#Fibroid Surgery
starline · 1 year
My Abdominal Uterine Myomectomy & Recovery | Artist Fertility Journey | Pt 7
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jj-lynn21 · 1 year
I had sergery to remove fiboids from my uterus last tuesday Jan 24. All went well. I got results online that none of them were cancerous. In fakes they were not bothering me at all but they were in the way. I am currently on diaysys three days a week for 3 hours. To get on the kidney transplant list I had to get the fibroids removes because they were as big as my hand. They took up the space the transpland team would need to put a new kidney in or manybe even a new artificial one. That would be great.
This is the first day I have no pain, I was sure I would never take oxy but even with my heigh paib tolerance I did for first three days.. The pain is not from the acual inscisicion but from the carbon dioxide they use, they pump it into your adomen to see better. Then it tries to rip its way through shoulders to get out. It ripped some heavy tears from me. But it only lasted 4 days. 
No driving for four weeks. Mom has no problem taking me to dialysis. No playing with dogo for a month(maybe). But hopefully all this pain was worth it and I can get on the kidney transplant list and get a new kidney in the next few years. wish me luck.. I have high antibodies since I have had four kidney transplants, 
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What are Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are muscles that develop in the uterus that affect women's fertility health. These fibroids, also called as leiomyomas or myomas, size may vary and can cause varieties of symptoms, that leads women to seek effective treatment options.
Yashoda IVF, a leading uterine fibroid treatment in Navi Mumbai, offers state-of-the-art, tailored to each patient's needs, ensuring the best treatment for women's health.
Tips to manage Uterine Fibroids: To manage Uterine Fibroids, women must follow a healthy weight and diet rich fruits and vegetables, and exercise regularly. Avoid taking alcohol and red meat may lead to severe issues. Stay hydrated, drink more fluids, and manage stress with relaxing techniques. Consult best IVF doctors in Navi Mumbai for a healthy food diet to conceive naturally and regular check-ups are essential to monitor fibroid growth and manage symptoms effectively. 
Types of Fibroids:
Uterine fibroids can be divided into categories based on their location they grow. Some of uterine fibroids consist of:
Intramural Fibroids: These fibroids will grow inside the uterine wall’s muscle and can cause heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain.
Subserosal Fibroids: These fibroids develop outside of the uterus and cause discomfort and pressure to other surrounding organs.
Submucosal Fibroids: These grow inside the uterine cavity and can cause heavy menstrual bleeding and fertility issues.
Pedunculated Fibroids: They have a stalk that connects them to the uterus, and they can develop either outside (pedunculated subserosal) or within (pedunculated submucosal).
Cervical Fibroids: These fibroids will cause pain during intercourse and urination difficulties. It develops in the cervix.
Intraligamentary Fibroids: These grow between the layers of the broad ligament, which supports the uterus, and can cause pelvic pain and pressure in the uterus.
Parasitic Fibroids: It's a rare type of fibroid that develops and causes symptoms by dividing from the uterus and attaching to different organs.
Uterine Fibroid Symptoms
Symptoms of uterine fibroids are not Bulky Uterus. Early diagnosis of fibroids are very crucial and to treat immediately. Common symptoms include:
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: This is one of the most prevalent symptoms that cause anaemia and fatigue.
Pelvic Pain and Pressure: Continuous pain or pressure in the pelvic region.
Frequent Urination: The increase in frequent urination caused because of fibroid may press on the bladder
Constipation: Pressure on the rectum can cause bowel movement difficulties.
Back and Leg Pain: Fibroids pressing on nerves can result in discomfort or pain in the lower back and legs.
Reproductive Issues: Infertility, regular miscarriages, or complications during pregnancy.
Uterine Fibroid Treatments in Navi Mumbai
At Yashoda IVF, we offer a comprehensive range of uterine fibroid treatments in Navi Mumbai. Our goal is to provide individualized care that addresses the unique needs of each patient. The treatment options include:
Medication: For mild symptoms, medications that regulate menstrual cycles, treat anaemia, or shrink fibroids can be effective. These include hormonal treatments such as GnRH agonists, progestin-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs), and birth control pills.
Minimally Invasive Procedures:
Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE): A procedure that cuts off the blood supply to the fibroid, causing it to shrink.
MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (FUS): Uses high-intensity ultrasound waves to remove fibroid tissue.
Laparoscopic or Robotic Myomectomy: A minimally invasive surgery to remove fibroids while preserving the uterus.
Surgical Treatments:
Myomectomy: For women who want to keep their fertility, fibroids can be removed while the uterus remains functioning.
Hysterectomy: Complete uterine removal is advised in severe cases or after all other therapeutic options have been attempted. It is a final therapy that eliminates the chance of a fibroid regrowth.
Innovative Therapies:
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA): Uses radiofrequency energy to shrink fibroids.
Endometrial Ablation: Destroys the lining of the uterus to reduce bleeding caused by fibroids.
Factors influencing treatment choice:
Size and location of fibroids: Larger fibroids or those causing significant symptoms may require more aggressive treatment.
Severity of symptoms: Treatments are tailored based on how fibroids affect a patient’s quality of life.
Age and reproductive goals: For women wishing to conceive, therapies to preserve fertility are prioritized.
Overall health: General health and the presence of other medical conditions can influence treatment decisions.
Why Choose Yashoda IVF for Uterine Fibroid Treatment?
Expertise and Experience: Our team comprises leading gynaecologists and fertility specialists with extensive experience in managing uterine fibroids.
Advanced Technology: We make use of the most recent innovations in medical technology and procedures that are minimally invasive to provide safe and efficient treatments.
Personalized Care: We develop individualized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each patient.
Comprehensive Services: From diagnosis to post-treatment care, we offer a full spectrum of services to manage uterine fibroids effectively.
Supportive Environment: We provide a compassionate and supportive environment to help our patients navigate their treatment journey with confidence.
Uterine fibroids can impact a woman's health of reproductive system and quality of life, but effective infertility treatments in navi mumbai are available. Yashoda IVF offers a comprehensive range of uterine fibroid treatments in Navi Mumbai, from medication to advanced surgical options, ensuring that each patient receives the best care possible. Our dedicated team of specialists is committed to helping women achieve optimal health and well-being.
If you are experiencing symptoms of uterine fibroids or seeking the best uterus treatment in Navi Mumbai, schedule a consultation with Yashoda IVF. Our experts are here to guide you through every step of your treatment journey, providing compassionate care and innovative solutions to improve your quality of life.
Contact Yashoda IVF today and take the first step towards a healthier, fibroid-free future.
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patientexperts · 21 days
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naturalcureway · 2 months
How To Get Rid of Uterine Fibroids During Pregnancy
How to get rid of uterine fibroids during pregnancy? Fast and natural home remedy to get rid of uterine fibroids during pregnancy. Read More:
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How To Get Rid of Uterine Fibroids During Pregnancy
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cvifibroidcenter · 2 months
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fibroid surgery
California Fibroid Center specializes in performing fibroid surgery, offering state-of-the-art treatments for patients suffering from fibroids. Fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop in the uterus, causing symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure on the bladder or bowel.
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priyaarorra · 3 months
Fibroids (Uterine Fibroids)
Fibroids may not require treatment if they are tiny and do not cause symptoms. Your outlook will be determined by the size and location of your fibroids.
At New Concept Clinic, we have the top gynaecologist in Dubai, who provides comprehensive care, from first consultation and diagnosis to treatment and surgical procedures. Call now to schedule an appointment.
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indianmedguru · 6 months
Fibroids are benign tumors composed of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop within the walls of the uterus.
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medcyivf · 11 months
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heraspeacocks · 1 month
medical stuff whining
I tried to put every warning I could on here for everyone's sake (not that my blog has traction, but no one needs to accidentally see this if it would hurt them).
I am nearing 2 weeks post-full hysterectomy. For those playing the home game, that's the uterus, tubes, and cervix. The ovaries stayed because I haven't started menopause and we are trying to keep it that way.
So here's my whining. The first week was, no surprise, painful. By the end of it, I was feeling better. Then I overdid it. Between a fall (klutz gene) and overdoing my activity (yes, a cute human was present, why did you suspect such a thing?), I have spent since about Sunday in significantly more pain.
Still not going back on the hydrocodone, but ow. I'm just SUPER tired of not knowing what is okay and/or where the proverbial line is. And I hurt. And I can't figure out exactly the nest methodology is. And my neighbors are doing one hell of a load of laundry and the deep rattling in the basement is terrifying what the hell.
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pkmndaisuki · 1 year
things to do this year: schedule an appt with my gp about a hysterectomy because this infernal organ is really getting on my last nerve.
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silverglass83 · 8 months
Trying not to think about my upcoming hysterectomy surgery so I made some memes...
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iamrootusr · 6 months
So I’m switching insurance at the end of the year, because I’m tired of having to make multiple appointments with Kaiser doctors to try and figure out what the hell is going on with my body. I keep getting “ah we don’t know, but here’s another test. And once we’ve run the test and don’t get any answers, we’ll never follow up unless YOU follow up”.
This is a long rant because I hurt and I’m in a mood to complain.
I’ve had lower right abdominal pain since October of last year, and a period that’s decided it’s never going to stop. And what I thought were recurring UTIs but apparently aren’t because there’s no bacteria. Good times.
I thought the lower right burning might be appendicitis because it got real bad in January, but nope. Nothing to indicate a problem in the lower right abdominal region. Appendix is normal, but hey there’s a fibroid on your left side growing! The larger it grew, the more impossible it was to SIT DOWN. We’ll put you on Lupron to shrink the fibroid (this did jack-all for my left-side impossible to sit pain that came about due to this tumor). Fun part was for the pain? “Oh, advil and Tylenol. Just take Advil and Tylenol.” Except they did nothing and I couldn’t sit up straight for more than 15 minutes without pain. “Sorry, we cannot give you anything other than ibuprofen. Take 800mg/600mg of Advil/tylenol”.
Worst heartburn and nausea of my life. Thank you. Anything else? “No.”
When alcohol and weed are the only things that get rid of the pain, I can strongly empathize with alcoholics…I got a CBD vape instead and that helped immensely.
I got the fibroid removed in May, and the lower right burning went away for a time (I suspect more due to the Lupron than anything else).
Once the Lupron wore off, my non-stop bleeding came back.
In September, they put me on Depo-Provera, because I refused to have an IUD. I’ve read too many horror stories about insertion and I’m sensitive to internal pain so No Thank You. This stopped the never-ending flood, but I never stopped actually Bleeding. Everytime I use the restroom, there’s blood. Or a blood clot. I don’t know, I’m not an expert. Mentioned it to the Gyno, who took a look, found no source, ordered an ultrasound, which found no source. “It’ll go away the longer you’re on the Depo Shot”.
Except on the depo shot, I’ve had non-stop everyday abdominal cramping. Low key, not disruptive, but definitely distracting. I rarely get period cramps, so I’m not used to the random “oh shit pain in my stomach” stabbing. So I’m definitely not going to be continuing that because I’d rather bleed than hurt.
But I still have the lower right abdominal pain.
I was referred to Urology to figure out why I kept getting UTI’s. Except they’re bacteria-free. So doc suspects Interstitial Cystitis or Overactive Bladder. Urologist orders catheterized urine test.
At the same time, I get random neuropathy in my right foot (toes are numb). My PCP orders bloodwork for a bunch of stuff.
When I go to the lab, lab says I have both bloodwork and urine test, so go in cup and donate blood.
So when I go to my catheterized urine sample appt, they say I’ve already submitted the sample via non-catheter test so they’re just doing bladder scan.
Why the fuck would the lab give me the standard test then? Shouldn’t there have been notes indicating that HEY there’s an appointment for a catheterized test? And not only does the urologist not follow up with me on what happened, the nurse mentions that they’re interested in a Cytoscopy, but I have yet to hear ANYTHING about that from the actual doctor. And not only that but when I emailed them, they mentioned doing another catheterized test, but I’ve not heard back from anybody about scheduling that.
And I still have the lower right abdominal burning.
Another fun thing, Thyroid issues run in my family. My maternal side is all on thyroid medication (my grandmas thyroid straight up failed when she was my age). I’ve asked my PCP repeatedly for a full Thyroid work up, because I’m cold all the time, and tired a lot. And yeah it might be because I’m overweight and not very active, but I’d rather be paranoid and proven incorrect.
PCP refuses full thyroid panel. “We’ll just do TSH and if that returns abnormal, we’ll do a full panel. I don’t want to expose you to any unnecessary radiation and the thyroid test is irradiative”.
…I live on a planet with a sun. And I am not. A. Radiologist. I am not concerned about radiation. I just want to know if my T3 and T4 and uptake and whatever else is in that damn test are normal, because at this point with the whacked out period that’s been going on for OVER A DAMN YEAR NOW, I strongly suspect that hey, I have a thyroid issue because my estrogen and progesterone levels are normal!!!
The only doctor at Kaiser I actually like is my psychiatrist ironically enough, because they actually fucking follow up with me after tests are run, and address my concerns. I have ADHD, so I know my chronic fatigue could also be due to that (because it’s a thing… v_v).
So yeah. I’ve had multiple people tell me that the squeaky wheel gets the grease at Kaiser, but come on. I shouldn’t have to pitch a fit just to get decent medical care. In my personal experience, if you have a medical emergency or a quick-solve condition, Kaiser is fine. For anything chronic or medical mystery though? HAAAAAAA. Good fucking luck.
Now I get to figure out how to navigate finding a new doctor. Because I’ve been on Kaiser literally since birth, and have never had to find my own PCP before. I’m just hoping I’ll find one that will actually listen to me. Or at the very least, will humor me and actually schedule follow ups and whatnot. Because my abdomen fucking hurts and the scans come back clear.
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learning2fly05 · 1 year
Hello folks! Its been awhile since the last time I typed in this thing. Since the last post, a lot of things have changed here. I believe I did mention that I applied for another department and possibly was waiting to see if I got hired by them or not. Well, I got hired!! I already went through training and have been out of it for like 2 months. The work has been confusing, but I am learning a lot of new things every day. It was a blessing in disguise with being hired because I was expecting to be taking calls once I was done with training, but that’s not the case. First I got hired during this upgrade which made this department I’m in shut their phone lines because of how many emails we have in backlog. Currently, we are still working on that and no phone calls yet. I suspect by the end of May and or into the middle of June is when we MIGHT get our phone line on and running again. Why I say might like that is because of another surprise that came to me, well, us as a whole team. Since we’ve been doing this all without phone calls coming in, then it may seem we will be a complete offline department forever. Another blessing in disguise is that I thought I would be taking calls, but once I was told that I was in specific team within this team, this team does not take calls. I was dumbfounded by this and happy at the same time. It makes me very happy, on top of recent news that we might just totally be offline all is aligning perfectly since I got hired.
Due to the backlog and being offline, we were given incentives due to the overtime we all been given and told we needed to do. We have gotten a lot of incentives and some have helped with us here in buying things we have been needing to get to fix the house. Sadly by the end of this month, those incentives will be over, but we will still be able to do overtime, in which I have been doing during the week. I tried a couple of times doing overtime during the weekend, but that just didn’t cut it for me since it took me away from my husband and just having time to relax. So I just do over time during the week for 2 hours or so after my shift is over. Also, my husbands shift has changed tremendously to a crappy one from 12 pm to 9 pm while mine is what I had previously before I changed departments. So its been hard on us to have any relaxing time during the week with each other. We try to work things out due to it during the weekends, but errands get in the way as well.
Speaking of incentives, I decided to treat myself to getting a new camera and some accessories with my “pay raise” and the incentives I’ve been receiving and points from work. I upgrade it and now I have a Nikon Z50! I will still keep my old camera, but I already enjoy this new one and its extra features it has. I also just recently just purchased a domain name for my website. This was just sudden, but pricing and time was right. My website needed an upgrade anyways and I deserved a new toy as well.
Guess who’s back, back again?! -facepalm- my sister-in-law and her family are back living in Texas again. They apparently were not happy in Kentucky and decided to move back. They are not living with us currently, so that’s a relief for us. I believe they were attempting to contact us prior to ask us if they can stay with us again, but mother-in-law advised them otherwise. So far, I guess they are doing good living with my mother-in-law, but mother-in-law is now starting to see what we were telling her prior of them, so I’m glad she is now seeing it. You got to experience it to understand it of course.
I also have decided to work on my health. About 2 1/2 years ago I decided to go visit a doctor to do my yearly checkups because at the time I was thinking of leaving the company I currently work for due to the fact of my mental health just not able to bare it and almost broke me. I don’t like doctors and needles, mind you through all this I’m going to say. With this in mind, I thought finally, let me just get what I need done and leave. That appointment just threw me a curve ball in my life. I was told that I have Fibroids and one as big as a grapefruit size, with others smaller than the main large one. My heart sank. I knew something, prior to this, was going on with me and I didn’t know what it was. Then I was recommended one Doctor that I saw and then this Dr was leaving the practice and recommended me 3 other Drs. After seeing the last Dr then, life just got in the way and didn’t do much about it, plus it didn’t sound urgent by either Drs. Now, in April 2023, I took the courage to see one of the Drs recommended to me to only tell me that I shouldn’t be at his clinic since he can’t do much for me, surgery wise and the alike. He is more of a fertility Dr, if we were interested in doing that differently due to this news. So this Dr recommended me a surgeon and well I’m glad I’m doing all this now since its aligning with life now and work too oddly enough. Either way, this Dr examined me again and asked for images and as of now they have been done. She totally recommended me to see this other Dr that uses robots to do the surgery. I already have an appt scheduled for this other Dr. Now, I just need to wait and do the consultation in July and see when this can all be behind me. I will definitely need to tell my parents when I see them in July, all of this. That won’t be taken lightly by them since there will be tears during it. At least I don’t need to have a hysterotomy, the bright side of this all. Told some of my friends at work and they have been through this of removal, so I’m glad I told them just for a heads up of course, but they did tell me their stories and they were positive of course. Everything is aligning perfectly... which usually doesn’t happen. I fear that, too perfect. I hope I’m overreacting with this. Yes, I think I am. 
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brennacedria · 1 year
My super low left abdomen has been KILLING me for the last few days. if I've developed an actual cyst, not just one of those random ones that just go away after a bit and you never know they're there, in my VERY FIRST CYCLE after coming off the shot I'm going to fucking RIOT.
This is why I wanted a fucking IUD. So I'd still have the hormones to suppress this bullshit. (I couldn't do the arm implant, for whatever reason the thought makes me almost puke.)
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indianmedguru · 8 months
Fibroid surgery in India, like in many other countries, is a medical procedure aimed at treating uterine fibroids, which are noncancerous growths of the uterus.
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