#Digimon and Digimon
digimonloving · 7 months
The seven demon lords reacting to discovering that a Gabumon has beeen leaking all there embarrassing secrets not only to the digital world but the human world as well on a website called tumblr. extra points if it turns out that half of the post they make on the tumblr is about Lucemon and Beelzemon and both are furious and embarrassed by it
Lucemon FM
Honestly doesn't believe it at first. He thinks it's some kind of joke - who would dare do something like that anyway? It's only when he realizes that it isn't some sort of twisted joke to make him laugh that he gets a little bit upset. Part of him secretly kind of is flattered since it slightly strokes his ego, but it's far outweighed by the embarrassment he feels when he realizes just WHAT is being written about him in such context... Especially since how does this little Gabumon knOW SUCH THINGS ABOUT HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE?!
Beelzemon thinks it's kind of funny, but also... What the fuck, dude? Of course he's going to defend himself - especially when it comes to those "cute" posts about him where he's being all soft with the human in the post or something, since he has a damn reputation to uphold damnit! He secretly likes to read them, though he does get a bit embarrassed when it comes to the spicy type of posts... how the hell would the damn Gabumon know how it looks anyway? It's way too accurate for his liking. Secretly enjoys reading what she writes about the other Digimon though, just because he has something he can tease them about later.
She honestly finds the posts adorable! How the little Gabumon managed to get hold of such information is beyond Lilithmon, but honestly, she LOVES every little bit of it regardless of anything. She's reading through every little post and probably tries to figure out how to get in contact with the Gabumon so they can gossip about other Digimon - plus, she REALLY wants to know how the little Digimon knows so much about her and so many other Digimon.... how funny she is, that's all Lilithmon can think about.
Belphemon doesn't have much to say on either side of it. He's too sleepy in Rest Mode to care, and while in Rage Mode he could care less about someone writing about him. Though, it is to be said, if he were to encounter the Gabumon... she'd be on the delete block, that's for sure.
Leviamon is just happy to hear that there's a few things about him in that blog, even if some of his secrets and how he would feel about certain things were leaked in such a way. He's a bit more envious though because... well, there's just not enough posts that have him! Sure, he's there when it comes to posts about all the Demon Lords, but still!
Barbamon finds it a bit laughable... but he REALLY wants to know where this little Gabumon gets all her information... Just HOW does she get it without nearly every Digimon coming after her? Especially information about him!? He was pretty sure he never told anyone anything of the sort of how she posts and writes him, and he doesn't know if he wants to praise it all, or if he should be upset or embarrassed. Truly, he just wants to know... where does she get her sources?
Daemon finds it intriguing. If a little embarrassing, especially with how he is perceived in his cloaked form. Well, she isn't wrong about how she writes him and the information she's spreading about him, yet he doesn't want her to quite stop. After all... with such information being spread, it could do some good for them in a way - even if some of that information is... of the spicy nature. Daemon thinks it could make certain situations a bit easier to handle the more she shares, and so, he leaves it all be... for now, at least.
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must-be-mythtaken · 6 months
listen I love Pokemon but this person is SO right
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epicsauce · 6 months
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ask-the-toy-box · 4 months
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niinjamal · 8 months
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What if there were more Pokémon in the form of virtual pets like Tamagotchi or Digimon?
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animepopheart · 2 months
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★ 【조철홍】 「 1 // 2 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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deathberi · 10 months
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derekscorner · 3 months
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clambuoyance · 8 months
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[DC] redrawing my fave 1999 anime digimon adventure but as my fave 1998 dc comic 😚
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ashxketchum · 4 months
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slutpoppers · 26 days
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Botamon meets Kari
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digimonloving · 1 year
Time for a hilarious scenario worthy of any anime! Poor (Bulkmon/Paledramon/BaoHuckmon/Greymon/Growlmon/Veedramon/Dorugamon) becomes the unwilling romantic interest of Kinkakumon due to his strength. Causing no end of comedic grief to them, their partner, and the rest of the group of Chosen.
Bulkmon is actually pretty oblivious to Kinkakumon's romantic interest. Considering Kinkakumon tend to fight those that she falls for to show her love, Bulkmon mostly takes it as a want to simply fight and train with him more than anything else. Everyone else around him sees it clear as day, but Bulkmon is simply having a nice time taking Kinkakumon on and fighting with her, which just fuels her more. Whether or not it's a good thing is to be seen, though...
Paledramon is a Digimon with a large sense of camaraderie, and will fight to the end to protect his friends. Perhaps his sense to fight was what caught Kinkakumon's eye, to which Paledramon just... tried to tell her that he is NOT the type of Digimon that would get along with her, as he doesn't entirely enjoy fighting all that much and just does it when his Tamer and the other Digimon of the group are in danger. He really tries to avoid her, but times where it can't be helped, he does entertain her for a bit before trying to make a break for it with enough of a distraction. May not last long, but he prefers that over anything else.
BaoHuckmon uses his battle experiences and reasoning to win his fights, learning for every battle he has. With his growing knowledge, it's no wonder why Kinkakumon took an interest in him. BaoHuckmon tries to reason with her every time she finds him and the Tamers, and every time he tries to talk her out of her interest in him. She just doesn't listen, too busy trying to get him to strike back, and at times getting a little too upset over it to where she wildly swings at him and becoming unpredictable... with enough time, he might be the only one to talk her out of her interest in him. She'll still admire him from afar, however.
Greymon might find a bit of fun in the warrior that is Kinkakumon. He also might be the one who likes to entertain her and her little "crush" on him and fight with her. He may not like her back exactly, but the way Kinkakumon goes after him is just a way to improve his fighting skills against other Digimon. He "flirts" back with her plenty, mostly making jokes as they battle, but otherwise that's al she really gets from the large Digimon.
Growlmon isn't too sure what he did to get this Digimon's interest, but he really doesn't want it! He doesn't think their vibes are exactly compatible, and if anything, Kinkakumon kind of scares him! Every time she's around, Growlmon tries to hide, or generally just runs away from her as she chases him in turn. He doesn't have too much fun with it, but he isn't sure how to let her down without her getting too angry. Might need help from his Tamer with it, if they dare to try to help him...
Veedramon is a pretty powerful Digimon, even for a Champion level he can overpower Ultimate level Digimon. Of course his strength is going to catch the eye of a Digimon who falls for strengths and loves to fight - like Kinkakumon. Veedramon tends to ignore some of Kinkakumon's advances - dodging her in battles and tending to ignore her as much as she tries to get his attention and battle him. Maybe if he just ignores and denies her attempts, she'll leave him alone. She does get pretty upset over it, though... to which Veedramon just tries to dodge her more and more.
Dorugamon knows he has his strengths. He can be quite awe-inspiring. But this s ridiculous! Dorugamon no doubt fought her and expected it to be just that, only for her to fall for him and it isn't exactly something he has time for. Every time she shows up, Dorugamon tries to dispatch of her quickly without causing too much damage. If a fight is what she wants - mostly because that's how she shows her love - a fight is what she gets, even if it fuels her more, Dorugamon just gives her what she wants and expects her to leave him alone afterwards.
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flancortes · 28 days
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extraordinary-heroes · 8 months
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Artist Showcase: Gabriel Picolo
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pricelesscinemas · 8 months
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scyphan790 · 1 year
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They were insane to animate digivolving like this
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