#Dongwoon one shot
blu-joons · 2 years
When He’s Scared That You’ll Leave Him ~ Highlight Reaction
Your smile was weak as Doojoon finally returned home, much later than you expected him to. An apology came from Doojoon straight away as he sat down beside you, looking at you in panic that you were still awake.
Your hand rested against Doojoon’s thigh as he took a seat down beside you, “why are you looking at me like that? Have I done something wrong?”
“You’re too good,” he commented.
“Me?” You laughed, pointing at yourself. “Where’s that suddenly come from?” You asked, unaware of how guilty Doojoon felt for making you wait for him to arrive.
His smile matched your own as Doojoon spoke, “how do you keep doing this? I’m always late, or not around, it’s not how I should be.”
“You’re busy with work, you know I understand that.”
“Does your patience not run out though?” Doojoon enquired, “do you ever just want to tell me to go away when I keep cancelling on you.”
“Not at all,” you laughed, nudging against his side. “It’s all part of the job of dating you, I’ve kind of got used to it now anyway.”
Doojoon’s eyes narrowed in your direction, “how can you ever get used to being messed around by me as much as this?”
“I guess you just make it worthwhile.”
As you began the drive home, you couldn’t help but notice that Yoseob wasn’t quite himself. When you pushed him on it, you got nothing, but eventually he began to explain what had upset him through the night.
You smiled sympathetically as Yoseob worried about the attention you got from some of your colleagues. “You’re not jealous of them, are you?”
“It’s not that,” he responded.
“You think they paid much attention to me?” You then suggested, watching as Yoseob’s head nodded. “Don’t tell me you think that they had my attention, please.”
Yoseob’s nervous stare met your own, “they were all so funny and good looking, even I wouldn’t blame you if you dated one of them Y/N.”
“But you’re the one that I’m dating, none of them.”
“I know,” Yoseob whispered, turning to glance out of the window. “I guess they just made me feel a little insecure, like I’m not good enough.”
“That’s nonsense,” you replied, quickly shutting Yoseob down, “I mean they’re nice colleagues, but they can be so irritating Yoseob.”
A faint chuckle came from him as you reassured him, “you’re really telling me that you like me more than all of them?”
“Of course, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as Gikwang mumbled underneath his breath, concerned that he was taking the stress that he was experiencing at work out on you, fearing how much longer you’d tolerate it.
Your head shook as Gikwang finished, clearing your throat straight away. “Are you kidding me? I want to help you, not get annoyed with you Gikwang.”
“Aren’t I annoying?” He quizzed.
“We all get stressed, it would never give me a reason to leave you,” you chuckled, draping your arm across his shoulders, “you need to talk to me, not worry about me.”
Gikwang’s concerned eyes glanced to where you were beside him, “you’ve taken care of me constantly, doesn’t it start to drive you up the wall?”
“Not when it’s the person you love who needs help.”
“Thank you,” Gikwang whispered, resting his head against the side of yours. “I don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes here with me.”
“Just promise me one thing,” you asked of him, “stop thinking that I’m going to leave, because I’m not, I’m just going to keep supporting you.”
Gikwang nodded as he made his promise to you, “if I start annoying you though, you have to tell me too Y/N.”
“I’ll never get annoyed with you, don’t worry.”
It was understandably hectic as you and Dongwoon prepared to come to the end of packing his belongings for him to head on tour. All evening something that had been up with Dongwoon, eventually spilling.
Your head nodded as Dongwoon voiced his concerns about leaving you and going on tour. “How come you’re worried about me? I’ll be alright by myself.”
“WIll you still be here?” He asked.
“Of course,” you scoffed, almost in disbelief that Dongwoon would ask you such a thing. “You think that I’d leave whilst you’re on the road or something, have you lost your mind?”
Dongwoon’s shoulders shrugged in reply to you, “it crossed my mind, I’m scared you’ll get bored of waiting for me or find someone who can be around.”
“It’s only a couple of weeks, I’ll just be missing you.”
“Really?” Dongwoon quizzed in surprise, feeling your hand rest over the top of his. “You promise that you’ll be here when I get back home Y/N?”
“Of course, I promise,” you chuckled, squeezing against Dongwoon’s hand, “just as long as you promise to miss me whilst you’re on tour.”
Dongwoon’s head nodded instantly back to you, “I know that I’ll be missing you every second whilst I’m gone.”
“And I’ll be missing you just as much too.”
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uninvitedawn · 1 year
rotten blood
The dining table had more life in it than his Father's own eyes. Minhyun could never see beyond them nor predict what he would say or do next, so, he preferred silence most of the time.
The cold marbled table held various types of main and side dishes, a drink personalised according to each person’s taste and the cutlery matched perfectly to the plates they were all eating from except for Minhyun. Distaste filled the insides of his mouth and he was rightfully uncomfortable at the sight of his younger step-brother Dongwoon. The very name he used to mock with a scrawny frame as an eighteen-year-old enunciating the ‘Dong’ more than the ‘woon’ or Ding‘Dong’. This sent the two fighting in a rage which was soon broken apart by the security guards who found no amusement in their pesky arguments. After all, they were just two teenagers and now grown men sitting across from each other, gaze piercing into their souls as if they were undressing each other’s flaws. Dongwoon grimaces as he motions towards the steak he was cutting through rather aggressively, the metal scraping against ceramic raising goosebumps on his skin as he brings the thick piece of meat to his mouth and rips up the flesh from the fork as if to display what he could do to Minhyun. The elder despite being frustrated only smiled with eyes that were as hostile as his Father’s which made the younger straighten his posture in fear, casting a side eye to his Father to make sure he wasn’t being watched.
The two maid’s scurrying footsteps made their way to the table to clear all of the items and replace them with dessert. Their Father smashes into the burnt sugar of the Crème Brûlée one of Minhyun's favourites and something he did not have an appetite for at the moment. Instead, he watched as the old man ate in silence. His spouse missing from the table which was a rare occurrence in the Kim family. Barely any words were exchanged and he wondered why he was called here, meetings like these were always like a bad omen and he took the silence as his cue to leave. He can’t be here too long otherwise the walls will start to close in on him. The feet of the chair scraped against the tiled flooring “Minhyun, I’ve arranged a meeting for Monday. Be there on time.” The loud bang of a spoon crashing against the table is heard and it came from Dongwoon, who got up from his seat and shot a glare at his step-brother and left them. Confused and not curious about what the meeting would be about Minhyun left without uttering another word. When he reached his home he received a message from the same anonymous number he’d been receiving weird messages from for days now and it read: “Watch your back.”
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Dongwoon- Shortie
Group: Highlight- Dongwoon 
Theme: Request- Dongwoon accidentally embarrasses Y/N in front of the other members and Y/N gets upset as he keeps doing it which leads to them getting to a fight in front of everyone
Type: scenario- angst + fluff (for the most part)
Plot: You and Dongwoon invite the rest of highlight over to your new house for a good time but with the way Dongwoon talks about you results in anything but a good time.  
It’s a burning hot day that’s caught in the middle of a heat wave yet you’re out on the street going around giving cold water to homeless people and advice them to take shelter under shade. When you run out of water bottles and feel content with your work for the day, you decide to visit Dongwoon and the others at their studio or office, wherever they might be today. Before you go off to visit them, you decide to stop by an ice cream shop that a friend owns to get some ice cream for the guys as well as just paying a visit to your dear friend.
As the door chimes, you exclaim, “Heyy!”
Your friend turns around and her face lights up upon recognizing you, “Hey Y/N! How can I help ya today?”
“I’ll take mine and Dongwoon’s usual as well as a cup of matcha, one mango, and two rocky roads please.”
“Okie comin’ right up. To-go right?” 
“Mhmh,” you nod.
“Looks like you’re visiting the boys today huh?“ she asks as she swiftly scoops the ice cream into the containers. 
“Actually Dongwoon and I invited them over to our house, I figured I’d just grab some ice cream for them before heading home plus I was missing you as well so it's good to see you.“
“It’s good to see ya too. So tell me how you’ve been?“
“I’m doing great, just got back from giving water to people. How about you?  It looks a little empty in here, I figured there’d be more people since it’s hitting triple digits, is business okay?”
“Yup, business is doing amazing, especially in the heat! But it’s a little slow at this moment since kids are still in school and it’s not lunch time anymore. And you just missed it, there was major hustle here like you would not believe. Who knew hot people could be so darn angry and demanding? And I’m not talking the good-looking kinda hot people, I mean sweat-drenched hot. Anyways how are things with you and Dongwoon?”
“Things are good, we’re at a great place with each other and keep each other happy and all that. So how much do I owe ya?” 
“Don’t worry about it right now, just treat me to a lunch so we can catch up properly then. Here you are, hope you have a good time Y/N,” your friend says with a friendly wink as she hands you the bag of ice cream. 
“Awe thank you and I’ll text you later this evening regarding that lunch love, take care.“ You say as you take the bag and head out the door. 
You open your front door and as the door opens you hear the guys having an animated conversation and you wave the bag over your head at the same time they call out happily, “Y/N is here!” 
“Look here comes the shortie,” Dongwoon chuckles as he comes up to greet you. As he walks over you give him a little glare yet blush in embarrassment but despite that Dongwoon pulls you into his embrace and plants a quick kiss on your head.
‘Strike one,’ you think to yourself. 
“I got you guys some ice cream as a treat from this warm weather. Yoseob oppa, I got you matcha ice cream. Gikwang oppa I have mango for you. And for you two I got your favorite,” you list as you take out each container and hand it to the corresponding person. 
“Rocky road?“ Doojoon asks excitedly. 
“Yup, rocky road. Here’s one for you and one for you Junhyung oppa. And for you,” you stop to look at Dongwoon adoringly. “For you I got your usual babe.”
“Thank you Y/N,” the guys say in semi-unison. 
“Haha no problem. Thank you guys all for coming over today, I know there’s always a lot of work so I appreciate you guys taking the time to be here,” you smile sincerely. 
“Of course Y/N, since you invited us so sweetly we wouldn’t miss it for the world,”  Gikwang says genuinely. 
“Mhmh, you guys have a very beautiful home,” Junhyung comments.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Y/N, Dongwoon, this is for your new home,” Yoseob says as he hands you a gift. 
“Oh! You guys didn’t have to do that, thank you very much,” you thank. 
“Yea thank you hyungs. Please enjoy the rest of your ice creams as Y/N and I will grab some snacks for the movie,” Dongwoon states as he puts his arm around you. 
“Hey babe I never said thanks for that ice cream earlier,” Dongwoon says in a low voice to you as he corners you and leans in for a kiss. 
“Mhmh don’t get any ideas, you know we have company, and it’s your hyungs too no less,” you say quickly as you break free from his grasp but he manages to give you a kiss on you cheek. 
“Mhh whatever you say lil one,” he whispers as he lets you go. 
You narrow your eyes at him and cock an eyebrow, “You take the popcorn and stuff, I’ll go bring the beer.” 
‘Strike two’ you count. 
After the hilarious movie, you decide it’s time to cook dinner. Yoseob and Gikwang join you in the kitchen as Dongwoon takes the elders to play pool in the room next door. 
“So Y/N, what’s for dinner tonight?” Yoseob asks as he sits on a stool. 
“I was thinking of a grilled salmon with some kale salad and I’ll also be making some bean soup as well,” you say eagerly as you go around your kitchen gathering various ingredients. 
“Ooh very good Y/N,” Gikwang complimented. “I heard from Dongwoon that you two were trying a diet so I’m happy to see that you two are still sticking with it.” 
“Thanks. And you didn’t hear this from me but our diet magically reappeared today,” you say with a shrug as Yoseob and Gikwang laugh. 
“Y/N?” Doojoon calls as you set the final dish on the table. 
“Yes,” you say as you stand still, wiping your palms on your apron. 
“Where’s all the meat? Is this it?” Doojoon asks in a serious tone but breaks into a laugh seconds later. “I’m just joking with you, the meal looks delicious. Thanks for making us this feast.”
“All that meat went into the other half of her height. Get it? ‘Cuz it’s not there,” Dongwoon cracks himself and the others chuckle nervously.
You scoff and stand in disbelief. 
‘Final strike’, you think before quickly walking away with your head down letting a whisper that faintly sounded, “excuse me.”
Your hand reaches out to grab the door handle of the bathroom but Dongwoon grabs roughly your hand instead and swings you towards him. 
“Why’d you leave like that?” Dongwoon asks harshly with a dark glaze over his eyes. 
“Wh- why’d I leave? How about why you’ve been making fun of my height all day?” you ask defensively as you poke his chest sharply. 
“Height? Is that what this is about?” 
“Yes, of course it is if it’s all you keep mentioning!” 
“Don’t raise your voice at me,” Dongwoon commands dauntingly. 
“Excuse me, I’m not the one who’s been making people uncomfortable. I don’t think you realize how inconsiderate you’ve been all day.” 
“Yeah whatever just come back to the table, this doesn’t look good,” Dongwoon says monotonely as he lets go of your hand and turns to walk back.
“Um no you’re not gunna pull that card with me. We’re not done here. You wanna tell me why you’re being like this? I thought you knew how much I don’t like being made fun of for my height. Baby why’d you make that joke, it wasn’t even funny.“
“It's not a big deal, I don‘t know why you‘re making a big fuss over this.”
“Cuz I know for a fact I told you that I’m very insecure about my height in general and even more so when it’s front of others. I know you’re not one to do something like this that’s why I’m ‘making a big fuss over this.’“
Dongwoon just stands there and shrugs his shoulders. 
“Woonie look, we can't keep fighting like little kids. Look around, we bought that. Woonie, we bought a whole house together. Together, me and you. And that’s a huge thing and a very adult thing to do too. So please stop acting like this, you know better. You’re right, it doesn't look good for us to leave the table like that. But you gotta watch what you say cuz in our house we gotta care about each other not hurt each other, right? So let’s stop wasting time and go back,” you say softly as you rub his back softly. 
Dongwoon sniffles, “You’re right Y/N, I’m sorry for making you feel so uncomfortable today. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking, I think I had too much to drink tonight. Yeah, let's go back, the hyungs are probably waiting for us. I’m sorry love.” 
You smile up at him and he leans down to kiss you. He puts his arm around you and you two start to walk back together. “You know one of my favorite things about you is your height, you fit perfectly with me. We’ve waited so long to share a home together and be able to invite friends over. And look, we finally did that together. I love you Y/N,” Dongwoon says gently to you before pressing a kiss to your forehead and returning to his seat on the table amongst the others. 
“Sorry about that, how’s the meal so far?” Dongwoon asks everyone politely. 
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*omllll look how mf handsome he isss omffff AND he’s got blk hair 
*anon, you know who you are, I’m terribly sorry love, I hope I did it justice
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Caught Touching His Girlfriend [Doojoon and Yoseob]
This is smutty obviously. Read at your own will.
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Doojoon’s jaw dropped at his girlfriend’s, Jiyeon, words. “I’m sorry what?”
Jiyeon batted her lashes as she grew closer to Doojoon. Her manicured nails played with the buttons on his shirt, “I want to try getting off in public.”
They were the only two in the dressing room as the others were preparing for another performance. Doojoon stared Jiyeon down and bit his lips as he eyed her short skirt. He reached out and placed his hand on her hip as his eyes traveled up her body to her lips. He pressed his lips to hers which she returned. His hand caressed her hip before he shook his head and broke the kiss. “I can’t. What if someone sees?” He gave her one last kiss before he headed off to the stage.
Jiyeon tsked as she felt hornier than she was when she first got to the concert. “Fine…” She tilted her head as she stared at the door her boyfriend flew through, “Then, I’ll make you just as horny as me.” Her lips curved into a smile as she began to plan out her attack.
It was another intermission, Dongwoon and Yoseob were still on stage when Doojoon and Kikwang returned backstage to get changed. Jiyeon greeted the two as she handed them some waters. Doojoon was getting dressed as Kikwang threw himself on the couch when Jiyeon grabbed a towel, “Aw, Kikwang, you’re so sweaty. Here” she leaned down and wiped his brow.
Doojoon got the full display of his girlfriend’s ass and he could tell she didn’t wear anything underneath the skirt. He swallowed hard as she stood back up and turned to him. She smirked when she saw the heated gaze. He cleared his throat as he turned around to change without thinking about Jiyeon.
He was about to walk out when Jiyeon called him back, “You’re so clumsy.” She pulled his tie off of him. “You’d think you’d learn how to tie these correctly… Or is it you only know how to tie them around my wrists?” Doojoon sucked in a breath between his teeth. Her hands crept up to his shirt as she fixed his tie. She patted his chest and stepped back with a nod, “You’re all good now.” Doojoon glared at her as he tried to fix his pants. Jiyeon waved with a teasing smile. She knew she got him.
By the end of the concert, Doojoon was done pretending. Jiyeon had done nothing but tease and work him up. He wanted his own revenge. The group and Jiyeon climbed into the van to head back to the company where their cars awaited them. Doojoon wasn’t thinking of the location. He just wanted to work Jiyeon up. He placed his hand on her inner thigh and pried them apart a bit. She shot him a look of not now but Doojoon ignored her. She wanted to do something public, he wasn’t going to keep denying her. His fingers worked their way up her thigh, pushed her skirt up with them, as they messaged her inner thigh. Jiyeon bit her lip in anticipation. Doojoon’s finger grazed her labia and he leaned down to her ear, “Already so wet for me?” He nibbled on her earlobe as his finger continued to tease her.
He slipped his first finger in her with ease. She pressed her hands to her mouth to keep her moan down. She looked at the others who were just a row ahead not paying them any mind. Doojoon noticed she was distracted, so he slipped a second finger in and pumped them. Jiyeon’s face grew flush as she looked down at his fingers. She let out a gasp that she quickly covered with a fake cough.
“Fuck, I can feel how wet my fingers are” He growled as he assaulted her vagina, “You’re dripping.” Jiyeon huffed as he continued. He hit her g-spot on accident and she launched forward unprepared for that pleasure that coursed up her spine. “Oh?” She could hear the smirk in his voice. “Did that feel good? Should I go harder?” He asked rhetorically as he repeatedly fingered the same spot.
“Doo–stop” she pleaded as she felt herself falling apart. However, it was too late as she accidentally let out the moan she tried to suppress. Doojoon looked at her in shock. The others’ heads had turned by that point. She pressed her hands to her face in embarrassment.
“Hyung, can’t you just wait until you get back to your place” Yoseob cringed.
Doojoon’s face reddened as he mumbled a quick apology and he pulled his fingers out of Jiyeon leaving her high and dry. He couldn’t even look at her again the rest of the trip to the company.
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Yoseob invited his girlfriend, Mina, out to eat with his group members. They had reserved a small room for privacy away from the other guests of the restaurant. Yoseob sucked down his first beer as he tried to kill the neediness it felt because of MIna. All day, Mina had done nothing but tease him and left him horny and craving to be inside her. He wanted to get her back. He needed to get her back. It was like a light-switch flipped in his head as he thought of how to pay her back.
The meal was set in front of everyone and Mina looked ready to devour it all when she felt Yoseob’s hand trace her thigh. She glanced at him, but he as focused on the food he plucked off the tray and on his plate. She didn’t think a thing of it as she grabbed some food completely unaware of the devious smile her boyfriend had.
As she ate, Yoseob’s hand trailed higher up her thigh and she froze which caught the attention of Kikwang, “You okay?”
“Ye-yea. I think I just ate something a bit too spicy” she lied as she went for her water. She gave a thumbs up as she put the glass down. Kikwang looked away and Yoseob continued up his path. Mina refused to let him get to a reaction from her.
Yoseob’s fingers touched her shaved labia and he looked over at her in disbelief.
She could see the question in his eyes. Mina pulled his head closer to her as she whispered, “I’m not wearing anything underneath.”
He groaned as his fingers grazed her slightly wet labia. Yoseob had barely even touched her and she was already wet. He licked his lips as he thought if they were alone she could be on his lap riding him. He pushed a finger in her and thrusted at a slow teasing pace.
Mina let out a quiet gasp as she reached down and held on his thigh for some relief. Her food long forgotten as he grazed the spot that gave her pleasure. Under her lashes, she looked to see the three boys were so focused on their food and drinks, they didn’t realize she was withering beneath her boyfriends callous finger.
Yoseob added a second finger. The pace increased. Mina tightened her grip on his thigh as she leaned over her food. Yoseob’s eyes devoured her withering body with lust. “Go on… Cum in front of them. Let them see how I take my desert” he teased. Mina let out a low choked moan as her climax hit and her eyes waters. Yoseob chuckled darkly as he pulled his fingers from her and he lapped up the juices on his fingers as Mina caught her breath.
“Hyunnnnng” Dongwoon whined. “Some of us are still eating!”
Yoseob laughed as he saw his members looked at him in embarrassment, “Don’t act so innocent. Each one of you have got your girl off at a dinner table more than once.” He called them out on their bullshit. Their faces reddened as they went back to eating knowing Yoseob was right. He looked at Mina with and licked his lips. The dark lustful look in his eyes told Mina that he was no where near done with her.
Part II 
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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dougiewonderland · 5 years
Biases, Wreckers, First Songs and Favourites
Hi all~ I figured I would post this so you guys could learn more about me!  Since my first time doing this, I’ve gotten into quite a few more groups so I wanted to rewrite this and put it in alphabetical instead of the order I got into them (though some I don’t know enough to write about, so see the list of who I write for HERE)!  Let me know who we have in common, I’m always happy to nerd out over my biases with people!
Bias: Woong and Woojin
Wrecker: all of them!
First Song: Breathe
Favourite Song: Breathe (though Hollywood and Absolute are up there too)
Bias: Donghun
Wrecker: Junhee (Jun) and Seyoon (Wow)
First Song: Cactus
Favourite Song: Undercover
Bias: Minhyuk (Rocky)
Wrecker: none
First Song: Baby I think?
Favourite Song: All Night
Bias: Seonghwa and Hongjoong
Wrecker: Yunho
First Song: Pirate King
Favourite Song: Wonderland
Bias: Jongup and Junhong (Zelo)
Wrecker: Himchan and Daehyun
First Song: I think it was One Shot?  Either that or Skydive
Favourite Song: Wake Me Up
Big Bang
Bias: Seunghyun (TOP)
Wrecker: Jiyong (G-Dragon)
First Song: Fantastic Baby
Favourite Song: Don’t really have a particular one that comes to mind
Block B
Bias: Minhyuk (B-Bomb)
Wrecker: Jaehyo and Yoo-Kwon (U-Kwon)
First Song: Idk, maybe Her?  First song that got me into them was Shall We Dance, though
Favourite Song: Shall We Dance or Toy.  Zero for Conduct is good too if you want to count Block B Bastarz
Bias: Eunkwang
Wrecker: Peniel, Ilhoon, Changsub
First Song: Wow
Favourite Song: Wow and I’ll Be Your Man
Bias: Jungkook
Wrecker: Namjoon (RM/Rapmonster),  Yoongi (Suga), Seokjin (Jin)
First Song: Dope
Favourite Song: I can’t pick one... it’s been a five-way tie between Dope, Save Me, 21st Century Girl, Mic Drop, and Cypher Pt. 4... now Fake Love is quickly coming up the ranks
Bias: Sungjin
Wrecker: Brian (Young K) and Dowoon
First Song: I think Congratulations?
Favourite Song: Shoot Me
Bias: Jongdae (Chen) and Kyungsoo (DO)
Wrecker: Junmyeon (Suho)
First Song: Call Me Baby
Favourite Song: Miracles in December
Bias: Jackson (ult #1!)
Wrecker: Jaebum (JB) and recently Jinyoung (JR)
First Song: First song I heard was Girls Girls Girls but the first song that I recognized was them was Just Right
Favourite Song: If You Do
Bias: none that are active
Wrecker: Dongwoon
First Song: First by Highlight specifically was Plz Don’t Be Sad, first by Beast was Fiction
Favourite Song: Plz Don’t Be Sad
Bias: None that are active
Wrecker: Chanwoo
First Song: Rhythm Ta
Favourite Song: Killing Me
Bias: Sunggyu
Wrecker: Everyone else
First Song: Bad
Favourite Song: Tell Me
Bias: Hyunbin and Taehyun
Wrecker: Everyone else
First Song: Fantasy
Favourite Song: Fantasy
Bias: Youjin, Inseong, and Heejun
Wrecker: Dongwon
First Song: Knock
Favourite Song: Rain and Sun Moon Star
Monsta X
Bias: Kihyun, Changkyun (IM), and Hyunwoo (Shownu)
Wrecker: Hoseok (Wonho)
First Song: Hero
Favourite Song: Beautiful and Shoot Out
Bias: Kun (ult #2!) and Donghyuck (Haechan)
Wrecker: Everyone else
First Song (by any of the subgroups): Limitless
Favourite Song (out of all subgroups + 2018): Too many to pick from, but since Black on Black is in the list anyway I’ll say that one
NCT 127
Bias: Donghyuck (Haechan)
Wrecker: Everyone else
First Song: Limitless
Favourite Song: Touch or Cherry Bomb
NCT Dream
Bias: Donghyuck (Haechan)
Wrecker: Jaemin
First Song: Honestly don’t remember...Chewing Gum maybe?
Favourite Song: Boom
Bias: Kun! (in Weekly Idol he was classified as NCT U so he’s on this list too), Chittaphon (Ten) and Jaehyun
Wrecker: Everyone else
First Song: The 7th Sense
Favourite Song: Boss and Dream in a Dream (it’s on spotify as NCT U, and I just love the song so much I wanted it somewhere)
Bias: Kun
Wrecker: Yukhei (Lucas), Dejun (Xiaojun), Kunhang (Hendery)
First Song: Regular
Favourite Song: Take Off, Let Me Love U
Bias: Aron and Minhyun
Wrecker: Jonghyun (JR)
First Song: Overcome
Favourite Song: Overcome
Bias: Keonhee
Wrecker: all of them so far
First Song: Valkyrie
Favourite Song: all their titles are really good, but I'm really loving Lit right now
Bias: Hyunggu (Kino), and Jinho
Wrecker: Hwitaek (Hui), Yuto
First Song: Gorilla
Favourite Song: Like This and Can You Feel It
Bias: Seungkwan (ult #3!), Hansol (Vernon), Seokmin (DK/Dokyeom), and Junhui (Jun)
Wrecker: all of them
First Song: Don’t Wanna Cry
Favourite Song: Pinwheel, Don’t Wanna Cry, Getting Closer, Good To Me, and Flower
Bias: Zuho and Youngkyun (Hwiyoung)
Wrecker: Youngbin
First Song: Fanfare
Favourite Song: Now or Never and Different
Bias: Minho
Wrecker: all of them
First Song: Ring Ding Dong or Lucifer
Favourite Song: Tell Me What To Do
Stray Kids
Bias: Minho (Lee Know) and Changbin
Wrecker: Chan, All of them but recently Jisung
First Song: Hellevator
Favourite Song: I Am You
Super Junior
Bias: Jongwoon (Yesung), Kyuhyun, and Zhoumi
Wrecker: Jeongsu (Leeteuk) and currently Heechul
First Song: Mamacita (the song that started it all)
Favourite Song: Neorago (It’s You)
Bias: Geumhyuk (St. Van) and Heejun (Ziu)
Wrecker: Peng (Jacob) and Chunghyeop (Baron)
First Song: Senorita
Favourite Song: Senorita
Bias: Taekwoon (Leo) and Sanghyuk (Hyuk)
Wrecker: Hakyeon (N)
First Song: Chained Up
Favourite Song: Shangri-La and Scentist
Wanna One
Bias: Minhyun, Jisung, and Daniel
Wrecker: Jihoon and Woojin
First Song: Energetic
Favourite Song: Beautiful and Boomerang
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melxodrava · 7 years
– last night.
The night started out like every other night for Dongwoon. It began with him eating a sad microwave dinner for one and turning on the the television for the news. Being alone at 27, as well as a hardworking businessman, Dongwoon’s nights commonly comprised of this. Being mostly alone, and not having fun, even when it was Friday night. Exactly like now.
Taking off his tie and coat, he slipped off his shoes and sat down on his couch, munching on his dinner. He wondered what news would be on tonight. Probably something some celebrity did that people were gushing over. Dongwoon sometimes wondered why he still watched the news when it was evident that everything was all superficial. News nowadays weren’t about telling stories, but about ratings and views. It was stupid. Nonetheless, Dongwoon was a master of habit and still sat down to watch the nightly news.
To his surprise, however, the breaking news logo appeared and this piqued his interest. A news anchor appeared and began talking in a flurry. Dongwoon was able to comprehend him with words such as “asteroid”, “death” and “soon”. Shocked, he realized that what they were saying was that the end of the world was upon them. 
Dongwoon dropped his food, making a large cracking sound from the glass bowl.
He was frozen. Not with fear of death, but rather.... Regret. With the idea of death upon him, Dongwoon suddenly realized how he has spent the last 27 years like an idiot. As a child, he was always seeking to gain his parent’s approval, to the point in which he became a doctor just for them. And now that the world was ending, here he was, sitting alone and eating some shitty macaroni and cheese. 
With a sudden feeling of motivation, Dongwoon began to put on his coat and shoes and ran out of his apartment. He put his hands in his pocket, shivering a bit from the cold, but he didn’t care. He went to the nearby club, pointedly deciding to do everything he ever wanted, and first things first? Get fucking wasted. He found the bar and ordered a bunch of shots, downing them one by one at an alarming rate.
Nearby, he heard a group of people gushing and whispering while pointing towards somebody. Dongwoon gave a raise of an eyebrow, but decided to ignore it. Whatever, or whoever, it was, Dongwoon couldn’t care less. Shrugging, He began to down some more shots. “I am drinking until I can’t stand anymore, Mr. Bartender.” Dongwoon said, already a bit tipsy so his voice was a bit loud, which meant that almost everyone near the bar could hear him.. “So keep ‘em coming!” 
( @zanyara )
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By the way, it might not interest you, but I actually managed to get in University in the program I wanted. It’s confirmed and all. I just have to finish my year and I’m all set to start my adult life!
Yes... I’m kind of in an Infinite pass - not that I don’t appreciate it. But, lately, I didn’t have new albums I wanted to purchase, so I just bought a few albums who were on my wish list for an eternity and as it may be quite obvious the great majority of Infinite’s albums were on it.
So I bought Infinite’s Paradise December on Ktown4u at the price of 14.90$ (Canadian) without shipping fees.
Paradise is the repackaged version - I completely forgot that Woollim usually released two versions of each of Infinite’s albums when I bought Seed - of the now very rare (since it’s out of press) first album of Infinite, Over the Top. Paradise is a LOT easier to find and cheaper, so I just went along with buying it (also, Paradise is a BOP so I couldn’t pass it) rather than trying to track down a version of Over the Top (the price generally starts at 80$ CAD for a used version just to give you an idea).
Paradis contains a total of 13 songs - 3 more than Over the Top - but only 12 of the songs are songs that can be considered as full-length. The last song is a remix of Be Mine, so it’s not really another song. Aside from that, the songs on this album are gold. They come from the era in which Infinite suddenly rose in popularity (Be Mine, Paradise), so they are up-beat dance song in a more early 2000s vibe that I absolutely love in this group. Over the Top is probably one of the best song Infinite has produced - okay, I’m exagerating, it isn’t my favorite. The solo songs of WooHyun and Sunggyu are soooo good - I mean, you should give a listen to Because. The only song I, maybe, was a little bit less happy was Crying by Infinite H mostly because I’m not a big fan of that sub-unit - at the complete opposite of Infinite F.
For the packaging, it’s just Woollim shit... You know... They like to have really normal album, but really weird repackage. The appearance is quite similar to the Back album - in short, a really easily damageable cardboard pocket. The album doesn’t have a lot of contain - but it’s an old album, I nearly feel that it’s normal that old albums contain less. So, you get quite a large photobook, but quite thin. Also the design and the shots are... Well, good nothing more. I mean, I’m quite a simple person so I really don’t mind such a simple concept, but for some more used to the more recent albums might be deceived by its content. It also contains a photocard - by the way, I dunno why I hate the stage outfits of this album this much... I just don’t like it. For what it is of the status of my Infinite collection... I’m still hoping to get a SungJong’s photocard some day... I know I never obtained a SungGyu’s photocard in an infinite album, but since I bought his three solo albums, I consider such thing as classified. For DongWoon... I know I don’t have a photocard, but... At least I got something of him... I got nothing of SungJong.
In the end was it worth it? I mean, as said before, I rarely consider an Infinite album not worth it. But, from an objective point of view, I do consider that Paradise is a better altenative than Over the Top, yet, it’s a very small album. For those who would consider buying it online... Infinite’s albums aren’t the best to buy online... They are generally partial or as pricey as their material copy. So, considering everything, I would say it’s worth it unless you don’t like the songs, then maybe just pass this album... It isn’t even really pretty... It’s just brown cardboard.
By the way, I completely forgot in my first update that a poster also comes inside the album, but since it’s inside the pocket, it’s quite wrinkly.
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n-flyingtoyou · 7 years
Oppa vs. Noona
It was maybe your third time going out for a drink with them, you were introduced by a close friend of you, who was also part of their staff team, and you have hunged out together for a couple of times but today was the first time Y/F/N wasn’t present. You weren’t nervous or anything, everytime you talked with them it was very fun and you had a great time, they were cute and fun and you felt very comfortable around them, so you didn’t hesitate when Dujun called you to drink with them that night.
After a few drinks everyone was already a little tipsy and the boys seemed to grow more playful except for Junhyung who was very quiet at his seat.
“Okay but why do you call everyone else oppa but not me?” Dongwoon asked me, pouting a little.
“What do you mean? You don’t even know if I’m younger, I could be a noona, you know” you say, pouring one more shot for yourself.
They didn’t know your age yet, they know Y/F/N is older than you but she’s also older than most of them so they could’t figure your age so far. But you had such young features (and short height) that made you look younger than you were.
He looks at from up to down, making you feel a sense of competitiveness “Yeah…I don’t think so”
“Okay when you were born? Wait. Don’t tell me, I’ll search it up” You said, grabbing your phone. “What is your name again?”
“What?” He looked at you while the other boys started laughing.
“뻥이야~ just kidding, of course I know…..Lee Dongwoon” You playfully say his last name wrong as you type in your phone.
“Yah!“ He was now really getting offended, which the other boys (and you) thought even funnier.
“뻥이야~ just kidding again, Son Dongwoon, now let’s see..born in…” you focus on your phone and they all seem expectant of what you’ll say next.
“So..??” Yoseob looked almost impacient to hear it.
You lean in over the table, towards Dongwoon, holding out your glass “As I was saying, Dongwoon-ah, can you serve me another shot? also call me noona from now on.”
They boy looked defeated, he could only laugh while serving your glass, and the other boys were infinitely teasing him and laughing.
A/N: This is the first thing I write and i’m sooo not sure about it so if you happen to read this can you tell me if it’s bad? I’ll welcome any feedback!!
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temptedeli · 7 years
 I was tagged by @ashaxiii (thanks for tagging me!💙)
First group you listened to? B2ST/Beast
First group you actually knew the members’ names of? Also Beast.
First bias ever? Gikwangie, not really a bias but i thought was absolutely beautiful.
First song to make you emotional? Oh, hmm, maybe 문이 닫히면 ? I remember crying like a mad woman when Doojoon and Dongwoon did it live.
Top 3 fav male groups?
1. B.A.P
2. Beast
3. Monsta X (maybe?)
Top 3 fav female groups?
Don’t really have a top 3 of girl groups, mostly because no group ever caught my attention, there’s a few songs i like from random girl groups but that’s as far as it goes.
Top 3 solo artists? Bang Yongguk... this is impossible there are far too many solo artist’s songs i like after Yonggukie.
Top 3 artists I want to see go solo: Himchan, Youngjae, Wonho, Kihyun... again impossible!!!
Top 3 favorite songs of all time? Just 3?? ah... sheesh.
1)      One Shot – B.A.P
2)      AM 4:44 – Bang Yongguk
3)      Fiction - Beast  (Just beacuse it open the door to k-pop for me and i still love to listen to it.)
Top 3 biases? There’s no top 3, there’s top 1, Bang Yongguk.
Top 3 fandoms you’re a part of? BABY... doesn’t mean that i don’t like other groups or that i don’t support them every now and then, but being a BABY sometimes feels like a full time job. lol
Top 3 choreographies?
1)      B.A.P – One Shot
2)      B.A.P – Warrior
3)      B.A.P - Mirotic (TVXQ) (Yes, i could have put the original TVXQ video, but... it’s B.A.P! Doing Mirotic!)
Ultimate bias group? B.A.P.
Ultimate male bias? Bang Yongguk
Ultimate female bias? n/a
Let’s see... who should i tag? @deewani @baematoki @rikavolan @sol-the-sun @dreamermoonchan and anyone else who wants to to do it! 💙
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Lay Down Between His Legs ~ Highlight Reaction
Suspicious eyes watched over you as Doojoon caught you shuffling out of the corner of his eye once again. “Where are you heading to?” He suddenly asked.
An innocent smile formed on your face as you met Doojoon’s eyes, “I was just looking at that gap I can see between your legs, it looks pretty me sized.”
Doojoon nodded as he looked between the gap and you, “and I’m guessing you’re trying to move there without me noticing what you’re doing, aren’t you?”
“How?” You grumbled, “how do you always manage to work me out like this?”
“You weren’t exactly being subtle there Y/N.”
With that, Doojoon wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tightly in between his legs. “I thought if I moved slowly you wouldn’t notice.”
“Nice try,” Doojoon sympathised, pressing a kiss against your shoulder, “but you’re going to have to do better than that.”
“Oh well, at least I’m finally where I want to be Joon.”
“Exactly, and where I want you too.”
A chuckle came from you as Yoseob’s legs squeezed even tighter against your frame either side of you. “You said you were cold, so I’m just warming you up.”
You could barely chuckle as your hands tapped against his legs, “I said that I was cold, I didn’t say that I wanted you to squeeze the life out of me though.”
A shrug of the shoulders came from Yoseob as you looked back at him, “unfortunately that’s what you get for deciding that you want to lay down in between my legs.”
“You’re so mean to me,” you pouted, “what did I ever do to you to deserve this?”
“You made me move my legs when I was comfy.”
A roll of the eyes followed from you as Yoseob dramatically sighed, “you’d barely been sat down for five minutes, there’s no way that you were cosy.”
“I was, because I was warm,” he retorted, “so stop pouting at me unless you want me to move and let you keep yourself warm.”
“Sometimes I wonder what it is that I ever saw in you.”
“My nice warm legs, that’s what.”
Your eyes rolled at Yoseob’s confident reply, hearing his snigger follow. “If you think your legs were the reason I fell for you, you’re mistaken.”
“Of course,” Yoseob agreed, “because you fell instead for my handsome smile and my beautiful eyes, didn’t you?”
“You can be so full of yourself sometimes, you know?”
“But that’s just why you love me.”
Your smile turned up as you felt a gentle tug against your hair, knowing exactly what Gikwang was doing. “Sorry,” he whispered, knowing what he had done.
Your head shook in reply to him as you placed your hands against his legs. “You’re alright, it didn’t hurt,” you assured him, not wanting him to worry.
Gikwang continued to twirl your hair around in his finger, watching you with concerned eyes. “Are you sure?” Gikwang pushed, immediately beginning to worry.
“I’m fine,” you chuckled, “it can’t hurt anyway when I’m laying right here.”
“My legs don’t stop things hurting Y/N.”
Your head carried on shaking in Gikwang’s direction, “laying here makes me feel comfortable so that absolutely nothing can hurt me.”
“Your logic gives me a headache sometimes,” Gikwang couldn’t help but retort, looking down at you with his eyes narrowing.
“Just keep playing with my hair and it’ll all make sense.”
“I reckon I can keep doing that.”
You threw yourself down with a huff as you noticed the gap in Dongwoon’s legs, finally relaxing. “I thought at one point you weren’t coming home tonight.”
Dongwoon’s hands rested through your hair as you leant back, “I was convinced at one point that I wasn’t going to be coming home tonight either.”
A chuckle escaped from him as he listened to you, watching you yawn as you spoke. “I hope you don’t plan on falling asleep on me, we can’t sleep on the sofa.”
“I’m not moving,” you quickly warned him, “you’ll have to move me you know.”
“If I need to carry you to bed, then I will.”
Your head nodded, happily agreeing to let Dongwoon carry you. “Don’t move just yet, I’m comfy here and after the day I’ve had, this is what I need.”
“We don’t have to go anywhere just yet,” Dongwoon assured you, “but you know we can’t spend all night on the sofa.”
“I reckon we could, I can lay between your legs here too.”
“Trust me Y/N, you’ll regret it.”
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midnight-revolution · 6 years
[NOTE] This list will be updated throughout the month. (Debuts are in italics)
If there’s a notable project you think should be listed here, go to Contribute. No self-promotion, please.
If we have any dates wrong, etc, go to Contribute.
Daehyun (B.A.P) - BABY - Single
Minzy - ALL OF YOU SAY - Single
HNB - 너 참 예쁘다 - Single
Hong Jin Young - SEOUL (ftt. bray) [prod. Park Geuntae] - Single
GOT7 - Present : YOU (&ME Edition) - Repackage
Sam Kim - When You Fall - Special Single
Junoflo - Autopilot (ft. BoA) - Single
BLACKPINK - BLACKPINK In Your Area - Japanese Album
Jung Key - RETRO - Album
Lee Hongki (FTISLAND) - Cheers - Japanese Album
Seowoong (NTB) - Regret - Single
Starship Planet - Christmas Time - Single
UP10TION - Laberinto - MINI ALBUM
Ben - 180˚ - MINI ALBUM
Coogie - EMO #1 - MINI ALBUM
Kim Dong Ryul - 동화 (ft. IU) - Single
VAV - So In Love - Single
WELL - WELL - Single
Wang Fei Fei - Hello (ft. GOT7's Jackson Wang) - Chinese Single
Hyungdon & Daejune - 니가 듣고 싶은 말 - Single
KYT (Koyote) - Eternity - Single
B1A4 X Oh My Girl X ONF - Timing - Single
DAY6 - Remember Us : Youth Part 2 - MINI ALBUM
Gaho (PLT) - Preparation For A Journey - MINI ALBUM
Lee Changsub (BTOB) - Mark - MINI ALBUM
100% - 28℃ - Japanese Album
Ladies' Code - The Last Holiday - Single
Slayyyter - Alone - Single
TraxX - ESCAPE - Single
TWICE - The Year of Yes - Repackage
EXO - Love Shot - Repackage
Hello Venus X ASTRO X Weki Meki - FM201.8 - Album
Nam Woohyun (INFINITE) - 지금 이 노래 - Single
Red Velvet's Yeri X NCT's Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin - Hair in the Air - Single
Alan Walker - Different World - Album
Ariana Grande - imagine - Single
Azealia Banks - Icy Colors Change - Album
Heize - 첫눈에 - Single
Flowsik - KARI - Single
Jessica - One More Christmas - Single
Jun (SEVENTEEN) - 能不能坐在我身旁 - Single
Son Dongwoon (Highlight) X Seoryoung (GWSN) - Color Me - Single
Yoon Jong Shin - 몰린2 - Single
Younha - 느린우체통 - Single
Junggigo - Swing (ft. SOMA) - Single
Eyedi - Caffeine - Single
FNC Artists - It's Christmas - Single
Kwon Jin Ah - This Winter - Single
Saturday - To Sunday Christmas - Single
Taeil (Block B) - Later - Single
Yesung (Super Junior) X Chungha - Whatcha Doin' - Single
Kim Jaehan (SPECTRUM) - in the winter - Single
Kim Minseok (MeloMance) - ? - Single
Nichkhun (2PM) - ME - Japanese MINI ALBUM
U-KISS - Glory - Japanese MINI ALBUM
Zhoumi - The Lonely Flame - Chinese Single
Penomeco - Garden - MINI ALBUM
Sooyoung (Girls' Generation) - Winter Breath - Single
Jiyeon (T-ara) - One day - Single
WAX - 해뜨는 방향 - MINI ALBUM
Andy (Shinhwa) - A'NDY to Z - ?
EXO - Don't Mess Up My Tempo (Vivace Version) - Limited Edition Album
KEY (SHINee) - Hologram - Japanese Single
TVXQ - New Chapter #2: The Truth of Love - MINI ALBUM
TWICE - BDZ - Japanese Repackage
NCT DREAM - Candle Light - Single
Babylon - 그리운 건 그때 그대 (ft. BTOB's Jung Ilhoon) - Single
Jung Key X Musiq Soulchild - My Girl - ?
EDEN - Happy new year my lover - Single
Soo (24K) - Goodbye - Single
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kpopgerapitico · 7 years
EOYR 2017: Story based MVs
Note: in most of the cases of the idols in this list, the plot is . . . a little bit basic. There is very little difference from the pretty idol videos. But, mostly I think their plot takes more than 5-10 words to fully summarize. Maybe it’s only 11 words, but still.
Bottom 5, in no particular order:
The plot of Roy Kim’s Egoist seems like it could summarized in only a couple words, but I think the whole running from a girl then deciding that you like her after she actual helps you, then running some more because maybe she is a stalker is pretty great. Also, Roy Kim does a bunch of menial stuff with a super funny face. And he hula dances. While completely serious. It is amazing. And then dancing helps them bond and it is actually a super cute beginning of a relationship that seems to be based on two weird people finding each other.
The plot of Highlight’s Calling You is also pretty damn simple. Let’s see how a bunch of different people handle being drunk (hint: the answer for the most part is poorly). Yoseob is a student because he always is. Doojoon and Junhyung are both rocking suits. There is a whole side plot about how being a business person affects your love life. Dongwoon is a player. There is some truly atrocious clothing. There are some really cool freeze frames that do a great job of telling their little bit of the story. It is just a cute video, that fits Highlight as they are now.
Peek A Boo has more of a solid plot, but when that plot revolves around murder, I’m not sure about it. The imagery is really nicely done, even if it is occasionally very confusing. Why are there gems on a pizza? Why haven’t the pizza places noticed all the deaths? Why are they wearing Uggs with short dresses? The world may never know, but I am excited to be along for the ride. Even when it goes from slightly witch-culty to full on this dude is surrounded by candles on a piano. And the part where they eat jello is just weird. The ride is so good though.
BAP nearly made the top with Wake Me Up, which takes mental illness and doesn’t let it be a punchline in the video. It is a little bit scary, as the whole (very diverse) cast slowly deal with some fairly common forms of mental illness. And how they may show themselves. And then the song ends with a whole party about waking up from your mental illness. Or maybe just waking up from the reality you think you are on. Or maybe just accepting that everyone can get sick, and it is no ones fault. Any way you look at it, the video is ground breaking, especially in Korea.
I won’t try and describe the plots of HA:FELT’s I Wander and Read Me, because to some degree I still don’t totally get them. No matter what, they are character driven in a way I have never really seen in music videos. They are mini films in the best way. They don’t assume that their viewer needs to be fed any information at all, instead going to the other extreme, letting the viewer come to their own conclusions. And that is what makes them powerful. They are short films more than music videos.
Top 5:
In 5th place is actually 4 videos instead of one . . . which only mostly feels like cheating. But when it is a continuous plot across a bunch of videos I can’t help it. Because Day6 managed to keep a plot going across 4 different songs, all of which have totally different tones. You start with a crush in What Can I Do, shown across all the different members. Then you hit some heartbreak in I Loved You, again, across all the plots (that are finally start to intersect a bit). And then the heartbreak settles in just a little bit deeper with When You Love Someone, or maybe just the tragedy. Finally, All Alone looks at the plot in retrospective, putting all the pieces together, to give you the final picture. It is beautifully done, which makes it an easy choice for the top 5.
In 4th place is a song I have already talked about, for it’s lyrics and beautiful tone. But 10cm’s Help has a stunning video too, weaving multiple plots about bullying (or fear of bullying). There is the gay couple, where one of the men is afraid of showing affection in public. There is the mother who is divorced without custody and can only sometimes see her daughter. There is the overweight woman who snaps at people for looking at her. There is a busker who isn’t making any money. There is the kid riding the bus alone. There is the stereotypical nerd. But in the end, on a bus, they all find a little comfort, or just a bit of happiness. And that seems to be enough.
Let’s get a little cheerful before things get sad again for the top 2. And for that, there is nothing better than Kim Junho and Kim Jongmin teaming up for a video about zombies who get treated poorly as they are misunderstood over and over as Jongmin kills them with no apparent expression. It is so damn funny. There is the zombies trying to bring presents to a little girl’s birthday party. There is the zombies trying to give a girl a blanket to cover her legs. There is the zombies trying to get stuff done at the bank. And there is Jongmin with a shotgun at every turn. It is hilarious, it is perfectly told, and you can bet the whole cast has a blast shooting it.
When Koh Nayoung’s video for clumsy first starts, there is a hint in the hidden clock in her name. But if you miss that, like I did the first time, you will be initially confused about the crying woman in the corner. You will feel concern for the guy on the ground. And then it becomes obvious that we are moving backwards through an assault. The video is beautifully shot, and nicely acted. It shows its plot instead of telling it. It trusts that the audience will see the cues and make their on appropriate judgement. And because of all that, it is an incredibly successful video.
Finally, I have to start with the same warning for the same song at the end of the R&B/Rap post. Because it is San E again with Counselor. So, please be cautious of watching this video if you are triggered by mental illness, drug abuse, basically anything related to those sort of things as well. Take care of yourself first.
Otherwise, go watch this video. If Boni’s Episode from yesterday is an honest portrayal of sadness, then Counselor is the honest portrayal of celebrity and mental illness. It deals with overdosing, and therapy, and mental illness not necessarily sympathetic, but rather unflinchingly. Nothing is sacred and protected, everyone is laid out bare. And for that, it has some of the best story telling of the year, but showing us a glimpse into the life of someone on the edge of . . . something. The audience is never quite sure how far any of it will go, but you are terrified, just the same.
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Story #2- Temporary Limerence
Group: Highlight- Dongwoon  
Theme: Limerence 
The state of being infatuated with another person 
Type: series- angst 
Plot: You tell Junhyung about the day you first met Dongwoon and how your relationship with him was anything but cliché  
It was a normal, bustling morning at the cramped café but that just showed how well-loved this café was by the local Bostonians. And every morning you would always anticipate a particular man who would always order his coffee in a very particular manner. This morning however, was even more busy than usual and yet you haven’t caught sight of your particular man. All this waiting and anticipation of his arrival was causing you to screw up the orders of the already grumpy and grouchy customers and it’s not like you worked better when said man was around, in fact it only caused you to mess up even more frequently.
“Ok double pump of caramel and three shots of espresso with no added creamer, got it,” you mumble as you struggle to keep up with the customer’s high pitched voice.
‘Hmm I don’t think she even needs the three shots of espresso by the sound of her voice,’ you think to yourself.
“Ok ma’am your total is $4.62 and your drink will be ready for pick up at the end of the counter. Hi, what would you like to order today sir?” you ask enthusiastically as you greet the next customer.
“Y/N! We need you back here!” you hear your co-worker call.
“Oh excuse me. Hey Wendy, can you cover for me real quick? Thanks,” you blurt in a rush as you head off.  “Yea Andrew, what’s up?”
“You see that man over there?” he points.
“Well the familiar man behind him is real focus here. You see, as your manager and fellow friend, I’ve noticed that you have a pattern of messing your orders every time he’s around. And after cleaning up after your 12th mistake this week alone, I’ve come to conclude that this isn’t a coincidence. And what’s even more shocking to me is that you’ve been eyeing him for weeks and you still don’t know his real name. So let us handle your orders for today and you go give his order to him and talk to him. And don’t you think about coming back without a number! If you don’t want it then I’d be more than happy to take it. So go along now and don’t forget to smile,” Andrew sings as he pushes you away from the workspace.
“But, I’ve already gotten 2 strikes-”
“Uh-uh. You can count this as your third one if you don’t get your ass over there right this instant! Go, I have a store to manage!”
You sigh to calm your nerves down before clearing your voice. “D?”
The man shakes his focus off his novel and onto you. “Yea, that’s me.”
“Um, here’s your order. A mocha cappuccino with extra whipped cream with a sprinkle of nutmeg and cinnamon,” you blubber nervously as you set the warm drink in front of him. You stand on the edge of the table, holding your hands and smiling awkwardly.
“Wow, I didn’t know the baristas are delivering at tables now. Would you like to have a seat?” he offers, gesturing to the open seat across him.
“Oh yea, thank you.” You take a seat and tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Um, my name is Dongwoon. I go by D just to make it easier and since no one would butcher that and if they can manage to do that then we’re in real trouble,” Dongwoon jokes.
You laugh unexpectedly, “Dongwoon is a very nice name, you should go by that someday. I think you’d be in for a real treat instead of trouble but I see where you’re coming from. My name is Y/N and I have people messing it constantly but the ones who actually nail it make it worth the while.”
“Wow Y/N huh? That’s very beautiful, maybe you should try going by that instead of Cherry.”
“Hmm maybe I should. Well, I’ll change it once you do.”
“Why wait? Let’s do it now.” He leans forward to grab the Sharpie out of your breast-pocket, uncaps the marker using his mouth then crosses off ‘D’ and writes Dongwoon then hands it to you.
You hold the cup and see that he’s written his number as well. When you look up to ask him a question, you find that he’s standing up and slinging his messenger bag on. “Give me a call after you’re done messing up your orders for the day,” he winks.
“Wha- How do you know?”
He just shrugs with a smile as he grabs his book, “Guess you’ll just have to find out later won’t you?”
And that’s how it started. A very short and brief interaction that lead to an even shorter but passionate relationship. And it turns out it wasn’t really his number but rather a set of coordinates that took you a few days to crack. But after that it wasn’t hard to find him around town after finally getting a lead on him. He left his mark all over town so much so that you remember looking around and realizing that you always needed to see a part of him everyday. And somehow you knew he did too so he started testing you. Checking to see if it was anything more than a cliché love story. And boy did you surprise him good.”
“Y-Y/N? Wha.. what are you doing here? How did you know to come here?” Dongwoon asks thoroughly perplexed, clutching his messenger bag in fear as he stood on the edge of the most decorated wall in Boston.
“Well you tease a girl for four months then of course she’s bound to outsmart you at some point. And stop clutching your bag, don’t worry I’m not gunna rob you,” you reassure, putting your arms up which caused you to lose your balance. As you wobble, almost leaning off the building you feel Dongwoon’s arms grab your waist and pull you back away from the edge. You crash into his chest and you look up to see him squeeze his eyes shut as he holds you very tightly. You chuckle to yourself lightly despite being nearly 65 feet in the air.
“Are you scared of heights?” you ask softly, admiring his handsome features plagued with fear.
He nods his head frantically which causes you to chuckle some more. “Alrighty then, let’s get you outta here.”
“No.” Dongwoon rejects, attempting to open his eyes carefully. “No, there’s something I needa do first.”
You look at him with bewilderment as he gets down on one knee, “Wha- what are you doing Dongwoon?!”
“I’m really glad and pleasantly surprised you’ve managed to come here and that you’ve been following my clues these past few months. And now that you’ve proven to me that you are very attentive and committed, you’ve passed the test. So now I can officially ask you, Y/N, will you-”
“HEY! What are you kids doing on the roof? Get off before I call security!” a grumpy old man exclaims, startling you both to your core.
“Dongwoon,” you mutter as you lean down towards him, grabbing his arms and helping him on his feet. “I donnu what you’re proposing but Imma just say yes and let’s get the hell outta here.”
“After I got his arm, we both bolted down the stairs, going as fast as our legs could take us and then we went out to our first official date where we actually got to learn lot about each other instead of just chasing each other around for months without anything more than just a glimpse. And it was the strangest date I’ve ever been on because it felt like I already knew all about him but as strange as that date was, it was the most sane of our dates. Gosh, he was one peculiar guy but from him I learned to truly love myself while falling for him and that’s when I knew, I was falling for him hard, little did I know what was in store for us though,” you sigh as you sip on some warm chamomile tea that Junhyung brewed for you.
“Wow, that’s something. One thing I can say is that what you and Dongwoon was anything but cliché, in fact it seemed very invigorating,” Junhyung comments softly as he runs his fingers through Ellie’s fur.
“Well you’re up next, you got somethin’?”
“Yea, but I scared to say it ‘cuz I donnu if I’ll ever be strong enough to tell our kid about the day I lost Diane, my beautiful wife.”
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princesslov27 · 7 years
Heart of Earth Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Hanging Around Gym
Jasoslava then proceeded to give her two things to do while on the couch. She started off easy, purposely taking notes while watching the TV. Tasmin did her best but it was hard. She didn't stop though. The girl had to be able to do this. Tasmin worked hard. She knew that she could do it. She just had to push herself. Jasoslava smiles at that. Back at the garage it was finally lunchtime. Gyeong walked over and took from Donny her bag and a picnic blanket, laying it out and setting out various lunch boxes with each person's name on it. The guys smile and sat down. She grins. She had spent hours making sure all the food was just right. Junhyung and Dongwoon grabbed their special hot sauce and added it to their lunch. She looks at them and shrugs. She'd created a hot sauce for their chili that had melted the spoon when she'd stirred it. But if they were happy, that was all. The guys at the food happily. It was just right. She looks over at the others to see if they were happy. They are eating up the food so it was good. She grins, happy they liked it. Especially Gikwang and Yoseob. Donny had brought his own lunch and was eating it. She smiles. Donny was the first to finish and went back to keeping an eye on things. She ate hers slowly. Gikwang finished and went to go help a customer that had come to pick up his car. She watches him. She would need to help him dress differently sometimes. Wait what was she thinking? After Gikwang was done he returned to the garage to work. She got up and went to him. Gikwang  gave her a little smile.
"Need something?"
“No I’m done so what can I do?”
"Do you know how to change the oil in a car?"
“Yoseob just taught me.”
"Aw, then the green camry and the three mini coopers need their oil changed.”
She nods and went over to do so. Gikwang opened up the hood of a Lexus and got to work. She wasn’t super happy but she did it. Gikwang didn't notice. To him it was work. She went over and stuck her oily hands on his back after she was done.
"All done?" He asked.
“Yup. All done.”
“Double check the water on those cars then and make sure they are filled up.”
“Yes S.B.”
He chuckled a little. She walks off, moving her hips enticingly. Gikwang shook his head. She was something else. She checked the water and filled it up. The other guys started to join them. She went back to working with Yoseob. Yoseob grins at her, happy to work with her some more. She knew Gikwang was too busy for her and the other guys didn’t appeal like Yoseob.
“What’s with the change in bodyguard?” Yoseob asked. “Something going on?”
“Nothing I want to believe in.”
“Someone I don’t know said one of you guys would kill me.”
“Eh? What?”
“Yeah you heard it. And so Hakim threatened to not let me come here unless Donny or him or Maria was watching me.”
“Why would we do such a thing? That is ridiculous.”
“Hakim trusts her apparently.”
“And you don’t?”
“No. As you said, you guys killing me would be ridiculous.”
“It is, but Hakim must have a reason to believe her.”
She shrugs.
“You didn’t ask him?”
“No. He’s not even my bodyguard. He’s Great Grandma’s.”
Yoseob nods. She sighs and went back to learning. He smiles and happily worked with her. She got dirty and didn’t care. Yoseob smiles, not many girls would want to do this job. The next day she came in wearing a completely spotless suit. It looked exactly the same but was spotless which didn’t make sense. Yoseob blinked.
“How’d you get the stain outs?”
She smirks. “Now now, that is... not true at all. Why should I worry about getting out stains that won’t easily come out. I know there are ways to do it, I’ve had dresses cleaned with awful stains, but why do that when I could give away my used outfits at the end of the show?”
“You threw out your outfit?”
“No. I put it in a box for when someone wins it.”
“But I did consider that option in the beginning,” she replies as she went to grab her work tools.
He nods.
“What are you going to do with the money?”
She blinks. “Oh... yeah I did consider selling them too but... that would get too competitive and crazy expensive fast. I did that once with a pair of shoes I didn’t want to wear anymore and they sold for more than four times as much as I paid for them, and that had been over $25,000 and I heard that at one point the system had shut down with the amount of bids on it.  A fair competition to win the outfits is what they get.”
She smiles.
“That’s pretty ridiculous if your shoes went for over $25,000.”
“Um.... no. They went for over $100,000. I bought them for $25,000.”
“Oh, wow that’s insane. “
She laughs.
"Really, who would spend That much on shoes?"
She tilts her head.
"It just seems like a lot."
"Not to me."
"I guess not."
She smiles at him and then got to work. Yoseob smiles and got back to his own work. She looked at them as Doojoon was talking with the producer. The guys got a message from Doojoon.
“The producer wants us to do things with her out of work too.”
“Cool!” Yoseob sent back.
“Why? That’s gonna be a pain,” Junhyung replied.
“Because if nothing interesting happens we won’t get much screen time.”
“Oh I could make something happen, they just would hate it.” Junhyung said.
“If you hurt the girl I’m going to put you in Russia for an hour.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“And I’d hide in a volcano before I let you put me in Russia.”
“You’d better stay there if you even think of hurting the girl.”
“Wae? You got a crush on her?”
“No. She’s under my protection the moment I signed the contract that’s wae.”
He switched to a chat with only five of them, without Gikwang. “After all, if you can’t tell the child has a crush on Gikwang, you’d be an idiot.”
“I can tell, everyone gets a crush on him. One look at him in a tank top and they all fall head over heels for him.”
“Only Gikwang never notices.”
“Cuz he’s too into his cars.”
“He can’t marry a car. Or have relations with one.”
“Yes, I know.”
Doojoon went back to the first chat. “Gikwang, where should we go?”
“Coffee I guess. Nothing that would take too long. We still have work to do.”
“What about at night?”
“You know what I do at night. I’m not sacrificing that.”
“Gikwang, one night. You should hang out with humans anyway and going clubbing won’t hurt you. And we’re going, even if I have to drag you. Actually that gives me an idea,” he says and sent a smirking emoticon before putting his phone away and walking over to Gyeong and whispering in her ear and her whole face lit up.
Gikwang groaned. He liked flying high into the sky and getting some nice cleaner air. Down here on the ground it was too stuffy, at least above the clouds it was a little better. Doojoon shot him a glare. Gikwang flashed his eyes at him from under the car. He rolls his eyes.
“You two always fight,” Yoseob said.
“That’s because I look at it as we’re here on Earth, we need to fit in and expand our business and Gikwang sees it as, we’re here till we’re cleared and then we’re out of here and there’s no point in getting to know people because humans have such short lives.”
“That and you know it’s harder on him than the rest of us. We can go to areas that are best for us if we need to. He can’t. It’s too polluted here.”
“Hyunseung doesn’t complain. But yes it’s gotten quite polluted. Although I think it’s ironic that we have a garage since cars are one of the major pollutants.”
“Yes but he likes the mechanics of the cars.”
“That’s true.”
“He’ll come around.”
“Well even if he doesn’t we’ll have a fun bit thanks to our lil protege.”
“And lots of video of something that I will laugh at for centuries to come.”
“If we’re here for centuries.”
“We’ve already been so, so why wouldn’t we?”
“Things just seem to be getting more serious back home so we may be able to return when it’s all over.”
Doojoon nodded.
“It would be nice to go home.”
“I suppose.”
“You don’t want to?”
“No. There’s an insane dictator back at home for me.”
“Unless they win the war.”
He gave a half smile.
“It could happen.”
“I hope.”
“We all do.”
He then went back to work. The rest of them did as well. Although Gikwang hadn’t stopped working. Gyeong couldn’t stop grinning the rest of the day.  Around five Gikwang took a few phone calls while the others got changed. Gyeong went over and took his hand.
“Need something?”
“You,” she replies and pulls him along to her limo.
Gikwang blinked.
“Me, what for?”
She grins as they drove and then she pulled him out at a high end store.
“Because we’re going shopping.”
“Uh...okay, you weren’t gonna let me change first?”
"Why? You'll be wearing the outfits in the end."
"So I don't ruin whatever I touch."
She looks at him and then took out her kit and found the hand cleaners and began to clean his hands. He took the cleaner and cleaned his own hands.
"Of course," she replies before pulling him out and into the store beginning to search for the stuff he'd want.
Gikwang looked around a bit. He usually didn't buy high end clothes. He had no use for them. An attendant brought him to the changing room where clothes already were waiting for him. Gikwang could tell he wouldn't win so he started to change. She waited outside excitedly. After a bit he came out wearing the outfit. Gyeong was wearing a sexy dress and looked him over.
"You look nice."
She grins. "Thanks, I think so too."
He laughed a bit.
“Now let’s go have fun.”
She pulled him along again, only stopping to swipe her card and sign for the entire outfit before she left with him changing into her own outfit in the limo as they drove.
"I can pay for my own."
"Exactly. So what?"
“You didn’t have to pay for me.”
“And I did.”
“Pay me back another time.”
She put on her strapless dress and then her heels. He smiles at her, she looked nice. She smiles back. This was gonna be so much fun. He sighed a little, well there was no getting out of this now.
“Ah I hear a resigned sigh. Cool.”
He laughed a little. She then took off her bra and thong, before sliding out as the limo stopped. By now the fans had figured out where she was and were eager to snap photos as they got out. She was able to not let them see her private areas and she signed things. Gikwang did his best to stay out of the photos but she knew that her with an unknown man would make the fans curious. She didn’t say anything. Gikwang got into the car while she was signing autographs. She glares and went back and brought him out dragging him into the club. He groaned inwardly but followed her in. The guys and the crew waved to them. Gikwang shot Doojoon a glare. He was gonna pay for making him stay in this stuffy place. Doojoon hands him a drink.
“Be fun.”
“The air is too stuffy,” he grumbled.
“That means you’re doing it right. Ooo, look, some girls checking you out. Go play nice,” Doojoon responds pushing him in the direction.
“No it doesn’t!”
“Shut up.”
Gikwang glowered at him. Doojoon would pay for this. Seriously. The air in here was TERRIBLE. Doojoon left him with the girls and went to go get his own drinks and watch everyone. The other guys were having a blast. Although Hyunseung, like Gikwang, didn’t like the air in the club. It was difficult to deal with. Gyeong was shaking up the club. At the same time, Ilhoon had come in the club to check it out. Gikwang and Hyunseung spotted him and gave him a small polite bow. His eyes lit up and he grins. Alexis showed her ID at the door and stepped into the club. The Midnight Moon was a club that allowed minors until midnight, after that it was exclusively for people nineteen and over. Ilhoon saw her from across the room and tried to find a way to hide. The girl was kinda.... Hard to approach. Alexis smiled at the bar keeper and he gave her the usual non-alcoholic drink she ordered. Ilhoon went over and stood with Gikwang and Hyunseung.
“Exploring the city?” Hyunseung asked.
“And the competition.”
Hyunseung chuckled.
“Wouldn’t that be your brother? Most of the guys here are not looking for a bride, they’re looking for a hook up.”
“Different competition. The business. But yes looking for a bride here might not work out so well.”
“Aw, that competition.”
“All depends on what you’re looking for in a bride. A few girls are just here to have fun and meet people.”
He nods slowly.
"How is your place going" hyunseung asked.
“Nearly finished.”
“Aw, that’s good.”
“It is indeed.”
“Make sure you get a good air purifier, or else it’s gonna be horrible.”
"Seems like it."
“Yeah,  that’s the main reason I don’t go to clubs”
"Well I'll search for a good air purifier."
“Good. You wouldn’t be able to stand your own place if you don’t.”
He nods at that.
“And that’s why Gikwang is in such a foul mood.”
“I see...”
“I’m not in a foul mood.”
“I’m sorry friend but it does seem that way.”
Gikwang glared at Hyunseung.
“You’re the one threatening Doojoon.”
“And he’s the one pushing things.”
“You wouldn’t have come if he hadn’t. Even if all of us had asked you nicely or begged you on our knees you wouldn’t have come. And what does that say to all of the people watching? That you aren’t a part of our group. You barely hang out with us at work, you don’t help us or Gyeong, you basically look like a one track mind jerk. You never hear Gyeong when she asks things, you never help us train her, the only time the two of you are together on screen besides when she makes us lunch is the second day when you were giving her orders. And hanging out with us, oh no, that doesn’t happen. Besides lunch. But you eat your lunch, don’t talk with us, and get right back to work.”
“I hang out with you guys, I just prefer not to do it on TV.  They always twist things. And need I remind you that she is only at the garage as part of a show. She’ll be gone in a few weeks.”
"I don't think so. She adores us."
Hyunseung chuckles.
“So, found anyone you’re interested in yet?” Gikwang asked Ilhoon.
“I’ve found a girl I need to avoid because she hates me.”
“Wow, you’ve only been here a week and you’ve already managed to make someone hate you?”
“Every time she sees me she freaks out.”
“How did you get that reaction out of her?”
“It started off with me trying to be nice by giving her and her friend a jewel each. They shot it down and called me a thief. Then the next time I saw her she called me a thief again. And then the third time she ran screaming away from me after I helped her.”
“You gave her a jewel? No wonder she called you a thief. People don’t just walk around with jewels here. Did you help her while in your true form?”
“Aw, well that’s good.”
He sighs. Gikwang gave him a little pat.
“Perhaps her opinion will change.”
“It’d be nice.”
“You interested in her?”
“Uh.... no.... maybe.... I don’t know.”
Gikwang chuckles.
“Well you’ve got time to figure it out.”
“Yeah it probably won’t be her so just make sure to keep staying where you are.”
“What, scared she’ll see you?”
“Yes since she just walked in.”
“You know this is the first time I think that you’ve ever been scared of a girl.”
“On an emotional level, she’s terrifying.”
“Probably cuz she’s the first girl who’s ever said no to you.”
He sighs a little. “Well that is true.”
“It’ll be interesting to see what women you’ll be able to find.”
“I don’t get women here.”
“What don’t ya get?”
“Okay so give me an example, or ask me a question. I’ve been here long enough to know about the women here.”
“You mean you’ve slept with enough of them,” Hyunseung said.
“I don’t know Gikwang. You’re a great friend but I’ve never heard of you in an actual relationship.”
"That's cuz I don't wanna get attached. Girls cause too much drama."
"Do you like guys then?"
Ilhoon slowly nods.
"Jeez, why would you think that?"
"Because you just said you don't like women."
"I'm not interested in any of the women here."
He gave a little smile.
"Anyway you're a good shield so just keep it that way."
Gikwang chuckled a little. He kept an eye on where Alexis was. She chatted with the bartender and then started to mingle. He kept himself at an angle around Gikwang that was not in her view. Gikwang chuckled a little but didn’t say anything. Then he glanced over at who the girl was.
“Wait, it’s Alexis?” He laughed.
“Yeah so?”
“Go figure. She’s a friend and regular at the garage.”
“That’s true. I always wonder why she never applied to the garage,” Hyunseung replies.
“Cuz she doesn’t know much about cars. She comes in for every little thing,” Gikwang said with a laugh.
Hyunseung nods. “Also true.”
Alexis spotted Hyunseung and Gikwang and grins. She finished her conversation with the guys that she was talking with and headed over. Ilhoon grimaces and tried to slowly get away. Gikwang grabbed his hand.
“Come on, she’s nice. You just got off on the wrong foot.”
“I don’t think so my friend.”
“And what would the others say if they heard you were scared of a seventeen year old girl?”
He sighs and put on a fake smile. Alexis smiles at the guys.
“Fancy meeting you two here. Especially Gikwang oppa. You never come to clubs.”
“Yes well Doojoon dragged me along,” he said with a little chuckle.
“And he’s planning on killing Doojoon for it.”
“He’d have to beat Doojoon first, Doojoon is just as strong.”
“True. Isn’t it Gikwang?” Hyunseung responds with a laugh.
Ilhoon was just glad she wasn’t noticing him. Then she spotted Ilhoon.
“What? Avoiding me now? How do you guys know him?”
“I thought you were avoiding me. You ran away. And hit me. And accused me of being psycho and a thief,” he responds angrily.
“You were following me in the dead of night. How does that not make you a creep?”
“I was not. Someone else did and I defeated him.”
He rolls his eyes. “Never mind.”
“Ilhoon is an old friend,” Gikwang told her. “He’s new to Korea so he’s not used to the way things are here. He may seem….” Gikwang paused and glanced at Ilhoon. “Well...odd but he’s perfectly harmless.”
Ilhoon sighs. Gikwang gave him a wink.
“He’s Gikwang’s friend. I knew of him but hadn’t really met him before,” Hyunseung replies.
“How did you guys become friends?”
“I kept going to the garage to get my car fixed. I’m terrible with cars.”
Ilhoon opened his mouth and then saw Hyunseung’s face and closes it giving a little nod. He didn’t know what that was but obviously he was supposed to know.
“Yeah, you can’t even change a flat,” Gikwang teased.
“Not my fault, I’m too busy with my jobs to try and figure it out.”
Ilhoon nods a little.
“You work too much. What is it now? Three, four jobs?”
“Well I got a new one, so four. If it works out well I may be able to only have one.”
Ilhoon looked at her as if she was crazy.
“Well I hope it works out,” Gikwang said.
“Me too. You deserve a break. How do you even manage that with high school?” Hyunseung asks.
“Easy, work early mornings and late nights. Days on the weekend.”
“And when exactly do you sleep?” Ilhoon and Hyunseung asked in unison.
"After work. Sometimes during lunch."
They look at her worried.
"That doesn't sound like a lot of sleep time."
“I get enough.”
"Well if you say so."
"I do. Besides I can always get little cat naps here and there."
They give half smiles.
“So what are you all drinking? I can’t wait until I’m twenty and then I get to drink.”
“I haven't gotten a drink yet," Ilhoon admits.
"One of the 'girl drinks' as people call them with all the amazing alcohol content."
“Aw, I hear the casmo is good.”
"It really is."
She nods. A little jealous. Well she didn’t get the drinks yet but she still liked coming to the club. Ilhoon studied her.
“What? Have something on my face?”
"Just amazed you are fine with me."
She chuckled.
“If you were up to something Gikwang and Hyunseung would stop you.”
"I've never been up to anything... I'm just looking for my bride."
“Bride? What are you, twenty? You’re either still in college or only got a two year degree. A little early in your life to get married.”
Actually he was 50 cycles but.... “No, I’m not 20.”
“Okay well ya look it.”
Gikwang held back a laugh. Ilhoon was younger than he was by five cycles but in human form they looked the same age. Ilhoon gave a half smile.
“I was under the impression I looked 25.”
“That’s a stretch.”
“Maybe, maybe twenty-two.”
He gives her a smile.
“Got it.”
“You going to the basketball game on Sunday? Or are you not gonna be able to be on the team this time?”
“Huh?” Ilhoon asks.
“I can make it,” Hyunseung replies. “Gikwang?”
“As long as we get no really old cars I should be able to make it. The other guys aren’t as good as me when it comes to old cars.”
“Then you’d better pray there isn’t any. Once Gikwang sets his eyes on something he doesn’t stop,” Ilhoon replies.
Hyunseung and Alexis chuckled.
“Of course, he’s always like that. And not just with cars. Women too.”
“Yeah he’d have to find a woman.”
“He does all the time.”
“You’re joking right? Oh wait I see.... It’s not a relationship he’s after.... It’s what is supposed to happen in one.”
“Haven’t you heard of a one night stand?”
“It’s quite common amongst warriors and commoners I’ve heard.”
He blinks. “Isn’t that what it is?”
"Nobody is a commoner."
He scratches his head. Then what was the word?
“Everyone is just a regular person. Unless you’re a celebrity or something like that.”
“Yeah, regular.”
“I.... see...”
“I don’t think you do, but whatever.”
He looks down. He couldn’t refute her. She was correct. Gikwang gave him a little pat. Yes Ilhoon had much to learn about Earth but they’d all gone through it. He’d figure it out fast enough. Ilhoon gave him a smile. Alexis glanced at the time.
“Well looks like my break is over. See you Saturday guys.”
Ilhoon and Hyunseung wave. Gikwang ruffled her hair a little and Alexis gave him a slight shove as she left. Ilhoon felt a little jealous but didn’t say it.
“Gikwang was never a playboy around you?” Hyunseung asked.
“No way.”
“Aw, well he is here.”
“Oh wow. Well then Gikwang. I guess you like the challenge without the commitment.”
Gikwang nods.
“And it’s pretty common here.”
“It was pretty common back in Elufma too. Just not for royals.”
“You just weren’t like that.”
“Yeah, but here all that is unknown. It’s kinda nice to be a nobody.”
“Yes I suppose that’s true. And you probably aren’t looking for a life partner here.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Is.... making love nice?”
“It’s pretty good. Of course it would be so much better if I could be myself. But at least this way I won’t get the girl pregnant.”
“Oh? Really?”
“I hope you mean you’re using protection. As we’ve found out, our DNA can mix,” Hyunseung responds as he points to Gyeong.
“Of course I do.”
Ilhoon blinks.
“Protection? And who is she?”
“Protection as in taking steps to make sure the girl doesn’t get pregnant.”
“You can do such a thing? I thought there was only the constant lovemaking to ensure she got pregnant.”
“I’m not trying to get the girl pregnant.”
He gives a half smile. Gikwang gave a little smile. Doojoon came over and hands Gikwang another drink. It was Gikwang’s favorite and he grinned as he took it. Doojoon chuckles.
“You always know what I like.”
“Indeed, except who you’ll settle down with.”
“Oh? Really? You plan on never leaving a legacy of any kind?”
“Not here, if I want to leave one I might consider adopting.”
“I wasn’t talking about her I was talking about in general.”
“If I make it back home then yeah, I’ll settle down.”
Doojoon chuckles. “Well you adopting a child wouldn’t be bad. Would let you look after more than yourself.”
“I look after you guys plenty. Who drives you home when you all get drunk? Mmm? Mmm?”
“Tonight that’ll be Gyeong’s limo driver.”
“Yeah, but not most nights.”
Gikwang gave a little smile. Gyeong was enjoying herself, maybe a little too much. Gikwang shook his head. She was trouble. Doojoon looks at him.
“Just look at her. She’s gonna get drunk before the night is out.”
“Ah.... yeah I already told the bartender to only give her soda drinks now.”
“Yeah, trouble.”
“You like trouble.”
“What? No.”
“Yes you do. You like the most troublesome cars and women.”
“Cars are completely different.”
“Not really.”
“That’s your opinion.”
“Yes I see. It’s because cars don’t talk back to you.”
“And they don’t have crazy emotions.”
"Oh please. You're more emotional than any woman."
“I am NOT!”
Doojoon laughs at that. Gikwang gave him a little shove. He chuckles and took another sip of his own drink. Gikwang finished his own drink.
"You need another?"
“Nope I’m good.”
“Yes. I don’t drink as much as you.”
Doojoon rolls his eyes. "I drink responsibly."
“For what you are yes, not for a human.”
He chuckles at that.
“Lucky for you no one has pulled you over for  DUI.”
"I don't drink and drive."
“You do, just not when you’re drunk by our standards.”
He rolls his eyes. Gikwang gave a little smile.
“If I am not drunk I can drive.”
“Uh huh.”
"You fly drunk."
“No I don’t!”
He laughs.
“It would be way too dangerous to do that.”
He laughs a little.
“I mean it.”
“Of course, it would be like driving while drunk.”
“You really need to relax.”
“I am relax.”
“Not really.”
“It is what it is.”
“I dare you to kiss our female member.”
“That can easily be arranged, but what ya give me for it?”
“I said dare not bet.”
“Oh, it would be so much more fun if it was a bet.”
“Fine we can make it a bet. I bet ya 10 K ya won’t do it. So what do you give me?”
“I’ll bet the same that I will.”
“Fair enough.”
“Then prepare to pay up,” He said as he handed Doojoon his empty glass and walked towards Gyeong.
Gyeong had just finished a dance and was at the bar getting another drink. Gikwang smiled at her.
“Looks like you’re having fun.”
“I am.”
“That’s good. You sure drink a lot though.”
“Not really. I know that Doojoon hasn’t let me have an alcoholic drink since my second one. And you.... What do you want Gikwang?”
“Doojoon is over protective as always,” He said and then gave her a kiss on the lips.
She went a little red and then she got mad and knees him. “I don’t like to be toyed with.”
Gikwang winced slightly but chuckled a little.
“It’s not funny. I will hurt you and I don’t care what powers you have,” she responds angrily.
“You’re here for fun, we’re just having fun.”
“So you think it’s fun to treat me like an easy object,” she responds with a snort.
“I didn’t say you were easy, I just like playing around.”
“Oh. Sure. You’re sooooo nice,” she responds sarcastically her anger activating her powers and water and other liquids shooting at him. She stormed off and outside, where it started to rain. Gikwang couldn’t help but laugh. She was feisty and cute. Doojoon laughs as well.
“That was worth $10,000. Priceless.”
“If you tell her you’ll owe me twice as much.”
“Oh? To pay you $20,000 I’d rather you at least got to third base. But you couldn’t do that with the way she feels about you now unless you raped her. Which I would put you down if she didn’t for. Although I’m sure you’d feel bad about it cuz that’s not you anyway.”
“Of course it’s not. I’d never rape a girl.”
“You are gonna have to apologize at some point though.”
“I will, after she cools off.”
He nods.
“Besides, if I just say that now she’ll still blow up at me. Again.”
Gikwang nods. He knew how girls took things. Doojoon hands him back his drink cup. Gikwang smiles a little and took it.
"All transferred."
Gikwang chuckled a little.
"I should be the one who got the laugh, what are you laughing at?"
He frowns a little.
“I’m fine.”
“That’s good.”
“You should worry about someone else.”
“Oh. Why?”
“Cuz I’m not one to cause trouble.”
“Yeah and?”
“So worry about someone else.”
“I worry about all of you, causing trouble or not.”
“Why? You’re not our dad.”
“Because it’s better than worrying about my son and daughter.”
“Still no word?”
“I’m sorry. I know that’s hard.”
He nods.
“I guess I’m the lucky one then.”
“I don’t have anyone waiting for me.”
“That also makes you sad.”
Gikwang shrugged.
“It’s the way things are.”
“For now..it’s best not to get attached to Earth.”
“You mean you wouldn’t want to come visit?”
“No, that’s not what I meant.”
“Why can’t we get attached to Earth?”
“Think about it. If we’re able to go home things will be different. Say we come back in a month, our month, over a century will have passed. Everyone we knew will be dead and technology will be completely different.”
“And? That makes it exciting.”
“How is that exciting?”
“The thing I like about Earth is how much it can change in a short amount of time. How much it forces you to learn things and not keep idle. Back home nothing really ever changes.”
“You don’t like our ways?”
“I do. But nothing changes. It’s boring compared to Earth.”
“Well I’m sure you could change things.”
“How could we change anything? We’re just warriors.”
“Okay I could. You’re forgetting that Prince Ilhoon and I are good friends.”
“Point made.”
“But right now that is not the issue. The issue is the war.”
“Guess we’ll have to wait and see how it turns out.”
“Since we can’t participate.”
Gikwang nods. He sighs again.
“But it is what it is, we can’t do anything about it.”
“One day we’ll go back.”
“Of course.”
He took a deep breath.
“Well I’m heading back. I can’t stand it in here anymore.”
Gikwang paid for his drinks and left. She was still standing in the rain.
“You want me to call you a cab?” Gikwang offered.
She looks at him.
“Wae? So you can try to seduce me in it?”
“No, I’m flying back to our place. The cab would just be for you.”
“Lucky...” she finally said.
He chuckled a little.
“It’s the best way to get any breathable air.”
“The air’s perfectly fine,” she responds in confusion.
“You must be joking.”
“Um.... no?”
“The air here is terrible. Very polluted.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, of course I am sure.”
“That’s what I miss the most from home. Pure, clean, good air.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Not much anyone can do about it.”
“I suppose that’s true.”
“So, would you like a cab?”
“The limo’s over there.”
“Oh..right. Then get in it before you catch a cold.”
She looks at him and slowly did so, though she’d never caught one before. He shut the door for her and then headed down an alley while the limo drove away. She enjoyed it. The club was a good twenty minutes away from the palace and when she arrived back it was passed midnight. She yawns a little and walked inside. Her maid met her just inside and lead her back to the bedroom. She smiles at that and undressed and snuggles up. The maid cleaned up the scattered clothes, put more wood on the fire and turned out the light before she left. She fell asleep quickly, enjoying herself. Gikwang flew high into the sky. Escaping the brightness of the city and the horrible air. She fell asleep wondering how he was doing. Gikwang flew for over an hour. He liked being able to fly. He got to go where most people couldn't. The guys eventually left. When they got back nobody was at the garage, Gikwang was still gone. The rest of them went to bed, Hyunseung went up into the sky like Gikwang. Up above the clouds the air was clear and was much better than the air below the clouds and close to the cities. Even still, while Hyunseung agreed the air was awful, he didn't agree that Earth was awful because of it. Gikwang was heading back when he saw Hyunseung and flew over to join him.
0 notes
blu-joons · 2 years
When You Come Home Late After An Argument ~ Highlight Reaction
“Nice to see you’re finally home,” Doojoon remarked as you walked through the front door.
“Try telling your voice that,” you replied, picking up straight away on the sarcastic tones that were in Doojoon’s voice as he spoke to you.
A sigh came from him as your eyes shot a glare back across at him. “Let’s not start this again Y/N, being childish and stupid towards each other, we’ve done enough of that for one day.”
“You were the one that started it,” you pointed out with a shrug of your shoulders, “deciding to try and be smart.”
Doojoon reluctantly nodded in agreement, “I’m the one that’s ending it then. What even took you so long? Why didn’t you at least text me Y/N?”
“Because I was mad at you, why would I text?”
“That doesn’t stop me worrying.”
“Oh,” you whispered as Doojoon’s voice dropped into a faint murmur. “I didn’t think you’d be that fussed considering what you said earlier.”
Another sigh escaped from Doojoon as he looked back at you, “I said some nonsense, but that never stops me caring for you.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to do that.”
“What time do you call this?” Yoseob asked you before you even managed to open the door.
“Midnight,” you shrugged back at him, deciding after he yelled at you that you were going to carry things on between you both too.
A shake of the head came from Yoseob as he listened to your reply. “I’m being serious Y/N, it’s almost the middle of the night and you were just walking the streets like nothing.”
“I wasn’t the walking the streets,” you grumbled, “I live here Yoseob, I think I know my way around the city pretty well.”
His eyes rolled at how defensive you were. “If that’s how you want to be then think of this from my view? Not knowing what was going on.”
“Wasn’t it obvious that I was out and about?”
“Yeah and worrying about you too.”
“You don’t worry about me, I mean you practically said that earlier,” you shrugged again, throwing yourself down onto the sofa at the same time.”
His eyes followed you around the room as you moved, “I think we both said things in the heat of the moment earlier Y/N.”
“I guess you’re right there.”
“You’re here,” Gikwang murmured, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes just to be sure.
“You were asleep?” You asked in surprise, watching Gikwang sit himself up. “Why didn’t you go to bed if you were tired Gikwang?”
His head shook back at you, still waking himself up slightly. “I couldn’t actually go up to bed without you here, I didn’t know where you were, or if something had happened to you too.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted, calmly moving around the room, not realising just how worried Gikwang was about you.
A sigh came from Gikwang as he watched how unbothered you were. “How was I supposed to know that you were fine from over here Y/N?”
“I don’t know, I guess just a lucky guess.”
“It’s not the time to joke.”
“I’m fine,” you reminded Gikwang, beginning to understand just how much he fretted about you. “You don’t need to panic about anything.”
A hum escaped Gikwang as you sat yourself down, “if you’re going to stay out that late again, you have to let me know.”
“I will do, I promise Gikwang.”
“What were you playing at?” Dongwoon asked you, racing up from the sofa and across to you.
“Woah, steady,” you warned Dongwoon as he almost threw himself at you, wrapping his arms as tightly as he could around your frame.
A shaky breath came from Dongwoon as he rested against your shoulder, “you terrified me Y/N, I had no idea where you were or what you were doing, let alone whether you were coming back.”
“I just walked, and walked,” you explained, placing your hands against the small of Dongwoon’s back gently.
You’d never felt his grip so tight as a sigh came from him, “I was thinking about going out to find you and asking the boys to come and help me too.”
“I would have come home at some point.”
“I didn’t know that though.”
“I know,” you whispered back to him, “I should’ve let you know that I was safe and that I’d be back, I was too stubborn to want to text you.”
A hum of agreement came from Dongwoon, “you’re home now, and that’s all that matters. I don’t have to go out searching.”
“You don’t, I’m right back here now.”
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blu-joons · 2 years
Spending Time With His Young Family ~ Song Dongwoon
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A shriek came from your daughter as soon as a familiar voice called through your home. She completely forgot about the game that the two of you were playing, leaping into Dongwoon’s open arms waiting for her at the front door.
“How are my two favourite girls?” Dongwoon asked as he scooped her up, feeling her hands press to both of his cheeks.
“We’re good,” she giggled in reply.
Just as she finished talking, you walked through the house too, offering him a smile. “How’s your day been?” You asked Dongwoon as he closed the door behind him.
“It wasn’t too bad,” he replied, meeting your eyes, “I would have much preferred to spend it at home with you two though.”
Your head shook as Dongwoon walked across to you and wrapped his arm around your frame. “We had quite a productive day, Y/D/N’s done some paintings that she wants to show you.”
“Yeah!” She squealed in his hold, “daddy, will you come and see what I made?”
Dongwoon nodded back at her straight away, “of course, why don’t you go and show me what you’ve done,” he told her, placing her down on the ground to get them.
“You might have to use your imagination a little bit when you see them,” you warned Dongwoon as he led you into the living room, smiling widely.
As soon as Dongwoon was in the room, your daughter was stood in front of him, holding several pieces of paper out for Dongwoon to look through that she had painted.
“Wow,” he gasped as he looked through them all, doing just as you’d told him to do, using his imagination to try and guess what most of them were of.
“Do you like them?” Your daughter asked him.
Dongwoon knelt in front of her, wrapping his arms around her, “I don’t like them, I love them. Aren’t you just such a talented little painter?”
As you watched on, Dongwoon glanced across at you, offering you a knowing smile as you saw past his grin to see just how confused he really was.
“Mummy says that I get my creativeness form you.”
Dongwoon’s head nodded back at her but furrowed his brows across at as you as he tried to figure out the relationship between the two of them that you had spotted. Once your daughter had finished showing off her paintings, the focus shifted to dinner, with one mention of a takeout being all that Dongwoon needed to do to help make your mind up.
“Y/D/N, what should we order for dinner?” Dongwoon asked, watching your daughter’s eyes light up. “Is there anything that you fancy having?”
“Daddy, you can choose,” she told him in reply, taking you both by surprise.
Dongwoon especially looked back at her with a puzzled expression. Neither of you knew where it had come from, but as your daughter pointed how busy of a day Dongwoon had had at work, she wanted him to have something that he wanted to eat.
“You definitely take after your mummy,” Dongwoon laughed as she finished.
“Daddy would never let others decide,” you agreed.
Dongwoon shot a glance to where you stood, “daddy knows what he likes and what good food is.”
Your head shook at the confident smile that was on his face as Dongwoon grabbed his phone to be able to start looking through a few of the menus that were available.
Whilst he did, you and your daughter began to tidy up the living room from where you had turned it inside out throughout the day. There were things everywhere, but as ever, she was more than happy to help you put it all back.
By the time that you were done, dinner had been ordered, with Dongwoon placing his phone onto the coffee table, sitting back, and relaxing.
“Where are you going to put all of your paintings, Y/D/N?” Dongwoon asked your daughter as she sat down in his lap.
“Do you think uncles would like them?”
Straight away Dongwoon’s head nodded back at her, intrigued as to how the other boys would react when she gave them the paintings. He only hoped that they’d be as confused as he was and have to try their best to smile.
“Why don’t you write their names on them, so you know whose is whose?” He suggested.
“Will you help me so that I can spell them properly?”
“Of course,” Dongwoon smiled, “you can go and get your paintings and some of your best pens so that we can address them.”
Your daughter nodded as she scrambled out of Dongwoon’s lap, “are you absolutely sure that they’ll like them daddy?”
“I couldn’t be surer sweetheart.”
As soon as she left the room you reached across and hit against Dongwoon’s arm. You knew exactly what he was up to, knowing how much it would wind the boys up and leave him without the responsibility of entertaining the paintings too.
Dongwoon innocently smiled back to you, rubbing his hand against your arm. “Y/N, we can’t have anymore of her drawings hung up on the kitchen cupboards, they’ll be no space on them soon,” he quickly reminded you.
“What are the poor boys going to do with Y/D/N’s drawings though?” You challenged in reply. “I love her, she’s our daughter, but even after her telling me what it was that she was trying to draw I just couldn’t see the resemblance at all.”
Dongwoon continued to snigger as he thought about how the boys would try and figure out what it was on the paper that your daughter had painted.
“This will be a real test of their acting,” Dongwoon tried to tell you.
Your head continued to shake back at him, “I can’t believe you’d do this to them, what they have done to deserve you doing this to them?”
“They always say they want more of Y/D/N,” he smugly informed you.
You threw your head back as he continued to find an answer for everything that they had to say. “I think that means that they want to spend more time with Y/D/N, not have her doodles stuck up in their homes.”
“Then they’ll have to be more specific next time,” Dongwoon replied, “I’m just doing what they asked me to do, I’m giving them some more of Y/D/N in their lives.”
You knew that you weren’t going to be able to win, and as your daughter returned to the living room, Dongwoon couldn’t help her get writing quick enough. After deciding which drawing was going to which member, Dongwoon helped her take the pen lid off to start writing.
He talked her through every character, making sure she knew where every line went, despite how wobbly her hands were, so that the boys knew exactly whose was whose.
Once she was done, a proud smile appeared on her face. “Do you want to come with me to work tomorrow? Uncles will be there, and you can hand gift your paintings to them yourself?”
“Can I?” She excitedly asked, looking across the room to where you sat, “can I go with daddy so that I can give them out mummy?”
“Your daddy is going to be in a whole world of bother.”
Why?” She innocently asked him.
“You’ll understand one day Y/D/N.”
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