#Deviled egg mix is not SOUR
kushblazer666 · 2 months
1. Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster.
2. Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold!
3. Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.
4. Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef. It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking.
5. To really make scrambled eggs or omelets rich add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese, or heavy cream in and then beat them up.
6. For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double broiler and pour over warm brownies. Let set for a wonderful minty frosting.
7. Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic and at the end of the recipe if your want a stronger taste of garlic.
8. Leftover snickers bars from Halloween make a delicious dessert. Simply chop them up with the food chopper. Peel, core and slice a few apples. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!!! Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream. Yummm!
9. Reheat Pizza
Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy. No soggy micro pizza. I saw this on the cooking channel and it really works.
10. Easy Deviled Eggs
Put cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag. Seal, mash till they are all broken up. Add remainder of ingredients, reseal, keep mashing it up mixing thoroughly, cut the tip of the baggy, squeeze mixture into egg. Just throw bag away when done easy clean up.
11. Expanding Frosting
When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving.
12. Reheating refrigerated bread
To warm biscuits, pancakes, or muffins that were refrigerated, place them in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the food moist and help it reheat faster.
13. Newspaper weeds away
Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go. Cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic they will not get through wet newspapers.
14. Broken Glass
Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can't see easily.
15. No More Mosquitoes
Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.
16. Squirrel Away!
To keep squirrels from eating your plants, sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper. The cayenne pepper doesn't hurt the plant and the squirrels won't come near it.
17. Flexible vacuum
To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or flattened to get in narrow openings.
18. Reducing Static Cling
Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and ... guess what! ... static is gone.
19. Measuring Cups
Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out. (Or spray the measuring cup or spoon with Pam before using)
20. Foggy Windshield?
Hate foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car When the windows fog, rub with the eraser! Works better than a cloth!
21. Re-opening envelopes
If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Viola! It unseals easily.
22. Conditioner
Use your hair conditioner to shave your legs. It's cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs really smooth. It's also a great way to use up the conditioner you bought but didn't like when you tried it in your hair.
spotted on the Tedooo app
23. Goodbye Fruit Flies
To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it 1/2' with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid; mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!
24. Get Rid of Ants
Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it 'home,' can't digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains, but it works and you don't have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Hi I am in love with your work!
I would like to ask for Nacht just being with his partner like doing anything. You can write it however you want and do whatever. Please and thank you.
Thank you for your patience on this request~! And I hope you don't mind that I made it a part of my Nacht birthday post surge.
Nacht Faust x Reader Daily Life
You and Nacht were dating, simple as that. His position as vice captain didn't matter to you same as how Nacht didn't care what job you had as long as you felt fulfilled doing it.
After a long time dating, Nacht asked if you wanted to move into a shared home.
You asked if he just wanted to get out of living with the Black Bulls. Nacht did admit that it was part of his reason for asking, but he genuinely did want even more time with you.
With a laugh, you agreed to move in. From there, you and Nacht slowly developed a shared routine.
Your day would begin with you and Nacht waking up in bed together.
Some mornings, you two were cuddled up close. Or at least you would be clinging to Nacht. Other days, you'd wake up nearly half off the bed while Nacht was perfectly centered on his half of the bed, unmoved like a corpse.
Both of you were late risers. Nacht because he often worked late into the night. You because your circadian rhythm was never functioning apparently.
Nacht was the one to lay out clothes for the both of you and toss your rumpled sleepwear in separate hampers.
"C'mon Nacht, I can do our laundries together," you said once only for him to hide his dirty clothes from you for two weeks. Guess you needed to date a little longer before you were allowed to wash his undergarments.
If either of you had troubles brushing out your hair, you helped each other.
You were in charge of prepping the morning coffee. You'd tried Nacht's roast once and swore it left you unable to taste anything but bitterness for two days.
If Nacht had a day off or simply stayed for more of the morning, you two made breakfast together.
"What're you putting in the eggs?" Walgner asked while perched on your shoulder one morning.
"They're called spices," you stated before elaborating. "They make food taste even better by giving the flavor more depth."
"So are they all spicy like the 'hot sauce' stuff that Master doesn't like?" the devil questioned.
"Not at all! Some have a kick of spice but others are earthy. And others have a sour flavor."
"What's that one there?" Walgner pointed to the bottle in your hand.
Before you could answer, Nacht plucked Walgner off your shoulder. "That's enough, little one. Let them cook in peace."
Walgner let out a shrill sound like a hiss mixed with a bird's warble. Which, while you didn't really understand devils, felt appropriate. Nacht began to scold Walgner more which made you clap a hand over your mouth. You, like most people, thought devils to be incarnations of evil. But there Nacht was, chiding the devil who was small enough to fit in his palm as though the creature were a mischievous child.
On days where the two of you had work, you and Nacht parted with a gentle "see you later" or "take care."
Goodbye kisses felt like too much, even after all the time you'd spent together and the kisses you'd already had. So you two settled with parting words.
While you were at work, you'd sometimes see the head of one of devils poke out from your shadow. They were checking up on you and you'd silently wave to them as to not get distracted at the workplace.
The Black Bulls knew of your existence. You'd even been invited to a party with them a few times before. But Nacht still didn't speak about you too much with them.
"I'd hate to flaunt my successful relationship in front of you folks," Nacht would taunt. That or he'd say "I can't share too much or else you'll try to steal them away from me."
It wasn't malicious by any means but the Bulls were a little annoyed that Nacht resisted every attempt they made to make him talk and bring out the sweet boyfriend side that you claimed Nacht had.
You also kept the relationship on the down low. After all, talking too much about Nacht could arouse unease with people who didn't understand the Black Bulls or devils.
Even so, your co-workers knew you had a sweetheart and complimented you on finding a good partner.
After the work day concluded, you and Nacht tended to meet either at a park or the marketplace near your home.
If you met at the park, you two would unwind with a stroll and discuss your days. You envied Nacht and all the adventures he went on. But you weren't the type to be a Knight so you were content to live vicariously through his retellings.
If the market was the meeting place, you two would shop for any necessities like groceries, cleaning supplies, or perhaps new home decor.
"We don't need to worry about your, uh, pets...?" You cringed and felt yourself heat up, unsure of how you came off with the term.
"Yes, let's go with that while we're in public," Nacht whispered back to you. "And what about them?"
"If we get carpet or curtains..." You were eyeing a curtain set with a charming vine pattern but weren't confident enough to buy it. "We don't need to worry about them chewing or scratching up anything, right?"
"Snrk! Ah ha..." Nacht threw his head back. "Ahahahahahaa!"
You reeled back and gazed wide-eyed at Nacht. Even months in the relationship, more than a year even, you'd yet to hear Nacht make a sound like that. Sure he laughed, but it had always been one of those controlled, gentlemanly chuckles. His smile, too, was brand new to you.
"N-Nacht?" Now you were burning up. But not in embarrassment. Rather, you were blushing from awe. Your normally handsome but icy boyfriend was looking radiant like a full, silver moon. "Are you-?"
"Ah ha!" Nacht suddenly doubled over and wiped the corner of his eyes. "Oh dear, no worries! It's fine!" He held your shoulder, beaming at you like a fairy tale prince. "It's... They're house trained." He exhaled heavily and blinked a few times before his face showed confusion. "What?"
Shaking your head, you looked away. "Nothing!"
You two would return and dinner would be prepped.
Cooking with Nacht was a pain sometimes because half the time, he forgot to let you know when he moved an ingredient or tool for him to make use of. And so you'd flail for a bit looking for a bottle of oil or the edge of the cutting board only for Nacht to pass it to you using his magic.
But you preferred working together over cooking alone or simply watching him cook. Doing it by yourself was overwhelming at times, even though cooking for two wasn't that bad. And watching Nacht cook was... He couldn't innovate in the kitchen at all and so watching him glance between a recipe card and the actual food gave you secondhand embarrassment.
Ever since you two moved in together, Nacht insisted on doing dishes on his own. Or rather, to leave the job to him and the devils. Apparently all their time together in Spade (and before) taught them at least how to do some chores together as a unit.
You peeked at them during the task once and it was the cutest thing you'd laid eyes on.
Nacht always had a mug of tea before bed, a bit of a ritual for himself. And while he sipped tea, you'd be soaking in the tub to ease your body in preparation for sleep.
Nacht did have to save you from drowning a couple of times. But that was because work had been especially tough those days so you were really out of it.
You two got into your pajamas and then settled down in bed together. Nacht typically brought a book or packet of paperwork with him, keeping himself occupied until the end.
Your favorite nights were when Nacht didn't have anything with him and you could reach your hand out to hold his. Although his skin was always cold to the touch, you felt comforted when your fingers intertwined with his at night.
Days where both of you had off from work didn't occur too often but when they did, you and Nacht took advantage of that time.
Usually, you two would use Nacht's Shadow Magic to whisk you off to another town to enjoy the sights, sounds, and flavors of a new place.
Nacht happily took advantage of his magic that way. You'd spent your whole life in one city and now he was letting you explore the kingdom.
"Maybe one day I can take you to another kingdom," Nacht suggested.
"Wouldn't that be a big strain on your magic though?" As much as you appreciated Nacht's effort, you didn't want him to do that much for you. "Besides... I'm starting to feel bad that I can't do anything as grand for you so..."
Nacht sighed before saying your name. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
"I'd really prefer it if you didn't do anything grand for me. Besides, my teleporting ability isn't something remarkable to me. It's just something else that I can do to make you happy, like cooking together or brushing your hair."
Nacht then leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"Maybe what I can do with my magic feels like a blessing to you. And similarly, being with you is a miracle for me. So just continue to love me and continue letting me love you."
You and Nacht locked eyes. His gaze was gentle, enough to make the tears in your eyes finally fall, though with a feeling different from what made them initially form.
"I love you..." You whispered suddenly. You didn't know why but the words came to you and you had to speak them.
"I love you too..." Nacht’s voice was full of love.
Slowly, you two leaned in for a kiss. A shy, tender kiss that silently repeated the emotion you two had just spoken. It was a reconfirmation of what you both knew and wanted. To love and be loved. By each other.
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dduane · 2 years
Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms: Eggs Devilled with Pepper and Marigold
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At the beginning of Freelorn's and his people's dinner with the proprietor of the Ferry Tavern at the edge of the Waste Unclaimed, the Lady serves the guests this dish as what used to be called a “whet”: a starter meant to take a little of the edge off the diners' immediate hunger while at the same time sharpening it for the courses to follow.
As such dishes go, this one's relatively simple and quick to prepare...
What makes it stand out is a combination of the local spicery—unmistakably Steldene in nature, with its emphasis on combining sharp and arresting flavors—and a touch of the seasonal, with the inclusion of fresh marigold petals. Marigold as a flavoring agent is much used on the eastern side of the Middle Kingdoms' continent, especially in northern parts, where their version of the common "pot marigold", Calendula officinalis, comes earliest into bloom (or remains in flower right through the North's temperate winter).
Though the text describes the preparation of the eggs as "devilled," this is plainly just a translator's convenience. On our Earth, the term—its diabolical or infernal associations originally associated with strongly spiced meat dishes—started in the 1800s to creep into usage for other foods, specifically eggs. But whether for meat or not, such usages are nowhere to be found in the Middle Kingdoms. Since the eschatology common to the Four Realms contains no afterlife scenario in which the deeds of the wicked are punished with eternal torment, there are also no devils—and for that matter, no fallen angels.* The actual term used for the eggs would have been the Steldene word miwhitvhej, a pun on an old word for "double-yolked"—the "doubling" here meant to hint at the extra labor involved in producing the dish.
The peppers associated with this recipe in its description are exclusively what Middle Kingdoms cooks would describe as "berry-peppers"; and a great number of spices fall into this category despite neither being berries nor peppers. Mostly (as has been discussed elsewhere), when cooks in the Four Realms use "berry-pepper" as a generic term, they almost always mean our common black peppercorn, Piper nigrum.
In this recipe, though, there's an implicit suggestion (cf. ingredients listed in Darthene cookery texts such as the famous Endeidwhë hIrrhéillnu) that the cook should feel free to add spice to the dish by playing mix-and-match with their favorite local varieties of berry-pepper. And though we haven't yet attempted this recipe with Sichuan pepper, that would certainly work well. Complaints in the text from Freelorn's friend Moris about "the aggressive spices and sours of Steldene food" most likely have more to do with traditional regional-Darthene attitudes toward the Kingdoms' variant of the Sichuan pepper... which would have turned up either in the goose dish or the parsnips they were served at dinner, and maybe in both. Make no mistake, though: Moris wouldn't have been complaining about nothing. The Kingdoms' Xenozanthoxylum microdraconis—containing from six to ten times our Earth's Sichuan "pepper's" amount of the capsaicin-analogue hydroxy-alpha-sanshool—packs quite the punch.
As for the other main flavor additive to these eggs: the Wikipedia page for Calendula officinalis describes it as "a short-lived aromatic", and so it is. Those using it for culinary purposes do best to use it fresh... though it can definitely be used as a dried herb if reconstituted and used soon afterwards. Its flavor and savor are gently peppery, light, and surprisingly fresh. To dishes to which it's been added, marigold lends a fragrant herbal grace-note that's evanescent at best.
In an egg dish like this, therefore—routinely served cool or cold, and with a taste, texture and quality that points up seasonings rather than overwhelming them—marigold makes a perfect addition. A favorite foil for it, either in the eggs themselves or on the side as a conserve, is lemon or citron... though when varying the recipe in this way one must be careful not to allow the citrus flavor to overwhelm the delicate flavor of the flower.
*The closest that Kingdoms-based folklore gets to this concept is in tales of the medveilh folk (OArl. "foregoers"), a class of powerful but nonphysical beings said to have been created by the Goddess when She was still learning Her craft, and now (by their own choice) said to be estranged from Her. Nor are the Shadow-affiliated beings whose descriptions are translated in the text by terms like "demonic" ever connected with hot or spicy foods. If any quality of temperature is folklorically associated with demonkind in the Kingdoms, it wouldn’t be heat, but cold.
…Click on the right-hand tab at the top of the dish’s dedicated page for the recipe.
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ox-imagines · 8 months
Before the Party
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Summary: Taerae is over at his partner's house preparing for a Christmas party with the boys, enjoying the quality time with her before everyone else arrives.
Word Count: 1058
Warnings: food prep, makeout that gets mildly steamy
The scent of spices filled the air, mixing delightfully with the faint holiday music and the aroma of the tree in the corner. A soft hum rose in my chest as I felt a pair of arms around my waist.
“Let me help,” Taerae’s low, cheery voice spoke from behind me and he removed one of his hands from me, dipping a finger into the white chocolate I was melting on the stove. He hissed softly at the high temperature, but quickly put it in his mouth regardless.
“How about you don’t stick your fingers in the food?” I chuckled, looking over my shoulder at him. 
He just gave me a wide grin, his cheeks pink and his eyes sparkling behind the frames of his glasses. “I think it needs candy cane.”
“Duh? Tae, you can’t add the candy cane in the pot, though, or it’ll melt.”
“I know! I thought maybe it would be cool though. Like maybe it would add some peppermint flavor to the chocolate in addition to the candy cane on top. And make it pink!” He reached for the bowl of crushed candy canes and gave me a quizzical look.
“Okay, fine. Put some in,” I couldn’t help but grin at him. “But you’re in charge of crushing more candy canes to make up for the unplanned expenditure.”
“Those are some big fancy words,” Taerae teased as he spooned some of the candy into the pot, using almost half. An apologetic grin and kiss on the cheek from him more than made up for it, though.
I turned the burner off under the pot of chocolate as I pulled out the brownies. “These need to cool for a few minutes and then can be rolled into balls, here,” I handed him a pack of candy-stripe patterned sticks, “are the sticks for them, they’ll go on the stick, then get dipped in the chocolate, then get dipped in the candy cane bits. I need to put together the jalapeno poppers, can I trust you to do that?”
He nodded vigorously. “Of course, baby.” I smiled as I listened to him sing while he worked. Things went smoothly until Taerae tried to make the deviled eggs. Three of the eggs ended up on the floor whilst he was peeling them, then after recovering from that he made the filling. “Hey, baby, could you come taste this?”
I obliged, regretfully unable to keep from making a sour expression as I tasted it. “Taerae…I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I don’t trust your cooking. Please get out of my kitchen.”
“Ah,” he spoke quietly, giving me a half-smile as he looked down at the questionable color of the egg filling.
“Your help has been so appreciated and I love working with you, but I can finish the rest on my own,” I smiled apologetically, setting a hand on his shoulder.
“I understand.” He grinned and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “I’ll go finish the decorations, I guess.”
I went back to work, able to get things done quicker without another person in the kitchen though his presence was missed; it helped that I could hear him cheerfully singing along to carols as he decorated. After finishing the jalapeno poppers, I threw some bread in the oven and remade the deviled egg filling, piping it into the eggs. Taerae had stopped singing. “Tae? Baby?” I pulled my apron over my head and set it over a chair, then stepped out of the kitchen. Taerae was standing there smirking, casually holding up a felt mistletoe decoration. “Oh,” I raised my eyebrows.
“I found this, where should I hang it?” His eyes didn’t leave mine, his face getting closer; his breath was warm against my face. I couldn’t tell if the question was intentionally rhetorical or if he just didn’t care enough to wait for an answer.
“Taerae…” Our lips melded together in a way I’d never get tired of, the taste of him gracing my mouth as he ran his tongue over my bottom lip, sending my senses into overdrive. We pulled away momentarily and he removed his glasses, sliding them into one of his pockets before passionately pressing his face to mine once more. I slipped my hands under his hoodie, earning a soft whine from him. One of his hands found its way up to the nape of my neck and cradled my head as he kissed me harder. His fingers wound their way up into my hair. My skin heated under his touch and I could feel that he was getting hotter too.
“Baby,” he whimpered softly as he caught his breath, his thumb rubbing circles against my waist. “I want you,” his deep voice was breathy, wide eyes searching mine. Without another word, I pulled his hoodie over his head and reattached myself to him, my hands exploring his lean torso while his tongue traversed my mouth.
Neither of us were aware of how long we stayed there, pressed against each other, my back to the wall, but gradually an unpleasant smell blighted the air. My eyes flew open, though Taerae’s lips stayed affixed to my neck as if he didn’t notice, his hips rolling lightly against mine. “The bread,” I stated as I realized what the smell was. 
“Hm?” He pulled away with a soft hum. His fluffy hair was disheveled, his cheeks and lips alike were reddened and his eyes had an almost dazed look to them.
I took a moment to admire him, trying to recollect the words that the sight of him had scattered out of my reach. “The, the bread. I had cheesy bread in the oven. I must’ve forgotten to set a timer, it smells like it’s burning.”
Taerae chuckled, retrieving his hoodie from where it had been haphazardly tossed aside onto the ground. “Well,” he ran a hand back through his hair and held his hoodie to his chest, smiling as if he’d suddenly grown shy. “It’s probably a good thing that’s what interrupted us and not the others’ arrival.” He pulled his hoodie back on, then gave me a soft kiss on the forehead. “Go take care of the bread, my love. I’ll, uh,” with a giggle, he picked up the mistletoe decoration once again. “I’ll find somewhere to hang this.”
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renee-writer · 2 months
1. Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster.
2. Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold!
3. Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.
4. Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef. It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking.
5. To really make scrambled eggs or omelets rich add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese, or heavy cream in and then beat them up.
6. For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double broiler and pour over warm brownies. Let set for a wonderful minty frosting.
7. Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic and at the end of the recipe if your want a stronger taste of garlic.
8. Leftover snickers bars from Halloween make a delicious dessert. Simply chop them up with the food chopper. Peel, core and slice a few apples. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!!! Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream. Yummm!
9. Reheat Pizza
Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy. No soggy micro pizza. I saw this on the cooking channel and it really works.
10. Easy Deviled Eggs
Put cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag. Seal, mash till they are all broken up. Add remainder of ingredients, reseal, keep mashing it up mixing thoroughly, cut the tip of the baggy, squeeze mixture into egg. Just throw bag away when done easy clean up.
11. Expanding Frosting
When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving.
12. Reheating refrigerated bread
To warm biscuits, pancakes, or muffins that were refrigerated, place them in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the food moist and help it reheat faster.
13. Newspaper weeds away
Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go. Cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic they will not get through wet newspapers.
14. Broken Glass
Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can't see easily.
15. No More Mosquitoes
Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.
16. Squirrel Away!
To keep squirrels from eating your plants, sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper. The cayenne pepper doesn't hurt the plant and the squirrels won't come near it.
17. Flexible vacuum
To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or flattened to get in narrow openings.
18. Reducing Static Cling
Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and ... guess what! ... static is gone.
19. Measuring Cups
Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out. (Or spray the measuring cup or spoon with Pam before using)
20. Foggy Windshield?
Hate foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car When the windows fog, rub with the eraser! Works better than a cloth!
21. Re-opening envelopes
If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Viola! It unseals easily.
22. Conditioner
Use your hair conditioner to shave your legs. It's cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs really smooth. It's also a great way to use up the conditioner you bought but didn't like when you tried it in your hair.
23. Goodbye Fruit Flies
To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it 1/2' with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid; mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!
24. Get Rid of Ants
Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it 'home,' can't digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains, but it works and you don't have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!
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julianoh · 1 year
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Chocolate Pudding Fudge Cake Recipe This chocolate cake is very easy to make and even easier to eat! Chocolate cake mix, chocolate pudding, chocolate chips and sour cream make this cake extremely moist and irresistible! 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup water, 1 package instant chocolate pudding mix, 1 cup sour cream, 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1 package devil's food cake mix, 6 tablespoons butter, 4 eggs
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
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Tagalong Cupcakes
1 (18.25 oz.) package devil’s food cake mix
1 (5.9 oz.) package instant chocolate pudding mix
1 cup sour cream
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs, lightly beaten
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 Tbsp. instant espresso granules dissolved in ½ cup warm water or ½ cup warm coffee
36 tagalong cookies
Peanut Butter Frosting:
3 sticks unsalted butter, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter
2 Tbsp. vanilla extract
2 lbs confectioners’ sugar, sifted
6-8 Tbsp. heavy cream (if using milk, amount will be less)
Chocolate Glaze:
4 oz. bittersweet chocolate, chopped into very small pieces
½ cup heavy cream
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. light corn syrup
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line muffin tin with paper liners or spray with non-stick cooking spray.
In the bowl of a stand mixer or a large bowl with a hand mixer, add the cake and pudding mixes, sour cream, oil, eggs, vanilla and espresso water mixture or coffee. Mix on medium speed for about 2 minutes until all ingredients are well combined and the batter is mostly smooth.
Spoon about 2 tablespoons of batter into 24 cupcake wells. Add a Tagalong (or any Girl Scout) cookie on top of the batter. Cover the cookie with one more tablespoon of batter in each well.
Bake in preheated oven for 18-22 minutes or until the tops of the cakes spring back when lightly touched. Allow cupcakes to cool inside muffin tins for about 10 minutes.
Remove cupcakes from muffin tins and allow to fully cool on a wire rack. Once cupcakes are cool, prepare your frosting.
In a large bowl with a hand mixer, or the bowl of a stand mixer, cream butter and peanut butter on medium speed until fluffy. Turn your mixer down to low speed and slowly add in the confectioner’s sugar, and continue mixing until well blended.
Add vanilla and 4 tablespoons of heavy cream. Blend on low speed until moistened. Add an additional 1 to 4 tablespoons of heavy cream until you reach the desired consistency. Beat at high speed until frosting is smooth and fluffy
Pipe frosting onto cooled cupcakes.
In a small saucepan over medium heat, warm the heavy cream until very hot. Do not boil.
Place chocolate pieces in a glass bowl. Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and allow it to sit for about 5 minutes. Whisk the cream and chocolate until smooth and thoroughly combined. Whisk in the honey, corn syrup, and vanilla. Allow to cool for about 15 minutes. Do not let the glaze sit for too long or it will harden up before you spoon it over the frosting.
Spoon the glaze on the tops of the frosted cupcakes, allowing it to drip down the sides a little bit. Don’t add too much glaze or it will drip all over your liners.
Top with half a Tagalong (or any Girl Scout) cookie before the glaze hardens, otherwise it will crack when you insert the cookie.
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asaablog · 20 days
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These vegan potato pins with deviled eggs are a tasty snack or appetizer that are great for parties or get-togethers. They taste great and are sour and tangy.
Ingredients: 10 small potatoes. 1/4 cup vegan mayonnaise. 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder. Salt and pepper to taste. Paprika for garnish. Fresh parsley for garnish.
Instructions: Boil the potatoes until tender, then let them cool. Once cooled, slice each potato in half and carefully scoop out the centers, leaving a thin layer of potato flesh. In a bowl, mix together the vegan mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Fill each potato half with the mixture. Sprinkle paprika on top of each filled potato for garnish. Garnish with fresh parsley. Secure each filled potato half with a toothpick to create 'pins'. Serve and enjoy!
Ralph B
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betbradluver · 5 months
1. Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster.
2. Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold!
3. Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.
4. Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef. It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking.
5. To really make scrambled eggs or omelets rich add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese, or heavy cream in and then beat them up.
6. For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double broiler and pour over warm brownies. Let set for a wonderful minty frosting.
7. Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic and at the end of the recipe if your want a stronger taste of garlic.
8. Leftover snickers bars from Halloween make a delicious dessert. Simply chop them up with the food chopper. Peel, core and slice a few apples. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!!! Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream. Yummm!
9. Reheat Pizza
Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy. No soggy micro pizza. I saw this on the cooking channel and it really works.
10. Easy Deviled Eggs
Put cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag. Seal, mash till they are all broken up. Add remainder of ingredients, reseal, keep mashing it up mixing thoroughly, cut the tip of the baggy, squeeze mixture into egg. Just throw bag away when done easy clean up.
11. Expanding Frosting
When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving.
12. Reheating refrigerated bread
To warm biscuits, pancakes, or muffins that were refrigerated, place them in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the food moist and help it reheat faster.
13. Newspaper weeds away
Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go. Cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic they will not get through wet newspapers.
14. Broken Glass
Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can't see easily.
15. No More Mosquitoes
Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.
16. Squirrel Away!
To keep squirrels from eating your plants, sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper. The cayenne pepper doesn't hurt the plant and the squirrels won't come near it.
17. Flexible vacuum
To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or flattened to get in narrow openings.
18. Reducing Static Cling
Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and ... guess what! ... static is gone.
19. Measuring Cups
Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out. (Or spray the measuring cup or spoon with Pam before using)
20. Foggy Windshield?
Hate foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car When the windows fog, rub with the eraser! Works better than a cloth!
21. Re-opening envelopes
If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Viola! It unseals easily.
22. Conditioner
Use your hair conditioner to shave your legs. It's cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs really smooth. It's also a great way to use up the conditioner you bought but didn't like when you tried it in your hair.
23. Goodbye Fruit Flies
To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it 1/2' with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid; mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!
24. Get Rid of Ants
Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it 'home,' can't digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains, but it works and you don't have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!
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cru-caviar000 · 7 months
Side Dish Caviar Recipes For The Ultimate Dining Experience
Caviar has long been associated with opulence and indulgence, captivating taste buds with its delicate flavor and captivating texture. While often enjoyed as a standalone delicacy, caviar also complements various side dishes, enhancing the dining experience to new heights. Let's explore some tantalizing side dish caviar recipes guaranteed to elevate any meal.
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Deviled Eggs with Caviar Topping
Deviled eggs are a classic appetizer, but add a dollop of beluga sturgeon caviar on top, and they transform into a gourmet sensation. The creamy yolk mixture pairs perfectly with the rich, briny flavor, creating a harmonious blend of textures and flavors that will undoubtedly entice your guests for seconds. Elevate your next gathering with this luxurious twist on a timeless favorite.
Caviar Potato Salad
Take your potato salad to the next level by incorporating a generous spoonful of caviar into the mix. The creamy potatoes provide a comforting base, while the caviar adds flavor and sophistication. Serve this dish at your next barbecue or picnic, and watch as it steals the spotlight.
Cucumber Caviar Bites
For a refreshing and elegant appetizer, try making cucumber caviar bites. Simply slice cucumbers into rounds, add a dollop of sour cream or crème fraîche on each, and complete the ensemble with a small serving of Siberian sturgeon caviar. The coolness of the cucumber contrasts beautifully with the richness of the caviar, creating a bite-sized treat that's sure to impress.
Blinis with Caviar and Crème Fraîche
Blinis topped with caviar and crème fraîche are a staple of Russian cuisine, and for good reason. These bite-sized pancakes provide the perfect canvas for showcasing caviar's delicate flavor. Serve them as an appetizer at your next dinner party, and prepare to dazzle your guests with this sophisticated treat. These bite-sized treats are a perfect harmony of textures, with the pillowy softness of the blini contrasting beautifully with the delicate pop of the caviar.
Smoked Salmon and Caviar Canapés
Combine two culinary powerhouses – smoked salmon and caviar – to create irresistible canapés that impress even the most discerning palate. Simply layer slices of smoked salmon on toasted bread or crackers, top with a dollop of crème fraîche and a spoonful of beluga sturgeon caviar, and garnish with fresh dill or chives. These refined appetizers are ideal for cocktail gatherings or memorable occasions.
Caviar Stuffed Mushrooms
Upgrade classic stuffed mushrooms with a luxurious mixture of cream cheese, herbs, and a generous amount of caviar. The natural, earthy flavor of the mushrooms harmonizes exquisitely with the savory richness of the caviar, creating a mouthwatering appetizer that's sure to disappear in minutes.
Caviar-Stuffed Avocado
For a modern twist on a classic favorite, consider the caviar-stuffed avocado. This dish seamlessly combines the richness of Siberian sturgeon caviar with the creamy texture of perfectly ripe avocados. Garnished with a sprinkle of chives and a drizzle of lemon juice, this dish truly celebrates flavors and is a feast for the senses.
Caviar and Egg Salad
Give traditional egg salad a gourmet twist by assimilating caviar into the mix. The creamy texture of the eggs pairs beautifully with the delicate pop of the caviar, creating a decadent salad perfect for sandwiches, wraps, or simply enjoying on its own. Savor the decadence of this luxurious salad experience that will stimulate your taste buds and impress your guests.
Incorporating caviar into side dishes offers a straightforward yet impactful method to enhance your dining affair and impress your guests thoroughly. Whether you're hosting a formal dinner party or simply looking to indulge in culinary luxury, these recipes will surely delight your taste buds and leave you craving more. Embrace the art of fine dining and indulge in the ultimate culinary experience with these side dish caviar recipes.
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downtoearthmarkets · 10 months
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Who doesn’t rejoice in bountiful platters of enticing appetizers on tantalizing display at the holiday parties and celebratory gatherings that abound this time of year? We collectively herald the annual return of these tasty little morsels that pack so much comforting familiarity, sensory nostalgia and joyful indulgence in every tiny, magical bite. So, this holiday season, treat your favorite finger foods of yore to a farmers market makeover that is sure to give them even more festive flavor and irresistible appeal for everyone to enjoy.  1. Christmas Deviled Eggs Deviled eggs are a classic party appetizer at any time of year because they’re not only easy to make, but they’re also easy for mingling party guests to pick up and eat in one or two bites. The key to elevating your deviled eggs this holiday season is sourcing humanely raised, pastured eggs instead of buying big brand-name, factory-farmed eggs at the supermarket. When temperature and weather conditions permit, the happy, healthy hens that lay our farmers market eggs spend their days outside in the sunshine and fresh air foraging for food and are given plenty of space to exercise, socialize and stretch their wings.  You can find the bulk of the ingredients for this delightful Christmas-tree-themed deviled eggs recipe at the farmers market this weekend. The filling becomes a festive green with the addition of pickle relish and fresh herbs while the holly jolly red accents are sprinkled in via finely chopped red bell pepper (for an extra pop of flavor and color substitute preserved roasted red bell pepper from Dr. Pickle instead of fresh peppers):
1 dozen SOVA Farms eggs 
1/3 cup mayonnaise 
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 
3 tablespoons Dr. Pickle dill pickle relish 
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley from Sun Sprout Farm
2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill from Newgate Farms
1 drop green food coloring, optional 
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 
1/4 cup diced Dr. Pickle roasted red bell pepper 
2. Sausage Cheese Meatballs Many experienced party hosts hold a coveted cocktail meatball recipe close to their hearts. This one delivers extra farmers market punch and nutritional oomph with the inclusion of onion and celery, plus the meatballs are oven baked, not fried. If your meatball mixture seems a little dry, try a splash of milk to give it some added moisture before cooking. 
Ingredients for 36 servings
2 pounds sweet Italian pork sausage from Stone & Thistle Farm
1 ½ cups buttermilk baking mix 
16 ounces shredded cheddar cheese 
½ cup diced onion from Sun Sprout Farm 
½ cup finely chopped celery from Newgate Farms 
½ teaspoon garlic powder 
Of course, pre-spearing each sausage cheese ball with a wooden toothpick and pairing them with a honey mustard dipping sauce will take them to the next level and earn you extra credits from your party guests. Simply stir together these ingredients and serve in a dipping bowl alongside the meatballs: 
1/2 cup mayonnaise 
2 tablespoons SOVA Farms honey 
2 tablespoons yellow mustard 
1 tablespoon whole grain mustard 
2 teaspoon white vinegar 
3. Mini Potato Latkes with Apple Crème Fraiche During the Festival of Lights which begins this evening, potato latkes (Yiddish for pancakes) are fried in oil to symbolize Jewish perseverance and the miracle of Hanukkah, when the menorah in the ransacked Second Temple of Jerusalem stayed aflame for eight days despite there being only enough oil to keep it lit for one. During the Middle Ages, Jews in northern Italy made latkes from ricotta cheese but, after potatoes were introduced to Eastern Europe, they became a readily available, cheaper staple and replaced cheese as the key ingredient.  
This recipe blends sour cream and apple sauce – which are typically served in separate bowls – into a delicious apple crème fraiche dip for your party-ready mini latkes: 
Potato Latkes
3 pounds Yukon gold potatoes from Great Joy Family Farm
1 large onion from Sun Sprout Farm 
1.5 teaspoons kosher salt (plus extra for sprinkling) 
4 Great Joy Family Farm eggs, lightly beaten 
1 cup all-purpose flour 
Canola oil for frying 
Apple Creme Fraiche
8 ounces crème fraiche  
8 ounces homemade applesauce (use Cortland, Golden Delicious, Gala or McIntosh apples from Orchards of Concklin) 
Now that you’re equipped with several bite-size crowd-pleasers, it’s time to deck the halls, light the menorah and send out the holiday party invitations! We look forward to seeing you in the farmers market this weekend.
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Deviled Egg Day
Tuck into a tangy, creamy appetizer on Deviled Egg Day by mixing hard-boiled yolk with mayonnaise or mustard and adding a dash of paprika or curry powder.
Never mind sunny side up, hard boiled or fried – egg aficionados will know that the humble egg can become a taste sensation with the little preparation that you need to rustle up deviled eggs.
Far from demonic, deviled eggs are a tasty treat often found at buffets, parties and often served as a starter at dinner. They are usually made simply by hard boiling eggs, slicing them in half and them making a mixture with the yolks using mayonnaise and mustard. Often, they are then dusted with seasonings such as curry powder or cayenne – but if you’re feeling fancy you can spruce them up with bacon or fish.
Deviled eggs are an ancient dish, with references to them first seen in recipes salvaged from Ancient Rome. In different parts of the world, they might be served with a local spin – in France, Germany and the Netherlands they are often dished up in a variation with parsley and fresh tomato. In Sweden, they are more likely to have yolks mixed with sour cream and chopped chives, whereas in Hungary if you ask for this dish you may get the yolks served mixed with milk-soaked white bread.
Deviled eggs are so popular in the USA, that you can get hold of trays and plates made especially for them to be served. In fact, you are likely to find them pre-prepared and packaged in some supermarkets if you want a quick and nutritious treat while doing the weekly shop.
If you want to celebrate National Deviled Egg Day yourself, all you need to do is hard boil some eggs, scoop out the yolk, mix it with mayonnaise and the spices of your choice, and re-stuff the egg with your mixture. If you want something a little more spicy, mix in some mustard and a little curry powder. A sprig or two of parsley adds a decorative touch, and you’re ready to enjoy!
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emilyfleisher · 1 year
Amy's Bread Definitely Devil's Food Cake with Chocolate Silk Frosting
Definitely Devil’s Food Cake from Amy’s Bread (makes one 2-layer nine inch cake)
5 oz unsweetened chocolate, chopped 1/2 cup plus 1 T sour cream 1/3 cup cocoa powder 2 1/2 tsp baking soda 1 1/2 cups boiling water 2 cups cake flour, sifted (optionally) 1/2 tsp kosher salt 4 large eggs 2 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 3/4 cup unsalted butter, slightly softened 1 3/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Butter two nine-inch cake pans and line with parchment paper. Set aside. 2. Melt chocolate over water bath or in microwave (about 90 seconds, stirring half way thru). Set aside to cool. 3. In a medium sized bowl, stir together sour cream, cocoa powder and baking soda until it forms thick batter. Then add boiling water until evenly combined. 4. Combine flour and salt in a medium sized bowl and whisk together. 5. In the bowl of your standmixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy. 6. Then, add melted chocolate into the standmixer. Followed by eggs and vanilla. Mix well after each addition. 7. Turn the mixer down to the lowest speed. Pour sour cream mixture and flour mixture into the standmixer in 2-3 parts. The batter is very thin. Mix until thoroughly combined. 8. Divide the batter into the 2 buttered pans. Bake for 35-40 minutes. The cake will pull away from the edge of the pan when it is ready. 9. Remove from pan after it has cooled outside of the oven for about 10 minutes. Allow the cake to fully cool before frosting.
Chocolate Silk Frosting
3 cups semisweet chocolate chips 1 1/2 cups confectioner’s sugar 3/4 cup cocoa powder 2 cups unsalted butter, slightly softened 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/8 tsp kosher salt 1. Melt chocolate chips over water bath or in the microwave. Set aside to cool. 2. Cream butter at medium speed until light and creamy. 3. Then, add sugar and cocoa powder. Mix on low speed until well combined. 4. Pour in the melted chocolate, vanilla and salt. Mix on medium speed until frosting forms. 5. Try not to over-mix as the frosting will become too soft to spread. If this happens, put the frosting back into the refrigerator until it firms up a bit and then use. Notes on Assembling the Cake:
Using a serrated knife, trim the tops of the cake layers to form fairly flat layers
If cake will not be served immediately, apply a thin layer of simple syrup to the interior sides of the cakes before layering on the frosting. The simple syrup serves to firm up the structure of the cake and prevents it from collapsing. Not really needed if cake will be served immediately.
Frost the first layer of the cake and then place the second layer on top of it.
Spread frosting evenly all over the cake and smooth with a large metal spatula.
Place raspberries on top of the cake, then cover with shaved chocolate.
Consume at room temperature.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[SF Mikey Von uwu]
"Good morning sunshine," Yvonne greets, over friendly, "I'm Yvonne, the girl Donatello has been arguing with on Twitter for a good while now - he brought me home last night so we could 'talk'."
She couldn't recall seeing the orange banded Turtle last night, even when Don was rushing her to his bed, the needy devil he was. Then again, she was too busy focusing on Don to really care about anyone else in the lair at that time. Smiling, hair still a mess, but make up cleared up, she tilts her head,
"You must be Mikey, Raphael mentioned when speaking to him earlier," She tells him, "Said we need to tell Don off for not telling you that he had company," Yvonne laughs softly, "I hope you don't mind having another mouth to feed, Raphael invited me to stay, besides, would be rude for me to leave without telling Donnie goodbye after last night - don't you agree?"
| Muse Interaction
Mikey soon could feel the sky seemed to wake up beyond the layers of concrete, brick and asphalt that layered just over all their heads in their hide away home. His sky blue eyes slow to open in that nice fog of sleep still hanging over his head it was only a matter of seconds before his body became far more alert. Smile to his beak as he sprung up from his bed bag chair, that he made up to be his own bed. Grabbing at his mask before he went and grabbed at the comic he had been in the middle of reading the night before. He was so sucked into the story he knew it was going to get good! Once the orange fabric was safe and secure around his eyes he went to make way to the kitchen. Mikey normally got Splinter watch duty after Leo since he rose up earlier and depending on how Splinter was feeling he was either the one to cook or Mikey. Well it was mostly Mikey anymore not because Splinter didn't want to. Nah Splinter loved to cook for them mainly his famous Noodle surprise dish.
Mikey just took to the cooking as they grew up since he spent so much time in the kitchen with Splinter. Claiming he was always hunger. It was more he was bored and not so much a lack of food or need for more as a growing mutant turtle. Eventually Raph and Don would be rolling out of bed themselves. If Don went to bed of course that is. Don hadn't been working on any projects though? It been a bit since he touched anything hands on. He seemed far more invested in his Twitter account if anything. Hmm something sweet to start the day should be a good idea then. Help the sour taste Don would have in his mouth after all. Funny considering when Mikey got caught up in his own that was apparently different from Don's need to argue with some other user.
Of course, Mikey was aware he followed Don after all so he saw their post here and there. He never understood ANYTHING they posted about but he always gave it a like. For support. But ever so often this one account would soon been on the comments and back and forth the would go in the comments. It was something near amazing that anything could tears Don's attention off wanting to fix whatever needed to be fixed or worked on. And offered Mikey chances to be a pain as he was as the youngest sibling telling Don he shouldn't be on his phone during meal times. Getting Splinter to return the sentiment when he joined them the same excuse that he was doing some important. Yeah sure, more like Don had a need to prove he was right. Sure is funny if he really didn't like talking to that other user he could just block them. Why Mikey followed her to. Just see Don being just bad commenting on their stuff. The science talk went over his head but he did kind of eat the internet drama up. Tone in text sometimes can be hard but Mikey was sure he could hear it loud and clear.
Comic spanned open as he walked towards the kitchen only time his coordination could be consider good as he went about the card boards with ease. Pulling out a bowl, a spoon, the per mix batter. Fridge popped open to snag some eggs to add in along with some oil, and a bit of the villain extract April got for them. Along with a bit of Cinnamon as well. Little tricks to make the batter taste better and of course milk over water as well. Sure all you had to do was add water and cook them up that way. If you like your pancake flat and tastless that is. OR you could make them good with out throwing in a bunch of needless sugar for 'taste'. Not that should stand much ground since Mikey himself like to top his own stacks with a Diabetics nightmare of sugary toppings.
Pan was set to the stove as he waited for that to warm up he went back to his comic book. Eyes were so fixed on the art and scene the current artist had quickly become his favorite. Drew the characters so well even when they got smaller in panels with more actions the expressions could be read.
"Good morning sunshine,"
A manly sqeual escapse the orange banded turtle as his comic fell from his hold. Landing into his pancake batter mixture spoon flying out and splattering across the, well everything it could cover as it flew over to land on the ground. Mikey whipped around hand over his heart eyes held wide seeing he wasn't the only one here. The only reason he didn't out right scream for help or throw the ruined batter at the intruder was because Raphael was standing near by lookong pretty amused as he returned to texting on his cell.
"I'm Yvonne, the girl Donatello has been arguing with on Twitter for a good while now - he brought me home last night so we could 'talk'."
Well he understood what she was saying he also didn't. Not because her British accent was thick or anything just mkre his brain hadn't fully recovered from the little jump scare he had dealt with just know.
All he understood was there was a strange mutant in his kitchen. But Raphael was nearby, so she wasn't someone to be scared of. He just needed the rest of himself to catch up on this fact. Mikeu always just felt a tad bit safer when the graud dog of the family was around. Mikey was pretty sure he went to his room early last night after getting his latest issues of comics he read to he pasted out so he wouldn’t have noticed if anyone new came in let allow been escorted in by one of his brothers.
"You must be Mikey, Raphael mentioned when speaking to him earlier,"
Mikey offered a nod, as he felt himself slowly claiming back down. Thinking for a moment on what she was saying as if here words were on a delay to his own ears. Might as well be.
"Said we need to tell Don off for not telling you that he had company,"
"Wait..Donnie?" Oh she mentioned that actually right? Looking back to Raphael who snorted at the mention of Don's name. Mikey wasn't following tilting his head. He watch Raphael look back up at him.
"They joined forces last night."
Mikey blinked before he started to really understand. Honestly there was so many times Mikey wanted to drop a gif of 'just fuck already' in the middle of one thier threads between each other. Guess they took the suggestion anyway.
"I hope you don't mind having another mouth to feed, Raphael invited me to stay, besides, would be rude for me to leave without telling Donnie goodbye after last night - don't you agree?"
"Yeah Raphs pretty good at getting company to come over." And with that mention alone? Mikey seemed to click into what was going on here at last. Smile a little himself now. "Oh of course, ya knkw guy don't sleep often either it's a real problem. So may be out till Dinner time. But that's fine like I said we don't get Ned people around much and Splinter and Leo will wanna meet Donnies online friend to. He talks about you all the time after all." And off to a good start.
Mikeys whips back around fishing his poor comic out from the bowl luckily it wasn't ruined as he eaily wiped the batter clean of the pages and tossed the bowl into the sink. "Gonna call for an extra big breakfast! So it'll take much longer but if Donnie boy ain't up by then we'll just enjoy lunch later and than dinner too. She'll well call it a early week movie night too if we gotta." In other words Donatello was going to be facing the music sooner or later as Mikey was being loud on purpose as he spoke up.
Mikey new bowl in the works as he moves to look back at Von. "I actually follow you on Twitter I'm the OwOsunnyflowerOwO." Mikey happy to point out. "So I see all of your and Don's arguments so glad to see you patch up and be 'friends' though." He smirks a little "since it's gonna take a bit wanna tell me how that all went down? By chance?"
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nishiyudai · 1 year
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Recipe for Chocolate Kahlua Cake This Kahlua cake is simple to make with devil's food mix, pudding mix, Kahlua, and orange zest. Dust it with powdered sugar for a simple, but elegant look. 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar or to taste, 1 package instant chocolate pudding mix, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 4 large eggs, cooking spray with flour, 1 package devil's food cake mix, 2 tablespoons grated orange zest, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1 package mini chocolate chips, 1 container sour cream, 1/2 cup coffee-flavored liqueur
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Wellness Wednesday:
Same Ol' - Same Ol'.
Been pretty blah - nothing too interesting to report.
Most exciting news is that I ixnayed Squats from my workout routine - I'm not heart broken about the squats, but the knee pain I cannot endure.
Damn, this bum-ass knee....
37th CHECK-IN:
Current Goals:
Lose 52 lbs
Completed as of 4/12/2023
New Goal: Maintain or Continue on The Weight Loss Path
Avoid "Junk Food"
Minimize Take-Out / Fast Food Consumption
Short Term:
Vegetarian-ish Diet: Completed
End Date: 4/09/2023 - 46 Days Total
Meal Tracker:
(2) Pastrami with Pepperjack Cheese Sandwiches
- Mustard
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Individual Bag of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Vanilla Flavored Cashews Glazed Mix
Individual Bag of Sahale Snacks Classic Fruit + Nuts Trail Mix
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
Bag of BBQ Corn Nuts
(2) Cheeseburgers on Bakery Buns
- Top Secret Burger Sauce
(1) Glass of Rootbeer Flavored Milk
(2) Chili Cheese Smoked Sausages
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
Bakery Bun
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(23.5oz) "Jar" of Dole Tropical Fruit: Pineapple & Papaya
Birds Eye Sesame Garlic Veggie Stir Fry
- Planter's Peanuts
- Annie Chun's Sticky White Rice
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Birds Eye Teriyaki Veggie Stir Fry
- Planter's Peanuts
- Royal Garlic & Ghee Rice Seasoned Basmati Rice
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Serving of Hunter's Trail Mix
BBQ Pulled Beef on a Old Fashioned Bun
(1) Deviled Egg
Bowl of Wonderful's Shelled Salt & Pepper Pistachios
Chef Salad
(4oz) Bag of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Vanilla Flavored Cashews Glazed Mix
(4oz) Bag of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Flavored Pistachios Glazed Mix
Small Movie Theatre Popcorn
Chef Salad
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Bowl of Cesaer Salad with Crumbled Garlic Croutons
(2) Servings of Hunter's Trail Mix (1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Bowl of Leftover Cesaer Salad with Crumbled Garlic Croutons
(2) Glasses of Chocolate Milk
(4) Slices of Buttered Toast
Santa Fe Style Salad
(2) Servings of Hunter's Trail Mix
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Bowl of Mexican Style Street Corn Salad
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Can of Progresso Tomato Basil Soup
- (13) Ritz Crackers
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
(3) Servings of Hunter's Trail Mix
(2) Glasses of Chocolate Milk
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
Birds Eye Sweet & Sour Veggie Stir Fry
- Planter's Peanuts
- Leftover Royal Garlic & Ghee Seasoned Basmati Rice
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
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(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges[4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): XXX.X lbs
Weight at Last Check-In, 9/06/2023: 0.0 lbs
Weight As of Noon, 9/13/2023: +0.6 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -84.0 lbs
Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
Sunday I had a great hang with a Bestie. The time away was refreshing.
My Football Team Won - and The Win was bit of an Upset. Hopefully, they can keep the momentum rolling.
The Bad:
My knee is tender and Squats are hereby Excommunicated.
Still not feeling 100% after my head cold.
Still Plateauing.
The Ugly:
Body and Brain are Exhausted.
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