#(I ship Devon/Tory now)
purplerakath · 5 months
MiyagiDo Karate and Protagonist Morality
So when I watched the first two seasons this bothered me and then last weekend I watched everything else (thus far)... and this still bothered me. So here we are.
Spoilers for all five released seasons of Cobra Kai (although I'll mainly be talking about Demetri, Sam, Danny, and Hawk).
Before I get started...
As much as I'm criticizing the writing of these characters, I don't think the characters are bad, or hate the show. I just think more could be done with them, or in the case of Sam they could have started the ball rolling sooner and she could be a better character than she is.
Except Demetri, they really screwed the pooch on his writing.
Protagonist Morality
So I guess I should explain this term. Protagonist morality is where a show doesn't question the behavior of it's protagonists, assuming that whatever action they've taken is morally correct (for the setting). In a video game, you know all those unguarded chests full of stuff for you. The ones all across the countryside and in towns and often people's houses? The ones you can loot freely and nobody cares or is concerned with all the robbery you're doing?
That's protagonist morality. If the game labels you a thief and you get run out of public spaces for your actions, then the game is labeling your actions as maybe less than a paragon of virtue, and giving you reason to think about it. (Then you do it anyway because it's really nice loot.)
So what about the ACTUAL protagonists?
Johnny, Miguel, and Robby are questioned and judged by the narrative constantly. They generally do things right for them, but not universally seen as correct. And generally the narrative is about them moving forward and making less questionable calls.
The whole point of the start of S2 is that Johnny realizes "No Mercy" is a bad motto, because it just gets people hurt, and changes his teachings to match this bit of character growth. Characters backslide, Johnny and Robby both crash spectacularly at the start of Season 3. Each needs to dig themselves out of the hole their in all through Season 3 (Johnny) and 5 (Robby).
So the show never treats them as not needing growth, as the show is all about their growth.
Danny is a hyper-judgmental asshole due to unresolved trauma from his youth and it's a problem. But also the show would be a lot less interesting if he worked through all of this in a timely fashion. Primarily the issue is his reaction to "Cobra Kai" just being back at all, and how he never once gets pushed to question if Cobra Kai in Johnny's hands changed.
Some of this is miscommunication, which is the cornerstone of the Unresolved sexual Karate Tension with Johnny. But his absolute refusal to see good in Cobra Kai had a direct hand in breaking up Sam and Miguel in Season 1 and Danny... came out of it believing he was right.
And when he goes out of his way to try and destroy the S1-2 era of Cobra Kai, the narrative never once actively punishes him for his prejudice. He's also never forced to face why he's like this. It's kind of shit but very much a plot lodestone.
Like her father, Sam often rushes to a moral judgement on bad info and never goes back. Even if she's wrong. So much of her Season 1 behavior is swept under a rug so that other characters (Kyler, Yaz, Miguel) can be her personal villain. And the worst being Season 2 with Tory.
Sam rushed to 'all Cobras are evil' while in a plot trying to fix her friendship with her best friend, she instigated things with Tory, and blamed Tory for all of it without having to think about why she's following her father so readily. Of course, with the end of Season 2 it didn't matter what her behavior was prior, she had every justification to treat Tory as her own personal satan.
Fortunately for me, and everyone else who likes Sam, most of the later seasons focus real hard on having her grow as a person. Maybe not facing all of her personal failings, but she does grow past them in respectable ways. And while her behavior toward Tory is... still bad, Tory is her personal anxiety attack she's allowed it now. (Unlike someone else.)
She also unpacks some of the prejudice she learned from her dad. Sneaking off behind his back to learn Eagle Fang and figure out before Father Dearest that balance is better than pigheaded arrogance of your own greatness. Leading to the Season 4 finale and her mixed styles.
Demetri Hawk
Before I rant about Demetri, I need to explain why Hawk's narrative, regardless of his failures, is better. Eli starts the show with a clearly defined failing (confidence and courage), focuses hard on overcoming it (through Cobra Kai Karate), and turns him into someone new.
That new person is a loud abrasive asshole, but it's a growth arc.
When Hawk behaves badly, it's treated as a start of darkness. As he grows to love having the power his weaker nerdy self lacked. His acts of vengeance make sense as the flexing of power he's never had before. To the point he becomes the sort of bully he feared. His reactions are all overreactions and that's good writing. You understand why he beats Kyler's flunky to a bloody pulp, it's cathartic but also framed as an act of pure violence and destruction. He needs to live in his anger, his violence, listening to the whispers Kreese offers.
Season 3 is Hawk struggling to choose between good and evil, and in the end he chooses good. Leading him on the path toward balance and being better than either side of him before. Honestly of every character in the show his path is the best defined.
Now Demetri
Demetri is a anxious pessimistic leech. He feels he'll fail before he starts, and therefore doesn't try. He rides the coattails of his friends as they become cool and popular and Hawk was right to call him out. But rather than investigate that, he becomes the target of Hawk's new villain arc, and rushes to the arms of MiyagoDo.
Where he proceeds to never actually face who he was, and just... get to be a cool martial artist with a hot girlfriend as the show sweeps his negative traits under a rug and never touches them.
The narrative never confronts how 'it's fine for me to reap the benefits of your hard work' (start of season 2) or 'I can humiliate my best friend by spilling all his secrets then hide behind my badass martial artist friends' (late season 2) were bad calls, because at the end of the season he just... gets to beat up Hawk to establish the full defeat of Johnny's Cobra Kai.
Directly into Season 3 where he's just as aggressive and antagonistic as Sam is, while neither is treated as being 'over the line' by the narrative. Which is all before Hawk breaks Demetri's arm, meaning he doesn't have the extant trauma reason Sam has.
By Season 5 Demetri is a pretty cool person, but as there's no actual focus on how he got there, it feels cheap. Which really sucks.
What I'd Write-
I don't want to rewrite the whole show, and that makes Danny hard to fix. As so much of him is that paranoia of Cobra Kai. Like- best I could ask for is him going to therapy and trying to work past it (and just being bad at it).
Sam the easy answer is Aisha not forgiving her (at least during S1-2). Where Sam tries to get Aisha back, but every time she either says something about Cobra Kai, or Miguel, or Tory and Aisha points out Sam hasn't given any of them a fair shot, and that Sam has no room to talk after dating Kyler and being Yaz's friend.
Bonus points if Sam also gets taken to task for her going after Tory when Tory was working. Because Amanda already got Tory fired once, but she felt bad about it.
Demetri has a similar route of 'best friend does not forget.' A simple 'why should I ever trust you again' after Moon's party would go a long way to rub Demetri's face in what he did, how he was as bad as everyone who made fun of Hawk's lip at school. How Demetri, for one brief moment, was worse than Kyler.
I want all the characters to either get the kind of care in how they change direction that Miguel has, and failing that being absolutely perfect like Devon (the only person to join Silver's Cobra Kai and not turn evil).
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vimesbootstheory · 2 months
CK S6 Pt1 Thoughts
Do we still call this "the cut" or did we leave that behind on LJ? Anyway the thoughts are under the cut. I haven't looked at anyone else's thoughts yet, no idea whether this is echo chamber stuff or if I watched a different show than the rest of you.
Overall I honestly had a blast, I'm probably gonna talk more here about stuff I disliked but that's because positive stuff kept me glued to the screen while negative stuff sent me to vent in the notes doc I had open in another window lol
Eagle Fang was Johnny's thing, not an extension of Kreese's Cobra Kai, and I was so angry at the show for not understanding that that I burst into tears
I continue to think that the big cast is spreading character work too thin, such that most characters were either made much less interesting than they have been in previous seasons (e.g. Daniel, Miguel) or were given too little time with the character work they had (e.g. Robby, Kenny) or both.
Characters I made particular note of who are now boring: Daniel, Amanda, Sam, Hawk.
I was surprised in particular how Daniel was given virtually no character work other than this token Miyagi thing. I prefer when Daniel's a bitch. Daniel being The Reasonable One is incredibly boring.
We kinda got slutty gi back? In hallucination form? Briefly?
This was a hard realization: I don't think I ship Daniel/Johnny in these episodes. I'm still absolutely bonkers for them in previous seasons (1-4 mostly) and in the fandom sphere but honestly I wanted Johnny away from Daniel most of the time in s6e1-5. I found it really off-putting how much Daniel was trying to change Johnny into someone he's not.
Fave new character was Kwon. Enjoyably silly. I like his anime hair.
Delighted that Jarmen baby is a girl, even more delighted that the topic of the baby was pretty backgrounded, didn't spend a lot of time on it.
I am filled with incandescent rage that they neutered SamTory; it was weird rooting for Johnny's terrible strategies to make them frenemies instead of friends. But it looks like they're not quite done yet so I'm gonna cool my heels on this point.
Team Captain nepo babies lol. I would be so pissed if I were any of the other Miyagi-Do students.
Loved Johnny championing his female students. In an ideal world I would not have had a little voice at the back of my head wishing he'd spend the same kind of quality time with Robby (How about some Robby time? Robby? Robby now? Johnny and Robby?); nevertheless for what it was, I still really like Johnny supporting Devon and (to a lesser extent) Tory. Meanwhile Daniel over here in his sexist era I guess, ok. Like he really only wanted to send his daughter and no other girls.
Peyton List is the part-season's MVP, obviously obviously. She was so great. Kicked ass, kicked acting's ass. Tory was probably the meatiest character of the season, too, though that's not saying a ton.
My worst fears were not realized re: Johnny's character. He still isn't the fully-realized guy he was in early seasons, but relative to other characters, he's having a pretty OK season IMO. Knock on wood.
I was unexpectedly all riled up on Anthony's behalf. Why does he HAVE to get into karate? Why does he have to be Daniel 2.0? At least this was addressed textually.
So pissed on Kenny's behalf. Justice for Kenny. He deserved one of the top 6 spots. He got poo pants instead. Jesus Christ.
Loved the Lawrence vs Barnes fight, very metal, excellent choreo, love watching Zabka move. I would bet the cobros are lighting up at having an answer on that particular head-to-head.
This has been a running thing with Cobra Kai for a while, but I'm not even sure how I as an audience member was supposed to see Johnny's current teaching style? Honestly I loved his day of blended-style lessons. Obviously broken glass in the koi pond is not a great idea. But like. Jesus Christ, Daniel, katas HAVE STRIKES. WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT.
Did they really just write Chozen out without any goodbyes? :(((
Daniel's ego flare-up and "I'm the boss" moment, contender for only interesting aspect to his character in these five eps. Hell yea hell yea. Show some goddamn teeth Daniel LaRusso.
One thing I think CK excels at and has always excelled at is keeping the stakes up for tournament-style fights, such that more often than not, I can't tell just through narrative signposting who's going to win. Robby vs Miguel in particular was a nail-biter. I did a full-body arm-pump when Robby won. Though the stakes were weird because it's not as someone can't win in Barcelona if they're not a captain? That was confusing and makes me think it's going to be their way of doling out successes across the main four kids. Like Robby and Sam for the captains, and then Miguel will win, presumably Tory too when she flip-flops back to team good guys again.
Interesting acting/directing/writing (idk which) choice during Robby vs Miguel, Johnny visibly rooting for Robby.
I love that Johnny brought up losing his mum when Tory's mum died, but I really hope they get the chance to bond over it at some point.
The fuckin magic jewel bottle cap got me so bad. Resourceful DIY toys is poor person realness and it was so cute and heartbreaking.
It's weird that new!CK got into the tournament because it's clearly not really the same dojo, so they haven't really qualified.
I'm so pumped about Kreese being the main villain. That was true before the season began and I still feel that way.
I'm excited for part 2!
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keeneschoices · 2 years
I'm begging the Cobra Kai writers to give us the fluffiest, corniest, most adorable and insufferably cute Keenry moments in s6!
they can still have badass moments, together and on their own, but take one look at them and tell me they don't deserve to just be happily in love for a moment (or a season)!
I want them flirting while sparring (like it was implied in that one scene in 4x10)!
I want them being protective over each other!
I want them calming each other down in stressful moments!
I want them to always be communicating after everything that happened between them!
I want them having lots of inner jokes (like probation or how easily they could kick each other's asses If they wanted to)!
I want Robby always complimenting Tory on something, both because he knows it gets her flustered and because he knows she deserves to know she's incredible (and her only response being "shut up, idiot" as she turns her head to keep him from seeing her blush)!
I want Tory being incredibly sweet and gentle with him in a way no one has seen her be before and everyone else be like ???? while Robby is just like "she's always been like that, you just haven't got to know her too well yet" while smiling at her!
I want them always finding a way to connect to each other whenever they are in the same room together, let that be a kiss, a hug, them holding hands, smiling at each other or just having a lot of eye contact because they can get each other just by looking at one another!!!
(look at the crumbles I'm willing to accept, yikes)
I want Robby calling Tory "Tor" but also pet names like "honey" and "my love" and Tory, not being a very pet-name kind of person, being the only one who can call him "Robs"!
I want their fucking "I love you" moment to either be something huge and breathtaking because they are each finally in relationship with someone that loves them for them and doesn't have eyes for anybody else but them, or just be the simplest, most natural thing in the world that just comes out at the right time because yes, they're in love, isn't that common knowledge by now? (even though they do get a little emotional with it still, because it is a big deal for both characters, knowing their relationship history, whether they like it or not)!
I want them having many family moments with Kenny and Devon and actually act like they're their parents ("these kids are gonna give me gray hair soon" "as long as you don't start a karate business to try and take over the world, I think that’s not too bad, Tor" "damn, that was exactly what I was thinking of doing" "naturally")!
I want Johnny annoying the living shit out of Tory in regards of her relationship with his son just to mess with her and Robby being like "holy shit, my girlfriend might murder my dad, who I just made up with" but she's actually only a bit annoyed and overall happy that she gets to have these interactions!
I want a fucking double date, alright? A double date that ends well and without any fights! While I don't really ship Samguel, I don't dislike them either and would love If the four of them could have a few hours to themselves without any jealousy, any insults and having them just be in love and happy their rivalries are mostly over (but pls don't let it be in Golf 'N Stuff! I love that place and I think it would be the perfect set-up for a double date with these four, but it's been overused and I'm kind of tired of it)!
I want to see Robby spending time at Tory's house and spending time with her brother, who loves him very much so, and maybe her mother!
I want the roller-skating/skateboarding date I talked about after s4 dropped (If you were here by then, you know what I'm talking about)!
I want them being domestic together! Like, have a scene where Tory wakes up without anyone by her side in bed and she gets a dreadful feeling that Robby just up and left, but then she smells something good coming from the kitchen and when she goes over there, she sees Robby in a cute little apron someone gave her as a gift (which she has barely even used), making them and Brandon breakfast! And then she has to go to work and he has to go to the dojo earlier but neither of them want to go so they just clinge to each other a little longer before parting! And to add the cherry on top of the cake, have a scene in which he gets to Tory's house before her and gets in (because he obviously has the keys), and when she gets home after work and after picking up her brother in school, she immediately says "honey, I'm home" as a joke and because she knows he would already be there. And he is! He is either on the couch, relentlessly scrolling through his phone, or talking to Tory's mom to spend more time with her and get a few good stories from his girlfriend's childhood, or cooking them all dinner!
I want a whole fucking fanfic of Keenry in s6! Is that too much to ask for?
(I know I won't get most, If any, of this but a girl can dream, right?)
(add onto the list If you'd like, all ideas are welcome)
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lunaschild2016 · 5 years
Belief - Part 3 (Edit)
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Rating: M
Devi is Dauntless. Through blood sweat and tears she made a place for herself three years ago when she left her life in Amity behind. Not once in that three years has Eric Coulter even deigned to look her way. Not until that night. Now she has nothing but his attention. Eric/OC AU [Smut, Language, Romance]
Part 3
 I decided that I'm not going to eat the food Eric pushed on me. After he left I felt furious at how presumptuous he had been and that pushed aside any pleasant feelings I had when I opened the bag to peek inside.
I'm angry at my reaction to him.
I'm still furious at Four for letting Rain go.
My head is killing me and I'm completely exhausted.
I'm just pissed and grumpy in general. I walk out of that room still clutching the bag tightly and fully intend to toss it in the trash then start back to work.
As soon as I get to the waiting room I see that most of it cleared out and that Kari is rushing towards me with wide eyes. They're darting between me, the bag, and then the cameras.
I grumble under my breath, already knowing what's coming. "What did he say to you?"
It's not Kari who answers her but Devon, the other aid on staff. "He said that if you didn't do what he said he would hold the two of us responsible. That he would be more than happy to arrange for an extended visit for one or both of us at the fence."
Kari is pale and shaking, confirming that everything Devon said is true. My fury explodes and I start muttering in a combination of English and Spanish. Mainly curse words.
I refuse to give in! I know there is no way he's going to get away with taking away the staff we need here at the clinic. I push past Devon and go to throw the bag in the trash but he stops me by pulling my arm back and scowling at me.
"Fine! If you're so dead set on seeing one of us being sent to the fence, at least I can see what the mighty Eric brought to you. Better yet, I'll just eat it myself and then I can say I was treated to something by the man that never does anything for anyone other than himself."
He goes to actually grab the bag but this makes me snap and I punch him the gut before clasping the bag, the one I was about to toss just seconds ago, close to my chest. "Culo! No one is touching this!"
He smirked through holding his stomach. "Told you." He said looking back at Kari.
"Told who what?" I snapped.
Kari shakes her head and raises her hands while still shooting glances at the camera. "Seriously though, could you just go eat, Devi? Go to the office and we can handle things while you are gone. You know you get all grouchy when you haven't eaten anyway."
I narrow my eyes but went ahead to the office. Kari isn't wrong and I can become a complete bitch when I haven't eaten. Today it is so much worse because I'm also hungover and tired as hell. I slam the office door and fling myself in the chair after tossing the bag on the desk. It doesn't take me long to give in to the temptation of the smells and the urgings of my growling stomach.
I tear into the bag then lunch eagerly.
It isn't just the sandwich, but also a bag of cheese crisps, a cake brownie, and then one of the whole dill pickles that are shipped in from Amity.
It’s all perfect food to fill me up and soak up the alcohol that I'm sure is still running through my system. For that reason, and that reason alone, I decided not to feel guilty about taking my time eating every bit of lunch.  There is also paperwork and charts that needed to be completed or filed, so I took this time to get that all done since I was already in the office.
In between bites, I worked happily and with the occasional hum of pleasure.
I hate the fact that my mood started to improve as I went along. When I emerged from the office I felt loads better but wasn't about to comment on it. The first time Devon cast a knowing smirk at me I sent him a glare that shut him up very quickly and sent him hustling to get the areas that needed it cleaned up.
The rest of the day was spent catching up with normal things.
Members or dependents that needed to be seen for one thing or another, but couldn't during the week, they always come in during the weekend for appointments. That makes my morning packed with those visits on top of anyone that might come in that hasn’t been scheduled. 
Things calm down eventually, but we still have to push people we didn't get to during the day to be seen tomorrow. Which means another of my days off will be spent in the clinic.
Shauna finally comes in to relieve me for the evening shift but I stay to help clean things up and go over the charts of the unlucky few that have an overnight stay with us ahead of them. She chatters the entire time.
What Tori said about Dauntless and gossip is completely true. The 'head bitch', although she herself would never be considered a bitch, in the gossip food chain is none other than my friend and co-worker. Her information is usually on point and reliable. She can usually call or predict something before it ever becomes official.
Part of that has to be because her fiancé and his brother are both working in Intel or work closely with leadership. Tonight she's going on about what had happened in the faction so far and the big story going on is about the brawl.
Turns out the former champ at Big Shots, Razor, did sort of throw the fight. He was wasted out of his mind and nowhere near the condition to handle the level of fights he was scheduled to face that night. The brawl happened when the refs, manager, and judges all made the decision that the wins were void and the fights would be scheduled for another night.
The people that won big were livid. The ones that were all for the rematches got pissed when the other group started calling them, and the champ, out for cheating in some way. Honestly, it sounded like even if he won there would have been an explosion of some kind. We’re all fighters after all, and it doesn't take much for us to want to get in on the action too.
In the middle of cleaning a room together, Shauna stops and looks over at me with a frown.
"Hey, you really should take off and get some sleep. You had a long night from what I heard and it isn't going to get better for you tomorrow."
I snapped up from making the bed and whip around to look at her. "What the hell does that mean?"
I already have dread running through me, and when she shrugs with a knowing smile, I know. I just know.
"Something I heard but I'm not supposed to talk about. I can tell you that tomorrow will probably be a long day for you."
If Tori and Shauna could be put side by side, at least the Tori from this morning and Shauna right now, their tones and smiles would be a complete imitation of the other.
"You can't say? Why?" I pop my hip out and my hand goes on it.
I might be tiny but I can be fierce if you piss me off enough and I'm right there at the edge with the only thing in my line of sight being Shauna. Friend or not it's tempting. I guess she recognizes this look enough and the smile drops.
"Look, I want to tell. I had every intention of telling you, actually. That's why he ordered me not too when he saw I was listening in to his conversation with Uri at lunch."
I don't even need to ask who gave that order. Her expression matches the one Kari had from earlier.
"Hijo de puta! Esto es un montón de mierda de caballo. Durante tres años, apenas sabe que existo, ¿pero ahora decide que merezco otra mirada?" I fume and stomp my foot in a huff.
I jerk around and finish making the bed.
"Sorry," Shauna says softly from the other side of the room. I wave that off and shake my head.
"Not your fault," I mutter with a sigh.
When the bed is made we make our way out of the room and she looks to me as I am gathering my things from the office.
"I don't think he didn't see you all those years, Devi." She calls to me softly as I was walking out of the room. "I don't know for sure, but sometimes I thought I caught him watching you. It's hard to know with Eric though."
I sigh wearily and smile back at her. "I'll see you in the morning. Thanks for the heads up."
I head home and grab something to eat after I take a much-needed bath. My roommate and friend Sadie apologized profusely for the night before.
It turns out they were there with me all along but when they tried to approach Eric when he was taking me from the pit, he turned his famous glare on them, warning them away. They hadn't dared to try and stop him after that. I would have told her off for not even trying, but it isn't worth my energy. I know all that would have done is get them on Eric's shit list.
By the time I finally crawl into bed I've gone into denial mode and coming up with anything that could be causing Eric's behavior besides what my body is telling me it might be.
This was all just an amusing distraction for him. Sadie told me what happened and how Four also tried to get me away from Eric. This is his way to get back at Four after he tried to keep me from Eric in the Pit. Eric knew it would be a button he could push on Four and had done that.
Come tomorrow he'll be bored of it and move on to some other much more willing victim.
He doesn't really have any interest in me and I refuse to let myself feel any kind of hurt about that realization.
Tomorrow I'll wake up, go to work, and then go out with my girls.
Maybe I'll even take Ash up on that offer to hang out. I could use a pick me up.
I go to sleep feeling more confident and with a smile on my face.
But there is the faint thought that if there is real interest, Eric is about to get another wound to that overinflated ego of his.
The morning dawns once again, and way too soon for my liking.
Over my morning coffee, I send off a few texts to make plans for that night.
Sadie, Vera, and AJ are all willing. Even Lynn said she could be counted in for a few drinks and dancing. I also send one to Ash telling him where I would be for the night. If he wants to stop by, have a few drinks and maybe dance he's more than welcome too.
Ash is someone I see from time to time.
He works patrols and has a rotating schedule where he's out of the compound for two weeks before coming back for two.
We've never tried for anything serious between us for various reasons. Some of it’s because of our schedules and dedication to our jobs, but that isn't all of it. We are honestly more just friends with the occasional side of benefits. We don't always hook up when we hang out though.
It's just nice to have someone to cuddle or dance with, without them being a total creep. Just someone to have fun with, be myself, and not worry about either of us wanting more than we are capable of providing.
I don't expect him to be up to reply right away, neither of us expects the other to drop whatever we might be doing just because we call, but he does and he happily agrees to meet me for the night. It will be his last night to out before he goes back on rotation.
There is a pep in my step as I head out to work. I even stop by the combination deli and bakery to pick up some treats for me and the others.
I have to be careful how often I do this, but I've never been one to try and deny myself just because of what someone else thinks will be bad for me.
It's nice to be able to get things like muffins, cake or other baked goods again now that I don't have to worry about them being dosed with peace serum. It took a while for me to be able to eat anything even remotely close to bread once I got to Dauntless. They don't talk about what happens to the people that have been living on that mierda.
On the day of my choosing ceremony, my family made a big breakfast for me. I didn't give it a thought when I was eating my fill of sweetbreads right along with the fruit they had that morning. They were both normal things for our meals, and we had sweetbreads at least a few times a week. Mi Abuela loved to bake and garden. Those had been her pleasures, so there was always something for us to eat from that.
I've always wondered if they knew what would happen to me that first week of being in Dauntless.
I wondered if my family had known, as I loaded up on the bread, that once I left there I would suffer. Did they know I would go through something called withdrawal? Did they think it was only right that I go through hell for betraying them and leaving?
I don't want to believe that they would do that to someone they loved, but I have my doubts about their love because of that suffering. Someone had to know that living for so long on a drug-induced set of false feelings would throw me off so badly. Someone had to know that I would struggle with trying to deal with all of the feelings that I had never been allowed to deal with on my own before.
Initiation would have been hell on anyone but a girl with my physicality coming from Amity made it a certainty. Adding that I had the emotional stability of a pubescent teen and it just amplified that.
It took me almost an entire year before I would even touch something with bread in it at all.
Have I mentioned how much I love bread and sweets?
That by itself was enough to make me completely moody, especially when all around me the Dauntless cake was taunting me. I may have punched someone once when they seemed to take pleasure in teasing me while they slowly ate their cake across from me at dinner once.
Uriah Pedrad still won't eat cake if I'm around.
Keri and Devon fall on the donuts and muffins once I make it into the office. This is where we gather every morning to be debriefed by the night staff on everything that happened during the night and the status of anyone staying.
It's another busy day for me. All the appointments or people that got turned away and told to come back yesterday are expected today. Some of the ones leftover from the mess the brawl created came back during the night, so thankfully most of that mess was taken care of by the night crew. There are a few walk-ins with cuts or broken bones but none of the crap that I was seeing yesterday morning.
Overall, while work does keep me busy, I'm still holding onto the good mood I woke up in. It's looking like I'm going to get out earlier than I expected, and since this is supposed to be my day off anyway, it just improves my mood even more.
So much so that I almost forget about yesterday completely.
I mean, I've only daydreamed about that kiss and Eric a few times today, so I think I'm doing pretty good.
The last appointment of my day is a young dependent. It's just a simple one, being seen for a persistent cough and congestion that turned out to be an ear infection.
We don’t have a doctor on staff from Erudite and while I am qualified for many things, there are some of them that are just beyond me.
Instead of sending a doctor over, we have a computer station that has a scanner along with other various places where we can put in any blood draws or other things of that nature. That allows us to send and receive information to staff over at the Erudite hospital. It’s fairly old and can take an absurdly long time, so it becomes fairly useless in true emergencies. For simple cases like this, it works fairly well. I send over a few cultures, a blood draw and a scan of her chest for the doctor to look at and diagnose.
With a shot of antibiotics and a script for a syrup to help with a cough, I send the little girl and her mom on their way. As I'm doing a clean up of the room they were in Kari comes rushing in with a harried look in her eyes.
"He's here." She says simply and with no need to elaborate who ‘he’ is.
I huff and close my eyes tightly, my good mood going right out of the window. "Any idea what he wants?"
I open my eyes and roll them when I see her horrified expression. Like it was horrifying to her that I even suggested she try and ask him what he wanted. So I shove past her and make my way out into the waiting room, but Eric isn't there.
Devon points the office and then the nerves hit. I was hoping he would stay out in the open here in the waiting room where I wouldn't have to be alone with him. Which is probably exactly why he went into that office.
I groan quietly at this realization before determination sets in and I grit my teeth and give myself a short internal pep talk. I push my shoulders back and walk into the office with as much of a calm and uncaring demeanor as I'm capable of pulling off right now.
Eric is sitting behind the desk and has a file in his hands with a few others laid out in front of him and with his feet propped up on the desk. He looks way too at home in the place I consider my domain, for my liking. That calm demeanor snapped straight out of the window. I slam the door and put a hand on my hip as I glare at him.
"Did something happen to the staples? One pop out of place or something?"
He looks up from the file in his hand and smirks. "Nope. They're still intact." He tilts his head and that infuriating smirk gets wider. "Sorry if that ruins your hope for getting my shirt off again. Although, if you ask nicely enough…."
I sputter and glare at the gall of the man. "Hate to burst your ego but that was the furthest thing from my mind."
Mentira! As soon as he said it, that’s all I wanted.
I walk closer and shove the feet he has propped up on the desk off then go to snatch the file in his hand away. He jerks it back and makes a tutting noise.
"Leaders have full and complete access to any and all data or files." The smirk is gone though his words are full of it.
"What do you want, Eric?" I snap at him.
"I looked at your personnel file," He states simply, putting the file down he was reading and I get a good look at it for the first time.
This one isn't my personnel file but the one I have full of my proposals and requests for the clinic from over the last few years. I frown at that and his statement trying to connect the two and my tangle of thoughts.
"You haven't taken part of the yearly physical training and assessments yet. In fact, you didn't for last year either."
I sigh tiredly and rub the back of my neck. "Eric, I don't know if you’ve noticed or if you even care, but the clinic is running on a tight budget and limited staff. Most of the people qualified to do the things beyond basic aid are Erudite, and they are only here for eight hours of the day. Those hours are early ones that most of the people in Dauntless aren't even awake for half the time, not to mention they aren’t here on weekends. Patrol medics have to come from somewhere and the weekends that takes them from the small staff we have here. I guess it isn't surprising you don't know this considering any and all requests I’ve made are either rejected out of hand or just ignored.  Perdóname  if I don't make it into maldito training when I'm too busy stitching up or setting bones for everyone else who is able to."
Eric starts tapping his fingers on the table, his jaw clenched and looking around. He stands and grabs the file he was looking at before he turns his cold eyes on me. "Follow me."
I've probably pushed my luck just once too often with him while I was unloading my anger and frustration. In fact, I'm sure of it as he stomps to the door and rips it open, then stalks out. I can hear him barking something to Devon and Kari but not what. I scramble to grab my bag, just in case I need it, and follow after him. Both of the staff are looking at me with worried eyes but they make no moves to say anything or help.
They couldn't help even if they tried to be honest.
I follow after Eric but he stops at some point and waits for me to catch up to him. "You might be short on staff but I can't excuse missing the training. I especially can't excuse missing the assessment. Normally, you would need to do it with one of the qualified staff, and during their hours, but that isn't going to work, obviously." He pauses in speaking even as we are walking and glances over at me. "So, I’m going to take that on myself. We'll be starting with weapons at the firing range today. You won't need to change into workout clothes for now, but I  will  expect you to have some on you for when we next train."
My fists are clenched at my side as I walk beside him. There is a tiny part of me that's thrilled with this development while the majority of me is pissed at being dictated to like this.
I bite my lip and decide to pick my battles.
Eric’s right and the reason for the lapse in training doesn't really matter. Here in Dauntless, it is expected and the standard unspoken rule is you  always  make time for training.
We don't go right to the gun range.
First, we stop by his office where he deposits the file on top of his desk. I immediately know I'm never going to see it again and am thankful I have backups of all the information on my laptop.
His desk seems to be one big pile of paperwork. Organized piles, but still.
The desk has a towering stack of files in a tray with a label indicating they still need to be looked over and a matching stack of ones that have the label indicating they are complete. It would take counting each one to know which one has more as they seem to be at the same level.
I don't know what he intends to do with my file but I have a feeling it's just going to get shoved in with one of those enormous stacks and get lost.
I do feel a tinge of pity that he seems to be swamped with work.
I guess I never really wondered what it's like for any of the leaders. Tori never complains, and that isn't something Four is likely to do either. I just always looked at the power they hold along with the perks that come with holding that position, and never considered what needed to be done behind the scenes. Logically I know there is work, but I never considered they would be as buried under as it appears he is.
"Is that always like that?" I ask as I wave towards his desk. Eric unlocks a cabinet at the back of the room and starts pulling out things.
He glances at me and then to where I'm indicating and shrugs. There is a tiredness that etched itself onto his face for just a second before it's gone just as quickly to be replaced by a slight scowl. "It's usually worse."
I frown as my eyes wander over the file names, reading them quickly and seeing that some of the labels are things I would think would be taken care of someone else. "So why don't you have an assistant or something to help?"
"You aren't the only one that has to deal with budget cuts and short staff, Devi. We have the same issues up here. Everyone thinks it will be such a fucking cakewalk to work in leadership or as one of the assistants. Then they get a face full of reality and we find out they aren't cut out for it and have to find someone else or do without."
I should feel ashamed of my words to him earlier but leadership could at least explain that to their departments. Especially ones that are so vital to the faction.
"I didn't know," I start out saying then narrow my eyes at him when he snorts and is probably about to make some smart ass comment. "That could be solved by someone just telling us all this." I wave again but this time between the desk and him. Making it clear I'm meaning him specifically.
It turns out he had been pulling out his handguns. Now he started to slip those into holsters he had on his hip and thigh after checking them. "Would it have made any difference if we had? Knowing that we have little in the way of budget to work with and even less staff?"
I put my hand on my hip and frown while looking down slightly. "Of course. That would have been much better than thinking I've been ignored for the last three years."
I glance back up briefly but quickly look away and blush when I realize how hurt my tone sounded and I caught the flicker of something in his eyes as he caught it too. Eric came closer until he is standing right in front of me. He reaches out a hand and uses his fingers to gently grip my chin and raise my head until I'm looking him in the eyes once again.
"Devi, you were never ignored." He says softly while he runs his thumb over my lips lightly then drops his hand along the soft expression in his eyes and sighs. "Circumstances have had my hands tied until recently. We're working to make up for everything the previous leaders did to destroy the faction."
I nod when his eyebrow raises, seeming to ask if I understand, but can't find the words to reply. I don't trust my voice to speak because of the fluttering in my stomach. It seems good enough for him and he moves to the door, holding it open for me to pass through first before closing it behind him. He sets a brisk pace but not one I'm unable to keep up with. Soon we are entering into the gun range.
The people in the gun range at the moment look at us curiously as we pass. A few of the guys I know from their frequent visits to the clinic, and they start to wave or smile at me. They stop immediately and turn away quickly after a glare from Eric.
He sets us up about as far away from everyone else as he can get while still being in the same room.
It's clear any and all focus is going to be put on me and he isn’t going to tolerate any kind of distractions or interference. I found out it’s entirely possible to be in a large room full of other people and activity and it still feels like I am completely alone with Eric.
This just ramped up my nerves that were already frazzled.
It's also obvious that my lack of training has clearly affected my aim. Something he's all too quick to point out, rather gleefully, and then insisted on physically correcting me while informing that my performance is so abysmal that he might as well start me out like he would a beginner.
That's about how the next two hours progress, with him acting as if I've never even held a gun. He has been pressed against me, or at least uncomfortably close, almost the entire time. Shoving me this way or that. Pressing his legs between mine to correct my stance or wrapping his entire top half around mine while he stands behind me.
He also won’t shut up!
He keeps assaulting me with question after question. When I said something about it, snapping out that I didn’t realize he had so many words in his vocabulary, he just grinned wickedly and said he’s just testing my ability to maintain my skill through distractions and then continued on.
He spent the next hour or so grilling me about anything from my life in Amity before I transferred all the way up to my life now, my friends and things I do with them.
"You said you were considered the perfect Amity. Why did you transfer if you were happy there?"
"You never wondered how you were able to kill chickens? I mean come on that had to be a red flag right there."
"How often did you find a wild horse beyond the fence?"
"Did you really spend that long out of the fence on those trips?"
"How did you get into healing if you worked with animals?"
"How can working with animals and their recovery be compared to a person?"
"Explain all this massage and herb therapy crap. I don't get why it is such a big deal or help."
“Are you actually friends with your roommate, because I remember her being in our initiation and never saw her talking to you?”
“How did Lynn end up in your circle of friends?”
“So, you aren’t all that close to Number Boy?”
“You dance? Where do you go?”
On and on the interrogation went, and all while he's physically distracting me as well.
Between the verbal and physical invasions going on, I quickly become exhausted. By the end of the two hours, I reach the end of my patience.
It's when the questions start to get slightly more personal and trying to pry into past relationships, that it snaps completely. I start responding in sarcasm and Spanish.
Eric just looks amused while his hands start to do things along my back and hips and I realize that I've only been speaking in Spanish for the last thirty minutes of that time and Eric understood every word, even if he only responded back in English.
"Alright, we're done here for the night." He says, stepping back abruptly after having just been brushing his fingers down my neck while his breath tickled my ear. "Let's go to the mess hall and get dinner."
I watch as he holsters the gun and let out a frustrated puff of air while calling him every kind of bastard I can in my mind. I can't decide if I want to turn around and slap him or push him against the wall and relieve all this frustration he’s built up in me.
The first one I dismiss, because even I am not loca enough to slap a leader, and definitely not  this  one.
There is still the second option.
I snort quietly and shake my head, dismissing that. I’ll just need to find another way to relieve this frustration because there is  no way  it’s happening with Eric.
My plans for the night flash in my mind suddenly. Hair from my ponytail came loose at some point during Eric’s pawing at me and has fallen in my face. I shove some of the hair back from my face and start to grin then look at Eric as he finally faces towards me after cleaning up our area.
I flash a smug smile at him as I shake my head then grab my bag up. “Thanks, but no thanks. I have plans for the night already.”
“Plans?” Up until my statement, he had been wearing his own smug smirk after stepping back and seeing how flushed I was. That smirk drops as soon as I shoot him down. His eyes move over me cooly but then he just gives me a slight shrug of his shoulders. “Cancel them then.”
His tone is so fucking flippant and as if he’s presuming this would be what is obviously going to happen.
I let out a scoffed laugh. “No. I don’t think so. I’m meeting up with my girls for drinks and dancing before Lynn goes back out on patrol rotation.”
“Your girls, huh?” He drawls slowly while narrowing his eyes and looking me over slowly before his eyes meet mine.
We spend the next few seconds in a stare-off and I think he might be waiting for me to back down and just go along with him.
Clearly, he has learned nothing about me.
Then he surprises me by shrugging casually and gives a small nod of acceptance. “Okay. Just remember what I said though and be prepared for me at any time, little one.”
I ignore the flush of warmth at his nickname for me and narrow my eyes.
He’s up to something. I know it. But whatever is going behind those blue eyes of his is a mystery. I just know there is an intensity to him that makes me want to lick my lips and return the action of looking him up and down like he just did me. It’s so strong that it makes me whip around instead and sashay my ass out of there as fast as possible.
“Will do, Sir!” I toss over my shoulder to him with a grin.
His chuckle after seemed to follow me for the entire walk to my apartment. It sounded like more than just a laugh or simple amusement.
It was dark, rich, and raspy. Like it held a promise of something to come.
Something that shouldn’t have my nipples going hard or my knees going weak. But it did and I think I knew then that I am well and truly fucked.
 “Damn! You are going all out tonight.” Lynn says as she looks me over and walks further into my bathroom where I’m still getting ready.
I’m already dressed, other than my chosen heels for the night, but I’m putting the final touches on my make up. I smile at her through the mirror and lean over the bathroom sink and counter to get closer to the mirror so I can swipe the mascara on in a way that it won’t clump the eyelashes together.
“Damn straight,” I finally reply to her then quickly finish with the other eye.
I put my makeup down and step back to take a look at myself in the floor-length mirror on the other wall, turning this way and that to get a better look.
I wouldn’t say that I don’t dress up when we go out, but I don’t usually go all out like I am tonight. Most of the time I’m wearing something a bit more relaxed. Like the other night, my dress was just a simple black dress; long-sleeved and with a slightly rounded neckline that went to just above my knees and had a tiny slit on the right side. It was just the right amount of casual and sexy. Something I threw on right after work and used my new shoes to add spice and color to the mix. I didn’t even do anything with my makeup or hair really other than fixing my ponytail and adding a bit of lip gloss.
Something about tonight seemed to call for a bit more….well, everything. Something a bit more...Dauntless...and daring.
I left my hair down tonight and let it fall into my natural waves, but added a little product to smooth the hair and make it slightly shiny. My lipstick is a wicked red color and I lined my eyes so that the chocolate brown looks a bit more sultry. I have the same shade of red on my finger and toenails that I used for my lipstick.
My shorts are a little shorter and my cleavage a little more revealed than I would normally display.
The outfit is almost all black in color. The top is a deep v-neck silk wrap top that I have to tape down to make sure the sides stay in place and I don’t end up flashing everyone since I’m not wearing a bra underneath. I have that tucked into the black silk shorts that provide me full coverage of the assets...my ass...but mold to it nicely.
To add some color, and to break up the black and highlight my waist, I added a wide belt made of silver metal that is thick enough to draw attention to the waist and what I consider my best feature, my butt.
The real feature of the outfit is my shoes.
As always they are high heels, four inches, but the style is a roman sandal with leather straps that go all the way up to the knees. I sit on the toilet to slip those on and secure all the little black leather straps.
Lynn has her arms crossed over her chest and is shaking her head at me with a knowing grin.
She knows this look. This is my going out to get mine, look. When I’m feeling sassy and sexy and want to let loose.
“Well, let's go then. Did you eat something?” She frowns at me worriedly while I pop my lipstick into my clutch purse that already has my keys, phone, and some protection (in case I get lucky) in it.
“Yes, mami. I had a grilled cheese when I got home.”
Lynn rolls her eyes but chuckles and shrugs. “Well, that’s better than nothing. We can just order some bar food when we get there.”
I sigh but admit that’s a good idea. I don’t do well with drinks if I haven’t had anything too substantial to eat.
Lynn has a reputation for being hard, and she definitely can be, but we both have the habit of being the  ‘mothers’  for our group of friends. We’re the ones that usually make sure everyone doesn’t completely overdo it and that they make it home at the end of the night.
So, I would have normally heard something from her about what happened to me, but I guess since she knows I’m now dealing with Eric, she also figures I have enough torture ahead of me.
If she only knew.
Sadie was waiting for the two of us in our living room while our other two friends that said they could make it, Vera and AJ, already headed over to the club to get us a place.
Vera is currently dating the guy that manages the bar we are going to tonight and managed to sweet-talk him into setting aside one of the balcony areas that overlook the dance floor. Those spaces are usually reserved for officers and leaders in the extremely popular club, so it was a surprise when she messaged us earlier saying she managed to get us a spot.
This will be a treat, because normally we grab whatever spots are available on the lower level and pray there is enough seating. There never is.
We head out and talk as we go, catching up on what’s going on with each other along the way. Once we reach the club we spot the section Vera told us we would be at and can just faintly make her out waving at us from there.
I stick close to Lynn who seems to have this ability to make the crowds just kind of move for her with little to no effort, and in no time we’re across the already full dance floor and at the stairs. We quickly pass the guy that serves as a guard that makes sure no one gets up there that isn’t supposed to.
The upper level is amazing and has a very polished look to it while the lower levels seem to go with a raw kind of approach to decorations. There are already other groups gathered in their own little lounges that we pass on the way to where our group is set up at the far end.
I slide onto the seat of one of the sleek black couches and take in our set up. There is a huge lighted table in the shape of a cube that alternates colors sitting in the center of the L shaped sectional and a collection of four armchairs in dark red of the same material of the couch. On the table itself there are a few buckets filled with ice. Two of them have a bottle of a wine of some kind and the other two have juice. I reach forward and deposit my clutch onto the table and reach for a bottle, examining it and raising an eyebrow when I see that it’s a sparkling white wine from Amity. One that is very popular and is usually reserved for trade with any one of the factions that want it. Erudite is very fond of it and is known to be the one to buy it up after each production year.  
I raise my eyebrow at the bottle while looking over at my friend in question. Vera just giggles then shrugs. The pulsing music of the club can still clearly be heard but it’s not so overwhelming up here that we can’t hear each other talking.
“Blaine said they’re for us, so I guess he just wants to make sure we have a good time. It’s one of your favorites right? That wine from Amity?”
I shrug with a smile and start to crack it open but Lynn glares at me and slaps my hand away. “Food for all of us first before we start downing this.” She grabs it from me and shoves it back into the ice bucket.
“Oh good idea!” Sadie coos and then eyes the bar, more specifically the bartender, on this level. “I’ll just go order us some snacks.” She is already up and waggling her fingers at us before I can even tell her what I want.
“Ash is here.” AJ says as she comes up from dancing on the floor with some guy she’s decided is going to be her date for the night. “I told him we’re up here.”
“Thanks.” I reply with a smile and look around.
The club is amazing and has always been my favorite here. That might be because it was the first club I ever went to in Dauntless.
I always loved dancing back in Amity.
They would have days filled with music out on the open fields. Nights where we all just got together and danced with the stars and moon shining down on us.
I would drink and dance my ass off. Then I would go off somewhere with Vicente. We would spend hours more just touching each other or later on as I got older, making love. It’s hard to not be bitter after I realized that all of that was drug-induced.
At the dances where all the young but of age were encouraged to attend, they served drinks laced with shit that I can’t even stomach the name of now. It wasn’t bad enough to be on peace serum all the time but they also gave us other things. I didn’t know that back then. It wasn’t until I got to Dauntless that I was informed about what I was exposed to and what it did to me.
It tainted all of those memories for me. Even the relationship with the man I had hoped to marry. It made me question how much of it was real and how much was the drugs.
After getting through initiation and becoming a member, I resisted going out. Still bitter and upset about so much of my previous life. Doing anything that was remotely similar to my old life was out of the question. I worked and went back to the apartment I shared with Sadie, refusing attempts to be friends or hang out with anyone.
I knew it was fear holding me back. Facing your fears in sims doesn’t make them go away, it just makes you super aware of them.
So I knew that I was afraid to get close to anyone but I was also afraid that I wasn’t able to get close to anyone or love them. Afraid that everything from my life in Amity, who I was, had been fake. Tori brought me out of that and said I wouldn’t know if I didn’t try. Was I Dauntless enough to do that? Of course, I couldn’t back down from her challenge.
So, one night I got dressed up and found myself standing in Club Onyx for the first time.
It’s a literal cave. Stalagmites and stalactites can be found everywhere. The ceiling is high enough up that at places it disappears into the dark. The walls are mostly the natural stone of the cave, but in other places it’s smoothed out to make way for different decorations, furniture or built-in rooms, like the restrooms.
I’m told there are little nooks and crannies all over the place that people like to go and explore. Tori once said there is some type of water in one of them, a grotto she called it. I haven’t explored the big cavern yet so I haven’t discovered if that’s true or not for myself.
The club is a cross between the primal aspect that defines Dauntless and the tech and polished aesthetics from Erudite. That means it has lights, sounds systems, and other little luxuries that make it easier to let go and enjoy.
I enjoyed myself so much that first time. I found my rhythm again and danced long into the morning hours with Tori. Since then, I love to come back here when I can.
Ash finds us just as Sadie comes back with a smirk and a drink. She informs us the food will be here shortly. I pour myself out a glass but at a look from Lynn, I also add some of the juice that was in another bucket being chilled.
I sip my drink and laugh along with the others as we talk over the music. The food is delivered by the bartender, who then joins Sadie. Now we all have partners to dance with. Even Lynn called in one of her girlfriends to be with her tonight.
I can never go right into dancing. I’m not sure why this is, but I always have to have at least a drink before I feel relaxed enough to let go. Tonight it seems to take more for me to be loose enough, and I draw it out by eating and talking with Ash or the others when they make their way back to us.
If he’s picking up on how I’m even more nervous than usual he doesn’t say. We just talk and catch up, comfortable enough with that and each other, that it isn’t awkward at all. Even when he brings up Eric.
“So I hear Eric is breathing down your neck.” Ash says with concern.
I almost choke on the mouthful of wine I had but managed to gulp it down and breathe again.
“Where did you hear that?”
“I had to go to the administration offices to get some paperwork settled for a new patrolman being assigned to my unit and heard some chatter about Eric being after you or something like that.”
Oh, he’s after me alright.
I wave my hand casually and dismiss that thought as well as Ash’s worry.
“I missed the last few assessments and he’s having to handle it. No big deal.” I down the last bit of my drink and plop the glass on the table then reach for his hand. “Let’s dance,” I say even as I start to stand, wobbling only a little, and tug him up with me.
He doesn’t protest and soon we’ve made our way to the dance floor. I enjoy myself, I do, but something about Ash’s hands feel off. I can’t help this uneasy feeling that surges up every once in a while.
Normally, I can lose myself in the music and have no qualms about Ash being close or touching me. Ash even notices and asks me if I’m feeling okay. I just tell him I’m fine but that I need another drink. So we go back up to the lounge and he gets a few drinks from the bar for us. Once I have that downed, I drag him back onto the dance floor.
It seems to work and I dance until my feet can’t stand it anymore. He almost has to carry me back up to the balcony and the couch, where I plop down laughing and into his waiting arms.
I’m drunk and headed to well past drunk, but I really don’t care at this point.
“Wanna get out of here?” Ash asks as he leans in close to my ear brushing some of the hair away from it with his fingertips.
I giggle a little and nod. “Yeah, I just wanna go freshen up first.”
“Okay.” Ash agrees and helps to push me up from my seat, chuckling a little as I groan when my feet throb a little.
He makes a comment about the dangers of wearing such high heels that I ignore after a playful glare over my shoulder at him.
“Be right back,” I say and then weave my way to the bathroom.
The one on the balcony is occupied with a few girls waiting outside for it. I decide to not wait and go down to one of the ones on the main floor that I found a while back that is usually empty.  It has two stalls with a well-lit vanity area that I would think would make this a popular bathroom, but it’s well away from the dance area so maybe that’s why it isn’t packed like the others always are.
I take care of nature’s call first. Grateful that the toilets in places like this are nothing like the ones in the dorm or training room from when I first came to Dauntless. You need a shot just to prevent diseases from being near those.
I finish quickly and wash my hands then can’t resist using the vanity to check my lipstick and makeup. I’m so absorbed in finding my lipstick and reapplying it that I don’t notice the door opening, but I definitely hear it closing. And I definitely hear the lock being flipped.
The first, brief, thought I have is that someone’s decided to use this as a place to be intimate so for a few seconds I don’t get worried. It isn’t until the feeling I’ve had, but denied, all night surges through me with a vengeance. The one that felt like I was being watched. The one that had the hair on the back of my neck standing at attention and my senses buzzing. Only this is much worse and it finally gets my attention enough to turn to look out of the little vanity area that is in its own little nook.
Eric is standing there, leaning against one side of the archway, and the expression on his face makes my legs tremble slightly while I swallow heavily.
Eric Coulter isn’t an expressionless, emotionless robot but at times it certainly seems that way. But there are times when that mask breaks. I’ve always thought that the reputation he earned, even as far back as our initiation, didn’t come from the cold, calculating and the ruthless man he can be, but from these moments when whatever he is feeling is unrestrained and intense, overwhelming even.
The expression he is wearing now isn’t far off from one that I’ve seen before when he lost it on someone but I haven’t seen that since our initiation. His forehead is screwed up in wrinkles while his jaw is gritted and his lips turned into a scowl. He’s breathing hard, chest heaving, and his vein in his neck is pulsing as his fists clench and his muscles bunch up. That too is something I’ve seen before when he unleashed his body and showed just how lethal it can be.
I’ve seen all this before. I’ve just never been the one it’s all directed at.
“Just drinks with the girls, right?” He advances on me, all sinuous menace and the words are a hiss.
Despite the feeling that I just want to melt into the floor, I don’t let myself. He’s a beast. I’ve tamed larger and more powerful than him. I raise my chin and stand my ground.
“What business it of yours what I do with my free time? Yes, I’m having drinks with my girls and having fun. I never said there wouldn’t be others involved.”
Standing my ground means that I also didn’t move and he was on me in seconds. My butt hits the counter of the vanity as he brackets me in with his hands gripping it on the sides of my hips. He leans in so close that I can smell the aftershave he must have used before he got dressed for the night.
Dios ayúdame is the man dressed.
He’s wearing a black skin-tight, short-sleeved shirt with a v neck that clings to his skin so much that I can make out the muscles of his abdomen underneath it. It tapers in so that his waist is clearly defined by the belt showing since it’s tucked into black jeans that might as well be painted on him. They look to be barely containing the things he calls legs.
All of that is definitely drool-worthy but it’s not what has my mouth salivating and going dry at the same time. It’s his arms and those fucking veins that are pulsing. It’s the bunching of the muscles of his forearms up into his biceps. It’s the sound of his hands rubbing against the stone of the countertops as he grips them tighter.
It all made me want to lick my way up his arm, starting from his tattoos, until I reach his neck and then down the other until I reach….well….
If at all possible, his breathing goes even more ragged and his chest rumbles in a growl. “I’m not happy, at all, little Devi. You’re fucking drunk again.” He hisses and moves even closer making me gasp and flush. “And you let him touch you.
His powerful thigh shoves its way between mine, opening my legs. Much like he did at the firing range but this time he’s facing me and it brushes up against my bare thighs, pressing into the silk shorts I’m wearing.
I let out a moan and reach out to grab his shirt, pulling him even closer. He finally lets go of the counter and uses one of his large, rough hands to grip the back of my neck after moving until the curtain of my hair.
“What am I going to do with you, Devi?” He growls out the question.
And it is a question.
Said in a tone that lets me know he’s at a loss for what to do, maybe even at the end of whatever control he is trying to keep right now. That and the drinks make me much braver than I would ever normally feel. It has me feeling smug even, knowing that I’m the one doing this to him. That I have the unshakable mountain of arrogance and confidence feeling unsettled, unsure.
“Take me home with you, Eric,” I demand forcefully.
As the words come out I feel a brief moment of astonishment. But yes. This is what I want. I wanted it all day when I’ve relived the kiss. I wanted it last night when I touched myself thinking of him and what could have happened in that exam room. I wanted him even more as he touched and teased me at the gun range.
Dammit, I want him and I will get what I want!
The grip on the back of my neck tightens even more and the rumble in his chest deepens before he shoves away from me. He steps back, his eyes a little wild, and runs a hand through his hair.
I bite my lip and start to step forward, to press the advantage I feel I have but stop as soon as I see the change in him. He was looking down for a second, just one second, but that was all it took.
The wild out of control Eric is gone. He is back to the cold and calculating one. Wearing a wide smirk and his head raises.
“Okay.” His tone is a strange combination that I can’t even describe. All I know is it sends both anticipation and worry through me.
Then he steps forward again and that heat I felt just yesterday envelops me making me feel nothing but raw hunger and need. He grabs my wrist and starts to lead me out. This time he barely takes into account my height as he sets the pace. It takes us no time to make it from the almost empty area the bathroom was into the overcrowded dance floor and bar set up.
Some rational thinking kicks in and I realize I need to let someone know what’s going on.
“I have to tell my friends…”
“They’ll figure it out.” He interrupts me with a smirk and looks over his shoulder a little.
I crane my neck and look to see that a few of my friends are on the dance floor and looking at us with wide eyes. Ash is one of them.
I send him an apologetic smile and then gasp when Eric jerks me back around. This time he pulls me completely against his side and wraps his arm around my waist. He all but picks me up and carries me the rest of the way out of Club Onyx.
I debate telling him I changed my mind but the drunken loss of inhibitions doesn’t allow me. My drunkenness is mortifyingly confirmed when I almost twist my ankle twice and finally my legs almost buckle while trying to keep up the pace he set.
Eric stops me from falling with a curse and whips me up into his arms, bridal style, without even really breaking stride. A strong moment of deja vu stops me from protesting as a faint and hazy memory emerges.
The memory a night when Eric caught me in his arms and held me close, refusing to let me down. Pleasure and warmth from the memory add the desire.
“You could have taken me home that night. I wouldn’t have minded then. Why didn't you?” I ask as we walk and he’s keeping his eyes on the dark and winding path out of the part where the Club is housed.
“I told you before. You were drunk and I don’t take advantage of drunk girls, no matter how fucking tempting they are.” At this last part, he turns his head towards me. I see his blue blazing with the same hunger I’m feeling.
I can’t speak for what I think is only for a few seconds. It turns out to be much longer because he had long ago looked away and now we’re in front of a door. He glances at me with a frown as he lowers me to my feet. As soon as they touch solid ground he pulls me tight to his side again. Once he has me tucked in like he wants me, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out keys. He almost kicks the door in before he ushers me through and I hear it slam behind as he does kick it closed.
He moves us so fast I barely notice anything about his apartment other than it is definitely an apartment. He rushes me through the living area and into a dark bedroom. He flicks on a light switch and finally releases his hold on me.
“Wait here.” He demands and then disappears back out of it. He’s back again before I have time to get my bearings or even move, holding something black in his hands. He moves past me into another dark room that is revealed to be a bathroom when he flicks on that light.
I frown and take a step when I hear what must be the faucet running and cabinets being opened and slammed shut. He comes back out with a scowl on his face.
“There are pills on the counter. Take those and drink the water. Get a shower and I left a shirt for you to put on to sleep in.”
My jaw drops a little and I shake my head in confusion. “What?”
He advances again and takes my clutch from me. He roots around in it, takes my keys and the phone, then pockets them both before tossing the whole thing to the side on a chair in the room.
He then jerks me against his body and crashes his mouth against mine. Our teeth gnash against each other as we both let loose the hunger we’re feeling. By the time he releases me from the kiss I’m panting and spinning.
Not all of it from the kiss either.
He steadies me and scowls as he holds me close. “It won’t be when your drunk or have even had anything to drink, Devi. I want you, but I won’t have you like this.”
I have to lay my head on his chest due to the spinning, dizziness and burning of tears in my eyes. “So why bring me here dammit.”
“Because the fucking thought of you out there like this is enough to drive me to want to hurt someone. I wouldn’t care if they were a friend of yours or not. I want you in with me in my bed, but I don’t trust myself enough to even allow that right now. This is my spare room. In here, I’ll know you’re safe from me and everything else.”
Something about that touches me and I sigh out his name. I let out a shuddering breath and his arms circle around me. The embrace is comforting and claiming all at the same time. It ends too soon though because he pulls back and lifts my chin once more to look at him. “I said you are different and if you can remember this in the morning, maybe you will see I’m proving that to you.”
He places a small gentle kiss to the tip of my nose and then gently pushes me towards the bathroom. I walk in and look at him over my shoulder as I grab the door to close it. The wild look is back. So is the chest heaving and clenched fists. I hesitate to close it but he shakes his head and backs away.
“Tomorrow, Devi. I’ll be here when you wake up tomorrow.” Then it seems like he melts into the darkness and I hear the door to the room click.
I close the bathroom door and lean against it.
The mirror in front of me shows the reflection of a girl I don’t even know right now. Who is this girl that’s feeling hunger like I have never felt before?
It’s almost like I’m the old me. The one from back in Amity that lived and loved with such wild and passion.
Was it always there and the serum just brought it, and only it, forth? Is that what Eric is to me now? Some kind of drug that brings out a side I thought I might have lost forever.
All the questions and events of the night have my mind spinning.
There isn’t an answer for me right now. The only way I can get one is to move forward and find out.
But, in the light of day will I remember this? In that harsh morning after light am I going to want to find out as much as I do now?
I take the pills, drink the water, step into the shower and then put on the shirt that smells so much like Eric it makes me feel like I wrapped in his arms again. I almost think that I won’t be able to sleep at all but it finds me sooner than I would have liked.
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gyrlversion · 5 years
PETER OBORNE: My moneys on Jeremy Hunt to save the Tories
Some time ago, I put money at long odds on Jeremy Hunt becoming leader. He is now a favourite, but by no means a certainty
Several years ago, I was surprised to receive an invitation from an aide of Sir John Major to meet the former prime minister.
When I arrived at his South London office, not far from Brixton where he was brought up, he poured out his heart.
He said he believed the Conservative Party that he loved and of which he’d been a member for almost 60 years was being hijacked by ‘bigots’.
Decent people, he added, should come together to save the Tories.
I listened politely but dismissed his interpretation, as it was coming from a man who had been very badly scarred by the revolt of anti-EU Tories — whom he’d memorably described as ‘b*****ds’ — which did so much to wreck his premiership.
Since then I have changed my mind.
I now recognise that Major had wisely identified something which has gone on to fester in the Tory Party ever since he lost power in 1997. The boil burst this week, with Theresa May forced to fall on her sword because today’s equivalents of Major’s ‘bigots’ have refused to approve her EU exit deal as a result of their bovine hatred of the Brussels-based superstate.
All this means we are facing the sixth Tory leadership election since Major stepped down. Will the ebullient Boris Johnson win? Or the cautiously pragmatic Jeremy Hunt? Perhaps the young thruster Tom Tugendhat? Or the unashamedly ambitious Sajid Javid?
But whoever succeeds Mrs May, they will not be the solution to the Party’s woes. Much more important is for Tory MPs and Party workers to ask themselves a rather bigger question.What kind of political organisation do they want to be?
Do they want to uphold the broad-based Conservatism which can be traced back to Disraeli and was championed by Stanley Baldwin and Harold Macmillan? (John Major is part of that One Nation tradition.)
Do they want to follow the rightwards path pursued to no avail by William Hague and Iain Duncan Smith?
 All this means we are facing the sixth Tory leadership election since Major stepped down. Will the ebullient Boris Johnson win? Or the cautiously pragmatic Jeremy Hunt? Perhaps the young thruster Tom Tugendhat? Or the unashamedly ambitious Sajid Javid?
Or do they want to be an ideologically rigid pressure group with a fanatical supporter base, but which doesn’t have roots in wider society?
The latter course is the one blithely taken by Jeremy Corbyn. His Labour Party may have record numbers of passionate members — especially among the young — yet it finds it very hard to achieve poll ratings higher than 40 per cent from the wider public.
The Tories must learn the lesson from watching Corbyn’s far-Left Momentum outriders hijack a party which was once led by visionaries and moderates such as Clement Attlee, Labour’s greatest prime minister.
Lords must prove their value 
Hats off to Lord Ravensdale for winning the hereditary peers’ by-election.
The 36-year-old engineer and great-grandson of fascist leader Oswald Mosley will now sit in the Upper House as a crossbench peer. Six rival candidates got no votes at all.
During Lord Ravensdale’s previous three attempts, one of those who beat him was the 19th Earl of Devon (a barrister who’s married to an American actress and owns 600-year-old Powderham Castle in Devon).
Since his election last July, the Earl of Devon has not spoken in the House, hasn’t asked a single question and has only voted once.
Last week, the Lords shamefully stymied a bill to abolish these antiquated by-elections which are a hangover from Tony Blair’s botched reform of the Second Chamber.
Until such processes are brought up to date, at least Lord Ravensdale has the opportunity to prove his value, unlike so many drab drudges appointed though the patronage of party leaders. 
For the alternative is very dangerous. Recent events suggest that we could be witnessing a process which reminds me of the nightmare scenario set out to me by John Major.
The Conservative Party is increasingly being dominated, certainly at a grassroots level, by a highly organised and motivated group of doctrinaire hardliners.
Like Militant Tendency 30 years ago, personified by Derek Hatton and which tried to launch a coup against Neil Kinnock’s Labour, these Right-wing ideologues are intent on driving out Tory members whose views they don’t like.
One example of this is the attempt to deselect Nick Boles, MP for Margaret Thatcher’s home town of Grantham. His sin? The former Remainer is considered too soft on Brexit as he has been seeking a ‘Norway-style’ exit from the EU.
Another parallel between the Tories and Labour is the way both parties are riddled in some sections with bigotry towards religious minorities. For Corbyn, it is the virus of anti-Semitism. For the Tories, it pains me to report, it is the virus of Islamophobia.
It goes without saying that there should be no room for this kind of hatred in any modern political party. So in which direction should the Tories go now? I hope the Party will take the path of decency and moderation.
That said, who is best suited to be the next leader?
In no particular order, I’ll start with Amber Rudd. She’s a capable politician who has been a decent Cabinet minister. But her pro-EU views would make her too much of a divisive figure and scare off pro-Brexit voters. The opposite is the case with hardline Leavers Boris Johnson, Dominic Raab and Jacob Rees-Mogg. But I think their hopes of the top job are fatally tainted because they are too fanatical.
Unforgiveably, Johnson compared Mrs May’s deal to a ‘suicide vest around the British constitution’.
Raab stupidly claimed that the Withdrawal Agreement was ‘even worse’ than staying in the EU.
Rees-Mogg said the deal meant that Britain would become an impotent vassal state of the EU.
The trio finally backed Mrs May yesterday, but their disloyalty up to that point has made them politicians who do not deserve to be taken seriously.
Just as important, any one of them as Tory leader could not command the support of the population at large and would, I’m sure, deliver the keys to No. 10 to Corbyn in an election landslide.
In my view, the next Tory leader must come from the Centre of the party.
It is a shame that Chancellor Philip Hammond is so bland. Otherwise he would be a steady-the-ship candidate.
The TWO ministers with the best chance are Home Secretary Sajid Javid and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
Some time ago, I put money at long odds on Mr Hunt becoming leader. He is now a favourite, but by no means a certainty.
Such is the current chaos that the field is open for someone talented from the younger generation of politicians to come through the ranks and show that they can end the rancid sectarianism which has done such damage to the Party.
Mrs May’s resignation offers the chance for the Tory Party to reinvent itself as the wholesome organisation it once was and which is capable of being trusted by families across all four countries of the United Kingdom.
The Party is fast running out of time to do this. Otherwise the Tories will see Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister within weeks. 
Theresa May has been brought down by treachery and intrigue but prime minister Harold Wilson suffered worse.
In his newly published autobiography, Kick ’Em Back, his press secretary Joe Haines tells how the No. 10 doctor offered to ‘dispose’ of the PM’s troublesome aide, Marcia Falkender. He said he could do it ‘in such a way that her death would seem like natural causes’. The physician would then sign the death certificate and ‘that would not be a problem’.
Haines, 91, says he turned down the offer, of course. 
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rupertacton · 8 years
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Having the dreams again. The city as a different city. Escape to the country. Relocation relocation. Seemingly endless city. Suburbia stretches out then coils back in on itself. Event horizon pierced. Escape velocity reached. I would move here. The pub is full of locals. Would I want to spend all my time with these people? Nothing to do but attach immense importance to small concerns. The travellers are back. You can't say anything these days. The council spent all the money on public art. It's not even art. Art to me is a painting on the wall. The sky is massive. Too big. Too much perspective. Waves crash on to the beach beneath the cottage. Clifftops. Rain hitting the windows. Step outside to look at the stars. Are they stars or the lights of ships on the horizon? Deep drag. Expel smoke. Riptides pull at the foundations of my brain. Bottles of local beer. Card games. I hate games. Unless I'm somewhere like this. Coastal path. Walking for the whole day. Freedom. People say hello to each other. Deeply unsettling. Bucolia. Unidentified birds of prey circle. Nature is brutal. We are nature. Sheep. Everywhere. I thought this was a National Park? Looks like a fucking farm to me. I've just read Feral. Will I give up this landscape for an Old Etonian's contentious vision of a future rewilded? Will I fuck. Maybe I will. It's persuasive. Snowdon. 2 hours sleep? At most. With the lads. LADS LADS LADS. Little dab of dizzle at the summit. As if this isn't exhilarating enough. Added spice though. Can't argue with that. Still haven't developed the disposable camera. Snowdon again. Just the two of us. Before. Pyg Track. We scramble up until we hit the snowline. Man at work. On lunch. Eating a sandwich. Looking at all of this. We trace the lines of distant roads as we loop back towards the car. My exploration depends on others abilities. I'm a good passenger. Paint testing station near Winchelsea. Almost magical in it's singular weirdness. Highly recommended. Trip Advisor. Bad trip advisor. Small towns on Friday nights. No one about. You could still get the shit kicked out of you if you're not careful. Guard down. Circling through cul-de-sacs to find the entrance to the woods. We walk to find a view of a water tower. Concrete outposts off A-roads. Motorway bridges. Sacred stones. Service stations as autonomous zones. Never just simply food. If it was up to me I would never leave. Everything is here. We leave. I bid a fond farewell. The break was welcome. 24 hours. 7 days a week. 365 days a year. Magical names. Taunton Deane. Leigh Delamere. Heston. Watford Gap. Pease Pottage. Incantations. The M5 just past Bristol. Terraced into the side of the hills. Views over Avonmouth. Car full of organic produce. 18 ounces in the boot. Secret location. Unassuming house. Daytrip. Cream tea. Wild mushroom risotto. Skin up if you want. Take some fudge. Made with Devon Cream. Journey back floating on a cloud. Journeys back from festivals. Stags. Keeping the driver awake. Haven't really slept all weekend. Woods near Crowborough. Back to nature. Tents pitched. Tarp shelter. DMT as the fire burns into the night. Group of kids on dirt bikes shocked by the sight of middle aged men living a post-apocalyptic dream amongst the ferns. Jake's tree. Emotions. These acres are infinite. Lundy Island. A point on the map. Wasn't sure it even existed outside of that. It does. Trust me. The journey back. Rough seas. Never been so aware of my own mortality. We survived. Just. Soaked. Friend tells us story in service station. Dark. Burger King. We console him. Rain pisses down. Islander visiting islands. Scilly. St Agnes. The Turk's Head. More than a holiday. A religious experience. We experience the sacred. One day the people will reclaim this magic from the Duchy Of Cornwall. This should belong to us all. THIS WHOLE ISLAND AND IT'S SURROUNDING ISLANDS SHOULD BE OURS. Can't ruin it anymore than these cunts with their grouse moors and shooting weekends and fox hunts and bad farming practices and subsidised lifestyles. But what do I know? Another know nothing city dweller. More islands. Hilbre. Ynys Mon. Foulness. Brownsea. Wight. Islands off islands off islands. Fractal shorelines. Retreat inland. Bad magic. Poundbury. I preferred Milton Keynes. This crowded island? Really? I walk for miles and see nobody. These people claim to love this country but I don't see them. They are in love with an idea. The actual thing scares them. It's not what they want. They want somewhere that doesn't exist. That never existed. One day I will stumble into a secret far right training camp and be used as target practice. Or some Jihadists will demonstrate some unarmed combat techniques on my person. I can't fucking wait. Deliverance. Who knows what darkness lurks just off the marked footpaths? Sacrificial altars just out of view of the picnic area. Orgies of copulation and fornication in AONB. Used condoms litter the SSSI. The Cerne Abbas giant touched inappropriately. Dorset Police are launching an investigation. Is there an equivalent of Orientalism when city dwellers exoticise the rural? I AM GUILTY. Cover me in tar. Black me up. Make me carry a burning barrel through your village. Cover me in burrs. Burn my effigy at your bonfire. TEACH ME YOUR WAYS. I'm willing to learn. Deep country. I can finally see the constellations as the sky clears. At dusk I see a barn owl silently flying across the flooded field. Reading as the sun falls into the sea. I will spare you a list of writers. I'm sure you can work it out. I won't insult your intelligence. That's about the only thing I won't insult. I've had a few at the village pub. Having a few more now we're back. Might even crack out that gear. The Rhosneigr night out. Hollyoaks in Anglesey. A snow machine. A fucking snow machine. To go with the Apres-ski theme. Men in fishing overalls dancing to Storm Queen drinking jugs of pink cocktails. The tiny village pub on the Llyn Peninsula. 18 of us. Most of us off our tits on coke. MDMA. Some of us on mushrooms. No one speaking English apart from us. 21st birthday in the function room. Banging out what sounds like gabber. In the bogs doing bumps. Pints and shots. Very accommodating. Back to the cottage to carry on. Cottages. Holiday homes. Good value if you go out of season. A base. Somewhere to cook. Hole up. Get away form it all. Decimating local communities. Pushing up prices. No wonder they used to burn them down in Wales. The way things are going it will probably start happening again. It's not tourism without a hefty degree of guilt and complicity in destruction. I am urban and English. I am scum. I love locally sourced food and drink. I will buy your chutneys and cheeses and beers. I will tell people about the wonderful little unspoiled beach and the amazingly shit but good local museum. The stunning walks. The wildlife. And then my friends will come. And their friends will come. And all will be lost. Have you been to the South Stack Cliffs bird reserve on Holy Island? Have you walked from Rye to Camber Castle? Have you walked the Broomway? What about the beach and derelict nightclub at Carlyon Bay? Have you heard seals sing on the sandbanks in the Dee Estuary off West Kirby? Have you been to the Eden Project? Reculver Castle? Taken the boat out from Poole to Brownsea Island to see Red Squirrels? Explored Canvey Island? Found fossils in Lyme Regis? The sand dunes at Climping? Walked from Deal to Sandwich? Don't miss the last train. Or it be cancelled. You might end up at Tonbridge at 2am waiting for a cab to take you back to London after being shunted around various stations in Kent for most of the night. A late train through the countryside. Only person in the carriage. You stop somewhere and a bunch of beered up locals get on. You are a target. If you can't handle the banter you're in trouble. Thank god I'm not a goth. Or black. Or in any way obviously different to them. I've got longish hair. But I'm wearing a shirt. A checked one. Like them. I say I'm on my way back to London. They all laugh. But it's good natured. Sort of. Still my palms sweat. Heart races. I'm allowed to read my book. They get off at the next station. I change at Ipswich. I read maps. Like novels. They are better than novels. The AA Great Britain Road Atlas. So many places I will never go. How do you find time to travel the world when there is so much in those pages? Essentially it will all be the same. I know this. I'm not bothered. It's the small things. The brown signs. FOLLOW THEM ALL. You will be disappointed but each disappointment will be unique. In it's own little way. Each boring museum. Each unwelcoming attraction. Each neglected Nature Reserve. I'm only half serious. As always. I've experienced such heart stopping beauty here. Beyond irony. Fuck irony. I don't leave London for a joke. The British seaside resort is amazing. Sad. Beautiful. The British countryside is awe inspiring. Wild. Managed. The interaction. Fascinating. The coast is unique. Variety of landscape. Wildlife. Treasure it. Care for it. I don't want to lose it. I want my hypothetical future children to experience at least this. At least. If not more. Rewild. Rewild your mind. It's good for you. It's good for us. Don't be afraid. It's worth it. If you live there please don't hate us. You need us. We need you. Don't lock us out. Trespassers should be welcomed with open arms. This belongs to us all.
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