#Dominic St. Clair “The Count”
tikay21 · 4 months
🐺Dominic St. Clair
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applicant for Yasmines Desire BC by @aniraklova
age: 35
character: mysterious, calculating, aloof
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Dominic St. Clair, known in the gambling scene as "The Count," is a legend in the world of poker. He possesses a sharp mind and his approach to poker is deeply analytical. He constantly evaluates probabilities and reads his opponents with precision. Dominic's reputation precedes him and make him a feared opponent at any poker table simply by his presence.
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Even in the most intense situations, "The Count" remains calm and focused, without letting his emotions take over. Although he's not afraid to take calculated risks, each of his moves is carefully planned and executed to maximize his chances of success.
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His skills regularly crash the cash registers of casinos, making him an unwelcome guest and his life not entirely safe; there are said to have been attempts to eliminate him. Dominic is one of the wealthiest men around, and evidently, he has the means to keep certain individuals at bay. Unobtrusively, security always surrounds him.
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Although he is a wealthy man, it is unclear whether "The Count" has acquired his wealth solely through poker or if there are other secret sources of his fortune. He is a master at shielding his private life and concealing his true self from the world.
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Beyond his unpredictable appearances in casinos, Dominic lives secluded from the public eye. Whether he has friends or family is unknown. Speculations and rumors about his past and living circumstances are widespread, but he doesn't let anyone peek into his cards.
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What prompts Dominic to suddenly step into the public eye and sign up for a Bachelorette show, stirring up rumors? Is he looking to redefine his image or bring a touch of normality into his life? Does he feel lonely in his reclusive lifestyle and yearn for human connection or a romantic relationship? Could he be seeking an authentic relationship untainted by his wealth or reputation as a gambling genius?
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Might this show, of all things, offer him a chance to meet someone who appreciates him for his true self, beyond his secrets and his reputation? Dominic isn't the type to follow conventional paths; he's unpredictable, so let the games begin ...
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Dominic St. Clair - Sim made by me @tikay21 more info under the cut > likes / dislikes
colors: black - white
music: classical - new age - metal - world - soul
characteristics: hard working - homebody - cerebral
conversation: stories - intimacy - deception - interests
fashion: preppy - polished - hipster - rocker
activities: fitness - research - violin - piano - climbing - cooking - riding - skiing - snowboarding - writing - wellness
deco: industrial - island - vintage - contemporary - modern
colors: yellow
characteristics: egoistical - pesssimistic - argumentative - ambitionsless
conversation: silly - potty humor - smalltalk - gossip
fashion: boho
activities: comedy - mischief - video gaming
deco: cosmolux - cute - shabby
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privat DL if chosen
I had the idea for this character a long time ago as a call for a challenge theme (make an arrogant sim) and even created a sim for it, but I never actually played it out. Here, the character concept gets a new face, and I'm curious about what's to come - or what's not.
thanks @ all creators, posemaker and builders
(even those I can`t makeout here)
builds - Casino by EA ID: ameliejo111
Villa by EA ID: marmeladart
CC by @kijiko-sims @pralinesims @magic-bot @wistfulpoltergeist @sclub-privee @creamlattedream @nesurii @luumia @simdulgencemods @northernsiberiawinds @johnnysimmer @micklayne @darte77 @beto-ae0 @birba32 @pictureamoebae @christopher067 @jius-sims @mercisims @lorisims
poses by @helgatisha - @katverse - lostsouls
Sim by @tikay21
thanks for your support by doing this @xshinx86
34 notes · View notes
mobscene-london · 2 years
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NAME: Archibald Hathaway. AGE: 34. PLACE OF BIRTH: Launceston, Massachusetts, United States. AFFILIATION: The French Organization. The Berkeley/Hathaway Family. OCCUPATION: Businessman. FACE CLAIM: Daniel Sharman. AVAILABILITY: OPEN.
They'd been unsure of him in the beginning.
Archie didn’t fucking blame them.
It was fair to say the Hathaway family had a reputation in Launceston long before those from Chicago embarked on their great revenge tour. It was nothing like they were used to, though. Sure, his grandfather dying at the hands of the Russian Mob for his attempted expansion there had been a tragedy he’d mourned for a whole week before life continued as normal, but the fact his family thought they could wander into a city they knew nothing about and swing their dicks around like their name meant anything was embarrassing. It wasn’t Chicago, and nobody gave a shit about what they’d achieved.
Surprise fucking surprise: it’d ended in tears.
For a family that had never been involved with organised crime, they soon realised that those who were hit back hard when it came to protecting their interests.
Archie had never been content with the Hathaway name in Launceston being solely pinned to his father’s pathetic political career. From a young age, he’d decided that he was not only worthy of success, but determined enough to sink his claws into it at all costs. Business prowess was in his DNA—just because Everett chose to ignore it, didn’t mean that his hedge fund running mother hadn’t imparted some of her knowledge—and every part of his teenage life was geared around preparing himself to take advantage of that. Was geared toward being the best of the fucking best.
During his time at Launceston’s prestigious Belmonte University, he’d made all the connections needed to turn his aspirations into a reality. Despite what the Hathaways liked to tell themselves, outside of their little bubble of superiority in Chicago, their influence was comparatively pitiful to those who resided in Launceston; an entirely new breed when it came to both the criminally unaffiliated and not. Not all of his friendships were opportunistic power grabs, though. Genuine relationships with the city’s most affluent people were contrasted by those such as the one he shared with Aurélie St. Clair, however; a connection forged entirely by the desire to add weight to his own reputation.
The relationship he shared with Nicolas St. Clair’s granddaughter was a complicated one, but he quickly realised it was worth the effort as a means to get close to him and the St. Clair business.
Yes, that kind of business.
The only way to get to the Russians was to hit them where it hurt. If the Hathaways were opposed to acknowledging the criminal world at all, how the Hell could they ever achieve that?
Oh, he’d overheard the pleas of his uncle Edward, condemning their family and asserting that the idea of moving to Launceston was not what the mighty Ethan Hathaway III would have wanted. Truth be told, during exchanges with his aunt Charlene—the only one of them with a fucking spine, by the way—he’d also realised that her own forays into the world of crime had resulted in the equally pathetic ‘if we choose this path, we’re no better than they are!’
But what had being better people got them besides being turned into convenient target practice for the Vorshevsky family?
Archie wasn’t interested in his family being better people.
He was interested in solidifying them as the type not to be fucked with.
Of all the criminally affiliated families in Launceston, the St. Clairs did it the best, and there could be no argument to the contrary. They were discreet—a must when he wasn’t willing to sacrifice his family’s upstanding reputation—utterly dominant in their chosen markets, and always showed competent leadership when it counted. They were exactly the kind of people that the Hathaways should have been associating with, and yet none of his narrow-minded family could see it.
Luckily for him, his relationship with Aurélie had earned him an audience with Nicolas St. Clair easily. Archie was the type of businessman he had a habit of investing in, and he was quick to take advantage of this knowledge, despite the old man’s initial hesitations. When asked why he wouldn’t turn to his own family for the money to embark on his first business venture, Archie had been up front and told him it was because eventually, he wanted to become involved with the riskier (but ultimately more profitable) side of things. Nicolas clearly appreciated the honesty.
So, he set about opening his first night club, Apex, with the help of French funding. All he had to do was give the boss a cut of the profits; a small price to pay for both the capital and protection by way of the French Organization. The successes that followed were a certifiable whirlwind.
The relationship he had with the French was so mutually beneficial that both sides were consistently winning. Archie was opening new clubs and bars at a rapid rate, kicking profits up to Nicolas and torpedoing himself to fame in the process. The French started to deal drugs through said establishments, and he received a cut of the profits for introducing the dealers to all those from society’s upper echelons he’d spent a lifetime kissing ass to get into his back pocket. Any perceived slight against him or his businesses was considered a slight against the entire French Organization, and was dealt with accordingly. As the years passed, he became entwined with the members who frequented his clubs, and they turned to him for his connections and money when in need.
Without even realising it, personal ambition had long overshadowed those he’d had for his family.
Archie cared about little but his own successes and those of the St. Clairs who had truly aided him, and with the help of a man who had become more of a grandfather than the one he’d lost had ever been, he assimilated into the Organization as easily as though he’d been born for it.
It was convenient, really, how he’d been labelled as the Damon Rutherford of Launceston.
He might’ve been a few years behind the hotelier, but that wouldn’t last long.
Unfortunately, before he could take the same gargantuan step his uncle had taken before him—his hotel and casino, Echelon, the one thing Archie couldn’t match—Nicolas passed away due to illness. To his surprise, it’d affected him more than he’d been anticipating. The man had offered so much guidance where is father had not. Imparted wisdom he’d acquired over the years as if Archie was a part of his own legacy, and in a way, he supposed he was. Just because Nicolas was gone, didn’t mean he had any intention of separating himself from the French Organization. Didn’t mean their successes mattered to him any less.
When it became clear many of those he considered himself closest to were making the move to London to aid their escalating war with the Rutherfords, Archie couldn’t have boarded a private jet any fucking faster. The better half of his family, the Berkeleys, put the Hathaways to shame in terms of influence; their reach over London even more impressive than anything they’d ever enjoyed in Chicago or Launceston. They were certifiable fucking royalty without the titles. It also wasn’t lost on him how much the Berkeleys hated the Rutherfords; a rivalry that’d existed for far longer than the French could even imagine. There was something to be gained from their experience, he was sure…
Whilst he still has to find his footing in a city he’s only ever visited in passing before now, Archie is determined to make the most of this new opportunity; capitalising on his French connections, familial connections, and the reputation of his little sister. If he can gather enough support from investors, now might finally be the time to take the biggest step of all, and finally put both Damon Rutherford, and his own useless fucking uncle Edward, to shame.
The Berkeleys might have all the influence in London, but now it’s time to put the Hathaway name on the map, too. And he’s more than happy to take the credit.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. FAMILY: Theresa, Everett Hathaway (parents, unplayable), Honor Hathaway (sister), Cecelia, Charlene Hathaway (aunts), Edward, Elliot Hathaway (uncles), Carmen Hathaway (aunt, unplayable), Colette Hathaway (aunt, deceased), Ethan Hathaway IV (uncle, deceased), Vivienne Hathaway (grandmother, unplayable), Ethan Hathaway III (grandfather, deceased), Spencer, Nora Berkeley (second cousins), Camilla Berkeley (second cousin, unplayable) - many more Berkeleys tba. CONNECTIONS:
Elaina Halévy: Acquaintance. Until her murder at the hands of the Russians, Elaina’s twin had been the closest thing he had to a best friend. Archie, Sébastien and Noa made up a pretty formidable trio back in Launceston, thoroughly notorious for their partying (even amongst the French bros) and until she had eventually moved back to London, the three were inseparable. Whilst he was never as close with Elaina, she and Noa were a package deal. They’re both still in mourning and he knows it, but he hopes at some point, he can get to know her better, too.
Sébastien Pécresse: Best friend. Absolutely the brother he never had. From similarly upper-class backgrounds, it was always nice to have somebody around who truly understood the finer things in life. Somebody who knew how to carry himself. It would be a lie to say that losing Noa hasn’t affected the dynamic of their friendship, but Archie doesn’t know how he would’ve dealt with it without Sébastien. If he hadn’t come to London, too, Archie would’ve been thoroughly miserable.
Yusuf Khan: Friend. Though he’s only known him for the short while he’s been in London, Archie and Yusuf hit it off immediately. Both share two great loves in life: business, and partying. They’ve certainly done plenty of the latter together. Archie wonders whether eventually they might enter into former together, too. 
Spencer Berkeley: Good friend. Whilst the Hathaways and Berkeleys weren’t close by default, some of them were drawn together naturally, and Spencer and Archie were two of them. Archie admires the man’s ambition, and relentless pursuit of success. The rest of the family could learn a thing or two from him. They’re so similar, it’s obvious they’re related, and Archie is grateful for at least one family member in the city who isn’t a complete fucking embarrassment. 
Aurélie St. Clair: Old friend. Their relationship has always been complicated (usually manipulative on his part) but when he finally got what he needed from her, the connection to her grandfather, they eventually drifted apart. Archie knows she used to be in love with him, even if she thinks he has no fucking idea. Whilst he’s had no need to use it against her of yet, he’s fairly sure if he ever needs anything from her in the future, there’s plenty of history to be played on to get it...
Damon Rutherford: Dislikes. Honestly, just thinks he’s a bit of an insufferable twat. Though Archie didn’t visit Porto Velho often, whenever he did, the man’s face was plastered everywhere; usually for acting like trash. All of the Rutherfords need knocking down a peg or two, but he hopes this idiot is first. Archie knows he’s in a good position to be the one to do it; professionally, at least.
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empathos · 4 years
movies / musicals
ELLA ENCHANTED: prince charmont, ella of frell
THE GREATEST SHOWMAN: pt barnum, anne wheeler, phillip carlyle
THE ADDAMS FAMILY: morticia addams, gomez addams, debbie jillinksky
BURLESQUE: tess, sean, ali rose, jack, nikki
MAMMA MIA: sam carmichael, donna sheridan, tanya, bill anderson, harry bright, sophie sheridan, ruby sheridan
MEAN GIRLS: regina george, janis ian
MOULIN ROUGE: christian, satine
BEETLEJUICE: lydia deetz, barbara maitland
DEAR EVAN HANSEN: connor murphy, evan hansen, larry murphy
BABY DRIVER: darling, buddy
BRING IT ON: missy pantone, cliff pantone
BRING IT ON: ALL OR NOTHING: britney allen
HEATHERS: veronica sawyer, jason dean, heather chandler
PITCH PERFECT: jesse swanson, beca mitchell, chloe beale, aubrey posen
JENNIFERS BODY: jennifer check, nikolai
THE PRINCESS BRIDE: westley, inigo montoya
THE PRINCESS DIARIES 1 & 2: nicholas devereaux, mia thermopolis, charisse renaldi, joe
RENT: mark cohen, maureen johnsen, mimi marquez, roger davis
SCOOBY DOO: daphne blake, sibella dracula, fred jones
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: sharpay evans, troy bolton, ryan evans
SKY HIGH: warren peace
SPIDERMAN: peter parker, harry osborn
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: mantis, drax, peter quill
HOCUS POCUS: thackery binx, max dennison, sarah sanderson
MALEFICENT: maleficent
TWILIGHT: jasper hale, rosalie hale, carlisle cullen, emmett cullen
ACROSS THE UNIVERSE: max carrigan, jude, sadie
HARRY POTTER: draco malfoy, sirius black, hermione granger, andromeda tonks. bill weasley, charlie weasley, fleur delacour
HAIRSPRAY: link larkin, penny pingleton, amber von tussle, velma von tussle
ANOTHER CINDERELLA STORY: mary santiago, joey parker
tv shows
THE MAGICIANS: eliot waugh on his own blog, margo hanson
GLEE: santana lopez on her own blog, hunter clarington on his own blog, jesse st james on his own blog, quinn fabray, blaine anderson, kurt hummel, sam evans/evan evans, rachel berry, jean baptiste
DYNASTY: fallon carrington, sammy jo flores/carrington, kirby anders
RIVERDALE: veronica lodge, cheryl blossom
SHAMELESS: ian gallagher, mandy milkovich, veronica fisher, kevin ball, mickey milkovich, colin mikovich
TEEN WOLF: isaac lahey, jackson whittemore, lydia martin, stiles stilinski, peter hale
LOST: james ford, charlie pace, claire littleton, desmond hume, boone carlyle
YOU: joe goldberg on his own blog, love quinn, forty quinn
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES/THE ORIGINALS: caroline forbes, bonnie bennett, lorenzo st. john, niklaus mikaelson
LEGACIES: lizzie saltzman, alaric saltzman, josie saltzman, hope mikaelson, kaleb hawkins
IMPOSTERS: maddie johnson
SKINS: effy stonem, tony stonem on his own blog, mini mcguinness, chris miles
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS: spencer hastings
CRIMINAL MINDS: penelope garcia, spencer reid, derek morgan
EUPHORIA: cassie howard, maddie perez, nate jacobs
THE POLITICIAN: astrid sloan, river barkley
SEX EDUCATION: eric effiong, aimee gibbs, adam broff, maeve wiley, jackson marchetti
BROOKLYN 99: jake peralta, gina linetti, amy santiago, terry jeffords
NEW GIRL: cece parekh, winston schmidt
THE OFFICE: jim halpert, pam beesley, dwight schrute, angela martin, andy bernard
COMMUNITY: annie edison, troy barnes, abed nadir
SCHITTS CREEK: david rose, alexis rose
PSYCH: shawn spencer, carlton lassiter, pierre despereaux, juliet o'hara, henry spencer
PARKS & RECREATION: april ludgate, chris traeger, donna meagle, jean ralphio saperstein, mona lisa saperstein
SCREAM: brooke maddox, noah foster
ONCE UPON A TIME: rumpelstiltskin/gold, killian jones, belle french, regina mills, robin hood, neal cassidy
DEGRASSI NEXT GENERATION: eli goldsworthy, marco del rossi, fiona coyne, manuella santos, craig manning, gavin mason, jay hogart, paige michalchuk, jane vaughn, ellie nash, mia jones
DEGRASSI NEXT CLASS: miles hollingsworth, lola pacini, jonah haak, zoe rivas
DEXTER: dexter morgan
FAKING IT: shane harvey, liam booker, lauren cooper
THE FLASH: barry allen, iris west, caitlin snow, harrison wells (earth 2)
SUPERGIRL: kara danvers, cat grant, mon-el, lena luthor
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: spike, buffy summers, rupert giles
IN THE FLESH: simon monroe
BATES MOTEL: dylan massett, gunner
STRANGER THINGS: steve harrington, jim hopper
MERLIN: arthur pendragon, morgana pendragon, gwaine
GALAVANT: galavant, king richard
THAT 70’S SHOW: jackie burkhart, steven hyde
GOSSIP GIRL: blair waldorf, chuck bass
HEMLOCK GROVE: roman godfrey
DRACULA: lucy westenra
THE FOSTERS: mariana adams-foster, jesus adams-foster, mat tan
A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS: count olaf, uncle monty
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: madison montgomery, tate langdon, oliver thredson, maggie esmerelda, the countess elizabeth, tristan duffy, donovan, jimmy darling
SCREAM QUEENS: chanel oberlin, chad radwell
THE NANNY: fran fine
VICTORIOUS: jade west, beck oliver
SUITE LIFE OF ZACK & CODY: cody martin, zack martin, london tipton
WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE: alex russo, mason greyback, juliet van heusen
LIV & MADDIE: liv rooney, holden dippledorf
cartoons & anime
HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE: howl jenkins pendragon
AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER: iroh, zuko, mai, sokka
STEVEN UNIVERSE: pearl, greg universe, lapis lazuli, steven universe, peridot, sourcream
BEAUTY & THE BEAST: belle, adam, gaston
FROZEN: elsa, hans
TANGLED: rapunzel, flynn ryder
MOANA: maui
THE INCREDIBLES 1 & 2: violet parr, tony rydinger
KIM POSSIBLE: shego, drakken
ANASTASIA: dimitri
BARBIE: LIFE IN THE DREAM HOUSE: barbie roberts, ryan, raquelle
BARBIE: PRINCESS & THE PAUPER: anneliese, julian, dominic
DANNY PHANTOM: danny fenton, sam manson, vlad masters, paulina
TEEN TITANS: raven, terra
6TEEN: jonesy garcia, wyatt williams, nikki wong
FRUITS BASKET: haru sohma, kyo sohma, shigure sohma
video games
MYSTIC MESSENGER: jumin han, jihyun kim ( v ), ryu hyun ( zen )
ARCANA: julian, azra
LORE OLYMPUS: eros, hades, persephone, hera
EDITH: edith, phillip
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lowellhq · 2 years
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The Choice
3 September 2022 Lowell Campus
The cooling of the summer days. The shortening length of daylight. The crunch of leaves underfoot. The mugs of cider and the cups of spiced lattes. These are the things many look forward to as fall arrives on the doorstep of Portsmith following the beginning of a new term at Lowell Academy. Students and faculty usually return refreshed and recharged. Ready to tackle the challenges of the year ahead of them. The Order of the Primrose is no different.
With the apparent lack of identifiable activity from the Order, Lowell had been lulled into a disquieted complacency. Yet many understood that the rumored secret society had gone too far in their quest to rid Lowell of Scholarship Students for the Order to truly be gone. Instead, they laid in wait. Watching.
Whispers among Scholarship students and trusted allies presented an untested but trusted idea that Halloween would likely be the primary occasion for worry. As September ushered in its first days, their assurances only grew more concrete that at least the days leading up to the annual Masquerade would be safe.
They were mistaken.
Perhaps the Order’s stark return was prompted by the seating of the new Student Council upon a recount triggered by an obscure bylaw of the Student Council charter. This bylaw allowed the challenging of election results from any faculty member and would trigger an automatic recount.
BETO AYALA challenged the credibility of the Student Council election results after no scholarship students won a seat. This challenge led to the discovery of a few hundred votes for some scholarship candidates. Headmaster Blackwood gave a humble apology and noted that while he had been away there was a lot of administrative shuffling around Lowell’s offices to accommodate for George and Magnus running the school. He said that he had earnestly counted the votes he’d known about upon his return and promised these new votes would be honored.
New this year to the Student Council for Dominants are SAFFORD LOWELL, sympathetic to Scholarship students of all classifications, TRISTAN KNOWLES who is a scholarship student himself, and Legacy write-in candidate SEBASTIAN ST. CLAIR who appears to be trying to make up for the embarrassment of being stripped of Lacrosse Captain while he tended to his health.
For Switches, SEONG MIN-JUN, long known to love power and wield it as deftly as he wields his foil. Newcomer NIKOLAUS KOBLE seemingly had support from the Headmaster himself and who won despite arriving not long before the election started.
Joining submissives on the Council is the Charter student, SHEN LAI, who is poised to outperform all the other submissives in the school and be the first to enter a claim if he seals the deal with St. Clair. JAMIE WHITLEY, a Legacy with ties to many powerful Legacy families shares the mantle of representing submissive handling of authority. Because of the mishandling of votes and mistrust in the integrity of the results, OAK WILDE was granted a position as an alternate council member. He must show up to every session to stay abreast of all Council happenings, but will only step in to vote if Shen or Jamie cannot make it to a vote or must otherwise recuse themselves in matters in which they are personally invested.
Further, a new regulation stipulates that submissive members of Student Council must cast their votes together before it will count toward any decision. This means that of the two submissive seats available on the council, unanimous votes will be required if the submissive students wish to have a say in Council proceedings. This teaches the power of cooperation and ensures they understand the gravity of the power with which they’ve been entrusted.
The presence of Scholarship students on the Council alone would likely have been enough to enrage the Order but having Scholarship sympathizers on Council who could vote alongside Scholarship students only worsened matters. It prompted not just action but seemingly a focus on one singular question. Loyalty. Who was giving their loyalty to the right side? And what was the penalty for not choosing correctly?
As fall began, old acquaintances had the chance of renewing social ties and building bridges. If NIKOLAUS thought it strange that a certain old friend was fast warming up to him, he didn’t show it much. The Order, looking to test the loyalty of FELIX, tasked the newcomer to get close with his old flame and rekindle friendly feelings. They asked for something simple…keep an ear to the ground and report back to the Order via a drop site in the library for passing messages. If he proved useful, they would reward Felix.
They let Felix know that they had someone watching him. That he wouldn’t want to doublecross them. That their friendship could be mutually beneficial. The trick would be to learn what Felix wanted most. The Order would dangle it in front of Felix. Bait. Bargaining chip. It didn’t matter. They often got what they wanted.
Including from ETHAN FORELLI. When Sebastian St. Clair went looking into the print shop which produced the photos of Oak which they used to send a veiled threat toward Oak, the Order realized quickly that they would need a fall man. They tasked Ethan with finding the perfect person to pin it on. Someone believable where not a lot of questions would be asked. Someone that could maybe take the fall for more than one thing.
MIN-JUN received a loyalty test too. As a Legacy and someone with a cunning knack for negotiation and retribution, they asked Min to ensure Ethan followed through on framing someone. If he didn’t, Min was to let the Order know and they would do whatever it took to believably frame Ethan for the crimes. Min would be the one to frame Ethan if Forelli failed.
Luckily for Ethan he happened upon someone who was perfect.
IAN MCCALLISTER had a boyfriend in his early years at Lowell who had been known to brag about his affiliation with a secret group who had the inside scoop on all the most advantageous claims. This secret group was rumored to be the Order of the Primrose. Ian happened to be drunk and drugged on Halloween according to his infirmary intake forms. Ian had been acting erratically and displayed a confused memory. He could easily have done something rash during the Halloween Masquerade. He had previously hooked up with Sebastian several times and was likely jealous of his tryst with Oak. This may have caused Ian to target him on Halloween, sending Tristan away so he couldn’t protect his friend Oak, and spiking the punch so that people would be distracted during the whole ordeal. His continued jealousy caused him to choose a new Lacrosse captain so Sebastian would see his mistakes, and when that wasn’t enough, Ian learned a few tricks from the photographer he was sleeping with and decided to send a veiled threat to Sebastian about Oak with the photographs.
This is the story Ethan was to paint in the form of planted evidence and the starting of poisonous rumor. The only thing left when the time came to unveil the evidence and the rumor was to have someone discover his ties to the old Order and bring him before the newly seated Council to be investigated.
For his part SEBASTIAN ST. CLAIR isn’t sure how he got his council seat. He’s not certain if he can interpret the signs right. But the charging of Ian in these crimes of passion seem to be a punishment for choosing someone else to replace Sebastian as Lacrosse Captain. This is made all the more suspicious by the fact that the man chosen to replace him, ELLIOT WARNER, is suddenly being sued by his ex-boyfriend’s family. Rumors are that Elliot falsified his admission records to conceal his guilt in the death of Elliot’s former boyfriend Benji. Could this be coincidence or could it be another consequence of slighting Sebastian?
Sebastian wonders if the Order is trying to curry favor with him so he doesn’t look into them further or if they are setting up in the perfect position to fall on Lowell’s sword if he messes with them again? The charging of Ian is flimsy at best and the investigation into Warner leaves a vacant spot for the Captaincy in Lacrosse. It could never come out that Sebastian knew Ian didn’t do the crime he’s accused of or else the Order would frame him next for being the very person to orchestrate the whole thing in his mission for power and respect. His getting appointed under the circumstances of the vote re-count when his name wasn’t initially on the ballot would be enough to make people suspect Sebastian used his Order connections to gain the seat and punish those who wronged him. So Sebastian is caught between wanting the power he’s got in order to protect his social standing, and knowing that at any moment, one wrong move could send him into a dark room on the end of questions he can’t answer.
‘Play nicely and so will we,’ They seem to be saying. In this they are requiring loyalty from Sebastian.
The Order isn’t playing nicely with IGNACIO WESTINGHOUSE however. It’s hard to say whether they’re punishing him for spending time with GRAHAM MONTGOMERY or if they simply wish to twist the knife with Elliot Warner, but planting photos of Graham and Ignacio out at Gaze’s Fetish Night seems to do both at once. The rumors started as soon as the photos were published in a small but growing SCANDAL SHEET which is now circulating Lowell and Portsmith. The students were quick to jump to conclusions and their eyes told them what they wanted to see. Ignacio stepping out on Elliot with Graham. Being disloyal to him. Precisely in Elliot’s most turbulent hour of need.
CAMILO MORALES was sorely surprised to learn in that same article that this isn’t the first man Ignacio entertained. ANTON MARTINEZ seemed to have cozied up to him before he left. The two were no strangers.
Just the same way that IHSAN DEMIRCI is no stranger to Tristan and DR. MAGNUS HOLM. While it was always clear to everyone that Magnus and Tristan were a couple, it was never clear just how close Ihsan was to both of them, especially while Ihsan was still posing as his deceased Dominant twin Sinan.
Yet the three seemed to have taken a vacation together and Tristan was seen helping Ihsan move into the submissive dorms with little confusion. It appeared to anyone paying enough attention that the three were close and that this transition was no surprise. Could it be that they knew of Ihsan’s deception all along and concealed it?
Long looking for a way to target Magnus and oust him for the dual purpose of opening a new counseling position and single handedly dealing a blow to the main source of support for scholarship students, the Order took action.
One evening IHSAN returned to find a heart etched by knife into his door with three sets of initials inside it. TK + ID + MH. Rose petals were scattered around the doorframe as though on a wedding night. ‘Don’t let our invitation get lost in the mail’ said an empty save-the-date invitation. Whether they were guessing at impending future claims or implying they knew of any brewing plans, the Order wanted everyone to see. It would be up to the rumor mill to try to guess the people whose initials were in that heart.
In one final sweeping act…it was during a back to school bonfire that the Order summarily announced their presence. At the height of the gathering, the acreage next to the main building lit up as the outline of a primrose erupted in flame. A message burned above it as smoke billowed in the air: Leave or Suffer.
A gauntlet was being thrown, a choice presented. Legacies or Scholarships. Loyalty or Sacrifice. Love or Success. Leaving or staying. None in Lowell would be spared having to answer.
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beneathshadowsrp · 6 years
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The Crown of Shadows Results are in!
“And as the evening comes to a close, it’s time to announce the auction results. Once again, I am Carlton Cartwright and, judging from your bids, I think you all were just as impressed as I was with these impressive contestants and their wonderful dates. But, before we announce the winners and who will be taking home the Crown of Shadows, I want to remind ya’ll of where all of these proceeds are going to. The proceeds of this event are to help the Muttropawlitan keep strays off the streets and to instating a go green initiative around town. From cleaning up Wonderland Park to helping buildings such as All Saint’s Hospital be powered solely by Solar Energy panels, your donations will be a crucial to fixing up the town and, coming in at a whopping $17,205, will be able to not only clean up Wonderland Park and help out the Muttropawlitan, but build a dog park in town, install solar energy panels throughout All Saint’s Hospital, and go towards the funds to build a public pool. Thank you so much for your wonderful contributions and you’ll be sure to see your marvelous contributions come into effect soon. But, now for what you’re all been waiting for-”
Now that you’ve won your charity dates, feel free to play them out on the dash! Please feel free to reach out to your character’s date, plot OOC, and create threads surrounding it. You don’t have to create the date thread right away. So, feel free to take your time with and work together. If you want to wait to have your date thread after the full moon, by all means do that. And last but not least, have fun!! We’re so excited to announce the winners and we hope you are too!
The total amount of money raised from the charity event: $17,205
In Crown of Shadows Tradition, we will be awarding crowns to the top two highest bidders as a thank you for their generous donations. The crowns will bestowed upon them from the past years’ highest bidders and, come the next year, they will have the honor of passing the crowns down to the next winners:
The highest bidder who will win the Crown of Shadows (see image here): Mackenzie Foster
The runner up in highest bidder who will win the Princess tiara (see image here): Olivia Pierce
The Dates/Winners:
1: Amanda & Abby
2: Eliza & Sophie
3: Tae Cho & Juliet
4: James & Evie
5: Noah & Kenzie
6: Caitlin & Julian
7:  Natalia & Liv
8: Kelsie & Kai
9: Damien & Astrid
10: Jacen & Carter
11: Rowan & Ella
12: Griffin & Nina
13: Serena & Silas
14: Lia & Jasmine
And in case you forgot what the dates were...
The Date Breakdown/Recap once more:
Contestant #1 is... Amanda Weaver. She is:
Goofy, Energetic, and Adventurous.
She hates asparagus. Vehemently.
She doesn’t want to entirely spoil the surprise, but it will involve shopping and it will involve dinner. In that order.
The winner of this date is... Abby Barnes.
Contestant #2 is... Eliza Holmes. She is:
Kind, Protective, Creative.
She can dance really well, but she only does so in the safety and privacy of their home.
The date would consist of a picnic packed and made by the contestant, near the water, under that old willow tree everyone loves. Then she would enjoy taking you up to the lookout pointe, overlooking the town and the water close by, to enjoy some wine. And perhaps some good conversation under the stars.
The winner of this date is... Sophie Vidales.
Contestant #3 is... Tae Cho. He is:
Outgoing. Lovable. Spicy.
Madame Zeroni once predicted he wouldn’t finish college. ‘She’ was right.
Free dance lessons at Tiptoes, with your choice of salsa dancing or hip-hop. Followed by a picnic dinner under the stars where you can also watch Netflix on his iPad.
The winner of this date is... Juliet Reynolds.
Contestant #4 is... James Armstrong. He is:
Dutiful, Chivalrous, and Trustworthy.
“My dad’s dead, does that count?”
They will take you on a boat ride on the water, departing from the Harbor and making their way to the Falls. There, they will drop anchor and enjoy a pre-packaged meal next to the Falls. Pack a swimsuit if you want to take a dive.
The winner of this date is... Eve Martin.
Contestant #5 is... Noah Armstrong. He is:
Down to Earth, Fun-Loving, Goofy.
‘I can fit my whole fist in my mouth, wanna see?’
This date is a scavenger hunt comprised of recreating popular romcom moments together on a budget. The clues, such as an ode to “She’s the Man” where a present shows up on your doorstep with a wheel of gouda cheese in it, will lead you to your date whom will be hanging off the side of their roof from a bungee cord, wearing a Spiderman costume like in the OC and holding cue cards from the movie “Love Actually”, while a boombox sits below playing “Kiss Me” from Six Pence None the Richer. After finally cutting themselves down, your date will take you into the backyard where a projector will be playing “10 Things I Hate About You” onto a sheet that has been tapped to the side of the building to look like a screen. This contestant, also, would like you to know, that during the movie, popcorn, ring pops, and chocolate covered strawberries will be provided.
The winner of this date is... Mackenzie Foster.
Contestant #6 is... Caitlin Dunmore . She is:
Caring, Dedicated, Passionate.
They can randomly produce facts about certain things. Makes them really good for trivia games.
On this date, you will meet up to have either coffee or dinner than off to a painting class and end the day with ice cream and strolling through the town at dusk.
The winner of this date is... Julian St. Clair.
Contestant #7 is... Natalia Hamilton. She is:
Charismatic, Adventurous, & Dominate.
Can sing rather well & can make up little cheers due to their time as a cheerleader!
On their date, they would love to explore the town & woods while under the moon. After a walk around town, you will then be invited out to one of the many bars and spend the night dancing, eating, and drinking in a private section while enjoying each other’s company.
The winner of this date is... Olivia Pierce.
Contestant #8 is... Kelsie Woods. She is:
Cute, Quiet, & Loving.
They once won a radio call in contest by being the first person who could sing the alphabet backwards.
If you win you can look forward to a picnic at the Falls with all the traditional picnic fixings.  You two can eat, swim, and just enjoy a nice summer day.
The winner of this date is... Kai Papoa.
Contestant #9 is... Damien Pierce. He is:
Funny, Charismatic, Charming.
In our high schools production of Grease, I played Danny Zuko.
On our date, they will take you to a water/amusement park in Charlotte with an all access pass to all the rides and a VIP treatment with fast lane upgrades, free meals and a rental of our own cabana to sit and rest until you’re ready to hit the rides again.
The winner of this date is... Astrid Reyes.
Contestant #10 is... Jacen Todd. He is:
Sarcastic, Charming, Witty.
I’m a fan of Karaoke bars and frequent them every week.
On our date, they will take you to the local gun range and if you’re a first timer, teach you how to shoot, if not start up a friendly competition of who can best who on targets. After you’re done, dinner at the restaurant of your choice.
The winner of this date is... Carter Pierce.
Contestant #11 is... Rowan Hartman.  She is:
Serious, sweet, loyal.
I’m an expert knife thrower and kick ass at darts.
On our date, they will take you on a sunset cruise on Lake Norman on a private yacht. This date is complete with dinner, a Netflix movie of the bidder’s choice.
The winner of this date is... Ella Bahar.
Contestant #12 is... Griffin West. He is:
Adorable, Funny, and Resourceful.
Scared to death of porcelain dolls.
The date will involve a trip to the arcade, where you can play games, battle it out in laser tag, take a spin around the roller skating rink, or get behind the wheel to race in go-karts. There, you will also enjoy a private, candle lit dinner for two over pizza, nachos, and your choice of soda. Unlimited tokens will be provided, along with a guaranteed prize of your choosing.
The winner of this date is... Nina Skala.
Contestant #13 is... Serena North. She is:
Fun-loving, Adventurous, Independent
They’ve lived in more than 4 different countries.
While most of us have lived in this town forever most of us have taken for granted some of the the treasures that are hidden in this town. The day would be full of exploring them. Starting off with breakfast at The Pie Hole, then move on to the Boathouse where most of the day would be spent out on the water. When the fun in the sun was done the party could move to Level Up! for a quick round of air hockey and dinner. After the sun goes down the excitement begins with Moonlight Zip lining that ends at the Observatory where desert will be waiting.
The winner of this date is... Silas Bahar.
Contestant #14 is... Lia Diaz. She is:
Sweet, Ambitious & Cheerful.
They are ambidextrous.
This date will be a carefree night in. Start out by having fun splatter painting your date’s living room and each other with paint filled balloons. Then, just as the sun is about to set, watch the light stream in through the windows and illuminate your splatter painted work as you enjoy a home cooked meal and a bottle of wine of your choice on a picnic blanket spread out across the floor. Then your date will lead you into the backyard where twinkly lights are set up for a free salsa lesson and a chance to watch the stars.
The winner of this date is... Jasmine Morris.
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Fallon || 21 || Human || Slave || Nicola Peltz FC
Character Name: Fallon St. Clair Nickname: Ally Birthday (Month/Day): June 9 Age: 21 Master, Mistress, Professor or Slave: Slave Masters/Slaves - Area of Study: Dramatic Arts/Theatre Year of Study: Freshman Species: Human Orientation/Preference: Bisexual I am a: Switch I want a: Dominant / Switch Turn Ons: Edging, Hair Pulling, Lingerie, Role Play, Dirty Talk, Power Exchange/Struggle, DDLG, Marking, Sexting, Impact Play, Bondage, Multiple Partners, Sensation Play, Voyeurism Turn Offs: Watersports, Vore, Gore, Fisting, Bad Hygiene, Gagging (Receiving), Scat, Electrical Play, Public Humiliation, Knife Play Face Claim: Nicola Peltz Player: Is Fallon right for you?
Fallon St. Clair was the girl who thought she’d have everything when she was younger. Beauty, brains, a good education, and a rich husband that would cater to her every desire. That may have been a possibility for the girl if her whole world hadn’t been flipped upside down when she was 18. Fallon came home to find her rich parent’s fighting, it wasn’t normal of them to do so, considering both were happy with their lavish lifestyle, but what she learned had struck fear into her 18 year old heart. She found out that her father’s company had gone bankrupt and on top of that the bank was repossessing everything they owned to pay off the loans he had taken out to keep their family living the way they were used to. At first this blow was devastating, they went from living in a 14 bedroom mansion to a 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. Despite that, Fallon was convinced that her family would be able to stick it out, and that they would eventually be whole again. Her world had been rocked and as if the girl could stand another blow she came home one day to find her father hanging from a ceiling fan, he’d committed suicide, and suddenly it was just Fallon and her mother.
Her mother ended up in a deep depression, not moving out of her room for days, unless it was to get another bottle of alcohol. So Fallon did the only thing an 18 year old with no more education could do, she went out and got a minimum wage job at some shitty restaurant, serving horrible customers, and trying to survive off almost nonexistent tips. She’d managed for a while to pay the bills and the rent, but with any money they had left and her mother not helping at all, things turned bad fast. In short, her mother ended up cursing her out, saying she was to blame for their poor situation and the death of her husband. In a drunken rage she’d fought with Fallon and kicked her out, telling her to never return again. Since then she never looked back, never went to see her mother again, and continued working at that horrible job to pay for her one bedroom apartment. Though the job was less than glamorous, Fallon counts herself lucky because that’s the place where she met the woman who changed her life, an owner of an escort club. The woman came into her workplace and the two ended up talking, having dealt with somewhat similar situations the other woman sympathized and told her how much more she could be doing with the body and face that she had. This intrigued Fallon and she quickly took her chances at the one place she ended up loving.
Now, years later Fallon is back to living in her lavish lifestyle, though less of her money goes to shoes and clothes and more of it goes up her nose with her new found addiction. Cocaine, it seems to make her world go round and she doesn’t know why she never experienced the high earlier. She used to be this rich, stuck up girl, but now she’s more down to earth because of her life experience. Some would say she lost her class the day she lost her mansion, but Fallon couldn’t give two fucks about that. She’s willing to do anything for a taste of the drug. While she’s so busy trying to find her next fix, or enjoying her night with a client, will she ever stop to wonder why her father hanging off the ceiling that night never had a chair to get there? If she had she may have realized the only reason for her father’s death was the fact that he owed the mafia money, after they heard of Fallon gaining some cash with escorting they’ve come after her, and the woman who got her into the business in the first place once again comes in to help her out.
There is a school, a place Fallon can go to in order to gain the great education she lost, but what’s more is it will protect her from the people after her. The woman leads on that there may be more to the place than just a school, but anything sounds better than having her teeth pulled out – or her body at the bottom of an ocean, so she agrees to give it a try. After all, the place was where her saviour attended and it gave her the ability to open the escort club that is such a huge success today – even if it is illegal. So, agreeing, the woman helps her get in and the next thing Fallon knows is she’s heading off to The Institute – to get a lesson of a lifetime. However, at what price will that come?
Pre-established Connections:
Bio written by: Jay
Main - Plot - Rules - Ask - Apply
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lynleesheeler · 5 years
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When we think of moms, imagines of the important women in our lives probably come to mind- moms, grandmothers, and maybe favorite aunts, sisters, and friends. But what also may come to mind are some tv moms that have found a place in our hearts as they reflected society ideals of the decades in which their shows aired.
The 1950s, Post War America- saw the rise of women returning home from the factories where they were working during the war to help with the war effort state side. “Upon the return of men from war, women were laid off or encouraged to surrender wartime jobs to ease male readjustment.  More than restoring men as providers, the number of women who vacated the workforce instilled a sense of American stability.” (MacLean, n.d.)  With the return, women began to focus the efforts and attention to a domesticated role of wife and mother.  In suburban neighborhoods, women became the matriarch of nuclear families and dependent financially on their husbands.  Women of this decade were expected to be passive and submissive leading to a society of “patriarchy, a universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity.” (Conley, 2017, p. 290)  June Cleaver, in the 1950s sitcom Leave It to Beaver, is the quintessential example of the happy housewife who tends to the needs of the children and husband, kept a clean house, cooked meals- all while wearing pearls and heels.  From a 21st century point of view, this is a lofty imagine to live up to.  Although, this was the ideal as set by society, and most likely from a male point of view to suppress the aspirations of women so the idea of “hegemonic masculinity, the condition in which men are dominant and privileged,” (Conley, 2017, p. 289) could be realized- a small percentage of women did remain working outside the home, but in lower level positions than their male counterparts.
With a twitch of the nose, we transition into the 1960s and no one twitched their nose better than Samantha Stephens from the hit show Bewitched.  Although Samantha Stephens still exhibited the traits of the stereotypical housewife, according to VanDerWerff’s article “Bewitched Tweaked ‘60s Gender Roles and Became One of the First Feminist Sitcoms” she shows signs of the growing independence starting to emerge in this decade. (VanDerWerff, 2012)  Bewitched was the first to show signs of feminism (VanDerWerff, 2012) that was on the rise during this decade due to things like the “introduction of the first birth control pill in 1960” (History Central, n.d.) which allowed women to have more control over their reproductive wishes or lack thereof.  Legislation also was passed during is decade, particularly the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that promoted equality and independence for women.  Through the viewer’s lens, we witness Samantha’s growing power in her home and community in the mortal world through the use of her witchcraft, which is a direct comparison to the growing power of women in the home and society during the 1960s (VanDerWerff, 2012) in America.  These new attitudes, ideas, opportunities, and freedoms for women lead to gender conflicts within the home that men were not sure how to deal with and this is also played out in the Stephen’s home on Bewitched.  Darrin, a mortal- Samantha’s husband; tried to control her by ordering her to not use her witchcraft; however, Darrin often lost those battles when Samantha used her witchcraft to try to better a situation or correct a spell that went awry. Darrin struggled with Samantha’s powers as it was a loss of his male dominance which is how he and society still believed home life should be.  Bewitched also was groundbreaking on another level- this show was the first to elude to the notion of a “mixed marriage”, while it was not exactly what we know as a mixed marriage, I feel the plot of a mortal marrying a witch gives the earliest introduction to what would eventually become more common place in society with interracial marriages.
Here’s the story of the 1970s, and how it was a transformative decade for women at work and at home.  Although “workplace doors began to creak open for women” (Seamone, 2014) during this decade, moms like Carol Brady of The Brady Bunch struggled to breakout of society’s mold of the happy home-maker.  While Carol did not have a job officially working outside of the home, when many America women were hitting the workforce in record numbers- she did spend a good deal of time doing more than cleaning, doing laundry, and cooking casseroles, after all- she had Alice to do that.  The world was Carol’s oyster much like the many new opportunities becoming available for women.  She was involved with the school PTA, she sang, she also exercised her creative side writing and sculpting.  Carol’s ambitions would later be satisfied in reunion shows when she becomes a real estate agent.  While it was never really revealed why, Carol was a single mother before she met and married Mike Brady. . .was she divorced possibly?  This would be a reflection of the times as well as divorce rates were on the rise.  “In 1969, CA was the first state to adopt a no-fault divorce law, which allowed couples to divorce without needing to prove spousal wrongdoing (previously women legally had a particularly difficult time initiating this process.)” (Seamone, 2014)  Whatever the reason, she was a single mother and then became the matriarch of a blended family, ground breaking changes from the Leave It to Beaver days.
The 1980s, the dawning of a new image.  More and more women are educated and working, these women are working to support themselves and some working to support families by themselves.  Their aspirations for success in a world previously dominated by men motivated these women to work  toward the glass ceiling, a limit on women’s climb up the occupational ladder (Conley, 2017, p. 312) and once they got there, the goal was to shatter it. Claire Huxtable, of the sitcom The Cosby Show, is a classic example.  Clair showed the world that not only was it possible to have a job outside of the home, but to have a successful career as an attorney and still manage to be an attentive, loving, assertive, and devoted wife and mother.  A sophisticated lady who was not only book smart, but wise to the shenanigans and jive of her husband and children.  “Nationally, the number of working women increased by 27 percent during the 1980s.” (Bock, 1993)  The larger number of working women, especially in higher paying professional and managerial positions is a direct result of the pursuit and accomplishment of higher education.  According to Martha Farnsworth Riche, director of policy studies at the nonprofit Population Reference Bureau in Washington, “This is really a reflection of women’s increasing role in education.  In the 1980s women became more than half of college students and of people getting Ph.D.’s.  You’re really seeing a pipeline effect that will continue for the foreseeable future.” (Bock, 1993)
Blue-collar moms and wives found representation in the 1990s, with a bold and brash yet loyal and caring women named, Roseanne.  Roseanne starred in a sitcom of the same name that followed her family, The Conners, through the struggles of living paycheck to paycheck while dealing with society’s modern-day issues.  Although the Conners did not have it all, they were not short on fun and laughter and maintained the ties that bind.  Roseanne was the glue of this family while she hopped from job to job, she did what she had to do for her family.  During the 1990s, sexism which occurs when a person’s sex or gender is the basis for judgment, discrimination, and hatred against him or her (Conley, 2017, p. 307) was discussed far less openly than it is today, however Roseanne did not shy away from the topic.  Not only was sexism tackled but so was sexual harassment and I feel some of these issues were results of scandals of the time, such as the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas sexual harassment case.
Women- mothers and wives have changed over time, but the second half of the 20th century is where we can see the most pivotal, dramatic changes that have advanced women onto a more equal playing field with men, not only in the work place but in the home as well.  Progress and evolution have changed gender roles and have given women a voice that is stronger than ever.
Word Count: 1417
Bock, J. (1993, January 29). Women Made Career Strides in 1980s Census Data Show Marked MD Gains. Retrieved from Baltimore Sun: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1993-01-29-1993029154-story.html
Conley, D. (2017). You May Ask Yourself. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
History Central. (n.d.). Women in the 60s. Retrieved from History Central: https://www.historycentral.com/sixty/Americans/WOMEN.html
MacLean, E. (n.d.). Why Women Went Home. Retrieved from US History Scene: http://ushistoryscene.com/article/feminine-mystique/
Seamone, E. (2014, July 30). Life and Work: What Was It Really Like For Women In The 1970s? Retrieved from Women, Work, and Life: http://www.womenworklife.com/2014/07/30/work-life-really-like-women-1970s/
VanDerWerff, T. (2012, September 24). Bewitched Tweaked '60s Gender Roles and Became One of the First Feminist Sitcoms. Retrieved from TV AV Club: https://tv.avclub.com/bewitched-tweaked-60s-gender-roles-and-became-one-of-t-1798233613
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6 Best Places in Michigan That You Cannot Afford To Miss for Fishing
The waters of Michigan has always been a darling. From trying Michigan Smallmouth fishing to spend some time in nature, the waters provide much more than expected.
However, certain places are a huge tourist attraction than others. Here is the complete list of places that you cannot afford to miss if you are in Michigan.
1.  Lake St. Clair
If you love fishing, then there is nothing that can prohibit you from visiting Lake St. Clair. The lake is an integral part of the Great Lakes Systems and lies at the center of Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Both the lakes are connected by the St. Clair River and the Detroit River that feed the water body.
On top of it, the freshwater ensures a healthy population of game fish and, thus, has featured among the best place for fishing all across the globe. Some of the dominant fish in the lake include smallmouth bass, Walleye, and catfish, among several others.
2.  Lake Michigan
Lake Michigan holds the title of the third-largest lake of the Great Lakes. During the breeding time, the location is filled with Coho, Salmon, SteelHead, and others. Thus, making it suitable for fishing. However, one should keep in mind that the count of salmon and the steelhead vary every year, and therefore the success of the activity widely varies with the place.
3.  Hubbard Lake
Hubbard Lake is one of the most popular options in the entire region. The lake ranks 12 in terms of size and is a rich source of smallmouth bass, Walleye, lake trout. As per a recent survey, the Walleye are the most abundant item, and hence the lake acts as the best point for fishing.
4.  The Pere Marquette River
A designated National Wild and a scenic river, the Pere Marquette River finds its existence 66 miles of the Pere Marquette River. Though Michigan Smallmouth fishing is not a credible option in the river, the site is known for large quantities of SteelHead that flow in the rivers. The best time for catching the steelhead starts from late August and extends through October.
On the other hand, a burst of steelhead can also be witnessed in the fall. This, thus, makes the spot ideal for all your fishing activities.
5.  The Grand River
The most sought after place in the entire region is the Grand River. The river runs after the western coast of Michigan and is one of the most favored places to fish. The river is known for the vast quantity of Salmon and Steelhead in the area throughout the summer and spring. On the other hand, the Grand also has plenty of smallmouth bass in its water and is also ideal for fishing largemouth in its backwaters.
6.  The Burt Lake
The fourth-largest lake in the nations, Burt Lake, runs 26 square miles all across the region. If you have been in northwest Michigan and is an avid lover of Michigan Smallmouth fishing, then you have landed on the right site. Apart from Smallmouth, the lake is a huge source of natural Walleye that breed naturally. On the other hand, the lake provides an exciting challenge for the fishing enthusiast in the winters as well.
When it comes to the world of fishing, there are a ton of things that work in favor of the industry. The Michigan Smallmouth fishing is just the tip of it. The experts from the house of Betts Guide Service make sure that one gets the optimal results and hence could not be ignored at all costs. The sport is a craze and is expected to grow further all across the region.
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anachef · 6 years
100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America
Valentine’s Day is the most popular day for dining out, and to help diners pick the ideal restaurant to impress their valentine, OpenTable, the world’s leading provider of online restaurant reservations, has released its annual list of 100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America for 2019 according to OpenTable diners.
Featuring restaurants coast-to-coast across 32 states, the list is a comprehensive look at the most romantic restaurants in the country, culled from more than 12 million verified diner reviews of over 28,000 restaurants in 50 states and Washington, D.C. From the luxurious Majorelle in New York City, to the supper club experience at Nocturne in Denver, to neighborhood favorite St Martin’s Wine Bistro in Dallas, the Most Romantic Restaurants list has a wide variety of spots that’ll set the mood for the special occasion.
With nine restaurants on the list, Ohio is the most recognized state, followed by Texas with eight, and North Carolina and Virginia with seven each. Pennsylvania boasts six winning restaurants, New York and Colorado each have five and California, Florida, New Jersey, Nevada and Tennessee each claim four winners. While American cuisine dominates the list, a number of other fares are featured, such as French, Italian, Latin, Seafood and Southern — all perfect for a romantic evening out with your valentine.
“These 100 restaurants excel at setting the table for romance and creating intimate dining experiences at every service,” said Caroline Potter, Chief Dining Officer at OpenTable. “Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with a new special someone, a spouse or even a friend, you can count on this list to find not only a restaurant with the right ambiance but also an exceptional meal.”
OpenTable’s 100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America for 2019 list is generated solely from diner reviews collected between December 1, 2017, and November 30, 2018. All restaurants with a minimum “overall” score and number of qualifying reviews were included for consideration. The overall score is made up of unique data points, such as overall diner rating, user klout, total number of reviews and regional overall rating. Qualifying restaurants were then scored and sorted according to the percentage of reviews for which “romantic” was selected as a special feature.
Based on this methodology, the 100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America according to OpenTable diners, are as follows (in alphabetical order):
100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America
801 Chophouse – Des Moines – Des Moines, Iowa Altius – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Atlantis Steakhouse – Atlantis Casino Resort Spa – Reno, Nevada BakerStreet – Fort Wayne, Indiana Bartolotta’s Lake Park Bistro – Milwaukee, Wisconsin Baxter’s Lakeside Grille – Lake Ozark, Missouri Belvedere Inn Restaurant and Bar – Lancaster, Pennsylvania Benvenuti’s – Norman, Oklahoma Black Cat – Boulder, Colorado The Bistro at Gervasi Vineyard – Canton, Ohio Bohanan’s Prime Steaks and Seafood – San Antonio, Texas Bolete Restaurant – Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Bookbinder’s Seafood and Steakhouse – Richmond, Virginia Bouchard Restaurant and Inn – Newport, Rhode Island Café Monarch – Scottsdale, Arizona Cafe Provence – Prairie Village, Kansas Cafe Sparrow – Aptos, California Caprice Bistro – Wilmington, North Carolina Carlo & Johnny – Cincinnati, Ohio Chandlers Steakhouse – Boise, Idaho Chef’s Table at the Edgewater – Winter Garden, Florida Chez Francois – Vermilion – Vermilion, Ohio Chimney Park – Windsor, Colorado Christopher’s World Grille – Bryan, Texas Circa 1886 – Charleston, South Carolina Claire’s at the Depot – Warrenton, Virginia Collage Restaurant – St. Augustine, Florida Connors Steak & Seafood – Huntsville – Huntsville, Alabama Cygnus 27 – Grand Rapids, Michigan The Del-Bar – Lake Delton, Wisconsin The Dining Room at Castle Hill Inn – Newport, Rhode Island Erling Jensen The Restaurant – Memphis, Tennessee Flagstaff House – Boulder, Colorado Fleurie – Charlottesville, Virginia Flight Restaurant & Wine Bar – Memphis – Memphis, Tennessee Folk’s Folly Prime Steak House – Memphis, Tennessee Four Winds Steakhouse – Wills Point, Texas Franklinville Inn – Franklinville, New Jersey The Gamekeeper – Boone, North Carolina Geronimo – Santa Fe, New Mexico Gracie’s – Providence, Rhode Island Hanover Street Chophouse – Manchester, New Hampshire Harvest Beat – Seattle, Washington Hugo’s Cellar – Four Queens – Las Vegas, Nevada The Ivy Inn Restaurant – Charlottesville, Virginia Jag’s Steak & Seafood – West Chester, Ohio Joe Vicari’s Andiamo Italian Steakhouse @ The D Las Vegas – Las Vegas, Nevada Katherine’s Steakhouse – Mesquite, Nevada Kimberton Inn – Kimberton, Pennsylvania L’Auberge Chez Francois – Great Falls, Virginia La Fable – Rehoboth Beach, Delaware La Panetiere – Rye, New York Latitudes on Sunset Key – Key West, Florida Le Fou Frog – Kansas City, Missouri Le Vallauris – Palm Springs, California Le Yaca – Williamsburg, Virginia and Virginia Beach, Virginia Lemaire at The Jefferson Hotel – Richmond, Virginia Lewnes’ SteakHouse – Annapolis, Maryland Lon’s at The Hermosa – Paradise Valley, Arizona Mahogany Prime Steakhouse – Tulsa – Tulsa, Oklahoma Majorelle – New York, New York The Melting Pot – Huntersville, North Carolina and Midtown Charlotte, North Carolina Millwright’s – Simsbury, Connecticut Minerva’s – Sioux Falls – Sioux Falls, South Dakota Mizuna – Denver, Colorado Mo’s A Place for Steaks – Milwaukee – Milwaukee, Wisconsin Montalcino Ristorante Italiano – Issaquah, Washington Monterey Bay Fish Grotto – Mt. Washington – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Myron’s at Alon Town Center – San Antonio, Texas Nocturne – Denver, Colorado Orchids at Palm Court – Cincinnati, Ohio Paseo Grill – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Pellana – Peabody, Massachusetts Peter Shields Inn – Cape May, New Jersey Pier W – Cleveland, Ohio The Prime Rib – Baltimore (The Original) – Baltimore, Maryland The Refectory Restaurant & Bistro – Columbus, Ohio Restaurant L – Cincinnati, Ohio Rey’s – Raleigh, North Carolina Ristorante Lombardo – Buffalo, New York Rudy & Paco Restaurant & Bar – Galveston, Texas Russell’s Steaks, Chops, and More – Williamsville, New York Ryan’s Restaurant – Winston-Salem, North Carolina Saint Jacques French Cuisine – Raleigh, North Carolina Salt at The Ritz-Carlton – Amelia Island, Florida Scalini Fedeli – Chatham – Chatham, New Jersey Second Empire Restaurant and Tavern – Raleigh, North Carolina Sorrento Ristorante Italiano – Houston, Texas St Martin’s Wine Bistro – Dallas, Texas St. John’s Restaurant – Chattanooga, Tennessee Strip Steakhouse – Avon, Ohio Summit House – Fullerton – Fullerton, California The Tailor and the Cook – Utica, New York Tony’s – St. Louis – St. Louis, Missouri Trattoria Stella – Traverse City, Michigan Truluck’s Seafood, Steak and Crab House – Austin Arboretum – Austin, Texas The Victor Cafe – Philadelphia – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Vivace Restaurant – Tucson, Arizona Wally’s Desert Turtle – Rancho Mirage, California Washington Inn – Cape May, New Jersey
The list may also be viewed at https://www.opentable.com/lists/most-romantic-restaurants-2019.
source http://www.restaurantnews.com/100-most-romantic-restaurants-in-america-020619/
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Everything We Know About Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Royal Wedding Receptions
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will officially become husband and wife in less than a week!
Following their nuptials at St. George's Chapel in Windsor, England, the newlyweds will greet well-wishers throughout the town in their Ascot Landau horse-drawn carriage before returning to Windsor Castle for their multiple celebrations.
As preparations are underway, ET is breaking down everything you need to know about the royal wedding receptions and after-party.
1. Wedding Luncheon
About 600 people are invited to the post-ceremony luncheon reception, which will be hosted by Queen Elizabeth II at St. George's Hall at Windsor Castle. “Windsor is a very special place for Prince Harry, and he and Ms. Markle have regularly spent time there during the last year,” a spokesperson for Kensington Palace previously shared.
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Steve Parsons - WPA Pool/Getty Images
2. First Reception
Following the luncheon, Meghan and Harry will invite guests to their reception in the Waterloo Chamber, St. George's Hall and the Grand Reception Room that is in the castle. These rooms have always been used by the royal family for big celebrations. St. George's Hall is the largest room in the castle and is decorated with shields celebrating the Order of the Garter.
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Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
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Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images
3. Food Being Served
Guests have much to look forward to at the luncheon and reception. Pastry chef Claire Ptak is baking a cake that's perfect for spring! Kensington Palace revealed the dessert will have a lemon elderflower flavor and be "covered with buttercream and decorated with fresh flowers."
Peonies coming soon...
A post shared by Violet By Claire Ptak (@violetcakeslondon) on Mar 27, 2018 at 12:44am PDT
Royal Chef Mark Flanagan and his team are also whipping up a slew of tasty foods for the big day. "The couple have been very involved in every detail of it," said Flanagan -- who reveals that much of the produce used in the kitchens is seasonally-led, sourced from farms around the UK and off The Queen's Estate at Windsor -- per Kensington Palace.
We dropped in on the Kitchens at Windsor Castle, who will shortly begin final preparations for the #RoyalWedding. Take a look behind the scenes with Royal Chef Mark Flanagan and his team: https://t.co/91PHLXKv3vpic.twitter.com/2W3w1IhQdh
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 14, 2018
Pastry Chef Selwyn Stoby will be working on the day of the wedding and prepare chocolate truffles – a favorite dessert served at receptions throughout the year at Windsor Castle. The team will also be making bite-sized Crème brûlée, biscuits with mango pannacotta topping and yellow macaroons.
You can also see how Pastry Chef Selwyn Stoby makes his delicious chocolate truffles – a favourite dessert served at receptions throughout the year at Windsor Castle. More #BehindtheScenes here → https://t.co/uq5vNcc1Cz#RoyalWedding. pic.twitter.com/uc4ccBzZzD
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 14, 2018
4. Second Reception
The party doesn't stop there! Around 200 guests have also been invited to a private reception hosted by Prince Charles at Frogmore House. This location, about a mile from Windsor Castle, was the same one that Meghan and Harry used to take their engagement photos.
At this more intimate affair, special musical guests are expected to attend! 
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Alexi Lubomirski
Watch the video below for more on the royal wedding -- and make sure to keep up with all of ET's coverage of the royal wedding as we count down to Harry and Meghan's big day!
How the Royal Family Is Dealing With Meghan Markle's Family Drama
Meghan Markle Still Wants Her Father to Attend the Royal Wedding Amid Photo Scandal
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Wedding Cake Appears to be Underway -- See the Pics!
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thegreekshq-blog · 7 years
the following roles have 48 HOURS to become active again:
finley lincoln ( @theposeidonfury )
marina st. claire ( @girloutofwaterxmarina )
if you’d like a hiatus, feel free to let us know. note that reblogging musings, pictures, etc… does NOT count as activity !!
the following roles are on HIATUS:
cat ( isaiah desai, dominic diaz & monica ‘baby’ reeves ) semi hiatus from 13/12 until 13/01
abraham ( hughes woodhull & charlie aakster ) hiatus from 7/1 until ??/??
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highschoolharrier · 7 years
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By Sean Leider
1A Girls
Individually, Grace Blair from Oak Hall is the heavy favorite to defend her cross country state title.  Last year, Blair ran a blistering 18:22 to win the state meet, and her 5k PR is almost a minute faster than the second best returner in 1A.  Blair also has the track credentials to back up her cross country success, as she completed an impressive triple and won the 800, 1600, and 3200 at the track and field state meet in May.  Her combination of 2:13 800 speed and sub 18:30 5k strength will make Blair very hard to beat.
Behind Blair, there is a host of girls that will compete for the remaining podium spots. Circle Christian teammates Sinkenesh Parker and Brooke McEwen both boast 3200 PR’s of 11:22, and finished third and seventh respectively at last year’s cross country state meet.  Freshman sensations Mackenzie Glenn (St. John’s Country Day) and Sydnee Calder (Boca Raton Christian) should also be in contention after finishing in the top 10 at the state meet last year as 8th graders.  Although they did not post incredible times on the track, the class of 2022 standouts have proven to be strong cross country runners, and should be in the mix come November.
On the other hand, Jasmine Hincapie (Westminster Academy) and Claire Kennedy (Westminster Christian School) both had very impressive track seasons, with both running sub 11:30 for the 3200, but will need to see a huge jump from prior XC performances to challenge for a state title.
Other names to watch: Caroline Crist (The First Academy (Orlando)), Maya Espinosa (Baker Senior), Josie Garba (Tampa Prep), Jessica Edwards (Canterbury School (Fort Myers))
On the team side, many of the top teams from last year should be ready to mix it up again.  The returning champions, Oak Hall, return four of their top five, including individual champion Grace Blair.  However, they do lose their number two runner, and a young Circle Christian team returns all of their top seven from last year’s runner-up performance.  Led by a fantastic 1-2 punch of freshman Sinkenesh Parker and sophomore Brooke Ewen, coupled with a load of young talent behind them, Circle Christian looks to be the team to beat.  After the young group gained valuable experience last year, the Centurions are ready to move up to the top spot on the podium.
After those two schools there is a considerable gap, but other podium contenders include First Academy (Orlando), Maclay, P.K Yonge, and Providence.  However, all four of these teams share a similar dilemma. They are led by a strong frontrunners, have solid two and three runners, but lack the depth to truly compete for a state title.  In order to close the gap on the top two teams, these schools will need a breakout performance, an incoming freshman, or a new transfer, to bolster the back half of their squads, but nothing is impossible.
Other teams to watch: St. John’s Country Day, Westminster Christian, Father Lopez, St. Joseph Academy
2A Girls
With two returners who qualified for a national meet last fall, the 2A girls individual race should be one of the most exciting battles this year.  Pine Crest sophomore Tsion Yared has been lighting up the Florida cross country scene since she was in middle school, but she had a huge breakthrough season last fall.  Yared dipped under the eighteen minute barrier three times last season, including a runner-up finish at the state meet, and a fourth place finish at Nike Cross Regionals.  She ended her cross country season with a 39th place finish at Nike Cross Nationals, and continued her momentum into the track season where she ran personal bests of 2:15 (800), 4:54 (1600), and 10:45 (3200).  
Yared’s biggest rival will be Bolles senior Caitlin Collier.  Last year, Collier was able to avenge her demons at the cross country state meet.  As a sophomore, Collier had taken a commanding lead, and looked to be cruising towards her first individual state title.  Unfortunately, she collapsed mere feet before the line, and by the time she crawled across it, she had been passed by two other girls and had to settle for third.  Last year, Collier comfortably outclassed the field (which included Yared) and comfortably won in 17:44 — by far the fastest time of the day across all classifications.  Like Yared, Collier qualified for Nike Cross Nationals by placing sixth at the Southeast regional.  
Going into track season, Collier seemed primed for something special, and she definitely delivered. She was able to complete the distance trifecta at the state meet by winning the 800, 1600, and 3200 (in a personal best of 10:30!).  Collier extended her season by running a new 800 best of 2:03 at the Festival of Miles, finishing 4th in the mile at New Balance Outdoor Nationals, and ending her season with a third place finish at Pan-American juniors.  With such a lengthy track season, Collier might not be ready to run spectacularly in August and September, but by November she should be ready to use her lethal combination of strength and speed to try to repeat as state cross country champion.  
Natalie Varela (Gulliver Prep) is another girl that contend for the state title, as she went under 18 minutes last cross country season.  After a solid track season, and a consistent summer of training, the sophomore will look to improve on her fourth place performance from last year’s state meet.
Other names to watch: Nicole Matysik (Key West), Mahdere Yared (Pine Crest), Rebecca Clark (The Villages), Maya Beleznay (Pine Crest)
The team race should come down to two old rivals: Bolles and Pine Crest.  Last year, Pine Crest got the better of their rivals, and they look primed to do so again after returning five of their top six.  In addition to their returners, Pine Crest will receive a boost by adding transfer Cassandra Lawlor, who boasts a 5k best of 19:18, to their squad.  Led by the triple headed threat of the Yared sisters and Maya Beleznay, as well as a solid amount of depth behind them, Pine Crest will be very hard to beat this season, and could even have a realistic shot at qualifying for Nike Cross Nationals as a team.
However, you can never count the ladies of Bolles out.  As a team led by superstar Caitlin Collier, and a program that never fails to reload immediately, Bolles could potentially surprise Pine Crest this season.  Always loaded with incredible depth, Bolles has a host of underclassmen battling for their three through seven spots, and if these ladies can close the gap to their frontrunners, they will have a real shot come November.
Satellite lacks a true frontrunner, but their tight team pack should put them in contention for another third place finish.  
Other teams to watch out:  Montverde Academy, Tavares, Trinity Prep, and Cardinal Gibbons
3A Girls
Last year, two freshman went 1-2 in the girls 3A race, and the now sophomores will be back to battle again.  Alyson Churchill (Lincoln), last year’s state champion, boasts the best 5k and 3200 personal bests in the field and is poised to defend her title.  The fearless freshman was not afraid to front run, and her courage paid off when she ran a blistering 10:23 at FSU Relays in the spring - the fastest 3200 for any Florida girl last season.  
While Churchill relies on her incredible strength, Mater Academy sophomore Valerie Lastra has used her combination of speed and strength to close the gap on Churchill.  Lastra has a slightly better 800 best than Churchill, and flirted with the 18 minute barrier multiple times last fall, finishing 2nd at the state meet and 17th at Foot Locker South. Unfortunately, Lastra did not run track in the spring, so hopefully she will be ready for her sophomore cross country season.
Claire Openshaw, a Creekside sophomore, is the third fastest returner from the state meet, and should also be in contention for a podium spot.  After finishing sixth at the state meet, Openshaw had an impressive track season, where she was able to dip under 5 minutes for the 1600 and 11 minutes in the 3200.  Ana Wallace (Chiles) will also be looking to move up the medal stand and improve on her 7th place finish from last year.  With very similar track credentials to Openshaw, the experienced senior could be ready to make a big move this fall.  Hannah Schneidewind of Niceville should also be in the mix after running a massive of personal best of 10:48 in the 3200 in the spring.
Other names to watch: Emily Culley (Chiles), Natalie Abernathy (Land O’ Lakes), Jinah Mickens-Malik (Mater Academy), Aly Woodard (Niceville), Claire Moritz (Ponte Vedra)
Over the past two years, Chiles and Niceville have traded the team title at the state meet, and the two should give us another close race this November.  Both teams have firepower up front with low sticks Hannah Schneidewind (Niceville) and Ana Wallace (Chiles).  Niceville has a big advantage with number two Emily Culley, but the strength of Niceville’s four and five is able to help level the playing field.  Unfortunately, Chiles does not have much depth, and will be relying heavily on Wallace and Culley up front, which could give Niceville a slight advantage overall.   
If one of these two falter, Ponte Vedra is a dark horse that could upset them both.  Last year’s fourth place squad returns six of their top seven, and they are led by senior Claire Moritz, one of the fastest girls in the state.  They also return a host of girls under 20 minutes, and had an impressive track season where they had five underclassmen go under 12:30 in the 3200.
Other Teams to watch: Fort Myers, Creekside, Lincoln, Osceola (Seminole)
4A Girls
The three best words to describe the 4A individual girls race are Bailey “Hurricane” Hertenstein.  Over the past two years, Hertenstein has been on an absolute tear.  Although she has transferred from Riverview to Newsome, Hertenstein looks ready to dominate 4A again. She’s won three state titles on the track (including one after falling mid race), two on the cross country course, and placed 20th at Footlocker nationals last year.  With a lethal combination of 2:10 800 speed, 10:30 3200 strength, and a wealth of experience behind her, Hertenstein is the heavy favorite, and it will take a truly herculean effort to overtake her.
Winter Park senior Rafaella Gibbons is another girl with national meet experience. Gibbons qualified for Nike Cross Nationals in her freshman and sophomore year, and came close to qualifying for Footlocker Nationals last year.  Gibbons is also a very experienced runner, and has consistently performed well in big races, which will make her threat when it matters most in November.
One of Hertenstein biggest threats could actually come from a former teammate: sophomore sensation Alyssa Hendrix. Hendrix burst onto the scene at last year’s state meet by kicking past Gibbons to finish third overall.  She followed up her cross country success with a solid track season which saw her run personal bests of 5:04 in the 1600 and dip below the 11 minute mark in the 3200.  
Other names to watch: Maria Fernandez (G. Holmes Braddock), Isabella Bartczak (Dr. Phillips), Lydia Friedman (Steinbrenner), Alexandra Straumann (Steinbrenner)
After a 24 point victory in last year’s state meet, Steinbrenner will be in a much tighter battle to defend their crown this year.  Although they return all four of their top runners, and six of their top seven, Steinbrenner will have their hands full with last year’s runner-up: Winter Park.  Led by Rafaella Gibbons, Winter Park returns a young core that doesn’t seem to stop improving.  If their two through five runners are able to close the gap on Gibbons, Winter Park will have a very realistic shot at taking the state title back from Steinbrenner.
Lake Brantley, led by Ashley Klingenberg, is another team that could be in contention.  They have a very strong one through four, but will need to develop a better number five runner if they hope to have a shot on the podium. Other schools, including Newsome, Our Lady of Lourdes, and Spruce Creek have the opposite problem.  All three schools have a strong, consistent pack, but lack a low stick that will help them keep pace with Winter Park and Steinbrenner.
Other teams to watch: Lake Minneola, Lakewood Ranch, St. Thomas Aquinas, Riverview
Photo courtesy of DyestatFL.Com
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Fallon || 21 || Human || Slave || Nicola Peltz FC
Character Name: Fallon St. Clair Nickname: Ally Birthday (Month/Day): June 9 Age: 21 Master, Mistress, Professor or Slave: Slave Masters/Slaves - Area of Study: Dramatic Arts/Theatre Year of Study: Freshman Species: Human Orientation/Preference: Bisexual I am a: Switch I want a: Dominant / Switch Turn Ons: Edging, Hair Pulling, Lingerie, Role Play, Dirty Talk, Power Exchange/Struggle, DDLG, Marking, Sexting, Impact Play, Bondage, Multiple Partners, Sensation Play, Voyeurism Turn Offs: Watersports, Vore, Gore, Fisting, Bad Hygiene, Gagging (Receiving), Scat, Electrical Play, Public Humiliation, Knife Play Face Claim: Nicola Peltz Player: Is Fallon right for you?
Fallon St. Clair was the girl who thought she’d have everything when she was younger. Beauty, brains, a good education, and a rich husband that would cater to her every desire. That may have been a possibility for the girl if her whole world hadn’t been flipped upside down when she was 18. Fallon came home to find her rich parent’s fighting, it wasn’t normal of them to do so, considering both were happy with their lavish lifestyle, but what she learned had struck fear into her 18 year old heart. She found out that her father’s company had gone bankrupt and on top of that the bank was repossessing everything they owned to pay off the loans he had taken out to keep their family living the way they were used to. At first this blow was devastating, they went from living in a 14 bedroom mansion to a 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. Despite that, Fallon was convinced that her family would be able to stick it out, and that they would eventually be whole again. Her world had been rocked and as if the girl could stand another blow she came home one day to find her father hanging from a ceiling fan, he’d committed suicide, and suddenly it was just Fallon and her mother.
Her mother ended up in a deep depression, not moving out of her room for days, unless it was to get another bottle of alcohol. So Fallon did the only thing an 18 year old with no more education could do, she went out and got a minimum wage job at some shitty restaurant, serving horrible customers, and trying to survive off almost nonexistent tips. She’d managed for a while to pay the bills and the rent, but with any money they had left and her mother not helping at all, things turned bad fast. In short, her mother ended up cursing her out, saying she was to blame for their poor situation and the death of her husband. In a drunken rage she’d fought with Fallon and kicked her out, telling her to never return again. Since then she never looked back, never went to see her mother again, and continued working at that horrible job to pay for her one bedroom apartment. Though the job was less than glamorous, Fallon counts herself lucky because that’s the place where she met the woman who changed her life, an owner of an escort club. The woman came into her workplace and the two ended up talking, having dealt with somewhat similar situations the other woman sympathized and told her how much more she could be doing with the body and face that she had. This intrigued Fallon and she quickly took her chances at the one place she ended up loving.
Now, years later Fallon is back to living in her lavish lifestyle, though less of her money goes to shoes and clothes and more of it goes up her nose with her new found addiction. Cocaine, it seems to make her world go round and she doesn’t know why she never experienced the high earlier. She used to be this rich, stuck up girl, but now she’s more down to earth because of her life experience. Some would say she lost her class the day she lost her mansion, but Fallon couldn’t give two fucks about that. She’s willing to do anything for a taste of the drug. While she’s so busy trying to find her next fix, or enjoying her night with a client, will she ever stop to wonder why her father hanging off the ceiling that night never had a chair to get there? If she had she may have realized the only reason for her father’s death was the fact that he owed the mafia money, after they heard of Fallon gaining some cash with escorting they’ve come after her, and the woman who got her into the business in the first place once again comes in to help her out.
There is a school, a place Fallon can go to in order to gain the great education she lost, but what’s more is it will protect her from the people after her. The woman leads on that there may be more to the place than just a school, but anything sounds better than having her teeth pulled out – or her body at the bottom of an ocean, so she agrees to give it a try. After all, the place was where her saviour attended and it gave her the ability to open the escort club that is such a huge success today – even if it is illegal. So, agreeing, the woman helps her get in and the next thing Fallon knows is she’s heading off to The Institute – to get a lesson of a lifetime. However, at what price will that come?
Pre-established Connections:
Bio written by: Jay
Main - Plot - Rules - Ask - Apply
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Fallon || 21 || Human || Slave || Nicola Peltz FC
Character Name: Fallon St. Clair Nickname: Ally Birthday (Month/Day): June 9 Age: 21 Master, Mistress, Professor or Slave: Slave Masters/Slaves - Area of Study: Dramatic Arts/Theatre Year of Study: Freshman Species: Human Orientation/Preference: Bisexual I am a: Switch I want a: Dominant / Switch Turn Ons: Edging, Hair Pulling, Lingerie, Role Play, Dirty Talk, Power Exchange/Struggle, DDLG, Marking, Sexting, Impact Play, Bondage, Multiple Partners, Sensation Play, Voyeurism Turn Offs: Watersports, Vore, Gore, Fisting, Bad Hygiene, Gagging (Receiving), Scat, Electrical Play, Public Humiliation, Knife Play Face Claim: Nicola Peltz Player: Is Fallon right for you?
Fallon St. Clair was the girl who thought she’d have everything when she was younger. Beauty, brains, a good education, and a rich husband that would cater to her every desire. That may have been a possibility for the girl if her whole world hadn’t been flipped upside down when she was 18. Fallon came home to find her rich parent’s fighting, it wasn’t normal of them to do so, considering both were happy with their lavish lifestyle, but what she learned had struck fear into her 18 year old heart. She found out that her father’s company had gone bankrupt and on top of that the bank was repossessing everything they owned to pay off the loans he had taken out to keep their family living the way they were used to. At first this blow was devastating, they went from living in a 14 bedroom mansion to a 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. Despite that, Fallon was convinced that her family would be able to stick it out, and that they would eventually be whole again. Her world had been rocked and as if the girl could stand another blow she came home one day to find her father hanging from a ceiling fan, he’d committed suicide, and suddenly it was just Fallon and her mother.
Her mother ended up in a deep depression, not moving out of her room for days, unless it was to get another bottle of alcohol. So Fallon did the only thing an 18 year old with no more education could do, she went out and got a minimum wage job at some shitty restaurant, serving horrible customers, and trying to survive off almost nonexistent tips. She’d managed for a while to pay the bills and the rent, but with any money they had left and her mother not helping at all, things turned bad fast. In short, her mother ended up cursing her out, saying she was to blame for their poor situation and the death of her husband. In a drunken rage she’d fought with Fallon and kicked her out, telling her to never return again. Since then she never looked back, never went to see her mother again, and continued working at that horrible job to pay for her one bedroom apartment. Though the job was less than glamorous, Fallon counts herself lucky because that’s the place where she met the woman who changed her life, an owner of an escort club. The woman came into her workplace and the two ended up talking, having dealt with somewhat similar situations the other woman sympathized and told her how much more she could be doing with the body and face that she had. This intrigued Fallon and she quickly took her chances at the one place she ended up loving.
Now, years later Fallon is back to living in her lavish lifestyle, though less of her money goes to shoes and clothes and more of it goes up her nose with her new found addiction. Cocaine, it seems to make her world go round and she doesn’t know why she never experienced the high earlier. She used to be this rich, stuck up girl, but now she’s more down to earth because of her life experience. Some would say she lost her class the day she lost her mansion, but Fallon couldn’t give two fucks about that. She’s willing to do anything for a taste of the drug. While she’s so busy trying to find her next fix, or enjoying her night with a client, will she ever stop to wonder why her father hanging off the ceiling that night never had a chair to get there? If she had she may have realized the only reason for her father’s death was the fact that he owed the mafia money, after they heard of Fallon gaining some cash with escorting they’ve come after her, and the woman who got her into the business in the first place once again comes in to help her out.
There is a school, a place Fallon can go to in order to gain the great education she lost, but what’s more is it will protect her from the people after her. The woman leads on that there may be more to the place than just a school, but anything sounds better than having her teeth pulled out – or her body at the bottom of an ocean, so she agrees to give it a try. After all, the place was where her saviour attended and it gave her the ability to open the escort club that is such a huge success today – even if it is illegal. So, agreeing, the woman helps her get in and the next thing Fallon knows is she’s heading off to The Institute – to get a lesson of a lifetime. However, at what price will that come?
Pre-established Connections:
Bio written by: Jay
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Fallon || 21 || Human || Slave || Nicola Peltz FC
Character Name: Fallon St. Clair Nickname: Ally Birthday (Month/Day): June 9 Age: 21 Master, Mistress, Professor or Slave: Slave Masters/Slaves - Area of Study: Dramatic Arts/Theatre Year of Study: Freshman Species: Human Orientation/Preference: Bisexual I am a: Switch I want a: Dominant / Switch Turn Ons: Edging, Hair Pulling, Lingerie, Role Play, Dirty Talk, Power Exchange/Struggle, DDLG, Marking, Sexting, Impact Play, Bondage, Multiple Partners, Sensation Play, Voyeurism Turn Offs: Watersports, Vore, Gore, Fisting, Bad Hygiene, Gagging (Receiving), Scat, Electrical Play, Public Humiliation, Knife Play Face Claim: Nicola Peltz Player: Is Fallon right for you?
Fallon St. Clair was the girl who thought she’d have everything when she was younger. Beauty, brains, a good education, and a rich husband that would cater to her every desire. That may have been a possibility for the girl if her whole world hadn’t been flipped upside down when she was 18. Fallon came home to find her rich parent’s fighting, it wasn’t normal of them to do so, considering both were happy with their lavish lifestyle, but what she learned had struck fear into her 18 year old heart. She found out that her father’s company had gone bankrupt and on top of that the bank was repossessing everything they owned to pay off the loans he had taken out to keep their family living the way they were used to. At first this blow was devastating, they went from living in a 14 bedroom mansion to a 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. Despite that, Fallon was convinced that her family would be able to stick it out, and that they would eventually be whole again. Her world had been rocked and as if the girl could stand another blow she came home one day to find her father hanging from a ceiling fan, he’d committed suicide, and suddenly it was just Fallon and her mother.
Her mother ended up in a deep depression, not moving out of her room for days, unless it was to get another bottle of alcohol. So Fallon did the only thing an 18 year old with no more education could do, she went out and got a minimum wage job at some shitty restaurant, serving horrible customers, and trying to survive off almost nonexistent tips. She’d managed for a while to pay the bills and the rent, but with any money they had left and her mother not helping at all, things turned bad fast. In short, her mother ended up cursing her out, saying she was to blame for their poor situation and the death of her husband. In a drunken rage she’d fought with Fallon and kicked her out, telling her to never return again. Since then she never looked back, never went to see her mother again, and continued working at that horrible job to pay for her one bedroom apartment. Though the job was less than glamorous, Fallon counts herself lucky because that’s the place where she met the woman who changed her life, an owner of an escort club. The woman came into her workplace and the two ended up talking, having dealt with somewhat similar situations the other woman sympathized and told her how much more she could be doing with the body and face that she had. This intrigued Fallon and she quickly took her chances at the one place she ended up loving.
Now, years later Fallon is back to living in her lavish lifestyle, though less of her money goes to shoes and clothes and more of it goes up her nose with her new found addiction. Cocaine, it seems to make her world go round and she doesn’t know why she never experienced the high earlier. She used to be this rich, stuck up girl, but now she’s more down to earth because of her life experience. Some would say she lost her class the day she lost her mansion, but Fallon couldn’t give two fucks about that. She’s willing to do anything for a taste of the drug. While she’s so busy trying to find her next fix, or enjoying her night with a client, will she ever stop to wonder why her father hanging off the ceiling that night never had a chair to get there? If she had she may have realized the only reason for her father’s death was the fact that he owed the mafia money, after they heard of Fallon gaining some cash with escorting they’ve come after her, and the woman who got her into the business in the first place once again comes in to help her out.
There is a school, a place Fallon can go to in order to gain the great education she lost, but what’s more is it will protect her from the people after her. The woman leads on that there may be more to the place than just a school, but anything sounds better than having her teeth pulled out – or her body at the bottom of an ocean, so she agrees to give it a try. After all, the place was where her saviour attended and it gave her the ability to open the escort club that is such a huge success today – even if it is illegal. So, agreeing, the woman helps her get in and the next thing Fallon knows is she’s heading off to The Institute – to get a lesson of a lifetime. However, at what price will that come?
Pre-established Connections:
Bio written by: Jay
Main - Plot - Rules - Ask - Apply
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thegreekshq-blog · 7 years
the following roles have 48 HOURS to become active again:
charlie aakster ( @charlieaakster )
if you’d like a hiatus, feel free to let us know. note that reblogging musings, pictures, etc… does NOT count as activity !!
the following roles are on HIATUS:
aria ( finley lincoln ) from 07/12 until 05/01
megan ( james hensen, hailey nicholson & patrick o’bryne ) from 13/12 until 27/12 HIATUS HAS ENDED
cat ( isaiah desai, dominic diaz & monica ‘baby’ reeves ) semi hiatus from 13/12 until 13/01
bay ( marina st. claire. ) from 13/12 until 29/12 HIATUS HAS ENDED
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