#Diabetes milletus
Juniper Publishers-A Case Report Showing Association between Vitamin D, HbA1C and Frozen Shoulder in Type II Diabetes Patient
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Case Report
A 39 year old lady, weighing 59kg a known type 2 diabetic >5yrs on T.Metform in 500mg sustained release tablets OD present with c/o pain in the shoulder for at least 1 month, an inability to lie on the affected shoulder, and restricted active and passive shoulder joint movements (ROM) in at least three planes, muscle weakness for more than 3 months with on and off temporary relief on oral analgesics (self medication) with no known history of any injury. O/E pt have painful arc, with no obvious signs of inflammation around the shoulder. On blood examination her HbA1C was 9.3%, calcium was 6mg and Vit D level was 8ng/dl.
Diagnosis: uncontrolled diabetes with frozen shoulder (stage 1)
Calcium and Vitamin D Deficiency.
Aim and objective
The aim of the study is
1) To treat the patient (to correct Ca2+, Vit D deficiency)
2) To evaluate the association between vitamin D and calcium status on HbA1C; the effect of HbA1C on frozen shoulder.
Treatment for the case
The Patient was treated with
1. T.metformin 500mg BD
2. Inj.Arachitol 6 lakhs IU deep IM stat, then calcium 5oomg and vit D 250 IU BD for 3 months.
I. Life style modification
• Diet (Low carbs, calcium rich diet-dairy products, ragi, guava, dates, etc),
• Regular sleep pattern
• Exercise (preferably aerobic or brisk walking in morning favoring sun exposure) for 30 minutes 6 days a week,
• Reduce emotional stress.
II. Self blood glucose monitoring once in 15 days- she was also taught about hypoglycemic symptoms
III. Shoulder and neck strengthening isometric exercises,
The patient was followed after 3 months with HbA1C,vit D and calcium reports. The symptoms of painful arch were assessed and shows wide range of movement. She was advised to continue shoulder strengthening exercises along with strict diabetic diet.
    Results(Table 1)
While so much emphasis is given to micro and macro vascular complications of diabetes, other long-term complications especially musculoskeletal are often overlooked and underappreciated. Patients with Upper limb locomotor abnormalities are very common in diabetes and are associated with worse glycaemic control and more diabetic complications. Assessment of upper limb locomotor disease in diabetes should include an estimate of glycaemic control and a search for other complications [8], Duration of diabetes was also associated with the development of frozen shoulder, [9] Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder or periarthritis shoulder) has a prevalence of 2% in the general population, but is reported to occur in 10 to 29% of those with diabetes [10].
Stage 1: The Initialization Stage has duration of 0 to 3 months is associated with pain and reduced range of motion (ROM). It may be noticed when the person can no longer do things like comb their hair or reach a shelf above their shoulder.
Stage 2: The Freezing Stage, which lasts from 3 to 9 months, presents itself with chronic pain and further reduced ROM. This stage moves from the inflammatory stage to the fibrotic process.
Stage 3: The Frozen Stage has a duration from 9 to 14 months with minimal pain, but a significantly limited range of motion in the shoulder. In stage 3, a person shows marked stiffening of the shoulder and substantial loss of ROM
Stage 4: The Thawing Stage is from 15 to 24 months and shows minimal pain and progressive improvement in ROM.
Vitamin D deficiency is more common than previously thought the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that the percentage of adults achieving vitamin D sufficiency as defined by 25(OH)D of at least 30ng/mL [11]
Medical Laboratories Reference Ranges for Total Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH) D]
Severe deficiency <10ng/mL
Mild to moderate deficiency 10-24ng/mL
Optimal 25-80ng/mL
Possible toxicity >80ng/mL
Calcium requirement for the age >50yrs is 1000mg/day which is mainly through dairy products, deficiency of which can cause muscle cramps, easy fracturing of bones, numbness etc. By correcting VIT D deficiency it improves calcium reabsorption, Maintenance of mineral homeostasis, increase the uptake of ingested ca2+, increase insulin synthesis and secretion [12].
This study contributes to the evidence that by correcting Vitamin D and calcium deficiency there is improvement in both HbA1C and thereby favoring the prognosis of frozen shoulder in a type II Diabetes mellitus patient.
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bulletboybikers · 5 years
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Top 10 Best Foods for Diabetes
The best foods for diabetes are whole foods that are not processed like vegetables and fruits. Counting these extra-healthy supremacy foods in your food regime will definitely help you to meet your nutritional requirements as well as lower your menace of diabetes hitches like heart disease. Yeah, the foods listed over here are not the only foods to eat, but integrating these foods into your diabetes meal plan will assist to progress your complete health.
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manipal-hospitals · 3 years
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adrashshahaabah07 · 4 years
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Kopi Radixku White Coffee Kopi sinergi Radix herbal WA 081275805538 1box isi 15 sachet RADIXKU PREMIUM WHITE COFFEE “Ganti Kopi Anda Dengan White Coffee Yang Baru” TENTANG KOPI RADIXKU Kopi RADIXKU merupakan Kopi terbaik saat ini diracik oleh Tuan Haji Ismail bin H. Ahmad, master herbalist yang juga meramu Kopi Radix dan Kopi Pak Haji yang sudah melegenda akan khasiatnya. Insya Allah, RADIXKU adalah kopi radix dengan ramuan terbaik hingga saat ini. Radixku White Coffee adalah kopi kesehatan legendaris RADIX yang diracik menggunakan bahan herbal terbaik. Kopi ini diramu untuk memberikan kesegaran dan kesehatan bagi peminumnya. Kopi Radixku White Coffee sangat aman untuk dikonsumsi oleh semua umur karena mengandung kopi asli. Radixku White Coffee mengandung Kopi, Creamer, serta Herbal Spesial (Tongkat Ali, Ginseng, Gojiberry, dll.) • Meningkatkan stamina tubuh. • Anti-Oksidan • Melancarkan aliran darah. • Mencegah penuaan dini. • Memelihara kesehatan kulit. • Memperbaiki hormon dan daya fokus kerana kandungan genosida. • Membantu pembentukan hormon endorfin. • Memperbaiki sistem pencernaan. • Mengatasi wasir secara alami. • Membantu mengatasi Diabetes Milletus (Penyakit Gula Darah). • Anti-Kanker karena mengandung polisakarida & sillofosfamiol. • Memperbaiki sistem saraf tubuh karena kandungan panaksinol. • Membantu menurunkan berat badan. • Menguatkan otot. Komposisi : Gula, Krimer Nabati, Kopi, Extract Gojiberry POM MD 867009013053 LPPOM MUI 00120069620714 1 Box isi 15 sachet @ 23gr #herbaltarok #grosirherbal #obatherbal #herbalpadang #herbalpakanbaru #herbalpayakumbuah #herbalsolok #kopialjannahmahkotadewa #photooftheday #beautiful #fashhion #girl #tbt #though #alone #saltwater #weed #popular #like #kopi #herbal #jualhabbatussauda #radixkuwhitecoffe #whitecoffepakhaji #herbalife #warda #family #drawing #herbalindo #coronamemes (di ADR Ash-Shahaabah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_B2fZ8JGYQ/?igshid=336jown0h9hv
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theayurvedaorg · 4 years
Top 10 Best Fruits for Diabetes patients
Top 10 #Fruits good for #Diabetes patients #Ayurveda #HealthyEating
Top 10 Fruits for Diabetes patients: When our blood sugar raises and the body is unable to produce enough insulin, then this case is termed as Diabetes. It is also called Diabetes milletus.
When it comes about food habits for diabetics, then we first consider for fruits (as they are sweet in nature).
Here we will be talking about Top 10 Fruits good for Diabetes patients. These Fruits…
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
What Can Be Done To Cure Diabetes At Initial Stage?
Diabetes is termed as chronic disease that generally affects the thriving society binging on bad diet. Initial intervention and followed by preventing the progress of disease, can avoid any possible future complications. Complications such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart related disease.
Dietary options like boiled salads, food with low Glycemic Index, green tea, etc. These can help avoid the onset of this disease or help with diabetes cure.
If your answer is NO, here are some of the well-known signs and symptoms of diabetes. These signs & symptoms taking a toll over your body.
Excessive Thirst or Hunger Pangs
Sudden Weight Gain or Loss
Frequent Urination
Kidney Problems
Infection in Urinary Tract
Nausea (feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit)
Slow-Healing Wounds
Blurred Vision (long term can also cause lose of vision)
Skin Infections
Acanthosis Nigricans (Darkened skin in body creases)
Odor in the breath with sweet, fruity, and acetone touch
Numbness or Tingling in feet or hands
Now that you know the ways to detect the onset or side effects of diabetes with its symptoms. Here is how you can confirm the presence of diabetes.
Diagnosis of Diabetes
Before you know how holistic diabetes cure works during the initial stage, here are some ways to diagnose the same. There will be many number of clinical trials on this
Glycated Hemoglobin (A1C) Test:
This particular blood test help detects the average sugar level in the body during early stages. This test records the average sugar level in your blood for the last 2 to 3 months. If you detect a number below 5.7 percent you aren’t diabetic or pre-diabetic.
However, numbers between 5.7 percent and 6.4 percent is termed pre-diabetic. Anything higher than this is confirmation of diabetes.
Random Blood Test:
Regardless of what or when you ate last, this test shows your current blood sugar levels. Anything higher than 200mg/dl at any moment is a sure sign that you have diabetes. (Show Blood Sugar level chart – image)
Glucose Tolerance Test:
The Glucose Tolerance Test is used fairly less as compared to others. This is used commonly during pregnancy for diagnosing gestational diabetes. To attend this test, you have to fast the night before. As you reach the physician’s office, you need to consume a sugar-based drink.
For the upcoming 2 hours, the doctor will test your blood sugar levels. If the Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HbA1c) is 6.5% or more is the sign that you have diabetes mellitus.
Fasting Blood Sugar Test:
In this fasting glucose test, the blood sample from a patient is taken post overnight fasting. A reading below 100mg/dl is termed normal. Now, a level between 100 and 125mg/dl suggests that you are pre-diabetic. If the blood sugar level even after fasting is 126mg/dl and high, you are confirmed as diabetic.
[Also Read At What Blood Sugar Level Should One Start Medication?]
If after all these tests, you have been noted to be at the early stage of diabetes, you need to opt for holistic treatment options.
YES, diabetes at the early stage is treatable only if you take proper care of yourself. Now, there have been no scientific reports proving that diabetes once detected can be treated. However, many patients have shown significant improvement at the pre-diabetes stage especially when they take care of themselves.
What are clinical trials for diabetes?
Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advances. Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease. Scientists are conducting research to learn more about diabetes.
What Can Be Done To Cure Diabetes At Initial Stage?
Our body is made up of many different types of cell. Most cells are specialised to perform particular functions, such as red blood cells that carry oxygen around our bodies in the blood, but they are unable to divide. Stem Cells provide new cells for the body as it grows, and replace specialized cells that are damaged or lost.
They have two unique properties that enable them to do this:
They can divide over and over again to produce new cells. As they divide, they can change into the other types of cell that make up the body.
But, have you ever wondered what the tell-tale signs of diabetes are suggesting that is at your doorstep?
Managing diabetes is an art, which has to be learnt… Here are some of the best ways you can initiate the cure for diabetes when at the initial stage.
Weight Loss:
If you haven’t marked this yet, then take a look again. People you know like your friends, family, etc who have been diagnosed with diabetes are mostly overweight. Weight gain is the most common factor that leads to onset of diabetes. Higher your body weight, the more your chances to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Your doctors will suggest, losing even 5 or 10 percent of the total body weight. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should starve yourself in order to lose weight. Controlling the amount of food you eat and dividing it into equal portions helps in controlling weight gain.
Eating Healthy:
If you are looking for the best methods for diabetes cure, eating healthy can help you a lot. As opposed to the popular belief, diabetes treatment has no specific diet. However, it is very important that you center the diet on the healthy options. Try and opt for the following strategy when planning your diet:
Eat limited amount of refined carbohydrates which includes sweets
Consume fewer calories
Consume limited amount of saturated fats
Add more fiber based food to your diet
Fruits and vegetables should be a part of your daily diet
With the help of any local registered dietitian, you can corroborate a plan that meets your overall health goals. Consuming a healthy diet helps you deal with issues such as heart disease, kidney dysfunction, high blood glucose level, etc.
Additionally, your dietitian can also teach you the best ways to manage and monitor the amount of calories. Especially the amount of calories you consume per day as per your body type. Certified Dietitian can help you in designing meal plan.
Physical Activities:
Exercise is important for anyone regardless of whether you are diabetic or not. However, for ones people with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes or lingering on the pre-diabetes stage, exercise is a crucial asset. If you want to get rid of the future risk factors of diabetes; amp up your duration of physical activity. The best diabetes cure is to opt for a mix of exercises such as aerobics and strength training.
Now, everyone can start exercises but the key is to maintain the same. Regular exercise with proper diet control is best cure for diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people avoid drinking sugar-sweetened beverages and to engage in routine exercises.
With a hectic life schedule, exercise has become a rare practice among adults. This is leading to several young adults being diagnosed as pre-diabetic.
[Bonus: Watch this Video to Understand How exercise can help you lower blood sugar levels.]
Monitor the Blood Sugar Level:
Now, as you opt for a treatment plan suggested by your doctor merely taking the medications won’t do the job. You need to monitor any change in your blood sugar levels or the blood glucose levels. You can do so by using various devices available in the market to check your blood sugar level at regular intervals.
Regular monitoring is the key to better health. You need to inform your doctor of any change especially if you notice an increase regardless of the medications and diet control.
Yoga and Meditation:
Apart from the medical advice designed for treatment of diabetes, meditation and yoga can be very beneficial for you. If you are insulin resistant it is recommended to add yoga to your daily routine. Yoga along with meditation helps bring down the level of stress in your body. Additionally, yoga is the best way to add flexibility to your body.
Yoga improves blood circulation through the body and increases your metabolism. Better metabolism equals more fat burned which in turn leads to reduction in body weight. Regardless of the type of diabetes you have been diagnosed with, invest in regular yoga and meditation sessions.
Bitter Food:
Apart from refraining yourself from consumption of sweets, you need to start adding the bitter items to your diet. Food items such as bitter gourd, hemp seeds, aloe vera, amla, etc. They have been known to cater amazing health benefits for diabetics.
However, before consumption of these food items, you should consult your doctor to ensure that you aren’t allergic to anything. According to the ancient Ayurveda, the key is to maintain the Vata, Kapha, and Pitta dosha. This is by consumption of the right kind of food that is paired with some natural herbs.
[Bonus: Diabetes Tip – Bitter Guard Good For Diabetes | How to use bitter melon to lower blood sugar?]
Bottom Line
Ayurveda being the oldest science on earth, recommends certain herbs against diabetes milletus. Usage of these herbs directly or as supplement on a regular basis can help fight diabetes naturally. Sugar Knocker is developed with a mission of “Cure Diabetes Naturally”.
The cure for diabetes entirely depends on the way you treat yourself. Remember that your body is a temple and you should treat it the very same way. Apart from opting for diabetes medication, you can add holistic treatment methods to your diet.
This is to ensure complete detoxification of your body. If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, it is essential that you add herbal treatments to your daily routine. Treatments which includes items such as green tea, ginseng, berberine, etc.  The key is dividing the unhealthy food and multiplying the healthy habits to rejuvenate beta cell naturally.
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whirlpoolriding · 7 years
Supplements For Diabetes
How does one keep away from Diabetes, are there meals one can consume to hold away diabetes, what need to one do to save you diabetes if it runs in one's family, how does one avoid diabetes in youngsters? a majority of these questions and greater shall be spoke back within the following article. Diabetes Milletus or diabetes for brief is a disease that affects millions of human beings everywhere in the world. In the united states, 29.1 million humans be afflicted by diabetes, 8.1 million of whom do not even recognize they have it. each year in the united states of americait reasons up to 70,000 deaths, contributes to heaps more and is a leading reason of blindness, kidney failure and coronary heart disease. In 2007 within the u.s., over $116 billion turned into spent on diabetes remedy and an extra $fifty eight billion misplaced due to reduced productivity. by means of 2012 those numbers had risen to $176 billion for direct medical prices and $69 billion for indirect fee like incapacity, paintings loss and premature loss of life. rapid forward to 2015 and it's miles no gainsaying that the scenario ought to pretty certainly be worse. inside the uk, approximately three.8 million humans have diabetes with the scenario no higher in international locations like China (ninety two million chinese language adults), India (62 million adults). Globally, at gift boom rates, it is estimated that the variety of people diagnosed with diabetes will upward thrust from 285 million in 2010 to 439 million via the yr 2030. simply then, one may say that diabetes is a disorder of epidemic proportions. but what exactly is diabetes? to reply this query it is crucial to first recognize how the frame works. The body wishes energy to characteristic properly. A wealthy source of that is carbohydrates which the frame converts to glucose - a easy sugar shape it is able to without problems use. in most cases whilst glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream in this way, the hormone insulin is similarly released and it features to enable the glucose pass into the cells for energy production. regrettably underneath sure circumstances, the body is not able to make enough of this insulin or to where it does make enough, well use it. that is what's referred to as diabetes. There are two kinds. type 1-due to the car-immune diabete do tipo 2 response of the immune machine attacking the pancreas and destroying the insulin making cells of the organ. It makes up approximately 5-10% of recognized diabetes instances. type 2, wherein although the pancreas nevertheless makes insulin, the frame has misplaced sensitivity to it and no longer responds to it properly (makes up about ninety% diagnosed diabetes instances). The end result of both types is that glucose cannot get into the cells usually. As such blood sugar level rises and if left untreated leads to scientific complications. thus, it's far vital as with most sicknesses that one, seems closer to prevention as opposed to therapy. Prevention. As a long way as kind 1 diabetes goes, the winning information is that it can not be avoided. In reality, for now, it cannot even be expected who will or won't get it. proof but suggests that there may be a genetic predisposition to it. A genetic predisposition to the disease though is not commonly sufficient to cause it. What triggers it in maximum cases is an external element- a deadly disease as an instance, as inside the case of a toddler. Having stated this, research does show that breastfeeding, warding off early creation of stable foods and other factors would possibly play a role in lowering the threat of developing the sickness. this is for type 1. For type 2 though, analysis for prevention is rosier. since type 2 is predisposed at the frame dropping its sensitivity to insulin, there are several steps you may take to save you this from happening or where it does occur, to even reverse it. these comply with; First, eat a healthy balanced food regimen. A healthful balanced diet could incorporate the 5 important meals organizations eaten in the appropriate quantities or servings.
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itsdralikawalworld · 7 years
How can one maintain a strategic distance from Diabetes, are there sustenances one can destroy to keep diabetes, what would it be a good idea for one to do to forestall diabetes in the event that it keeps running in one's family, how can one evade diabetes in youngsters? Every one of these inquiries and more should be replied in the accompanying article. Image source: https://pixabay.com/ Music source: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music Diabetes Milletus or diabetes for short is a malady that influences a large number of individuals all around the globe. In America, 29.1 million individuals experience the ill effects of diabetes, 8.1 million of whom don't know they have it. Every year in the U.S it causes up to 70,000 passings, adds to thousands progressively and is a main source of visual deficiency, kidney disappointment and coronary illness. Social Link Google Plus = https://plus.google.com/109315792549287293837 Tumblr = https://itsdralikawalworld.tumblr.com/ Twitter = https://twitter.com/afsanamim245 Instagram= https://www.instagram.com/dr.alikawal/ Instapaper= https://www.instapaper.com/p/afsanamim245 Digg= http://digg.com/u/afsanamim245 In 2007 in the United States, over $116 billion was spent on diabetes treatment and an extra $58 billion lost because of decreased profitability. By 2012 these numbers had ascended to $176 billion for coordinate medicinal expenses and $69 billion for backhanded cost like incapacity, work misfortune and sudden passing. Quick forward to 2015 and it is no repudiating that the circumstance should plainly be more regrettable. #Guava peel can raise blood sugar #diabetes treatment #diabetes definition #diabetes meaning #diabetes causes #diabetic In the United Kingdom, around 3.8 million individuals have diabetes with the circumstance no better in nations like China (92 million Chinese grown-ups), India (62 million grown-ups). All inclusive, at display development rates, it is evaluated that the quantity of individuals determined to have diabetes will ascend from 285 million of every 2010 to 439 million by the year 2030. Genuinely at that point, one may state that diabetes is a sickness of pandemic extents. In any case, what precisely is diabetes? To answer this inquiry it is vital to first know how the body functions. The body needs vitality to work appropriately. A rich wellspring of this is starches which the body believers to glucose - a straightforward sugar shape it can promptly utilize. Commonly when glucose is retained into the circulatory system thusly, the hormone insulin is similarly discharged and it capacities to empower the glucose go into the cells for vitality generation. Shockingly in specific situations, the body can't make enough of this insulin or to where it makes enough, appropriately utilize it. This is what is known as diabetes. There are two sorts. Sort 1-caused by the auto-insusceptible reaction of the invulnerable framework assaulting the pancreas and crushing the insulin making cells of the organ. It makes up around 5-10% of analyzed diabetes cases. Sort 2, in which however the pancreas still makes insulin, the body has lost affectability to it and never again reacts to it legitimately (makes up around 90% analyzed diabetes cases). The aftereffect of the two sorts is that glucose can't get into the cells typically. In that capacity glucose level ascents and if left untreated prompts restorative entanglements. As needs be, it is basic as with most illnesses that one, looks towards counteractive action instead of cure. Counteractive action. To the extent Type 1 diabetes goes, the common knowledge is that it can't be forestalled. Actually, until further notice, it can't be anticipated who will or won't get it. Confirmation however recommends that there might be a hereditary inclination to it. A hereditary inclination to the ailment however isn't commonly enough to trigger it. What triggers it as a rule is an outer factor-an infection for instance, as on account of a youngster. Having said this, inquire about shows that breastfeeding, staying away from early presentation of strong sustenances and different elements may assume a part in bringing down the danger of building up the infection. That is for sort 1. For Type 2 however, guess for counteractive action is rosier. Since Type 2 is inclined on the body losing its affectability to insulin, there are a few stages one can take to keep this from happening or where it happens, to try and turn around it. These take after;
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Produk : Super Nano Propolis Kode : SUNPRO Isi : 6 ml/botol Harga : Rp. 120.000,- Ket : Suplemen Kesehatan Manfaat Produk NASA SUPER NANO PROPOLIS : Sebagai Anti Jamur dan Bakteri Membantu Proses Penyembuhan: Diabetes Milletus (Kencing Manis) Gangguan Pencernaan dan Pernafasan Mengatasi penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Penyembuhan luka dan mampu meredakan Inflamasi (peradangan) Sebagai Stimulator sistem kekebalan tubuh (imun stimulator) Pada prinsipnya, orang dengan kondisi sistem imun dalam keadaan prima, tidak mudah terkena infeksi, akan tetapi jika pada saat tertentu sistem imunterganggu atau tidak bekerja dengan baik, maka infeksi oleh bakteri, virus atau jamur mudah masuk ke dalam tubuh. Anti Tumor Propolis bersifat Tumor cytotoxicity or inhibitor: - Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (Grunberger 1988, Inayama 1984) : Kanker payudara, Kanker rahim, melanoma, Kanker usus besar. Berguna membantu proses regenerasi sel hati Mengandung 16 rantai Asam amino esensial yang dibutuhkan untuk regenerasi sel. Antioksidan Sebagai senyawa-senyawa yang melindungi sel dari efek berbahaya radikal bebas oksigen reaktif jika berkaitan dengan penyakit, radikal bebas ini dapat berasal dari metabolisme tubuh maupun faktor eksternal lainnya. Propolis atau Lem Lebah adalah suatu zat resin yang dikumpulkan oleh lebah madu dari sumber tumbuhan seperti aliran getah atau tunas pohon. Dikumpulkan oleh lebah untuk menutupi lubang kecil, hingga 6 milimeter, sementara untuk lubang yang lebih besar digunakan malam lebah. Warnanya tergantung sumber tumbuhannya, namun biasanya coklat tua. Propolis bersifat lengket pada suhu ruangan atau di atasnya 20 °C. Dan jika suhu lebih rendah akan menjadi keras dan rapuh. SUPER NANO PROPOLIS NASA atau SUNPRO mempunyai kelebihan yang diantaranya: SUNPRO NASA ukurannya sangat kecil yaitu 3-100 nanometer. Dengan ukuran yang sangat kecil tersebut, SUNPRO dapat dengan mudah diserap oleh tubuh. Sehingga reaksi yang terjadi pada tubuh setelah mengkonsumsi Super Nano Propolis ini sangat cepat, terlebih bila kondisi tubuh sedang tidak sehat. SUNPRO PT Natural Nusantara (NASA) bebas kandungan lilin, tidak seperti produk propolis lain.
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nasarityblog · 9 years
Diabetes Milletus and Nutrition
Diabetes Milletus and Nutrition
Diabetes Milletus and Nutrition
Diabetes Milletus  is characterize by a reduced ability to use and metabolize dietary carbohydrates
Elevated food sugar level and abnormal amount of sugar in the urine.
Just like our formal article on  Acne Pimple and Nutrition and Cardiovascular disease, we will take our time here to explain to your types and causes of diabetes and possible diet that can help…
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Produk : Super Nano Propolis Kode : SUNPRO Isi : 6 ml/botol Harga : Rp. 120.000,- Ket : Suplemen Kesehatan Manfaat Produk NASA SUPER NANO PROPOLIS : Sebagai Anti Jamur dan Bakteri Membantu Proses Penyembuhan: Diabetes Milletus (Kencing Manis) Gangguan Pencernaan dan Pernafasan Mengatasi penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Penyembuhan luka dan mampu meredakan Inflamasi (peradangan) Sebagai Stimulator sistem kekebalan tubuh (imun stimulator) Pada prinsipnya, orang dengan kondisi sistem imun dalam keadaan prima, tidak mudah terkena infeksi, akan tetapi jika pada saat tertentu sistem imunterganggu atau tidak bekerja dengan baik, maka infeksi oleh bakteri, virus atau jamur mudah masuk ke dalam tubuh. Anti Tumor Propolis bersifat Tumor cytotoxicity or inhibitor: - Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (Grunberger 1988, Inayama 1984) : Kanker payudara, Kanker rahim, melanoma, Kanker usus besar. Berguna membantu proses regenerasi sel hati Mengandung 16 rantai Asam amino esensial yang dibutuhkan untuk regenerasi sel. Antioksidan Sebagai senyawa-senyawa yang melindungi sel dari efek berbahaya radikal bebas oksigen reaktif jika berkaitan dengan penyakit, radikal bebas ini dapat berasal dari metabolisme tubuh maupun faktor eksternal lainnya. Propolis atau Lem Lebah adalah suatu zat resin yang dikumpulkan oleh lebah madu dari sumber tumbuhan seperti aliran getah atau tunas pohon. Dikumpulkan oleh lebah untuk menutupi lubang kecil, hingga 6 milimeter, sementara untuk lubang yang lebih besar digunakan malam lebah. Warnanya tergantung sumber tumbuhannya, namun biasanya coklat tua. Propolis bersifat lengket pada suhu ruangan atau di atasnya 20 °C. Dan jika suhu lebih rendah akan menjadi keras dan rapuh. SUPER NANO PROPOLIS NASA atau SUNPRO mempunyai kelebihan yang diantaranya: SUNPRO NASA ukurannya sangat kecil yaitu 3-100 nanometer. Dengan ukuran yang sangat kecil tersebut, SUNPRO dapat dengan mudah diserap oleh tubuh. Sehingga reaksi yang terjadi pada tubuh setelah mengkonsumsi Super Nano Propolis ini sangat cepat, terlebih bila kondisi tubuh sedang tidak sehat. SUNPRO PT Natural Nusantara (NASA) bebas kandungan lilin, tidak seperti produk propolis lain. Perlu diketahui bahwa wax (lilin) yang masuk dalam tubuh manusia menjadi sebab terjadinya gangguan pada ginjal. Terbukti bebas alkohol. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan uji laboratorium di Balai Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) dan Pusat penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (PUSPIPTEK). Diproduksi dengan mesin semi automatic dan teknik aseptic yang menjamin proses produksi bebas dari mikroba dan sangat terjamin kebersihannya. Super Nano Propolis NASA dikemas dalam kemasan botol kaca. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar tidak terjadi reaksi kimia antara produk dan kemasan. Kemasan kaca Super Nano Propolis NASA didesain berwarna gelap dengan tujuan untuk menjaga kandungan flafonoid dan polifenol yang dapat dengan mudah rusak akibat paparan cahaya dan suhu tinggi. SUNPRO Produk NASA tersebut bersifat sangat pekat sehingga konsumsi produk ini tidak perlu dalam jumlah banyak. Selain itu, karena partikel SUNPRO sangat kecil, konsumsi dalam jumlah kecil sudah dapat memberikan reaksi yang ampuh. Tingkat kepekatan SUNPRO Super Nano Propolis yang tinggi ini dapat dibuktikan sebelum mencampur-nya dengan air putih. Karena SUNPRO Super Nano Propolis sangat pekat, maka bersifat tidak tembus cahaya (tidak seperti produk propolis lain dengan konsentrasi rendah. Anda dapat membeli melalui kami selaku distributor resmi . Nomor Distributor Resmi : N-390742. Telp/SMS: 082216675676 Pin BB D522E073..
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SunPro propolis 
Produk : Super Nano Propolis Kode : SUNPRO Isi : 6 ml/botol Harga : Rp. 120.000,- Ket : Suplemen Kesehatan
Sebagai Anti Jamur dan Bakteri
Membantu Proses Penyembuhan:
Diabetes Milletus (Kencing Manis)
Gangguan Pencernaan dan Pernafasan
Mengatasi penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah
Penyembuhan luka dan mampu meredakan Inflamasi (peradangan)
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