#Diego luna x reader
writingdumpster · 2 years
for so long
pairing: Cassian x reader
warnings: non graphic injury description, heated make out
summary: When you defy an order and risk your life on a mission Cassian accidentally confesses his love for you in his anger.
word count: 1,325
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Your ship pulled off the ground and you watched as Hoth disappeared beneath you. It was a gunfight on the way back to the ship, but you and Cassian were safe and you had retrieved the drive you came for successfully. It was a successful mission, and it would be difficult for anyone to argue otherwise. Nevertheless you were being yelled at. K-2 was piloting the craft, leaving Cassian free to focus his attention on you.
“I told you to leave! It doesn’t matter what I do! I gave you an order!” Cassian yelled at you. You had taken a seat on a stool at the holotable. He was still standing, unable to calm himself enough to sit down.
“So, I was just supposed to leave you there?” You asked. “We got away fine, Andor. I don’t get what the problem is.” You were exasperated by Cassian. Sure, the mission hadn’t gone to plan, but it wasn’t that bad. Everyone was okay and you’d gotten what you came for.
“The problem is you almost died!” Cassian shouted.
“You almost die every day!” You snapped.
“That’s me, not you!” Cassian yelled back.
“So, you’re allowed to be in danger, but I’m not? Why?” You asked angrily.
“Because I love you!” Cassian shouted without thinking about it. The ship fell silent.
“You love me?” you murmured in question.
“I…I did not mean to say that. I’m…sorry,” Cassian said as he avoided eye contact with you.
“Cassian,” you called. “Do you really love me?” Your voice was light and sweet. It was the same voice you used with him whenever you were patching him up.
“I…We’re partners,” Cassian deflected.
“I know that, Cass.” The use of the nickname made Cassian’s heart skip a beat. “I asked if you love me.”
“Y/N, we should not talk about this,” Cassian said. He hadn’t made eye contact with you once since his confession. You stood up and approached him. There was only about a foot of space between you. Cassian turned his head to look at K-2 in the cockpit.
“Cassian, look at me,” you requested. Cassian pressed his lips together tightly before turning his head to look down at you. You reached up and cupped his jaw in your hand, his stubble scratching your palm lightly. You started to lean towards him slowly.
“Y/N, we can’t,” Cassian whispered. You could feel his breath against your lips.
“Why not?” You asked, maintaining your closeness. Cassian didn’t move away either.
“We’re partners,” he said. You gently ran your thumb along Cassian’s cheek. It was only another moment before you felt his hands gently resting on your hips. His touch was light. He was nervous. He still wasn’t sure he should be allowed to touch you at all.
“Do you love me, Kassa?” Cassian blushed brightly. He’d told you his birth name once during a late night stakeout. He didn’t think you even remembered it. He loved the way it sounded coming from you though. It made him feel like you really knew him. Like you were his family.
“Yes,” Cassian admitted quietly. “I love you.” You smiled softly. You leaned forward and kissed him passionately, tongue pushing into his mouth. He hummed in pleasure when you tugged at the hair at the nape of his neck. You released his lips but kept your foreheads pressed together.
“I love you too, Cassian,” you said.
”I’ve wanted you for so long,” Cassian murmured as his hands gripped you tighter, pulling your body against his. Your hands found a place on his broad shoulders. You slid them to the collar of his jacket. You started to push it off him. He quickly began to aid you, but you stopped him when you saw a blood stain on his shirt.
“Cassian, you’re bleeding!” You exclaimed. He glanced down.
“It’s a graze,” Cassian said. “We can deal with it later.” He tossed his jacket all the way off. You lifted his shirt. He continued to help you but his expression dropped when he realized you were just examining the wound.
“Baby, I’m fine,” Cassian sighed as he tossed the shirt off. You smirked.
“‘Baby,’ huh?” You teased him as you carefully examined the blaster graze and burns around it. Cassian’s cheeks warmed.
“Is that alright?” He asked. His hands moved to your waist as your eyes searched the rest of his body for other wounds he was ignoring.
“It’s alright, honey,” you said with a smirk. Cassian grinned. “Now sit down. I’m going to get a medpack,” you finished. He huffed quietly. He didn’t release you. “Let go, Cass,” you said in a sing-songy voice.
“Can’t it wait?” Cassian pleaded. He leaned forward and began pressing his lips to your exposed neck. “Aren’t we in the middle of something more important?” You gave his biceps a squeeze as you pushed him away from you.
“We can get back to this once I’ve finished patching you up,” you promised. “Sit.” Cassian pursed his lips, but took a seat and waited for you to return with the medpack.
When you did you sat across from Cassian. The graze was just above his waist on the side of his body. You dug out the antiseptic and found a small cloth.
“Lift your arm,” you instructed Cassian. He sighed but did as you asked. You leaned towards him and began carefully cleaning the wound. About ten seconds into your work he put his arm down and reached out to push a loose piece of hair behind your ear, leaving the hand to rest on your cheek once he had. “Cass,” you warned.
“What?” Cassian asked, feigning innocence.
“Just let me finish taking care of you,” you told him.
“I want to take care of you right now,” he said, moving his other hand to your thigh.
“I’m serious, Cass,” you said. “We aren’t doing anything until I’ve got you all bandaged up.” He pouted as he pulled his hands back, earning a giggle from you.
“You’re laughing at me?” Cassian exclaimed.
“You’re just so cute, honey,” you said. His cheeks heated at the compliment. You removed a piece of ash lodged in the wound. He winced.
“Sorry, Kassa,” you cooed. “I know it hurts.”
“I’m alright, baby,” Cassian said. “Don’t worry about me.” You put down the antiseptic and took a bandage in your hand.
“I’m always going to worry about you,” you said sweetly. He took a piece of your hair in his fingers and was twirling it around his finger. You put your hand against his side again. You were about to put the bandage on.
“You’re taking a long time,” Cassian complained.
“Quiet, you,” you said. “I’m almost done.” You laid the bandage down over the wound carefully and sealed it to Cassian’s skin. You leaned down and pressed a kiss over the bandage before sitting back up and looking at him with a smile.
“Are you done? Can I kiss you now?” Cassian asked eagerly. You chuckled lightly.
“Yes, Captain Andor,” you teased. “You can kiss me now.” Cassian growled.
“You can’t call me that now. K2 is still here,” he groaned. You giggled when you realized how he felt about the title. You recalled that after your first week of working with him he asked you to stop using his title.
“Just kiss me, Cassian,” you murmured.
Cassian didn’t waste another moment before pushing his lips against yours. His lips were warm despite the fact that you’d just departed the cold of Hoth. You took his bottom lip in your teeth and tugged for a moment before he took control and pushed his tongue into your mouth.
You were growing lost in the feeling of Cassian’s mouth against yours, totally and completely addicted to his taste already. Time or space didn’t seem to exist anymore. There was nothing but you and Cassian. You were his and he was yours and nothing else mattered.
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pedropascallme · 1 year
Silence the Night
Pairing: sick!Cassian x gn!Reader
Summary: “Maneuvering yourself out of bed and to a standing position, you didn’t even bother shouting at him to stop pounding at the door, fully aware of his stubborn disposition and the way it coupled so perfectly with his incessant need to bug you. You opened the door and Cassian quickly lowered his fist to his side, smiling widely.”
Warnings: None :) Comfort and fluff with sick Cass.
AN: Post-Andor S1, pre-Rogue One. Yeah this plot makes little to no sense but give a girl a break. Sometimes I need to write silly little things about my silly little babygirl. 
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“Let me in.”
You flipped yourself over, staring at the ceiling from the comfort of your bunk having been pulled from your admittedly light sleep by the familiar voice on the other side of the door. There was no time for idling in the rebel barracks; meals were eaten quickly, conversations were cut short, sleep was not a given, and neither was coming home at the end of the day. Suffice to say, despite the stifled urgency in Cassian’s voice, you hesitated to let him in after the rude awakening he had caused you after a day of running in every direction. 
You heard a near whine of your name as Cassian continued his plea for you to open up. “I know you’re here. Come on!” He knocked on the metal that divided the two of you, then let out what you assumed was a sneeze. Maneuvering yourself out of bed and to a standing position, you didn’t even bother shouting at him to stop pounding at the door, fully aware of his stubborn disposition and the way it coupled so perfectly with his incessant need to bug you. You opened the door and Cassian quickly lowered his fist to his side, smiling widely. His sunken eyes were red around the edges and glassy. You frowned.
“See, there you go!” He pushed past you and into your room, “Not so hard to just open up.” He stripped off the tan jacket he loved so dearly and threw it onto the chair pushed into the small desk that took up the far-left corner of the room before falling backwards onto your bunk, arms spread above his head. He had gotten as comfortable in your room as you had in his; most intervals between flight patrol were spent together, most meals were eaten together, most secrets shared. He was the first person that had made you feel like you were meant to be rebelling, he had put effort into showing you that you had a place in these barracks and in this fight—and it didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes, though he could be a pain in the ass.
 “Cassian,” you closed the door, flicking on the overhead light as you turned to face him, watching him blink to get used to the brightness, “why are you here?”
“Ouch.” He moved a hand to cover his chest, shielding his heart from your words.
“Why are you here right now?”
“To hang out with you.” He rolled over on the mattress and shifted his body upwards to grab your pillow and cradle it to his chest.
“I can’t—” You hardly managed to get the words out before he was tsking you.
“You’re not on the schedule for the next 8 hours.” He chided.
“I want to use those to sleep!”
“So, sleep. I’ll stay here.” He sat up and patted the place beside him to coax you toward him. You crossed your arms. 
“Cassian.” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Yes?” He sneezed again, trying to muffle it in his shoulder.
“Are you sick?” 
“No. Allergies.” He was trying to sound confident, but the quick counter gave away his defensive attitude. 
“You’re an awful liar. Get off my bed.” You walked over to him, attempting to pull him off the bunk to no avail. 
He protested by going limp and falling onto his back. “Let me stay.” He looked up at you, brown eyes pleading and hair falling over his forehead. “I can be quiet.”
“No, you can’t. And I’m more worried about you getting me sick.” 
“I won’t!” He sneezed, then smiled at you sheepishly.
You sighed, looking over at the clock on the desk and taking in the fact that arguing with Cassian had, per usual, taken up far more time than it was worth. You sat next to him, defeated. He hummed in content.
“I’m going to sleep.” You waved him off as he sat up to meet your gaze. “Are you just going to sit and watch me? Like some beady-eyed porg?”
“I’ll sleep, too.” He resigned to the fact that, although he had won a battle, you would not forgo the rest you so desperately wanted. You made a noise of approval, reaching for the pillow he had moved to the foot of the bed so that you could put it back in its necessary position. You crawled under the sheet and watched as Cassian took off his boots before turning off the light and coming to lie next to you. He positioned himself above the sheet, letting out a string of coughs and resting his head at a distance from yours on the other pillow.
“Don’t cough on me.” You mumbled, closing your eyes.
“I didn’t cough on you.” 
“You coughed near me.”
“That’s not at all the same thing.” He turned his head to look at you, waiting to see if he could goad you into another argument. You swatted at his chest. 
It wasn’t unusual to share a bed with another person on the base; between away missions and overcrowding and all the drills, you couldn’t count on all your fingers and toes the times you had huddled into a cot with another rebel. It was always more welcome when that rebel was Cassian, not only because of the familiarity you felt around him, not only because of the attraction to him that you tried to keep at bay, but mostly because of the blanket of protection he seemed to offer you. He was by no means a watchdog—he slept far too deeply to offer any sort of intruder alert—but his frame felt like a sort of safe haven from the galaxy at large. You had never found the courage to admit that to him, and expected that if you ever did, the confession would be met with his usual ribbing. 
Cassian made a low rumbling sound, turning his head away from you to face the wall. You groaned, turning on your side toward him. “Cough.” He did. “Don’t torture yourself on my account, Cass.” You settled back into the mattress in your new position, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. 
“Don’t want to disturb you.” He whispered, ignoring the fact that you had addressed him at a normal volume, keeping up the front of really not wanting to get in the way of the sleep you craved. You kicked him lightly from under the sheet and he sneezed in your direction. 
“Don’t be a baby,” you kicked at him again, “and get under the blanket.”
“You’ll sweat out whatever it is you have.” Ultimately, your true intention was to be closer to him, to have him surround you more, but the concept of him recovering from whatever it is he had caught was an appealing one if this is how he was going to act while ill. He relented, pushing himself off the bed with his shoulders and feet to shimmy the sheet down and back over his legs and torso. You remained on your side with him on his back, trying to ignore the way his profile looked and the sounds of chatter and machinery outside your room. It was hard to imagine a life beyond all the pandemonium; at this point in your life, you had gotten used to the all-encompassing cacophony of the galaxy. Having been so young when the Senate came crashing down and the Empire formed from its ashes, there were times where it felt like noise was the only constant, and there was worry that accompanied the thoughts that maybe you would only ever know the tumult of the Empire—the screams and jeers and hushed conversations over fears that, at a certain and much earlier time, would have felt so outlandish, were now just a backing score. You rubbed your eyes and went back to tracing the shape of Cassian’s nose with your eyes. He turned himself on his side to face you, opening his eyes and staring back at you.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered, for some reason now genuinely feeling the need to stay hushed.
“We should see if there’s any soup tomorrow…” You murmured, trying to bury yourself into your pillow. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed to have been caught staring after putting up such a fight to allow you to fall asleep, it was more so the thought of having been using him as a distraction from the doubt you were plagued with.
“You’re also a terrible liar.” He traced back of his hand over your cheek in an effort to get you to emerge from your pillow. You turned back to him, grateful for the contact he was giving you. You took his hand from your cheek and clasped it in your own.
“What if it’s all for nothing.” You managed to whisper. You didn’t need to clarify what it was you meant, he of all people knew that any effort against the Empire was a long shot.
“It isn’t.” He was blunt, and you didn’t have to look at him to know his face was painted with the same thousand-yard stare you had grown accustomed to seeing him wear. Sometimes you felt guilty when it came to burdening Cassian with your cynicism and all the dread you harbored. He had told you about his childhood, about his foray into the rebellion, detailed how he had overcome all odds—and all you had given in return was your hesitation. 
“And if it is?” He examined you, his smile faded slightly, and even in the darkness of your room you could see how his eyes darted over your face.
“At least we’re doing it together.” He squeezed your hand. It wasn’t a complete answer, not that you had expected one. Nobody on the base would ever bring themselves to really contemplate the repercussions of the whole operation, of any greater failures. Still, the confidence in Cassian’s voice was enough to bring you peace of mind for now, at least. The two of you stayed like that, looking at each other, fingers intertwined and breathing in sync. 
“I feel safer with you, Cassian.” You broke the silence, feeling that now was as good a time as any to disclose the information to him. He said nothing, continuing to look at you and ruminating in the quiet. For a brief moment you felt the sting of rejection, but before you could come to terms with the idea that your confession had gone unheeded, you felt Cassian wrap an arm around you. He pulled you closer to him, pushing his other arm underneath your side to fully sweep you into his embrace. You felt his legs tangle with your own and the room felt soundless; something about how you felt his breath fan the top of your head or how his hands felt spread over your back made you feel a stillness you hadn’t thought possible. 
“You are safe with me.” He mumbled into your hair, and you leaned into him in an attempt to get as close as you possibly could. You felt his heart beating into you from the position you held, and you made a small sound of what was meant to be appreciation. You basked in the quiet, the calm seeping into your aching body and taking hold of your mind, settling your thoughts and insecurities. All you knew in this instant was Cassian, and his warmth, and his voice, and the way he smelled like smoke and x-wing grease and Alliance issued soap. You breathed deeply against him. He made another guttural sound.
“Cough, Cassian.” You whispered against his chest, and he did, trying not to interfere with the comfort you both felt in the newfound arrangement you had found yourselves in. “I was serious about the soup.”
“Mm,” he grunted, “like you were serious about sweating it out?” You smiled, moving your face slightly upwards so you could feel the soft skin of his neck against your nose. He kissed your forehead, his lips making gentle contact and staying pressed to you for a stretch. “Terrible liar.” He chuckled, letting his head drop comfortably on the pillow you now shared. You wriggled an arm out from between your bodies to swat at him again. He sneezed.
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archieimagines · 2 years
hold me through the storm | cassian andor
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Summary: Sometimes, escaping TIE fighters during a storm means crash-landing and getting whiplash. Luckily, Cassian knows just how to make it better.
so, it turns out everyone’s thirsty for cassian fluff. yes, our followers have taste! warnings: mild injury, thunderstorms, teeth-rottingly indulgent fluff. note: this one’s special to me, because it’s actually based off a soundscape that i use to sleep on most nights. i recommend that you listen to the second half of it while you read this (the first half has cassian speaking, but it doesn’t quite match up with this)! find it on youtube here and spotify here, which i’ve started from my recommendation point for this fic (about 26 minutes in).  word count: 1989 requested by: @angstyvirgin001 and @minigirl87​. i hope you enjoy this, and that it makes you feel better <3 requests are open until sunday night! written by: archie
You hissed through your teeth, rubbing and squeezing at your nape to ease the strain.
That landing was far from your best. You probably took a crater out of the planet with how you plummeted, but there wasn’t much choice at all after those TIE fighters blew your freighter’s wing off.
Remarkably, the craft had landed without combusting or killing either of you inside, and the rumbling storm was severe enough that it would surely protect you from the searching starfighters. They were probably still looking.
You jolted to slam off the backup lights at the thought. The red bulbs instantly shut off, sending the whole ship into darkness, bar the tiny specks of red and green from the operation boards.
The freighter door slung open with a great screech of a sound. Howls of the thunderous wind and torrential rain deafened the cabin. “You wanna put on one light, maybe? I can’t even see!” Cassian’s voice battled the storm as he blindly clambered into the ship, a little clumsy in the darkness.
“Yeah, let me just-“ you flicked a couple of switches, and soon a single red bulb gave a dim glow, just enough to show you Cassian’s silhouette as he wrestled the door closed against the elements, the whole ship shaking with the force of his slam.
The overhead storm quieted instantly, now a low growl in the distance as he shrugged off his outer jacket, soaked through.
“We’re safe?”
“Yes,” he grunted, “There’s no one around and the storm gives us good cover. Let’s hope it keeps up until morning, and then we’ll look for damage or a way out of here.”
You started with a nod, but halted with a wince.
Somehow, he always noticed everything you did. Even when you tried to hide it from him, even when a wild storm should’ve masked the sounds of your pain, he noticed.
He’d been overly protective of you ever since you met him as a young, scared boy on Ferrix. He didn’t need to speak the same language as you to make a deep bond. You were kind and gentle with him, no matter how he resisted at first. You owned your place as a friendly face in a whir of change even as a young child, and you dropped by after school every day, just to see him and share your handmade toys.
He resisted at first, but it took barely a week for him to place every ounce of his trust in you.
Just two children, seeing each other through the horrors of Imperial-ruled childhood. And now, Imperial-ruled adulthood. You were together through everything and it was a known fact that would never change.
“What is it?” He was by your side in an instant, the dim crimson light showing up the concern in his eyes. “Are you hurt? Why are you not more careful by now?”
“Because TIE fighters, Cassian. Because TIE fighters. But don’t worry, I’m fine, just a little whiplash.” You tried to bat him away as he reached out to you, but he just knocked your hands away in return. “I’ll be better with a couple of days rest,” you comforted, but it didn’t stop his cold fingers from slipping under the back of your collar, leaving trails of raindrops across your skin as he pressed and squeezed there, seeking any pain out.
“I don’t believe you,” he murmured, glancing through the glass of the cockpit as his fingers still worked. Clearly double checking that the spot was actually safe, but the rain was far too heavy to see clearly through the glass, and the wind shook the ship even while it was still.
“I’m fine, Cass. We’re fine, let’s just sleep,” you knocked his hand away for final, stepping out of the pilot’s seat. “Stare as much as you like, but no light fighter with a brain would try and fly this low in these winds.”
“I promised I’d take care of you,” he reasoned, stepping aside to let you brush past into the cargo bay, “So I have to be sure.”
“Mhm, you keep that up,” you hummed, pulling the tab in the wall for the bunk mat, bending at the knees to protect your neck as you rolled it out full-length across the floor. “You battle the Empire. In the middle of a storm. In a crashed out ship with no comms. And me? I’ll be far away on an imaginary beach, spotchka in hand.”
His hushed laugh was a relief to your ears. “I’ll come too.” He gave one last glance out the window before fishing out a bottle of water and a packet of dried food. “Here’s your spotchka.”
You grinned up at him, despite the dire situation at hand. “Mm, delicious.”
As you both perched on the mattress to eat, you found it wasn’t particularly padded and was definitely a little skinny for two people. It was clearly designed for one-at-a-time watchkeeping, but you knew neither of you would mind at all.
There was a time where both of you would’ve fit side by side on such a mat with room to spare.
It was a whole routine. Ten-year-old you would conspire with a focused Kassa, who was keen on picking up as many words as he could, and then present a case to your parents as to why you should stay at Maarva’s. It’d take a full half hour of nagging, a handful of accented ‘please’s from young Cass, and once in a blue moon you’d find yourself sleeping amongst a pile of blankets on Maarva’s couch, Cassian’s feet by your head and yours by his, shoving your toes in his cheek and erupting with giggles in the night.
Maarva would wake to find the two of you with limbs thrown everywhere, sleeping heavily after a long night of multilingual laughter. 
You were inseparable then, and nothing had changed in all these years. 
Cassian scrunched up the wrappers and tucked them away, comfortably quiet amongst the trembling ship and rumbling howls of outside. “Lay down,” he spoke, and his affectionate tone didn’t hide that it was a command.
You were far too tired and sore to dispute it even if you wanted to. You shrugged off your jacket and bundled it up into a makeshift pillow and curled up instantly. The jacket didn’t quite give your sore neck the support it needed, so you settled an arm under your head in a feeble effort to relieve the strain and quietly watched the ruby outline of his silhouette bustling around the ship. He flicked switches and secured latches as he went, locking the vehicle down as far as he could before flicking off that little red bulb too.
Darkness flooded the space and your attention shifted to the metallic steps of his boots.
Somehow, Cassian had gone all this time without needing to know of your fear of the dark. Perhaps because whenever he was around to witness it, it had no power over you. His presence fought off the fears every time and now was no different, even with the howls of the thunder, the wind and rain that jostled the ship, the knowledge of the Empire flying overhead. None of it could touch this space with a single ounce of fear. Cassian was here.
His footsteps slowed as he neared where he’d remembered the mattress was, and you gave a soft hum to help with his locating. He caught on to where exactly you were and perched on the end of the mattress, a clumsy hand reaching out until he found where your shoulder lay. He shifted to lay down beside you and pressed in close without any hesitation. The routine was natural by now.
“Is your neck okay?” His accent twirled through the air, his voice velvet as he pulled off his own coat and draped it over both your torsos.
“It will be,” you murmured. Sleep tugged at the corner of your mind but you pushed it away to absorb these moments. It was this kind of interaction that made this lifestyle worth it. You and Cassian against the elements together. Against the odds.
A mellow breath pushed from his lungs. “Come here.” He didn’t give a chance for you to respond before he slipped his arm under your neck, easily bringing your head to rest in the crook of his shoulder, bicep supporting your injury as he took your jacket-pillow to support his own head. You tugged the hem of his makeshift coat-blanket to your chin and bundled in closely, eyes fluttering shut to focus on that familiar, safe scent.
He always smelled the same, whether he’d just cleaned or not. He smelled as if he’d carried the forests of Kenari with him all these years, and yet the mustiness of ships and adventure had sunk into his hair and clothes. Home.
“Mn. Thanks, Cas,” came your voice, riding out on a content sigh that could have easily been part of the storm outside. 
But he’d heard just fine. “Don’t thank me,” he mused, voice deepening with weariness. A arm reached across you, and his healing fingers found the nape of your neck. He gave gentle presses and slow rubs across the area, thorough circles, so tender and yet so firm. “I don’t do this out of obligation.”
You shuffled your body closer, pressing in to share warmth. A content hum slipped out when his thumb found a collection of strained muscles and eased away the tightness. “Then why?”
His reply came so gently that if the storm had dared to send you thunder, you would have missed it.
“I want to take care of you.”
Your heart swelled, eyes flying open to try and find his shape in the darkness. You held such love for this man. For your Cassian. It wasn’t even purely romantic- he was so dear to you in every way he possibly could be.
And clearly, he felt the same.
It was rare that he’d be so vocal about his affections. But when he did say them it wasn’t even because he wanted a reaction, or merit, or recognition. Nothing of the sort. It was simply honest, and he’d share it as such.
You weren’t quite sure how to express this with him, so you let your touch wander. Your palm settled on his chest with slow, circular rubs in return, every ounce of your attention focused on sending him to sleep. “You’re too good to me,” you murmured.
“You deserve it all,” came his definitive reply.
Somehow, it brought a pleasant sting of tears to your eyes, so you closed them and basked in the feeling.
Being in Cassian’s arms, in the bubble of this ship inside the storm, protected. Safe. The cold of the cargo bay seeped into the toes of your boots, only serving to remind you how warm the rest of you was when tucked into his side, beneath his coat.
Somewhere along the line, his breathing evened and his fingers stopped massaging, the comforting weight of his forearm settling across the side of your neck. 
Maarva used to worry about his sleeping. When he’d first arrived, he’d fight sleep into the early hours of the morning. It wasn’t insomnia, the doctors had said, it was distrust. Fear.
But that first night he’d joined you on Maarva’s couch, toe-to-cheek, he was out like a light. Since then, you’d struggled to believe he’d ever fought off sleep. Whenever you were there, he’d be gone instantly. Soundly. 
His breathing slipped into those comfortable, dulcet snores. They were so gentle that you wouldn’t be able to hear them over the storm if not for being so close, enough to feel his flow of air flutter over the side of your face.
It was the most soothing, most homely sound you could ever think of. Oft times, laying in your bed alone, you’d imagine his snores beside you so that you could sleep.
This time, you didn’t need to.
Your eyes fell closed again, every inch of your body warm with his presence, and let his snores take you into slumber with him.
When you got to your dreams, he was waiting there.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Cassian Andor NSFW alphabet
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Pairing: Cassian Andor x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 2300 words
Warnings: multiple sex positions, come feeding, praise, creampie, exhibitionism, sex toys, oral, fingering, nipple play, rimming, finger sucking. Let me know if I forgot anything major!
Author’s Note: I really wanted to do it so thank you for the encouragement ;)
dividers by @firefly-graphics ​//​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Cassian Andor Masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Cassian is doting and caring after the act. He loves taking his time smothering you in kisses and running his fingers through your body. There’s something about that intimacy that fills his heart with joy and cannot stop slowly breathing close to your ear as he pulls you closer and closer. He also likes it when you run your fingers through his hair, loving that familiar intimate touch. Cassian also loves helping you shower after the act, caressing your body and lathering it slowly until he makes sure you are clean as you can be. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Cassian does love his face and his hair a lot. He likes also his scruffy beard and loves nuzzling against your neck or cheek or even when you caress him in tender moments. As for the women, Cassian does not have a preference per se, he is just a woman lover through and through and loves being able to caress and touch your body any way he likes discovering what is the most unique thing about you. Cassian also is obsessed with your lips, he loves kissing, he loves making out and he loves the sticky sounds that come with it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Cassian likes cumming everywhere basically. He loves shooting on your face, and loves it when he paints your breasts with it, and also loves it when he can double finish inside you and watch it all leak out. He also loves feeding you his cum with his long fingers. Is a mental image that stays with him for days and days. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The dirtiest secret that Cassian keeps to himself is that he loves it to eat your ass and he also loves it when you do it for him. Is very rare and he loves knowing someone else can make him such a mess like this. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Cassian is very experienced. He could not be more experienced, his reputation is well and known along the lands and he has nothing but satisfied partners, his only problem is that he never stays long enough to stick around. But he takes his time, for your pleasure, delaying his as long as you are pleading and begging for no more. He loves knowing he has that effect on you. Also, there is no move, no kink, and no activity that Cassian hasn’t already done or isn’t game for. Cassian in a very well-experienced lover and he never minds taking the lead or taking a seat back depending on the situation.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Riding. He loves you on top of him, breasts bare, hands on his hair, pulling them as you are trying to fuck yourself on him. He of course prefers making no effort at all just watching you struggle. Once he has enough of your performance, he loves pinning you down and grabbing your wrists as he fucks you animalistically against any surface. Also, he loves it very much to fuck behind a door, standing up, with your leg around his back. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Cassian has humor, he knows how to laugh at the funny moment or recite a funny story to have you loosen up easier. He knows how easily one joke can turn into him sliding a finger inside, so he never misses an opportunity to do so. And he also loves hearing your laugh during the act, watching you so happy as he is staffing you fully.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He is as groomed as his life allows him to be. Obviously, there is hair everywhere on his body but his hygiene is the best it can be. He likes taking care of himself and cleaning himself, even if he skips the colognes because he is not living a fancy life out there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Cassian is romantic during the act because it’s a rare moment where he gets to be as free and as loving as he can be. He kisses you between anything and praises you and repeats words of affirmation and love all the time, worshipping you and the world in every aspect. But he also keeps it rough at the same time. He manages to balance it out perfectly. Showing his affection to you is his favorite thing to do during the act. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Cassian prefers real sex instead of masturbation and is never hard enough for him to find someone but in the moments that he does, he does it slowly, preferably listening to an old voice message of yours or finding a picture of you. His head is full of thought as he brings both hands, one on his cock, one fonding his balls, grunting as he cums. Especially when he has you on the other line of the Comcast link.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Cassian has many kinks. He loves bondage, he loves grinding, he loves your breasts, he loves fucking your ass, he likes some pain, he likes watching you cry from too much pleasure, he loves spanking you, he loves it when you choke him or tie him up. He loves the sloppiest blow jobs and fingering you with his gloves on, shoving his cock between your breasts, and then facefucking you. He loves it in any way he can find and loves switching you but he also loves commanding you and watching you do exactly as he says. He also likes it when you blindfold him and all he can do is anticipate your next move, He also likes it when you are fully naked, riding his thigh while he is all dressed up. And creampies. Basically, he likes it all.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Beds and of course the cockpit. Always the favorite place for any pilot. But mostly he likes doing it in close proximity to being caught, in alleys and behind the bar and mostly behind closed doors and even right where you wouldn’t expect one to. One palm over your mouth and his cock deep between your ass cheeks and into your pussy fucking you fast.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Cassian is one of those people who is always horny, maybe is the way he lives, and the danger that comes with it but he is always thinking about it in some way. So is not hard for him to get turned on at all. But he does love it when you call his name, something so intimate and yet familiar about it.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He doesn’t have many turn-offs, but he won’t ever do something you wouldn’t want him to do. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He both loves giving and receiving. He likes spending hours eating you out with your legs trying to push his head in and of course he loves watching you gag on his cock, trying to swallow him whole. He is quite an expert at it, pussy eating by now, and is one of the first things he does during the act, he never proceeds to fuck you without at least one orgasm before he gets his cock inside you. He uses both his fingers and his tongue, wanting to have you as wet as possible before he makes a move. One hand always goes up to your breasts squeezing them as the other one has fingers shoved inside you, the tip of his tongue flicking your clit. On the rare days he gets to eat you out for more than an hour, he cums like that shooting inside his pants. Some other times though he is even stroking his cock as you are drowning him with your thighs. Now when it comes to him, he is also cool with whatever you are comfortable with, if you don’t like it fast he will go slow. Even if he likes guiding you on his cock, he also wonders what you can do on your own so a lot of times he just relaxes and watches you do all the work. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Cassian can be anything he wants at the moment. Sometimes he likes it slow, sometimes depending on the day he had he likes it rough, and other times he likes barely moving all night as he is circling your nipples with the tip of his tongue. After a bad mission, he will take his frustration out on you, and on a good day, he will fuck you senseless out of happiness.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He likes quickies. He doesn’t mind at all, having some for a little bit until he can get more later or even on the days he won’t. He also doesn’t mind giving you some as a treat. He could do it several times a day if there is no premise for the night or a couple of times till he can. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Cassian is always game to experiment. He loves taking risks and trying new things. He loves knowing as much as possible as there is to know about the act and he loves trying new things and even new places. He also loves breaking in things and furniture like this.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Oh, Cassian can last. He can last well. He loves taking his time when he can to fuck you and pleasure and he almost always wants a minimum of two rounds if he sees you can keep it up he loves amping that to four. Those rare nights where he reaches seven times are his favorite though but it does take hours.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Well, depending on the narrative whether they exist or not in the universe, Cassian wouldn’t hesitate to use one. He knows the device could be beneficial to the overall experience and he does put your pleasure first and always. Now when it comes to sensory deprivations and tricks he is the first to suggest using them because it’s something he prefers. Whether on him or on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Cassian loves teasing because he knows he will be fucking and commanding you later. He is going to start by whispering inappropriate things in your ear, making lewd comments, and very rarely touching you because he knows you’d find his voice more compelling for that and he also likes to smirk and wink or even lick his lips together. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Cassian can become loud if he wants to. Most of the time he might try to keep it quiet because the walls are never thin but when he can let loose, he makes sure anyone could hear him. He loves to speak during the act because he is overall a talker and between praises and degrading words, the biggest sound that hangs off his lips is your name. A constant repeat of it is like a prayer. He also has an extremely performative face during the act making you want to watch his expressions. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Cassian loves dancing. He loves to watch you move and swing for him and then give him a lap dance. He loves and craves it but he never ever asks for it. He loves the whole act of you grinding on him and him groping you as you go and likes it even more when all of this is happening during a public appearance. He is pretty exhibitionist like this. He loves the risk of being caught, knowing just three seconds ago he was just cumming inside you while now he is casually talking to someone else.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Cassian has a good physique. His body is overall lean and muscular with various scars covering from his harder days. The occasional tattoo symbolizes something important for him and of course, his favorite part is the marks frpm your teeth on his neck. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Cassian possesses a very high sex drive. He can keep at it for hours and he is always somehow up for it. He would never say no to a quickie, whatever body part it required, oral or physical sex. He likes it often so he almost never says no to it. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Sex is Cassian’s biggest stress reliever. It doesn’t take him long to fall asleep afterward, holding you close to his arms and rocking you slowly as he whispers sweet melodies against your ear. He loves the romance and the intimacy of the act because he doesn’t get enough love often so he makes sure to savor these rare moments as much as he can. When he falls asleep, he is usually naked with his cock still deep inside you and you sprawled on his naked chest, his hands keeping you warm. 
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hottpinkpenguin · 5 months
Reasons, Ch.6 - Cassian Andor series
Female reader insert Summary: You're a droidsmith on Ferrix when a handsome stranger walks in one day with a hopelessly damaged droid. You agree to take on the repairs for the stranger, a decision that will change the direction of your lives forever. Word Count: 2,260 Content Warnings for: canon-divergence; cursing Taglist: @mithicakurogo @nonniecannie @freerangesweets @zbeez-outlet @chicken-fifi @queerponcho @theatergirlmgm @oh-yeah-i-exist @shakespeareanlead @idontevenknow1359
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The sound of waves licking the sandy beach below had become a steady soundtrack that pounded around your head all hours of the day and night. You’d at first been mesmerized by the planet Niamos - to think, its inhabitants lived within full eyesight of an ocean at all times - but now, almost three and a half months after your frenetic arrival, boredom mixed with fear had gotten inextricably mixed with the sounds and smells of the ocean and you realized that you hated it here. Especially without Cassian.
He hadn’t stayed long, maybe two days. He’d dumped you in this beautiful, empty house and left with barely a word…
“I need to see my contact on Coruscant.” His dark eyes were red-rimmed from lack of sleep and cold. “Need to sort out safe passage for you. Get forged papers, new documents. It’ll take a while.”
You’d breathed in a heavy, long breath. Exhaustion had settled deep in the center of your bones, but what choice did you have? You were a fugitive now.
You nodded numbly, looking longing out through the perpetually-open wall of glass at the ocean stretched out to the horizon line. 
“I’ll go pack,” you replied, sliding out of the chair you were in and heading towards the bedroom you were staying in. “Won’t take long.”
Cassian caught your hand as you turned away. His touch sent electricity ricocheting up your arm, stealing your breath. You turned back to him, wondering if you looked as hopeful as you felt. 
“I’m going alone,” he clarified. His voice sounded sad and far away, but those dark, bottomless eyes revealed nothing. 
You didn’t know what to say. What to ask. Where would you stay? Here, you supposed, only because there was nowhere else to go. You’d realized very quickly that the Galaxy was massive, and you’d never left Ferrix before. The only person that you knew out here was Cassian, and laying claim to ‘knowing’ him felt like a lie. You felt that now more than ever. You didn’t really know him at all. 
You felt yourself give a shrug. Half resignation, half confusion. Cassian watched you quietly as you slid back into the chair, your eyes returning to the waves. Each time a new wave boiled up from the ocean depths, crested, and then crashed in a spray of foam on the seashore, you felt a new emotion rise up and crash open inside you. Grief. Rage. Despair. Terror. 
You don’t know how long you’d sat there, staring at the sea. After a long while of sitting still and thinking, you said the only thing that really mattered to you anymore. “Don’t forget to come back for me.”
Cassian hadn’t said a word after that. He’d simply slipped out the door without so much as a backwards glance. Leaving you to the empty house that looked out over the empty ocean…
The realization that Cassian wasn’t coming back for you had hit you somewhere around week seven. He hadn’t left a way for you to contact him, or vice versa. He hadn’t sent anyone to check on you. He hadn’t squirreled away a secret note or some small token of his remembrance. It was like he’d never been here at all. And that was by design. He was covering his tracks. Sure, you were on the run. But so was he. 
You wondered where in the escape things had gone sideways. He’d seemed so deliriously guilty about getting you tied up with the Empire when he’d broken into your home on Ferrix. He’d been tender in taking care of you after hyperdrive sickness, and then he’d brought you here. To safety. Because he cared… right?
There was one moment that everything had pivoted. You could barely bring yourself to think of it. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment (and desire, if you were completely truthful) each time you relived that kiss. It had to be the kiss. You’d crossed a line, you told yourself. Cassian was just trying to save your skin, and you’d gone and made it some sort of tragedy-romance mashup of bad luck and bad decisions when you’d slapped your lips on his. I’ve always been a good actor. You’d never forget those words. He’d been acting as the good guy, trying to make up for his wrongs by pulling you out of Ferrix. But that’s where it had ended. You’d fallen for his show, and you’d ruined everything. And now, you were alone. Just you and the ocean. 
Three and a half months was a long time to be by yourself. You’d managed to get by on the credits you’d had the sense to pack before fleeing your home, but that supply was dwindling. Pretty soon you’d have to make a choice: go home, or set up shop here. You’d have to fix droids. It was all you knew. But setting up shop somewhere new was bound to be fraught with challenges. You didn’t know the market, didn’t have a customer base. There were bound to be other droidsmiths on Niamos, so you’d be making enemies while you were bowing and scraping, taking whatever anyone would throw at you, all in the name of buying trust and goodwill and maybe, hopefully, a repeat customer. 
But worst of all, setting up shop here felt final. Setting up shop here meant that you wouldn’t be leaving. That this was home now. And, at the end of the day, that meant that Cassian wasn’t coming back. 
You hated him for leaving you, but not enough to give up all hope. Not yet. You counted the credits you had left. One more week, you thought to yourself. If he’s not back by then, I’ll start looking for shop space. 
An empty promise, you knew. You’d made the same one for the last four weeks.
* * * * * * * * *
Cassian felt fire burning in his veins as he held Senator Mothma’s gaze, her last words hanging heavy in the darkness between them. 
“I cannot afford to wait another week,” Cassian growled through gritted teeth, his hands trembling at his side. “It’s been almost four months already, Senator.”
Senator Mothma fidgeted uncomfortably with the large hood that obscured her face from the ambient light of a Coruscant night. They were quite alone in the rancid-smelling alley that Cassian had chosen for their meet-up, but the hum of the city-planet rang in their ears. A reminder to be quick, and be on their way. 
“I’m sorry, Cassian, I truly am, but I simply canno-”
“Senator, with respect, I am tired of your apologies.” Cassian was pacing now, his voice breaking free of the constraints of whispering. His temper was fracturing with impatience. “My contact on Niamos is in constant danger, and you’ve kept us waiting for four months for papers!”
“Cassian, please.” The Senator cast a shifty glance around. No one was listening, but the last thing either of them needed was to make a spectacle of the exchange. A Senator caught in a clandestine midnight meeting with a known Rebellion agitator would do neither of them any good. To say nothing of the warrant for Cassian’s arrest and the bounty price of half a million credits on his head. Or the Senator’s deeply scrutinized allegiances and alleged ties to the Aldhani incident. 
Cassian tried to calm himself, but he was beyond reason. All he could see was your eyes, the way you’d crumpled when he’d told you he was coming to Coruscant alone. It had nearly broken him to leave you there, but the brutal calculus of life as a wanted criminal demanded the utmost adherence to scruples. Cassian couldn’t risk your life just to keep you near him. It would have been easy - too easy - to delude himself into thinking that the safest place for you was by his side. Right where he wanted you. But he’d already proven himself near-fatal to you, almost getting you good and shot on Ferrix just by trying to pay off his massive debt with some traced credits. And all that had been before that goddamned kiss. After that, he was sunk. Totally enraptured. He knew it from the instant he felt your lips on his. No, he was in far too deep. If it was the last thing he did, Cassian Andor meant to make good on his promise to you: he needed to get you set up somewhere safe and then make it so that you never saw him again. It was the best way - the only way - he could see to keep you safe. And as badly as he wanted you, he wanted you alive. More than anything, that was what mattered. 
He reminded himself of all of this, one painstaking bitter pill at a time. Slowly, incrementally, he felt the fire begin to burn off as his mind cleared to reason. When he finally felt calm enough to speak, he rounded on Senator Mothma.
“Senator, it gives me no pleasure to do this, but I simply cannot wait any longer. If I don’t have the papers I’ve requested - and paid for, mind you - by tomorrow, I’ll have to take matters in my own hands.” 
Senator Mothma inhaled, her chin jutting out proudly as her eyes simmered. “And just what does that mean, Cassian?” Puffed up and haughty, but Cassian saw a flicker of fear in the back of her eyes. She knew a threat when she heard one. And Cassian had been honest about one thing: it really didn’t give him any pleasure to play this hand with the Senator. She was a noble woman, strong in her beliefs and an astoundingly deft political operative. Smart and confident. Cassian respected her immensely. But, when all was said and done, she was proving to be a hindrance. Cassian had promises to fulfill. Or rather, promise. Singular. Your safety. He was determined that nothing - not the Senator’s delicate political situation, not an outstanding warrant for his arrest, not an entire garrison of Imperial Storm Troopers - would stand in his way.
“Let’s hope you don’t have to find out, Senator.” 
For a few tense seconds, the two of them sized each other up in the hazy darkness. Cassian’s gaze was steely, his resolve never stronger. Three months, three weeks, two days. His internal clock screeched like a tea kettle. Too long. 
After a few breaths, Senator Mothma deflated slightly, her head sagging on her proud neck. The way she crumpled, like a kite that’s lost its breeze, reminded Cassian of the way you’d looked as he’d left you alone by the seashore on Niamos. The memory brought the threat of tears to his eyes. 
“I’ll get them to you,” the Senator agreed. Her voice sounded stretched and thin. Cassian felt a pang of guilt for having to push her to this. He knew what she was risking - her career in the Senate, her daughter’s and husband’s safety, her own life - to get these forged identichips. Ever since the Empire had assumed power, identichips had become mandatory for Imperial citizens to carry at all times. Forged chips had quickly flourished as one of the most lucrative corners of the black market, but the Empire had expended considerable effort on quashing that enterprise in its infancy. Those willing to alter identichips were few and far between now; those willing to forge entirely new ones, even fewer. Only the very wealthy had enough credits to realistically purchase such a service, but forgers made themselves extremely scarce in efforts to avoid Imperial imprisonment. Not that Cassian blamed them - wasn’t that the fate he was trying to save you from, after all? - but their secretiveness had proven an unexpected time suck on his plans. Months had dragged by before Senator Mothma had even made contact with one, and now her order hadn’t been delivered on schedule. Cassian wasn’t sure what it would cost her to extort the identichips tonight, but he couldn’t allow himself to backtrack now. 
“Thank you.” He exhaled heavily, unsure if he felt relieved or more terrified than before. He’d been focusing for so long on getting the identichips that he hadn’t let himself think too hard on what would come after. Were you still on Niamos? Would you still want his help? Had the Empire found you? Were you still alive at all?
Unwilling to follow those thoughts any further, Cassian simply handed Senator Mothma a small strip of paper with a ship’s name and docking location scribbled on it. “I’m leaving at midday tomorrow,” he told her as she crumpled the paper and slipped it into the pocket of her robe. “Make sure my chips are on board by then.” 
She nodded again - a sad, completely exhausted acquiescence - and turned on her heels, vanishing into the foggy street. Cassian watched as she left, listening to the sound of her retreating footsteps. She was walking away with the power to make or break him, Cassian realized. If she didn’t deliver those chips, and Cassian couldn’t get back to you… 
He wasn’t sure what that would mean for him, except that his heart turned to ash in his chest whenever he thought of that possibility. Steeling himself against the mix of dread, relief, and adrenaline sitting on his shoulders, he turned the collar up on his coat and turned in the opposite direction from the Senator. He threw up a silent thought for you - all alone by the seaside in a beautiful, empty house - hundreds of thousands of miles away, but somehow still the closest thing he had to home.
*more chapters coming soon! please let me know if you'd like to be tagged for future chapters
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winniethewife · 8 months
My hand was the one you reached for (Cassian Andor X reader)
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Warnings: angst, canon character death,
“Cassian! Please don’t do this. This is a suicide mission.” She had managed to catch up to him after nearly chasing him across the base.
“I have to, the Rebellion needs me!” He says with an exasperated simile on his face. “It’ll be fine.”
“What about me, I need you, there’s no way you’re going to get the plans for that thing and survive!” She was desperate for him to hear her. to give the job to another unlucky guy, but she knows he won’t.
“Always remember us, always remember this.” Cassian takes her hands in his and squeezes them tightly. His chocolate brown eyes looking into hers, full of love and hope.
“I vowed not to cry anymore, not after everything” She says softly as she feels the sting of tears in her eyes.
“Shh…we just have to have hope. Fight for a better future.” Cassian reminds her. he presses a kiss to her knuckles.  “Remember when you said I have to trust more freely? Can you trust me to come home to you?” She laughs and shakes her head at him.
“You were playin' with fire, still are as far as I can tell.” She mutters. “Fine, but you better come home.” She sighs. Cassian pulls her in for a tight embrace.
“We’re going to win this darling. I know it.” Cassian smiles at her.
“I hope so.” She chuckles.
“I know so.” He said lovingly.
When she found out what happened on Scarif She was devastated, but she fought harder than ever over the next several years. With hard work and determination, they did win. She stood on the surface of Endor as the sky lit up with fire. But her hands felt empty, without his hand in hers. One day like many before she went to the memorial of the fallen Rebels on Coruscant, it was the closest place to a grave site she had to visit. She sat on one of the benches. She looked up to the sky.  
“Cassian…I can’t Believe it’s been 5 years since…Since I lost you. You have no idea how much I miss you. I thought the worst was over, but these days filled with nothing, with keeping the peace and governing? I almost miss the war. Mostly I miss you. I know you’d want me to move on with my life, but…It feels impossible, I vowed I would always be yours, I can’t see myself with anyone else. I can’t.” She spoke to nothing, but for a brief moment she feels the breeze move around her, a familiar warmth, a gentle embrace. Then the feeling passes. She smiled.
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Saturday Seven 03
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Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing : Cassian Andor x F!Reader
Request: No.
Summaries: From this prompt; "You are hot when you are angry."
Warning: Mention of fungus and virus. Bad Writing? Using Y/N. Implying 18+ at the end.
Rate: T
Words: 390
A/N: Finally, I can drag myself to write my own challenging. A little bit change about devider, because the old one is too big.
🌹Click to My AO3
(Divider by @saradika)
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“Cassian Jeron Andor!” Y/N shouted out loudly from the bathroom in her and Cassian’s quarter, on Hoth base. She knew she was not supposing to be furious towards him, but this time she really pissed of what he had done. It is just like his second nature before they married.
“What is it, love?” Cassian, who was wearing and apron and standing at the small area, where they could prepare and cook simple meals. He turned around, seeing that she grabbed his towel in her hand. He knew the consequence, sweet and innocence smiling for her should calm her down. But it did not help at all.
“How many times I tell you not to hang your towel in bathroom after you taking a shower!” Y/N frowned, trying not to look into his pair of those big brown eyes (and the glistening in them, sometimes). They almost got her every single time. “Your wet towel is gonna grow toxic fungus! And don’t make me mentioning about bacteria and germs! Are you a nine years old boy…”
Cassian didn’t argue or bicker back like previous. Today was his day-off. He had planned for a long time on spending the precious time with Y/N, nothing could worsen his mood today. He smiled at her while listening to her complaining. His delightful expression made her quirking her eyebrows – demanding for the reason why today he was unusual.
“You know, you are hot when you are angry.” His voice was flirtatious. Just like he said. Her eyebrows, her redden face, her mouth’s thing and her behaviour – it might not amenity in others’ attitude – but for him, they were adorable and pleasant.
“This is not the time, Cass. I really mean it! Do not charm your way out off trouble! The temperature here is proper, it makes fungus spreading and causing virus!” She continually complained, suddenly she was hugged by Cassian. His pointy nose on her cheeks, while his stubble tickling her jawline and the neck. “Cassian! Stop!”
“If you want me to stop, try me, darling.” Cassian saw that she was doing nothing but be grumpy. Finally, he smirked, carrying her onto his shoulder and ignoring her protesting, from a small kitchen to their bed. Of course, she did not stop yelling until he peppered the kisses all over her face and her lips.  
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Tag : @starwarsficnetwork
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kybercvnt · 2 years
A Gift Worth A Thousand Words
Pairing – Cassian Andor x Reader
Summary – Cassian gives you a gift
Word Count – 885
A/N – This came to me in a dream lol
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As much as Cassian wanted to stay in Ferrix and look after Maarva, there was always something about travelling the galaxy that appealed to him. He swears that he only does it out of necessity- to find his sister or to collect a sweetener for Maarv’s kaf that she can’t get locally, he even asks her for explicit consent to leave her for a short time despite her always waving him off and telling him he can do what he likes.
Although he deems these trips ‘necessary,’ sometimes he returns with a small trinket or some kind that he manages to pick up when he can on some worlds. These gifts were always for you. Cassian knew how much you wanted to see the galaxy, but being tied down with work on Ferrix meant that travelling was out of the range of possibility, so Cassian made it his goal to bring the galaxy to you.
You appreciated all the tiny figurines, postcards, and other touristy items he brought to you, but you anticipated his return more than any kind of knick-knack he gave you. Along with Cassian and whatever gadget he found, he brought stories with him to enthusiastically tell you and share every excruciating detail of the landscape so you could imagine it like you were there with him.
At the end of his tales, he would always look at you with that burning question, you could see it in his eyes, ‘come with me,’ but he knew the answer. He made the mistake of asking that one time and you had to disappoint him by saying that you would love to, but realistically it wouldn’t happen. Money was one thing, but Cassian made sure to let you know that that kind of thing wouldn’t be a problem with him, but there was also time- time that you truly couldn’t afford.
You heard a familiar knock at your door late one evening, one with enough force that it was distinctive to the person. When the doors whirred open to reveal your old friend, you both exchanged warming smiles with one another. Cassian invited himself inside when he stepped forward to wrap his arms around you, his jacket crinkling under your touch.
“It’s good to see you, Cass,” you greeted into his shoulder.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” Cassian chuffed.
“You never do,” you smiled at him. Quickly, he pulled a small box from the inside of his jacket, handing the small object to you. “What did you bring me this time?” You queried but offered him no time to answer before you pulled the lid up from its hinge.
Inside was a small wooden disc with a string neatly coiled behind it. It was engraved with a sun protruding from a horizon, its rays beaming to the edge of the ring that encapsulated the carving. Around the very edge of the disc was an inscription of a language that you were unfamiliar with.
Cassian could see your brows furrow when you scanned the words. “Hapan,” he said. You looked up at him with even more confusion. “The writing is in Hapan. I went to Hapes,” he clarified.
“What made you want to go there?” You asked. He shrugged.
“I had something to do there. Also, I heard the sight-seeing is great there,” he explained.
“So, what does it say?”
For a moment, he paused, then spoke with the warmest and softest voice, “dawn brings light, dawn brings change, dawn brings hope.” He kept his vision locked to your eyes, reading whatever sign you could give him.
The wood of the pendant was smooth when you traced over the inscriptions with a finger. Whoever made it made it with care as there wasn’t a splinter or split in sight. You looked back up to see Cassian’s gaze staring you down with adornment. The same look he gave you every time he came back from adventuring to give you something. This time, however, the gift was even more sentimental than it normally was.
“Cassian,” you breathed. His hand found its way to your cheek, his thumb gently stroking over your skin.
“Come with me,” he said like he always says. Once more you had to disappoint the beautiful man and send him back into the unknowns of the galaxy where one day he might never return.
“Cassian, I can’t–”
“You don’t have to worry about credits. I have enough for the both of us for a while.”
“My job–”
“–Can do without you. I know how much you want to see other planets, you can do that with me– find your own souvenirs,” he said with sincerity. It wasn’t like he wasn’t sincere with the other hundred times he’s asked, but this time he had genuinely set his next destination on you.
He had taken your hesitation as an answer and closed in on the gap between your two bodies and pressed a warm kiss on your lips. Whatever words you had trouble forming before, he now helped you.
“I’ll come with you, Cass, I love you,” you said, cloaking his shoulders with your arms in a hug. You felt his hands climb up your back in return.
“I love you too,” he breathed into your hair, melting into your warm embrace.
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Pairing: Cassian Andor x gn!reader
Summary: you had been by cassians side since he had arrived on the planet but when he went missing for a month you gave up on him. now he's back and wants to make up for it
Warnings: arguments, mentions of blood, fighting, scars, trauma, kissing, sadness, allusions to sex, wrongful imprisonment
Wordcount: 2.5k
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tell me every terrible thing you did and let me love you anyway
You had never expected to be the person who waited around for a man to come back but ever since Cassian had vanished when the empire came looking for him, you had been waiting for him to come home.
Every day you woke up in his home with his mother, a sickening feeling in your stomach as you wondered what could be happening to him. Maarva had invited you to stay with her in the home after he had left as she was getting sicker every day and needed someone to stay with her at all times.
You had known the Andor ever since you met when he was just a young teenager and the three turned up on the planet. Maarva trusted you with her life and you felt the same way.
Cassian meant everything to you, he was your best friend, your confidante and the man you had always been in love with. Ever since you were little kids, that smile on his face had drawn you in and even though you knew he didnt feel the same way, you always stuck by his side.
And now you were waiting in his home for him to come back. The rain poured down heavy on the windows and you were making Maarva a pot of tea when you heard a knock on the door.
You’re entire frame tensed up and you rushed to the door, hand resting on the blaster in your holster and you tried to figure out what to do. You leaned closer to the door, eye peeking through the hole in the door as you tried to see who it was; ever since Cassians escapade, the security had increased and they were constantly wary that you and Maarva were plotting something.
You opened the door when you saw who it was and Cassian stumbled into the room, “Since when do you lock the door?” He questioned, not even wondering why you were at his house so late at night.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you looked at him, brows furrowed as you tried to figure out why he had come back and where he had been. He had shaved his beard off, leaving a light trail of stubble behind and his eyes seemed sadder than they had before. He looked like he had been through hell and back and you didnt know what had happened but every instinct in your body told you to hold him tight.
You just stood there as he walked in, looking at his mother as she sat on the sofa, “I’m sorry Cass, you cant stay here. Its not safe. There’s troopers everywhere now,” Maarva explained and you walked over, looking at the two.
You had never felt like you were intruding before but now as you stood there in his house, there was an awkward tension.
“The troopers got here fast,” Cassian stated, looking around.
You shook your head, thinking back to the day that the troopers bolted into Maarvas house where you were waiting for him. They had ransacked his entire room and the house, looking for some indication as to where he was and you werent going to tell them even if it meant that they killed you.
“They came the next day, kicked out pre-mor and took over the hotel. Ferrix is under imperial authorities,” you said, words spitting out like venom.
He turned to look at you. You seemed just as stressed out as he felt, bags under your eyes as you wrapped your cardigan closer around you. He wondered what had happened after he had left you to fend for yourself but he knew you were okay.
“You shouldn’t be here Cass,” you said, an almost bitterness to your voice. You had been the one to pick up the pieces after his mistake had done this to your city and to the peopl you cared about.
“I’m not going to ask what you’ve been doing but you need to think about this,” Maarva said, noticing the tense air in the room.
She had always thought that you and Cassian would be something one day but as you both stood here, you trying to conceal your anger towards him for the sake of diplomacy and him trying to hide his yearning for you after all the time apart she didnt know what to think.
“Someone turned me in,” Cassian said, almost spitting out the words as he turned to you.
“It wasnt me,” you said under his inquisitorial gaze and even though that’s not what he meant by looking at you, the damage had been done, ”It was Timm,” there was a shock on his face at the fact that one of his friends would be capable of doing something like that, “No point stewing over it, the corpus killed him when they were coming after you,”
Instinctively, your hand reacted up to your face, finger brushing over your temple and it was only now that he noticed a new scar there, deep and ragged and it sent an ache through his chest. There was so much guilt weighing down on him for what he did to the city of Ferrix but even more about what he did to you.
“The imperials are here to say,” Maarva said, interrupting the look between the two of you.
“You don’t have to worry about that, we’re getting out of here,” Cassian said as he crouched in front of his mother before turning to look at you, “All of us,”
You scoffed, “All of us?” You questioned and he nodded, looking at you with a smile.
“We can go anywhere we want. I got lucky and I scored enough credits to get us anywhere. We can leave this mess behind and we can go tonight,” he said, looking between you and Marva with a boyish smile that you hadnt seen in a very long time, “I can make it happen, it’s gonna be different now,”
You shook your head in disbelief, “That’s where you’ve been? Running around with what, smugglers? Mercenaries?” You questioned, scoffing as all the anger finally came out after over a month of worry for him.
“Let’s not argue now,” he said, brows furrowed and his smile falling from his face. He hadn’t released how mad you were at him and it took him aback.
“Its a lot to take in, you surprises me,” Maarva said with a shaky breath, looking away from the two of you.
He shook his head, “What am I thinking? Its late. You get some rest and we can talk tomorrow okay,” he said, a smile on his face as he watched his mother get out of her chair, patting her hand on his cheek before walking off into the bedroom.
When she left, he turned to you, brow furrowed as he started stalking closer towards you. You flinched when his hand came up, the coarse pad of his thumb brushing across the scar on your temple.
You couldn’t even meet his gaze as he looked at you with such an intense look. That intense side of Cassian used to make your stomach flip but now you just felt guilty, guilty for your little outburst and guilty that you hadnt been able to help him.
“You’ve been hurt,” he whispered, his voice breaking slightly at the end. That’s what made you turn to look back at him, eyes fluttering open as you looked into hs eyes. They were sad, a deep crease between his brows as he looked at you intently.
“Its nothing,” you said, stepping away from him, his hand falling from your face. You didnt want to think back to that day.
When he had been on the run, they had started to ransack Maarvas apartment. You aw it happening and pushed through the crowd and that’s when the fight with the pre-mor employees had started. You had barely done anything wrong before he was hitting you round the head with the but of his gun, knocking you to the floor before dragging you across the gravel in front of the angry residents of Ferrix.
Cassians hand grabbed your wrist before you could move too far away from him, stopping you from going anywhere and breaking you out of your thoughts.
“You’ve been hurt,” he repeated, this time an anger in his voice and it wasn’t focused on you, it was aimed towards the person who had done it.
“Let go of me Cass,” you said, the nickname still there even though you were mad at him. You shook your wrist free of his grip and stepped so your back was to him, hands coming up to your shoulders as you hugged youself.
“What happened when I was gone?” He questioned and you scoffed like the last month could be explained in a simple sentence.
“What happened? Ive been looking after your mother, I’ve been looking after this town and you’ve been running around doing maker knows what and I’m bored of having to pretended its okay!” You exclaimed.
He just stood there, almost shrinking in on himself as he listened to you. He had never thought about the effect that his absence wold have on you.
“I cant leave Ferrix,” you stated.
He shook his head at your statement, confused as to why, “Its not safe here,” he stated, eyes trailing up your cheek to the jagged wound there again, a pang of guilt seeping through his chest.
“You cant stay here,” you said and he knew what you were suggesting. You wanted him to leave you and Maarva there and be free but he couldn’t imagine that life without you.
“Ill be worried about you all the time,” he said and now you could see the tears brimming in his eyes at the idea of him leaving you.
You sighed, pursing your lips together in an ettempt to hold back your tears from spilling over your waterline, “That’s what love is Cass,” you said.
He furrowed his brows at your statement and that’s when you knew it was now or never. The words were spilling out before you even had the chance to stop them, “I love you Cass and I always have so when you run away and act like a child and leave me to pick up the piece, its not okay,” you explained, chest heaving and heart pounding as you finally admitted it, “The people here need me,”
“I love you too-” he started to sat, walking closer to you.
You backed up, eyes brimming with tears as you helped your hands out like it would top him getting away closer, “No, I love you,” you stated, words getting quiet as your never got the better of you.
It was like Cassian andor had been hit by a meteor. The entire world froze and he just looked at you with wide eyes, not sure how to respond to that. You had been his rock ever since you had met and when he was on Aldhani, you were really the only thing that was getting him through it.
His body was pulling him towards you like a magnet and in a matter of seconds, his lips were pressed forcefully against yours and after a second off shock, you kissed back, hands entangling themselves into his hair.
You had been dreaming of this moment since your were a little kid and now you had it and you werent going to let go of him. He pulled away, hand caressing your skin, “And I love you too, and that’s why you’re coming with me,” he said, mumbling into your lips and you nodded.
That's all you needed as confirmation to pack up your things snd finally escape. You had wanted to leave and now nothing was holding you back. Sure, you'd both be worried about maarva but you'd come and visit one day once you'd built your future together.
Less than a month later, you woke up in the bed on Niamos. It was a small beach planet that you and Cassian were basically honeymooning on and you realised that you’d never been so at peace before as wrapped up in his arms.
“We have to get up,” he muttered into the skin of your neck, pressing a kiss to the mark he had left the night before.
You groaned, grabbing onto his hands that rested on your bare abdomen, “Five minutes Andor,” you begged and he chuckled into your neck, brushing your hair out of your face before turning you so you had to look at him.
“I have to get us breakfast,” he said and you rolled your eyes as you watched him pull away from you, bare chest
Your breath hitched in your throat as you thought back to the previous night and he smirked as he pulled a shirt over his head, turning to look at you as you pulled on your bottom lip with your teeth.
“Ill get food and then we can spend the rest of day in bed baby,” he said, walking over and muttering some nickname in Kenari. You knew it was a term of endearment from the way it fell soft from his tongue and then he pressed a kiss to your cheek before walking to the door.
“Ill come with you, just give me a minute,” you said before getting changed, following him out of the door.
You walked through the sunny beaches and smiled at Cassian, his hand enveloped in yours. You had never been as happy as you were in this moment and little did you know it was all about to be taken away from you.
“Ill go look at the menu then Ill be back out,” you said, pressing a kiss to his cheek before walkig into the restaurant, aa smile on both of your faces.
Cassian looked around. He had never been this happy before and it was all because of you. He couldn’t believe it had taken him this long to tell you how he felt but now that he had you, you werent going to be going anywhere.
That’s when he was encountered by a K2 droid, snapping him out of his daydream of a future with you as he was accused of being involved in rebel activity. He tried to protest but it was no use because the next thing that happened was him being pulled away and knocked to the floor.
Ypu walked out, a smile on your face as you held two paper menus up but your smile fell from your face when you realsied you couldn’t see him. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him being dragged away by a K2 droid and you started to rush forward before a local grabbed you.
You turned and looked back at her, “Your boyfriend is gone, you will be gone too if you go,” she tried to convince and by the time you managed to escape, he was nowhere to be found.
You had lost everything you'd ever had in a second and you were going to search every inch of the galaxy for him. Every inch.
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
Idk whats hotter, Diego Luna speaking in his Native tongue or him speaking English with that super sexy accent.
I also dream of him calling me Princessa like he does in Maya and the Three.
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Cassian Andor X Reader: Hold me even if your hands are bloody.
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Summary: You find yourself in a tricky situation and Cassian comes to the rescue what he didn't expect is that you'd end up saving him too.
Warnings: sleazy men, harassment(nothing to intense), fighting, death.
The first kill was always the hardest. People don’t expect it to be difficult to take a life. Just shoot your blaster and go on with your day. But that's not how it works. The killing itself isn't hard, it's what comes after that is. The feeling that settles in your gut after you realize what you’d done.
That is what drives people mad.
Cassian remembered his first kill, the feeling of despair that had washed over him before he took the shot and the regret that had come shortly after realizing what he’d done. He knew that if he hadn’t done it he wouldn’t have survived but it had gnawed away at his mind for a while. As time passed it became easy for him. The world had made it clear that in certain moments it was going to be him or them. And Cassian would always make sure he came out alive. No matter what it took. 
You were new to this life. You were used to keeping your head down, accepting being tossed around by the empire because it allowed you to survive. You knew how to work a blaster but you’d never been given a reason to use one. You didn’t even have one in your possession. The galaxy was full of assholes but if you kept out of their way they normally didn’t notice your existence. 
That being said, the occasion that had led you to meet Cassian was considered out of normal. You worked at a pug in the leisure zone of a shitty town in the middle of nowhere. You were used to sleazy costumeres trying to get their hands on the people that worked in the more “private” areas of the pub but since you just handled the drinks you hadn’t had to deal with anyone unpleasant. 
And then one day it happened. 
It started off as flirty comments made in your direction. Stupid smiles and bulging eyes that ran down you body as they requested their drinks. You didn’t pay attention to them. You needed this job and you weren’t about to risk it because of a group of douchebags. Plus you could handle comments. The problem arose when they started to try and get more physical with you. You’d just poured one of the group's men his third drink of the evening, placing it carefully on the counter in front of him. Before you could move your hand away he had grabbed your arm, dragging you closer to him. 
“How much for a pretty thing such as yourself?”
His breath reeked of alcohol which made you think this wasn’t the first place they’d stopped for a drink.
“Get your hands off me.”
“Feisty thing. Lucky for you that's just how I like them.”
“I said get your hands off me.”
You tried to tug your arm out of his grip to no avail. Your eyes searched the crowd for someone to help. Unlucky for you it seemed all the guards were posted in the private lounge for the evening. You were going to have to handle this alone. Or so you thought.
“Didn't you hear her? She said, Let go.”
You hadn’t seen him come over but now that he was near you his presence couldn’t be ignored. It was his first time at the pub but not his first time in a fight you could tell because of the way he stood. He wasn’t strong with bulging muscles but the way he spoke, soft but stern, made him intimidating.
“Don’t think I was talking to you.”
“You weren’t but clearly there’s something wrong with your hearing. I think she’s made it clear she doesn't want anything to do with you. So I'm going to ask you one more time. Let go.”
“Oh yeah or what?”
Your eyes trailed down to where your saviours hand rested. There was a blaster at his hip, something you were almost certain wasn’t allowed in the establishment. The thug holding onto your arm glanced at Cassian and let out a bellowing laugh.
“Oh so you think you're tough huh?”
“No. I know I am.”
Cassian smiled as he said the phrase causing the other man to become even angrier.
“So what is it going to be?”
Tha man looked down at you for a moment before letting go of your arm. He gave Cassian a look as he called the rest of his men and exited the pub. You let out a breath of relief as they went. 
“You okay?”
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“You’d rather let them keep messing with you?”
“Of course not but you just made yourself a target.”
Cassian let out a laugh before taking a sip of his drink and smiling at you.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m used to it.”
“Well that’s comforting.”
“How much do I owe you?”
You glanced at his tab. He'd only had one drink since he’d arrived.
“You know what, it’s on the house. My way of saying thank you.”
“I appreciate it but that’s not why I intervened.”
“Yeah I know but still thank you… I didn't catch your name.” “It’s Cassian.”
“Thank you, Cassian.”
Cassian gave you a nod as he placed his empty cup and started to leave. You watched him go wondering if you’d ever see him again. You didn’t much care about the customers you served but something about Cassian intrigued you.
Once your shift ended you started making your way home, weaving through the dark alleys that made up your town. You felt a prickle on your neck causing you to turn around. There was nothing but darkness, still something felt off. You walked faster trying to get somewhere with more light as soon as possible. Just as you were about to turn a corner you heard a grunt followed by the sound of a blow landing on someone's stomach. You held your breath. You should call someone and ask for help. Who were you kidding? This town was no man’s land even the officers around here were shady. You moved towards the sounds, careful to not make any noise. The voices were getting clearer allowing you to recognize them as the guys from the pug. Which could only mean one thing. Your suspicions were confirmed when you turned a corner and got a clear view of the situation. There were four of them surrounding a beat and bruised individual.
It came out as a whisper without you even realising it. Your eyes fell onto your saviour, watching the blood that oozed from his nose. Cowards. Rage bubbled inside your body. An anger you’d kept stored inside yourself for the longest time seemed to spill out at that moment. You saw Cassian's blaster on the ground a couple steps away from where you were. You took your chance, crouching down as low as you could and retrieving the weapon. Before you knew it you were standing behind the thug that had decided to mess with you, Cassian's blaster pointed at his head.
“Call them off.”
Your hands shook as you spoke but the words came out so clear that it surprised you.
“Well ain’t this a turn of events.”
“I said call them off.” “Or what darling? You gonna shoot me?”
The man turned around so he could look at you. You toughened your gaze, pressing the blaster as hard as you could to his forehead. He gave you a grin, his missing teeth causing him to look more frightening. 
“I bet you don’t even know how to shoot. I think your just-”
You pulled the trigger stopping him mid sentence. You watched the life drain from his face before he fell to the ground. The rest of his buddys looked at you with shock. Your body was locked into place, frozen in fear of what you had done. You didn’t even notice Cassian rush up to you and pry the blaster from your hands.
“Get out of here, unless you want to end up like him.”
The men looked at Cassian for a moment.
“I said go! Now!”
This time the group seemed to get the message, running away from the two of you. Your eyes were still glued to the body in front of you. Cassian called out your name, shaking you out of your daze.
“We have to go.”
“I killed him.”
“It was self defence. You can’t stay here, come on.”
You let Cassian drag you to his ship. You’d always dreamt of leaving this planet but this wasn’t how you had expected it. Still you didn’t put up a fight when Cassian closed the ship's door and set the trajectory to Ferrix. You stayed quiet the whole flight letting Cassian do whatever he needed. Once you’d landed safely on Ferrix Cassian came out of the pilot area and made his way to you. He watched you for a while before calling your name so you’d look at him. You pried your eyes away from the metal hull of this ship you were staring at to glance over at Cassian. You expected him to look at you like some sort of abomination. Perhaps it would have been better if he had. Instead he looked at you like this was normal, like killing someone was just a part of life.
“It was self defence.” “You said that already.”
“I know. But you need to accept that. It gets easier. The first time is always difficult.
“First time? You mean you’ve killed people? Multiple people?”
“Yes my hands are covered in blood.”
“Do you… enjoy it?”
“Of course not. I'm not some empire scum if that's what you're afraid of. I kill when necessary and lately people have been rather insistante.”
“So you don’t think I'm a monster?”
Cassian made his way to you crouching down in front of your frame and placing his hands on top if yours.
“No, you're a survivor. Like me.”
You looked into his eyes. This was a man who lived a rough life. You could see the rage behind his gaze. A rage you were very familiar with.
“They would have killed me if it weren’t for you.”
“They were cowards. Four against one isn’t a fair fight.”
“There aren't many fair fights around here.”
“Yeah, I guess not.”
“Listen, I can drop you off wherever you want. I just need to grab some stuff first.”
You thought for a moment. You’d been alone for so long. Always scraping to stay alive another day, it would be nice to have someone around for a change.
“What if I stayed with you?
Cassian raised his eyebrows at you.
“If that’s not too invasive I mean.”
“It’s not. But my life isn’t easy. You’d have to get used to running.”
He didn’t say it but you understood the words hidden in between the lines. You’d have to get used to running… and killing. You body shuddered at the thought but you nodded to Cassian in approval. 
From then on the two of you became a team. Cassian taught you to fight and you showed him that life was worth living. Your hands got more stained with blood the longer the two of you survived and once you joined the rebellion the bodies seemed to pile up faster and faster. Cassian was right though, it got easier over time. At least now the blood you spilled was for a greater good. It was odd that despite everything the two of you had gone through you’d ended up creating a deep bond. You’d watch Cassian leave for his missions, always worried that he might not return and every time he did you’d shower him with your love. The galaxy was a messy place full of corruption, death and dirt but somehow you found something to live for. And you knew that no matter how red your hands got Cassian would always love you. And you’d always be waiting for him with open arms.
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writingdumpster · 2 years
settle down
pairing: Cassian Andor x wife!reader
warnings: SMUT 18+, fem receiving oral, breeding kink, p in v, fingering, size kink, cockwarming if you squint
summary: Cassian gives up his job in the field to start a family.
word count: 4,350 (went a lil crazy)
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Cassian had been gone on his latest mission for five weeks. When you got off work he was waiting for you outside the building you worked in. You had practically dragged him home, allowing no time for conversation. You pulled him on top of you when you got into your house. You were desperately kissing him and touching any part of his body you could find when Cassian’s comlink started beeping. He pulled away from you, but you grabbed onto him tightly.
“Kassa, no! Let it ring! Please,” you begged him. Cassian gave you a peck on the nose.
“I’m sorry, my princess. It could be about the mission debrief,” he said as you clawed at him.
“Please, Kassa,” you whined but he detached himself from you and answered the call. You heard him talking indistinctly as you laid on your couch pouting. A minute or two later Cassian came back into the room and started picking up his discarded shirt and jacket.
“You’re leaving?” You complained, sitting up.
“Just for a quick meeting, my princess,” Cassian said. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
“I already know it,” you pouted as you crossed your arms over your chest. Cassian chuckled. He pulled his shirt over his head and then kneeled down to meet your eye. He rested one hand on your thigh and reached up with his other, taking your cheek in his hand.
“It won’t be long, beautiful. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he said. You broke eye contact with Cassian and looked away from him. You gave a small nod. Cassian sighed but he rose to his feet. He kissed the top of your head and headed for the door.
You sat on the couch and waited. You were so tired of being home alone. You had gotten the home off base to share and you were the only one who was ever there. You loved Cassian and Cassian loved his job and you loved him for that, but you had to admit that there were times when you wished he would just stay home with you. You knew in your heart that Cassian would never be able to take a desk job, and you’d known that when you married him. He had promised to give you a family one day, but you knew your whole life was going to be spent missing your husband. You accepted that. It was the price of loving Cassian, and you would’ve paid any price for the honor.
The door to your home slid open behind you and you heard Cassian unlacing his boots. He came into view and sat back on the couch with you. He had a wide smile on his face. He looked light and happy which was abnormal for Cassian. He pulled your legs up across his lap and rested his hands on your thighs, hands spreading wide to touch all of your body that he could.
“When do you have to leave again?” You asked sadly.
“I don’t,” Cassian said, his smile immovable. You screwed your eyebrows together in confusion.
“You don’t have to leave?” You questioned. Cassian shook his head.
“No. That meeting was for me to sign my discharge papers,” Cassian told you. “I’m taking a desk job,” he finished.
“A desk job?” You repeated. Cassian smiled and nodded. He had been excited to share his surprise with you.
“Yes, my princess. So that we can finally have a family,” he explained.
“You—You’re—What?” You were in utter disbelief. This was so un-Cassian.
“We’ve both wanted a family for a while now, but I’m never home long enough,” Cassian said. “I need to be home for you. For us.” You thought for a moment.
“Cassian, you love field work,” you said.
“I love you,” he said.
“Kassa…you’re not going to be happy,” you started. You wanted him home. Of course you wanted him home, but you knew your husband. And he was not a paper pusher.
“You make me happy,” he said. You shook your head.
“It’s not the same, Kassa.” Cassian gave you a look that you knew meant he wanted you to keep explaining. “You love your life as a spy. You love running from people and at people and fighting and hiding and being in danger. It’s who you are.” You ran a hand along Cassian’s cheek. “And I love you.”
“I love you too,” Cassian said.
“But you won’t be happy if you take a desk job,” you finished. Cassian smiled at you lovingly. You cared for him so deeply and he was acutely aware of how lucky he was to have you in that moment. He knew how badly you wanted him home, but even when he was offering it to you, you were still worrying for him and what he wanted.
“I’ll be happy,” he said. You started to argue again but Cassian kept talking. “I’ve been thinking about it since we got married, but the Rebel Alliance was struggling,” he confessed.
“Kassa, you love being in the field. You can’t sacrifice that.”
“A family with you is worth any sacrifice. My job isn’t even a sacrifice.” Cassian could see you were unconvinced. “I did not quit before because I wanted the galaxy to be safe for our family,” Cassian said.
“So, you want to start a family? Settle down?” You asked in disbelief.
“I have always wanted to settle down with you, my princess.” You pursed your lips as you looked into Cassian’s eyes. You were searching for any sign that he wasn’t sure, that he might regret this later. Cassian could tell what you were thinking and took your hands in his, giving them a squeeze. “I’m sure about this, my princess.”
“You’re really ready for this?” You asked.
“I am not just ready. It’s what I want,” he assured you. He took your face in his hands and tilted your forehead to lean against his own.
“Kassa,” you started, but Cassian interrupted.
“Please, beautiful. I want to be home with you. I want you to have my children,” Cassian pleaded. You nodded, finally sure that he truly wanted this—that he wouldn’t miss his life in the field.
“Should we start now?” You asked with a smirk. Cassian chuckled.
“We could at least start practicing,” he said.
The next thing you knew, both of you were naked and Cassian had you sprawled out on your bed as he kissed up your body from your ankle. His eyes were on yours as he ascended your body, his soft kisses and touches drawing goosebumps to your skin. You reached down and laced your fingers with his messy hair. It hadn’t been cut since the last time you saw him. His beard was scratching against your soft skin. His kisses reached the apex of your thighs. He stopped and started to pull your legs further apart for him but you tugged at his hair to get his attention.
“Just fuck me, Cassian,” you begged.
“I haven’t tasted you in five weeks, sweet girl,” Cassian said. “I need you, please,” he finished. A small moan escaped your lips at the desperation in Cassian’s voice. You nodded wordlessly to give your approval. Cassian resumed his actions of spreading your legs for himself. He pulled them wide and then pushed them up so that you were being folded in half.
“Kassa,” you murmured when you felt his warm breath over your clit. Suddenly you felt his soft tongue dragging through your slit. His movements were slow and decadent. He was savoring every drop of your cum that he could swallow and the taste of your skin on his tongue. He moaned against your cunt as he continued to make his slow and lazy strokes through your folds. He had you moaning helplessly, unable to keep quiet for even a second.
“I love the way you taste,” Cassian groaned against your pussy. His mustache and beard were glistening with your cum when he leaned away from you. “I could eat your pussy all day.” He leaned back down to your cunt. He continued his self-indulgent slurps at your dripping folds, stopping every now and then to suckle at your clit. He was worshiping you as you laid there with your hands clutching at the sheets and mouth wide open in bliss.
“Cassian, I want you inside me,” you called down between your moans.
“Come for me first, sweetheart,” Cassian told you.
“Don’t wanna, Kassa,” you whined. “Want you inside me now.”
“Hold your legs open for me,” he ordered. You sighed dramatically as you took hold of your knees and kept your legs spread wide for Cassian. He released his hold on you since you were now holding your legs open. He reached down with his right hand and rubbed his ring and middle finger over your slit, collecting a bit of your cum on his fingertips. He looked up at your eyes as he pushed his fingers into you, watching the way your face contorted as his fingers stretched you.
“Now you have me inside you, sweetheart,” Cassian said as he leaned back down, reattaching his mouth to your cunt. He moved his fingers slowly but kept them hooked inside you as he put pressure against your spongy walls with every stroke. Cassian was luxuriating in the taste of you as he continued to move his tongue against your body. You were moaning frantically as your orgasm approached.
“Oh, Cassian! I’m so close!” You cried out. Cassian moaned against you. He moved his lips to your clit, sucking harshly as he began thrusting his fingers into you more quickly. You dug your nails into his shoulder as you reached down for any part of him you could find. You were crying out loudly in pleasure. Cassian leaned away so he could watch you. He watched your face scrunch up in pleasure. He watched your mouth hang open while you moaned. He watched your back arch away from the mattress before you reached down to grab onto him.
“That’s my girl,” Cassian encouraged you. “How does it feel?” He asked. He pressed his thumb against your clit.
“It feels—ungh! Feels so—mmm—so fucking good, Kassa!” You gasped. Cassian felt you flexing around his fingers and began moving them more quickly.
“Come, baby.” Cassian didn’t need to tell you. You couldn’t have held back a second longer. You screamed out in pleasure. Your legs began shaking as your cunt flexed uncontrollably around his fingers.
“Oh, Kassa!” You cried. You were making an endless string of unidentifiable noises as you came. You let your hips drop back down against the bed as your orgasm began to recede. You took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” Cassian called down to you after he had given you a moment. He had moved up your body and was pressing soft kisses to your neck and chest. You nodded.
“Yes, Kassa,” you assured him. “Are you gonna fill me up now?” You asked. Cassian groaned at the thought alone.
“Is that what you want, my sweet girl?” He asked you in a low tone. His accent was thicker and his voice was making you weak.
“Yes, Kassa,” you told him. “I want you to get me pregnant,” you finished.
“Fuck, baby,” Cassian cursed under his breath. “I’m going to fuck you till my cum is dripping out of your pretty little pussy.”
“Please, Cassian. I need to feel you,” you whined. You reached down and grabbed Cassian’s cock. You made a few lazy strokes before moving your hands to Cassian’s hips. You were pushing at his body, trying to get him to move to a position so you could get him inside you. He started laughing as he watched your attempts to reposition his body from beneath him.
“Don’t laugh at me!” You snapped. Cassian chuckled as he leaned down to kiss you.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. You’re just so cute when you get this desperate,” he said. You whined in frustration.
“What do you want, Kassa? What do I have to do?” You asked.
“Tell me how bad you want me,” he ordered.
“I want you so fucking bad, Kassa. I’ve missed you so much and I need you. Nothing compares to you,” you moaned.
“How did you do while I was gone, baby? Did you take care of yourself?” Cassian asked. This was a game that the two of you played throughout your relationship. You would tell each other how you made yourselves come when you were apart whenever you got back together. You shook your head in embarrassment.
“Couldn’t come without you,” you admitted. Cassian’s expression softened.
“Aw, baby,” he cooed. He kissed you softly, nuzzling his nose against yours. “I’ll take care of you now. Just relax,” he said. He shifted and you felt the warm head of his cock pressed against your pussy lips. Cassian had never had sex without a condom before. He had a chaotic life and he had never been willing to risk pregnancy before. Now it wasn’t a risk though. It was the intention.
“Fucking hell, baby,” Cassian groaned lowly as he slipped into you raw for the first time. “You feel incredible.”
“Kassa, deeper,” you moaned desperately. Cassian followed your instruction without complaint, letting your plush walls suck him in. You moaned in unison as he pushed all the way into you. Cassian stilled his hips once he was completely buried inside you. Part of your sex routine was always for him to give you a moment after he slipped into you. The confidence he carried himself with wasn’t a coincidence and even after three years you still needed time to adjust to his size. Cassian leaned down to kiss you. You involuntarily clamped down onto his cock and he moaned against your lips.
“Can I move?” He asked. You hummed a yes to him through the kiss. One of your hands wound through his hair and the other was clawing at his back and ass. You felt Cassian’s cock begin slowly dragging out of you. You could feel every ridge and vein in his cock without the layer of latex that usually separated the two of you.
“I can feel all of you, Kassa,” you murmured through your moans.
“I know—fuck,” Cassian gasped as he continued his steady thrusts. “You’re so wet,” he murmured. “Never been this wet before.”
“I missed you,” you whimpered defensively.
“Never have to miss me again, sweet girl,” he told you as he began to speed up his thrusts. You let out a dramatic cry almost immediately, still overwhelmed by your first orgasm. After five weeks without release your first orgasm had opened the floodgates of all that you had pent up. Cassian was grunting roughly as he slammed into you. You could feel him pulsing inside you.
“Ugh, Kassa!” You cried.
“Are you going to come for me again, sweet girl?” Cassian asked. His voice was low and almost threatening. Like if you said ‘no’ you would have regretted it.
“Yes!” You cried out. Cassian’s strokes were growing less and less uniform. He grabbed one of your legs underneath the knee and pulled it up, hitching it above his hip.
“Come. Now.” You cried out in pleasure. The new angle was too much to handle and you slammed into your next orgasm, thrusting your hips up from the bed into Cassian’s body.
“Ohh, please! Kassa!” You whined loudly. Your cunt was flexing and tightening around Cassian’s cock as he continued to thrust into you.
“Fuck, y/n!” Cassian shouted. His hips stilled, but you felt his cock twitching inside you and then there was a warmth filling your core that you’d never felt before. You could hear the sloppy sound of his cum in your wet cunt as he made a few more lazy thrusts before stilling inside you.
“It’s so warm, Kassa,” you whispered as his body weight held you to the mattress. “I can feel it inside me.”
“How does it feel, sweet girl?” He asked. His head was against your chest but he tipped his head to press a kiss to your chin, his mustache tickling your jaw.
“Feels good. I want more,” you told him. Cassian chuckled.
“I didn’t give you enough yet?” He teased you. He leaned up on his elbows so he could look down at you. He kissed the tip of your nose lightly. You shook your head.
“Uh-uh,” you grunted. “You said you’d fuck me till your cum was dripping out of me,” you pouted. Cassian was still buried inside you as the two of you spoke. You could feel the weight of his cock inside you. He had softened since his orgasm, but he was big enough that you could still feel him filling you.
“Is that what you want, sweet girl? You want your pussy to be dripping with my cum?” You could feel Cassian beginning to harden inside you. You clenched down onto his cock and pulled a broken gasp from him.
“Please,” you called. “Give me your cum, Cassian. Let me give you a baby.”
“You’re going to be the death of me,” Cassian groaned as he began thrusting again. He was quickly hardening and he only had to make a couple strokes before he had returned to his full length.
“Thank you, Kassa,” you moaned gratefully.
“So desperate for me,” Cassian murmured. “So needy.” He was beginning to build a slow and steady rhythm when you put a hand against his chest. He had been staring at the part of your bodies where you were connected, watching as his white cum seeped out around his cock as he thrust into you. He looked up at you when you touched him.
“I want to ride you, Kassa,” you said. Your voice was light and warm, sounding almost innocent. Cassian nodded. He leaned down and pressed another kiss to your lips before slipping out of you and turning onto his back. He held his arms out as you climbed up onto your knees. You swung one leg over him so you were straddling him. His thick cock was lying against his muscular stomach.
“Come here,” Cassian called to you. You got your hips lined up with his and he wasted no time in taking his cock and pushing the head inside you. You began to slowly push down onto him, both of you letting out erotic moans. You could hear the lewd sound of Cassian’s cum sloshing inside your wet pussy while you sank down onto him. You stilled as your ass met Cassian’s hips, seated all the way against him. He was deep inside you, his tip prodding against your cervix. You fell forward against his chest, overwhelmed by how deep he was inside you.
“You’re so deep, Kassa,” you whimpered. Your head was resting against Cassian’s shoulder, chest pressed to his. Cassian wrapped his arms around you. One hand settled on your ass, giving it a tender squeeze; The other hand reached up to your back drawing a featherlight line up and down your spine. Cassian began slowly thrusting into you as you laid against his chest. You pushed up from his body so you were upright. The hand on your back slid down your body and settled on your thigh. He squeezed the fat of your leg. He had always been very clear about how much he loved your curves.
“My pretty girl,” Cassian murmured up at you. His hands slid up your soft stomach to cup your breasts. He held their weight in his hands, reaching up with his thumbs to run them over your perky nipples. He whispered something in Kenarian under his breath as his eyes drank in every inch of you. The way he looked at you made you feel like a priceless work of art. You’d never liked being the center of attention, but you loved being the center of Cassian’s attention.
You began moving up and down Cassian’s cock slowly, falling all the way down with every drop of your hips. You pressed your hands against his chest to give yourself some balance as you continued to bounce up and down on his hard length. Cassian’s hands were touching every inch of you he could reach. He leaned away from the mattress to sit upright so he could reach you better.
“I love your body,” Cassian muttered. Your hands fell to Cassian’s shoulders and you started bouncing faster, feeling him poke into your g spot with each rock of your hips. You began rolling your hips and when your hips moved forward towards Cassian’s body you gasped and your hips stuttered, falling still as his cock rubbed against the perfect spot inside you.
“Mmmph, fuck,” you gasped.
“What’s wrong?” Cassian asked, surprised by your sudden abandonment of your rhythm. You took a deep breath and began moving your hips again, searching for the same spot again.
“Nothing,” you murmured. “Just felt good.” Cassian smirked, realizing that his cock had made you feel so good that you had to stop moving. He reached down between your bodies and pushed his thumb against your clit.
“Make yourself come, sweet girl,” Cassian ordered. “Make yourself come and I’ll give you another load.” You moaned out in response and quickly began moving your hips again. Cassian began moving his thumb against your clit, sending electric pleasure throughout your body.
“Ahhh! Kassa!” You cried.
“You can do it, sweet girl,” Cassian whispered against your skin. He sucked at your pulse point leaving behind a small purple bruise. You dragged your nails down his chest as you found the spot inside you that had shocked you. You came undone almost instantly.
“Kassa! Kassa! Kassa!” You chanted as you fucked yourself on Cassian’s cock. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling your chest against his and burying your head in his neck. You were panting, trying to recover from your orgasm. The walls of your cunt tightened down on his cock, trying to pull him impossibly deeper inside you.
“Fuck, yes, y/n,” Cassian groaned. His breath caught in his throat as he felt himself come again. You moaned involuntarily as you felt Cassian’s cum filling you once more.
“Yes, Kassa! Fill me up!” You cried. He thrust up into you a few more times before letting you fall still on top of him. After a moment he rolled you off him and onto your back. He crawled down the bed and kneeled between your knees. He pushed your legs apart and stared down at his prize.
Your pink lips were swollen after coming so many times. There was a thin layer of Cassian’s spend around the lips of your pussy. Your inner thighs and ass were soaked with your own wet release. Cassian ran the tip of his finger through your slit. You whimpered slightly.
“Careful. Sensitive,” you warned. Cassian hummed in acknowledgment. He pushed his finger into you suddenly and as he pulled it out, his cum poured out of you in a quick rush and dribbled down your asshole.
“Oh, fuck,” Cassian groaned as he stared at your bare pussy, marked with his hot cum. “That’s so hot.”
“Do you think it worked?” You asked tiredly. Cassian chuckled. He climbed over your body, his weight pressing against you. He pressed soft and gentle kisses all over your face.
“We can keep trying if it did not,” Cassian said.
“We can keep trying if it did too,” you said with a smirk. Cassian grinned. He kissed your lips tenderly.
“We can never be too careful,” he murmured. The two of you curled into one another’s bodies and drifted off to sleep with smiles upon your faces.
Five Years Later:
“Papa, I’m going to be late!” Your daughter complained. Cassian smiled to himself. It was his daughter’s first day of school. She had been talking about it for months.
“You won’t be late, sweetie,” Cassian assured her. “Sit down.” Your daughter plopped herself on the bench by the door and Cassian picked up her small pink sneakers. He slipped them onto her feet. Just then you walked into the room with your daughter’s lunchbox in hand.
“Pay attention, sweetie. I’ll do the right and then you do the left,” Cassian carefully tied your daughter’s right shoe, describing what he was doing as he pulled the bow tight. Your daughter reached down to her left shoe and clumsily tied the laces. She looked up at Cassian with a hopeful smile on her face as she waited for her father’s approval.
“Like that?” She asked.
“Exactly. Good job, sweetie,” Cassian said with a smile. He looked over his shoulder to see you watching him and your daughter fondly. You approached and handed your daughter her lunch box. She sprang off the bench and grabbed her backpack as well.
“Can I go now?” Your daughter pleaded.
“After you give me and mama a hug goodbye,” Cassian said. Your daughter threw her arms around each of you before wishing you a goodbye and hurrying out the door. The two of you followed her out and watched as she skipped towards the shuttle pick up. Cassian wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. You slid your arm around his back, fingers tapping a mindless rhythm against his side.
“She’s going to be smarter than both of us,” Cassian said. You smiled.
“She already is,” you replied. Cassian chuckled. He turned his head and kissed your temple lovingly.
“Remember when you tried to convince me to stay in the field?” Cassian asked. You laughed lightly.
“We all make mistakes,” you told him. The two of you watched the shuttle pull up to the stop. Your daughter got to the door and turned back to you. She gave you a toothy grin and an exaggerated wave.
“We did not make a mistake that time.” You smiled softly at Cassian. You leaned up to kiss him tenderly.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “We got that one right.”
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pedropascallme · 1 year
Hello! Could you do Cassian Andor C, H, and I for sfw, please?
C = Cuddles
Cassian “touch starved” Andor is so happy to cuddle with you. After a long day (or a short one) he’s thrilled to be able to crawl into bed with you, to hold you to him and feel your breathing sync with his. He plays with your hair, trying to memorize every inch of you, to engulf himself in your warmth. You always find yourself tucked into his chest, pulling yourself into his shirt and giggling when his beard tickles the skin of your forehead.
H = Hugs
Cass hugs you at random; sometimes it’s a half hug, his arm wrapped around your waist to pull you in. Other times it’s full on, all of his strength focused on swaddling you into his whole body and keeping you there for as long as either of you need it.
I = I love you
He’s hesitant to say it at first, not wanting to pull you into his dysfunctional life or put a target on your back. Still, he’s the one to say it first. Cassian says it quietly, in bed with you as you’re both half asleep. At first he thinks you didn’t hear him—or you did, and you’re ignoring him. Just as he begins to overthink it, you’re kissing him in the dark room, telling him the feeling is mutual.
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archieimagines · 2 years
finally | cassian andor
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Summary: Cassian Andor is the bane of your existence. He’s your rival in theft, always getting the good ships before you, always making more money in selling to Bix. Finally, you get there first— but of course he’d come to ruin your day.
warnings: blood, injury, needle and stitches. enemies to lovers un-enemies trope. read this to listen to me pretend to know about spaceships. word count: 3030 requested by: anon author’s note: thank you so much for this brilliant idea, anon! you may be able to tell i got carried away. i had a lot of fun with this. requests for andor are wide open! written by: archie
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Finally, this one was yours.
You couldn’t help feeling a little giddy. This star yacht was definitely on the higher end of luxury, and it’d been sat unmanned on the outskirts of town for five days straight. Sure, it’d been purposely tucked away amongst sandy cliffs to hide it, but as per the general moral code, five unattended days on a ship put it on the illegal scavenger’s market. Fair’s fair. You thieves weren’t monsters, after all.
Your expert fingers worked swiftly with a wedge tool on lifting the panels from the front of the space vehicle to get at all those glorious parts inside. With a satisfying click, the central panel popped free.
The sun was just peering over the horizon to light your focus, all that treasure lit up in the golden light.
Your smile lit up too. Finally. A haul that was all yours. For once, it was so worth it to wake up before sunrise. No one to watch out for, not even that stupid, arrogant, condescending-
“What have we got here?”
You stopped in your tracks, fingers itching to get inside the engine.
That voice.
He painted his words like a casual conversation. Like this was a joint effort. Like you hadn’t specifically woken up this early just to beat him to this goldmine. You’d barely slept last night for the excitement of finally bringing in a collection worth a good wad of cash, and yet he had the gall to pop up beside you and peer over your shoulder.
You reeled on him, fire in your eyes and sharp wedge in your hand. “Andor. Get out of here.”
He had the balls to laugh. He treated this so light, like you hadn’t been so determined to finally outdo him. “And leave you to carry all this back by yourself? I couldn’t possibly.” He had this irritating skill in being rude while being perfectly within his bounds. He simply reached past you without concern for your threat, rapping his knuckles lightly on various parts tucked away. “There’s a lot of good stuff here. Nice condition, too. We can’t take all of it, of course, we don’t want an angry holidaymaker stuck on our planet-”
“You’re taking none of it.”
“-But we can take the extras. Let me see…”
He bent at the waist to lean over the hole of the removed panel, reaching in and feeling around without so much as a blink at you.
That was it!
You jabbed the wedge into his ribs.
His arm retracted so quickly to protect his side, and he finally turned to you with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow as he rubbed his side over his coat. “Agh! What the-!? What was that for?”
“Shut up, I barely touched you.” You couldn’t keep the smugness from your voice as you nudged him aside, away from your engine, and promptly took his place to rummage around inside instead. It’s true, you wanted him to feel that jab even despite his coat. It was kinda hard.
“You want it so bad that you’re gonna stab me?”
“Don’t cry on my engine, you’ll rust it.”
There was no time for this chitchat. You dipped into your belt for a different removal tool, starting work right away. You wouldn’t remove anything integral: those parts weren’t worth much anyways. But the fuel ignition stabiliser… Oh, yes. It was a luxury. Gave the journey the smoothest ride possible. No clattering, no trembling of the ship. It’d be four or five thousand credits, easily.
If only it wasn’t so damn hard to remove.
You were hyper aware of Andor watching your every move, even if you were shoulder deep inside the machine. His stare didn’t make reaching around components easier in the slightest, and your arm was bent at an awkward and supremely uncomfortable angle- but you wouldn’t let him know that. He’d just take over, for sure.
But when the corner of your palm nicked on sharp metal, you couldn’t hide the wince.
“Look, you’re going to injure yourself. Let me. Move over.”
“Not likely.”
“I’ve been doing this longer than you. I can easily-”
“Exactly! So you should give someone else a chance.” You tried not to let your voice strain from the effort of pulling out the stabiliser, especially with the fresh scratch to your palm. This was not easy, and he was really just making you frantic with his presence.
“Whenever I give you a chance, something ends up damaged!” Ah, there it was. That familiar exasperation, delivered with a growl in his accent. This was the Andor you knew best-- the one that hated you right back.
You paused, face turned to glare up at his impatient eyes. “Sir. I don’t damage shit.”
“If that makes you feel better. Come on, just-” His fingers reached into the hatch and closed around your forearm, a gentle squeeze and tug to your limb.
That was it. You saw red.
“Don’t you manhandle me- AH!” You whipped your arm out to shove him back a pace-- But it caught nastily on that jagged piece of metal. It snagged down the side of your palm, causing a deep, pulsing gash. There was no way you could shove him back with that hand.
Your face paled as you dropped your tool and blinked at the thick ooze of red that trickled down the side of your wrist, quickly soaking your sleeve. It stung like nothing you’d handled before, eyes watering, head pounding. You couldn’t help but stare at it, trembling.
But Andor was on it. He wasted no time in ripping along the bottom of his shirt for a makeshift bandage, wasted no time in chastising you. “Dank farrik, you really-! You’ve outdone yourself this time.”
“Me!? This was all you!”
“Oh, don’t give me that.” Skilled hands wound the bandage around your cut far too tightly to be comfortable, and you winced. But he paid no mind, quiet in his concentration as he worked. His aura had changed, as if his head was now cut off from communication. He was too focused, brimming with a panic that he kept silent.
Something told you there was no speaking to him now. Even if you tried to reason that you’d had so much worse many times, his tunnel vision was fixed on stenching the bloodflow. He tied the bandage off, clasping your hand firmly in both of his, raised between your faces to make sure it was above your heart. You had to actively try not to yelp from the pain of his care, but something about the urgent responsibility he demonstrated was so sincere.
He really was doing his best for you. You almost felt bad for blaming him.
His eyes were so focused, his lips pressed together in a concentrated line. There was no trace of that demeaning, condescending asshole you were used to. Something about this… Hm. Perhaps he wouldn’t be a terrible-
No, don’t think like that, you chastised yourself, peeling your gaze from his face. You couldn’t let yourself see him like that. He’d made your life hell for years.
Though the pain was dulled with the pressure of his hold, you were far from fine. The blood may have slowed, but it soaked the ends of his own sleeves now, too, and continued to spread.
“Let’s get you back home. You need medical attention.”
“But the stabiliser-”
“No. Home. Let’s go.” He didn’t drop your hand as he took a step away, leading you back towards the centre of the town, but you dug your heels into the sand.
“No, just- Quickly! You do it, we can go half-”
He jerked you close, face leaning to yours. Your eyes grew wide at this proximity- he’d never been this close before. The warm hues of his eyes caught the rising sunlight, lashes casting delicate shadows over his irises.
Despite how your memories always painted him, they were kind eyes. Honest ones. It was his furrowed brows that reminded you how sharp his will was, and the growl of his accent rolled over his words as he hissed.
“Listen to me. There will be more ships, but there will not be more hands. I’m taking you home, and for once you’re not going to argue with me.”
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The bleeding had finally stopped by the time he’d taken you to his home. Certainly, you’d have preferred some professional medical care, but this would have to do. Besides, it’s not like what you were doing to get this gash was particularly legal.
He settled you onto the couch before bustling around you, picking up supplies and towels and wipes as he went, soon appearing beside you with a tray of items to help, including a bowl of fresh water and…
“A needle? There’s no chance. You’re not stitching me up, Andor.”
“I am. Bee, come over here.”
A squat little red box rattled to life from the other side of the room and rolled up to Andor’s feet on treads, clattering the whole way. “C-C-Cassian! That was much q-quicker than usual.”
“I didn’t get the parts. There was an accident.” Andor placed the tray atop the droid’s flat head and the circle lens turned to you instead, honing in on the blood.
“Oh n-n-no, there has been bodily damage to your friend. I can aid.” The droid either ignored your grumble of something about ‘not friends’ or just didn’t receive it. It let a hatch fall open, revealing a collection of packaged gauzes. You marvelled at his endearingly happy disposition, despite the broken antiquity of his model, obvious wiring problems, and living with this man. You already knew you liked him more than Andor.
“Thanks, Bee,” the man said, surprisingly gentle hands taking your arm. He was clean now, coat removed and hands sanitised to peel open the soaked fabric wrapped around your wound. It stuck to your arm hairs from how it’d begun to dry and you winced as it tugged from your skin, but this didn’t knock his concentration.
He eyed the open injury for a moment in silence. The soft sounds of the city waking up outside was muffled against the windows, the bell sounding for the residents to begin their day. And yet, you’d already had too much of this man for the whole week.
But, he was doing you a favour. So, you pressed your lips into a line and arched a brow as he investigated your wound like it was life or death, even though you honestly found the aching sting pretty manageable. You tried to keep your patience in line, you really did. But it was almost like he was specifically taking as long as he could. “You gonna do something about it or not, Andor?”
The sharpness of your tone didn’t bother him in the slightest. “Cassian,” he said.
“Just call me Cassian. It’s not like you don’t know me.” He was so matter-of-fact as he spoke, turning away to dunk a clean cloth into the bowl of warm water, and you had to briefly wonder if he had no idea that you hated him.
Pft, of course he knew. But he really chose not to entertain it. He belittled it, even. Somehow, that made you hate him even more.
“I don’t know you.”
He let a trickle of water drip from the rag, holding it over the wound along your palm to loosen up the dried blood; the sting earned a hiss from you, but he didn’t bat an eyelid. “We’ve been bumping into each other since we were teenagers. I know where you live and you’re in my house right now. My mother knows your name. You know me.”
Okay, that was true. You searched for a way to dispute him, but you had nothing. Andor really knew how to- Cassian. Cassian really knew how to talk people into a corner. Infuriating.
“You should say it.”
“Say what?”
“My name.”
You blinked at him, but he didn’t look at you. He was ridiculous. Methodical as ever, he dipped the cloth back into the water before closing it properly around the side of your palm with a wet squeeze.
A sharp stab of pain.
“Ow, Cassian! Gentle!”
His gaze finally raised to yours, and there was a cheeky light to them that matched the slightest upward quirk of his lips. He’d done that on purpose. “Quiet. Maarva’s sleeping.”
“You’re an ass.”
“So you always tell me.”
You let that one slide, quietly amused.
Somehow, it felt like a bubble had burst as he continued cleaning your wound. He was gentle with you, focused but not nearly so intense, and an easy silence lapsed between the two of you. The negative energy had given out into something else-- Somehow, you couldn’t find it in you to be at his throat like before. You must’ve upgraded to handling Cassian instead of Andor, you mused.
His eyes flashed up to yours, seeking any pain. You held his gaze for the shortest moment before turning it back to your wound, somehow embarrassed to look into the uncharacteristic tenderness of those windows. Satisfied that he wasn’t hurting you, he continued with delicate dabs.
Perhaps you’d made up Andor, this arrogant, cold asshole who’d been your rival for eons; Now, you were seeing past it. Seeing the human he actually was. Perhaps not flaunting of his kind nature, perhaps a little guarded, but peaceful. Cheeky, but by no means cruel.
You watched his hands work expertly with yours. One held your hand, thumb linked with yours, the other so careful with the cut running towards your pinky finger. They were a worker’s hands, a little calloused and rough in handling, but you could easily see how gentle he was trying to be. Taking it slow and steady, careful not to hurt.
“Okay, it’s clean. Can I stitch it?” Those eyes on yours again. Deep but cautious. He reached for the needle, medical thread already attached, and showed it to you.
You swallowed and peered down to the gash. Ah, it really was a deep one, it’d scar for sure. It needed all the help it could get. “You know what you’re doing?”
He nodded, the ghost of a laugh to his voice as he recalled his tens of incidents. “I have done this many times.”
“... Be careful.”
He got to work instantly, taking your hand in his and turning the cut upwards, holding it firm to keep it still. He glanced at the tip of the needle, brought it to your flesh and--
You couldn’t watch. You focused instead on his crown of messy hair. Warm brown, some strands lifted to look golden in the shine of the morning light. You could so easily reach out and touch it, see if it was as soft as it loo-
The prick of pain from the needle. You winced, but tried hard to be still for him, desperately focusing your attention on how those gorgeous locks might fall through your fingers if you touched them, how they’d differ to the coarser hair of his beard in your touch.
You gave a sigh. It was happening. You couldn’t push it away anymore.
People had told you for years that you clearly had a crush on this man, and you were adamant that you did not. He’d been the bane of your existence. He was the worst part of salvaging and stealing components. If you bumped into him, it’d ruin your whole day and you wouldn’t be able to shake him from your thoughts for hours. His annoying tone of voice, the haughty way he’d offer to help you.
But that wasn’t the truth. You’d always painted it so negatively, always convinced yourself that’s what it was. Hate. But honestly, you just never wanted to give into what you hated to admit.
And now, here, on his couch with a B2 unit watching, he’d shattered your narrative to pieces.
You felt things for him, and not in the way you wanted.
“And… Done.” He reached aside for scissors to cut the thread, dabbed a clean, dry cloth to any specs of blood that tried to seep out, and scrutinised his work. “That wasn’t so bad, was it? You did well.”
His eyes fixed on you again, relieved and expectant. He was so genuine. How hadn’t you seen it before?
You cleared your throat and diverted your eyes to your hand, inspecting his repairs. It really did look good. The gash was pulled closed and the stitches were evenly spaced and clean; a professional couldn’t have done it much better.
“Hm. Not quite as terrible as I’d expect.” Your words were softer than your usual insults. You couldn’t find it in you right now to be sharp.
But even so, he gave a low chuckle. “You’re welcome. Let me cover it.” He took a packaged gauze from the droid’s hatch and tore it open with his teeth-- A shock to your tummy told you that you found it attractive. It was lucky he was engrossed with attaching it to your wound, or he would’ve caught the way your ears flushed pink.
Quick moments passed, and he sat up straight with his lips caught in a kind smile. “Good as new.”
Your hand still rested in his. You were hyper aware of the warmth of it, the feeling of his skin, and it took everything in you not to disturb the moment with the indulgent caress you craved, in case he let go.
This was too hard. You hadn’t banked on facing something like this when you woke up this morning. You shared a reluctant smile.
His demeanour changed instantly. His eyes flickered between your palm and your face, words urgent with worry. “What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing, Cassian. Do you think the yacht is still there?”
“It might be.”
You sighed inwardly. Perhaps it was finally time to let go of your grudge and see him for who he was.
You shone a daring smile, a buzz in your veins at the prospect of calling an end to your rivalry.
“... Wanna go half with me?”
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fanofverymanythings · 2 years
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(the rest of the audio)
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
Reasons, Ch.1 - Cassian Andor series
Female reader insert Summary: You're a droidsmith on Ferrix when a handsome stranger walks in one day with a hopelessly damaged droid. You agree to take on the repairs for the stranger, a decision that will change the direction of your lives forever. Word Count: 1,735 Content Warnings for: canon-divergence
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“So… what exactly happened?” you asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow at the customer. He had the look of a hunted man, his dark eyes darting around your repair shop as if he expected the walls to jump out at him.
“I told you already,” he replied briskly, pushing the droid towards you. “He fell in a… hole. Of sorts.” 
You looked down at the oil-soaked pile of scrap that had at one point been a droid. It was completely motionless on the counter between you and the customer, oil seeping out from under its red plates. 
“Uhuh… a hole… of sorts.” You couldn’t imagine what type of hole could cause a massive degradation of the droid’s central coolant system, but then again, as your father always said, money is money, doesn’t matter where it comes from. 
You looked back up at the jumpy customer again. His eyes were so dark you couldn’t see his pupils in them, his hair disheveled and falling in front of his eyes. Roguishly handsome with the paranoid energy of a criminal. Just your type.
“Can you fix him or not?” he demanded. You detected a hint of desperation in his voice as the man inched the droid forward another few inches. “If not, I’ll take him somewhere else.”
You snorted as you turned on your headlamp and bent over, inspecting the droid more closely. A groundmech salvage unit, you noted. 
“You won’t find anyone else who’ll work on a droid in this condition, I guarantee you that,” you replied. You tested one of the exposed wires at the droid’s ocular sensor: no current. Probably meant the whole internal circuitry was fried. 
“This’ll be an expensive fix,” you noted to the customer with the dark eyes as you continued your inspection. He didn’t react, just shot an impatient look over his shoulder at the shop door. 
“And this is a discontinued model.” You switched off your headlamp, standing up to eye level with the customer. “Might take a few weeks. Parts will need to get shipped in from the Outer Rim.”
“That’s fine,” he replied, running a hand over his beard as he surveyed the droid. “I can pay, whatever it costs.” 
You nodded, pursing your lips. “Yeah, everyone says that. I’m talking more credits than most people make in a lifetime, a few thousand at least. Honestly, this droid is better off as scrap.” 
The dark-eyed customer fixed you with a hard stare. You narrowed your eyes in response, your hand flicking towards the blaster you kept strapped to the underside of the counter in front of you. 
“He’s not scrap,” the man uttered, his voice dropping low. “His name is B2. And like I said, I can pay. Doesn’t matter the cost. Just get it done.”
You studied the man the way your father had taught you, soaking in the details you’d overlooked when he first walked in. There was a faint scar at his hairline above his right eyebrow: a blaster shot, and an old one, based on how faded the scar was. He was dressed in unremarkable clothing, practical and weathered. His hands were splayed out on the edge of the counter, steady and relaxed, although you didn’t doubt that if you moved for your weapon he’d outdraw you easily. The nervous energy that had kept him on tenterhooks since he’d strode into the shop was gone; he held your gaze with a cold and calm detachment. 
After a few moments, you nodded your agreement, lifting the droid and placing it on the workbench behind you. 
“Check back in two weeks,” you told him as you opened the ledger you used to keep track of your customers. “Name?”
The dark-eyed man hesitated before he replied. “Andor. Cassian Andor.” 
You nodded, jotting his name and the droid’s model and serial number on the ledger. 
“Alright Cassian. Two weeks. I’ll be able to give you a better estimate once I can take this guy apart and look at what’s going on.”
Cassian held your gaze for a moment before he turned and left. Your eyes followed him out, noting the way he looked both ways down the street before darting out of the shop. The door clanged closed behind him, leaving you and the silent droid alone in the dim light of your shop.
Two weeks to the day later, and the bell for the shop door rang, interrupting your concentration. You looked up to see a familiar pair of dark eyes. 
“How’s my droid?” Cassian asked you. His voice sounded thin and watery, and you noticed dark purple circles under his eyes.
“Better than you, it looks like.” 
Cassian chuckled, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes and slid off his face as quickly as it arrived. 
You motioned for Cassian to walk around the corner of the counter and follow you to the backroom. He did so, his movements smooth and cat-like. You turned on the bank of lights that illuminated the large, cluttered workroom. Your re-programmed pilot droid turned shop assistant X8 chirped at you by way of greeting. 
You led Cassian to a table towards the center of the room, where B2 was tipped on his side with his red body plating removed. 
“I thought you fixed droids, not stripped them,” Cassian observed. Even through the exhaustion, you could hear his attempt at humor. You laughed a bit louder than the weak joke warranted. Cassian smiled in response, a bit warmer this time, and for half a moment he didn’t look so haggard.
“Your droid had a tear in the main coolant coil,” you told him, pointing to a piece of corkscrew-shaped machinery protruding from B2’s central console. “Soaked pretty much everything, so it needs entirely new circuitry. It overheated without coolant and melted through the lubricant tubing. Hence the oil. None of that is too expensive and I’ve got plenty of spare parts. The labor time is what’ll cost you on that end.” Cassian’s expression was serious as he followed your explanation with interest. “But this is a problem.” You held up a flat, dinner-plate sized chip, its surface riddled with metallic wires running through it like veins. The chip was stained dark from the lubricant oil that had coated it, and one edge of the chip was warped from where it had melted. 
“The binary processor,” he commented, his eyebrows knitting together.
You nodded. “You know droids?” Not many people would recognize a binary processor, especially not a half-ruined one. Buried deep in most droids’ mainframe architecture, detaching a binary processor was something only skilled technicians were able to do. 
“Not enough to fix this guy,” Cassian replied, looking down at the disassembled B2. Worry and sadness flickered across his face.
“How much?” he asked after a moment. “How much will it cost?”
“Cassian, these things are worth more than Kaiburr out here.” You handed the ruined binary processing chip to him. He took it gingerly, turning it over and inspecting it carefully. “Take my advice. Scrap it.”
Dark anger flickered in his eyes as he looked up at you.
“I’m not paying you for your advice,” he hissed. “I’m paying you to fix my droid.”
“You’re paying me for my expertise,” you corrected sharply. “And I know droids. This one’s a lost cause. You’ll pay eight times its worth just for that one processing chip.”
Cassian slammed his hands down on the workbench, rattling B2’s disassembled parts and making you jump. X8 squeaked in shock behind you.
“You don’t know what this droid is worth.” Cassian advanced on you, an accusatory finger pointed at your chest. You cursed yourself for leaving the blaster at the front, backing away from him until your backside bumped against the wall. “Name your price and I’ll pay, or I’ll find someone else who will be happy to take my credits!” Cassian was so close you could see flecks of hazel in his irises and feel his breath fan over your face. 
You hesitated, watching as the anger began to dim in his eyes. After a moment, he backed away from you, his hands up in a conciliatory gesture.
“I’m sorry,” he stammered as his gaze dropped to the ground. “I’m… uh-”
“Exhausted,” you volunteered. He nodded heavily, running a hand over his face as if he were trying to wipe away the fatigue. 
“I just… I need him fixed. Please. If you’re able.”
You bit your lip as you considered his request. You’d be able to fix the droid, although you’d be lying if you said you didn’t resent the time and energy it would cost you. Certainly not worth the unremarkable model. 
“Why’s this droid so important to you?” you asked softly. 
Cassian’s expression glazed over like ice as he looked at the heap of parts he was so passionate about resurrecting. “He’s family,” he offered after a few moments of quiet.
You’d met plenty of customers who were dependent on their droids, but it was unusual in Ferrix to find someone soft enough to actually be attached to one. Life on Ferrix was hard, and it didn’t leave a lot of room for sentimentalism. Apparently, Cassian Andor was the exception to that rule. 
You sighed, already knowing that your mind was made up. 
“I’ll fix it,” you said. “I think it’s crazy, and I don’t want to know where you get the credits. I can’t afford to keep this droid at the top of my list, it’ll set me back too far on the other customers. If you can give me a few months and pay me in installments, I’ll do it.” 
Cassian gave you an almost-smile, his shoulders relaxing down from his ears. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, just pay me.” 
He nodded gratefully. “When do you want the first payment?” 
You did a few calculations in your head, quickly running through the anticipated costs as well as your unusually long customer list. 
“Two months.” 
Cassian swallowed his disappointment: he’d clearly been hoping for a faster turnaround. 
“I’ll be here,” he replied, somewhat deflated. He turned to leave. 
“One month,” you called out after him, a small and insistent voice in your head screaming that two months is too long. 
He paused, halfway turning back towards you with the first real smile you’d seen since you’d met. “One month,” he agreed.
This time when he left, he shut the door softly behind him.
*read chapter 2 hereIf you'd like to be tagged in future chapters, please let me know
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