#Dimitrescu daughters haven’t done anything for themselves
caitlynmeow · 5 months
Lmao okay so Cassandra and Daniela were the loudest advocates for having pets in the castle but Alcina always said no because it’s plenty of work for everyone to look after the three daughters and no one has the energy to do the same for pets (because tbh the daughters can’t do much on their own they have maids that literally do everything for them like they barely even dress themselves there is always someone helping them and this is just ONE example)
Anyway, years and years later, life made a full circle and one Cassandra Dimitrescu was asked by her very own daughters if they can have a pet. Cassandra took a moment to realize that if it’s not for her wife, this family would be in shambles because Cass can barely keep herself alive let alone her children. And then she realized that her mother was right. It is a lot of work already and having pets is not going to work.
Cass would rather die than admit her mother is right but she fully gets it now
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Crimson Ties (Bela Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 3
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language Warnings: Typical Vampire shenanigans + mentions of animal death Genre: Hurt + comfort Summary: Time to meet the family! What exactly has Cassandra told her mother? Can Bela convince her family to calm the hell down? We'll find out! Spoiler: there's the start of a cute date afterwards Notes: Once more we visit Bela's private study, which I first described in a chapter of Serenade. Added a few more details this time. PS reader is probably low-key a theater nerd with a hint of a goth phase, just saying. Also this chap is a little short, sorry. Previous Chapters: 1: Stem the Flow, 2: Tangled Strands
3: Rumbling Thunder
Heart racing, you step into the dining room, just behind Bela. Both of you are nervous, but find comfort in each other. Still, what you see upon entering only makes you feel worse. At the head of a large table stands none other than Lady Alcina Dimitrescu. Besides her is her middle daughter, the one who confronted you earlier, who sends you a knowing smirk as you walk in. Lady Dimitrescu, on the other hand, is scowling. Her eyes are squinted in a clear display of disapproval. If not for Bela’s hand squeezing your own, it was likely that you would have fainted from fear.
“I see Cassandra has wasted no time in spreading rumors,” Bela said bitterly. You’re amazed by her ability to stand tall in the face of her family’s tension. Yet there was a part of you that wondered if you were worth the struggle, at least for your soulmate. Thankfully, you are not given much time to ponder the thought. No, you’re being pulled towards the closest side of the tabe, guided next to an ornate seat. Neither Bela nor yourself sit yet, however. “Please, mother, do not be hasty to make your judgement. I promise that-”
“Do not presume to tell me of my own business, daughter. The timing of my judgement is my prerogative, not yours,” Lady Dimitrescu interrupted, staring right at you. A shiver runs down your spine at the eye contact. What did Cassandra say to her? You wonder, struggling to breathe past the lump in your throat. Even Bela becomes visibly nervous at the interaction. “Now… are you certain, without a doubt, that this is your soulmate?” Did she really even have to ask? What were the chances that Bela would save you, one person out of at least a dozen in the cellar, for any other reason? Still, your soulmate straightens up at the attention, and replies as confidently as possible.
“Yes, of course, mother. I would not dare risk your anger for any lesser reason,” Bela assured. Then she gives your hand another soft squeeze, before pulling hers back a little, catching the thread that bound you together with her fingers. Lifting it, she tugs it somewhat absentmindedly. Out of habit you immediately return the action. Unfortunately, those around you would be unable to see the display. For all they knew, the two of you could be faking it, simply attempting to get out of the situation unscathed. Surprisingly though, you see Alcina hesitate. Her left hand twitches as if she was thinking of her own red string. Has she ever met her partner? Did she know the pure joy that her daughter had so recently felt?... Maybe she’d be more sympathetic to your situation if she had.
“We will see if your defiance pans out in time, Bela. For now… Why don’t we hear what your pet has to say about themselves, hmm?” Lady Dimitrescu suggested, giving a somewhat devious smile. Next to you, Bela grimaces, then sends you a pleading look. Alas, you cannot read her mind, and can only guess as to how you’re supposed to respond. Bowing is a sign of respect in virtually all cultures, you think, probably a good place to start.
“It is an immeasurable pleasure to formally make your acquaintance, Lady Dimitrescu,” you said, before giving your full name. Then you rise from your bow, once more making eye contact. Out of the corner of your vision you see Cassandra rolling her eyes. “I know that I am a mere human, and hardly the epitome of a prime specimen. But I am determined to prove my worth, for there is no prize on this earth more grand than being allowed to love Lady Bela. Every ounce of my willpower is prepared to devote myself to this task, entirely, so that I may give Lady Bela the courtship and happiness that she is deserving. It is both an obligation and an honor.” Hopefully your soulmate wouldn’t mind you using the same line twice, at least under these circumstances.
In the seconds that follow, several things happen: One, you see Cassandra frown a little, and refuse to look in your direction. Two, Lady Dimitrescu makes a surprised face, but quickly shifts into an expression of satisfaction. Thirdly, Bela’s hand finds your own again, giving it an incredibly soft squeeze. Last but not least… someone you haven’t seen before enters the room. She has red hair, a green pendant around her neck, and eyes that light up with curiosity when she sees you. If you had to guess, you’d assume that she was another one of Bela’s sisters. Here’s hoping she’s a tad bit friendlier, you think.
“Did I miss anything? Ooh, please tell me we’re having this lovely stranger for breakfast?” She asked, grinning maniacally. So much for being friendlier, you think, figuring that she was being literal. Based on the way Bela tenses up in response, you’re probably right. Before she can protest, however, Lady Dimitrescu clears her throat and speaks.
“Ah, Daniela… This stranger-” she says the word with far less venom than you anticipated, but it is venom nonetheless- “is your dear sister’s soulmate. We will not be draining them of blood. Again. Assuming that they behave themselves. Is that clear?” She asked, staring down at the newcomer. There’s a slight pause, tension still lingering in the air, followed by a sigh of relief from Bela. Much to your surprise, neither Cassandra nor Daniela seem particularly upset by this announcement. In fact, the latter simply shrugs and takes her seat at the table. Next thing you know everyone else is sitting as well, including Bela, who gestures for you to follow suit. “I’ll have one of the servants fetch you some more… appropriate food. Cynthia, my dear?” Soon enough a maiden, perhaps a decade or two older than yourself, hurriedly enters the room. With a bow, she addresses Alcina.
“Yes, Lady Dimitrescu?”
“Have Miss Bouregard make an extra plate of whatever it is you sort eat, and bring it here. We have an… unexpected guest,” Alcina explained. At that, Cynthia glances at you, her eyes briefly widening in surprise. Without another word she turns away, giving another bow before heading away to fulfill her task. Once more you’re the only human in the room. Oddly enough, you manage to feel quite at ease, as if surviving one round was enough to guarantee you’d win the overall game. Well, at the very least you now had a chance. Regardless of what was to come, you were glad for that, for this opportunity to be with your soulmate. At the end of the day… little else mattered to you.
Much to your relief, the rest of breakfast proceeded smoothly. Conversation was sparse, with most of it being hushed whispers from the other side of the table, but you hardly minded. Normally you would find it rude. Now, you were simply pleased that they weren’t being up front with their hostility. More so, it allowed you and Bela to have your own conversation, which mainly pertained to your plans for the day. Several times during your discussion, a glance elsewhere would show you that Alcina was paying attention. Exactly once you even saw her attempting to hide a smile. A sense of pride had swelled in your chest at the sight.
It has remained there, even until now, as you move into Bela’s private study. One quick survey of the room tells you a thousand things about your soulmate. For starters, it’s clear that she’s musically inclined. There’s a harp in one corner, adjacent to a folded music stand, as well as a small bookshelf dedicated entirely to sheet music. A couple medium sized instrument cases are nearby, but you don’t immediately recognize their shape. Further into the room is a rather old looking desk, slightly worn, yet clearly cared for. Possibly passed down the generations? Next to the desk is a massive window with a couple spare chairs. All across the walls were bookshelves and mementos, including several skulls (at least one of them human). Every book you looked over appeared to be well read, with many bookmarks inside, some held together by tape and prayers.
“This… this is sublime, my darling. I could rest here for a month and hardly finish cherishing half the space!” You said, grinning at your soulmate. She’s equally pleased, seeming a tad relieved as well. Perhaps she had worried you’d be thrown off by the skulls? Wanting to reassure her, you approach that particular shelf, examining them closely. However, you do not touch them, not wanting to risk damaging her collection. “Truly marvellous. Dare I ask where you got these specimens?” It’s a joke, but Bela stiffens nonetheless, making you quickly redact your statement. “My apologies, I meant it as a jest. Though you are welcome to tell me more about them if you so desire! I will listen with rapt attention, I promise.”
“Most of them are gifts from Cassandra. During the summers we hunt, her more so than Daniela or myself. I… dislike wasting anything, and there’s only so much to be done with most bones. They have quite a few ornamental uses, however. Useful for study, as well,” Bela mentioned, smiling softly. Then she moves to stand next to you, carefully reaching to grab one of the skulls. “This was from one of our hounds, actually. I raised her from puppy to adult, took her on every hunt, even let her sleep in my quarters on colder nights. When she got sick I…” A pause, mouth open but unmoving, eyes slipping shut. “I couldn’t bring myself to put her down. Even argued with my mother, night after night, begging for another choice. None came, of course, and in the end even I could not deny her the softest embrace of death… Still, you must think me strange, to keep such a thing as a reminder of her.”
“Not at all, my dear. We all remember, and grieve, in our own ways. I’ve often found myself intrigued by skulls, of all sorts,” you admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck with your hand. “All we are, our minds or mayhap our souls, contained in one hard shell. It’s incredible, and terrifying, all at the same time, to hold one in my hands, or even merely examine one. Oh, what stories these bones could tell, if only they could talk… Though I suppose there are entire fields of science devoted to such a thought…” With that said, you look back at Bela just in time to see her staring fondly at the canine skull. Then she places it back on its perch, dusting her hands off afterwards, taking one last moment to appreciate her collection.
“I’m glad you and I agree on this,” she said softly. Once more she’s looking at you, smiling wide. “Now let’s make memories of our own, to hold in our bones forevermore, yes?”
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visenyavires · 3 years
Bleed Not For Death, But For Love
Chapter 4: Dangerous Game
Warnings: Kidnapping, suffocation, entrapment, blood, nudity, mild sexual content
I am startled awake to the sound of mischievous giggling that I recognize as the daughters, and once again, it’s growing closer. I try to think quickly, knowing that they probably expect me to be asleep so I sit up and put my hands in my lap as if I’m expecting them. The giggles grow ominously louder and suddenly the double doors to my chambers fly open and three swarms of flies create a massive shadow in my room. 
The first daughter that materializes is angry, her black hair flying around her face like dark rays of light. She has blood splattered across her tar-colored mouth and cheeks, and her eyes are manic… almost sadistic. 
“I knew it,” she snarls, her eyes fixed on the marks on my neck. “She let Mother play with her.” Another daughter with red hair forms close to me and gets near enough to take a deep inhale of the dried wound her mother had made only hours before. 
“Mmmmm, I want to play with her too,” she coos playfully as the third daughter with blonde hair finally emerges from her insect swarm. 
“Enough, Daniela. There will be plenty of that later,” the blonde says calmly, but wickedly at the same time. Daniela backs away from my neck and giggles maniacally as she retreats to her blonde sister, who I take as the eldest. 
“Bela, she was supposed to be asleep,” the black-haired daughter seethes at the eldest sister through gritted teeth.
“We improvise then, Cassandra,” Bela snaps in her direction. “Get creative.”
Before I know it, Cassandra is holding me by my throat and laughing maniacally. She begins to squeeze and it doesn’t take long before I begin to lose consciousness. Before I slip away, I hear Bela command, “Take her to the dungeon, we need her screams to be as far from Mother’s chambers as possible.”
I wake up on a cold, wet, stone cell floor with the daughters waiting for me, talking quietly amongst themselves. It’s dark except for a few wall torches giving minimal light and it reeks of blood and mildew. I sit and lean up against a side wall and my head begins to pound violently while blood drips down my face from my hairline. Daniela takes a huge sniff of the air, grins widely with a happy moan, and turns toward me.
“She’s awake, sisters! Dinner is served,” she hisses. Cassandra removes her sickle and walks slowly towards me.
“I’ve been waiting for this since you first stepped on the castle grounds,” Cassandra grins sadistically. Bela stays silent but has a mischievous glint in her eye. Something isn’t right. As Cassandra inches closer, I scoot backward towards the back of the cell. I’m shrouded in more darkness the further I scoot back as the torchlight slides off my face. She opens the cell door and her sickle gleams in the torchlight menacingly. My throat goes dry and I know they are reveling in the fear they see in my eyes by Cassandra’s increasingly sadistic smile. At this point, I’m fearing for my life when Cassandra moves quickly toward me, the tip of her sickle pressing into one of the marks her mother had made on my neck. She looks at my neck, tilts her head to the side, and grins wickedly as she meets my fearful gaze.
“Please,” I whisper. “I haven’t done anything wrong,” I plead, my voice shallow and quiet. Daniela flies towards me and before I know it, she’s cuffing my wrists with chains that are attached to the vaulted ceiling of the cell. Bela walks to a lever as if on cue and the chains are pulled into the ceiling, forcing me to stand, then eventually, my feet are no longer on the floor. Daniela then cuffs my ankles tightly and the pull on my arms makes my shoulders burn. My heart is racing and not in the way it was only hours ago. This time, I’m frightened. Cassandra now has full access to my body and she cackles.
“Mother needs to share her food with her children,” Cassandra purrs in a very similar mannerism to her mother. She grins and stares at the place on my head where blood is slowly dripping from, then meets my gaze again. 
“Should we crack your skull open some more or should I slit your throat and bathe in your virgin blood?” she asks with a cackle and presses her sickle further into the side of my neck, breaking the skin. The daughters giggle collectively and are all surrounding me now, hunger filling their eyes. 
Like a deep church bell, an angry scream rings through the dungeon, and before the daughters could even turn around, Lady Dimitrescu storms into the stone halls, claws out. 
“DAUGHTERS!!!” she bellows as she enters my line of sight. Her laugh lines have disappeared into a snarl of rage, her eyes irate and full of fury. The three girls turn around, absolutely terrified, and stand up straight to face their mother. Daniela is the first one to break.
“We are so sorry, Mother, it was just a prank,” she says with a trembling voice.
“Yes, Mother, we didn’t mean to hurt her, we only wanted to scare her,” Bela explains with fearful eyes.
“Speak for yourselves,” Cassandra mumbles in a whisper I assume only I could hear since Alcina doesn’t react to it. The pure rage in her eyes is enough to make your heart stop and her impressive height only makes her that much more intimidating.
“You are playing a very dangerous game, daughters,” she warns loudly with ravenous anger filling her golden eyes. This prompts Bela to lower the chains and Daniela removes the cuffs from my ankles, then my wrists as soon as my feet reconnect with the stone floor. I collapse to the ground on my hands and knees looking at the wet ground, dizzy from all the recent blood loss, my head pounding, back burning, and blood from my head filling my eyes. I hear her claws retract and her voice booms through the stone halls.
“I want all three of you OUT of my sight!” she yells angrily, her long, heavy steps growing closer to me. 
“Yes, mother,” they say in frightened unison and I hear their fly forms appear and fade away just as quickly as they came. 
My breath is ragged and I’m trembling with weakness, fear, and disdain. Suddenly, I see white satin draped over a crouched form in front of me and I feel a large, gloved hand slide gently from my cheek under my chin, softly raising my face to meet her gaze. Her porcelain expression is full of concern as she sees the wound on my head and the fresh cut on my neck dealt by Cassandra’s sickle. Tears fill my eyes as relief joins the Pandora’s box of emotions I’m already feeling and I struggle to cry silently. As if she can feel everything I am, her expression softens and she takes a handkerchief to gently clean the fresh blood and tears off my face. I feel safe, protected, even slightly adored by this woman who I have miraculously taken to so quickly.
Alcina sighs with disappointment and I know it’s at her daughters. She carefully sweeps me up into her strong arms and lays my head against her soft, plentiful chest. As she carries me out of the cold, dank dungeon, sunlight peeks through the windows and the scent of her ambrosia perfume makes me feel at peace and my pain fades a bit. Her chest bounces slightly with each step and it’s helping me keep my eyes open. I know if I close my eyes, I won’t wake up for a while.
I look up at the goddess incarnate carrying me down her castle hallways, her sharp jawline showing miles of confidence. Her scarlet lips form a serious frown and her eyes look straight ahead. She adamantly walks past my chambers and I’m grateful. I do not wish to see that room for a while. Tears continue to fall from my eyes onto Alcina’s chest and she looks down at me, her expression softening again.
“Don’t cry, pet. The worst is over now,” she says reassuringly. I believe her, but only for now. 
The rest of the castle flies by with her long strides and before I know it, she’s ducking beneath her chamber doors, taking me back to her bed. She lays me down on top of her large, soft comforter and walks into her master bathroom. I let out a huge sigh of relief to be in the safest room in the castle instead of being in the situation I was in only ten minutes prior. After a few minutes, Alcina returns from her bathroom wearing only her blood-red robe and holding fresh towels and a brush. 
“Can you stand?” she asked gently, setting the towels and brush beside me on the bed. I shake my head with disappointment, the vertigo is just too strong and I’m too frail to hold myself up. She nods understandingly and helps me sit up. I’m able to hold myself up in this position and I turn so my legs hang off the edge of her bed. She walks around to the other side of her bed and crawls up behind me. She runs her large but delicate hands up my arms until she’s holding my shoulders. She continues to move closer, her legs bent with her calves beneath her and her thighs straddling my hips from behind. She ran her long fingers through my hair before grabbing the brush and using the slow strokes she loves so much to get the tangles out. When my hair is soft and smooth, she plays with the back of my dress that I've been wearing since the night before.
“Do you mind, pet?” she asks with a sultry tone. I involuntarily shudder at her touch and I nod my consent. She slowly opens every clasp and undoes every button so that my whole back is exposed, then she returns her hands to my shoulders and slides the fabric down my arms so that my whole torso is bare. I begin to cross my arms to cover my breasts but porcelain hands gently grab my wrists.
“Ah, ah,” she says as she lowers my arms from behind. “There’s no need for that,” she purrs. 
“Yes, My Lady,” I say, my frozen cheeks filling with heat. 
“Alcina, draga mea,” she insists. I nod my understanding and I feel her left hand run back up my arm and the other sink to my bare waist. Chills of desire follow close behind her touch and I can feel her smiling behind me. She pushes all my hair to one side of my neck so the right side is exposed. She leans in close to my neck where Cassandra made her mark and kisses it tenderly. Her lips are warm and I want to stay like this forever: in her arms with her lips on my neck. When her lips depart from my skin, she whispers in my ear, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Alcina slides off the bed in front of me and takes in my bare chest with a warm smile on her face, but the grin fades when she notices the bruises all over me, probably from when I was unconscious while her daughters moved me to the dungeon. She shakes her head, clearly upset, and helps me stand, which causes my dress to fall to the floor, my panties being the only item of clothing left on my body. I stand before her, as vulnerable as I’ve ever been, and I bow my head in frail embarrassment. She lifts my head with her index finger and a smile of silent apology and reassurance. 
“You are beautiful, Y/N,” Alcina says softly, in a tone I never knew she could reach. She’s commanding, a leader, and sometimes harsh. She was yelling at her daughters only minutes ago- something I never want to see again, and now she’s speaking to me in the most comforting tone I’ve ever heard. I’m amazed, infatuated, and obsessed. I’m not afraid to admit it to myself, or anyone else for that matter, only her. 
Alcina scoops me up in her arms again, carries me to the bathroom, and gently stands me in the massive claw foot tub that’s full of perfectly warm water. She squats down low enough to run her long, scarlet nails along the edge of my panties and looks up at me yet again, her eyes asking for consent. I nod so she pulls them down and I rest my hand on her shoulder to help keep my balance while I step out of them carefully. I feel immensely vulnerable but too weak to care. Isn’t this what I want? Why am I feeling borderline shame??? I shake my head at myself internally and meet Alcina’s golden gaze below.
“Thank you,” I say softly and with a bashful smile. She returns the smile as her way of saying ‘you’re welcome’ and helps me sit slowly in the middle of the tub. I start to scoot back to relax, but she places a hand on my shoulder to stop me. She then stands up to her full height and unties her robe. I feel my face flushing with heat as the red silk falls to the floor and I can’t (and won’t) help the look of awe I know is plastered on my face. Her large porcelain breasts caught my eye and I almost started staring and something told me she wanted me to. I bite my bottom lip partially out of desire and partially to keep my jaw from hitting the floor in amazement. 
My mind is stuck on being professional, but given our current setting, I’d say we have quickly moved past that point. Smiling, Alcina then steps into the tub behind me and uses the edges to help her sit gracefully. Her long legs straddle me from behind and she then grabs my hips, pulling me back towards her. As small as I am, I’m sure I seem like a doll to her. She gently and carefully washes me with a soft rag covered in ambrosia soap that matches her perfume. After I’m clean, she runs her taloned fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp, carefully avoiding the wound just behind my hairline. I bravely allow myself to lean back and relax into her stomach and she caresses my face from behind. Her gentle touch works its way down to my neck, her nails playing with my skin. I want her to keep going, so I arch my back and lean into her touch. Her muscles shift in reaction and she leans forward into my ear.
“Oh, how I desire to, pet, but I do so love the taste of your virgin blood. I’m not quite willing to part with it just yet,” she purrs softly. She plants a kiss on my warm cheek, then turns my head with her finger again and her ruby red lips meet mine. I begin to feel warmth between my legs as she holds my face gently with one hand and slides her other hand to the front of my stomach, pulling me close. But just like that, her lips depart from mine and she stands to get out of the tub, leaving me only with a smile and scarlet-stained lips. She dries off with her back turned to me and slides her robe on over her snow-white skin and turns back to me. 
“Take the day to rest and if you need anything, I’ll see to it that the maids know to come to your aide. I’ll have Francesca take you to your new chambers. I think you’ll prefer the location,” she says with a wink and she turns to leave but stops in the door frame and turns her head so she speaks to me from her side profile. 
“See you at dusk, Draga Mea,” she says in a deep, sultry voice that makes me crave to hear more. She closes the doors behind her and my body aches with desire. It’s thrilling how she loves playing with me and it only makes me want her more. I stay in the tub long after she’s gone, still shocked by the events that had transpired. Alcina… a temptress, countess, seductress, mistress. Her confidence, her regality, her beauty, her stern but gentle hand. Her porcelain skin, her scarlet lips, her height that can make anyone submit, her wickedly seductive grin... I am simply amazed by her and all that she is. But a thought hits me hard enough to snap me out of my trance… I am mortal. 
I am her prey.
 It took me a moment, but now I realize that the true dangerous game here... is falling in love with Alcina Dimitrescu, and I’m right in the middle of it.
To be continued…
***** Comment below if you want to be added to my tag list! ALSO, my ask box is open if you guys have fanfic ideas you want me to write! *****
Next: Chapter 5: Just a Taste
Previous: Chapter 3: Devotion, You Shall Have
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Would you write some steamy make out session between fem!reader x a daughter of your choice? Maybe the daughter would sneak out of the castle or sneak reader in the castle into her bedroom. They can go all the way, I'd love a dominant top reader in this, but if you're not comfortable writing about that someone can interrupt them when reader is just about have their hand in the daughter's pants. Thank you in advance!
I picked Bela, cuz I've already got some nsfw with the other two planned. Not gonna lie, this had me, like, screaming in the middle of the night because I'm incredibly easily flustered, and whooooo boy this is what the folks would call "horny". Anyway, I tried, hopefully it's good. If not, please forgive me, I haven't written nsfw in ages (can you believe I used to write this stuff with a straight face?). PS: the reader probably isn't as dominant as you were going for? I just, idk, personally exude bottom energy (even as an ace) and struggle a lil with that sort of thing. If I understand terms correctly (and I do not), the reader might count as a 'service top'. What does that even mean. I'm probably not correct. Just. Just read the thing and see if it's any good, leave me to my awkward flailing.
Under read-more for horny, obvs. Also because this is, like, 1.5k words, which belongs under a read-more. Oh, also not beta read? I could not willingly make someone read this and edit it.
Sweet Talkin' (Alt: the fic that killed j)
“Are you sure we won’t get caught?” You asked, butterflies in your stomach, equal parts nervous and excited. This date had taken weeks of planning. Every last detail was covered, from location to timing to where a certain noble would be, backed up by maidens and begrudging sisters alike. At the end of the day, you really shouldn’t be nervous. But considering just how special this was supposed to be… well, you couldn’t help your anxiety. Evidently your girlfriend feels much the same, as her reassuring smile was hardly as confident as it normally was.
“We’ve gone over this a thousand times, darling, we know it’s going to work out fine,” Bela Dimitrescu replied, before pulling you in for a quick kiss. The two of you stay in each other’s arms for a moment, gently resting your foreheads together. “It will be fine, it has to be. If my mother found out-”
“She won’t,” you interjected, quickly, trying to do for her what she had done for you. “You said it yourself, we’ve double and triple checked. As long as we finish up before dinner, as planned, your sisters will keep her distracted. Admittedly I’m still not sure how you managed to convince them to help.”
“The threat of mutually assured destruction,” Bela replied, as if it was obvious. Something about the way she was always so fast to respond, usually with something clever, made your heart skip a beat. Ooh, and the confidence she radiated? Even better. “Besides, I’ve covered for the two of them a dozen times or more, I think they owe me one. Now, let’s just enjoy this time we have together, alright?” Then she takes both of your hands in her own, giving them a soft squeeze, while looking at you lovingly.
“Is it getting a little warm in here, or is it just me?” You asked, blushing, almost overwhelmed by the heat shared between the two of you. There’s a slight lump in your throat, but you push it down as fast as you can. After all, this was exactly what the two of you had wanted, and you happened to have a little ‘surprise’ in mind. Now seemed like the perfect chance to act. “Maybe we should do something about it, hmm? Don’t want me overheating during our date, now do we?” Well, it wasn’t your smoothest moment, for sure. But you were used to Bela taking the lead in these sorts of situations. This was simply your turn to have some fun, finally show that you didn’t always need to be told what to do (not that you minded, at least not when it was Bela giving you commands).
“Oh? Do elaborate, darling, I’d love to hear what you’re suggesting,” she replied, soft smile betraying her mirth. For a second you see her gaze drift from your eyes to your lips, and you have a feeling you know exactly what she’s thinking about. Seizing the moment, you wrap an arm around her waist, then pull her in for a kiss. Soon enough you two are pressed against each other, eager in your movements, hearts racing in sync. Slowly but surely you move your hand, edging it down her back, then a little further… Bela gasps as you gently grab her ass, not having expected you to be the first to make such a move. A few moments later you have to break for air, chests heaving, but you don’t let go of her entirely.
“Less clothes, for starters. And since your skin isn’t, hmm, quite as warm as mine… I was thinking I could use that to my advantage. If your thighs need a little warming, we could kill two birds with one stone,” you said, practically purring, voice lower than usual. A blush soon rises up Bela’s cheeks as she considers your offer. It doesn’t take her long to smirk, satisfied, one hand going to cup your cheek.
“Right now, there is nothing I would love more,” she murmured. It’s all the encouragement you need to act. Without hesitation you tuck an arm behind her legs, sweeping her up and onto the desk in one smooth motion. It’s a good thing she cleaned up for our date, you think, as you position your body between her thighs. For now you focus your lips on her neck, leaving a trail of kisses along it. Meanwhile your hands find themselves on the fabric of her dress, slowly sliding it upwards, revealing more of her soft skin, ready and waiting for your touch. She lets out a quiet moan as you work, using one hand to hold your head close to her. “You’re rather eager today, dear. Worried we won’t have time for you to get a turn?” Bela asked, in between sharp breaths, teasing as ever.
Instead of replying, you just run your tongue over a particularly sensitive spot on her neck (one you’ve taken advantage of many, many times), unable to stop yourself from smiling when it draws another, louder, moan from her lips. Savoring the feeling, you give her the softest lovebite you can manage. Then you finally get the hem of her dress up to her thighs, allowing you all the access you need, and you pull back to look her in the eyes.
“The only thing I’m worried about is how loud you’re about to be. I wouldn’t want to scar the other maidens,” you said, grinning. Part of you remembers that Daniela and her girlfriend had already handed out plenty of mental scars. The rest of you, however, is content to focus on your girlfriend. So you give her one last quick peck on the lips. Seconds later you’re on your knees, looking up to admire the view. You can’t help but release a low breath at the sight. It takes you a moment to recover, blushing heavily, before you get back to work. Reaching up you take the edge of her underwear in your hands, tugging it away. Bela shifts as you do, trying to make it easier for you, and before long you’ve removed it entirely and tossed the garment over your shoulder. Normally you’d be neater, but when the two of you had all the time in the world… why bother?
Even with one hell of a prize right there, you don’t go straight for her cunt. You place a kiss against her inner thigh, then another one, taking your sweet time. It’s driving Bela crazy, and she’s squirming in place. Picking up the pace just a bit, you add in a couple nibbles, slowly climbing up her thighs, hands ensuring they stayed parted. Right as you move in for more, her fingers tangle in your hair, urging you closer, closer. On one hand you want to tease her, payback for a dozen times she’s done this exact thing to you. On the other hand… your lips can’t help themselves. You’re kissing her clit, loving the way she gasps in response, switching to using your tongue, quick licks one after another. Now her fingers are curling in your hair, pulling ever so slightly.
“Babe,” Bela gasped, struggling to keep herself from bucking too hard, free hand clenching the desk as hard as she could. Eager to please her further, you work faster, tongue rolling over her wet folds, then focusing on her clit, cycling the motions, even as she moves herself against you. You swear you can almost hear her heart racing- but it’s just your own beating in your ears, nearly drowned out by the sound of her pleasure. Every sound urges you onward, rewarding every lick or kiss with a surge of pride. You were the reason she was gasping, calling your name, shaking ever the slightest. Soon, well, soon you’ll be the reason why she was cumming. “Oh fuck,” she said, tensing up for a split second, one last lick sending her over the edge. The way she tugs on your hair hurts, but you know it’s more out of reflex than anything else.
“Mmm,” you hummed, pressing a couple soft kisses to Bela’s inner thighs, letting her come down from her high without having to worry about overstimulation (at least not yet). Then you’re rising back to your feet, glad to stretch out a little. “Ready for round two?” You asked, teasing, though a hundred percent ready if she did agree. To your surprise… she nods, eagerly, sending you a familiar smirk. “Well, I’d better get to work, then.” With that said you move closer, grinning just as wide as your girlfriend, beyond glad that you had plenty of time to do whatever you wanted with each other… because the two of you were going to need every minute.
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