#Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill
By: Humanists UK
Published: Dec 6, 2023
The Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill had its first reading in the UK Parliament today. The Bill, if enacted, would disestablish the Church of England and remove the automatic right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords. Humanists UK, which campaigns for a secular state and the separation of church and state, welcomed the Bill.
The Bill, introduced in the House of Lords by Lord Scriven, a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Humanist Group, would remove the Church of England from its position as the official state church. The Bill faced significant opposition, but eventually passed.
The recent British Social Attitudes survey demonstrated how unrepresentative our current system is. Only 12% of people consider themselves Anglican. What’s more, 68% of 18-24 year-olds say they belong to no religion versus 18% saying they are Christian – including only 0.7% saying they are Anglican.
The Church of England was disestablished in Wales in 1920 and there has never been an established church in Northern Ireland, as the Church was disestablished in 1869, before Irish independence. This is one of many archaic policies that still exist in the UK. Arguably, most egregious is the fact that 26 seats in the House of Lords are reserved for bishops of the Church of England. The only other state which has reserved seats for religious officials from a state religion is Iran.
As well as seeking to remove the automatic right for bishops to sit in the House of Lords, the Bill would remove the monarch’s role as Head of the Church of England.
This change will not interfere with the right to freedom of religion or belief. In 2018 Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said that disestablishment of the Church of England would not be ‘a disaster’ for the Church, and is ‘a decision for parliament and the people’. He also said that ‘I don’t think [disestablishment] would make it easier [for the Church], and I don’t think it would make it more difficult’.
The Bill will now move onto its second reading, though no formal date has yet been set.
Humanists UK Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Kathy Riddick said:
‘Humanists UK welcomes the introduction of this Bill. In a modern, diverse society, it’s crucial to separate religion from state, allowing for genuine equality of all religions and beliefs. Disestablishment would mark a crucial step towards a fairer, secular state, ensuring that public institutions remain neutral and inclusive.’
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fandom-geek · 7 months
important news to ppl in the uk
today, the ballot of private members' bills was released for westminster. private members' bills are laws proposed by individual politicians instead of the government, and you can see the full schedule here
there's a few great bills in there, but i want to highlight the disestablishment of the church of england bill - scheduled for wednesday 6th december.
what does it do? it would remove the church of england as the state religion of england. it already happened in wales in 1920, scotland never had a state religion, and the church of ireland was disestablished as ireland's state religion (pre-independence) in 1871.
this would mean no more priests in the house of lords by virtue of being anglican, no more "defender of the faith" bs at the coronation - the uk would be a fully secular state.
so i recommend reading the statements by the national secular society and humanists uk, and contacting your local mp to support the bill. the bill is being introduced through the house of lords, by lib dem peer paul scriven, so it needs to get through there first - but it's worth drumming up support amongst mps so they know this has public support.
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current-uk-bills · 3 days
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ktfministry · 6 months
Upcoming UK Bill Could Upend History, Disestablish Church of England - https://ktfnews.com/upcoming-uk-bill-could-upend-history-disestablish-church-of-england/
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sutrala · 7 months
An atheist activist group in the U.S. is praising an expected U.K. bill that aims to disestablish the Church of England, potentially separating the official church from the government. The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), an atheist group, called the move “brilliant”...
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spoontoof · 1 year
june 20th, 2023 12:33pm a fiberglass monkey with glowing red eyes
i honestly have no idea why i am still up rn. today was a very...boring day. idk, i guess i'm lazy, cuz i just didn't wanna do anything. i did try to make a cover of lemon demon's "bill watterson" song today, but the audio came out too quiet, and i sounded terrible, sooo, yea. maybe next time!
did you guys know that antidisestablishmentarianism is a noun? alot of you guys probably only know the word fro being long, but not its actual meaning, as opposed to hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, which is universally known for being the fear of long words. google states that the definition of "antidisestablishmentarianism" is, "opposition to the disestablishment of the church of england." my question is, why the hell would the word even be that long!? the word itself is just some meaningless political bullshit, but since it was made up relatively recently compared to language in human history (my research says that it goes back to about the 17-18th century, tho i could be completely wrong with that), it doesn't have some long history that goes back to the latin language, because it's just made up of older words, prefixes and suffixes that came from the latin language. think about it, and just break it down. anti-dis-establish-ment-tarian-ism. these are all words that have existed long before "antidisestablishmentarianism" was made. some mook probably put all of these words together and made it really long to say to annoy people, just for shits and giggles. lucky for me, i have mastered saying it very fast! so fuck you to whoever made that word. little shit.
sharks exist in real life
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poorbasil · 7 years
Thank you APUSH mom for the help!! The exam is this Friday, just took the mock today (and there was a question about reagan and Gorbachev on it and I almost screamed in the middle of the test). Dude I'd love it if you could tell me about post-Revolution stuff since I lowkey know nothing about then lmao. And the influence of reaganism and new conservatism because my class barely spent any time on that either since my teacher hates Reagan >_
Holy heck, beingcalled APUSH mom made my day!! You’re too sweet.
Everything is under the cut (it’s kinda long). Let me know if you need further clarification. 
Post-Revolution Until Constitution (tell me if you need more info since I stopped at this point):
Last battle: Yorktown, Oct. 1781;
Treaty of Paris 1783 formally ends war, provisions:
·        *US recognizedas independent from Britain*
·        fishingrights off Canada coast
·        US to payback individual debts to Britain
·        Boardersfrom Canada to FL to Miss. River
Britain keeps itsforts (is also suspected of aiding Natives w/ weapons)- becomes big issue w/War of 1812
Articles of Confed. had been adopted by Congress Nov. 1777(ratified March 1781)
·        Noexecutive (no central gov. to regulate economy)
·        unicameralCongress
·        1 voteper state regardless of population + size
·        canmanage postal service + coin money
·        USstruggling to build up weak economy after living under mercantilism but can’tlevy taxes (relied on donations for states which contributed to rising nationaldebt)
o   early econ. v. bad b/c states were printingtheir own currency which lead to inflation + states were taxing each other
·        can  make treaties + trade alliances (US had w/Prussia + Sweden)
·        @ thispoint, the US was a Confederacy w/ states maintaining their individual powerand the central government acting as a last resort (v. weak central gov)
Success under AOC:
Northwest Ordinance of 1787: provides that all new territories beincorporated as new states, not added onto existing states (was v. unique +revolutionary)
Social Concerns:
·        “RepublicanMotherhood”- image of the virtuous American woman who is responsible forteaching her children morals + dedication to country
o   results in idea that women needed to be morevirtuous than men leading to disenfranchisement as they had to maintain theirvirtue
·        b/fChurch of England/Anglican Church was main rel. and was state church (publicfunds went to support church )
o   gradual disestablishment of church by 1820s
·        Statesbecome more lax w/ rel. -remove compulsory attendance laws, etc.
·        Formationof new religions: Methodists, Episcopalian, Baptists, etc.
·        VA Stateof Freedom  (written by TJ) becomesstandard for separation of church and state (an ongoing issue which ppl likeMadison agreed w/ while Patrick Henry disagreed)
African Americans
·        Start toinclude themselves in the ideas of the Revolution +  natural rights (apply Dec. of Ind. to them)-becomes even more significant after Haitian Rev.
·        New AAintellectuals (Phyllis Weatley + Benjamin Banaker)
·        Questionsab. slavery arise
o   Penn. Abolitionist Society formed 1787
o   Decline in slavery in south (looks like it willdisappear b/c it’s not profitable)- this is reversed w/ invention of the cottongin however
·        Propertywas  a natural right Americans stronglybelieved in- complicating slavery issue as they were seen as property
·        Immediateemancipation in New England (never really much slaves there b/c it wasn’t economicbenefit); gradual eman. in middle states
·        Somestates abolish slave trade (not domestic trading however) (u may find itsurprising that TJ, as 2nd governor of VA, initiated this act in VA)
General Unrest:
·        Shay’s Rebellion: angry debtors in MA., illustrates strugglingeconomy affecting citizens welfare
·        NewburghConspiracy (Mar. 1783): attempted coup against Washington (failed b/f it never really took off)
Annapolis Conven. 1786: gathered to discuss“revisions” of AoC but really they end up to scrap the whole thingand convene in a year at the Constitutional Conven. which was technicallyillegal under the AoC
Con. Coven. May 14, 1787
·        somefounders refused to come b/c they realized the false pretenses of the conven.
·        Madisonis the star here (most of the knowledge we know about this is from his ownnotes b/c the secretary sucked)
·        EnterRoger Sherman’s Great Compromise b/w the VA and NJ Plans (bicameral leg w/representatives based on population and senators equal w/ 2 per state)
o   also 3/5 compromise
·        Create 3branches of gov. + checks and balances (idea taken from Enlightenment)
o   @ this time, ppl were afraid of too stronglegislatures
·        ElectoralCollege: used to check “rampant democracy” aka mob rule
Constitution ratified Sept. 17, 1787 but debatefor this was v. bitter
·        the wholeanti-Federalist vs. Federalist issue emerges
o   Anti: Main leaders: Patrick Henry, Sam Adams,Richard Henry Lee (TJ was in Paris during this time and cannot be considered amajor player during this debate- ik many texts say he was an anti-Fed but boiwasn’t even there)
§  believed Con. was encroaching on monarchicalideas
§  was made by elites in secret
§  some parts were considered anti-democratic
§  didn’t like creation of a national capital
§  opposed standing army
§  no mention of God
o   Feds: Main Leaders: Madison, Ben Franklin,Hamilton, Washington
§  recall Federalist Papers written to informpublic about Con., and pushing for it to be ratified
o   Billof Rights: first 10 amends,included to appease Anti- Feds
This was my question from the APUSH 2015 DBQ:
Explain the reasons why a new conservatism rose to prominence inthe United States between 1960 and 1989.
Main points from the documents in myDBQ:
·        States’Rights + Federal government infringement into affairs which they don’t have jurisdictionover
·        Failureof government intervention and gov. reforms aimed at helping poor \
·        Generalpublic sentiment in working middle class that they’re not receiving any benefitfrom the government while resources are being allocated to help drug addictsand the likes
·        Lack of“morality” in youth
·        Decreasingdisplay of American strength in foreign affairs
Reagan Conservatism:
·        supply-sideand trickledown economics:
§  release the power of American free enterprisefrom regulations, then the inherent free market will make the economy grow andincrease the nation’s GDP and the profits gained from the wealthiestbusinesses, the profit will move down (trickle) to the other classes ofsociety. Stands as an unrestricted form of free enterprise unhindered bygovernment regulations or helped by subsides.
o   plan was encouraged by tax cuts across allclasses and especially businesses since those are the ones who hire everyoneelse, businesses can then make more money and invest it in human capital and resources
·        peace throughstrength:
o   maintaining a very strong military, which, ifthis image is portrayed across the globe, it would basically intimidate anddeter others from attacking the US
o    disapprovedof defense cuts
·        socially:was a very traditional conservative (if you’re familiar w/ modern politics,think more like Ted Cruz than a John McCain) 
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current-uk-bills · 6 months
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current-uk-bills · 6 months
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