cancelled and doxxed and everything else bad that can happen to people like them. I hope they go broke and become ruined. And at this point, I hope Nickelodeon just crashes and burns. They don’t deserve any salvation. 
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nevver · 2 years
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Knock loud, I'm home - Desano
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 months
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Estas son las lenguas indígenas de Colombia :
Las 65 lenguas indígenas existentes son: achagua, andoque, awapit, bará, barasano, barí ara, bora, cabiyari, carapana, carijona, cocama, cofán, cuiba, curripaco, damana, desano, embera, ette naka, hitnu, guayabero, ika, inga, kakua, kamsá, kichwa, kogui, koreguaje, kubeo, kuna tule, macuna, miraña, muinane, namtrik, nasa-yuwe, nonuya, nukak, ocaina, piapoco, piaroa, piratapuyo, pisamira, puinave, sáliba, sikuani, siona, siriano, taiwano, tanimuca, tariano, tatuyo, tikuna, tinigua, tucano, tucuná, tuyuca, uitoto, uwa, wanano, wayuunaiki, wounaan, yagua, yanuro, yuhup, yukpa y yuruti.
Namtrik - Namuy Wa
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katherinespiers · 2 years
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Where to Eat This Weekend: 
- DeSano Pizza 
- Phnom Penh Noodle Shack 
- Singapore's Banana Leaf 
- Steak 'N Stein 
- Top Restaurant 
 What are your plans?
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xtruss · 5 months
Breaking Ice, and Helicopter Drops: Winning Photos of Working Scientists
Nature’s Annual Photography Competition Attracted Stunning Images From Around the World, Including Two Very Different Shots Featuring the Polarstern Research Vessel.
— By Jack Leeming | 23 April 2024
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Glaciologist Richard Jones captured the moment a crew member on RV Polarstern prepared to rescue a measuring device trapped in ice.
Nature’s Annual Photography Competition Showcases Stunning Images From Around the World. By Jack Leeming. This image, taken on top of the ice­ breaker research vessel Polarstern, shows the delicate process of retriev­ ing an instrument called a CTD (short for conductivity, temperature, depth) that had become trapped under sea ice off the coast of northeastern Greenland. CTDs, which are anchored to the sea floor, measure how ocean properties such as salin­ ity and temperature vary with depth. At some point, the sea ice had closed over the top of this one, forcing the Polarstern to skirt carefully around the equipment, breaking the ice to rescue it from the freezing ocean.
“You’re crashing into ice and breaking through it. So it wasn’t particularly calm sail­ ing for the majority of the trip,” remembers Richard Jones, who took the image in Septem­ ber 2017 and is the winner of Nature’s 2024 Working Scientist photography competition. His research aims to improve estimates of the rate at which ice is being lost from the world’s glacial ice sheets. Jones, a glaciologist at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, highlights the photo­ graphic contrast between icebreaker and ice that he’d become used to in his five weeks aboard the Polarstern. “All you really see is
blue and white. And sometimes that might feel pretty monotonous, but the colours from the CTD instrument and the orange of the crane contrast the scene and also complement it quite nicely.” We received more than 200 entries this year from researchers working around the world. The winner and the four runners­up (highlighted on the following pages) were selected by a jury of Nature staff, including three of the journal’s picture editors. All will receive a prize of £500 (US$620), in the form of Amazon vouchers or a donation to charity, as well as a year’s subscription to Nature.
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Work/Careers! Library Ofleaves! PhD student Kim Castro took this photo of her colleague, postdoctoral researcher Luiz Leonardo Saldanha, in a herbarium that they both work in regularly. It's shared between the University of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Both Castro and Saldanha investigate the medicinal plants of the Amazon at the Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany at the University of Zurich, although the two have very different approaches: whereas Saldanha investigates their chemical diversity, Castro looks at how the plants are perceived by Indigenous communities in the Amazon, specializing in how the plants smell. A herbarium, Saldanha says, is "like a library - but instead of books, there are plants here". Saldanha posed with this particular sample (Palicourea corymbifera, collected in 1977) because it comes from his home country, Brazil, but is used by the Indigenous Desano people in Colombia as a medicinal herb. "So it creates a commonality between South American countries," he says.
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“Only 130 of These Birds 🦅 Remain On Earth. A Single Mosquito Bite Can Kill a Kiwikiu." Reaching the beak Conservation biologist Ryan Wagner snapped this photo of field biologist Sonia Vallocchia feeding a recently caught kiwikiu (Pseudonestor xanthophrys), in January this year. It was taken on Haleakala volcano on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Wagner, a PhD student at Washington State University Vancouver, was on an expedition to the island as a science communicator, hoping to raise awareness of the plight of the endangered birds. "Only 130 of these birds remain on Earth," explains Wagner. "Their numbers have crashed due to avian malaria, which is spread by invasive mosquitoes. As climate change warms the island, mosquitoes have advanced upslope into the high-elevation refuges where native birds survive. A single mosquito bite can kill a kiwikiu." He hopes that ornithologists such as Vallocchia, who works for the Maui Forest Birds Recovery Project in Makawao, will help to save these birds by bringing some of them (by helicopter) to the Maui Bird Conservation Center, also in Makawao. There, they will be treated for malaria and join a captive breeding programme, he says.
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Mountain Drop-off! In this dramatic image, taken from below the still-spinning, deafening blades of a military helicopter, scientists shelter with their equipment after being dropped off at the top of a remote mountain in northern Amazonia. They are taking part in a biodiversity-research expedition to Serra Imeri, an isolated mountain range that rises through the forest canopy near the border of Brazil and Venezuela, in November 2022. "A total of 14 scientists and dozens of military support personnel took part in the expedition, which lasted for 11 days and resulted in the discovery of several new species of amphibians, reptiles, birds and plants," says photographer Herton Escobar, a science journalist who works with the scientists pictured, at the University of São Paulo in Brazil.
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Go With The Floe! Emiliano Cimoli, a remote-sensing scientist at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania, Australia, took the second photograph featuring the research vessel Polarstern in this year's collection of winning images. Here, Carolin Mehlmann and Thomas Richter, mathematicians at the University of Magdeburg, Germany, are measuring the depth of snow across a giant ice floe drifting in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. The image was taken during a two-month voyage organized by the Alfred Wegener Institute, based in Bremerhaven, Germany, in August 2023. The goal of the expedition was to evaluate interactions between the ice physics, biology, hydrography, biogeochemistry and biodiversity of the Arctic ecosystem, from the sea ice to the sea floor.
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love-is-normal · 1 year
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From Deep Earth Salient Project's newest 90% projection, assuming DeSano-Denier wins in 2024.
Can you identify the main roads? And the playground by the school?
This is a Generative Future Projection, so it looks like Salvador Dali painted it, before the world turned from black and white to color.
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pharmawalksjobs · 2 years
Desano Pharmaceuticals - Job openings for Production/ QA/ QC/ Engineering
Desano Pharmaceuticals – Job openings for Production/ QA/ QC/ Engineering
Desano Pharmaceuticals is one of the first companies launching generic ARVs in China since 2002. Multiple products of Desano passed GMP inspection of US FDA, UK MHRA, EU EMA, EDQM, Australia TGA and WHO of various anti-HIV drugs. Commercial manufacturing facilities were established to meet the increasing demand of global treatment of HIV and malarial patients. Desano is one of the key APIs…
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nofatclips · 3 years
Disappearing by Low from the album HEY WHAT - Director/Producer/Editor: Dorian Wood
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myslices · 7 years
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fountaintheatre · 5 years
5 restaurants within a 5-minute walk of the Fountain
5 restaurants within a 5-minute walk of the Fountain
The Found Oyster on Fountain Avenue.
Dinner and a show. The perfect evening, right? At the Fountain Theatre, we got the show part covered. But the dinner part may have seemed less apparent. That’s quickly changing. As East Hollywood continues to revitalize, nearby dining options are blossoming. New restaurants, cafes and bars are sprouting up like delectable wildflowers, nestling themselves…
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bolsadepensamientos · 6 years
Me siento como si estuviera esperando algo que no va a suceder.
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thebryantcabrera · 2 years
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Having dinner with #Mom at #DeSano! @desanopizzala (at DeSano Pizza Bakery Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc4JdGCLSVp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thecomedybureau · 7 years
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For three years, Sauce has built themselves up as cozy, warm, wonderful stand-up show to watch in a private room at a delicious pizza bakery.  Perhaps, they might be the best comedy show at a LA pizzeria. 
Come celebrate their three year anniversary with a line-up chock full of LA’s best (Nicole Byer, Debra DiGiovanni, Guy Branum, Ron Lynch), the great Sauce crew (Barbara Gray, Brodie Reed, Erin Lampart, and Jeff Wattenhofer) AND one of Sauce’s original founders and beloved LA son returned for an evening, Eric Dadourian.
As always, a $5 suggested donation is all you need for the show. Get more details here!
The rest of our listings for comedy shows, events, open mics, maps, and more can be found at www.thecomedybureau.com.
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dave-cobb · 3 years
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A no-frills Valentine’s Date and 26th Anniversary! 🐻🐻💜🍕 (at DeSano Pizza Bakery Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ8RPnvLtR4QBrNA1Nv2SGIYd_zu7Q_Pwp2v9k0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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