#Matthias *insert whatever*
r1ng-w0rm · 1 year
LBB! OC BIKER GANG (wip/concept??)
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Alrighty sooooooo I was thinking about one of my og/non fandom ocs- Roach [Roach is a hellracer/nascar racetrack owner within the swag pits of hell. He's also an engineer, but that's not important atm] B- and thinking about his character background got me interested in making a biker gang OC(?) for that awesome sim, Loveless Biker Boys (p.s u should play it <3).
CW/TW: Blood Oaths, uh.. Nascar murder durby? Suffocation/inhaling toxic gasses???
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◂◄Flamin' Biker Boys►▸
▸►Feel the burn! [Background info]◄◂
The Flamin' Biker Boys was a gang originally started by the one and only well known Nascar/Racetrack Murder Derby owner- Verner 'Roach' Hemp: A man who considers his racetrack to be the love of his life.
Though as the years passed, 'Nettie' and Matthias had moved near Roaches racetrack to help Roach manage the murder derby.. Then soon after that two more people joined (who'll be discussed later). Then after seeing the more than exciting beef going between the Loveless Bikers and the Rival Bikers, the group wanted to join in on the supposed violence. Thus the Flamin' Biker Boys were born!
But-.. How'd they come up with that name?.. Well they originally started with Irradiated Biker Boys due to the amount of nuclear waste around the racetrack and because their biker suit colors and uniforms were themed towards being neon green, but soon the radiation had bombarded its way into the derbies underground lounge...and as Roach walked down the concrete slab-like steps to inspect the issue- a sulphuric stench had already knocked it's way into Roaches brain, ridding his current state unconscious.. Though instead of killing him instantly, it mutated each sweat gland and pore within his body to produce a flammable substance- but instead of warning the rest, he was like "come down here so we can set our hair on fire and be cool!!🤓"
I haven't fully thought through the gangs status background so don't judge me(plz).
If you're thinking of joining these bad boys, here's a few things you gotta remember!
Be just a tad bit vehicle smart! (Whether you know a tiny bit or a lot)
Be able to withstand extremely high temperatures and violent conditions when you're on the race track.
Don't complain about the smell.
Please glare at the other biker groups to make yourself look cool!!
While I will talk more about what'd each biker would do to welcome you in(due to each of them having special abilities to mutate you), Roach would most likely be the one to woo you into mutating to officially be a member. He'd probably lock you into the old irradiated lounge room to see if you'll survive.
If you do survive, Congrats! You got cool inflamed hair(or your pores can release a deadly gas.. There's actually multiple things you could possibly end up getting, I'm just naming the two most common).
If you don't survive, you're either a melted blob of flesh and bloody goop or you're charred to death.
If you're wanting to go into a No Murder/Gore route: they'd probably just be like "I'm sorry, but go bother someone else"
If you want to go into a more violent route: there's multiple things that could happen- they burn you, you suffocate to death, you're handed over to the Rival Biker Boys uh... So on so forth.
These drawings are quick design concepts for them + Dante's official design
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A 30 year old, 6'4 god complexed man who still believes that Dice and Jeff are the same person disguised as two.
Dante's the supposed charisma of the group.
His flaims range between a multitude of colors, but mostly stay Highlighter yellow.
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A 26 year old, 6'6 eye sewn intelligent man whos IQ is above 200.
His name isn't actually Moth, it's Francis. The only reason why he's called Moth is because he called a wasp a moth and everyone absolutely destroyed his ego about it.
Moths flames usually remain teal or sea foam green.
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☣︎Verner 'Roach' Hemp and 'NETTIE' Hemp
I put these two together because you guys already know a bit about them BUTTTT-
Two completely opposite brothers who don't actually hate eachother. Roach being 42 years old and 5'6, while 'NETTIE' is 51 and stands at 7'0.
The funny thing about these two is that Roach owns a Hellracing nascar murder derby while Nettie owns a hefty metal welding warehouse that specializes in creating absolutely screwed up violent vehicle parts.
Roaches his hair is more lava/corium-like than it is at being pure fire, but his magma hair is usually a salmon pink color.
'NETTIE' On the other hand can change the color of his inflamed skull. It was originally a pastel yellow, but he usually switches from a toxic green to a midnight purple.
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☣︎Matthias *insert whatever*
A 35 year old, 6'4 man who deems himself the better twin between him and Tobias.
He's one of the racetracks 'enthusiastic' speakers/radio hosts. He specializes in making his own hazmat suits!
Matthias likes to keep his flames a classicorange! Totally not because he likes to mock his brain fried brother, but because he thinks orange actually suits him. (It doesn't, personally the rest see Matthias being a rose gold/dead pink kind of guy).
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An 18 year old, 5'9 man who idolizes the loveless biker boys just a bit too much.
Doobie (real name being: Dud) is a guy who originally sparked his stupid, drug-ridden way up to the top alongside his supposed childhood friend Neon, but instantly turned down Neons suggestion/invitation to join the rivals.
Doobie doesn't have any cool flame hair since he's the newbie, but his real hair is an auburn color.
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I plan on writing more for them(like their opinions on others etc)
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magneticflower · 10 months
Six of Crows Duology Ask Meme
I just really wanted one so I decided to make one. It'll be mixed with the usual basic questions and then whatever else comes to mind~
Warning: This will likely contain a variety of spoilers. Read at your own risk.
Favorite Crow?
Favorite non-Crow character?
Were you immediately pulled in or did it take you a minute to get into the story?
What character did you get attached to the quickest? Why?
Any character you didn't expect to like as much as you did? Similarly, is there any character that didn't end up liking as much as you thought you would?
Are there any aspects of a character or plot that you wished had been delved into more in the duology?
What non-romantic relationship dynamic did you like best?
What crow do you think you are the most like?
Do you have a favorite book between the two?
What is a headcanon that you have for (insert character/ship/etc here) that you haven't seen a similar hc about from the fandom?
What is your happiest headcanon for (insert character/ship/etc)?
What is your saddest headcanon for (insert character/ship/etc)?
What fight/action scene was your favorite in Six of Crows? What was your favorite one in Crooked Kingdom? Why?
What is your favorite ship?
Is there any aspect of a character/ship that you think isn't talked about enough?
Got a hill you'd die on about a particular character trait/scene/ship/etc?
Are there any common misconceptions about (insert character) that you think people have?
What scene(s) from either book do you think is rather underrated?
Who was the most compelling antagonistic character to you?
What was your favorite emotional scene for (insert character)?
What was your favorite fun/lighthearted scene?
Is there any parallel between characters or scenes that you think about a lot?
What do you think (insert character) would be like if what had fundamentally changed them into who they are in SOC hadn't happened? i.e. Inej being taken from her family. Kaz being victimized by Pekka Rollins. Jesper and Colm losing Aditi. etc.
What is a backstory detail about a character that you wish we learned more about?
What do you like most about the duology? Anything you aren't particularly fond of?
Was there a plot point/twist that caught you off-guard?
Was there any scene(s) that hit you harder than you expected?
If you could change one minor thing in the duology, what would it be?
Is there any major scene you wish had turned out differently?
What are some of your favorite details in this books?
What moments made you freak out (in a happy or sad way) the most?
What were the most exciting scenes for you?
What character ending satisfied you the most?
Do you think it was necessary for Matthias to die? Do you think that it would have been just as impactful if he sustained life-threatening injuries but still lived? Do you think his story was done?
What are a few of your favorite Kaz moments?
What are a few of your favorite Inej moments?
What are a few of your favorite Jesper moments?
What are a few of your favorite Nina moments?
What are a few of your favorite Wylan moments?
What are a few of your favorite Matthias moments?
What are a few of your favorite group crow moments?
What are a few of your favorite ship moments?
Do you have a favorite minor/background character?
Any character you like that others tend not to be fond of?
Any moment you like that others usually don't like?
Your thoughts on Kuwei? Do you feel any particular way about him? Is he an underrated character?
What type of Grisha power would you want?
If you could have one of the character's non-Grisha skillsets, which one would you like? i.e.. Kaz's sleight of hand, Inej's stealth, Nina's acting, etc.
What character that isn't a Grisha do you think would embrace being a Grisha the easiest? Who do you think would have the hardest time?
Who would you be most afraid to fight?
What crow would you want on your team during a fight?
Who would you like to be put on a team together for a job together and why?
Do you think you would get along with any of the characters well? Do you think there are any that you wouldn't get along with even though you like them?
Any quote or quotes that stand out amongst the rest for you?
What did you take away from reading the duology? Has reading it been impactful to you in any particular way?
What song(s) do you associate with (insert character/ship/etc)?
Do you like how it the duology ended?
Share your thoughts on (insert character/ship/plot point/etc)
This or that: Pit two characters/ships/moments/quotes/etc against each other for the receiver to have to choose between!
Link your favorite fanart(s)! 
Link your favorite edit(s) if you have any!
Link your favorite gifset(s) if you have any!
Link your favorite fic(s)!
Link your favorite SOC related post(s)!
Link your favorite SOC blogs!
Freebie: Ask anything!
Hopefully, these are engaging or at least fun asks for your guys! (also, feel free to send some my way too if you'd like &lt;;3)
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juravern · 3 months
1, 12, 14 for your choice of character!
Gods damn it, has it been almost 2 months? OTL I'm so sorry, I kept meaning to get around to replying to this and then just.... didn't LOL.
I'm answering for Matthias, my FFXIV main, since that's the game most frequently on my mind these days LMAO. Questions from this list!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
Appearance. Ironically, I never considered any particularly notable features I wanted him to have; if anything, he was supposed to be kind of Just Some Guy, black hair and light brown skin and not ugly but not like remarkably handome or anything LMAO.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
The fact that he's the player character in an MMORPG, and therefore when I'm toying with a fic idea focused on the other characters, I actually don't particularly want to write him specifically, just leave a vague sort of insert-your-Warrior-of-Light-here space/shape LOL.
....Also that character creation options have yet to really capture the exact look I want, and I just end up going 'eh it's in the general ballpark, good enough." I know some people will be like, mods or facecast or something, but ehhh.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
That he is of ambiguous and indeterminate ethnicity/race, a wanderer who never really fit in where he came from, nor particularly fits in anywhere he goes.
That he has the heart of a warrior and the soul of a scholar: he's fantastic at committing violence, likes the thrill and takes pride in being good at it, but he's also into nerd stuff, into the arts, into seeking knowledge for its own sake, and just generally like, not having to commit violence. He has to have that dichotomy of how, whatever he does, he's never able to be 100% fulfilled and happy.
As a bonus, take a screenshot of him, now with improved textures and new expansion-added combat job XDXD.
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Flake interview 2022 - Ave Corner Printing
in Japanese
Interview/Text | Yoshiyuki Suzuki | December 2022, photos by Matthias Matthies and Jens Koch
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Some bits googly translated... but please read the entire interview, it's nice and long
――How are you doing now? Until RAMMSTEIN's tour resumes, can we take it easy for a while?
 “Right now, I am preparing various things for Christmas for my family. In January 2023, a reading tour of this book (“Today is the World’s Birthday”) is scheduled in Germany. Because this plan had been postponed for about two years due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, so now it's time to do a reading tour as if the book had just been published. It's supposed to happen."
――"Today is the world's birthday" has a very unique composition, and it's a real-time depiction that starts from the waiting time for the live, and various recollections are inserted one after another. What was your intention in writing it this way?
 “At first, I had some ideas and interesting things that I wanted to write down. There were only loosely connected parts and it still didn't quite come together, so I had the idea to write about myself spending time in the backstage area before a concert. I got the idea to write what happened, and I was able to finish it in no time.I wanted to explain even a little to people (laughs), the band. What it's really like to work in. It's usually very different from what people imagine.When I was a kid, I listened to Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. To me, musicians like them are like gods, and those gods just walk up on stage, sing, and the whole world bows down at their feet... I don't even think that they are also living human beings. But even they have to go to the bathroom, they have to sleep at night, they have marital troubles, they're sick and in a bad mood... I only know shining songs. So I never imagined that a star like that [laughs] has to make music, how much work there is behind that short amount of time in a concert. "
――Well, you wrote in the book that you were a punk. Could you be a little more specific about this?
 “In the old days, of course, punk meant being able to make music without being able to play an instrument well. It gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted, even if I didn't have the background to play the piano or the guitar, and even if I didn't have a musical education, I had the courage to say, ``SEX PISTOLS is cool, and I want to try that kind of music.'' That's how I was lucky to be in a band with someone who didn't have a musical education, because it opened up the possibility of making a good band. Punk has changed now, and when I say 'I'm punk' now, I mean my inner attitude... I don't care about the details... that kind of thing. It's about attitude, like what kind of impression do you make on strangers? You can't do that, it's forbidden, it's not right, you can't do it... but I laugh and say it doesn't matter. When I say, 'I'm still punk at heart,' that's probably what I mean."
――Does that mean that it has a lot to do with inner freedom?
 "Yes. Freedom and not letting other people's opinions sway you. Go your own way, whether other people like it or not."
――It takes courage to stick to such an attitude.
 “It also means that you can’t meet people’s expectations, so there are times when you can’t meet the expectations of your fans. "
――Regarding “Dalai Lama”, although it is a relatively old song, the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek recently wrote an article that highly praises it. Did you?
 "No, I do not know"
――Zizek is a big fan of yours, and you often refer to them in your critics.
 “It has been 30 years since RAMMSTEIN was formed, and we are part of the cultural history, and we are sometimes quoted. But we rarely read articles about bands because we want to make music free from other people's opinions. I don't even search the internet about it.
--When you read this book, you will understand that you are an "observer". In my opinion, the keyboard part tends to have an "objective stance" even among rock bands. What do you think?
 “Standing at the back [of the stage] and not being in the center definitely makes me feel at ease. It doesn't have to be.There are times when I can calmly stand behind and watch.And I like the time to move around with the band.That's the best part of touring life, more than concerts, being able to go to different countries. I like that there is so much to see and observe.”
――(about coming to Japan for a book tour) It is possible to solve the problem of interpreting. Please come!
 "Well, after the next RAMMSTEIN tour is over. After that, I'll have time to do that."
--thank you. Next year, except for the reading tour in January, are you planning to focus on your activities as a band for the rest of the year?
 “Next year, we will start the tour from May. We will perform on the same stage as this year, but we will add some new songs. We plan to play songs or want to play them.As for next year's tour, it's only in Europe so far."
――How long do you plan to continue working as RAMMSTEIN?
 "As long as it looks cool, we'll keep going. We're always checking the footage, watching it, and deciding if it's still going."
――All the Japanese fans are working hard to go to America and Europe to see RAMMSTEIN live, but I also want to experience your live a few more times.
 “The tour schedule is open to the public on the Internet, so please check there.
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rotzaprachim · 3 years
ship/char+word: nina/matthias and “hunger”; alternatively, your preferred winchester and “fix”
i am going to apologise that rather than writing you something fresh (which i COULD DO, WANT TO DO, and probably WILL DO because "hunger" is imho one of the great underrated helnik themes) instead i'm going to insert a chunk of a CK-compliant-ish WIP that's been floating in the nethersphere. trigger warnings definitely for some ableist thinking and messy stuff regarding food
Illness was so embarrassing. She’d spend a decade trying to persuade patients that their afflictions were medical rather than moral problems, that it was no divinely afflicted sin against their natures to be sick and the matter at hand was their well-being and what could be done on its behalf. And yet here she was a woman of twenty-some-odd years who could not get through the day without naps or coddling. She lost her focus. She lost her appetite. She wasn't hungry for anything at all. On a daily basis she found her head suddenly swimming and her vision grainy and no way to continue going about her business but to promptly lie down where she lay. She had waves of fatigue slam against her like tidal waves or seep in at her edges
“You just like broken things,” she told Matthias, a week past the initial withdrawal and therefor freed the prospect of any sort of clemency for her behaviour. “You like the idea you’re fixing something. Or protecting it. You don’t know who to be without anything to serve.”
“Eat your dinner” he told her, unflinching. He slid a plate her way. It was shashlik and flatbread from some greasy cart, but put on a plate in an attempt to look like an actual meal with some yogurt and actual tomatoes. This had Matthias written so profoundly all over it that she hated it deeply. No one else would go to the effort of buying vegetables while hiding out in a mausoleum . No one else would go he effort of buying her Ravkan food. And wasn’t that also so Matthias, to think he could tempt her finicky palette with the flavours of home, as if she had a homeland as straightforward and definable as his and had not spent a lifetime eating whatever she could find that would not kill her, nation be damned, and would have kept up doing it to this present moment if not for the fact something had gone seriously wrong? His affection felt like a heavy blanket she could not tear off and yet would freeze to the core without. And yet she could not stop him from acquiring baked pirozhki breakfasts and cardboard soup containers of borscht, because she wanted the taste of them too much, and even more bitterly savoured the way in which their flavour was ruined, like rusted silverware in her mouth. She could never go back to Ravka. It was not only a matter of the ticket home, of putting her feet back on the land that had made her, but the fact she had lived too long in the land of strangers to be anything other than something of a stranger herself.
“Takk for maten,” she told him, as bitchily as she could.
“And in Djel’s name we pray, amen.”
She stuck a piece of shashlik in her mouth. She’d never been so aware of the movement of her teeth desiccating dead animal cells, or on her second bite, how bread became pulpy mush before it was swallowed.
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Congratulations on 100 followers! Here for the game: 💙 for Helnik! (but not sad please!)
Thanks! <3 <3 <3
Nina is confused, to say the least. Matthias has been vanishing off somewhere every few days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. From 6 pm to 8 pm. At first, when she asked him if they could go for a movie and he said he was busy, she let it go. Then he came late for one of their at-home dinner dates, which she was a bit annoyed at but promptly forgot about it when he wrapped his arms around her and just held her for a few minutes. But slowly, she started to notice the pattern. Same three days. Same hours.
Whenever she asked, he'd have an excuse prepared. Whenever she called during those two hours he'd pick up and repeat the excuse. She's considered the obvious options. A surprise for her. But both her birthday and their anniversary has since passed and he's still not stopped whatever this is. An extra job. But he never has work from this elusive "job" so she's dismissed that too. A proposal. But they're already married so what would he even propose? And why would it take this long? Plus she knows that Matthias is not the type to take big life decisions without discussing it with her (they discussed the idea of marriage months before he proposed. She loved that he wouldn't do it without asking her first).
She has even considered the worst, most terrible thing, an affair. She dutifully sniffed his clothes for a smell of a new perfume and peered at them carefully to search for a differently coloured hair strand. When neither turned up, she was relieved but not too surprised, she didn't really think Matthias would do that to her.
She's tried all sorts of ways to figure out what it is. She's tried following him many many times yet he always loses her somehow. Out of desperation she even asked Inej once and he somehow managed to hide from her too! She's running out of patience and has decided to confront him tonight when he gets back from wherever it is he goes during this time. She's on her way home on this dreary Monday evening and she's already thinking of ways to bring it up. She's not too worried though, she has a few hours to think of it, it's only 5:30 pm.
Matthias is excited for tonight. He's been prepping all day and he can't wait for Nina to come see. He's perfectly dressed for the task and is ready to go. He's also eager to end this secrecy. He knows Nina knows something is up. He's actually quite impressed that she managed to go this long without asking. He recollects her various other devious ways though, following him, even getting Inej to follow him (all he had to do was tell Inej the plan and she left him alone) and even calling him randomly to see whether he'd let something spill by mistake. He grins to himself, he loves the way her mind works.
He hears the door knob shake a bit and the sound of a key being inserted. He holds his breath as she walks in. And walks right past him into the living room, onto the sofa and collapses onto it with a sigh. He hears her muttering to herself, "oh he's gonna tell me today". He smiles and walks over to her.
Her eyes pop open and she looks at him as if she's seeing a ghost.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" she asks, bewildered.
"I live here, love," he quips, trying not to grin at her.
She narrows her eyes and is about to reply when he grabs her hand and tugs her to their dining table. She stands there gawking for a moment. Many moments. When it's been almost a minute she turns to him and seems to suddenly notice the apron he's wearing.
"You...did all this yourself?" she whispers. Even as she's looking at him, her eyes keep darting to the feast he's displayed on the table.
"I did," his voice reflecting the pride evident in his smile.
"Then...wait, is this related to your Monday-Wednesday-Friday ritual?" Her eyes are narrowed and her hands are on her waist.
"I took cooking classes, and baking ones too," he clarifies, eyes growing brighter and brighter.
"Ugh, I hate you," she groans, and then smooshes her face into his chest and wraps her arms around him. He hugs her back, feeling his excitement melt into syrupy sweet contentment.
How could he do this to her? How dare he! He can't just be this thoughtful and sweet and- oh screw this! She pulls away and presses her lips to his, trying to convey all her bittersweet emotions about this (such lies, there is not a single bitter emotion right now, she feels as if she is about to explode with all the love blooming inside her).
She kisses him, thank you and I love you and I cannot believe you did this.
And he kisses her back, I would do anything for you and I love you too and How can you not believe I'd learn to make the one thing you love as much as you love me (food, that is)?
After lots of kissing, they sit together and eat. Nina is in awe of all the wonderful things Matthias has made and Matthias is in awe of Nina, not because of how fast she manages to finish all the food, but just because.
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arcxnumvitae · 3 years
🔥 + vocal Matthias
Send me  🔥 + a word and I will write a NSFW headcanon for my muse.
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I don’t really know if there’s a term for, as part of a praise kink, being the one to give praise? Or if that just falls under the umbrella of “praise kink” too. Anyways, probably unsurprisingly considering his domain, Matthias loves talking to his partners in the act and going on and on. About how amazing they look, about how whatever (insert thing here) feels, compliments abound. It’s impossible for him to keep quiet even if he wanted to, it’s almost like a constant stream of thought for him.
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musicallisto · 3 years
the door to heaven and hell?
i want a sneak peek 👀
i already posted a sneak peek of this one actually! it will be a one-shot based on matthias helvar (from six of crows), with no reader insert - just a piece about him and his inner turmoil because I Love Angst(tm). most importantly, it will follow his own conception of “Djel” / his god, and his worldview and how it evolves throughout the events of the two books - particularly three times where he almost died that are... dubiously canon, but I don’t care - it’s for Storytelling Purposes. anyway, I’m very excited about it because I love diving into pre-existing characters’ psyches and exploring their emotional growth. I don’t think this particular piece will be very popular but whatever, it’s therapy <3
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ofleuchtenberg · 5 years
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✧ ━━ the courts of switzerland present Matthias of Burgundy, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg. the 29 year old had been charming and decisive before the break of war but have now become  possessive and impulsive. HE  is often remembered by their likeness to Max Irons and light curls were slicked back, illuminating the cerulean blue of his eyes, devouring everything in his father’s court that he believed should be his as the gold rings decorated his hands a symbol of his own importance. the rumor mills of europe claim that his allegiance lies with Germany and he is for WAR.
FULL NAME - Matthias burgundy landgrave of Lichtenberg
Matthias-  In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Matthias is: The gift of the Lord.
Matt- usually by his brothers and sisters
Matty - this nickname irritates him and is often used by people, mostly, family, to irk him. 
TITLE - landgrave of leuchtenberg
GENDER & PRONOUNS - cis male, he/him
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE - October 14th, 1532. , 29 years old.
ORIENTATION - heterosexual
MARITAL STATUS - Married to Johanna,  landgrave of Lichtenberg
OCCUPATION -  landgrave of Lichtenberg, the German kings bastard
CURRENT LOCATION - sasso corbaro castle, germany
PLACE OF BIRTH - sasso corbaro castle, germany
RESIDENCES - sasso corbaro castle, germany
RELIGIOUS VIEWS - Born and raised a Catholic, but a convert in order to assure Maximilian of his loyalty.
EDUCATION - Highly educated, Matthias may not be legitimate but he has all the perks of a prince in terms of education. He was mostly taught history, language and literature but has focused on politics and diplomacy with little to do with the arts. 
LANGUAGES SPOKEN - German ( native ), Latin, French and English (fluent) and a little bit of Russian.
Born from one of Maximilian’s many rendezvous, this time with one of the daughters of the Duke of Burgundy, Matthias is keen to insert himself into the German court ─ and if he was to have his way, on the most important position, upon the throne. Despite his illegitimacy, he believes himself a better choice, one that would not ruin the country like his brother, or have it stick through his father’s backwards views. Born and raised a Catholic, but a convert in order to assure Maximilian of his loyalty, he aspires to chain his ambition to his ties to the Holy Roman Empire, for, in his opinion, that is the surest way back to righteous glory.    
Holy Roman Empire.
King Maximilian II - father
Daughter of the Duke of Burgandy - mother (unknown)
Duchess Agneta of Sweden  - former stepmother (deceased) 
Queen Elisabeth of Austria  - stepmother
Duchess Eleonora Maria of Mecklenburg-Schwerin -  legitimate younger half-sister
Duchess Friederike Anna of Mecklenburg-Strelitz -legitimate younger half-sister
Crown Prince Leopold - legitimate younger half brother
Matthias of Burgundy, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg - legitimate younger half-sister
Johanna, Landgravine of Leuchtenberg - Wife
Ferdinand of Lorraine  - younger bastard half brother
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE - fair, almost golden that shines in the light. It has slight curls that he slicks back for formal occasions such as weddings, coronations etc
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE - green  
HEIGHT - 6 feet 2 inches
BUILD -  athletic, slight muscular.
SPEECH STYLE -  Usually he is found whispering in whatever ear he can or listening to the secrets of his father’s court to use for his own advantage. When he wants to be heard, he will with a smooth and alluring voice that can be almost musical. 
RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS - Matthias has faint scars over various parts of his body from training and battles. His worst one is one on his chest that he is self-conscious about. 
BEAUTY HABITS - Daily/nightly baths, brushing his hair
TROPES -  -  Imposter/Pretender — They are intelligent and take advantage of situations and characters -  Observer — They often witness all that goes on, but remain quiet and calm throughout
HISTORICAL - Prince John of England (John Lackland) and William Marshall.
ENNEAGRAM - type 8, the challenger 
ALIGNMENT - Chaotic Neutral
TEMPERAMENT - choleric
POSITIVE TRAITS - charming, intelligent, intuitive, strategic, perceptive, decisive, witty
NEGATIVE TRAITS - jealous, spiteful, bitter, resentful, secretive, guarded, pessimistic
HABITS - bites his nails when stressed 
HOBBIES - horse riding, reading, swordplay, archery, playing cards
USUAL DEMEANOR - Calm and composed though it usually hides his searing rage
Aquaphobia, on the other hand, is a social phobia that is defined as the persistent, unwarranted and irrational fear of water
SLEEPING HABITS - Matthias is a light sleeper and can usually last on four to five hours a night
SOCIABILITY - He has to be social as his lands and influence depend on it 
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angrysnakes · 5 years
2-17 for the ask thing? ;3
Idk if you meant 2 and 17 or 2 through 17 but I'll do the latter bc that's what it looks like lol
1: How tall or short do you wish you were?
I think 5'10" or around there would be a really good height. I'm 5'5 and I'm p dysphoric about my height so I would like to be a little taller but not too tall
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)
Hhh I have quite a few pets I'd like! I want a kai Ken dog, a horse, chickens, cows (probably brown swiss breed), several different snakes and lizards, pigeons, etc etc
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?
Ok ok my friends irl say my closet looks like a lesbian's wardrobe and like they're not wrong. I love plaid and button up shirts. I really love the Gay Farmer aesthetic
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?
I didnt get to play a lot of video games but I loved nintendogs and this ds sonic game I cant remember the name of
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:
I think about my dog, my job, and joey
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Full of bottled emotions: prone to explode
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?
I didnt get a thing so :(
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]
I THINK it was phlegmatic but I cant remember??? I took a test for it but honest to God dont remember what I got. Dont even remember what they mean lol sorry more of an mbti person
9: Are you ticklish?
Not particularly but if I'm already giddy I can be prone to being ticklish
10: Are you allergic to anything?
Just this type of antibiotic, nothing interesting
11: What’s your sexuality?
Bi/pan but prefer bi
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?
Tea!! Especially iced
13: Are you a cat or dog person?
I slightly prefer dogs but I'm not fond of people that call themselves "dog people" so I never call myself that
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?
Vampire hands down
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?
Jenna marbles. She's just does whatever the fuck she wants and we should all strive to be like that
16: How tall are you?
5'5" as mentioned previously
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
I've already changed my name so I dont wanna change it again but if I HAD to I would probably change it to Matteus or something bc it sounds like basically the Norwegian version of Matthias
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rubisaurus98 · 5 years
wheel of fortune and justice?
The Wheel of Fortune: What are your character’s proudest successes?
Alastor’s are, in order, becoming a Demon Slayer-worthy Summoner alongside his friends, marrying Matthias, battling his grief, supporting his living friends and keeping Vulcan Flash afloat for as long as he had after Dawnsmarr, finding and connecting with Ren, relinquishing the position of Captain to someone capable enough, and raising Marena and Alric into functioning members of Elgaian society. 
Justice: When has your character felt satisfied with the conclusion to a major dispute or concern?
“Hey. Well, if Seria doesn’t want to help manage that new division, then I will.”
For Ren, this was when she made her argument for why she’ll be a valuable asset to the Otherworldly Investigation Division. How her position as Elgaia’s greatest hero and as an Avatar Proxy could be, not just for combating the Abel Faction, but also in the long-term, whatever that could entail.
“Renata Crux, I name you co-director of the Otherworldly Investigation Division.”
*insert collective “WHAT?!” from everyone minus Ren and the Elders*
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gavvaiins · 2 years
writing & rules
ʕ∙ჲ∙ʔ hello, hello
writing is something i enjoy, something I do for fun. motivation comes and goes, and sometimes i’m a real slow-poke. writing is meant to be fun; this is why i’ve a love-hate relationship with “requests”. they’re fun and can be helpful, since maybe you’ve to write somethingh you usually don’t write. so, you learn. but you can feel pressured by it too.
- so, if requests are open and it takes longer for them to write or other stories, headcanons, whatever appear first, please do not be mad. most likely i’m just taking it slow … or im very uninspired.
please only sent in your ideas WHEN requests are ✨ open ✨
balance your requests well: don’t simply send one word but also don’t hand in a full fleshed out plots and stories. - pls, no simple “kissing character xy” or [insert a whole book/movie plot including the character of your wishes]
please include the full name [first and last, if they have one] of the character
usually I write female y/n characters, so please note if you want gender neutral or male character [i’ve to admit i haven’t written male characters yet]
I can refuse requests if they’re not according to the rules or I don’t feel comfortable to write
I do write for:
the bridgerton brotherts
prince friedrich
alina starkov
matthias helvar
nikolai lantsov
steven grant
peter parker
basically for any character I’ve written before however, it’s possible to ask for a character, that I have never had in mind writing for :’) - requests being some sort of practise and so on, broaden your horizon etc.
I do NOT write:
NSWF - smut or any pnp won’t happen, however intimacies can be hinted, mentioned and so on
gore, eating disorders, self-harm, sexual assault, abuse, suicide …
for real people or celebrities
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darnedchild · 7 years
Molly Hooper - (Assistant Reanimator : Part Three
Also on FFdotnet and Ao3
With apologies to H.P. Lovecraft - A modern retelling of Herbert West - Reanimator.  Written for the 2017 Sherlolly Halloween fest.
Part Three - The Plague-Daemon
“Surely you don’t expect me to believe that your associate brought a man back from the dead?” Sherlock scoffed.
Molly reared back as far as her chair would let her, releasing his hand in the process.  “I don’t expect you to believe anything, Sherlock.  I’m simply telling you what happened.”
He immediately regretted the harsh disbelief that had coloured his tone and words.  His mouth opened as he fumbled for something to say that would convince her to continue, but Molly spoke first.
“It’s-It’s all right.”  She drew in a deep breath and gave him the barest hint of a forgiving smile.  “I’d probably feel just the same if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”
Her gaze darted toward the box for a moment, then back to him.  “Unfortunately, the story is only going to get stranger from there.”
The barn fire had set their research back considerably. All of their notes, several variations of the serum, their equipment . . . all of it was lost.  Months of effort, years in Herbert’s case, were destroyed in the flames.
Herbert had been working on his graduate studies and Molly was still working toward her doctorate when the H1N1 outbreak of 2009 reached critical levels.  
The Arkham hospital was filled with the sick and dying. Some of the poor unfortunate souls were nurses and doctors themselves.  
The desperate need for able hands meant the graduate students and upperclassman from the medical school were asked to volunteer at the severally understaffed hospital.  Even Herbert, who had been on the outs with the dean, Dr Halsey, and been lured into service with the promise of the return of his temporarily revoked privileges in the dissection lab.
At first, Molly hadn’t understood why Herbert was so enthusiastic about his time amongst the coughing population.  He tended to lose interest in the recovering patients, choosing to take on the worst cases that the other doctors were more than happy to pass along.
Then he stopped her on her way out of the building after a long morning at Miskatonic and an even longer afternoon at the hospital.
“Mrs Matthias was one of yours, wasn’t she?”
Molly scrunched her nose as she tried to match a face to the name.  “Yeah, she’s not responding to treatment, so I . . . Wait.  What do you mean ‘was’ one of mine?  What happened?”
“I believe you were with another patient when she went into arrest.  Dr Wilkes called her an hour and a half ago.  She’s already been moved to the basement to free up her bed.  You know what that means.”
“Oh God.”  She barely had a second to mourn for the woman she hardly knew before Herbert grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the stairs.  “Please tell me you aren’t . . . Not here.   Not now!”
But he was.
Molly kept sending furtive glances toward the door to the body coolers, convinced that someone would burst through with and catch them at any moment.  Herbert rolled his eyes at her concern.  “We’re doctors, Molly.  Very nearly. We’re allowed to be here, Mrs Matthias was your patient.”
“Is that-Is that why you brought me down here?  To act as a cover for-for whatever it is you’re doing?”  She didn’t wait for him to reply as she stepped closer to the drawer he’d pulled out from one of the lockers.  “What are you doing, anyway?  Have you managed to recreate the serum already?”
Herbert set his messenger bag on the slab and pulled a small zippered case out of it.  He opened it as he answered, “Recreated, improved, and have begun testing it.  Mrs Matthias will be subject number three on this round of trials.”
“Three?” Molly yelped.  She quickly glanced around and lowered her voice.  “You never mentioned starting the tests again.”
“You’ve had other things to focus on the last few months, haven’t you?”  He pulled a syringe filled with a sickly yellow-green fluid that seemed to give off a faint glow.  “How is your father, by the way?”
She frowned; whether at the question or at the way Herbert had yanked the zipper of the body bag down and pushed her head to the side so he could insert the syringe needle into the corpse’s neck, she wasn’t sure. “He’s still weak from the latest round of chemo, but the prognosis is . . . good.”
He depressed the plunger and gave her a pitying look. “Good, Molly.  Really?”
She wanted nothing more than to focus on something other than her father’s condition.  “You said this was test number three.”
Herbert pulled out a second syringe and held it at the ready. “Number one was a failure.  But there were observable reactions with two. Shallow respiration, eyes opened.”
Molly was drawn in despite herself.  “And then?”
“And then nothing.”  He hurried to the other side of the slab and injected the contents of the second syringe into the flesh behind the body’s ear.  “It’s a process.  You know that.  Trial and error.”
They both leaned over Mrs Matthias and waited. Less than a minute later, the dead woman gasped and opened her eyes.  Molly swore that Mrs Matthias focused on her for one long moment with a wide-eyed, almost feral expression.  Then one rotten breath escaped Mrs Matthias’ lips and the body stilled for the last time.
Molly jumped when her mobile chippered with a text alert. Almost immediately, Herbert’s did the same.  She pulled hers from her bag and quickly read the text that had been sent to all the students that had agreed to offer assistance during the epidemic.  “It’s Dr Halsey.  He’s collapsed.”
“I’m not surprised.”  Herbert packed away his things, carefully tucking the zippered case into his bag.  “He’s been coughing for days.  I know Carmichael told him to rest, said he would be no good to the patients if he continued to run himself down.  Any idiot worth his degree would have been able to see the man was sick, not exhausted.”
“The flu?”  Molly hadn’t seen the dean in more than a week, and she couldn’t help but wonder if she might have been able to do something to prevent his collapse.  Most likely not.
“Undoubtedly,” Herbert agreed.  He finished zipping Mrs Matthias back into the body bag, and pushed the locker drawer shut.  “Go home, Molly.  With one less doctor on the rotation, our work load will only get worse over the next few days.  Sleep while you can.”
“He was taking advantage of the epidemic to experiment on dead bodies.”  Sherlock grimaced, obviously disturbed enough to restate the obvious. Something he would have pounced on with derision if someone else had done it.
“Pot, kettle.”  Molly rolled her eyes and waved her hands toward the morgue and the ceiling above, indicating the rest of the floors of the building. “Look where we are, right now.  We’re in a bloody teaching hospital, Sherlock. Bodies are donated for study all the time.  How many corpses have you, personally, experimented on?  And you’re not even a student.  Half the time it’s not even for a case, just your own morbid curiosity.”
He sighed and tilted his head in silent acknowledgement of her point.
Five days later, Dr Halsey aspirated in his hospital bed and died.
Herbert invited her to his flat that night, to commiserate over Halsey’s death with a bottle of Scotch.  She’d been tired, exhausted really; but it wasn’t often that Herbert reached out for human contact, so she couldn’t bring herself to turn him down.
“I’m so sorry.  I know how much you looked up to him.  We all did.”  Molly sipped her Scotch, careful to nurse the drink so that she wouldn’t end up fuzzy headed and tipsy.
“He was . . . my mentor my first few years at Miskatonic. He supported my research in the beginning, when so many others scoffed in my face.”  Herbert set his glass to the side and pushed his chair away from the small kitchen table they’d been sitting at.  “And that’s why I’m going to bring him back.”
Molly immediately felt ill.  “No.  No, no, no. You can’t.”
“I can and I will.”  He held out his hand to her.  “Are you going to help me, Molly?  Or are you going to let a brilliant mind like Halsey’s fade away without even an attempt to save him from the dark void of death?”
“But last week?  Mrs Matthias.  The serum didn’t work.”  Reluctantly, she let him take her hand and ease her out of her chair.
“That was last week.  I’ve altered the formula again; ran computer simulation after simulation, and they all exceed my expectations.  I think we can do it this time.”  
The way he said ‘we can do it’—with such childlike hope and excitement—had her hesitantly agreeing.  “Do you need me to drive us to the hospital?”
“Why?”  He grinned. “I’ve got everything we need right here, in the spare room.”
She felt the bottom drop out of her stomach again. “Everything?”  Surely he didn’t mean . . .
Her fears were confirmed by the sight of Dr Halsey, still in the hospital gown he’d been wearing when they had wheeled him to the basement morgue, laid out upon the bare mattress in the tiny spare room.
Herbert had already set out a tray (one that looked to have been stolen from the university canteen) with half-a-dozen syringes on the bed.
“You really think you’ve got it this time?” she couldn’t help asking as she fumbled on a pair of latex gloves.  
He smiled, pleased to see she had agreed to assist so easily.  “Only one way to find out.”
“Would you like to do the honours?”  Herbert held the first syringe out to her.  “Or would you prefer to stand by in case chest compressions are needed?”
Molly still remembered the quarter of an hour spent hovering over the body in the barn, working to manually circulate the serum through the corpse’s veins.  She’d been sore for days after.  She took the syringe and waited for him to indicate where he wanted the first injection to be administered.
She was readying the fourth syringe, careful to stay out of Herbert’s way as he straddled Halsey and prepared to begin compressions. Suddenly, the body jerked; Halsey’s back arched until only his shoulders and hips touched the bed.  Herbert fell to the side and rolled onto the floor. The memory of Mrs Matthias’ expression before she’d died for the second time made Molly step back in fearful apprehension.  
Herbert popped up, eager and undeterred.  “This is it, Molly.  He’s coming to!”
Halsey’s eyes had opened, his body relaxing into the mattress now that the initial muscular spasms were finished.  
“Doctor Halsey, can you hear me?  Can you speak?”  Herbert reached for the older man’s wrist, but Halsey yanked it back with a snarl.
Molly finally found her voice.  “Sir?  Are you . . . What was it like?  Do you remember anything?”  She was desperate to know what awaited her father when he died.
Halsey twitched and turned his face toward her. Molly took another inadvertent step back.  Whatever Herbert had brought back, it wasn’t Halsey.  At least not as she remembered him.  Instead of an advanced mind and benevolent nature, the creature on the bed was all base instinct and primal anger.
It lunged toward her with its hands curled into claws, and Molly screamed.  Herbert launched himself across the bed and rolled to his feet between her and Halsey.
“The mini-fridge behind you, find something to knock him out. We need to sedate him and get him restrained.  Move, Molly!”
She broke out of her stupor and pried open the cabinet to find vial after vial of drugs and chemicals that had clearly been stolen from the hospital.  She heard something crash behind her, an unholy howl, and then her own yelp rang in her ears as Herbert crashed into her back.  She dropped the bottle she’d been holding, crying out as the glass shattered at her feet.  Something yanked at her hair, pulling her backward.  Just as a strong hand wrapped around her throat, Herbert swung a metal desk lamp past her shoulder.  She heard a sickening thunk as the base of the lamp connected, then Halsey’s nails dug deep into her skin before releasing her.  Herbert dragged her away, once again placing himself between Molly and Halsey in some strange, uncharacteristic burst of chivalry.
Blood streamed down Halsey’s forehead, partially blinding the man who was literally frothing from the mouth.  He snarled, spittle dribbling down his chin, then spun around and ran toward the lone window in the room.  Herbert cried out “No!” as Halsey threw himself through the glass and loped out into the night.
“Jesus,” Molly rasped through her abused throat.  “What the hell was that?”
Herbert didn’t get a chance to answer as someone began to pound on the door to his flat.
“West?  Open up! Can you hear me, man?  I’ve called the police!”
He grimaced.  “Damn it.  We’ll never be able to explain all of this.”
Molly stripped off her latex gloves and tossed them aside, her mind already shifting through options for damage control.  “Answer it.  Tell them-tell them a strange man knocked on the door asking for help, and then shoved his way in and-and attacked us.  Stall them as long as you can.  Go!”
He was able to buy her two minutes, during which she hid the remaining syringes of serum and pulled various pieces of equipment from where they’d been stored on shelves hanging on the wall.  By the time the concerned upstairs neighbour pushed his way into the room, the desktop had been set up to resemble the sort of chemistry experiment one would find in a first semester class at uni.  The average non-scientist would be fooled, but anyone with a background in advanced chemistry would know it was a fake with a simple glance.  
Molly sat on the edge of the bed and held a clean flannel to the scratches on her neck.
“What the hell is going on?”  The neighbour pushed past West and knelt at her feet.  “Miss?  Are you all right?”
“Yes, I . . .”  She met Herbert’s eyes over the neighbour’s head.  He nodded.  Molly dropped her eyes and shuddered.  “We were working, and that man . . . He must have known we’re medical students and have been working at the hospital . . .”
Herbert picked up the story when she faltered.  “He fell into a rage when he couldn’t find the drugs he was looking for.  He attacked my associate, and escaped through the window when we managed to fight him off.”
The neighbour finally got a good look at the room, and slowly stood up.  “What were you doing in here, West?  What is all this crap?”
“She told you, Schneider.  We’re med students, and we’ve been working with patients at the hospital since the epidemic started.  We’re trying to create an alternative treatment for the virus.  A new, more potent vaccine.”
“Here?  Isn’t that dangerous?  Are we going to get sick?”  Schneider jerked back from Molly, as if he were afraid she was contagious.    
As police sirens echoed through the streets of Arkham, Molly was once again reminded of that horrible night in the barn and the eerie story in the newspaper about the desecrated grave.  What new horror awaited the town with the Halsey creature on the loose?  
Both of the local papers were full of sensational accounts of brutal home invasions for the next two weeks.  Five homes broken into over a period of twelve days.  Only two survivors left to tell tales of a crazed madman with superhuman strength and no mercy.  Eleven bodies torn to pieces by human hands.  
The papers christened the murderer the Cannibal Killer once a loose lipped constable let slip that certain details from the crime scenes.  Soft tissues had been removed from several of the bodies, teeth marks left in flesh, chunks of meat ripped from limbs.  The sort of grisly tidbits people loved to read about over their morning pancakes and coffee.
He was eventually apprehended on the fourteenth night of his rampage; spotted in an alley with a dead stray cat dangling from his fist.  He ran out of the alley, slamming the policeman into a brick wall hard enough to break his arm.  A group of police and volunteers armed with guns and flashlights followed his trail to a forgotten tool shed hidden behind overgrown brush on someone’s property. He’d made a nest for himself; stockpiling rotting meat and piles of discarded clothes and blankets obviously scavenged from dumpsters and trash cans.  
Apparently, no one made the connection between the snapping, snarling madman who refused to utter a single coherent word and the recently deceased and well-respected Dr Halsey.
The Cannibal Killer was quickly deemed unfit to stand trial, and was immediately committed to a padded cell at the Arkham Asylum.  In a matter of months, he had become the stuff of urban legends.
Rumours spread through the hospital about a misplaced body, but no one in the morgue would admit to anything (and risk losing their jobs).  Someone was laid to rest in Halsey’s grave, but Molly knew it hadn’t been the good doctor.
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Saint Bridget of Sweden - Feast Day: October 8th - Latin Calendar
Saint Bridget of Sweden - Religious, founder, Patroness of Sweden, Mother of Saint Catherine, Co-Patroness of Europe
Birgitta Birgersdotter (1303—23 July 1373) was a mystic and saint, and founder of the Bridgettine Order after the death of her husband of twenty years. She was also the mother of a saint—Saint Catherine of Vadstena.
She is one of the six patron saints of Europe, together with Saint Benedeict of Nursia, Saints Cyril and Methodius, Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Teresia Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein). Life
The most celebrated saint of Swede was the daughter of Birger Persson of the family of Finsta, governor and lawspeaker of Uppland, and one of the richest landowners of the country, and his wife, a member of the so-called Lawspeaker branch of the Folkunga family. Through her mother, young Birgitta was a relation of the Swedish kings of her lifetime.
In 1316, when she was 13 she married ULF Gudmarsson of the family of Ulvåsa, lord of Närke, to whom she bore eight children, four daughters and four sons. All of them survived infancy, which was very rare at that time. One of them was afterwards honored as St. Catherine of Sweden. Birgitta’s saintly and charitable life soon made her known far and wide; she gained, too, great religious influence over her husband, with whom (1341-1343) she went on pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
In 1344, shortly after their return, ULF died in the Cistercian monastery of Alvastra Abbey in Östergötland, and Birgitta then devoted herself wholly to religion.
It was about this time that she founded the Order of the Holy Saviour, or the Brigittines, of which the principal house at Vadstena was richly endowed by King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden and his queen.
About 1350 she went to Rome, partly to obtain from the pope authorization of the new order and partly in pursuance of her self-imposed mission to elevate the moral tone of the age. It was not until 1370 that Pope Urban V confirmed the rule of her order, but meanwhile Birgitta had made herself universally beloved in Rome by her kindness and good works. Save for occasional pilgrimages, including one to Jerusalem in 1373, she remained in Rome until her death on 23 July 1373. She was originally buried at San Lorenzo in Panisperna before being moved to Sweden. She was canonized in the year 1391 by Pope Boniface IX, and confirmed by the Council of Constance in 1415. Because of new discussions about her works, the Council of Basel confirmed the orthodoxy of the revelations in 1436.
As a child, she had already believed herself to have visions; these now became more frequent, and her records of these "Revelationes coelestes" ("Celestial revelations") which were translated into Latin by Matthias, canon of Linköping, and by her confessor, Peter, prior of Alvastra, obtained a great vogue during the Middle Ages. Her Visions of the Nativity of Jesus had a great influence on depictions of the Nativity of Jesus in art. Shortly before her death, she described a vision which included the infant Jesus as lying on the ground, and emitting light himself, and describes the Virgin as blond-haired; many depictions followed this and reduced other light sources in the scene to emphasize this effect, and the Nativity remained very commonly treated with chiaroscuro through to the Baroque. Other details often seen such as a single candle "attached to the wall," and the presence of God the Father above, also come from Bridget’s vision:
...the virgin knelt down with great veneration in an attitude of prayer, and her back was turned to the manger… And while she was standing thus in prayer, I saw the child in her womb move and suddenly in a moment she gave birth to her son, from whom radiated such an ineffable light and splendor, that the sun was not comparable to it, nor did the candle that St. Joseph had put there, give any light at all, the divine light totally annihilating the material light of the candle… I saw the glorious infant lying on the ground naked and shining. His body was pure from any kind of soil and impurity. Then I heard also the singing of the angels, which was of miraculous sweetness and great beauty…
After this the Virgin kneels to pray to her child, to be joined by St. Joseph, and this (technically known as the Adoration of the Child) becomes one of the commonest depictions in the fifteenth century, largely replacing the reclining Virgin in the West. Versions of this depiction occur as early as 1300, well before Bridget’s vision, and have a Franciscan origin, by which she may have been influenced.
Her visions of purgatory were also well known.
The Fifteen 'Our Father and Hail Mary Prayers'
Saint Bridget prayed for a long time to know how many blows Jesus Christ suffered during His terrible Passion. Rewarding her patience, one day he appeared to her and said: "I received 5480 blows upon My Body. If you wish to honor them in some way, recite fifteen Our Fathers and fifteen Hail Marys with the following Prayers, which I Myself shall teach you, for an entire year. When the year is finished, you will have honored each of My Wounds."
The prayers became known as the Fifteen Oes, because in the original Latin, each prayer began with the words O Jesu, O Rex, or O Domine Jesu Christe. Some have questioned whether Saint Bridget is in fact their author; Eamon Duffy reports that the prayers probably originated in England, in the devotional circles that surrounded Richard Rolle or the English Brigittines.
Whatever their origin, the prayers were quite widely circulated in the late Middle Ages, and became regular features in Books of Hours and other devotional literature. They were translated into various languages; an early English language version of them was printed in a primer by William Caxton. The prayers themselves reflect the late medieval tradition of meditation on the passion of Christ, and are structured around the seven last words of Christ. They borrow from artistic and Scriptural sources as well as the tradition of devotion to the wounds of Christ.
During the Middle Ages, the prayers began to circulate with various promises of indulgence and other assurances of supernatural graces supposed to attend from their regular recitation over the course of a year. These indulgences were repeated in the manuscript tradition of the Books of Hours, and may constitute one major source of the prayers' popularity in the late Middle Ages. They promise, among other things, the release from Purgatory of fifteen of the devotee’s family members, and that they would keep fifteen living family members in a state of grace.
In 1651 the Brigitta Chapel was erected in Vienna, and in 1900 the new district Brigittenau was founded. In 1999 Pope John Paul II named St. Bridget as a patron saint of Europe. Her feast day is celebrated on 23 July, the day of her death.
Her feast was not in the Tridentine Calendar, but was later inserted in the Roman Catholic calendar of saints in 1623 for celebration of 7 October, the day she was canonized by Pope Boniface IX in the year 1391. Five years later, her feast was moved to 8 October, where it remained until the revision of the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints in 1969. Some continue to use the pre-1970.
Below you can download a copy of the prayers mentioned in this story:
Twelve Year Prayers of St. Bridget of Sweden
Image is of St. Bridget giving rule to her order.
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klbwriting · 3 years
Little Crow
Fandom: Six of Crows
Pairing: none?  There’s the typical Kanej, Wesper, and Helnick
Request: i don’t know if you do one shots but can you do one where kaz and inej’s daughter comes out to the crows. it can be all the crows at once or like kaz and inej first the jesper and wylan and them nina and matthias or whatever order and stuff. Thanks!
Notes: This was so sweet to write, I chose to make the Reader queer and gender neutral so that you can insert any gender or sexuality into this that was needed since the request wasn’t specific, I hope I wrote this right and that you like it
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You had been so nervous for this day.  You were the child of two of the most renowned people in Ketterdam, one being the crime overlord of the Barrel and the other being the most famous pirate on the seas.  It was a lot to live up to and until now you thought you were doing everything right, but now, realizing that you were attracted to people you weren’t supposed to be, you thought maybe everything would fall apart for you.  But, you knew it was time to come clean.  You had finally found someone you wanted to be with and you had to at least tell your parents and their best friends.  You started with the easiest ones, the people you thought would understand the most.  
           Jesper and Wylan still lived in Wylan’s family home and you visited often so they weren’t surprised when you knocked on the door.  They welcomed you in happily and sat down to a nice dinner.
           “So are you here on family business or just because you missed your favorite uncle?” Jesper asked, sitting back in his chair as he sipped his drink.  Wylan rolled his eyes.
           “I’m the favorite,” he said.  Jesper looked affronted.
           “Never merchling, I am always the favorite, isn’t that right Y/N?” he said. You just laughed a little, still nervous.
           “What’s wrong?” Wylan asked, sensing something was off.  You took a deep breath.
           “I’m queer,” you blurted, then swallowed hard.  You hadn’t meant to just toss it out there but it had slipped out. Jesper and Wylan looked at each other and then looked at you.
           “That’s great dear, do you want cake or waffles for dessert?” Jesper asked as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  You took a breath and smiled.  
           “You have cake?” you asked.  They smiled and nodded.  When you left they both gave you an extra big hug and encouraged you to tell your parents, that they would love you just as much.  You nodded and headed to find Nina and Matthias in their home in the Lid.  
           You didn’t visit these two as often as your uncles so Matthias was surprised but pleased, answering the door with a small child sitting on his shoulders. The Fjerda and the Grisha had 5 children and all of them were just as loud and raucous as their mother, which Matthias pretended to hate but really loved.  You smiled as their youngest slid down from her father’s shoulders to hug you tight.  
           “Come in, we were just getting the heathens to bed,” Nina said as she passed by the doorway, herding the four older children up the stairs.  “Just take a seat in the main room, we’ll be back. You nodded and sat, waiting patiently. Jesper and Wylan had been alright, these two would probably be the same.  But they were normal, or well, they were what was considered normal.  A man and a woman, having children and all that. You swallowed hard again, nerves starting to show.  
           “So Y/N, what’s got you visiting?  Nina doesn’t work for Kaz anymore, make sure he remembers that,” Matthias said, folding his arms as Nina shook her head at him.
           “But if he needs a favor I will gladly help,” she said, giving her husband a look as they sat down.  You smiled and shook your head.
           “No, I just…you’re my parents best friends and well, you’ve been like family to me, and I just…I’m…well…” you were struggling and you saw Nina get up, coming over and sitting next to you on the sofa.  She took your hand in hers and smiled.
           “Remember when you and Morgan were children and you used to pretend to be married all the time?” she said.  You looked at her and she nodded.  “We knew about you both, and we love you both so much.”  You nodded again and leaned into her.  She hugged you close and Matthias was soon over there, offering you a handkerchief for the few tears that spilled.  
           “Have you told your parents?” he asked.  You shook your head.  “I hear Inej is back in town…”
           “I’m going to tell them as soon as I go home,” you said.  He nodded and they both offered to come with you.  “No, I’m going to do this on my own, I’ll be fine.” They nodded and sent you home with waffles and hugs.  
           Back at the Slat you knocked on the door to your father’s office.  You could hear laughing from inside, your mother, and you smiled.  She opened the door and you went in, shaking a little.  You shoved your hands in your pockets to hide it.  Kaz looked up from his work and smiled at you, reminding you that you were the only other person besides your mother that he actually liked.  You were their only child and both were so good to you.  Because of your father you knew how to spot a mark and steal nearly everything of value, but you also knew when to treat people well and when you cut them.  Your mother had taught you how to spot dolphins in the sea and how sail a ship, how to sneak around rooftops and how to listen to conversations.  You had taken over the Wraith name and her job when you were home.  
           “I heard you’ve been visiting,” Kaz said sitting back and looking at you.  You glanced to your mother and she shrugged like it was no big deal, going to sit in Kaz’s lap.  He held her hand in his, kissing it softly.  
           “Did you happen to hear what we were talking about?” you asked, hoping she didn’t know yet.  She shook her head.
           “You know I only keep an eye on you, what you do in your time is for you, I just like to know where you are in case of trouble,” Inej said.  You nodded slowly.  
           “So mama, papa, um, I already talked to uncle Jesper and Uncle Wylan, Nina and Matthais, um, well, you see,” your throat was suddenly dry and you needed to take a breath.  Kaz could see the panic rising in you.  He set Inej on his desk gently and walked over, kneeling in front of you.  You tried to stop him, his leg was probably hurting him, but he kneeled anyway, taking your face in his hands and helping you breath.
           “You are stronger than the panic,” he said softly.  You had suffered these attacks before and though he knew you didn’t have a trauma like he did he still blamed himself for somehow passing it down to you.  He worked hard still to keep himself in the present, still not able to touch many people without gloves, but you he had never had issues with.  It was like you were his miracle, his reprieve from the pain of his youth and he wanted to make sure you knew how strong you were, how very special.  “Don’t panic, anything you say here to us will not change anything, you are still my little Crow.”  You smiled at him and hugged him tight.  Your mother came then, holding you both in her arms.  They pulled back and you took a deep breath.
           “I’m queer,” you said softly.  They both nodded slowly and your mother kissed your head.
           “I love you so much,” she said softly.  “I love everything about you, I accept everything about you.”
           “I love you too,” Kaz said.  He rarely said this to anyone in words.  He showed his love daily but actually saying it out loud always seemed hard, but this time it was easy, and you appreciated it so much.  You hugged them both again and they asked if there was anyone special in your life.  You blushed.
           “There’s this person…they’re in another gang…” you said.  Kaz cocked an eyebrow.  “They’re a Black Tip.”
           “Hopefully they can convert,” Kaz mumbled going back to his desk.  “Bring them by the Crow Club tomorrow, I want to meet them.”  You nodded and left the Slat, your mother kissing your head as you went.  You felt good, complete, like you finally were able to be fully yourself in the world with the blessing of your family.
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5hit-i-l00k-at · 7 years
2019 Peugeot Instinct Rumor And Redesign
New Post has been published on http://www.autocarnewshq.com/2019-peugeot-instinct-rumor-and-redesign/
2019 Peugeot Instinct Rumor And Redesign
2019 Peugeot Instinct Rumor And Redesign –  More than the past several years, automakers have gone ridiculously with the concept of autonomous vehicles – something which has led to some innovative, spaceship-looking concepts which have for some reason inserted themselves into the brain as the course cars will take the time in the future. Consider models like the Toyota Concept-I, the Faraday Future FF 91, or perhaps the Honda NeuV – all of which mix four wheels with crazy design and so many technologies we’re uncertain how to handle it. Now, Peugeot is joining the celebration. It may be a little past due to do this, but it’s assembled the Peugeot Instinct, a capturing brake concept – indeed, it is a real capturing brake – that seems to deliver online connectivity, pleasure, traveling enjoyment, and type all into one exciting package. Samsung’s Artist Cloud method is used to connect the car to other products like cell phones, watches, and even smart products in your house when within range. Up to now, Peugeot has said little in regards to what motivates this concept, but it’s evidently useful as the company has claimed that the “lengthy bonnet tips at the 300 horsepower provided by the PHEV powertrain.”
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2019 Peugeot Instinct Future
Of course, Peugeot Instinct concepts rarely become production models, and Peugeot’s concept designer, Matthias Hossain, has informed Autocar that the idea won’t see creation. But, it is most likely that some of the design seen right here will discover its way on to production models, so a minimum of there is that to check ahead also. In the end, the Peugeot company makes some pretty big strides lately in the name of design with models like the 2017 Peugeot 3008, the new 5008 SUV, and even the up-to-date Peugeot 301 all helping usher in a new period for the brand that claims a bright and fashionable future. But, just before we took Peugeot’s horn too much, let us take a better see this concept just before it makes its official debut at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2017.
2019 Peugeot Instinct Exterior And Interior
Peugeot has called this Peugeot Instinct is timeless, and it will be difficult to disagree with that assertion. The front end is controlled by the massive grille that can take on a various appear depending on your place. The slim Guided headlamps every feature a camera right in the midsection that works as a match of the eye for the car, continually scanning the location forward and sending info returning to the driver assistance techniques. Those Guided headlights are flanked by actual light signatures that apparently operate above 55 mph to reduce air flow drag on the body. The Peugeot logo on the front fascia glows white-colored when in autonomous driving function to let the community understand that the car is in charge. The small dimples in the edges of the fascia seem to be counterintuitive to the car’s aerodynamic nature but evidently will not slow-moving it lower at all. The long hood is pretty muscular with a pair of very sharp outlines that are flanked by the somewhat increased front fenders that will make the hood a little bit of a valley before falling away from into the front side fascia. Shifting up to the part user profile, the label of the activity is aggressiveness and attractive design. The front side fascia wraps about the front-end and turns into the fender effortlessly, while the seam among the doorway and entrance frame is practically nonexistent. The tire arches sit down higher than the front lights and are loaded with just the proper mixture of wheel and wheel.
Relocating further back, a hostile and protruding bodyline produces an overhang in the body work that is accented by a part skirt that runs from the area and fills the void in between the doorway and the full rear quarters. Individuals enormous rear quarters, which are necessary for the considerably larger rear monitor are also the widest part of the car, departing the passenger cabin to get on the slimmer side. And, be that as it could, it is nevertheless very fashionable, and you cannot fight with the taking pictures brake design. It should be noted that the concept will go all the way on advanced design, and similar to most other principles of this quality functions rearview video cameras instead of wall mirrors and lacks the standard, mechanized door manages.The interior of the Instinct can make me think that an F1 car, an area shuttle, and a Tesla emerged collectively and produced some unusual, cyclops love kid – you know, the type of child that is sweet, but you are uncertain if this has some questionable incredibly capabilities. Anyway, you wide open the suicide entrance doors to show a cabin that’s both sporty and extremely effortless to gain access to. The front and rear chairs are almost identical. Seemingly, the seating bottoms are set while the seatbacks can be modified for greatest comfort and ease. The central gaming system serves as a centerpiece which also divides the kept and right passengers front side and rear. Oddly, this concept doesn’t opt for the usual pivoting seats, despite its autonomous abilities. Being placed in the driver’s seat provides you with a little half-wheel that is void of any base spoke or edge and delivers thumb manage buttons on either side spoke. Covered with what is apparently perforated natural leather, the device is likely heated and ventilated, but most importantly, will retract into the dash when an autonomous drive is stimulated.
2019 Peugeot Instinct Engine
Outside of Peugeot Instinct , we do not know anything at all. Is there a tiny ICE stashed away below the hood that is paired with an electric battery and electric motor? What type of electric range could it have? The 3008 is established to get a connect in a model in 2019 that also includes an electric motor on the rear axle making it all-time drive. That image is said to use a more compact electric battery which offers just 31 kilometers or all-electric range. Additionally, the brand is established to produce a complete of seven PHEVs and four all-electric models by 2021, so what’s hiding beneath the hood might be a hint at what will inspire these future models. Given that Peugeot has gone so far as to provide the Instinct at the very least some productive aero features, it clearly had at least some focus on performance and dealt with, and 300 ponies are not always anything to giggle at if the car is light-weight adequate. With any luck, Peugeot will publicize more details about the drivetrain when the car helps make its first appearance in Geneva quickly. We all do know that the car has four various drive settings: Drive Enhance, Drive Relax, Autonomous Smooth Mode, and Autonomous Razor-sharp. The first two, are used for manual or semi-manual driving.
2019 Peugeot Instinct Price And Release Date
While I’m sad this taking pictures brake concept will probably by no means end up being more than a concept; it’s good to find out. That Peugeot bottle hop up on a board with the sleep of the farmers on the market and come up with an attractive design which could tip at the brand’s prospect. Of course, we continue nevertheless waiting for Peugeot to root alone in the U.S., so the exhilaration is being maintained to a dull roar over here, but the brand’s future looks like vibrant, and it’s painfully evident that the brand name is all set to take on the future. Exactly how much of whatever we see right here is likely to make it into future models? Properly, that stays to be noticed, but you can option that we will see at least some of the technology and features eventually. Of course, we wouldn’t mind viewing a shooting brake creation model both, so hands crossed. But what exactly do you feel? Is it freaking amazing or is Peugeot solution in a left industry with this concept? Tell us in the remarks area below.
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