#Don't ask where Leonie went
can u tell us more abt the pink butterflies route
Obviously, major spoiler warnings for FE3H below! It's a fictional route yes but it uses much canon lore and story concepts!
SO.... the Rosé Wings route obviously begins when Byleth decides to teach Bronwen's house. As a side note, if Byleth doesn't choose them, a new teacher character named Orinthia Lyne teaches the Pink Butterflies house. Although, no matter if Byleth selects them or not, a teaching assistant named Rúna works as a helper to whomever teaches that house.
This route follows the same general beats pre-skip, except Bronwen oft remarks that something seems off with the portrayal of things in historical texts. When Edelgard leaves and declares war, Bronwen confesses to Byleth that she thinks something is severely wrong and that the whole thing feels orchestrated.
Post-skip, so five years later in game, Bronwen and her class [including most characters recruited before the skip] take up Garreg Mach as their base so Bronwen can be closer to monitoring the war. This route is by far the longest, as it involves consulting with Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard personally to gain information, with Bronwen remaining a neutral party as they fight mysterious soldiers.
Once the truth is uncovered, Bronwen and Byleth then work together and unite Fódlan against Those Who Slither in the Dark [TWSITD from here on cause lazy], even persuading Edelgard and unveiling that it was that group who experimented on her, partly for this reason. Thus, together, all their armies unite in one massive final battle, completely eradicating TWSITD and saving Fódlan from their painful influence.
The final battle is a HUGE DEAL and even involves multiple "teams" being lead that the player transitions to across the fight. In theory, they are the houses, but they can be selected aside from the two leaders. The default teams are;
-Bronwen [locked unit], Gareth [locked unit], Deirdre, Islwyn, Askr, Freyja, Delwyn, Althea, Yuri [if Ashen Wolves DLC is installed], Rúna.
-Dimitri [locked unit], Dedue [locked unit], Felix, Ashe, Sylvain, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Hapi [if DLC is had], Portia [OC who also appears in this route dw abt it].
-Claude [locked unit], Hilda [locked unit], Balthus [if DLC is had], Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Lysithea, Marianne, Rosalind, Desdemona [both are OCs dw abt it]
-Edelgard [locked unit], Hubert [locked unit], Constance [if DLC is had], Ferdinand, Linhardt, Caspar, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Petra, Orinthia.
For the final strike/second phase, you can decide who is present in the unit and none of them are locked. After beating this fight, you then get a cutscene to end things off.
Unlike other routes, you choose who you s-support with after the final battle. Bronwen wishes you well in your proposal [which is funny if you pick her lmfao], and Fódlan is said to be at peace afterwards- cooperative and united into the future.
In short it's me being wishful and trying to let everyone be happy
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lollo-sw-br · 1 year
Guardians SW One-Shots: Leiah Bo-rah (Leo's Guardian): The Ultimate Challenge!
Soccer Field - Multi-sport Gym
Leiah Bo-rah is Leo's Guardian, she is very strong and skilled but has a serious insecurity problem, from a very young age, Leiah thought she wasn't enough, repressing herself and hiding her talents.
Several Guardians and Super Wings noted that Leiah always put herself to the side, hiding because she doesn't think she's good enough, doubting herself and her abilities as a guardian.
Leiah was practicing soccer with her friends, taught by Leonie and Lippie and I could tell Leiah wasn't okay with it
- Very well guardians - said Leonie - let's go to our positions, the game will start
Lippie stayed on as referee, the game started and everyone was trying their best to have control and pose of the ball, except Leiah, who remained on the sidelines.
Leyna passed the ball to her sister Leiah, who stalled out of sheer nerves.
- kick to the goal Leiah - said Leonie - What happened?
- Oh, I don't think so - Leiah said.- I know if I can
- Yes you can Leiah - said Leonie - come on, do your best!
- Okay - said Leiah going towards the goal
Leiah made a great goal, leaving Leonie surprised.
- Leiah! - said Leonie in surprise - What an amazing goal!
- Thank you - Leiah said shyly - Do you think I did well?
- You were amazing - said Lippie - Keep it up and become the top scorer of our team
The game ended and some guardians were leaving, Leonie and Lippie continued in the field with Leiah who had sat on the bench a little sad.
- Leiah, why are you like this? - said Leonie - you were so good today
- I think I messed up the team today - Leiah said - I stole too much attention for myself
- Leiah don't put yourself aside, be yourself - said Lippie - don't be ashamed of your abilities, you can do anything if you want to
- You're great and don't hide your abilities out of fear - said Leonie - I know you have a lot of skill and you can be sure that Leo is more than safe with you as his Guardian.
- you think? - asked Leiah - are you sure?
- I've never been so sure - said Lippie - you're wonderful, value yourself more
- I'll try - Leiah said
- Very good - Said Leonie and Lippie
Autodrome - World Aircraft
Leo was preparing for his performance at the World Airport racetrack, where he would show his skills with curves, climbs, descents and maneuvers at high speed, Leah was there, giving all her support to her Super Wing, along with her sisters and their Guardian friends. Unfortunately Leyna saw Laginie in the stands, that meant one thing: Mambo was there too and Laginie was going to try to ruin Leo's performance, Leiah would need to be on the alert.
- Leiah, we have a problem - Leyna said to Leiah
- What's Happening? - asked Leiah
- Laginie is here - said Leyna - I think she's trying to ruin Leo's presentation
- She won't - Leiah said - I won't let her.
- Do your job my sister - said Leyna - She cannot go unnoticed.
- Let's stay alert if something happens - said Leiah - I can't allow my Super Wing to fall into one of your traps
Leo shows up to do his show, Leah was looking forward to seeing Super Wing in action, but Leiah was worried about what might happen if Laginie messed up.
Leo waved at Leiah and began his presentation, making curves and more curves super difficult, in the part of the jumps with obstacles, Leo started well, however ..... Laginie dropped a small grenade, which hit Leo's rear wheels squarely, Leiah got up from her seat ready to go after Laginie.
- What did Leia think? - Laginie said mockingly - Leo is such a weak Super Wings
Every word Laginie said, the angrier Leiah got, Leyna was also burning with hatred for Laginie, but he had to maintain control, because this time the fight was Leiah's.
Leiah went to help her Super Wing that had been injured by what Laginie had done.
- Leo! - said Leiah - Are you all right?
- Leiah, I'll be fine - Leo said - Don't worry Leiah
Laginie, would land another one of her bombs on Leo, this series more devastating than the last.
- Goodbye Leo - said Laginie throwing her bombs once more
Leiah didn't think twice and gave a rocket kick identical to the one she did in soccer game with Leonie and Lippie, before the Bomb hit Leo, the bomb was kicked away, thus preventing further damage.
- I don't believe! - said Laginie - lost again!
Before Lolla, Likkie and Ladja arrested her, she used one more of her bombs to get out of there quickly, thus returning to the Kim-il Clan Hideout.
Everyone came towards Leo and Leia to check if the two were ok.
- Leiah! - said Lippie - you were amazing! your rocket kick stopped Laginie!
- I think I put into practice the advice you gave me earlier - Leiah said
- Good job Leiah - said Leonie - you overcame your insecurity to save your Super Wing.
- Thank you girls for for helping me - Leiah said - I couldn't have done it without your help.
Rescue Riders entered the track to take Leo to the hospital, as the bomb that Laginie threw at him damaged his rear wheels.
- Don't worry Leiah - Zoey said - Leo is in good hands
- Alright - Leiah said - I trust you Rescue Riders
Leiah was taken by her sisters to Bo-rah Palace, to rest and recover from what happened. While Leo, he was taken to the hospital to be treated.
The end
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meissashush · 2 years
For the OC ask game, Rosea 1, 10, 16, 24
From the Apophasis ask game, for KGLore! Rosea Leonis is my OC. If you don't want to hear me go on about her forever and ever, please blacklist #Rosea Leonis.
Name or Nickname they hate or don’t use
Rose or Rosy. Absolutely not. Not only does it make almost zero sense in Lucian (as they use a combination of a logographic system and three unique syllabaries that vary per region), but it also just sounds stupid. No.
Rosea, Ro, or Leonis. Anything else and she'll kick your ass.
10. What role(s) do they not play in their family?
(Real talk: This question confused me so much. Looking it up did not help, so I went to the source. They said it could be interpreted as just 'familial hierarchy', such as daughter, aunt, niece, etc. OR whatever the fuck this is. The latter seems more fun, so we'll do that.)
Rosea is the only child of a very busy single-father. This makes things complicated. In many ways, she's been pretty much every archetype listed, often concurrently, and with very little oversight. She has to be, it's only her and her Dad (for a while), after all.
That said, she's never the Power-Broker and it's impossible for her to be the Switchboard. Cor is the hierarchical peak of the family, as a default of being her Dad, and there's no way she's going to ever try to change that. As for knowing what's going on? The Citadel is synonymous with secrets. She almost never knows where her father is beyond a vague understanding of At Home and At Work. That's both for his safety and her's.
16. What food can they not make, but like to eat?
Rosea is a fairly competent cook. She's no Iggy, but it's edible and sometimes actually good. That said...
What kind of fucking witchcraft is lamented dough? And meringues? Macarons? What in the ever living fuck is going on in Tenebrae, and how the fuck can she get it injected into her veins?
24. Who is someone they didn’t date or try to date and why?
What a very long list. I'm going to assume this means people they were interested in, but ultimately did not pursue, for ease.
And the answer?
Gemma "Basil" Basileus.
Centreback of her high school soccer team, the infamous number 5. Tall, dark, and extremely handsome. Rosea orbited around her like an asteroid moon around a stunningly beautiful planet, at least when they were at practice. Basil was the nicest person on Eos, with biceps to match, and could (and often did) lift Rosea onto her shoulders with ease.
She was also, unfortunately, the beloved daughter of the CEO of LuciChrome LTD. Given her father's very notable role in the government, Rosea wasn't exactly allowed to 'form alliances' that might be 'misconstrued by the people'. Which, given the sorts of people who went to the number one elite private school in Insomnia, meant all of her classmates.
Kid wasn't allowed to date. So she didn't. Much to Cor's relief.
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lananiscorner · 2 years
Aww you only like Lorenz somewhat D: he's my favorite Golden Deer. Oh well, I guess we won't always have the same tastes xD I think Leonie is a character who gets a bad rap, but it's simultaneously something I can understand WHY she gets that bad reputation. First impressions hurt many characters, Lorenz included. But I think for Leonie, it's a shame because if the story was different, if Byleth remembered her and they were former pals, she could have been greatly integrated into 3H with Byleth.
Thanks for your ask, anon.
Imagine how boring the world would be if everyone had the same tastes. XD Lorenz is a bit of a difficult case for me. I will put the rest under the cut, since some of it is Lorenz critical, but I still want to tag it with his name for future reference. If any Lorenz fans read this, please continue at your own discretion:
It is hard to describe just how visceral my reaction to his original approach re: finding the right future spouse was, because... I am a woman. And I have had to deal with multiple dudes in my life who just could not or would not take a hint. I am STILL dealing with such dudes to this day. Just last month someone stalked me on Discord. So when I first saw Lorenz, my mind immediately went "oh goddess, he's one of THOSE assholes". His pompous "I am the epitome of a perfect noble" attitude didn't do him any favors either, but the final nail in that coffin was the presence of Ferdinand, who is also a bit of a pompous ass, but much less annoyingly so (at least in my personal opinion). So to me pre skip Lorenz was essentially "Ferdinand, but insufferable".
My opinion of him improved quite a bit after the time skip, to the point where if I had to put him in a tier list, he'd be B tier. No-one I'm ever gonna rave about, but nobody I dislike either. He's fine. Post time skip Lorenz imo is still a bit of a pompous ass, but without being insufferable, so basically he's caught up to Ferdinand lol. Also, I love his support chain with Ignatz and I wish they had a paired ending where Ignatz becomes his painting knight and Lorenz becomes immortalized as the noble whose keen eye for and support of artistic talent in commoners allowed dozens of commoners to pursue widely successful careers in the arts.
As for Leonie, I think what would have saved my initial impression of her for sure was if they had changed 3 lines from her B support:
And it's like you don't appreciate Captain Jeralt at all, or how lucky you were to have him around your whole life! Ugh! It still really bothers me! You might be his kid, but I'm still his best apprentice! Got it?!
Because this support does not unlock until after Jeralt dies. I played AM first, so for a long time, I didn't really have access to most of Leonie's supports except for the one with Byleth (since the only way to make her gain suppport with others would have been meals, which I was far too busy using for recruitment and motivating my Lions). So for the longest time, literally all I had of her was her C support with Byleth, her exploration dialogue and her locked B with Byleth. I reckon it was the same for many other BE/BL players. When the support unlocked after Jeralt died, I fully expected these two to trauma bond over his death, and in the beginning it looked like they would... but then it led to... that. And honestly, there are few things that can tank my opinion of a character as quickly as how they treat a person in mourning. Claude and Edel also went down SERIOUSLY in my personal graces after seeing their reactions to Jeralt's death, to the point where my opinion on neither of them ever fully recovered from that. So I think if they had just changed those three lines above to something more like:
And it seemed like you didn't appreciate Captain Jeralt at all, or how lucky you were to have him around your whole life! ... But now seeing how you have been since... I don't know. It still bothers me, but... I guess we both lost someone irreplaceable.
And that would have been enough. That alone right there would have pushed her from "Oh screw you too, Leonie, I would unrecruit you if I could!" into "You know, it's annoying how much you talk about Jeralt, but I guess everybody needs a hyperfixation." territory.
Oh well. She still ended up being my favorite Golden Deer. XD
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lingeringscars · 3 months
⭐ as is tradition
Akilah- gigi because I think I could put her in yj if I think about it and there is something about her quickly viewing violence as a means to an end vs akilah not even picking up a weapon, ryan. i still don't know how we'll do that without creating a whole sep verse just for them or akilah lives au but yeah <3, leoni. oh you know nothing about this but YEAH THEM. she's actually described as walking sunshine but also has contributed to destruction. she's devoted her life to helping other people because she was saved from death + as a result someone died to help her. as for yj chars, I feel like we don't talk about shauna as much. and then gen.
Travis- if i don't say shauna here who even am i? can't explain this one as well but my gut does say percy too. or maybe i just miss him. I do think harper and travis would be really interesting because she has that directness and kindness where she'd be like dude wtf at his outbursts while also extending empathy to him bc she's been there re taking shit out on other people esp after dads dying. she would also initially want to help look for javi but would taper off as more time went by and it became unlikely he was still alive rip. tyler. that same teenage boy anger at the world, shitty fathers, not able to regulate emotions well and reactionary because of that. ryan. feeling responsible for siblings deaths. he's really good at just adapting to whatever needs you have so if you wanna talk or sit and drink or explode he got u travis. miller. being part of the in group to survive.
Melissa- shauna and van because there is so little and we can go wild thinking about it. her and spencer would have played a sport together or like if we stick with rival team, would have met against each other across multiple sports growing up. melissa would you have tried field hockey at some point. also harper. they can be snarky together. then ofc mari and gen. akilah vc: duh.
Allie- layla is my gut reaction because of how they were supposed to be somewhere that turned disastrous (the plane crash, her mom's car crash). i think allie would get completely on her nerves though and would Try to be understanding because it is a vicarious trauma while also like oh my god i can't stand you. christian would be like oh my god you weren't on the fucking plane. sorry allie. lydia. i'm not really sure with this one i was just thinking about them being tertiary to some stuff but still affected by it.
Van- finch or hope m if just because I am thinking about landon and van being friends. i just think while you were streaming would be such an important place for spencer but also going to the movies and parents that don't notice you weren't home. maddie because needing to be the one that takes on that caretaker role and isn't taken care of when they need it, running, etc. thinking about van & rachel having different arcs almost. them both going through something traumatic that results in a disability but while van becomes harder and deflects with humor, rachel leans more into humor and becomes lighter and freer. gen & shauna. harper + mothers that don't really notice you're gone. she wouldn't understand most of the pop culture references and would ask. like mari. love u van sorry about that. emma duval. reclaiming identities, disdain for modern technology after All That, almost dying 432 times. lucy and van should hook up.
Jessica- christian/adrian/sonya. i can see her having connections to their powerful families, basically. being hired to manage things by christian's extended family, covering up adrian's escapades, sonya's fall. idk! same with tyler. his dad was mayor so. you sent a meme for melinda but yeah her & may. doing what needs to get done, i can see her getting mixed up with shield stuff too. michael bishop because this reeks of nikita. lmao spencer. her loose connection to the team so trying to talk to her like those at the beginning of the pilot but like. she's been through shit of her own because of A so she's not gonna talk about that or the yj team but also that being a whole other thing.
Hayden- kaley. idk they could meet at college or something. striving for independence. christian. moving after traumatic events, family member (sister, aunt) that means everything to you and helped raise you. JAYMEE. they could have worked together but also they just have a lot in common. i have zero thoughts about lydia/hayden in yj but like why not. all <3 gen, shauna, van, nat, mari. jenna. jenna studying psychology and hayden for social work.
Callie- hey cal wanna meet your mom's friends? kaley, ryan. just want her to have friends. also they would listen to her talk if she ever wanted to do that. christian. family secrets are the hardest kind are they not? sally because closeted lesbians who sometimes do the wrong thing because they're just trying to cope with their families. thea because navigating Life. Mariana also understands going through it because of family drama. don't know how to explain it but lydia and callie + the way they interact with their moms. oh also emma duval and the way your mom's life comes for you personally (sorry maggie ily).
@itchose sent ⭐for potential dynamic combinations / always accepting
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fandom-meanderer · 5 years
give us your saddest and angstiest headcanons for claude seeing his s/o die on the battlefield! how would he react as it's happening, and what would he do afterward? how long would he mourn and would he try anything to get them back? i don't mind either pre time-skip or post time-skip! make us cry!
Saddest, angstiest, headcanons coming up, my dear.
It all happened so fast.
Unlike the other Deer, you and Claude stayed together. You followed him through thick and thin, and you supported his case no matter the stakes. You were always there for him, almost like you were conjoined at the hip. His partner in crime, his moonlight rendezvous, his back up, you were everything rolled into one. You even both shared the same opinion on this blasted war and you both worked together to try and find a peaceful end to it all. It all centered around all three of the original House leaders surviving, you both understood that, and it all relied on whether or not they were open to diplomatic relations. Claude, naturally, was always open to discuss peace with his previous classmates, the issue was with Dimitri and Edelgard, you both agreed. Regardless, to say you weren’t his most trusted confidant would be complete blasphemy. You were perfect to him, he was perfect to you, and that’s all that mattered.
It felt just like yesterday when the two of you reunited with the whole class, you and Leonie were smiling, talking about battles you have encountered, you and Raphael were keeping spirits up despite the detrimental war, you and Ignatz would paint portraits together of whatever random cat that strolled into the buildings, you and Lysithea read books on magic, you and Hilda were polishing weapons together, you and Marianne were tending to the horses, hell, even you and Lorenz were cracking jokes, and... And you and him were together. Then you were laughing amongst them like you used to, next you were training with that perfect smile on your face, gods, you were always able to find his weakness, weren’t you?
As long as you believed in each other, you would both get through this together, right?
So why?
Why did it have to be you?
And why did it have to be protecting him?
No, not Claude, you didn’t go down for him. You went down for Dimitri.
Dimitri of all people! The Feral King! The Boar Prince! Gods, there are so many more names for him Claude couldn’t even count them all. But still, there was that little voice in that pure heart of yours that always told you that the Dimitri both he and she were both friends with was still in there, and in fact he never left. But, by the Goddess above, how Claude wanted to rip that demon king’s head off and present it to Faerghus.
Oh gods... he sounds just like Dimitri now.
Is this what he felt?
Is this why he went insane?
He gets it now.
He finally understands, he understood it all when he realized that it only took five seconds. Five, that’s all the so called “merciful” Goddess gave you. In those five seconds, you were still able to turn to him, give him that damned smile he loved you for, then fall to the ground, with your blood staining the earth under you, that damned sword still impaled in you. And your own sword at that.
And, in a single heartbeat, he threw that accursed bow to the side and picked up your sword, he killed your assailant beyond question and charged into the frontlines himself, leaving no living being in his wake.
He was right about to kill Dimitri when he felt someone pulling him back. Raphael was the one who caught up first, Leonie came next, then the Professor. But in truth, it took all the Golden Deers to pry him out of that state, they realized that the only thing that would keep them alive is if they retreated from this bloody, bloody battle.
Claude’s throat was burning, his eyes stung, and his hands were bloodied and bruised. He was heaving, panting, and screaming all the same. This isn’t like him, he knows, usually he keeps his head cool, but that happened. That really happened. You were gone, and you were gone for good. And you died for such a stupid reason in such a stupid way, of all the ways to die it had to be like that. You had to hurt him like that. But you did it for a reason, you’d never just throw your life away. He knew that. He knew that. But he also knew that you would be slapping him senseless right now. So where were you?
“Something! Please, anyone do anything,” Claude plead. Marianne stood over your body, casting her healing spell, but she knew as well as anyone that there was nothing they could do. You were gone. And that was it.
There’s no turning back the clocks.
Byleth tried that, they tried everything to bring you back, but no matter the outcome, you always died. This was the best one. You got to say goodbye to Claude, after all. In all the other ones you either died alone or at the hands of Dimitri. And for some reason, Byleth understood more than anything why that wasn’t the best option.
Back at the monastery, things weren’t the same at all. Everything just seemed gloomier. All the flowers in the greenhouse withered, for one, you were always in charge of that, and no one could bring themselves to go into the building you loved so dear. The food in the dining halls just seemed more bland, for another, you weren’t there to experiment or blow up the entire darn kitchen. The whole area was just... dead.
Everyone missed you so much, too, not just Claude. Leonie lost one of her closest friends, Lysithea lost the closest thing she had ever had to an older sister, Raphael lost his optimist buddy, Ignatz lost his biggest fan, Hilda lost her best friend, Marianne lost her outlet, and Lorenz lost his means of getting through to Claude. But Claude? Claude lost everything when he watched you die.
Knowing this, Claude tried everything, and I mean everything, to bring you back.
He couldn’t do this without you.
He needed his confidant, his best friend, his lover. He needed you.
Claude wasn’t against any necromancy spells at this time. He wasn’t against sitting by your grave, slowly digging you out because “Dear Goddess! She can’t breathe in there, what if she isn’t dead?” It was a pitiful sight, really. Sometimes in strategy meetings he would habitually turn to his right side and ask what you think, and the first couple of times he did that was just so painful to watch, and the next few times were downright worrying because then Claude resorted to talking to himself as if you really were there.
All the deer kept their distance, they were all afraid of what Claude might do. What if he did end up like Dimitri? What if he really did dig your body up your grave? What if... what if he really brought you back? But it wasn’t you?
The Professor finally had to step in, remind Claude that he had an army to lead, and a war to stop. After all, isn’t that what you died for?
‘Isn’t that what you died for?’ Those words rang in Claude’s head endlessly.
After the fact, Claude was definitely different. He tried to keep up his original facade, but the rest of the deers knew so much better. They knew Claude, as much as they could at least, and they knew that he wasn’t handling this well. Once the Professor had gotten through with the Alliance leader, the rest of the deer rushed to help him through anything. Claude would joke that they were “babying” him, but really, what else could they do? After the rampage at Gronder Field, Claude realized what brought Dimitri down.
He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t be like that. There’s no way Dimitri was human anymore, but you died for that man. You died because you knew that deep down there was a solution to this war. And Claude couldn’t just put that to waste. But at the same time...
How could he do this without you?
Claude mourned for a long time. Even after the war, he was still mourning. Not even a statue in Almyra was enough to honor you, nothing ever would be. It was because of you, after all, that the war ended without anymore needless deaths. Your sacrifice brought Dimitri to his senses, after all. You were right all along, Dimitri was key in winning this war. And not a day went by where Dimitri felt never ending regret for what happened that day, and as much as Claude smiled through it, he never got over it either.
But for your sake, he’d pull his shit together and live up to the standard you died for. For your sake, he’ll pretend that he’s the same as ever, the schemer, the leader, the king. For your sake, he’ll stay on good terms with Dimitri, no matter how hard it was to look at him. For your sake, he’ll just be Claude.
Whoa that was longer than I thought, and a lot more out of character too. I was curious what would happen if Claude just snapped, you know? This kind of emerges from the whole flipped au but not really, I just wanted to focus on how he felt from then, idk, I think this ended up quite well in my opinion.
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Aurora Tummelt (my oc), Ardyn lucis caelum, Loqi Tummelt
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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Part 4:
The sound of drops of water dripping on the rocky ground was the only audible sound. The cold and the humidity were clearly felt, and the sound of the wind falling into the holes and piles around made the atmosphere more frightening. For a sleeping monster inside human skin, fear was meaningless! His buried eyelids were finally shaken by a layer of blood, and he slowly saw the ground in front of him like a TV screen full of glitch! Everything was jamming and the sound of the alarm was bothering his brain! Charging urgently needed to get rid of these damn bugs! He moaned relatively loudly and tried to get up, but it seemed like an obstacle in front of him! He frowned and turned his head to see what was going on. He stretched out his hand to break that iron ring, but he felt a sharp pain in all parts of the tension, his hand was broken! And he had just realized. If he didn't release himself, the pain wouldn't let him escape! It's true that he still didn't understand why it was closed! But every wise man knew that when he was chained to the wall like this, his life was in danger! He tried as hard as he could to move his broken left hand and instead turned his head towards his healthy hand. He pressed his lips together and tried to pull his hair out of his eyes by moving his head to the right! He took a deep breath and shook his hand with a sudden movement. He broke the iron ring and released his hand! A half-smiling smile settled on his lips and he quickly turned to release his broken arm, but just before the iron ring had been fenced around his wrist, an arrow came out of nowhere and the palm of his broken hand stared at the wall! He shouted loudly and closed his eyes tightly! He trembled with pain and weakness and saw red everywhere! Slowly he turned to see where the arrow came from and when it would hurt him so much. He hadn't fully turned yet when another arrow came and slammed his right shoulder against the wall! He gritted his teeth hard and growled at them! A growl of pain that, of course, had no human form! He was out of breath and stared angrily at the man who was coming towards him! he knew him! A fossil that was alive !! Contrary to the young general's outrage, Loqi Tummelt, Ardyn had a cold smile! Slowly he stepped forward and opened his hands to the sides as if he wanted to hug Loqi:
"I have to say that it's really hard to keep a behemoth king like that!"
Loqi's reaction was nothing but a mocking grin! He tried to hide his weakness behind his gaze and anger! He tilted his head slightly and addressed Ardyn in a very mocking tone:
" It's hard for you to keep a mouse, let alone me, who is my ultimate power and I will crush you!"
For a few moments, the silence of the room was disturbed only by water droplets, and then, Ardyn's slow and not so loud laughter! He dropped his hand and turned his head back and stared at the roof of the room!
"Oh, what a sad motive you have for me, little monster !!"
"Close your mouth and just open me again !!"
Ardyn's smile remained fixed on his face. As he looked at an unknown spot, he moved his tension from left to right and pressed his lips together:
"Hum! You're right, but ... I'm busy with my sweet girl!"
An evil smile settled on his lips and he stared at Loqi. Loqi's gaze became full of worry and anxiety, Aurora was in danger !! Especially now that he is captivating himself! Ardyn Half was annoyed by Aurora, and this style of torture forced Aurora to do anything! he tried to vent his anger:
"I swear to the gods, Ardyn .. bring disaster on her head.
Contrary to Loqi's obvious anger, Ardyn enjoys the annoyance of two sisters and a brother who are very close. Slowly he put his hand on the broken part of Loqi's hand and pressed it softly but firmly. Loqi's aching breath trapped behind his teeth and suffocated him, the pain of that pain when all his systems were disrupted. It was so hard, he couldn't keep himself awake, and if he fell he would die! He tried to save himself from fainting, but he couldn't. His weight was borne by his shoulder, which was nailed to the wall with metal and black arrow .. If something bad happened to his sister .. he would hold himself responsible .. forever!
On the other side of the story, Aurora was sitting on the floor, overwhelmed with mental unrest, her heart pounding like garlic and vinegar, squeezing the edges of her clothes, knowing Loqi was not in a good mood, she was inspired! She was afraid of losing her brother, she tried for years and was awaken many nights, to get her beloved Loqi out of that difficult and destructive tests alive! It's been exactly two days now that she didn't know about Loqi! She sold her motorcycle to make arrangements, but he refused to hear Loqi's voice once! She took a deep breath and got up from her place. She had to talk to that woman and ask her for help, the one whose name was Laura, and Aurora thought she was a simple glaive! She didn't even know her goal was that woman! Before she could get out of the tent, a glaive gently stepped ahead And stood before her. She turned her head toward that glaive. With the pressure that he put on her chest with his hand, she took a few steps back. That glaive's smile was nothing but has a negative feeling for Aurora. Her hands were ready to defend her, but before she could even tell if her thoughts were true or not, that glaive spoke, In a voice that belonged to someone else:
"I'm glad that Uncle Ardyn's dear is healthy !!"
Surprise and disbelief fell into the wave of turmoil. She went back so far as to hit the wall of the tent. She raised her head and stared at Ardyn, who had now returned to his body! She didn't need to pretend to be angry, her eyes subconsciously filled with hatred to the point that his tone was saved from the bitter poison of hatred:
" I thought I was free to see that ugly mess forever!"
Ardyn's hands gently touched her shoulders and he stopped behind her. He laughed softly and lowered his head to whisper in Aurora's ear, a whisper that smelled of resentment:
"Don't look for your brother, darling!"
The fact that Ardyn was talking about Loqi had only one meaning for Aurora, she couldn't resist and the tension was shaking! Her frown slowly subsided and she was scared ... it was the fear that was taking its toll, the fear of losing Loqi! She was so scared that not only her tension but also her voice trembled!
" Is he ... in your hands?
Ardyn had achieved his goal. The heavy shock he had given Aurora was enough for him! He laughed softly and walked away. He doesn't care about loqi or Aurora, it was just the little beads that Ardyn was entertaining himself with that! The main nut of Ardyn's story was Noctis! Almost no one from the Noctis family was left, except for one person.whom Ardyn needed for destroyed Noctis, a princess who was eating coffee with her love a few tents away! The person to whom Aurora was indebted! As he walked slowly, he opened his hands and leaned slightly toward the sky:
" Wounded and tired in my black fork! I promised Verstael to take him to him. He will be very happy!"
He stood and turned on his heel to Aurora and smirked mischievously:
" He is impatiently waiting for the new tests, my dear !!"
This tone was familiar to Aurora, and she could extract the purpose of Ardyn from her. Ardyn wanted something in exchange for Loqi, and told them so secretly how valuable that goal was, it didn't matter to Aurora even if her hateful uncle wanted her life! That goal was speculation .. She was the girl who wanted Verstael!
"What should I do to avoid giving Loqi to that humane hyena !!"
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Ardyn's laughter calmed Aurora, she had guessed that Ardyn wanted something of her, Ardyn's crooked steps were taken to the tent. He tied his hands gently behind his back and stood in front of the tent in soft, black smoke and ashes around the tension.
" Witness !! I ... want the princess !! A girl with long black and gray hair ... and eyes that surround the heavenly skies and gardens !!"
Aurora's gaze was fixed on Ardun's vacancy, her breath was trapped in her chest because she knew only one person with this address .. The eyes that surrounded the sky and the gardens of heaven .. There was no one but the woman who saved her life It was ...Laura !! She turned her head slowly towards the big tent under which Laura had taken refuge. She stared at her and her smile crept into her mind! If she was the princess of Lucis ... then she should have been the same example, who was stolen from Verstael 35 years ago ... and if she got their hands on it ... She would be destroyed! She thought that this was the only purpose of Ardyn. Unaware that Ardyn had other sinister plans and did not care about the will of Verstael!
When she reached the tent, she stood up and turned to Cor. She raised his finger as if she was getting permission from her teacher, and addressed Cor in a decisive tone:
"Let me talk, okay?"
A serious face was sewn to Laura without feelings. He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, not long after he looked at Laura again and answered with his hands locked on his chest.
"That good bait to Captured loqi! And she is now between us! We should not give her time that she can to spy!"
Unlike Laura, who trusted the girl, Cor did not feel good! He was worried about Laura, he was more worried about Laura than he was about Noctis! Laura is jewelry for nifs just when the crystal was in the hands of Nifs !! It was unlikely that even 0.1 percent of the girl would be spies! Maybe Loqi's sister deliberately thought she could come here! It was not unlikely. No matter how much he wanted to instill this feeling in Laura, it was useless! Laura was a wayward girl. If she knew that Cor was worried about her, she would risk herself more. Aurora's gaze was fixed on the princess and the man, who was much taller than her. She felt dumb and confused! She hugged her arms and leaned toward the ground to sort out her thoughts! Laura's gaze was fixed on Aurora. She wanted to ask her in the same way.Just as the opened her mouth to speak, Aurora stood and stared at her:
" I really need to save my brother! If he reaches to Nifelheim, nothing will be left of him!"
Frown come in between Cor's eyebrows! Is Loqi dying? to hell!! It didn't matter to him at all, unlike Laura, she understood Aurora's feelings. She also had a younger brother, Noctis!
"Don't worry, I'll help you, but I have a condition for you!"
" Unconditional condition! How can we believe that loqi is in danger! Why do you ask his enemy for help?"
Cor said, and Laura's reaction to this short, concise speech was just one thing, she rolled her eyes. She turned her head slowly and stared at Cor:
"my dear??"
My dear phrase, do not seal silence with Cor's lips. Aurora's gaze turned to Cor:
"I know who you are! I saw your photo before, Mr. Leonis! Loqi is in the worst condition right now and I have no one but him."
Cor's tone became even colder than before:
"I don't trust you either. If you like your brother, is better for you to go from here!"
Aurora's gaze turned oppressed towards Laura! She couldn't enter through a friendship with Leonis! So she had to wash laura's brain!
" Can I just talk to you?"
Laura's gaze slowly turned to Cor, and then her smile was realized cor that he was left her alone! Cor did not want this, but Laura was his princess! He had to follow her orders, he went out slowly but stayed behind the tent! Now that Aurora's loneliness had eased her mind, she took the opportunity to catch Laura! She could have used the same magic to take half of Laura hostage. Or she could hit her with a chair next to the bed. He looked down at the chair. If Laura defended herself in any way, Leonis would come and kill her! So she couldn't finish it with these methods! He stared at Laura! Seeing the blackness of her hair, her mind went to the black bag that was in her bag !! She had completely forgotten why Verstael had given her the drug, and Aurora wanted to have another use for it! Laura's gaze was fixed on Aurora's eyes, she didn't know why she didn't speak! She lowered her head slightly to see her eyes better:
"Aurora? Do you want to tell me something?"
Laura's voice brought Aurora's attention back to where she is now! He waved his hand slowly and then tried to speak as if she hated it!
"Do you have a brother who is in danger?"
She painted a sad smile on Laura's lips, slowly approached Aurora and put his hands on her shoulders:
"You were injured baby, rest, we will go after your brother soon!"
Laura's kind tone weakened Aurora's will. If Laura was a princess of lucis, and if the same pattern had really been stolen ... it would be easy for her to save loqi! But what if Laura wanted to kill Loqi anyway? Loqi was the one who attacked Insomnia, although Laura was kind, but what if her inner intentions were evil? Aurora had been hiding from people for many years. She had no relation with anyone except monsters in human clothes! She couldn't trust Laura! In addition, Laura, who was not in trouble, was finally clearing her mind !! But Loqi was killed !! These thoughts made Aurora regain her will! It's true that Laura was very angry with everyone in the army, but she never destroyed a rejected creature! That's when she is supported by her sister!
"Let me a moment!"
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Laura's smile became a little brighter and she slowly moved away from Aurora! As she walked away, Aurora rushed to her bag and looked inside. The little black bag had something inside that Aurora wanted to use to control Loqi, although it was made for Laura. The girl who saved her life and took refuge in her! He raised his head and turned to Laura. She was standing behind Aurora, staring at her phone. Maybe she was sending a message! It was the best opportunity! She picked up the ready syringe and slowly walked towards her! Laura's gaze was fixed on her brother's face, and she was smiling. He had sent a photo of his new armiger to show Laura. She just laughed at these naughty is chiefs. Noctis was happy to laugh with his friends, it was the best thing for him. Laura opened the selfie camera of her phone to take a picture of her armiger and show those 25 weapons to Noctis, but before she opened her armiger, she saw something else inside the camera, with a metal Syringe in aurora's hand! She quickly turned to defend herself, but even before he had fully turned, the syringe needle sank into her throat and its contents emptied into her body. Her phone dropped and she looked at Aurora in shock! She didn't know what was injected into her, but whatever it was, it made her body dry and she had no will to move! She let out a sigh of relief and frowned:
"what did you do?"
She really squeezed Aurora's throat. Her trembling hand calmed down in front of her nose to keep Laura silent, her voice trembling and her eyes filled with tears:
"Shush! You are at my service now! Don't talk and behave normally. Let's go out together right now"
She paused to control herself and pressed her eyelids for a moment until tears welled up. and again she looked at Laura angrily:
"You don't say anything to anyone, tell everyone to go and talk to each other, it's a private matter that has nothing to do with anyone! Now close your mouth and get out.
Laura was in front of that girl, without any will from herself !! She couldn't even hold her frown! Her presence trembled with anger, but she could not express it! He couldn't disagree with that girl! She couldn't even punch her hand! It's like that aurora is a master girl! And there is no other way but to execute the command:
" what did you do? Why can't I object damn!"
When she packed her bag and threw it on her shoulder, she answered Laura:
"It's a controlled drug! Don't name the method yet! You are under my control and you have to listen to me! Your resistance destroys you. Now let's go to your car !! You are the princess then you go first! And Shut up!"
Cor was right، that girl ... was not something she showed, she pressed her lips gently and went out involuntarily, she couldn't even answer! She went straight without looking around to
Her car! When she arrived, she stood and turned to Aurora. Laura wanted to punch her in the face, but only her hands were shaking. Aurora's gaze went to her hands and she stood in front of Laura, nodding her head to both sides, and looking at Laura with a worried look, there was nothing but anger and hatred in Laura's eyes and that made her conscience strong! She pointed to the car:
" Get on, driver!"
And again, it was Laura who was doing something without any will, sitting quietly behind the roll, talking quietly and without a word, if she couldn't pull her eyebrows together !!
For a moment, Cor's negligence ruined everything without realizing it. He only saw Laura walking with that girl, her usual frown getting a little thicker! Why did Laura go unnoticed? He also had no clear identity with a nickname! The Nifs were filthy creatures, and Laura's trust in one of them made Cor jealous! He did not move forward and stood there, staring at Laura's departure. Unlike Laura, who was always Cor in front of her car, there was no honking! And she didn't even smile at Cor! Laura's face was very cold and her eyes ... it felt weird! She understood, but she did not take any action. Cor shrugged and went back to his tent to rest. It was around the morning and the marshal was very tired! When Laura came back, he could talk to her!
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horrorboydyke · 5 years
I loved your Leonie and Sara one shot😍💕 I hope you don't mind me asking for another one. “How is my wife more badass than me?”
hey anon!!! thank you so much omg!!! that means the world to me and don’t be afraid to send me prompts cause i get so happy when i see that people wanna see my writing!! (read on ao3)
Sara liked to think she was a fearless girl, she was able to speak in public without having a meltdown, she was okay with clowns and she wasn’t afraid of the ocean while on the other hand, her wife Leonie, was afraid of many things mainly spider, snakes and the ocean. They usually don’t have many spiders in their apartment but when they do, Leonie lets everyone know by letting out an ear-piercing scream that causes anyone in the apartment to go running towards the sound. Sara still brings up the time when they had David and Matteo over for dinner and when Leonie went to get more wine, she found a spider and screamed so loud that David slipped over while he ran to make sure she was okay. 
A few weeks after that, they had both just gotten home from work and we’re chilling on the sofa, Sara curled up in a hoodie reading a book and Leonie on the other side of the sofa, scrolling through her phone and texting David. 
“Hey, honey?” Leonie asks to get Sara’s attention, Sara hums and looks up from her book. 
“David wants to know if we can take their little munchkin tonight so they can have a night to themselves, is that cool with you?” Leonie asks and Sara nods her head before getting up and going to get the spare room ready for Matteo and David’s daughter. 
Leonie and Sara talked about having kids but they both ended up deciding that neither of them actually wanted kids, they were fine with just spoiling Matteo and David’s daughter. 
A little while later they are sitting down and eating dinner with Tia, Matte and David’s daughter. She was talking about what had happened at school that day and talking about the boy she has a crush on. 
“Do your dads know that you like someone?” Sara asks as she takes a sip of her wine. 
“No, I thought that I should wait to tell my aunties cause they know what I should do,” Tia says after she takes a bite of her food. They talk for a while and they finish dinner, Tia goes to her room to do her homework and Leonie and Sara take the dishes to the kitchen. They are just quietly talking when they heard a loud scream coming from Tia’s room, they look at each other and go running towards her. 
When they get there, Tia is standing on her bed and is pointing towards the desk where a large spider is crawling across her book. Leonie screams and runs to stand next to Tia on the bed. Sara signs and leaves the room only to come back a few seconds later with bug spray and a dustpan. She sprays the spider and in a few seconds it stops crawling, she sweeps it into the dustpan and throws it in the bin, 
"How is my wife more badass than me?" Leonie asks when she and Tia come down from the bed. 
“That’s not saying much,” Sara teases lovingly. 
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queendua1 · 5 years
Druck rambling 🌹🌻
After rewatching the new clip like 988286994378 times and watching all the small details there, I have so say some things about this.
When the clip stars, we see a Matteo "I'm tired of this shit" Florenzi. Sara seems more excited than him to do the Abdi party thing. He even send Jonas a voice message saying that He doesn't want to do that all by himself. Then Sara makes that face of "emm hello? I'm here too" (she even said that).
Matteo's face doesn't say "I'm tired of this" instead you can see that he's thinking of another thing (probably David's texts and why he didn't replay to him), like, you can kind of see he's worried and kind of "angry". He don't want to be there, at least not with Sara.
When Léonie x David enter in the room you can tell that Matteo's face kind of light up a little but he's still angry with David cause he wanted to know what happened between them. You can tell he's also nervous. They went for a handshake like "people who knows each other do" (heieeueuehe David's face tho). And then when they left, Matteo said that he doesn't want to do the "balloon hanging" thing and then, the drama™ started. Sara asked Matteo what is wrong with him bla bla bla. Matteo said "stop", but not because he doesn't want to start a fight (which I don't think he wanted to) but because he knows how that conversation is going to finish, He knew Sara was going to get on his nerves and Matteo was going to say the truth (you can really see in his face that he didn't want to say the truth to her because he cares about her, even though is just as friend , but he really wants her to be happy and good with herself and she doesn't understands it because she doesn't know what is going on with him) which he doesn't want to do but He finally does it just to make Sara stop.
When Leonie x David enter the room again (Leonie just stop please udgdudgs) and David asks Matteo if everything OK, Matteo tells him that is not, David's face is like "if you want to tell me just, tell me, I'm here". (I really thought that Matteo was going to have a panic attack or something).
Matteo waits till Leonie leaves the room completely and then he asked the magic question™. When they leave, you can see Matteo's happiness in his face, he's happy that He and David are finally having some time together (alone) again.
The bicycle's scene is just PERFECT! You can see both of them being happy and free (kind of), it also shows a little bit of Berlin (which I loved) and you can really tell that the city aesthetic is going to be an important part in this season. (I wish I knew more German cause I'm sure the posters that where in the spot they left the bicycles had some meaning behind it idk)
They stopped in the front of a gate and David passed though it. When the camera focuses on David's eyes (that eyelashes tho, wooow) you can really see that he did kind of a "catch me if you can thing". Then we see Matteo's face (that gate shot is beautiful) looking into the man of his dreams eyes. When he passed though the gate, they did the "from the bottom to the top shot" and the proud face that Matteo does when the camera focuses on him again I-
Then Matteo and David started walking through that abandoned place aaaand you can really see that David has everything planned, he really did think about this and he really made a plan (wow the power).
When they are opening all those doors (it felt like a parallelism to David's soul, like, he has all of those layers and then when you finally starts to look more deep you can see the beautiful and amazing person he is and stuff) and they entered on that empy pool (People who had watched The umbrella academy please tell me I'm not the only one who thought about the fist 2 minutes of the series, where the non pregnant women was?!) and let me tell you that shot it everything to me, wow.
Next we have the two boy's in love doing a whispering challenge or something, that was cute. David then decided to go to the empty pool and do a race? and he obviously who cause Matteo was busy looking at the building and David. Then David said ANOTHER magic sentence "I always wanted to be here" (at this point the camera was focusing on his face), then the camera started to move and you can see Matteo's face and an unfocused David in the back looking at him. Matteo little smile showed up (he's probably putting two and two together and realizing David has never been here with anyone and he's the first person he brought here).
They start to walk back up aaaand then ANOTHER cute thing happens, Matteo is playing with the pool stuff that is hanging there (me as Matteo), at first the camera is focusing of both boys buut then we can only see Matteo playing with the pool thing. We know where David is at this point but Matteo is just in his world that he doesn't know, but then David is the camera and we moved as the same time as he does. Then Matteo's face lighted up again when he sees David in front of him.
After that David said AGAIN another magic sentence. "You know, we are underwater" "I bet I can hold my breath for more time that you". Then you can hear the music entering in scene again, we see David aproching to Matteo and Matteo's doing the "I'm going to kiss you first, or not" thing that I love hehdueje. Then David after watching Matteo's face being ready for it, he finally kissed him. Then they laughed at the same time they toched heads and David said "I won".
Matteo asked for a "rematch" and we are Matteo again, we see David looking at him a little bit nervous. We feel that Matteo is nervous too but He takes all he's courage and puts his hand in David's face.
They kissed, they laugh and the smiled while kissing. They are finally happy, they are facing their fears, they are perfect for each other, they are soulmates, they need each other.
To sum up this beautiful clip I just wanted to say that, that music, that silence, that photography is all I can ever asked for and more. I want to thank all of the members and crew that participated into this beautiful and amazing project that is Druck. I've never been more attacked to something in my life. This season feels like MY season, I feel sooo related to Matteo, I feel, act and think the same way he does. I can't even express how much I love this show. Thank you for helping me to find myself and love myself. This is amazing. Danke Druck 💛
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor leonis,Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Aurora Tummelt (my oc), Gladiolus Amicitia.
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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He woke up to the sound of a woman's moaning and screaming. He raised his head from the steering wheel and stared around. His breath was a little faster than usual, so he tried to get them back to normal with deep breaths! He raised his hand and took the drops of sweat from his forehead, raised his head, and looked at the car clock. He had lost time, 2 hours of sleep was too much when Laura was there! His blue eyes lit up and he turned on the car again. He has to go to Shiva Mountain himself. Laura's pain was getting worse in his sleep, he only hoped that he would get it sooner! he got to the point where the car really couldn't go anymore. He got out of the car, filled Laura's backpack with food and potions. Even if he doesn't get the potion, he must take the food, Laura eats more when she was in pain! When she ate, she regained her energy and became refreshed. He locked the car and walked towards the mountain. Not slow, with long steps and close to running. It was not long before the deadly cold that he covered his coat. He put his coat's furry hat on his head and wanted to go higher, but his phone rang. He stood up and replied:
" Is there a problem, Gladio?"
" No! you don't know where is princess, not only can you handle it! Let me come with you"
"I don't need help, take care of them Gladio! If they make a mistake, kill them."
Gladio's eyes were fixed on Aurora and her brother, and Loqi were plugged in like a cell phone connected to a charger! nodded slowly:
"watch out!"
He cut off the call and returned his cell phone to his pocket. Slowly he sat down next to Loki on the edge of the bed:
"You don't tell that you have a twin sister!"
Loqi's teeth were still tied together. He closed his eyelids and slowly lay down:
"I can't tell everything I loved, to my enemies!"
Contrary to Loqi's expectations, Aurora broke his word:
" I grew up with your enemies, do you remember?"
"Don't force me to remember it!"
The smile painted Aurora's lips. She gently kissed his brother's head with love and pulled the blanket over his tension. Gladio stood up so that the girl could do her job more easily! When Aurora's work was completed, her thin arm was in Gladio's hand. She turned her head towards the tallboy to see why he was doing this. There was no opposition from Aurora, but she went after Gladio. Somewhere away from the tent, he stood around the table. There was a plate of food on the table. For Aurora as well as Mr. Amicita! It was disrespectful to him if Aurora started eating earlier and without permission, so she raised her head to see if he would allow it. It was a half-bright look. There was a special charm in Gladio's look, which was sewn at sunset!
"I have never seen a Cor so scared!"
Aurora's eyebrows slowly raised up in surprise! She tilted her head slightly and rested his hand on the table:
"what do you mean?"
Gladio turned his head to Aurora:
" I knew it was a time when he had a relationship with Laura, but that he was in such a hurry and alone."
For a moment, Aurora's face took on a thoughtful gesture. She picked up the flask and poured some tea for herself, but gave up on drinking only tea, so she took the cup to Gladio and looked at him:
"How much do you know about the history of your attacks on test sites of Nifs?"
Gladio's eyes widened in surprise. He took the cup from her and stared at her:
"Well, once my grandfather attacked, my father once too, but ... Why do you ask?
"How much information do you have about the princess!"
"I'm sure more than you!"
"If you knew more, you wouldn't be surprised why Cor went alone! It's not a matter of interest! The problem is another thing!"
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Tea steam raised from the cup slowly and gave a happy smile to Aurora. She grabbed her cup and stared into Gladio's eyes! He loved their color! The color of the tea is dark. He ate some of the contents of his cup and continued so that Gladio's curious look on his face would not make laugh:
"Your princess was a perfect example of Verstael testing that a man named Clonus Amicitia stole her!"
Gladio's frowns opened, showing how surprised he was:
"Is she a Nif?
"No! She was a modified copy of King Regis! It's weird that you don't know !!
"Surely king Regis did not consider it appropriate for this issue to be widespread!"
"Exactly Mr. Amicitia. And that's why Cor went alone! Because he didn't want anyone to know Laura's secret! Plus, it might be too late and Laura wouldn't be Laura!
"what do you mean!!!"
"Laura was supposed to be created to fight you with your own magic! She is so powerful! Something I'm not even sure she even imagines! She doesn't know at all !! As I told you, if Cor arrives late, he will die! And then it's our turn!"
"Do you want to say .. will she be controlled ?!"
" It wasn't supposed to be, but yes, they have to clear her mind to control her, otherwise, she didn't give her power to them!"
Aurora's words made Gladio regret why Cor went to her alone! Of course, if they were better and faster together, they would reach Laura. He sipped his cup of hot tea and moved his head to the sides:
" I hope the situation is right."
Aurora's face slowly grew sad and she drank some tea:
"me too."
The night had arrived, a cold, heavy, dark night. So deep that it penetrated your being. The laboratory was silent. The researchers were all in their dormitories, relaxing in the dark. The silence was so deep and heavy that it created illusions. Illusions for a girl in a cylinder.
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Her two-colored eyes were closed and she was breathing slowly, she could hear sounds she didn't remember much about who their owners were, she had lost herself as if a big black hole that was formed in his mind and the voices were rising from the dark end of it.
Slowly she opened her eyes, she was so immersed in the liquid that his eyes were used to it, she took a deep breath, she was so calm that nothing came to her until a few hours ago she was trying to escape and was boasting. She doesn't remember at all! She slowly turned her eyes to see those around her so she could forget those sounds. But something new was added to those sounds, obscure images that could not be ignored!
There was a man standing in front of her who liked his seriousness and look, a man who was smiling at her and his green eyes were shouting that he was interested in her. Maybe she'll remember if she focused on those eyes. "Daddy " was the voice of a little girl running towards the man. Her distant eyes were familiar ...! She closed his eyes for a moment and stared around again.
She recognized blue soft light. The crystalline particles around the cylinder moved gently and gathered together. And that beautiful light grew bigger. It was wonderful and strange and interesting for someone who doesn't remember, especially the appearance of a man standing between the lights and shining! Nobody can see them, man but Laura. And that was nothing but a real illusion, that blue light seemed sacred to her ... that blue light ... as if it was penetrating inside her and causing that deep black hole in his mind to slowly lighten up.
Memories were clear to her that had either tormented her or made her deeply happy. Her gaze was staring at the blue light and she was slowly remembering the pain, the calm, the pain .. All those who came to her mind were men, men who It's like having a lifetime in front of her eyes once again! The joy of a little girl who was now clear to him as her childhood, next to those men made her remember more ... and at the end of that blue light ... Snow dots were associated with her, the image of a teenager who quickly distanced herself from him. He would go and laura would drown in her own pleas! A painful memory of a failure that was not for herself!
That blue light was the spirit that had listened to Laura's pain for years. The spirit that could have made that little girl a real fighter. But now he had to leave Laura alone. He had already sent her to sleep for protected her of a dangerous situation, but now he was helping her remember her memories. With Somnus gone, Laura closed her eyelids and read her name in her heart, because it was the only word that came to mind. It was .. the name that had been the same since childhood as Laura's lonely companion:
"Somnus ..!"
Her eyes suddenly opened as shone with the same bright blue light, but it didn't take long. She clenched her fist and hit the glass body of the cylinder with all her might. Once .. twice ... the skin above the bones of her hand was bruised, but with each blow, she struck a crack in the cylindrical cracks. With a stronger blow, the cylinder broke beforehand and Laura fell to the ground with the object that surrounded her!
She removed the mask from her face and threw it away. The red warning light was seen throughout the laboratory. A flashing light that was the only light illuminating that demonic place. A place that had to be destroyed. Not to Laura's own hands! She was pulled out and gone for the door. It was tied up in front of her and could not open until It received the code. Laura put her hands on the door and with a few deep breaths crumpled it in his hand. Performing this magic in a forbidden place was so heavy that Laura had no choice but to scream in anger.
The iron gathered like dough in her hand and then pressed against the sides. The way was open for Laura. She went forward with force, and every soldier who attacked her and quickly disarmed with her, she used their weapons and killed all of them. The whole laboratory was facing a crisis, a crisis called Laura! A killing machine that attacked people who were in the service of her creator!
She was right in the hallways that there were human and monster specimens! It didn't take long for the force absorbed in killing her opponents to become a sword in her hands. A sword made for Laura. She forcefully beat her blade on the glass that was the prison of monsters! She did not intend to destroy them! She wanted to throw them at the lives of their creators! Mean Verstael .. and the whole base! After releasing those monsters, she was able to distract the soldiers! Not just soldiers but all researchers! And that was the best opportunity for Laura that she can escape and take refuge in the mountains.
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The wind and cold could not bend his back or force him to retreat! His skin was partially burnt, and the snowflakes were streaked between his brown hair. He was holding his katana in his arms to control his anxiety a little by squeezing it. He knew Laura was no longer at the headquarters. Before infiltrating the base, he heard from the wounded that Laura had escaped! But where was she now that she had escaped? She was fine or not! He stood up in his place and called out the name of his beloved Laura in a loud voice!
"Laura !!"
He paused for a moment to hear a sound, but no sound was heard! He continued walking again. It wasn't long before he heard a faint sound! It was difficult to tell the direction of the sound in that wind. He turned his head to see the owner of the sound, but the only thing he saw was Gentiana! He was a little surprised, but his face did not show his feelings. He looked at Shiva and followed the path marked with diamonds, realizing that the reason for Gentiana's presence was only to keep Laura because he was sure that Laura would not be second in this cold! The wind suddenly blew away, and the snow fell slowly. He dropped his backpack and followed the path that Gentiana had shown him. Just above the hill! He stood up and stared at her, poor laura, she has crumpled herself and shivering from the cold! Hope flooded Laura's heart when she saw the Marshal. She smiled briefly and from the place where she was standing, she takes a point warp to Cor! She was frozen and couldn't talk! She knew that Cor's embrace was hot and that it was somewhat cold! But she appeared in exactly one step of cor, her thin body unable to withstand the pressure of point warp and she fainted.
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Cor's hands quickly wrapped around Laura's body, it was heavy in his hands and this was not a good sign, his eyes were full of anxiety and he could not breathe freely. He couldn't turn Laura back in the wind though! He was happy to see the mouth of a cave. He hugged Lara, showed his dagger in his hand, and hurried it to the cave. he takes a  Point Warp and then down on Laura on the floor. He took off his coat and threw it on Laura's body.
" Laura? Can you hear me?"
Cor,s voices could be clearly audible for Laura. But she could not answer. She hadn't lost consciousness yet, but she couldn't stop Cor from worrying. And Cor horror had already increased. He took Laura on the ground and went a little further into the cave. He was sure he would not find a wood that could be burned! He sat down and keeps Laura in his hug, all his work was done quickly and anxiously. He presses Laura firmly to his body to warm her. He put his breath in her neck and put his hands on Laura's frozen body to warm her. That was all he could do to save her:
" Stay with me, Laura! do you hear me?? Please open your eyes!"
Cor's worries bothered Laura so much. She didn't want cor to feel that he was losing his love, so she answered in a weak tone and a two-tone voice:
"I'm just tired ... I'm fine!"
Laura's voice suddenly calmed him. He gave up the fight and hid his head in Laura's neck, takes deep breaths to calm down! He thought he was losing Laura. Hatred of crying data in his throat, but he was Cor and he could control it. He kissed Laura's wet hair and held her in his arms, so worried that he didn't want to get away her from himself even a little. It was a lot of fun for Laura, but she might have bothered him anyway, and she didn't want to. So she spoke
slowly again:
" That's how you get annoyed, Cor .. !!"
"You're cold, I can't put you on the ground!"
Laura's frozen eyelashes parted and her eyes opened slowly
"How long have you been in the mountains? Your face is burned!"
Created a faint smile on Cor lips. Meeting. He gently pulled Laura's wet hair from her face. He took one of Laura's hands between his fingers and breathed a little to warm it:
"One of them says that healthy skin is not left on his face."
He kissed Laura's blue fingers, her look turned to the lips that kissed her fingers. She laughed softly and closed his eyes again:
" I'm so tired, otherwise, I would have answered you!"
Cor's smile faded and the frown comes on his forehead :
"what did you want to say?"
" My mind doesn't work, I don't know how I should react!"
Again a smile sat on Cor's face. He caught fire in his hand, held it in front of Laura, and clung to her more than ever. He stared at her face, his hands weren't free so he could caress her face, what's wrong? Laura was the only woman who had Cor's heart, the experience had shown her that it was not bad to express his feelings at times. He lowered his head and placed his forehead on Laura's forehead and kissed her on the nose. A faint smile settled on Laura's lips, but it soon faded, her eyelids opened, and her face stared at Cor by a little at the anxiety or discomfort or any other negative feeling. Her voice became quieter because Cor was beside her and did not need to expend energy to speak louder:
" I had a fantastic dream, Cor ..!
Cor's cold but lovely face wiped away the smile and replied more seriously:
"In awaken??
" In the lab, when Verstael wanted to wash my mind!"
"What did you see?"
There was a moment of silence on Laura's lips. She looked at the waiting eyes of Cor and stared at an unknown point:
" You have to help me, my Immortal! I don't trust anyone but you!"
Surprisingly, the only reaction that Cor was shown. He frowned and lit the flame in his hand! He forced Laura to sit down, and while pulling her bag forward, give her some of the food she had brought with her:
" You know, I don't like this secret mode of you ! it is dangerous!! So clearly say what you saw!"
Laura's gaze fell into the bag, she had no appetite because her mind was so busy. But to alleviate his weakness, he grabbed a packet of chocolate biscuits that Cor take it for her, opened it, and took one out of the package. She paused the biscuit front her mouth and continued:
"I have to open the crystal. Without anyone realizing it!"
She chewed a little of the biscuits and then looked at her Cor:
" I don't want them to think that I want to betray my king .. You know that these words have always been behind me! So you have to understand."
Cor was frowning! His look, which was a little angry, directly targeted Laura:
" Do you want to kill yourself? You just ran away from the nifs right now!!
The princess's will was not only shaken but more determined than ever:
"Before that, I have to go to Lunafreya. I don't want Noctis to smell this!
"What do you want to do, Laura !!"
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There was a moment of silence on the princess's lips. She raised his head and looked at Cor with a tired but strong look:
"I want to stand against Bahamut! I want to save Noctis and the rulers of yore. I can't shake hands so that they ruined!"
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Aurora Tummelt (my oc),Gladiolus Amicitia, Ardyn lucis caelum, Loqi Tummelt
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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The sun was still in the middle of the sky, and Gladio was coming down the hill with his long steps! He had sent a message for Cor as to why and for what reason he wanted to see him! But It was wonderful to him why there was no news about him! He slowly stood up and put his hand in his pocket to check his phone again! He looked at his mobile phone for a moment, Cor not answering after twenty-four hours. It was a sign that they hadn't found the princess yet! And Cor involved in this issue! Should he go on this trip alone? A little more worried! He wanted to raise his phone, but the delicate voice of a girl caught his attention:
"Mr. Amicitia?"
He turned his head slowly and looked at the tiny girl who was coming forward with fear and trembling! Serving his bloody and dirty condition, they tell Gladio that she needs help! His face became a little worried and he slowly walked towards her:
"you ok, young lady?"
Aurora's blue eyes sparkled! How polite? He paused to control his tongue:
"Yes, I'm fine! Are you Mr. Amicitia? Gladio Amicitia?"
Surprisingly, the tone of Gladio's taste was different, because unlike everyone who met her for the first time, she said his short name. He didn't know that this girl didn't know his full name, he didn't know anything about her!
"Yes, that's me! Please order!"
Gladio's endorsement of his identity has earned him the trust of Aurora! She took the paper she had taken from Laura out of her pocket and then turned it over to Gladio. Her tone was very stressful!
"Oh, this ... this is from the princess side!
Gladio's frowns softened and increased stress. Slowly he grabbed that piece of crumpled paper and opened it. Smelling soft, Laura used a special ink that was a good identifier for her. Quite unique and special! He brought down the paper and read the text slowly:
"Help him! Don't let them be in trouble!"
The fact that Laura sent this message to Gladio makes the situation somewhat uncontrollable! He raised his head and looked at Aurora:
"What a disaster has befallen the princess!"
"Detailed execution. My brother needs treatment, please!"
Because of Laura's message, Gladio nodded his head in low confidence, and Ond pushed the little girl's body to show him the way! At the request of the Gladio, Aurora quickly ran to where the princess' car was parked. The whole path of Loqi was moving and now his condition had worsened. Gladio, who thought they were two refugees or something like that, ran fast when he saw Laura's car and stopped in his place. Laura without her car? Everyone knew that the princess was looking at her car through her child! Did she leave it to two strangers? He hesitantly went back to the car. He looked inside the car, which was full of blood, and he had to report Cor!
"Mr. Amicitia!"
He raised his head and stared at Aurora. That side of the car was staring at him anxiously! He continued on his way to Aurora. His brother's body was leaning behind the car! He wanted to sit in front of him to get his pulse, but when he saw him, he was shocked:
"Sheet !!"
Aurora's worries increased and she stood in front of her brother so that the disaster would not befall him:
"Please! Only first aid! I can save him myself! Please!
Gladio's gaze sat on Loqi for a moment. He wanted to kill him and get rid of the anger that had arisen because of Ravus! But this was not fair. Loqi was wounded and suffering, and if Gladio had killed him now, he would have been weak! He went to the Cor. He opened the box from there and then went behind the car:
"The Princess has usually potions in her car!"
He pushed up the box and took a few potions. He sat on his knees next to Loqi and put his hand behind his back. He raised his tension a little and then punched two of the potions on his wounds! He wanted to hit the third one, but Aurora stopped him. As she pulled her hair away, he grabbed Loqi's broken hand:
"Here .. his hand is broken. We have to put it in place after use potion, which I don't think will close the fracture, but I'm sure it will relieve the pain!"
According to Aurora, Gladio left Loqi's broken arm. He raised his head and looked at Aurora. He wanted to ask her, so what next? But Aurora's attention was on something else! She got up and pointed Wrap to a shrub! The red magic made Gladio thinking. If she, like her brother, was a soldier of the Nifs ... how could she not have known her until now! Loqi had a sister .. like himself! In front of Gladio's eyes, she even conjured up a sword. Hit it on the branch and defeat it! She was calmed because her brother was safe now after using the potions! She cut the stick in half and placed it on both sides of loqi's broken arm. She took a red and gold scarf from his clothes and tied his hand tightly. Now he raised his head and looked at Gladio. Gladio's staring gaze bothered him so much that she couldn't look into his eyes. She gently sent her red hair behind her ear and tried to distract himself with slowly's voice:
"Now you can use Potion!"
Contrary to Aurora's desire to distract Gladio, the young Amicitia's gaze was fixed on the girl. He uses the potion on Loqi's hand and then sat down on the floor:
"Where is the princess! what happened!"
Aurora's face tangled with grief and a little spice of concern. She slowly scratched her hand and then spoke:
"She came with me to save Loqi! It was as if they had set a trap for us. She saved Loqi and made us run away. We were waiting for her beside the car, but ..."
The Aurora pause lasted a long time! She could hardly keep talking:
"Ardyn has taken her! If we can't make the princess run away ... our lives are in danger!"
Gladio's frown was still confused. He waved his hand a little and answered in a tone full of questions:
"Did you see that we were in danger then? What do you say"
"Your princess is not a normal person. She only needs to take a few more tests to turn it into a killing machine! If they clear her mind and those things happen ... you will have to kill her! Do you understand what I'm saying?"
" So that was the goal of infiltrating the camp !!"
Gladio's gaze quickly turned to the sound.
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He was Cor. Incidentally, he didn't look good either! His face was full of dirty stains and his clothes were dusty! Unlike Gladio, which showed no particular reaction, Aurora was terrified! Cor has killed them .. immediately! What Laura said to herself! Her breath caught when Cor comes to her. She stopped quickly and leaned on the car. Gladio was given a handful before Cor takes her. The reaction of Gladio stopped Cor. He stood up and stared at him with his attractive frown, the student could mean this look of the master well. That's why he explained in a serious tone:
" Laura asked me to support them!"
He took the paper out of his pocket and gives it to Cor. For a moment, Cor's will weaken. He grabbed the paper and stared at it! Laura's handwriting was correct, but what if it was forged? He folded it and put it in his pocket:
"where is she?"
" Apparently, she is captured by the Nifs!"
"Which database!"
Silence sat on Gladio's lips. And that's because he didn't know the answer. the blue eyes of cor that the anger made it shiny, sat on Aurora's face. The weight of that look made Aurora lower her head. She answered in a trembling voice:
"Shiva Mountain! Where ... there is Verstael, but ... it may have been taken to Gralia Because the equipment in that place is more complete and up-to-date!"
This dichotomy caused Cor to take only one deep breath.
"Don't take your eyes off them, Gladio. Especially Loqi!"
He went to his beloved Laura's car. He closed the door. He locked the car in the trunk and went to the driver's seat:
"I'm going to follow Laura. Don't tell anyone what happened! If someone finds this secret, it's your fault Gladio!"
Gladio's brown, shiny look was sewn Cor. His behavior was not as calm as usual. As always, it was not calm and firm. Trembled !! And the reason for this imperceptible vibration was very important for Gladio, he wanted to know !! As soon as the car started, Aurora grabbed her brother's collar and pulled him towards her. Adamantoise was quickly dismantled and its tires spilled dirt and pebbles on Loqi's face. The touch of those soil particles on his face opened his eyes. He was in a little pain and felt better. He leaned on his healthy hand and get up slightly from the ground. Turning his head and sees the Shield of the wild dwarf. He frowned and raised his voice:
Loqi's voice gave a happy smile to Aurora's lips. She turned to him and looked at him with mild joy:
"Yes? How are you?"
He sat down next to her and arranged her messy hair! Loki's frowned gaze was fixed on Gladio:
" What is he doing here?"
"He saved you and is going to take care of us!"
Loqi's head smoked with rage! His face flushed and he shouted louder:
"He wants to take care of us? He??"
This time Gladio himself spoke. He knocked on Loqi's feet and answered in a serious tone that was a joke:
" If you had the ability to take care of yourself, our prince would not be in danger!"
Loqi's gaze was fixed angrily on Gladio. He narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips:
"Since when have you been helping me? I don't trust you !!
Aurora's hands rested on her brother's shoulder. In a calm but serious tone, she replied instead of Gladio:
"They are the original Lucian Loqi! Betrayal of their master is not in their blood. Laura asked him to be kind to Gladio and would he do that to us, ok? Now you must thank him!"
Loqi's gaze locked in his sister's eyes. Carelessly thinking about those savages, he touched his sister's face and his voice calmed down:
"you hurt!"
He slowly rubbed his finger on the wound on her eye and was sad:
"I couldn't take care of it ..!"
The eyebrow of Gladio raised up, these siblings behaviors were not expected from Loqi. To Gladio's surprise, Aurora hugged her brother tightly and kissed his head:
" Now both of us are fine .. let's both be safe!"
Loqi frowning and smelling her sister's hair gently:
"I don't know. We are neither supported nor supported. We are not safe anywhere!"
Gladio intervened this time. He tied his hands over his chest and leaned on one his foot:
" I didn't think I would say this, but ... even if you are under Laura's orders, even Cor can't touch you! Pray that she will return safe and sound, otherwise, Cor will kill both of you!"
Cor that proudly boasted of Loqi's existence. He grinned and looked at Gladio without letting his sister out of his arms:
"Of course, if I don't kill him before!"
"You can't, child! He is twice your age! Even if you are a good fighter who is not, he will crush you in his fist! So I suggest that you put aside your arrogance as much as possible so that there is no problem for your sister. did you get it?"
Loqi's frowns fell apart. Slowly take his sister away from himself And he angrily wanted to address Gladio, who saw Aurora's laughter. Like a flat tire, he looked at her.
"When my sister laughs at me, what do I expect from my enemy?"
Aurora's laughter continued. She arranged Loqi's hair for him:
"never mind. Better for us that we stay with Lucian. We only have security in front of theirs. You still have control over all MTs. Be on the right side for once!"
Loqi's tone became doubtful and calm:
"Did you lose your mind? I told this wild for a lifetime! They shot even my shadow!"
And again, Gladio got into an argument:
" Especially Iris, if she sees you, I don't promise to leave you alone. You killed Jared! I don't blame you anyway, this is a war! But if you fix your behavior, maybe everything will be ignored!"
Loqi's gaze turned to Gladio. His tone was still serious:
" Betray my country?"
Gladio's tone became more serious and he put one hand on his back:
"Fight for humans. Many people die because of the power struggle. Support them now. Kill the monsters. When people accept you, why don't we accept you? Make a good face for yourself!"
Loqi's calm gaze fixed on the ground. His country betrayed him by abandoning him. Loqi had passed from the strap of his existence to Nifelhim, but the Nifs were tied around his back to kill him. Slowly he shook his head but said nothing. It was still difficult for someone who was patriotic to the point of death to make that decision. Gladio's gaze was fixed on Aurora. He pointed to get up:
-"I have to take you to the camp. Get up, we don't have much time."
Aurora's gaze turned to Gladio from Loqi's side. He paused, nodded, and got up.
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I lost time. My breath was heavy and I was crushing under the pressure of darkness! I had to resist. Ardyn was a patient man and he believed that he would darken my heart! But I ... shouldn't have gotten to the point where Noctis had to kill me! Not because of myself .. because of that boy! Noctis's spirit was weaker than he could bear it! I wanted to shake myself, but the chains locked in my body, hurt me. It was hard for me to bear the pain! I knew where! In a dark room in the Nif's headquarters! Because there was no other place here to disrupt the magic! I don't remember why here! I don't remember anything! I tried to calm my body with a deep breath.
If I died, he would revive me with darkness and he would reach his goal. I have to stay alive! I had to resist ..! I took another deep breath. The room was cold and it felt even colder for me who was under torture! I clenched my fists and counted to three. I wanted to pull that rod out of my hand! If one of my hands was free, I could free myself! Even if I didn't leave this room, I would have to let go of those chains myself. My release was equal to my survival! I closed my eyelids and dared to dare myself! Suddenly, pulling my hand, the rod was pulled out! The pain that was inflicted on me was indescribable! So much so that I was imprisoned for a long time by freeing my hand! I bit my lip so that I wouldn't let go of my breath screaming! I bought the pain and took the chain that was locked in my other hand. I pulled my hand and released it. Both my hands were free! And my eyes see everywhere black! There are still two more chains left in my shoulders! I couldn't bear to hurt myself again! I hugged both of my hands and squeezed myself so that it would relax a little. The oxygen in the room was low and my blood pressure was low. That in itself was annoying enough! I would stay here, I would die, I was sure! But as soon as I wanted to free my body from the chains of those chains, it opened in the room and a bright light fell on my face.
I wasn't used to the light, so I turned my head and closed my eyes tightly! The sound of Ardyn's calm laughter disappointed me! When the door was being closed, I opened my eyes. But before I could tell where he was, he grabbed my hair tightly and pulled me up. I took a deep breath and held my head back so that I could feel it less!
" Are you willing to suffer so much but not be imprisoned?"
A lifeless, weak grin settled on my lips. I raised my head and stared at my messy hair from side to side:
"Even if you try for a hundred years, you can't conquer me! I don't give you ... ransom ...!"
Ardyn's smile planted a surprise in my heart. He slowly approached me. I tried to distance myself from him as much as possible, but he filled that distance with composure. He grabbed my finger between his fingers and squeezed! I didn't react and just looked at him:
"I don't waste my time! Verstael knows what to do with you!"
Verstael !! The same deaf creature that held me in its bondage! The one who made and hurt me. His face was embodied in me, in front of my eyes with that evil and dirty smile, the sound of my childhood screams was wrapped in my ears again out of fear, only the gods knew what was going to happen to me. Before I came to, the chains that held me back were gone. I fell to the ground and leaned on my hands so that my head would not hit the ground! I raised my head and stared at the soldiers who were helping me stand on my feet. I followed them, the light was so bright that I couldn't open my eyes completely.
From the half-open eyelids, I could see the light gray corridors of the base. Everything was familiar to my mind and my heart was pounding uncontrollably! Researchers who watched me made my nightmares for long years. I could hear nothing but screaming and crying. I should have run away from here! I shouldn't have been in pain again under Verstael's hands! I partially freed myself by tapping my shoulder on the soldier on the right and kicking the leg of the second soldier. I was very weak, so I ran back and forth between the two soldiers. I turned my head to escape from them, but two other soldiers attacked me face to face! The energy was not in my body! I tried to use magic, but it was so weak that only my sword was summoned and turned into powder in my hand! I left the military attack on me and raised my head to react to the others, but one of them hit his gun in my head! My balance immediately collapsed and I fell to the ground!
The sound of my heartbeat echoed in my head and everyone's movements were slow in my eyes! I realized what was happening, lifting my body off the ground and dragging me after them! I even realized that I was being thrown on the bed! My eyes were open and could see around me vaguely, but neither my body nor my brain could react! I closed my eyes and tried to dedicate my attention to the environment by squeezing them! It didn't take long for everything to return to normal. I could clearly recognize the sound of the Verstaeif! I opened my eyes and wanted to get up, but I was tied to the bed. My head was tied to the bed, there was a leather band around my forehead, and I put my hands, abdomen, and legs on the bed so that I could free myself:
"If you touch me, I'll cut your breath, verstael!"
He stood over my head and his shadow fell on my body, I had never experienced such fear. I stopped moving, but my body trembled, how hard it was to control my fear! It was so big I couldn't hide it, I was afraid of re-experiencing those days.
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I was breathing with my open mouth and I had clenched my fists so tightly that I had no doubt that my nails would turn blue! He put the leather strap in my mouth very quickly. Right between my teeth! I wanted to spit it out, but he kept it! Now that he was so old ... his face was even scarier! His evil grin made me more frightened, I didn't know how fast my heart could beat so fast! He called to me calmly in a hushed voice:
" Come on, my dear! This is just so that your beautiful teeth don't break in your mouth!"
I held the strap between my teeth and stared into his eyes. He was making electrodes on between my hair! He wanted to .. shock me !! My breath got faster and I gasped again, but before I could even notice him to my reactions, the onslaught of electric current hit me hard, my body became skewered, and I squeezed my eyes tightly, the pain was so hard and I screaming with all of my might...!!
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc),Noctis lucis caelum, Ceystalcrown Leonis, Aurora Tummelt (my oc), Ardyn lucis caelum, Loqi Tummelt
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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Laura's words were heavy for Cor. For a while, he stared into her two-colored but beautiful eyes. There was nothing in those eyes but sadness mixed with power. He caressed her gently:
"Bahamut is the god of gods, Laura .. you are just a human being .. you are right from his blood, but killing you is no problem for him!"
"Why can't I? Because I'm forced to be of his blood !? Don't forget he is the god of war .. I'm his daughter too! In addition, I have the power with which I can pull down any creature! I just don't die!"
The serious tone of Cor became stronger:
"I'm not going to spray Gralia for crystal! OK? You are being chased by them! So you were between them a few days is enough!
Laura's frown was very slight. She chewed on her biscuit, but before she took another, she replied:
"you are scared! I don't see that stubborn man a few years ago smoothing out the heart of the enemy without any movement!"
Cor's tone has changed as if he is getting angry:
" I was not afraid! Fear doesn't mean anything to me!"
Laura's goal was to provoke Cor to accompany her, so she continued:
"Personally, you were scared! I didn't think anyone who infiltrated at the age of 13 and stole a baby girl would be scared at this age!"
Cor's voice grew louder and his eyes shone:
"I said I was not afraid !! You can't provoke me, I will not allow you to go Gralia and I don't come with you too, Laura, so finish it!
"If there is no fear, then what is it !!! There is no logical reason to prevent this!"
In the face of this insistence Laura, Cor was forced to remain silent, he knew what Laura's goal was! He put her on the ground and got up:
" I'm going to bring firewood!"
He walked to the mouth of the cave, went so far as to calm himself down so that he could clear his emotions, but Laura was an analyzer, realizing how the other person felt according to each reaction!
" I go alone! I am more determined than ever stooped my good for your afraid!"
She got up and turned to Cor to see his reaction, standing straight and his hands clenched, tight! He took a deep breath, but could not hide his confusion. He turned to Laura and filled the space between them with two steps. He grabbed Laura's collar and pulled her towards himself. He was nervous, his behavior was rare but scary. Laura's gaze was fixed on him, not out of fear, but in a calm but firm tone of voice, which easily penetrated her heart:
"Yeah! I was so scared! I lost everything! My friends are dying, I'm still alive while either I have to die or they have to live, beside me! You know."
Cor's tone calmed down, but he didn't let go of Laura's collar:
"You were after that damned day, my reason for continuing! All these years, the distance between us ... hasn't changed that, Laura! I'm afraid you won't be in my life anymore!"
A smile painted Laura's lips. Slowly she put her hands on his hands, caressingly opened his fingers around her collar and locked his hands in her own:
"Do you forbid me for this? If you are afraid of losing my hand, why don't you accept to accompany me !? With the knowledge I have of you, I'm sure there will be no problem when you are by my side!
" I was  - I was with you that steal you .. Do you understand?"
" No, it wasn't your fault, my immortal. It was my mistake to trust a stranger and take you away from myself!"
She took Cor's collar between his hands and lifted his toes so she could get taller, to kiss her love! He put her lips to his lips and placed herself in the tight circle of his hands. She fell into Cor's hug while she was kissing! She missed this kiss so much that she refused to remember what Cor had done to her !!
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Slowly, with the tip of his boot, he hit the burning wood. He threw it away and then looked at the burning flames. Again, reject the call from Laura! Not only was it unusual, but his psyche was busy. He was in the worst condition and his sister did not answer him, not only did she not answer his call but she also did not answer his messages !! He dipped his phone in his pocket and growled in a long, mournful tone:
"White-eyed girl !! So since Cor is on her side, she doesn't answer me !! Noctis is nothing !!
Ignis turned slowly. He was drying the dishes, raising his glasses, and trying to calm down Noctis in a calm and logical tone as usual:
"You are usually not so involved in talking to the princess! If you have a problem, I can help you!"
Noctis's gaze slowly turned to Ignis, his problem was Ignis himself, he tried not to be sad, it had been a few days since he had hurt Noctis' heart so hard, Noctis was so emotional that he fell into it himself, perhaps more so because His dear friend had become his love rival! And he loved someone whose heart was full of love for him! He looked at Ignis and slowly sat down on the chair, he had the worst emotional blow last night, he had seen Ignis, in the tent, next to Crystal ..!
He was stroking his hair and kissing it. It didn't mean anything but love and longing, Ignis also loved Crystal ... and he definitely stood back because of Noctis, otherwise, Noctis couldn't compete with Ignis! He nodded to his side and angered his tone so that the clever Ignis would not notice what Noctis's thoughts were intertwined like a yarn bullet!
" Don't worry! The lady doesn't answer, she is so busy! Then they work together again this year, I'm sure a spark has been ignited of love between their own!"
"what do you mean? You said this twice !!!"
It was the sweet voice of a girl who could be heard right next to Noctis. This caused Noctis to panic and lean back. He stared at Crystal in horror and looked back:
"where were you!"
But Crystal didn't understand what Noctis asked! He grabbed one of the chairs and placed it in front of Noctis and sat down. Curious, she waited to hear:
"Okay, You said twice that Laura is busy with my dad! what do you mean?!
Noctis's face froze and became serious!
He turned his gaze to the bowl of his head and leaned back in his chair:
"Do you want to say you don't know anything?"
This answer of noctis made CrystalCrown's mind more confused than before! She thought it was normal for her to joke and tease Noctis by asking questions, but apparently, it was something she didn't know! She turned her head towards Ignis and saw him working. Then turned to Noctis:
"No! It's as if only I don't know!"
"No, I and ignis know. Of course, old people know it, like Darius who was killed, Cor himself, Laura and cid! And of course, my father and Clarus, who too ... were killed!"
He lowered his voice and whispered so that no one but Crystal could hear:
"Don't just tell Prompto, he tells it to everybody fast!"
He made his tone somewhat mysterious and took his head close to Crystal:
"Then Laura will cut your head off! you got it?"
The pink look of Crystal was staring at Noctis!
"Okay, so??"
Noctis's gaze was staring at her beautiful face! Crystal's curiosity about her father's relationship didn't matter at the time! The important thing was that Crystal also preferred Ignis. He took a deep breath and paused.
"They used to have a very romantic relationship with each other, but I'm sure of laura's emotions, I don't know Cor want my sister too or not!
"They separate! Laura never said why, but she said she was here and Cor's favor!
Crystal eyes narrowed slightly. She pursed his lips in thought and pulled her phone out of her pocket:
"I'm going to my father's camp to see what's going on!"
Ignis's attention was drawn. He cleaned his hands and very gentlemanly came to stand next to the crystal. He raised his glasses and frowned.
"This time of night is only dangerous, wait until tomorrow!
The chin opened the crystal lips. He pointed to her phone and then stared at its screen:
" Don't worry, Iggy! I'm calling between my pursuits! Plus! It's as if you forgot who I am!"
Noctis's gaze was fixed on Crystalcrown as he spoke warmly to Ignis. It was as if he had forgotten how much they loved each other!
"Yes, you are the legendary Cor Leonis girl!"
He got up and put his hands in his pockets.
"Right with Ignis! Let's stay tomorrow!"
He took refuge in their tent without waiting for an answer from Crystal. He wanted to go inside, but his phone rang. He stood and pulled it out of his pocket, looked quickly at the photo of his sister that come on his phone screen. If he was normal, he wouldn't answer to retaliate, but at that moment he needed to talk to her. He moved away from the tent and concentrated so that Ignis and Crystal would not notice. Somewhere away from the camp, he sat on the ground behind Regalia. He put his phone to his ear and whispered his sister's name in a soft voice:
"Laura .. !!"
This tone of Noctis disturbed Laura. She had read Noctis' messages ... In return, she answered in a slow tone:
"I'm going to approach you .. I'm sorry you needed me, I couldn't be by your side!"
This response of Laura broke Noctis's heart. His voice cried out:
"Can't you come here?"
Noctis' embarrassment made Laura needier:
"I'm not in lucis Noct, where are you?"
" To Mithril Cave, Laura ... what should I do!"
"Are you sure she wants Ignis ??"
The silence of Noctis's lips sewed together. He shook his head with a long pause and took a deep breath to reduce his crying:
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"Yes, a few times when they thought they were alone and no one saw them, I saw them. Now I understand what pain you suffered that day, Rabbit!"
"Bear Noctis .. If you impose yourself on Crystal, everything will be more bitter for you .. You have to release her. Let her go where she is happy ...!"
Noctis's reaction was just to sob, his soft crying sound reached Laura's ears, and broke her heart.then she continued her words:
" I know it's very difficult ... but you're not alone, okay baby? I'll get to you soon! very soon. OK?"
"I don't think I'm in a good mood .. Don't let me in waiting!"
The call was cut off from the Noctis side. He put his phone in his pocket and crawled into his father's car. He closed the roof of the same glass. He lay down in the back of the car to sleep next to his father's soul. He couldn't go there with that look. Ignis understood and got stuck !! He cried a little freely and then fell asleep. He didn't even realize how he had fallen asleep! He was from the blood of God of sleep, and sleep dear to him! Although he had been bothered and disturbed by his mental anguish lately, now ... tiredness did not allow him to cry much and put him to sleep!
Contrary to Noctis' desire to hide his feelings, Ignis realized that he was looking at Regalia from a distance, sure that Noctis had a mental illness that was so restless that he could see the Grand Princess! This was a very common issue between Laura and Noctis, the brother always took refuge in his sister. He looked at Regalia and turned to Crystal. Her head was busy and he didn't notice it at all! This was not surprising at all! She was very dumb in these matters !! He laughed at the thought and softly. He put his hand on his lips to make a smile on his face and then walked over to her:
"Crystal is sleep time!"
Eventually, Ignis's voice caused Crystal to take her pink look from the phone and blow it to Ignis! Mr. Gentle was standing in front of her, reminding her of her bedtime! She breathed heavy and rolled her eyes:
"That's right, mama Iggy !!! I wanted to go!"
"We'll take you tomorrow. Because Noctis has to see his sister too!"
A deep breath came out of the crystal lungs. She put his phone in her pocket and then put her hands behind Ignis and pushed him towards the tent:
"Let's go to sleep, Iggy !! Sleep is waiting for us, isn't it?"
Her sweet laughter filled Ignis' heart with love more than ever!
Contrary to popular belief, the next day, Noctis did not intend to go to the camp. That's why Crystal was the only way there. She was with a passing car who said he was going to go there and had accidentally met crystal. What was on Crystal's mind was that her father was resting in the camp, but in the command tent, instead of her father, she saw Gladio as well as her father's enemy! Seeing Loqi next to Gladio, the lightning flashed from his head. Before he protested, this rude man and the installation of what he wants to hear, she heard her father's voice, her surprise not only did not decrease but increased even more! Are his father and Loqi being together? How was that possible! She turned her head to convey her thoughts to him, but when she saw her father, she was just shocked! Her father had hugged the princess and was coming with a shabby head and a scaly face! Before Crystal's eyes narrowed and she wondered why Laura was in Dad's arms, she saw Laura's face, she was also burned by the cold, even more than her father!
"Dad !! what has happened?"
Crystal's voice made Gladio lift his head and takes his look from his book. He was worried when he saw Laura and in his hug:
"Is she all right?"
Cor's tone was tired, but his voice still retained his authority:
"Almost! She just has to sleep.
Aurora also stood up next to Loqi and stepped forward. When she saw Laura, her conscience did not diminish, but she calmed down, raised her head, and stared at the Marshal of the Lucian:
"Did you save her alone?"
Cor did not stand in front of Aurora to answer. He went to the bed where Loqi was sitting. He stood in front of him and pointed to get up! Frowning, sat between loqi's eyebrows and his face gathered with dormant hatred and anger. He got up from the bed and stood a little further on. Cor lay down on the bed and pulled the blanket tightly:
"When I arrived, the base was almost destroyed, if it weren't for Gentiana, I would still be wandering in the mountains! There was no sign of where she had gone in that coldness."
It was Aurora who was talking, she came forward to examine Laura:
" Can I check her?"
Seriously Cor forced Aurora to retreat:
" You've been close to her once before, that's enough for me! I'd rather people do it themselves!"
He motioned for his daughter to come to Laura's side. Crystal could bring back Laura's lost strength! It was in his blood. In addition, Cor reaction to Aurora was very natural! That's why they didn't hurt Aurora, but her brother got worse. Slowly he went to Aurora and took her by the arm, without even looking at Cor.
"Thank you for your help, Mr. Amicitia. Thank the princess, we owe her our lives."
Gladio's look was sewn locally. These few days of socializing with him had made him realize that Loqi doesn't have such a dark heart! He nodded softly:
" Do you have a place to go?"
He glanced at Aurora and looked at Loqi again. He wanted to keep them on this side more! But against his will, Loqi replied:
" MTs are still under my command. With the help of your princess, I can now connect with them. Coming soon followed us. Thank you for your concern. I will talk to the princess soon."
" I'd rather you stay, I need help!"
It was Laura's voice that surprised everyone in the tent. Her eyes were closed, but she seemed to be awake. When Laura spoke, Cor was silenced in her honor. He didn't like to be treated unofficially in front of others. Laura was a powerful monarch, and Laura's authority was maintained when Cor treated strangers with respect. Laura's voice called for Crystal to go to her. He took her hand and sat down next to her:
"Can you sit down?"
Laura turned her head to the sides and then addressed Loqi with the same closed eyes:
" I guaranteed the lives of both you and your sister and pulled you out of the clutches of death! Dry and empty thanks are not enough to compensate!"
Cor's frown finally collapsed. He was not satisfied with any of these words, but Laura forced him to walk with her and not to oppose her! Cor's frown thickened Loqi's frown. He looked at the princess and wanted to object, but Aurora spoke :
"You are right, my lady, my brother is at your disposal! We will do whatever you want!"
A faint smile settled on Laura's lips and she can sleep now, but Loqi's blood boiled with anger. Laura must have told him to cooperate with her, then Cor would go in front him, but Loqi couldn't look even with a frown at him! Now, this Aurora throws herself in the middle and says whatever you say. He took a deep breath and left the tent.
His reaction only made Aurora laugh:
"Excuse him, he is so wayward! I'm talking to him!"
After Loqi, Aurora also left the tent. Gladio's gaze was fixed on Cor:
"Do you want to rest? I lost a lot of time!"
Cor threw up his hands, which were tied together, and stood in front of his daughter:
"Don't be wayward and stay here until we come back. Don't let the princess alone!"
The smile opened Crystal's face. He answered his father in a warm tone:
"Come on, papa! I don't move from her side, by the way, I'm talking to her so much!"
Cor's frown thickened:
"Let her sleep, don't wake her up, do you understand? I don't want to see you complain!"
"Come easy, just think about your skin beforehand!"
Cor just nodded and then walked over to Gladio, promising to accompany him to Gilgamesh, although it was very difficult for him to go to that land. That's when Laura couldn't support him ..!
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Loqi Tummelt
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
Part 11:
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A few meters away from Laura's car, she had an argument with Loqi. Loqi was now a neutral man and Laura was trying to attract him, it was hard work, it didn't matter to Laura or Loki!
"I want you to accompany me on my mission!"
The words that came out of Laura's mouth surprised Loqi. He frowned and looked at her, who was about three or four centimeters taller than him:
" What mission?"
To keep Laura's secret a secret, she stared around for a moment and then looked at Loqi again:
"I have to get to Gralia for the crystal and open it!
Smil sat on Loqi's lips and then he laughed at Laura in a mocking manner:
" I thought the King of Lucis is Noctis! And of course, I thought this was only possible for the king, not the neutral princess!"
Laura's face did not change because she was used to those suspicions. She continued in a firm tone, just like a superior soldier:
" This is not to take over the government of Noctis! This is to save the land! My goal is much higher than to break because of the words of people like you!"
This tone of her surprised Loqi. The girl's words were strange and Loqi was dying to understand what this goal was!
"tell me! I would like to know what is the purpose of taking you away from your brother!"
"Where should I trust you when you can tell it everywhere and stop me!"
"Because you risked your life to save me and my sister! This is very important to me !! Betrayal is not in my blood. I fight with honor, not with hypocrisy and humiliation! Tell me and see me with your companions! I just didn't promise to be able to cope with Cor !!!"
Laughter destroyed Laura's serious face and she returned to her usual state! Slowly, she tapped Loqi on the shoulder and took a step toward her car:
"Tell your sister to come by car, I'm waiting for you!"
"Can she stay here? I don't want to endanger her!"
Loqi said and caused Laura to stand in her place. She understood Loqi's sense, so she answered easily:
"Of course!! You can take her to camp or put her here with Monica! Go and say goodbye and come!"
Laura had tried to leave, but Loqi took her arm to stand! She turned to Loqi without being upset:
Loqi's pause did not last. After a few moments, he repeated his question:
"What do you want to do, princess?"
A faint frown settled between Laura's eyebrows. She turned her head and stared at the ground. There was no doubt about achieving her goal! Without looking at Loqi, she replied:
" I want to kill Bahamut!"
Loqi's eyes widened in surprise and he let go of Laura's hand. Her words did not smell of betrayal to the gods, her goal was exactly betrayal !!
"You are from the blood of the Gods! Your faith must be greater than ordinary people! How can you talk about killing Bahamut !!"
Laura's tone did not change. Her voice was quiet and her words were shocking! She raised her head so she could look at Loqi as he spoke:
"I'm an infidel !!"
Silence sat on Loqi's lips in surprise. He looked around a bit to digest the idol and then stared at Laura:
"A god-born infidel?"
"I'm just infidel about Bahamut! I know it's weird, but I want to get rid of it! I'm sure he knows and throws a lot of stones in my way to stop me, but I will run away from all his actions!"
" You lost your mind !!"
Silence reigned for a while between the both of them. Laura's tone slowed slightly. She tilted her head toward the horizon and stared at the rising sun:
"You're going to die to keep Aurora ... aren't you?"
She stared at Loqi again:
" I lost my father .. because of you ... I can't lose Noctis either .. just because a great power has said he must die!"
She pointed her finger at Loqi's lips because she guessed he wanted to ask, but Laura didn't want to answer him !! Her action silenced Loqi. Only to Laura's eyes that anger and hatred and power. He stared inside them. Laura, who had reached the desired silence, put her hands in her pockets, raised her head a little:
"I am fighting to protect my family! I'm fighting to keep my brother! Nothing can stop me ... even Bahamut!"
In front of Loqi's eyes, Laura stepped towards Leonis' daughter! That didn't look like his father at all! At that moment, he could easily stop thinking and hating Cor! Because his mind was on Laura! That woman .. !! It wasn't something Loqi imagined! Miles away from Loqi's expectations! He was sure that the reason for asking for his help was not that she wanted to ask for the price of what she had done! When Loqi told her that his work smelled of betrayal of Noctis, Larua's tone changed! And now Loqi knew what Laura's goal was .. !! And it was really a big goal .. what if she succeeded !!
"She will be a commander, a commander in the face of a storm of problems!"
An anonymous woman's voice made Loqi turn back quickly. A woman with black hair and closed eyelids. Her smile is all over
It was calm, but Loqi didn't know the woman! That's why he tried to ignore it!
"Who are you ?!"
"Listen to the call of your heart .. and rest assured .. the commander will not allow her people to be sacrificed for her own personal purpose !!
Gentiana was in payment of Loqi, but Loqi didn't know it was so important that Gentiana came to him! He turned his head to see Laura, what kind of commander was she? He turned his head towards the woman to understand what he had heard with a faint frown. But the woman's vacancy shocked him. This was normal life for Lucian, but not for Loqi! He dyed his golden hair and went back to the tents to tell Aurora what he was going to do! But before he could reach Aurora, Laura's voice noticed him:
"Hey, Loqi?"
He stood up and stared at Laura:
" Yes, princess?"
A faint smile settled on Laura's lips. This respect that Loqi gave her was lovable. He pointed to her car:
" I'm going to hammerhead. I have to put adamentoise here so that Cindy can be taken care of and washed it.
Loqi's gaze was just staring at Laura. These Lucian are very interesting for their cars. Adamentoise ... the car had a name !!! Apart from this, should the car be inspected? He said nothing and let Laura continue:
"When your airship arrives, come follow me. I'm Waiting!"
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The teapot lifted the coffee pot and filled the large, black cup! To serve two people, he always made coffee like this, for his dear friend who had now reached eternal peace ... and for his dear daughter, he lifted the cup and went to the black and bitter coffee next to the stairs without any other taste. He could see Laura from above talking to Cindy about her car! He walked slowly down the stairs and addressed Laura:
"Reggy used to tell me this many years ago! He was also annoyed that Regalia would scratch or scratch his engine."
Laura and Cindy's gaze turned to cid! At the urging of Cid, his lovely grandson left the garage, albeit with brief respect for the princess!
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Laura's smile settled on her face. She took the cup of coffee from Cid's hand and put the chair on him regularly so that he could sit down! When Laura sat on another chair, Cid's gaze turned to the picture frame on the table. He took it in his arms and smiled faintly:
"Reggy and Clarus children left their children for me! Children who are constantly in danger!"
He placed the photo frame and looked at Laura, who was drinking her coffee in peace. He slowly got up and stood in front of her. He loosened the edge of his hat slightly upwards and broke the silence again:
" The path you took is full of danger for Laura ..!"
Cid's sentences were amazing for her. She raised her head so she could see Cid!
"Which route?"
Cid spoke again as he sat next to Laura.
" A princess does not give his weapon for no reason to be strengthened! The airship parked in front of my garage also shows what decision you have! Getting back the crystal is not the job of three people, Laura !! You have no power there !!"
Laura's gaze was fixed on the ground. She smiled confidently and drank some of her coffee to make her throat water again! She raised her head and stared at the sunlight that had crept in through the window and fallen into the garage floor:
"My dear uncle! I'm not going to take back the crystal."
She put the cup on the table and got up, put her hand in her still-wet hair to guide them back:
"Thanks for the coffee, thank you. See you soon!"
She bent down and kissed Uncle Cid's wrinkled cheek. She straightened her back and went to the door. But before she left the garage, her arm was captured by Cid. Slowly, she stood up and turned to him. Her surprised face in front of Cid On's eyes reminded him of the past. Laura was a lovely little girl. How you did forget where it came from. A smile on his dry face opened his seriousness. He took Laura's hands between his hands and squeezed:
"Dear heart ... I don't want to return to your place ... to be bad news. If one percent is not possible for you to succeed ... don't go!"
Laura's kind tone was unchanging. He squeezed Cid's hands and answered with a smile.
"When you Started making coffee tomorrow, I was back!!
Laura's confidence in her return shook Cid's heart even more. That girl was more stubborn than listening to Cid and not. When Laura had a goal, it was impossible for her to pass that goal to keep her chin .. just like her father. She may have been significantly different from Regis in terms of behavior, but her daughter's nature was of her father. Something less common in Noctis. Noctis was not timid, this was not Cid's opinion! Although Cid did not know the boy, he showed fewer morals than his father compared to Laura, perhaps he was not in his position or maybe he was less experienced and younger than Laura, and it was not yet developed in him to show whether it was worth it. Whether he is like his father or not.
He lowered his brimmed hat so no one could see. Not only his eyes but also the tears that penetrated his eyes because of his friends' nostalgia.
After a few days of stress and straining, Laura now felt light. Dirty stains had cleared from her face, and the fresh, clean clothes made her feel light. She had no troubled heart for himself, but her heart trembled at the saw Cor fell in asleep. The smile faded from her face and she stopped in the distance from her car. Laura's troubled heart was so strong that her breath was slowly released. She didn't know why, but she saw Cor in great danger!
"Aren't you waking him up ??"
Loqi's voice reached Laura's ear in time. Because she could reject those headless thoughts that had suddenly invaded her brain! She turned her head towards Loqi and answered in a quiet voice:
"I want him rest!"
This sentence of her drowned Loqi in happiness! that's better!! He could not be tolerated Cor in any way in the position of a colleague!
"So let him sleep an let's go!"
But contrary to Loqi's thoughts and pleasures, Laura went to the car and opened its door. She turned to Loqi and lowered her voice:
"Can you give order to your long MT to transfer Cor to the airship?"
The smoke rose from Loqi's head, so nervous that his frown quickly dissipated. He didn't raise his voice, but his tone quickened:
" What do you want him to do? Let's go. His daughter is with us, let's not tolerate him anymore!"
Laura's frown didn't go away. She nodded to MT and, looking at Loki, realized that he had to fulfill! At that moment, it was easy to read the misery from Loqi's point of view, he had no choice, so he ordered his MT to do it. He wanted to hit Cor's head on the car and laugh in his heart. But when MT went to Laura's car, she appeared with a point warp next to him, slowly bowed her head and whispered in his ear:
"If he Wakes up, I'll cut your head!'
Contrary to his inner desire and, of course, with a long pause, Loqi turned to MT to order him to transfer Mr. Immortal with caution! However, he enjoys it if he throws it on the ground. Or he would hit his head on the car but he would be afraid of Laura! Aside from the knowledge he had about Laura and her nature, her frown was scary !!
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Dariolus Amicitia(my oc)
 My national language is not English. I apologize for the spelling and grammar mistakes.
I can't find a good name for my story and probably changed its name.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
Part 1:
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The city was drained of fire and blood. All the people were fleeing under the brutal barrage of gray soldiers of smoke and fog, but many were in pain and death. The magical wall that had settled a hundred years of peace in itself was gone. The beautiful city of Insomnia was rapidly decaying, and the gorgeous crystal trapped in its white heart with the chains hanging between the earth and sky. Eventually, Alderkapt got his dirty wish. An army of glaives .. a traitor who gazed at this destruction with a smile !! The sun was moving rapidly to the horizon to not see this bloodshed. I was dragged here and there in the midst of this devastating storm. I have asked Dario many times to let me go. My dad needed me, but he said I wasted my time. I knew ... I was touching my father's death, Dario was trying to figure it out in a closed and I wasn't so dumb as to not understand it. Everywhere in the palace was taken the MTs and the soldiers. I was sure I could handle kill them. But Dario thought it was just a show to figure out where we were! However, this was not the whole story. We have been identified. By some MTs that have thermal visibility, probably! Because they were attacking us precisely, even though we were behind the wall. As soon as they attacked, Dariolus shielded himself and sent me back. He didn't have the strength and the empty hand tried to get those MTs out of the way! Like many other glaives, he had magic attached to my father ... and his lack of magic was a strong sign of the king's death. I don't mean to be so stupid that I wouldn't cry over knowing my dad's death. no !! That was not true. My discomfort was severe, but it was never free of emotions! I showed my sword and run to Dariolus:
"Get down !!"
Dario's quick reaction to my side made it easier and faster to separate those two MTs from their heads! I seized my sword and got worried about Dariolus' arm:
" Are you injured?"
He wrapped his arms around me to better protect me:
" It was on time! So don't worry, let's go!"
As he held me in his arms, he began to run, and so did I. The majestic palaces of the citadel were filled with blood and corpse. And it was nothing but torment for the soul! The sound of a rocket colliding with a building nearby prompted me to listen and sit with Dario for a moment. Because of the ultrasonic wave of the explosion, the windows of the corridors break down and throw at us. Dario's hands could not fully protect me and broken pieces of glass injured my body and Dario's hand. I had it, but I took it in my mouth. Dario quickly pulled those glasses out of his arm and knelt down on me, his worried look on the jars dying my blood, his anxious eyes staring directly at me:
"It's Nothing. Take a deep breath, okay?"
My eyes went to the blood coming from his arm. This guy was completely sacrificing himself for protected me!! How could I weep and cry for these efforts like a spoiled baby girl? I looked at him again. I smiled at him, a smile that was unending pain:
"Get it out, boy! Don't you guys say I'm scared !!"
Holding my hand with his hand to release those jars freely, pressing his hand to ease my pain! I was determined not to get it, but when he pulled out the first glass, I was overwhelmed by the intensity of pain. And so he pulled out the rest. I felt like my flesh was cut with those pieces of glass. And again it was Dario's hands that surrounded me. I got up in my place fast, but my body was cold because of the pain and stress I had. Dario clearly felt this as he took off his leather jacket and dropped it on my shoulders. I turned my head towards him and tried to oppose him, but I felt no time to shout! I was so slowed down by the weakness that Dario ran and slapped me behind him. Sometimes he would have to find a safer route for me to leave, but no way was safe. Suddenly he opened the first room we were near and he sent me in first and then he himself! I was staring at him. We remained silent for a while. He stood behind the door to see if the corridor was open. But it didn't take long for me to come:
"That's useless. We must go the secret way !!"
I turned my head around the room with my eyes! I went to the walls of the room to find out exactly where the secret was !! I held my hand close to the wall and hoped. But there was nothing !! I desperately turned to Dariolus:
"This room has no path!"
he pressed his lips and look at me. He was worried and this was clearly visible on his face. You weren't scared. Maybe you were scared. He was afraid that he couldn't defend me or something happened to me !! I wanted to calm his down, but again the sound of the explosion forced us to sit on the floor! I turned my head to the broken window. We had to get out of the building, otherwise, it wouldn't be clear! It seems as if he is thinking like me as he rushes to grab my arm and hand:
"Come, Laura !!"
I got up in pain and ran after him. He stepped up and kicked the window so hard it fell in place and fell into the balcony! He went out first to make sure there was no danger and pulled me out! He went to the fences and stared at the balcony of the armchair!
" We have to go that way."
Before he could finish his spoke, I hugged his back and knocked Pointe Warp down, both landing on the balcony. I leaned on my hand until I got up. The pain was much worse and my resistance was useless. I left myself on the floor and wrapped myself in:
"damn it!!"
"Wait for us to leave here, okay? stand up!"
Underneath my arm, he grabbed me for a millennium and lifted me up. I didn't disagree and stood. My gaze stared at insomnia that burning in the fire. The attack on the monster and the cannon fighters had the same thing on the ground. Dario was looking for a way to go down, and I was staring at a city that my father had for himself for years to protect it, but now he was gone and his city was burning and burning! I turned my head to Dario and went to him"
"Let me jump, Dario, I can get you off the ground !!"
He looked at me a little. He wanted me to confirm my word. But I don't know why he attacked me. My arm tightened and threw me to the side. I slipped on the rocks on the balcony floor and quickly turned around to figure out the reason for it, but ... My eyes were wide open in amazement. I was shocked to see his face. Blood was coming from his corner and he was smiling !! I was so shocked that I couldn't get up. A piece of iron was torn off his back and struck out of his chest. Dario's red blood slipped from that iron and slipped into the ground slowly. My face shriveled with anxiety and shouted with all my might:
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But he didn't answer me. His eyes were closed and he was left behind. Its release was equal to its fall from the ruined balcony !! I ran to him with heavy sadness and boundless panic and jumped from the balcony. I took the tension with a single point warp and landed on the ground again with another point warp. He was on my huge but his eyelids were closed. I couldn't control my emotions, my voice was shaking but there was no crying yet ... I shook his head to open his eyes:
"D-Dariolus ..!"
The pale smile opened his bloody lips. His breaths were hard to release but he barely spoke:
"Protect you ...was the biggest .. h-honor ..for me! Get out.. from ... the city ...!"
His head dropped on my hand. My gaze was still staring at his face, I hesitated to catch his pulse. He was gone, just against my eyes. Hearing the loud roar of the invading monsters I jumped into myself. I left Dario on the floor. By the way .. that iron was in his chest and I couldn't pull it out! I got up from my place and ran with all my might. I knew so much that my lungs were short of breath. My dad died.. and a close friend of thirty years had injected into my heart so much that I didn't feel any pain in my body. I reached the parking lot at the palace. My eyes wouldn't calm down, but it wasn't time. However, I had no control over this negative and painful feeling. I grabbed my car's cover and pulled it over to the other cars and sat inside. By touching the car scanner, I turned it on and left the palace as fast as it could. I left, I abandoned everything .. my father .. Dariolus. I took a deep breath and raised the recording. Until I hear the sound of these explosions. Dragging the car left and right, I was trying to save myself from the crumbs. Nobody knew where I was or no one was following me !! my gaze stared at the road, After all ... after many years of tears, I let myself go out. My face was cold and soulless, and my father's voice, as well as Dario's, rang in my ears. Unlike the past ... I had enough power to turn my sadness into hatred and a motive for revenge !! I took a deep breath and swallowed my cry. I needed both senses and speed to get out of Insomnia. Crying would not make anyone alive for me !!
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I kept the car next to the fuel station. I took my hat off the chair and put it on my head. I brushed my hair through the hole in his back to keep it fixed. I didn't want my face to be known ... it was easier that way! I turned off the car and went downstairs, handed over the burning to the person in charge of the station, took my passer-by bag from my pocket, and went to the small market in the station, got a can of ice cream, a packet of biscuits and then got back in the car. As soon as I sat down and closed the door, my cellphone was connected. I looked at the monitor and saw its number! It was Cor. slowly started the car and threw it on the road. As soon as I left, I replied:
"Yes, dear?!"
"Where are you? are you okay?"
I paused and replied:
"Yes. I'm coming to you."
"Your sound is vibrations!"
I paused again, and my voice's trembling was due to my weakness:
" Where are you?"
"In the camp"
"Before dawn..."
Before I could finish my speech, the road and the car both turned around my head. I closed my eyelids and squeezed:
" I'll get it myself!"
"Stay where you are, Laura! Characteristic that the situation is not good!"
"There is only half an hour left!"
" The situation may get worse, you may have an accident! Dariolus isn't ahead!?"
Dario .. I took a deep breath and drank some coffee, pressed my foot on the accelerator pedal, and increased my speed to complete the half-hour route in a quarter:
" No, he.."
Not continuing my sentence, Cor understands what I wanted to say. He answered in a low voice:
"I'm sorry."
And answered shorter than he:
" I'll see you soon!"
I didn't wait for his answer because I knew that Goodbye don't memorize and this tradition is not in his culture at all. I drank coffee again so I could control my dizziness. There was a long way to go, 12 hours of driving with bleeding .. How was I alive? !! I laughed a little and wiped the cold sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand. Even Dario's coat couldn't take the cold off my body anymore. I turned on the car's heating system so that I could keep my eyelids open by warming my body. I was numb from the pain and my body was completely numb. For the first time, I held the pheromone of the car with both hands so that I could maintain the balance of the car at that high speed. And finally, that damn road and that long journey came to an end. I turned the car on the dirt road and made my way to the camp, parked the car behind the tents and turned it off, got out of it, and leaned on it. The first person who came to me was Monica. Apparently, she was able to escape from Insomnia. She stood in front of me and said something I didn't understand at all. My ear was whistling and it was as if a song had been sung in my head. I just smiled, but that smile soon faded. I could no longer control my body, felt the ground collapse under my feet and I fell to the ground with my eyes closed involuntarily!
Monica's gaze was on the colorless face of her princess:
"My Lady??"
She wondered why The princess didn't answer. Seeing her sudden fall to the ground, anxiety and horror settled in Monica's eyes. She reacted quickly and grabbed Laura's head and held it before hitting the ground. She sat down next to her and hugged her. By slowly, slapped one side of her face:
" Majesty??"
But Laura's lack of response to Monica's requests was nothing short of disgusting! She put her hand on Laura's side so that she could lift it more easily, which noticed the warmth and wetness of her clothes. She slowly brought her hand out and stared at it. Her princess was bleeding, she turned her head to the few Glaives that was watching them, she almost raised her voice:
" Don't stop there, let's take princess inside the tent !!"
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He came out of his tent because of the noise in the camp, He couldn't focus on his work., he was also worried about why Laura wouldn't arrive, he knew her well !! Laura is driving so fast and professional that according to her calculations, she should be here now! He turned his head slowly to where the glaives were going. Very seriously and keeping his style, he turned his head to see what had happened. Laura's car was there !! And that was the only thing that was recognizable to Cor! His usual frown grew thicker and he walked towards the group that had gathered. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. Slowly, he pulled the glaives aside and stood in front of Laura! Seeing her unconscious face, his anxiety was hidden in his frown! He sat down next to Monica and caressed Laura with his hands and got up. As the marshal got up, the glaives opened the way for him to pass sooner! Monica got up at the foot of the marshal and followed him to receive the orders given! Cor started at Laura's face again for a moment. She was so pale that even a child could tell how bad she was. Invisibly, he pressed Laura to his huge and placed her hanging head-on his shoulder slowly:
"Potion, first aid, potion! Soon Monica"!
"Yes, sir!"
It was Monica who answered firmly and explicitly. She distanced herself from Cor in order to provide these devices sooner! From there, Cor had taken Laura to his tent. Her cold body lay on the bed and stretched her legs, pulled Dariolus' jacket out of tension and threw it down on the bed, put his chair next to the bed, and sat down. He raised his hand and gently caressed Laura's hair, which was irregularly spread on her face:
"Laura? do you hear me?"
He called out to her in the hope that if she woke up, her place would be safe and well. But Laura was completely in Report. She had no consciousness, not even a small amount! It didn't take long for Monica to enter The marshal tent. She had a box in her hand and had the help and first aid, stood next to The marshal in a military-style:
Cor paying attention to Monica at that moment, he took one of the potions. he put his hand on Laura's abdomen slowly and turned it slightly towards himself. He used one potion, but he was not satisfied with one and knocked on the second potion on her. The same whimper caused both Cor and Monica to calm down. Laura lay down on the bed again:
"Go make something strong for her, Monica!"
"Yes, sir! Should i have soup?"
"It does not count!"
" Obedience."
She left the tent with military respect. She was wondering what kind of soup to make, which is suitable for the princess! Cor's gaze was still on Laura's face. Monica was told what had happened. He knew he had lost his friends... and he was sad that he couldn't be there to serve! At least Laura's life was news to alleviate some of his pain. He took a deep breath and slowly got up! He wanted to go to the maps to give the new orders to the soldiers and their hunters, but he stopped again with a slow moan of Laura. He turned and stared at her again. It was as if she was regaining consciousness! He came back next to her until she felt better:
"Come on .. You ar safe now!"
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