#Divorce Article in hindi
vipinjha · 8 months
प्रेम विवाह में तलाक की दर ज्याद क्यों ?
प्रेम अनंत काल से पवित्र माना जाता है, और प्रेम विवाह सुखी जीवन का मूलमंत्र, ऐसा नहीं है सुसंगत विवाह में प्रेम नहीं होता है, सुसंगत विवाह में मनुष्य के मन में एक इक्षा सदैव रहता है जो कि उसके मन में अनंत काल तक खटकती है, किंतु प्रेम विवाह में मनुष्य को अपने अनुसार पति/पत्नी  चुनने का मौका रहता है, जिसके साथ वो खुशी के संग अपने पूरे जीवन को व्यतीत कर सके!!
किंतु आज के दौर में जैसे-जैसे प्रेम विवाह का दर बढ़ रहा है उसी तेजी से तलाक का दर भी बढ़ रहा है, वैसे भारत में केरल शिक्षा दर में प्रथम स्थान पर है किंतु तलाक लेने के मामले में भी केरल ने ही  सर्वप्रथम स्थान पर कब्जा कर रखा है, जिसका मूल कारण भी शिक्षा है, जब बच्चे उच्चस्तरीय शिक्षा प्राप्त कर लेते हैं तो गार्जियन को लगता है अब बच्चे समझदार हो चुके हैं, क्योंकि उनके पास जीवनयापन के लिए एक परमानेंट नौकरी है, और उनके चुने हुये साथी के साथ विवाह करवा देते हैं, यूपी-बिहार में अभी भी प्रेम विवाह में काफी दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ता है प्रेमियों को, किंतु अब बच्चें कही भाग ना जाये या आत्महत्या ना कर ले उस विवशता में बच्चों के फैसले को स्वीकार कर लेते हैं गार्जियन, उनको लगता हैं बच्चे खुश रहेंगे तो हम खुश रहेंगे, पर गार्जियन को इस बात का तनिक भनक नहीं होता इस विवाह से पहले उनके बच्चों ने काफी शर्त पहले ही मनवा लिया है एक-दूसरे से!!
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विवाह दो आत्माओं का मेल है ऐसा कहा जाता है किंतु ना तो ये त्रेता युग है ना ही कोई यहाँ पर शिव, फिर भी प्रेम अभी भी अपने मर्यादा और संस्कार के वजह से जीवित है, नहीं तो  87% प्रेम तो वासनाओं से घिरा है और जिसका आंखों देखा हाल आपको आपके आस-पास ही देखने को मिलेगा, और ना जाने इस चक्कर में लाखों लड़कियों और हजारों लड़कों ने अपने जीवन को मृत्यु में तब्दील कर लिया है इसका एक अहम विषय स्वत्रंत रहना भी है!!
अब आते हैं मुद्दे पर प्रेम में पड़े लड़के और लड़कियाँ इतना केयर एक दूसरे को करते हैं मानो प्रेम का मतलब सिर्फ ख़ुशियाँ ही हो,  लड़के हर बात पर हाँ भरने लगते हैं मतलब लड़की को पाने के लिए और अगर उसके संग भविष्य देख रहे हैं तो, नहीं बुझे मने विवाह करने लिए लड़की को इतना भाव देते हैं जिससे लड़की को भी लगता है सच में जीवन इसके संग बिताने के अलावा और कोई दूसरा लड़का हो ही नहीं सकता, उधर लड़की सब लड़को को इतना केयर, बातों में सहमति, घर-परिवार के संग रिश्ता, मतलब लगता है जैसे फ़िल्म सीरियल में होता है कुछ भी हो जाये पर परिवार के संग रहूंगी और कुछ इमोशनल लड़के उनके इन सब केयर को देख जुट जाते हैं परिवार को मनाने में, आग दोनों तरफ लग जाती है शादी की, फिर सैकडों योजन का कष्ट दोनों उठा कर मना ही लेते हैं अपने परिवार को, जहां नहीं मानते हैं परिवार वाले वहाँ हम जैसे लफंडर दोस्त है ना पेपर पर सिग्नेचर करने के लिए!!
विवाह तो जैसे-तैसे हो जाता है किंतु प्रेम का जूस तब निकलता है जब घर के छोटे-छोटे झगड़े, आपसी मन-मुटाव और सोशल मीडिया पर समय व्यतीत, मतलब जो काम पहले बढ़िया लग रहा था अब उसी काम के कारण दोनों के रिश्तों में दरार भी शुरू होने लगता है, किंतु इसका खामियाजा यहाँ भी परिवार ही भरता है, अगर लड़की/लड़का समझदार है तो वो समाज के बीच एक उदाहरण हो जाते हैं किंतु जहाँ लड़का अपना सब कुछ लड़की के प्रति समर्पित कर दे पर लड़की को सिर्फ अपने बच्चें और पति संग रहने का फैसला हो, या अपने मायके वालों को ज्यादा तबज्जो देना, ससुराल वालों के प्रति सिर्फ दिखावा, उसी का उल्टा लड़का करने लगे तब वहाँ से शुरू होती है दरारें और फिर लड़की के बार-बार कहने पर अगर लड़का उसके हिसाब से ना चले तो तानों से शुरू लड़ाई, गली-गलौज फिर थाना-पुलिस होते कोर्ट वाली आर्केस्ट्रा तक पहुँच जाती है, क्योंकि गलती लड़के का है, उसने पहले इतने सपने दिखा दिये जो लड़की को लगा अब उसके साथ गलत हो रहा है, और अपने दोस्त या परिवार के सहारे वो उसी व्यक्ति से दूर होना चाहती है जिसके संग उसने बुन रखे थे मृत्युकाल तक के सपने!!
गलतियाँ कभी एक तरफा नहीं होता है, यहाँ लड़कियाँ भी गलत होती है, शुरू में अपने व्यवहार और प्रेम से लड़को का दिल जीतती है, हर काम के लिए संग खड़ी रहती है, चाहे वो एकता हो या जोड़ना, मतलब ऐसा रूप दिखाती है मानों कोई देवी हो, अगर वो बाहर वालों के लिए इतना कर रही है तो घरवालों के संग कितना प्रेम करेंगी, और लड़कियाँ भी वो हर काम करती है जिससे लगता है समाज में हम एक उदाहरण बनेंगे किंतु कुछ समय उपरांत उसका उल्टा होता है जो एक-दूसरे के मनमुटाव का अहम कारण बनता है, वैसे प्रेम में पैसों का भी एक अहम किरदार है पर जो समझदार जोड़े होते हैं वो उसमें भी निर्वहन करते हैं वो कभी भी पैसों के वजह से तलाक को अहम कारण नहीं बनने देते हैं, इन्ही छोटी-छोटी बातों को दोनों विवाह उपरांत संभाल नहीं पाते हैं जो दो परिवारों को दुश्मन भी बनाती है और प्रेम के प्रति लोंगो को घृणित करती है, अगर हम थोड़ा समझदार हो जाये और परिस्थितियों को खुद समझे देखे कहाँ-कहाँ हम गलत जा रहे हैं, पहले हमने ऐसा क्या किया जो अब चूक हो रही है तो प्रेम विवाह में तलाक दर की संख्या को हम घटाने में काफी कामयाब रहेंगे और प्रेम का जो ओहदा है समाज में उसमें चार चांद भी लगायेंगे!!
ज्यादा लिखना मतलब बकलोली करने जैसा लगेगा, हमें हर रिश्ते में कुछ ना कुछ कमी मिलेगा इसलिए रिश्तों से भागने की वजह हमें उसी रिश्ते को अगर ठीक करने से खुशी मिले तो जरूर कोशिश करे,अरे सिंपल सी बात है भाई अगर बाहर लड़ाई-झगड़ा, मारा-पीट हो जाता है तो उनसे फिर से हम जुड़ जाते हैं, फिर अपने परिवार के लोंगो के संग चंद शब्द से आखिर दूरी क्यों? मिलबैठकर और बातें समझकर ही हम किसी भी रिश्ते को एक मजबूती से स्थापित कर सकते हैं , नहीं तो रिश्तों का शतरंज युगों से चला आ रहा है चाहे वो पांडव-कौरवों का हो या राम-कैकेय माते का, क्योंकि हर रिश्ते में कुछ ना कुछ खोना पड़ता है, पर अगर हम उसको जोड़कर रखने में सक्षम है तो फिर उसके बाद कि खुशी आपको शायद एक ऐसा एहसास जरूर करवा देगी जो  जोड़ना ही प्रेम का पहला और आखिरी पड़ाव है!!
" अकेले रहने में कोई गुनाह नहीं है
किंतु हम कभी अकेले रह नहीं पाते हैं
रोटी भी अकेले नहीं फूलती है
उसको भी आग-चूल्हे और हथेली की जरूरत है"
   Vipin Jha
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mclodies · 1 year
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avan jogia.     they/them.     nonbinary.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   krishna   acharya   ,   most   likely   listening   to   rush   by   raveena   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-eight   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -temperamental   yet   +creative   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   the   heavy   scent   of   marijuana   in   the   air,   paint   splattered   canvases,   notebooks   filled   with   writing,   multiple   rings   and   bracelets   ,   followed   by   sweet   ash   by   snif   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about  upcoming   director   and   actor   caught   at   a   romantic   dinner   with   an   a-list   actor   weeks   before   his   divorce   with   an   a-list   actress   was   announced   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   linny   ,   25   ,   he/him   ,   est   .   )
NAME: krishna acharya. PRONOUNS: they/them. AGE: twenty-eight. BIRTH DATE: july 27th, 1994. BIRTH PLACE: queens, new york. HOMETOWN: queens, new york. CURRENT RESIDENCE: new york, new york. NATIONALITY: indian-american. ETHNICITY: gujarati indian / european. RELIGION: non practicing hindu. OCCUPATION: actor, writer and director. LANGUAGES: english, gujarati, hindi, urdu, a little french SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic.
FACECLAIM: avan jogia. EYE COLOR: dark brown. HAIR COLOR: dark brown. HAIRSTYLE: long haired!avan HEIGHT: 6 feet, 5 inch. WEIGHT: 160 pounds. TATTOOS: here, here, here. PIERCINGS: ears, cartilage, nose, lip, eyebrow, bellybutton, nipples. NOTABLE TRAITS: height, hair, tattoos.
krishna was born and raised in queens, new york. they were their parents only child before the two of them divorced when krishna was just three years old. they grew up going between their parents' homes in queens, something that was a struggle for them. they hated being from a broken home, although from a young age, they realized that their parents were better apart than they were together. both of their parents ended up remarrying by the time that they were seven, and they have a decent relationship with both of their stepparents.
they do have a younger half sibling from one of their parents' new marriages, and they have a close relationship with one another. they always wanted to be an older sibling, and they were happy to have them in their life. (this is a wanted connection for anyone interested! the muse would have to be at least half white or half indian.)
growing up, krishna found a lot of solace in writing and participating in theatre programs. they loved literature, and they loved acting as well. they were the lead in many school and local theatre productions, and as they grew, they built up skills in both acting and writing. by the time they were fifteen, they already made the decision that their future career would involve acting, writing and directing.
after graduating high school, krishna picked up a bunch of different odd jobs, their longest lasting one being a starbucks barista. while working, they attended auditions and sent their work into different production companies and got a few cameo roles here and there until they finally got their big break and was cast in a leading role in a kids' show. it wasn't until a few years into their career that they finally started to get roles that were more 'respectable'.
ever since getting more 'adult' roles, they've pretty much blown up and was catapulted into the public eye - something that they both love and hate. they love getting attention for their hard work and talent, but they hate the fact that their life is under a microscope now.
krishna is a little.. promiscuous. although they like to think of themself as a hopeless romantic. they fall in love pretty easily, and they've gotten their heart broken plenty of times over the years, but that doesn't deter them from finding the love of their life. it's all about trial and error, right? apart from that, they're known to hookup quite a bit, and have built up a little bit of a reputation amongst celebs for sleeping around.
they're an emotional person, and their emotions tend to fluctuate quite a bit. however, they try to keep a lock on their fluctuating emotions as to not rub people the wrong way or ruffle any feathers.
possible connections
a few best friends
their first love
paternal or maternal relatives
pr relationship(s) 
pr friendship(s) 
media fueled rivalry 
celebrity friends that are always seen out together (events, award shows, sports games, out shopping, e.t.c) 
literally anything?? i’m open to anything and everything!
2009: cameo in law & order ( character: eric foley, 1 episode )
2009 - 2010: recurring role in caprica ( character: ben stark, 3 episodes )
2010 - 2013: supporting role in victorious ( character: beck oliver, 4 seasons )
2015: main role in tut ( character: tutankhamun, miniseries )
2016: main cast of miss stevens ( character: billy mitman, movie )
2017: main role in beach rats ( character: frankie, movie ) ** breakout role
2017: main cast in lady bird ( character: kyle scheible, movie )
2017 - 2018: main role in ghost wars ( character: roman mercer, tv series )
2019: supporting role in shaft ( character: karim hassan, movie )
2019: main role in apocalypse now ( character: ulysses zane, tv series )
2020: main cast in the stranger ( character: j.j., web series )
2021: main cast in the souvenir part 2 ( character: pete, movie )
2021: main role in dune ( character: paul atreides, movie )
2022: main cast in bones and all ( character: lee, movie )
2023: directorial debut with door mouse
2023: main role in dune: part two ( character paul atreides, movie ) ** upcoming
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cinemapremi · 6 months
Twinkle Khanna Birthday Celebration: From Bollywood to Bestselling Author
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Twinkle Khanna, born on December 29, 1974, is a multifaceted Indian personality known for her roles as an actress, author, and interior designer. Daughter of Bollywood legends Rajesh Khanna and Dimple Kapadia, she gained fame in the '90s with films like "Barsaat" and "Baadshah." Transitioning to writing, Twinkle has authored bestsellers like "Mrs Funnybones" and "The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad," showcasing her wit and versatility. Beyond her literary pursuits, she's recognized for her contributions to interior design and her marriage to Bollywood star Akshay Kumar. Twinkle Khanna, the Bollywood star turned bestselling author, is celebrating her 49th birthday. Let's take a peek at her fascinating life.
Bollywood Memories
https://www.instagram.com/p/CyNv1ngoeQY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MjM0N2Q2NDBjYg== For those who grew up watching '90s Bollywood, Twinkle Khanna is a familiar face from movies like Barsaat and Baadshah. Born to movie legends Rajesh Khanna and Dimple Kapadia, she's also the wife of Hindi Cinema's superstar, Akshay Kumar.
Author and More
Beyond acting, Twinkle has donned many hats—film producer, interior designer, and author of four books. Let's explore her literary journey. Mrs Funnybones (2015) Her debut book, Mrs Funnybones, is a humorous take on the life of an everyday Indian mom, balancing grace and fun. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1a9Oelxrin/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MjM0N2Q2NDBjYg== The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad (2016) This book weaves four stories, one inspired by real-life hero Arunachalam Muruganantham, the Padman. Twinkle's production won a National Award. Pyjamas Are Forgiving (2018) In her third book, a divorced woman seeks solace in a Kerala spa, navigating awkward encounters and exploring themes of feminism and religion-based violence. Welcome to Paradise (2023) Twinkle's latest book, launched on November 23, is a collection of stories delving into themes like death, heartbreak, and deception.
Twinkle Khanna Birthday
On her 49th birthday, Twinkle celebrated with an adventurous underwater kiss with husband Akshay Kumar, sharing the joy on Instagram. Twinkle Khanna, a versatile artist, continues to surprise and inspire. Here's to more adventures and literary triumphs! What is Twinkle's latest book about? "Welcome to Paradise" explores diverse themes in a collection of stories. Which book inspired the movie "Padman"? "The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad" served as the inspiration. How did Twinkle celebrate her birthday? She shared an underwater adventure with a kiss, celebrating with family. Any upcoming projects for Twinkle Khanna? No official announcements; stay tuned for updates. Where can I find Twinkle Khanna's books? Look for them in major bookstores and online platforms. Also Checkout. Read the full article
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lawspark · 9 months
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- Constitution - Mains Question Answer - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: September 3, 2023 राज्य को परिभाषित करे| पाँच या अधिक स्थानीय /अन्य प्राधिकारी का उदाहरण दें जिन्हें ‘राज्य ‘अभिनिर्धारित किया गया हैं | - 2 min read - 0 comment Q. 1 राज्य को परिभाषित करे| पाँच या अधिक स्थानीय /अन्य प्राधिकारी का उदाहरण दें जिन्हें ‘राज्य ‘अभिनिर्धारित किया गया हैं | ... Read More - English Grammar - Rajasthan Police - 2023 - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 27, 2023 English Grammar –Active and Passive Voice| Rules | Examples - 4 min read - 0 comment इस आर्टिकल मे हम Active and Passive Voice In Hindi के बारे मे विस्तार से जानेंगे। यह अंग्रेजी ग्रामर का एक अहम और महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है जिसकी... Read More - Rajasthan Police - 2023 - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 27, 2023 Rajasthan Police – 2023 - 3 min read - 0 comment Rajasthan Police – 2023 राजस्थान पुलिस भर्ती 2023:राजस्थान पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती 2023 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन 7 अगस्त से 27 अगस्त 2023 तक कर सकते हैं। Latest... Read More - English Grammar - Rajasthan Police - 2023 - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 26, 2023 English Grammar – Tense in Hindi – Types, Rules, Formula, Examples - 6 min read - 0 comment English Grammar – Tense in Hindi – Types, Rules, Formula, Examples Learn Tenses in Hindi with Examples – Types, Rules, Formula Table of Contents आज... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 25, 2023 How to file divorce? / तलाक केस कैसे करे? - 3 min read - 0 comment How to file divorce? / तलाक केस कैसे करे? Filing for divorce can be a complex legal process, and the specific requirements and procedures may... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 ऑनलाइन फ्रॉड/ साइबर फ्रॉड/ गेमिंग ऑनलाइन फ्रॉड से कैसे बचे? - 1 min read - 0 comment ऑनलाइन फ्रॉड/ साइबर फ्रॉड/ इंटरनेट हैकिंग फ्रॉड से कैसे बचे? सतर्क रहें: ऑनलाइन गतिविधियों के दौरान सतर्क रहें और संदेहास्पद लिंक, ईमेल, संदेश या वेबसाइटों... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 RJS Mains को Crack करने के लिए ये शॉर्ट ट्रिक्स अपनायें और सिलेक्शन पायें| - 1 min read - 0 comment RJS Mains को Crack करने के लिए ये शॉर्ट ट्रिक्स अपनायें और सिलेक्शन पायें| सिलेबस की पूरी समझ: RJS Mains परीक्षा के सिलेबस को ध्यान... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 RJS की तैयारी कब, कैसे और कहाँ से शुरू करें ? - 1 min read - 0 comment RJS की तैयारी कब, कैसे और कहाँ से शुरू करें ? RJS (Rajasthan Judicial Services) की तैयारी करने के लिए निम्नलिखित चरणों का पालन कर... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 FIR कैसे दर्ज कराएं अगर पुलिस FIR दर्ज नहीं करे तो क्या करें? - 1 min read - 0 comment FIR कैसे दर्ज कराएं अगर पुलिस FIR दर्ज नहीं करे तो क्या करें? एफआईआर (FIR) FIR दर्ज कराने का तरीका 154 से 169 दंड प्रक्रिया... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 NI Act 138 / धारक को चेक बाउन्स के मामले मे क्या क्या उपचार है ? – with case law - 1 min read - 0 comment   चेक बाउंस (Check Bounce) का मामला उपभोक्ता चेक के धारक और चेक प्राप्त करने वाले बैंक के बीच होता है। यदि एक धारक चेक... Read More
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fearlessleaders23 · 1 year
The Necessity of Uniform Civil Code
Diversity in India has multiple ethnicities, multiple religions. In India we can find people from all the cultural backgrounds who follow different practices. This diversity is also reflected in our laws. We have a legal system based on personal laws that are made keeping religion into consideration. The article 25 of the Indian Constitution define India as a secular nation and the values of secularism are enshrined in that article and it states that everyone shall be allowed to follow their religion and no one shall be discriminated on any grounds.
The article 44 of the Directive principle state that, it is the duty of the state to secure a Uniform Civil Code for the citizens throughout the country. One country, one rule is another name for it. The main objective behind implementation of a uniform Civil code in India is that it sets a law to govern the personal matters of all the citizens irrespective of religion. Personal laws are different from public laws as they cover marriage, inheritance, adoption, divorce and maintenance and that India practices a model of secularism in which it has made special provisions for people of different religions and the main idea behind Uniform Civil Code is to treat everyone equally irrespective of religion.
Now the problem exists in the fact that there are differences and discrepancies within the personal laws. There is no uniformity. Also, there has been instances where the personal laws denied the rights of women or did not even give them rights. To counter these shortcomings, the Uniform Civil Code should be enacted.
The Uniform Civil Code means a uniform personal law for all citizens of the country. This code will replace the existing religious personal laws in India and have a uniform law that will cater to all the citizens, irrespective of their religion. This has been envisaged by the makers of our Constitution under Article 44. But, it has been strongly opposed because it is considered violative of Article 25 of the Constitution since it does not let people enjoy the personal laws which are domain of the Dharam Gurus.
The Code
The Uniform Civil Code (Hindi: समान नागरिक संहिता, romanized: Samāna Nāgarika Saṃhitā) is a proposal in India to formulate and implement personal laws of citizens which apply on all citizens equally regardless of their religion, gender and sexual orientation. Currently, personal laws of various communities are governed by their religious scriptures. Implementation of a uniform civil code across the nation is one of the contentious promises pursued by India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. It is an important issue regarding secularism in Indian politics and continues to remain disputed by India's political left wing, Muslim groups and other conservative religious groups and sects in defence of sharia and religious customs. Personal laws are distinguished from public law and cover marriage, divorce, inheritance, adoption and maintenance. Meanwhile, article 25-28 of the Indian constitution guarantees religious freedom to Indian citizens and allows religious groups to maintain their own affairs, article 44 of the constitution expects the Indian state to apply directive principles and common law for all Indian citizens while formulating national policies.
Personal laws were first framed during the British Raj, mainly for Hindu and Muslim citizens. The British feared opposition from community leaders and refrained from further interfering within this domestic sphere. Indian state of Goa was separated from India due to colonial rule in the erstwhile Portuguese Goa and Daman, retained a common family law known as the Goa civil code and thus being only state in India with a uniform civil code till date. Following India's independence, Hindu code bills  were introduced which largely codified and reformed personal laws in various sects among  Indian religions  like  Buddhists,  Hindus,  Jains  and  Sikhs but it exempted Christians, Jews, Muslims and Parsis, being identified as distinct communities from Hindus.
UCC emerged as a crucial topic of interest in Indian politics following the Shah Bano case in 1985. The debate arose when the question of making certain laws applicable to all citizens without abridging the fundamental right of right to practice religious functions. The debate then focused on the Muslim Personal Law, which is partially based on the Sharia law, permitting unilateral divorce, polygamy and putting it among the legally applying the Sharia law. UCC was proposed twice, in November 2019 and March 2020 but was withdrawn soon both of the times without introduction in parliament. The bill is reported to be being contemplated due to differences between BJP and RSS.
The debate for a uniform civil code dates back to the colonial period in India. Prior to the British rule, under the East India Company (1757–1858), they tried to reform local social and religious customs by imposing Western ideologies on India. The Lex Loci Report of October 1840 emphasised the importance and necessity of uniformity in codification of Indian law, relating to crimes, evidences and contract but it recommended that personal laws of Hindus and Muslims should be kept outside such codification. This separation of Hindus and Muslims before law was part of the Divide and Rule policy of the British Empire that allowed them break the unity among different communities and rule over India. According to their understanding of religious divisions in India, the British separated this sphere which would be governed by religious scriptures and customs of the various communities (Hindus, Muslims, Christians and later Parsis). These laws were applied by the local courts or panchayats when dealing with regular cases involving civil disputes between people of the same religion; the State would only intervene in exceptional cases.
Post Independence, the Indian Parliament discussed the report of the Hindu law committee during the 1948–1951 and 1951–1954 sessions. The first Prime Minister of the Indian republic, Jawaharlal Nehru, his supporters and women members wanted a uniform civil code to be implemented. As Law Minister, B. R. Ambedkar was in charge of presenting the details of this bill. It was found that the orthodox Hindu laws were supportive of women's rights since monogamy, divorce and the widow's right to inherit property were present in the Shashtras.  Ambedkar recommended the adoption of a uniform civil code. But Ambedkar faced severe criticism in the parliament over which he resigned. Nehru administration then moved to pass Hindu code bills which would ensure modern reformation of Indian society. The Hindu bill itself received much criticism and the main provisions opposed were those concerning monogamy, divorce, abolition of coparcenaries (women inheriting a shared title) and inheritance to daughters. The women members of the parliament, who previously supported this, in a significant political move reversed their position and backed the Hindu law reform; as they feared allying with the fundamentalists would cause a further setback to their rights.
Significance of the Shah Bano Case
The frequent conflict between secular and religious authorities over the issue of uniform civil code eventually decreased, until the 1985 Shah Bano case. Bano was a 73-year-old woman who sought maintenance from her husband, Muhammad Ahmad Khan. He had divorced her after 40 years of marriage by triple Talaaq (saying "I divorce thee" three times) and denied her regular maintenance; this sort of unilateral divorce which discriminates against women is permitted under the Muslim Personal Law. She was initially granted maintenance by the verdict of a local court in 1980. Khan, a lawyer himself, challenged this decision, taking it to the Supreme court, saying that he had fulfilled all his obligations under Islamic law. The Supreme court ruled in favour of Shah Bano in 1985 under the "maintenance of wives, children and parents" provision (Section 125) of the All India Criminal Code, which applied to all citizens irrespective of religion. It further recommended that a uniform civil code be set up. Besides her case, two other Muslim women had previously received maintenance under the Criminal code in 1979 and 1980.
The Shah Bano case soon became a nationwide political issue and a widely debated controversy. While the Liberal and Progressive Indians as well as progressive Muslim women supported the Supreme Court judgement as being supportive of women. The All India Muslim Board defended the application of Muslim Personal Law which was based on Sharia Law and denied divorced Muslim women the right to alimony. The judgement of the Supreme Court, which sought to offer protection to Muslim women was argued to be an attack Muslim Personal Law by conservative Muslims. The orthodox Muslims felt that their communal identity was at stake if their personal laws were governed by the judiciary. Rajiv Gandhi's Congress government, which previously had the support of Muslim minorities, lost the local elections in December 1985 because of its endorsement of the Supreme Court's decision.
Legal status and prospects
UCC had been included in BJP's manifesto for the 1998 and 2019 elections and was even proposed for introduction in the Parliament for the first time in November 2019 by Narayan Lal Panchariya. Amid protests by opposition MPs, the bill although soon was withdrawn for making certain amendments. The bill was brought for a second time by Kirodi Lal Meena in March 2020 but was not introduced again. As per reports which emerged in 2020, the bill is being contemplated in BJP due to differences with RSS.
A plea was filed in the Delhi High Court which sought establishment of a judicial commission or a high level expert committee to direct central government to prepare a draft of UCC in three months. In April 2021, a request was filed to transfer plea to the Supreme Court so that filing of more such pleas throughout various high courts doesn't bring inconsistency throughout India. The draft was further published on the website for 60 days to facilitate extensive public debate and feedback. The constitutionality of the Uniform Civil Code has been challenged by various religious groups who argue that it violates their fundamental rights to practice their religion and follow their personal laws. However, the Supreme Court of India has consistently upheld the constitutional validity of the UCC and has held that it is the duty of the State to move towards a Uniform Civil Code.
Uniform Civil Code is followed in many countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia, Sudan, Egypt, America, Ireland, etc. All these countries have uniform laws for all religions and there are no separate laws for any particular religion or community
The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) has been a topic of debate in India for several decades. It refers to the idea of having a common set of laws governing personal matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption for all citizens, irrespective of their religion. While many argue that it is the need of the hour to implement UCC in India, others believe that it is not the right time to do so. In this response, I will present my views on whether or not it is the right time to implement UCC in India.
Firstly, it is important to understand that the implementation of UCC is a highly sensitive issue in a country as diverse as India, with a plethora of religious and cultural identities. It is imperative to ensure that the implementation of UCC does not infringe upon the rights and beliefs of any community. In this regard, the government must engage in a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders, including religious leaders and community representatives, to address their concerns and arrive at a consensus.
Secondly, the implementation of UCC requires a thorough review of the existing personal laws of different religious communities. It is essential to ensure that the UCC is in line with the principles of justice, equality, and non-discrimination, which are enshrined in the Indian Constitution. This review process can be time-consuming, and it may take several years to arrive at a comprehensive and acceptable UCC.
Thirdly, the implementation of UCC requires a strong political will and a conducive environment. The political climate in India is highly polarized, with political parties often using religion and identity politics to further their agendas. The government must ensure that the implementation of UCC is not used as a tool for political gains and that it is undertaken in a non-partisan and inclusive manner.
Fourthly, the implementation of UCC requires a significant investment in terms of resources, including manpower, finances, and infrastructure. The government must ensure that it has the necessary resources to undertake this massive task without compromising the quality of implementation.
Fifthly, the implementation of UCC must be accompanied by a robust public awareness campaign. The common citizen must understand the rationale behind UCC and the benefits it offers in terms of gender justice, social equality, and national integration. This will require a concerted effort on the part of the government, civil society, and the media to educate and sensitize the public on this issue and also woman empowerment.
Though, the implementation of UCC is a desirable goal, it is not the right time to do so in India. The government must engage in a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders, review the existing personal laws, ensure a conducive political climate, invest in resources, and undertake a robust public awareness campaign. The implementation of UCC must be a well-thought-out, inclusive, and consensus-driven process that upholds the principles of justice, equality, and non-discrimination
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Naga Chaitanya broke up not only with Samantha Ruth but also with Shruti Haasan, their sister broke up.
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Naga Chaitanya and Shruti Haasan Breakup: Shruti Haasan, who has flaunted her beauty in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi films, recently appeared in Forbes India's Top 100 Celebrities list. Shruti Haasan started her career as a child artist. During this time, he made his first guest appearance in his father Kamal Haasan's film 'Hey Ram'. After that she worked in many films and today the situation is such that Shruti Haasan is not dependent on any identity. If we talk about Shruti Haasan's relationship, let's say that the name of the actress is associated with the famous actor of southern cinema, Naga Chaitanya. Apart from the relationship of the two, the marriage news has also been in the headlines for a long time. However, their relationship broke up with the breakup. What happened to Shruti Haasan and Naga Chaitanya's breakup? According to media reports, Shruti Haasan and Naga Chaitanya came close to each other in 2013. During this time, love blossomed between the two and since then the two have supported each other many times. When Shruti Haasan and Chaitanya were seen getting close at an award function, the news started catching on. At this time, the news of their marriage also came to the fore, but then the relationship between the two broke up. Shruti and Naga's relationship breaks down because of her sister When the news of the breakup of the two comes forward, the reason for the breakup is also known, and it is also known that the two broke up for a very small reason. It so happened that Naga Chaitanya and Shruti Haasan's sister Akshara Haasan came together for an event. Shruti Haasan's performance was at the same function, but then Akshara had to go somewhere for some work. Shruti asked Naga to leave Akshara… but Naga Chaitanya could not due to some work and left. This upset Shruti and she stopped talking to Naga after that. In such a situation, the relationship between the two ends. Samantha is also divorced from Ruth Prabhu After that, famous South actress Samantha Ruth entered Prabhu Naga Chaitanya's life and both of them got married in 2017, but their relationship did not last long and in 2021, both of them separated by mutual consent. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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spapmas · 1 year
“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:31-32
Many misunderstandings come about not only because the words are not heard, but also because their functions are not properly perceived.
Aug 19
Aug 26
Sep 2
Sep 9
Sep 16
Sep 23 - Eve (Ish) & Adam (Adamu/os), gender roles, heaven, purgatory, hell, last things
Sep 30 - hatol ng Diyos sa pagkakasala, 3rd chapter of Genesis, originating sin, sin of omission, 
Oct 7 -
Oct 14
Oct 21
Oct 28
Nov 4 
Nov 18 
Nov 25 © rap
Dec 2 © rap
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“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” — Jeremiah 17:7
*di kumpleto yung bs kasi may times na di nakalive
Bakit may babaeng sakristan? 
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Bakit si lalaki ay lalaki? Bakit si babae ay babae? #GenderEquality
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Santisima Trinidad
Timestamp - 36:00
Timestamp - 40:00
Sacrarium & Profanation; irreverent
Timestamp - 54:00
Hindi madumi yung kamay ng mga pari, dahil ‘never’ nagging dumi yung katawan ni Kristo. Hindi paglilinis. Bawat butil, nandoon yung presence ni Kristo. 
Servite (Order of Servants of Mary)
Timestamp - 47:47
Do whatever He tells you.
Charism - alipin ng Diyos ayon sa pattern ni Mama Mary
Service, Mary, 
Canon Law
55:56 - Potential himala
1:00:30 - Canon Law
Divorce - Link
*di pa po to kumpleto or di pa to todo hehe*
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(Nov. 22 - 6:30 AM) Paggunita kay Santa Cecilia, dalaga at martir - YouTube
Biblia Ng Sambayanang Pilipino Katolikong Edisyong Pastoral Small, Hard, Indexed | Shopee Philippines
100% Human, 100% Divine by Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo, D.D.
Serving at the Altar (pdf book)
2023 MAS Lecture Materials:
The Creed (© kuya Rap)
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8
Article 9
Article 10
Article 11-12
Seven Capital Sins (© ate Ely)
Latin Prayers (© ate Ysh)
Parts of the Mass (© ate Jade)
Parts of the Mass (© ate Jade) PPT
Liturgical Vestments, Vessels, & Settings (© kuya Neil)
Liturgical Seasons & Colors (© kuya Rad)
© Kuya Rap © Edited & Checked by Fr. Divino
Tanda ng Krus (Sign of the Cross)
• Ang pag-antanda ng Krus ng mga Katolikong Kristiyano ay nagsimula noong unang mga taon ng pag-iral ng Simbahan, na kung saan kabi-kabila ang pang-uusig. Ang mga salitang sinasambit habang nag-aatanda mula sa noo, pababa sa gawing sikmura, papuntang kaliwang balikat hanggang kanan, at magtatapos sa pagdadaop ng mga palad ay may kaakibat na mga pananalitang sa Panginoong Jesus mismo nagmula noong ipinahayag niya sa kanyang labing-isang alagad sa bundok ng Galilea, ‘’Ibinigay na sa akin ang lahat ng kapangyarihan sa langit at sa lupa. Kaya’t humayo’t kayo, gawin ninyong alagad ko ang mga tao sa lahat ng mga bansa, Bautismuhan ninyo sila sa pangalan ng Ama, at ng Anak, at ng Espiritu Santo. Turuan ninyo silang sumunod sa lahat ng iniutos ko sa inyo (Mateo 28:18-20).’’
• Sa pag-aantanda ng Krus sa noo, labi, at dibdib, ipinahahayag sa pamamagitan ng kilos na ito na ang “nagmamay-ari” sa isang Katolikong Kristiyano ay ang iisang Diyos na may tatlong persona: Ama, Anak, at Espiritu Santo.
Kahalagahan ng Banal na Eukaristiya (Body of Christ)
• Tuwing ipinagdiriwang ang Banal Eukaristiya, ipinahahayag ang pagpapakasakit, kamatayan, pagkabuhay na mag-uli, at muling pagbabalik ng Panginoon sa wakas ng panahon. Ang presensya ng katawan at dugo ng Panginoong Hesukristo sa anyo ng tinapay at alak ang bumubuhay sa Santa Iglesia. Ayon sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga Taga-Corinto, ‘’ang sinumang kumakain ng tinapay at umiinom sa kopa ng Panginoon sa paraang di nararapat ay nagkakasala sa katawan at dugo ng Panginoon (1 Corinto 11:27).’’
• Dapat isaalang-alang ang mga sumusunod kapag tinatanggap ang Banal na Eukaristiya:
• Siguraduhin na nasiyasat ang sarili sa kahandaan at kalinisan ng puso sa pagtanggap ng Banal na Eukaristiya.
• Malinis ang kamay (gumamit ng alcohol o sanitizer)
• Kapag tatanggapin na ang Katawan ni Kristo, isinasagawa ang pagyuko (bow) o pagluhod (genuflection) bilang tanda ng malalim na respeto at pagsamba sa Panginoong Hesukristo.
• Ang bawat butil o particle ng konsagradong ostia ay Katawan ni Kristo. Tanda ng kawalang-pakialam sa presensiya ng Diyos ang pagkalaglag ng butil o particle ng Banal na Eucharistia.
• Ang pagtanggap sa Katawan ni Kristo na ayon sa Kanyang utos ay patikim dito sa lupa ng ligayang walang humpay sa piging sa langit. Sa pagtanggap sa Katawan ni Kristo, ang bawat Katolikong Kristiyano ay dapat na magkaroon ng at least 1 hour na fasting bagong magkomunyon.
• Tuwing tumatanggap ng Banal na Komunyon, dapat na humarap sa sanktuaryo at isubo agad ang ostia upang maiwasan ang pagkalaglag ng Katawan ni Kristo. 
Paggenuflect at pagbow tuwing dumarran sa harap ng tabernacle
Pag may misa, head bow.
Pag walang misa, genuflect
Sacriligeous Act, Mortal Sin, Paglabag sa Sampung Utos ng Diyos
• May paglabag sa Sampung utos ng Diyos? Hinihikayat ang bawat isa na mangumpisal muna bago magkomunyon. Ang pagtanggap sa Katawan ni Kristo na wala sa estado ng grasya ay lalo lang magdaragdag ng ating kasalanan. Marami sa atin ang tumatanggap sa Kanya ngunit hindi alam at kilala kung sino ang tinatanggap, kaya kahit present ang Diyos sa ostia, patuloy pa rin ang paggawa natin ng hindi dapat gawin.     
• At least once a year ang pangungumpisal.
Praying Position all throughout the Mass
• Ang kahulugan ng pagdaraop ng kamay, na karaniwang tinatawag na ‘’Praying Position’’ ng layko, ay obedience o pagsunod sa Diyos.
• Hinihikayat ang bawat Katolikong Kristiyano na sa isang oras ng pagsisimba ay sumunod sa Diyos sa paraan ng pagsasagawa ng Praying Position sa buong misa.
• Ang pagtaas ng kamay sa pagtugon sa ‘’Itaas sa Diyos ang inyong Puso at Diwa’’ (orans position tuwing ‘at sumainyo rin’) at tuwing inaawit ang dasal na ‘’Ama namin’’ ay maling katuruan. Ang pagtaas ng kamay sa Misa, na tinatawag na Orans Position, ay ginagawa lamang ng presider ng misa. Kung concelebrated mass, maaari rin itong gawin ng concelebrants kapag sa dakong dulo ng Eucharistic Prayer at ng Ama Namin. 
Pagyuko o Bow tuwing naririnig ang ‘’Panginoong Hesukristo’’
• Sa loob ng Misa ay binabanggit ang Panginoong Hesukristo. Hinihikayat ang bawat Katolikong Kristiyano na sa bawat pagkakataon na ito ay maririnig, hinihikayat na gawin ang pagyuko o pag-bow bilang taos-pusong paggalang o respesto sa Panginoong Hesukristo.
Kapag itinataas ang Katawan at Dugo ni Kristo
• Hinihikat ang bawat isa na manatili sa kinauupuan. Ang dapat gawin tuwing tinataas ang Katawan at Dugo ni Kristo ay taos-pusong pakikipag-ugnayan o pagdadasal sa Diyos. Iwasan ang palakad-lakad at hindi pagpirmi.
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giedizellizarondo · 1 year
Ang legal na pag hihiwalay ay hindi ibabase sa anumang istupulasyon ng katunayan o pag amin.
EXPLANATION: This Article explains that any admission or confession made by the defendant outside of court is admissible as evidence. It simply prohibits a divorce decree based on a confession of judgment. Confession of judgment occurs when the defendant appears in court and admits the plaintiff's right to judgment or files a pleading expressly agreeing to the plaintiff's demand.
JOSE DE OCAMPO, petitioner, vs. SERAFINA FLORENCIANO, respondent.
G.R. No. L-13553             February 23, 1960
FACTS: The record shows that on July 5, 1955, the complaint for legal separation was filed. As amended, it described their marriage performed in 1938, and the commission of adultery by Serafina, in March 1951 with Jose Arcalas, and in June 1955 with Nelson Orzame. Because the defendant made no answer, the court defaulted her, and pursuant to Art. 101 above, directed the provincial fiscal to investigate whether or not collusion existed between the parties. The fiscal examined the defendant under oath, and then reported to the Court that there was no collusion. The plaintiff presented his evidence consisting of the testimony of Vicente Medina, Ernesto de Ocampo, Cesar Enriquez, Mateo Damo, Jose de Ocampo and Capt. Serafin Gubat. ART. 100.—The legal separation may be claimed only by the innocent spouse, provided there has been no condonation of or consent to the adultery or concubinage. Where both spouses are offenders, a legal separation cannot be claimed by either of them. Collusion between the parties to obtain legal separation shall cause the dismissal of the petition.
ART. 101.—No decree of legal separation shall be promulgated upon a stipulation of facts or by confession of judgment. In case of non-appearance of the defendant, the court shall order the prosecuting attorney to inquire whether or not a collusion between the parties exists. If there is no collusion, the prosecuting attorney shall intervene for the State in order to take care that the evidence for the plaintiff is not fabricated.
ISSUE: Whether or not Art 101 completely prohibits decree of legal separation upon confession or stipulation of facts.
RULING: No. As we understand the article, it does not exclude, as evidence, any admission or confession made by the defendant outside of the court. It merely prohibits a decree of separation upon a confession of judgment. Confession of judgment usually happens when the defendant appears in court and confesses the right of plaintiff to judgment or files a pleading expressly agreeing to the plaintiff’s demand.
Yet, even supposing that the above statement of defendant constituted practically a confession of judgment, inasmuch as there is evidence of the adultery independently of such statement, the decree may and should be granted, since it would not be based on her confession, but upon evidence presented by the plaintiff. What the law prohibits is a judgment based exclusively or mainly on defendant’s confession. If a confession defeats the action ipso facto, any defendant who opposes the separation will immediately confess judgment, purposely to prevent it. The mere circumstance that defendants told the Fiscal that she “like also” to be legally separated from her husband, is no obstacle to the successful prosecution of the action. When she refused to answer the complaint, she indicated her willingness to be separated. Yet, the law does not order the dismissal. Allowing the proceeding to continue, it takes precautions against collusion, which implies more than consent or lack of opposition to the agreement.
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latestinbollywood · 2 years
Saawan Kumar Tak Wife, Children, Family, Cause Of Death, Biography & Age
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Saawan Kumar Tak was an Indian filmmaker, producer, screenwriter, director, and lyricist. As a director, he directed many movies like Saawan... The Love Season, Dil Pardesi Ho Gaya, Mother, Sanam Harjai, Sanam Bewafa, Preeti, Souten Ki Beti, Laila, Oh Bewafa, and many more. He passed away on 25 August 2022 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Saawan Kumar Tak Wife
Saawan Kumar Tak was a divorced man. He got married to Usha Khanna who is an Indian music director. She is 3rd female director who works in the Hindi film industry as a director. But later this couple separated though remained on good terms. Their marriage details and divorce reason are still not known. 
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Saawan Kumar Tak's Ex-Wife Usha Khanna
Saawan Kumar Tak Children
Saawan Kumar Tak had no children. 
Saawan Kumar Tak Family, Parents, Siblings
Saawan Kumar never disclosed his family details anywhere on the internet. He kept always hid his father and mother's identities from the media. He had three sisters and a brother. 
Saawan Kumar Tak Cause of Death
Saawan Kumar Tak passed away on 25 August 2022 in the intensive care unit of Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India at 4 pm. He was suffering from heart failure and lung-related ailments. May u rest in peace my dear Sawaan ji. Have always loved n respected u. pic.twitter.com/SH3BhYxco8 — Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) August 25, 2022 Truly saddened to hear about the demise of Sawan Kumar. The ever-joyful Sawanji's keen understanding of music gave us some beautiful songs. I'll always remember him as one of the first directors who truly believed in me. RIP Sawan ji 🙏�� pic.twitter.com/Rh7Cj0taSR — Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) August 25, 2022
Saawan Kumar Tak Biography
Saawan Kumar Tak was born in an Indian family on 9 August 1936 in Jaipur, British India. His zodiac sign was Leo and belonged to Indian nationality. He was 5 feet 5.8 inches tall. His weight was 70 kg. He followed the Hinduism religion. 
Saawan Kumar Tak Age
Saawan Kumar took his last breath at the age of 86 in Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India at 4 pm.  FAQ About Saawan Kumar Tak Q.1 Who was Saawan Kumar Tak? Ans. Saawan Kumar Tak was an Indian filmmaker, producer, screenwriter, director, and lyricist. Q.2 How old was Saawan Kumar Tak when he died? Ans. Saawan Kumar took his last breath at the age of 86 in Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India at 4 pm.  Q.3 Who was Saawan Kumar Tak's wife? Ans. Saawan Kumar Tak was a divorced man. He got married to Usha Khanna. But later this couple separated though remained on good terms. Q.4 How many children did Saawan Kumar Tak have? Ans. Saawan Kumar Tak had no children.  Q.5 Did Saawan Kumar Tak remarry? Ans. No, Saawan Kumar Tak didn't remarry. Read Also: Neha Unnikrishnan Wiki Read the full article
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an-asuryampasya · 2 years
placeholder text so tumble will let me use the keep reading break thingy
For a devourer of the finest Bengali literature, it must have been heart-breaking for Dadai to see his granddaughter master Hindi as her second language instead of Bengali. The latter apparently should have been my first language. It was a nightmare for him when he caught me reading Satyajit Ray in English. So, one fine morning, during the excruciating summers in Ahmedabad, Dadai took up the ‘Bengali Literacy Project’ with sole motive to deliver complete reading and writing proficiency to his Patron. After an exhausting week, my ten-year-old self gave up and was content with broken Bangla despite all the coaxing.
Reading this essay on identity and the Partition (of India and Pakistan) and this paragraph made me realise that I get so wrapped up in my own flavour of identity crisis. I never thought about how the Partition would've had huge impact on language communities too - even if I did, I imagine my ignorant self was fairly likely to brush it aside because for a very long time, north = Hindi was the default for me. I mean I knew there was different languages but I was led to believe that they were all sort of dialects of Hindi. (I know now more about how mistaken I was, ever since uni since I actually encountered a non-Hindi, non-South Indian language and understood exactly none of it.)
Telugu is still my second language, at least. That's not the case for many people I know. With my cousins living up north, Hindi is the language they use for their peers. Thing is, they still speak Telugu much better than me, but many of them they can't read/write Telugu - something ten years of schooling in a Telugu state made sure I can. Sort of, I'm slow and make mistakes and as more time passes, I'm losing the habit and forgetting the rarer letters. But for all my failings, it's still my second language at least. My grandfather bemoans the fact that I don't know Telugu and that his extensive literature collection has no inheritor, but at least I'll be able to read the titles as I donate them to a library or something. Idk. If I sound like I'm desparately trying to justify something, I am. I'm getting more comfortable with accepting my ignorance of what's supposed to be my own language but I'm not fully on board with divorcing myself from the language entirely. I hope I never am. I fear I soon will be. I hate Telugu but can't bear the thought of rejecting it. I feel rejected by the language but I hope I'll always pine for it. I'll probably never put in the effort to get better at it - it hurts too much and I'm a spiteful coward. But I hope I'll always want to. I need that. Even if all I do with it is some self-flagellation.
So I pat myself on the back for at least keeping it my second language, ignoring the fact that it's more because I suck at other languages even more and not any skill at Telugu itself. But I read the line about the author reading Satyajit Ray in English. And I laugh. For context, Satyajit Ray is one of the most widely celebrated Bengali authors (he was also a filmmaker, essaysit, illustrator and a bunch of other stuff). His works were translated often and a lot of films and novels of his are hugely popular. Pretty sure it's nigh impossible to consume Indian fiction and not come up against him at some point. I've encountered his works in English, of course. But he was primarily Bengali. So the oof factor of a Bengali person reading his works in English - I get it. Because the only way I've consumed Telugu literature outside of my school classes has been short stories translated into English. Heck, literally yesterday my dad sent me a link to a news article and my first instinct was to use the translator extension because who'd read that in Telugu (not me).
Idk where I'm going with this. Probably nowhere. I like beating myself up about this because then it feels like I'm doing something to assuage the guilt I feel without having to put in the effort to actually do something about it - like pick up even a children's Telugu magazine. Which of course we have in the house. My grandfather is really into literature and my dad was desperate to get us to learn the language. But nope, I stick to my English fics. I don't regret that though. It's the choice I keep making repeatedly and at some point I leaned to stop feeling guilty about it. But I still like punishing myself and reading essays by people better than me about coming to terms with their roots by putting in the legwork to get to know themselves and the culture they come from, but sturggled to connect with. Reading of their work and having emotions is my penance. Because I'll never do it.
I have a weird relationship with Telugu. I resent it, because it's always been a tool to hurt me and make me cry, though the exact way it did so has changed over the years. I yearn to be comfortable with the language because it's the only langauge community I feel I'm allowed to belong to, though it always rejects me. I given up on hoping I'll learn it someday because I know I never will - I flinch at the thought of it. So I'll go on as I do now. Nod sadly when my grandfather pities the state of this grandchildren, feel conflicted when I acknowledge that I can't do comparative literature degrees if I know no language to compare English with, dread the future when my ignorance of my culture will bite me in the back, but mostly ignore the guilt as it slowly changes from guilt to indifference. Which is where I'm at now. Almost. Indifference when earlier I'd have bawled my eyes out after a conversation that acknowledged how nonexistent my knowledge of Telugu is. That probably isn't very good but I also can't find it in me to care much. I can still muster up enough self-pity for these rambles at least? I don't know. Language is weird. For so long it's been so important for me to belong to some language community and I felt rejected by Telugu (probably rejected it first though) while I felt I'd never belong to English because duh. But I'm... Kinda owning the Indian English now. Maybe it's time I admit to myself that there's nothing wrong about embracing English as my language. Maybe it's not the language's decision to reject me, but my choice to embrace a language. I felt I wasn't allowed to embrace English and found it easier to blame Telugu for rejecting me when tbh how can a language community let me in when I viscerally hated it for so long (I blame the way my Telugu education was handled for teaching me to hate the language but there I go again, blaming another for my disinterest in the language. Still think this has merit though: I wouldn't have reacted so badly to the language if it were not handled the way it was during my childhood). It's okay to feel more English than Telugu, right? Yeah, English kinda fucked up a huge chunk of my culture but that's what I was born into. It's fine to make my peace with it and not hanker after an idealized version of being Telugu that I'll never feel comfortable with because that's simply not how I was brought up. I didn't grow up with Telugu Chandamama on train journeys, I had Tinkles. I read ACK comics, not Bujjai or whatever that was called. I read Enid Blyton because the thought of Telugu made me cry. And that's fine. It means I'm more comfortable with English and that's FINE. Languages evolve, communities evolve, and mine evolved to include foreign languages. I'm not doing anything wrong, right. I'm not. It feels wrong but culture is a construct. Ah I don't know. I think I'm not ready for that revelation yet.
But yeah. Do I forever have to beat myself up for not meeting this idealised version of a Telugu speaker that is defined by a generation that grew up in a very different world? I hope not. Because that makes for a very miserable person. But if I'm learning to stop beating myself up, it's not coming from a place of growth and understanding and stuff, but rather just me being tired of constantly crying over this. Crying is exhausting and I'm getting bored of having the same crisis all the time. So I'm just. Not as bothered. A little less bothered everytime. A little more complicit in my language dying out.
I don't know, I'm just going around in circles. I hope future me figures something out. Or not, that person will probably just stop caring altogether.
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unbiasedph · 2 years
With divorce bill refiled in House, lawmakers urged to make procedure free
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For the nth time, a bill seeking to legalize divorce in the country was once again filed in Congress. Rep. Edcel Lagman (Albay, 1st District) early this month filed House Bill No. 78 or “an Act Reinstituting Divorce as an Alternative Mode for the Dissolution of Marriage” in the 19th Congress. The bill reinstituting absolute divorce is an apt sequel to the Reproductive Health Act, as the central figure in both measure is the woman, Lagman said in a statement released on Monday, July 4, 2022. In the 17th Congress, the House of Representatives approved a similar measure on the third reading, but the Senate did not act on it due to time restrictions. In the 18th Congress, another identical bill was approved by the Committee on Population and Family Relations but was stalled in the Committee on Appropriations because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through House Bill No. 78, the Albay solon is hopeful that “beleaguered and tormented wives can soon be liberated from irretrievably dysfunctional marriages or inordinately abusive marital relations.” Filipinos have varied feelings over the reintroduction of the divorce bill. Many showed support for the bill while others disagreed. Those who supported the bill voiced out a suggestion: Make the procedure inexpensive and less complicated. “Yes congressman, it is high time to have this law as we need it badly, but it should not be a difficult, complicated and an expensive process to file and have it, for the deserving partners,” a Filipino said on a Facebook comment. “Please, lay out and stress a simple and costless procedure, otherwise it will be useless, if the majority of suffering people would not be able to benifit from it,” he added. “Sana nman po free ang deborsyo sa Pilipinas dahil hindi po lahat may kakayahang magbayad sa Atty,” another Filipino urged. (I hope divorce would be free in the Philippines because not everyone can afford to pay for a lawyer.) Filipinos who opposed the bill, meanwhile, cited the sanctity of marriage as their main argument. “Sorry, but I disagree. Marriage is not a game that can be played and stopped whenever you want. This is a serious matter that everyone should take seriously and select the best partner to spend his entire life with,” a user tweeted. “Nope! Dvorce desecrate the sanctity of marriage which GOD Himself established!” another Filipino argued. Apart from the Vatican, the Philippines is the only country that continues to prohibit absolute divorce even if the Catholic hierarchy allows for canonical dissolution of marriage. Read Full News @ Interaksyon Read the full article
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kdramasurdu0 · 2 years
Listen to Love Korean Drama in Urdu Hindi Dubbed Episode 6-8 Added – KDramas Urdu
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Listen to Love Korean Drama in Urdu Hindi Dubbed Episode 6-8
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If you've been wanting to see what Korean dramas sound like in Urdu and Hindi, you've come to the right place. I have listened to both Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) and Descendant of the Sun, and have not found them to be particularly inspiring. I do, however, find the voices in these two series to be remarkably clear and easy to understand.
Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) isn't an inspiring watch
As the title suggests, Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) focuses on the relationship problems of three women in their 30s, 40s, and fifties. The plot focuses mainly on the problems women have with their husbands, and this is a typical cliche in K-drama plots. However, the movie does have a few redeeming features. While the film has a few strong parts, it is also very lazy and clumsy. For example, the writing seems to be made up as the story progresses. It's clear the writers are making up the story as they go, but many viewers are accepting it as it is. Although Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) may not be an inspirational watch, it's worth checking out if you're a fan of the genre.
Uncontrollably Fond is a good watch
If you are looking for a K-drama with a touching storyline, Uncontrollably Fond is a good choice. The 2016 drama was directed by Park Hyun Suk, who is known for making other successful Korean dramas, including Spy (2015) and Just Dance (2018). It started airing on KBS2 on July 6, 2016 and ended on September 8, 2016. Filmed in Changwon, it was also a hit in China, and has been viewed by nearly four billion people. This makes it the most-watched k-dramas on Youku. This twenty-episode Korean drama tells the story of two lovers who reunite after years of separation. The series highlights the growth and change of two people as they try to rebuild their relationship. Kim Woo Bin, who plays Joon Young, gives his best performance in the drama, and it will not be for the faint of heart. Whether you are looking for comedy or drama, Uncontrollably Fond is a great watch. Another good watch in Love Korean Drama in Urdu and Hindi is Decendants of the Sun. The drama was a hit in south korea and has gained immense popularity across Asia. Uncontrollably Fond is a heart-wrenching love triangle, and you'll enjoy it! You can watch it on Zing TV on 2nd May 2022. If you love watching a romantic story involving two gorgeous people, you'll want to check out Uncontrollably Fond. The leading actress, Lee Min-ho, is a popular actor in both Pakistan and India, and has been on our television screens for over seven years now. The story is based on the love lives of two army couples. The story has plenty of twists and turns and will definitely keep you hooked for weeks! If you're looking for some more dramas in Hindi, you might want to check out Monstrous, Vincenzo, Kkondae Intern, and Squid Game. There are also many more Korean dramas in Hindi, but this list is not exhaustive. As new dramas come out, these lists will be updated. While not all of them are dubbed in Hindi, they are all worth a watch. The story is what matters most in a Korean Drama. The plot and characters matter more than the comedy. For example, "The Judge" is a good drama for lawyers and social base drama lovers alike. The Doctor is an enigmatic character in this drama, and the nurse is the perfect foil for him. In short, the Doctor and Nurse are the perfect match!
My First Love is a good watch
My FirstLove is a great watch in Love Korean Drama in Urdu Hindidubbed Episode 6-8, if you like romantic dramas. The story revolves around a college student who realizes his first love after meeting new friends. His persistent attempts to win her heart are incredibly romantic. My FirstLove is available to stream on the OCN channel or cable channel, which have lower ratings than public broadcasters. LINKS OF EPISODES WATCH NOW Please Join Our Telegram Chat Group and Channel CLICK TO JOIN Read the full article
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cinemapremi · 8 months
Tabu Birthday: Celebrating the Versatile Actress from 'Maachis' to 'Bhola'
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On November 4, 2023, Tabu, one of Bollywood's most versatile actresses, celebrated her 52nd birthday. In this article, we delve into ten lesser-known facts about this exceptional talent.
The Real Name
Born in 1971 in Hyderabad, Tabu's real name is Tabassum Fatima Hashmi. Raised by a single mother, her parents divorced when she was just three years old. Her mother worked as a teacher, and after starting her early education at St. Ann's High School, Tabu later moved to Mumbai.
The Early Debut
Tabu made her debut as a lead actress opposite Rishi Kapoor in the 1994 film 'Vijaypath.' Although she had acted in 'Pehla Pehla Pyar' alongside child actor Dev Anand earlier in her career, 'Vijaypath' was the film that brought her into the limelight. It was a typical Bollywood masala movie, and songs like "Ruk Ruk Ruk" and "Aaiye Aapka Intezaar Tha" featuring Tabu and Ajay Devgn became incredibly popular. The film also performed well at the box office. https://www.instagram.com/p/CwpkXPXNiCE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
A Wide Range of Films
Tabu is known for her incredible acting skills and has appeared in a variety of films, not just in Hindi but also in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, and Marathi languages. Her ability to excel in both mainstream and content-driven cinema showcases her versatility. She has won several awards for her stellar performances and continues to captivate audiences with her presence and talent. https://www.instagram.com/p/CtWNVBNNN0F/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Tabu's journey in the film industry has been nothing short of remarkable. From her early days in Bollywood to her enduring success in various regional cinemas, she has carved a niche for herself as one of India's finest actresses. On her 52nd birthday, we celebrate her outstanding career and eagerly await more unforgettable performances in the future. Also checkout: Read the full article
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lawspark · 9 months
Blog (Articles) of Lawspark
This isFor You. - Constitution - Mains Question Answer - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: September 3, 2023 राज्य को परिभाषित करे| पाँच या अधिक स्थानीय /अन्य प्राधिकारी का उदाहरण दें जिन्हें ‘राज्य ‘अभिनिर्धारित किया गया हैं | Q. 1 राज्य को परिभाषित करे| पाँच या अधिक स्थानीय /अन्य प्राधिकारी का उदाहरण दें जिन्हें ‘राज्य ‘अभिनिर्धारित किया गया हैं | ... Read More - English Grammar - Rajasthan Police - 2023 - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 27, 2023 English Grammar –Active and Passive Voice| Rules | Examples इस आर्टिकल मे हम Active and Passive Voice In Hindi के बारे मे विस्तार से जानेंगे। यह अंग्रेजी ग्रामर का एक अहम और महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है जिसकी... Read More - Rajasthan Police - 2023 - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 27, 2023 Rajasthan Police – 2023 Rajasthan Police – 2023 राजस्थान पुलिस भर्ती 2023:राजस्थान पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती 2023 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन 7 अगस्त से 27 अगस्त 2023 तक कर सकते हैं। Latest... Read More - English Grammar - Rajasthan Police - 2023 - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 26, 2023 English Grammar – Tense in Hindi – Types, Rules, Formula, Examples English Grammar – Tense in Hindi – Types, Rules, Formula, Examples Learn Tenses in Hindi with Examples – Types, Rules, Formula Table of Contents आज... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 25, 2023 How to file divorce? / तलाक केस कैसे करे? How to file divorce? / तलाक केस कैसे करे? Filing for divorce can be a complex legal process, and the specific requirements and procedures may... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 ऑनलाइन फ्रॉड/ साइबर फ्रॉड/ गेमिंग ऑनलाइन फ्रॉड से कैसे बचे? ऑनलाइन फ्रॉड/ साइबर फ्रॉड/ इंटरनेट हैकिंग फ्रॉड से कैसे बचे? सतर्क रहें: ऑनलाइन गतिविधियों के दौरान सतर्क रहें और संदेहास्पद लिंक, ईमेल, संदेश या वेबसाइटों... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 RJS Mains को Crack करने के लिए ये शॉर्ट ट्रिक्स अपनायें और सिलेक्शन पायें| RJS Mains को Crack करने के लिए ये शॉर्ट ट्रिक्स अपनायें और सिलेक्शन पायें| सिलेबस की पूरी समझ: RJS Mains परीक्षा के सिलेबस को ध्यान... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 RJS की तैयारी कब, कैसे और कहाँ से शुरू करें ? RJS की तैयारी कब, कैसे और कहाँ से शुरू करें ? RJS (Rajasthan Judicial Services) की तैयारी करने के लिए निम्नलिखित चरणों का पालन कर... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 FIR कैसे दर्ज कराएं अगर पुलिस FIR दर्ज नहीं करे तो क्या करें? FIR कैसे दर्ज कराएं अगर पुलिस FIR दर्ज नहीं करे तो क्या करें? एफआईआर (FIR) FIR दर्ज कराने का तरीका 154 से 169 दंड प्रक्रिया... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 22, 2023 NI Act 138 / धारक को चेक बाउन्स के मामले मे क्या क्या उपचार है ? – with case law   चेक बाउंस (Check Bounce) का मामला उपभोक्ता चेक के धारक और चेक प्राप्त करने वाले बैंक के बीच होता है। यदि एक धारक चेक... Read More - Awareness - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 21, 2023 What is Cyber Security? The Different Types of Cybersecurity Cyber security- आज इंटरनेट हमारे दैनिक जीवन के अभिन्न अंगों में से एक बन गया है। वह हमारे दैनिक जीवन के अधिकांश पहलुओं को प्रभावित... Read More - Awareness - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 11, 2023 विद्यार्थियों को परीक्षा से वंचित अगर प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी करने वाले विद्यार्थियों को परीक्षा से वंचित किया जाता है, तो उनके लिए निम्नलिखित उपाय मान्य हो सकते हैं: न्यायिक... Read More - Limitation Act - By: Lawspark Institute - Date: August 11, 2023 How to Get Rid of Check Bounce Cases and Find a Solution?  Introduction Check bounce cases : Dealing with Check bounce cases can be a challenging and stressful experience. It can have significant implications on your financial... Read the full article
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wattsappgrouplinks · 4 years
18+ Adult WhatsApp Group Link List| Join 100+ WhatsApp Group Link 2020
18+ Adult WhatsApp Group Link List| Join 100+ WhatsApp Group Link 2020
18+ Adult WhatsApp Group Link 2020–Join Latest Active 18+ Adult WhatsApp Groups Link Of 2020 all links are dynamic and refreshed. Some WhatsApp clients are looking through 18+ Whatsapp group links Indian and America, Hot, Adult and mothers whatsapp group link.
Here we have shared Active 18+ WhatsApp Group Link 2020 where you can undoubtedly join Updated 18+ WhatsApp group link list with no Admin consent.
18+ WhatsApp Group Link
18+ WhatsApp Group Link
Be that as it may, before you join any "Refreshed Adult WhatsApp Group Link List" you need to observe a few guidelines which are shared underneath
18+ individuals are permitted.
Just Adult related posts are permitted.
Try not to Spam the Group.
Try not to Abuse Anyone.
Try not to post any data other than 18+ Adult.
Try not to battle in the group and regard everybody.
In the event that you have any questions/inquiries contact group (Admin).
Be cheerful and satisfy.
18+ Adult WhatsApp Groups Link 2020
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Step-mother Hema Malini dislikes Sunny Deol at all, once planned a beating!
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Hema Malini and Sunny Deol: There are many stars in the Hindi film industry whose stories are no less than the script of a film. One of these names is Dharmendra and Hema Malini, whose relationship created a stir in the Deol family. The situation became so bad that Prakash Kaur and her children were deeply traumatized by the affair. In such a situation, this love triangle between Hema Malini, Prakash Kaur and Dharmendra was covered in the title of Chaturdiki. Apart from Dharmendra's first wife Prakash Kaur, their four children Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Vijayata and Ajetha all started hating Hema Malini. Around this time, news caught fire that Sunny Deol had planned to beat up his father's second wife, Hema Malini. Sunny planned to beat Hema Malini? Dharmendra's name is taken as Hyman in Bollywood industry. Dharmendra has been active in the film industry since the 80s till now. He has worked in many superhit films so far. Although it is different that Dharmendra has made headlines more for his personal life than his films. When Dharmendra fell in love with Hema Malini, he was not only married but also the father of four children. In such a situation, after his father's second marriage, Sunny Deol got angry and reached home to beat up Bollywood's dream girl, Hema Malini. When this rumor hit the headlines everywhere, Sunny Deol's mother Prakash Kaur herself spoke openly to the media about it and told the whole truth. Also read this, Hema Malini is richer than her stepson and husband. View our collections from expensive jewelry to luxury cars In an interview about Sunny Deol's plans to beat up Hema Malini, her mother Prakash Kaur denied the reports. This time he said that- all this is baseless, it is a rumour… I and my children were quite surprised by Dharmendra ji's second marriage, but there is no truth in this rumour… I have not been brought up and trained like that. the children It is true that Sunny and Bobby were deeply hurt by their father's decision, but it did not affect their father-son relationship. who is Dharmendra's first wife Prakash Kaur Dharmendra first married Prakash Kaur in 1957. Dharmendra was only 19 years old at the time of his first marriage. After her marriage to Prakash Kaur, she had 4 children, two sons and two daughters. Dharmendra entered the Bollywood industry after his marriage and started ruling the industry in no time. Hema Malini and Dharmendra's love story started being talked about in the 70s. Despite being the father of 4 children, Dharmendra was so madly in love with Hema that he decided to leave his wife and children and live with love. In this situation, she talks to Prakash Kaur for divorce, but Prakash Kaur refuses to give the divorce. Compelled, Dharmendra changed his religion and married a second time in 1980. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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