#divorce in love marrige
vipinjha · 11 months
प्रेम विवाह में तलाक की दर ज्याद क्यों ?
प्रेम अनंत काल से पवित्र माना जाता है, और प्रेम विवाह सुखी जीवन का मूलमंत्र, ऐसा नहीं है सुसंगत विवाह में प्रेम नहीं होता है, सुसंगत विवाह में मनुष्य के मन में एक इक्षा सदैव रहता है जो कि उसके मन में अनंत काल तक खटकती है, किंतु प्रेम विवाह में मनुष्य को अपने अनुसार पति/पत्नी  चुनने का मौका रहता है, जिसके साथ वो खुशी के संग अपने पूरे जीवन को व्यतीत कर सके!!
किंतु आज के दौर में जैसे-जैसे प्रेम विवाह का दर बढ़ रहा है उसी तेजी से तलाक का दर भी बढ़ रहा है, वैसे भारत में केरल शिक्षा दर में प्रथम स्थान पर है किंतु तलाक लेने के मामले में भी केरल ने ही  सर्वप्रथम स्थान पर कब्जा कर रखा है, जिसका मूल कारण भी शिक्षा है, जब बच्चे उच्चस्तरीय शिक्षा प्राप्त कर लेते हैं तो गार्जियन को लगता है अब बच्चे समझदार हो चुके हैं, क्योंकि उनके पास जीवनयापन के लिए एक परमानेंट नौकरी है, और उनके चुने हुये साथी के साथ विवाह करवा देते हैं, यूपी-बिहार में अभी भी प्रेम विवाह में काफी दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ता है प्रेमियों को, किंतु अब बच्चें कही भाग ना जाये या आत्महत्या ना कर ले उस विवशता में बच्चों के फैसले को स्वीकार कर लेते हैं गार्जियन, उनको लगता हैं बच्चे खुश रहेंगे तो हम खुश रहेंगे, पर गार्जियन को इस बात का तनिक भनक नहीं होता इस विवाह से पहले उनके बच्चों ने काफी शर्त पहले ही मनवा लिया है एक-दूसरे से!!
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विवाह दो आत्माओं का मेल है ऐसा कहा जाता है किंतु ना तो ये त्रेता युग है ना ही कोई यहाँ पर शिव, फिर भी प्रेम अभी भी अपने मर्यादा और संस्कार के वजह से जीवित है, नहीं तो  87% प्रेम तो वासनाओं से घिरा है और जिसका आंखों देखा हाल आपको आपके आस-पास ही देखने को मिलेगा, और ना जाने इस चक्कर में लाखों लड़कियों और हजारों लड़कों ने अपने जीवन को मृत्यु में तब्दील कर लिया है इसका एक अहम विषय स्वत्रंत रहना भी है!!
अब आते हैं मुद्दे पर प्रेम में पड़े लड़के और लड़कियाँ इतना केयर एक दूसरे को करते हैं मानो प्रेम का मतलब सिर्फ ख़ुशियाँ ही हो,  लड़के हर बात पर हाँ भरने लगते हैं मतलब लड़की को पाने के लिए और अगर उसके संग भविष्य देख रहे हैं तो, नहीं बुझे मने विवाह करने लिए लड़की को इतना भाव देते हैं जिससे लड़की को भी लगता है सच में जीवन इसके संग बिताने के अलावा और कोई दूसरा लड़का हो ही नहीं सकता, उधर लड़की सब लड़को को इतना केयर, बातों में सहमति, घर-परिवार के संग रिश्ता, मतलब लगता है जैसे फ़िल्म सीरियल में होता है कुछ भी हो जाये पर परिवार के संग रहूंगी और कुछ इमोशनल लड़के उनके इन सब केयर को देख जुट जाते हैं परिवार को मनाने में, आग दोनों तरफ लग जाती है शादी की, फिर सैकडों योजन का कष्ट दोनों उठा कर मना ही लेते हैं अपने परिवार को, जहां नहीं मानते हैं परिवार वाले वहाँ हम जैसे लफंडर दोस्त है ना पेपर पर सिग्नेचर करने के लिए!!
विवाह तो जैसे-तैसे हो जाता है किंतु प्रेम का जूस तब निकलता है जब घर के छोटे-छोटे झगड़े, आपसी मन-मुटाव और सोशल मीडिया पर समय व्यतीत, मतलब जो काम पहले बढ़िया लग रहा था अब उसी काम के कारण दोनों के रिश्तों में दरार भी शुरू होने लगता है, किंतु इसका खामियाजा यहाँ भी परिवार ही भरता है, अगर लड़की/लड़का समझदार है तो वो समाज के बीच एक उदाहरण हो जाते हैं किंतु जहाँ लड़का अपना सब कुछ लड़की के प्रति समर्पित कर दे पर लड़की को सिर्फ अपने बच्चें और पति संग रहने का फैसला हो, या अपने मायके वालों को ज्यादा तबज्जो देना, ससुराल वालों के प्रति सिर्फ दिखावा, उसी का उल्टा लड़का करने लगे तब वहाँ से शुरू होती है दरारें और फिर लड़की के बार-बार कहने पर अगर लड़का उसके हिसाब से ना चले तो तानों से शुरू लड़ाई, गली-गलौज फिर थाना-पुलिस होते कोर्ट वाली आर्केस्ट्रा तक पहुँच जाती है, क्योंकि गलती लड़के का है, उसने पहले इतने सपने दिखा दिये जो लड़की को लगा अब उसके साथ गलत हो रहा है, और अपने दोस्त या परिवार के सहारे वो उसी व्यक्ति से दूर होना चाहती है जिसके संग उसने बुन रखे थे मृत्युकाल तक के सपने!!
गलतियाँ कभी एक तरफा नहीं होता है, यहाँ लड़कियाँ भी गलत होती है, शुरू में अपने व्यवहार और प्रेम से लड़को का दिल जीतती है, हर काम के लिए संग खड़ी रहती है, चाहे वो एकता हो या जोड़ना, मतलब ऐसा रूप दिखाती है मानों कोई देवी हो, अगर वो बाहर वालों के लिए इतना कर रही है तो घरवालों के संग कितना प्रेम करेंगी, और लड़कियाँ भी वो हर काम करती है जिससे लगता है समाज में हम एक उदाहरण बनेंगे किंतु कुछ समय उपरांत उसका उल्टा होता है जो एक-दूसरे के मनमुटाव का अहम कारण बनता है, वैसे प्रेम में पैसों का भी एक अहम किरदार है पर जो समझदार जोड़े होते हैं वो उसमें भी निर्वहन करते हैं वो कभी भी पैसों के वजह से तलाक को अहम कारण नहीं बनने देते हैं, इन्ही छोटी-छोटी बातों को दोनों विवाह उपरांत संभाल नहीं पाते हैं जो दो परिवारों को दुश्मन भी बनाती है और प्रेम के प्रति लोंगो को घृणित करती है, अगर हम थोड़ा समझदार हो जाये और परिस्थितियों को खुद समझे देखे कहाँ-कहाँ हम गलत जा रहे हैं, पहले हमने ऐसा क्या किया जो अब चूक हो रही है तो प्रेम विवाह में तलाक दर की संख्या को हम घटाने में काफी कामयाब रहेंगे और प्रेम का जो ओहदा है समाज में उसमें चार चांद भी लगायेंगे!!
ज्यादा लिखना मतलब बकलोली करने जैसा लगेगा, हमें हर रिश्ते में कुछ ना कुछ कमी मिलेगा इसलिए रिश्तों से भागने की वजह हमें उसी रिश्ते को अगर ठीक करने से खुशी मिले तो जरूर कोशिश करे,अरे सिंपल सी बात है भाई अगर बाहर लड़ाई-झगड़ा, मारा-पीट हो जाता है तो उनसे फिर से हम जुड़ जाते हैं, फिर अपने परिवार के लोंगो के संग चंद शब्द से आखिर दूरी क्यों? मिलबैठकर और बातें समझकर ही हम किसी भी रिश्ते को एक मजबूती से स्थापित कर सकते हैं , नहीं तो रिश्तों का शतरंज युगों से चला आ रहा है चाहे वो पांडव-कौरवों का हो या राम-कैकेय माते का, क्योंकि हर रिश्ते में कुछ ना कुछ खोना पड़ता है, पर अगर हम उसको जोड़कर रखने में सक्षम है तो फिर उसके बाद कि खुशी आपको शायद एक ऐसा एहसास जरूर करवा देगी जो  जोड़ना ही प्रेम का पहला और आखिरी पड़ाव है!!
" अकेले रहने में कोई गुनाह नहीं है
किंतु हम कभी अकेले रह नहीं पाते हैं
रोटी भी अकेले नहीं फूलती है
उसको भी आग-चूल्हे और हथेली की जरूरत है"
   Vipin Jha
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zerothisnero · 6 months
Some what Jean's death lore but it's shitpost and very cringe
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Good job Abel you fucked up now look what happened your daughter got cult style married to some shitty AI hivemind with mental issues
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marinehero · 1 year
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no one's getting married dammit--
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rory-cakes · 7 months
Alastor's Birdy-HC
AN: Alestor who was married to a woman during his life. she went to heaven and he went to hell.
Alastor was a mystery to everyone
Creepy, scary, and truly evil were things other souls used to describe him
He didn't care about anyone or anything
He found joy in others' misery
No one would expect him to have ever been in love
no one
Then Missy came to visit
"so how's your little birdy doin'?"
"ya know? his wife?"
his what?
"She's not here. she would never be here"
he's not denying it? and here? as in hell?
"I AM married. we never divorced"
his eye twitches. That wretch of a woman, missy
spill his whole life story, why don't you?
"She went to heaven. She's an angel."
no she wasn't forced into the marrige
yes he loved-loves he
no it wasn't Stockholm syndrome
they were married for 25 years before he died
yes she's real
"how do you know she's in heaven?"
she literally ran multiple shelters and the had a separate place for all of the strays she took in
"like you?"
angel wishes he thought before he spoke sometimes
then charlie's like:
and alastor's like
ha- no
he doesn't have the right to be with her again
not after what he'd done...
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spaghettitm · 5 months
We need a Mark x reader, and it doesn't need romantic If you do not want, platonic is fine, just some affection and love for this poor guy 😞 He deserves
evil grin mark is so sillay!!!!!!!!!! i honestly prefer romance, but you can request again if you want a platonic one :o)
Mark had been divorced for some time before you guys even met
He seemed broken, but you still had this feeling to talk to him more and more
Mark is one of the nicest people you'll meet
The way he talks, the way he looks, the way he acts... everything about him was attractive to you
After lots of hanging out, You come to realize that he in fact thinks the same
He was very hesitant to ask you on a date at first—he didn't want it to end up like his previous marrige.
You and him went on loads of dates before making anything official.
When you moved in with Mark, It was like heaven
You'd Wake up every morning to him clung onto your arm.
Mark is the best at showing affection. Despite him being made of wood, his hugs, cuddles, and kisses are to die for
Though, he's quite mediocre at cooking.
He introduced you to his son, Lampert. It went incredible! You and Lampert hit it off very well
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electraslight · 2 years
got any gwevin headcanons?
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here ya go!! sorry if i have less of these my gwevin thoughts are borderline incomprehensible if youre not down w the liz lore.... most of my gwevin shit is so far divorced from canon theyre completely different lawl
-when gwen moves away to go to college kevin comes over to her house w toiletpaper and lightbulbs bc you never remember those when youre first moving out
-gwen actually distrusted kevin heavily when they first met because of their prior meeting but was civil and friendly because she'd been burned before by being outright rude to people she distrusted. this in turn made him obsessed with her bc people are nice to him so rarely
-kevin actually wears more makeup than gwen (whos more of a tinted lip balm and moisturizer type girl) so he does her makeup for special events
-kevin and gwen don't actually ever get married in the series (this is actually canon) and i think its bc even though kevin has a longer lifespan than someone like ben, he'll still die long before gwen does, and shes scared of leaving someone she loves behind. both kevin and gwen r very against the 'saintity of marrige' as well bc of their families so they just stay unmarried for the rest of their lives. they get ben to be a surrogate for devlin though :))
-kevin is very empathetic but not very good at social cues, so he often does things that he feels will help/ empathize with people but doesnt understand the signals they're putting out, if that makes sense, so he'll often try to be affectionate with gwen when she's mad at him and it will just make things worse. gwen knows he's trying to be loving but her inherently judgemental nature makes her go through this endless cycle of confronting bad assumtions about him and trying to knock them down for the sake of the relationship. kevin sees this and appreciates that shes trying, but still feels like hes not worthy of her effort. theyll get through it dont worry
-gwen is a fucking HORRIBLE driver, and has crashed cars multiple times including kevins, but he forgives her no matter what bc she just makes big eyes at him and he forgets that he was mad at her
-gwen grabs kevin's padlock to yank him down to talk to her. 99% of the time this cuts off the air in his windpipe but he gives zero shits because he gets to look at her face to face
there you go!! again, this stuff is purely brain speculation lol. i hate the heteronormative fixer upper type trope so much but theyre so cute i cant resit it, so i make up shit in my head lawl. gwevin is only good when gwen is the boyfriend and kevin is the girlfriend methinks. thanks for the ask!!
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hellowhoisthere · 5 months
Hello! I hope you don't mind me invading your inbox but I thought this might be more efficient than reblogging the same post over and over and clogging people's dashes 😅
But I had a question about your non-profit AU! How does the divorce between Salem x Ozpin play out? 👀
- Zac (@zacs-of-rwby)
Its no invasion! You are completely welcomed to enter any ask and most certianly enter if I get talk about my silly ideas lol.
I have read a many a fic where Salem is abusive to Ozpin and he escapes the relationship but in this au they decided to get divorce right before that point. Because this fic got theme going of 'the love was there but it didn't change anything/doesnt save anyone' because how with Arkos and Seamonkeys in fic that leads in Jaune/Neptune. But not going down that rabbit hole now.
Just when Salem and Ozpin meet in this AU they are optimistic for the future, at what they can build together. But once Salem takes over her father's company completely (after his very normal death, at a very normal dinner party) they are married and they start their business together that goes so well until business isnt doing well, then marriage isnt doing well and after some capitalistic tatics the business is doing well, but marrige doesnt recover. There no work-life balance, and they have grown apart, becoming strangers to eachother.
In saving the company Salem lost herself. But Ozpin can't blame because he has changed too. He not the humble business man he was at the start. He is not sure he likes who is now. Salem understands that but she has power to do the change they once dreamed and she is going stay who she become. There is that chance they can learn each other now, but there is the greater chance they lose eachother completely and ruin what good things they still have and good they had in past. So yeah they divorce. It heartbreaking but its going save more hurt and heartbreak than being together.
I had considered the reason that Salem is so desperate to save business is because Ozpin gets sick and medical bills are a nightmare but I'm still thinking on Salem's story. Just different verisons of The Girl in The Tower we get makes want to give Salem a more complex motive.
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streaminn · 1 year
Hello! I'm the person who wrote the story of Enid breaking down and Wednesday feeling like a stranger in her marrige!
I'd happily take Writer Anon, and I'll start signing my stuff!
Sorry, but I need to say this:
I don't know if it really clicked, but i have 3 parts that hit me like a truck while writing:
This is the smallest one, but in the bit about Wednesday liking Belladonna berries (deadly night shade berries) she likes them because they're black, deceitful, and deadly.
After getting with Enid?
Strawberries and blueberries.
Not because Enid likes them, or because there's a specific memory tied to Enid and those berries specifically, she loves them because they remind her of Enid's hair.
Blue and pink.
The flowers on their wedding outfits
Pink Hudragea apparently symbolize heartfelt emotions, while blue represent frigidity and apology. I didn’t at all mean the frigidity, but apology? Enid is strong and big and intimidating, but she has never and will never give up her humanity and caring, loving nature. She isn't afraid to apologize.
Black Satin Petunias can mean death, bad karma, just generally bad, dark things but they can also mean uniqueness and strength. The symbolism is obviously meant to be them wearing an emblem of one another, but it also shows that they bring out the best in each other.
Wednesday helps Enid not fall into the trap of forcing herself to hide her nature. Enid is allowed to be built like a brick house and she is allowed to mourn and grieve and get mad and keep her humanity.
And, similarly, Enid helps Wednesday. Wednesday is allowed to like death and dark, icky things, but Enid will not let Wednesday force herself into solitude because she thinks it's better. Wednesday loves Enid, and (even if she won't say it audibly) Enid knows she loves Eugene and Thing and her family.
Enid thought her how to express herself in her own way without forcing people around her away. Enid helped her figured how to be both, not just one or the other.
Wednesday can be scary and dark and strong all she wants, but Enid will not stand to watch her hurt the people around her as a defense mechanism.
The third thing is when Wednesday hears the bang (which I intended to be Enid dropping the bat she keeps for protection, but I couldn't figure out how to write Wednesday knowing what it was without it being clunky.)
"She hopes it's an intruder." Was going to be the main think of it. She hoped someone broke in to steal and panic and kill her because she had convinced herself Enid was about to divorce her, and she'd rather die than watch Enid tell her that she'd fallen out of love.
But the whole thing was Wednesday feeling in the wrong. Like a stranger in a house she doesn't belong in.
Wednesday felt like an intruder an a home that wasn't hers, so she said "another intruder."
She classified herself as an intruder, because it was what she felt like. A threat, a stranger, an intruder in what was meant to be their home.
Boutta sob, I'm so honored someone places this much effort in writing my au
God, I love it writer anon. It's obvious you placed in alot of thought and just the way Wednesday made herself out to be an intruder makes me go JFHSJEHDKAKA
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My reaction throughout your asks:
Ty again dude, this is great
Also not Wednesday being dramatic as hell, oml these people need the reassurance they always wanted. As someone who's gone through alot of ldr's I can see why you'd wish to die then see someone else be with your lover
Is a different kind of pain man :(
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cagcd · 11 months
     It's strange to be back,   when all past visits were only at the front door to drop cassie off for the time agreed upon with her mother after the divorce.   It was his home too once,   his and Sonya's little space in the world away from prying eyes and gossip before they went public,   where they spent the beginning of what seemed like a good marrige and watched their little girl take her first steps.   There was so much good in that house,   so much forgotten during long years of seperation.   But there was something in the air between them,   each uncertain glance and stiff greetings abruptly coming to an end                 Johnny refused to believe what they had was diminished and gone,   and he held on to It,   even if it was never returned.
  Little to know that it was,   that he was finally worthy of her respect.   Although he feels like there still a long way to It,   he wouldn't refuse the invitation to return.   It's time to come back home,   she had told him,   in her own breathtakingly instances of sudden affection,  which still to this day has the ability to render him speechless.   What a woman,   he spent all night in marveling,   as well as in gladness for having the opportunity to be this close again.   They slept in for most of the day,   a little longer on his end,   all patched up and drowsy from whatever the hell D'vorah's insects did to him,   that's a new ick he prefers not to think about,   ever.   It's times such as these that he could use a drink                  except that he haven't had one in years,   he swore not to fall down that path again.
     Silently, Johnny's favorite Starbucks order is shoved into one of his hands.
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       ❛❛   Oh,   you're an angel             ❜❜        Johnny let out a relieved sigh,   unaware how much he needed the coffee until the scent alone had the effect to stir his senses.   He took a sip,   and if he wasn't awake then he certainly was now   ...   it's exactly how he liked It,   he might think he ordered it himself,   but how ?        ❛❛   You remembered   ...   ❜❜        the realization comes with a smile,   tender   &.   warm,   this explains her silence,   and he understood it,   so effortlessly.        ❛❛   Thanks.   ❜❜         he thanked her,   leaning in to press a quick kiss on her cheek.
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@blxdc // oooooo u love him oooooo you doooo
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khyatipareek · 2 years
These are the moments when Arnav saved Khushi from falling.
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1. Ramp walk in the beginning.
2. In the broken Guest house when Khushi fainted.
3. Teej episode one with sindoor and other while fainting in the temple.
4. Nainital trip when Khushi was talking on phone in the Dhaaba .
5. When Khushi brought cold milk for Arnav, Arnav saved her from falling into the pool.
6. After contract marriage when Khushi wanted to throw Payal's divorce papers into the pool.
7. During Heer ranjha episode, one saving her from the falling curtain rods (I love that whole scene 👍) another at the house when he was questioning her that where was she?.
8. During their honeymoon at night he saved her from... falling from the sofa ( wow he cares for her so much ❤️).
9. After Diwali when she was about to fall in the kitchen he saved her , they both decided not to talk with each other.
10. He saved her from committing suicide (jumping off the building).
11. During Pritika's marrige preparations he tried to save her but both fell down and flowers fell on them (He smiled in that scene awwwww 😍).
12. He saved her from falling before giving her a dictation in English in the office during that 15 days office challenge. ( The way he removed his blazer.....ufff 🔥).
13. When he went to the Gupta house to apologise to Khushi in the night during the remarriage track, she was shocked to see him and he saved her from a fall.
14. During their 2nd marriage when she was about to faint he holds her and his blood fall on her forehead.
15. During the bachelor party.. while dancing Khushi was saved by her husband many a times.(Namak Ishq ka).
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ao3feed-sambucky · 1 month
How did it end?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CZrDA78 by thearcherlover After the wedding his life with tony was as picture perfect as it could be.   oh if only they could go back to that… Words: 1581, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson Additional Tags: Marriage, Happy Steve Rogers, for a bit, Falling Out of Love, marrige falling apart, Sad Steve Rogers, Hurt Steve Rogers, Tony isn’t a good husband, I’m sorry, Divorce, Fights, POV Third Person, No Dialogue, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Steve Rogers Needs Therapy, Minor Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Toxic Relationship, Inspired by taylor swift songs, Implied/Referenced Cheating read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CZrDA78
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I love it when old people start conversation with "why wouldn't you wanna marry?" And then tell bunch of unhappy marrige stories that some people still suffer, some ended up with divorce, and then the moral of the story is "Marrige is beautiful"
Like I was just saying I'm not that hyped up and eager. I wasn't against marriage till you told all the stories!
This happened more than once with different married people who have horrible marriages.... it's like they say, "I suffer, so you shall suffer with me"
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sublimeredviolin · 1 year
Well hello... At first, I was thinking not to say anything, because with a certain silence, there is power... indeed. To be back in Europe, it is a choice I took for personal reason, but I do miss U.S a lot. Between work, more personal projects, private life etc. I will just point out a few things:
1) I dont have a secret, how I do what I do: I dont judge others, I take people as their are, because as more I observe or to notice, deep down I do not do what others do.
2) Quite contrary, depends of my mood, situation, person, reason etc. I like depth, Universal truths no matter how painful can be; I like anything about Imortality, Power of thought, Power of kindness, power of being trully Authentic.
3) I like Enigmas, Mysteries, Complexities, Simplicity.
4) I know, I sense a powerful person in less than 7 seconds: The Essence, the High Value, the Respect and Principles they carry on their shoulders....
5) I admit I do have a very penetrating look, eye contact. Why? Hmmm others to tell me.
6) As much as I want, in the end, people, are on their own. Universal Truths cannot be trully understood by the average minds. I am talking about Centuries: Not years, moths, weeks, hours, minutes, seconds, non-seconds etc.
7) After an Academic background, Virginia Woolf is my favourite writer of all times.
8) As Tough Critic I say, no matter the field: Will never be another Gia, Jim Morrison, Alexandros the Great ( always the Macedonian Empire, not the Greek one); Gianni Versace, Mozart, Nefertiti and so many others.
9) To be trully honest to myself, once you reach a certain level, everything becomes temporary, unexciting, boredom behind superficial, behind peoples struggles, businesses at their core a machine with no value to create something for the next generations etc. cheap shows, the fear of honesty or integrity etc. I just dont what these things at all.
10) Yes, I am single: Freedom is Priceless. I value Power and Immortality too much: My choice. The absolute is liquirish Fire!
Only to Observe and to further my own studies. Selfish? No, just realistic. I hit others, even my closed friends with the harsh truth, anytime and anyplace, so, are indeed Universal truths, accept them or not, agree or not, only Time will tell you that: 1) Women dont love men, they just want men to love them, it is a difference. 2) If a woman does not respect herself, no man will respect her. 3) Women cheat as much as men do, but different, more subtle. 4) When a man opens to a woman, she monks his feelings. 5) Freud died, without to answer to the most important question what women want? I have the answer: They dont know what they want. 6) Marriges end into divorces, while relathionships into break-ups. 7) I dont give a damn for Feminists and their extreme approach: To be at my level, they need to Corect what is Academic: In History, women created the Wars, not men: FACT! 8) Real Men want Respect, Wisdom... Men are not stupid as women think they are. 9) A real woman, as Mother, will Never put her child above any man. 10) Men are simple creatures, women are intricate creatures. 11) Love does not exist: Is just attraction betwwen two people or hormones. Love? Is not for Cheap people.
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apokoliips · 4 years
The baddest thing about wattpad bad boys is the state of their parents marriage
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healingishappiness · 4 years
I was meant to see that you were finally ready to be who I hoped you’d be. But the test was, was I willing to let you go be that for somebody for someone other than me.....YES.
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judelaw · 5 years
I am so happy and so excited for Him getting married and I don't even care about weddings or even want one for myself but here I am literally crying cause I know that he is so happy right now 😭😭 what is my life
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