#Divorce Counselling
betterlyf · 2 years
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A lot of divorced couples use this resource to navigate the divorce process. Divorce counselling is a great way to get unbiased third-party support and advice. People can use it to cope with stressful and life-changing events. These online therapy sessions are also useful for people who have already started families and need support in co-parenting.
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carlimuja · 3 months
Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Family Counselling in Singapore
Family counselling in Singapore provides invaluable support for individuals and families navigating various challenges, including those related to step-families and divorce. 
Here's a step-by-step guide to effective family counselling in Singapore, offering practical insights and strategies for fostering healthy relationships and emotional well-being.
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1. Discover the Purpose of Family Counselling:
The first step in effective family counselling is understanding its purpose. Family counselling aims to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships within the family unit. Whether you're dealing with issues related to step-families or undergoing divorce counselling, the primary goal is to promote positive outcomes for all family members involved.
2. Identify the Need for Counselling:
Recognising the need for counselling is crucial for seeking appropriate support. Common reasons for seeking family counselling in Singapore include conflicts between family members, adjustment difficulties in step-families, and challenges associated with divorce or separation. By acknowledging the need for counselling, families can take proactive steps towards resolving issues and improving their overall well-being.
3. Find a Qualified Family Counsellor:
Once you've identified the need for counselling, the next step is to find a qualified family counsellor in Singapore. Look for professionals who specialise in family therapy and have experience working with diverse family dynamics, including step-families and divorce-related issues. Choosing the right counsellor is essential for creating a safe and supportive environment conducive to effective therapy sessions.
4. Attend Counselling Sessions Regularly:
Consistency is key to the success of family counselling. Attend counselling sessions regularly to maintain momentum and address issues as they arise. During sessions, be open and honest with your counsellor, and actively participate in discussions and exercises designed to promote understanding and resolution. Regular attendance allows families to make meaningful progress towards their counselling goals.
5. Communicate Effectively:
Effective communication is essential for productive counselling sessions. Practise active listening, empathy, and non-judgmental communication to foster open dialogue and mutual understanding. Encourage all family members to express their thoughts and feelings openly, while also respecting each other's perspectives. Effective communication lays the foundation for resolving conflicts and strengthening relationships.
6. Implement Strategies Learned in Counselling:
Throughout the counselling process, families will learn valuable strategies and techniques for addressing specific challenges. Implement these strategies in daily life to reinforce positive changes and overcome obstacles. Whether it's establishing healthy boundaries in step-families or navigating co-parenting after divorce, applying learned skills outside of counselling sessions is essential for long-term success.
7. Monitor Progress and Adjust Accordingly:
Monitor progress regularly and be prepared to adjust counselling goals and strategies as needed. Family dynamics and circumstances may evolve, requiring flexibility and adaptation in counselling approaches. Regularly reassessing goals and progress ensures that counselling remains effective and responsive to the changing needs of the family.
8. Practice Self-Care:
While addressing family challenges through counselling, each family member needs to prioritise self-care. Encourage activities that promote mental and emotional well-being, such as exercise, meditation, and hobbies. Taking care of oneself enables individuals to better cope with stress and contribute positively to the family dynamic.
9. Foster a Supportive Environment:
Creating a supportive environment within the family is integral to the success of counselling efforts. Encourage empathy, validation, and mutual respect among family members. Foster an atmosphere where everyone feels safe to express themselves and seek support when needed. A supportive family environment facilitates healing, growth, and resilience in the face of challenges.
In conclusion, effective family counselling in Singapore offers valuable support for individuals and families facing various challenges, including those related to step-families and divorce. By following this step-by-step guide and working closely with qualified counsellors, families can navigate difficulties, improve communication, and build stronger, healthier relationships.
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For professional family counselling support in Singapore, contact PPIS today.
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accesscounselling · 11 months
Does Online Couples Counselling Benefit Those Considering Divorce?
Are you standing at the crossroads of your relationship, contemplating divorce as a way out? The journey through marital strife is never easy, and making the decision to end a marriage is even more challenging. It’s an immensely personal and emotional journey, fraught with questions, uncertainties, regret and hope.
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But before you take that irreversible step, have you considered the potential benefits of online couples counselling? In this article, we will explore whether online marriage counselling can be a lifeline for couples on the brink of divorce, offering hope and a path towards healing.
Understanding Divorce in Ireland
Divorce in Ireland has been on an upward trend since its introduction in 1995. According to the Court Service Annual Report, there were 5266 divorce applications in 2020, an interesting rise of over 29% compared to 2019. In the same year, 3,164 divorces were granted. In 2021, an 11% increase was noted with over 5,856 applications. Meanwhile, there were 4,264 divorces granted, 35% more than the previous year.
Common reasons for divorce in Ireland often include communication breakdown, financial strain, substance abuse, domestic violence, and infidelity.
Within the legal landscape in Ireland, the process for obtaining a divorce remains strict. Couples must first meet several requirements, such as living separately for at least four of the previous five years before applying for a divorce. Additionally, couples must prove that there is no chance of reconciliation and that proper provisions have been made for both parties and their children.
Divorce scenarios not only have lasting emotional impacts but also pose complex legal issues, often leaving individuals in a state of inner conflict and confusion. The financial implications can also be daunting. This is why, before you rush into a decision that could have lifelong consequences, consider whether there’s a way to salvage your relationship.
The Role of Couples Counselling in Preventing Divorce
When facing a potential divorce, couples counselling can be a lifeline. It provides a safe, unbiased space for partners to air their grievances, articulate their needs and explore possible solutions.
Whether done in-person or online, counselling can transform the tumultuous terrain of marital discontent into a manageable journey. A skilled marriage counsellor can help reveal patterns and enhance communication. If reconciliation isn’t possible, the therapist can facilitate a more amicable, less damaging dissolution process.
Research indicates that marriage counselling can prove beneficial for many relationships. According to studies, approximately 70-75% of couples who attended couples therapy reported improvements in their relationships. Additionally, couples counselling has been shown to improve communication skills, increase satisfaction, and develop conflict resolution strategies, all vital aspects when navigating marital challenges.
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Online Couples Counselling: An Emerging Trend
In today’s digital age, online counselling has grown remarkably. It brings numerous advantages, including ease of access from the comfort of your home, privacy, and the ability to choose your preferred therapist from a wider pool, regardless of their physical location.
Studies show that online therapy is as effective as traditional face-to-face counselling. In some cases, it’s even more effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety – issues that often come to the fore when considering divorce.
In recent years, Ireland has seen an increase in mental health services, particularly online counselling options. The Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) recognises online therapy as a viable alternative to traditional face-to-face sessions, so long as it adheres to the same ethical and professional guidelines.
What Is Online Couples Counselling?
Online couples counselling, also known as virtual couples therapy, is a contemporary approach to marriage counselling. It has gained popularity due to its accessibility and convenience. With the advent of technology, couples can now seek professional guidance from the comfort of their homes.
But how does this work?
Online relationship or marriage counselling involves sessions conducted via video conferencing, phone calls, or even chat platforms. Like traditional in-person couples therapy, it addresses relationship issues, improves communication, and fosters emotional intimacy. Trained therapists provide guidance and tools to help couples navigate their problems effectively.
The Benefits of Online Couples Counselling
With online couples counselling’s rising prevalence, a new avenue for resolution emerges. For couples standing on the brink of divorce, virtual counselling can provide numerous benefits:
No commute to a therapist’s office. A stable internet connection, a device, and a quiet space, and you’re set for your session. This is especially beneficial for couples with tight schedules or living in rural areas away from counselling centres.
Geographical boundaries no longer limit access to a wide array of therapists. With online counselling, you have access to therapists from different cities like Dublin or Cork or even countries. This means you can find a therapist whose approach and expertise align with your needs.
Privacy and Comfort
For those uncomfortable being seen in a counsellor’s waiting room, online sessions provide enhanced confidentiality. Additionally, discussing deeply personal issues in the comfort of your own home can be less intimidating.
Schedules can be more flexible due to the omission of travel time. Some marriage therapists offer weekend or evening slots to fit your needs.
Online couples counselling tends to be more budget-friendly compared to traditional in-person therapy. In a time when financial challenges can weigh heavily, this accessible option allows you to seek professional help without straining your finances further. It offers a practical and affordable way to address your relationship issues while managing your budget wisely.
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When to Seek Marriage Counselling
Couples often wait until their relationship has significantly deteriorated before seeking help; by then, it might be too late. It’s essential to recognise the signs that you could benefit from couples counselling to address these matters early on and help build a stronger foundation to resolve the issues that might otherwise lead to divorce. Some common indicators include:
Consistent, unhealthy communication patterns: Frequent criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling can erode the bond between partners, leading to an inability to resolve conflicts or understand one another’s needs.
Loss of trust or infidelity: Whether emotional or physical, affairs can severely damage the trust between partners. Couples counselling can help navigate the difficult process of rebuilding trust, setting boundaries, and exploring the underlying issues that led to infidelity.
Disconnect in emotional and physical intimacy: A lack of emotional closeness or a significant decrease in affectionate touch and sexual activity can signal a deeper issue within the relationship. This can stem from unresolved conflicts, different libido levels, or a need for individual growth, all of which can be addressed in therapy sessions.
Disagreements over finances or parenting styles: Different views on financial management and parenting can breed resentment and lead to conflicts. Couples counselling can facilitate healthy discussions, promote understanding, and help create compromises that satisfy both partners.
Unresolved conflict or anger issues: Unaddressed anger can grow and manifest itself in arguments, passive-aggressiveness, and frustration. Counselling can help identify the triggers, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and foster open communication to manage and resolve conflicts constructively.
Life transitions: Major life transitions, such as retirement, empty nesting, career shifts, or relocation, can significantly impact a relationship. Marriage counselling can provide support during these times, helping the couple adapt and manage changes together.
Feelings of loneliness or emotional detachment: If a partner feels unheard, unappreciated, or disconnected in the relationship, counselling can reveal the root causes, suggest ways to reconnect, and enhance emotional bonding.
In conclusion, deciding on the future of your marriage – to move towards divorce or rebuild the union, is a deeply challenging choice. Amidst the struggle of this decision, online couples counselling could offer an invaluable space to explore feelings, thoughts, and resolutions.
For some, it represents the last attempt to salvage something precious. For others, it’s a gentle, structured way to part ways.
Whether you’re seeking to understand the pitfalls in your relationship, learn new communication skills, or navigate an impending divorce, online therapy can offer support, guidance and insight to help carve out a path that feels right for you.
Remember, seeking couples counselling doesn’t mean your relationship is flawed or destined for failure. Instead, it means you’re committed to working together, facing challenges, and striving for a healthier, happier partnership.
Don’t let your once beautiful bond unravel without trying every avenue to save it. Get online couples counselling – it’s a brave step but one you won’t regret. Call us today on 015240708 and let our experienced marriage counsellors help you navigate the tumultuous waters of a relationship in crisis and perhaps rediscover the love that once was.
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pavethenewway · 1 year
Boost Your Confidence with Rapid Transformational Therapy
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In today's fast-paced world, self-confidence plays a pivotal role in achieving personal and professional success. However, many individuals struggle with low self-esteem, which can hinder their progress and happiness. Fortunately, there's a powerful solution known as Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) that can help boost your confidence and transform your life for the better. In this article, we'll explore the concept of RTT, how it works, and the incredible benefits it offers.
What is Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)?
Rapid Transformational Therapy, developed by renowned therapist Marisa Peer, is a cutting-edge therapeutic technique that combines the principles of hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and psychotherapy. RTT is designed to identify and address the root causes of low self-confidence and self-esteem issues.
The Power of the Subconscious Mind
One of the key components of RTT is its focus on the subconscious mind. RTT recognizes that our beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors are deeply influenced by our subconscious programming. By accessing the subconscious mind, RTT aims to rewire negative thought patterns and beliefs, replacing them with positive and empowering ones.
How Does Rapid Transformational Therapy Work?
RTT sessions typically begin with a thorough consultation between the therapist and the client. During this discussion, the therapist identifies the client's specific issues related to confidence and self-esteem. Once the issues are pinpointed, the therapist uses various therapeutic techniques, including hypnosis, to access the subconscious mind.
Rewiring Negative Beliefs
Under hypnosis, clients can explore and understand the origin of their low self-confidence. This process often reveals childhood experiences, traumas, or negative events that have shaped their beliefs. By bringing these issues to light, RTT helps individuals reframe their past experiences and transform their self-image.
Customized Recordings
Another distinctive feature of RTT is the creation of customized hypnotherapy recordings. These recordings are tailored to the client's unique needs and goals. Clients are encouraged to listen to these recordings regularly, reinforcing positive beliefs and behaviors.
The Benefits of Rapid Transformational Therapy
1. Immediate Results
RTT is known for its rapid effectiveness. Many clients report noticeable improvements in their confidence and self-esteem after just a few sessions. This quick transformation is a testament to the power of the subconscious mind.
2. Increased Self-Confidence
Through RTT, individuals gain a newfound sense of self-assurance. They start to believe in themselves and their abilities, leading to better decision-making and enhanced performance in various aspects of life.
3. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
RTT helps individuals break free from limiting beliefs that have held them back for years. This newfound mental freedom opens up a world of possibilities and allows individuals to pursue their dreams with conviction.
4. Improved Relationships
Confidence is often a key factor in building and maintaining healthy relationships. RTT can help individuals communicate more effectively, assert themselves, and foster better connections with others.
1. Is Rapid Transformational Therapy suitable for everyone?
Rapid Transformational Therapy can benefit most individuals, but it's essential to consult with a qualified therapist to determine if it's the right approach for your specific needs.
2. How many RTT sessions are typically required to see results?
The number of sessions varies from person to person. Some individuals experience significant improvements in just a few sessions, while others may require more extended treatment.
3. Are the changes brought about by RTT permanent?
Yes, the positive changes brought about by RTT are designed to be permanent. The rewiring of the subconscious mind creates lasting transformation.
4. Is RTT a form of hypnotherapy?
Yes, RTT incorporates elements of hypnotherapy, but it also integrates other therapeutic techniques to provide comprehensive results.
5. How can I get started with Rapid Transformational Therapy?
To get started with RTT, you can find qualified therapists in your area or explore online therapy options. Get started on your journey to increased confidence and personal growth today.
Rapid Transformational Therapy is a remarkable tool for anyone looking to boost their confidence and transform their lives. By addressing the root causes of low self-esteem and reprogramming the subconscious mind, RTT offers quick and lasting results. Don't let self-doubt hold you back any longer—consider giving RTT a try and embark on a journey towards greater self-confidence and personal growth.
For More Details Visit Us…
Rapid Transformational Therapy
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The good omens confession/divorce is still so insane to me.
They're both saying "I love you, I need you, please come with me" and somehow they both walk away from that conversation feeling completely and utterly rejected.... absolutely amazing lmao
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cultofcipher · 2 months
Can't believe Bill really sang You'll Be Back from Hamilton to Ford and then got drunk and cried
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tennessoui · 4 months
Will Anakin cheat on Padme with Obi-Wan in the couples counselling au?
easy answer is no. there will be no physical sex between obi-wan and anakin before anakin and padmé either a) divorce or b) talk and decide to set the divorce in motion
however, the lines get a little blurred in my opinion when we're thinking about like. emotional infidelity. i feel like if i were padmé and i knew everything anakin was doing for obi-wan and all that he thought and felt for him, i would feel cheated on because it's made very clear in the fic that there is very truly nothing anakin would put in front of obi-wan, and if i were padmé, his wife, i would have a few problems with that.
but the lines get even more blurred when you consider that, like. anakin doesn't know. anakin doesn't realize how in love with obi-wan he is so is that emotional infidelity? for padmé, if she knew the depth of it all, yes it would be. but for anakin, who doesn't realize, he believes that he's loyal to his wife and would never cheat on her.
i guess final answer is that obi-wan and anakin are not going to kiss or have sex in the couples counseling au until anakin and padmé break up in some form or fashion, but when it comes to emotional infidelity, the answer is a little foggier as what he's already doing could be construed as cheating
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mminu · 3 months
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ha ha ha. TOM
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casualsandeater · 10 months
They're getting divorced btw
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paula-of-christ · 2 days
married!!! omg can’t wait for you to divorce congratulations!!
I think you're confusing me for your parents sorry that happened to you! ❤️
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
on my anti dr. jacob agenda sooo hard you don't even know. like the level of just how unprofessional, unethical, and fucking infuriating his choices are is putting me into so much of a rage i can no longer maintain my danny rojas level of live laugh love in this economy. bastard. bastard man. my worst enemy. im calling the kansas college of registered psychotherapy and regulatory board of ethics on him don't test me
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betterlyf · 2 years
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BetterLYF offers expert therapists' online therapy, psychology, and psychotherapy support. We provide mental health online counseling and therapy services throughout India, with the purpose of making you feel better by removing some of the barriers that you may face when working with a therapist in person. A BetterLYF counsellor will listen to what you need and work with you to resolve any issues that are getting in the way of your goals. Get in touch with us at https://www.betterlyf.com/we-help-with
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
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did aizo really switch the hand with which he was holding his microphone just to hold hands with yujiro like that?
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
i know everyone tears up when bad sings "you are my sunshine" but this is my favorite version of it just cause astelic in the background takes me out every time.
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litcherally how the fuck do men hate their wives this is like the best shit ever i love my girlfriend so gotdam much
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@thedemon-crowley , would you consider going to couple’s ‘group of the two of us’ therapy with @theangel-aziraphale ?
It doesn’t have to be now, take your time to answer; but I’m sure Nina and Maggie would agree that it’s a good idea to communicate, even if you’re not ready to forgive each other yet. It might help you work through your feelings.
Plus, since @goodomenstherapist has already offered their services, you have somewhere to start already!
(//check tags lol)
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