#Doobie the newbie
r1ng-w0rm · 1 year
LBB! OC BIKER GANG (wip/concept??)
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Alrighty sooooooo I was thinking about one of my og/non fandom ocs- Roach [Roach is a hellracer/nascar racetrack owner within the swag pits of hell. He's also an engineer, but that's not important atm] B- and thinking about his character background got me interested in making a biker gang OC(?) for that awesome sim, Loveless Biker Boys (p.s u should play it <3).
CW/TW: Blood Oaths, uh.. Nascar murder durby? Suffocation/inhaling toxic gasses???
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◂◄Flamin' Biker Boys►▸
▸►Feel the burn! [Background info]◄◂
The Flamin' Biker Boys was a gang originally started by the one and only well known Nascar/Racetrack Murder Derby owner- Verner 'Roach' Hemp: A man who considers his racetrack to be the love of his life.
Though as the years passed, 'Nettie' and Matthias had moved near Roaches racetrack to help Roach manage the murder derby.. Then soon after that two more people joined (who'll be discussed later). Then after seeing the more than exciting beef going between the Loveless Bikers and the Rival Bikers, the group wanted to join in on the supposed violence. Thus the Flamin' Biker Boys were born!
But-.. How'd they come up with that name?.. Well they originally started with Irradiated Biker Boys due to the amount of nuclear waste around the racetrack and because their biker suit colors and uniforms were themed towards being neon green, but soon the radiation had bombarded its way into the derbies underground lounge...and as Roach walked down the concrete slab-like steps to inspect the issue- a sulphuric stench had already knocked it's way into Roaches brain, ridding his current state unconscious.. Though instead of killing him instantly, it mutated each sweat gland and pore within his body to produce a flammable substance- but instead of warning the rest, he was like "come down here so we can set our hair on fire and be cool!!🤓"
I haven't fully thought through the gangs status background so don't judge me(plz).
If you're thinking of joining these bad boys, here's a few things you gotta remember!
Be just a tad bit vehicle smart! (Whether you know a tiny bit or a lot)
Be able to withstand extremely high temperatures and violent conditions when you're on the race track.
Don't complain about the smell.
Please glare at the other biker groups to make yourself look cool!!
While I will talk more about what'd each biker would do to welcome you in(due to each of them having special abilities to mutate you), Roach would most likely be the one to woo you into mutating to officially be a member. He'd probably lock you into the old irradiated lounge room to see if you'll survive.
If you do survive, Congrats! You got cool inflamed hair(or your pores can release a deadly gas.. There's actually multiple things you could possibly end up getting, I'm just naming the two most common).
If you don't survive, you're either a melted blob of flesh and bloody goop or you're charred to death.
If you're wanting to go into a No Murder/Gore route: they'd probably just be like "I'm sorry, but go bother someone else"
If you want to go into a more violent route: there's multiple things that could happen- they burn you, you suffocate to death, you're handed over to the Rival Biker Boys uh... So on so forth.
These drawings are quick design concepts for them + Dante's official design
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A 30 year old, 6'4 god complexed man who still believes that Dice and Jeff are the same person disguised as two.
Dante's the supposed charisma of the group.
His flaims range between a multitude of colors, but mostly stay Highlighter yellow.
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A 26 year old, 6'6 eye sewn intelligent man whos IQ is above 200.
His name isn't actually Moth, it's Francis. The only reason why he's called Moth is because he called a wasp a moth and everyone absolutely destroyed his ego about it.
Moths flames usually remain teal or sea foam green.
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☣︎Verner 'Roach' Hemp and 'NETTIE' Hemp
I put these two together because you guys already know a bit about them BUTTTT-
Two completely opposite brothers who don't actually hate eachother. Roach being 42 years old and 5'6, while 'NETTIE' is 51 and stands at 7'0.
The funny thing about these two is that Roach owns a Hellracing nascar murder derby while Nettie owns a hefty metal welding warehouse that specializes in creating absolutely screwed up violent vehicle parts.
Roaches his hair is more lava/corium-like than it is at being pure fire, but his magma hair is usually a salmon pink color.
'NETTIE' On the other hand can change the color of his inflamed skull. It was originally a pastel yellow, but he usually switches from a toxic green to a midnight purple.
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☣︎Matthias *insert whatever*
A 35 year old, 6'4 man who deems himself the better twin between him and Tobias.
He's one of the racetracks 'enthusiastic' speakers/radio hosts. He specializes in making his own hazmat suits!
Matthias likes to keep his flames a classicorange! Totally not because he likes to mock his brain fried brother, but because he thinks orange actually suits him. (It doesn't, personally the rest see Matthias being a rose gold/dead pink kind of guy).
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An 18 year old, 5'9 man who idolizes the loveless biker boys just a bit too much.
Doobie (real name being: Dud) is a guy who originally sparked his stupid, drug-ridden way up to the top alongside his supposed childhood friend Neon, but instantly turned down Neons suggestion/invitation to join the rivals.
Doobie doesn't have any cool flame hair since he's the newbie, but his real hair is an auburn color.
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I plan on writing more for them(like their opinions on others etc)
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pocketgodlover · 5 months
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some of my Pocket God ‘art’
Some of them are new, and some of them are old. The last picture is my reaction to the stupid photo limit (I’ll post the rest later)
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spacetimesally · 8 months
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Davenport Star Command of Greater Iowa has a slew of new recruits, cadets and trainees, and a certain somebody has the honor and privilege of training them, in 'Newbie Doobie Doo"
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partyemporium · 1 year
“This place is fantastic, it had everything we wanted and more!” -Jackson
The place was called Dr Fillmore Feelgood's Party Emporium. We went there to try to grab some party supplies for the party we were planning. By we, I mean my friends and I. The reviews we saw said it was a good place to go to get the things we wanted. I can't seem to find any of those reviews now, though. On the way there, John and Cheryl were going over the details of the party we were planning. I just sat back and did.
The place was an old building that became a part of a strip mall. The sign designating what the store was called was big and glowing, even though it looked like it hadn't changed since it was placed on the building in the 70s. The windows in the front of the building were blacked out and the doors looked like they were taken out of a church. We took all of this in as we parked and made our way to the doors of the store, if you could even call it that. When we entered the place, it looked like a normal old store, you ever been to a Party City? It looked like that. We were greeted by a group of about 15 people who we thought were the staff, their clothes looked like the usual uniform. They acted like retail employees, but the kind that had a relaxed attitude, they brought us into a door a few feet away and they gave us some reefer. It was then that we realized that we walked half a mile to get to where we were, which was in a building inside a building with stairs leading to a second story and a window looking out into the rest of the place. Looking through the window we saw that the whole building was dark, as if it were perpetual night, but in the distance we could see what looked to be stage with black lights pointed at the crowd of people who were wearing what looked to be clothing that glowed neon.
“Now that you have some Doobie in you, you can finally think straight” said one of the people who we thought were employees said, “for some reason, in here, things in here fuck with your brain differently than things outside. my name is Robert, and welcome to the party emporium.”
“What is this place?” I asked, I was weirded out, I could tell just by looking at Cheryl and John that they were, too.
He was wearing a 70s style leather coat with fringes and everything, his hair was down to his shoulders. His hair swayed as he pulled out a flask and took a drink.
“Well I'm not really sure, the sign outside says this place is a party supply store, but the things I've seen in here tell me it's not a normal thing at all,” he gestures for us to take a seat. 
“What's with the get up?” I heard John ask him, “It looks like you came straight from a costume party?”
“What year is it outside? I know it's been a long time since 1975, because of my friends, there.” he says, gesturing to a group of people who look like they're all from different decades.
“Wait, what? When we came in it was 2015.” John responded.
A segment of the group started murmuring, One of them said “we've only been here 10 days, but it's been 10 years since we came in?”
“Yeah, it's better than a decade a day, but time still moves differently in here.” Robert stated, looking right at me. The muffled sound of music from the stage started blaring to the point where it seemed like it was emanating from the walls of the place, and Robert looked out the window, and he sighed. “90s, you three are on keg duty.” This statement was follow by three people climbing the stairs and bringing down some water guns. As one of them handed a water gun to Robert he pointed it at us, “Newbies, you get to use the stereo.”
He looked at a guy in an eighties looking Jean jacket. “Jeff, you and the Ks have the job of foraging for food. Me and the 80s will be finding more dope, after we explain to the newbies what's going on.”
He walked us outside of the building and we walked towards the door towards a wall of speakers what looked like one of those old HiFi towers, he put something that looked like a tape into it's deck. I noticed that the deck now had an aux cord hanging out of it. He turned to us and said, “one of the Ks brought this tape with them because they didn't want it to get stolen. I hope that, because of the way technology seems to work out there, you guys have a way to play even more music.” 
“Compared to what they had in the 2000s? Yeah.” I responded pulling out my cell phone from my pocket, “why do you need it?”
“Well, it's been about 13 days since my friends and I came in, it's been 10 since we found the Ks entering the place, I think music has the capability to fuck with how this place works, it slows it down.”
Robert hands the cable to me and I plug my phone in. I set my music to loop, and it started playing the audio through the speakers. “Keep it,” I said, as I plugged a my phone charger into the power supply strip on the HiFi towers. “We can leave anytime we like, right?”
“Yeah, I'm only here still because the ‘party’ out there took my friends, and the love of my life. I was staying here to warn people, and to fight this place, but as soon as I get out of here I am going to demolish the building. I think this place can handle itself, until then, though. I'm going be coming back with you.” 
“What about the others?” Cheryl, my girlfriend, asked.
“I didn't find them at the door we came through. By the time we got to their doors again, the doors were gone, probably because the me from their world was smart enough to leave after his friends died. From what I've learned from them, the places they came from were not like ours.” 
“How so?” John asked as Robert gestured us to follow him.
“For one thing, the Ks and 90s came from places where booth didn't kill Lincoln. And the 80s came from a place where Stalin was the president of the United States in 1950.” Robert responded as he guided us towards the door. “Jack, you're in charge now,” he gave the guy who came with us a note, “I'm going to tell you guys all about what I've been through when we get out of here.”
We reached the door and left that weird world, we were suddenly carrying a bunch of party supplies, I looked back around and couldn't see Robert. I noticed that it was sunset, we walked back to the car and John drove Cheryl and I home.
Approved By: Lucy
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anoraktrend · 1 year
“This place is fantastic, it had everything we wanted and more!” -Jackson
  The place was called Dr Fillmore Feelgood's Party Emporium. We went there to try to grab some party supplies for the party we were planning. By we, I mean my friends and I. The reviews we saw said it was a good place to go to get the things we wanted. I can't seem to find any of those reviews now, though. On the way there, John and Cheryl were going over the details of the party we were planning. I just sat back and did.
  The place was an old building that became a part of a strip mall. The sign designating what the store was called was big and glowing, even though it looked like it hadn't changed since it was placed on the building in the 70s. The windows in the front of the building were blacked out and the doors looked like they were taken out of a church. We took all of this in as we parked and made our way to the doors of the store, if you could even call it that. When we entered the place, it looked like a normal old store, you ever been to a Party City? It looked like that. We were greeted by a group of about 15 people who we thought were the staff, their clothes looked like the usual uniform. They acted like retail employees, but the kind that had a relaxed attitude, they brought us into a door a few feet away and they gave us some reefer. It was then that we realized that we walked half a mile to get to where we were, which was in a building inside a building with stairs leading to a second story and a window looking out into the rest of the place. Looking through the window we saw that the whole building was dark, as if it were perpetual night, but in the distance we could see what looked to be stage with black lights pointed at the crowd of people who were wearing what looked to be clothing that glowed neon.
  “Now that you have some Doobie in you, you can finally think straight” said one of the people who we thought were employees said, “for some reason, in here, things in here fuck with your brain differently than things outside. my name is Robert, and welcome to the party emporium.”
   “What is this place?” I asked, I was weirded out, I could tell just by looking at Cheryl and John that they were, too.
   He was wearing a 70s style leather coat with fringes and everything, his hair was down to his shoulders. His hair swayed as he pulled out a flask and took a drink.
  “Well I'm not really sure, the sign outside says this place is a party supply store, but the things I've seen in here tell me it's not a normal thing at all,” he gestures for us to take a seat. 
  “What's with the get up?” I heard John ask him, “It looks like you came straight from a costume party?”
  “What year is it outside? I know it's been a long time since 1975, because of my friends, there.” he says, gesturing to a group of people who look like they're all from different decades.
  “Wait, what? When we came in it was 2015.” John responded.
  A segment of the group started murmuring, One of them said “we've only been here 10 days, but it's been 10 years since we came in?”
  “Yeah, it's better than a decade a day, but time still moves differently in here.” Robert stated, looking right at me. The muffled sound of music from the stage started blaring to the point where it seemed like it was emanating from the walls of the place, and Robert looked out the window, and he sighed. “90s, you three are on keg duty.” This statement was follow by three people climbing the stairs and bringing down some water guns. As one of them handed a water gun to Robert he pointed it at us, “Newbies, you get to use the stereo.”
  He looked at a guy in an eighties looking Jean jacket. “Jeff, you and the Ks have the job of foraging for food. Me and the 80s will be finding more dope, after we explain to the newbies what's going on.”
  He walked us outside of the building and we walked towards the door towards a wall of speakers what looked like one of those old HiFi towers, he put something that looked like a tape into it's deck. I noticed that the deck now had an aux cord hanging out of it. He turned to us and said, “one of the Ks brought this tape with them because they didn't want it to get stolen. I hope that, because of the way technology seems to work out there, you guys have a way to play even more music.” 
  “Compared to what they had in the 2000s? Yeah.” I responded pulling out my cell phone from my pocket, “why do you need it?”
  “Well, it's been about 13 days since my friends and I came in, it's been 10 since we found the Ks entering the place, I think music has the capability to fuck with how this place works, it slows it down.”
  Robert hands the cable to me and I plug my phone in. I set my music to loop, and it started playing the audio through the speakers. “Keep it,” I said, as I plugged a my phone charger into the power supply strip on the HiFi towers. “We can leave anytime we like, right?”
  “Yeah, I'm only here still because the ‘party’ out there took my friends, and the love of my life. I was staying here to warn people, and to fight this place, but as soon as I get out of here I am going to demolish the building. I think this place can handle itself, until then, though. I'm going be coming back with you.” 
  “What about the others?” Cheryl, my girlfriend, asked.
  “I didn't find them at the door we came through. By the time we got to their doors again, the doors were gone, probably because the me from their world was smart enough to leave after his friends died. From what I've learned from them, the places they came from were not like ours.” 
  “How so?” John asked as Robert gestured us to follow him.
  “For one thing, the Ks and 90s came from places where booth didn't kill Lincoln. And the 80s came from a place where Stalin was the president of the United States in 1950.” Robert responded as he guided us towards the door. “Jack, you're in charge now,” he gave the guy who came with us a note, “I'm going to tell you guys all about what I've been through when we get out of here.”
  We reached the door and left that weird world, we were suddenly carrying a bunch of party supplies, I looked back around and couldn't see Robert. I noticed that it was sunset, we walked back to the car and John drove Cheryl and I home.
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missgeniality · 2 years
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for @taegularities and her inability to accept biases <3
⭃ Font Credits: i ⭃ Image Credits: i ● ii ● iii ● iv ⭃ Brush Credits: i
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pocket-god-jokes · 4 years
Pocket God Characters when you ask for their pronouns because I’m out of ideas
Ooga: “I’m a guy”
Booga: “nor/mal”
Klik: “Ah, I use male pronouns. He/Him. I suppose They/Them is all right as well.”
Nooby: “Nooby not know what pronouns are. Nooby is Nooby!”
Dooby: “Whatever you want, dude.”
Klak: “uhh... boy I guess”
Newbie: “what? I’ll kill you. Don’t refer to me”
Sun: “The Girl ones? 🙄”
Kinsee: “oh she/her. I’m a girl.”
Toola: “I use she and her, but you can like... call me whatever you want, sweetie.”
Teela: I use she/they! Thank you for asking :)”
Linsee: “what are pronouns I feel so fucking sick *throws up*”
Moon: “whatever ones that girls use... or whatever honestly I don’t care”
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ladycolossalcock · 3 years
grabbable boobies
smokable doobies
trappable newbies
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tossthis1away · 5 years
Newbie dooby doo
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clearlypositive · 6 years
freshly rolled joints should be called newbie doobies
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greenreleaf · 3 years
Common forms of medical marijuana products available in a dispensary.
In a dispensary, you can discover many medical cannabis products, which might be daunting if you are a newbie. You may require the advice of a trained budtender in determining the form that will offer you the appropriate effect to relieve your symptoms as soon as possible. However, a little research never hurts. Missouri has become acquainted with numerous types of medical marijuana products.
1. Pipes:
Cannabis weed pipes offer a convenient, mess-free way of consuming cannabis. They can be small and discreet or sizeable and bold, but whatever the aesthetics of the pipe, the result is the same. For instance, if it is a glass pipe on which you are smoking, you won’t impact taste whatsoever. The only difference between smoking off a piece of glass, as opposed to another part of the glass, only occurs when you have a gas torch ignited to make the combustion process more efficient, but even in these instances, it often has negligible impact on the total experience.
2. Vaporizers:
A vaporizer is an alternative to the traditional cannabis product joint or pipe. Also commonly referred to as a vaporizer, it is a device used to extract and inhale cannabinoids from dried herbs. This latest invention can be likened to an e-cigarette for tobacco as it produces vapor instead of smoke.
Vaporizers were designed with the medicinal cannabis product consumer in mind, as the cannabis material is merely cooked to release cannabinoids and terpenes rather than being smoked. Vaporization decreases airway irritation and eliminates the absorption of carcinogens formed during the combustion of cannabis flowers.
Vaporizers include a coil element that gently warms the cannabis product, whether oil, concentrate, or flower, to release the cannabinoids and terpenes. This approach is incredibly efficient and produces more cannabinoids and terpenes than combustion-based consumption methods.
3. Oil:
Cannabis product Oil contains a wide array of cannabinoids and terpenes. There are many different oils with varying strengths, uses, and effects. Edible oils are often olive oil based. Medicinal sublingual oils are often coconut oil-based due to the higher saturated fat content in coconut oil, providing stronger bioavailability to cannabinoid compounds when consumed sublingually. Inhaled oils are coconut or MCT-based due to their ease of mixing into concentrate vaporizers.
Cannabinoid oils are created by infusing cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, CBG, and CBN into a carrier oil (usually coconut oil). Fats have the privilege of isolating certain chemicals, such as THC or CBD, to develop a product with very specialized applications. On the other hand, Oils may be produced as full-spectrum products containing a variety of cannabinoids and having more immense applicability.
Oils are applied sublingually by spraying or using a dropper. The oil is applied beneath the tongue for optimal absorption, and the results are typically felt within 60 to 90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours). Dosing is more challenging with oils since they take longer to take effect, but once the proper amount is determined, the benefits may be duplicated again after a time.
4. Joints:
A joint commonly referred to as a spliff, "doobie" or "doob," is a rolled cannabis product cigarette. Unlike commercial tobacco cigarettes, the user ordinarily hand-rolls joints with rolling papers, though in some cases they are machine-rolled." Doobie" and "spliff" are modern slang for marijuana cigarettes.
To smoke a cannabis joint, finely powdered flowers are rolled into papers, either by machine or by hand. Rice papers, premium organic hemp papers, and even flavored rolling papers are available to fit every rolling and smoking style.
Smoking cannabis joints is still one of the most popular and effortless ways to consume cannabis. Since there is no need to install expensive equipment, joints may be rolled quickly and transported while on the go. In addition, joints are ideal for sharing with friends and provide an inconspicuous way of consuming cannabis.
5. Capsules:
Cannabis Capsules, like edibles, are a novel technique of cannabis intake. Capsules are famous among sporty and fitness-minded customers because they provide a smoke-free and sugar-free way to take cannabis.
Capsules are individual gel capsules containing a tincture, oil, or decarboxylated flower combination (usually vegetable-based for vegan users). The effects are comparable to ingesting a tincture, oil, or food and typically are felt for 60 to 90 minutes.
One of the most apparent benefits of cannabis capsules is their discrete nature and precise dosage. Finding the right dose might be a trial-and-error procedure but seeing that sweet spot will produce repeatable benefits for the user. In addition, capsules are convenient to transport to a yoga session or on a walk.
6. Edibles:
For most individuals, edibles are the most pleasurable method to take cannabis. But, while smoking a joint or using a bong is enjoyable, isn't eating a brownie or cookie much better? Edibles are cannabis-infused edibles, including candy, cookies, brownies, honey, and other confections that include cannabinoids like THC and CBD.
Edibles are often created using infused oils or tinctures, although decarboxylated flowers can also be utilized. Decarboxylation is a gentle heating procedure that converts THC to THC-A from flowers. The THC in the flowers is activated during this process, making it accessible to the body.
The secret of edibles is to start slowly and gradually increase the dose when it comes to edibles. Edibles might take up to 90 minutes to completely activate, so be patient. Finding the proper dose is a trial-and-error process, but once you've found your optimal amount, you can achieve the desired benefits time and time again.
Edibles are incredibly discreet and may be carried with you anywhere. They're ideal for before a night out or going to the movies, where smoking and vaping are not permitted.
7. Topicals:
With the passing of the Farm Bill, health and beauty topicals, pain creams, and CBD balms have been all the rage in mainstream America, but did you realize that topicals may also contain THC? The word "topical" refers to any cannabinoid-based product administered externally. The advantage of this product form is that it does not cause the customer to feel high, as typical consumption techniques do.
When cannabinoids are applied topically, they do not pass the blood barrier and never enter the body's circulation; thus, they do not get you high. Therefore, even if a cream has 100 percent THC, it will not have the high symptoms commonly associated with THC use.
Legal topicals are available in various goods, including pain reliever creams, lotions, facial creams, body balm, gels, oils, and even personal lubricants. Although using topicals is a different type of "consumption," the body still receives all the advantages from cannabis.
8. Tinctures:
Tinctures, like cannabinoid-infused oils, are a smoke-free mode of intake. Tinctures are alcohol-based preparations that include cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. Tinctures, unlike oils, should not be taken sublingually since they will create a burning feeling. On the other hand, Tinctures are supposed to be mixed into drinks or meals. Just be aware that the effects might take up to 90 minutes to ultimately effect.
Tinctures are a popular method for creating flavored drinks at home. Simply add a few drops of the alcohol-based tincture to your favorite beverage and enjoy. Tinctures, like oils, can be prepared in isolation or full-spectrum style. Finding the proper dose is a trial-and-error procedure; however, the intended outcomes may be obtained again once the optimal amount is found.
Medical dispensary near Missouri:
1.) Mexico
    3848 South Clark Street, Mexico, MO 65265
2.) Columbia
204 East Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201
3.) Moberly
414 West Coates Street, STE- 101, Moberly, MO 65270
+1 660-372-1560
4.) Troy
109 North Lincoln Drive, STE-E, Troy, MO 63379
+1 636 775 2708
5.) Liberty
824 South Hwy 291 STE-A, Liberty MO 64068
+1816 429 5863
6.) Nevada
2220 E Austin Blvd, Nevada, MO 64772
+1 (833) 469-9333
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pocket-owls · 6 years
Do your gremlin child
Fellas, we are In For It Now
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
Don’t make me wax poetic here, christ, but a few things I live about Newbie:
Their design, both visual and narrative is so choice. The glowing green eyes, the fangs, the whole “Nooby but fifteen feet to the left” thing? Excellent. Narratively, their “I’m a clone and I fucking hate it” falls pretty well into my niche of weird tropes that I really like. My absolute favorite, however, is the way their de facto immortality works. Immortal with one massive flaw? So good, what a stroke of genius. 
least favorite thing about them
Maybe it’s because I grow so attached to them later on, but the way they act in their first appearance is so frustrating to me. They have no reason to be like this! Calm Down! You could have so much better if you just CHILLED!
favorite line
I really like “Where is not important. All that matters is that we are here together.” It’s so spooky in context, perfect for the issue it’s in (Issue 20 Best Issue, just saying). There’s also “I am my own self. I make my own decisions!” and “For the pain... always for the pain” if you’re looking for that pure, distilled focken angst.
Well, that depends. Up to where canon left off? Fucking nobody, they don’t deserve it. (Nooby comes close, but no cigar). In a lot of the AUs and canon continuations I daydream about, it can fluctuate but the brOTP baton tends to fall on (this ALL makes sense in the context of my bullshit, I swear) Nooby, Teela, Booga, and (perhaps weirdest of all) Toola. It might be beneficial for Dooby to be there too, tho..... Kid needs to learn how to chill. Maybe I oughtta think about that.
Again, in canon? Fucking no one. But canon continuations/AUs? Mad Science, babey!!!!
I’ve also started accidentally considering a different ship recently, which started ENTIRELY AS A JOKE, but I’ll die of embarrassment if I mention it outside of Discord before I’ve completely come to terms with it. Teaser trailer, babes! 
In canon, Ooga/Newbie, nyall!!! But they’re more like a FoeTP than an absolute nOTP. Very toxic environment where they’re concerned. 
random headcanon
This kid can draw very well, and they’re a furry, and I love them. I also personally think of them as agender. Also, modern!Newbie loves sci fi and gorey horror flicks. I’ll stop here before rambling into eternity.
unpopular opinion
Does saying they’re my absolute favorite character count? 
song i associate with them
I didn’t have an answer for this, so I racked my head for it, and the first that comes to mind is “Body” by Mother Mother, mostly for the chorus, what with “I grow tired of this body / A cumbersome and heavy body” being exemplary of Newbie’s main conflict later in the series. 
favorite picture of them
Literally all of them, nice fucking try. But here’s a random one 
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Big focken Fear, Fellas. 
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godlingsinpockets · 6 years
who says fuck?
regularly says fuck: ooga, booga, newbie, moon
has sworn off saying fuck, but said it at some point: klik, kinsee
has not said fuck before, but can so if desired: klak, sun, linsee, teela
has not said fuck before, and refuses to say it: dooby, toola
legally cannot say fuck: nooby
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And while yall rolling doobies i be in my bedroom scoring movies still im sounding like a fucking newbie suck my dick motherfucker sue me Mom got a new whip so she could scoop me a year ago i ain’t have no hooptie four story home, gotta climb eight set of stairs just to see where my fuckin roof be
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thedoobieroom · 3 years
Season Two Premiere: Top 5 Mistakes We Made While Entering the Cannabis Industry
We're kicking off season two of That's a Doobie podcast by sharing with our the top 5 mistakes we made while entering the Cannabis industry. We don't want you all wasting time making the same mistakes we and other former newbies made (Don't trip...everyone was a newbie in this industry at some point.)
Plus, Omari Jalan and Stone share their "week in weed" and they'll give their feedback on Leafly's new Cannabis equity report. Here we go! 
Check out this episode!
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pocket-god-jokes · 4 years
Pocket God Characters and what they are in Jail for
Ooga: arson! and resisting arrest also he probably punched a cop
Klik: tax evasion!
Nooby: arson
Newbie: second degree murder and attempted homicide
Teela: meth lab
Toola: Idk I feel like she would evade her taxes too
Moon: Vehicular Manslaughter
Klak: lying to police officer and then resisting arrest
Sun: Assault
Kinsee: also assault
Linsee: public intoxication
Dooby: possession of illegal drugs
Booga: public indecency
Thank you
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