#Despite his friends fucking up his perfectly good campaign Tim doesn't really mind??
I think Tim Drake would be the forever DM when it comes to D&D. It's not that his friends force him to constantly be the dungeon master for their campaigns, but it's something he enjoys doing. He actually prefers being a dungeon master more than a player.
While he's not much of a writer, I think he'd love world building. He probably has his world's currency system figured out. He creates his own conlang for it that no one is gonna take time to learn but that's okay because he has fun doing it. He's got spreadsheets and documents filled with lore that he can look back on later. He has his whole campaign figured out from start to finish and all the twists and turns laid out
His friends derail it instantly. Kon hits a nat 20 when seducing the buff orc lady that was suppose to be the big bad. His friends take almost a full session to get out of a room because they thought a tipped over chair was important to solving the puzzle when really it was there for set dressing. Cassie accidentally kills an important plot related NPC. Tim sighs and goes back through his documents to delete what he had planned.
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