wtfmalfoy · 1 year
never forget that the sun is the brightest star
“Elia.” It's exactly the third time her name has come to his lips and part of her wants to reach out and scratch it, rip the letter by letter out of him, stop him from having more and more of her… instead, she sits down, as calmly as she can muster, still staring at him. “I am immensely glad to see you well.”
This is too much, it takes all her strength to take a deep breath and deal with the dizziness that invades her body. There's relief in his words and it's almost insulting the way he leans toward her, trying to catch her hands before Elia pulls away, lifting her face, knowing how the emotions betrayed her in plain sight.
“Do you, husband?” Her words are like poison seeping between her teeth and she hates him for turning her into this. There was a time when she only knew sweetness and gentleness, but such blessings seem far away, far from her touches, her sneers when a little laugh escapes “funny that you say that, I had a little feeling that your mind couldn't be further away, than reflecting my well being.”
chapter two available - read here
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sare11aa11eras · 2 years
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Elia reading to Rhaenys (and little Bal!) for Elia Week!
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sayruq · 2 years
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Dornesolstice: Arianne, Doran, Elia and Aegon
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dorneuniverse · 2 years
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Elia Martell Week: Day 7 - Strength
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dorne-source · 2 years
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Elia Martell Week:
Day 4 - Family
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bi-alinaoretsev · 2 years
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Elia Martell Week - prompt: royalty
She married Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and became the Princess she already was.
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queenrhaenysmartell · 2 years
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→ AU & Royalty
AU: Aerys dies by slicing his wrists on the Iron Throne in a moment of rage after recieving news of Rhaegar's death. Elia crowns her son Aegon as the King of the Seven Kingdoms and rules as her regent until he comes of age.
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wtfmalfoy · 2 years
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Unbowed, unbent, unbroken — the traditional words of the House Martell echoed in Princess Elia of Dorne's mind as she climbed the stairs to the Iron Throne, inevitably reliving the moments that altered the destiny of her life. She and her children survived, but the gods haven't finished their cruel games with them yet.
Dragons fall from the skies and flames can consume an entire kingdom, but the sun never really loses the shine.
* Where Elia is an active mind to prevent a catastrophe afther the rebellion and the queen that we deserve. *
read here.
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@desertspaceship @sundragonofdorne @thesunsdragons @dornedaily @preasoiafsource @asoiafrarepairs @martelldaily
@martellsource @forcesmuggler @askmamaindia
@love-dragoneyes @eliamartellappreciation
@her-gentle-prison @ofthcsun @sunofdorne @sunontherhoyne @thequeenthatcouldhavebeen
@fyeliamartell @yukiminamoto @thesunsprince @housemartellofsunspear @oberynymeros @oberynispunk @oberynmartelldoingstuff-blog @nymerias-wrath @princessofdragonsandwolves @arianneweek2020 @ariannemartellprincess @alyrys
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sansacherie · 2 years
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Elia Martell Week - Prompt Family
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sayruq · 2 years
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Pre-canon Dorne Week: Day 3 - Dornish characters
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dorneuniverse · 2 years
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Sand Snakes Week: Day 2 - Symbolism 
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dorne-source · 2 years
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Pre-canon Dorne Week:
Day 2 - Major Events [Nymeria's War]
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melodymidway · 2 years
"Meria Martell put her pride before the lives of her people."
"Torrhen Stark surrendered to save his people while Meria Martell forced hers to die in a war."
What a vile, self-centered and foolish woman this Meria Martell is! How dares she not lick the boots of conquerors, not trade the independence of her state and the freedom of her people, whose biggest desire is, undoubtedly, to bend the knee, and successfully oppose the dragonlords, killing the invader and her dragon in process?
The kingdoms are lucky that the Targaryens didn't attempt to create a truly unified empire by the standards of the real world, especially regarding their inclinations to organise genocides by burning large numbers of people alive. The fact that the regions got to keep their cultural features and religions other than the Faith of the Seven, with the local great houses still maintaining power on their land, clearly made people think that surrender is a good cause, and one can live under a conqueror without losing much.
Putting the actions of real empires aside, how are the regions that do not fit the Andal standart (with Valyrian exceptions for the rulers) seen? Northmen are considered savages praying to trees. Dornishmen are licentious hot-heads, with different law and different views. Do you remember strong negative stereotypes about the descendants of Andals, like Valemen or Westermen?
So, Meria was supposed to let Dorne join the kingdom where her people would be looked down at, the kingdom that might as well have forbidden the Rhoynar law had there not been negotiations after the failure of the Targaryens, and that would bring Dornishmen fire and blood if they dare riot to preserve their traditions, unwilling to assimilate. Meria was supposed to kneel before the people whose descendant abandoned and later let his own wife, a Dornish princess, and their children be used as hostages against Dorne, so Dornishmen would fight and die for the Targaryens (but dying for their whims is better than dying for Dorne's freedom, right?), who wronged them, in the rebellion, while also placing his mistress in Dorne, thus clearly showing just how much he respects his wife's homeland. To surrender is surely the best thing Meria could do for her people.
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bi-alinaoretsev · 2 years
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Dorne Solstice: My Ideal Ending
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