#Don Hershman
jonfarreporter · 5 months
“Pride Not Prejudice” exhibit opens in Sausalito June 12
While some might question the use of the name of “Pride Not Prejudice,” for an art exhibition this summer, the correlation between the classic 19th Century novel and this year’s art exhibit at Sausalito Center for the Arts (SCA) celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride is noteworthy.
When author Jane Austin published her novel “Pride and Prejudice” in 1813, she extolled the “new idea” of marrying for love. And, despite what convention demands, a woman should choose whom she wants to marry.
Historians of Austin and the 19th Century do debate whether or not Austin was ahead of her time. But regardless of Austin’s sense of tradition and convention, she was bold and brave to assert herself.
Here’s where the correlation of the title is to the upcoming art exhibit “Pride Not Prejudice” which opens at SCA during LGBTQIA+ Pride month on June 12.
Like Austin, LGBTQIA+ people have been asserting themselves in various ways even before “Gay Pride” and “Gay Rights” became an official movement or initiative of change.
Yet, also like Austin, many LGBTQIA+ people in previous times and places did whatever they could in their own unique way to choose to love honestly and live authentically. Like Austin this was done in subtle inconspicuous ways and anonymously.
Even as Austin’s work was well-received in her lifetime, her work was initially published anonymously “Unfortunately, the publisher made more money on ‘Pride and Prejudice’ than the author did,” says Mary Mintz, president of JASNA - the Jane Austin Society of North America.
Still, the fact that Austin persevered in her endeavor to write and express herself in the arts helped open the door to equal rights and the Suffragette movement of the early 20th Century.
And so, use of the Austin novel title as the exhibit’s theme is probably most appropriate if not a bit serendipitous.
The diverse “Pride Not Prejudice” exhibit showcases original artworks by 19 accomplished LGBTQIA+ California-based artists. The six-week exhibit is curated by Joseph Abbati and Charles Stinson.
“I am excited to see this exhibit come together,” said Abbati who has been collaborating with Stinson and SCA executive director Shiva Pakdel for several months in the planning. The show which will have an interesting eclectic array of works will also include two and three dimensional art encompassing all mediums.
“Getting all the pieces and works together, hanging and arranging them in the gallery space will be an experience in itself,” said Abbati.
SCA is fortunate to have Abbati as his experience at putting together art exhibits is extensive. “I’ve got eight exhibit/events happening this spring and summer,” he said. “So my plate as it were is full.” “Still, I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity because SCA does a good job with organizing art events.”
“This is the 2nd annual ‘Pride Not Prejudice’ exhibit and it was a nice turn out of attendance last year,” Abbati said. He’s looking forward to an even greater turnout as SCA’s presence and recognition in the community continues to grow.
Speaking about the title of the exhibit, Abbati said. “I like it!” “People should be proud of who they are and put aside prejudices.”
Pointing to the fact that art is a powerful catalyst for change, Abbati said. “Even if It’s uncomfortable, it’s always uplifting to expose people to things; to new ideas and experiences they haven’t seen, heard of or even thought of before.”
“A reaction from an audience/viewer of art it stirs questions,” said Abbati. “That’s what I appreciate, art can encourage some sort of discourse or discussion.”
Abbati will be featuring some of his work in the exhibit from his series entitled “Shape Shifters.”
“It’s a metaphor, said Abbati (painting a face or image from two different angles) and it represents what many LGBTQIA+ people go through to fit into everyday society.” Interestingly Abbati isn’t alone in his perception, artist and surgeon Don Hershman has a series of paintings that will be featured in the ‘Pride Not Prejudice’ exhibit called, “Code Switching.”
“I did the series in double imagery as a metaphor,” said Hershman. He’s honored to be asked by Abbati to participate in the exhibit. Similar to what Abbati expresses in his series, “it’s what people do to to fit into society,” said Hershman. Just about all people change their way of speaking and acting so to fit into the established norm.”
Yet, while the metaphor of this ‘switching and shape-shifting’ has a universal truth to it that many people can relate to, stringent and often restrictive social norms can be very difficult for LGBTQIA+ people. Which as both Abbati and Hershman noted, raises the question of, “is that fair and just?”
“Society sets up social norms and constructs, some of them are hypocritical,” said Abbati. As someone who worked for years in the corporate sector, Abbati knows how that can disrupt and affect a person’s life. Hershman knows that as well as anyone who has dedicated themselves to a disciplined profession like medicine, the pressure to be “perfect” can be exhausting if not in some ways demoralizing.
Coming from immigrant-stock parents of a working class background, Hershman was urged if not expected to pursue a respectable and stable profession. “I was interested in science and medicine, but I loved art,” Hershman explained.
“My parents were frightened, petrified that my love of art and propensity to draw and do sketching would lead me into a life of poverty.”
It was later in life when Hershman had the opportunity to show his work and then eventually devote more time to it. Fortunately for Hershman, his artistic talent as well as his medical training served him well. Art and science, “surgery and sketching/painting do have a parallel,” Hershman said. “They have a flow, the skills I think complement each other.” For me, it’s fluid, he added.
Hershman and Abbati became acquainted during the “de Young Open” triennial exhibit at de Young Museum in San Francisco, in September of 2023. More than 7,000 artists applied. The competition was intense. Abbati and Hershman were selected to be among the 883 from the nine Bay Area counties to have their work on display at the de Young.
“We have been friends ever since,” said Abbati. Understanding how important it is for artists to come together, Abbati and Hershman see the upcoming exhibit at SCA as not only important but significant.
Noting how far society has progressed, Abbati said. “Gay wasn’t always as inclusive in the past (more than 50 years ago) it was mostly about gay white men.” “Yet now it’s LGBTQIA+ and I like that,” said Abbati.
Commenting on how convenient it is to confine one’s identity to a box, like an item on a check list or some little compartment. “There’s always going to be people who are not ready for a cultural shift,” he said. “Life isn’t as linear as people think,” said Abbati.
One thing about any and all ‘Pride Celebrations’ is that it stirs up people to not just be aware but to think. Think about new ways of thinking and being truly and fully human.”
“Pride Not Prejudice,” an exhibition celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride Month opens June 14 and continues through to July 7. Meet The Artists reception is on Saturday June 15. Jazz performance and light refreshments will be included. Reception goes on from 5:00 to 8PM.
SCA Gallery is open Wednesday through Sunday, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Sausalito Center for the Arts is located at 750 Bridgeway Sausalito. For more information visit the SCA website.
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fdmlovesfashion · 11 months
the ART of it: MvVO Art show and Clio Awards celebrate Contemporary Artists
the ART of it: MvVO Art show and Clio Awards celebrate Contemporary Artists! The MvVO ART SHOW 2023 announced a group of winners at Powerhouse Arts last week in Brooklyn. Top Honors went to Parme Marin for sculptural and mixed media works that exemplify a depth of emotion coupled with explorations of spatial dynamics. Known both for her eponymous fashion line and work for Hermes, she has recently…
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polkadotmotmot · 5 months
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Don Hershman - Barn #2, 2024 - Acrylic, pencil, and ink on wood panel
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apl-wgss280 · 3 years
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"Lynn Hershman Leeson, Roberta Construction Chart #1, 1975 Like Sherman, Lynn Hershman Leeson often used herself as a canvas on which to explore identity and ideas of female roles in society. In her Roberta Breitmore series, which she worked on between 1974 and 1979, the artist took on a new role as a stereotypical, all-American “ideal” woman. Far from simply donning “Roberta’s” wig and makeup, Hershman Leeson went as far as creating her entire existence – verified with credit cards, a driving license, and even psychiatrist letters. The work feels powerfully resonant today, in a world where identities are never simply inherent, but constructed digitally, and these examinations of reality and authenticity of the self are needed more than ever." - https://www.anothermag.com/art-photography/9082/five-photographs-that-formed-the-feminist-avant-garde
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willfredo247 · 6 years
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I’ve been commissioned to create a series of 3D prints for this group exhibition at the Ludwig Forum in Aachen, west Germany. Opening 21 Feb 2019.
More info:
The exhibition Lust der Täuschung. From ancient art to virtual reality, the wide-ranging panorama is dedicated to the most diverse aesthetic forms of appearance of illusion, illusion and simulation. With around 100 works from four millennia, the exhibition presents fascinating examples from the fields of painting, sculpture, photography, film, video, immersive and interactive media art, augmented and virtual reality (AR / VR), applied art and design. It thus offers a highly entertaining course through the (art) history of illusion and simulation. In times of fake news, alternative realities and a general uncertainty about our idea of ​​reality, the show stimulates a highly topical discourse.
Artists in the Exhibition:
Laurie Anderson & Hsin-Chien Huang, Tim Berresheim, Manuel Boden, Louis-Léopold Boilly, Mark Boyle, Julius Brauckmann, Cornelis Brisé, Franz Buchholz, Henri Cadiou, Vija Celmins, Oliver Cieslik & Barbara Schenk, Chuck Close, Edwaert Collier, Daniel Crooks, Matthew Day Jackson, Jacques de Gheyn II, John De Andrea, Thomas Demand, Melchior d´Hondecoeter, Jan Dibbets, Jim Dine, Pierre Ducordeau, Sam Durant, Don Eddy, Anna Ehrenstein, Rainer Eisch, Mona el Gammal, Richard Estes, De Scott Evans, Firma Kraus, Walchenbach & Peltzer, Daniel Firman, Sylvie Fleury, Ceal Floyer, Will Fredo, Tom Früchtl, Pierre Gilou, Robert Gober, Duane Hanson, Jeppe Hein, Oliver Herring, Lynn Hershman, Leeson, Bastian Hoffmann, Suse Itzel, Christian Jankowski, Karl-Heinz Jeiter, Howard Kanovitz, Alexander Kluge, Thomas Lambertz, Constantin Leonhard, Auguste & Louis Lumière, Emmanuel Maignan, Manufaktur Choux, Niderviller, Straßburg, Lucy McKenzie, Georges Méliès, Matthäus Merian d. Ä., Roland Mertens, Philipp Messner, Monogrammist CMK, Vik Muniz, Jud Nelson, Till Nowak, Evan Penny, Markus Raetz, Hans Peter Reuter, Gerhard Richter, Randall Rosenthal, John Rummelhoff, Andreas Slominski, Monika Sosnowska, Nancy Stevenson Graves, Elaine Sturtevant, Akihiko Taniguchi, Toast VR, Michael Triegel, James Turrell, Lina Uchida, Ron van der Ende, Han van Meegeren, Jens Volbach, Andy Warhol, Julia Weißenberg, Matthias Wollgast, Liu Ye
Curator Team Aachen: Andreas Beitin and Annette Lagler
Curatorial Assistant: Dominik Bönisch
Exhibition assistance: Marie Gentges
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teamodierno-blog · 7 years
7 Rules of Maximizing Synergy Marketing
7 Rules of Maximizing Synergy Marketing
The average business person spends less than 20 percent of their time marketing. Why not spend more time on this important task? There is not enough time. This is why the typical sales person has too much stress in their life. They are spending too much of their day dealing with customers, paper work and fighting fires. They are spending too little of their day marketing – which they know will…
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mdwolverine · 5 years
race strategy: “Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” Hershman, don´t get mad
-my thoughts circa Fall 2010
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rwcop2 · 7 years
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Lynn Hershman LeesonCleveland, Ohio (b. 1941)
Between the years of 1974 and 1976, artist Lynn Hershman Leeson abandoned her identity and adopted another: her new name was Roberta Breitmore. Leeson accomplished this feat by donning a blonde, Marilyn Monroe-style wig, a face full of makeup, and a different, learned way of moving about the world. She also acquired a driver’s license, opened a bank account and got a credit card.
Over the course of these two years, Leeson attended art openings, dated men, visited a psychiatrist, all under the guise of being another. “If you go back to that time in the 1970s, she had more relevance and more authenticity than I did,” the artist said, as quoted in the catalog. “Through fiction you can sometimes get to a deeper truth.” Through her work, Leeson explored the constructed nature of feminine identity, molding her own hybrid being through the costumes, technologies and borrowed behaviors all women adopt.
In the image above, “Roberta Construction Chart #1,” Leeson shows viewers the transformation that she underwent to become her character. Her face becomes its own topography, illuminating the work that went into the making of her femininity and herself. Somewhere between a scientific chart and a plastic surgery sketch, the image reflects on what women go through simply to become “themselves.”
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fdmlovesfashion · 1 year
Artist Don Hershman Premieres “The Art of Code Switching” Exhibition at Salomon Arts Gallery in New York City
Following his last sold-out show in New York, ‘Donald and Victor:  Under the Influence,’ visionary artist Don Hershman has again turned his passion to purpose with his newest exhibition. Artist Don Hershman premieres 20 new paintings at “The Art of Code Switching” Exhibition at Salomon Arts Gallery in Manhattan’s Tribeca district, New York.  The artwork uses single and double imagery, color and…
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polkadotmotmot · 1 year
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Don Hershman - Tangerine, 2022
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teamodierno-blog · 7 years
Every Action Should Achieve More Than One Objective
Every Action Should Achieve More Than One Objective
As I indicated last week in my introductory letter, Dave Hershman, in More Income with Less Stress, introduces seven rules of maximum synergy marketing. The first rule is that every action should achieve more than one objective. The book is predicated upon the fact that we all could increase our income if we had more time to market. But since agents do not have time, we must focus upon our…
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teamodierno-blog · 7 years
Don't Waste Synergy by Marketing Alone
Don’t Waste Synergy by Marketing Alone
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teamodierno-blog · 7 years
Some Targets Are More Effective Than Others
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teamodierno-blog · 7 years
Additional Doses of Synergy
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teamodierno-blog · 7 years
Response Mechanism
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teamodierno-blog · 7 years
Are You Adding Value?
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