#Hysterectomy Treatment
Hysterectomy treatment in Nallagandla | Hyderabad
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Visit: https://mulberrydentalandwomensclinic.com/
Schedule your hysterectomy treatment in Nallagandla, Hyderabad with Dr. Swathi Thaduri, the best gynecologist at Mulberry Dental and Womens Care Clinic. Her expertise and patient-centered approach ensure top-notch care and exceptional results. Trust Dr. Swathi for a comfortable and successful procedure.
Phone: 81253 89478
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Hysterectomy Treatment, Banjara hills in Hyderabad - TX Hospitals
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Discover state-of-the-art Hysterectomy Treatment at TX Hospitals, nestled in the heart of Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. If you're seeking top-notch medical care for a hysterectomy, TX Hospitals is your trusted destination. Read on to learn more about our cutting-edge services and how you can book your appointment seamlessly.
Advanced Hysterectomy Treatment
At this Hospital, we pride ourselves on offering advanced Hysterectomy Treatment that combines medical expertise with modern technology. Our team of skilled gynecologists and surgeons ensures personalized care, taking into consideration your unique health needs.
Banjara Hills Location Conveniently situated in the upscale Banjara Hills area of Hyderabad, our Hospitals provides a serene and accessible location for your medical needs. Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to deliver world-class healthcare services.
Why Choose TX Hospitals? Our Hospitals stands out as a premier healthcare provider for several reasons. Our commitment to patient-centric care, cutting-edge technology, and a team of highly qualified professionals make us the preferred choice for Hysterectomy Treatment in Banjara Hills.
Seamless Booking Process Experience hassle-free appointment scheduling with our Hospitals. Whether you prefer calling or booking online, our user-friendly system ensures that you can secure your appointment with ease. Dial 9089489089 or visit our website to book your Hysterectomy Treatment today.
Personalized Care Plans Understanding that every patient is unique, Our Hospitals tailors treatment plans to individual health requirements. Our dedicated team collaborates to provide comprehensive care before, during, and after your Hysterectomy, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience.
Cutting-Edge Technology Our Hospitals is at the forefront of medical technology, employing the latest advancements in surgical techniques and diagnostic tools. Our commitment to innovation ensures that you receive the most effective and minimally invasive Hysterectomy procedures available.
Patient-Centric Approach Our patient-centric approach prioritizes your comfort and well-being. From the moment you step into our Hospitals until your recovery, our compassionate staff is dedicated to making your Hysterectomy journey as stress-free as possible.
Embark on your journey to wellness with TX Hospitals in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. Experience unmatched Hysterectomy Treatment delivered with precision, care, and compassion. Book your appointment now by calling 9089489089 or visiting our website. Trust our Hospitals for a healthier tomorrow.
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plunes-healthcare · 9 months
Hysterectomy Surgery in Greater Noida
For expert hysterectomy surgery in Greater Noida, choose Plunes Healthcare. Connect with experienced specialists, book with up to 50% off, access 1100+ hospitals, and calculate treatment costs. Call us at 7011311900 for personalized assistance and comprehensive healthcare support.
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ghostzzy · 5 days
related to lrb
i had kidney stones when i was 10yo. but when a 10yo girl starts complaining of intermittent stomach pain and blood in the toilet, medical professionals will laugh and say “congrats on becoming a woman, go buy some pads and go home.”
well. as you may imagine, kidney stone pain is significantly different than traditional cramp pain, and also significantly worse. like unimaginably bad. like genuinely being run through with a sword, being slowly twisted, for hours and hours at a time.
so being told “this is just your life once a month for the next 30-40 years” was perhaps the most terrifying thing i had ever heard at that point. and i remember, for the first time in my life, saying “i would rather kill myself” and meaning it 100%.
i got home from the hospital - again, 10 years old - and immediately started googling hysterectomies.
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dreamlogic · 5 months
musing in the tags about the view two years out from my hysterectomy and the shifting nature of neuropathy. i asked my PT for recommendations/resources pertaining to pain science and that's been a very helpful lenses to have. i'm still not back to normal, will never be unmarked by this experience or return to my pre-op self, but my baseline has been gradually increasing over the last few months, and it feels good to look back on the last two years and say "i have no idea how i managed to function while living with that, but i did!"
#meatsuit renno#chronic blogging#ctxt#at first post-hysto pain was a deep burning ache#and eventually that lessened on my left side and settled in for the long haul on the right#after a couple weeks it had started to feel like a small carnivorous creature scrabbling and gnawing at the inside of my abdomen#nestled into the hollow of my pelvis and reaching up with its raking claws#about 6 months in and the creature still chewed occasionally but had shrunk to the size of a tennis ball under my right incision site#it clamped its jaws down and went to sleep and i perpetually felt like someone had pinched a fold of my insides with a large binder clip#this constant awful twisting tug every time i moved that kept me from straightening up or breathing fully#this is about a year into recovery and my original surgeon has blown off my requests for follow-up treatment three times now#i carried on as best i could. fatigue and brainfog getting worse & worse as the pain wore on unrelentingly#about a year and a half into recovery it worsened again. searing lancing pain like i'd been impaled on a piece of white hot rebar#couldn't hardly move. couldn't think straight. couldn't sleep#finally checked myself into urgent care & then the ER just to try to get someone anyone to take me seriously and help me#finally got a referral to a new surgeon who immediately pinned it as extreme neuropathy#started gabapentin end of december last year and the relief was immediately#i never thought i would welcome the gritted teeth vice grip of my little feral pain creature#but when i felt the molten spike slide out to be replaced once more by its worrying jaws#the intermittent spark and fizzle of that pinching squirming pain was a dramatic improvement#then i started PT in march and slowly so slowly the creature's hungry grip is loosening#it still clamps down occasionally. maybe once every week or two i'll have a day when i just accept#that there will be a horrible little creature chewing on my right side from the inside#but nowadays with the gabapentin doing as much as it can and an exercise routine i must stick to religiously to supplement PT#the pain is more of a little pearl of dark matter shifting around under my skin#it's incredibly dense. the heart of a black hole of disabling agony. all that white hot fury condensed into a slick heavy marble#as i recover some of my strength and energy i can feel my body coating it in nacreous layers to minimize its influence#my hysterectomy was 2 years and 4 days ago today and i feel like i can finally finally say i'm beginning to truly heal#i suspect i'll always carry this pearl in my side like shrapnel. product of damaged nerve tissue that went untreated for far too long#i wish my original surgeon had been more competent more attentive less lazy & indifferent to my pain. but i still don't have any regrets.
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lesbiansanemi · 6 months
Being brave and trying to set up appointment with gynecologist today. Hell on planet earth
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weaselle · 10 months
okay i made a post recently that's consistently getting like a thousand notes a day or whatever, and as i've mentioned once or twice before i am pleasantly surprised to find that when i make a post that popular, the notes are, on average, WAY better than what one would reasonably expect the notes and comments to be out here in the wild wild web. I continue to be grateful.
On this particular post i have seen many tags/comments/additions that agree with my post in a way that i feel icky about. So let me be clear about something.
The reason i stress "Legal Adult" in that post is because i am talking about body-altering surgery and comparing it to things that could be considered to be "life ruining" such as getting tattoo on your forehead or moving to Florida. Decisions adults make.
Now, my post is just as much about women being able to get their tubes tied or decide to have a hysterectomy without doctors and lawmakers etc assuming that a grown-ass woman doesn't know what she wants for herself
it is also about gender reassignment surgeries which is what these comments are focusing on. And this is where i want to be crystal clear
In my post I'm talking about body-altering surgery as a decision that needs to be allowed for anyone who is also allowed to make any other adult choice. The crux of my post is that if a person is allowed to make decisions like getting a face tattoo or joining the military without seeing six psychologists or whatever then they should be able to make any other choice for themselves too.
But some people are agreeing pointedly with the Legal Adult portion of the argument in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable. Saying things like "... for legal adults but not for children... " in a certain kind of way that has a sort of libertarian anti-trans feel.
And a few people also sort of called me problematic for explicitly referring to adults on my post about adult decision making? So i just want to be super duper clear here
A child can want to express gender in a different way and should be allowed to do so. If they want to wear whatever clothes, and have whatever name, that's totally fine. If they want a medical treatment of some kind and it's overseen by a competent MD, that seems great too -- puberty blockers, or testosterone or estrogen treatments, or whatever, I FULLY SUPPORT THESE THINGS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT LEGAL ADULTS
okay? just so you know where i'm at.
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knightdykes · 9 months
?????? that was a very painless appointment
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My Gender-Affirming Hysterectomy Journey
❗️❗️❗️Tldr: I wanted to write about my experience and feelings on getting a hysterectomy for both gender affirming reasons and as a medical emergency. There is a tw for suicidal ideation and organ photos are at the bottom. This does not cover everything in my journey of course, and I may write more on my experiences sometime. But this was just a very emotional write-up for me during my recovery s few days ago. ❗️❗️❗️
The lifelong journey to getting my hysterectomy was hard. As of right now, a hysto was the only gender affirming surgery I was interested in--I do experience dysphoria, but am uninterested in surgery. A hysterectomy held a lot of weight for me even before I knew I was transgender. The earliest moment I can recall dysphoria and pain over the ability to become pregnant/expectations of motherhood as an inevitability was in kindergarten. In fact, as someone with CPTSD, it is an astonishingly clear childhood memory. As I got older, the dysphoria and eventual phobia got worse and worse, no matter how hard I tried to stuff myself into a box. My dysphoria began to make my psychosis worse starting I'm high school, it affected my self esteem and bodily insecurities, it affected by sex life and relationships. Within the past four years, the dysphoria and phobia relating to having a female reproductive system began taking over my life and making me so genuinely miserable and honestly delusional over my own body.
All I wanted was a male body. And it felt like the most female and painful part of me was in a place I could never touch, but controlling everything bodily, sexually and mentally about me. Since childhood I was haunted by this and in an indescribable amount of pain. My first puberty hit and I had extreme reproductive problems--less than 15 or 20 periods in my entire life. Extreme pain. Then, starting in mid December symptoms started happening, and in January I started heavy bleeding for 80 days straight. I lost weight uncontrollably (I choose to be fat on purpose and weight loss or gain out of my control is a trigger for ED for me), I was in constant severe pain, I had cramps my doctor compared to birthing cramps, I could barely walk anymore. I fought with our healthcare system as a poor person who's trans wife was recently fired due to gender discrimination and has STILL not found justice to try and get emergency healthcare. I was told how sick I was, and that it was obvious I was at least in precancer stages, and that my entire reproductive system was basically a minefield. It was almost funny that the thing in my body that had caused me the most suffering in my life could be what killed me. My testosterone was also tanking during this time, slowing my transition and causing my estrogen to be higher than I would obviously want. It felt like my reproductive system was destroying me, and honestly it had been for a long time.
As I prepared for surgery and went to appointment after appointment, I had to keep returning to the maternity ward and gynecologist office. I was repeatedly misgendered in person and in documents and even told by an ultrasound specialist that my uterus looked fine and "there's no reason for her to have this surgery". I came out of most of my appointments crying and just wishing I had been born a man, or not at all. My mental health plummeted because I was convinced the surgery would not be successful, and overall my dysphoria was at an all time high. I never told anyone because I was ashamed, but the first gynecologist from my usual community clinic who referred me to a wider network basically walked into the room and told me I had cancer because I was fat and misgendered me the whole time. I did not tell anyone because I was ashamed and embarrassed, but my surgical team and other doctors have been amazing and let me know this was astounding medical malpractice. Still... all of these appointments really drilled into me and just hurt. It got very bad for me and I was unsure how to reach out. I felt like I was so wrong and bad inside and out, and that even my sickness was a burden. I was not sure how to go to anyone, but my suicidal ideation had gotten worse and worse since December and was beginning to peak to something that felt out of my control. It was terrifying, and at my breaking point I scheduled therapy and made the decision to go back on antipsychotics.
The day of the surgery, I felt resigned. I had hope, but I was also scared of what might happen. I have a notoriously frail body and was scared I would not make it through surgery. Or that it would be unsuccessful and... then what? I just held hands with my wife and sang to her in the car on the way there and let her love just sit with me. I hadn't slept a wink the night before and it felt like I was in a state of floating. As I was being prepped for surgery, I felt still. Somewhere in between. I got to be held by Millie one last time and I said a prayer to the diety who has walked beside me since childhood. As I was put under, all I could think about was going home and playing some video games and cuddling with my wife. Being peaceful. Being loved. Nothing wild or crazy or outlandish. Just peace.
Maybe being free of this burden.
When I woke up from surgery, the first thing I did was look around then down at my hands. My first thought was "I'm alive". After struggling so much with being suicidal, it felt so happy and real and I felt so happy to be here. I leaned my head back on the pillow and swam in and out of sleep for some time. I had no idea if my surgery was successful for an hour or so, but I was in pain and somehow felt at peace, like I knew. I finally felt like I was resting for the first time in a long time. The surgeon came to my bedside and told me that the surgery was a complete success--not only that, but it was astonishingly smooth and easy, one of the best surgeries she had ever done. I smiled and just thanked her and told her this was all I've ever wanted since I was a child. She almost cried and told me she was so happy she could help me.
Millie hugged me so tight when she could see me. We were both so relieved and so happy and I just got to tell her how happy I was. It was just tear filled joy and peace and the feeling of finally everything is okay. Finally something has went right. I will never forget how happy I was to see her and tell her it was successful (even though she knew before I did) and the feeling of wholeness I felt. Coming home really felt like coming home--plus, I had my amazing friends Nathan and Suyin there to help care for both of us and make an amazing dinner. I felt so warm and so loved and so OKAY. I'm learning to let people in and it is such a warming feeling, especially during recovery.
It's been a little over a week since my surgery and my recovery is going smoothly. My body is a lot stronger than I thought. I started my new medications yesterday, and while this isn't suddenly a cure all for my mental health, it genuinely feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My gender affirming healthcare is inspiring me to keep going. It saved my life in more ways than one. This dysphoria is no longer active--it is now a past trauma I can healthily process. I can now feel right in my body, right in my sex life, right in my gender identity in a way I never have before. Despite the mood swings that come with menopause and despite the pains of recovering from surgery, I feel more happy and whole and not-in-pain than I ever have in my whole life. I have never experienced gender and body euphoria like this before! I just feel...complete.
I am really happy I held on and had hope. I am really happy I fought my way through the medical system to get this surgery. I am happy I get to live my life with this healthcare. I look at the little boy me still deep inside my heart and hug him so tightly because WE DID IT! This feels like a new chapter to my life that I am incredibly happy to get to be here for. It's honestly difficult to put the gravity of all of this, both the euphoria, dysphoria and pain, into words. But I wanted to try.
I am unsteady, but I am okay. I am happy. I am free.
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babyspacebatclone · 2 years
So, a thing with me is that I almost let myself bled to death over the course of a year because, well….
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I am the embodiment of this meme when it comes to “Yeah, I can handle this.”
My OB/GYN very quickly picked up on this, bless her.
I’m trying, I seriously am.
I’m 100% gung ho with the idea of making my third surgery addressing the core issue a hysterectomy instead of less invasive surgeries every two years (which is what the pattern is starting to show…).
(Core issue: Uterine Fibroids. “Heavy Periods” should not last three weeks for multiple months in a row, btw…)
She, on the other hand, is openly skeptical I will abide by the six week recovery time she thinks I’ll need afterwards.
All, well, surgeries are booked up until April, I have four months to convince myself I’m allowed to take three weeks off work. 😊
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drarchanadubey · 14 days
Tips for Staying Healthy During Pregnancy
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Pregnancy is a transformative and exciting time, but it's essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Staying healthy during pregnancy involves proper nutrition, regular exercise, and mental well-being. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy during this crucial time.
1. Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Include foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Calcium, folic acid, and iron are crucial for your baby's development, so consider prenatal vitamins as recommended by the best gynecologist in Indore. Also, staying hydrated is important—drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.
2. Regular Exercise
Engaging in moderate exercise helps improve circulation, reduce stress, and control weight gain. Activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are safe and effective for most women. However, always consult your doctor before starting any exercise routine to ensure it's appropriate for your pregnancy treatment Indore.
3. Adequate Rest
Pregnancy can be exhausting, especially in the later stages. Adequate sleep is crucial for both mental and physical health. Try to rest when you feel tired, and make sure to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night. You might need to adjust your sleeping position to improve comfort and circulation.
4. Manage Stress
Emotional well-being is as important as physical health during pregnancy. Engage in relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or gentle stretching to manage stress. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family to create a positive environment.
5. Regular Prenatal Checkups
Regular visits to the best gynecologist in Indore are vital. These checkups monitor the health of both the mother and the baby, detect potential complications early, and provide professional advice on maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Follow your doctor’s advice and attend all scheduled appointments to ensure the best possible care.
6. Avoid Harmful Substances
Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and excessive caffeine, as they can harm your baby’s development. If you have any doubts about medications or substances, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure they are safe during pregnancy.
By following these simple but effective tips, you can ensure a healthy and joyful pregnancy journey. Remember, regular consultations with a professional for pregnancy treatment Indore are essential for your peace of mind and the best possible outcome for your baby.
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sufrgery1 · 14 days
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drvidushimehta · 14 days
Toal Laparoscopic Hysterotomy Surgery in Indore | Dr Vidushi Mehta
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Surgery in Indore with Dr. Vidushi Mehta. Advanced minimally invasive procedure for women's health. Book your consultation now! Call +91-9560934436.
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ur-stepdad · 23 days
thinking about my follow-up appointment with my gyn after i had an ovarian cyst removed. she told me that i had adenomyosis, and that she could tell based on the appearance of my uterus
she showed me the photo from the surgery and said "do you see how your uterus is red and swollen?"
doctor this is the first photograph of a uterus i've ever seen in my life
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drushamkumar · 1 month
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to remove the uterus through small incisions in the abdomen. This advanced technique offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, including faster recovery times, reduced risk of complications, and shorter hospital stays. If you’re considering a laparoscopic hysterectomy, understanding the procedure, its benefits, and what to expect during recovery is crucial for making an informed decision.
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drvndhyagyn · 1 month
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Are you trying to find the best PCOS doctor in Hyderabad? Take a look at Dr. Vindhya Gemaraju, a well-known PCOD specialist who has had a big influence on women's health. Dr. Gemaraju is committed to offering comprehensive care for ladies with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) because of her vast experience and caring demeanor. Dr. Vindhya Gemaraju is a prominent specialist in PCOS care, whether you're looking for the best gynecologist in Hyderabad or a PCOS doctor in Hyderabad.
If you are seeking the best doctor for PCOS in Hyderabad, Dr. Vindhya Gemaraju is your ideal choice. With her expertise, compassionate care, and comprehensive treatment options, she helps women effectively manage PCOS and improve their quality of life. Contact Dr. Vindhya Gemaraju today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards better health.
Book Your Consultation:
Mobile Number : +91 8522 8692 78, 810 6688 026
Website: https://www.drvindhya.com/
Link: https://www.drvindhya.com/best-doctor-for-pcos-in-hyderabad
Address: 8-1-284/OU, Plot No 541 Pokkalwada, OU Colony, Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500008
Visit Dr. Vindhya Gemaraju for the best PCOS treatment in Hyderabad. Your journey to better health starts here.
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