#Did I atleast draw the huskies husky looking enough?
scarecrow-carousel · 1 year
With the dogs
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Imagine the rest
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staycult · 4 years
highschool!jisung as your boyfriend
pairing — gender neutral reader x jisung
genre — fluff / bullet scenario / friends to lovers
word count — 1.6k
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u and jisung had been friends for quite some time now
ever since highschool started probably
u guys were in the same friend group
you were always with him during lunch
and u guys go home together bcs ure practically neighbors
“[y/n]! smile!” he said as he pulled out his favored polaroid camera
as you were about to turn your head around you heard a loud click, coming from the camera
a flash of light blinded your eyes
so you tried to cover it
“hey! i wasnt ready!” you pouted, giving jisung a light slap in the arm
he stuck his tongue out to mock your reaction and pulled out the film from his camera
“you look ugly” jisung snorted, fanning the film
“shut up and start moving!” you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand to make him walk faster
bcs guys were about to go home
“do you want to stop by at the park first?” jisung offered
ofc u cant resist him
his presence always make u feel at ease
“buy me ice cream then let’s go” you bargained, earning an eye roll from him
“Two ice cream cones please!” you requested, giving the money to the cashier. you tapped your finger on the cold surface while your other armed propped your chin. jisung on the other hand was shuffling through his notebook filled with polaroid pictures that he took with your friends.
“stop staring at my pictures, ji” you laughed while grabbing your cone from the man in front of you and giving the other cone to jisung. “keep staring and you’ll fall for me” you added as you licked your ice cream. he clicked his teeth, “ew, you wish”
both you and jisung walked around the park, still in your school uniforms. the park is the place where you and your friends hang around when you guys have time. the slide and the swing are your most favorite part.
you sat down in the swing and tapped the other seat to motion jisung to sit down as well. “look, the sun is setting!” you pointed as you finished your cone. you looked over to jisung who was his camera pointed at you for the nth time. but this time, you managed to strike a pose in front of his polaroid camera. his cheeks can be seen from behind, obviously smiling at the sight.
days went by
you and jisung had been hanging out in the park swing almost every day
just the both of you
watching the sunsets and taking pictures
you noticed that he only takes random pictures of you but when youre with friends, they need to ask first before jisung would take a picture
he claims that your face is funnier with stolen shots
ofc u believed him
he is your best friend after all
the school year is about to end
and your music and arts teacher is talking about your final project
which was to write a song or poem, draw a portrait or make a poster
with a special meaning behind it
you almost ripped your hair out of frustration when you tried to compose a song or draw
so u went for a simple poster
you and your friends were comparing your final outputs in the cafeteria
“come on, show us yours!” your friends encouraged you
“ahh, it’s really ugly im not even good at these kinds of shit!” you cursed, showing it to them anyway
“seriously? it’s good! youre like jisung. god, both of you say you did bad but it’s not!” you friend said while eyeing your poster
“really? jisung i want to see yours!” you said while grabbing some of your friend’s food
“no” he said, sticking a tongue out to mock you
“why not?” you replied while pouting
both of you bickered for atleast 3 minutes
saying lots of ‘no’s’ and ‘why not’s’
he had enough of your shit
and pulled you out of the cafeteria
holding his notebook, backpack and a ukelele
jisung was grabbing you by your wrist until you arrived at the school’s rooftop. you didn't have the time to respond at his sudden action.
“ouch! what was that about?” you said once he lets go of your wrist. “you want me to show you my output right? well here it is. listen.”
you were taken aback by his words, did he really get annoyed by your previous bickering? and why are we on a roof top anyway????
jisung grabbed his ukelele and opened his notebook, which was filled with polaroid pictures of you that was taken over the school year and years before that.
“it’s called hello stranger,” he spoke and started strumming on his ukelele
“The moment I felt like our eyes met
my body moved all on its own
Movin’, movin’, movin’, movin’, movin’
The closer we get the more I think
about what it is I’m feeling
My mind is filled with question marks
I can’t see anyone
around us anymore, you’re just growing more clear
Everything on this road
is blurred and faded out except for you
I’m filled with nothing but curiosity about who you may be
It’s like I’m approaching you drawn by something I can’t even know
I won’t beat around the bush, my subconscious is pushing straight forward
having me walk as it pleases without a single thought
Ah, a new wind is blowing
Where could it have come from?
It’s strange, but it’s not cold
Before I know it my feet are moving, following the wind
I take my hands out of my pockets
Hello Stranger, I keep being drawn to you
Growing closer
to you without a single thought
I’m curious, more and more and more as time passes,
why am I like this? Who are you to do this to me?
Nana nanana nana
Nana nanana nana
Hello Stranger, who are you to do this to me?
I can see in you the things that I myself am lacking
I try yelling out to you the things I had just yelled into empty space
The things I didn’t have, that I was missing before I met you,
all of these feelings, every moment
my mind is filled with exclamation points
I can’t see anyone
around us anymore, you’re just growing more clear
Everything on this road
is blurred and faded out except for you
Something’s different about you, but I’m not sure what
I think the light approaching me now must be you
Even if I look away I can still see your afterimage,
you never leave my sight, who are you to do this to me?
Ah, my feet are moving, following this new wind
I take my hands out of my pockets
Hello Stranger, I keep being drawn to you
Growing closer
to you without a single thought
I’m curious, more and more and more as time passes,
why am I like this? Who are you to do this to me?
i love you”
it’s been weeks since you and jisung last spoke and since his sudden confession
you were about to tell him how you felt, too
how he makes you happy these past few days
to the point where you were falling for him too
but he ignored you
was it because he felt awkward?
or scared?
confusion was taking over you
and you know damn well youre gonna have to take measures into your own hands
so you came up with a plan to atleast get him to talk to you
“come on! just say i wont be there” you begged your friend. “fine. so roof top it is?” you squealed and gave your friend a hug. plan was to make your friends invite jisung at the same place he confessed on only to see youre the only one there
you grabbed your backpack since you had a vacant class and went to the rooftop to prepare. you knew jisung had a vacant class too, so you were hopeful he’s going to drop by.
“hi, i like you too” you practiced “no, too awkward” you ran your hands through your hair in frustration. “hey jisung! will you vincent van gogh out with me?” you repeated with hand motions this time. “god no” you mentally slapped yourself because of the cringe
“jisung, i like yo-” you repeated. you felt someone hug you from behind, “you do?” his husky voice sent shivers down to your spine as he hugged you even tighter.
“i-i do” you admitted, removing his arms so you can face him properly. “i really really do, i cant stand you not talking to me.” you burried your head to the crook of his neck.
“im sorry, baby. i didnt know how to handle rejection yet” he let out a low laugh, earning a laugh from you too. he snaked his arms around you and swayed you back and forth. humming the tune of the song he composed.
“youre mine now, are you?” he spoke, kissing your forehead as you gave him a nod.
bf jisung would mean
the confession may be soft and cuddly
but after like 2 days
yall are like best friends again
but with a mixture of sweetness
things never really changed
but you were still glad
love letters and songs !!!!!
lots and lots of kisses
cheek, forehead, chin, shoulder kisses
you name it
he would gently cup your face while doing so
he likes teasing you
but u tease him back
ends up with him being all pouty
will help u out with homework
ice cream and park swing dates
would literally take polaroid pictures of both of you
the ones he took before yall got together is displayed in his room
on the back of his phone
and the rest, he keeps it in his notebook
which was filled with songs about you
will sing you to sleep
will hold your hand literally every where
“baby, im the luckiest to have you”
author's note —
just imagine it's the slow version of hello stranger ok ALSO i want jisung to be my bf like ??
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yeet-or-be-hawed · 5 years
“Just friends Arthur Morgan x Reader”
I just want to thank @thomasscresswell for the request, I really enjoyed planning and writing this fic, I hope you enjoy it and I hope I was able to give you what you wanted!
When Arthur goes to see Mary, some hidden emotions bubble up and cause you to contemplate your feelings for him. Arthur doesn’t understand why you’re distant, and you don’t have the courage to tell him why.
I guess this would be closest to a fluff piece? Lots of inner monologue and and pining. 
The sun was breaking through the clouds, and the air was warm. Horseshoe Overlook was washed in golden sunbeams breaking through the trees, and everyone around camp was out and about, enjoying the first warm day of spring. You were sitting beside Arthur on his cot. “And then what happened?” You asked. Arthur was in the middle of telling you about his latest drunken brawl at the saloon in Valentine. “And then he hit me, the dumb bastard! He was lucky I wasn’t in the mood, I only gave him a black eye.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Are any of the men you fight lucky?”
“Lucky, when I’m drunk.” He says. You laugh and stand, stumbling around like a drunk, square up your fists, and give your best Arthur impression. “You...you tryna fight son?”
Arthur bursts into laughter. You stick your hands down into your empty holsters, and quickly draw your finger guns, “I’m Arthur By God Morgan and I’m gonna shoot at yer feet while you work to piss you off!” 
Arthur rolled, “That was one time!”
You laugh with him, and shove his shoulder. “It was twice ya bastard and ya know it. I’m about to go into town, you want to come with?”
Arthur caught his breath and wiped his eye, “Sure, Bill asked me to pick up some pomade for him. Don’t know why the lazy bastard can’t get it himself.”
“Bill needs pomade? Ha, okay. Sounds good, I’ll grab my things and meet you back here.” You say. 
“Sounds good.”
As you turn to walk back to your tent you nearly walk right into Karen. “Whoops! Sorry girl, just bringing around the mail. Two for you, and one for you Mr. Morgan.”you grabbed your mail and waved as you walked back to your tent, inspecting your parcels. One was from your cousin in Saint Denis, and the other was from an old gang member you used to run with in Armadillo. You sat on your bed as you read the letter from your cousin. She was your polar opposite; she married young to a wealthy shop owner in Saint Denis and lives life lavishly. Her hair and makeup always look flawless and wears dresses for every occasion. Her letter was casual and brief, updating you on her husband and two children. You always held a secret envy for her, so beautiful and without a care in the world.
You looked up just in time to see Arthur half running with his satchel towards his horse and mounting it. You sighed, Arthur could be so impatient sometimes. You left the letters on your bed and grabbed your hat and your pistol. You jogged over to your horse and began unhitching him. As you opened your mouth to make a smart remark his impatience, he cuts you off, “Change of plans, I need to  go now, I’ll catch you next time you go into town. Sorry, something important came up.”
He gave a swift jerk to his reigns and he was off. You felt a small pang of annoyance that he was blowing you off, but if Arthur says its important, then its important. Atleast, you thought. Now I can clean my gun before I go. When you got back to your tent, you pulled out your gun oil and a cloth. The pistol was old and worn, just like your hat. Both probably needed to be replaced, but you liked the wear and tear, it gave them character. The metal on your pistol had darkened rusted, no amount of cleaning could completely wash away the years of use. Your hat was on old stalker, the leather bleached and cracked from the sun and the weather. You had debated on getting a new one when you first got to Valentine, but you liked the way the hat conformed to your head. 
“...see how fast he left on his horse? I wonder what got him all in a tissy.” Mary-Beth said to Karen as they passed your tent.
“Well, between you and me the letter I gave him was from Mary. I didn’t stay long enough to see him read it but I hear...” the conversation faded as they continued. Your ears burned hot and anger was bubbling in your stomach. She was the reason he ditched you? One little letter and he loses his goddamned mind. You had never met Mary, nor had you ever even seen her but Arthur told you about her many times. It angered you how transparent she was, how she refused to take Arthur but insisted on reminding him how much she “cared.” How, you wondered can someone claim to care for you while also not loving you for your true self? You had tried to reason with him over this before but he would never hear of it. If that man was anything, it was stubborn. 
Can’t get any cleaner than this, you thought as you put your pistol in its holster. With a splash of cold water to the face, you were ready to go. You unhitched your horse and mounted him. “Good boy,” you cooed softly as you stroked his neck. “Yah!”
Your horse took off like a bullet through the trees. The ride felt longer this time, usually Arthur kept conversation while riding so it passed the time. Your mind kept shifting back to Arthur, what made her so special for him to leave so suddenly? But why should you care? If anything you should be happy for him, you knew how much her cared for her. But why did the thought of him coming back with her coming back with him on his arm make you so furious? Arthur was just your friend, your best friend actually. He didn’t tell you to wear dresses like Micah did, or tell you to smile like Bill did, or tell you how much better you would look if you did your makeup like the other girls did. He laughs at your jokes and enjoys your company, but that’s what friends do. But was it normal to think of your friend as handsome? You never tried to think of how handsome he was or how well his beard softened his hard jaw line. Nor did try to think how soft his hair was or how good he smelt. And you most certainly didn’t try notice how tight his new black and white pin striped vest was over his chest and stomach. Oh God, you think to yourself. You really are a fool.
As you enter Valentine, the streets are bustling with mid day activity. As you tether your horse near the general store, a man passing you on horseback tips his hat, “that’s a nice steed ya got there Ms.”
You nod and tip your hat politely. It was nice to be in civilization again, and to see new faces. Arthur swore the people in this town were made of piss and vinegar, but it’s hard to be on a town’s good side when you’ve drunkly fought half the population.
The bell above the door chimed as you entered and the shop keep looked up, “Welcome, come on in. Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with.” 
“Thanks partner.” You grabbed the pomade, a chocolate bar, and some oatcakes for your horse from the wall. “Just these for now.” The shop keep nods, rings you out, and sends you on your way. As you exit, you look around the town for something to do. 
You see the hotel, and look at your reflection in the window. You were covered with dirt and your hair was stuck to your cheeks and necks from sweat. Could definitely use a bath, you think as you cross the street and walk up the steps. “Hello, friend! What can I interest you in today?” The owner of the hotel was husky and his cheeks were pink. 
“A bath please.” 
“Coming right up! It’ll be the last door on your left.” You tipped your hat and smiled at him as you passed him.
The small room was steamy and warm, you undressed quickly and immersed yourself in the warm bubbly water. You felt all the tension from your muscles melt away as your body slid into the hot water. A small knock rapped at the door and a pretty red head stuck her head in. “Need any help sweetie?”
“That would be great, thank you!” You always enjoyed talking to the women who worked at the hotels, it was nice to have a normal conversation with other women. She made small talk as she scrubbed your arms and legs, “there, now we can see ya under that layer of dirt, what a beauty! You got any fellas hot on the chase for ya?”
“Nah, I’m not interested in the ones that would have me and the one I would isn’t interested.” You close your eyes as she soaks your hair and lightly scrubs your scalp.
“Well, I think he’s makin’ a big mistake.” She said with a smile. You didn’t know what to say other than a feeble thank you. She kissed your forehead, “if you ask me, yer a fine catch. You’re clean as a whistle now, have a good rest of your day.” With a wink she left. You sighed and lifted yourself from the water, your body protesting against the sudden chill. You grabbed the towel and began drying your body and hair. You noticed a mirror in the corner and looked over yourself. You had definitely lost some weight since Blackwater and your wounds had turned to pink scars. Your skin was littered with scars big and small, but somehow you were lucky enough to have a smooth face, completely scar free. You dressed yourself and put on your hat as you walked out the door and waved goodbye to the owner. Before unhitching your horse you pulled an oatcake from your satchel and fed it to him. As you mounted your saddle, something brightly colored caught your eye. In the window of a dress shop was a bright yellow dress freckled with little red and blue flowers. It had more frills than a fish had fins and a giant gaudy skirt. Looking at it, you wondered when the last time you wore a dress even was. You laughed at yourself, what would the other girls think if they saw you looking at that dress? You lightly pushed your spurs into your horse, and you were headed home.
It was now evening time, the sun was setting over the mountains, streaking the sky with orange and pink. You had just arrived back in camp and hitched your horse. “Perfect timing, Y/N, just in time for my delicious cooking!” Called Pearson.
“I wouldn’t call it delicious Mr. Pearson, I would barely call it food!” You joked as you fell in line in front of the big stew pot. After waiting patiently, you recieved your stew and went to sit at the fire. John, Bill, and Javier were all seated close to the fire. As you walked past Bill, you dropped the tin in his lap. “Did someone order pomade?”
Bill stuck it in his pocket, “yeah, but I asked lazy ass Morgan to get it, not you. Where is that bastard anyways?”
“Didn’t you hear?” Karen said standing behind you. “Arthur’s off flirting around with that Mary again. Shot outta here faster than a bullet this morning after receiving a letter from her.”
Your stomach dropped, you had almost forgotten about that. Bill snorted, “Figures. I’m breaking my back around here and he’s off running around with some tramp.”
This made you laugh, “and what exactly have you been breaking your back doin’ Bill? I ain’t seen you do much besides sleep and dig out your ass.”
“Well you cain’t be seeing too much when you’re too busy staring at Morgan all day!” Bill snapped back.
You prayed the fire wasn’t bright enough to show your face turning red. You sputtered and quickly changed the subject. “All I’m seeing is a big bastard who owes me money. Now cough it over ya big oaf.”
“Gimme a break woman, Jesus!” He stood and hobbled over to his bed roll, grabbed his money clip, and returned. He slapped the money into your hand. “You can have a break when you’re dead, darlin’.” You gave him a hard slap on the back as you stood and disposed of your dishes. You settled into your tent and opened your bottle of gin. You found yourself looking towards the wooded entrance of camp. The later it got, the more you began to worry. He left this morning, he should be back by now. It’s getting dark he’s usually back by now. Unless he’s in trouble, or unless he-oh. You took a long swing of alcohol. I would be spending the night too if I were him.
It was fully dark, and you were fully drunk. Most of the others had gone to bed except for the usual late nighters. Arthur still hadn’t returned and you doubted he would until tomorrow. Hell, you were even starting to doubt if he would even come back. The thought caused a lump to rise in your throught. Were you really that disposable to him? Did you really matter that little? Or did she just matter that much?
Your eyes were growing heavy and your mind was slowly fogging. After dozing off twice, you decide it’s time for bed.
The next morning you awoke to the sound of Grimshaw cursing Mary-Beth and Karen, and that was your cue to go ahead and be up before she could make it to your tent. You were thankful for those two, if anything they were your personal alarm clock. With a stretch you looked through your wardrobe. You pulled out a pair of work pants, a button down, and a vest. Most of your clothes were hand me downs from the other men around camp, but you were slowly able to buy your own clothes. You weren’t quite used to the snugness of women’s blouses and vests, but after your bath and a new set of clothes, you felt a little more confident. You threw your hair into a quick braid and topped it off with your hat.
You spent most of the day working around the camp and hauling in the liquor for Sean’s party. The day passed quickly, and before you knew it, the sun was already setting. You were hauling a hay bale to the feeding pins when Ms. Grimshaw walked up, “come on girl, you’ve done enough work today come have a drink.”
You wiped the sweat from your brow and nodded, “coming!” With Susan’s approval you pulled out a bout of liquor and began to party with the rest. The night began to blur as your liquor intake increased, and by nightfall you were as drunk as a skunk.
Arthur hitched his horse, and gave her a quick pat on the neck. He was exhausted. Between the emotional turmoil of seeing Mary, dealing with Jamie, and the lack of sleep from camping the night before, Arthur was ready to hit the bed. He made it halfway to his tent when he heard the group by the fire begin singing. Javier had his guitar, half the camp surrounded him singing drunkly, but one voice caught his attention. He smiled when he saw you, piss drunk and smiling big. You barely knew the words but you were singing louder than the rest. He couldn’t help but let out a chuckle when you grabbed Hosea’s hands and tried spinning him, both of you crashing to the ground. He felt his cheeks warm when your eyes met his and he gave a small wave. It took you a couple of tries to get up, but when you were on your feet, much to Arthur’s delight, you stumbled right towards him, turning your bottle to the sky and chugging. You spread your arms out wide, “I’m Arthur and I’m drunk!” You said loudly and laughed. Arthur stood to meet you in the middle. He put his arm around your waist to help you walk when you got to his cot, he moved his hand from your back to your hand for support. “I dunno, I think you’re drunker than I am.” He couldn’t help but notice that you were still holding his hand.
“Nooooooo, you’re drunk.” You say as you lean against his shoulder. “I forgot, I’m also mad at you.” You bopped his nose at the “You.” Arthur tried not to laugh, “mad at me? And why is that?”
Your face was buried into his shoulder, your response was quiet and muffled. “What did you say?”
No response. You had passed out face first in his shoulder. Arthur tried to shake you awake, but you were out. With a sigh, he picked you up and carried you to your tent. He tried to ignore the whistles and the taunts from the drunken men as he crossed camp. He laid you down on your cot, and kissed your forehead. “G’night darlin’.”
Arthur made his way back to his tent, and his heart didn’t feel quite as heavy as it did before.
You woke up with your head pounding and still a little drunk from the night before. Your stomach churned, disagreeing with the alcohol you had ingested the night before. You sat up quickly and ran out of your tent, vomiting on the ferns growing beside your tent. You heard a familiar voice behind you. “Mornin’.” You gave Arthur a groan without facing him, hands on your knees.
“Not feelin’ so hot this morning I take it?” You felt a heavy hand on your back and see another hand stretch down to offer you a mug of coffee.
You quickly push it away before upheaving more liquor. You heard Arthur put down the mug and feel his hands swept your hair back. “I gotcha.” He said softly.
After clearing all the toxic liquid from your stomach you straightened your back and faced Arthur. He looked handsome as ever and you looked like piece of scum that just got brushed out of a saloon. You cleared your throat. “Thanks. When did you get back?”
Arthur furrowed his brow, “last night, you don’t remember?”
“Not much after the second bottle of gin.” You rubbed your temples, your head felt like it was about to explode.
“Well, I got back late, you were dancin’ and singin’, fallin’ all over the place, then passed out on me.”
Oof, that’s embarrassing. You rubbed your neck, “shit Arthur, I’m sorry. I don’t even remember the sun going down.” You laughed weakly.
“No, you’re fine. You also said you were mad at me. Did I do something to upset you?” He looked concerned.
Your cheeks flushed. “I-oh. Um, it was nothing. Anyways I should probably go.” You turned away quickly.
“Oh, okay. Well how about I take you in to town later to make up for yesterday?” He called to you. You didn’t respond. This struck Arthur as strange, he was certain you heard him.
The next few weeks were awkward to say the least. You tried to distance yourself from Arthur, trying to keep your feelings at bay and Arthur couldn’t understand why you were keeping him out. After a few days of silence, it grew unbearable. You would catch him looking at you as he passed and quickly look away. Maybe you were being unfair to him, he shouldn’t have to lose you as a friend just because he went and saw a girl once. She never came back with him, and he never brought her up. This has sparked hope, hope that he wasn’t interested in her. Time went on and your relationship with Arthur healed, and even grew. After he was kidnapped, he changed. He was softer and looked at you with a tenderness that melted your heart. When you were alone together deep in conversation, you would feel his fingers start to brush yours, and once even while you were both drunk, he held your hand for hours while you talked and laughed.
You were leaving the gun shop in Saint Denis when you heard a struggle down an alley, “get off me, get the hell off of me you pervert, help! Please someone help me!” He voice grew shrill and more desperate, you quickly grabbed your shotgun off your horse and dipped into the alley. A beautiful woman with black hair was being cornered by a drunk old man. You cocked your gun. “Touch her and I’ll paint those walls with your brains.”
He turned slowly, “listen toots, this is between me and the lady, now you ca-“
You shot a warning shot at his feet. “I suggest it’s high time you rolled on outta here, mister.” The man ran into the shadows and you whistled for your horse. You approached the woman slowly, “it’s okay, he’s gone. You’re safe now. Did he touch you?”
The girl was on the verge of crying, she shook her head no. You led her out of the narrow alley and mounted your horse. “Would you mind if I took you home? I’ll keep ya safe.” You offered a hand to her, and she took it. She was so petite and her skin was flawless. Her black hair had been pinned in a bun. She gave you the directions to where she was staying, it wasn’t far. As you stopped in front of the building, you got off your horse first to help her down.
Something about you was so familiar to her. She racked her brain as she took your hand and let you pull her off the horse. Even your style was familiar. Nicely tailored trousers, a fitted button down, and a brand new vest, all new looking clothes but a rag tag stalker hat that you kept to cover your eyes. “Okay miss, stay safe out there.” When you tipped your hat and turned back to your horse, it hit her. As she watched you ride away, she thought of the outlaw she once loved.
When you arrived back at Shady Belle, you were immediately greeted by Dutch. “Y/N, I need you and Arthur to go into Saint Denis and get yourselves some decent clothes for the mayor’s party. Arthur, make sure you don’t get them dirty before you wear them this time, and Y/N, no trousers. You’re either in a dress or Karen is taking your place.” You scoff, “but I’m the better shot! Come on Dutch, what if they’re nice pants?”
“It’s formal dress code, so dress or nothing you decide.” You roll your eyes. Arthur had already gotten his horse ready to go.
“My horse is going to need a break before I take him back out, I rode into him pretty hard today.” You said as you dismount your horse.
“Here, we can take my horse and leave yours here to rest.” Arthur offered you a hand. You took it and were surprised how easily he was able to help you into his horse. You wrapped your arms around his waist. “Ready?”
Arthur’s horse shot off and you clung to him tightly. He smiled to himself when he felt you rest your head against his back. You were a very physically affectionate person, always touching or scratching his back or playing with his hair. Arthur was comfortable enough with you to allow the touching and even though he would never admit it, he loved every moment your skin touched his. He loved when you would casually lean your head against his shoulder when you got tired during your late night conversations. Arthur could talk to you, really talk to you and know you would understand.
You reached the stable and he slid off the saddle first to offer you a hand. “Such a gentleman!” You said teasingly.
Arthur gave a deep dramatic bow, “only for you my lady.”
You laughed and punched him in the arm. Arthur never showed this side of himself to anyone else as far as you knew. Over the months, you’ve even noticed Mary-Beth has been quite jealous of your relationship with him. You couldn’t help but feel a tinge of smugness.
You stayed a foot step ahead of Arthur as you walked to the tailor. When you got to the door, it turned into an all out race. He almost beat you to it, but you practically dived for it and swung it open a little too hard. “After you, my lady.” You proclaim loudly. “Ha ha, very funny.” He responds with a smile. The inside was lined with dressss, blouses, tuxes, and other luxurious clothes. The tailor cleared his throat, “Welcome, how may I help you today?”
“The lady needs a new dress and I’m in need of a nice suit. Think you can help us out?”
The tailor came around from his desk, measuring tape in hand. “Who’s first?”
Before you could protest, Arthur give you a light shove, “the lady wants to go first!”
“Excellent! I’ve got all the latest styles, I happen to know exactly which dress you’ll look exquisite in!”
You turned to shoot Arthur daggers and he was stifling a laugh. “Make sure she tries on every one, I want to see them all!” He calls out.
To your great embarrassment, the tailor holds to Arthur’s word. Each hideous dress after the other, you walked out with a big frown just to be greeted by a howling Arthur. You were starting to wonder if the tailor really knew what he was talking about. After a hideous blue puff ball of a dress, you frowned when you saw the exact same dress waiting for you in the fitting rooms, in an even uglier shade of green. With a sigh of frustration you peek under the around the fitting room door. “Arthur,” you loudly whisper. “Arthur!” He was sitting in a chair fiddling his thumbs waiting for you to come out in your next dress. You rolled your eyes, kicked off your boot, and threw it at him. It caught his attention alright, it caught him right in the stomach. “Damn it woman, what?”
You motioned for him to come here. He stood and walked to your fitting room. You still had the last dress on, you opened the door. “Look at what this son of a bitch wants me to try on next.”
He peeks into the room and laughs. You slapped his chest, “Arthur this is serious! I can’t wear any of this, please go pick something out!”
He raised his eyebrows, “me? Why me?”
“You know me better than this fool! Just grab something, anything is better than this garbage.”
He shook his head, “fine fine! I saw one in the window that was real nice.”
“Then go get the tailor to grab it, hurry!” You shooed him on. After a few minutes of pacing in the fitting room impatiently, you hear a knock at your door. “Decent” you respond, and a hand holding a beautiful lilac dress slides through the half opened door. You grabbed it quickly and slid out of the monstrosity you had tried on before. This dress didn’t have quite so much tulle and the fabric was much softer on your skin. You turned to the mirror and examined the dress. It was tighter around your waist with an A line skirt and a neck line a little lower than you were used to. Lace accented the neck line and sleeves of the dress. It was simple and elegant and to be honest, this was the prettiest you had ever felt. You opened the fitting room door, “I think we have a winner, what do you think Arthur?”
He was no longer seated in his chair, he was now looking at the three piece suits for himself. He turned and smiled, “well don’t you just look like a little flower?”
You blushed, “okay fair enough, I’ll try on another.”
“No no, I like this one. It suits you.”
You smiled and nodded. After changing back into your day clothes it was now Arthur’s turn to model his clothes for you. The first suit was was a powder blue with a stripped shirt underneath. He walked out, and immediately said, “no.”
You laughed, “oh but Arthur, you look so....sophisticated!”
He turned to you as he opened this fitting room door, “you’ll catch me dead before you catch me in something like this.”
The next was a brown suit, it was nice, but it didn’t stand out to either of you. Apparently three was the lucky number, when he came out in the third suit, your heart stopped. It was a black three piece suit with a red cumberbund. He walked out as he was adjusting his jacket and looked up at you, “so?”
He looked incredibly handsome and your mind was jammed, all you could do was look at him. You cleared your throat, “yeah that one is definitely the best one I’ve seen so far.”
Arthur was standing in front of the mirror turning as he inspected the suit, “yeah, I think you’re right.”
As he went back to the dressing room, you stood and took your dress to the front counter to pay. “Oh no miss, the fellow you’re with has already paid for it.” You blushed, that man could be so sneaky, you never even saw him go to the register. A small smile curled up on your lips. “I think we’re going to go with the black three piece he just tried on, I’ll go ahead and pay for his.”
You jumped as you felt a hand on your shoulder. “Oh no you don’t.” Arthur was behind you holding his suit. He held up the red cummerbund. “You got one of these that would match the lady’s dress?”
“I believe so, let me check I’ll be right back.” The small man disappeared around the corner and came back with a perfect match. “Here we go! What a sight the two of you are going to be, such a lovely couple!”
Arthur glances at you and you quickly looked away, trying to hide the pink in your cheeks. Arthur paid for his suit and you left. “Anything else you want to do while we’re in town?” You asked.
“The day’s still early I’m sure we can find something to do.” As you moved along the busy streets, you felt Arthur’s hand gently settle on your lower back. He held it there as you whisked through shops, joking and laughing. The way he would smile at you and the way his head would tilt back to laugh at your jokes made your heart feel so light. You took a snack break for some popcorn from a street vendor. You sat on a bench and he put a lazy arm around you and you leaned in against his shoulder while you shared your bag of popcorn. You had a piece of popcorn halfway to your mouth when you caught him staring at you. With a sly smile, you quickly threw the piece of popcorn at his face. “Hey!” He said as he reached in the bag and pulled out another piece. “No wasting popcorn!” He said as he threw the piece at you. This started a ridiculous popcorn fight, the people passing by you stared while you childishly threw popcorn at eachother on the bench, laughing like a couple of idiots. About half the bag ended up on the ground. “Well, atleast the birds will get their share.” You said as you stood, “come on, let’s get back.”
Arthur nodded, and wrapped his arm around your waist. You could feel him looking at you but you didn’t dare look back, you were all too aware of his hand on your waist, gripping you firmly. As you walked down the street talking and laughing you heard a familiar voice call from a balcony over head. “Arthur? Arthur!” You both turned to see the beautiful woman with dark hair that you met earlier that day. She turned to quickly run down to meet you.
You smiled, “hey that’s-“
“Mary” Arthur whispered breathlessly. His big hand left your waist as he looked whistfully up at the balcony. He removed his hat and nervously fiddled with the brim. He eyes were filled with desire and nervousness. She burst through the door, just as beautiful as ever. You looked down at the ground. “I’ll uh...I’ll leave you to it then.”
Your heart had dropped to your feet, and he didn’t respond. How could you be so stupid? All this time, you allowed yourself to push her from your mind and think maybe, just maybe you had a chance. You wandered to the closest saloon.
Arthur’s pulse raced as he waited for Mary to come down. He couldn’t help but smile when she came out the door and hugged him. She was so small and soft in his arms. “Hello, Mary.”
“Hello Arthur.” She gave him a smile. “That girl you were with, where did she go?”
Arthur looked around confused, you were just here. He didn’t even notice you had left. “I don’t know, she was just here.”
“She saved me earlier this morning. This man he tried-“ She shuttered. “He tried to take me and she stopped him. I must’ve known she was riding with you, she reminded me so much of you. Shame what a life like that does to a pretty girl. She’d be so much prettier if she-”
“If she what?” Arthur interrupted. His voice was harsher than he intended, “if she lived like you and looked down on me?” His face was hot, he didn’t know what came over him.
“No Arthur, no! That’s not what I meant, it’s just...”
Arthur sighed. “It’s just our way of life isn’t pretty to you.”
Mary looked away, and for the first time Arthur felt like he truly saw her. The rose tinted glasses were lifted and all of a sudden, Mary didn’t seem so pretty anymore. It was obvious she would never change just as he would. She turned back and grabbed his hands. “Arthur, run away with me. Leave all that nonsense behind. We can run away together and lead new lives.”
“All I got to do is change who I am entirely and leave all the people I care for behind, is that it?”
Mary smiled, “but you’ll have me. Isn’t that enough Arthur?”
It used to be, he thought. But now? “Mary, could you ever love me for who I am, right now? If I asked you to join me, come with me back to camp and live your life with me and my family, what would you say?”
Her faced twisted, “Arthur, that’s not what I want for myself, not what I want for us. Wouldn’t it be better to leave all of that behind?”
He could see the disgust in her face at the idea of living his life. It should’ve hurt him more than it did, but it almost was a relief. He felt like a blind man who’s sight had been restored. He had so many friends who cared for him and loved him for him, why waste his time on someone who couldn’t even accept his way of life? It felt almost too easy as he put on his hat and turned away from her, “goodbye Mary. I can’t waste my time on someone who looks down on me.”
“Arthur wait!” She pleases behind him, he didn’t care. He could never see her again and be perfectly happy. Now he just had to find where you ran off to.
You were sulking at the bar, downing shots like it was no body’s business. “N’other one Down here” your words were beginning to slur. The bartender filled your shot glass and you turned it up. No matter how much whiskey you drank, you couldn’t shake feeling like a fool. You almost let yourself believe today was a date, you almost fooled yourself into thinking he was over her, but what made you feel like the biggest fool, was how easily you allowed yourself to fall for him. You knew he was still in love with Mary and you knew you never stood a chance. You grimaced was you thought of her. So beautiful, how could you even compare? You didn’t. You felt a hand fall on your shoulder, “warn me next time before you run off like that.” That hurt, “I did.” You said flatly. You raise a finger to the barkeep and he made you another shot. Arthur sat beside you and ordered one as well. He was looking at you but you stared down at the bar. How could you let this happen again?
“Oh.” The bartender brought you both your shots and you knocked it back quickly. The silence was heavy. Arthur cleared his throat. “Anything else you’d like to do while we’re in town?”
You shook your head. All you wanted to do was be alone. “Okay then, I guess we’ll head home.” Arthur stood and extended his hand. You laid the money down for your drinks and pulled yourself off the stool. You walked past Arthur, leaving him with his hand extended awkwardly. He cleared his throat again and followed you silently. “Everything okay?” He asked. His voice was worried.
“Fine.” You responded. The walk back to the stable was quiet. Arthur tried to put his hand on the small of your back, but you recoiled away from it.
This hurt Arthur. You were rarely this quiet and you wouldn’t even look at him. He racked his brain to try to understand what he had done. Had he made you uncomfortable when he touched you? You never seemed to have a problem with it before. He tried to make small talk, but you would either answer with short responses or ignore him completely.
You waited outside the stable while Arthur retrieved his horse. When he offered you his hand to help you up, you pushed it away and pulled yourself up on the horse. It’s not like you needed the help, and Arthur knew that.
The ride was completely silent. Your hands were very loose on his sides, you tried to keep as little physical contact as possible. Arthur noticed and felt a lurch in his chest. He was still racking his mind trying to identify what had upset you. When you got back to camp, you slid off his horse silently and retreated to your tent without a word. Arthur watched you as he tethered his horse. With a heavy sigh, he decided you just needed to be alone for awhile. He entered the old house and made his way to his room. His window looked out over the tents and he looked for you. Your tent flaps were closed, which was very rare. You were usually so open, even in bad moods you left your tent flaps open to let in the air and nod at the others as they walked past. Arthur threw himself down on the bed.
Much to Arthur’s disappointment, you still distant and cold over the next few days. Any time you saw him coming your way, you turned and quickly found something to do or someone to talk to. You had decided it was best that you cut him out completely. It was too late for you to live in the delusion that you could still be friends. It was too hard to watch him fall over himself for her, and you were too far gone to even try to lie to yourself about your feelings for him.
On day four with no contact, Arthur could feel his disappointment turn to frustration. It would be so much easier if he knew what was bothering you, he could atleast try to fix whatever it was he had done if you would atleast tell him what it was. He was sipping his morning coffee when Karen came around with the mail. “One for you today, Mr. Morgan!” He thanked her and took his parcel. As she turned to leave Arthur stood, “Karen, hold on a second.”
“Yes?” She said as she turned back.
“Do you know what’s wrong with Y/N? She’s been so quiet the last few days and I don’t know why.”
Karen knew exactly why. “I’m not sure Mr. Morgan, maybe you should ask her yourself.” She turned and walked away. How could he do that if you wouldn’t even give him the time of day? He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. With a sigh, he looked to your tent. He was in luck, you were sitting on your cot reading a book. Something stirred inside him and he felt himself becoming quite nervous as he approached you.
You were brought back to reality from the depths of your reading by the clearing of someone’s throat. You looked up to see Arthur standing in front of your tent. You looked at him then looked back down at your book. “Hello.” You said flatly.
Arthur sighed and sat beside you on your cot. He sat very close to you, close enough that you could feel his body heat. After a moment of silence he spoke. “What’s wrong?”
You didn’t look up from your book. “Nothing.”
Arthur could feel his frustration rising, he had to fight the urge to smack the book from your hands just so you would look at him. “Would you just-“ he felt his voice rise, and he moved to close the flaps of your tent. This was a private conversation and god knows if Karen or Mary-Beth over heard, half the camp would be up his ass. “Please,” He said in a quiet voice. “Please tell me what I did to upset you.”
The pleading of his voice caused you to look up at him, his hat was covering his eyes and he was looking at the ground. You sighed. “It’s nothing, really.”
“No,” Arthur said as he moved to you. “It’s more than nothin’ or you wouldn’t be giving me the silent treatment.”
You didn’t know what to say, you couldn’t just tell him, but it broke your heart to see him in distress over you. “Arthur, I... I didn’t think you would care.”
“Didn’t think I would care? Y/N, you’re the closest friend I have here. Why would I not care? You’ve been ignoring me for days. What did I do?” He sat back down beside you. When you looked at him, he was staring back, his eyes swimming with concern and sadness.
“Nothing.” You repeated. You had to stay aloof, you had to keep him at a distance.
“Well it has to be something. And I’m not leaving here until you tell me what.” He crosses his arms stubbornly.
You groaned. “Really Arthur? Why is it so important to you?”
“Because you’re important to me! Damn it, ever since we saw Mary you just-“ you immediately looked away, your face burning. Arthur looked at you confused, and a memory resurfaced. He thought back to the night he returned from the first time he went and saw Mary. You drunkenly declares you were mad at him, when asked why you mumbled your response into his shoulder. This had happened before, and now that he thought about it, really thought about it, the only other time you had been like this was after he saw Mary. “Why were you mad at me that night? The night of Sean’s party?” His voice was low.
You shook your head. “I don’t- I was drunk Arthur, you know I wasn’t serious.” You were a bad liar and he knew it.
“You werent...jealous were you?” The words felt silly as they fell out of his mouth. Why would you be jealous, it’s not like you thought of him more than a friend?
You stammered, your whole face blood red. “No no I just-“
Arthur smiled, “you’re a bad liar and you know it. Were you jealous?” He repeated. He took your hand softly, “because if you were, you have no need to be.” He smiled down at your hand and gently carressed it with his fingers. They were rough, like his.
You looked at him and swallowed. “So what if I was?”
“If you were,” He looked up at you. “I’d tell you that there’s nothing to worry about. I’d tell you how I have no need for a girl like her. I’d rather have the woman who accepts me for who I am. The one who makes me laugh and does silly impressions of me. Even when she does get a little too drunk.” He smiled at you sheepishly.
Your heart rose into your throat. “I...I don’t know what to say.”
“ you don’t have to say nothin’.” He opened his arms for you and you smiled. You leaned into his arms and he wrapped him around you tenderly. “Just stay here with me.” He whispered in your ear.
You closed your eyes and leaned into his chest. “I’m not going anywhere.” You respond. He placed a soft kiss on your temple and you swore you saw stars. This was what happiness felt like, you told yourself. And in that moment, you knew you would do whatever it takes to keep it safe and protected.
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punk-in-docs · 7 years
Loving The Handsome Duke of Chatsworth, Chapter 3.
TITLE: Loving The Handsome Duke of Chatsworth. CHAPTER NO: Chapter Three SYNOPSIS: Tom Hiddleston AU Love story - Set in the Victorian Era… Circa 1858 to be precise… AUTHOR:@punk-in-docs 
AO3 LINK: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4108306?view_full_work=true
Mrs Sharpes nasally tone brought Elizabeth back down from heaven, which she found she was drifting away too as she lost herself in Sir Thomas’s absolutely glittering eyes. She swallowed and averted her eyes, flexing her hands nervously as she looked south to the floor. Sir Richard noticed with reverent glee, and the smile on his lips grew as he watched as Libby looked down, and still Sir Thomas did not take his eyes away from cliinging to her face.
He didn’t know why Araminta constantly complained and fussed about it, this matchmaking lark was ridiculously easy buisness. Well, to him, it was anyway.
“Well, shall we all move into the front parlour? I daresay we shan’t be standing in the hallway all evening..”
The elder woman chuckled, noticing her voice seemed to jolt the pair back down to earth as they were lost in one anothers blue eyed gazes. Watching as she started through the doorway to see that Sir Thomas offered Elizabeth his arm, which she genteely took with a smile, as they started through the door themselves. Sir Thomas tried not to let the brush of her emerald silk clad arm gliding along his skin become as erotic as his mind was making it.
Elizabeths mouth suddenly felt woolly, and sticky, as if she had imbibed a mouthful of very dry biscuits, leaving her mouth quite parched, and she was very aware that the Duke was staring at her with a small amused smile as she licked her lips and remembered the etiquette of the day, and her bone bred debutuante manners. And the fact that a Proper young lady ought never to steer the conversation where others, especially a gentleman, could not follow. ‘Nor should she flounder ridiculously in tentative shyness, that is most unbecoming when in the presence of a gentleman’ She remembered how Aramainta had once screeched that instruction at her.
“Are you partial to London, your lordship?”
She stuttered out finally, turning to him and watching as he smiled, those wonderful eyes looking deep into her own. They shone in pure amusement back at her, watching as even his smile seemed to render her into a stammering girl. He rather liked that, he had never quite had that affect upon a woman before. He liked that he had it on her.
“Please, Miss Farrow, I must insist you call me Sir Thomas for the evening, I don’t wish to pull rank upon the other guests…And as for my fondness of town, I find I am enjoying it most immensely”
He smiled humbly, or atleast, he was now he had made her company. He lowered her arm as she eased her skirts out from under her, and folded her petite frame onto the blue velvet settee. The other was clasped behind his back, making him take on a very formal stance as he smiled down at her. Looking up at him from her sitting state, she found her eyes fought not to slide rudely up his jaw, marvelling at how perfectly built it seemed to be, he had an otherwordly breed of handsome she had never been gifted enough to have seen before. It really did render her quite weak and stupid, and that, she bristled was two things which she never wanted to be. She’d leave those attributes to Mrs Sharpe and Felicity….
She then smiled at his words as she fixed her green skirts so they layered out perfectly under her, causing her no distress.
“I pray you will not voice that notion to my stepmother, she would find the concept of such a thing highly incomprehensible indeed. To her, I fear she believes that station and rank are among the two things in life of which one can be absolutely certain of.”
She smiled. Her initial shyness and absolute striking weakness that his handsome looks left her in, was dissapating now, or, As Mrs Sharpe liked to call it, ‘The true lady, the real Elizabeth, starts to creep out from her reclusive shell…’
She watched as Sir Thomas smiled, nearly laughing at her comment, easing himself down onto the armchair near Elizabeth at Araminta’s insistance. Before she announced she was off to the kitchen to check upon the souffles, as she got to the door, it would take a stupid man not to see how she jerked her head, encouraging her husband to flee the room also. Which he rolled his eyes, abiding to his wifes request. Slipping out of the door after her, leaving the newly enraptured couple quite alone. Sir Thomas did not pay this matter one jot of his attention, he was far too taken up with Elizabeth. And Libby, became very aware that she had been left alone in the front parlour with a very Handsome Duke. Sir Thomas noticed too, a wry smile on his lips before he looked back to Miss Farrow and continued the conversation to ease the tension in the air.
“Pray tell me, Miss Farrow. What is the second thing, which one may be so adament about in life?”
He asked, leaning against the arm of the chair to sway ever so slightly closer in her direction, looking enraptured. It was a small, inconsequential little move, but it made her smile even so.
“You really care to know? I’m afraid a man of your calibre would find it unspeakably dull.”
She asked, a slight tease to her voice. Her smile making his insides turn quite warm. But on her, teasing wasn’t as direputably flirty as it could have been. It was jovial. Delightful, even. And he soon found that all the ravings about London he had been privy to amongst society mama’s and some of the men whom he was aqquainted with, were quite right. Her eyes really were ‘quite enchanting.’
“I shall bare my teeth down through the banality of it all..” He promised, hand going to clutch at his heart dramatically as he smiled.
“The second thing every young Miss ought to be sure of, is that she can never do her complexion any harm in a gown of lavender chiffon…” She smiled
Elizabeth then learned what Sir Thomas’s husky and divine laugh was like. And it was music to her ears. She smiled watching him laugh at her.
“Well. I shall be certain to remember that useful morsel of information, Miss Farrow. I oft find that when my niece asks for my opinions on gowns, I am decidedly left with little judgement to offload upon her.” He smiled.
“You have a niece? Have you a brother or a sister, Sir Thomas?”
She asked. Ignoring the little gnat like voice at the back of her head that was Felicity earlier asking if Mr Burke, or The Duke had any younger brothers she could interpose herself upon.
“A Sister, Iris. Iris Thatcher Kenworthy, She is my twin Sister. And she has two girls, who I am not ashamed to say, I spoil quite rotten with gifts and such like. There is Edith who is 16, and Judith who is 5.” He beamed.
“They are lovely names, and ages too. Does your sister not care for town? I daresay it would do you well to keep Edith a secret, for if my stepmother gets wind of a gently bred country girl who has not yet been to town, she would quite wish to take her under her wing…”
She added in a hushed voice. She suddenly had a mad thought that if he spoiled his nieces rotten, how heavenly would he be liable to treat his own wife? She had not been spoiled much in her four and twenty years of life. Yet she rather favoured that it must be quite nice to be lavished upon with gifts with no such occasion as to them other than devotion and doting affection.
“My sister was widowed four years ago, I’m afraid coming to town, for her, is not quite as pleasurable as it once was. It brings back rather bitter memories as I understand.” He spoke solemnly.
“Oh, I most aggrieved to hear it. I am terribly sorry, you must accept my deepest sympathies for your sister.”
She spoke, her brows drawing together in pain, eyes soaking in sad understanding. Which made Sir Thomas smile all the more, she truly was a magnificent creature.
Elizabeth wanted to reach out and clasp his hand to express her sympathies, but she feared that would be far too forward, and tantamount to scandal should Araminta flounce back in and see her openly caressing a man she had only known for ten minutes – if that. Even if it was only touching his hand… Gossip could spread like wildfire, and she didn’t need her name being bandied around London as the biggest flirt of the season. Her previous good natured reputation could be in tatters by the morning.
“Bless you, Miss Farrow. You are far too kind.” He smiled, because he really did mean it.
“I lost my own mother when I was 16. It is a hardship of unspeakable misfortune. But I imagine, as you have informed me, your spoiling them rotten would make you a most beloved Uncle…”
She smiled. Her sense of prediction remarkably on point. They did adore him, to the moon and back. They could not be more grateful to him for extending his home to them, being unfailingly kind to all three of the Thatcher-Kenworthy ladies, he was under no obligations to do so, he just had a big heart, and wanted to be there for his family. Especially after his experiences in the war.
“I am a poor subsitute for their father. That much I know, but I believe I make do in helping out Iris rather nicely.”
He spoke humbly, in a diffident manner that she was just willing to bet, Iris Thatcher-Kenworthy would kindly confirm him to be too modest for his own good, if Libby so lucky ever to have the opportunity to meet her.
“Still, I bet your neices dote upon you something fiercely wicked, Sir Thomas.” She smiled. Folding her hands in her emerald green lap.
He smiled, accepting her compliment by inclining his head in a tiled nod.
“I suspect you are quite possibly correct, Miss.” He grinned.
“Are you to remain in town long?” She asked thoughtfully. He knew she was bred to not ask impersonal or impolite questions.
“My buisness in town is sadly coming to an end, but, I think I may have found reason tonight, to extend it.”
He smiled, his eyes burning deep into her own again in a way that made her flush. He watched as a sweep of redness swept easily and very obviously across her pale skin, down her supple, slender neck and finishing the race at her heaving chest. Of which the neck of the gown bared rather elegantly, her corseted bodice doing her a great number of favours, as he could see the ample fullness of her bosom pushed up high by the restricted space inside her dress. Elizabeth simply knew that the pointed meaning behind his statement was him starting to prevail mutual attraction upon her, he would stay in town just to better make her aqquaintance. The way his eyes were boring deep into her told her that he had not meant to stay for any other reason than to get to know her.
Her lips gaped, and she tried to remember how to converse politely with someone of the opposite sex. But his eyes and the way they were wandering across her lips and her face made the task a truly hard measure, indeed.
“Sir Thomas.. I..”
She began, taking deep breaths, through a small gaped smile, hand nervously touching the side of her neck which felt quite hot all of a sudden. Oh, how he longed to follow the path where her fingers touched now with his lips, to be rewarded with one of her tiny gasps of moaning desire. He was willing to bet her cherry pink lips would part beautifully when she sighed through them, his name the only thing on her tongue…
“If you’ll permit me, Miss Farrow. You must allow me to tell you how ravishing and lovely you look in emerald green. A absolute vision.” He rasped, his smile reaching her eyes as quite the lovliest and most seductive thing she had ever seen.
At this point, Elizabeth heard a commotion in the hallway, and as she heard the strict familiar tone of one Sir Cecil Burke, and one Marcus Burke erupt in the hallway, greeting her parents not long after.
She flew from her seat like a shot, like she had been burned. Almost as if she and Sir Thomas were engaged in an act that was considered the height of impropriety. Yet they weren’t, they were merely talking. Yet still she found this was enough to leave her pulasting with silliness of the most female kind, and desperately wanting to kiss the handsome smile away from the Duke’s lips.
Sir Thomas rose to his feet along with her, seeing she looked a little unsettled.
“Madam, please accept my utmost sincere apologies if my earlier compliment was received with alarm. I would wish no such grievance upon you, please forgive me.” He began to gabble, fearing he had let his desire for her overwhelm her in his words.
Elizabeth smiled, quickly.
“The compliment was lovely, Sir Thomas. Quite the loveliest I have ever been given. Understand me when I say I didn’t receive it poorly at all. Only, I fear your stay in town may be deemed an unjust and unmerited venture. For, currently, I am already receiving the attentions of another gentleman.” She spoke quietly. Looking down to the floor, before she met his eyes again. She felt ashamed, leading on one gentleman, when she was already accepting the affections of another. What must he think of me now? Elizabeth panicked. He must have now think she was a flirt of the highest order.
“But you must believe me to be so bold as to say I wish now more than ever, that this was not the case.” She hushed quietly. Chewing her lip as she looked at him with sadness in her eyes.
“You are to be imminently betrothed to Mr Burke?” He asked gently.
She nodded. Swallowing in nervousness.
“Do you, confirm, his, mutual attraction, to you?” He asked, lowly.
She blinked, staying still for a second, before her resolve crumbled.
She shook her head.
“Has he asked yet, for your hand in marriage?”
Again, she shook her head. But this time she also let a low and whispered
“No.” crack from inbetween her lovely lips.
She watched as he smiled.
“Then, in which case my dear, it would be unremittingly foolish of me to not give Burke a run for his money.” He smiled, one regal brow tipping back up his forehead in amusement.
“You, wish to, court me also?” She asked.
Again, came that foxes grin.
“Oh yes.”
He purred, and they were stood far closer than should be appropriate now. But neither one of them cared one bit that they were posed as such.
“With your blessing, Miss Elizabeth. I will take it upon myself to make more social visits To the Farrow Household in the coming days, if you would care to receive me, and my attentions.”
Elizabeth smiled.
“Very much so.”
She gabbled, voice racing and her heart pounding. Knowing she was being unfailingly unkind to Mr Burke’s wishes. But, she realised when she first laid eyes on Sir Thomas Kenworthy, that now, she could never settle for a bland man such as Marcus Burke, because her heart had been truly stirred by the Duke of Chatsworth, and she found that was something she could not easily recover from or push aside. She was too much of a romantic to deny herself the feelings of true love when it fell right into her lap, here, in her very own home.
“Mr Burke is, I think, you should know. Not a kind man. I do not think this news will find him well.” She whispered in trepidation.
“Has he ever had the utter indecency to mistreat you, Miss Farrow?” Sir Thomas asked, eyes turning positively frosty at the notion of such.
“..And may I just say, if he has, then I can only apologise on behalf of my gender..”
He offered. Feeling utterly tense now he thought about this vision of loveliness being mistreated by a man’s rough hands and brute strength that outweighed her delicate nature.
“I have found out during our courting, that drink makes wicked monsters of men.” She eluded.
He felt his fists clench by his sides.
She took a couple of tiny steps away from Sir Thomas’s heat radiating form, which she was being pulled closer too, like the pull of gravity. Just in time for the rest of their party to cross back over the threshold and spot them both, stood in the parlour a respectable distance away from each other. But their romantic profession mere moments ago was not quite as decent as it ought have been.
Elizabeth turned and smiled nicely just as Marcus and Cecil Burke glided through the doorway, Marcus’s eyes heading straight for Elizabeth. It would have taken a idiot of elephantine proportions to not notice how Marcus had little care to how his lecherous eyes hungered over Elizabeth’s figure. Clinging to her behind, and straying for a long moment on her amply proportioned bosom.
Sir Thomas Kenworthy noticed this. And it made his blood boil in his veins, and his hands screw into tight fists of balled muscle as he clasped them out of sight behind his back. Jaw scrunched tight as he tried not to glare at this oaf of a man who did not know hide nor hair of how to treat a woman as exquisite as the one who stood next to him.
Thomas watched as the man crossed to Elizabeth, smile and stance reeking of toxic bachelors arrogance as he walked across to her. Stopping and bowing in front of her, which she returned. Curtseying politely before he took her hand and placed a kiss to the back of it. Eyes curving up to meet hers, and she then found that she didn’t like the colour of Marcus Burkes eyes anymore, she rather found she favoured Thomas Kenworthy’s chipped ice blue eyes far more now, instead…. Especially now that Mr Burkes eyes shone maliciously dark at her.
“You look enchanting, as always, Miss Farrow. A veritable picture of pure loveliness…” He winked. In a manner most forward.
If Sir Thomas got angry at the way in which he could see another mans lips pressed to her skin, then the wink just about made him see red.
“Who is your… Friend?.”
Burke asked Elizabeth, the way in which he spat ‘friend’ was enough to show that he would not take kindly to Thomas one bit, raising a lofty brow at the man who towered over him. Burke may have had stocky muscles and the obvious brute strength that came with such, But Sir Thomas had all the sinew and lean muscle that accompanied that of his towering height of six foot four. He was thinner in build to look at, But thinking him powerless would be a absolutely dreadful mistake.
“Marcus Burke, May I introduce Sir Thomas Kenworthy, the resident Duke of Chatsworth.”
Elizabeth formerly greeted. Watching as the two men glared slightly at one another, giving no movement but a brisk bow that was barely a lukewarm gesture of civility. The two men surveyed each other with frost and ice in their gazes.
“A Duke, eh? Large estate out in the country I take it. Must be a large demanding business to attend to.”
Burke said drily, words like a double edged blade. Thomas couldn’t quite decipher his meaning, or the intentions behind his statement.
“It keeps me occupied.”
Thomas finished tersely. A smile flickering across his lips so that no one could fault him for being unkind. If the man extended niceties, then so would he. If he was going to act in a manner of sheer rudeness to him. Then Sir Thomas would mirror whatever sentiment Burke cared to fend him off with. He would not kill the man with kindness as he was being rebuffed, but nor would he sneer at him, like Burke was doing to him. He was enough of a kind man to atleast not be rude.
And he was quickly deciding that Marcus Burke could not be the man to shackle the wonderful Miss Farrow into marriage. His character was poison, his manner crass and the way he held himself suggested he considered his position in society so great, it allowed him to look down his nose upon everyone below him. Whilst there was spirit in his body, and breath in his lungs, Sir Thomas would not let Marcus Burke wriggle his way into marrying the woman next to him. Because he would treat her no better than a pet, a trophy. And he would not allow himself to account for Miss Farrow to be kept miserably in holy matrimony, bound to the man as an object for him to paw over, and to do nothing but slake Burke’s lust, and produce their next heir. – Over his dead body, would he allow that to happen. She didn’t deserve that. And he had only made Burke’s acquaintance a mere second ago. Already he loathed the man.
“May I ask as to why you are in London when you have such pressing matters in the country, your highness?..” Burke started, his tone mocking the Duke. Not caring for the way in which he seemed to be standing over Miss Farrow as if he had any right too.
Elizabeth cast a weary glance over Burke’s shoulder to see that Her Father, and Mrs Sharpe were indeed clustered by the doorway, speaking to the portly man that was Cecil Burke. Elizabeth would be hard pressed as to enquire where Marcus’s good looks came from. Because he certainly didn’t inherit them from his father. Cecil Burke was a short, stout man. With fat chubby legs and arms, and whatever his waistcoat, it always sought to bulge under the voluptuous weight of his protruding stomach. His face and neck were also fat and bulging, his chin and cheeks flabby, and his lips rubbery and wide as he leered at something her father said. Still, Libby noted there was little to no love in the man’s dark eyes. Just greed. Greed and a lust for bettering his son, and the family business. So long as it gained him money.
“No need for the formal titles, Mr Burke. Just Sir Thomas will do.” The Duke growled with little patience.
Burke narrowed his eyes.
“Playing poor to appease us simple folk for the evening are we, Sire?” Burke glared.
Sir Thomas raised his head. Silent scathing look which was virtually deadly on his handsome features. His nails now biting into his hand he was clenching his fist so tight. And imagining how lovely it would be to plant his fist smack bang into Burke’s nose.
Elizabeth felt the need to step in and interject herself somewhat, before things took a turn for the uncivil.
“Mr Burke, Sir Thomas is a business associate of my fathers. He helps keep books for Sir Thomas’s estate in Derbyshire.”
Elizabeth added, a slight bite to her voice that warned Burke that he should try getting along with Sir Thomas, or this evening was going to be an awfully long one, for her. Not to mention the fact that Mrs Sharpe would slaughter him if she found out about his upright rudeness to the Duke.
She was aghast that Mr Burke was managing to be so rude to Sir Thomas. The man had done nothing but stand next to her. She was only all too glad that he hadn’t yet found out that Sir Thomas had expressed to her a wish of intending to court her also.
“I see.” Burke bit off blandly.
“Yes, My business has, sadly concluded, but I think I should like to remain in town for much longer now it has. With my work finalised, I may now turn my attention for far more leisurely pastimes. Who knows what agreeable events may unfold.”
Sir Thomas spoke pointedly making sure to look Burke right in the eyes, before his gaze roved off to flicker towards Elizabeth, keeping eye contact with her for a second.
She was sure her brain had intended for speech to come sailing out of her mouth, but all that seemed to surface instead, was a slight squeak. Lips gaping, but no sound coming from in-between them. As she held the Duke’s gaze.
Burke’s teeth looked like his jaw would soon grind them to dust.
It was at this point that Hawkins swiftly entered the room, and thereafter declared that Dinner was to be served.
Sir Thomas smiled, looking at Burke’s gritted jaw before he turned to the woman stood at his side.
“Miss Farrow.” He burst out loudly.
“As highest ranking gentleman in the room…”
He heard Burke grumble deep down in his chest with displeasure. Sir Thomas carried on, poking the proverbial bear with a stick.
“.. and subsequently as you are an unmarried female, may I request the pleasure of escorting you through to the Dining room, as social norm dictates I must?” He asked, a smile gripping his lips in a wide beam as he swares he heard Burke growl louder at the back of his throat.
Both Elizabeth and Sir Thomas watched as Marcus Burke’s hands clenched into balled fists, frowning at the man who was growling and snarling like a rabid animal.
“Perhaps Mr Burke could use the opportunity to moisten his parched throat with a drink…”
Sir Thomas thought aloud in pure taunting as he walked off with Elizabeth hooked to his arm. Glaring with a smile over his shoulder at Burke who was turning a lovely angered shade of tomato red.
The sight, to Sir Thomas, was quite the best thing he had ever seen.
Elizabeth kept quiet whilst they passed her father, who smiled rather too widely for Elizabeth’s liking. And Mrs Sharpe, who also smiled, yet wondered why Marcus Burke was a tense as a coiled spring, and as red as a crimson rose. She inclined her head politely to Cecil Burke who gave her and the Duke a fleeting smile. Wondering why his inadequate lump of a son was not the man escorting the red headed chit into the dining room.
They got out into the hall, curving round the corner to walk down another hallway into the large dining room that overlooked the orangery and the garden. The candles were lit on the table, making the silver cutlery glint with flickering sparkles as it lay neatly arranged on the walnut polished table.
“Sir Thomas, I’d no idea a gentleman like you could be so wicked.” Elizabeth stated with a tiny pleased smile as they continued to walk.
Sir Thomas quelled the little satanic voice in his head that leered ‘Oh, you have no idea, Elizabeth’ as his eyes roved over the delicate cross of her collarbone, housed under creamy pale skin, that he wanted to worship with tongue and teeth to make her moan. He wanted to show her how a gentleman would treat a lady. and oh, how well he would treat her.
“It was worth it to see his face tint redder than a strawberry, wouldn’t you say, Miss Farrow?”
He smiled naughtily, close into her ear, leering close to her supple neck that he also wanted to do wicked things too.
She tried to fight her smile, but Lord and Heaven help her, a smile broke the surface of her pursed lips as she suppressed a quiet titter of laughter.
“It was, I grant you, ever so slightly satisfactory..” She laughed.
Sir Thomas smiled looking at her then. She had a lovely laugh, and he wanted to devote his entire life to helping her better use it. A man such as Burke, never would.
“Imagine his face when he finds you and I are to be seated together at Dinner. I rather wager we shall be treated to the sight of steam pouring out of his ears.” He added in a devilish smile that was too roguishly handsome to be true, she discovered.
Elizabeth’s smile grew until she had to bite her lip to try and stave its ferocity. And then because the image was just so ridiculous, she laughed. She couldn’t not laugh. A man as rotten as Burke would never ensure she had a life filled with laughter and love, like he would.
“I fear he will be veritably purple by the time the night is through.” She offered.
“He will be if I proceed to make you smile that enchanting smile of yours all throughout Dinner.” Sir Thomas grinned, looking down to her as she turned and caught his eyes.
“Are we quite the most awful people in the whole of London to find hilarity in one man’s misfortune?” She asked him.
Sir Thomas smiled.
“Maybe… Yes.”
He granted with a nod as they came to the Dining table, seeing name cards had been placed in front of each setting, and neither of them were surprised to find they were smack bang next to each other. Fate was being a very kind mistress to the couple, this evening, indeed.
Fate, or more likely, the calculating talents of Mrs Sharpe, Elizabeth thought.
She watched as Sir Thomas dutifully pulled a chair out for her to sit down onto. Smiling as she folded her skirts out of the way and continued allowing the Duke to woo her.
“But, I daresay, Miss Farrow, that as I have heard you are quite the sweetest dispositioned woman this side of Grosvenor Square, and I, myself being oft remarked to to have a similar temperament, then two gentle souls, such as ourselves, should take solace in the fact that a little harmless enjoyment now and then, never hurt anyone..” He smiled wickedly.
Elizabeth found that she was becoming more and more susceptible to his charming smile…
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