#Developing a WordPress website
samyakonlinedelhi · 1 year
Developing a WordPress website is a great way to sell products and improve business. However, you also have to focus on how you can maintain it the right way. For this, you need to look for the best professionals that can provide you with maintenance services.
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tiikiboo · 5 months
I'm a Web developer
Hello, my name is Bettina and i'm 27 years old. I live in Sweden 🇸🇪 but i'm born in Hungary 🇭🇺.
I'm currently studying web development focusing e-commerce. I've done it for a year now and i have one year left in school. I have not had my internship yet.
The languages i'm learning:
JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, expess.js,
I've even experience UX-design, web design, digital marketing, SEO and entrepreneurship. And i love talking about problem solving and accessibility 🪄🪲
Currently i'm developing wordpress with PHP, HTML and hierarchical CSS.
So, if you are into this stuff, especially wordpress and php, talk nerdy stuff with me! I would be so happy if i had more connections with people who are into this stuff, especially women. 🌸
My github:
My portfolio:
It is not done yet, i will update it soon 🫣🐢
🌦️ A weather app made in our Javascript course:
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aakash3201 · 5 months
Any work related to these technology DM me...
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#seo #wordpress #figmadesign #uiux #reactjs #nodejs #laravel #html #css #shopify #wix #webflow #mobilepp #flutterdeveloper#usa🇺🇸 #usa #uk #sweden #canada #Mexico
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pressplaytech · 8 months
Is cPanel on Its Deathbed? A Tale of Technology, Profits, and a Slow-Moving Train Wreck
Ah, cPanel. The go-to control panel for many web hosting services since the dawn of, well, web hosting. Once the epitome of innovation, it’s now akin to a grizzled war veteran, limping along with a cane and wearing an “I Survived Y2K” t-shirt. So what went wrong? Let’s dive into this slow-moving technological telenovela, rife with corporate greed, security loopholes, and a legacy that may be hanging by a thread.
Chapter 1: A Brief, Glorious History (Or How cPanel Shot to Stardom)
Once upon a time, cPanel was the bee’s knees. Launched in 1996, this software was, for a while, the pinnacle of web management systems. It promised simplicity, reliability, and functionality. Oh, the golden years!
Chapter 2: The Tech Stack Tortoise
In the fast-paced world of technology, being stagnant is synonymous with being extinct. While newer tech stacks are integrating AI, machine learning, and all sorts of jazzy things, cPanel seems to be stuck in a time warp. Why? Because the tech stack is more outdated than a pair of bell-bottom trousers. No Docker, no Kubernetes, and don’t even get me started on the lack of robust API support.
Chapter 3: “The Corpulent Corporate”
In 2018, Oakley Capital, a private equity firm, acquired cPanel. For many, this was the beginning of the end. Pricing structures were jumbled, turning into a monetisation extravaganza. It’s like turning your grandma’s humble pie shop into a mass production line for rubbery, soulless pies. They’ve squeezed every ounce of profit from it, often at the expense of the end-users and smaller hosting companies.
Chapter 4: Security—or the Lack Thereof
Ah, the elephant in the room. cPanel has had its fair share of vulnerabilities. Whether it’s SQL injection flaws, privilege escalation, or simple, plain-text passwords (yes, you heard right), cPanel often appears in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. It’s like that dodgy uncle at family reunions who always manages to spill wine on the carpet; you know he’s going to mess up, yet somehow he’s always invited.
Chapter 5: The (Dis)loyal Subjects—The Hosting Companies
Remember those hosting companies that once swore by cPanel? Well, let’s just say some of them have been seen flirting with competitors at the bar. Newer, shinier control panels are coming to market, offering modern tech stacks and, gasp, lower prices! It’s like watching cPanel’s loyal subjects slowly turn their backs, one by one.
Chapter 6: The Alternatives—Not Just a Rebellion, but a Revolution
Plesk, Webmin, DirectAdmin, oh my! New players are rising, offering updated tech stacks, more customizable APIs, and—wait for it—better security protocols. They’re the Han Solos to cPanel’s Jabba the Hutt: faster, sleeker, and without the constant drooling.
Conclusion: The Twilight Years or a Second Wind?
The debate rages on. Is cPanel merely an ageing actor waiting for its swan song, or can it adapt and evolve, perhaps surprising us all? Either way, the story of cPanel serves as a cautionary tale: adapt or die. And for heaven’s sake, update your tech stack before it becomes a relic in a technology museum, right between floppy disks and dial-up modems.
This outline only scratches the surface, but it’s a start. If cPanel wants to avoid becoming the Betamax of web management systems, it better start evolving—stat. Cheers!
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A Comprehensive Guide on Potential of Blockchain Technology for Businesses
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In the quickly evolving landscape of technology, blockchain technology has gained more attention. Initially, blockchain was introduced as the underlying technology for cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. However, it has become a disruptive force in many different industries. Indeed, this technology has become a powerful tool that provides a decentralized and immutable platform for businesses worldwide. Want to know more about this technology? If so, you are in the right place. In this blog, we embark on a journey to explore the fundamental concepts of blockchain, its practical applications, and the potential it holds for shaping the future of your business. 
What is Blockchain Technology?
Blockchain is an information storage method that prevents manipulation, hacking, and alteration. Fundamentally, blockchain is distributed ledger technology (DLT) that is decentralized and records transactions across numerous nodes. Imagine a digital ledger that is copied among several computers globally rather than being stored in a single place. Every time a transaction happens, it is added to the block. A block becomes a chain once it has all the transactions and is connected to the previous block. Resultantly, it is referred to as a blockchain.
Blockchain technology is a framework that keeps track of all the transactions across several databases. This is referred to as a block or chain. Usually,  this storage system is known as a digital ledger. The holder’s digital signature confirms the transactions in the ledger. Hence, the information is extremely secure. In short, the digital ledger can be the same as a Google spreadsheet that is dispersed across multiple network nodes.  
Key Features of Blockchain:
Decentralization: Unlike conventional databases which are centralized, blockchain operates on several copies of databases spread across multiple nodes.
Transparency: Each participant on the network can see the transactions, prompting loyalty and trust.
Immutability: Blockchain technology ensures data integrity as once the transaction is completed it cannot be modified.
How Does Blockchain Work?
Presently, you may have observed that many businesses worldwide have been integrating blockchain development. However, how does blockchain technology work exactly? Is this a simple addition or a major change? Blockchain development technology is presently in its progression stage, but it has the potential to become revolutionary in the future. So, let's get to know how blockchain technology works:
Transaction Initialization: A user starts a transaction with his/her digital signature and the public key of the subsequent participant.
Verification: The network of computers then approves the transaction utilizing specific algorithms. An authorized transaction can include cryptocurrency, records, contracts, or any other kind of information.
Block Creation: After a transaction is finished, it is merged with others to create a new block of data.
Adding to the Chain: This block is then permanently merged with the existing blockchain and cannot be altered.
Why is Blockchain Important for Businesses?
Blockchain technology is revolutionizing industries by streamlining operations, enhancing security, and fostering trust through immutable transactions. Investing in enterprise blockchain development will become crucial simply for competitive reasons. Blockchain-powered smart contracts are reducing IT costs, streamlining complex procedures, and eliminating the need for middlemen across various businesses. Furthermore, blockchain’s enterprise value is predicted to rise as business implementations become more sophisticated and refined.
How Can Blockchain Benefit Businesses?
Blockchain development services offer a lot of perks that can reform different industries. Furthermore, making businesses more secure, transparent, and efficient. Here are some reasons why opting for blockchain technology is a wise decision:
Increased Security - Blockchain technology secures the data using cryptographic methods. This prevents unauthorized parties from changing the information. Each block in the chain creates a secure, and unchangeable ledge by containing a cryptographic hash of the last block. This security feature makes blockchain a wise option for apps where data integrity is critical such as financial transactions, healthcare records, etc.
Decentralization - Blockchain works in a decentralized network of computers as compared to conventional centralized systems. As a result, decentralization eradicates the need for middlemen, lowering expenses, and potential failure points. Moreover, blockchain networks foster a more inclusive and democratic ecosystem.
Transparency and Immutability - Every transaction stored on a blockchain is both transparent and unchangeable once it is recorded. This feature built trust among participants because all parties can confirm the integrity of data without depending on a middleman. Indeed, immutability ensures that records are unchangeable. Therefore, the risk has been reduced and accountability has been enhanced across different processes.
Cost Efficiency - By removing intermediaries and simplifying procedures, blockchain development can drastically cut operational costs aligned with traditional systems. Self-executing contracts with predetermined norms, automated tasks, and smart contracts - further reduce expenses. Additionally, blockchain technology makes the transaction process faster, which reduces operational time and costs.
Enhanced Traceability and Audibility - Participants can track the origin and path of assets or products throughout the supply chain. This is possible because blockchain technology provides a clear transaction trail. This traceability feature is valuable in industries such as pharmaceuticals and food, where tracking the provenance of goods is essential for consumer safety.
Innovation and Disruption - Blockchain development promotes innovation by facilitating the development of the latest business models and decentralized applications (DApps). New approaches to organize and execute agreements without middlemen are introduced by smart contracts. Additionally, blockchain facilitates tokenization, unlocking liquidity, digitally representing real-world assets, and permitting fractional ownership.
Global Accessibility - Blockchain functions as a distributed ledger available to individuals with an internet connection, giving all participants the same opportunity regardless of their financial or geographic circumstances. Thanks to blockchain, individuals from any region can now access banking services.
Regulatory Compliance - Although blockchain encourages decentralization, its permissioned networks and privacy-enhancing features also make it possible to comply with regulatory needs. Sensitive data can be kept safe and compliant with legal frameworks by using blockchain solutions that are tailored to particular regulations.
Read More: A Comprehensive Guide on Potential of Blockchain Technology for Businesses
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3mindslogiq · 6 days
3mindslogiq provides outstanding web design, development, and marketing solutions incorporating a Zen approach for maximum impact. You can trust us to deliver the best-in-class services that exceed your expectations.
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Looking for a website that won't empty your pockets? Look no further! Get affordable website development services tailored to your needs. Contact me to discuss your project today!
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serverbeast · 1 month
I will work on wordpress website design and development
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Note : If you have any questions watch contact me now.
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pixelparkmedia · 1 month
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PROTEIN SHOP WordPress WEBSITE Follow @ppmsourav@pixelparkmedia
Designed by : https://shorturl.at/byBJ3 Check out their incredible work on this link ☝🏻
➡ DM for professional WordPress website . . . . . . .
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puramudotcom · 1 month
Chứng chỉ SSL/TLS là gì? Cách chọn chứng chỉ SSL/TLS phù hợp
Chứng chỉ SSL/TLS là chứng chỉ rất cần thiết và quan trọng với website hiện nay. Bạn cần mua chứng chỉ này ngay khi hoàn thiện thiết kế website. Đọc ngay bài viết dưới đây để biết thêm thông tin về chứng chỉ SSL/TLS và cách chọn chứng chỉ SSL/TLS phù hợp với website nhất nhé!
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avengingseo · 4 months
From Tradition to Trends: Your Partner for Creative Digital Marketing in Jaipur
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In the heart of Rajasthan, Jaipur stands as a city that seamlessly blends tradition with modernity. With its rich cultural heritage and vibrant atmosphere, Jaipur offers a unique canvas for businesses to showcase their products and services. In this era of digital transformation, the transition from traditional marketing methods to contemporary digital strategies has become imperative. For businesses seeking to make their mark in the Pink City, creative digital marketing agency in Jaipur serves as the key to unlocking new opportunities and reaching a wider audience.
Embracing Digital Transformation in Jaipur
Jaipur, with its historical charm and modern infrastructure, has become a hub for various industries. From traditional crafts to tech startups, the city's business landscape is diverse and dynamic. To thrive in this competitive environment, businesses must adapt to the evolving preferences of their target audience. This is where creative digital marketing comes into play.
The shift towards digital marketing in Jaipur is not just a trend but a necessity. With the increasing internet penetration and the rise of smartphone usage, consumers are actively engaging with brands online. Traditional methods like print ads and local events, while still relevant, may not suffice in capturing the attention of the tech-savvy Jaipurites. Creative digital marketing acts as a bridge between tradition and trends, ensuring that your brand resonates with the roots of the city while embracing modern communication channels.
Crafting a Digital Identity
Establishing a strong digital presence is paramount in the digital age. Your brand's online identity is often the first point of contact with potential customers. A creative digital marketing strategy involves crafting a compelling narrative that reflects the essence of your brand while resonating with the digital-savvy audience in Jaipur.
From visually appealing social media campaigns to engaging website content, every aspect of your online presence should tell a story that captivates and converts. This narrative should be an ode to Jaipur's rich cultural heritage, seamlessly integrated with the contemporary lifestyle of its residents.
Leveraging Social Media for Jaipur's Dynamic Audience
Jaipur, like any other city, has a diverse population with varied interests and preferences. Social media platforms provide a dynamic space to engage with this audience. From Instagram's visual appeal to Facebook's community-driven atmosphere, understanding the nuances of each platform is crucial for a successful digital marketing strategy in Jaipur.
Creative content tailored to the local tastes and preferences can go a long way in establishing a meaningful connection with the audience. Whether it's showcasing the intricate details of traditional crafts or highlighting the buzzing food scene in Jaipur, social media platforms offer endless opportunities to showcase your brand's personality.
SEO Strategies for Local Visibility
In a city like Jaipur, where local businesses play a significant role, optimizing for local search is imperative. A robust SEO strategy tailored to the local context ensures that your business appears in relevant searches, driving foot traffic to your physical location or increasing online visibility.
Incorporating local keywords, creating location-specific content, and managing online reviews are essential components of a local SEO strategy. By aligning your digital marketing efforts with the specific needs and interests of the Jaipur audience, you can enhance your brand's discoverability and credibility.
Jaipur's Digital Landscape: A Canvas for Innovation
Jaipur's unique blend of tradition and modernity creates a fertile ground for innovative digital marketing campaigns. From interactive virtual tours of historical sites to AR-powered experiences that showcase traditional art in a contemporary light, the possibilities are endless.
Collaborating with local influencers and artisans can add an authentic touch to your digital campaigns, resonating with the community on a deeper level. By staying attuned to the pulse of Jaipur's digital landscape, businesses can continuously evolve their creative digital marketing strategies to stay ahead of the curve.
As Jaipur continues to evolve, businesses must embrace the power of creative digital marketing to connect with the city's diverse and dynamic audience. From weaving a compelling narrative that pays homage to tradition to leveraging cutting-edge technologies for innovative campaigns, the journey from tradition to trends is a transformative one.
In this digital era, the success of businesses in Jaipur hinges on their ability to seamlessly blend tradition with contemporary digital strategies. By partnering with a creative digital marketing agency in Jaipur that understands the nuances of Jaipur's market, businesses can embark on a journey that not only captures the essence of the Pink City but also propels their brand into the digital spotlight. Embrace the future with a nod to the past – let your brand's story unfold in the vibrant tapestry of Jaipur's digital landscape.
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samyakonlinedelhi · 1 year
However, even when you have a WordPress website you want to ensure that you can find the best designers and developers that can help you design and develop it the right way.
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brightnewsbeat · 4 months
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eggheadmarketers · 2 months
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In the digital landscape, your choice of a web development company significantly impacts your online success. Consider various factors like portfolio, references, technology expertise, communication, budget, support, and timeline. Armed with this guide, you can make an informed decision. Transform your online vision into reality with Egghead Marketers. Begin your remarkable web development journey here.
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webdevnajmul · 2 months
How to make a travel website design
how to design a successful travel website, combining best practices and essential considerations:
Planning Phase
Define Your Niche: What kind of travel will you focus on? Luxury, adventure, budget, specific destinations, or a blend? This clarity will guide your design choices.
Target Audience: Understand your ideal customers – their age, preferences, and how they like to research trips. Your design should resonate with them.
Competitive Analysis: Examine other successful travel websites. Note what you like, dislike, and where you can offer an improved experience.
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Design Fundamentals
Simple, Intuitive Navigation: Visitors should find what they need fast. Use clear menus, breadcrumbs, and a strong search function.
Responsive Design: Your site must adapt flawlessly to all devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones). Travel planning happens everywhere.
Visual Impact: Stunning, high-quality images and videos of destinations and experiences are key to inspiring wanderlust.
Compelling Content: Engage with well-written descriptions, travel tips, and blog posts to boost interest and SEO.
Social Proof: Include testimonials, reviews, and social media integration to build trust and credibility.
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Essential Features
Robust Search Functionality: Allow searches by destination, activity, date ranges, and budget. Include advanced filters to refine results.
Detailed Listings: Provide comprehensive information on hotels, tours, flights, etc., including photos, descriptions, pricing, availability, and amenities.
Secure Booking Engine: Integrate a reliable, user-friendly booking system that supports multiple payment methods.
Personalized Recommendations: Use data and AI to suggest trips that align with individual user preferences.
Maps Integration: Use Google Maps or similar to visually display destinations and travel routes.
Trip Planning Tools: Allow users to save itineraries, create wishlists, and compare options.
Customer Support: Provide accessible contact options (live chat, email, phone) for resolving queries.
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Technical Considerations
Website Builder vs. Custom Development:
Website Builders (Wix, Squarespace, WordPress): Offer ease of use and templates but may have limitations in customization.
Custom Development: Provides maximum flexibility but requires coding skills or hiring a developer.
Hosting: Select a reliable host with sufficient bandwidth to handle traffic and ensure a fast-loading website.
Content Management System (CMS): A CMS like WordPress makes managing your content easier.
Design Execution
Color Palette: Choose colors evoking travel (blues for oceans, greens for nature, etc.). Maintain a balanced and visually appealing scheme.
Typography: Use clear, readable fonts. A hierarchy for headings and body text improves scannability.
White Space: Avoid cluttering. White space allows information to breathe and enhances the design.
Call-to-Actions: Place prominent "Book Now", "Learn More" buttons to guide users through the booking process.
Testing and Launch
Thorough Testing: Test on various devices and browsers. Ask friends and colleagues for feedback.
Launch: Once you're confident, launch your site!
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Promotion and Maintenance
Marketing: Utilize SEO, social media, content marketing, and potentially paid advertising to drive traffic.
Updates: Keep content fresh, add new destinations, and enhance features based on user feedback.
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Let me know if you'd like a deeper dive into any of these aspects, or help choosing a website builder or CMS!
Thank you
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casefoxinc · 3 months
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Are you seeking standout website design for your law firm?
Look no further! CaseFox offers SEO-optimized, accessible, and custom law firm website design and development services tailored to your needs. Enhance your online presence and attract more clients today.
To receive a Flat $200 Discount — visit our website and fill out the form: https://www.casefox.com/law-firm-website-design/
email us at: [email protected].
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