#Devon Lee (Cobra Kai)
boingtastic234 · 14 days
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The powepuff girls of Cobra Kai.
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partiallypearl · 4 days
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You know, I won the endurance challenge. But who does substitute sensei congratulate? Kenny, for the chicken. Sam and Tory for being "fierce." What about me? I'm fierce too. Yeah, but after the power couples and Hawk, there's really only one spot up for grabs. I can't win it if the judge doesn't see me. I just don't wanna disappoint you.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 months
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new fancasts for cato and clove just dropped: brandon h lee and oona o'brien <3
(the picture of kwon is a screenshot of a gifset by tumblr user raviposting, and i got the one of devon off google)
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raylyn-brett · 2 months
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is anyone else uncomfortable with the way people are now over sexualizing a 14 year old devon. like hello that’s gross. 
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blusandbirds · 3 months
"american teenager" - cobra kai
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tortoisewithoutashell · 2 months
I swear every Cobra Kai hot take is usually a fan of the show completely misunderstanding a character. How do y’all continue to miss the point? I sometimes wonder if I’m watching the same show as everyone else.
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punkiexist · 3 months
father x daughter relationship????
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purplerakath · 5 months
MiyagiDo Karate and Protagonist Morality
So when I watched the first two seasons this bothered me and then last weekend I watched everything else (thus far)... and this still bothered me. So here we are.
Spoilers for all five released seasons of Cobra Kai (although I'll mainly be talking about Demetri, Sam, Danny, and Hawk).
Before I get started...
As much as I'm criticizing the writing of these characters, I don't think the characters are bad, or hate the show. I just think more could be done with them, or in the case of Sam they could have started the ball rolling sooner and she could be a better character than she is.
Except Demetri, they really screwed the pooch on his writing.
Protagonist Morality
So I guess I should explain this term. Protagonist morality is where a show doesn't question the behavior of it's protagonists, assuming that whatever action they've taken is morally correct (for the setting). In a video game, you know all those unguarded chests full of stuff for you. The ones all across the countryside and in towns and often people's houses? The ones you can loot freely and nobody cares or is concerned with all the robbery you're doing?
That's protagonist morality. If the game labels you a thief and you get run out of public spaces for your actions, then the game is labeling your actions as maybe less than a paragon of virtue, and giving you reason to think about it. (Then you do it anyway because it's really nice loot.)
So what about the ACTUAL protagonists?
Johnny, Miguel, and Robby are questioned and judged by the narrative constantly. They generally do things right for them, but not universally seen as correct. And generally the narrative is about them moving forward and making less questionable calls.
The whole point of the start of S2 is that Johnny realizes "No Mercy" is a bad motto, because it just gets people hurt, and changes his teachings to match this bit of character growth. Characters backslide, Johnny and Robby both crash spectacularly at the start of Season 3. Each needs to dig themselves out of the hole their in all through Season 3 (Johnny) and 5 (Robby).
So the show never treats them as not needing growth, as the show is all about their growth.
Danny is a hyper-judgmental asshole due to unresolved trauma from his youth and it's a problem. But also the show would be a lot less interesting if he worked through all of this in a timely fashion. Primarily the issue is his reaction to "Cobra Kai" just being back at all, and how he never once gets pushed to question if Cobra Kai in Johnny's hands changed.
Some of this is miscommunication, which is the cornerstone of the Unresolved sexual Karate Tension with Johnny. But his absolute refusal to see good in Cobra Kai had a direct hand in breaking up Sam and Miguel in Season 1 and Danny... came out of it believing he was right.
And when he goes out of his way to try and destroy the S1-2 era of Cobra Kai, the narrative never once actively punishes him for his prejudice. He's also never forced to face why he's like this. It's kind of shit but very much a plot lodestone.
Like her father, Sam often rushes to a moral judgement on bad info and never goes back. Even if she's wrong. So much of her Season 1 behavior is swept under a rug so that other characters (Kyler, Yaz, Miguel) can be her personal villain. And the worst being Season 2 with Tory.
Sam rushed to 'all Cobras are evil' while in a plot trying to fix her friendship with her best friend, she instigated things with Tory, and blamed Tory for all of it without having to think about why she's following her father so readily. Of course, with the end of Season 2 it didn't matter what her behavior was prior, she had every justification to treat Tory as her own personal satan.
Fortunately for me, and everyone else who likes Sam, most of the later seasons focus real hard on having her grow as a person. Maybe not facing all of her personal failings, but she does grow past them in respectable ways. And while her behavior toward Tory is... still bad, Tory is her personal anxiety attack she's allowed it now. (Unlike someone else.)
She also unpacks some of the prejudice she learned from her dad. Sneaking off behind his back to learn Eagle Fang and figure out before Father Dearest that balance is better than pigheaded arrogance of your own greatness. Leading to the Season 4 finale and her mixed styles.
Demetri Hawk
Before I rant about Demetri, I need to explain why Hawk's narrative, regardless of his failures, is better. Eli starts the show with a clearly defined failing (confidence and courage), focuses hard on overcoming it (through Cobra Kai Karate), and turns him into someone new.
That new person is a loud abrasive asshole, but it's a growth arc.
When Hawk behaves badly, it's treated as a start of darkness. As he grows to love having the power his weaker nerdy self lacked. His acts of vengeance make sense as the flexing of power he's never had before. To the point he becomes the sort of bully he feared. His reactions are all overreactions and that's good writing. You understand why he beats Kyler's flunky to a bloody pulp, it's cathartic but also framed as an act of pure violence and destruction. He needs to live in his anger, his violence, listening to the whispers Kreese offers.
Season 3 is Hawk struggling to choose between good and evil, and in the end he chooses good. Leading him on the path toward balance and being better than either side of him before. Honestly of every character in the show his path is the best defined.
Now Demetri
Demetri is a anxious pessimistic leech. He feels he'll fail before he starts, and therefore doesn't try. He rides the coattails of his friends as they become cool and popular and Hawk was right to call him out. But rather than investigate that, he becomes the target of Hawk's new villain arc, and rushes to the arms of MiyagoDo.
Where he proceeds to never actually face who he was, and just... get to be a cool martial artist with a hot girlfriend as the show sweeps his negative traits under a rug and never touches them.
The narrative never confronts how 'it's fine for me to reap the benefits of your hard work' (start of season 2) or 'I can humiliate my best friend by spilling all his secrets then hide behind my badass martial artist friends' (late season 2) were bad calls, because at the end of the season he just... gets to beat up Hawk to establish the full defeat of Johnny's Cobra Kai.
Directly into Season 3 where he's just as aggressive and antagonistic as Sam is, while neither is treated as being 'over the line' by the narrative. Which is all before Hawk breaks Demetri's arm, meaning he doesn't have the extant trauma reason Sam has.
By Season 5 Demetri is a pretty cool person, but as there's no actual focus on how he got there, it feels cheap. Which really sucks.
What I'd Write-
I don't want to rewrite the whole show, and that makes Danny hard to fix. As so much of him is that paranoia of Cobra Kai. Like- best I could ask for is him going to therapy and trying to work past it (and just being bad at it).
Sam the easy answer is Aisha not forgiving her (at least during S1-2). Where Sam tries to get Aisha back, but every time she either says something about Cobra Kai, or Miguel, or Tory and Aisha points out Sam hasn't given any of them a fair shot, and that Sam has no room to talk after dating Kyler and being Yaz's friend.
Bonus points if Sam also gets taken to task for her going after Tory when Tory was working. Because Amanda already got Tory fired once, but she felt bad about it.
Demetri has a similar route of 'best friend does not forget.' A simple 'why should I ever trust you again' after Moon's party would go a long way to rub Demetri's face in what he did, how he was as bad as everyone who made fun of Hawk's lip at school. How Demetri, for one brief moment, was worse than Kyler.
I want all the characters to either get the kind of care in how they change direction that Miguel has, and failing that being absolutely perfect like Devon (the only person to join Silver's Cobra Kai and not turn evil).
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danielpulse85 · 2 months
I just watched the CK episodes and I have to be very honest, I adore Devon and I can't hate her for what she did, admittedly Mike was being very unfair to her and that doesn't justify it, my baby was just playing. Hope Kenny gets his revenge but she's still my girl.
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blusandbirds · 2 months
it's a femininomenon!
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tortoisewithoutashell · 2 months
They could never make me hate you Robby Keene.
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purplerakath · 2 months
Cobra Kai S6 - Devon and Kenny
This is the one part of S6 where I just find it... weird, my guess is it's a matter of doing something with the characters, but it still just feels like an overall off call for the narrative.
Right, anyway, Spoilers and all that.
Johnny Lawrence's Little Girl
For starters, love the father-daughter thing the two have going on. Devon being the only student who is completely Johnny's makes her important to him, and his full faith in her is very heartwarming. This isn't really important to the overall analysis.
I just think it's neat.
So Devon was introduced as raw talent and attitude. Willing to learn, quick witted, and absolutely down for all of the mad gremlin training Johnny had for the Eagle Fangs. Tie her arm to her body, she's good. Fight blindfolded, no problem. She's loud, and brash, and fully ready to kick ass.
So where the hell was that girl!? Devon "I've been training for three months, wait till they see me next year" Lee should not be this insecure about her abilities. Maybe she could be insecure about the scales being rigged.
If her concern was that the game wasn't fair, I could maybe buy what she did. Or if she believed that was what's going on. They could have leaned into Danny pushing for Anthony a bit more, having that be what concerned her. But if the goal was to just win, Devon was introduced on confidence.
However we needed her to be on the team, and Kenny to not be on the team. So here we are.
Cobra Karate Cult
Kenny is walking the same path as Hawk, more or less. And the season has still been leaning into Kenny's insecurity and need to win. I loved his brother talking sense into him, and I enjoy he isn't fully out of the Cobra Kai mindset.
Which is why I also firmly believe he's the sixth man on team Cobra Kai. (That and fighting Kenny will be much better drama than fighting another random miniboss.)
I'm not sure what the endgame is for his plot, he doesn't have the same amount of time Hawk did to work through his crap. And I don't know how it'll tie into Devon's little stunt on him.
Especially with that stunt of Devon's not making any sense for her, I don't know how you make it make sense for a resolution for either of them. But Kenny needs to work through his anger, in a better way than what Terry had him doing.
So Overall...
I love these characters and wish they got better to work with.
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beantown-boy · 2 months
My part 2 need is simply for Hawk, Demetri, and Devon to hang out.
Senior Nerds need to have the back of Freshman Nerds.
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blusandbirds · 1 month
so call it quits, or get a grip - cobra kai season 6
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