#Doctor Linksano
silikat · 9 months
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Atop the Fourth Wall and @animatedtext - 1
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quixoticrobotic · 6 months
Doctor Linksano is the real Champion of this arc
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fauslayer · 2 years
going to talk about my cringe scrimblo rq like i said i would at the end of that long ask o7 dr. insano posting under the cut
i have decided that i am doing ALL of them
I’m not going to call Dr. Insano the sickest motherfucker on Tbe Planet Earth, but I do think he gets ill a lot more than people usually do and I think a lot of the time it is his own damn fault. I’m not forgetting the murky ooze incident no matter how much I beg to.
I think his eyes are kind of messed up, as well. He’s almost entirely blind without his goggles, and his vision without them gets worse depending on how fucked up hypertime is trying to be today.
There is no childhood, only Insano. Bwuhhhh.
Bits aside, Wayne was a stupid little cringe baby, and I count him as a Lil’ ‘Sano of sorts.. We have documented evidence of his childhood, and proof that he only got worse. I don’t think Wayne Schlumper in his adult years necessarily requires sympathy, but I think the home that spat out (a large fragment of) Insano and Linksano probably wasn’t as inwardly pleasant as the dress shirts and sweater vests would show outwardly. Incredibly smart, incredibly annoying suburban science kids that were placated with expensive toys by parents that didn’t care for their well-being. I always imagine that ‘nette, in their youth, was the only person that really ever tried being nice to the booth of them, until she couldn’t anymore. And while Oscar stopped, reflected, Wayne kept going into the obsession that would tear him into tiny, infinitesimal pieces.
I think if I were him, I would be thankful for that to only be real maybe once a week. But then I think about Wayne having to exist in what is essentially a hivemind of himself, and yet most of them are better than him. And it’s like huh. Fun.
Insano is a man of relatively simple pleasures. He wants world domination, he wants crazy amounts of sex. He’s a guy that gets bored really easily, impatient very easy, and generally just needs to get out of the house. I think that’s fun.
But I also like when we get more scenes of him as a person moreso than him as an archetypal supervillain. The sort of mutual hate-disgust he and Spoony had with each other at the start growing into Insano being genuinely delighted at saving him from certain death (or eternal torment, either one) makes me smile. Same with how he clearly loves his son very much. I like the little sense of family that the TSE goons have.
I think he’s happy when he gets to see Jaeris in pain btw.
␛  ANGER :
God’s pettiest, most petulant creature, thy name is Doctor Fucking Insano. Incredibly whiny to the point of tantrums all the time (this is just an observation of what’s onscreen), constantly screaming and howling at whatever’s causing him any issue. He has horrible anger problems, mostly.
I think they were starting to sort of chill out the farther TSE got, though, so I like to think the whole situation with Spoony was sort of sucking the rage out of him. Your funny little guy going missing, or worse, was kind of a bigger deal, and I think him not reacting to it with cartoonish rage, but genuine solemnity shows how important his stupid little goon was to him.
That being said, once more, I think he’s happy when he gets to see Jaeris in pain. I have nothing personal against Jaeris but I sooooo think he does. He thinks that cowboy is getting his sloppy seconds when he didn’t even really get the fresh firsts.
♆  BODY :
I talked about his eyes a second ago, but I like to think Insano is kind of stupid riddled with scars (mostly burns and the like). He’s been shot in the chest a shitton, most notably with a magic gun, and if we’re to take a certain murky ooze incident into account, he does incredibly unsafe shit in his lab regularly, to the detriment of his physical health.
It’s impossible to keep track of his scars, though, since they like to shuffle a bit depending on how hypertime is feeling. Clonesano doesn’t really have any of the scars, or at least as many, compared to Bonafide Earth-4W Doctor Insano’s (recognized as such pre-hypertime fuckery) carefully cultured collection. I’d like to keep the chest scars somewhat consistent, though. Linkara is an important part of his life, and all.
Jesus fuck
Mr. Clumsily Confirmed Bisexual, I also always see him as genderfluid.
I think Insano only really believes in a god if he’s trying to get Linkara to text him back (it won’t work), or if he’s cursing it’s name at his own existence while having a bad one. On the other hand, there’s also the days where he’s his own God. He definitely has a God complex at the least, and seems quite comfortable in this fact. What else would you call a Champion of a concept, anyways?
I’m keeping the canon answer. The fact that he hate hate HATES Ferris Bueller’s Day Off because the title character essentially does everything he wants to do but gets no shit for it is fucking hilarious. Doctor. Have you tried not being cringe. You fuckhead.
☂  FOOD :
Unhealthy, unhealthy, unhealthy. Junk food, can food, and freezer food addict simply on the basis that he’ll forget what he has around and needs it not to spoil. Despite this, will go days without actual meals, and will steal snacks from Spoony as he sees fit (not even on necessity, either).
I also think he gets really into projects with making food, though. Like yogurt and bread and pickled vegetables, shit like that, but he’s just really into it to the point where’s he’s genetically engineering his own cucumbers for his spicy pickled vegetable medley and it’s a whole ordeal that makes the house smell like vinegar for weeks. He also makes sure to feed his son well (and in emergency situations, like the fridge moment, instruct Spoony on how to do so as well).
ty lol
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newtafterdark · 5 years
I felt like putting together a playlist of music that I can see Linksano play the drums along to or even sing while working. 
So here you have a wild mix of synth-rock, punk and a bunch of other tunes that have a certain Schlumper energy to them. :>
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retrokid616 · 6 years
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#just pick Terawatt
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maniacsmaniacalart · 7 years
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So I’ve been watching Linkara’s storyline videos and have I ever mentioned that I kinda love watching review series and that Atop the Fourth Wall is fantastic? Man, I wish I could do something like AT4W’s storyline... I’d love to have an excuse to fight cosmic horrors, fight monsters using Doctor Who, Pokemon, and other franchise toys, and cosplay all the things! Not to mention that being your actual job for actual gainful employment! But one can dream, can��t they? Maybe one day.
In any case, Linkara sure has a lot of friends that look exactly like him in his videos, doesn’t he? So I decided to try and draw some of them! From memory! With no references! So if they’re not entirely on model... Well... I don’t actually care! Seriously though, Linkara deserves all the subscribers and is probably like... The third most important internet reviewer ever. He’s great, makes great stuff and you should watch his stuff.
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ateptehfurthwhale · 7 years
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Every one of Linksano’s appearances in this arc gives me a lot of questions. Didn’t he have, you know, family? 
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at4wplotguide · 7 years
Linkara wraps up a conversation with an unseen Lt. Munroe, thanking him for some unseen help. Linksano confirms that he’s expanded Comicron One’s transporter buffer to be able to hold a hundred separate objects, intended for an expanded arsenal for Linkara, in case he meets the Entity while he’s trying to hijack Comicron Two. 
The satellites in Earth’s orbit spark to life and fire beams of green energy into a single point in space, creating the pocket dimension trap for the Entity. Linkara beams onto Comicron Two’s bridge and quietly moves to the command console, where he lays in coordinates for the trap. Comicron Two moves away from Comicron One and onto its new course. 
Linkara starts to signal his crew to beam him away, but the Entity appears behind him. Linkara takes this opportunity to ask the Entity why it’s come back from its apparent death--but the being reveals it is a fragment of the Entity that it left behind in this world, as a means to potentially return.
With that, the fragment halts Comicron Two in its path and turns it to face the other ship. Linksano detects that Comicron Two is charging weapons, and Vyce orders him to fire at the opposing ship’s weapons systems and engines. The ships trade volleys of fire, but even with Vyce’s impressive new weapons, the Entity is able to use its unearthly reality-warping powers to instantly repair damage to Comicron Two, and even bypass Comicron One’s temporal shields to seriously damage the vessel.
Back on Comicron Two, the Entity invites Linkara to make his next “move”, and Linkara attacks, but none of his weapons have an effect. The battle continues outside, and Vyce opens the security channels on Comicron Two so he can see how Linkara’s fight is going.
The fragment taunts Linkara and boasts of its domination of him; even when it had full control of him, it says, Linkara “could do nothing but sleepwalk”.
Linkara remembers. Dozens of different conversations from the past two years come back to him, both with the hidden Entity and with others, and one idea keeps plucking at his consciousness: “playing a game”.
Linkara slowly lowers his gun, and surrenders, conceding their “game”. The fragment is first baffled, then outraged as it demands that Linkara continue to play. It threatens to absorb Linkara and his world, but he calls its bluff; it hasn’t absorbed the Earth yet, not because it can’t, but because it doesn’t want to. Linkara made it aware of the futility of its existence, and now it exists for this game, putting off the day when it will have to confront its true nature for good. 
The Entity’s eerie composure breaks. It becomes more and more frantic, saying that the rest of it has not returned from the journey into death. It still has no answer to the question Linkara posed to it six years ago. If its existence is futile, and the world after death is truly unknown, then it has nothing... and it is terrified.
The fragment cannot comprehend the fear and feelings of insignificance that assail it so. It demands purpose from Linkara, a way to matter. Linkara suggests that the Entity become human, but it angrily refuses; it has possessed all forms of mortal life, it says, and they are nothing compared to it. It will not abandon its desires for superiority and dominance over the living. But it’s still at the same place; terrified of irrelevance, of the reality of its lessened being. 
The fragment’s static-snowed eyes start to darken. It wonders if the rest of it has found the answers it sought.  Despite everything, Linkara offers it comfort in its final moments, saying that he believes that there is something beyond this life. 
The fragment’s form begins to break up. “Is this--” it says, and then it fades into static, and then nothing. 
Vyce watches from his seat on Comicron-One’s bridge... then declares that this must be another trick from the Entity. He increases power to the singularity generator, locks Nimue out from control of the ship, and strikes 90s Kid to the ground when he tries to intervene. 
The portal to the pocket dimension swells into a full-on singularity--one that will soon engulf the Earth.
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rainyday-deer · 7 years
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1 of 3 commissions for @zoe-nirvana! It doubles as a gift/fanart for @atopfourthwall. We’ve got good ol’ Dr. Linksano dressed as TSSM’s Doc Ock! Dr. Linksanopus.
I hope you both like it!
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nuttersincorporated · 6 years
Thoughts on the end of latest AT4W episode AKA the end of The Clone Sage
Spoilers under the Keep Reading
I love this storyline!
I just want to hug Erin and Linksano so bad.
Mirrorkara, you are the worst! He ended up on a bad parallel Earth, he found a traumatised little girl crying in pain and loneliness after the death of her parents and he’s first thoughts were, ‘how can I use this to my advantage? I know! I’ll turn her into a weapon that I can use for revenge!’
“Hello sad child. Come with me and I will protect you. Also, I know you have a name already but I can’t be bothered to learn it so I’m giving you a new one.”
I was talking about this on the Reviewerverse discord before the second part came out but Mirrorkara’s treatment of Erin (does she even like that name?) reminds me of a Tumblr post I once read about respect. It was talking about some adults say things like, “If you show me respect, I will show you respect,” to children. However, what they really mean is, ‘By show me respect, I mean treat me as an authority figure who can never be question or crossed in any way and much always be treated with deference. By show you respect, I mean I will treat you with the bare minimum expected level of human decency. If you fail to do the former then I will take great pleaser in denying you the later.’
Mirrorkara only ever seemed to see Erin as a means to an end. He didn’t care about any emotionally scaring experiences she goes through, reminding her that he could make it worse for her if she didn’t toe the line.
Erin was so clearly unhappy but Mirrorkara didn’t care. He thought he was more important than anyone else and no one else really mattered. In his mind, Erin would never stop owing him for saving her life – even though he was constantly emotionally abusive to her after the fact – and made Seras for her, even though he would happily let Seras die if it suited him.
Mirrorkara talked in front of Erin about how he liked her terrible world that scared her and all the awful things he planned to do. She was expected to smile when he looked at her.
Damn, that poor Linkara clone. He was made to be subservient to Linksano, spent years in stasis and then had a short life where he was tortured to death.
I love that hope, optimism and kindness win out. Linkara wins because he makes friends, cares about people and has people who care about him in return.
It’s nice to see Jaeris coming to the rescue alone with the Comicrew.
Mirrorkara really shouldn’t have insulted Seras. Erin loves her so much. Go girl! GO! Make him pay for his words!
Harvey and 90’s Dude turn up late to the main party but are still in time for an awesome line up.
Seriously though, I really want to hug Erin and Linksano. She clearly been though so much and his little look to see if he was even welcome in the room just broke my heart.
Did… did Moarte eat Mirrorkara? I mean, he’s a ghoul so I’m guessing so.
I don’t care what anyone says, Moarte turns up every year because he likes Linkara and the Comicrew in his own way. When Linkara walked in on one of his videos Moarte just told him to get out. When Linksano used the Longbox for his own reasons Moarte just scared him away. When Linkara wants to use the room, he asks permission and Moarte lets him in. If Mirrorkara goes in, he gets eaten.
Gotta love the fear in Jaeris’ eyes when he realises Linkara is changing outfits. I’m liking the new look and I want that pin badge.
Human Mechakara is still out there. FUTURE STORYLINE!
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silikat · 3 months
A man leaves his home universe after the forces of evil take control. Jaeris, or Linksano? One fled his world and never looked back; the other fights tirelessly to regain it. But both of their paths have found them here, on Linkara’s ship, in a universe that is not their own. Stranded. The multiverse brought them to the same place, but can these two familiar strangers find what they are searching for?
Oh, hey there. It's been a minute, huh? But my self-indulgent AT4W fic is finally done, and I'd very much appreciate it if you checked it out!
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quixoticrobotic · 8 months
i fucking love doctor linksano like. hes autistic. hes from another dimension. he wanted to take over the world but didn't because it was pointed out to him ruling the world would be really hard actually. he went on to become president an a different dimention as a way of helping a friend out. he was successfully distracted by a toy chemistry set. hes has adhd. he has a daughter. shes a foam lizard. hes canonically pan and polyamorous. he was going to do this whole thing where he replaced people with clones but then it turned out having friends that like you is easier. theres a very real chance he just lives in a spaceship. hes got swirly goggles. he has "doctor linksano" monogrammed on his lab coat.
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year2000electronics · 3 years
linksano is a kaiju enthusiast, general eccentric, and single father (lab creation) on top of being a mad doctor so i was like ... woa ... like mothra And mothras creations
oh hell yes oh fuck yes. also my friend thinks i’m wrong for saying godzilla is better than kong. this is unrelated i just wanted to share
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gamerzylo · 5 years
Title: Wayne’s World Rating: T Characters: Wayne, Oscar (Linksano) Summary: Ever since Oscar disappeared, Wayne's world has gone to hell...quite literally. Note: Wrote this back in 2017, just now linking to it on Tumblr because I still like how it turned out.
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newtafterdark · 5 years
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I was sketching @Doctor_Crafty ’s teenage disaster boi when I remembered that I drew @atopfourthwall's character Linksano as a teenage punk with a similar hairstyle several years ago. Naturally, this had to result in this! [muffled sound of „Dr. Feelgood“ playing in the background]
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at4wquest · 6 years
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You also pick up the postcard, which seems to be from Ninja Style Dancer and Boffo, who are currently on vacation.
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The letter on the back says:
To Linkara + Friends,
We hope you are well back home. Boffo and I are having a wonderful time on our vacation, which has currently taken us to the beachside. We have sent a souvenir, which hopefully should arrive shortly after this postcard.
Anyways, do not hesitate to summon for us should you require our services.
NSD + Boffo :o)
P.S. Boffo says “Honk,” which I assume is him sending his regards. In that case, please forward to Doctor Linksano.
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Right as you finish reading the postcard, you hear a knock on the door. Huh, what could that be?
The Command Number is now 0009.
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