panafrocore · 7 months
Djado: A Historical Oasis in Niger's Remote Wilderness
Djado, a place steeped in history and mystique, holds within its ancient ruins the echoes of a bygone era. According to the tradition of the local Kanuri people, the Sao founded Djado in Bilma, Niger, as well as other notable locations like Tedjerhe in southern Fezzan. This enigmatic settlement stands as a testament to the endurance of time and the resilience of human civilization. Nestled in…
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Djaba, Niger. Cattle. The black patina in the shape of the cattle has been scraped off the rock before painting started.
“Africa’s rock art is the common heritage of all Africans, but it is more than that. It is the
common heritage of humanity.”
President Nelson Mandela
Niger is geographically diverse, having both the Sahel (savannah) and the Sahara (desert). The majority of the country’s rock art – made up predominantly of engravings – is located in the northern desert area, in and around the Aïr Mountains, where some of the art is thought to be several thousand years old. The Djado Plateau in the north-east is also rich in art that includes both paintings and engravings. One of the most celebrated sites of rock engraving is at a place called Dabous, to the west of the mountains. Here, two life-size giraffe were carved on the top of an outcrop, and may be up to 6,000 years old. Other notable areas for engravings are Iwellene in the northern Aïr Mountains, where some of the art is thought to be several thousand years old, as well the sites of Tanakom and Tagueit in the south-eastern Aïr Mountains, where engravings are located on the sides of two wadis (dry riverbeds).
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openingnightposts · 8 months
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sonjatwogreyhounds · 1 year
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Beauty and Performance review
Knightellington Djado
Sire: Knightellington Johara Rasheik
Dam: Knightellington Beth-Shirin
16 Jun 1960
#Breeder: Mrs Helen Baker (UK)
#Owner: Wayne & Marlys Jensen (USA)
#source breed archive
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globalnewss · 1 year
Mystery of the desert: Lost cities of the Nigerien Sahara | Arts and Culture
A long trek across the desert of northeastern Niger brings the visitor to fortified villages of salt and clay perched on rocks with the Saharan sands laying siege below, one of the most astonishing and rewarding sights in the Sahel. Generations of travellers have stood before the “ksars” of Djado, wondering at their crenelated walls, watchtowers, secretive passages and wells, all testifying to a…
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equatorjournal · 3 years
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George Steinmetz, Ghost town of Djado, 1984. From "Journey to the heart of the Sahara" by Donovan Webster, 1998. https://www.instagram.com/p/CUQOO74NKX_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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boredofboredomyy · 4 years
Algeria is beautiful
Some beautiful places in Algeria
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Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nystagmus/8241264175/in/photostream/
Known as Cirta in ancient times (originally Sewa), Constantine used to be the capital of the northwestern african Kingdom of Numidia. It was renamed Constantine under the Romans, after Constantine the Great, following the defeat of emporer Maxentius in the year 313. The city came under Ottoman rule in 1529. In the late 1700s, Salah Bey ben Mostefa became Constantine’s Governor and ultimately responsible for much of its architectural character, which still persists today. Constantine is known as the “City of bridges” and is of great cultural and economic significance to the country. With a total population of 464.219 (as of 2018), Constantine stands as the 3rd largest city in Algeria.
Tassili n’Ajjer (+ Tadrart Rouge)
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Tadrart Rouge by ©Gil Giuglio / Hemis / Corbis
Tassili n’Ajjer is a National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Sahara desert. The Park has also been designated a Biosphere Reserve, partly due to the rare endemic Saharan Cypress growing in the region. The Rock formations are mostly made up of sandstone and have become famous for the variety of prehistoric, neolithic art that can be found carved into their surface.
The Tadrart Rouge is a mountain range connecting Tassili n’Ajjer to the Djado Plateau in Niger.
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The Ghoufi Canyon can be found in the Batna Province in the Aures region of Algeria, specifically the Oued El Abiod. The Ghoufi balconies can be found here, including ruins of cave dwellings made of sandstone.
The Canyon is on UNESCO’s tentative List.
Sacred Heart Cathedral of Oran
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Situated in North-West Algeria, in the city of Oran, the Sacred Heart Cathedral (or Cathédrale du Sacré-Coeur d’Oran) is a former Roman Catholic Church designed by French Architect Albert Ballu. Originally built under French Colonial rule in 1903, the building was repurposed 34 years after the Algerian war for independence. It now serves as a public library.
Beni Add Ain Fezza Caves
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Located in North-Western Algeria in Tlemcen National Park, the Beni Add Caves are about 65.000 years old. Well-lit and spacious, the caves reach depths of over 57 meters. They were opened to the public in July 2006 (Or re-opened. Apparently they were closed for a decade or so, I couldn’t find any concrete information on this, though).
Botanical Garden of Hamma
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Also called the Test Garden of Hamma, the place was originally used to observe and study imported plant species in the 19th century. The point was to see which of these plants could be of medicinal or economic use. In 1900, the zoological Garden was added. Over the years, the facility slowly expanded until it reached its contemporary 32 hectares (79 acres). The gardens can be found in Algiers.
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taytayb1993 · 5 years
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Do everyone heard about the history of ancient Sahara, northern/western African states and the Ghana Empire? Have any of you learned about the history of these civilizations in school? Well, if they didn't tell you about the ancient civilizations in western Africa, then they don't want you all to know that the so-called black people(and I'm speaking to you black people), the ones in America, in Africa, and anywhere else, what they were and are capable of. You all should know that you were already skilled, opportunists, and industrious people with their own culture. They were architects, sculptors, blacksmiths, tailors, masons(it's means builders), merchants, treasurers, goldsmiths, musicians, farmers, saddlers, agriculturists, governors, judges, king/queens, potters, jewelers, etc. Most of them live among the Berber or other ethnic groups in Africa and had an advantage over them. Climbing the social ladder, developed the higher social hierarchy. When things got bad and worse over there in the North/West Africa such as violent religious conversion, invasion, slavery, racism, and famine, all of them, or most of them if not all, moved to the deeper parts of Africa. They settled in Ghana(not Ghana Empire which it was part of today's Mali, Senegal, and Mauritania), Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo, and the rest of southern Africa; including the eastern part of Africa such as Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya. These people who migrated to these places, escaping carnage and enslavement are Bantus, they're descended from the people who founded the civilizations in the Northern/western parts of Africa. These civilization states where there was the Ghana Empire were the wealthiest of all the civilizations in ancient history. The historians knew this. They had their own natural resource like golds and salts. There were gold mines over there with lots of gold which they made their kingdoms very wealthy, could be worth over trillion of dollars. They had traded with other people from other African states, Arabs, Persians, and the Mediterranean. Mainly, they've exported golds and salts to other nations. Well, now, I had posted some facts about this ancient civilization and you all would ask yourselves why they didn't teach you that in school. Of Hollywood and all the big movie and entertainment companies will never bring these into the screen. Well, I think some of them did, but if they do, they would whitewash these characters. You already knew how these people work, the ones who owns the entertainment companies are racists, anyway. Now, here's the list of the names of these ancient cities: Agadez, Niger dhar tichitt Djado ruins in Niger Djenne, Mali Chinguetti, Mali Timbuktu.
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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by Danny Caing  Date Written: March 7, 2019
April 12, 2028
Between Djado and Madama Area, Niger, Africa
The discovery of HHH's crystal block cube in Africa has astonished many Archaeologists and scientists on why the colors on the abstract geometrical linings on the surface have not eroded for over 500 millenniums. The carbon dating data shows that the crystal is 500,000 years old, and the composition of the coloring texture visible inside the crystal block cube does not conform to any of our chemical structures. The artifact is far beyond our present technology. Some historian believes that an advanced civilization had already existed 400,000 years ago on our planet. But the question remains, were they human like us? At the bottom of the cube is a puzzling signature of HHH.
The first earliest known civilization was the homo sapiens out of sub-Saharan Africa 200,000 years ago. The sedentary culture existed in the Levant to as early as 12,000 BC. When the Natufian culture became sedentary, it evolved into an agricultural society by 10,000 BC.
What happened to HHH's world. What if HHH is not just a logo but the name of the spaceship or star system or galaxy. A digital code imprint? What about the different colorful geometrical engraved lines at the core? Could it be a molecular structure or an astronomical map, or a memory bank? What baffles most is that the crystal block cube is made of a triangular prism within a sphere within a crystal block cube. At the center of the triangular prism are eighty-three radiant micro-tunnels stretching in two directions throughout its mass. The ball is a solid diamond, and the surface of the block is twelve holes of different sizes and shapes.
Scientist has concluded that HHH's species may not be homo sapien like us. They could have existed on this planet for 100,00 years but vanished 300,00 years ago. They were probably super species like the superheroes that we watched in the movies and read in the comic magazines. They can fly, read minds, and they have telekinesis. They annihilated themselves using natural power and destroying other species and Earth. Some may have survived the destruction, losing their powerful energy, and later they became extinct.
HHH’s crystal block cube may be a device left by the aliens who visited our primordial planet 500,000 years ago. The device could be a marker or transmission. The aliens genetically engineered the homo sapiens to domesticate Earth. How many intelligent species have dominated our planet within the span of one million years? Earth had undergone 4 phases of evolution in 2 billion years, and we are the 4th phase of these evolutions. We are not the only intelligent species who dominated this planet. Human civilization started 10,000 years ago.
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bhmoulin · 3 years
Dans le ciel du Ténéré
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Survoler de magnifiques paysages peut parfois être un rêve. Et donc, je suis déjà extrêmement privilégié d'avoir un de ces vols aériens, dans le désert du Ténéré à l'intérieur d'une montgolfière. Ténéré, zone physiographique du Sahara s'étendant du nord-est du Niger au Tchad américain. Comprenant la partie nord-ouest des symptômes de la dépression du Soudan clé, cette vaste plaine de sable jaune s'étend sur plus de 154 440 milles carrés (400 000 km2). Il est en fait délimité par le massif de l'Aïr (à l'ouest), les sommets des montagnes d'Ahaggar (Hoggar) (nord-ouest), le plateau du Djado (nord-est), le massif du sommet du Tibesti (est), ainsi que le bassin du lac Tchad ( au sud). Le Ténéré est parmi les zones les plus menaçantes du Sahara, avec un environnement très chaud et sec et presque pas de vie végétale. D'immenses étendues de sable de plage et de dunes de sable fin du sud-est sont appelées ergs, ainsi que les plaines de gravier de pois du nord-ouest sont classées comme regs. L'oasis de Bilma, à proximité du centre du Ténéré, a des températures maximales et minimales de juillet (typiques de l'été) de 108 ° F (42 ° C) et 75 ° F (24 ° C). Des vents chauds et poussiéreux de l'est ou du nord-est (l'harmattan) soufflent sur tout le Ténéré, généralement une année civile; la pluie douze mois anormale est d'environ 1 pouce (25 mm). Souvent, vous ne trouverez aucun puits dans la région sur des centaines de kilomètres. Les fossiles valident que ce désert aride était, au cours de la période retardée du Carbonifère (il y a 320 à 300 000 ans), un fond marin et, plus tard, une forêt tropicale humide. L'habitation humaine du Paléolithique moyen (environ 60 000 avant notre ère) est indiquée dans cette région par des haches de silex, des pointes de flèches et des objets en pierres précieuses; les gravures rupestres et les photos rupestres d'animaux de compagnie indiquent les habitants du Néolithique (8 000-5 000 avant notre ère). Les nomades touaregs et teda qui récidivent dans le Ténéré utilisent les dunes de sable fin comme attractions. L'addax, une antilope du désert inhabituelle, survit dans le Ténéré. Un groupe compact d'ingénieurs moins que Wes Borgeson à General Mills a développé un ballon à atmosphère populaire en polyéthylène ayant un brûleur au propane qui a été piloté avec succès par Tom Olson et plus tard par Paul («Ed») Yost peut-être dès 1955. Yost, puis à Raven Industries, a fait le premier vol aérien annoncé de votre montgolfière moderne en 1961 à Bruning, vol en montgolfière Neb. Le ballon, produit pour une utilisation «silencieuse» (armée), a été rapidement localisé pour être inadapté aux procédures chirurgicales secrètes en raison au bruit et léger à travers les brûleurs, ainsi que l'entreprise étiquetée était apparemment déserte. Bien que ces ballons se soient révélés inadaptés à l'utilisation des services militaires, Mark Semich (Semco) et Donald Piccard (Wear Piccard Balloons) ont demandé à leurs États-Unis de faire une aide à l'activité. La montgolfière de Yost, utilisant un textile en nylon résistant et résistant au lieu du polyéthylène Gossamer, n'utilisait pas de bandes de poids. Lorsque les bandes de chargement étaient un facteur important de la prospérité des ballons vidéo, elles étaient considérées comme inutiles pour les ballons textiles. Malgré cela, en utilisant la croissance et le développement du ballon d'activités sportives, une existence prolongée ainsi qu'une conception moins dangereuse étaient nécessaires. En 1964, Donald Piccard a adopté les rubans de remplissage de taille totale disponibles sur les ballons en matière plastique pour les ballons textiles. Par coïncidence, cela a donné une opportunité pour sa technologie dans le gore bulbeux, ou ballon conçu par citrouille.
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dannycaing · 5 years
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INVISIBLE NOTHING by Danny Caing Date Written: March 7, 2019
April 12, 2022 Between Djado and Madama Area Niger, Africa
The discovery of HHH's crystal block cube in Africa has astonished many Archaeologists and scientists on why the colors on the abstract geometrical linings on the surface have not eroded for over 500 millenniums. The carbon dating data shows that the crystal is over 500,000 years old and the composition of the coloring texture visible inside the crystal block cube does not conform to any of our chemical structures. The artifact is far beyond our present technology. Some historian believes that an advanced civilization had already existed 400,000 years ago on our planet. But the question remains, were they human like us? At the bottom of the cube is a puzzling signature of HHH.
The first earliest known civilization was the homo sapiens out of sub-Saharan Africa 200,000 years ago. The sedentary culture existed in the Levant to as early as 12,000 BC. When the Natufian culture became sedentary, it evolved into an agricultural society by 10,000 BC.
What happened to HHH's world. What if HHH is not just a logo but the name of the spaceship or star system or galaxy, it might be a digital code? What about the different colorful geometrical engraved lines at the core? Could it be a molecular structure or an astronomical map or a memory bank? What baffles most is that the crystal block cube is made of a triangular prism within a sphere within a crystal block cube. At the center of the triangular prism are eighty-three radiant micro-tunnels stretching in two directions throughout its mass. The sphere is a pure solid diamond, but on the top surface of the block are twelve craters of different sizes and shapes.
The scientist has concluded that HHH's species may not be homo sapien like us. They could have existed on this planet for 100,00 years but vanished 300,00 years ago. They were probably super species like the superheroes that we watched in the movies and read on the comic magazines. They can fly, read minds and they have telekinesis. They annihilated themselves using natural power and destroying other species and Earth. Some may have survived the destruction, losing their natural powers and later they became extinct.
HHH’s crystal block cube may be a device left by the aliens who visited our primordial planet 500,000 years ago. The device could be some sort of marker or transmission. The aliens genetically engineered the homo sapiens to domesticate Earth. How many intelligent species who have dominated our planet within the span of one million years? Our planet had undergone 4 phases of evolution in 2 billion years, and we are the 4th phase of these evolutions. We are not the only intelligent species who dominated this planet. Human civilization started 10,000 years ago.
Background Music: "Invisible Nothing" by Danny Caing https://soundcloud.com/genizyn/invisible-nothing-by-danny-duke-caing
All Rights Reserved Wonderful Stories Limited Copyrighted @ 2019
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zabenundfliegen · 5 years
Kostanj, kaktus in monarhi // november 2019
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Vso noč mi je vroče. Slabo spim, tudi zato, ker večino sorazmerno velike zakonske postelje zaseda maliveliki čuk Kalin. Tako težak je postal, da ga skoraj ne morem več prestavljati v njegovo super sobo in super posteljo (moram ju tako imenovati, da bi ga prepričala, kako super je tam spati). Tudi, ko to naredim, slej ko prej prihlača nazaj in s sabo prinese poušter, poušterček s krtkom, zajčkom in ježkom ter slona. Nato miga in štriga, glavo sem, rito gor, noge tja in nazaj, roke povsod, rompompom bum, mami, motiš me, Kalin, iz postelje bom padla, saj ni problem, mami. Zbudi se ob šestih zjutraj. Ponavadi ga okoli pol osmih z raznoraznimi triki s težavo spravim iz postelje (prva beseda, ki jo izgovori, je “ne”). Danes pa je poseben dan, ne gre v šolo, temveč se bo z dedkom prvič sam (torej brez mamice in / ali tatija) peljal z letalom. Komaj ga še malo zadržim v postelji, hoče namreč na letališče oziroma vsaj k dedku na igranje. Začne se daniti, nekam zgodaj se mi zdi, potem pa pomislim, da se je bržkone prestavila ura. Mislim, da se mi še nikoli poprej sprememba ure ni zdela fajn, prej nasprotno, tokrat pa se mi; veliko vzpodbudneje je zjutraj kuhati polento, ob oknu piti kavo in aktivirati malega moža ob vzhajajočem dnevu, petju ptic (tudi kokoši in petelina, ki živijo na sosedovi terasi), kot pa v trdi temi (ki v resnici to sploh ni, le nebo tam visoko zgoraj je temno, ulične luči so tu namreč zelo močno rumene, dve imamo celo pripeti na hišo) in tišini.
Ko s Kalinom preučiva dovolj vesoljskih postaj, raket in satelitov, napakirava moder kufer z njegovimi oblekami in drugimi nujnostmi, pa nahrbtnik-tigra z izbranimi igračami ter po najmanj sedmih prošnjah, če lahko zdaj gre k djadotu (djado je bolgarsko za dedka), mu rečem, da zdaj pa lahko. “A ne bi še kaj pojedel, recimo jajček, pa a narediva pisani koktejl (svež pomarančni sok z brizgom rahlo trpkega in zelo temno rdečega aronijevega), kaj pa malo toplega mlekca ali kakava?” “Ne, bom kasneje, čao!” In gre, v japonkah, s kufrom in nahrbtnikom, skoraj se odkotali po stopnicah navzdol, ker noče, da mu pomagam. (Ura je osem zjutraj, letalo odleti ob štirih popoldne. Še bo zabavno.)
Na teraso grem po perilo. Komaj diham, zrak je poln puščavskega peska, tako imenovane “kalime”, otoka se skoraj ne vidi, zakriva ga oranžasta peščena koprena. Praska me po grlu in pljučih, nizek pritisk je in s pristanišča smrdi po nafti. Okoli trideset stopinj mora biti, zrak se ne premika, majica se mi zalepi na telo. Flote oranžnih metuljev monarhov preletavajo mesto, nenavadno veliko jih je, gotovo so pribežali iz severnih krajev. Morda jedo vataste uši, ki so zasedle vse palme, fikuse in drugo mestno rastlinje, koliko je šele teh, ena sama vatasta koprena, tudi po zraku letijo in rinejo v stanovanja in hiše, kjer na sobne rastline odlagajo mnogotera jajčeca, da njihovi mladički žrejo nežno hrustljave mlade lističe.
Kalin se te nedelje trikrat udari v glavo, enkrat ga udari zid, drugič okenski okvir, tretjič zložljiv meter – od samega vznemirjenja. Vznemirjen je tudi njegov dedek, saj ga čaka povsem nova izkušnja. Predlaga, da gremo na letališče znatno prezgodaj, bosta že tam kaj počela, samo, da se spravimo od doma. Ena solzica mi steče iz enega izmed očes, ko prestopita rentgenski portal ter pomahata, nato pa izgineta nekam v brezcarinsko prodajalno (prepričana sem, da bosta iz nje izstopila z bonbončki ali čoko jajčkom.)
“Kaj bova pa zdaj, a greva na kosilo?” “Ja, kaj pa.” Jeva školjke s tipično kanarsko zeleno česnasto omako, tipično kanarsko avokadovo-paradižnikovo solato z mladim sirom in origanom ter sardine izza vogla, saj za voglom je morje. “Kaj bova pa zdaj?” Gledava film in nato še enega, noben ni prav dober, pa nič zato, ne spomnim se, kdaj sem nazadnje gledala dva filma enega za drugim, še enega samega zelo dolgo ne. “Kaj bova ta teden?” (Minuta za Strah pred svobodo) ... “Vsaj enkrat bi šla v kino, greva na romantično večerjo (zadnje se ne spomnim), tudi na en konkretnejši sprehod v naravi, čez drn in strn, lahko vzameva pohodne palice, saj imava oba tako ali drugače sesuta kolena, pa celo hišo lahko pospraviva in počistiva, veliko stvari stran vrževa, da se slabe stare energije nehajo motati naokoli, srečava se lahko s prijatelji, lahko zakurimo en roštilj (saj veš, da bo veganski), na terasi lahko spečeva veliko ribo in kakega raka, jaz lahko napišem knjigo, ti lahko izdelaš nekaj polic, miz, stolov, vrat in oken, lahko odplujeva tudi na sosednji otok za kak dan, dva, vse bova, nekaj bova, malo bova in tudi ne tako, kot sva si zamislila, eno po eno, manj je več (kako je to težko) in več je nič, dajva si že zapomnit.
V pravljično temni gozdni globeli, kjer skoraj zagotovo živijo vile in vilinci, med listjem najdem pet drobnih kostanjev, ki so popadali iz ježic, ob njih pa živo zelene kaktuse in evkaliptove plodove. Kako nepričakovano sožitje. Ali kostanj ne odpade z dreves šele po prvi zmrzali? So kanarski kostanji navajeni drugače? Če ne bi bila obuta v sandale, bi se lotila še kakšne odpadle ježice, tako, iz nostalgije.
In, ja, Kalin je že zdavnaj nazaj. Iz Barcelone je prinesel stekleno kroglo, v kateri po (dokončani) Sagradi Familii pada sneg.
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jdaviescoates · 5 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/jdaviescoates
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unhcrniger · 7 years
L’UNHCR soutient le Conseil Régional d’Agadez dans le suivi des flux migratoires
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La connaissance et maitrise des flux migratoires est une priorité de la région d’Agadez, priorité qui figure d’ailleurs dans son plan de développement régional. Les autorités régionales et communales de la région disposent d’un réseau conséquent de personnes en mesure de fournir des informations sur les flux. Il en reste cependant que ce réseau fait face à des limites matérielles qui fragilisent les efforts consentis. Dans la région d’Agadez, le partenariat pour l’identification des demandeurs d’asile dans les mouvements montant et descendant est le cœur des activités de l’UNHCR. Un partenariat dense s’est tissé avec des organisations nationales et internationales mais aussi avec les collectivités territoriales, c’est-à-dire les mairies et le Conseil Régional. C’est dans ce cadre que l’UNHCR vient d’appuyer les collectivités territoriales d’Agadez via le Conseil Régional en motos, matériel informatique, kits solaires téléphones portables relié à un système de flotte…. Ce matériels sera mis à la disposition des agents communaux de collecte et de surveillance du flux migratoire des commune d’Aderbissanat, Dirkou, Djado, Arlit, Dabaga, Tabelot, Fachi et In’gall. Pour lire la suite : http://news.aniamey.com/h/84753.html
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martheviehmann · 7 years
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Heiligabend in Bulgarien ist eine recht vegane Angelegenheit. Denn der 24. Dezember ist der letzte Tag der Fastenzeit, die am 15. November beginnt. Auf dem Festtagstisch gibt es trotz der veganen Tradition eine große Auswahl. Sieben, neun oder elf Speisen müssen es sein! Das Festmahl beginnt mit dem Verteilen des Brotes. Im Brot ist auf jeden Fall eine Münze eingebacken, die dem glücklichem Finder Reichtum bringen soll. Aber auch andere Gegenstände können eingebacken sein. So steht ein Stück Holz zum Beispiel für Gesundheit. Nach dem Abendessen ziehen noch singende junge Männer durch die Straßen. Sie werden ‚Koledari’ genannt und sind vergleichbar mit Sternsingern. In der Nacht zum 25. ist auch der Weihnachtsmann unterwegs. Er wird ‚Djado Koleda‘ genannt und bringt den braven Kindern die Geschenke. Wenn ihr jetzt neugierig auf die bulgarischen Weihnachtsbräuche geworden seit, dann schaut doch mal hier: http://blog-bulgarien.de/2016/12/weihnachten-in-bulgarien/ http://www.osteuropa-reisen.net/feiert-man-weihnachten-osteuropa/2689/ https://www.oetker.de/backen/weihnachten-in-bulgarien.html #bulgarien #weihnachten #europa
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pinkgugi · 7 years
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Acabo de encontrar en pinterest la vestimenta de un groom en el oheka, yo creo es la misma que llevó blu ese día ¿?..los mismos botones, la misma rosa aunque le falta a este el pañuelo, pero los precios foooooooooo, qué carísimo dios!, ya veo el tipo estuvo todo un catrín en su día, porque llevar todo ese traje...bueno menos el moño porque ese fué un detalle especial que te lo hizo Dana, pero me encantó demasiado este traje mmmm, estuvistes tan rey! diosito todo un adonis literal... Yo es que sigo impresionada con aquel día, no dejo de pensar en todo ello, me has djado todo el mes de noviembre con la boca abierta, por todo tu mundo, por todo como eres! desde que te conocí si que me has dado clases de todo!, eres adelantadísimo más que todo el mundo o que es que pasa? no en serio, tipo....y encima sabes alemán, hasta algo de francés también sabes, que lo sé, no es que, qué no sabes!...
De saber que te has movido por todos esos paises europeos y tus compañeros kabuños también pues con gusto me voy, siento que son ambiente de ustedes todos esos países, raro, no sé porque siento eso, ¿? a lo menos tú, cabrón, cada que hablan de noruega, dinamarca, suecia,alemania, se me viene todo  tu ambiente cojudo ese con tus amigotes del paracaidismo junto con el viejo ese infelíz aniñadote todo estirado fisfirinais de la gran realeza, el Machinena,          a-ayyyyy! que de que va ese? de “Nick Carraway” iese!, es que se lo ve al hijueputa ese!....bueno todo ese ambiente tuyo siento que son esos países, en mi mente siento todo eso, lógico que sienta si toda tu vida te has pasado por allá nada más y en los estados unidos y ahora quieres irte a australia, no de verdad chico, que inquietísimo eres ... y el morbo me da de que seas tú, una novedad, no sé cómo explicarlo, ......he visto tantas cosas adelantadas de ti a lo largo que te he ido conociendo que ya no me extraña nada de ti actualmente....bueno no mas digo...
Y a todo esto, era de que te maten ahi mismo en ese castillo de un balazo y quedes todo ensangrentado con tu traje ...uy no esto seria el coolmo ya del bello este, a lo john f. Kenedy y gatsby mismo...ve! es que yo mismo soy la que te voy dando el balazo! ma-l-deito...🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥❣❣❣❣🔫💥🔫💥🔫💥🔫💥🔫💥🔫💥🔫
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