#Diagnostic Laparoscopy
riya17488729 · 4 days
Laparoscopy: Know About Laparoscopy Operation at Indira IVF
Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy operation is a type of surgery that gives access to the abdomen's interior to look inside cavities for the purpose of diagnosis or therapy. Watch this detailed video. For more information on diagnostic laparoscopy, visit: https://www.indiraivf.com/infertility-treatment/laparoscopy
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allaboutivf · 11 months
Laparoscopy: Know About Laparoscopy Operation at Indira IVF
Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy operation is a type of surgery that gives access to the abdomen's interior to look inside cavities for the purpose of diagnosis or therapy. For more information on diagnostic laparoscopy, visit!
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kaizengastrocare · 2 years
Diagnostic laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure. Kaizen Gastro Care is the one-stop solution for all types of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Pune. Kaizen Gastro Care team has a dedicated and caring approach and will seek to find you the earliest appointment possible with the correct specialist for your needs.
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laparoscopyblog · 2 years
This video demonstrates the Diagnostic Laparoscopy Tubal Patency Test by ICG and Ovarian Drilling. Often, women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) do not have regular menstrual periods. This usually means that a woman doesn’t ovulate every month and may have trouble getting pregnant. Hormone treatments like birth control pills can help make periods more regular but will prevent a woman from getting pregnant.
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healthify2u · 8 months
How a Gynaecological Laparoscopic Surgeon Works?
Laparoscopic surgery in gynecology, also known as minimally invasive surgery, has revolutionized the way gynaecological procedures are performed. At the forefront of this groundbreaking technique is Dr Sandesh Kade, a highly skilled and experienced gynae laparoscopic surgeon. With precision and expertise, he utilizes small incisions and a laparoscope to visualize and access the organs within the pelvis. One common procedure that Dr Kade performs using this method is uterus laparoscopy or laparoscopy for uterus removal. This innovative approach offers numerous advantages over traditional open surgery, including reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and minimal scarring.
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shubhragoyal · 9 months
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Explore the future of fertility with breakthroughs in endoscopy and laparoscopy. Dr. Shubhra Goyal offers insights on advancing reproductive health.
Do Visit: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/the-future-of-fertility:-exploring-breakthroughs-in-endoscopy-and-laparoscopy
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amvihospital · 11 months
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Laparoscopic Surgery Hospital In Hyderabad | AMVI Hospital
Discover the amazing world of laparoscopic surgery, a modern and gentle way to treat health issues. Whether it's a hysterectomy, myomectomy, tubal recanalization, Operative Hysteroscopy, & Diagnostic Hysteroscopy laparoscopy. Our hospital uses special techniques that make surgery easier for you. Here's the cool part: instead of big cuts, we make tiny ones. This means you'll heal up faster, have smaller scars, and feel less pain compared to old-style surgery. It's like magic! Want to know more about the future of surgery? Talk to us! Call 91000 09669 to book your appointment today. We're here to make you feel better, the easy way.
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riteshsha2021 · 2 years
Get the best Cancer speciality hospital borivali from the best cancer hospital in borivali. To book your appointment, call us today!
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malcwall2000 · 3 months
Diagnostic Laparoscopy for Infertility.
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riya17488729 · 1 month
Laparoscopy: Know About Laparoscopy Operation at Indira IVF
Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy operation is a type of surgery that gives access to the abdomen's interior to look inside cavities for the purpose of diagnosis or therapy. Watch this detailed video. For more information on diagnostic laparoscopy, visit: https://www.indiraivf.com/infertility-treatment/laparoscopy
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allaboutivf · 11 months
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Laparoscopy: Understand What is Laparoscopy Operation at Indira IVF
Laparoscopy: Gain insight on laparoscopy myomectomy for fertility treatment. Discover how laparoscopy operation is performed.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
Warnings: Read chapter 1 for warnings. This chapter is also quite a bit shorter than the rest, the fic begins picking up speed once more after this chapter!
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua | @augustanna | @chaixsherlock
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Chapter 11
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About one month passed since you were referred to the outpatient surgical center for your diagnostic laparoscopy, and you were just now starting to realize the extent of your husband’s vast reputation in the medical world.  Especially in your city where every doctor’s office, clinic, and hospital was owned by the same conglomerate.  As you sat on a gurney in a private waiting room, an IV fluid drip attached to your wrist, Law sat in a chair beside you with his head in his hands.
“If I have one more person ask me for my autograph, I swear…” he muttered.  Four nurses, two medical students, the receptionist, and the attending surgeon who would be overseeing your procedure today had taken the time to grace Law with their presences and ask for his autograph.
You were laughing, much to your brooding husband’s displeasure.  “It’s like you’re some kind of sports superstar!  An Olympic athlete in cardiothoracic surgery.”  You reached your hand off of the bed to ruffle his wispy black hair.
“It’s embarrassing,” he griped.
“Well I think it’s adorable, and I’m your wife, so you can’t disagree with me,” you retorted swiftly, puffing out your chest.  Law tossed a glance upward at you, but smirked when he saw your prideful expression.
Who was he to deny you?  Especially on such a big day.
The door to the small waiting room opened and in stepped one of the attending nurses of your procedure who, thankfully, had no idea who Law was.  He was finally able to relax in his seat as he surveyed the young woman putting on your blood pressure cuff, your blood-oxygen monitor, and checking your IV fluid bag.
“Alright, Mrs. Trafalgar, you’re ready to go in!” she stated with an unmatched enthusiasm.  “The operation should be no longer than 30 minutes and you’ll be under general anesthesia.  Is your husband going to be your ride home?”
You nodded.  “Yes he is.”
The nurse clapped her hands and removed the blood pressure cuff from your arm.  “Perfect, then we’ll get you wheeled into the OR shortly!”  She turned her attention to Law, who was now sitting upright in his chair.  “Mr. Trafalgar, I’m going to have to ask you to wait in the larger waiting room.”
Law finally stood, wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans.  Before he left, he turned to place a kiss to your forehead, squeezing your hand and whispering something out of earshot from the nurse.
“You’re gonna do great, I’ll be waiting for you.”
Around 60 minutes had passed when Law got the call that you were in recovery and were being woken up from anesthesia, which was much longer than the timeline he expected.  He rushed to the outpatient recovery unit, anxious for both the results of your exploratory surgery and just to see you.  When he rounded the corner into your sectioned off area, he found you already sitting up in bed, a little less coherent than you usually were, but conscious nonetheless.  He smiled, beyond relieved.  He immediately took his spot at your side, placing his hand on your head and pressing a smattering of kisses across your cheeks and forehead.  (He needed to get his affection in quickly before anyone could bear witness to his softer side.)
You were giggling, easily a byproduct of the sedatives.  “Lawww~ your hair keeps itching meeee~” you moaned.
“I’m sorry, my love.”  He pressed one more kiss to your temple before sitting in the chair situated off to the side, scooting it closer to the bed so he could hold your hand in his.  “How are you feeling?”
You closed your eyes, your pupils still adjusting to the bright LED lights in the ceiling.  “Tired, but I feel fine.”  You smiled.  “The doctors kept talking about you in the OR.”
Now it was Law’s turn to grumble, dropping his head in embarrassment.  “Great,” he muttered, heavy sarcasm coating his tongue.
The curtain surrounding your sectioned-off portion of the small recovery ward was parted slightly as your attending surgeon popped his head in.  “Hey, hey, hey, can I come in?”
Law immediately swapped his discontented attitude with one of professional optimism as he returned the surgeon’s smile.  “Of course, doc.”
The bubbly man entered the room with a clipboard filled with notes and charts, mostly printed out from a computer.  He shuffled through the mismatched papers before finally turning his attention to your husband, who sat as still as a statue, though his eyes exuded impatience as he waited for the surgeon to speak.
“Well, firstly I must apologize for the longer timeframe than what was initially discussed,” he began.  “Fortunately, your wife’s suspected endometriosis appeared to be only around what we call ‘Stage 2,’ which is to say, on the milder side.  We managed to remove a decent amount of accumulated tissue from the outside of her uterus, however she did have a few cysts on her left ovary which we took samples of for biopsy.  Ovarian cysts are common with endometriosis patients, but we like to be on the safe side and check them in the lab just in case.”
From your bed, you made a small cooing sound, as if you were cheering in a library.  “Yaayyy for no cancer!”
Your surgeon laughed, but Law kept his expression pointed and focused.  Obviously it was amazing that your case wasn’t as severe as you feared, but Law was thinking about the long term.  He gazed at the surgeon, internally scrutinizing his up-beat attitude.  “Do ovarian cysts pose a fertility risk?”
The surgeon shook his head.  “Some do, some don’t, it really depends on the type.  Just from a visual standpoint, your wife’s cysts didn’t look like endometriomas, nor does she have any signs of PCOS, so my assumption is that her fertility should remain the same.”  He shuffled a few more papers around on his clipboard before procuring what appeared to be your patient chart and handing it to Law.  “As always, though, check with her gyno to be on the safe side.  You should expect to hear a call about the biopsy results within two or three days, and until then, make sure your wife stays at home to recover for at least four days.  Her next few bowel movements might be strange, but other than that her recovery should be quick.  The phone number for this facility is on her patient chart though, should you have any questions.”
Law finally had to swallow his pride and admit that, despite the surgeon’s… bubbly persona, he was incredibly thorough and educated.  The black-haired man stood from his chair and offered a tattooed hand to his distant colleague, which the latter man took with enthusiasm in a firm, cordial shake.
“I truly appreciate it, thank you,” Law uttered quietly.  “Are we expected to be discharged today?”
The surgeon nodded.  “A nurse will come by with her discharge paperwork in another hour or so once your wife has woken up a bit more.  She has directions on what to do for recovery and all that.  I imagine you already know a decent bit about post-op recovery, though,” he responded with a cheeky smile.
Law grimaced.  “I suppose I do.”
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TW; pregnancy mention, sex mention, doctors
To the ask that mentioned endometriosis, please see another doctor that is an endometriosis specialist, that doctor is lying to you and doesn't know a single thing about it or anatomy. It is every 1 in 10 women and statistically takes them an average of 7 years for a diagnosis. Some women can be stage 1 with immense pain whilst some are stage 4 with zero pain. Also pregnancy doesn't cure it as there is no cure for endo and you don't ever need to have a pregnancy to have endo. If a doctor says you "can't have it because you never been pregnant" or says you can "cure it with a pregnancy" RUN! Pregnancy doesn't cure it!!
It can occur young or in your older years. Painful sex, painful periods, cramping and bloating (like when you eat or during periods) that make you look like you're pregnant, painful bowel movements, are just a few symptoms of it. A diagnostic laparoscopy is what's used to diagnose it as it is hard to see endometriosis lesions on scans, however some people can be asymptomatic and have it for years and not know until they trying for a baby. Look up endometriosis support groups on FB or Nancy's Nook for more info. As for the burning sensations I'd also look into Interstitsl Cystitis, and adenomyosis for other symptoms! That DOES have a cure but it is a hysterectomy for that. Other treatments for endo besides a lap is some birth controls but every person and their body is different. Lupron and Otilissa put you in a chemically induced menopause and causes more problems than help I'd stay far away from that. You deserve to be treated well and be taken seriously by a medical professional, I'm so sorry you're going through this
Yeah I seriously can't believe that this "doctor" claimed you can't have endo if you haven't been pregnant when endo is a common cause of infertility. Like it's usually the other way around ignorant doctor asshat!!!
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tommystummy · 2 months
We had a diagnostic laparoscopy turn into a hemicolectomy so actually I deserve a nice treat like Culver’s Custard.
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shubhragoyal · 9 months
The Future of Fertility: Exploring Breakthroughs in Endoscopy and Laparoscopy
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In medical science, the future of fertility and reproductive health is experiencing a revolutionary transformation through the remarkable advancements in Endoscopy and Laparoscopy. These innovative medical procedures have become instrumental in diagnosing and treating various reproductive health issues, offering hope to countless individuals and couples worldwide. In this article, we delve deep into the world of Endoscopy and Laparoscopy, uncovering their benefits and trends and why choosing Dr. Shubhra Goyal can indeed be a game-changer in your journey toward optimal reproductive health.
Laparoscopy and Endoscopy - what are they?
Due to their accuracy and efficacy, minimally invasive medical treatments like Endoscopy and Laparoscopy have become extremely popular in recent years. These procedures use specialized tools fitted with small cameras and lights that enable doctors to view and access inside organs without the need for open surgery.
Benefits of Endoscopic Examinations!
The following are some benefits: -
Minimal Scarring - Endoscopy and Laparoscopy require just small incisions, unlike traditional surgical techniques that demand extensive incisions. Due to the minimum scarring produced, patients recover more quickly and enjoy additional aesthetic benefits.
Less Pain and Discomfort - Patients who undergo endoscopic procedures often report less pain and discomfort following the operation. This is because these techniques are less intrusive than standard operations and result in less tissue damage.
Shorter Hospital Stays - Compared to conventional equivalents, endoscopic operations often require shorter hospital stays. Patients may resume their regular daily routines and activities more quickly as a result, which also lowers healthcare expenditures.
High accuracy - Using cutting-edge technology in endoscopic exams gives surgeons a degree of accuracy never before possible. They can traverse and treat delicate and difficult-to-reach locations with outstanding accuracy thanks to their precision, which ultimately improves patient surgery results.
Moving ahead, let's discuss,
Top Upcoming Trends in Endoscopy and Laparoscopy
The areas of Endoscopy and Laparoscopy are examples of the ongoing change taking place in the world of medical science. The following are some of the most notable new developments that are influencing how these processes may develop in the future:
Innovations in Endoscopic Imaging Technology - The endoscopic imaging technology industry is expanding quickly. This includes the creation of 3D imaging systems and high-definition cameras. These developments considerably increase diagnosis accuracy by providing surgeons with an incredibly thorough and accurate picture of inside organs.
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/the-future-of-fertility:-exploring-breakthroughs-in-endoscopy-and-laparoscopy
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