#she has a lot of maids and three Nannie’s to keep up with her children and she KNOWS that it’s only because of her wife’s amazing
caitlynmeow · 5 months
Lmao okay so Cassandra and Daniela were the loudest advocates for having pets in the castle but Alcina always said no because it’s plenty of work for everyone to look after the three daughters and no one has the energy to do the same for pets (because tbh the daughters can’t do much on their own they have maids that literally do everything for them like they barely even dress themselves there is always someone helping them and this is just ONE example)
Anyway, years and years later, life made a full circle and one Cassandra Dimitrescu was asked by her very own daughters if they can have a pet. Cassandra took a moment to realize that if it’s not for her wife, this family would be in shambles because Cass can barely keep herself alive let alone her children. And then she realized that her mother was right. It is a lot of work already and having pets is not going to work.
Cass would rather die than admit her mother is right but she fully gets it now
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
The Goodmanes: 1300 - 1310
The royal knight, Heath Goodmane, was given land to tend along with his wife and children. He gladly accepted and put the farm in his capable wife - Mildred's - hands while he was off at work earning Simoleans for his family. He hopes to marry his daughters to good men in the future and pass on the family trade to his son.
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1302 - 1306
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I'm going to be honest. There aren't many screenshots of the Goodmanes. Heath and Mildred are married - Heath is a knight and as such, he was given an estate. At the start of this household, they had three daughters: Cerelia, Lilen, and Alfreda.
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Here are Cerelia and Alfreda! Soon after, Mildred gave birth to twins - Harlowe and Fayre. Sadly, Harlowe passed away in 1305 (at the age of 1) from a bee sting. Leaving them with four girls and no boys.
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In 1306, Mildred had her fifth baby girl - her name is Twyla. As you can see, this family hasn't been documented as well. There are just so MANY of them!
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1307 started with screaming babies and sister bonding. This house is SO hard to get screenshots of because there's so much going on.
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Pregnancy cravings meant that Mildred got up and made Chunky Vegetable Stew at 4 in the morning. Lilen doesn't seem to mind!
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Lilen is a big girl now!
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It.... was a bit of a rough day over at the Goodmane house. Mildred's water broke while she was passed out on the floor.
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Lilen aged up and instantly rushed off to start doing chores. Fetching water for her sisters' baths - all of the toddlers decided to get messy at once, it was sort of ridiculous.
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Twyla has aged up to a toddler! This family has had pretty decent luck on rolls - they have only lost one child so far. (The only boy.)
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Giving birth in the rain with a stinky toddler running away? Is definitely the best way to go. This is the second time she's given birth outside. But welcome to the world little Sawyer Goodmane. Surprisingly, he didn't get sick and also survived his first roll.
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Sawyer survived the newborn stage and aged up to infancy! (And I promise, his mother was right there to scoop him up, he didn't age up alone.)
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Sawyer is proving to be a somewhat.... difficult baby. He constantly wakes up screaming and fussing. His mother barely gets any time to breathe. Having all of these children survive is a blessing, of course, but it also leaves Mildred with a lot to juggle.
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Cerelia has inherited her father's skill for archery. He commented that it's almost sad that women aren't able to fight since she has such a talent for it - but the young lady always shoots back that she wouldn't want to fight as it is improper. No, she's happy helping her mother tend the house and looks forward to having a home and children of her own, thank you very much.
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Poor Lilen was subject to the first blowout since all of the siblings share a room. She rushed in to retrieve their mother since she's still too young to bathe him. . . . He doesn't seem too upset about the whole thing.
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Mildred finds out that she's pregnant.... in the worst way possible. There was a problem. After Heath rushed her to a physician (they are of higher standing, since he's a knight and all), she was told that she must keep her humors balanced. She had to reduce stress and rest. Heath is seriously considering hiring a wet nurse, nanny, and maid for the duration of this pregnancy. He's just worried that his wages won't pay for it. Cerelia, of course, agreed to help as much as she can. Lilen also said that she could help care for the farm and her siblings.
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Speaking of, Alfreda is no longer a helpless toddler and is now a young girl who can pick up some chores around the house. She spent a lot of time around Lilen and picked up some of her perfectionist tendencies, but that's okay! It just means some more quality things will be made around this house!
Unsurprisingly, I have hit the image limit! So I guess this means, there will be a post just for 1309!
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Danganronpa 1 Girls: adopting an abused child - Headcanons
Request: If it's okay, the DR1 girls with an adopted child that was previously in an intensely abusive living situation? The kid is extremely traumatized by the experience, and is very quiet, fearful and suffers frequent breakdowns and nightmares.
Part 2: Oh! Adopted abused child for DR1 girls anon here... To specify, headcanons.
Of course! A unique request. I’m gonna write this assuming they’ve had the child in their home for a while, maybe a few years, and you can headcanons the girls’ partners versus if they are single moms on your own. This will just be how the DR1 girls treat their adopted, previously abused child. - Mod Kokichi
WARNINGS: past child abuse implied/referenced. Trauma/panic attacks and anxiety
Aoi Asahina:
The queen of three things: sweets, sports, and positive attitudes.
She would definitely use these three skills/interests of hers to help the previously abused child she adopted.
First of all, she’d chosen this child in particular because she saw their profile and asked about them. Her big heart wouldn’t allow her to abandon a child that’s clearly been through a lot of suffering, especially not after her own experience in the killing game.
Despite whether or not she had a partner, she’d want kids when she was able to responsibly care for them. Also, her experience as a big sister would prepare her for kids a little better than an only child.
Sweets: having a panic attack? Here’s some home-made cookies. Bad day at school? Let’s strap on an apron and bake together tonight. Stayed up late with insomnia or nightmares? Well good news, doughnuts for breakfast the next morning!
Sports: being athletic and active herself, Hina would encourage her child to enter team sports to get better at socializing and just learn important motor skills, but she wouldn’t force them into it, knowing crowds or loud noises may overstimulate them.
Maybe she’d have them start small. Table tennis or private swimming lessons. When and if they were ever ready, soccer or lacrosse on the school’s team.
That’s not to say she wouldn’t love and appreciate a more artistically or mathematically inclined child. Sports or not, she’d find a way to use their inherent skills to better them. She’s not one to give up on the people she cares about.
Positive attitudes: slip-ups and panic attacks are nothing to get discouraged about! She would stay up all night with a child going through anxiety, assure them that this too shall pass, and use positive reinforcement.
Sakura Ogami:
Another mom who would seek out sports as a way to ease her child’s suffering.
But unlike Asahina, she’d see sports as more of a way to teach perseverance and self-discipline rather than social skills.
She would want them to learn some type of martial art. It would teach balance, strength, inner-peace, and erase self-doubt.
Plus, learning martial arts would help teach self-defense. She would never want her child to go out until the word helpless and not knowing how to defend themselves should they absolutely have to.
She would enjoy reading to her child at night, and talking at length with them about what was bothering them. She would let them cry onto her strong shoulders, and offer stoic wisdom. She’s like, super good at giving advice.
Loves them unconditionally, is fiercely protective and loyal. A very supportive and loving mother.
Shells out the cash for any and all therapy they need, physical and psychological. She doesn’t see mental illness as a weakness.
Celestia Ludenberg:
This mom, instead of teaching a child to ignore trauma and bullies - be they internalized and metaphorical or external and corporeal - would teach her child how to face their obstacles head on.
Bullies at school? Well we’ll handle that. “They won’t be a problem anymore, trust me.”
PTSD and past trauma? Well we will sit here and talk about these weaknesses until they become our strengths. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and you’ll be undefeatable after all you’ve been through.”
This child will be spoiled, but not in a bratty way. They will simply wear the best clothes, eat the most expensive food, and attend the best schools.
Celestia would play endless card and board games with her child to keep their mind off of darker thoughts.
“Moooom, you cheated again!”
“Oh? Did I~?”
“Yes!” A disgruntled but reluctantly amused smile.
“Well~ I think it is simply that you don’t know how to play this game yet. But one day, you will.”
Kyoko Kirigiri:
At first, it may take her a while to open up and truly be the best mother she can be.
But she understands wanting more from a parent-child relationship, and after a while of doubting herself, would buckle down and do what she needs to do.
Wouldn’t be as pushy with talking about triggering subjects, or entirely comfortable giving advice either.
But is a terrific listener/observer. She walks in after work and sees her kid crying alone in their room. They’d remembered something scary, something they didn’t want to think about, they said.
“I see...well, do you want to talk about it?” And she’d sit there by their bedside until she was sure they didn’t need her any longer.
If single: definitely has a big house, a reputable maid, a nanny, a nice car in the driveway, but still insists on personally packing her kids lunch with a little encouraging sticky note inside.
If she has a partner: can be convinced to be more involved and slowly but surely becomes more hands-on and soccer-momish, minivan and all. Sees her partner’s own parenting skills as a challenge to step it up. Kyoko has all the makings of a great mother, she just won’t let herself see it. A partner would be just the push she needs: a Watson to her Holmes.
Toko Fukawa (I watched the anime and played the three main games so if her personality changes drastically in ultra despair girls and I’m way off I apologize):
Toko knows childhood regret, trauma, nightmares. She understands feeling isolated and different. She would be a very clingy and coddling mother.
If you ever touched a hair on her child’s head, you better just execute yourself before she does.
Sure she’s not the most confident or kind person on her own, but we’ve seen how devoted to and possessive she is of people she cares about.
She’d read to her child nightly, but only what she deemed to be the best children’s literature, of course.
Would love her child more than she loved her own partner. She would feel needed, like someone depended on her for once instead of her tagging along behind someone else.
I think as she boosts her child’s confidence and social skills, her own would grow along with them.
I know she’s getting better every day at controlling her inner demons, and her other half, Syo (I watched like two hours of UDG gameplay so I know this much) but I think she’d be extra careful and determined to have full control once becoming a mother.
Sayaka Maizono:
I think she would see music as an outlet for a hurting child.
Another girl who would have hella money, so she wouldn’t hesitate to get her kid lessons from the best instructors, be they voice or instrumental lessons.
And when her child mentions feeling uncomfortable about leaving the house for unnecessary reasons, especially for going to a public, noisey studio, she would pay extra to have the instructor come to them.
To her, music heals the soul.
When they have nightmares, she’s the most likely of the girls to sing lullabies, being the most talented and confident in her singing voice.
She would definitely want to be a mother one day, but with her time-consuming job, might find adoption easier and less compromising to an idol’s “flawless” body (her manager’s opinion more than her own ugh).
She’d use her intuitive “psychic” abilities to sense when her child was having a particularly rough day, or having more depressing thoughts. I think she’d be one of the ones more suited to deep conversations and true motherly advice.
Junko Enoshima:
I honestly don’t think she’d adopt a child for any wholesome or selfless reason.
She’d adopt a child with PTSD or past trauma in order to feed off of their despair or to teach that already hurting child to hurt others.
She’d be drawn to the more chaotic and/or mentally unwell children, but it would be a mistake to let her near them.
Junko is selfish in every way and would only adopt a child to carry on her evil lineage.
It may not even go that far. She may get bored of them or decide they aren’t worthy of becoming her protege and just dispose of them like an old play thing.
(Sorry Junko stans but I’m not about to pretend she’s just a bratty, preppy rich blonde mean girl type. She’s a selfish and abusive psychopath lmao)
Mukuro Ikusaba:
Another one who probably shouldn’t be a mother.
I do feel bad for her though. Much like Korekiyo, I think their siblings both abused and manipulated them from a young age. They never learned any differently. Still she’s responsible for her bad choices in the series.
Without Junko’s influence, I believe she would be fiercely protective of a child, much like an obsessive mother bear once she retired from mercenary work for good.
But unfortunately, she’s given her life to her abusive sister.
If she had a child, they would either be neglected because she spends all of her time serving Junko or away on dangerous mercenary missions.
Or they would be trained to be an abused slave to their aunt Junko just like Mukuro is.
Junko may manipulate Mukuro into adopting a child, saying things like: “you’re more of the mommy type than me!” Or, “yeah I totally think a despair filled child would be good for you! You could teach it to like kick ass and shit!”
This of course, was all a way to get Mukuro to do all the work of actually raising the child, while Junko warped both of their minds to her cause.
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aislinswalsh · 4 years
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AHHHH IS THIS REAL LIFE? I’M SO EXCITED TO BE HERE WOW ! hello friends !  i’m so pumped to get to know all of your children, and i hope you like my painfully irish angel bby aislin. her app did get a bit long so i tried to type up a tldr version, but shutting me up is practically impossible so forgive me if that’s long too. i do have a few wanted connections listed below as well, but if nothing tickles your fancy i’m super open to seeing where the cat drags us or plotting out something else entirely ! @opalsmedia​
            bio that’s just my app . pinterest . playlist .
A Very Brief History:
Aislin grew up a very wild child, which her parents did not like at all. They chose to pay more attention to her brother who muted himself for their approval, and followed them blindly. She took solace in books, and making her own little movies or music videos with her friends. Think of those cringey MVs made by seventh graders. Very imaginative as a child as she spent a lot of time alone. She learned how to entertain herself no matter the occasion, and played a lot with the nannies, maids, gardeners, and cooks on their estate. 
She comes from old money, as the Walsh’s own a long line of car manufacturers throughout the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Her family praises her older brother for being responsible for getting a deal to import their cars to the US and asia. He was also a member of the society, and her parents never expected Aislin to be invited to join. Especially her mother who doesn’t believe her interest in Film and Philosophy isn’t attractive for a “young elite”
“Talk less, smile more.” ( shoutout to hamilton ) a phrase she commonly heard as she always has a million thoughts running through her mind. Each one she deemed important. There was so much to the world she didn’t understand, and had yet to see. It’s what made her so passionate about exploring it through film. To insert her own philosophy and start discussions around whatever thought was plaguing her the most. But her mother wished she would just shut up and let important people feel important.
The lack of attention from her parents made her a strong people pleaser. Searching for the approval she didn’t get from home no matter how hard she tried. She’s always there to lend a helping hand no matter how late, will be the ear someone needs and offer her best advice. Believes that her loyalty and devotion will earn her the love she so often felt she didn’t receive from her parents. Aislin knows what it’s like to feel neglected and like she’s not being paid attention to and she never wants people to feel that way so she showers everyone in the love she wishes her parents will show to her.
Aislin has a mind for wonder, and an imagination that knows no bounds because she can’t do the things she watches the protagonists she writes do. It’s her only form of escape from her life and she wishes she could live freely as her protagonists do but watching them in films would have to be enough. A passion that shows through as she as three award winning short films she’s known around the film community for. Those films being: “For the Love of a Daughter”, “The Problem with a Promise”,  and “The Ways in Which Footprints Lie”.
She puts others before herself always no matter the situation. She isn’t a prideful person, so she’s typically the first to apologize whenever any sign of conflict arises even if she wasn’t the reason the conflict started.
 It’s really hard for her to stand up for herself, and will usually just allow people to take advantage of her or walk all over her. She’s scared of disappointing people so she does her best to keep the peace at all times. 
Aislin wishes to be selfish, and put herself first but can’t bring herself to do it. So she takes out her wishes through her works. Her protagonists are always free spirited, strong willed, and openly opinionated because she feels like she can’t be.
She romanticizes every aspect of her life, and tries to find joy in the little things. She’s quick on her feet, and performs well under pressure.  Also tries her best to give everyone she meets the benefit of the doubt even if they come with their fair share of bad interactions. Even if they treat her poorly she tries to find the good in them.
Wanted Connections:
her muse. this person is someone she longs to be like. they inspire her most ambitious of characters because of how selfishly and carefree they’re able to live. she notices how they put their wants first without showing shame, and aislin tries to mimic their speech, and the way they interact with others but she always folds. she wants to be close to this person in hopes their habits will rub off on her. she’s afraid to ask how they got so assertive because she doesn’t want them to pity her or be annoyed but they’re remain a dream to her all the same.
the one that got away. it’s aislin’s fault these two didn’t work out. she couldn’t get out of her own head. they weren’t ever a couple but this muse was very sweet on her, and aislin wasn’t use to that. she was constantly thinking it was only a matter time before she disappointed them. she was hot then cold, clingy then distant and it made her feels seem like mixed signals. this muse could only take so much and eventually stopped pursuing her all together. something aislin knew was coming yet couldn’t bring herself to stop.
her comfort crowd. this could definitely be a few muses ! these people would be her group of don’t ask don’t tell. they’d have their own code, and hold each other secrets to their heart and take them to the grave. they all have access to each other’s places, know their favorite foods, and spend all night sharing secrets, reciting dreams, and being their most authentic selves. in the days that follow their stress relief they don’t speak of that night, pretending like it didn’t happen until they need another night like it again.
her midas touch. this person manages to always get her out of her comfort zone, and do things she normally wouldn’t for herself. they can see the way she struggles with doing for others and doing for herself and want them to choose herself. they sometimes get into arguments over it because no matter how many steps she takes forward she always ends right back treating others in the way she should treat herself.
her skeptic. this person thinks her treat people with kindness attitude is nothing but an act. they believe she’s working some kind of angle, whether it be within the society, her department, her inner circle, etc. they just don’t trust the way she acts. fully believing there’s more to her sweet persona than meets the eye.
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angelsswirl · 4 years
Whatever Makes You Happy
Chapter 2: try to get to heaven
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I can feel your eyes in the back of my head Burning, burning, burning Floating through the room as the hairs on my arms are Rising, rising, rising
You had never been quite sure why most people didn't like children. Quite frankly, it wasn't fair. To be disliked simply for not knowing the things someone older than you might.
Most children do not lack public decency like most assumed they do. Lisa would have led you to believe that her children were like that as well. But, Kijung and Dohyung had been perfect seven year old gentlemen the past three days.
You chuckled as Dohyung frantically explained his day to you. You're not sure why he's telling you. You were the curator of his day.
A requirement on the application for the job of nanny for Lalisa Manoban, included being able to speak fluent English, Thai, and Korean. You thought English was a bit odd for you to be able to speak. You knew Lisa was fluent in all of those languages, but you doubted she would be speaking English in her home. You supposed thai and korean were self-explanatory.
You could speak English and Korean just fine, but Thai is where problems where developing. Kijung and Dohyung would go in and out of all three languages so quickly that you would struggled to keep up. And also wondered if their heads hurt.
You're not even sure how you got the job without speaking thai fluently. Lisa had claimed to have read your paperwork. You'll have to check back in with that later.
"Dohyung, do you mind slowing down a bit? We don't want you to pass out." He looked at you funny. His soft round eyes squinting in confusion before turning to the sound of the front door being open.
Lisa stuck her head through the open door as if trying to scope out the room. She faked defeat as she noticed Dohyung staring at her happily.
"Y/N, I asked you if the coast was clear. I thought you had my back."
You decided to help Lisa keep up her little skit if only for the twins' sake.
"The coast was clear. But Double 0-Doh, here is a master spy. I think he would have found you no matter what."
Lisa huffed as she finally entered the house. She sat her things down on the side table next to the front door, "I suppose you're right. If you're going to jump on me, at least let me brace myself."
Dohyung didn't heed the warning. Instead, he ran as fast as his legs would take him and stumbled into his mother's legs. You're not surprised to see the streak of blue coloring Kijung's signature pajamas following right after him.
Lisa does well not to fall on her ass, and you admire the picture. You had only been on the job for three weeks, but you had just about instantly noticed the amount of love the family exuded for one another.
You do your best to not feel like an intruder.
Lisa ruffled the boys hair and they instantly scrambled away from her in protest. Kijung and Dohyung weren't that similar apart from the fact that they possessed the same face. But if there was one thing they hated it was anyone messing with their hair. They get it from Lisa.
They were going to be thoroughly unimpressed when you took them to the barbershop the next day.
It isn't until the twins retreat from Lisa and back into their room that you notice her outfit. It must have been a casual day for her. Lisa seemed to abide by a non-existent dress code at LLE, but apparently today was not one of those days, and the longer you stare, the more you wished it was.
And honestly, it's embarrassing, because she's only wearing the tighest jeans known to man and a plain white t-shirt covered precariously by a leather jacket.
You stare at Lisa a lot. You don't think she's ever really caught you. You don't think that until your eyes trail up her body and meet her eyes. Her eyes that are staring right back at you, just as hungrily as you, dare say.
In that very moment, you could have been easily convinced Lalisa Manoban was trying to kill you.
And what a way to go.
"My eyes are up here, y'know?" There's a hint of humor to her words but she's not smiling or laughing.
You slowly remove your lip from inbetween your teeth to speak, "I know exactly where your eyes are, Ms. Manoban."
Lisa licked at her bottom lip before nodding slowly.
"Then why do you never look me in them?"
You stood up from your place on the black leather couch. You walked toward her slowly. Lisa made no move to remove herself from the situation, so you continued in her direction.
You don't stop until you're directly in front of her. Close enough that if she wanted to touch you she could, but just far away for her to actually have to work for it.
"I think the same could be asked of you, Ms. Manoban. For example, you're staring directly down my shirt right now."
The corner of Lisa's lip quirked up, "That's because if I looked straight ahead, I'd been looking clear over your head."
You rolled your eyes, "Ha. Ha. You're not even that much taller than me. But that's, besides the point.
"Ok. Then, what's the point, Y/N?"
You stay silent for a moment, your eyes trailing down to Lisa's lips, "Why'd you hire me, Lisa?"
"I told you already. I didn't want to interview anyone else."
"No. That's not the reason. I've seen you're work. You're not lazy. I was probably the least qualified person you interviewed that day. I have no prior experience. I can't speak thai. And don't get me wrong, I will do everything in my power to keep those kids safe. But there were definitely better candidates for the job than me. So again, I ask, why'd you hire me, Lisa?" You slowly rolled onto the tip of your toes. Bringing you to eye level and ever closer to Lisa's lips.
"That's a really good question. Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?"
"Nope." You whispered the word into her ear. Your lips grazing over the shell. Her breath hitched.
"I didn't think so."
You're a millisecond away from just giving in and crashing your lips together, but there's a knock at the front door.
"Who could that be?" You asked Lisa softly.
Lisa didn't answer you, she only frowned before turning to the door and opening it rather harshly.
As soon as the door was thrown open a woman you had never seen before jumped onto Lisa. Her legs wrapping around the CEO's waist.
"Pookie?" You parroted at Lisa. You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms over your chest. An angry frown slowly covering your face.
"I-" Lisa was quickly cut off by the mystery woman, who was now slowly peeling herself away from Lisa.
"Oh, you must be the maid. Go fetch me a cup of tea now, would you?" You looked the woman up and down. She was dressed nicely. Immaculately even. Her hair and makeup was done to perfection just as well.
"I am not the damn maid."
"Oh I get it. You want a tip first." The woman attempted to pat a five dollar bill into your hand. You had half a mind to take it out of spite.
"I don't want your money. I'm not the maid."
The woman began to frown, then turned to Lisa who was still facing away from you. Like a coward.
"Then what are you doing here? What's going on, baby?" The woman asked Lisa. You watched Lisa's shoulders rise up and down, as though she had just taken a large sigh. She slowly turned on her heels.
"Yeah, what's going on, baby?" You repeated cheekily. Lisa rolled her eyes lamely before speaking.
"Seulgi, I told you I was going to be getting a new nanny for the boys. I also told you to call me before you showed up here." Lisa scolded.
Seulgi only rolled her eyes and waved Lisa off.
"If you're the nanny shouldn't you be nannying. Tuck the gremlins into bed or something."
"They're seven, not two. I'll go check on them later."
You glanced at Lisa once more, she pointedly avoided eye contact with you. You scoffed under your breath then hurried off to your room.
And of course, this was ridiculous in the grand scheme of things. Feeling hurt and betrayed over a woman you've barely been intimate with, and shouldn't even be thinking about in the ways you do.
You didn't know who exactly that woman was to Lisa, but you knew who you were to her.
The nanny.
And that's all you'll ever be.
You're just going to have to live with it.
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normadeathmond · 4 years
the spanish princess ep 3 thoughts
(now with pictures!)
this week was surprisingly silly for an episode named ‘grief’, and indulging in entertainingly dumb historical shenanigans is when this show is at it’s most enjoyable. comments, complaints and lots of poking fun inside.
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- i am not the biggest fan of charlotte hope’s performance in this series, but i thought she did good here, showing catherine fighting her grief before putting on a brave face. i do think she would do better in the role if catherine wasn’t written as such a cardboard strong woman™ all the time. 
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- lmao i love wolsey and how low-key hammy phil cumbus is playing him, you can tell he’s having a whale of a time
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- political genius maggie pole, everyone
- love that catherine’s seduction technique is to bring up wolsey, there rlly are three people in this marriage
- what even was that scene - catherine pressuring henry for sex, him calling blow jobs unnatural and then trying wank off to the sight of her neck (was that supposed to be a hint at him beheading his later wives)?? rip to whatever got left on the cutting floor to make room for that nonsense
- blah blah blah the scots are violent and barbaric, lather rinse repeat. i am always distracted by how there is not even one nursery maid in the whole of scotland
- i enjoy catherine dunking on the name barnaby, it deserves it. (surely one of them babies should be named henry after the king?)
- given that there’s a reference later on to thomas more being a great favourite of henry’s, why isn’t he hanging out in these council scenes? i’m sure he can still eyefuck maggie pole while also dispensing sound advice. and is howard just gone forever now? i was hoping he’d stick around as catherine’s begrudging ally
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- his smug little face! perfection!
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- ursula, possessor of this show’s singular brain cell: marrying for political power and monetary gain? sign me up!
- jokes aside, this was a good scene. i like that ursula isn’t portrayed as greedy, but instead someone who’s realistic about what she wants from life based on her family’s experiences so far, even if she is a little naïve to think money and titles will protect her absolutely. i also liked that maggie’s objections weren’t so much “but twu love!” as much as “but maybe find someone you can stand to be around for twenty years of marriage”
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- catherine: i am a political genius   also catherine: *can’t keep a straight face in public for two seconds*
- honestly catherine is a real shitty friend. i get that she’s struggling, but calling lina’s kids “ordinary children” like they don’t matter and her bitchy “you’re having a girl” last episode is such mean girl behaviour. 
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- the great scottish babysitter shortage of 1515 continues
- hahaha of course the one good scot™ is a raging anglophile
- also why is angus being written as such a literal angel? he’s going to have to turn into a prick at some point
- if catherine can hire lina some wet nurses do you think she can throw a few coins meg’s way for a nanny?
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- please can all of catherine’s scenes just be her and wolsey cattily sniping at one another
- i really dislike how in order to make catherine seem smart everyone else has to be clueless - first advising maggie pole on how to petition the king like she’s new to court and then being the one to suggest mary pick her second husband. it’s a weak way to prop up an under-written heroine. 
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- my baby ;_; (georgie really is shining as an actress this season)
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- this part was very cute, i like their squabbling childhood friends with secret deep romantic feelings dynamic. i thought we would get more of mary this episode though :(
- the court musician is the babysitter now? pay one female extra to hold the baby, i beg you
- sorry to my girl meg but this speech/sing-a-long was bad. this show is just not good at the rousing speeches.
- guess everyone’s going on a road trip to france! the whole royal fam taking a nice holiday to recently enemy territory seems totally believable! 
- seasick wolsey is the highlight of this episode
- maggie: all creatures crave union, there’s nothing fanciful about it ♫ you and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals ♫
- ARE these two gonna fuck?? i genuinely thought it wouldn’t go beyond a lot of angsty longing looks because matthew graham compared their plotline to remains of the day and laura carmichael said something like “it’s the incredibly religious, pious people’s version of a steamy romance”, but uhhh their horny little convo in the coach is starting to make me wonder if thomas more’s cold bed isn’t going to get a little warmer in a few episodes
- also i was hoping more’s marriage would be portrayed as two pals who got married for convenience rather than his wife being painted as a prude who denies him sex
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- this dress 😍 also, her face 😍
- i can’t tell if maggie is an impatient idiot or a genius who figured henry would give her everything she wanted out of spite if she said catherine told her he wouldn’t (i give this show too much credit, it’s definitely the former)
- i know groom of the king’s stool is an easy thing to dunk on for a modern audience but the royal arse wiper was a very trusted and intimate friend of the king who commanded a lot of royal favour, so maybe hop off your high horse maggie
- tudor sexpert maggie pole: don’t say yes yet, sweetie, u gotta check if you’re hot for him first   ursula: please stop talking 
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- i hate myself for loving them
- i like that even though compton is an awkward, slightly creepy weirdo, his crush on maggie does seem 100% genuine. i assume he’s going to get entangled in the henry/anne hastings affair next ep and that’ll let maggie wriggle out of the betrothal somehow?
-not this show making me feel sorry for henry. i like that they’re giving him human feelings about the loss of his children and ruairi is giving a great performance. 
- this was really the best french accent they could find? but mary attempting death by pillow fight was hilarious
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- no one:   bessie: your grace, I do believe charlie brandon is truly sex on legs
- lina seems absolutely terrified that she pissed off catherine, a very healthy friendship dynamic there!
- shouldn’t wolsey have a swankier outfit now that he’s an archbishop?
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crzytwn · 3 years
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Elle. But that‘s def more of a lack of like volume control than like trying to overpower the convo
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
I don’t knoooow!!
Who actually keeps their word and leaves? 
Uhhh probably Artie? But like it would have to be a very extreme argument, right?
Who trashes the house? 
How often do they argue/disagree?
Often but like not OFTEN? They’re such opposites that they’re always disagreeing a little bit kinda but they’re not like serious.
Who is the first to apologize?
 I don't know, neither of them really comes off as people who'd hold on to a fight. So like whoever feels like they should apologize first.
Who is on top? 
Who is on the bottom? 
Who has the strangest desires?
Uh probably Artie since he's been REPRESSED
Any kinks? 
I guess
Who’s dominant in bed?
Artie really seems to like it when Elle says rough things, so her I'm guessing??
Is head ever in the equation? 
If so, who is better at performing it?
Elle but Artie could be a whole wild card
Ever had sex in public?
Artie would def b too worried about consequences!
Who moans the most? 
Elle is LOUD
Who leaves the most marks? 
This really could go any way possible fhdh
Who screams the loudest? 
Who is the more experienced of the two? 
Annabelle Charming!!!!!
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
Rough or soft? 
Roughly how long do they usually last?
Idk man some time. Like Elle for sure knows how to keep the party going
Is protection used? 
For now, yes
Does it ever get boring? 
Probably not? They seem v spicy in the bedroom.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? 
A stable
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?
They def plan on having kids SOMEDAY
If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
Three! But they’ll probably have a really wildly big fam accidentally.
Who is the favorite parent? 
Who is the authoritative parent? 
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? 
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?
Both of them!
Who goes to parent teacher interviews? 
Who changes the diapers? 
Prolly a nanny
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? 
Also prolly a nanny
Who spends the most time with the children?
Elle, she’s gonna be so obsessed with their kids like in general but also like she doesn’t give as much of a fuck about other responsibilities and is way more likely than Artie to ditch out on them.
Who packs their lunch boxes? 
Palace chefs!
Who gives their children ‘the talk’? 
Both of them! Truly the worst moment in each of their children’s lives I’m sure.
Who cleans up after the kids? 
Who worries the most? 
Artie but it rubs off on Elle real quick
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? 
ELLE!! She’s a problem!
Who likes to cuddle?
Both of them probably but Elle’s love language is physical touch so maybe her a little more
Who is the little spoon?
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Uh idk but I know Elle would probably get bored faster than she’d be uncomfortable
Who gives the most kisses?
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
I don’t know
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?
How often do they get time to themselves?
They get as much as they want now, I guess. But once they’re married and have kids and dogs and royal responsibilities, probably not that often
Who snores? If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
Currently it’s separate right? Hmm we should discuss the Artelle summer?
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
They both give off wild cuddler vibes
Who talks in their sleep?
Probably Elle? IDK? Does Artie? He’s always stressed
What do they wear to bed?
Elle’s a big t shirt or underwear kind of girl? Does Artie sleep in pajamas?
Are either of your muses insomniacs?
Is Artie?
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Limb wrapping 4 sure
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Elle has a lot of hair so like, she does.
Who wakes up first?
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Most likely is Artie? But hjfkdkd they’re royal so probably neither
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Elle probably sprawls herself over Artie no matter how he lays
Who hogs the sheets?
Do they set an alarm each night?
Artie would
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
I don’t know
Who has nightmares?
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Who makes the bed?
What time is bed time?
Idk that’s probably up to Artie
Any routines/rituals before bed?
According to Elle the only routine she’d wanna have b4 bed is sex
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Who is the busiest?
Who rakes in the highest income?
Do kings get an income?
Are any of your muses unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
Elle, not because she’s sick. She just stans playing hooky
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Who sucks up to their boss?
Artie’s boss is his dad so
What are their jobs?
King and princess/music producer fbhdjsk
Who stresses the most?
Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
I think they both love it, right?
Are your muses financially stable?
Who does the washing?
Who takes out the trash?
Trash people
Who does the ironing?
Who does the cooking?
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
No one because they aren’t trying but if any of them would, it’d be Elle
Who is messier?
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Elle, but it’ll be fixed by staff
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Elle, she aims for the hamper or whatever but if she misses she’s not gonna like get it
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
No one
Who is the prankster around the house?
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Neither? But also they get driven and Elle boards most places
Who mows the lawn?
The Gardener
Who answers the telephone?
Whoever’s job that is
Who does the vacuuming?
The maids
Who does the groceries?
The Cooks probably?
Who takes the longest to shower?
Artie, Elle has more hair which should take longer,,,but I don’t think she washes her legs
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Is money a problem?
How many cars do they own?
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Own cuz it’s camelooooot
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?
Idk where that is
Do they live in the city or in the country?
I don’t KNOW
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Yes, unless Camelot is ASU Canonically stinky as shit 
What’s their song?
Today it’s Shut Up And Dance by WALK THE MOON
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Text idk? Are they away from each other rn??
Where did they first meet?
Uhh idk
How did they first meet?
Ummmm probably at some royal thing?
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
I don’t know? They don’t seem like excessive spenders but they’re both outrageously wealthy so they probably spend more than a normal person would casually.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Any mental issues?
Elle has ADHD and Dyslexia and Artie has v bad anxiety
Who’s terrified of bugs? Who kills the spiders around the house?
Idk but Elle would murder spiders in a heartbeat
Their favourite place?
Fuck if I know
Who pays the bills?
The bill payers idfk
Do they have any fears for their future?
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
It’s on brand for them both I think?
Who uses up all of the hot water?
Who’s the tallest?
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
What do they tease each other about?
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Do they have mutual friends? 
Who crushed first? 
I don’t really know? Elle was more vocal but Artie was gonna ask her out before she got engaged to DJ so 🤷🏽‍♀️
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Who swears the most?
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sky-sykes-starr · 4 years
BTS Yandere Finding Out Your Pregnant (Maknae Line)
Warning: Yandere Themes, Murder and Cheating
The day you found out you were pregnant was the scariest day of your life, mainly because of your boyfriend, Jimin. He was extremely unstable and constantly worried about your health, yet he was the one who was damaging it.
You decided to keep your mouth shut for the past couple of weeks, but without a scan to go by you presumed you only five weeks pregnant. There were many things on your mind, like how you and the baby were doing, what you need to be doing.
However, if you asked Jimin to take you to the doctors for your appointment, he would’ve bombarded you with questions. Then blame you that your at fault for your health and your sneaking out at night to go clubbing or to be with other men.
But it had to be done, either way.
It was dinner time and you both were eating whilst just talking about general stuff nothing too crazy until he mentions your weight.
Y/N: You see about that I have something to tell you
He nodded gesturing you to hurry the fuck up with what you were going to say.
Y/N: I’m pregnant
There was a pause. A long pause.
He just stared at you saying nothing, in complete utter shock.
Jimin: We are having a baby?
Y/N: Yes
After that was more silent. But deep down you knew, you knew the next day his mood would be different, be it good or bad.
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When Taehyung found out that you were pregnant he was over the moon, he believed that you being pregnant with his child showed that he owned you every possibly way that he possibly can.
This meant your pregnancy had a lot of ups and downs mainly from him and not you. It was like he was the one who was going through the pregnancy and having the baby himself.
One minute he was happy, and than the next he was crying. He just couldn’t believe that he was going to be a dad.
He brought many things for the child, toys, clothes, shoes, even starting the nursery and has already been looking for nanny’s that he would be able to employ.
Then he would be slightly more harsh on you, he never laid a finger on you during the pregnancy, but he had always scolded you if you put the baby’s health at harm.
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You and Jungkook were “happily married”, well that’s what you liked to have believe. However, he would always belittle you and break your confidence down so you would become solely dependent on him.
Just like the way you do when the both of you are having sex, he is always in control and you are just a submissive doll who can’t do anything about it, but beg.
Yet, the sex you had was always unprotected and it surprised you that not once did you show any signs of pregnancy symptoms. Until one day, you were vomiting in the morning for the past three days before Jungkook went off to work. Hence, you slept in a different room to Jungkook, him not wanting to catch any disease or illness that you have obtained.
It has been a week though since you vomited and now that you have been feeling better, Jungkook had you roughly placed underneath him. And one day you over heard the conversation between him and a maid.
Jungkook: Yeah just make sure you put those pills in her drinks, she’s not worthy of carrying my child.
Damn! Is that what he thinks of his own wife. And also damn that’s why you haven’t ended up pregnant.
The maid nods, blushing. She clearly had a thing for Jungkook
Jungkook: But you... I like the looks of you a lot
He grabs her with her giggling into the guest bedroom. Clearly wanting to the fuck the life and impregnate her. It wasn’t common for the Jeons to have bastard children, but this was your husband regardless of what he did to you, a husband should love and care for their other half.
So you planned your escape leaving him a letter and a pregnancy test that you had took which ended up coming back as positive.
You packed light, taking only the few necessities and you were off with no one knowing where you had went.
When Jungkook came home back from work with a bunch of roses in his hands, he headed to the bedroom expecting you to be there ready to be fucked the living hell out of. However, that was not the case as you were not in the room.
The first thing that caught his eye was the diamond reed ding ring that was no placed on your bed with a letter and a pregnancy stick. He turned the stick over with two lines and his eyes gawked in disbelief finding out you were pregnant.
Without even reading the letter he knew you left and in an instant his eyes went dark. He went to the safe getting his walking out his room in anger screaming at every guard to find you. Whilst that was being done he found the main that he slept with, clearly knowing she might be pregnant she had a smirk on her face, but he wasn’t ready to sleep with her again and he shot her in the forehead instantly killing her.
She wasn’t the only maid that he got pregnant, so he went and found every made some ranging to a few weeks and others a couple months. And he shot them all dead.
Declaring a new rule, to only hire male maids from here on now.
And when he found you not only would he welcome you and your swollen belly back home but he would make sure that your nights were restless too.
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daniwritessometimes · 4 years
Between Friends, Chapter Nine
For all you lovely people in this hard time, here’s another sweet chapter. Tagging: @ldyglfr62, @jroseley, @norbertsmom, @b-boop5. If you would like to be tagged on future chapters, please let me know!
    The Osbornes were always loud. It was mostly because there were so many of them and they were always multiplying one way or another.
    Naomi’s wedding was everything it was expected to be. And by the time they made it to the Osborne Mansion, Teddy was very cranky and tired. He whined about being hungry.
    “We have to greet your aunt.” Susan scolded. “Please just wait.”
    “I want to eat, Susan. I want to eat now!” Teddy’s voice was causing people to look their direction. Susan felt very uncomfortable.
    She took him by the hand. “Come along, dear.” She started walking toward the stairs.
    “You said food before nap.” Teddy whined.
    “Theodore, I swear on all that I am…” Susan spoke under her breath, but Teddy still heard.
    “Theodore is only for when I’m in trouble.”
    His protests caught Alec’s attention and he gave Susan a comforting smile. “Need some assistance, Susan?”
    “No, thank you, my lord.” Susan shuffled Teddy up the stairs as quickly as possible.
    Once in the nursery, Susan greeted the Osborne’s nanny Cara.
    “Good morning, ma’am.” Cara stooped down. “And how are you, Master Theodore?”
    “Theodore’s only when I’m in trouble.” Teddy pouted.
    Susan smoothed a hand over his hair. “He’s tired.”
    Cara nodded. “I have a place for you to lay your head, dear boy.” She held out her hand.
    Teddy held tight to Susan’s hand. “Don’t want to go with her. I’m hungry, Suzie.”
    Susan sighed and knelt in front of him. “Darling, I promise you that I will have someone bring you something to eat. But I need you to go with Cara and get some sleep. You were up half the night and then we had to get up early. Please, my love.”
    Teddy huffed. “Yes, ma’am.” He turned to Cara. “Where do I go?”
    “Be kind, my darling.” Susan kissed the top of Teddy’s head.
    Cara took Teddy’s hand. “Will you wait just a moment, ma’am?”
    Susan nodded, but looked toward the door. She really needed to rejoin the wedding festivities. She watched anxiously as Cara helped Teddy remove his shoes and coat before getting into a waiting bed. She came over to Susan as soon as Teddy was settled.
    Cara pulled her away a few feet. “I don’t mean to overstep, Miss Wright, but if you are in need of a nanny, I can compile a list for you.”
    Susan smiled and felt her chest lighten. “I would very much appreciate that. Thank you.” She looked over to Teddy and saw he was already fast asleep. “Bartholomew and Olivia should be up with the rest of the children soon. Thank you so much for all you do.”
    “It is my job, ma’am.” Cara smiled and went to attend to Alec’s baby across the room.
    Susan encountered Anthony on the steps escorting the rest of the children.
    He grabbed her hand. “Wait for me here.”
    She squeezed his hand and nodded. She watched Anthony step into the nursery and nodded at his siblings as they brought their children in after him.
    Anthony stepped back out and came up close to Susan. He took her face between his hands and kissed her forehead.
    She smiled. “I would prefer a proper kiss.”
    He kissed the tip of her nose.
    She giggled. “A little lower and you’ll have it right.”
    His lips met hers briefly. “I had to go in search of your oldest just now. He snuck a book into his coat and found a very secluded spot to read. Missed seeing Naomi and Reginald’s entrance.” His hands dropped down to her shoulders and slid down the length of her arms.
    “I checked him over before we left, but he must have picked it up when I was distracted by the other two.” She kissed his hands and let them go. “Teddy was giving me a very hard time.”
    “I saw.” He held out his arm for her to take and started for the stairs. “It was a beautiful service, was it not?”
    “Gorgeous. Will ours be the same?”
    “Do you want it that lavish? I personally would prefer to make it a little more subdued.”
    “I still haven’t decided.”
    Anthony laughed. “We only have a few more months.”
    “Yes, I know. But with you, I think anything is possible.” She looked up at him. “You want it lavish, just like your sister’s.”
    “I do. Jess and Alec married quickly. Athena had a big wedding and then her first husband died, so she didn’t want another large wedding. I’m the fourth to get married. I think my parents are expecting a big to-do.”
    “I don’t think my inheritance will allow for anything too large.”
    They stopped at the first landing. There were so many people. Susan didn’t recognize more than Anthony’s family.
    “That is a lot of people.” Anthony observed.
    “Too many people.” Susan looked up at him. “I want just your family. We can still do it up big with fewer guests.”
    He smiled and leaned close. “My siblings will be teasing me relentlessly if there is no one else around.”
    “I know you dislike it, but I have never had that experience and I love seeing it.”
    He brought her hand to his lips. “Then just my family and I will endure the jabs from my brothers and sisters for you.”
    Zoe stood alone off to the side. The party was starting to wind down. She was ready to go up to her room, take off the dress and sleep for three or four days.
    Susan was across the room dancing with Alec. He was making her laugh. Zoe loved Susan’s laugh. It was such a shame that there were too many people between them for her to hear it clearly. Still, she could hear the last musical notes of it.
    When the song was over, Wulfric stepped up onto the dais. “I want to thank you all for coming today to celebrate my beautiful daughter and her new husband. We have one more set. Please, find your desired partner and enjoy.” He stepped down and took Sarah’s hand to pull her into the next dance.
    It was a waltz. Zoe loved a waltz. She looked around, but no one seemed to be available to dance with her. She crossed her arms and leaned back against the wall as the music started.
    Anthony pulled Susan into the floor and Zoe was awash with jealousy. She would never be able to hold Susan like that in a crowd. She would never be able to lean in and whisper in her ear the way Anthony was doing now. And she knew he had been staying with her at least one night a week, sometimes more.
    There was a tap on her shoulder and she turned to see a young man standing there. She recognized him as Reginald’s younger brother. What was his name again?
    “Lady Zoe, might I have the pleasure of your company on the dance floor?” He asked. He had a kind smile at least.
    She considered refusing, but she really did like to dance the waltz. She nodded and placed her hand in his outstretched one.
    He twirled her out onto the dance floor. He was very confident and competent in his steps. He didn’t speak to her. Not a single word.
    And then the song was over. He bowed over her hand. It was then she remembered his name.
    “Thank you very much, Lord Nigel.” Zoe smiled when he kissed her hand.
    “Might I pay you a call sometime?” Nigel asked.
    “Yes, that would be lovely.” He kissed her hand again and he walked away.
    She flexed her hand. She would not like to have a man paying a call. But she needed to. She needed to keep up appearances.
    Susan came over and looped her arm through Zoe’s. “Who was that handsome gentleman?”
    Zoe rolled her eyes. “Reginald’s brother. He wants to call on me. I suppose it won’t hurt.”
    “No, I don’t suppose it will.” Susan leaned close. “As it is so late and the children are all sleeping, your parents have offered me a room for the night.”
    Zoe grinned. “That’s very kind of them.” She pulled Susan into a dark corner and leaned close to her ear to whisper, “Would you like me to come to your room?”
    “If you wish it.”
    They had done nothing more than steal a few short kisses in secret. Zoe had been craving more, but there was no way for her to get it just yet. And Susan had told her on many occasions that she wanted to take that bit very slow the first time.
    “Then I will see you later.” Zoe gave Susan a swift kiss on the cheek before she skipped away.
    Zoe bid everyone goodnight and headed toward her room. Anthony stopped her at the foot of the stairs.
    He stood close and spoke softly. “Mama is putting Susan in the room beside yours. Be careful. Be quiet. And don’t fall asleep in there.” He walked around her up the stairs to his own room.
    Zoe looked after him. Was that jealousy in his voice? Anger? Was he just tired? Anthony pretended to like crowds and attention, but she noticed he usually spent a lot of time alone the day following any gathering of more than half a dozen people.
    She ran up the stairs after him. “Hey!”
    He stopped and turned to wait for her to meet him on the stairs.
    “If you want to go to her room—”
    Anthony held up his hand and looked around. “I’ve had her enough for now. When you live with us, if this business is still going on, we’ll have to figure something else out.”
    “Had her enough? That’s not a very kind way of putting it.” Zoe crossed her arms.
    Anthony sighed and leaned against the rail. “I didn’t mean it to sound that way.” He looked over his shoulder. Susan was still talking with their parents in the drawing room. He could just barely see them from the angle. “All of this is different and new for the three of us.” He looked up. “You’re my sister. She’s my very good friend. And I am a man who has been hiding my true self from everyone. I don’t want any of us to get hurt. I’ve gone through enough. And so has she. So, we will just go along as best we can.” He reached out and squeezed Zoe’s shoulder. “Be careful.”
    He walked away again.
    Zoe wasn’t sure what it all meant. She knew Susan’s maid had been her lover and decided to stay behind after the inheritance. And Anthony never had admitted to her aloud before, only alluded. It’s why Zoe felt comfortable enough to tell him about her feelings for Susan.
    Zoe rang for her maid and changed for bed. And then she waited. She listened as the rest of her family made their way to their rooms.
    She heard Susan, Alec, and Jess walk past talking about their children.
    “This one will be yours,” she heard Alec say. “Jess can help you find your way back once we’ve finished in the nursery.”
    Zoe walked over to the door and listened. She didn’t hear anyone else in the hall. She opened the door and peered out into the darkness. No one was in sight.
    It only took her a moment to decide to sneak into the room Susan would be occupying for the night. She waited for what felt like an hour. Eventually she heard soft voices again outside the door. This time it was Jess and Susan.
    Jess was speaking, “Sarah says she asked they assign a maid to help you. A nightgown will be found for your use. Just ring the bell.”
    “Thank you, Jess.” There was a pause. “I appreciate everything.”
    “We take care of every member of this family no matter what.”
    “It will take some getting used to for me. I don’t know how to rely on other people.” Susan bid one more goodnight and then stepped into the room. And jumped as soon as she saw Zoe standing in front of her. She covered her mouth to muffle the scream that escaped.
    “Sorry.” Zoe laughed. “I couldn’t stand to be in my room waiting on you another moment.”
    Susan put her hand to her heart and sat on the side of the bed. “Teddy woke from a nightmare and was a struggle to get him back to sleep.”
    “Does he often have nightmares?” Zoe sat beside her.
    “At least once a week. I think the loss of so many of his relatives leaves a mark internally.” Susan wrapped an arm around Zoe’s waist. “I would love for you to stay, but I have to ring for a maid.”
    “I can hide under the bed while you change.” Zoe offered.
    Susan snorted. “Whatever you wish.” She pressed a kiss to Zoe’s cheek. She pulled away and then gave another series of kisses across Zoe’s jaw and down her neck. Susan’s lips made the journey backward and paused just before Zoe’s lips.
    “Please take my mouth.” Zoe breathed.
    “Not yet.” Susan stood and rang the bell. “If you’re hiding, you better do it. I do most of my changing on my own, so this will be quick.”
    Zoe made her way to the toilet across the room and shut the door most of the way. She stared out though the cracked door as a maid arrived. It was her maid. That infuriating French accent floated over Zoe’s ears and sent heat through her body. She wondered if it did the same thing to Susan.
    The pair stood talking for a moment after Susan was changed. Zoe had to stifle a groan as the conversation continued. Susan looked in her direction and seemed to sense it. She escorted the maid to the door and bid her a goodnight.
    Zoe threw the door open. “About damn time.”
    Susan chuckled. “I apologize. I couldn’t get enough of hearing her talk.”
    “Oh, believe me, I completely understand.” Zoe moved forward. “She’s my maid.”
    Susan met her the rest of the way. “I wager you go about your day in a state of frustration after she dresses you in the morning.” Her fingers tangled in Zoe’s hair and imitated the maid’s accent as she spoke the next words. “That throaty voice tinged with the sweet accent chattering on about your hair and dress.”
    Zoe groaned and tried to move forward for a kiss, but Susan stopped her.
    “Not yet. Tell me what you want from me tonight.”
    “What I want?”
    “If you just want me to hold you and kiss you, I will. But if you want more, then we can do that too. You have to tell me. I don’t want to take more than you’re comfortable with.”
    Zoe bit her lip a moment. “Take me to bed. Just kiss me for now.”
    Susan kissed Zoe’s lips softly and then took her hand to lead her to the bed. She pulled back the blanket and motioned for Zoe to get in before her. Susan followed and wrapped her arms around Zoe and pulled her close.
    Zoe whispered, “I think I love you.”
    Susan smiled and gathered a handful of Zoe’s nightgown and yanked it up. “Don’t say that yet. I haven’t even pleasured you yet.”
    “Do it so I can know.” Zoe leaned forward and tried to kiss Susan again.
    Susan dodged away and moved her lips close to Zoe’s ear. “Have you ever pleasured yourself?”
    “Yes.” Zoe swallowed hard. She felt the pressure building between her legs and desperately wanted to reach down and relieve it.
    “Good. You know a little of what to expect.” Susan pulled at the nightgown some more. “You can tell me to stop at any time and I will not be hurt.”
    “I won’t want you to stop. I’ve wanted you to touch me since I first met you.” Zoe took hold of Susan’s wrist and removed it from the fabric of her nightgown to reach between her thighs.
    Susan took control of Zoe’s mouth as her hand made that final blessed contact. Zoe kept her grip on Susan’s wrist as her hand moved. She tangled her fingers in Susan’s hair and moaned into the older woman’s mouth.
    Zoe moved her hips in rhythm to Susan’s fingers. She finally loosened her grip on Susan’s wrist and groped for her hip. “Want to touch you.” Zoe mumbled as she pulled at Susan’s clothes.
    “Not yet.” Susan moved Zoe underneath her. “Would you mind if I put my mouth here?” She indicated where her fingers still moved against Zoe’s hard clit.
    “You can put your mouth there?” Zoe panted.
    Susan smirked. “If you want me to.”
    Zoe nodded. “Yes. Yes, please.”
    Susan lowered herself down Zoe’s body, pausing to kiss a line down Zoe’s body. With each press of her lips, Zoe felt herself growing closer to her climax. It was frightening and exhilarating. She combed her fingers through Susan’s hair and spread her legs wide.
    And then Susan’s mouth was there. “Holy fuck!” She gasped and then immediately covered her mouth.
    Susan looked up and smiled. “Shh. Everyone is sleeping.”
    “I know, but Christ, Susan!” Zoe pulled a pillow over and covered her face.
    Susan’s tongue was lapping and she was moaning like she was eating the most delicious meal ever. Zoe cried out into the pillow. She reached down and tangled her fingers in Susan’s hair. She was so close, but she didn’t want to come. Not yet. It felt so nice. So perfect. Would it ever feel this good again?
    “Zoe?” Susan whispered, her breath doing nothing to help the heat Zoe felt.
    She couldn’t manage words. She raised the pillow and looked down. “Hm?”
    Susan had a cheeky grin. “Do you like it?”
    “Hell yes.” Zoe pulled Susan’s head back in. “Keep going.”
    Susan chuckled and returned to sucking and licking. Zoe writhed against Susan’s mouth. She was so very close. She cursed into the pillow and bit it hard as she finally let herself go. She cried out as she rocked against Susan’s mouth, the other woman holding her steady.
    When her tremors finally stopped, she threw the pillow off to the side and melted into the mattress. “Holy fuck.”
    Susan rested her head on Zoe’s hip. Zoe lay limply for several minutes. Susan thought about her first time. She had been much more subdued. It had been a very frightening experience, but she’s adored every moment.
    Zoe started combing her fingers through Susan’s hair. “Is it always like that?”
    “Not always. Sometimes it won’t be as explosive. Sometimes it’s like the slight chill up your spine. Most of it is the in between.”
    “Can I do it to you now?” Zoe’s voice was soft and timid.
    “I don’t need your mouth if you’re not ready for that.” Susan moved up the bed and leaned close. “You don’t have to do any of it.”
    “How do I taste?”
    Susan grinned. “You could come and see.”
    Zoe bit her lip a moment and then leaned in for a soft kiss. “Is that how everyone tastes?”
    “With slight variation, yes.” They kissed again, a little longer.
    Zoe reached down and groped until she found the hem of Susan’s nightgown. “Do you think I woke anyone?”
    “I doubt it.” Susan groaned at the tentative touch. “That is so lovely.”
    “Do you want my mouth?”
    “Only on mine for now.” Susan moved to her back, pulling Zoe on top of her. She took hold of Zoe’s face and kissed her hard. Susan’s tongue probed deep into Zoe’s mouth. She moved her hips in time to Zoe’s fingers.
    She had been so ready from the moment Zoe pulled her into that dark corner. Hearing Zoe’s sweet cries muffled in the pillow had driven her to near-madness. So it didn’t take long for her to come. She held off as long as she could. She groaned into Zoe’s mouth and then sighed.
    “Was that okay?” Zoe asked softly, still hovering.
    “It was great. Thank you.”
    “Could I do better?”
    Susan smiled and stroked Zoe’s face. “You made me come. There is no better than that.”
    Zoe kissed her softly and then moved to the side. She slipped her hand into Susan’s. “Tell me about your first time.”
    Susan was quiet for a moment. She went back to that musty old house. The windows that overlooked a private lake. The cat scratching at the door.
    “It was an older woman. She’d come to the shop and there was something…” Susan brought her hand under her head and looked up to the ceiling. “She invited me for tea. And I went there every day for weeks just for tea and conversation. Then one day I went and all the servants were out. She asked me upstairs. She touched me. And I’d never felt so alive.”
    “How old were you?”
    Susan smiled. “Fifteen. She was near fifty. Neither of us should have done it. But I didn’t know what else to do. I wanted to be with women and she was offering. She died suddenly the following year.”
    “And then your maid became your lover?” Zoe asked.
    “Not until much later. There was no one for six years.” Susan sighed and turned to look at Zoe. “You should go to your bed.”
    Zoe nodded and kissed Susan. “I love you.”
    Susan smiled. “You’re sweet, Zo.”
    Zoe stood and walked backward toward the door. “In three months I can be with you whenever you want.”
    “I will want you often.” Susan assured her.
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mainly-kpop · 5 years
A Pirates Life For Me
Chapter Ten
Pirate!BTS Maid!Reader Warnings: more flash backs, abusive queen? infidelity  Summary:  You had always wondered about pirates, about a life outside of these walls. On your 23rd birthday, you would finally find out what both were really like. Word Count: 2.5k
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‘Amelia, this is Y/N. She will be joining you for classes for a while so be kind.’ The nanny spoke, walking you to the room. The princess looked you up and down, crossing her arms.
‘Why are my classes not just me anymore?!’ She threw a tantrum. You stepped behind the nanny, trying not to cry. This was your first day able to leave your room the temperature finally gone. She noticed you step back in fear, regarding you curiously.
‘Are you scared?’ You just nodded, hiding further behind the tall woman. You knew you were a full year older than the princess, but she still had so much power. One word from her and you were out of this palace.
‘Fine, today we are reading a book. Are you coming?’ She spoke, trying to be passive. You looked toward her face; her eyes shined with curiosity. Stepping forward you slipped your hand into her waiting one. You never assumed you would become friends with her, figuring she was far too busy to bother with a commoner such as yourself. In fact, she was the one to come to you, begging for sleepovers. For you to play games with her and come to classes. Her favourite game was hide and seek, both of you running wild around the halls finding places to hide. You hid together, forcing the nanny to find you. Not realising until much later, the only reason she found you so quickly was because of your giggling. The princess always snickering behind her hand as you both hid behind a curtain. She would get lectured by the king on a regular basis, taking the blame for a lot of your ideas.
‘Can she sleep in my room tonight?’ She begged the Queen, the woman looked down at you, not enjoying having you around at all. To her you were a filthy commoner, a reminder none of the men inside these walls were faithful. Not like she was either, still not 100% sure who the princess’s ACTUAL father was. Regardless, she let you, tucking you both into the bed beside each other. This is how most nights went, you both cuddled up to each other. Sometimes she would talk to you about things that scared her.
‘I’m the princess! I don’t fear a thing!’ She whispered proudly, Although, a four-year-olds whisper is just talking.
‘There must be something you fear, you can tell me! I don’t like your jester, he scares me. OH, and when we run through the garden some of the bugs are super scary! Oh, and pirates, pirates are scary too…’ You listed off, only adding pirates since everyone else lived to tell you how awful they were. The princess screwed up her face for a minute before giggling.
‘I don’t like Ethan either, he’s weird! I don’t mind the bugs, there’s a really pretty one with wings, I want to be that pretty when I grow up! You don’t fear pirates though, I saw you reading that pirate book! You like them.’
‘I DO NOT!’ You protested, sitting up in her bed crossing your arms. She giggled, rolling around the bed at you.
‘I don’t mind. I like them too, they’re so cool. They can do whatever they want all the time!’ She awed, eyes sparkling with wonder. You forgot she didn’t have freedom; would never really have a time she wasn’t under someone’s finger. She would always have to be responsible for something.
‘That’s what I’m most scared of. I have nightmares about it sometimes, did you know? That I won’t be a good princess or queen. That I’ll be a disappointment to that big chair daddy sits in. I don’t want to be in control of the world!’ Maybe the world was a sight exaggeration, but you always understood her point. Having money didn’t seem all that good if you had to be so grown up!
You remembered every birthday the princess had. Her fifth birthday had been extravagant, some royals and their children from other countries came over, greeting her. A cute boy from a Germany came over, making the princess request to be his best friend instantly. They had become instant friends, making you join in on their activities. The three of you were close, making every birthday the princess celebrated the best day of the year.
When she turned ten, the boy came across again. In the past years he had grown up dramatically, he didn’t want to play your games anymore, telling you both these things were for children. The princess quietened down in his presence, becoming bashful and almost shy.
‘Why do you always do that around him? He’s just a boy!’ You whined, pulling her to the side of the party. You both wore matching dresses, refusing to come to any of these events unless you matched. She couldn’t stand you wearing maid clothes or anything like that, saying you weren’t just some common maid. You were her best friend and her best friend should have the best, always.
‘Franz and I are going to be married. Did you know? Father told me at my fifth birthday. I think he is a horrible child, truly insufferable. I could just do what my mother does though so it’s fine.’ She shrugged not really caring. You didn’t know all this information, now understanding a lot of the weirder interactions between them.
‘Wait, what do you mean what your mother does?’ You questioned, frowning at the statement. Amelia rolled her eyes, placing a hand on your shoulder.
‘Oh sweet, sweet Y/N, she’s been sneaking around with the advisor way before I was even born! I wouldn’t be surprised if he was my father! Anyway, lets get back to the party I’m hungry!’
You were never really sure where your birthday fell, never celebrating something so silly at the brothel. The princess told you that you would now celebrate yours the same day as her. She knew you would never get such a big party thrown for you.
You turned eleven that year, things starting to change. Your classes got cut, still taking English and maths, however you didn’t do any of the other ones with her. She began horse riding and etiquette classes. You learned to sew and cook, Amelia and you could tell what was happening, both of you not enjoying it at all.
‘They still have sleepovers every weekend, this needs to stop.’ The queen whispered to the king; teeth gritted as she fumed. The king rolled his eyes at the woman. He knew you were the best thing for his daughter, the queen just couldn’t see that.
‘Honestly, I think we are doing enough separating their classes. Give it time they will drift apart. Now tell me woman, are you sleeping in this bed tonight or someone else’s?’ She rolled her eyes, hating the man before her, if she could kill him and get away with it, she totally would. Storming out of the room, the king laughed to himself. ‘Someone else’s it is then.’ The king didn’t mind, he had his favourite maid of course, he just kept it more of a secret than the queen.
‘So, you really have to marry Franz?’ You questioned, making a disgusted face. Amelia nodded, the same expression on her face. Honestly, Franz wasn’t an ugly boy, he was kind of chubby, clearly well fed in his kingdom. Blonde hair and dark eyes, he had quite a pretty look to him, yet you could tell he wasn’t what the princess liked.
‘I mean, I have nothing against him, let’s just say he hasn’t aged as well as us and leave it at that…’ She snickered, cuddling into your side.
‘But if you don’t like him, won’t you just end up like your mother and father?’ You questioned, trying to keep your voice down. Honestly, at the age of ten and eleven you shouldn’t know as much as you did. Growing up in a palace just seemed to mature you a lot faster than a normal household.
‘Realistically yes. He still thinks I’m a child, so I can already tell he doesn’t like me. We are not going to be happy together but that’s just a royal thing I guess.’ She paused, giving you time to speak. Unable to think of something to say you kept quiet. ‘Promise me something?’ She shifted her weight lying on her pillow, you did the same looking at her.
‘Promise me you’ll be happy. No matter what happens between us, no matter what. You’ll be happy.’ You nodded, hooking her pinkie finger with yours. ‘Promise.’ You whispered, falling asleep with your hands locked together.
Teen years were harder. Where the princess had people to talk to about how she was feeling, you didn’t really have anyone. I mean, you had the princess, but she was going through roughly the same stuff. Talking to her about your issues seemed stupid anyway, she had more things, worse things. You just felt like a burden to her, not that you would ever admit that.
‘Come to my room tonight? I know we aren’t meant to, but we haven’t seen each other in a good few weeks…’ She mumbled, stopping you at the door. You had just come in from getting her horse ready before she headed out. You just nodded, winking at her.
That night you creeped into her room, both of you talking like you had never been separated.
‘I KNEW IT!’ She screeched; you slapped a hand over her mouth as she giggled. Slowly, you removed your hand laughing at the large smile spread across her face.
‘He’s cute! I totally told you he was into you, he always asked about you.’ She informed you, ranting on and on about how she was basically a match maker. Suddenly, she stopped, gasping dramatically. She slapped her hands on her cheeks, looking like she forgot something.
‘What about the pirates!’ She exclaimed dramatically, you just rolled your eyes, slapping her arm.
‘Pirates are old and gross; Lucas is so pretty!’ you fawned, waving your hands in front of your face to calm yourself. You asked her about classes, she asked you about your jobs. Both of you were clearly not enjoying either of them, both bored out your minds.
‘I wonder what life outside of the palace is like…’ She whispered, both of you close to falling asleep.
‘From what I remember, it’s not all that good…’ You replied with a yawn.
‘They have freedom, they can do what they want. It has to be better than this right?’ She was sheltered, you couldn’t expect her to know anything about life outside of the walls. Explaining it to her wasn’t going to help either, she wouldn’t understand from words.
‘One day, go out to the village, you’ll see it’s not as great as you assume. Go to sleep, you have classes early!’ You told her, cuddling into her back. She shuffled closer to you, settling into your touch.
‘I love you.’ She whispered, sleep quickly over taking her, you just smiled kissing her head. ‘I love you too Mia.’
‘Out with stable boy again?’ She spoke behind you, amused smile washing over your face. You turned around, nodding at her.
‘You must tell me about it. Come to my chamber’s tomorrow night, we need to catch up, deal? She watched you nod and run off, heading out to her lesson with a cocky smile on her face. God she was good at this match maker shit.
The next day you seemed distracted, like you were constantly looking for someone. She hadn’t put the pieces together until she got to her horse riding lessons. Lucas was no where in sight, her lessons cancelled for the day, she was glad of asking you to meet her tonight. She was so confused. You came into her room that night, breaking down in tears instantly. She scooped you into her arms, pulling you to the couch, cuddling you until you stopped sobbing. Finally, you spilled your guts, telling her of the almost sex you had. About how you got caught by the advisor, regardless, you haven’t seen Lucas since.
‘You don’t think, he said anything right?’ You shook your head.
‘The guy is up my ass about everything, but I don’t think he would do that…’ You whispered, looking down at the bracelet on your wrist, breaking down again. The door of the princess’s room opened, the queen storming into the room.
‘Out child.’ She snarled at you; a sob escaped you as you ran out another place. Seriously, scuttling out of rooms was now becoming a habit.
‘Mother, that was unnecessary.’ Amelia scolded, the queen grabbing her by her arm, shoving her under a shower. She struggled against the woman’s grasp, screaming bloody murder.
‘YOU CRAZY WOMAN GET OFF ME!’ The Queen just shoved her further under the cold water. Her teeth chattered, finally closing her mouth. She realised quickly what was happening. The queen had something against you, she hated knowing you had touched her daughter. It disgusted Amelia how much she hated you, but Amelia hated her mother more.
‘If I see you and that girl in here one more time, I will personally see to it that she is thrown back on the streets. Unless she is here for work, she has no business.’ Amelia just laughed in the woman’s face, calling a dresser and guard into the room.
‘You can’t do anything mother, you are not father, you have no control.’ The Queen narrowed her eyes, the dresser changed the princess, drying her hair and getting her ready for bed. Again.
‘I can do whatever I want, as long as your father gets a terrible story.’ She threatened, leaving the room with the guard. Amelia just apologised to the dresser, trying to figure out what she was going to do now. She didn’t want to ghost you, never speak to you again abruptly, instead she wrote you a letter, slipping it under your door early that morning.
‘I’m sorry, Mother threatened your security here, and the only thing that scares me more than being the princess, is losing you. She said if you were ever in my room for anything other than work, she would make sure you were back on the streets. I won’t have that, please don’t get us into trouble, I’ll miss you so much. I hope you’re okay, please be okay, remember the promise you made when we were 11? Don’t break it.’ You didn’t take it well, Amelia not faring too well either. She grew up, grew out of you. You didn’t, always longing after her, wishing she was still your friend. For the next years, there wasn’t a single thing you didn’t want to tell her. There never came a day you didn’t wish to talk with her.
Amelia always believed that when she became Queen, she could have you back, could apologise for everything that ever happened. Life wasn’t fair though, and time wasn’t kind. The day of her twenty third birthday, this was the year she was meant to take the throne, but you were gone that night.
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jamiehq · 5 years
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“⋆ ° ⟡ ( MAXENCE DANET-FAUVEL, twenty-three, cis male, he/him ) i saw JAMIE HAWTHORNE at the winter palace. did you know that the OLYMPIC SKIER is originally from ENGLAND? i heard they can be quite RECKLESS, but also FERVENT. there’s rumours they’re at the winter palace because HE DROPPED OUT OF UNI TO TRAIN, but you never know. SIDELONG GLANCES, BOTTOMLESS GLASSES OF CHAMPAGNE, & BRUISED AND CALLUSED HANDS always remind me of them. ( a, 20, cst, she/her )
hello everyone !! i’m alli and this is my angry angry misfit JAMIE . i can’t wait to get started writing with everyone, this group truly looks beautiful .
triggers: drugs tw, alcoholism tw, homophobia tw (briefly alluded to), abuse tw
edward hawthorne-- a man who wears the title of baron like a crown. victoire walker-- an american dream. the spitting image of pose and grace and wealth. a legacy that would breed james hawthorne, son of the bear. son of the dove.
there was no home for james hawthorne. not when he spoke his first word, hardly audible over the sound of his mother crying. not when he was learning to walk, on the shores of morocco as his mother drank herself to sleep and his father made himself busy with one of the maids. he had not known a home when he began school, a rotating carousel of private tutors, world class coaches, and failing grades. he spent nights in the treetops of the amazon, summers swimming in water clearer than glass, dined with nobility and celebrity and extravagance itself, and he dreamed only of his mother tucking him in and his father reading him a story.
he was crammed somewhere between cocktail parties and political alliances with hardly enough room to breathe. he did not know the warmth of a friend or the love of his family. he knew disobedience and lies. he had seen the world and it had made him feel small.
it was in crete-- or perhaps it was venice?-- when jamie hawthorne first learned the taste of his own blood and the sting of his father’s hand. he doesn’t remember what it was he had done now, a memory buried amongst a graveyard of others just like it. 
everything was harder from then on.
following the rules, obeying the nannies, staying in one place. he had to move, he had to keep swimming or else he would drown. he found joy in watching things burn. he found peace in the numbness of a line, of two lines, of three. he drove fast cars and left a trail of lovers like breadcrumbs from city to city. he learned that disagreeing with his father was not an option, that repentance meant nothing. 
when edward hawthorne said jump, jamie hawthorne said how high. he made friends with brandy, with whiskey, with gin. he escaped through books, through the stories of the gods and of the ordinary. he wasn’t sure which he identified with more. he wouldn’t know sobriety if it hit him over the head, but he wouldn’t know ignorance either. his father called him useless. a waste of space. sometimes he agreed.
his father had always forced greatness onto him, inked talent into his skin like a tattoo. if it wasn’t world class equestrienne trainers, it was swimming laps for hours on end, muscles that never stopped moving. a body and mind never let rest. it was the skiing lessons, the cold of the mountain, that eventually called to him. that enabled him to excel, be the son his father so longed for.
not attending university was never an option. oxford, his father’s alma matter, home to anyone and everyone who mattered. and jamie. it was in the riot club that he met the boy, the first fire that had ever engulfed him so completely. the first sheets he fell into that gave him pause, the touch that made time stand still. tight lips and a knowing closeness. 
there was nothing for him at university anymore, not when he was gone. there was only emptiness and failure. he left without looking back, taking with him the only thing he had left, the only thing that made him human. his skis.
jamie is fiercely independent. though he has never been able to stand up to his father, he can stand up to almost anything else. he resents being told what to do, who to fall into bed with, how to present himself.
he is also incredibly loyal. there are few he would pledge his life to, even fewer still he would call a real friend, but if he trusts you enough, he will never betray you.
he’s incredibly intelligent, well read, quick witted. through no feat of his own. he had the best nannies money could afford growing up, and the company books became his only constant. he takes pride in his intellect. almost too much pride.
he’s hot headed, angry as the day is long. he would rather start a fight than end one, even with those closest to him. his fists are always bruised, they never seem to quite heal properly, and his brow always furrowed.
he’s highly unmotivated, as well, making his training a pain not only for himself but his coaches and peers. others often question why he’s even here. if only they knew.
his pinterest can be found HERE !! 
oxford classmates [ open ] - most likely members of the riot club or into general mischief and mayhem, jamie has likely definitely gotten into a fight or two ( or twelve ) with them before, but there’s a good chance they would still be close friends 
fellow olympians [ open ] - arch rivals, teammates, childhood friends who grew up training together. jamie is competitive, it’s in his blood, but he also above all else likes to have a good time. he can be ruthless one moment and pouring you a shot the next 
string of hookups [ open ] - it was nothing serious. it never is for him. ( except, how could he forget, just the once, back at oxford. ) they might not even know each other’s names, jamie might remember and pretend he doesn’t. things might have ended poorly, in an argument or a miscommunication. or they might still get along swell, enjoying nightlife together and perfectly content with using each other. 
blackmail [ open ] - someone who knows something about jamie that he would never want to get out. maybe about elijah. his father would kill him if he knew, of course. maybe literally. or perhaps about his drug problem, something that would end his skiing career. or maybe they know something about his father, about the cheating and the stealing and all the lies, something that would ruin his entire family. his lot in life. and now they want something from jamie in return.
childhood friends [ open ] - jamie grew up traveling the world, his father mingling with the elite of every country he could sink his claws into. maybe they snuck away together as children to escape the adults, to try and find some fun. the closest thing to friends jamie would have had growing up, week long stays with their families and then vanished forever. or so they thought.
friendship suitor [ open ] - someone who, against jamie’s wishes, wants to force a friendship upon him. they can sense jamie’s pain and loneliness, and, duh, they’re just the person to help.
anything else ?? i love chemistry based plots if you don’t want to plot anything as well, or if you have wcs that jamie might fit into ! his history with elijah could also be a good plot point, though their connection is not known to anyone besides the two of them. give this post a like if you would like to plot or message me !! 
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
Nanny Anon 2
Nanny Anon 2
Sept. 17
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Sept. 18
NANNY ANON, well’ I’ve packed and ready to go ,himself came to say goodbye and thank me for being in the wee-ones early development, It was quite touching. The mistress had the maid drop off a card reference last night and left this morning without a word. ( no surprise there). M and her mistress are looking forward to next week when I move in to the P. And I can’t wait to start a new chapter with a loving family. It sounds wonderful and never again will I have to utter the words ‘ all too…………”
Sept. 22
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ I’m having a wonderful day with little C&L , M is taking G to see Star Wars so I have the the wee-one and little C. This afternoon we’re going to bake fairy cakes , although little C wants to make Unicorn cookies and take them to school tomorrow … it’s a privilege to be in a loving home with such a wonderful mistress and adorable children, last night I cried with joy. And M and I have such a history of professional duty together. What a joy for a white Lady TTFN 😌😌
Oct. 3
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, we have been Sooooo busy with the little ones while the mistress and W have been engaged on royal duties. The mistress is such an understanding and compassionate woman she insists on the nannies as being part of the family and treats M and I the same. We have such fun with the little ones , there’s a tree house in the gardens which C seems to have turned into a Unicorn palace with daily visits from her school chums ‘ it’s a hoot ‘life is good for a white Lady TTFN.
Oct. 5
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, both M and I are getting a program together while the mistress and W are away, we both want to take them on a scavenger hunt at high grove with C&C. Unicorns will probably be involved and G is into Star Wars. So it’s going to be a full itinerary. Little C is platting her hair at the moment and loves the tree house playing with her school chums. It’s a wonderful life for a white Lady. TTFN.
Oct. 6
NANNY ANON, Hello Darlings, Little G came back from the match with a football signed by the team , and C had a book explaining the women’s World Cup. G is now officially a fully fledged supporter, such a fun day, the children are so exited I can see bed time will be fun. M and I are getting ready for an outing with the little ones as soon as the mistress and W depart for the tour. There off to the in-laws today so M and I are go into F&M for tea …… TTFN.
Oct. 15
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M and I have just returned with G&C from Thorpe Park ‘ I’m exhausted!! We went on all the rides, Little C wanted to have another ride on the Big Dipper ‘ o dear I nearly lost my breakfast ……… they had toffee apples and candy floss and G had to have tree rides on the water Shute ‘ I came over all emotional remembering Diana doing the same ride with W&H. O DEAR ‘ all too much for a white Lady 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 TTFN 😢😢😢😢
Oct. 19
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, The mistress and himself returned to a rapturous welcome from the children ‘ lizards ,Unicorn costumes and hugs lasted for over an hour , it was a joy, I think the first stop was BP so we waited a while but it was an exiting evening. This weekend M&I have the time to ourselves as the whole family are going to the country. We shall have a spa weekend in Bath and indulge in a lot of R&R. All To much for a white Lady. TTFN
October 20
NANNY ANON, hello darlings,” O joy and jolly japes”Tonight we all trip over to the in-laws to watch the“ Docudramarama” the mistress has asked her sister to come and himself is off to pick up C&C ! M and myself are busy making savoury and sweet popcorn 🍿 boss baby is having fun strapped in the Bouncer and G&C are playing 🦎and🦄 , it’s a joy to be part of a loving family ‘can’t wait for the fun to begin. God bless the future monarchy. TTFN.
Oct 27
NANNY ANON … hello darlings, still about ,things are hotting up for Halloween 🤡👹👻 the children are expected to wear their creepy costumes and my darling mistress is taking them and other little ones around the the village with the parents. M and I are going as the Markle Sisters 👯‍♀️ So don’t expect to return without egg 🍳 on my face 🤣🤣🤣all too much for a white Lady TTFN
Oct 28
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, WELL, WELL, WELL, I’m flabbergasted absolutely stunned darlings, I’ve just received an invitation from my previous mistress and himself to a private meeting in SH London for the opportunity of returning to her employ. Apparently the wee one is missing his nanny!!! and this is causing a lot of headaches for the mistress as she wants to be able to leave the wee one with a nanny she knows will be a bonding influence. I’ll keep you all updated as to my decision darling.
Oct 29
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ salutations to all who grace the blog of our beloved Skippy. 🐼. WELL , I’ve made the decision I was debating on yesterday. I’ve decided to remain at KP in the employment of the present mistress ( god bless her and himself) because I ‘ much like M have fallen in love with little 🦄🦎And 👶. It’s a constant privileged challenge to be part of this family, The Sunday night gatherings looking at the social media laughing at the ageing train wreck. Love to all. TTFN. 🤣🤣
Nov. 1
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Little C is refusing to change out of her Halloween costume 🦄, and we’re all going down to Sainsbury’s to buy some giant marshmallows to roast for the rugby match. When C digs her little feet in there’s no movement. The mistress is having quite a debate with the little one trying to see reason. In the end the RPO got her to change by promising her he’d find a police helmet as a substitute. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN
Nov 4
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ O joy!! Today M&myself take little C and G (with their poppies) to RP zoo with RPO. ( one of the zoo keepers are going to fix a Unicorn to a zebra 🦄for little C.) and G will gain access to the reptile house to look at all the 🦎🦎 “ what larks pip old chap” the mistress is having some down time back at KP with little L. Afterwards we’re all of to Harrods for 🍨🍦. So much joy for a white Lady. TTFN.
Nov 9
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Nov 11
NANNY ANON , hello darlings, my day off with M. We are exhausted darlings, absolutely knackered. Little C had a sleepover with four friends (fiendish demons) , OMG it was the sleepover from hell , first’ we put them all in the nursery, made up beds and lots of 🦄🧸🛴🏓🍪🍿🧁🍕👧👧👧👧stuff to play with and favourite eats. Only problem they didn’t want to sleep, himself had a few words to Little C at one in the morning because of the screams. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN. Bless.
Nov 18 (Royal Variety)
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, tonight M and I had too draw lots as to who went to the RVP. I lost , so I’m looking after the little ones. The mistress spent the afternoon getting ready as the dresser fitted the last tucks to the bodice. My goodness she looked magnificent when she walked down the stairs all the little ones cheered and clapped. Tonight it’s a treat, we’ve ordered 🍕 PIZZA and knickerbocker glory’s such a joy. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Nov 19
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, a wonderful evening was had by all at the the RVP. The mistress and himself stunned all who met them with there relaxed countenance, early that evening the little ones started to write a present list to Santa. Little C was the most vocal inquiring how Santa arrives on his sled and parks his reindeer on the roof of KP and shimmy’s down the chimney ( she’s now asking to sleep near the fireplace to meet Santa ???? ) all too much for a white Lady,TTFN. 🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅
Nov 21
NANNY ANON, M and I went to see “ The sound of music “ tonight, we both love the film. We spent the day with the little ones and C had somehow got hold of one of the mistresses cameras 📸 and was ( would you believe it) taking photos of M G boss baby and me. I asked her to give me the camera as it was mummies and all I got was , NO !! later I saw the snaps she took and was surprised. I returned the camera to the mistress who looked amused. Little C been watching mummy. TTFN. 📸📸📸
Nov 22
NANNY ANON, haddow darlig 😷🤧🤧 I dink I got vlue, my node I’d all blogged up , god a rodden hed and snoddy node. The lidda wonds is so fuddy, lidda C broughd be up bregvast od a tray. Bledd, da midredd called he dogta ad he gave be sum pawasetamol , M Id doig grate. Ib dink I’ll ged sub shudii , ord doo buch for a wide Lady, DDFN.
Ohhhh flu has hit KP! Hope you have a quick recovery 😔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 23
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, still a bid bunggd up, but I’m sure I’ll be ok within the week, M and I are looking after little G and boss baby today,the mistress has gone to a shopping mall outside London with little C for Christmas shopping. Things are hotting up for the holidays and this weekend they bring the Christmas 🎄. Then we can have real fun dressing it. Back to wee boss baby 👶. TTFN.
Dec 3
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M&I very exited,tonight is the school nativity play and the mistress and himself has invited us. G is a wise king and little C is an “angel on high” …… M wickedly suggested boss baby could be baby Jesus 😱😱, But I don’t think the school is ready just yet. Little C has to say “and behold ‘ the three wise Kings” can’t wait, it’s going to be a hoot!! We all helped to make the costumes , G wore his this evening and looked very regal ( prophetic), and little C with wings.
Dec 7
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, is the mistress pregnant ‘ all I can say is little Lottie wants a pony for Christmas and himself has quite rightly affirmed that she’s much to young. I think in a couple of years great auntie Anne would be the first to help her into the saddle. We’re all looking forward to the forthcoming banquet ( I wonder if the mistress will wear the emeralds)’ enough gossip, all too much for a white Lady, TTFN.
Dec 8
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Lottie has just returned from a visit to the “stables” at the royal mews. (Enough said) , himself has retired to the lounge after breakfast 🥞, pancakes and crispy bacon 🥓 with maple syrup to laugh at the Sunday tabloids. The mistress is having a “late morning” so M and myself are busy with boss and George who is finishing his homework 📚. Another Sunday joy. TTFN.
Dec 10
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, it’s manic at KP , in a good way !! the mistress is becoming enthusiastically involved in her tennis lessons, ( several professional players lining up to coach her) my lips are sealed, Little Lottie is on a mission … it’s a day long mantra from the darling girl , anyone who she thinks will have sway with W&K is propositioned about the “pony”. I think some of her older school chums ride out. I bet Gan Gan soon enters the equation. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Dec 11
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, busy this morning ,decision to choose what C&G will wear for the Christmas walk to the service , winter coats and warm socks are the key. It’s going to be a joy seeing them for the first time at the Sandringham service with W&K. M and I are going home for Christmas M has invited me to Spain with her family, wonderful and the food darlings, I’m in for a real treat. Little Lottie will certainly have a pony ride for Christmas I’m sure, Such joy!! TTFN.
Dec 13
NANNY ANON, hello darlings , we have cancelled our holiday In Spain 🇪🇸, duty calls darlings, we had a chat with the mistress and himself last night and decided we’re going to accompany the family for Christmas, it’s our love for the children and to help the mistress, a joy really. Also the BP PR are briefing the DOD of C about forthcoming commitments. On a lighter note, tonight’s Blog night 😂😂😂 skippy,pg,and troll the colonial Banshee. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Dec 16
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Little Charlotte is Bewildered as to why there are no unicorn pony’s. The answer Zara gave was Unicorns are different , pony’s are special, clever Zara!! Lottie is full of questions, ( that age) it’s a daily challenge of wits. Last night was blog night, such fun ,all the usual suspects, where is @printskylie ? Never miss pg and her interpretations, so clever , the mistress loves skippy and Hunnymae , duty calls!, all too much for a white Lady, TTFN.
Dec 16
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, O’thank you all so for your messages, the unicorn presents 🎁 look fab. I’ll pass on your message, but I’m sure the the mistress has all information directed to her MPC. ( amazing device). W&K are both very high Tech. My life is full of love and joy, I’ve got Lottie a picture edition of “ The night before Christmas”
Dec 17
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, the children all sat watching TV, and watching mummy and daddy make cup cakes and roulades. EPIC . The kitchen is now centre of the universe, Lottie and George M and I making cup cakes and roly poly Christmas chocolate logs. Lots of mess and icing sugar. 👦🏼👧👶🧁🍰🍪🎂🍩 it’s boss baby, “ Mary Mary” Christmas 🎄 we are blessed, TTFN
Dec 18
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, himself is taking C&G ice skating this afternoon, I think this is another diversion from pony’s. It’s a dismal afternoon,raining in London so I think the little ones will enjoy the outing , the mistress is off to play a few sets of tennis with her coach. M and I are going to check online for some new clothes for boss baby, he seems to grow by the day!! This is a busy time leading up to a family Christmas, I think it’s Sandringham this year but arrangements are 
Dec 29
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, such a busy Christmas, the little ones were so exited with presents and gifts from the public. The mistress had a clearinghouse Of presents 🎁. A large amount of them go to local hospitals. Believe me they are talking thousands!! There’s a pink Flamingo in Little Lotties bedroom though.M and I are going to have a wee holiday over the new year, it’s been a wonderful Christmas. All too much for a white Lady,TTFN. ( sorry for no posts) been V. busy with the little ones.
Dec 31
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M&I and a bottle of celebrity plonk, our night off so it’s on with a movie,feet up and relax. All the i are crossed and the Ts are dotted , o dear the drink 🥤 has taken effect ………… we both wish shoo a happy new year and prosperoush , prosperoust, positives, O you get it , we never normally celibate like this , o dear, all too much for a white Lady ,TTFN. 🍹🍷🍾🍸🥂……………☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
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autumndear · 6 years
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hello hello !! it’s lucky back at it again !! i j wanna preface this by saying my last intro was compared to drunk history and i was also asked if i was drunk when i wrote it ( but in the nicest way y’all ). i wasn’t that time. i’m still not that drunk, but ya girl a little tipsy. there’s the answer 2 future questions. ONTO THE SHIT THAT MATTERS:
disclaimer: honestly everyone involved in mommie dearest ( 1978 / 1981 ) cld totally sue me for this.
triggers: child abuse, mention of illness and death, brief mention of infidelity
ya girl is too invested in classic era hollywood and she hates herself for it so that said autumn’s mother, not based off of joan crawford just set in a slightly different time period, was pretty much considered one of the last greats. as a part of the patty duke/sharon tate/etc. generation when paparazzi were just beginning to get involved in personal live ( we stan elizabeth taylor for this ), she was pretty much... as i said... one of the last classic actresses
and she KNEW IT!!
irene caeden was a hoe for publicity. although never confirmed nor denied, autumn has always highly suspected the only reason irene adopted her was to make her look good.
autumn was made to call irene “Momma Hen” what do u mean mommie dearest?
that said, irene wasn’t... a good mom... honestly at the beginning, her intentions were pure. however, as autumn began growing up and learning how to be more resistant, irene began worsening her punishments
“y’ain’t gonna keep racing me until u win?? ok ig i can lock u up if u want me too....”
“y’ain’t gonna keep playing this game of strategy against me until u win?? ok ig i can force u 2 stay up all night and day staring at that board not sleeping with a surveillance camera placed right by u.”
“y’ain’t gonna finish ur meal? fine. starve.”
irene could have the best night of her life. she could win an oscar for best lead/best supporting and just be in a total state of euphoria which would pass to autumn. then she would find one thing wrong in autumn’s room in an attempt to reminisce and all hell would break loose.
that’s when the abuse that one typically associates the word with begins – when all hell breaks loose after reminiscing. 
then her mother would grow irrationally paranoid over something that didn’t exist – usually a stain because we’re not original – and would force autumn to work on it with her. she cleaned her rooms perfectly. there was no stain. but she helped her mother, now vulnerable for some reason, nonetheless.
their best moments of connection were when irene was putting autumn through hell, because she was going through her own.
that’s fucked!!
naturally, the older she got, the worse their battles became.
when she graduated high school, she was proposed to by a young man named charlie (i accidentally called him mark once in the biography oh my god i hate myself). she planned to move in with him and begin studying away from home. 
irene didn’t like this plan. she made sure a tempting young woman introduced herself to charlie and and proceeded to seduce him.
charlie took the bait.
when autumn and charlie broke everything off, her mother reminded her that she always knew best!! (ok to be fair... he did cheat ok we’ll give her that even if she set it up he still cheated by his own volition) 
still, autumn wanted to leave the horrible environment, the only good people in her life being the live-in maid and nanny. unfortunately, irene is a very good actress.
irene told autumn that she had been dropped by her studio and that her contract had been lifted – that she was back where she started and didn’t know where to go, financially or career-wise. 
ultimately, she manipulated autumn into staying.
their battles continued to grow up until irene fell fatally ill. autumn took a sort of sadistic pleasure in watching her mom slowly deteriorate,,, and tbh she hated herself for it but,,,
their shared fear made them connect over it.
when she died, autumn was essentially the only person at the funeral who knew her for her. irene had always complained about people loving the idea of her, but not her – the only valid complaint she’d ever made. autumn wished she could’ve been that person, but she was essentially just like every other person there.
when she learned she’d literally inherited zero (0) in the will except for an acknowledgement of all the ‘lessons’ irene had taught her, she decided she would get the last word by writing a tell-all mommie dearest who.
following the book’s success, she decided she didn’t want to live a life of fame and harassment. she moved to boot hill and thought she could become a brand new person!!
-kathy bates vc- LIIIIEEES -end vc-
-marina and the diamonds vc- liiiEEEeesssss -end vc-
working at the funeral home (we stan) reminded her of her past, present, and future. 
marrying the local pastor, a horrible match for her, echoed charlie.
having to be the stern parent of three children reminded her of her own mother.
ofc she’s convinced if she ever even shows signs, the one good thing about her marriage to gabe is that he would intervene.
wow i should be ernest hemingway my intros are so much... less drunk sounding than they are when i’m 110% sober.
wine mom. lives for the gossip. basically helen lovejoy from the simpsons.
a lot more serious than ophelia (in part bc she’s never high lbr). she generally understands situations much better and actually... gauges them appropriately.
has a compassionate side. although she’s largely rational, she is quick to recognize emotion and act. 
has to be the stern parent out of her and gabe. she doesn’t know why they continue having children. they have no passion and she’s afraid she’ll wind up being like her mother.
sad bitch bad bitch (tbh ophelia too but)
honestly the epitome of almost every single lily allen song.
we stan.
wanted connections.
considering i can only come up with unique connections when i have a theme going (like classic movie lines for ophelia’s), i can’t think of anything very unique, but:
someone she cheats on gabe with (gender doesn’t matter)
people she gossips with/wine buddies
and then we also love brainstorming.
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lemonjellyyttv · 3 years
LemonJellyy’s ABC Challenge
There are so many different rules on how to play the ABC Challenge/A-Z Challenge that I decided to take what I liked about all of them, modify some slightly, and create my own set of rules to play with. This challenge is unique in that it involves marrying and divorcing each Baby Daddy, not using cheats at all, and playing with aging off as to allow the matriarch to have all 26 children herself. 
**This challenge description does not take into account Mods or CC’s since I do not play with either. If I ever download some, I will update this to include some rules around them.**
The objective for this challenge is to marry ~26 different men and give birth to 26 babies, naming each child in the order of the alphabet (ie. child #1’s name begins with A, child #2’s name begins with B, child #3’s name begins with C, etc.). The challenge ends once Baby Z ages into a young adult. If you have twins or triplets at any time, the number of men you will need to marry will naturally decrease.
Getting Started:
Create a female young adult Sim - you have free range with her looks, names, walk-style, voice, etc. However, she must have the traits family oriented and cheerful, and have the aspiration of Big Happy Family. This is your matriarch. 
Move your matriarch into any lot you would like without using any cheats. You may either buy an empty lot or a lot with a house.
Build and furnish what you can with your remaining funds. Your Sim cannot get a job at any time in the challenge, so I would suggest adding some money making activities to your lot, such as painting or wood building. 
Turn aging off - this will allow you time to give birth to all 26 children. You can only age up a Sim when they meet the set requirements found below.
Find a Sim you would like to impregnate your matriarch. You need to befriend them, romance them, propose to them, and marry them before they are allowed to impregnate you. 
Once they have impregnated you, or once you have given birth (you can decide when exactly), you will then divorce them and move onto the next Baby Daddy. Don’t forget to keep all their money though, since you are not allowed to work for your own!
These rules apply to everyone, unless you do not have the pack that the rule belongs to. You can disregard any rule that does not work for you. Remember that no cheats are allowed in this challenge. 
You may move as many times as you want during the challenge as long as you can afford it without cheating. 
Autonomy must be full. “Disabled autonomy for selected Sims” is allowed.
You can start the game in any season. 
You can have pets, but they will take up a space in the household.
You may participate in holidays and even create your own holiday as long as none of the traditions violate challenge rules. Feel free to edit any existing holiday. 
You cannot close the game without saving to avoid catastrophic events. If your matriarch dies before having all 26 children, it is considered a fail.
If any child gets taken by social services, it is an automatic fail. 
If a child dies, you do not have to “replace” that child. However, you cannot kill a child yourself. 
No cheats to influence house size are allowed. 
Lots and House Set Up
You may move as many times as you want during the challenge as long as you can afford it without cheating. 
All towns are free range - you can live in any you would like.
You may download from the gallery at any point in the challenge, as many times as you want, as long as you can afford it without cheating.  
If a lot your matriarch moves into has existing lot traits, you may not edit, remove, or add to them.
If your lot has no traits, you may pick three traits, but you can never change them. Your decision is permanent. 
You need to have a designated sleeping space for each person living in your house. Sleeping bags and tents count. Kids may share rooms. 
You may expand on your house whenever you have the funds to do so. 
Aging Rules
Turn aging for the household off. You may only age up Sims when they meet the requirement to age up.
Use a randomizer to select all the children’s traits as they age. 
Either use a randomizer (like this one) to select all the children’s aspirations as they age, or have chat decide. 
Babies can be aged up two days after being born. 
Toddlers can be aged up once they reach max level in all toddler skills.
Children can be aged up once they get an A in school and have maxed out at least two of the child skills (Motor/Social/Creativity/Mental). 
Teens can be aged up once they  get an A in school, have maxed out one skill, and have at least one character value within trait range - either positive or negative. 
When a teen turns into a young adult, you can move them out. You can keep them if you want the help with the children or want them to earn money for the household, but keep in mind that they will take up a household spot. They cannot get a spouse, get married, or have children while in your household.
Young adults can be moved out to make more room for more children, but they may not move back in after. 
You may never kill off a Sim in order to make room in the house faster. 
Your matriarch may not influence the gender of her children. You will need her to avoid strawberries, carrots, pop music, and alternative music. 
You may influence how many babies are born at a time with kids music, kids TV, on-ley line house trait, and/or the fertile trait.
Your matriarch may leave her home freely. She does not need to bring all her children.
Your matriarch may join and create clubs as long as the club activities do not violate any challenge rules. 
If the family is to ever go on vacation, you must bring the entire household. You may not go on vacation if there is a newborn at home. 
Your matriarch must be a human, but she is allowed to marry and be impregnated by vampires, mermaids, wizards, etc. 
Your matriarch must never have a job of any sort - no career, no self-employed path, no business, no odd jobs, nothing. She is a permanent stay at home mom for life. Or at least until she is an elder. 
Your matriarch may have skills that make her money such as painting and wood building, and she can host yard sales with any crafts. 
Teenagers are allowed to work part-time jobs to help support the family and bring in extra income. 
Young adult children can have any job or career. They can stay in the household as long as you want them to in order to help support the family. 
The family’s main income will come from your matriarch’s temporary husband and the money he brings to the family. When divorcing and moving out each husband, keep all their money and don’t pick a house for them to move to. They will be left with $0 to their name. 
Husbands/Baby Daddy’s
You cannot create your own custom husband’s for your matriarch, but will instead only find and marry random Sims in the town. Any town is allowed. 
The BDs are allowed to be of any type of occult. 
Your matriarch may not get pregnant by the same BD twice.
You may not use the hand-tool to move tash, plates, books, toys, or laundry. A Sim has to do it. 
You may use the hand-tool if the game messes up and places a plate on top of a cupboard and your Sim cannot get it. Why does the game do this?? I don’t know, but it is frustrating. 
You may not replace items when they break down, you must have a Sim repair it. If they cannot, you can hire a repair service. 
You may not hire gardeners or nannies at any point in the challenge. 
You may hire a scheduled maid, but only after your Sim has at least 50,000 Simoleons in their account.
You can hire a repair service only after your Sim has attempted to fix the item themselves. 
You can hire caterers, mixologists and entertainers only for parties. 
Your matriarch cannot hire a butler at any point in the challenge.
You may not use Patchy.
All in-game rewards from completing aspirations and social events may be used. 
You cannot own a money tree.
Your matriarch may use the wishing well, but she cannot wish for a child. 
Painting brings in a lot of money in comparison to other money-making methods that can be done at home.
The lot traits Child’s Play, Study Spot, and Good Schools make skills go up the fastest.
A micro or tiny home gives x2 to skill leveling.
Keep a list of who your matriarch has married and had a child with as to avoid accidentally getting impregnated by the same person twice. 
0 notes
ellanainthetardis · 7 years
Okay this is pretty dark so feel free not to do it, but chapter 531 was AMAZING and I couldn't help but think: what if Effie attempted suicide before Haymitch got there? Haymitch would still show up and probably tell her family off but that's your choice if you decide to write it :) As always LOVE your work and adore your spirit. Drama from before was ridiculous ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Here you go! [X]
A Match Made In Madness
Lyssa checked the nursery before addressing the commotion downstairs.
Bryden and Timotheo were still there, playing some board game under thedistracted eyes of the governess who doubled as a nanny. Her boys looked justas sad and lost as they had been since the end of the war and it made her heartclench to see them so. Although her heart clenched a lot nowadays. Every timeshe thought about her dead husband, about the rebels forcing him to face afiring squad…
More noises from downstairs made her leave the nursery unnoticed. Shequickened her pace along the familiar corridors of her childhood home, longingfor the loved walls of her own house. Her destroyedhouse that had been reduced to dust and ashes. Like the rest of her life.
It had been difficult enough to come back to her parents’ house pleadingfor a place to live, the formidable inheritance of the Flavershyms forbidden toher because Rufus had once been a Gamemaker for two years, which now meant thatnot only had he deserved to be murdered without any dignity on live TV but thatall his money and assets had been stolen by the government. She had never felt hatred before. Now she knew what ittasted like.
Yes, it had been difficult to come back and ask for a safe haven to waitfor the rebel storm to pass, all the more so knowing business was declining andher father was having problems keeping their fortune balanced. They lived witha reduced staff, they never went on endless shopping sessions anymore and theydidn’t receive. Even her mother, while desperate to keep up appearances, seemedaware of the looming threat. Elindra was playing a dangerous game of trying toclimb back up the social circles while not spending a cent more than sheabsolutely needed.
Lyssa could have lived with all that if it hadn’t been for her sister.
She had always loved Effie.
Oh, how she hated her now…
It was her fault. Everythingwas her fault. It had been herfriends putting Lyssa’s life upside down, herfriends ransacking the Capitol, her friendssentencing her and her sons to poverty, herfriends who had shot Rufus… And it had been her who had refused to help when Lyssa and Elindra had gone to herhospital room and begged for her tointervene.
Effie had almost laughed in their faces, had kept lying about having next to no power… To stay in her lover’s goodgrace, surely. For the good it had done her sister… Haymitch Abernathy had leftfor Twelve with his damn Mockingjayafter starting just enough rumors that everybody in Panem knew Effie Trinkethad escaped death because she had allowed him to settle between her thighs morethan once. It was shameful. And evenmore shameful to be associated with her.
Lyssa hated her for not helping Rufus. And all because her sister hadalways been viciously jealous ofLyssa’s life of course. She had always tried to understand Effie, hadtirelessly worked to get close despite the distance her sister kept her at, hadalways loved her no matter what….
Oh, the day Effie had showed up on their parents’ doorstep, with a pitifulpink suitcase and no money to speak of… The government had taken everything away from her sister too.Sweet irony.
Their mother had been determined to send her away – to Twelve, why not?Out of sight out of mind. But their father, as angry as he was with Effie,wouldn’t consent to it. Family was family.
So they all lived in that house and it would have been unbearable enoughon account of the tight quarters but, naturally,her sister had to make it worse by going insane.And all for attention, Lyssa was sure of it.
Effie hid. There was no other wordfor it.
She roamed the house, avoided the staff, ducked in empty rooms everytime Mother called her… She spent her days in pajamas too. When she wasn’twearing the old tattered man shirt she was carrying it around like an oddtalisman… She never brushed her hair. She never wore make-up. Sometimes, shecurled up in corners or behind some pieces of furniture and she rocked onherself, completely lost to the world. In those moments it was as if she wasn’tthere anymore. And of course she had screamed herself raw at night, runningaround the house like a madwoman, until Elindra had bought her sleeping pillsand instructed her to use them…
The pills weren’t doing much good. Only the other day she had almost runoff the street… If their father hadn’t caught her… It had been frightening towatch her fight him off as if she didn’t know him at all. Their mother had stared,clutching her dressing gown to her chest, terror and horror battling on herface… Effie had collapsed eventually, as if something in her had just snapped… She had collapsed in theirfather’s arms and had sobbed until Lyssa had clapped her hands and had hoardedher own children back to bed…
Their aunt frightened them.
All for attention, Lyssa was sure of it.
Effie had behaved more or less normally at first. She had visited theMellark boy at the clinic every afternoon, like clockwork. Her mornings hadbeen spent looking for a job. Thathad stopped quickly enough when it had turned out that people only had threeadjectives for her: traitor, slut or monster – personally, Lyssa agreed withall three. People didn’t want to be associated with the surviving escort. Sowhen Mellark had been shipped back to Twelve, Effie had stopped going out.
She needed to find her importance somewhere so she was grasping fortheir parents’ attention. Because they were too sympathetic to Lyssa’s loss andgod forbids the spotlight not beingon Effie…
Her behavior wasn’t normal though.
The other day, at dinner – a dinner Effie had attended in her old tatteredbaggy shirt like a ruffian – Lyssa had casually suggested they should have hercommitted. Their mother has tut-tutted disapprovingly but the glance she hadexchanged with her husband had told Lyssa they had had that particularconversation before. Effie must have realized it too because she had gone completely crazy then.
She had tried to leave the house, tossing everything she owned in hersuitcase and swearing she wouldn’t cause them any more troubles… She had beenraving about being locked-up and escaping and what not. It wasn’t until theirfather had sworn they wouldn’t have her sent away and their mother had pointed outthat there was no way to do that without damaging their reputation further thatEffie had calmed down.
All for attention. Like everything else.
She reached the stairs just as the voices rose in fury.
“You have no business here!”her mother shrieked. “Leave before I call the authorities!”
“Lady, I don’t hit women as a rule but I swear if you don’t step aside…”a male voice warned.
“Let him in.” Lyssa instructed, her calm tone effectively cuttingthrough the argument. She wasn’t one for dramatic entrances, that had alwaysbeen more Effie’s scene, but she couldn’t deny she enjoyed the way eyes turnedon her. She knew how she looked after all, even in black, she looked ravishing.She dismissed the maid with a casual wave of the hand and the girl hurriedaway. “Think about the neighbors, Mother.”
That did the trick.
Elindra almost dragged the man inside and hastily closed the door behindhim before anxiously peering through the small window.
“Where’s she?” Haymitch Abernathy asked, directing his question to her.
Lyssa took a moment to study the victor, unable to see what was soappealing about him. His clothes were creased as if he had traveled all nightand hadn’t taken the time to change and freshen up before showing up – ahypothesis that the traveling bag he dropped at his feet encouraged, she dearly hoped he wasn’t entertaining anythought of them hosting him. His hair was long, dirty and hadn’t seen a comb infar too long. Uneven rough stubble covered his chin and jaws. He had broadshoulders and he looked strong but his chest didn’t appear firm at all.
“She is not here.” Elindra bravely lied. “I do not know what you heard but Effie has a very nice proper boyfriend. She does not need you to soil her reputationagain. She is doing very well for herself.You are not welcome here and I do not know who you think you are to comehere like this but it will notstand!”
“I called him, Mother.” Lyssa said before he could snap at Elindraagain. He seemed the kind to rudely snap at people under their own roof.
“I beg your pardon?” her mother scoffed in dismay. “Whatever for?”
“He can take her off our hands before she does something that bringsshame to this house again.” she dismissed. “She might not miss next time.”
Elindra swallowed hard, pursing her lips in a way that told Lyssa she wouldbe in for a lecture later on.
“Your sister had an accident.”her mother hissed. “She needs to stay herewhere her reputation is safe.”
“Taking three pills instead of two is an accident, Mother.” she sneered.“Swallowing the whole bottle is a suicide attempt.”
The word hadn’t been said once.
Not when the maid had found her sister, not when Elindra had franticallyslapped her until her eyelids  hadfinally fluttered open, not when the old family doctor had prescribed her rest…Accident was the polite proper term.
“Where’s she?” Abernathy asked, sounding tired, almost defeated.
“You will take her with you, yes?” Lyssa insisted.
Oh, the loathing in those grey eyes… “If she wants to come. Yeah.”
“That is not necessary and I won’t allow it.” Elindra snapped. “Effiewill stay here. She is simply… Shehas bad cases of nerves attacks, that is all. She will rest, get better and wewill find her a nice gentleman to…”
“Sure.” Abernathy scowled. “Over my dead body.”
“It is for the best.” Lyssa promises. “She is lovesick for him, haven’tyou noticed? The shirt, the way she stares at the phone… It is his name she calls when she has anepisode. If he wants her, I say good riddance.”
“Lyssa!” Elindra exclaimed, not thatdisapproving though.
“The scandal will be bad but it will only be on her.” she insisted “If Effie kills herself here we will never hear the end of it.”
“Okay. Enough’s enough.”Abernathy growled, pushing past her and up the stairs. “Effie!” He looked likeman’s possessed, opening every door on his path. “Effie!”
Lyssandra and Elindra hurried after him, a bit scared by his sudden hostility.He smelt strongly of whiskey and she wondered if he was drunk. It wouldn’t besurprising, would it?
“Mother?” Timotheo called out, uncertain, when the man brutally openedthe nursery’s door. Her brave boy had immediately pushed his little brotherbehind him. “Mother, is it happening again?”
Was someone elsegoing to be arrested and killed? he meant. Would Haymitch Abernathy, one of therebellion’s figureheads, grab someone like the rebels had grabbed Rufus infront of his sons without any sort of common decency?
“Sorry, kid.” Abernathy offered, his voice softening, before she couldsay anything. “Didn’t mean to scare you. Just looking for my girl.”
“I wasn’t scared.” her son answered, jutting his chin up in dismissal.
Abernathy’s lips quirked up in a bitter smirk. “Course not.”
“If you are done I will takeyou to her room.” Lyssa hissed, forcing him to step back so she could close thenursery’s door once more.
“You’ve got a good boy.” he said on the way.
As if it was even a question.
“His father was a good man too.” she snapped. “You and my sister refusedto help him. You might as well have killed him yourselves.”
“It was a lot more complicated than that.” he countered. “I barely got Effieout.”
“Oh, please!” she scowled.
Annoyance flashed on his face but she opened a door before he couldreply and the moment he spotted Effie lost in the comforter of her big bed, hewas gone. He rushed inside and if he was thrown by the pink canopy of the bedor the decidedly teenage feel of the room, it didn’t show.
“Sweetheart…” he breathed out with relief when he sat on the mattressnext to Effie’s hip. He brushed his knuckles against her cheek and smiled whenher eyes opened. A genuine tender smile that looked so intimate Lyssa felt likean intruder. “Stupid girl…” he growled. “Why didn’t you call? You’re doing this bad, you call me. You come to me.” Heshook his head. “I know you’re angry with me but that’s pushing it too far. Youdon't… You don’t do this, Effie. That's…No.”
Effie was staring at him as if she wasn’t sure he was real.
“You should stall Father.” Lyssa suggested to Elindra “He won’tapprove.”
And she intended to have Abernathy and her sister out of the house well before he was back from work andtried to stop them from whisking Effie to Twelve.
Her mother’s lips were still pursed. “Neither do I, Lyssandra.”
And yet she still left in search of a pretext to slow down their father,probably because she knew Lyssa was right. They would survive the scandal ofEffie running to Twelve but if Effie took her own life under their roof…Abernathy had experience with that sort of things. Everyone knew the Mockingjaywas unstable.
“Haymitch…” Effie whispered almost with awe. She reached out and hehelped her place her hand on his cheek. “You’re real.”
Lyssa rolled her eyes and stepped inside the room. “She sleepwalks now.I trust it is not a deal breaker for you.”
She rummaged around until she located the pink suitcase under the bed.She could have called the maid but she was curious.
Abernathy was resolutely ignoring her anyway.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Perfectly fine.” Effie answered, almost cheerfully.
Exactly as Lyssa had suspected. An act. She should have called thevictor much earlier and saved them all the trouble. Perhaps that even was whather sister had been after. A dashing rescue.
“Effie.” he chided.
Effie licked her lips and averted her eyes, her cheeks flushed in shame.“There was an accident, as you surely know…”
“Accident, was it?” he snorted bitterly.
Her sister shrugged pitifully. “I was very tired. I could not… I couldnot make sense of the things in my head and… Lyssa, what are you doing?”
It might have been the first time in months Effie had dared to addressher directly. Guilt, Lyssa was sure.
“I am packing your things, what does it look like?” she retorted. “Wecannot keep you given the circumstances. Either you are insane or you play atbeing insane. Frankly, I don’t give a damn which it is.”
That wasn’t entirely true and her heart clenched.
Seeing Effie unconscious in a puddle of her own sick… Seeing theirparents so frantic with panic… Seeing their mother crying…
No, she hadn’t liked that at all.
But they couldn’t help her. That was glaringly obvious.
“No!” Effie screamed, scrambling to a sitting position but too weak todo much more. “No! Father said he wouldn’t let you! He promised! He promised! I will be good… I won’t do it again, I promise. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Don’t let them lock me up, Lyssa…Don’t send me there! Don’t…”
“Send you where?” Abernathy frowned, looking up at Lyssa. “What is shetalking about?”
She pursed her lips, reluctant to share her own part in this fiasco.
“She wants to send me to an asylum.” Effie whispered, tears rolling downher cheeks. “Because I’m insane. And I am.I think I am but…”
“Nobody’s locking you up anywhere.” the victor cut her off. “I’ve cometo take you home.”
“Home…” her sister repeated as if it was a foreign concept.
“If you want to come, that is.” Abernathy amended, nervously rubbing theback of neck. “The kids are cleaning the guest room right now. They were happywhen I told them I was coming to get you, they want to see you. Didn’t tellthem what happened though. Knew you wouldn’t like that..”
Did he ever form proper sentences, she wondered? What was so appealingabout butchered grammar?
“Home… Home with you…” Effie insisted, sounding a bit sluggish.
She was always slow lately.
Lyssa folded the last dress in the suitcase and moved on to the dressingtable and the beauty products her sister hadn’t touched in a long time.
“You can’t be that mad with me… You’re wearing my shirt.” he pointedout. “Been wearing it a while, yeah?”
It was a tactful way to say she smelled, Lyssa figured. But it wasn’t Effie per se. Her sister showered threetimes a day since the war.
“She refuses to have it washed.” Lyssa supplied. “Mother tried to tossit away and she fished it from the garbage bin.”
Abernathy wrinkled his nose while Effie flushed crimson. Her sisterdidn’t deny though.
Lyssa understood more than she pretended. She had her own stash ofRufus’ clothes hidden away and she kept them religiously but that didn’t meanshe dressed like a hobo.
“Okay… Tell you what, sweetheart… I’ll get you another one, yeah? Let’stake this one off. Get you dressed.” he suggested.
Lyssa turned around to offer her help because as much as she hated hersister nowadays she wasn’t about to let a man putting unwelcomed hands on her.The hands weren’t unwelcomed though. They couldn’t be when Effie slipped theshirt over her head without a second thought for the grand lack of underwearunderneath.
His grey eyes roamed on the uncovered flesh. Assessing rather thanlusting.
“You lost more weight.” he said.
“She doesn’t eat.” Lyssa sighed, betraying a worry she didn’t want toadmit to herself. Effie looked like a walking corpse. She ate like a bird,mostly soup. Her blue eyes fell on the scars and she frowned. “Where did youget those?”
Effie hadn’t shied away from the man’s gaze but she covered herself withthe comforter under her sister’s scrutiny. “Nowhere.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” he said calmly. “You don’t have to say.”
Effie relaxed and accepted the bra and panties he fished from the opensuitcase. She dressed under the sheets and Lyssa had the distinct impression itwas to hide from her and not fromhim. She only pushed the comforter away once she had a black and white dresson. It looked far too big on her.
Lyssa grabbed her toiletry bag from the bathroom and zipped the suitcaseshut. There. Now Effie could leavefor good and she would be able tomourn in peace.
She felt a pang of longing when she saw the way the victor helped herwalk, making sure she wouldn’t trip, making sure she was alright… The smileEffie flashed him was the most genuine thing she had seen on her sister’s facesince the war, her eyes were lighting up when she looked at him. And he softened around her. He looked lessscary, less… intense.
A match made in madness.
“Thanks for calling me.” Abernathy said as Lyssa was about to close thefront door on them. His tone was controlled and she was sure there were otherthings he wanted to tell her. Mainly about how suggesting to have Effiecommitted was  probably what had pushedher to radical options.
She understood what he was playing at when Effie looked at her insurprise and gratefulness.
She remained rigid in her sister’s embrace.
But that was a first step, she figured.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Coronavirus travel ban keeps thousands of maids from Hong Kong jobs - world news
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Mimi Ysulat flew home to the Philippines for her mother’s funeral at the end of January. By the time she was ready to return to Hong Kong, where she’s worked as a maid and nanny for the past decade, she got another dose of bad news: in response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Philippine government had banned travel to the city, along with Macau and mainland China.Now the 48-year-old Ysulat is stuck in the Philippines for the foreseeable future, along with thousands of migrant workers, mostly women, who make up Hong Kong’s domestic labor force. “Helpers,” as they’re called, are critical to both economies. Having full-time, live-in childcare enables hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers — mostly women — to work outside the home; the money helpers send home to the Philippines contributes to more than $30 billion in remittances that comprise about 9% of the country’s gross domestic product.With the coronavirus still spreading, there’s no telling when these women might be able to return to the families and households that rely on them. They’re worried they’ll lose their jobs, their income and their work permits. In a survey of more than 900 Filipina domestic workers in Hong Kong  by placement agency HelperChoice, almost half said they were affected by the travel ban or knew someone who was. Meanwhile, with Hong Kong’s schools, community centers and nurseries closed for another four weeks at least, families with absent helpers are scrambling to manage their own jobs in a childcare vacuum. “ are actually integral to Hong Kong. Without them, the local community will not be able to go out and work,” said Edwina Antonio-Santoyo, executive director of Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge, a charity that has been operating in the city since 1986. “There will be no one to take care of their children, take care of the elderly or to do the household chores.”Antonio-Santoyo is barely exaggerating. Like day cares and creches elsewhere in the world, migrant maids and nannies are critical to Hong Kong families, particularly those with children. By law, helpers earn a minimum of HK$4,630 ($596) per month, a not-unreasonable expense for two adults each earning Hong Kong’s median wage of HK$17,500.About 11% of Hong Kong households employ a domestic worker, a ratio that jumps to 30% among married couples with children and 43% when both parents work. The government credits the ready availability of foreign domestic workers with the rising labor force participation rate for female citizens as well.Yin Lo, a primary school teacher and mother of a three-year-old, said her helper got stuck in the Philippines after attending her daughter’s wedding and visiting her convalescent mother. She was flying Cebu Air Inc., which has halted flights to Hong Kong at least through the end of March.“If I wasn’t able to work from home, I don’t know what I’d do,” said Yin, who like most teachers hasn’t been required to go in during the closings, though lots of schools are still giving students assignments and online lessons. Her husband works in the financial industry and has been going into the office every day. Like Ysulat, who hails from a village 350 miles south of Manila, many domestic workers come from rural parts of the Philippines. Earlier this month, the country’s Labor Department announced that it would offer financial assistance and temporary housing to workers who’d gotten stranded in the capital en route to their jobs overseas.In the first week of February, more than 2,500 workers had collected the offered stipend of 10,000 pesos ($196)—about one-third of the minimum monthly salary for a helper in Hong Kong. With the flight cancellations extended through March, there may be as many as 15,000 Hong Kong workers stuck in the Philippines, according to Alfredo Palmiery, who leads a trade group of recruiters who help place Filipinos in Hong Kong households and elsewhere.If workers can’t return to work, their contracts and visas could be cancelled, Palmiery wrote in a letter to the governing board of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. “Most of the departing workers have already traveled from the provinces to Manila and have already incurred expenses, some of which they only borrowed,” he wrote, highlighting the families that depend on remittances. The Philippines lifted a short-lived ban on travel to Taiwan on Feb. 14. It may do the same for migrant workers to Hong Kong in the next two weeks, Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin wrote on Twitter Feb. 15: ‘Time to allow our domestic workers to return to their employers in Hong Kong. Eagerly awaited. HK has better facilities to contain virus.”Ysulat is among the relatively lucky ones. Her employers have said her position is safe and that they’ll continue to pay her. The problem, now, is collecting her salary. She gets paid in cash, which she typically sends home through a remittance service; her family claims it from a local pawnshop. She doesn’t have a bank account to receive a wire transfer from her employers.For now Ysulat’s family will rely on the money her husband makes as a rickshaw driver. If she can’t get back to work soon, she said they’d have no choice but to borrow from friends and neighbors to make ends meet. “I was just finished paying down my old debts,” she said.“And now I have to take on new ones. I’m back to zero again.”The travel ban has also affected workers on the Hong Kong side of the South China Sea. After 32 years as a maid and nanny in Hong Kong, Virgie Iniego was ready to go home on Feb. 7. Chemotherapy to treat throat and nose cancer left her with kidney damage, and she needs biweekly dialysis. Two days before what was supposed to be her final flight to Manila, the Philippine government suspended most incoming travel from China, Hong Kong and Macau. As a Philippine national, Iniego’s not banned, but she might as well be: Philippine Airlines canceled its flights through the end of March.‘I really want to go home to be with my family,” said Iniego, whose two sons live in Imus City on the outskirts of the capital. Her husband died a few years ago. “I am old and sick, and I want to be with my sons.’Not far from Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila, the Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration converted a conference center into a sprawling help desk for stranded migrant workers.On Feb. 13, nearly a week after the government announced the travel ban, roughly a hundred people stood in line. They brought documents to prove their identity and employment abroad, and their tickets for their now-cancelled flights. In return, they got a stack of cash. It’s the third venue the welfare agency has commandeered since the restriction took effect, first tapping a shopping mall and then a sports complex to handle the volume. Some of the workers have come straight from the airport after being turned away at the check-in desks, their bags still in tow, taped up and ready for their big move. Last week, Dina Andales collected her stipend. She’d been traveling to a new position, and she wasn’t sure her employer would be willing to hold her job. Andales decided to stay in Manila — it would cost half the 10,000 peso allowance just to get back to her province, and the remainder wouldn’t cover the month’s expenses for her and her parents. The government says the travel ban is a protective measure, but Andales, at least, didn’t appreciate it. “We need to eat every day, and I’m not going to earn any money staying here ,” she said. “If I had a choice, I would rather just fly to Hong Kong. I can just stay indoors all the time to keep myself safe from the virus.”  Read the full article
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